Auction 25-133 - Jewelry
Listing ID#: 1716278
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Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z9 Full Address Available on Tuesday, Mar 18 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Bidding Starts: Wednesday Mar 19 Bidding Ends: Thursday Mar 27 |
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Encan des Tresors Inc. Website: ID#: 4161 View company information and listings |
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Pickup/Ramassage: Sunday, March 30, 2025 EST 12:00 p.m to 3:00 p.m.
Pickup Location/Lieu de ramassage:
Storage Facility
Access Storage - Nepean
Address: 56 Bongard Ave,
Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z9
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Si la date de ramassage n'est pas possible, veuillez nous contacter � pour coordonner une autre date / heure.
Payment : Invoices will be sent at the close of the auction. Buyers will be required to pay invoice either through Paypal or electronic funds transfer (e-transfer) within 24 hours of auction closing. Payments must be received before Pickup Date/Time.
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Listing Information |
Auction of Sterling Silver Jewelry, Silver Tone, New Old Stock, Stud Earrings, Brooch Pendants, Bracelets, Ankle Bracelets, Earrings, Chains, Women�s Watches, Timex Watches, Stainless Steel, Necklace & Earring Sets, Necklace Earring & Bracelet Sets, Gold Toned, Silver Tone, Necklace & Bracelet Sets, Earrings with Rhinestones, Bead Necklace Earring Set, Silver Rings, Silver Rings with Rhinestones, vintage jewelry, various 10k/14K Gold jewelry and other Household collections.
Vente aux ench�res de bijoux en argent sterling, ton argent, nouveau stock ancien, boucles d'oreilles, pendentifs broche, bracelets, bracelets de cheville, boucles d'oreilles, cha�nes, montres pour femmes, montres Timex, acier inoxydable, ensembles collier et boucles d'oreilles, ensembles collier boucles d'oreilles et bracelets, ton or , ton argent, ensembles collier et bracelet, boucles d'oreilles avec strass, ensemble de boucles d'oreilles collier de perles, bagues en argent, bagues en argent avec strass, bijoux vintage, divers bijoux en or 10k/14K et autres collections pour la maison.
Additional Items will be added in the next couple of days / Des articles suppl�mentaires seront ajout�s dans les prochains jours. 1008 Costume Jewelry - Various Sizes Lot D Costume Jewelry - Various Sizes Lot D vintage 1516 Aventurine Stainless Steel Cubic Zirconia Necklace Aventurine Stainless Steel Cubic Zirconia Necklace This is New Old Stock which has never been worn. This necklace is silver and copper color and features cubic zirconia crystals. 1517 Aventurine Stainless Steel Cubic Zirconia Necklace Aventurine Stainless Steel Cubic Zirconia Necklace This is New Old Stock which has never been worn. This necklace is silver polished & glossy color and features cubic zirconia 1518 Aventurine Stainless Steel Cubic Zirconia Necklace Aventurine Stainless Steel Cubic Zirconia Necklace This is New Old Stock which has never been worn. This necklace is silver polished & glossy color and features cubic zirconia 1551 Silver Flower Rhinestones Delicate Bracelet Silver Flower Rhinestones Delicate Bracelet Vintage This is New Old Stock which has never been worn. It is marked 925 and measures 7 to 8 inches. It will be shipped with a nice 1588 Cubic Zirconia on 14K White Gold Earrings Cubic Zirconia on 14K White Gold Earrings This is New Old Stock which has never been worn. The studs are clearly marked. The stone measures 4 x 4 mm. 1590 Clovers Enameled on 14K Yellow Gold Screw Back Ea Clovers Enameled on 14K Yellow Gold Screw Back Earrings This is New Old Stock with tags which has never been worn. The studs are clearly marked. The 4 leaf clovers measure 6 x 7 mm. 1591 Aug Peridot w/Cubic Zirconia on 14K Yellow Gold Ea August Peridot with Cubic Zirconia on 14K Yellow Gold Screw Back Earrings This is New Old Stock which has never been worn. The studs are clearly marked. The studs are high quality screw backs that are 1592 Nov Yellow Topaz on Heart 14K Yellow Gold Scew Ear November Yellow Topaz on Heart 14K Yellow Gold Screw Back Earrings