Listing ID#: 1707235

Auction Location
4864 Meadowbrook Drive
Trinity, NC 27370
Auction Dates and Times
Saturday Apr 5, 10:00 am
Auction Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Richie Hughes Auction & Real Estate

Website: www.hughesauction.com

GoToAuction.com ID#: 8516
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Listing Terms and Conditions
TERMS OF FIREARMS: CCW License or FFL License is required to buy any hand or long gun or contact Freeman Firearms (FFL Dealer) for Transfer. No exceptions. TERMS OF SALE: Cash, NC Check, Credit Cards (Master, Visa & Discover Credit Cards Only), Debit Cards. Any card payment will include a 3% processing charge. All items sold AS IS with any and all faults, if any. All items must be paid for in full on day of auction. All sales are final. No out of state checks accepted unless approved by auctioneer 48 hours before auction. Sales tax applies. The auction company must have completed E595E form on file in order not to be charged sales tax.
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Auction Flier
Listing Information




Saturday, April 5th at 10:00 am

Collection of The Late Donald Ray Albertson &

Willie “Bill” Albertson

Address: 4864 Meadowbrook Drive

Trinity, NC 27370

Auction Held On-Site.


Valuables not on-site until the day of auction

Auction with plenty of parking!

Partial Listing –

1.           Marlin Original Golden 39A .22

2.           Winchester Model 67 .22

3.           Remington Model 514 .22

4.           Winchester Model 67 .22 

5.           Winchester Model 67A .22 

6.           Remington Model 510 .22 

7.           Winchester Model 67A .22

8.           Winchester Model 67A .22

9.           Winchester Model 67 .22 

10.       Remington Model 4.22

11.       ERMA .2

12.       Forehand and Wadsworth unknown caliber lever action 

13.       Browning 12 ga. Semi 

14.       Remington SPR 210 410 double-barrel 

15.       Winchester Model 1912 20 ga pump 

16.       Mossberg 500E 410 pump 

17.       Winchester model 67 .22 

18.       Winchester model 67A .22 

19.       Stevens Model 15 .22  

20.       Stevens 410 single shot

21.       Marlin Glenfield model 10 .22

22.       Harrington & Richardson Trooper Model 158 410 Single Shot

23.       Harrington & Richardson Deluxe Trooper Model 198 410 Single Shot

24.       Winchester Model 12 12 ga. Pump

25.       Winchester 12 ga Pump Model 12

26.       Winchester Model 9422 .22 

27.       Remington Model 11-48 28 ga. Semi 

28.       Winchester Model 68 .22

29.       Marlin Model 336 30-30 lever action 

30.       Winchester Model 94 30-30 lever action 

31.       Winchester Model 67 .22  

32.       Winchester Model 47 .22

33.       Browning 243 Bolt Action 

34.       Stoger Condor 410 over under 

35.       Stoger STF 3000 410 over under 

36.       Harrington + Richardson Model 158 Trooper 410 single shot 

37.       Marlin 39 Century LTD .22 lever action 

38.       Browning 12 ga. pump black 

39.       Marlin Original Golden 39AS .22 lever action 

40.       Browning Pump 20 gauge 

41.       Browning 12 ga. over under 

42.       Winchester model 94 30-30 

43.       Ithaca M66 410 single shot super single 

44.       Winchester Model 94 30-30 

45.       Ithaca M49 .22 lever action 

46.       Marlin Gold m39A .22 lever action

47.       Ruger 7mm-08 black synthetic 

48.       Remington Model 700LH .270 win

49.       Ruger 24win black synthetic 

50.       Ruger M77 Mark II .270 win

51.       Remington Model 700 222 Rem

52.       Winchester model 70 7mm Rem Magnum

53.       Winchester Model 70 243 WSSM

54.       Kimber 6.5 × 55mm M/96 black synthetic 

55.       Remington model 700 270 win

56.       Ruger 77/117 wsm 

57.       Winchester 69A-22 .22 

58.       Remimngton Model 513-T .22

