Estate of The Late Franklin Auman
Listing ID#: 1712939

Auction Location
126 Boyd Drive
Seagrove, NC 27341
Auction Dates and Times
Saturday Mar 29, 9:30 am
Auction Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Richie Hughes Auction & Real Estate

Website: ID#: 8516
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Auction Terms: Cash, NC Check, (Checks $10,000.00 or greater must be accompanied by a bank letter of credit guaranteeing funds.) Credit Cards (Master, Visa & Discover Credit Cards Only)/ Debit Cards with a 4% surcharge applied to purchase if paying by card. All items sold AS IS with any and all faults if any. All items must be paid for in full on day of auction. All sales are final. No out of state checks. Sales tax applies. The auction company must have completed E595E form on file in order not to be charged sales tax.
File Attachments
Auction Flier
Listing Information

John Deere Tractor w/ Loader/ Bass Tracker Boat/ Mazda 6 Car/ John Deere 5-Wheeler/ Finishing Mower/ Pottery/ Tools/ Furniture/ Appliances/ Zero-Turn Mower + More!


Saturday, March 29th at 9:30 am

Estate of The Late Franklin Auman

Address: 126 Boyd Drive

Seagrove, NC 27341

Auction Held On-Site.


Valuables not on-site until the day of auction

Auction with plenty of parking!

Partial Listing –

*John Deere 5103 Tractor w/ John Deere 510 Loader & Bucket - 1177 hrs.

*Bass Tracker TX-17 Boat w/ Evinrude Engine & Trailer (Shed Kept)

*Mazda 6 Car w/ DOHC 16 Valve 4 Cylinder Engine & Bose Sound System 135,670 Miles

John Deere 610 5-Wheeler w/ Dump Bed

GM1084R Frontier 6’ Finish Mower/ 3pt. Hitch

Double-Bottom Plow

Double-Axle Trailer w/ Title & Livestock Top

Scoop Pan 3pt.

Bad Boy Z-Series Zero Turn Mower w/ 27hp - 60” Deck

Side-by-Side Refrigerator (VGC)

Whirlpool Dryer

Maytag Washing Machine

Original Whizzer Schwinn Bike Gas Tank

Electric Lift Recliner (Like New)

Aluminum Scooter & Wheelchair Carrier

Hand-Crank Corn Sheller

Horse-Drawn Scoop Pan

Several Horse Drawn Plows & Cultivators

Horse Collars

Single Trees

Several Vintage Bicycles

Small Wood Stove

Wood Saw

(2) Porch Swings

(2) Rocking Chairs

Blacksmith Vise

Welding Helmets

Sears Gas Engine Air Compressor

Misc. Line Trimmers

Plastic Chairs

Antique Wooden Tool Box

Drill Dr. Bit Sharpener

Aluminum Step Ladder

Metal Detector

Hand-Crank Sickle Sharpener

‘90 Honda Parts Motorcycle

Electric Concrete Mixer

(3) Vintage Gulf Grease Cans

(5) Goebel Hummel Figurines

Several Cast Iron Pans

Several Seagrove Pottery Pcs.

Rebecca Pitchers/ Vases/ Bird House/ Bowls/ Cups/ etc.

