Antiques, Collectibles & HH Goods
Listing ID#: 1701425

Auction Location
405 Baker Hollow Road
Mifflinburg, PA 17844
Auction Dates and Times
Friday May 2, 8:00 am
Auction Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Hess's Auctioneering

Website: ID#: 4215
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash or PA Check Only
File Attachments
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Listing Information

Friday, May 02 @ 8 AM 

Saturday, May 03 @ 8 AM


East of Mifflinburg Turn off SR 45, Old Turnpike Road onto Buffalo Creek Rd., Turn Right onto Strickler Road. Turn Left onto Baker Hollow Road to 405 Baker Hollow Road, Mifflinburg, Union Co, PA


Selling Friday, May 02


Antiques, Collectibles, Glassware & Household Goods: Floral Sofa, Arm Chair & Ottoman; Vinyl Recliner; Blue Velvet Chair; Plant, End, Smoking Stands; Coffee Tables; Drum Round Stand; Plank Bottom Chairs; Bamboo Parlor Lamp Stand; Quilt Racks; Youth Cradles & Chairs; Kneehole Desk; Record Cabinet; Picnic Table & Benches; Yellow Metal Serving Cart; Clothes Trees; Blue Uph. Fainting Couch; 15 Crocks & Jugs; Convection Rotisserie Countertop Oven; Bakeware & Cookware; Small Electrical Appliances; Kitchen Items; Sharp Microwave; Rolling Pins; Canning Jars; Pressed Glassware; Fostoria Pitcher, Cake Plate, Relish, Butter & More; 300+ Telephones & Phone Boards of Various Styles & Colors; Jewelry Boxes & Costume Jewelry; 20 Floor & Table Lamps; 30+ Longenberger Baskets; Kerosene, Stand; Silverware in Chests; Red Trim Peculator; Army & Air Force Uniforms & Hats; Western Clothing; Bedding; Accessible Equipment; Lots of Sewing Notions & Craft Items; Lg. Volume of Silk Flowers & Holiday Decorations; Floral Italian Renaissance Revival Dinnerware; Serv. 8 Blue Village Pfaltzgraff Dinnerware & Extra Serv. Pcs.; Hobnail Glassware; Edwin Knowles & Japan Tea Sets; Game Tumblers; 5 pc. Jewel & Shell Water Pitcher Set; Knife Set; Blue Glassware; P.B. Glasses; Hand Blown Blue & Yellow Tall Vases; Mod. Prairie Type Goat Wagon for Decorations; Hundreds of Quality Box Lots & More.




