Auction 25-130
Listing ID#: 1714714
Auction Location |
Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z9 Full Address Available on Saturday, Mar 15 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Bidding Starts: Sunday Mar 16 Bidding Ends: Wednesday Mar 26 |
Auction Type |
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Company Information |
Encan des Tresors Inc. Website: ID#: 4161 View company information and listings |
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Listing Terms and Conditions |
Pickup/Ramassage: Sunday, March 30, 2025 EST 12:00 p.m to 3:00 p.m.
Pickup Location/Lieu de ramassage:
Storage Facility
Access Storage - Nepean
Address: 56 Bongard Ave,
Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z9
If Pickup date is not possible, please contact us at to coordinate an alternate date/time.
Si la date de ramassage n'est pas possible, veuillez nous contacter à pour coordonner une autre date / heure.
Payment : Invoices will be sent at the close of the auction. Buyers will be required to pay invoice either through Paypal or electronic funds transfer (e-transfer) within 24 hours of auction closing. Payments must be received before Pickup Date/Time.
Paiement: Les factures seront envoyées à la fin de l'enchère. Les acheteurs devront payer la facture via Paypal ou par virement électronique (e-transfert) dans les 24 heures suivant la clôture des enchères. Les paiements doivent être reçus avant la date / heure de ramassage.
Pickup time is fixed and limited: Please come prepared with your own resources and tools to remove your purchases in a timely manner. Do not bid if you cannot attend (or arrange for) pickup at the published pickup date/time/location. Items not picked up will be considered abandoned without refund and your bidding privileges may be revoked.
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Shipping: We can assist with the shipment of goods by mail. A $10 handling fee will apply. Shipping fees are the responsibility of the buyer. Large items will not be available for shipment. Please contact us before the auction ends to confirm if a specific item can be shipped to your location. Shipping arrangements may be made by calling 613-325-2111 or e-mail and
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Pendant l'enchère - Fermeture douce: Chaque enchère faite sur un objet dans les dernières minutes de l'enchère ajoutera plus de temps (quelques minutes) à l'objet. Cela continuera jusqu'à ce que le délai écoulé soit écoulé sans que de nouvelles offres ne soient placées. Ceci est fait pour assurer la transparence et l'équité des enchères et permettre au plus offrant de gagner.
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Buyer's Premium: There is a 10% Buyer's Premium in effect for this auction and applicable retail sales taxes (13.00%) (ON).
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Listing Information |
Auction of Collectibles, Sculptures, Metal Tins, Oil Lamps, Belt Buckles, Tools, License Plates, Decorative House Decor, Figurines, Rocking Horse, AVON, Enamelware, Marilyn Monroe collectibles, Fishing Reels, Pewter, Tobacco Tins, Religious items, Paintings, Beer Steins, Metal Signs, Original Artwork, Vintage Antiques and other Household collections.
Ventes aux enchères d'objets de collection, sculptures, boîtes métalliques, lampes à huile, boucles de ceinture, outils, plaques d'immatriculation, décoration de maison, figurines, cheval à bascule, AVON, articles en émail, objets de collection Marilyn Monroe, moulinets de pêche, étain, boîtes à tabac, articles religieux, peintures, chopes à bière, métal enseignes, uvres d'art originales, antiquités vintage et autres collections ménagères.
