75 Guns, 2021 ATV, Hunting Equipment & Ammo
Listing ID#: 1714521

Auction Location
Middleburg Fire Hall
240 East Main Street
Middleburg, PA 17842
Auction Dates and Times
Friday May 9, 4:00 pm
Auction Type
 Live Auction 
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Hess's Auctioneering

Website: hessauctioneering.com

GoToAuction.com ID#: 4215
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 Friday, May 09 @ 4 PM


Located along SR 522 at the Reliance Hose Co Fire Hall, 240 East Main Street, Middleburg, Snyder County, PA


75 Guns: Selling @ 5:30 PM: Winchester: Model 94 Buffalo Bill Comm. 30-30, NIB; Model 120 Ranger 12 ga; Model 70 Featherweight 280 Rem; Model 12, 12 ga; Centennial 66 “Century of Leadership 1866-1966”, 30-30, NIB; Model 50, 12 ga; Remington: Model 700 Custom Built 28 Nosler Barrel; Model 700, 7mm Exp Rem; Model 760 Gamemaster, 270 WIN; Model 870 Express 12 ga; Model 11 “The Sportsman” 16 ga; Model 870 Wingmaster 16 ga; Model 770, 30-06 SPRG; Model 870TB Wingmaster 12 ga: Model 870 Express 410; Model 591M, 5MM REM;  Weatherby: Vanguard Compact Blue 22-250 Rem, NIB; Vanguard 257 WBY MAG; Vanguard 308 WIN, NIB; Sporter 30-06 SPRG, NIB; Vanguard Badlands 270 WIN, NIB; Savage: Stevens Model 67 Series E 20 ga; 300 Savage; Model 1914, .22; Springfield Model 67 Series D 12 ga; Model 110 Crossfire 260 Rem, NIB; Model 110 Hunter 243 Win, NIB; Stevens Model 94 Series M 16 ga; Axis 6.5 Creedmoor, NIB; Model 420 O/U 20 ga; Marlin: Model 30AW 30-30 Win; Model 336, 35 Rem; Model 1894GL Classic 218 BEE; Ruger: American 5.56 NATO 1-8; M77, 6mm; American 6mm; T/C Compass S/W, 6.5 Creedmoor; CZ 550 243 WIN; Vigilant Tactical VR-15, .223/5.56; Stoeger 410 Coach Gun; Mossberg Model 500E, 410; ROMARA SA/CUGIR 17.62 X 39mm; Iver Johnson Champion 12 ga; CZ 455 .22; Iver Johnson Arms & Cycle Works Model X .22; Ithaca M66 Super Single 12 ga; American Tactical Calvery SX 12 ga; Mossberg Maverick Model 88 12 ga; Ithaca Model 37 Featherlight 16 ga; MIROKU Ultra-Hi 45 cal; Cresent Firearms #60 Empire12 ga; Enders Royal Service 12 ga; Boito Brazil 12 ga; H&R Model 865 Plainsman .22; W. Wurfflein 12 ga; Tikka T3x 6.5 PRC, Veil Camo Stock, NIB; Mossberg Patriot Rifle, 243 WIN, NIB; Browning X-Bolt 7mm Rem Mag, NIB; Colt King Cobra Model D 357; H&R Model 922, .22; Colt D.A. 41; H&R Sportsman .22; Heritage Rough Rider .22; FN Herstal Browning .32 


Hunting & Fishing, Gun Safe & Ammo: Selling @ 4 PM: Winchester 10-gun Combination Safe; Pistol Safe; Climber Tree Stands; Copper Wash Boiler; Milk Cans; 8 & 10 cu Hisense Chest Freezers; Erie, Wagner & Lodge Skillets; Dutch Oven; Grill Kits; Master Built Smokesman Elite Smoker; Vortex Binoculars; Knives; Turkey Calls; Bushnell Range Finder; Hunting Clothes; Fishing Rod, Reels & Lures; Budweiser Beer Signs; Michelob Mirror; Painted Rosedale, New Berlin Milk Can; Tannerite; A Variety of Ammunition & More. 