59.       Browning .22 bolt

60.       Kimber Model 82 .22 

61.       Brescia 1916 

62.       Fabricade Armos 7.62 

63.       M91/30 Russia 7.62 x 54R 

64.       Mauser 8m/m 06 standard model 

65.       GR B.S.A CO 1916 SHT LE

66.       DEUTSCHE WAFFEN- UND Model 1980 

67.       18C9477 S 1942 England 

68.       M44 Russian 7.62x54R

69.       DIG, INC SK57 7.69x9mm 

70.       Unknown Military style R3808

71.       Carl Gustaf stad 1915

72.       Carl Gustaf stad with scope 

73.       Remington Model 511 .22 

74.       Savage Model 93R17 .1HMR 

75.       Remington Model 541-T .22 

76.       Remington Nylon 66 Wood/plastic .22

77.       Marlin model 995 .22 

78.       Ruger 22WMR .22 

79.       Knight 45 cal black powder

80.       -BPI_ Connecticut Valley Arms .50 cal Black Powder

81.       Ruger M77 Mark II 223 Rem 

82.       Remington Model 742 Woodsmaster 30-06 

83.       C2 452-2E ZKM Classic 22 WMR .22 

84.       Ruger M77 Mark II 6mm Rem 

85.       Remington Model 600 6mRem 

86.       T/C 7mm-08 Rem 

87.       Weatherby vanguard .300 WS

88.       Winchester Model 70XTR 7mRem Magnum 

89.       Savage Model 110L 30-06 Lefty

90.       Weatherby Vanguard 243 win

91.       Remington Model 700 243 win

92.       Remington Model 788 243 win

93.       Remington Model 7600 243 Win Pump

94.       Winchester Model 70 30-06

95.       Winchester Model 70 243 win

96.       Remington Model 788 243 win

97.       Savage Model 110 243 win

98.       ---------------------------

99.       Remington Model 511 .2

100.    Remington model 512 .22 

101.    Winchester Model 72A .22 

102.    Winchester Model 69A .22

103.    Winchester Model 69.22 

104.    Remington Model 34 .22

105.    Winchester Model 69A .22

106.    Remington Model 512P .22

107.    Remington Model 591M 5mm Magnum 

108.    Ruger Model 77/22 All weather .22 

109.    Marlin model 917M2S cal.17 

110.    Ruger Model 77/22 All weather .22 

111.    Ruger Model 77/22 .22 

112.    Remington model 513-T .22

113.    Savage Anschutz Mark 10D .22 

114.    BRNO MOD 1 .22 

115.    Savage Anschutz Mark 10D .22 

116.    NS Model 522 .22 

117.    Remington Model 511-P .22 

118.    Ruger All-weather 77/22 .22 

119.    Ruger 10/22 .2

120.    Ruger Model 10/22 .22 

121.    Remington Nylon 66 .22 black synthetic plastic 

122.    Remington Model 541-S .22 

123.    Ruger 17 HMR black synthetic 

124.    Remington Model 597 .2

125.    ----------------------------

126.    Ruger Model 10/22 .22 

127.    Marlin Model 55 12 ga. bolt action 

128.    Remington 870 Express Magnum 12 ga. pump

129.    Harrington & Richardson Arms 12 ga. Single Break 

130.    Stevens Model 620 20 ga pump 

131.    Remington 11-48 16 ga. Semi Pump

132.    R Johnson Special Trap Gauge unknown single

133.    Stevens Model 94C 20 ga. single

134.    Iver Johnson Champion 12 ga. Single Shot 

135.    Single Shot I2 ga. HM on Stock 

136.    Winchester Model I200 16 ga. pump 

137.    Winchester Model 140 I2 ga. Semi 

138.    Remington Model 1100 20 ga. Sem

139.    MossBerg Model 835  Ulti-Mag I2 ga. Pump

140.    Stevens model 620-A 12 ga. pump 

141.    Savage model 220B 12 ga Single 

142.    Ithaca model 37 12 ga. pump 

143.    Savage model 220 12 ga. single 

144.    Stevens Model 94 410 single 

145.    Ithaca Model 37 20 ga. pum

146.    Iver Johnson champion 20 ga. single 

147.    Franchi I2 ga. Sem

148.    Winchester Model 1300 XTR 12 ga. pump 

149.    Ithaca Double-Barrel 20 ga.

150.    Winchester Model 37 16 ga. Single 

151.    Remington 870 Magnum 12 ga. pump Wingmaster

152.    Iver Johnson Champion 12 ga. Single

153.    Winchester Model 37 12 ga. Single

154.    Winchester Model 37 20 ga. Single

155.    Remington 870 20 ga. Pump Wingmaster

