Abandoned and Confiscated Vehicle Auction
Listing ID#: 1715869
Auction Location |
5280 Brighton Boulevard Denver, CO 80216 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Bidding Starts: Sunday Mar 23, 12:00 AM Bidding Ends: Sunday Mar 23, 02:00 PM |
Auction Type |
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Company Information |
Dickensheet and Associates Inc. Website: www.Dickensheet.com GoToAuction.com ID#: 2282 View company information and listings |
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Listing Terms and Conditions |
CATALYTIC CONVERTER DISCLOSURE: Due to the nature of the origin of these vehicles, the City and County of Denver, nor Dickensheet & Associates, Inc. Make any guarantee that any of these vehicles still have their catalytic converter. There will be no refunds or any kind of discount given if the vehicle is missing its catalytic converter. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS By submitting a bid, the bidder agrees that they have read, fully understand and accept these Terms and Conditions of Online Sales, and agree to pay for and remove the property, if the bid is accepted, by the dates and times specified. All vehicles are offered for sale "AS-IS, WHERE-IS". Neither the City and County of Denver nor Dickensheet & Associates, Inc. makes no warranty, guaranty or representation of any kind, expressed or implied, as to the merchantability or fitness for any purpose of the property offered for sale. The Buyer is not entitled to any payment for loss of profit or any other money damages-special, direct, indirect, or consequential. Neither the City and County of Denver nor Dickensheet & Associates, Inc. evaluates the condition of abandoned/confiscated vehicles at any time. Vehicle conditions are unknown. There is no warranty, guaranty or representation of any kind, expressed or implied, as to the condition or safety or equipment or mileage of any vehicle sold or offered for sale at auction. All sales are final. Under no circumstances will a refund or adjustment be made due to the property failing to meet buyer's expectations. All parties must be 18 years of age or older to participate in this auction. No persons under the age of 18 may be present in the impound yard before, during or after removal. Inspections limited to online pictures and descriptions only. The City and County of Denver reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids and to withdraw from sale any of the items listed. Persons removing the goods assume all risks of damage or loss to person and property and specifically release the City and Auction Company from liability. Therefor, neither the City, nor the Auction Company, nor its principal(s), shall be liable by reason of any defect in, or condition of premises on which auction is held. All parties enter the lot at their own risk. Neither the City and County of Denver nor Dickensheet & Associates, Inc. is responsible for personal injury or lost items on the lot. City issues only a Bill of Sale and three supporting documents for the sale of abandoned/confiscated vehicles. Bill of Sale and documents provided fulfill the requirements of the State of Colorado only. Out of State requirements are not known. Title is not guaranteed on any abandoned/confiscated vehicle sold. Acquisition of title is between the buyer and the State of Colorado. Buyer must apply for title in their county of residence. All abandoned/confiscated vehicles are sold as "tow away" and without an emission test or 45-day permit. It is the responsibility of buyers in the Colorado program area to comply with the emission requirements prior to registering the vehicle. A document regarding emissions is attached to the paperwork of each abandoned/confiscated vehicle sold. Be advised that Colorado Motor Vehicle will NOT issue temporary