This is New Old Stock with tags which has never been worn. The studs are clearly marked. The hearts measure 5 x 6 mm. The 1593 May Emerald w/Cubic Zirconia 14K Yellow Gold Earri May Emerald with Cubic Zirconia on 14K Yellow Gold Screw Back Earrings This is New Old Stock which has never been worn. The studs are clearly marked. The studs are high quality screw backs that are 1594 September Sapphire w/Cubic Zirconia 14K Gold Earri September Sapphire with Cubic Zirconia on 14K Yellow Gold Screw Back Earrings This is New Old Stock which has never been worn. The studs are clearly marked. The studs are high quality screw backs that are 1597 Heart Cubic Zirconia Pink on 14K Gold Pendant Heart Cubic Zirconia Pink on 14K Gold Pendant This is New Old Stock which has never been worn. The pendant is clearly marked. 1600 Star Cubic Zirconia Clear on 10K White Gold Penda Star Cubic Zirconia Clear on 10K White Gold Pendant This is New Old Stock which has never been worn. The pendant is clearly marked. 1603 Orange Citrine Rhinestones on 10K Gold Earrings Orange Citrine Rhinestones on 10K Gold Earrings This is New Old Stock which has never been worn. The stones measure 6 x 4 mm. 1606 Red Garnet January on 10K White Gold Pendant Red Garnet January on 10K White Gold Pendant This is New Old Stock which has never been worn. The stones measure 8 x 6 mm. 1637 Italy Sterling Silver Chain & Pendant 16 in. Italy Sterling Silver Chain & Pendant 16 in. This is New Old Stock which has never been worn. The chain & pendant are marked sterling. 1638 Chain and Pendant Set Silver & Gold Tone 16+3 in. Chain and Pendant Set Silver & Gold Tone 16 + 3 in. This is New Old Stock which has never been worn. The chain measures 16 in plus a 3 in extension. 1641 Italy Sterling Silver Chain & Cubic Zirconia Pend Italy Sterling Silver Chain & Cubic Zirconia Pendant 18 in. This is New Old Stock which has never been worn. The chain & pendant are marked sterling. 1671 Sterling Silver Band Ring Size 11 Sterling Silver Band Ring Size 11 This is New Old Stock which has never been worn. The ring is marked sterling. It is 8 mm wide. 1672 Sterling Silver Band Ring Size 13 Sterling Silver Band Ring Size 13 This is New Old Stock which has never been worn. The ring is marked sterling. It is 5 mm wide. 1673 Sterling Silver Band Ring Size 14 Sterling Silver Band Ring Size 14 This is New Old Stock which has never been worn. The ring is marked sterling. It is 5 mm wide. 1674 Sterling Silver Band Ring Size 10 Sterling Silver Band Ring Size 10 This is New Old Stock which has never been worn. The ring is marked sterling. It is 8 mm wide. 1690 Swarovski Crystal Sterling Silver Necklace Ear Set Swarovski Crystals Sterling Silver Necklace Earring Set This is New Old Stock which has never been worn. The necklace chain measures 16 in. The chain and earrings are is marked sterling. 2857 Stainless Steel Industrial 3 Tone Bracelet Stainless Steel Industrial 3 Tone Bracelet This is New Old Stock never worn. This bracelet measures 9 inches. The bracelet links measures 15 mm. MSRP $60 2861 Stainless Steel Disk with Cubic Zirconia Necklace Stainless Steel Disk with Cubic Zirconia Necklace By Certain Lady This is New Old Stock never worn. This necklace measures 18 + 2 inches. 2863 Cross Crucifix w/Stainless Steel Chain L'Aventure Cross Crucifix with Stainless Steel Chain By L' Aventurine This is New Old Stock never worn. This necklace measures 20 inches. 2868 Sterling Silver Etched Cufflinks By Smibo Sterling Silver Etched Cufflinks By Smibo This is New Old Stock never worn. This cuff plates measures 20 x 16 mm. 2871 Stylish Beads & Rhinestone Bracelet By Inox Stylish Beads & Rhinestone Bracelet By Inox This is New Old Stock never worn. This bracelet measures 8 inches. MSRP $35 2872 Stylish Beads & Rhinestone Bracelet By Inox Stylish Beads & Rhinestone Bracelet By Inox This is New Old Stock never worn. This bracelet measures 9 inches. MSRP $35 2879 Jewelry Displays Stands for Watches Bracelets Jewelry Displays Stands for Watches Bracelets This lot includes 6 used display stands. 2897 Jay Flex Butterfly Sterling Silver Necklace wRhine Jay Flex Butterfly Sterling Silver Necklace w Rhinestones This preowned vintage necklace measures 15 inches. The chain is marked. 