Auction 25-136
Listing ID#: 1716305

Auction Location
Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z9
Full Address Available on Wednesday, Mar 19
Auction Dates and Times
Bidding Starts: Thursday Mar 20
Bidding Ends: Friday Mar 28
Auction Type
Company Information
Encan des Tresors Inc.

Website: ID#: 4161
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Pickup/Ramassage: Sunday, March 30, 2025 EST 12:00 p.m to 3:00 p.m. Pickup Location/Lieu de ramassage: Storage Facility Access Storage - Nepean Address: 56 Bongard Ave, Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z9 __________________________________________________________________________ If Pickup date is not possible, please contact us at to coordinate an alternate date/time. Si la date de ramassage n'est pas possible, veuillez nous contacter � pour coordonner une autre date / heure. __________________________________________________________________________ Payment : Invoices will be sent at the close of the auction. Buyers will be required to pay invoice either through Paypal or electronic funds transfer (e-transfer) within 24 hours of auction closing. Payments must be received before Pickup Date/Time. Paiement: Les factures seront envoy�es � la fin de l'ench�re. Les acheteurs devront payer la facture via Paypal ou par virement �lectronique (e-transfert) dans les 24 heures suivant la cl�ture des ench�res. Les paiements doivent �tre re�us avant la date / heure de ramassage. ___________________________________________________________________________ Pickup time is fixed and limited: Please come prepared with your own resources and tools to remove your purchases in a timely manner. Do not bid if you cannot attend (or arrange for) pickup at the published pickup date/time/location. Items not picked up will be considered abandoned without refund and your bidding privileges may be revoked. Le temps de ramassage est fixe et limit�: S'il vous pla�t venez pr�par� avec vos propres ressources et outils pour retirer vos achats en temps opportun. Ne pas ench�rir si vous ne pouvez pas assister (ou organiser) un ramassage � la date / heure / lieu d'enl�vement publi�. Les articles non ramass�s seront consid�r�s comme abandonn�s sans remboursement et vos privil�ges d'ench�res pourront �tre r�voqu�s. ______________________________________________________________________________ Shipping: We can assist with the shipment of goods by mail. A $10 handling fee will apply. Shipping fees are the responsibility of the buyer. Large items will not be available for shipment. Please contact us before the auction ends to confirm if a specific item can be shipped to your location. Shipping arrangements may be made by calling 613-325-2111 or e-mail and Exp�dition: Nous pouvons vous aider avec l'exp�dition de marchandises par courrier. Des frais de manutention de 10 $ s'appliqueront. Les frais de livraison sont � la charge de l'acheteur. Les gros articles ne seront pas disponibles pour l'exp�dition. Veuillez nous contacter avant la fin de l'ench�re pour confirmer si un article sp�cifique peut �tre exp�di� � votre emplacement. Les arrangements d'exp�dition peuvent �tre faits en appelant au 613-325-2111 ou par courriel et ______________________________________________________________________________ During Auction - Soft Close: Each bid made on an item in the last few minutes of the auction will add more time (a few minutes) to the item. This will continue until the extended time has run out without new bids being placed. This is done to ensure transparency and fairness of bidding and enable the highest bidder to win. Pendant l'ench�re - Fermeture douce: Chaque ench�re faite sur un objet dans les derni�res minutes de l'ench�re ajoutera plus de temps (quelques minutes) � l'objet. Cela continuera jusqu'� ce que le d�lai �coul� soit �coul� sans que de nouvelles offres ne soient plac�es. Ceci est fait pour assurer la transparence et l'�quit� des ench�res et permettre au plus offrant de gagner. ______________________________________________________________________________ Conditions of articles sold: All items are sold �AS IS.� Ensure to inspect items at pickup and immediately advise an Shaveta's Auction Treasures representative of any issues related to mis-cataloging of condition. Conditions des articles vendus: Tous les articles sont vendus �EN L'�TAT�. Assurez-vous d'inspecter les articles au moment du ramassage et informez imm�diatement un repr�sentant d'Shaveta's Auction Treasures de tout probl�me li� au mauvais catalogage de l'�tat. ______________________________________________________________________________ By departing from the site you agree that you have all the correct items and are satisfied with them. Before leaving the site you must discuss any issues with an Shaveta's Auction Treasures representative. En quittant le site, vous acceptez que vous avez tous les �l�ments corrects et �tes satisfait avec eux. Avant de quitter le site, vous devez discuter de tout probl�me avec un repr�sentant Shaveta's Auction Treasures. ______________________________________________________________________________ Preview: No preview for this auction. Bidding by catalog on-line only. Aper�u: Aucun aper�u pour cette ench�re. Ench�rir par catalogue en ligne seulement. ______________________________________________________________________________ Buyer's Premium: There is a 10% Buyer's Premium in effect for this auction and applicable retail sales taxes (13.00%) (ON). Prime de l'acheteur: Une prime d'acheteur de 10% est en vigueur pour cette ench�re et les taxes de vente au d�tail applicables (13,00%) (ON). ______________________________________________________________________________ Claims for refund can be made only in certain limited circumstances. If an error in the lot description has occurred on an item you purchased, discuss this issue with an Shaveta's Auction Treasures representative before leaving pick up location. Les demandes de remboursement ne peuvent �tre faites que dans certaines circonstances limit�es. Si une erreur dans la description du lot s'est produite sur un article que vous avez achet�, discutez de ce probl�me avec un repr�sentant d'Shaveta's Auction Treasures avant de quitter l'emplacement de ramassage.
Listing Information
Auction of Collectibles, Coin Collection, Currency Bill Collectables, Foreign Currency, World Coin Collection, Stamp Collections, Souvenir Spoons, Lapel Pin Collection, Vintage Antiques and Household Items. Vente aux ench�res d'objets de collection, collection de pi�ces de monnaie, objets de collection de billets de banque, devises �trang�res, collection de pi�ces du monde, collections de timbres, cuill�res souvenirs, collection d'�pinglettes, antiquit�s vintage et articles m�nagers. Additional Items will be added in the next couple of days / Des articles suppl�mentaires seront ajout�s dans les prochains jours.

Harris International Stamp Album Starter Kit
Harris International Stamp Album Starter Kit The album includes about 100 stamps to start.

Madeira Portugal 1984 Stamp Set MNH
Madeira Portugal 1984 Stamp Set MNH The stamps are Mint Never Hinged still sealed in their original packaging.

Canada Ships of Canada 4 Block Stamp Set MNH
Canada Ships of Canada 4 Block Stamp Set MNH The stamps are Mint Never Hinged. The color book includes 95 pages.

Canada Aircrafts of Canada 8 Block Stamp Set MNH
Canada Aircrafts of Canada 8 Block Stamp Set MNH The stamps are Mint Never Hinged. This color history book includes 140 pages.

Canada Aircrafts of Canada Block Stamp Set MNH
Canada Aircrafts of Canada Block Stamp Set MNH The stamps are Mint Never Hinged.

