Auction 25-134
Listing ID#: 1716307
Auction Location |
Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z9 Full Address Available on Tuesday, Mar 18 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Bidding Starts: Wednesday Mar 19 Bidding Ends: Thursday Mar 27 |
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Company Information |
Encan des Tresors Inc. Website: ID#: 4161 View company information and listings |
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Listing Terms and Conditions |
Pickup/Ramassage: Sunday, March 30, 2025 EST 12:00 p.m to 3:00 p.m.
Pickup Location/Lieu de ramassage:
Storage Facility
Access Storage - Nepean
Address: 56 Bongard Ave,
Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z9
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Payment : Invoices will be sent at the close of the auction. Buyers will be required to pay invoice either through Paypal or electronic funds transfer (e-transfer) within 24 hours of auction closing. Payments must be received before Pickup Date/Time.
Paiement: Les factures seront envoy�es � la fin de l'ench�re. Les acheteurs devront payer la facture via Paypal ou par virement �lectronique (e-transfert) dans les 24 heures suivant la cl�ture des ench�res. Les paiements doivent �tre re�us avant la date / heure de ramassage.
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Listing Information |
Auction of Collectibles, Coin Collection, Currency Bill Collectables, Foreign Currency, World Coin Collection, Stamp Collections, Souvenir Spoons, Lapel Pin Collection, Vintage Antiques and Household Items.
Vente aux ench�res d'objets de collection, collection de pi�ces de monnaie, objets de collection de billets de banque, devises �trang�res, collection de pi�ces du monde, collections de timbres, cuill�res souvenirs, collection d'�pinglettes, antiquit�s vintage et articles m�nagers.
Additional Items will be added in the next couple of days / Des articles suppl�mentaires seront ajout�s dans les prochains jours. 4006 1896 Canada Large Cent 1896 Canada Large Cent 4007 1897 Canada Large Cent 1897 Canada Large Cent 4008 1898H Canada Large Cent 1898H Canada Large Cent 4018 1914 Canada Large Cent 1914 Canada Large Cent 4020 1918 Canada Large Cent 1918 Canada Large Cent 4021 1919 Canada Large Cent 1919 Canada Large Cent 4022 1923 Canada Key Date Cent Rare 1923 Canada Key Date Cent Rare 4027 1993 Canada Cent BU UNC 1993 Canada Cent BU UNC 4028 1994 Canada Cent BU UNC 1994 Canada Cent BU UNC 4029 1998 Canada Cent ProofLike UNC 1998 Canada Cent ProofLike UNC 4030 1999 Canada Cent Specimen UNC 1999 Canada Cent Specimen UNC 4032 2000 Canada Cent ProofLike UNC 2000 Canada Cent ProofLike UNC 4037 2006P Canada Cent BU UNC 2006P Canada Cent BU UNC 4038 2006P Canada Cent Specimen UNC 2006P Canada Cent Specimen UNC 4039 2006 Logo Canada Cent BU UNC 2006 Logo Canada Cent BU UNC 4041 2008 Canada Cent BU UNC 2008 Canada Cent BU UNC 4042 2011 Canada Cent Specimen UNC 2011 Canada Cent Specimen UNC 4043 2011 Canada Cent Proof UNC Non Magnetic 2011 Canada Cent Proof UNC Non Magnetic 4044 2012 Canada Cent Specimen UNC 2012 Canada Cent Specimen UNC 4045 2012 Canada Cent Proof UNC Non Magnetic 2012 Canada Cent Proof UNC Non Magnetic 4065 1919 5 Cents Silver Canada 1919 5 Cents Silver Canada 4070 1927 5 Cents Canada 1927 5 Cents Canada 4071 1930 5 Cents Canada 1930 5 Cents Canada 4072 1933 5 Cents Canada 1933 5 Cents Canada 4073 1934 5 Cents Canada 1934 5 Cents Canada 4078 1942 Tombac 5 Cents Canada 1942 Tombac 5 Cents Canada 4079 1946 5 Cents 6 Over 6 Variety Canada 1946 5 Cents 6 Over 6 Variety Canada 4081 1951 5 Cents Adam 's Apple