permits for vehicles sold as "tow-aways". Neither the City and County of Denver nor the auctioneer accept responsibility for the failure of a vehicle to meet safety standards or emissions control equipment regulations as set by any Federal, State or local agencies. To our knowledge the State of Colorado will require two forms of secure and verifiable identification from any buyer who wishes to obtain a Colorado title for a motor vehicle. This means that any individual named as "Buyer" on the Bill of Sale must provide acceptable IDs to the Department of Motor Vehicle in their county of residence when they apply for title. Some vehicles are designated as "Rebuilt from Salvage". Please check State of Colorado requirements regarding said designation to ensure compliance with all conditions of this designation. If the vehicle is designated as "Rebuilt from Salvage", this information will be posted on the online auction listing. Buyer will sign a document at the time of payment acknowledging awareness that the vehicle purchased is "Rebuilt from Salvage". Some vehicles are designated as "Salvage". Please check State of Colorado requirements regarding said designation to ensure compliance with all conditions of this designation. If the vehicle is designated as "Salvage", this information will be posted on the online auction listing. Buyer will sign a document at the time of payment acknowledging awareness that the vehicle purchased is "Salvage". Some vehicles are designated "JUNK" or "FOR PARTS ONLY". No Colorado title or salvage receipt/title will be issued for these vehicles and they must be junked or dismantled only. If the vehicle is designated as "JUNK" or "For Parts Only", this information will be posted on the online auction listing. Sales tax will be collected on vehicles sold as "JUNK" or "FOR PARTS ONLY". Some vehicles are designated as a "Seizure". "Seizure" vehicles will have persons prohibited from purchase or anyone on his/her/their behalf may NOT bid upon nor attempt to purchase the vehicle. If the vehicle is designated as a "Seizure", this information will be posted on the online auction listing. Buyer shall sign a document acknowledging awareness of this prohibition and vehicle shall not be released without buyer signature of purchaser compliance. Some lots are designated as “PROPERTY ONLY”. No bill of sale will be issued for “Property Only” lots, only an invoice. If the lot is designated as “Property Only”, this information will be posted on the online auction listing. Odometer disclosures are only required for vehicles with a model year 2011 year or newer. Vehicles with a model year of 2010 or older are exempt from odometer disclosures and mileage will not be obtained. Keys found within any vehicle are not guaranteed to fit the ignition and/or the trunk and/or any or all portions of the vehicle from which they were pulled. If a key was found, it will be posted on the online auction listing. The keys will be transferred during the removal process. If an ignition key was found, an attempt to start the vehicle will be made. If the vehicle starts, this information will be posted on the online auction listing. This is for informational purposes only and is not a guarantee that the vehicle will start for the buyer or that the vehicle will move. All items found within vehicle are the property of the buyer. Buyer must take all contents of the vehicle. Default shall include: (1) failure to observe these terms and conditions; (2) failure to make good and timely payment; or (3) failure to remove all items within the specified time. Default will result in the suspension from participation in all future sales. If the Buyer fails in the performance of their obligations, the City and County of Denver and/or Auctioneer may exercise such rights and may pursue such remedies as