Canada Aircrafts of Canada Block Stamp Set MNH
Canada Aircrafts of Canada Block Stamp Set MNH The stamps are Mint Never Hinged.

US 1975-76 First Day Cover Collection in Album
US 1975-76 First Day Cover Collection in Album Includes the FDC of Apollo Soyuz Space Mission.

2009 Montreal Canadians Holographic Stamps and
2009 Montreal Canadians Holographic Stamps and Pictures The stamp sheets are Mint Never Hinged.

NASA & CSA Space Collection Decals Stamps Coins
NASA & CSA Space Collection Decals Stamps Coins Star Finder This folder contains many collectables including, stamps, Postcards, Star Finder Tool, Stickers, Spoon, Magazine, News Paper articles and more

Canada Space Astronauts Special Envelope Stamps
Canada Space Astronauts Special Envelope Stamps MNH These sets were handed out at the Canadian Space Agency, they are hard to find with the presentation envelope.

Canada & International Covers in Album 1950-2013
Canada & International Covers in Album 1950-2013 This high quality album includes 39 covers dating back to 1950. Many are form Canada followed by Britain and a few other countries. The album is half full.

Canada 5 Cents Collection 56 Coins
Canada 5 Cents Collection 56 Coins Includes coins from 1957 to 2015 in Whitman Album.

Canada 5 Cents Collection 40 Coins
Canada 5 Cents Collection 40 Coins Includes coins from 1922 to 1960 in Album.

Canada 5 Cents Collection 46 Coins
Canada 5 Cents Collection 46 Coins Includes coins from 1937 to 1985 in Album.

Canada Cents Collection 51 Coins
Canada Cents Collection 51 Coins Includes coins from 1920 to 1971 in Whitman Album.

US Cents D Denver Mint 1947 to 2015 58 Coins
US Cents D Denver Mint 1947 to 2015 58 Coins Includes Denver Mint coins from 1947 to 2015 in Whitman Album.

Flamenco Wood Castanets form Spain
Flamenco Wood Castanets form Spain

1960s Club Girls Knotty Playing Cards
1960s Club Girls Knotty Playing Cards Complete Set

Gas Station Maps Gulf Esso Texaco BA Fina Shell
Gas Station Maps Gulf Esso Texaco BA Fina Shell This lot includes 8 vintage maps from Ireland, Quebec(2), Ontario, New York, Winnipeg, Nova Scotia, Toronto

Military Governor General Buttons Canada
Military Governor General Buttons Canada

NHL Hockey 50th All Star Game Stamp Sheet MNH
NHL Hockey 50th All Star Game Stamp Sheet MNH The stamps are Mint Never Hinged.

1873 1998 RCMP 125th Ann Stamps Set
1873 1998 RCMP 125th Ann Stamps Set Features the specification card, MNH Stamp sheet and the First Day Cover.

Canada 1920-1934 George V Cents
Canada 1920-1934 George V Cents

Canada 1909-1920 Large Cents
Canada 1909-1920 Large Cents These coins have been cleaned. Includes 1909, 1910, 1913, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919 & 1920.

1882H Canada 5 Cents
1882H Canada 5 Cents

1893 Canada 5 Cents
1893 Canada 5 Cents

1901 Canada 5 Cents
1901 Canada 5 Cents

1906 Canada 5 Cents
1906 Canada 5 Cents

1907 Canada 5 Cents
1907 Canada 5 Cents

1910 Canada 5 Cents
1910 Canada 5 Cents

1913 Canada 5 Cents
1913 Canada 5 Cents

1918 Canada 5 Cents
1918 Canada 5 Cents

1919 Canada 5 Cents
1919 Canada 5 Cents

1920 Canada 5 Cents
1920 Canada 5 Cents

1922 Canada 5 Cents
1922 Canada 5 Cents

1934 Canada 5 Cents
1934 Canada 5 Cents

1940 Canada 5 Cents
1940 Canada 5 Cents

1946 Canada 6 Over 6 5 Cents
1946 Canada 6 Over 6 5 Cents

1947 DOT Canada 5 Cents Key Date
1947 DOT Canada 5 Cents Key Date

1951 Sudbury Commemorative 5 Cents
1951 Sudbury Commemorative 5 Cents

1952 Canada 5 Cents Strong Luster
1952 Canada 5 Cents Strong Luster

1960 & 1961 Canada 5 Cents
1960 & 1961 Canada 5 Cents

1964 Extra Waterlines Canada 5 Cents Key Date
1964 Extra Waterlines Canada 5 Cents Key Date

1968 Canada Prooflike 5 Cents
1968 Canada Prooflike 5 Cents

1968 1969 1971 Canada 5 Cents
1968 1969 1971 Canada 5 Cents Nice collector grades.

1970 Canada 5 Cents Low Mintage
1970 Canada 5 Cents Low Mintage

1974 Canada 5 Cents
1974 Canada 5 Cents

1972 Canada Prooflike 5 Cents
1972 Canada Prooflike 5 Cents

1983 Canada Specimen 5 Cents
1983 Canada Specimen 5 Cents

1983 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo
1983 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo

1986 Canada Specimen 5 Cents
1986 Canada Specimen 5 Cents

1988 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo
1988 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo

1989 Canada Specimen 5 Cents
1989 Canada Specimen 5 Cents

1990 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents
1990 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents

1991 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents
1991 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents

1867-1982 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo
1867-1982 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo Issued for the 125th anniversary of Canada.

1993 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo
1993 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo

1994 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo
1994 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo

1998 Canada Specimen 5 Cents
1998 Canada Specimen 5 Cents

1999 ProofLike 5 Cents Canada
1999 ProofLike 5 Cents Canada

2000 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents
2000 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents

1952 2002P Canada Specimen 5 Cents
1952 2002P Canada Specimen 5 Cents

2004P Canada Specimen 5 Cents
2004P Canada Specimen 5 Cents

2005 Canada Silver Proof 5 Cents Cameo
2005 Canada Silver Proof 5 Cents Cameo

2012 Canada Specimen 5 Cents
2012 Canada Specimen 5 Cents

2014 Canada Specimen 5 Cents
2014 Canada Specimen 5 Cents

2016 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents
2016 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents

US Army WW2 Marksman Rifle Medal Sterling Silver
US Army WW2 Marksman Rifle Medal Sterling Silver This is a WW2 era military recognition badge.

US Army WW2 Marksman Carbine Shooting Medal
US Army WW2 Marksman Carbin Shooting Medal Sterling Silver This is a WW2 era military recognition badge.

Commissionaires Corps of Canada Badge VTG
Commissionaires Corps of Canada Badge VTG

1978 Captain Cook British Columbia $1 Dollar
1978 Captain Cook British Columbia $1 Dollar

1979 Surry British Columbia $1 Dollar
1979 Surry British Columbia $1 Dollar

1987 Gold Coast Casino Token Las Vegas
1987 Gold Coast Casino Token Las Vegas

2008 Cayman Island ProofLike Coins UNC
2008 Cayman Island ProofLike Coins UNC

1954-1961 Russia URSS CCP Coin Set
1954-1961 Russia URSS CCP Coin Set This set features 7 different coins from 1 to 20 kopecks.