Variety Canada 1951 5 Cents Adam 's Apple Variety Canada 4087 2010 5 Cents Specimen UNC Canada 2010 5 Cents Specimen UNC Canada 4089 2012 5 Cents Specimen UNC Canada 2012 5 Cents Specimen UNC Canada 4090 2013 5 Cents Specimen UNC Canada 2013 5 Cents Specimen UNC Canada 4091 2014 Cents Specimen UNC Canada 2014 Cents Specimen UNC Canada 4092 2015 5 Cents Specimen UNC Canada 2015 5 Cents Specimen UNC Canada 4093 2015 5 Cents Silver Proof UNC Canada 2015 5 Cents Silver Proof UNC Canada 4110 1956 DOT 10 Cents Canada 1956 DOT 10 Cents Canada 4116 2001P 10 Cents Specimen Canada 2001P 10 Cents Specimen Canada 4118 1952 2002P 10 Cents Specimen Golden Jubilee 1952 2002P 10 Cents Specimen Golden Jubilee Canada 4119 2003P Crowned 10 Cents Prooklike Canada 2003P Crowned 10 Cents Prooklike Canada 4121 2010 10 Cents Specimen Canada 2010 10 Cents Specimen Canada 4122 2012 10 Cents Specimen Canada 2012 10 Cents Specimen Canada 4123 2012 10 Cents Proof Cameo Canada 2012 10 Cents Proof Cameo Canada 4126 2014 10 Cents Specimen Canada 2014 10 Cents Specimen Canada 4128 2015 10 Cents Silver Proof Cameo Canada 2015 10 Cents Silver Proof Cameo Canada This coin is composed of fine silver 99.99%. 4130 2020 10 Cents Silver Proof Cameo Canada 2020 10 Cents Silver Proof Cameo Canada This coin is composed of fine silver 99.99% 4131 1919 25 Cents Silver Canada 1919 25 Cents Silver Canada 4139 1968 25 Cents Silver Cameo High Grade Canada 1968 25 Cents Silver Cameo High Grade Canada 4148 1975 25 Cents High Grade BU Canada 1975 25 Cents High Grade BU Canada 4155 1982 25 Cents High Grade BU UNC Canada 1982 25 Cents High Grade BU UNC Canada 4156 1983 25 Cents Low Mintage Canada 1983 25 Cents Low Mintage Canada 4157 1984 25 Cents High Grade BU UNC Canada 1984 25 Cents High Grade BU UNC Canada 4158 2012 25 Cents High Grade BU UNC Canada 2012 25 Cents High Grade BU UNC Canada 4159 2012 25 Cents Uncirculated High Grade Canada 2012 25 Cents Uncirculated High Grade Canada 4162 2014 25 Cents Uncirculated High Grade Canada 2014 25 Cents Uncirculated High Grade Canada 4176 1999 Caribou 25 Cents ProofLike Rare Canada 1999 Caribou 25 Cents ProofLike Rare Canada 4181 1953-2003 25 Cents Sterling Silver Proof Canada 1953-2003 25 Cents Sterling Silver Proof Canada 92.5% silver, high cameo proof. 4183 2004P Poppy Colorized 25 Cents UNC Canada 2004P Poppy Colorized 25 Cents UNC Canada The first original year with poppy flower 4186 2006P Colorized Santa 25 Cents UNC Canada 2006P Colorized Santa 25 Cents UNC Canada 4187 1945 2010 Colorized Remembrance Day 25 Cents UNC 1945 2010 Colorized Remembrance Day 25 Cents UNC Canada 4205 Canada Remembers Medal Set Book Canada Remembers Medal Set Book This set was issued by the Royal Canadian Mint. 4208 1977 Canada Year Set 1977 Canada Year Set Includes the illusive 1977 50 cents. 4210 1867-1970 Prime Ministers of Canada Token Set 1867-1970 Prime Ministers of Canada Token Set 4211 Monnaies du Canada Coin Guides 1994 & 1995 Monnaies du Canada Coin Guides 1994 & 1995 Features coins, banknotes & tokens from Canada. 4213 2005 VE Day Silver Coin & Medal Set UNC 2005 VE Day Silver Coin & Medal Set UNC This set includes the special 1945-2005 sterling silver proof 5 cents. 4218 1909 2009 Montreal Canadian Hockey Stamps UNC 1909 2009 Montreal Canadian Hockey Stamps UNC 3 of the large stamps are holograms. The stamps are Mint Never Hinged. 4220 Confederate Currency Reproductions Confederate Currency Reproductions Lot of 6. 