Auction 25-132
Listing ID#: 1716281
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Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z9 Full Address Available on Tuesday, Mar 18 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Bidding Starts: Wednesday Mar 19 Bidding Ends: Thursday Mar 27 |
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Encan des Tresors Inc. Website: ID#: 4161 View company information and listings |
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Pickup/Ramassage: Sunday, March 30, 2025 EST 12:00 p.m to 3:00 p.m.
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Address: 56 Bongard Ave,
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Listing Information |
Auction of Collectibles, Coin Collection, Currency Bill Collectables, Foreign Currency, World Coin Collection, Stamp Collections, Souvenir Spoons, Lapel Pin Collection, Vintage Antiques and Household Items.
Vente aux ench�res d'objets de collection, collection de pi�ces de monnaie, objets de collection de billets de banque, devises �trang�res, collection de pi�ces du monde, collections de timbres, cuill�res souvenirs, collection d'�pinglettes, antiquit�s vintage et articles m�nagers.
Additional Items will be added in the next couple of days / Des articles suppl�mentaires seront ajout�s dans les prochains jours. 7701 King of the Mountain Original Print & Stamp Frame King of the Mountain Original Print & Stamp Frame This is an original 1998 print by Marten Visser. It is signed and numbered. The oak frame measures 26x 21 inches. North American Wildlife Series. 7703 Canada $2 Dollars Banknotes 1937 Framed Canada $2 Dollars Banknotes 1937 Framed Includes 1937, 1954, 1974 & 1986 banknotes. The frame measures 17x13 inches. 7704 Toronto Maple Leafs Stanley Cup Hockey Print Toronto Maple Leafs Stanley Cup Hockey Print The print measures 16x11 inches. 7705 Tim Horton Toronto Maple Leafs Print &Stamp Hockey Tim Horton Toronto Maple Leafs Print & Stamp Hockey This is an official NHL product. It was issued in 2002 by Canada Post. The print measures 14x11 inches. 7706 Master Lock Metal Cash Box Master Lock Metal Cash Box It comes with 2 keys and 1 tray. It measures 10x7x4 inches. 7707 Master Lock Metal Cash Box Master Lock Metal Cash Box It comes with 2 keys and 1 tray. It measures 10x7x4 inches. 7708 Metal Carrying Case for Coins Metal Carrying Case for Coins Fits 150 2x2 flips perfectly. Strong & Safe build for you coin collection. It measures 10.5 x7.5 x2 inches. 7709 Metal Carrying Case for Coins Metal Carrying Case for Coins Fits 150 2x2 flips perfectly. Strong & Safe build for you coin collection. It measures 10.5 x7.5 x2 inches. 7710 1968 to 1987 Complete $1 Set Glass Case 1968 to 1987 Complete $1 Set Glass Case This set features 21 Uncirculated $1 Dollar coins that were removed from prestige sets. They are all high grade uncirculated coins. They are nicely placed in an old glass cover presentation case with extra spo... 7711 1968 to 1994 Canada 50 Cents Set Glass Case 1968 to 1994 Canada 50 Cents Set Glass Case This set features 19 coins. They are all high grade uncirculated coins. They are nicely placed in an old glass cover presentation case with extra spots to grow the collection. 7712 Cast Iron Press French Lumber Company Antique Cast Iron Press French Lumber Company Antique This old press works fine. An incredible peace of the Ottawa Valley history. 7713 Bronze Horse & Marble Book End Bronze Horse & Marble Book End This antique French piece dates back to the early 1900s. The marble base measures 15 x 7x 2 cm. 7714 Chinese Walnut Good Luck Charm Chinese Walnut Good Luck Charm It measures approx. 13 x 44 cm. 7715 Cow Horn Cow Horn This is an authentic bovine horn. Perfect piece to make an �old School� hearing aide. It measures approx. 