2898 Italy Sterling Silver Chain 20 Inches Italy Sterling Silver Chain 20 Inches This is New Old Stock Never been worn. The chain measures 20 + 2 inches. The crystal reflect multiple colors under light. The chain is marked. C 2937 Sterling Silver Band Size 14 Sterling Silver Band Size 14 This is New Old Stock Never been worn. The ring measures 8 mm and is marked. MSRP $69.99 2943 Sterling Silver Band Size 11 Sterling Silver Band Size 11 This is New Old Stock Never been worn. The ring measures 5 mm and is marked. MSRP $49.99 2946 Sterling Silver Band Size 10 Sterling Silver Band Size 10 This is New Old Stock Never been worn. The ring measures 8 mm and is marked. MSRP $69.99 2948 Sterling Silver Band Size 10 Sterling Silver Band Size 10 This is New Old Stock Never been worn. The ring measures 8 mm and is marked. MSRP $69.99 2949 Sterling Silver Band Size 10 Sterling Silver Band Size 10 This is New Old Stock Never been worn. The ring measures 8 mm and is marked. MSRP $99.99 2953 Gold 10kt Peridot August Earrings Gold 10kt Peridot August Earrings This is New Old Stock Never been worn. The stones measure 5x5 mm. The earrings are marked 10KT. 2955 White Gold 10kt Oval Aquamarine Stone Pendant White Gold 10kt Oval Aquamarine Stone Pendant This is New Old Stock Never been worn. The small pendant features a 8x6 mm aquamarine stone. The pendant is marked 10KT. MSRP $79.99 2973 Gold Miner Yukon Silver Charm Pendant Vintage Gold Miner Yukon Silver Charm Pendant Vintage This vintage pendant measures 12 x 30 mm. It is not marked. 2995 Spinner Ring Stainless Steel Band Size 9 Spinner Ring Stainless Steel Band Size 9 This is New Old Stock Never been worn. The ring measures 9 mm and is marked. The ring is composed of 2 rings that rotate on each other. 4617 Charm Bracelet Sterling Silver 7in Charm Bracelet Sterling Silver 7in The bracelet is preowned. The bracelet is marked, some of the charms are marked. It weigh over 37 grams. 4618 Charm Bracelet Sterling Silver 7.5 in Charm Bracelet Sterling Silver 7.5 in The bracelet is preowned. The bracelet is marked, some of the charms are marked. It weighs 24 grams. 4626 Knot Rhinestones Italy Sterling Silver 18in Knot Rhinestones Italy Sterling Silver 18in This in New Old Stock. It measures 16 plus 2 inches. It is marked. 4629 Dutch Ship Porcelain Tiles in Case Dutch Ship Porcelain Tiles in Case 4630 Cup Silver Plated Copper Vintage Cup Silver Plated Copper Vintage It measures approximatively 2.5 x 1.75 in. 4636 Amethyst Brooch Silver Tone by Mizpah Amethyst Brooch Silver Tone by Mizpah 4637 Jade Maple Leafs Brooch Silver Tone Jade Maple Leafs Brooch Silver Tone It is 2in long. 4638 Angel Blue Baby Brooch Silver Tone Angel Blue Baby Brooch Silver Tone It measures approximatively 2" x 1" in. 4659 Bangle Bracelet Sterling Silver Bangle Bracelet Sterling Silver The bangle is marked. 63mm. Preowned. 4664 Elephant Charm Silver Elephant Charm Silver 4670 Cowboy Boot Charm Cowboy Boot Charm The charm is marked. 4671 Arrow Feather Aboriginal Charm Arrow Feather Aboriginal Charm The charm is marked and signed by the artist Siskiyou 4680 Netherlands Dutch Coin Spoon Antique Sterling Sil Netherlands Dutch Coin Spoon Antique Sterling Silver 4684 Man Lizzard Tribal Art Pendant Man Lizzard Tribal Art Pendant The pendant measures 63 x 30 mm. The loop eye is 7mm across. 4708 Swank Cuff Links Vintage Swank Cuff Links Vintage Silver color. 4709 Leaf Pattern Cuff Links Vintage Leaf Pattern Cuff Links Vintage Silver color. 4710 Horses Cuff Links Vintage Horses Cuff Links Vintage Silver color. 4712 Sterling Silver Band Ring Sz 11 Industrial Style Sterling Silver Band Ring Sz 11 Industrial Style New Old Stock never worn. The ring is marked. MSRP $99.99 4713 Sterling Silver Band Ring Sz 14 Sterling Silver Band Ring Sz 14 New Old Stock never worn. The ring is marked. 4714 Sterling Silver Band Ring Sz 12 Industrial Style Sterling Silver Band Ring Sz 12 Industrial Style New Old Stock never worn. The ring is marked. MSRP $99.99 4715 Sterling Silver Band Ring Sz 12 Industrial Style Sterling Silver Band Ring Sz 12 Industrial Style New Old Stock never worn. The ring is marked. MSRP $99.99 4719 Sterling Silver Ring Sz 5.5 Sterling Silver Ring Sz 5.5 New Old Stock never worn. The ring is marked. 