156.    Winchester model 37 12 ga. single shot 

157.    Stevens 16 ga. single 

158.    Iver Johnson Champion 12 ga single 

159.    Remington Sportsman 48 12 ga. Semi

160.    Harrington + Richardson 12 ga. Single

161.    Springfield. 12 gaSingle 

162.    Franchi 20 ga. Semi

163.    Remington SPR 310 20 ga. over & under 

164.    Ithaca double barrel 16 ga. 

165.    Richland Arms 12 ga. over & under 

166.    Ruger 20 ga. over & under

167.    Ithaca 16 ga. double barrel 

168.    Remington 12 ga. double barrel 

169.    Springfield M1 30

170.    Winchester 67 .22

171.    Winchester 69A .22

172.    Ruger 1132 w/ Box

173.    Ruger 1132 w/ Box

174.    Marlin Mod. 336CS-35 Cal. Lever Action w/ Box

175.    Springfield 1903 30-06


176.    J.G. Anschutz .22 w/ Scope

177.    Hi-Standard Dura-Matic .22 L.R.

178.    Ruger 22/45 .22 Competition Target Rifle w/ Swift Scope

179.    Ruger .22 L.R. Semi-Auto

180.    Smith & Wesson Mod. 22A L.R.

181.    Beretta Mod. 92F-Cal. 9mm

182.    PW Redmond WA CZ762-25

183.    Astra Firecat Cal. 6,35 .25" Made in Spain

184.    Pietro Beretta M1934

185.    Ruger P90 .45 ACP

186.    CZ52 7.62

187.    Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum Mod. 27-3

188.    Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum Mod. 19-4

189.    Ruger Security-Six .357 Magnum

190.    Colt Mod. 2000 Double Action .9mm

191.    Beretta Mod. U22 NEOS .22 w/ Leupold Scope

192.    Thompson Center Arms "Super 14" .223 Rem. w/ Simmons Scope


DIRECTIONS: From Main Street (Bus. 311) in Archdale, NC, take Hwy 62 South 1.8 miles and turn left on Meadowbrook Drive and proceed 1.5 miles. Auction on right. 

TERMS OF FIREARMS: CCW License or FFL License is required to buy any hand or long gun or contact Freeman Firearms (FFL Dealer) for Transfer. No exceptions.  

TERMS OF SALE: Cash, NC Check, Credit Cards (Master, Visa & Discover Credit Cards Only), Debit Cards. Any card payment will include a 3% processing charge. All items sold AS IS with any and all faults, if any. All items must be paid for in full on day of auction. All sales are final. No out of state checks accepted unless approved by auctioneer 48 hours before auction. Sales tax applies. The auction company must have completed E595E form on file in order not to be charged sales tax.


Items not on-site until day of auction.




Richie Hughes

Auction & Real Estate

NCALN: 6206

NCREBLN: 202693





This listing is believed to be accurate. However, announcements made day of sale take precedence over all advertisements. Items may be added or deleted.

Auction License: 6206
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Richie Hughes Auction & Real Estate

Richie Hughes Auction & Real Estate

Sale Location
4864 Meadowbrook Drive
Trinity, NC 27370
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Apr 5, 10:00 am
Sale Terms and Conditions
TERMS OF FIREARMS: CCW License or FFL License is required to buy any hand or long gun or contact Freeman Firearms (FFL Dealer) for Transfer. No exceptions. TERMS OF SALE: Cash, NC Check, Credit Cards (Master, Visa & Discover Credit Cards Only), Debit Cards. Any card payment will include a 3% processing charge. All items sold AS IS with any and all faults, if any. All items must be paid for in full on day of auction. All sales are final. No out of state checks accepted unless approved by auctioneer 48 hours before auction. Sales tax applies. The auction company must have completed E595E form on file in order not to be charged sales tax.
Listing Details




Saturday, April 5th at 10:00 am

Collection of The Late Donald Ray Albertson &

Willie “Bill” Albertson

Address: 4864 Meadowbrook Drive

Trinity, NC 27370

Auction Held On-Site.


Valuables not on-site until the day of auction

Auction with plenty of parking!