13 inches. 7715 Signed Blue Jays Baseball with Pedestal by Honda Signed Blue Jays Baseball with Pedestal by Honda 7717 NHL Hockey 30 Teams Bottle Caps NHL Hockey 30 Teams Bottle Caps 7718 Large World Coins in Vintage Album Large World Coins in Vintage Album This album includes 17 old large size coins in excellent condition. 7719 96 World Coins in Vintage Album 96 World Coins in Vintage Album 7720 Tim Horton Hockey Sticks NHL. Tim Horton Hockey Sticks NHL. 6 sticks in their original boxes. 7723 Great Britain Half Pennies 1861-1963 Great Britain Half Pennies 1861-1963 20 bronze coins are included. 7724 Great Britain Half Pennies 1876-1966 Great Britain Half Pennies 1876-1966 20 bronze coins are included. 7726 Great Britain Pennies 1861-1966 Great Britain Pennies 1861-1966 20 bronze coins are included. 7727 Different Merchant Tokens Different Merchant Tokens 10 transportation, casino, bridge and others. 7728 Different Merchant Tokens Different Merchant Tokens 10 transportation, amusement, bridge and others. 7729 Ancient Chinese Cash Coins Ancient Chinese Cash Coins 10 coins included in this lot in a protective sleeve. 7730 Chinese Fen Coins Chinese Fen Coins 12 coins included in this lot in a protective sleeve. A few are uncirculated. 1976 to 1991 7731 USA Lincoln Cents 1910 to 1958 USA Lincoln Cents 1910 to 1958 54 different coins included in this lot in a protective sleeve. 7732 Canada High Grade 5 Cents 1963-2010 Canada High Grade 5 Cents 1963-2010 30 different Mint State uncirculated coins removed from Royal Canadian Mint sets. They are nicely presented in a protective sleeve. 7733 USA Washington Quarters 25c 1965 to 1973 USA Washington Quarters 25c 1965 to 1973 9 different coins included in this lot. They are nice collector grades. 7734 Canada Silver 5 Cents 1910 to 1920 Canada Silver 5 Cents 1910 to 1920 These 10 small sterling silver coins feature King Edward VII and King George V. 7735 96 World Coins in Vintage Album 96 World Coins in Vintage Album 7736 Canada 5 Cents 1936 to 2017 Canada 5 Cents 1936 to 2017 These 30 coins are in protective holders. 7737 Canada 10 Cents 1968 to 2018 Canada 10 Cents 1968 to 2018 The 47 coins are Mint State Uncirculated. They are carefully placed in a protective holder. 7738 Miscellaneous Tokens Miscellaneous Tokens 20 Canadian & USA tokens. 7739 USA Eisenhower Dimes 10c 1965 to 2016 USA Eisenhower Dimes 10c 1965 to 2016 42 different coins included in this lot. They are nice collector grades. 7740 USA Lincoln Cents 1914 to 2014 USA Lincoln Cents 1914 to 2014 72 different coins included in this lot in a protective sleeve. 7741 Canada 10 Cents 1968 to 2024 Canada 10 Cents 1968 to 2024 Many of the 56 coins are Mint State Uncirculated. They are carefully placed in a protective holder. 7742 USA Jefferson Nickels 5 Cents 1956 to 2014 USA Jefferson Nickels 5 Cents 1956 to 2014 52 different coins included in this lot in a protective sleeve. 7743 Canada $1 Dollars High Grade UNC Canada $1 Dollars High Grade UNC The 6 coins are uncirculated high grade coins. 1968 to 1974. 7744 Canada $1 Dollars High Grade UNC Canada $1 Dollars High Grade UNC The 6 coins are uncirculated high grade coins. 1968 to 1974. 7745 Canada 25 Cents 1968 to 1997 Canada 25 Cents 1968 to 1997 Many of the 28 coins are Mint State Uncirculated. They are carefully placed in a protective holder. 7746 USA Indian Head Pennies 1880 to 1903 USA Indian Head Pennies 1880 to 1903 This lot includes 8 coins. 7747 USA Indian Head Pennies 1880 to 1907 USA Indian Head Pennies 1880 to 1907 This lot includes 8 coins. 7748 1920 to 2012 Canada Cents 1920 to 2012 Canada Cents This lot includes 35 coins. 7749 USA Wheat Cents Pennies 1909 to 1949 USA Wheat Cents Pennies 1909 to 1949 91 coins from the 3 different US Mints Philadelphia, San Francisco and Denver. 