Selling Saturday, May 03


Early Primitives, Antiques & Collectibles: 1 Pc Corner Cupboard; Yellow w/Green Trim Table w/6 Chairs; Early 1 Cent Adams Pepsin Tutti Frutti & Choc. Menier Vending Machine, Rare; Local Buggy/Sleigh Manufacturing Tags in Display Case; Ant. Larkin Green Stained Glass Panels Bookcase; Carved Oak Ornate Side Board w/Columns/Mirror, exc.; 1900’s Vict. Carved Oak Hall Coat/Hat Tree w/Lift Seat & Mirror; Vict. Carved Hall Tree w/Mirror & Brown Marble Inlaid; Fan Grained Wood Box (paint on top thin); Ornate Oak Side by Side w/Side Columns & Top Shelf; Oak Glass Top Solid Bottom Cabinet; Pine Kitchen Table w/4 Chairs; Pine Base Dry Sink; Drop Front Secretary Desk; 6 Plank Bottom Chairs; Balloon Back Dec. Plank Bottom Chairs; Pressed Back High Chair; Marble Top & Scroll Top Wash Stands; Oak Wash Stand w/Towel Rack; Mission Bookend Kneehole Desk; Console Sewing Machine; Ornate Crown Pump Organ, Geo. P. Bent, Chicago; Wicker Fernery & Stroller; 1 Door Base Oak cabinet; Oak Drop Front Desk; Carved Library Table; Mahog. Bookcase Cabinet; Parlor Stove; Chunk Stove; Chifforobes; Pine Stand; PA House Server; PA House Dropleaf Table w/8 Fan Back Chairs; Porcelain Top Tables; Red/White Pull Out Porcelain Top Table; Organ Stool; Oak Buffet; Hand Carved Spiral Oak Rocker; Oak Dressers; Oak Wall Phone; Oak Dropleaf Table; Pressed Back Oak Chairs; Oak Dbl. Bed; Oak Library Table; DuMont Wide Horizon TV on Stand; Oak Wall Crank Telephone; Victorian Chromolithograph Framed Pictures; Numerous Wooden & Gold Framed Pictures; Family Portrait & Fruit Pictures in Deep Well Frame; “Natural” Key Cash Registers; Mechanical Musical Instrument; 500+ Telephones & Phone Boards of Various Styles & Colors (Pay, Rotary, Wall & Stand); Wall Mirrors; Cuckoo Clock; Bassinet; Needle Point Stool; Wdn. Barrel; Victorian Chair & Ottoman; 4 Sectional Ballester Bookcase; 5 Pressed Back Chairs; Sewing Stand; Treadle Sewing Machine; Metal Patio Stand; Sofa Table; Dropleaf Table; Metal Base Cabinet w/Porcelain Sink; Set of 5 Caned Chairs; Spinning Wheels; Medicine Cabinet; 35 Crocks & Jugs: D. Ack, Mooresburg, Salt Crocks; E.C. Groceries Lewisburg #2 Blue Dec. Jug; Hawthorne; Hyssong, Bloomsburg Crock; Feld Hoff & Zimmerman, Shamokin Jug; (Cracked Blue Dec. Cowden & Wilcox, Sipe & Son); 6 Jardinière; Yellow, Green, Blue Pottery Bowls; Spongeware Pail; 15+ White/Black & White/Red Enamelware; Pillsbury Angel Food Loaf Tin Pan; Early Halloween Cat; Celluloid Rabbit, Sailor & Baby; Holgate Childs Block Wagon; WA-NE Board Game; Hand painted Floral Art Deco Metal Serv. Tray; Vict. Velvet Dbl. Fold Photo Album on Stand; Union/Snyder Co. Atlas; Kodakery Booklets; 1940’s Good Housekeeping; Calendars: 1933 - W.E. Wise & Son, Manbeck Motors, IH, Texaco, Culp, 1949-68 Reeves, Parvin & Co & Others; Lg. Volume of Early Advertising Paper Items too Numerous to Mention; Culp’s Food Market Pictures (1937); Donald Culp & Hickernell Thermometers; Pepsi Thermometer; The Standard Computing Scales Co.; 25 Lights: Gone w/the Wind, Rayo, Kerosene, Retro, Stand Lights; Quilts; Linens; Aprons; Tablecloths; Handkerchiefs; Dollies; Braided Rugs; Tins: Noel’s Potato Chips, B & L Oysters, Herr’s Chips, Keystone & Bachman’s Pretzels; Morton Salt Adv. Pen Clips; Sultana P. Butter Adv. Tin Pail; Tin Rumford Baking Powder Potato Holder (rare); 6 Hole Candle Holder; Glass Negatives; Chicken & Roaster on Nests; Orange Carnival Creamer, Butter, Pitcher; Blue Opalescent Vases; Vaseline Teaberry Glass Stands; Fenton Black/Rose Crest Basket; Pink, Green, Yellow Depression ware Vases, Bowls, Parfaits; Weller Vases; Wooden Lg. Butter Bowls, Barrels, Rolling Pins/Stompers, Crates, Adv. Boxes & Wooden Barrels; Block & Mortising Planes; Drawing Knife; Cast Iron Sad/Flat Irons; Cast Marietta Mush Pot, Wagner Dutch Oven, Good Health, Erie, Wagner Fry Pans; Cast Fire Place Grate; Cast Hooks & Brackets; Cast Water Pitcher Pump & Scottie Dogs; Milk Can; Underwood Typewriter; Adv. Safe-Home Match Box; Wooden & Bone Handle Knives & Forks; Milking Stool; Rental Dairymen’s League Can; 4 Prong Hay Fork; Hand Brass & Cow Bells; Butchering Ladles, Forks, Knives; Beam Scales; Viewers; Powder Horn; Brass Front Scales & Bucket; Bicycle Light; Pocket Knives; Cherry Seeder; Apple Peeler; Ricers; Empire Mirrored/Painting Shelf Clock, Banjo, Mantle, Camel Back, Mission & Horse Clocks; Bake-O-Lite & Floor Model Radios; Tramp Art Wall Shelves; Sprinkling Can; Metal Picnic Basket; Metal Cookie Cutters; Hanson Table Scales; Percolators; Road Tough Die Cast Cars; Metal Ice Cream Freezer; Pad Locks; O.G., Rect. & Round Mirrors; Runner Sleds & More.