Partial Listing –

1.           Marlin Original Golden 39A .22

2.           Winchester Model 67 .22

3.           Remington Model 514 .22

4.           Winchester Model 67 .22 

5.           Winchester Model 67A .22 

6.           Remington Model 510 .22 

7.           Winchester Model 67A .22

8.           Winchester Model 67A .22

9.           Winchester Model 67 .22 

10.       Remington Model 4.22

11.       ERMA .2

12.       Forehand and Wadsworth unknown caliber lever action 

13.       Browning 12 ga. Semi 

14.       Remington SPR 210 410 double-barrel 

15.       Winchester Model 1912 20 ga pump 

16.       Mossberg 500E 410 pump 

17.       Winchester model 67 .22 

18.       Winchester model 67A .22 

19.       Stevens Model 15 .22  

20.       Stevens 410 single shot

21.       Marlin Glenfield model 10 .22

22.       Harrington & Richardson Trooper Model 158 410 Single Shot

23.       Harrington & Richardson Deluxe Trooper Model 198 410 Single Shot

24.       Winchester Model 12 12 ga. Pump

25.       Winchester 12 ga Pump Model 12

26.       Winchester Model 9422 .22 

27.       Remington Model 11-48 28 ga. Semi 

28.       Winchester Model 68 .22

29.       Marlin Model 336 30-30 lever action 

30.       Winchester Model 94 30-30 lever action 

31.       Winchester Model 67 .22  

32.       Winchester Model 47 .22

33.       Browning 243 Bolt Action 

34.       Stoger Condor 410 over under 

35.       Stoger STF 3000 410 over under 

36.       Harrington + Richardson Model 158 Trooper 410 single shot 

37.       Marlin 39 Century LTD .22 lever action 

38.       Browning 12 ga. pump black 

39.       Marlin Original Golden 39AS .22 lever action 

40.       Browning Pump 20 gauge 

41.       Browning 12 ga. over under 

42.       Winchester model 94 30-30 

43.       Ithaca M66 410 single shot super single 

44.       Winchester Model 94 30-30 

45.       Ithaca M49 .22 lever action 

46.       Marlin Gold m39A .22 lever action

47.       Ruger 7mm-08 black synthetic 

48.       Remington Model 700LH .270 win

49.       Ruger 24win black synthetic 

50.       Ruger M77 Mark II .270 win

51.       Remington Model 700 222 Rem

52.       Winchester model 70 7mm Rem Magnum

53.       Winchester Model 70 243 WSSM

54.       Kimber 6.5 × 55mm M/96 black synthetic 

55.       Remington model 700 270 win

56.       Ruger 77/117 wsm 

57.       Winchester 69A-22 .22 

58.       Remimngton Model 513-T .22

59.       Browning .22 bolt

60.       Kimber Model 82 .22 

61.       Brescia 1916 

62.       Fabricade Armos 7.62 

63.       M91/30 Russia 7.62 x 54R 

64.       Mauser 8m/m 06 standard model 

65.       GR B.S.A CO 1916 SHT LE

66.       DEUTSCHE WAFFEN- UND Model 1980 

67.       18C9477 S 1942 England 

68.       M44 Russian 7.62x54R

69.       DIG, INC SK57 7.69x9mm 

70.       Unknown Military style R3808

71.       Carl Gustaf stad 1915

72.       Carl Gustaf stad with scope 

73.       Remington Model 511 .22 

74.       Savage Model 93R17 .1HMR 

75.       Remington Model 541-T .22 

76.       Remington Nylon 66 Wood/plastic .22

77.       Marlin model 995 .22 

78.       Ruger 22WMR .22 

79.       Knight 45 cal black powder

80.       -BPI_ Connecticut Valley Arms .50 cal Black Powder

81.       Ruger M77 Mark II 223 Rem 

82.       Remington Model 742 Woodsmaster 30-06 

83.       C2 452-2E ZKM Classic 22 WMR .22 

84.       Ruger M77 Mark II 6mm Rem 

85.       Remington Model 600 6mRem 

86.       T/C 7mm-08 Rem 

87.       Weatherby vanguard .300 WS

88.       Winchester Model 70XTR 7mRem Magnum 

89.       Savage Model 110L 30-06 Lefty

90.       Weatherby Vanguard 243 win

91.       Remington Model 700 243 win

92.       Remington Model 788 243 win

93.       Remington Model 7600 243 Win Pump

94.       Winchester Model 70 30-06

95.       Winchester Model 70 243 win

96.       Remington Model 788 243 win

97.       Savage Model 110 243 win