4720 Sterling Silver Ring Sz 5.5 Sterling Silver Ring Sz 5.5 New Old Stock never worn. The ring is marked. 4734 Delicate Silver Filigree Flower Brooch Delicate Silver Filigree Flower Brooch The brooch measures 32mm. 4738 Cat Sterling Silver Brooch Signed Cat Sterling Silver Brooch Signed The brooch is marked, it measures 37mm. 4767 Band Ring Sz 9 Sterling Silver Band Ring Sz 9 Sterling Silver New Old Stock never worn. The ring is marked. MSRP $69.99 4769 Band Ring Sz 12.5 Sterling Silver Band Ring Sz 12.5 Sterling Silver New Old Stock never worn. The ring is marked. MSRP $69.99 4770 Band Ring Sz 9.5 Sterling Silver Band Ring Sz 9.5 Sterling Silver New Old Stock never worn. The ring is marked. 4772 Spinner Ring Band Sz 9 Stainless Steel Spinner Ring Band Sz 9 Stainless Steel New Old Stock never worn. 4776 Blue Stone on Screw Back Pin Blue Stone on Screw Back Pin 4780 Black & Clear Rhinestones on Sterling Silver Pende Black & Clear Rhinestones on Sterling Silver Pendant and Necklace New Old Stock never worn. The pendant & chain are marked sterling silver. The chain measures 16 inches. 4782 Cylinder Chain Sterling Silver Necklace 24 in Cylinder Chain Sterling Silver Necklace 24 in Preowned. The chain is marked sterling silver. The chain measures 24 inches and weighs 61 grams. 4798 Ring Sterling Silver Charm Ring Sterling Silver Charm Preowned. The charm is marked sterling silver. 4805 Base Guitar Sterling Silver Charm Base Guitar Sterling Silver Charm Preowned. The charm is marked sterling silver. 4806 Hawaii Vintage Sterling Silver Charm Pearl Emerald Hawaii Vintage Sterling Silver Charm Pearl Emerald Preowned. The charm is marked sterling silver. 4815 Medical Emblem Gold Plated Sterling Silver Ring9.5 Medical Emblem Gold Plated Sterling Silver Ring Sz9.5 This ring is preowned and marked sterling silver. 4834 Rosary Crucifix 10 Wood Beads in Case Rosary Crucifix 10 Wood Beads in Case This antique carefully crafted rosary measures 4.5 in. 4837 Zircon Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 7 Zircon Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 7 This is New Old Stock, never worn. This ring has a Rhodium anti-tarnish finish. MSRP $84. 4839 Zircon Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 9 Zircon Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 9 This is New Old Stock, never worn. This ring has a Rhodium anti-tarnish finish. MSRP $102. 4841 Zircon Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 8 Zircon Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 8 This is New Old Stock, never worn. This ring has a Rhodium anti-tarnish finish. MSRP $84 4842 Amethyst Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 7 Amethyst Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 7 This is New Old Stock, never worn. This ring has a Rhodium anti-tarnish finish. MSRP $78 4843 Zircon Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 6 Zircon Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 6 This is New Old Stock, never worn. This ring has a Rhodium anti-tarnish finish. MSRP $63 4845 Sapphire Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 7 Sapphire Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 7 This is New Old Stock, never worn. This ring has a Rhodium anti-tarnish finish. MSRP $102 4847 Zircon Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 7.25 Zircon Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 7.25 This is New Old Stock, never worn. This ring has a Rhodium anti-tarnish finish. MSRP $81 4849 Sapphire Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 6 Sapphire Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 6 This is New Old Stock, never worn. This ring has a Rhodium anti-tarnish finish. MSRP $172 4850 Zircon Flower Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 7 Zircon Flower Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 7 This is New Old Stock, never worn. This ring has a Rhodium anti-tarnish finish. 