                                                                                  Estate of Lawrence Keefer


Auctioneer Note: Along with the merchandise over the sale block, we will be offering Literally Hundreds of Box Lots with Items Worth Waiting For.


Attorney: Baldwin & Baldwin, 570-742-8508

Auctioneers: Lori Hess Lauver, AU-002854-L, 570-966-2512 & Daniel King, AA-01950-L


Auction License: AU-002854-L
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Antiques, Collectibles & HH Goods

Hess's Auctioneering

Hess's Auctioneering

Sale Location
405 Baker Hollow Road
Mifflinburg, PA 17844
Sale Dates and Times
Friday May 2, 8:00 am
Sale Terms and Conditions
Cash or PA Check Only
Listing Details

Friday, May 02 @ 8 AM 

Saturday, May 03 @ 8 AM


East of Mifflinburg Turn off SR 45, Old Turnpike Road onto Buffalo Creek Rd., Turn Right onto Strickler Road. Turn Left onto Baker Hollow Road to 405 Baker Hollow Road, Mifflinburg, Union Co, PA


Selling Friday, May 02


Antiques, Collectibles, Glassware & Household Goods: Floral Sofa, Arm Chair & Ottoman; Vinyl Recliner; Blue Velvet Chair; Plant, End, Smoking Stands; Coffee Tables; Drum Round Stand; Plank Bottom Chairs; Bamboo Parlor Lamp Stand; Quilt Racks; Youth Cradles & Chairs; Kneehole Desk; Record Cabinet; Picnic Table & Benches; Yellow Metal Serving Cart; Clothes Trees; Blue Uph. Fainting Couch; 15 Crocks & Jugs; Convection Rotisserie Countertop Oven; Bakeware & Cookware; Small Electrical Appliances; Kitchen Items; Sharp Microwave; Rolling Pins; Canning Jars; Pressed Glassware; Fostoria Pitcher, Cake Plate, Relish, Butter & More; 300+ Telephones & Phone Boards of Various Styles & Colors; Jewelry Boxes & Costume Jewelry; 20 Floor & Table Lamps; 30+ Longenberger Baskets; Kerosene, Stand; Silverware in Chests; Red Trim Peculator; Army & Air Force Uniforms & Hats; Western Clothing; Bedding; Accessible Equipment; Lots of Sewing Notions & Craft Items; Lg. Volume of Silk Flowers & Holiday Decorations; Floral Italian Renaissance Revival Dinnerware; Serv. 8 Blue Village Pfaltzgraff Dinnerware & Extra Serv. Pcs.; Hobnail Glassware; Edwin Knowles & Japan Tea Sets; Game Tumblers; 5 pc. Jewel & Shell Water Pitcher Set; Knife Set; Blue Glassware; P.B. Glasses; Hand Blown Blue & Yellow Tall Vases; Mod. Prairie Type Goat Wagon for Decorations; Hundreds of Quality Box Lots & More.