4223 1921 Germany Notgeld 3 Notes 50 Pfennigs 1921 Germany Notgeld 3 Notes 50 Pfennigs 4225 1920 Germany Notgeld 1 Mark UNC 1920 Germany Notgeld 1 Mark UNC 4227 1929 Germany 10 Marks Banknote 1929 Germany 10 Marks Banknote 4233 1975-2000 Royal Canadian Mint Nickel Token 1975-2000 Royal Canadian Mint Nickel Token Features the RCM in Winnipeg. 4234 1999/2000 Royal Canadian Mint Brass Token 1999/2000 Royal Canadian Mint Brass Token Comes with the RCM pouch. 4235 Canada 150 Copper Token Canada 150 Copper Token This large token measures 36mm. 4236 1939 Royal Visit to Canada Silver Medal Blast 1939 Royal Visit to Canada Silver Medal Blast White This medal is composed of sterling silver 92.5%. It features King & Queen George VVI. On the reverse, it features the itinerary taken across Canada by the Royal Couple. 4241 George Washington President Token George Washington President Token 4243 1980 Germany Medal Worpswede 1980 Germany Medal Worpswede 4244 1968 Germany Beer Making Competition Medal 1968 Germany Beer Making Competition Medal This large medal measures 52 mm. 4246 Ancient Roman Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD Ancient Roman Emperor Gallienus 253-268 AD This coin is composed of bronze. It measures 18 mm. 4247 1988 $1 Dollar Canada Proof UNC 1988 $1 Dollar Canada Proof UNC 4248 1989 $1 Dollar Canada Proof UNC 1989 $1 Dollar Canada Proof UNC 4249 1990 $1 Dollar Canada Proof UNC 1990 $1 Dollar Canada Proof UNC 4251 1867-1992 $1 Dollar Canada Proof UNC 1867-1992 $1 Dollar Canada Proof UNC 4252 1867-1992 $1 Dollar Canada Proof UNC 1867-1992 $1 Dollar Canada Proof UNC 4254 1994 $1 Dollar Canada UNC War Memorial 1994 $1 Dollar Canada UNC War Memorial 4257 1987-1997 $1 Dollar Flying Loon Canada Specimen 1987-1997 $1 Dollar Flying Loon Canada Specimen UNC 4263 1952-2002 $1 Dollar Canada ProofLike UNC 1952-2002 $1 Dollar Canada ProofLike UNC 4267 2005 $1 Dollar Canada ProofLike UNC 2005 $1 Dollar Canada ProofLike UNC 4269 2006 $1 Dollar Canada Logo ProofLike UNC 2006 $1 Dollar Canada Logo ProofLike UNC The coin has a scratch on the reverse. 4273 2016 $1 Dollar Maple Leaf BU Uncirculated 2016 $1 Dollar Maple Leaf BU Uncirculated 4278 2011 $2 High Grade Silver Proof Gold Plating 2011 $2 High Grade Silver Proof Gold Plating 4280 2012 $2 Old Style No Security Uncirculated From 2012 $2 Old Style No Security Uncirculated From Roll 4283 2012 $2 High Grade Proof UNC 2012 $2 High Grade Proof UNC 4285 2014 $2 Wait for Me Daddy Uncirculated From Roll 2014 $2 Wait for Me Daddy Uncirculated From Roll 4286 2015 $2 Specimen UNC 2015 $2 Specimen UNC 4287 2015 $2 John A MacDonald Uncirculated From Roll 2015 $2 John A MacDonald Uncirculated From Roll 4289 2017 $2 Polar Bear High Grade UNC from Roll 2017 $2 Polar Bear High Grade UNC from Roll 4290 2017 $2 Canada 150 High Grade UNC from Roll 2017 $2 Canada 150 High Grade UNC from Roll 4292 2017 $2 Vimy Uncirculated From Roll 2017 $2 Vimy Uncirculated From Roll 4293 2018 $2 Polar Bear Uncirculated From Roll 2018 $2 Polar Bear Uncirculated From Roll 4294 2018 $2 Armistice Colorized Uncirculated From 2018 $2 Armistice Colorized Uncirculated From Roll 4296 2019 $2 Polar Bear Uncirculated BU 2019 $2 Polar Bear Uncirculated BU 4299 1945 2020 Victory Colorized $2 Uncirculated BU 1945 2020 Victory Colorized $2 Uncirculated BU 4301 1996 $2 Specimen Finish UNC 1996 $2 Specimen Finish UNC The first Twoony. 