2021 Yellow Kymco Mongoose 90s ATV w/Reverse & Headlight

2021 Black Kymco MXU 450i LE Prime ATV w/Alum Wheels & Snowplow


                                                                                       Roger Jordan, Owner


Auctioneers: Lori Hess Lauver, AU-02854-L, 570-966-2512                                                                                 Daniel King, AA-019500-L

Auction License: AU-002854-L
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75 Guns, 2021 ATV, Hunting Equipment & Ammo

Hess's Auctioneering

Hess's Auctioneering

Sale Location
Middleburg Fire Hall 240 East Main Street
Middleburg, PA 17842
Sale Dates and Times
Friday May 9, 4:00 pm
Sale Terms and Conditions
Cash or PA Check Only
Listing Details

 Friday, May 09 @ 4 PM


Located along SR 522 at the Reliance Hose Co Fire Hall, 240 East Main Street, Middleburg, Snyder County, PA


75 Guns: Selling @ 5:30 PM: Winchester: Model 94 Buffalo Bill Comm. 30-30, NIB; Model 120 Ranger 12 ga; Model 70 Featherweight 280 Rem; Model 12, 12 ga; Centennial 66 “Century of Leadership 1866-1966”, 30-30, NIB; Model 50, 12 ga; Remington: Model 700 Custom Built 28 Nosler Barrel; Model 700, 7mm Exp Rem; Model 760 Gamemaster, 270 WIN; Model 870 Express 12 ga; Model 11 “The Sportsman” 16 ga; Model 870 Wingmaster 16 ga; Model 770, 30-06 SPRG; Model 870TB Wingmaster 12 ga: Model 870 Express 410; Model 591M, 5MM REM;  Weatherby: Vanguard Compact Blue 22-250 Rem, NIB; Vanguard 257 WBY MAG; Vanguard 308 WIN, NIB; Sporter 30-06 SPRG, NIB; Vanguard Badlands 270 WIN, NIB; Savage: Stevens Model 67 Series E 20 ga; 300 Savage; Model 1914, .22; Springfield Model 67 Series D 12 ga; Model 110 Crossfire 260 Rem, NIB; Model 110 Hunter 243 Win, NIB; Stevens Model 94 Series M 16 ga; Axis 6.5 Creedmoor, NIB; Model 420 O/U 20 ga; Marlin: Model 30AW 30-30 Win; Model 336, 35 Rem; Model 1894GL Classic 218 BEE; Ruger: American 5.56 NATO 1-8; M77, 6mm; American 6mm; T/C Compass S/W, 6.5 Creedmoor; CZ 550 243 WIN; Vigilant Tactical VR-15, .223/5.56; Stoeger 410 Coach Gun; Mossberg Model 500E, 410; ROMARA SA/CUGIR 17.62 X 39mm; Iver Johnson Champion 12 ga; CZ 455 .22; Iver Johnson Arms & Cycle Works Model X .22; Ithaca M66 Super Single 12 ga; American Tactical Calvery SX 12 ga; Mossberg Maverick Model 88 12 ga; Ithaca Model 37 Featherlight 16 ga; MIROKU Ultra-Hi 45 cal; Cresent Firearms #60 Empire12 ga; Enders Royal Service 12 ga; Boito Brazil 12 ga; H&R Model 865 Plainsman .22; W. Wurfflein 12 ga; Tikka T3x 6.5 PRC, Veil Camo Stock, NIB; Mossberg Patriot Rifle, 243 WIN, NIB; Browning X-Bolt 7mm Rem Mag, NIB; Colt King Cobra Model D 357; H&R Model 922, .22; Colt D.A. 41; H&R Sportsman .22; Heritage Rough Rider .22; FN Herstal Browning .32 


Hunting & Fishing, Gun Safe & Ammo: Selling @ 4 PM: Winchester 10-gun Combination Safe; Pistol Safe; Climber Tree Stands; Copper Wash Boiler; Milk Cans; 8 & 10 cu Hisense Chest Freezers; Erie, Wagner & Lodge Skillets; Dutch Oven; Grill Kits; Master Built Smokesman Elite Smoker; Vortex Binoculars; Knives; Turkey Calls; Bushnell Range Finder; Hunting Clothes; Fishing Rod, Reels & Lures; Budweiser Beer Signs; Michelob Mirror; Painted Rosedale, New Berlin Milk Can; Tannerite; A Variety of Ammunition & More. 