are provided by law. The Auctioneer is acting as agent only and is not responsible for actions of its principal(s). The Auctioneer shall assume no liability for representations made, or information provided by the Seller. Auctioneer has made every reasonable effort to facilitate online bidding. However, it is possible that technical difficulties and internet issues may arise that affect Auction Company’s website, bidding platform, computer, server or the Bidder’s computer, personal device or software which is beyond the control of Auction Company. By registering, bidder acknowledges that neither the City and County of Denver nor Dickensheet & Associates, Inc. is responsible for any technical difficulties or internet issues associated with a bid and that, in the event technical difficulties interfere with or prevent a bid, it may be necessary to withdraw items from bidding due to technical errors or uncontrollable circumstances. Further, in the event of the occurrence of a technical difficulty during an auction, the Auction Company, in its sole discretion, reserve the right to: (1) declare a property sold, (2) postpone or cancel the auction, (3) extend the bidding time for the auction (which may reopen bidding on closed items, if any) and/or (4) re-list the property for auction at another date and time. The decision on this matter shall be final. Bidder acknowledges that, by registering for an auction held by the Auction Company, Bidder accepts the terms and conditions of this disclaimer. This staggered bidding online auction is subject to soft close. If a bid is received shortly before the lot closes, the system will automatically extend the bidding time to allow other bidders an opportunity to competitively bid prior to the auction closing. The method eliminates “snipers” and encourages fair and impartial bidding from all participants. By law, all auctions are with reserve unless specifically stated to be Absolute per UCC 2-328 and applicable state law. REGISTRATION TERMS AND CONDITIONS By registration, the registered party is authorizing Auctioneer communication via email, landline, or cell/mobile phone including text messaging and/or any other forms of communication or technology now known or created in the future, for any purpose, including general business matters, account information, marketing materials, collections, and/or any other communication needs. Bidder is required to provide true, accurate, current, and complete information and maintain, promptly update the registration data to keep it true, accurate, current, and complete. Please note that the registration address will need to match the address associated with the credit/debit card utilized during the process to create an account. Bidder is responsible for all transactions on its account, including without limitation, all bids placed by authorized bidders and bid submitted through the Auctioneer’s bidding platform. Accounts cannot be transferred. In the event of unauthorized use of Buyer’s login information, Buyer is responsible for all bids. The City and County of Denver and Dickensheet & Associates, Inc. reserve the right to accept or reject any registration. Rejection reason may include, but not limited to, incomplete or inaccurate information, PO Box, previous default, or failure to register by the deadline. PAYMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS All sales are online payment only. Buyer must work with auctioneer for acceptable form of payment. No payments are accepted at the impound lot location. Payment is accepted starting Monday at 9am and due Tuesday by Noon, no exceptions. An invoice will be forwarded to the registration email address along with a separate email outlining further instructions regarding payment options. The following are acceptable forms of payment: CASH Auctioneer