Piney Woods Angels

Kovack Pottery Angel Figurines w/ Certificate

Kovack Cup & Saucer Sets w/ Certificate

Pfaltzgraff Village Stoneware Set

Cobalt Pyrex Bowls

Gun Cabinet

Display Cabinets

Vintage Soda Bottles

Cabinet Top Stereo/ Turn Table

Milk Glass Lamp

Decorative Candle Holders

Winston Cup Cards

Dining Room Table w/ 6 Chairs

Pyrex Bowls

Motorcycle Helmets

Collectors “Vintage Car” Knives

(3) Enamelware Dippers


(2) Reese Style Bolt on Hitch

Misc. Glassware Sets

Coleman Camping Stove

Early Carolina Panters Framed Print

Picnic Basket

Portable Sewing Machine

Misc. Baskets

Wooden Cowboy Carving

Chest of Drawers

Electric Space Heater

Plastic Tool Box

Air Hose Reel

Battery Powered Scooter

Several DVD & VHS Movies

Sterno Portable Stove w/ Box

Misc. Toddlers Toys

Coal Bucket

Framed Prints

Bob Timberlake Print

(2) Wheel Chairs

Vintage Kirby Vacuum w/ Attachments

Jewelry Armoire

Portable Smith-Corona Typewriter

Four Wheel Rolling Walker/ Seat

Ceramic Lighthouse Collection  

Match Box Collection

NC State Champion Bottles

Gas-Powered Leaf Blower

Portable Coolers

(2) Resse 5th Wheel Hitches   

Toaster Ovens

Canister Sets

Ceramic Doll Collection

Barbie Dolls & Accessories

Duke, N.E. Patriots, C. Panthers Sweat Shirts (Nike, Pro Line & Starter)

Celtics & C. Panthers Jerseys (Nike)

Tobacco Setter

Picnic Table

Wooden Baby Bed

Vintage American Tourist Luggage (Yellow)

Misc. Luggage

Ceramic Nativity Figures

World Globe

Matchbox & Hot Wheels Cars

Ceramic Duck Collection

Charcoal Grill Unopened

Gospel CD’s

Quilt Rack

Misc. Wall Décor

Vintage Kerosene Glass Jugs

Autographed Pictures of Jeanne C. Riley, Earnest T. Bass, Howard Sprague & others

RC Car

Huskey Garden Tiller

Plastic Compact Truck Toolbox

Power Wheelchair (Like new)

(3) Bar Stools

Wicker Stool

Large Flay-Screen TV

Handmade Ironing Board/ Step Stool

Roll-Top Desk

Costume Jewelry

10k Gold Bracelet


Honda 2200-Watt Generator

Vintage Gas Cans

Floor Jacks

Garden Planter

20,000 Lb. Snatch Block

Boxing Speed Bag

Small Wire Welder

Patio Furniture

Tupperware Canisters

2001 Winston Cup Book

Potable Dog Cage

*Reserve Items

Plus Much More!

Auction Terms: Cash, NC Check, (Checks $10,000.00 or greater must be accompanied by a bank letter of credit guaranteeing funds.) Credit Cards (Master, Visa & Discover Credit Cards Only)/ Debit Cards with a 4% surcharge applied to purchase if paying by card. All items sold AS IS with any and all faults if any. All items must be paid for in full on day of auction. All sales are final. No out of state checks. Sales tax applies. The auction company must have completed E595E form on file in order not to be charged sales tax.



Richie Hughes

Auction & Real Estate

NCALN: 6206

NCREBLN: 202693



This listing is believed to be accurate. However, announcements made day of sale take precedence over all advertisements. Items may be added or deleted.

Auction License: 6206
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Estate of The Late Franklin Auman

Richie Hughes Auction & Real Estate

Richie Hughes Auction & Real Estate

Sale Location
126 Boyd Drive
Seagrove, NC 27341
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Mar 29, 9:30 am
Sale Terms and Conditions
Auction Terms: Cash, NC Check, (Checks $10,000.00 or greater must be accompanied by a bank letter of credit guaranteeing funds.) Credit Cards (Master, Visa & Discover Credit Cards Only)/ Debit Cards with a 4% surcharge applied to purchase if paying by card. All items sold AS IS with any and all faults if any. All items must be paid for in full on day of auction. All sales are final. No out of state checks. Sales tax applies. The auction company must have completed E595E form on file in order not to be charged sales tax.
Listing Details

John Deere Tractor w/ Loader/ Bass Tracker Boat/ Mazda 6 Car/ John Deere 5-Wheeler/ Finishing Mower/ Pottery/ Tools/ Furniture/ Appliances/ Zero-Turn Mower + More!


Saturday, March 29th at 9:30 am

Estate of The Late Franklin Auman

Address: 126 Boyd Drive

Seagrove, NC 27341

Auction Held On-Site.


Valuables not on-site until the day of auction

Auction with plenty of parking!