Casino Token Niagara Falls 25 Cents
Casino Token Niagara Falls 25 Cents

Casino Token 1000 Islands 25 Cents
Casino Token 1000 Islands 25 Cents

Rose Gaming Token 25 Cents
Rose Gaming Token 25 Cents

Unknown Token
Unknown Token

IPC Brass Token
IPC Brass Token

St Christopher Protector of Travelers Medallion
St Christopher Protector of Travelers Medallion VTG Drive Carefully

1450 1499 John Cabot Souvenir Medal
1450 1499 John Cabot Souvenir Medal

Canada PM A. Mackenzie Ultra High Relief Token
Canada PM A. Mackenzie Ultra High Relief Token

Canada PM R. Borden Ultra High Relief Token
Canada PM R. Borden Ultra High Relief Token

Borden Dairy Token Orillia Ontario
Borden Dairy Token Orillia Ontario Circa 1950

1940 Canada 50 Cents Silver
1940 Canada 50 Cents Silver

1941 Canada 50 Cents Silver
1941 Canada 50 Cents Silver

1947 Canada 50 Cents Silver
1947 Canada 50 Cents Silver

1951 Canada 50 Cents Silver
1951 Canada 50 Cents Silver

1963 Canada 50 Cents Silver Canada
1963 Canada 50 Cents Silver Canada Nice toning, good luster.

1964 ProofLike Cameo Canada 50 Cents Silver
1964 ProofLike Cameo Canada 50 Cents Silver

1969 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1969 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1970 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1970 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1972 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents
1972 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents

1973 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents
1973 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents

1974 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1974 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1975 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1975 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1976 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents
1976 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents

1976 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1976 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1977 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1977 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1978 Round Jewel Specimen Canada 50 Cents
1978 Round Jewel Specimen Canada 50 Cents

1979 Round Bust Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1979 Round Bust Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Canada

1979 Round Bust Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents C
1979 Round Bust Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents Canada

1979 Pointed Bust Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents
1979 Pointed Bust Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents Canada

1980 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1980 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1983 Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents
1983 Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents

1985 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1985 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1987 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents
1987 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents

1988 Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents
1988 Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents

1990 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1990 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1991 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1991 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1992 1867 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents
1992 1867 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents

1993 Proof Cameo Canada 50 Cents
1993 Proof Cameo Canada 50 Cents

1994 Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents
1994 Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents

1994 Proof Cameo Canada 50 Cents
1994 Proof Cameo Canada 50 Cents

1994 Dot in G Variety Business Strike 50c
1994 Dot in G Variety Business Strike 50c Uncirculated MS63

1995 Silver Proof Gray Jays Canada 50c
1995 Silver Proof Gray Jays Canada 50c This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure.

1995 Silver Proof Whooping Crane Canada 50c
1995 Silver Proof Whooping Crane Canada 50c This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure.

1995 Silver Proof Atlantic Puffin Canada 50c
1995 Silver Proof Atlantic Puffin Canada 50c This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure.

1996 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1996 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1996 Silver Proof Canada 50c
1996 Silver Proof Canada 50c This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure.

1997 Silver Proof Canada 50c
1997 Silver Proof Canada 50c This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure.

1997 ProofLike Ottawa Canada 50c
1997 ProofLike Ottawa Canada 50c Removed from a Mint Set

1999 ProofLike Canada 50c
1999 ProofLike Canada 50c Removed from a Mint Set

1999 Silver Proof Canada 50c
1999 Silver Proof Canada 50c This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure.

1871 PEI Cent Canada
1871 PEI Cent Canada

1942 Newfoundland Cent Canada
1942 Newfoundland Cent Canada

1890 Newfoundland Silver 5 Cents Canada
1890 Newfoundland Silver 5 Cents Canada

1857 PEI Colonial Token Canada
1857 PEI Colonial Token Canada

1844 Province of Canada Colonial Token
1844 Province of Canada Colonial Token Half Penny

1837 Bas Canada 2 Sous Colonial Token
1837 Bas Canada 2 Sous Colonial Token Penny

Roman Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD Antoninianus
Roman Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD Antoninianus Ancient Rome billion silver coin

Roman Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD Antoninianus
Roman Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD Antoninianus Ancient Rome billion silver coin

Roman Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD Antoninianus
Roman Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD Antoninianus Ancient Rome billion silver coin

Roman Emperor Constantine II 337-340 AD Nummus
Roman Emperor Constantine II 337-340 AD Nummus Ancient Rome bronze coin

Roman Emperor Constantine I The Great 307-337 AD
Roman Emperor Constantine I The Great 307-337 AD Nummus Ancient Rome bronze coin

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Auction 25-136

Encan des Tresors Inc.

Encan des Tresors Inc.