98.       ---------------------------

99.       Remington Model 511 .2

100.    Remington model 512 .22 

101.    Winchester Model 72A .22 

102.    Winchester Model 69A .22

103.    Winchester Model 69.22 

104.    Remington Model 34 .22

105.    Winchester Model 69A .22

106.    Remington Model 512P .22

107.    Remington Model 591M 5mm Magnum 

108.    Ruger Model 77/22 All weather .22 

109.    Marlin model 917M2S cal.17 

110.    Ruger Model 77/22 All weather .22 

111.    Ruger Model 77/22 .22 

112.    Remington model 513-T .22

113.    Savage Anschutz Mark 10D .22 

114.    BRNO MOD 1 .22 

115.    Savage Anschutz Mark 10D .22 

116.    NS Model 522 .22 

117.    Remington Model 511-P .22 

118.    Ruger All-weather 77/22 .22 

119.    Ruger 10/22 .2

120.    Ruger Model 10/22 .22 

121.    Remington Nylon 66 .22 black synthetic plastic 

122.    Remington Model 541-S .22 

123.    Ruger 17 HMR black synthetic 

124.    Remington Model 597 .2

125.    ----------------------------

126.    Ruger Model 10/22 .22 

127.    Marlin Model 55 12 ga. bolt action 

128.    Remington 870 Express Magnum 12 ga. pump

129.    Harrington & Richardson Arms 12 ga. Single Break 

130.    Stevens Model 620 20 ga pump 

131.    Remington 11-48 16 ga. Semi Pump

132.    R Johnson Special Trap Gauge unknown single

133.    Stevens Model 94C 20 ga. single

134.    Iver Johnson Champion 12 ga. Single Shot 

135.    Single Shot I2 ga. HM on Stock 

136.    Winchester Model I200 16 ga. pump 

137.    Winchester Model 140 I2 ga. Semi 

138.    Remington Model 1100 20 ga. Sem

139.    MossBerg Model 835  Ulti-Mag I2 ga. Pump

140.    Stevens model 620-A 12 ga. pump 

141.    Savage model 220B 12 ga Single 

142.    Ithaca model 37 12 ga. pump 

143.    Savage model 220 12 ga. single 

144.    Stevens Model 94 410 single 

145.    Ithaca Model 37 20 ga. pum

146.    Iver Johnson champion 20 ga. single 

147.    Franchi I2 ga. Sem

148.    Winchester Model 1300 XTR 12 ga. pump 

149.    Ithaca Double-Barrel 20 ga.

150.    Winchester Model 37 16 ga. Single 

151.    Remington 870 Magnum 12 ga. pump Wingmaster

152.    Iver Johnson Champion 12 ga. Single

153.    Winchester Model 37 12 ga. Single

154.    Winchester Model 37 20 ga. Single

155.    Remington 870 20 ga. Pump Wingmaster

156.    Winchester model 37 12 ga. single shot 

157.    Stevens 16 ga. single 

158.    Iver Johnson Champion 12 ga single 

159.    Remington Sportsman 48 12 ga. Semi

160.    Harrington + Richardson 12 ga. Single

161.    Springfield. 12 gaSingle 

162.    Franchi 20 ga. Semi

163.    Remington SPR 310 20 ga. over & under 

164.    Ithaca double barrel 16 ga. 

165.    Richland Arms 12 ga. over & under 

166.    Ruger 20 ga. over & under

167.    Ithaca 16 ga. double barrel 

168.    Remington 12 ga. double barrel 

169.    Springfield M1 30

170.    Winchester 67 .22

171.    Winchester 69A .22

172.    Ruger 1132 w/ Box

173.    Ruger 1132 w/ Box

174.    Marlin Mod. 336CS-35 Cal. Lever Action w/ Box

175.    Springfield 1903 30-06


176.    J.G. Anschutz .22 w/ Scope

177.    Hi-Standard Dura-Matic .22 L.R.

178.    Ruger 22/45 .22 Competition Target Rifle w/ Swift Scope

179.    Ruger .22 L.R. Semi-Auto

180.    Smith & Wesson Mod. 22A L.R.

181.    Beretta Mod. 92F-Cal. 9mm

182.    PW Redmond WA CZ762-25

183.    Astra Firecat Cal. 6,35 .25" Made in Spain

184.    Pietro Beretta M1934

185.    Ruger P90 .45 ACP

186.    CZ52 7.62

187.    Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum Mod. 27-3

188.    Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum Mod. 19-4

189.    Ruger Security-Six .357 Magnum

190.    Colt Mod. 2000 Double Action .9mm

191.    Beretta Mod. U22 NEOS .22 w/ Leupold Scope

192.    Thompson Center Arms "Super 14" .223 Rem. w/ Simmons Scope


DIRECTIONS: From Main Street (Bus. 311) in Archdale, NC, take Hwy 62 South 1.8 miles and turn left on Meadowbrook Drive and proceed 1.5 miles. Auction on right. 

