Greg Parr Estate Auction - LIVE AUCTION ONLY
Andrews Auction Service
LOCATED: E. 8111 Marshall Ave., Strum, Wis. � Directions: 3 miles south of Brackett, Wis on Co. Hwy. D to Marshall Ave., Then right � mile to sale. � OR � 9 miles north of Strum, Wis. On Co. Hwy. D to Marshall Ave., then left � mile to sale. Watch for signs.
Lucy's Lunch Wagon & Restrooms
Selling will be the Estate of Greg Parr, including a large selection of New Hand Tools, Tool chests, Power tools, Car, Antiques, Collectibles, and Household. Plan to join us for an interesting auction! Dress for the weather, sale is being held outside!
SALE ORDER � Small tools, household and antiques sell first, followed by larger items. Car will sell at NOON.
HOUSEHOLD / ANTIQUES / COLLECTIBLES� Singer & Minnesota Treadle sewing machines; Oak roll top desk; Full size bed; Entry storage bench; Kitchen table and chairs; 3 Luncheon tables & chairs; older upright freezer; Rolling bin w/ trays; Weider weight machine; Stainless shelving; Suncast yard cabinets; Stereo equipment; Hundreds of Vinyl 33 & 45 rpm records, CD's, and 8 track tapes, (many unopened); Oak cupboard; Camo & Military coats; Oak bunk bed frame; Daybed; Vintage bar stool; Maxfield Parrish �Ecstasy� print; Indian Chief Pictures; Other prints & pictures; Spanish posters; Lamps; Office equipment & supplies; Miniature spoon collection; Games; Youth size guitar; Stradivarius Copy Violin w/ case; Ton-Klar German Violin w/ case; Washburn Guitar; Leaded glass window; New cribs & youth bed; Medical supplies; New material; New candles; Kids farm toys; Totes; New TV tables; Luggage; Bags of packing peanuts; Blow mold d�cor; Halloween d�cor; Boxes of NEW Kitchen supplies; Canning Jars & supplies; New light fixtures; New infrared heaters & fans; old doors; Nautilus treadmill; wrap around kids fencing / gates; Entry rugs; Porta pets; folding lawn chairs; New Hunter Fan light; Wheel chairs; Compound bows & arrows; usual misc. household items.
NEW TOOLS� (Greg loved to shop !) � Floor jacks; Kids mighty digger; Rockwell Jaw Horse; B&D Work mate; Master Force Work stand; Rockwell Work Station; DeWalt Planer; Many Power Hand Tools of all kinds; Painting supplies; Ratchet straps; Drill bits; Very Large selection of Various sets of Hand Tools, Extension cords, clamps, Nylon rope, etc.; Shop rags;
SHOP TOOLS � Craftsman 3-section Rolling Tool Chest, ball bearing drawers; Clarke Rolling Tool Chest, 5 drawer; red rolling stands; platform dollys; 2-wheel dolly cart; 4400# Pallet jack; Hand tools; Craftsman 10� Radial Arm Saw; Pro-Tech Table Saw; B&D Miter saw; Porter Cable upright portable Air Compressor; Oxy-Acet Torch set; older generator; receiver hitches; older wood burning furnace; 6� bench grinder; Aluminum trailer ramps; Fast Track racking; Wooden shelving units; Cosco Multi-Ladder; Painting Scaffolding on rollers; Metal scaffolding; Keller K -Pro 32' Fiberglass extension ladders; Keller aluminum 6' step ladder; Cherry Picker; HD saw horses; Chains & Binders; Pipe vise; Spools of new electrical wire; New Building Supplies; Lots of Hardware; White metal sheets of siding; Wooden steps; Orient 42� portable fan; Tires & rims; Paints & Stains; Lumber; Cement blocks; Pavers; Bricks; Shovels, Rakes, Axes, Mauls, etc.
LAWN & YARD ITEMS � Toro 60V Cordless Lawn mower; Toro Personal Pace self-propelled Lawn Mower; older Cub Cadet lawn tractor; Ariens Deluxe 27� Snow Blower; 4-Wheel Yard Wagon; Patio LP heater; Bike rack; Plastic stack chairs;
SMALL ANIMAL ITEMS -- 2) new Chicken cages / nests; Small animal cages; Cat Condo; Feed buckets; new Cattle heated waterer; Heated Rabbit bottles; small dog kennel.
CAR � 2015 Chevy Trax LS, 4 dr., Hatchback, Eco-TEC engine, 66,061 miles ! Nice Condition !
Greg Parr, Estate
Claire Parr, owner
E 8111 Marshall Ave., Strum, Wis.
Cash, Check, Credit cards accepted.
10% Buyers fee on all purchases. 5.5% sales tax on Car.
Andrews Auction Service
6610 Hwy 53 S.
Eau Claire, Wis. 54701
Registered Wisconsin Auctioneers: Jerry Andrews, Lic.# 272.
Aaron Andrews, Lic.#2943; Troy Krueger Lic.#2956
PH: 715-835-0820 or Cell 715-577-0420
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