4851 Zircon Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 7 Zircon Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 7 This is New Old Stock, never worn. This ring has a Rhodium anti-tarnish finish. MSRP $66 4852 Sapphire Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 8 Sapphire Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 8 This is New Old Stock, never worn. This ring has a Rhodium anti-tarnish finish. MSRP $102 4855 Zircon Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 6 Zircon Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 6 This is New Old Stock, never worn. This ring has a Rhodium anti-tarnish finish. MSRP $90 4857 Zircon Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 7 Zircon Sterling Silver Ring by Tamar Sz 7 This is New Old Stock, never worn. This ring has a Rhodium anti-tarnish finish. MSRP $63 4859 Zircon Sterling Silver Pair of Rings Sz 6.75 Zircon Sterling Silver Pair of Rings Sz 6.75 This is a vintage preowned ring pair. One is silver the other is silver gold plated. Both rings are composed of sterling silver and 4860 Star Sterling Silver Ring Sz 5 Star Sterling Silver Ring Sz 5 This is a vintage preowned ring. It is composed of sterling silver and marked accordingly. 4865 Light Green Rhinestone Sterling Silver Ring8.5-9 Light Green Rhinestone on Sterling Silver Ring Sz 8.5-9 This is a vintage preowned ring. It is composed of sterling silver and marked accordingly. 4878 Marcasite on Sterling Silver Ring Sz 5 Marcasite on Sterling Silver Ring Sz 5 This is a vintage preowned ring. It is composed of sterling silver and marked accordingly. 4897 Large Crystal Heart on Sterling Silver Necklace Large Crystal Heart on Sterling Silver Necklace New Old Stock never worn. The chain is marked and measures 19 inches. MSRP $125 4898 Large Multi-Color Crystal Pendant Sterling Silver Large Multi-Color Crystal Pendant on Sterling Silver Chain New Old Stock never worn. The chain is marked and measures 16 inches. 6801 Small Heart Charm & Necklace VTG Small Heart Charm & Necklace VTG 16 inches, gold tone. 6802 Rhinestone Charm & Necklace VTG Rhinestone Charm & Necklace VTG 16 inches, gold tone. 6805 Leprechaun Irish Glover Charm VTG Leprechaun Irish Glover Charm VTG Measure 28 x 25 mm, gold tone. 6807 Unicorn Charm & Necklace VTG Unicorn Charm & Necklace VTG 18 inches, gold tone. 6808 Crucifix Cross Charm & Necklace VTG Crucifix Cross Charm & Necklace VTG 16 inches, silver tone. 6810 Gold Tone Square Chain Necklace VTG Gold Tone Square Chain Necklace VTG 30 inches, gold tone. 6812 Rhinestone Leaf Charm & Necklace VTG Rhinestone Leaf Charm & Necklace VTG 18 inches, gold tone. 6815 Dolphin Fish Charm Bracelet VTG Dolphin Fish Charm Bracelet VTG 7 1/2 inches, gold tone. 6816 Delicate Flower Pendant VTG Delicate Flower Pendant VTG 25 x 12 mm, gold tone. 6817 Butterfly and Pearl Flowers Pendant VTG Butterfly and Pearl Flowers Pendant VTG 33 x 23 mm, gold tone. 6818 Butterfly and Rhinestone Flowers Pendant VTG Butterfly and Rhinestone Flowers Pendant VTG 21 x 19 mm, gold tone. 6819 Nefertiti Pendant Signed Michelle Lynn VTG Nefertiti Pendant Signed Michelle Lynn VTG 60 x 29 mm, gold tone. 6822 Puffy Heart Pendant & Sterling Silver Chain VTG Puffy Heart Pendant & Sterling Silver Chain VTG 18 inches, sterling silver. 6827 Crucifix Cross Pendant Silver VTG Crucifix Cross Pendant Silver VTG The cross measures 55 x 25 mm. It is not marked. 6831 Pyrite Stone Fools Gold Pyrite Stone Fools Gold Weighs 20.5 grams. 6832 Natural RED Garnet with Certificate Natural RED Garnet with Certificate 2 stones included certificate. 6834 Cubic Zirconia 1 Carat with Certificate Cubic Zirconia 1 Carat with Certificate 1 stone included certificate. 6837 1976 Montreal Olympics Miniature Fork & Spoon Set 1976 Montreal Olympics Miniature Fork & Spoon Set This lot also includes a Parc Safari set. 6840 Timex Indiglo Wrist Watch VTG Timex Indiglo Wrist Watch VTG The watch works. This is new old stock. 6843 Pombal Glasses Vintage Pink Box Advertisement Pombal Glasses Vintage Pink Box Advertisement This looks like Bakelite, The box measures 125 x 40 x 20 mm. 6844 Paper Money Banknote Clip Mother of Pearl VTG Paper Money Banknote Clip Mother of Pearl VTG 6849 Opal on Sterling Silver Pendant VTG Opal on Sterling Silver Pendant VTG This large pendant measures approximatively 160 x 28 mm. Minimal asking price $32 6862 Cufflinks 5 Pairs Vintage Gold Tone Cufflinks 5 Pairs Vintage Gold Tone |
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