7750 USA Jefferson Nickels 1946 to 1970 USA Jefferson Nickels 1946 to 1970 45 coins from the 3 different US Mints Philadelphia, San Francisco and Denver. 7751 Canada Uncirculated 10 Cents Set Canada Uncirculated 10 Cents Set Includes coins from 1974 to 1980. These are uncirculated coins removed from Royal Canadian Mint sets. 7752 1920 to 1981 Canada Cents in Old Album 1920 to 1981 Canada Cents in Old Album This lot includes 64 coins. 7753 Canada 50 Cents Collection Canada 50 Cents Collection Includes 34 coins from 1968 to 2007. The majority of coins are uncirculated. 7754 Stonehenge Replica Stonehenge Replica This piece measures 57mm across. 7755 Loon Bank Solid Brass Loon Bank Solid Brass This vintage bank measures approx. 145 x 130 x 45 mm. 7756 Antique Binoculars Brass & Leather Antique Binoculars Brass & Leather Jockey Club Brand likely used at the horse races, circa 1930s. 7757 Military Pin Lot Military Pin Lot Includes 10 Canadian pins. 7758 Lapel Pin Lot Lapel Pin Lot Includes 21 pins. 7759 Lapel Pin Lot Lapel Pin Lot Includes 35 pins. 7760 Canada Flag Lapel Pin Lot Canada Flag Lapel Pin Lot Includes 29 pins. 7761 Russia & China Banknotes in Solid Brass Frame Russia & China Banknotes in Solid Brass Frame The frames are made of solid brass and glass. The old banknotes are perfectly protected. The frames measure 7x5 inches. 7762 China & Croatia Banknotes in Solid Brass Frame China & Croatia Banknotes in Solid Brass Frame The frames are made of solid brass and glass. The old banknotes are perfectly protected. The large frame measure 7x5 inches 7763 USA Deception Dollars $1 Bundle of 100 Notes USA Deception Dollars $1 Bundle of 100 Notes US George W. Bush 911 Political propaganda notes. 7764 Canada 1967 Silver Coins Unc in Wood Case Canada 1967 Silver Coins Unc in Wood Case 1967 silver 25 cents & 50 cents. Both coins are Mint State uncirculated. They are featured in a nice wood & glass presentation case. 7765 John Paul II 1984 Canada Medal John Paul II 1984 Canada Medal 7766 Old Coin Lot in Tobacco Tin Old Coin Lot in Tobacco Tin 7767 2004 Olympic Loon $1 Signed Case 2004 Olympic Loon $1 Signed Case The case is signed by the Canadian Olympic Athlete Faazil Kassam. 7768 International Coin Collection International Coin Collection This lot features over 130 coins from 21 countries. The majority of coins are uncirculated. Sierra Leone, Vietnam, Korea, Nepal, Philippines, Sudan to name a few. 7769 1945 2005 Bronze Medal with Information Booklet 1945 2005 Bronze Medal with Information Booklet This is medal was issued by the Royal Canadian Mint. 7770 Bushnell Binoculars 7x35 with Case Bushnell Binoculars 7x35 with Case There binoculars are in excellent condition. 7771 Lead Soldiers Hand Painted Antiques Lead Soldiers Hand Painted Antiques This lot features 13 small lead soldiers. The represent the Napoleonic Wars of the 1700s. These date back to 1920-1940. 7772 1982 Pennies in Lucite 1982 Pennies in Lucite 7773 1965 Crown Winston Churchill Roll 1965 Crown Winston Churchill Roll This is a roll of 20 large crown coins from Great Britain. They bare the portrait of Winston Churchill. 7774 Canada ProofLike Sets in Album Canada ProofLike Sets in Album These special albums were issued by the Royal Canadian Mint and are branded as such. This album includes the following 8 sets: 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1976 & 1977. The coins are all uncirculated and sealed... 7775 Canada ProofLike Sets in Album Canada ProofLike Sets in Album These special albums were issued by the Royal Canadian Mint and are branded as such. This album includes the following 8 sets: 1968, 1969, 1970, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975 & 1976. The coins are all uncirculated and sealed... 