Office: Accepted MONDAY, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm OR TUESDAY 8:30am to Noon. See Details section for location. Vectra Bank: Accepted at all Vectra Bank locations throughout the State of Colorado on either the Monday or Tuesday by Noon following the auction. Please utilize the information below for the Vectra Bank location nearest to you. Vectra Bank Colorado Branch and ATM Locations CARD PAYMENTS Visa, Mastercard, and Discover will be accepted as a form of payment for purchases under $1,000.00 with a 4% convenience fee. Please note that by utilizing a card, that the paperwork would need to be issued as registered into the system (for name etc.). When reviewing statements on the account, Dickensheet & Associates, Inc. will be processing payment on the vehicles, not the City and County of Denver. No automatic payments are processed. To use a credit card, buyer must contact auctioneer to authorize charge. If paying by credit card AND requesting a name change, the credit card must be in the name of the requested change. Registered bidders credit card shall not be accepted. WIRE TRANSFERS All wire transfers must be received by the auctioneers no later than Noon on Tuesday. Be advised that wire transfers can take 24 hours to process. PAPERWORK TERMS AND CONDITIONS All paperwork shall be filled out in registered bidders name and address unless a change is requested. City and County of Denver and Dickensheet & Associates, Inc. have the right to accept or reject any name and/or address changes. All requests shall be emailed to auctionsupport@dickensheet.com. Request(s) must be received no later than 5PM MT on the Monday following the auction and come from registered email address, no exceptions. Failure to provide all necessary information by the deadline will result in paperwork being filled out in registered bidder’s name and address. Neither the City and County of Denver nor Dickensheet & Associates, Inc. will change the paperwork once completed. VEHICLE REMOVAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS All vehicles must be towed off City property. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Vehicles cannot be driven off the lot. Vehicles must be removed during the specified appointment times. Any vehicles left in the auction yard or unattended along adjacent streets will be towed and impounded, and all related charges will be assessed against the vehicle. When arriving on site, the buyer, tow truck driver, or party completing removal must present a paid invoice. Paid invoice must be a hard copy or they must access invoice by their mobile device. Tow trucks or flatbeds are preferred for removal. Trailers and tow dollies are allowed, but electric (or powered) winches are required. No tow straps or push/pull methods are allowed. Only one (1) driver allowed in the vehicle when entering the lot and towing out vehicle(s). For auctions with 100 or more vehicles to be sold, removal times are 8:30 am to 3:00 pm, must be checked in by 2:30PM and all vehicles must be removed by 3:00 pm or buyer is subject to default- NO EXCEPTIONS. For auctions with less than 100 vehicles, removal times are 8:30 am - 2:00 pm, must be checked in by 1:30 pm and all vehicles must be removed by 2:00 pm or buyer is subject to default- NO EXCEPTIONS. There will not be an opportunity for locksmith services, tire repairs, battery replacements or any other services within the lot. NO EXCEPTIONS! Any property from vehicle found in impound lot or along the adjacent property may be considered illegal dumping. Buyer may be subject to a fine and/or banned from future participation in these auctions. An AI assisted software was used to write portions of the Terms and Conditions. |
Listing Information |
