Auction 25-131
Listing ID#: 1714752
Auction Location |
Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z9 Full Address Available on Saturday, Mar 15 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Bidding Starts: Sunday Mar 16 Bidding Ends: Wednesday Mar 26 |
Auction Type |
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Company Information |
Encan des Tresors Inc. Website: ID#: 4161 View company information and listings |
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Listing Terms and Conditions |
Pickup/Ramassage: Sunday, March 30, 2025 EST 12:00 p.m to 3:00 p.m.
Pickup Location/Lieu de ramassage:
Storage Facility
Access Storage - Nepean
Address: 56 Bongard Ave,
Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z9
If Pickup date is not possible, please contact us at to coordinate an alternate date/time.
Si la date de ramassage n'est pas possible, veuillez nous contacter � pour coordonner une autre date / heure.
Payment : Invoices will be sent at the close of the auction. Buyers will be required to pay invoice either through Paypal or electronic funds transfer (e-transfer) within 24 hours of auction closing. Payments must be received before Pickup Date/Time.
Paiement: Les factures seront envoy�es � la fin de l'ench�re. Les acheteurs devront payer la facture via Paypal ou par virement �lectronique (e-transfert) dans les 24 heures suivant la cl�ture des ench�res. Les paiements doivent �tre re�us avant la date / heure de ramassage.
Pickup time is fixed and limited: Please come prepared with your own resources and tools to remove your purchases in a timely manner. Do not bid if you cannot attend (or arrange for) pickup at the published pickup date/time/location. Items not picked up will be considered abandoned without refund and your bidding privileges may be revoked.
Le temps de ramassage est fixe et limit�: S'il vous pla�t venez pr�par� avec vos propres ressources et outils pour retirer vos achats en temps opportun. Ne pas ench�rir si vous ne pouvez pas assister (ou organiser) un ramassage � la date / heure / lieu d'enl�vement publi�. Les articles non ramass�s seront consid�r�s comme abandonn�s sans remboursement et vos privil�ges d'ench�res pourront �tre r�voqu�s.
Shipping: We can assist with the shipment of goods by mail. A $10 handling fee will apply. Shipping fees are the responsibility of the buyer. Large items will not be available for shipment. Please contact us before the auction ends to confirm if a specific item can be shipped to your location. Shipping arrangements may be made by calling 613-325-2111 or e-mail and
Exp�dition: Nous pouvons vous aider avec l'exp�dition de marchandises par courrier. Des frais de manutention de 10 $ s'appliqueront. Les frais de livraison sont � la charge de l'acheteur. Les gros articles ne seront pas disponibles pour l'exp�dition. Veuillez nous contacter avant la fin de l'ench�re pour confirmer si un article sp�cifique peut �tre exp�di� � votre emplacement. Les arrangements d'exp�dition peuvent �tre faits en appelant au 613-325-2111 ou par courriel et
During Auction - Soft Close: Each bid made on an item in the last few minutes of the auction will add more time (a few minutes) to the item. This will continue until the extended time has run out without new bids being placed. This is done to ensure transparency and fairness of bidding and enable the highest bidder to win.
Pendant l'ench�re - Fermeture douce: Chaque ench�re faite sur un objet dans les derni�res minutes de l'ench�re ajoutera plus de temps (quelques minutes) � l'objet. Cela continuera jusqu'� ce que le d�lai �coul� soit �coul� sans que de nouvelles offres ne soient plac�es. Ceci est fait pour assurer la transparence et l'�quit� des ench�res et permettre au plus offrant de gagner.
Conditions of articles sold: All items are sold �AS IS.� Ensure to inspect items at pickup and immediately advise an Shaveta's Auction Treasures representative of any issues related to mis-cataloging of condition.
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Buyer's Premium: There is a 10% Buyer's Premium in effect for this auction and applicable retail sales taxes (13.00%) (ON).
Prime de l'acheteur: Une prime d'acheteur de 10% est en vigueur pour cette ench�re et les taxes de vente au d�tail applicables (13,00%) (ON).
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Listing Information |
Auction of Collectibles, Sculptures, Metal Tins, Oil Lamps, Belt Buckles, Tools, Decorative House Decor, Figurines, Fossil Shark Teeth, Jewelry, Pewter, Military collectibles, Religious items, License Plates, Paintings, Tobacco Tins, Coin Collection, Metal Signs, Artwork, Enamelware, Fishing Reels, Vintage Antiques and other Household Items.
Vente aux ench�res d'objets de collection, sculptures, bo�tes m�talliques, lampes � huile, boucles de ceinture, outils, d�coration int�rieure, figurines, dents de requin fossile, bijoux, �tain, objets de collection militaires, articles religieux, plaques d'immatriculation, peintures, bo�tes � tabac, collection de pi�ces de monnaie, enseignes m�talliques, �uvres d'art, �mail, moulinets de p�che, antiquit�s vintage et autres articles m�nagers.