Partial Listing –

*John Deere 5103 Tractor w/ John Deere 510 Loader & Bucket - 1177 hrs.

*Bass Tracker TX-17 Boat w/ Evinrude Engine & Trailer (Shed Kept)

*Mazda 6 Car w/ DOHC 16 Valve 4 Cylinder Engine & Bose Sound System 135,670 Miles

John Deere 610 5-Wheeler w/ Dump Bed

GM1084R Frontier 6’ Finish Mower/ 3pt. Hitch

Double-Bottom Plow

Double-Axle Trailer w/ Title & Livestock Top

Scoop Pan 3pt.

Bad Boy Z-Series Zero Turn Mower w/ 27hp - 60” Deck

Side-by-Side Refrigerator (VGC)

Whirlpool Dryer

Maytag Washing Machine

Original Whizzer Schwinn Bike Gas Tank

Electric Lift Recliner (Like New)

Aluminum Scooter & Wheelchair Carrier

Hand-Crank Corn Sheller

Horse-Drawn Scoop Pan

Several Horse Drawn Plows & Cultivators

Horse Collars

Single Trees

Several Vintage Bicycles

Small Wood Stove

Wood Saw

(2) Porch Swings

(2) Rocking Chairs

Blacksmith Vise

Welding Helmets

Sears Gas Engine Air Compressor

Misc. Line Trimmers

Plastic Chairs

Antique Wooden Tool Box

Drill Dr. Bit Sharpener

Aluminum Step Ladder

Metal Detector

Hand-Crank Sickle Sharpener

‘90 Honda Parts Motorcycle

Electric Concrete Mixer

(3) Vintage Gulf Grease Cans

(5) Goebel Hummel Figurines

Several Cast Iron Pans

Several Seagrove Pottery Pcs.

Rebecca Pitchers/ Vases/ Bird House/ Bowls/ Cups/ etc.

Piney Woods Angels

Kovack Pottery Angel Figurines w/ Certificate

Kovack Cup & Saucer Sets w/ Certificate

Pfaltzgraff Village Stoneware Set

Cobalt Pyrex Bowls

Gun Cabinet

Display Cabinets

Vintage Soda Bottles

Cabinet Top Stereo/ Turn Table

Milk Glass Lamp

Decorative Candle Holders

Winston Cup Cards

Dining Room Table w/ 6 Chairs

Pyrex Bowls

Motorcycle Helmets

Collectors “Vintage Car” Knives

(3) Enamelware Dippers


(2) Reese Style Bolt on Hitch

Misc. Glassware Sets

Coleman Camping Stove

Early Carolina Panters Framed Print

Picnic Basket

Portable Sewing Machine

Misc. Baskets

Wooden Cowboy Carving

Chest of Drawers

Electric Space Heater

Plastic Tool Box

Air Hose Reel

Battery Powered Scooter

Several DVD & VHS Movies

Sterno Portable Stove w/ Box

Misc. Toddlers Toys

Coal Bucket

Framed Prints

Bob Timberlake Print

(2) Wheel Chairs

Vintage Kirby Vacuum w/ Attachments

Jewelry Armoire

Portable Smith-Corona Typewriter

Four Wheel Rolling Walker/ Seat

Ceramic Lighthouse Collection  

Match Box Collection

NC State Champion Bottles

Gas-Powered Leaf Blower

Portable Coolers

(2) Resse 5th Wheel Hitches   

Toaster Ovens

Canister Sets

Ceramic Doll Collection

Barbie Dolls & Accessories

Duke, N.E. Patriots, C. Panthers Sweat Shirts (Nike, Pro Line & Starter)

Celtics & C. Panthers Jerseys (Nike)

Tobacco Setter

Picnic Table

Wooden Baby Bed

Vintage American Tourist Luggage (Yellow)

Misc. Luggage

Ceramic Nativity Figures

World Globe

Matchbox & Hot Wheels Cars

Ceramic Duck Collection

Charcoal Grill Unopened

Gospel CD’s

Quilt Rack

Misc. Wall Décor

Vintage Kerosene Glass Jugs

Autographed Pictures of Jeanne C. Riley, Earnest T. Bass, Howard Sprague & others