Abandoned and Confiscated Vehicle Auction Auction Ends: Sunday, March 23rd- 2:00 PM MDT Registration Deadline: Saturday, March 22nd by 5:00 pm MDT Inspection: NO INSPECTION AVAILABLE FOR THIS AUCTION Auction Location: Online Only Payment: Monday, March 24th 9:00 am to 5:00 pm AND Tuesday, March 25th 8:30 am to Noon Pickup Time: Wednesday, March 26th, sign up required Pickup Location: 5280 Brighton Boulevard (Denver Sheriff Vehicle Impound Facility), Denver, CO 80216 Click here to see a map of the location 0A THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN THE AUCTION EVENT- Please note that the photographs may or may not fully depict all cosmetic issues on the lots included with this auction. 0B PAYMENT: ONLY THE FOLLOWING WILL BE ACCEPTED AS FORMS OF PAYMENT: CASH-VECTRA BANK-Cash transactions can be accepted at Vectra Bank locations throughout Colorado and at our 1501 W. Wesley office on either the MONDAY or TUESDAY PRIOR TO NOON following the auction 0C CATALYTIC CONVERTERS DISCLOSURE: Due to the unique origin of these vehicles, neither the City and County of Denver nor Dickensheet and Associates, Inc. can guarantee the presence of catalytic converters. 0D PERSONAL PROPERTY DISCLOSURE: The purchase is for a vehicle outlined and not a guarantee for personal property that may/may not be located in the vehicle when relocated from the lot. 0E VEHICLE AUCTION VIDEO WALK THROUGH AVAILABLE: 0F TWO LOCATIONS: Please review notations in the description for additional vehicles located at 4650 Steele St in Denver with outlined specific hours for pickup. Check in and paperwork will be available at the Steele St address. 0G BUYERS REQUESTING CHANGE OF NAME ON PAPERWORK: To complete any changes, please ensure that an email is received from the registered bidder’s email address no later than 5:00 PM on the Monday following the auction 1 2000 SUBA OUTBACK SW 4S3BH6758Y7620300 ODO EXEMPT 2 2002 CHEV TAHOE UP 1GNEC13Z62R255402 KEY Seizure Prohibited Parties- NYDIA GONZALEZ, FRANCISCO MENDOZA-Nor anyone on their behalf may bid on or attempt to purchase vehicle ODO EXEMPT 7 2010 FORD ESCAPE UP 1FMCU9D71AKB76179 KEY ODO EXEMPT 8 2006 TOYT PRIUS HB JTDKB20U663189312 FOB Seizure Prohibited Parties- CESAR MARES-ARMENDARIZ, KARINA ILLESCAS, ALBER MENDOZA-MEZA-Nor anyone on their behalf may bid on or attempt to purchase vehicle ODO EXEMPT PREVIOUS SALVAGE 12 2016 TOYT COROLLA 4D 2T1BURHEXGC702456 16 1996 NISS SENTRA 4D 1N4AB41D0TC726828 ODO EXEMPT Salvage- may apply for title by following the DR 2415 Title Established by Salvage Title Checklist 17 2003 HOND ACCORD 2D 1HGCM82653A021590 ODO EXEMPT 18 2006 AUDI A4 CV WAUAC48H26K010536 ODO EXEMPT Salvage- may apply for title by following the DR 2415 Title Established by Salvage Title Checklist 19 1993 CHEV C/K 1500 PK 2GCEK19K1P1234429 ODO EXEMPT 20 2008 FORD CROWN VICT 4D 2FAFP74V58X119590 ODO EXEMPT 21 2013 HYUN ELANTRA 4D 5NPDH4AE5DH247051 Salvage- may apply for title by following the DR 2415 Title Established by Salvage Title Checklist 22 2008 NISS PATHFINDER UP 5N1AR18B68C609069 ODO EXEMPT 24 2003 HOND CIVIC 4D 1HGES16533L004072 ODO EXEMPT 25 2007 FORD EXPLORER UP 1FMEU74E17UB30375 ODO EXEMPT 26 2009 VOLK RABBIT HB WVWDB71K39W092512 KEY ODO EXEMPT 27 2006 CHRY SEBRING 4D 1C3EL56R26N250257 ODO EXEMPT 28 2004 STRN VUE UP 5GZCZ63414S852919 ODO EXEMPT 29 2005 SAAB 45903 4D YS3FH49Y951053647 ODO EXEMPT 30 1997 SAAB 9000 HB YS3CH65R6V1013197 ODO EXEMPT LARGE AMOUNT OF PERSONAL PROPERTY IN VEHICLE DURING PHOTOGRAPHS 31 2001 FORD EXPLORER PK 1FMZU77E51UC55576 ODO EXEMPT Hood would not open during photographs 32 2000 JEEP CHEROKEE UP 1J4GW48NXYC411804 KEY ODO EXEMPT 34 2015 VOLK JETTA 4D 3VWD17AJ6FM354204 KEY Seizure Prohibited Parties- JHASIEL ROBLES MORALES-Nor anyone on their behalf may bid on or attempt to purchase vehicle 35 2009 GMC CANYON PK 1GTDT13E498100834 ODO EXEMPT 36 2004 CHRY CROSSFIRE HB 