Additional Items will be added in the next couple of days / Des articles suppl�mentaires seront ajout�s dans les prochains jours. 6 Glass Insulator (2X) Lot B Glass Insulator (2X) Lot B 7 Glass Insulator (2X) Lot C Glass Insulator (2X) Lot C 19 Oiler Oil Can Lot A Oiler Oil Can Lot A vintage 21 Mr. Business Bobblehead - New Mr. Business Bobblehead - New 24 CHARMEY Pewter Plate D CHARMEY Pewter Plate D 27 License Plate Lot G License Plate Lot G vintage 30 License Plate Lot D License Plate Lot D vintage 35 War Documentary War Amps VHS - Various (12x) Lot War Documentary War Amps VHS - Various (12x) Lot vintage 37 Whistlestop Railroad Coffee Mugs (2x) - New Whistlestop Railroad Coffee Mugs - Canadian National Railways / Southern Pacific vintage 46 Handmade Horse Made with Fur Figurine Lot A Handmade Horse Made with Fur Figurine Lot A vintage 48 Handmade Horse w/Saddle Made w/Fur Handmade Horse w/Saddle Made with Fur Figurine vintage 49 Handmade Horse Made with Fur Figurine LotB Handmade Horse Made with Fur Figurine Lot B vintage 51 Handmade Sea Shell Horse Sculpture Figurine Handmade Sea Shell Horse Sculpture Figurine 52 Handmade Horse Made with Fur Figurine Lot D Handmade Horse Made with Fur Figurine Lot D vintage 57 Canadian National Telegram - Canada 1951 Telegraph Canadian National Telegram - Canada 1951 Telegraph vintage 63 Vintage Telephones (3x) Lot Vintage Telephones (3x) Lot 69 Poster - Dragon Poster - Dragon 74 Shaved Belt Buckle Shaved Belt Buckle 79 Goose Sculpture - Porcelain signed Cindy Brunke Goose Sculpture - Porcelain signed Cindy Brunke vintage 81 Set of 4 Porcelain Napkin Rings (2x) w/box Set of 4 Porcelain Napkin Rings (2x) w/box vintage 89 Revue Film Der Teufelsbraten Color German Revue Film Der Teufelsbraten Color German vintage 93 Black Star Belt Buckle Black Star Belt Buckle 104 Avon Glass Candle Holder Bird Avon Glass Candle Holder Bird vintage 113 Slicing Knife with box Slicing Knife with box vintage 118 Crystal Candleholder Set w/box (2x) Lot Crystal Candleholder Set w/box (2x) Lot 120 Book: Streit um Asterix - German Book: Streit um Asterix - German vintage 126 Tray - St. Thomas Hospital Tray - St. Thomas Hospital 134 Laval University Wall Plaque Laval University Wall Plaque 142 Crab Wine Bottle Holder Crab Wine Bottle Holder vintage 147 Creamer (Handarbeit)/ Salt & Pepper Shaker Lot Creamer (Handarbeit)/ Salt & Pepper Shaker Lot Cobalt Light Blue Pottery vintage 151 Canada Military Cap Canada Military Cap 152 Junior Officer Canada Military Cap Stokes Cap &Reg Junior Officer Canada Military Cap Stokes Cap & Regalia Ltd. 154 V-Master Deluxe Cigarette Maker 16 inch w/Box Kit V-Master Deluxe Cigarette Maker 16 inches with Box Kit vintage 156 3D Man and Woman Framed 15" Wooden Carved Asian 3D Man and Woman Framed 15" Wooden Carved Asian Wall Hanging 157 Decorative Basket (2x) Decorative Basket (2x) 161 Corona Cell Phone Sound Amplifier Corona Cell Phone Sound Amplifier vintage 174 Sand Blast Gun vintage Sand Blast Gun vintage 184 German Skinny Glass Beer Mug Allgauer Brauhaus 3x Allgauer Brauhaus Zwickel German Skinny Glass Beer Mug (3x) Octoberfest 213 The Trolley's of Yesterday - Joseph Snyder "The Trolley's of Yesterday" - Joseph Snyder 242 Binocular Binocular vintage 246 Vase - Clay 12" Vase - Clay 12" vintage 250 Bull with Enameled Brass Fruit Cart Napkin Letter Bull with Enameled Brass Fruit Cart Napkin Letter Holder vintage 255 4 Part Serving Dish - White Porcelain w/box 4 Part Serving Dish - White Porcelain w/box Note: Box shows wear & tear, see picture. 