RC Car

Huskey Garden Tiller

Plastic Compact Truck Toolbox

Power Wheelchair (Like new)

(3) Bar Stools

Wicker Stool

Large Flay-Screen TV

Handmade Ironing Board/ Step Stool

Roll-Top Desk

Costume Jewelry

10k Gold Bracelet


Honda 2200-Watt Generator

Vintage Gas Cans

Floor Jacks

Garden Planter

20,000 Lb. Snatch Block

Boxing Speed Bag

Small Wire Welder

Patio Furniture

Tupperware Canisters

2001 Winston Cup Book

Potable Dog Cage

*Reserve Items

Plus Much More!

Auction Terms: Cash, NC Check, (Checks $10,000.00 or greater must be accompanied by a bank letter of credit guaranteeing funds.) Credit Cards (Master, Visa & Discover Credit Cards Only)/ Debit Cards with a 4% surcharge applied to purchase if paying by card. All items sold AS IS with any and all faults if any. All items must be paid for in full on day of auction. All sales are final. No out of state checks. Sales tax applies. The auction company must have completed E595E form on file in order not to be charged sales tax.



Richie Hughes

Auction & Real Estate

NCALN: 6206

NCREBLN: 202693



This listing is believed to be accurate. However, announcements made day of sale take precedence over all advertisements. Items may be added or deleted.

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Estate of The Late Franklin Auman
 Live Auction
Auction Date(s)
Saturday Mar 29, 9:30 am
Auction Location
126 Boyd Drive
Seagrove, NC 27341
Richie Hughes Auction & Real Estate


Listing Terms and Conditions
Auction Terms: Cash, NC Check, (Checks $10,000.00 or greater must be accompanied by a bank letter of credit guaranteeing funds.) Credit Cards (Master, Visa & Discover Credit Cards Only)/ Debit Cards with a 4% surcharge applied to purchase if paying by card. All items sold AS IS with any and all faults if any. All items must be paid for in full on day of auction. All sales are final. No out of state checks. Sales tax applies. The auction company must have completed E595E form on file in order not to be charged sales tax.
File Attachments

John Deere Tractor w/ Loader/ Bass Tracker Boat/ Mazda 6 Car/ John Deere 5-Wheeler/ Finishing Mower/ Pottery/ Tools/ Furniture/ Appliances/ Zero-Turn Mower + More!


Saturday, March 29th at 9:30 am

Estate of The Late Franklin Auman

Address: 126 Boyd Drive

Seagrove, NC 27341

Auction Held On-Site.


Valuables not on-site until the day of auction

Auction with plenty of parking!

Partial Listing –

*John Deere 5103 Tractor w/ John Deere 510 Loader & Bucket - 1177 hrs.

*Bass Tracker TX-17 Boat w/ Evinrude Engine & Trailer (Shed Kept)

*Mazda 6 Car w/ DOHC 16 Valve 4 Cylinder Engine & Bose Sound System 135,670 Miles

John Deere 610 5-Wheeler w/ Dump Bed

GM1084R Frontier 6’ Finish Mower/ 3pt. Hitch

Double-Bottom Plow

Double-Axle Trailer w/ Title & Livestock Top

Scoop Pan 3pt.

Bad Boy Z-Series Zero Turn Mower w/ 27hp - 60” Deck

Side-by-Side Refrigerator (VGC)

Whirlpool Dryer

Maytag Washing Machine

Original Whizzer Schwinn Bike Gas Tank

Electric Lift Recliner (Like New)

Aluminum Scooter & Wheelchair Carrier

Hand-Crank Corn Sheller

Horse-Drawn Scoop Pan

Several Horse Drawn Plows & Cultivators

Horse Collars

Single Trees

Several Vintage Bicycles

Small Wood Stove

Wood Saw

(2) Porch Swings

(2) Rocking Chairs

Blacksmith Vise

Welding Helmets

Sears Gas Engine Air Compressor

Misc. Line Trimmers

Plastic Chairs

Antique Wooden Tool Box

Drill Dr. Bit Sharpener

Aluminum Step Ladder

Metal Detector

Hand-Crank Sickle Sharpener

‘90 Honda Parts Motorcycle

Electric Concrete Mixer

(3) Vintage Gulf Grease Cans

(5) Goebel Hummel Figurines

Several Cast Iron Pans

Several Seagrove Pottery Pcs.