Selling Saturday, May 03


Early Primitives, Antiques & Collectibles: 1 Pc Corner Cupboard; Yellow w/Green Trim Table w/6 Chairs; Early 1 Cent Adams Pepsin Tutti Frutti & Choc. Menier Vending Machine, Rare; Local Buggy/Sleigh Manufacturing Tags in Display Case; Ant. Larkin Green Stained Glass Panels Bookcase; Carved Oak Ornate Side Board w/Columns/Mirror, exc.; 1900’s Vict. Carved Oak Hall Coat/Hat Tree w/Lift Seat & Mirror; Vict. Carved Hall Tree w/Mirror & Brown Marble Inlaid; Fan Grained Wood Box (paint on top thin); Ornate Oak Side by Side w/Side Columns & Top Shelf; Oak Glass Top Solid Bottom Cabinet; Pine Kitchen Table w/4 Chairs; Pine Base Dry Sink; Drop Front Secretary Desk; 6 Plank Bottom Chairs; Balloon Back Dec. Plank Bottom Chairs; Pressed Back High Chair; Marble Top & Scroll Top Wash Stands; Oak Wash Stand w/Towel Rack; Mission Bookend Kneehole Desk; Console Sewing Machine; Ornate Crown Pump Organ, Geo. P. Bent, Chicago; Wicker Fernery & Stroller; 1 Door Base Oak cabinet; Oak Drop Front Desk; Carved Library Table; Mahog. Bookcase Cabinet; Parlor Stove; Chunk Stove; Chifforobes; Pine Stand; PA House Server; PA House Dropleaf Table w/8 Fan Back Chairs; Porcelain Top Tables; Red/White Pull Out Porcelain Top Table; Organ Stool; Oak Buffet; Hand Carved Spiral Oak Rocker; Oak Dressers; Oak Wall Phone; Oak Dropleaf Table; Pressed Back Oak Chairs; Oak Dbl. Bed; Oak Library Table; DuMont Wide Horizon TV on Stand; Oak Wall Crank Telephone; Victorian Chromolithograph Framed Pictures; Numerous Wooden & Gold Framed Pictures; Family Portrait & Fruit Pictures in Deep Well Frame; “Natural” Key Cash Registers; Mechanical Musical Instrument; 500+ Telephones & Phone Boards of Various Styles & Colors (Pay, Rotary, Wall & Stand); Wall Mirrors; Cuckoo Clock; Bassinet; Needle Point Stool; Wdn. Barrel; Victorian Chair & Ottoman; 4 Sectional Ballester Bookcase; 5 Pressed Back Chairs; Sewing Stand; Treadle Sewing Machine; Metal Patio Stand; Sofa Table; Dropleaf Table; Metal Base Cabinet w/Porcelain Sink; Set of 5 Caned Chairs; Spinning Wheels; Medicine Cabinet; 35 Crocks & Jugs: D. Ack, Mooresburg, Salt Crocks; E.C. Groceries Lewisburg #2 Blue Dec. Jug; Hawthorne; Hyssong, Bloomsburg Crock; Feld Hoff & Zimmerman, Shamokin Jug; (Cracked Blue Dec. Cowden & Wilcox, Sipe & Son); 6 Jardinière; Yellow, Green, Blue Pottery Bowls; Spongeware Pail; 15+ White/Black & White/Red Enamelware; Pillsbury Angel Food Loaf Tin Pan; Early Halloween Cat; Celluloid Rabbit, Sailor & Baby; Holgate Childs Block Wagon; WA-NE Board Game; Hand painted Floral Art Deco Metal Serv. Tray; Vict. Velvet Dbl. Fold Photo Album on Stand; Union/Snyder Co. Atlas; Kodakery Booklets; 1940’s Good Housekeeping; Calendars: 1933 - W.E. Wise & Son, Manbeck Motors, IH, Texaco, Culp, 1949-68 Reeves, Parvin & Co & Others; Lg. Volume of Early Advertising Paper Items too Numerous to Mention; Culp’s Food Market Pictures (1937); Donald Culp & Hickernell Thermometers; Pepsi Thermometer; The Standard Computing Scales Co.; 25 Lights: Gone w/the Wind, Rayo, Kerosene, Retro, Stand Lights; Quilts; Linens; Aprons; Tablecloths; Handkerchiefs; Dollies; Braided Rugs; Tins: Noel’s Potato Chips, B & L Oysters, Herr’s Chips, Keystone & Bachman’s Pretzels; Morton Salt Adv. Pen Clips; Sultana P. Butter Adv. Tin Pail; Tin Rumford Baking Powder Potato Holder (rare); 6 Hole Candle Holder; Glass Negatives; Chicken & Roaster on Nests; Orange Carnival Creamer, Butter, Pitcher; Blue Opalescent Vases; Vaseline Teaberry Glass Stands; Fenton Black/Rose Crest Basket; Pink, Green, Yellow Depression ware Vases, Bowls, Parfaits; Weller Vases; Wooden Lg. Butter Bowls, Barrels, Rolling Pins/Stompers, Crates, Adv. Boxes & Wooden Barrels; Block & Mortising Planes; Drawing Knife; Cast Iron Sad/Flat Irons; Cast Marietta Mush Pot, Wagner Dutch Oven, Good Health, Erie, Wagner Fry Pans; Cast Fire Place Grate; Cast Hooks & Brackets; Cast Water Pitcher Pump & Scottie Dogs; Milk Can; Underwood Typewriter; Adv. Safe-Home Match Box; Wooden & Bone Handle Knives & Forks; Milking Stool; Rental Dairymen’s League Can; 4 Prong Hay Fork; Hand Brass & Cow Bells; Butchering Ladles, Forks, Knives; Beam Scales; Viewers; Powder Horn; Brass Front Scales & Bucket; Bicycle Light; Pocket Knives; Cherry Seeder; Apple Peeler; Ricers; Empire Mirrored/Painting Shelf Clock, Banjo, Mantle, Camel Back, Mission & Horse Clocks; Bake-O-Lite & Floor Model Radios; Tramp Art Wall Shelves; Sprinkling Can; Metal Picnic Basket; Metal Cookie Cutters; Hanson Table Scales; Percolators; Road Tough Die Cast Cars; Metal Ice Cream Freezer; Pad Locks; O.G., Rect. & Round Mirrors; Runner Sleds & More.