Sale Location
Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z9
Full Address Available after 9 am
on Wednesday, Mar 19
Sale Dates and Times
Sale Terms and Conditions
Pickup/Ramassage: Sunday, March 30, 2025 EST 12:00 p.m to 3:00 p.m. Pickup Location/Lieu de ramassage: Storage Facility Access Storage - Nepean Address: 56 Bongard Ave, Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z9 __________________________________________________________________________ If Pickup date is not possible, please contact us at to coordinate an alternate date/time. Si la date de ramassage n'est pas possible, veuillez nous contacter � pour coordonner une autre date / heure. __________________________________________________________________________ Payment : Invoices will be sent at the close of the auction. Buyers will be required to pay invoice either through Paypal or electronic funds transfer (e-transfer) within 24 hours of auction closing. Payments must be received before Pickup Date/Time. Paiement: Les factures seront envoy�es � la fin de l'ench�re. Les acheteurs devront payer la facture via Paypal ou par virement �lectronique (e-transfert) dans les 24 heures suivant la cl�ture des ench�res. Les paiements doivent �tre re�us avant la date / heure de ramassage. ___________________________________________________________________________ Pickup time is fixed and limited: Please come prepared with your own resources and tools to remove your purchases in a timely manner. Do not bid if you cannot attend (or arrange for) pickup at the published pickup date/time/location. Items not picked up will be considered abandoned without refund and your bidding privileges may be revoked. Le temps de ramassage est fixe et limit�: S'il vous pla�t venez pr�par� avec vos propres ressources et outils pour retirer vos achats en temps opportun. Ne pas ench�rir si vous ne pouvez pas assister (ou organiser) un ramassage � la date / heure / lieu d'enl�vement publi�. Les articles non ramass�s seront consid�r�s comme abandonn�s sans remboursement et vos privil�ges d'ench�res pourront �tre r�voqu�s. ______________________________________________________________________________ Shipping: We can assist with the shipment of goods by mail. A $10 handling fee will apply. Shipping fees are the responsibility of the buyer. Large items will not be available for shipment. Please contact us before the auction ends to confirm if a specific item can be shipped to your location. Shipping arrangements may be made by calling 613-325-2111 or e-mail and Exp�dition: Nous pouvons vous aider avec l'exp�dition de marchandises par courrier. Des frais de manutention de 10 $ s'appliqueront. Les frais de livraison sont � la charge de l'acheteur. Les gros articles ne seront pas disponibles pour l'exp�dition. Veuillez nous contacter avant la fin de l'ench�re pour confirmer si un article sp�cifique peut �tre exp�di� � votre emplacement. Les arrangements d'exp�dition peuvent �tre faits en appelant au 613-325-2111 ou par courriel et ______________________________________________________________________________ During Auction - Soft Close: Each bid made on an item in the last few minutes of the auction will add more time (a few minutes) to the item. This will continue until the extended time has run out without new bids being placed. This is done to ensure transparency and fairness of bidding and enable the highest bidder to win. Pendant l'ench�re - Fermeture douce: Chaque ench�re faite sur un objet dans les derni�res minutes de l'ench�re ajoutera plus de temps (quelques minutes) � l'objet. Cela continuera jusqu'� ce que le d�lai �coul� soit �coul� sans que de nouvelles offres ne soient plac�es. Ceci est fait pour assurer la transparence et l'�quit� des ench�res et permettre au plus offrant de gagner. ______________________________________________________________________________ Conditions of articles sold: All items are sold �AS IS.� Ensure to inspect items at pickup and immediately advise an Shaveta's Auction Treasures representative of any issues related to mis-cataloging of condition. Conditions des articles vendus: Tous les articles sont vendus �EN L'�TAT�. Assurez-vous d'inspecter les articles au moment du ramassage et informez imm�diatement un repr�sentant d'Shaveta's Auction Treasures de tout probl�me li� au mauvais catalogage de l'�tat. ______________________________________________________________________________ By departing from the site you agree that you have all the correct items and are satisfied with them. Before leaving the site you must discuss any issues with an Shaveta's Auction Treasures representative. En quittant le site, vous acceptez que vous avez tous les �l�ments corrects et �tes satisfait avec eux. Avant de quitter le site, vous devez discuter de tout probl�me avec un repr�sentant Shaveta's Auction Treasures. ______________________________________________________________________________ Preview: No preview for this auction. Bidding by catalog on-line only. Aper�u: Aucun aper�u pour cette ench�re. Ench�rir par catalogue en ligne seulement. ______________________________________________________________________________ Buyer's Premium: There is a 10% Buyer's Premium in effect for this auction and applicable retail sales taxes (13.00%) (ON). Prime de l'acheteur: Une prime d'acheteur de 10% est en vigueur pour cette ench�re et les taxes de vente au d�tail applicables (13,00%) (ON). ______________________________________________________________________________ Claims for refund can be made only in certain limited circumstances. If an error in the lot description has occurred on an item you purchased, discuss this issue with an Shaveta's Auction Treasures representative before leaving pick up location. Les demandes de remboursement ne peuvent �tre faites que dans certaines circonstances limit�es. Si une erreur dans la description du lot s'est produite sur un article que vous avez achet�, discutez de ce probl�me avec un repr�sentant d'Shaveta's Auction Treasures avant de quitter l'emplacement de ramassage.
Listing Details
Auction of Collectibles, Coin Collection, Currency Bill Collectables, Foreign Currency, World Coin Collection, Stamp Collections, Souvenir Spoons, Lapel Pin Collection, Vintage Antiques and Household Items. Vente aux ench�res d'objets de collection, collection de pi�ces de monnaie, objets de collection de billets de banque, devises �trang�res, collection de pi�ces du monde, collections de timbres, cuill�res souvenirs, collection d'�pinglettes, antiquit�s vintage et articles m�nagers. Additional Items will be added in the next couple of days / Des articles suppl�mentaires seront ajout�s dans les prochains jours.

Harris International Stamp Album Starter Kit
Harris International Stamp Album Starter Kit The album includes about 100 stamps to start.

Madeira Portugal 1984 Stamp Set MNH
Madeira Portugal 1984 Stamp Set MNH The stamps are Mint Never Hinged still sealed in their original packaging.

Canada Ships of Canada 4 Block Stamp Set MNH
Canada Ships of Canada 4 Block Stamp Set MNH The stamps are Mint Never Hinged. The color book includes 95 pages.

Canada Aircrafts of Canada 8 Block Stamp Set MNH
Canada Aircrafts of Canada 8 Block Stamp Set MNH The stamps are Mint Never Hinged. This color history book includes 140 pages.

Canada Aircrafts of Canada Block Stamp Set MNH
Canada Aircrafts of Canada Block Stamp Set MNH The stamps are Mint Never Hinged.

Canada Aircrafts of Canada Block Stamp Set MNH
Canada Aircrafts of Canada Block Stamp Set MNH The stamps are Mint Never Hinged.

US 1975-76 First Day Cover Collection in Album
US 1975-76 First Day Cover Collection in Album Includes the FDC of Apollo Soyuz Space Mission.

2009 Montreal Canadians Holographic Stamps and
2009 Montreal Canadians Holographic Stamps and Pictures The stamp sheets are Mint Never Hinged.

NASA & CSA Space Collection Decals Stamps Coins
NASA & CSA Space Collection Decals Stamps Coins Star Finder This folder contains many collectables including, stamps, Postcards, Star Finder Tool, Stickers, Spoon, Magazine, News Paper articles and more

Canada Space Astronauts Special Envelope Stamps
Canada Space Astronauts Special Envelope Stamps MNH These sets were handed out at the Canadian Space Agency, they are hard to find with the presentation envelope.

Canada & International Covers in Album 1950-2013
Canada & International Covers in Album 1950-2013 This high quality album includes 39 covers dating back to 1950. Many are form Canada followed by Britain and a few other countries. The album is half full.

Canada 5 Cents Collection 56 Coins
Canada 5 Cents Collection 56 Coins Includes coins from 1957 to 2015 in Whitman Album.

Canada 5 Cents Collection 40 Coins
Canada 5 Cents Collection 40 Coins Includes coins from 1922 to 1960 in Album.

Canada 5 Cents Collection 46 Coins
Canada 5 Cents Collection 46 Coins Includes coins from 1937 to 1985 in Album.

Canada Cents Collection 51 Coins
Canada Cents Collection 51 Coins Includes coins from 1920 to 1971 in Whitman Album.

US Cents D Denver Mint 1947 to 2015 58 Coins
US Cents D Denver Mint 1947 to 2015 58 Coins Includes Denver Mint coins from 1947 to 2015 in Whitman Album.