Rebecca Pitchers/ Vases/ Bird House/ Bowls/ Cups/ etc.

Piney Woods Angels

Kovack Pottery Angel Figurines w/ Certificate

Kovack Cup & Saucer Sets w/ Certificate

Pfaltzgraff Village Stoneware Set

Cobalt Pyrex Bowls

Gun Cabinet

Display Cabinets

Vintage Soda Bottles

Cabinet Top Stereo/ Turn Table

Milk Glass Lamp

Decorative Candle Holders

Winston Cup Cards

Dining Room Table w/ 6 Chairs

Pyrex Bowls

Motorcycle Helmets

Collectors “Vintage Car” Knives

(3) Enamelware Dippers


(2) Reese Style Bolt on Hitch

Misc. Glassware Sets

Coleman Camping Stove

Early Carolina Panters Framed Print

Picnic Basket

Portable Sewing Machine

Misc. Baskets

Wooden Cowboy Carving

Chest of Drawers

Electric Space Heater

Plastic Tool Box

Air Hose Reel

Battery Powered Scooter

Several DVD & VHS Movies

Sterno Portable Stove w/ Box

Misc. Toddlers Toys

Coal Bucket

Framed Prints

Bob Timberlake Print

(2) Wheel Chairs

Vintage Kirby Vacuum w/ Attachments

Jewelry Armoire

Portable Smith-Corona Typewriter

Four Wheel Rolling Walker/ Seat

Ceramic Lighthouse Collection  

Match Box Collection

NC State Champion Bottles

Gas-Powered Leaf Blower

Portable Coolers

(2) Resse 5th Wheel Hitches   

Toaster Ovens

Canister Sets

Ceramic Doll Collection

Barbie Dolls & Accessories

Duke, N.E. Patriots, C. Panthers Sweat Shirts (Nike, Pro Line & Starter)

Celtics & C. Panthers Jerseys (Nike)

Tobacco Setter

Picnic Table

Wooden Baby Bed

Vintage American Tourist Luggage (Yellow)

Misc. Luggage

Ceramic Nativity Figures

World Globe

Matchbox & Hot Wheels Cars

Ceramic Duck Collection

Charcoal Grill Unopened

Gospel CD’s

Quilt Rack

Misc. Wall Décor

Vintage Kerosene Glass Jugs

Autographed Pictures of Jeanne C. Riley, Earnest T. Bass, Howard Sprague & others

RC Car

Huskey Garden Tiller

Plastic Compact Truck Toolbox

Power Wheelchair (Like new)

(3) Bar Stools

Wicker Stool

Large Flay-Screen TV

Handmade Ironing Board/ Step Stool

Roll-Top Desk

Costume Jewelry

10k Gold Bracelet


Honda 2200-Watt Generator

Vintage Gas Cans

Floor Jacks

Garden Planter

20,000 Lb. Snatch Block

Boxing Speed Bag

Small Wire Welder

Patio Furniture

Tupperware Canisters

2001 Winston Cup Book

Potable Dog Cage

*Reserve Items

Plus Much More!

Auction Terms: Cash, NC Check, (Checks $10,000.00 or greater must be accompanied by a bank letter of credit guaranteeing funds.) Credit Cards (Master, Visa & Discover Credit Cards Only)/ Debit Cards with a 4% surcharge applied to purchase if paying by card. All items sold AS IS with any and all faults if any. All items must be paid for in full on day of auction. All sales are final. No out of state checks. Sales tax applies. The auction company must have completed E595E form on file in order not to be charged sales tax.



Richie Hughes

Auction & Real Estate

NCALN: 6206

NCREBLN: 202693



This listing is believed to be accurate. However, announcements made day of sale take precedence over all advertisements. Items may be added or deleted.