1C3AN69L84X024585 ODO EXEMPT 38 2002 FORD FOCUS SW 1FAHP36342W105034 ODO EXEMPT 39 2001 LEXS RX 300 UP JTJHF10U610196342 ODO EXEMPT 41 2005 FORD EXPLORER UP 1FMDU75W85ZA68881 ODO EXEMPT 42 1994 BUIC CENTURY 4D 1G4AG55M1R6429534 ODO EXEMPT 43 2006 CHEV EQUINOX UP 2CNDL73F066045923 ODO EXEMPT 44 1997 MERC GRAN MARQUI 4D 2MELM75W8VX610730 KEY Seizure Prohibited Parties- (DANIEL SIEBERT, SEDRICK BOWERS)-Nor anyone on their behalf may bid on or attempt to purchase vehicle ODO EXEMPT 45 2014 KIA RIO HB KNADM5A37E6405253 50 2005 AUDI A6 4D WAUDG74F95N065229 ODO EXEMPT 51 2002 HOND ACCORD 4D 1HGCG16512A066895 ODO EXEMPT 53 2014 NISS SENTRA 4D 3N1AB7AP3EY327849 54 2015 TOYT COROLLA 4D 5YFBURHEXFP254542 PREVIOUS SALVAGE 56 2015 VOLK JETTA 4D 3VWD07AJ9FM284880 KEY DASH DISASSEMBLY 57 1994 HOND ACCORD 4D 1HGCD5637RA150860 IGNITION ISSUES, DASH DISASSEMBLY ODO EXEMPT 58 2007 MITS ECLIPSE HB 4A3AK24F17E028585 ODO EXEMPT 59 2003 TOYT 4RUNNER UP JTEBT14R330005157 ODO EXEMPT 60 1993 SUBA LEGACY 4D 4S3BC6336P9641443 ODO EXEMPT 61 2014 HOND ACCORD 4D 1HGCR2F57EA093555 KEY 64 2005 FORD F150 PK 1FTRW12W35FA40431 ODO EXEMPT 65 2009 DODG RAM PK 1D3HV13T89J517402 FOB ODO EXEMPT 67 2014 HYUN ACCENT 4D KMHCT4AE5EU621008 IGNITION ISSUES 68 2003 JEEP LIBERTY UP 1J4GL48K23W547365 IGNITION ISSUES ODO EXEMPT 70 2007 TOYT AVALON 4D 4T1BK36BX7U225523 KEY ODO EXEMPT 72 2008 DODG RAM PK 1D7HU16N38J139048 Seizure Prohibited Parties- JOANIE OCHOA, ROY R OCHOA, ALONZO HUDSON-Nor anyone on their behalf may bid on or attempt to purchase vehicle ODO EXEMPT 73 2012 BUIC ENCLAVE UP 5GAKVCED0CJ330048 KEY Seizure Prohibited Parties- THANH VAN NGUYEN, JAYCEE MELGOSA-Nor anyone on their behalf may bid on or attempt to purchase vehicle 75 2004 INFI G35 2D JNKCV54E64M804334 KEY Seizure Prohibited Parties- TRAVIS PEROTKA, MICHAEL JOHNSON-Nor anyone on their behalf may bid on or attempt to purchase vehicle ODO EXEMPT 76 2012 NISS MURANO UP JN8AZ1MW1CW206058 PREVIOUS SALVAGE 77 2007 BMW 530xi 4D WBANF73557CU28656 FOB Seizure Prohibited Parties- JOSEPH GREGORY WILEY-Nor anyone on their behalf may bid on or attempt to purchase vehicle ODO EXEMPT Salvage- may apply for title by following the DR 2415 Title Established by Salvage Title Checklist 79 2011 LEXS IS 250 4D JTHCF5C2XB2035124 81 2019 SUBA CROSSTREK UP JF2GTAMCXKH215150 Odometer Not Actual 82 2007 CHEV TAHOE UP 1GNFC13C87J403913 ODO EXEMPT 83 2014 CHEV EQUINOX UP 2GNALAEK7E6280551 84 2006 FORD FOCUS 4D 1FAFP34N76W241367 KEY Seizure Prohibited Parties- (MOLLY PHILLIPS, JENNY SWANSON)-Nor anyone on their behalf may bid on or attempt to purchase vehicle ODO EXEMPT 85 1996 LINC TOWN CAR 4D 1LNLM82W6TY696981 ODO EXEMPT 86 2008 STRN VUE UP 3GSCL93Z88S719203 ODO EXEMPT Salvage- may apply for title by following the DR 2415 Title Established by Salvage Title Checklist 87 2015 HYUN ELANTRA 4D 5NPDH4AE9FH549168 IGNITION ISSUES 88 2017 NISS ROGUE UP KNMAT2MV1HP527383 89 2015 TOYT COROLLA 4D 5YFBPRHE4FP253037 KEY ODOMETER NOT ACTUAL Seizure Prohibited Parties- CHRISTOPHER B KOCH, CHRISTIAN VIDETTA-MENDOZA-Nor anyone on their behalf may bid on or attempt to purchase vehicle 90 2007 CADI STS 4D 1G6DW677X70176587 FOB Seizure Prohibited Parties- SAVON CADD-Nor anyone on their behalf may bid on or attempt to purchase vehicle ODO EXEMPT 91 2005 DODG DURANGO UP 1D4HB38N65F610801 KEY ODO EXEMPT 93 2011 NISS ROGUE UP JN8AS5MV6BW291884 94 2022 VOLK TIGUAN UP 3VV2B7AX4NM017333 FOB 95 1999 SUBA LEGACY SW 4S3BG6859X7646596 ODO EXEMPT 96 2011 TOYT PRIUS HB JTDKN3DU8B0323580 PREVIOUS SALVAGE 97 2005 HYUN SANTA FE UP KM8SC73D75U905435 ODO EXEMPT 98 2012 NISS ALTIMA 4D 1N4AL2AP7CC222370 100 2019 CHEV SPARK HB KL8CB6SA6KC745829 101 2006 DODG STRATUS 4D 1B3EL46X16N160572 KEY Seizure Prohibited Parties- YEFFERSSON GONZALEZ-Nor anyone on their behalf may bid on or attempt to purchase vehicle ODO EXEMPT 102 2011 