Flamenco Wood Castanets form Spain
Flamenco Wood Castanets form Spain

1960s Club Girls Knotty Playing Cards
1960s Club Girls Knotty Playing Cards Complete Set

Gas Station Maps Gulf Esso Texaco BA Fina Shell
Gas Station Maps Gulf Esso Texaco BA Fina Shell This lot includes 8 vintage maps from Ireland, Quebec(2), Ontario, New York, Winnipeg, Nova Scotia, Toronto

Military Governor General Buttons Canada
Military Governor General Buttons Canada

NHL Hockey 50th All Star Game Stamp Sheet MNH
NHL Hockey 50th All Star Game Stamp Sheet MNH The stamps are Mint Never Hinged.

1873 1998 RCMP 125th Ann Stamps Set
1873 1998 RCMP 125th Ann Stamps Set Features the specification card, MNH Stamp sheet and the First Day Cover.

Canada 1920-1934 George V Cents
Canada 1920-1934 George V Cents

Canada 1909-1920 Large Cents
Canada 1909-1920 Large Cents These coins have been cleaned. Includes 1909, 1910, 1913, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919 & 1920.

1882H Canada 5 Cents
1882H Canada 5 Cents

1893 Canada 5 Cents
1893 Canada 5 Cents

1901 Canada 5 Cents
1901 Canada 5 Cents

1906 Canada 5 Cents
1906 Canada 5 Cents

1907 Canada 5 Cents
1907 Canada 5 Cents

1910 Canada 5 Cents
1910 Canada 5 Cents

1913 Canada 5 Cents
1913 Canada 5 Cents

1918 Canada 5 Cents
1918 Canada 5 Cents

1919 Canada 5 Cents
1919 Canada 5 Cents

1920 Canada 5 Cents
1920 Canada 5 Cents

1922 Canada 5 Cents
1922 Canada 5 Cents

1934 Canada 5 Cents
1934 Canada 5 Cents

1940 Canada 5 Cents
1940 Canada 5 Cents

1946 Canada 6 Over 6 5 Cents
1946 Canada 6 Over 6 5 Cents

1947 DOT Canada 5 Cents Key Date
1947 DOT Canada 5 Cents Key Date

1951 Sudbury Commemorative 5 Cents
1951 Sudbury Commemorative 5 Cents

1952 Canada 5 Cents Strong Luster
1952 Canada 5 Cents Strong Luster

1960 & 1961 Canada 5 Cents
1960 & 1961 Canada 5 Cents

1964 Extra Waterlines Canada 5 Cents Key Date
1964 Extra Waterlines Canada 5 Cents Key Date

1968 Canada Prooflike 5 Cents
1968 Canada Prooflike 5 Cents

1968 1969 1971 Canada 5 Cents
1968 1969 1971 Canada 5 Cents Nice collector grades.

1970 Canada 5 Cents Low Mintage
1970 Canada 5 Cents Low Mintage

1974 Canada 5 Cents
1974 Canada 5 Cents

1972 Canada Prooflike 5 Cents
1972 Canada Prooflike 5 Cents

1983 Canada Specimen 5 Cents
1983 Canada Specimen 5 Cents

1983 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo
1983 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo

1986 Canada Specimen 5 Cents
1986 Canada Specimen 5 Cents

1988 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo
1988 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo

1989 Canada Specimen 5 Cents
1989 Canada Specimen 5 Cents

1990 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents
1990 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents

1991 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents
1991 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents

1867-1982 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo
1867-1982 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo Issued for the 125th anniversary of Canada.

1993 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo
1993 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo

1994 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo
1994 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo

1998 Canada Specimen 5 Cents
1998 Canada Specimen 5 Cents

1999 ProofLike 5 Cents Canada
1999 ProofLike 5 Cents Canada

2000 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents
2000 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents

1952 2002P Canada Specimen 5 Cents
1952 2002P Canada Specimen 5 Cents

2004P Canada Specimen 5 Cents
2004P Canada Specimen 5 Cents

2005 Canada Silver Proof 5 Cents Cameo
2005 Canada Silver Proof 5 Cents Cameo

2012 Canada Specimen 5 Cents
2012 Canada Specimen 5 Cents

2014 Canada Specimen 5 Cents
2014 Canada Specimen 5 Cents

2016 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents
2016 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents

US Army WW2 Marksman Rifle Medal Sterling Silver
US Army WW2 Marksman Rifle Medal Sterling Silver This is a WW2 era military recognition badge.

US Army WW2 Marksman Carbine Shooting Medal
US Army WW2 Marksman Carbin Shooting Medal Sterling Silver This is a WW2 era military recognition badge.

Commissionaires Corps of Canada Badge VTG
Commissionaires Corps of Canada Badge VTG

1978 Captain Cook British Columbia $1 Dollar
1978 Captain Cook British Columbia $1 Dollar

1979 Surry British Columbia $1 Dollar
1979 Surry British Columbia $1 Dollar

1987 Gold Coast Casino Token Las Vegas
1987 Gold Coast Casino Token Las Vegas

2008 Cayman Island ProofLike Coins UNC
2008 Cayman Island ProofLike Coins UNC

1954-1961 Russia URSS CCP Coin Set
1954-1961 Russia URSS CCP Coin Set This set features 7 different coins from 1 to 20 kopecks.

Casino Token Niagara Falls 25 Cents
Casino Token Niagara Falls 25 Cents

Casino Token 1000 Islands 25 Cents
Casino Token 1000 Islands 25 Cents

Rose Gaming Token 25 Cents
Rose Gaming Token 25 Cents

Unknown Token
Unknown Token

IPC Brass Token
IPC Brass Token

St Christopher Protector of Travelers Medallion
St Christopher Protector of Travelers Medallion VTG Drive Carefully

1450 1499 John Cabot Souvenir Medal
1450 1499 John Cabot Souvenir Medal

Canada PM A. Mackenzie Ultra High Relief Token
Canada PM A. Mackenzie Ultra High Relief Token

Canada PM R. Borden Ultra High Relief Token
Canada PM R. Borden Ultra High Relief Token

Borden Dairy Token Orillia Ontario
Borden Dairy Token Orillia Ontario Circa 1950

1940 Canada 50 Cents Silver
1940 Canada 50 Cents Silver

1941 Canada 50 Cents Silver
1941 Canada 50 Cents Silver

1947 Canada 50 Cents Silver
1947 Canada 50 Cents Silver

1951 Canada 50 Cents Silver
1951 Canada 50 Cents Silver

1963 Canada 50 Cents Silver Canada
1963 Canada 50 Cents Silver Canada Nice toning, good luster.

1964 ProofLike Cameo Canada 50 Cents Silver
1964 ProofLike Cameo Canada 50 Cents Silver

1969 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1969 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1970 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1970 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1972 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents
1972 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents

1973 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents
1973 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents

1974 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1974 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1975 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1975 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1976 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents
1976 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents

1976 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1976 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1977 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1977 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1978 Round Jewel Specimen Canada 50 Cents
1978 Round Jewel Specimen Canada 50 Cents

1979 Round Bust Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1979 Round Bust Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Canada

1979 Round Bust Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents C
1979 Round Bust Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents Canada

1979 Pointed Bust Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents
1979 Pointed Bust Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents Canada

1980 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1980 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1983 Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents
1983 Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents

1985 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1985 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1987 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents
1987 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents

1988 Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents
1988 Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents

1990 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1990 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1991 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1991 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1992 1867 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents
1992 1867 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents

1993 Proof Cameo Canada 50 Cents
1993 Proof Cameo Canada 50 Cents

1994 Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents
1994 Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents

1994 Proof Cameo Canada 50 Cents
1994 Proof Cameo Canada 50 Cents

1994 Dot in G Variety Business Strike 50c
1994 Dot in G Variety Business Strike 50c Uncirculated MS63

1995 Silver Proof Gray Jays Canada 50c
1995 Silver Proof Gray Jays Canada 50c This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure.