TERMS OF FIREARMS: CCW License or FFL License is required to buy any hand or long gun or contact Freeman Firearms (FFL Dealer) for Transfer. No exceptions.  

TERMS OF SALE: Cash, NC Check, Credit Cards (Master, Visa & Discover Credit Cards Only), Debit Cards. Any card payment will include a 3% processing charge. All items sold AS IS with any and all faults, if any. All items must be paid for in full on day of auction. All sales are final. No out of state checks accepted unless approved by auctioneer 48 hours before auction. Sales tax applies. The auction company must have completed E595E form on file in order not to be charged sales tax.


Items not on-site until day of auction.




Richie Hughes

Auction & Real Estate

NCALN: 6206

NCREBLN: 202693





This listing is believed to be accurate. However, announcements made day of sale take precedence over all advertisements. Items may be added or deleted.

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 Live Auction
Auction Date(s)
Saturday Apr 5, 10:00 am
Auction Location
4864 Meadowbrook Drive
Trinity, NC 27370
Richie Hughes Auction & Real Estate

Website: www.hughesauction.com

Listing Terms and Conditions
TERMS OF FIREARMS: CCW License or FFL License is required to buy any hand or long gun or contact Freeman Firearms (FFL Dealer) for Transfer. No exceptions. TERMS OF SALE: Cash, NC Check, Credit Cards (Master, Visa & Discover Credit Cards Only), Debit Cards. Any card payment will include a 3% processing charge. All items sold AS IS with any and all faults, if any. All items must be paid for in full on day of auction. All sales are final. No out of state checks accepted unless approved by auctioneer 48 hours before auction. Sales tax applies. The auction company must have completed E595E form on file in order not to be charged sales tax.
File Attachments




Saturday, April 5th at 10:00 am

Collection of The Late Donald Ray Albertson &

Willie “Bill” Albertson

Address: 4864 Meadowbrook Drive

Trinity, NC 27370

Auction Held On-Site.


Valuables not on-site until the day of auction

Auction with plenty of parking!