Additional Items will be added in the next couple of days / Des articles supplémentaires seront ajoutés dans les prochains jours. 1 Fly Head Terrets Crown Swingers Horse Brass Fly Head Terrets Crown Swingers Horse Brass vintage 2 German Hiking Medal 1975 German Hiking Medal 1975 3 Wash Basin - 16� D-Dudson Wilcox & Till L. England Wash Basin - 16� D Semi Porcelain Dudson Wilcox & Till L. Manley England Clio vintage 4 Large S�vres Wash Basin D: 15.5" Green Flowers Large S�vres Wash Basin D: 15.5" Green Flowers vintage 5 Chamber Pot - 8� D Dudson Wilcox & Till L. England Chamber Pot - 8� D Semi Porcelain Dudson Wilcox & Till L. Manley England Clio vintage 6 German Hiking Medal 1975 German Hiking Medal 1975 vintage 7 German Hiking Medal 1963 German Hiking Medal 1963 8 Piggy Bank - Pottery H: 4.5" Piggy Bank - Pottery H: 4.5" vintage 9 German Hiking Medal Europe Unie German Hiking Medal Europe Unie 10 Creamer/Pitcher H: 4" Pottery Creamer/Pitcher H: 4" Pottery vintage 11 German Hiking Medal 1975 German Hiking Medal 1975 12 Asian Collectible Doll Asian Collectible Doll vintage 13 Bottle Opener Bottle Opener vintage 14 Asian Collectible Doll Asian Collectible Doll vintage 15 Miniature pewter sewing machine Miniature pewter sewing machine vintage 16 Thimble Rawcliffe Pewter Sewing Signed Thimble Rawcliffe Pewter Sewing Signed 17 Collectible Doll Collectible Doll vintage 18 Cuff Links Goldstone 1/20 12K Gold Filled Speidel Cuff Links Gemstone Goldstone 1/20 12K Gold Filled Speidel Signed 19 Beer Stein Beer Stein vintage 20 Cuff Links - Various Lot Cuff Links - Various Lot 21 Mask Inti Karanky with COA Mopa Mopa Experience Mask Inti Karanky with COA The Mopa Mopa Experience Quillacinga Tribe 22 Elf Shoe/Planter Pottery W: 7" Elf Shoe/Planter Pottery W: 7" vintage 23 Cream Pitcher 7020 McCoy USA H: 4" Cream Pitcher 7020 McCoy USA H: 4" vintage 24 Vase/Pitcher Pottery H: 5" Vase/Pitcher Pottery H: 5" vintage 25 Vase Pottery H: 4" Vase Pottery H: 4" vintage 26 2002 Budweiser Holiday Stein w/Box and COA 2002 Budweiser Holiday Stein Guiding The Way Home with Box. Certificate of Authenticity. 27 9-11 New York City Memorial Stamp Plush Bear 2002 9-11 New York City Memorial Stamp Plush Teddy Bear 2002 vintage 28 The God Bless Our Firemen Plush Bear The God Bless Our Firemen Plush Bear vintage 29 The God Bless Our Postal Workers Plush Bear The God Bless Our Postal Workers Plush Bear vintage 30 Britannia Bear TY Plush vintage Sealed New Britannia Bear TY Plush vintage Sealed New 31 Rocket - Beanie Babies TY Plush Rocket - Beanie Babies TY Plush vintage 32 Panda Bear TY Plush Panda Bear TY Plush vintage 33 Bear TY Plush Bear TY Plush vintage 34 "Sugar" Maplefoot Babies Plush "Sugar" Maplefoot Babies Plush vintage 35 1998 Budweiser Holiday Stein w/Box and COA 1998 Budweiser Holiday Stein Grant's Farm Holiday with Box. Certificate of Authenticity. 36 "I WUF You" Dog Teddy Bear Fiesta "I WUF You" Dog Teddy Bear Fiesta vintage 37 Wall Art Decor Wall Art Decor 38 I'd Rather Be Playing Hockey Wall Decor I'd Rather Be Playing Hockey Wall Decor vintage 39 Wine Bottle Holder Carved Wood Holland Shoe Clog Wine Bottle Holder Carved Wood Holland Shoe Clog Style Tropical Island vintage 40 You Miss 100% Of The Shots You Don't Take Wall Dec You Miss 100% Of The Shots You Don't Take Wall Decor Wayne Gretzky vintage 41 Red Roes Tea Cards - Various (52x) Red Roes Tea Cards - Various (52x) vintage 42 Horses Wall Decor Wall Hanging Horses Wall Decor Wall Hanging 43 Metal Wall Art 2 Pieces 24" Candle Holders Metal Wall Art 2 Pieces 24" Candle Holders vintage 44 Glass Washboard Laundry Glass Washboard Laundry vintage 45 Pereiras Vase Hand Painted Portugal H:12" Pereiras Vase Hand Painted Portugal H:12" vintage 46 Hand Painted Saw Artwork Hand Painted Saw Artwork vintage 47 Plate Maling Newcastle On Tyne England W: 11" Plate Maling Newcastle On Tyne England W: 11" vintage 48 Mask - Brass Wall Hanging Made in India Mask - Brass Wall Hanging Made in India vintage 49 Teapot, Creamer & Sugar Bombay Blue & White Teapot, Creamer & Sugar Bombay Blue & White vintage 50 Chip & Dip Pewter Shell Hors D'vre Wilton Armetale Chip & Dip Pewter Shell Hors D'vre Wilton Armetale vintage 51 Hand