FORD FOCUS 4D 1FAHP3FN4BW204325 103 1990 CADI DEVILLE 4D 1G6CD5338L4302513 ODO EXEMPT 105 2007 HOND PILOT UP 5FNYF187X7B030224 ODO EXEMPT 106 2010 NISS SENTRA 4D 3N1AB6AP2AL709016 ODO EXEMPT 110 2010 NISS ROGUE UP JN8AS5MV8AW110623 ODO EXEMPT 113 2006 MAZD MAZDA6 4D 1YVHP80C865M35426 ODO EXEMPT 114 2003 CHEV BLAZER UP 1GNET16S336158949 ODO EXEMPT 115 2015 SUBA IMPREZA SW JF1GPAA64F8289533 116 2008 VOLK JETTA 4D 3VWJM71K98M034865 ODO EXEMPT Salvage- may apply for title by following the DR 2415 Title Established by Salvage Title Checklist 117 2005 ACUR RL 4D JH4KB16555C002259 DASH DISASSEMBLY ODO EXEMPT 118 2012 KIA OPTIMA 4D KNAGM4AD0C5032060 121 2001 CHRY 300M 4D 2C3AE66G21H672365 ODO EXEMPT PREVIOUS SALVAGE 123 2005 CHEV MALIBU HB 1G1ZT648X5F107569 KEY ODO EXEMPT Salvage- may apply for title by following the DR 2415 Title Established by Salvage Title Checklist 125 2002 LINC LS 4D 1LNHM87A52Y652228 ODO EXEMPT 126 2005 FORD ECONOLINE VN 1FBSS31S05HB29910 IGNITION ISSUES ODO EXEMPT PREVIOUS SALVAGE 127 2011 HOND INSIGHT HB JHMZE2H79BS001269 IGNITION ISSUES ODOMETER NOT ACTUAL PREVIOUS SALVAGE 128 2002 MERZ ML 320 UP 4JGAB54E72A298525 ODO EXEMPT 129 2008 AUDI A6 4D WAUEH74F98N056875 ODO EXEMPT 130 2002 MERC VILLAGER PV 4M2ZV12T92DJ14932 KEY ODO EXEMPT 135 2005 CHRY TOWN-COUNT PV 2C8GP54LX5R125580 ODO EXEMPT 137 2006 BUIC LACROSSE 4D 2G4WD582761193600 ODO EXEMPT Salvage- may apply for title by following the DR 2415 Title Established by Salvage Title Checklist 139 2005 AUDI A6 4D WAUDG74F15N096345 ODO EXEMPT 140 2014 DODG CHARGER 4D 2C3CDXAT0EH173527 141 2009 SUZI SX4 UP JS2YB417496202520 ODO EXEMPT PREVIOUS SALVAGE 142 2007 TOYT RAV4 UP JTMBK31V675013766 KEY ODO EXEMPT 145 2008 CHEV AVEO 4D KL1TD56608B002980 ODO EXEMPT 147 2006 CHEV TAHOE UP 1GNEK13Z96R124277 ODO EXEMPT 148 2005 BUIC LESABRE 4D 1G4HP52K65U108547 ODO EXEMPT 149 1999 CHEV SUBURBAN UP 3GNFK16R1XG258606 Seizure Prohibited Parties- JOSHUA XAVIER GRAYS-Nor anyone on their behalf may bid on or attempt to purchase vehicle ODO EXEMPT 150 2013 HYUN ELANTRA 4D 5NPDH4AEXDH179569 151 1998 TOYT 4RUNNER UP JT3HN86R4W0191802 ODO EXEMPT 152 2008 TOYT PRIUS HB JTDKB20U583389777 ODO EXEMPT 153 1997 FORD RANGER PK 1FTCR10A2VUC48252 IGNITION ISSUES ODO EXEMPT 156 1997 CHEV TAHOE UP 1GNEK13R1VJ426160 Seizure Prohibited Parties- DEVITT LEON YOUNG, PHILLIP MINERT-Nor anyone on their behalf may bid on or attempt to purchase vehicle ODO EXEMPT 157 2000 FORD F150 PK 1FTRX18L4YKA50617 ODO EXEMPT 161 2018 FORD F150 PK 1FTEW1EP8JKF14121 167 2019 VOLK TIGUAN UP 3VV0B7AX7KM010234 Salvage- may apply for title by following the DR 2415 Title Established by Salvage Title Checklist 168 2019 CHEV MALIBU 4D 1G1ZD5ST5KF166023 FOB 170 2000 ISUZ RODEO UP 4S2DM58W4Y4341454 ODO EXEMPT 171 2006 INFI M35 4D JNKAY01E06M117312 ODO EXEMPT 172 1997 DODG CARAVAN PV 1B4GP54L0VB230772 ODO EXEMPT 175 2009 NISS ROGUE UP JN8AS58V59W190095 ODO EXEMPT 176 2003 VOLK JETTA SW WVWSK61J83W313151 ODO EXEMPT 177 2003 JEEP LIBERTY UP 1J4GL58K93W659814 LARGE AMOUNT OF PERSONAL PROPERTY IN VEHICLE DURING PHOTOGRAPHS ODO EXEMPT 178 1992 FORD EXPLORER UP 1FMDU34X5NUC67628 ODO EXEMPT 179 2013 CHRY 200 4D 1C3CCBCG6DN560191 KEY 180 2011 JAGU XF 4D SAJWA0FB4BLS07221 181 2007 HOND ACCORD 2D 1HGCM72707A012756 ODO EXEMPT 182 1979 JEEP WRANGLER 2D J9F93EC089246 ODO EXEMPT 184 2004 CHEV MONTE CARLO 2D 2G1WW12E849155861 ODO EXEMPT 186 2006 CHEV BLAZER UP 1GNDT13SX62172049 ODO EXEMPT 187 2007 TOYT PRIUS HB JTDKB20U073263258 FOB ODO EXEMPT 188 2005 LNDR LR3 UP SALAE254X5A336049 ODO EXEMPT 190 2001 CHEV SILVERADO PK 1GCEK19T81Z133251 ODO EXEMPT 191 2006 CHRY PACIFICA UP 2A4GM48476R770304 ODO EXEMPT 192 2007 TOYT TUNDRA PK 5TFBT54147X006711 ODO EXEMPT 193 2001 INFI QX4 UP JNRDR09Y51W216568 ODO EXEMPT 194 2012 TOYT PRIUS HB JTDKN3DU2C1611462 PREVIOUS SALVAGE 195 2007 NISS MURANO UP JN8AZ08W77W624215 