Partial Listing –

1.           Marlin Original Golden 39A .22

2.           Winchester Model 67 .22

3.           Remington Model 514 .22

4.           Winchester Model 67 .22 

5.           Winchester Model 67A .22 

6.           Remington Model 510 .22 

7.           Winchester Model 67A .22

8.           Winchester Model 67A .22

9.           Winchester Model 67 .22 

10.       Remington Model 4.22

11.       ERMA .2

12.       Forehand and Wadsworth unknown caliber lever action 

13.       Browning 12 ga. Semi 

14.       Remington SPR 210 410 double-barrel 

15.       Winchester Model 1912 20 ga pump 

16.       Mossberg 500E 410 pump 

17.       Winchester model 67 .22 

18.       Winchester model 67A .22 

19.       Stevens Model 15 .22  

20.       Stevens 410 single shot

21.       Marlin Glenfield model 10 .22

22.       Harrington & Richardson Trooper Model 158 410 Single Shot

23.       Harrington & Richardson Deluxe Trooper Model 198 410 Single Shot

24.       Winchester Model 12 12 ga. Pump

25.       Winchester 12 ga Pump Model 12

26.       Winchester Model 9422 .22 

27.       Remington Model 11-48 28 ga. Semi 

28.       Winchester Model 68 .22

29.       Marlin Model 336 30-30 lever action 

30.       Winchester Model 94 30-30 lever action 

31.       Winchester Model 67 .22  

32.       Winchester Model 47 .22

33.       Browning 243 Bolt Action 

34.       Stoger Condor 410 over under 

35.       Stoger STF 3000 410 over under 

36.       Harrington + Richardson Model 158 Trooper 410 single shot 

37.       Marlin 39 Century LTD .22 lever action 

38.       Browning 12 ga. pump black 

39.       Marlin Original Golden 39AS .22 lever action 

40.       Browning Pump 20 gauge 

41.       Browning 12 ga. over under 

42.       Winchester model 94 30-30 

43.       Ithaca M66 410 single shot super single 

44.       Winchester Model 94 30-30 

45.       Ithaca M49 .22 lever action 

46.       Marlin Gold m39A .22 lever action

47.       Ruger 7mm-08 black synthetic 

48.       Remington Model 700LH .270 win

49.       Ruger 24win black synthetic 

50.       Ruger M77 Mark II .270 win

51.       Remington Model 700 222 Rem

52.       Winchester model 70 7mm Rem Magnum

53.       Winchester Model 70 243 WSSM

54.       Kimber 6.5 × 55mm M/96 black synthetic 

55.       Remington model 700 270 win

56.       Ruger 77/117 wsm 

57.       Winchester 69A-22 .22 

58.       Remimngton Model 513-T .22

59.       Browning .22 bolt

60.       Kimber Model 82 .22 

61.       Brescia 1916 

62.       Fabricade Armos 7.62 

63.       M91/30 Russia 7.62 x 54R 

64.       Mauser 8m/m 06 standard model 

65.       GR B.S.A CO 1916 SHT LE

66.       DEUTSCHE WAFFEN- UND Model 1980 

67.       18C9477 S 1942 England 

68.       M44 Russian 7.62x54R

69.       DIG, INC SK57 7.69x9mm 

70.       Unknown Military style R3808

71.       Carl Gustaf stad 1915

72.       Carl Gustaf stad with scope 

73.       Remington Model 511 .22 

74.       Savage Model 93R17 .1HMR 

75.       Remington Model 541-T .22 

76.       Remington Nylon 66 Wood/plastic .22

77.       Marlin model 995 .22 

78.       Ruger 22WMR .22 

79.       Knight 45 cal black powder

80.       -BPI_ Connecticut Valley Arms .50 cal Black Powder

81.       Ruger M77 Mark II 223 Rem 

82.       Remington Model 742 Woodsmaster 30-06 

83.       C2 452-2E ZKM Classic 22 WMR .22 

84.       Ruger M77 Mark II 6mm Rem 

85.       Remington Model 600 6mRem 

86.       T/C 7mm-08 Rem 

87.       Weatherby vanguard .300 WS

88.       Winchester Model 70XTR 7mRem Magnum 

89.       Savage Model 110L 30-06 Lefty

90.       Weatherby Vanguard 243 win

91.       Remington Model 700 243 win

92.       Remington Model 788 243 win

93.       Remington Model 7600 243 Win Pump

94.       Winchester Model 70 30-06

95.       Winchester Model 70 243 win

96.       Remington Model 788 243 win

97.       Savage Model 110 243 win

98.       ---------------------------

99.       Remington Model 511 .2

100.    Remington model 512 .22 

101.    Winchester Model 72A .22 

102.    Winchester Model 69A .22

103.    Winchester Model 69.22 

104.    Remington Model 34 .22

105.    Winchester Model 69A .22

106.    Remington Model 512P .22

107.    Remington Model 591M 5mm Magnum 

108.    Ruger Model 77/22 All weather .22 

109.    Marlin model 917M2S cal.17 

110.    Ruger Model 77/22 All weather .22 