1995 Silver Proof Whooping Crane Canada 50c
1995 Silver Proof Whooping Crane Canada 50c This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure.

1995 Silver Proof Atlantic Puffin Canada 50c
1995 Silver Proof Atlantic Puffin Canada 50c This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure.

1996 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1996 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1996 Silver Proof Canada 50c
1996 Silver Proof Canada 50c This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure.

1997 Silver Proof Canada 50c
1997 Silver Proof Canada 50c This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure.

1997 ProofLike Ottawa Canada 50c
1997 ProofLike Ottawa Canada 50c Removed from a Mint Set

1999 ProofLike Canada 50c
1999 ProofLike Canada 50c Removed from a Mint Set

1999 Silver Proof Canada 50c
1999 Silver Proof Canada 50c This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure.

1871 PEI Cent Canada
1871 PEI Cent Canada

1942 Newfoundland Cent Canada
1942 Newfoundland Cent Canada

1890 Newfoundland Silver 5 Cents Canada
1890 Newfoundland Silver 5 Cents Canada

1857 PEI Colonial Token Canada
1857 PEI Colonial Token Canada

1844 Province of Canada Colonial Token
1844 Province of Canada Colonial Token Half Penny

1837 Bas Canada 2 Sous Colonial Token
1837 Bas Canada 2 Sous Colonial Token Penny

Roman Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD Antoninianus
Roman Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD Antoninianus Ancient Rome billion silver coin

Roman Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD Antoninianus
Roman Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD Antoninianus Ancient Rome billion silver coin

Roman Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD Antoninianus
Roman Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD Antoninianus Ancient Rome billion silver coin

Roman Emperor Constantine II 337-340 AD Nummus
Roman Emperor Constantine II 337-340 AD Nummus Ancient Rome bronze coin

Roman Emperor Constantine I The Great 307-337 AD
Roman Emperor Constantine I The Great 307-337 AD Nummus Ancient Rome bronze coin

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Auction 25-136
 Online Only Auction
Auction Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Thursday Mar 20
Bidding Ends: Friday Mar 28
Auction Location
Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z9
Full Address Available on Wednesday, Mar 19
Encan des Tresors Inc.


Listing Terms and Conditions
Pickup/Ramassage: Sunday, March 30, 2025 EST 12:00 p.m to 3:00 p.m. Pickup Location/Lieu de ramassage: Storage Facility Access Storage - Nepean Address: 56 Bongard Ave, Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z9 __________________________________________________________________________ If Pickup date is not possible, please contact us at to coordinate an alternate date/time. Si la date de ramassage n'est pas possible, veuillez nous contacter � pour coordonner une autre date / heure. __________________________________________________________________________ Payment : Invoices will be sent at the close of the auction. Buyers will be required to pay invoice either through Paypal or electronic funds transfer (e-transfer) within 24 hours of auction closing. Payments must be received before Pickup Date/Time. Paiement: Les factures seront envoy�es � la fin de l'ench�re. Les acheteurs devront payer la facture via Paypal ou par virement �lectronique (e-transfert) dans les 24 heures suivant la cl�ture des ench�res. Les paiements doivent �tre re�us avant la date / heure de ramassage. ___________________________________________________________________________ Pickup time is fixed and limited: Please come prepared with your own resources and tools to remove your purchases in a timely manner. Do not bid if you cannot attend (or arrange for) pickup at the published pickup date/time/location. Items not picked up will be considered abandoned without refund and your bidding privileges may be revoked. Le temps de ramassage est fixe et limit�: S'il vous pla�t venez pr�par� avec vos propres ressources et outils pour retirer vos achats en temps opportun. Ne pas ench�rir si vous ne pouvez pas assister (ou organiser) un ramassage � la date / heure / lieu d'enl�vement publi�. Les articles non ramass�s seront consid�r�s comme abandonn�s sans remboursement et vos privil�ges d'ench�res pourront �tre r�voqu�s. ______________________________________________________________________________ Shipping: We can assist with the shipment of goods by mail. A $10 handling fee will apply. Shipping fees are the responsibility of the buyer. Large items will not be available for shipment. Please contact us before the auction ends to confirm if a specific item can be shipped to your location. Shipping arrangements may be made by calling 613-325-2111 or e-mail and Exp�dition: Nous pouvons vous aider avec l'exp�dition de marchandises par courrier. Des frais de manutention de 10 $ s'appliqueront. Les frais de livraison sont � la charge de l'acheteur. Les gros articles ne seront pas disponibles pour l'exp�dition. Veuillez nous contacter avant la fin de l'ench�re pour confirmer si un article sp�cifique peut �tre exp�di� � votre emplacement. 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Ceci est fait pour assurer la transparence et l'�quit� des ench�res et permettre au plus offrant de gagner. ______________________________________________________________________________ Conditions of articles sold: All items are sold �AS IS.� Ensure to inspect items at pickup and immediately advise an Shaveta's Auction Treasures representative of any issues related to mis-cataloging of condition. Conditions des articles vendus: Tous les articles sont vendus �EN L'�TAT�. Assurez-vous d'inspecter les articles au moment du ramassage et informez imm�diatement un repr�sentant d'Shaveta's Auction Treasures de tout probl�me li� au mauvais catalogage de l'�tat. ______________________________________________________________________________ By departing from the site you agree that you have all the correct items and are satisfied with them. Before leaving the site you must discuss any issues with an Shaveta's Auction Treasures representative. En quittant le site, vous acceptez que vous avez tous les �l�ments corrects et �tes satisfait avec eux. Avant de quitter le site, vous devez discuter de tout probl�me avec un repr�sentant Shaveta's Auction Treasures. ______________________________________________________________________________ Preview: No preview for this auction. Bidding by catalog on-line only. Aper�u: Aucun aper�u pour cette ench�re. Ench�rir par catalogue en ligne seulement. ______________________________________________________________________________ Buyer's Premium: There is a 10% Buyer's Premium in effect for this auction and applicable retail sales taxes (13.00%) (ON). Prime de l'acheteur: Une prime d'acheteur de 10% est en vigueur pour cette ench�re et les taxes de vente au d�tail applicables (13,00%) (ON). ______________________________________________________________________________ Claims for refund can be made only in certain limited circumstances. If an error in the lot description has occurred on an item you purchased, discuss this issue with an Shaveta's Auction Treasures representative before leaving pick up location. Les demandes de remboursement ne peuvent �tre faites que dans certaines circonstances limit�es. Si une erreur dans la description du lot s'est produite sur un article que vous avez achet�, discutez de ce probl�me avec un repr�sentant d'Shaveta's Auction Treasures avant de quitter l'emplacement de ramassage.
Auction of Collectibles, Coin Collection, Currency Bill Collectables, Foreign Currency, World Coin Collection, Stamp Collections, Souvenir Spoons, Lapel Pin Collection, Vintage Antiques and Household Items. Vente aux ench�res d'objets de collection, collection de pi�ces de monnaie, objets de collection de billets de banque, devises �trang�res, collection de pi�ces du monde, collections de timbres, cuill�res souvenirs, collection d'�pinglettes, antiquit�s vintage et articles m�nagers. Additional Items will be added in the next couple of days / Des articles suppl�mentaires seront ajout�s dans les prochains jours.