7776 Banknote Printing Samples Banknote Printing Samples Includes 4 sheets of printing samples. 7777 USA $5 Printing Sample 1899 USA $5 Printing Sample 1899 This sample was issued by the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing. This was issued in 1988. It is uniface. 7778 American Bank Note Compy Printing Sample 1788-1988 American Bank Note Company Printing Sample 1788-1988 Commemorating the 200th anniversary of eight states 1788-1988. Intaglio Printing, 7779 American Bank Note Company Printing Sample Hawaii American Bank Note Company Printing Sample Hawaii Republic of Hawaii $5 sample. 7780 American Bank Note Company Printing Sample Hawaii American Bank Note Company Printing Sample Hawaii Republic of Hawaii $100 sample. 7781 1961 Rare Cuba Specimen Banknote Set 1961 Rare Cuba Specimen Banknote Set This set has a catalog value of $1000. The notes are well identified with Pick numbers The 6 banknotes are uncirculated. 7782 1967 1992 Canada Coin Set Silver 1967 1992 Canada Coin Set Silver Two of the coins are composed of silver. 7783 1999 Millennium Canada Coin Set 1999 Millennium Canada Coin Set 7784 1992 125th Ann. Canada Coin Set 1992 125th Ann. Canada Coin Set The coins are all Mint State Uncirculated. 7785 2000 Millennium Canada Coin Set 2000 Millennium Canada Coin Set The coins are all Mint State Uncirculated. 7786 1999 Millennium Canada Coin Set 1999 Millennium Canada Coin Set The coins are all Mint State Uncirculated. 7787 1992 125th Ann. Canada Coin Set 1992 125th Ann. Canada Coin Set The coins are all Mint State Uncirculated. 7788 1994 Canada Year Set Coin 1994 Canada Year Set Coin The coins are all Mint State Uncirculated. 7790 1999 Millennium Canada Coin Set 1999 Millennium Canada Coin Set The coins are all ProofLike Uncirculated. 7791 1953 British South Africa Stock Bond 1953 British South Africa Stock Bond Colorful document with Original signatures. 7792 Antique Ice Cream Machine Antique Ice Cream Machine From Coaticook Quebec, Work�s Great! 7793 Antique Owl Plush Seal Skin Leather Antique Owl Plush Seal Skin Leather It is a bit odd looking but it is an owl. It measures approx. 20 inches. 7794 Antique Teddy Bear Plush Antique Teddy Bear Plush It is articulated. It measures approx. 20 inches. 7795 1979 Canada 12 Provinces Stamp Covers 1979 Canada 12 Provinces Stamp Covers This set comes in a hinged box. The 12 First Day Covers feature the flags for all provinces & Territories. 7796 Canadian Coin Collection in Old Rigid Holders Canadian Coin Collection in Old Rigid Holders 43 coins are included in this box. The oldest is a 1 cent from 1901. The youngest is the $1 1987 in Mint State. Includes: 1 � 5 � 10 � 25 & 50 cents coins plus a $1 coin. There are a few e... 7798 Littleton Coin Collection from the 1970s. Littleton Coin Collection from the 1970s. Over 130 International coins included in this set. Many are uncirculated as per the description on the manila envelopes. 7799 1976 Canada Uncirculated Year Set 1976 Canada Uncirculated Year Set 7800 1977 Canada Uncirculated Year Set 1977 Canada Uncirculated Year Set 7801 1977 Canada Uncirculated Year Set 1977 Canada Uncirculated Year Set 7802 1978 Canada Uncirculated Year Set 1978 Canada Uncirculated Year Set 7803 International Coin Collection in Album International Coin Collection in Album This album features 96 coins coming from India, Israel, Jamaica, Venezuela, Barbados, Trinidad, Suriname, Netherlands, Guyana and others. 7804 Canada Cents in Vinyl Album Canada Cents in Vinyl Album This folder includes 43 cents dating between 1920 & 1989. 7805 Canada Cents in Vinyl Album Canada Cents in Vinyl Album This folder includes 69 cents dating between 1938 & 1947. Many duplications 7806 US Jefferson Nickel 5c in Whitman Album US Jefferson Nickel 5c in Whitman Album This folder includes 16 5cents dating between 1939 & 1959. 