111.    Ruger Model 77/22 .22 

112.    Remington model 513-T .22

113.    Savage Anschutz Mark 10D .22 

114.    BRNO MOD 1 .22 

115.    Savage Anschutz Mark 10D .22 

116.    NS Model 522 .22 

117.    Remington Model 511-P .22 

118.    Ruger All-weather 77/22 .22 

119.    Ruger 10/22 .2

120.    Ruger Model 10/22 .22 

121.    Remington Nylon 66 .22 black synthetic plastic 

122.    Remington Model 541-S .22 

123.    Ruger 17 HMR black synthetic 

124.    Remington Model 597 .2

125.    ----------------------------

126.    Ruger Model 10/22 .22 

127.    Marlin Model 55 12 ga. bolt action 

128.    Remington 870 Express Magnum 12 ga. pump

129.    Harrington & Richardson Arms 12 ga. Single Break 

130.    Stevens Model 620 20 ga pump 

131.    Remington 11-48 16 ga. Semi Pump

132.    R Johnson Special Trap Gauge unknown single

133.    Stevens Model 94C 20 ga. single

134.    Iver Johnson Champion 12 ga. Single Shot 

135.    Single Shot I2 ga. HM on Stock 

136.    Winchester Model I200 16 ga. pump 

137.    Winchester Model 140 I2 ga. Semi 

138.    Remington Model 1100 20 ga. Sem

139.    MossBerg Model 835  Ulti-Mag I2 ga. Pump

140.    Stevens model 620-A 12 ga. pump 

141.    Savage model 220B 12 ga Single 

142.    Ithaca model 37 12 ga. pump 

143.    Savage model 220 12 ga. single 

144.    Stevens Model 94 410 single 

145.    Ithaca Model 37 20 ga. pum

146.    Iver Johnson champion 20 ga. single 

147.    Franchi I2 ga. Sem

148.    Winchester Model 1300 XTR 12 ga. pump 

149.    Ithaca Double-Barrel 20 ga.

150.    Winchester Model 37 16 ga. Single 

151.    Remington 870 Magnum 12 ga. pump Wingmaster

152.    Iver Johnson Champion 12 ga. Single

153.    Winchester Model 37 12 ga. Single

154.    Winchester Model 37 20 ga. Single

155.    Remington 870 20 ga. Pump Wingmaster

156.    Winchester model 37 12 ga. single shot 

157.    Stevens 16 ga. single 

158.    Iver Johnson Champion 12 ga single 

159.    Remington Sportsman 48 12 ga. Semi

160.    Harrington + Richardson 12 ga. Single

161.    Springfield. 12 gaSingle 

162.    Franchi 20 ga. Semi

163.    Remington SPR 310 20 ga. over & under 

164.    Ithaca double barrel 16 ga. 

165.    Richland Arms 12 ga. over & under 

166.    Ruger 20 ga. over & under

167.    Ithaca 16 ga. double barrel 

168.    Remington 12 ga. double barrel 

169.    Springfield M1 30

170.    Winchester 67 .22

171.    Winchester 69A .22

172.    Ruger 1132 w/ Box

173.    Ruger 1132 w/ Box

174.    Marlin Mod. 336CS-35 Cal. Lever Action w/ Box

175.    Springfield 1903 30-06


176.    J.G. Anschutz .22 w/ Scope

177.    Hi-Standard Dura-Matic .22 L.R.

178.    Ruger 22/45 .22 Competition Target Rifle w/ Swift Scope

179.    Ruger .22 L.R. Semi-Auto

180.    Smith & Wesson Mod. 22A L.R.

181.    Beretta Mod. 92F-Cal. 9mm

182.    PW Redmond WA CZ762-25

183.    Astra Firecat Cal. 6,35 .25" Made in Spain

184.    Pietro Beretta M1934

185.    Ruger P90 .45 ACP

186.    CZ52 7.62

187.    Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum Mod. 27-3

188.    Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum Mod. 19-4

189.    Ruger Security-Six .357 Magnum

190.    Colt Mod. 2000 Double Action .9mm

191.    Beretta Mod. U22 NEOS .22 w/ Leupold Scope

192.    Thompson Center Arms "Super 14" .223 Rem. w/ Simmons Scope


DIRECTIONS: From Main Street (Bus. 311) in Archdale, NC, take Hwy 62 South 1.8 miles and turn left on Meadowbrook Drive and proceed 1.5 miles. Auction on right. 

TERMS OF FIREARMS: CCW License or FFL License is required to buy any hand or long gun or contact Freeman Firearms (FFL Dealer) for Transfer. No exceptions.  

TERMS OF SALE: Cash, NC Check, Credit Cards (Master, Visa & Discover Credit Cards Only), Debit Cards. Any card payment will include a 3% processing charge. All items sold AS IS with any and all faults, if any. All items must be paid for in full on day of auction. All sales are final. No out of state checks accepted unless approved by auctioneer 48 hours before auction. Sales tax applies. The auction company must have completed E595E form on file in order not to be charged sales tax.


Items not on-site until day of auction.




Richie Hughes

Auction & Real Estate

NCALN: 6206

NCREBLN: 202693





This listing is believed to be accurate. However, announcements made day of sale take precedence over all advertisements. Items may be added or deleted.