                                                                                  Estate of Lawrence Keefer


Auctioneer Note: Along with the merchandise over the sale block, we will be offering Literally Hundreds of Box Lots with Items Worth Waiting For.


Attorney: Baldwin & Baldwin, 570-742-8508

Auctioneers: Lori Hess Lauver, AU-002854-L, 570-966-2512 & Daniel King, AA-01950-L


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Antiques, Collectibles & HH Goods
 Live Auction
Auction Date(s)
Friday May 2, 8:00 am
Auction Location
405 Baker Hollow Road
Mifflinburg, PA 17844
Hess's Auctioneering


Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash or PA Check Only
File Attachments

Friday, May 02 @ 8 AM 

Saturday, May 03 @ 8 AM


East of Mifflinburg Turn off SR 45, Old Turnpike Road onto Buffalo Creek Rd., Turn Right onto Strickler Road. Turn Left onto Baker Hollow Road to 405 Baker Hollow Road, Mifflinburg, Union Co, PA


Selling Friday, May 02


Antiques, Collectibles, Glassware & Household Goods: Floral Sofa, Arm Chair & Ottoman; Vinyl Recliner; Blue Velvet Chair; Plant, End, Smoking Stands; Coffee Tables; Drum Round Stand; Plank Bottom Chairs; Bamboo Parlor Lamp Stand; Quilt Racks; Youth Cradles & Chairs; Kneehole Desk; Record Cabinet; Picnic Table & Benches; Yellow Metal Serving Cart; Clothes Trees; Blue Uph. Fainting Couch; 15 Crocks & Jugs; Convection Rotisserie Countertop Oven; Bakeware & Cookware; Small Electrical Appliances; Kitchen Items; Sharp Microwave; Rolling Pins; Canning Jars; Pressed Glassware; Fostoria Pitcher, Cake Plate, Relish, Butter & More; 300+ Telephones & Phone Boards of Various Styles & Colors; Jewelry Boxes & Costume Jewelry; 20 Floor & Table Lamps; 30+ Longenberger Baskets; Kerosene, Stand; Silverware in Chests; Red Trim Peculator; Army & Air Force Uniforms & Hats; Western Clothing; Bedding; Accessible Equipment; Lots of Sewing Notions & Craft Items; Lg. Volume of Silk Flowers & Holiday Decorations; Floral Italian Renaissance Revival Dinnerware; Serv. 8 Blue Village Pfaltzgraff Dinnerware & Extra Serv. Pcs.; Hobnail Glassware; Edwin Knowles & Japan Tea Sets; Game Tumblers; 5 pc. Jewel & Shell Water Pitcher Set; Knife Set; Blue Glassware; P.B. Glasses; Hand Blown Blue & Yellow Tall Vases; Mod. Prairie Type Goat Wagon for Decorations; Hundreds of Quality Box Lots & More.