Painted Saw Artwork Signed by Artist Hand Painted Saw Artwork Signed by Artist vintage 52 Thanksgiving Duck Figurine Resin Faux Wood Thanksgiving Duck Figurine Resin Faux Wood vintage 53 Wood Sculptures - Various Artists Signed (6x) Lot Wood Sculptures - Various Artists Signed (6x) Lot 54 Bar Lot Bar Lot 55 Couple on a Swing Figurine The Natelia Collection Couple on a Swing Figurine The Natelia Collection vintage 56 Wood Duck Sculptures (2x) Different Artists-Signed Wood Duck Sculptures (2x) Different Artists - Signed Lot 57 Kodak Digital Picture Frame / Dragon Frame Kodak Digital Picture Frame / Dragon Frame vintage 58 Wooden Wall Art Wooden Wall Art vintage 59 Plate with Pressed Dried Flowers Odette Dallaire Plate with Pressed Dried Flowers Odette Dallaire Signed vintage 60 Candy Dish Pottery H: 4" Candy Dish Pottery H: 4" vintage 61 Plate BCM Nelson Ware England Plate BCM Nelson Ware England vintage 62 Plate H&K Tunstall England Plate H&K Tunstall England vintage 63 Plate - Zion Lutheran Church 50th Anniversary Plate - Zion Lutheran Church 50th Anniversary 22K Gold vintage 64 Plate - Czecho-Slovakia Plate - Czecho-Slovakia vintage 65 Plate - St. James Anglican Church 22K Gold Plate - St. James Anglican Church 22K Gold vintage 66 "Cockles & Mussels! All Alive-O!" Plate J&G Meakin "Cockles & Mussels! All Alive-O!" Plate J&G Meakin Sunshine England vintage 67 Plate England Plate England vintage 68 Ballroom Dancers Sculpture A. Santini signed Ballroom Dancers Sculpture Figurine A. Santini Signed Made in Italy vintage Note: Small chip on side of sculpture, see picture. 69 "Spring Time" Serving Platter B&C Limoges France "Spring Time" Serving Platter B&C Limoges France L. Bernardaud & Co. vintage 70 Christmas Plate-1973 Bareuther Waldsassen Bavaria Bareuther Waldsassen Bavaria Germany Limited Edition Christmas Plate - 1973 - 7.75" Diameter 71 Serving Dish Germany 12" Serving Dish Germany 12" vintage 72 Vase Pottery H: 5" Vase Pottery H: 5" vintage 73 Metal Wine Bottle Holder Metal Wine Bottle Holder vintage Note: Wine bottles not included. 74 Miniature Vase (2x) Lot vintage Miniature Vase (2x) Lot vintage Note: One of the vase's has been repaired, see picture 75 Salad Bowl West Germany 11" Pottery Salad Bowl West Germany 11" Pottery vintage 76 Glass Dolphin Figurine Glass Dolphin Figurine vintage 77 Birds Figurine Handpainted Lot Birds Figurine Handpainted Lot 78 Costume Jewelry with Jewelry Box Costume Jewelry with Jewelry Box vintage 79 Mug Lot (2x) Mug Lot (2x) vintage 80 Wall Hanging Handpainted Wall Hanging Handpainted vintage 81 Casserole Dish w/Cover Fire King Bowl 1.5 Quart Casserole Dish w/Cover Fire King Bowl 1.5 Quart Peach Anchor Hocking vintage 82 Oriental Soup Bowls with Wonton Soup Spoons Oriental Soup Bowls with Wonton Soup Spoons vintage 83 Singing Christmas Puppy with Box Singing Christmas Puppy with Box vintage 84 Magic Box Crazy Bones Figurines - Various (6x) Magic Box Crazy Bones Figurines - Various (6x) vintage 85 Carved Black Onyx Dolphin Paperweight Carved Black Onyx Dolphin Paperweight vintage 87 Player's Tin with Tobacco for Pipe Player's Tin with Tobacco for Pipe vintage 88 "Twilight Serenade" Plate - D.L. "Rusty" Rust COA "Twilight Serenade" Plate - D.L. "Rusty" Rust w/COA vintage 89 Dragon Decor (3x) Lot Dragon Decor (3x) Lot vintage 90 "The Hay Sleigh Kids" Plate Georgia Jarvis "The Hay Sleigh Kids" Plate Georgia Jarvis vintage 91 "Bedford Mills" Plate James Lorimer Keirstead "Bedford Mills" Plate James Lorimer Keirstead vintage 92 "Here Comes the Bride" Plate Jeanne Down Knowles "Here Comes the Bride" Plate Jeanne Down Knowles vintage 93 "Coming Home" Plate Stewart Sherwood "Coming Home" Plate Stewart Sherwood vintage 94 "Happy Anniversary" Wedding Anniversary Plate "Happy Anniversary" Wedding Anniversary Plate vintage 95 "The Story Teller" Plate Norman Rockwell COA Box "The Story Teller" Plate Norman Rockwell Knowles with COA & Box vintage 96 Dragon Wood Kit - New / Dragon Magazine/Keychain Dragon Wood Kit - New / Dragon Magazine/Keychain vintage 98 Lunchbox / Baby Bib - Dragon - New Lunchbox / Baby Bib - Dragon - New vintage 99 Dragon Puzzle, Frame, Figurines Lot Dragon Puzzle, Frame, Figurines Lot vintage 100 Teapot Gibsons Staffordshire England Teapot Gibsons Staffordshire England vintage 101 Crystal Table Lamp Bohemian Mantel Crystal Table Lamp Bohemian Mantel vintage Note: Missing 2 Crystals around base, see pictures. 