Harris International Stamp Album Starter Kit
Harris International Stamp Album Starter Kit The album includes about 100 stamps to start.

Madeira Portugal 1984 Stamp Set MNH
Madeira Portugal 1984 Stamp Set MNH The stamps are Mint Never Hinged still sealed in their original packaging.

Canada Ships of Canada 4 Block Stamp Set MNH
Canada Ships of Canada 4 Block Stamp Set MNH The stamps are Mint Never Hinged. The color book includes 95 pages.

Canada Aircrafts of Canada 8 Block Stamp Set MNH
Canada Aircrafts of Canada 8 Block Stamp Set MNH The stamps are Mint Never Hinged. This color history book includes 140 pages.

Canada Aircrafts of Canada Block Stamp Set MNH
Canada Aircrafts of Canada Block Stamp Set MNH The stamps are Mint Never Hinged.

Canada Aircrafts of Canada Block Stamp Set MNH
Canada Aircrafts of Canada Block Stamp Set MNH The stamps are Mint Never Hinged.

US 1975-76 First Day Cover Collection in Album
US 1975-76 First Day Cover Collection in Album Includes the FDC of Apollo Soyuz Space Mission.

2009 Montreal Canadians Holographic Stamps and
2009 Montreal Canadians Holographic Stamps and Pictures The stamp sheets are Mint Never Hinged.

NASA & CSA Space Collection Decals Stamps Coins
NASA & CSA Space Collection Decals Stamps Coins Star Finder This folder contains many collectables including, stamps, Postcards, Star Finder Tool, Stickers, Spoon, Magazine, News Paper articles and more

Canada Space Astronauts Special Envelope Stamps
Canada Space Astronauts Special Envelope Stamps MNH These sets were handed out at the Canadian Space Agency, they are hard to find with the presentation envelope.

Canada & International Covers in Album 1950-2013
Canada & International Covers in Album 1950-2013 This high quality album includes 39 covers dating back to 1950. Many are form Canada followed by Britain and a few other countries. The album is half full.

Canada 5 Cents Collection 56 Coins
Canada 5 Cents Collection 56 Coins Includes coins from 1957 to 2015 in Whitman Album.

Canada 5 Cents Collection 40 Coins
Canada 5 Cents Collection 40 Coins Includes coins from 1922 to 1960 in Album.

Canada 5 Cents Collection 46 Coins
Canada 5 Cents Collection 46 Coins Includes coins from 1937 to 1985 in Album.

Canada Cents Collection 51 Coins
Canada Cents Collection 51 Coins Includes coins from 1920 to 1971 in Whitman Album.

US Cents D Denver Mint 1947 to 2015 58 Coins
US Cents D Denver Mint 1947 to 2015 58 Coins Includes Denver Mint coins from 1947 to 2015 in Whitman Album.

Flamenco Wood Castanets form Spain
Flamenco Wood Castanets form Spain

1960s Club Girls Knotty Playing Cards
1960s Club Girls Knotty Playing Cards Complete Set

Gas Station Maps Gulf Esso Texaco BA Fina Shell
Gas Station Maps Gulf Esso Texaco BA Fina Shell This lot includes 8 vintage maps from Ireland, Quebec(2), Ontario, New York, Winnipeg, Nova Scotia, Toronto

Military Governor General Buttons Canada
Military Governor General Buttons Canada

NHL Hockey 50th All Star Game Stamp Sheet MNH
NHL Hockey 50th All Star Game Stamp Sheet MNH The stamps are Mint Never Hinged.

1873 1998 RCMP 125th Ann Stamps Set
1873 1998 RCMP 125th Ann Stamps Set Features the specification card, MNH Stamp sheet and the First Day Cover.

Canada 1920-1934 George V Cents
Canada 1920-1934 George V Cents

Canada 1909-1920 Large Cents
Canada 1909-1920 Large Cents These coins have been cleaned. Includes 1909, 1910, 1913, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919 & 1920.

1882H Canada 5 Cents
1882H Canada 5 Cents

1893 Canada 5 Cents
1893 Canada 5 Cents

1901 Canada 5 Cents
1901 Canada 5 Cents

1906 Canada 5 Cents
1906 Canada 5 Cents

1907 Canada 5 Cents
1907 Canada 5 Cents

1910 Canada 5 Cents
1910 Canada 5 Cents

1913 Canada 5 Cents
1913 Canada 5 Cents

1918 Canada 5 Cents
1918 Canada 5 Cents

1919 Canada 5 Cents
1919 Canada 5 Cents

1920 Canada 5 Cents
1920 Canada 5 Cents

1922 Canada 5 Cents
1922 Canada 5 Cents

1934 Canada 5 Cents
1934 Canada 5 Cents

1940 Canada 5 Cents
1940 Canada 5 Cents

1946 Canada 6 Over 6 5 Cents
1946 Canada 6 Over 6 5 Cents

1947 DOT Canada 5 Cents Key Date
1947 DOT Canada 5 Cents Key Date

1951 Sudbury Commemorative 5 Cents
1951 Sudbury Commemorative 5 Cents

1952 Canada 5 Cents Strong Luster
1952 Canada 5 Cents Strong Luster

1960 & 1961 Canada 5 Cents
1960 & 1961 Canada 5 Cents

1964 Extra Waterlines Canada 5 Cents Key Date
1964 Extra Waterlines Canada 5 Cents Key Date

1968 Canada Prooflike 5 Cents
1968 Canada Prooflike 5 Cents

1968 1969 1971 Canada 5 Cents
1968 1969 1971 Canada 5 Cents Nice collector grades.