Selling Saturday, May 03


Early Primitives, Antiques & Collectibles: 1 Pc Corner Cupboard; Yellow w/Green Trim Table w/6 Chairs; Early 1 Cent Adams Pepsin Tutti Frutti & Choc. Menier Vending Machine, Rare; Local Buggy/Sleigh Manufacturing Tags in Display Case; Ant. Larkin Green Stained Glass Panels Bookcase; Carved Oak Ornate Side Board w/Columns/Mirror, exc.; 1900’s Vict. Carved Oak Hall Coat/Hat Tree w/Lift Seat & Mirror; Vict. Carved Hall Tree w/Mirror & Brown Marble Inlaid; Fan Grained Wood Box (paint on top thin); Ornate Oak Side by Side w/Side Columns & Top Shelf; Oak Glass Top Solid Bottom Cabinet; Pine Kitchen Table w/4 Chairs; Pine Base Dry Sink; Drop Front Secretary Desk; 6 Plank Bottom Chairs; Balloon Back Dec. Plank Bottom Chairs; Pressed Back High Chair; Marble Top & Scroll Top Wash Stands; Oak Wash Stand w/Towel Rack; Mission Bookend Kneehole Desk; Console Sewing Machine; Ornate Crown Pump Organ, Geo. P. Bent, Chicago; Wicker Fernery & Stroller; 1 Door Base Oak cabinet; Oak Drop Front Desk; Carved Library Table; Mahog. Bookcase Cabinet; Parlor Stove; Chunk Stove; Chifforobes; Pine Stand; PA House Server; PA House Dropleaf Table w/8 Fan Back Chairs; Porcelain Top Tables; Red/White Pull Out Porcelain Top Table; Organ Stool; Oak Buffet; Hand Carved Spiral Oak Rocker; Oak Dressers; Oak Wall Phone; Oak Dropleaf Table; Pressed Back Oak Chairs; Oak Dbl. Bed; Oak Library Table; DuMont Wide Horizon TV on Stand; Oak Wall Crank Telephone; Victorian Chromolithograph Framed Pictures; Numerous Wooden & Gold Framed Pictures; Family Portrait & Fruit Pictures in Deep Well Frame; “Natural” Key Cash Registers; Mechanical Musical Instrument; 500+ Telephones & Phone Boards of Various Styles & Colors (Pay, Rotary, Wall & Stand); Wall Mirrors; Cuckoo Clock; Bassinet; Needle Point Stool; Wdn. Barrel; Victorian Chair & Ottoman; 4 Sectional Ballester Bookcase; 5 Pressed Back Chairs; Sewing Stand; Treadle Sewing Machine; Metal Patio Stand; Sofa Table; Dropleaf Table; Metal Base Cabinet w/Porcelain Sink; Set of 5 Caned Chairs; Spinning Wheels; Medicine Cabinet; 35 Crocks & Jugs: D. Ack, Mooresburg, Salt Crocks; E.C. Groceries Lewisburg #2 Blue Dec. Jug; Hawthorne; Hyssong, Bloomsburg Crock; Feld Hoff & Zimmerman, Shamokin Jug; (Cracked Blue Dec. Cowden & Wilcox, Sipe & Son); 6 Jardinière; Yellow, Green, Blue Pottery Bowls; Spongeware Pail; 15+ White/Black & White/Red Enamelware; Pillsbury Angel Food Loaf Tin Pan; Early Halloween Cat; Celluloid Rabbit, Sailor & Baby; Holgate Childs