102 Sheres Vase Glass Italy Hand Painted 10" Sheres Vase Glass Italy Hand Painted 10" vintage 103 Frog Decor / Puzzle/Game - Various Lot Frog Decor / Puzzle/Game - Various Lot vintage 104 Vases / Decor Lot Various Artists Signed Vases / Decor Lot Various Artists Signed vintage 105 Build the Dragon - Build a Moving Dragon Build the Dragon - Build a Moving Dragon vintage 106 "Dragons of the World" 100 Piece Puzzle Dragonoloy "Dragons of the World" 100 Piece Puzzle Dragonology vintage 108 Shillelagh Carved Fighting Stick Club 14" Shillelagh Carved Fighting Stick Club 14" vintage 109 Handmade Figurines / Chess Pieces Handmade Figurines / Chess Pieces vintage Note: Some pieces missing/broken i.e weapon 110 Letter Opener Handcarved Wood Kenya 13" Letter Opener Handcarved Wood Kenya 13" vintage 111 Sculpture - Wood 11" Sculpture - Wood 11" vintage 113 Household Decor - Various Lot Household Decor - Various Lot vintage 114 Ms. Piggy Plastic & Plush Doll (2x) Muppets NHL Ms. Piggy Plastic & Plush Doll (2x) Muppets NHL Conference vintage 115 Horseshoe Candle Holder Cast Iron Heavy H:7.5" Horseshoe Candle Holder Cast Iron Heavy H;7.5" vintage 116 Cabbage Patch Doll Stamped Xavier Roberts Cabbage Patch Doll Stamped Xavier Roberts vintage 117 MAD Magazine No 237 MAD Magazine No 237 vintage 119 Shield Wall Hanging 12" Shield Wall Hanging 12" vintage 123 Basket Filled with Various Buttons Basket Filled with Various Buttons vintage 124 Oil Lamp 18" Homesteader Oil Lamp 18" Homesteader vintage 130 Souvenir Spoon Festung Hohensalzburg Souvenir Spoon Festung Hohensalzburg vintage 131 Souvenir Spoons with Rack Lot A Souvenir Spoons with Rack Lot A vintage 132 Souvenir Spoons with Rack Lot B Souvenir Spoons with Rack Lot B vintage 133 Souvenir Spoons with Rack Lot C Souvenir Spoons with Rack Lot C vintage 135 Souvenir Spoons Mexico Carved Jade Aztec (2x) Lot Souvenir Spoons Mexico Carved Jade Aztec (2x) Lot vintage 140 Swazi Candle - Bird Hand made in Swaziland Swazi Candle - Bird Hand made in Swaziland vintage 141 Swazi Candle - Bird Hand made in Swaziland Swazi Candle - Bird Hand made in Swaziland vintage 142 Swazi Candle - Bird Hand made in Swaziland Swazi Candle - Bird Hand made in Swaziland vintage 144 Swazi Candle - Bird Hand made in Swaziland Swazi Candle - Bird Hand made in Swaziland vintage 145 Swazi Candle - Bird Hand made in Swaziland Swazi Candle - Bird Hand made in Swaziland vintage 146 Swazi Candle - Bird Hand made in Swaziland Swazi Candle - Bird Hand made in Swaziland vintage 147 Frames - Flowers (8x) lot Frames - Flowers (8x) lot vintage 148 Frames w/Prints (3x) Stanhope A. Forbes, A.R.A. lt Frames w/Prints (3x) Stanhope A. Forbes, A.R.A. lot vintage 150 Delaware & Hudson Passenger Cars / Modern Rail Si Delaware & Hudson Passenger Cars / Modern Rail Signals John Cook Printed in Canada 15" x 20" vintage 151 Teapot with Matching Cups & Serving Tray Pier 1 Teapot with Matching Cups & Serving Tray Pier 1 152 Drawer Pull Set of 10x Brushed Aluminum Squares 2 Drawer Pull Set of 10x Brushed Aluminum Squares 2" vintage 156 Figurines - Pewter Lot Figurines - Pewter Lot vintage 157 Pressed Glass Coasters (6x) Italy Primrose Plate Pressed Glass Coasters (6x) Italy Primrose Plate vintage 160 Beer Mugs (5x) lot Beer Mugs (5x) lot vintage 161 Column Capital Replica Roman Basilica of Vezelay Column Capital Replica Roman Basilica of Vezelay vintage 165 Beer Mug Pottery H: 6" Beer Mug Pottery H: 6" vintage |
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