2021 Yellow Kymco Mongoose 90s ATV w/Reverse & Headlight

2021 Black Kymco MXU 450i LE Prime ATV w/Alum Wheels & Snowplow


                                                                                       Roger Jordan, Owner


Auctioneers: Lori Hess Lauver, AU-02854-L, 570-966-2512                                                                                 Daniel King, AA-019500-L

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75 Guns, 2021 ATV, Hunting Equipment & Ammo
 Live Auction
Auction Date(s)
Friday May 9, 4:00 pm
Auction Location
Middleburg Fire Hall 240 East Main Street
Middleburg, PA 17842
Hess's Auctioneering

Website: hessauctioneering.com

Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash or PA Check Only
File Attachments

 Friday, May 09 @ 4 PM


Located along SR 522 at the Reliance Hose Co Fire Hall, 240 East Main Street, Middleburg, Snyder County, PA


75 Guns: Selling @ 5:30 PM: Winchester: Model 94 Buffalo Bill Comm. 30-30, NIB; Model 120 Ranger 12 ga; Model 70 Featherweight 280 Rem; Model 12, 12 ga; Centennial 66 “Century of Leadership 1866-1966”, 30-30, NIB; Model 50, 12 ga; Remington: Model 700 Custom Built 28 Nosler Barrel; Model 700, 7mm Exp Rem; Model 760 Gamemaster, 270 WIN; Model 870 Express 12 ga; Model 11 “The Sportsman” 16 ga; Model 870 Wingmaster 16 ga; Model 770, 30-06 SPRG; Model 870TB Wingmaster 12 ga: Model 870 Express 410; Model 591M, 5MM REM;  Weatherby: Vanguard Compact Blue 22-250 Rem, NIB; Vanguard 257 WBY MAG; Vanguard 308 WIN, NIB; Sporter 30-06 SPRG, NIB; Vanguard Badlands 270 WIN, NIB; Savage: Stevens Model 67 Series E 20 ga; 300 Savage; Model 1914, .22; Springfield Model 67 Series D 12 ga; Model 110 Crossfire 260 Rem, NIB; Model 110 Hunter 243 Win, NIB; Stevens Model 94 Series M 16 ga; Axis 6.5 Creedmoor, NIB; Model 420 O/U 20 ga; Marlin: Model 30AW 30-30 Win; Model 336, 35 Rem; Model 1894GL Classic 218 BEE; Ruger: American 5.56 NATO 1-8; M77, 6mm; American 6mm; T/C Compass S/W, 6.5 Creedmoor; CZ 550 243 WIN; Vigilant Tactical VR-15, .223/5.56; Stoeger 410 Coach Gun; Mossberg Model 500E, 410; ROMARA SA/CUGIR 17.62 X 39mm; Iver Johnson Champion 12 ga; CZ 455 .22; Iver Johnson Arms & Cycle Works Model X .22; Ithaca M66 Super Single 12 ga; American Tactical Calvery SX 12 ga; Mossberg Maverick Model 88 12 ga; Ithaca Model 37 Featherlight 16 ga; MIROKU Ultra-Hi 45 cal; Cresent Firearms #60 Empire12 ga; Enders Royal Service 12 ga; Boito Brazil 12 ga; H&R Model 865 Plainsman .22; W. Wurfflein 12 ga; Tikka T3x 6.5 PRC, Veil Camo Stock, NIB; Mossberg Patriot Rifle, 243 WIN, NIB; Browning X-Bolt 7mm Rem Mag, NIB; Colt King Cobra Model D 357; H&R Model 922, .22; Colt D.A. 41; H&R Sportsman .22; Heritage Rough Rider .22; FN Herstal Browning .32 


Hunting & Fishing, Gun Safe & Ammo: Selling @ 4 PM: Winchester 10-gun Combination Safe; Pistol Safe; Climber Tree Stands; Copper Wash Boiler; Milk Cans; 8 & 10 cu Hisense Chest Freezers; Erie, Wagner & Lodge Skillets; Dutch Oven; Grill Kits; Master Built Smokesman Elite Smoker; Vortex Binoculars; Knives; Turkey Calls; Bushnell Range Finder; Hunting Clothes; Fishing Rod, Reels & Lures; Budweiser Beer Signs; Michelob Mirror; Painted Rosedale, New Berlin Milk Can; Tannerite; A Variety of Ammunition & More. 


2021 Yellow Kymco Mongoose 90s ATV w/Reverse & Headlight

2021 Black Kymco MXU 450i LE Prime ATV w/Alum Wheels & Snowplow


                                                                                       Roger Jordan, Owner


Auctioneers: Lori Hess Lauver, AU-02854-L, 570-966-2512                                                                                 Daniel King, AA-019500-L