1970 Canada 5 Cents Low Mintage
1970 Canada 5 Cents Low Mintage

1974 Canada 5 Cents
1974 Canada 5 Cents

1972 Canada Prooflike 5 Cents
1972 Canada Prooflike 5 Cents

1983 Canada Specimen 5 Cents
1983 Canada Specimen 5 Cents

1983 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo
1983 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo

1986 Canada Specimen 5 Cents
1986 Canada Specimen 5 Cents

1988 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo
1988 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo

1989 Canada Specimen 5 Cents
1989 Canada Specimen 5 Cents

1990 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents
1990 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents

1991 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents
1991 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents

1867-1982 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo
1867-1982 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo Issued for the 125th anniversary of Canada.

1993 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo
1993 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo

1994 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo
1994 Canada Proof 5 Cents Cameo

1998 Canada Specimen 5 Cents
1998 Canada Specimen 5 Cents

1999 ProofLike 5 Cents Canada
1999 ProofLike 5 Cents Canada

2000 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents
2000 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents

1952 2002P Canada Specimen 5 Cents
1952 2002P Canada Specimen 5 Cents

2004P Canada Specimen 5 Cents
2004P Canada Specimen 5 Cents

2005 Canada Silver Proof 5 Cents Cameo
2005 Canada Silver Proof 5 Cents Cameo

2012 Canada Specimen 5 Cents
2012 Canada Specimen 5 Cents

2014 Canada Specimen 5 Cents
2014 Canada Specimen 5 Cents

2016 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents
2016 Canada Business Strike 5 Cents

US Army WW2 Marksman Rifle Medal Sterling Silver
US Army WW2 Marksman Rifle Medal Sterling Silver This is a WW2 era military recognition badge.

US Army WW2 Marksman Carbine Shooting Medal
US Army WW2 Marksman Carbin Shooting Medal Sterling Silver This is a WW2 era military recognition badge.

Commissionaires Corps of Canada Badge VTG
Commissionaires Corps of Canada Badge VTG

1978 Captain Cook British Columbia $1 Dollar
1978 Captain Cook British Columbia $1 Dollar

1979 Surry British Columbia $1 Dollar
1979 Surry British Columbia $1 Dollar

1987 Gold Coast Casino Token Las Vegas
1987 Gold Coast Casino Token Las Vegas

2008 Cayman Island ProofLike Coins UNC
2008 Cayman Island ProofLike Coins UNC

1954-1961 Russia URSS CCP Coin Set
1954-1961 Russia URSS CCP Coin Set This set features 7 different coins from 1 to 20 kopecks.

Casino Token Niagara Falls 25 Cents
Casino Token Niagara Falls 25 Cents

Casino Token 1000 Islands 25 Cents
Casino Token 1000 Islands 25 Cents

Rose Gaming Token 25 Cents
Rose Gaming Token 25 Cents

Unknown Token
Unknown Token

IPC Brass Token
IPC Brass Token

St Christopher Protector of Travelers Medallion
St Christopher Protector of Travelers Medallion VTG Drive Carefully

1450 1499 John Cabot Souvenir Medal
1450 1499 John Cabot Souvenir Medal

Canada PM A. Mackenzie Ultra High Relief Token
Canada PM A. Mackenzie Ultra High Relief Token

Canada PM R. Borden Ultra High Relief Token
Canada PM R. Borden Ultra High Relief Token

Borden Dairy Token Orillia Ontario
Borden Dairy Token Orillia Ontario Circa 1950

1940 Canada 50 Cents Silver
1940 Canada 50 Cents Silver

1941 Canada 50 Cents Silver
1941 Canada 50 Cents Silver

1947 Canada 50 Cents Silver
1947 Canada 50 Cents Silver

1951 Canada 50 Cents Silver
1951 Canada 50 Cents Silver

1963 Canada 50 Cents Silver Canada
1963 Canada 50 Cents Silver Canada Nice toning, good luster.

1964 ProofLike Cameo Canada 50 Cents Silver
1964 ProofLike Cameo Canada 50 Cents Silver

1969 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1969 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1970 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1970 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1972 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents
1972 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents

1973 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents
1973 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents

1974 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1974 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1975 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1975 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1976 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents
1976 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents

1976 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1976 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1977 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1977 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1978 Round Jewel Specimen Canada 50 Cents
1978 Round Jewel Specimen Canada 50 Cents

1979 Round Bust Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1979 Round Bust Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Canada

1979 Round Bust Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents C
1979 Round Bust Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents Canada

1979 Pointed Bust Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents
1979 Pointed Bust Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents Canada

1980 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1980 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1983 Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents
1983 Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents

1985 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1985 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1987 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents
1987 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents

1988 Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents
1988 Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents

1990 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1990 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1991 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1991 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1992 1867 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents
1992 1867 ProofLike Canada 50 Cents

1993 Proof Cameo Canada 50 Cents
1993 Proof Cameo Canada 50 Cents

1994 Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents
1994 Specimen Strike Canada 50 Cents

1994 Proof Cameo Canada 50 Cents
1994 Proof Cameo Canada 50 Cents

1994 Dot in G Variety Business Strike 50c
1994 Dot in G Variety Business Strike 50c Uncirculated MS63

1995 Silver Proof Gray Jays Canada 50c
1995 Silver Proof Gray Jays Canada 50c This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure.

1995 Silver Proof Whooping Crane Canada 50c
1995 Silver Proof Whooping Crane Canada 50c This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure.

1995 Silver Proof Atlantic Puffin Canada 50c
1995 Silver Proof Atlantic Puffin Canada 50c This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure.

1996 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents
1996 Business Strike Canada 50 Cents Mint State High Grade

1996 Silver Proof Canada 50c
1996 Silver Proof Canada 50c This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure.

1997 Silver Proof Canada 50c
1997 Silver Proof Canada 50c This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure.

1997 ProofLike Ottawa Canada 50c
1997 ProofLike Ottawa Canada 50c Removed from a Mint Set

1999 ProofLike Canada 50c
1999 ProofLike Canada 50c Removed from a Mint Set

1999 Silver Proof Canada 50c
1999 Silver Proof Canada 50c This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure.

1871 PEI Cent Canada
1871 PEI Cent Canada

1942 Newfoundland Cent Canada
1942 Newfoundland Cent Canada

1890 Newfoundland Silver 5 Cents Canada
1890 Newfoundland Silver 5 Cents Canada

1857 PEI Colonial Token Canada
1857 PEI Colonial Token Canada

1844 Province of Canada Colonial Token
1844 Province of Canada Colonial Token Half Penny

1837 Bas Canada 2 Sous Colonial Token
1837 Bas Canada 2 Sous Colonial Token Penny

Roman Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD Antoninianus
Roman Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD Antoninianus Ancient Rome billion silver coin

Roman Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD Antoninianus
Roman Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD Antoninianus Ancient Rome billion silver coin

Roman Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD Antoninianus
Roman Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD Antoninianus Ancient Rome billion silver coin

Roman Emperor Constantine II 337-340 AD Nummus
Roman Emperor Constantine II 337-340 AD Nummus Ancient Rome bronze coin

Roman Emperor Constantine I The Great 307-337 AD
Roman Emperor Constantine I The Great 307-337 AD Nummus Ancient Rome bronze coin