342 Mask - Wood - H17" Mask - Wood - H17" 343 5 Piece Votive Candle Set - New 5 Piece Votive Candle Set - New 344 Sweden Bronze Coins ORE Gustaf VI Adolf-5x Various Sweden Bronze Coins ORE Gustaf VI Adolf - 5x Various Lot 351 Red Rose Tea Cards (10x) - Various Red Rose Tea Cards (10x) - Various 401 CLEO Wash Pitcher - Dudson Wilcox & Till England "CLEO" Wash Pitcher - Dudson, Wilcox & Till England 402 1949 McMaster University Yearbook 1949 McMaster University Yearbook 403 1950 McMaster University Yearbook 1950 McMaster University Yearbook 404 1951 McMaster University Yearbook 1951 McMaster University Yearbook 405 1952 McMaster University Yearbook 1952 McMaster University Yearbook 409 5 Cents 1933 Netherlands Coin Key Date 5 Cents 1933 Netherlands Coin Key Date 420 Bed Pan - Metal - Men - Austria - Vintage Bed Pan - Metal - Men - Austria - Vintage 425 Book: Le Principe Porsche (french) Book: Le Principe Porsche (french) 428 Bottle Holder - Wood Bottle Holder - Wood 445 CHEO Bear CHEO Bear 451 Coasters Set Coasters Set 454 Collectables - Figurines Lot Collectables - Figurines Lot vintage 464 Decor Lot Decor Lot 467 Decor Plates - Metal (3X) Decor Plates - Metal (3X) 469 Decorative Platter / Plate Ceramic Decorative Platter / Plate Ceramic 475 Dragon Red Resin - Figurine Dragon Red Resin - Figurine 492 Fishing Pole - Bronson No. 2550 Mercury Fishing Pole - Bronson No. 2550 Mercury vintage 478 DVD Box Set: Dora's Big Party Pack DVD Box Set: Dora's Big Party Pack 494 Fondue Set - Cast Iron Fondue Set - Cast Iron 502 Games - Various Lot Games - Various Lot vintage 503 Giuseppe Mazzotti Albisola: Vases (Pair) Giuseppe Mazzotti Albisola: Vases (Pair) 509 Hoselton Sculpture Hoselton Sculpture 524 Lapel Pins Lot Lapel Pins Lot 526 Large Place Mats - Set of 6 Large Place Mats - Set of 6 537 Marble Cheese Slicer w/Cheese Knives/Wine Bottle Marble Cheese Slicer w/Cheese Knives Set / Wine Bottle Opener Set Lot 540 Medals Lot (Gold Silver Bronze) Swimming Medals Lot (Gold, Silver, Bronze) Swimming 534 Living for the Weekend - DVD Sealed Living for the Weekend - The Exceptional Six - DVD - Sealed 548 Napkin Rings/Holders - Bow Ties Set - Plastic Napkin Rings/Holders - Bow Ties Set These are plastic. 549 National Geographic Index 1947-1983 National Geographic Index 1947-1983 vintage 553 Novels (2X) - Stieg Larsson - New Novels (2X) - Stieg Larsson - New - The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - The Girl Who Played With Fire 559 Pewter Lot Pewter Lot 565 Plastic Slides/Tray for Projector Plastic Slides/Tray for Projector 575 Ritzenhoff schnaps glass (2x) - Andrea Hillles Ritzenhoff schnaps glass (2x) - Andrea Hillles w/box 583 Sandwich Maker - New Sandwich Maker - New 598 Shakespeare Spin Wondereel No. 1745 Model FF Lot Shakespeare Spin Wondereel No. 1745 Model FF Lot vintage 604 Solid Brass Double Dragon Bowl 8" Engraved Etched Solid Brass Double Dragon Bowl 8" Engraved Etched with pedestal base Plate/Bowl Vintage 618 Table Lamp - Double Dragon 17" - WUI 98 - Zemeno Table Lamp - Double Dragon 17" - WUI 98 - Zemeno 631 Tea Light Holder Tea Light Holder 642 Travel Iron Travel Iron vintage 605 Solid Brass Double Dragon Bowl 9" Engraved Etched Solid Brass Double Dragon Bowl 9" Engraved Etched Plate/Bowl Vintage 644 Vase 12" Vase 12" 656 Whistle - Clay - Frog Whistle - Clay - Frog 709 Night Light - Dragon Night Light - Dragon Vintage 716 Pewter Plate Flemish Painter Quentin Metsys Pewter Plate inspired by Flemish Painter Quentin Metsys vintage 719 German Commemorative Medal Turnerbund Hermersberge German Commemorative Medal Turnerbund Hermersberg 1974 Europe Unie vintage 721 Commemorative Plaque Schutzenvecein Jell Urexweilr French Commemorative Plaque SIC Handgemalt Schutzenvecein Jell Urexweiler Wall Hanging Decor Made in France vintage 729 DVD (9x) Lot A DVD (9x) Lot A 730 DVD (9x) Lot B DVD (9x) Lot B 731 DVD (9x) Lot C DVD (9x) Lot C 733 Crystal Vase 8" Crystal Vase 8" 734 Decor - Various Lot Decor - Various Lot 738 Pewter Spoon Lot Pewter Spoon Lot 771 Wall Clock - Battery signed DEAN Wall Clock - Battery signed DEAN 772 Timothy's Coffee Mason Jar - Blue Timothy's Coffee Mason Jar - Blue 774 Hat Pin - Silver Tone Black Oblong Costume Jewelr Hat Pin - Silver Tone Black Oblong Costume Jewelry 780 Candle Holders (3x) Lot Candle Holders (3x) Lot 781 Candle Holders / Tea Lights - Various Lot Candle Holders / Tea Lights - Various Lot 783 Commemoration Medal 60th Anniversary of the Peop Commemoration Medal 60th Anniversary of the People's Liberation Army 785 Hanging Plaque Belgium Tin Etain Pewter Lot A Hanging Plaque Belgium Tin Etain Pewter Lot A vintage 786 Hanging Plaque Belgium Tin Etain Pewter Lot B Hanging Plaque Belgium Tin Etain Pewter Lot B vintage 790 Collection: New Baby - Figurine New w/Box Collection: New Baby - Figurine New w/Box 796 Wall Hanging - Faux Wood Lot A Wall Hanging - Faux Wood Lot A vintage 797 Wall Hanging - Faux Wood Lot B Wall Hanging - Faux Wood Lot B vintage 799 Cadbury Crunchie Ceramic Twin Fondue Set - New Cadbury Crunchie Ceramic Twin Fondue Gift Set - New 802 Wall Hanging: Facial Make-Up of Chinese Opera Wall Hanging: Facial Make-Up of Chinese Opera 806 Wall Hanging - Various Lot Wall Hanging - Various Lot 807 Plate - Facial Makeup - Peking Opera - Metal Plate - Facial Makeup - Peking Opera - Metal 812 Candy Dish Bomboniere Candy Dish Bomboniere vintage 824 Professional Corkscrew Kit Professional Corkscrew Kit 828 Pipe - Dragon Pipe - Dragon vintage 833 Hoselton Sculpture Signed - Goose Flying Over Rock Hoselton Sculpture Signed - Goose Flying Over Rock Large 840 Speckled Enamel Stock Pot with Lid Speckled Enamel Stock Pot with Lid vintage 849 Decor - Bowl Decor - Bowl 825 Osgood Township Historical Society AluminumCard 6x Osgoode Township Historical Society Pioneer Day Aluminum Cards - Various (6x) vintage 852 Salt & Pepper Shakers (Set of 6) - New Landes Salt & Pepper Shakers (Set of 6) - New Landes 855 Fortune God - Wall Hanging Fortune God - Wall Hanging vintage 857 Blue Bottle Bong Blue Bottle Bong 863 Necklace - Costume Jewelry Lot B Necklace - Costume Jewelry Lot B 865 Necklace - Costume Jewelry Lot D Necklace - Costume Jewelry Lot D 868 Necklaces (3x) - Costume Jewelry Lot G Necklaces (3x) - Costume Jewelry Lot G 2000 Frame - Metal - Butterflies Wall Decor Frame - Metal - Butterflies Wall Decor vintage 2029 VHS Exercise Videos - Various Sealed Lot VHS Exercise Videos - Various Sealed Lot 2030 2 Speed Electric Scissors - Dural w/box 2 Speed Electric Scissors - Dural w/box vintage 2040 Bookmark - Dragon Fire Art - Kathryn Looby Bookmark - Dragon Fire Art - Kathryn Looby 2042 Creamer - Pottery Prinknash England Creamer - Pottery Prinknash England vintage 2047 Villeroy & Boch "Naif Christmas" Shoe Villeroy & Boch "Naif Christmas" Shoe vintage VITRO-Porcelaine 2048 Family in Fields Country Setting Porcelain Germany Bun/Bread Basket Porecelaine Germany "Family in Fields Country Setting" 2050 Wooden Metal Wall Cross Crucifix Lot Wooden Metal Wall Cross Crucifix Lot vintage 2051 Coasters - Decorative Christmas (2 Sets) - New Coasters - Decorative Christmas (2 Sets) - New 2058 1999 National Geographic Maps Inserts - Various 1999 National Geographic Maps Inserts - Various vintage 2059 1993 National Geographic Maps Inserts - Various 1993 National Geographic Maps Inserts - Various vintage 2060 2000 National Geographic Maps Inserts - Various 2000 National Geographic Maps Inserts - Various vintage 2067 Dragon 4 inch Dragon GreenBrier- New Sealed (3) Dragon 4 inch Dragon GreenBrier - New Sealed (3) |
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