7807 US Jefferson Nickel 5c in Whitman Album US Jefferson Nickel 5c in Whitman Album This folder includes 20 5cents dating between 1939 & 1961. 7808 Canada Cents in Whitman Album Canada Cents in Whitman Album This folder includes 52 cents dating between 1920 & 1972. 7809 Canada Cents in Whitman Album Canada Cents in Whitman Album This folder includes 49 cents dating between 1920 & 1972. 7810 Canada 5 Cents in Whitman Album Canada 5 Cents in Whitman Album This folder includes 55 5cents dating between 1922 & 1980. 7811 US State Quarters in Album 25Cents US State Quarters in Album 25Cents This folder includes 45 25cents dating between 1999 & 2008. They are all different. The majority are Mint State. 7812 Canada 50 Cents in Album 1984 -2022 Canada 50 Cents in Album 1984 -2022 This folder includes 34 50cents dating between 1984 & 2022. They are all different. They are all Mint State Uncirculated. This sets includes the rarer 2021 with the portrait of King George VI. 7813 High End US Stamp Collection High End US Stamp Collection This album includes 320 stamps. Some stamps are used and others are Mint State. The stamps date between 1882 & 1948. Every page is protected in a plastic sleeve. 7814 High End US Stamp Collection High End US Stamp Collection This album includes 290 stamps. The majority of stamps are used. The stamps date between 1948 & 1973. Every page is protected in a plastic sleeve. 7816 Ajman Sealed Stamp Sheets Sports & Aerospace Ajman Sealed Stamp Sheets Sports & Aerospace 7817 1977 Queen Elizabeth Crown & Stamp Cover 1977 Queen Elizabeth Crown & Stamp Cover This special issue stamp & coin First Day Cover was issued to commemorate QE2�s silver Jubilee in 1977. 7818 Canada ProoLike Set 1986 to 1990 Canada ProoLike Set 1986 to 1990 5 Royal Canadian Mint sets are included. The coins are all uncirculated and sealed. 7819 Canada ProoLike Set 1992 to 1996 Canada ProoLike Set 1992 to 1996 5 Royal Canadian Mint sets are included. The coins are all uncirculated and sealed. 7820 1983 Canada Proof Set in Hard Holder 1983 Canada Proof Set in Hard Holder 6 Uncirculated PROOF coins in a high quality rigid holder. 7821 1996 $2 Specimen Strike on Card 1996 $2 Specimen Strike on Card One of the scarcer 1996 toonies still sealed in the Royal Canadian Mint card. 7822 1996 $2 Specimen Strike & 1986 Banknote 1996 $2 Specimen Strike & 1986 Banknote One of the scarcer 1996 toonies still sealed in the Royal Canadian Mint card. The $2 banknote is mint state. 7823 2012 1812 War Canada Coin Set 2012 1812 War Canada Coin Set 9 uncirculated coins sealed in their original packaging from the Mint. 7824 2017 Stanley Cup 25c Set 2017 Stanley Cup 25c Set 10 uncirculated coins sealed in their original packaging from the Mint. 7825 1916 2016 Women�s Vote $1 Canada Coin Set 1916 2016 Women�s Vote $1 Canada Coin Set 5 uncirculated coins sealed in their original packaging from the Mint. 7826 France Euro Coin Set 1999 2001 France Euro Coin Set 1999 2001 7 uncirculated coins, these are amongst the first Euro coins issued for the European union. 7827 1995 Canada War Memorial $1 on Collector Card 1995 Canada War Memorial $1 on Collector Card The coin is uncirculated. 7828 1997 1998W 1999P Canada 50c Varieties 1997 1998W 1999P Canada 50c Varieties 3 uncirculated coins, these are amongst the harder varieties to find in this series. 7829 2015 2016 2017 Canada 50c Varieties 2015 2016 2017 Canada 50c Varieties 4 uncirculated coins in protective holders. 7830 Colorful Canada 25c Varieties Colorful Canada 25c Varieties 12 different coins included in a protective holder. |
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