ODO EXEMPT 196 2007 HOND CIVIC 2D 2HGFG12657H511112 ODO EXEMPT 197 2000 CHEV BLAZER UP 1GNDT13W2YK248949 ODO EXEMPT PREVIOUS SALVAGE 198 2002 GMC ENVOY UP 1GKET16S226128658 ODO EXEMPT 199 2000 LEXS RX 300 UP JT6HF10U0Y0161624 ODO EXEMPT 200 2000 VOLK GOLF HB 9BWGF21JXY4037521 ODO EXEMPT 201 2024 COTC TL 4YMBU081XRT010523 202 2009 FORD FOCUS 4D 1FAHP35N29W178903 ODO EXEMPT 204 2018 LRKM TL 571BE0818JM030141 207 1998 CHEV SUBURBAN UP 1GNEC16R7WJ308642 ODO EXEMPT 209 2008 GENU BUDDY MC RFVPAC60881001008 ODO EXEMPT 212 2015 HOND CBR300R MC MLHNC5103F5101504 Odometer Not Actual 213 1999 GMC C6 TK 1GDJ6H1D3XJ853477 ODO EXEMPT This item is located at 4650 Steele St, Denver, CO. Check-in at this location is between Noon and 1pm on 3/26/25. Check-in outside of these hours, may result in buyer being banned from future auctions. 216 2004 INTL MA025 TK 1HTMMAAL04H672123 ODO EXEMPT This item is located at 4650 Steele St, Denver, CO. Check-in at this location is between Noon and 1pm on 3/26/25. Check-in outside of these hours, may result in buyer being banned from future auctions. 218 2001 FORD F650 TK 3FDNF658X1MA70847 ODO EXEMPT This item is located at 4650 Steele St, Denver, CO. Check-in at this location is between Noon and 1pm on 3/26/25. Check-in outside of these hours, may result in buyer being banned from future auctions. 219 JUNK 2000 FORD TAURUS 4D 1FAFP5325YA230323 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED 220 JUNK 2002 CHEV TAHOE UP 1GNEK13Z12R217076 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED NO ENGINE 221 JUNK 2017 FORD FOCUS 4D 1FADP3F25HL258022 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED 222 JUNK 2009 SUBA IMPREZA SW JF1GH74679H821227 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED 223 JUNK 2010 NISS ALTIMA 2D 1N4AL2EP5AC171636 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED 224 JUNK 2012 HYUN ELANTRA 4D KMHDH4AE7CU188312 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED 225 JUNK 2002 CHRY VOYAGER PV 1C4GJ45392B606510 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED 226 JUNK 2019 JEEP RENEGADE UP ZACNJBC15KPK44899 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED 228 JUNK 2004 JEEP WRANGLER UP 1J4FA69S94P701612 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED 229 JUNK 2021 KIA FORTE 4D 3KPF24ADXME349919 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED 232 JUNK 2014 FORD FOCUS 4D 1FADP3E2XEL253248 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED 233 JUNK 2001 CHEV BLAZER UP 1GNDT13W912113148 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED 234 JUNK 2010 TOYT AVALON 4D 4T1BK3DB8AU359036 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED 235 JUNK 2006 SUBA IMPREZA SW JF1GG79626G810195 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED 236 JUNK 2013 FORD FUSION 4D 3FA6P0H77DR185604 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED Hood would not open during photographs 237 JUNK 2005 TOYT SEQUOIA UP 5TDZT38A85S242066 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED 238 JUNK 1998 VOLV S70 4D YV1LS5577W1541330 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED 239 JUNK 2010 ACUR TL 4D 19UUA8F26AA002306 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED 240 JUNK 2014 CHEV CRUZE 4D 1G1PC5SB9E7389777 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED 241 JUNK 2018 SUBA CROSSTREK UP JF2GTADC5JH220433 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED 243 JUNK 2002 HOND CRV UP JHLRD78892C009640 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED 244 JUNK 2002 CADI ESCALADE UP 1GYEK63N92R119281 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED NO ENGINE 245 JUNK 2013 BMW 328i 4D WBA3A5C55DF351260 PARTS ONLY, NO TITLE MAY BE OBTAINED Hood would not open during photographs |
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