4303 1998 $2 ProofLike Finish UNC 1998 $2 ProofLike Finish UNC Removed from a PL set 4305 1999 $2 Polar Bear ProofLike Finish UNC 1999 $2 Polar Bear ProofLike Finish UNC Removed from a PL set 4307 2000 $2 Specimen Polar Bear UNC 2000 $2 Specimen Polar Bear UNC Removed from a specimen set 4309 2000 $2 Bear Family ProofLike Unc 2000 $2 Bear Family ProofLike Unc Removed from a Mint set. 4310 2001 $2 Silver Proof Unc 2001 $2 Silver Proof Unc Removed from a Proof Set. This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure. 4311 2001 $2 Specimen Polar Bear UNC 2001 $2 Specimen Polar Bear UNC Removed from a specimen set 4312 2002-1952 $2 Golden Jubilee Uncirculated 2002-1952 $2 Golden Jubilee Uncirculated Removed from a Mint roll. 4313 2002 1952 Golden Jubilee $2 Silver Proof Unc 2002 1952 Golden Jubilee $2 Silver Proof Unc Removed from a Proof Set. This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure. 4316 2003 Crowned Portrait $2 Silver Proof Unc 2003 Crowned Portrait $2 Silver Proof Unc Removed from a Proof Set. This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure. 4317 2004 $2 Specimen Polar Bear UNC 2004 $2 Specimen Polar Bear UNC Removed from a specimen set 4318 2004 $2 ProofLike Finish UNC 2004 $2 ProofLike Finish UNC Removed from a PL set. 4319 2005 $2 ProofLike Finish UNC 2005 $2 ProofLike Finish UNC Removed from a PL set. 4320 2005 $2 Twoonie Silver Proof Unc 2005 $2 Twoonie Silver Proof Unc Removed from a Proof Set. This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure. 4321 2006 1996 $2 Specimen Double Dated UNC 2006 1996 $2 Specimen Double Dated UNC Removed from a specimen set 4322 2007 $2 Specimen Polar Bear UNC 2007 $2 Specimen Polar Bear UNC Removed from a specimen set 4323 2008 $2 ProofLike Uncirculated 2008 $2 ProofLike Uncirculated Removed from a Mint set. 4324 2008 $2 Twoonie Silver Proof Unc 2008 $2 Twoonie Silver Proof Unc Removed from a Proof Set. This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure. 4325 2009 $2 Twoonie Silver Proof Unc 2009 $2 Twoonie Silver Proof Unc Removed from a Proof Set. This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure. 4326 2011 $2 Twoonie Silver Proof Unc 2011 $2 Twoonie Silver Proof Unc Removed from a Proof Set. This coin is composed of sterling silver 92.5% pure. 4327 2011 $2 Polar Bear Uncirculated 2011 $2 Polar Bear Uncirculated Removed from a Mint roll. 4328 2015 $2 Polar Bear Uncirculated 2015 $2 Polar Bear Uncirculated Removed from a Mint roll. 4329 2018 $2 Polar Bear Uncirculated 2018 $2 Polar Bear Uncirculated Removed from a Mint roll. 4331 2020 1945 $2 Victory WW2 Colorized Uncirculated 2020 1945 $2 Victory WW2 Colorized Uncirculated Removed from a Mint roll. 4332 2021 $2 Polar Bear Uncirculated 2021 $2 Polar Bear Uncirculated Removed from a Mint roll. 4333 2021 $2 Insulin Uncirculated 2021 $2 Insulin Uncirculated Removed from a Mint roll. 4334 2021 $2 Insulin Colorized Uncirculated 2021 $2 Insulin Colorized Uncirculated Removed from a Mint roll. 4335 Test Token $2 Uncirculated Test Token $2 Uncirculated French on one side English on the other. 4337 1967 Ming Medal Ontario Canada 1967 Ming Medal Ontario Canada Interesting coin composed of metals mined in Ontario Canada. 4338 1967 Ming Medal Ontario Canada 1967 Ming Medal Ontario Canada Interesting coin composed of metals mined in Ontario Canada. 4339 Royal Canadian Mint Token in Capsule Royal Canadian Mint Token in Capsule 4340 2000 Canada Post Token 2000 Canada Post Token 4343 1983 McDonalds Token 1983 McDonalds Token 4344 1939 Royal Visit Sterling Silver 92.5% Medal 1939 Royal Visit Sterling Silver 92.5% Medal This beautiful medal depicts King George VI & Queen Mary. It also shows the map of Canada with the itinerary taken by the Royal visit to Canada. 4346 Quebec Gaming Token Quebec Gaming Token 4351 Royal Canadian Legion Token 1986 Royal Canadian Legion Token 1986 4352 George Washington Double Faced Token George Washington Double Faced Token This token is holed. |
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