LeRoy Johnson Farm Auction - LIVE AUCTION ONLY
Andrews Auction Service
LOCATED: 1551 19-1/4 St., Cameron, Wis. � Directions: From Cameron, Wis. Take Co. Hwy. SS north 1 mile to 15th. Ave., Then left 1 mile to 19-1/4 St., Then right to end of road. Watch for signs. Parking in Field !
Lucy's Lunch Wagon & Restrooms
LeRoy Johnson Farm Equipment Dispersal !
After 70+ years of Successful Farming, health concerns have prompted LeRoy Johnson to fully retire ! Selling will be a WELL MAINTAINED line of mostly Allis Chalmers Equipment. With the exception of some tillage equipment, Everything has Always been kept shedded !
Sale Order: Small tools & Vintage items sell first at 10 am. Machinery and larger items by 11:30am. Skid Steer will be available Day of Auction for loading. Bring your Trailers !
Auction Pre-View days: Thursday and Friday, March 27 & 28, daylight hours only.
TRACTORS � Allis Chalmers 220 w/ duals, 3pt., Low hours on complete engine OH, VG Cond.; Allis Chalmers 200, 3pt. Recent complete engine OH, VG Cond., One Owner ! Allis Chalmers 190, 3pt.; Low hours on complete engine OH, VG Cond.; Allis Chalmers D-17 gas, Series IV, narrow front, 3pt.; 2- Sets of clamp on duals.
COMBINE & HEADS � Gleaner 4244 R-42 Combine; Gleaner 500 Direct cut Flex Bean head; Gleaner 6RN Corn head; 4RN Corn head; Head transport cart.
HARVEST EQUIPMENT � Allis Chalmers 444 small square baler, no kicker; Allis Chalmers 303 small square baler w/ kicker; Allis Chalmers �Roto Baler� w/ white top, Late model; John Deere 336 small square baler w/ kicker; 3) Wooden bale racks w/ running gears, built w/ Oak lumber in the late 1960's, always kept inside, Exc. Cond.; Allis Chalmers #78 5-bar side rake w/ rubber mount teeth; Allis Chalmers Hay Crimper; Flat bed w/ running gear; Allis Chalmers 7' side mount sickle mower; Allis Chalmers 7' Rear Mount sickle mower;
GRAIN TRUCK � 1980 Chevrolet 70, V-8 gas engine, 20' Grain box w/ Shur-Lok Cover & Hoist, 5x2 Transmission, 82,550 miles, (One valve sticking)
PLANTING EQUIPMENT � IHC 5100 Grain Drill; Allis Chalmers 330 4RW Corn Planter; Brillion 8' Seeder / Cultipacker, no wheels.
TILLAGE EQUIPMENT � Allis Chalmers 2300 Tandem Disk w/ harrow; Allis Chalmers 2500 Tandem Disk; Allis Chalmers wing digger; 2) Allis Chalmers 7-16� semi-mount plows; Allis Chalmers 5-18� semi-mount plow, mono frame; Allis Chalmers 3-18� semi-mount plow, mono frame; Allis Chalmers pintle hitch 3-14� plow; Allis Chalmers Side Hill Hitch; Allis Chalmers pintle hitch digger; John Deere 4 section spring tooth drag on transports; IHC 4RW 3pt. Cultivator; several disks w/ parts missing;
OTHER EQUIP. � Gehl tandem axle running gear; Water tank wagon; Small running gear; Barge Box w/ hoist on running gear; Allis Chalmers front end loader; 300 gal. Diesel barrel w/ hand pump; Fanning mill; Grain bags; Wheel barrow; Allis Chalmers parts; AC suit case weights; Loyal feed cart; Platform scale; Oil barrels; Blower pipes & chutes; Plastic and metal barrels; 4) newer Behlen metal gates; Wagon tongues; 15 hole metal chicken laying nest; Hanging chicken feeders; Stainless steel pail and milk strainer;
TOOLS � Carolina 30T Shop Press; Lincoln 225amp arc welder; DeWalt upright portable Air Compressor; Craftsman 2 pc. Rolling Tool Box; Wrench & socket sets; Drill bits; Milwaukee power tools; Bolt bin & contents; Lrg. Vise; Pro-Temp 125K BTU heater; Wood burning shop heater; Forks, Shovels, Axes, etc.
HORSE TACK � Western pony saddle; Fancy Western Spurs; 2) sets of Leather Riding Chaps, New; Various other Tack; Many years collection of Western Horseman magazines.
LUMBER � Rough sawn 1� Oak lumber, many wide clear boards !
LAWN EQUIPMENT � Allis Chalmers 410 Lawn tractor; Allis Chalmers 312 Lawn tractor; Allis Chalmers 811GT Lawn tractor; Cub Cadet lawn tractor; Troy-bilt rear tine tiller;
VINTAGE ITEMS � (Sell first at 10 am) � Metal Allis Chalmers Sign; Milk cans; Wrought Iron bed frame; RW 10 & 12 gal. Birch Leaf Crocks; RW 2, 3, & 8 gal. Crocks; Kraut Cutter; Large wooden trunk full of Antique & Vintage items, unsorted; Treadle Sewing machine; Columbia Grafonola w/ Vinyl records; Fainting couch; Carom board; Lots of Canning Jars; Vintage bedroom furniture; Hand corn planters; Antique Store cupboard; License plates; Wooden barrels; Game traps; More will be found as the sheds are emptied !
LeRoy Johnson, Owner
1551 19-1/4 St., Cameron, Wis.
Cash, Check, Credit cards accepted.
No Buyers Fee ! 4% Convenience fee on Credit & Debit Card purchases.
Andrews Auction Service
6610 Hwy 53 S.
Eau Claire, Wis. 54701
Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer, Jerry Andrews, Lic. # 272.
PH: 715-835-0820 or Cell 715-577-0420
EMail: andrewsauction@cvol.net
Website: www.jerryandrewsauction.com |