Block Wagon; WA-NE Board Game; Hand painted Floral Art Deco Metal Serv. Tray; Vict. Velvet Dbl. Fold Photo Album on Stand; Union/Snyder Co. Atlas; Kodakery Booklets; 1940’s Good Housekeeping; Calendars: 1933 - W.E. Wise & Son, Manbeck Motors, IH, Texaco, Culp, 1949-68 Reeves, Parvin & Co & Others; Lg. Volume of Early Advertising Paper Items too Numerous to Mention; Culp’s Food Market Pictures (1937); Donald Culp & Hickernell Thermometers; Pepsi Thermometer; The Standard Computing Scales Co.; 25 Lights: Gone w/the Wind, Rayo, Kerosene, Retro, Stand Lights; Quilts; Linens; Aprons; Tablecloths; Handkerchiefs; Dollies; Braided Rugs; Tins: Noel’s Potato Chips, B & L Oysters, Herr’s Chips, Keystone & Bachman’s Pretzels; Morton Salt Adv. Pen Clips; Sultana P. Butter Adv. Tin Pail; Tin Rumford Baking Powder Potato Holder (rare); 6 Hole Candle Holder; Glass Negatives; Chicken & Roaster on Nests; Orange Carnival Creamer, Butter, Pitcher; Blue Opalescent Vases; Vaseline Teaberry Glass Stands; Fenton Black/Rose Crest Basket; Pink, Green, Yellow Depression ware Vases, Bowls, Parfaits; Weller Vases; Wooden Lg. Butter Bowls, Barrels, Rolling Pins/Stompers, Crates, Adv. Boxes & Wooden Barrels; Block & Mortising Planes; Drawing Knife; Cast Iron Sad/Flat Irons; Cast Marietta Mush Pot, Wagner Dutch Oven, Good Health, Erie, Wagner Fry Pans; Cast Fire Place Grate; Cast Hooks & Brackets; Cast Water Pitcher Pump & Scottie Dogs; Milk Can; Underwood Typewriter; Adv. Safe-Home Match Box; Wooden & Bone Handle Knives & Forks; Milking Stool; Rental Dairymen’s League Can; 4 Prong Hay Fork; Hand Brass & Cow Bells; Butchering Ladles, Forks, Knives; Beam Scales; Viewers; Powder Horn; Brass Front Scales & Bucket; Bicycle Light; Pocket Knives; Cherry Seeder; Apple Peeler; Ricers; Empire Mirrored/Painting Shelf Clock, Banjo, Mantle, Camel Back, Mission & Horse Clocks; Bake-O-Lite & Floor Model Radios; Tramp Art Wall Shelves; Sprinkling Can; Metal Picnic Basket; Metal Cookie Cutters; Hanson Table Scales; Percolators; Road Tough Die Cast Cars; Metal Ice Cream Freezer; Pad Locks; O.G., Rect. & Round Mirrors; Runner Sleds & More.


                                                                                  Estate of Lawrence Keefer


Auctioneer Note: Along with the merchandise over the sale block, we will be offering Literally Hundreds of Box Lots with Items Worth Waiting For.


Attorney: Baldwin & Baldwin, 570-742-8508

Auctioneers: Lori Hess Lauver, AU-002854-L, 570-966-2512 & Daniel King, AA-01950-L