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City of Cotulla Public Auction 3/22/2025
Listing ID#: 1708953
Auction Location |
Cotulla, TX 78014 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Tuesday Feb 25, 2025 Completed Saturday Mar 22, 2025 Completed |
Auction Type |
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Company Information |
Alamo Auctioneers LLC Website: ID#: 5233 View company information and listings |
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Listing Terms and Conditions |
Auction Terms & Conditions By bidding on an item(s) you understand that you are entering into a legal contract with Alamo Auctioneers to pay for the item(s) you are bidding on. Once you win that item(s) you own it. Alamo Auctioneers offers no implied or written warranties, nor do we offer any guarantee of any kind on any item(s). All item(s) are sold �AS IS � WHERE IS�. All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed.PLEASE NOTE: You (the Buyer) will make all arrangements and perform all work necessary, including, but not limited to, packing, loading and transportation of the property. No assistance will be provided. Full payment is due by the end of the auction. Payment can be made by cash, personal/business check (only with bank letter of guarantee with statement of limits) or Credit Card in USD. All bidders pay an 18% buyers premium if bidding online no matter if they come in person later to pay cash.In person only without bidding online pays a 16.5% buyer�s premium with a 3% discount for cash on all purchases day of auction only . If paid after Saturday it goes to 18% on all transaction and 8.25% on general merchandise. All credit card transactions are final. The buyer waives their rights to refunds and/or chargebacks. By bidding online, Alamo Auctioneers reserves the right to charge the credit card used at time of online registration. All removal of item(s) is at the complete risk and expense of the buyer. Alamo Auctioneers does not offer shipping. you will need to make your own pick-up arrangements. Last day for Pick up is Tuesday after the auction, at which point, the items left on property without arrangements will be forfeited and considered abandoned without refund. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value. Bidders who bid from off site and are not present at the live auction or preview understand and acknowledge that they may not be able to inspect an item as well as if they examined it in person.It is the Bidder�s responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. Deficiencies may be present in the vehicles pollution control system. Once the bid has closed, the Bidder waives all rights to inspection and no claims or disputes may be made against Alamo Auctioneers or it�s associates. Alamo Auctioneers is providing Internet pre-auction and live bidding as a service to Bidder. Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may or may not function correctly the day of the auction. Under no circumstances shall Bidder have any kind of claim against Alamo Auctioneers or anyone else if the Internet service fails to work correctly before or during the live auction. Alamo Auctioneers will not be responsible for any missed bids from any source. Internet bidders who desire to make certain their bid is acknowledged should use the proxy-bidding feature and leave their maximum bid 24 hours before the auction begins. Alamo Auctioneers reserves the right to withdraw or re-catalog items in this auction. Alamo Auctioneers employees are allowed to bid on items in the auction. Alamo Auctioneers follows Texas law, and all arbitrations must be done within Bexar County.
Auction Definitions:
Auction: A Public sale in which goods or property is sold to the highest bidder.
Running: The vehicle turned on at the time of the videos but did not move forward and/or back.
Running and Driving: The vehicle turned on at the time of the video and the vehicle did move forward and in reverse.
OS : Out of state title.
T&T: Tax and Title Transfer. Plates and registration not included.
Cranks, won�t start: Vehicle engine turned over but did not start at time of video.
*K$__ : Additional key fee. Price based on amount charged by locksmith
Salvage Title: Vehicle that has been in an accident and has since been repaired for consumer and highway use.
Bonded Title: Titles that have had issues in the past and have since been corrected with a surety bond attached.
T�rminos y condiciones de la subasta Al ofertar por un art�culo, usted comprende que est� celebrando un contrato legal con Alamo Auctioneers para pagar los art�culos por los que est� ofertando. Una vez que ganes ese(s) art�culo(s), lo posees. Alamo Auctioneers no ofrece garant�as impl�citas o escritas, ni ofrecemos ninguna garant�a de ning�n tipo sobre ning�n art�culo. Todos los art�culos se venden �TAL CUAL � DONDE EST�N�. Todas las descripciones se consideran precisas pero NO garantizadas/garantizadas. El pago completo vence al final de la subasta. El pago se puede realizar en efectivo, cheque personal/comercial (solo con carta de garant�a bancaria con declaraci�n de l�mites) o tarjeta de cr�dito en USD. Todos los postores pagan una prima del comprador del 18 % en todas las compras y del 8,25 % en la mercanc�a general. Todas las transacciones con tarjeta de cr�dito son definitivas. El comprador renuncia a sus derechos de reembolso y/o contracargo. Al ofertar en l�nea, Alamo Auctioneers se reserva el derecho de cargar la tarjeta de cr�dito utilizada en el momento del registro en l�nea. Toda eliminaci�n de art�culos es por cuenta y riesgo del comprador. Alamo Auctioneers no ofrece env�o. tendr� que hacer sus propios arreglos de recogida. El �ltimo d�a para retirar es el martes despu�s de la subasta, momento en el que los art�culos que se dejen en la propiedad sin arreglos se perder�n y se considerar�n abandonados sin reembolso. El postor debe ser el �nico juez de valor. Los postores que pujan desde fuera del sitio y no est�n presentes en la subasta en vivo o en la vista previa entienden y reconocen que es posible que no puedan inspeccionar un art�culo como si lo hubieran examinado en persona. Es responsabilidad del postor determinar la condici�n, la edad, autenticidad, valor o cualquier otro factor determinante.Pueden existir deficiencias en el sistema de control de la contaminaci�n de los veh�culos. Una vez que se ha cerrado la oferta, el Licitante renuncia a todos los derechos de inspecci�n y no se pueden presentar reclamos ni disputas contra Alamo Auctioneers o sus asociados. Alamo Auctioneers ofrece subastas previas a Internet y ofertas en vivo como un servicio para el postor. El postor reconoce y entiende que este servicio puede o no funcionar correctamente el d�a de la subasta. Bajo ninguna circunstancia, el Postor tendr� ning�n tipo de reclamo contra Alamo Auctioneers o cualquier otra persona si el servicio de Internet no funciona correctamente antes o durante la subasta en vivo. Alamo Auctioneers no ser� responsable de ninguna oferta perdida de ninguna fuente. Los postores de Internet que deseen asegurarse de que se reconozca su oferta deben utilizar la funci�n de oferta de proxy y dejar su oferta m�xima 24 horas antes de que comience la subasta. Alamo Auctioneers se reserva el derecho de retirar o volver a catalogar art�culos en esta subasta. Los empleados de Alamo Auctioneers pueden ofertar por art�culos en la subasta. Alamo Auctioneers cumple con la ley de Texas y todos los arbitrajes deben realizarse dentro del condado de Bexar.
Definiciones de subasta:
Subasta: Venta publica en la que se venden bienes o propiedades al mejor postor.
En marcha (Running): El veh�culo encendi� en el momento de los videos pero no avanz� y/o retrocedi�.
Correr y conducir (Running and Driving): el veh�culo se encendi� en el momento del video y se movi� hacia adelante y hacia atr�s.
OS: t�tulo fuera del estado.
T&T: Transferencia de impuestos y t�tulos. Matr�cula y matricula no incluidas.
Arranca, no arranca (cranks but won�t start) : El motor del veh�culo gir� pero no arranc� en el momento del video.
*K$__ : Tarifa de clave adicional. Precio basado en monto cobrado por cerrajero
salvage Title: Veh�culo que ha estado en un accidente y desde entonces ha sido reparado para uso del consumidor y en la carretera.
bonded Title: T�tulos que han tenido problemas en el pasado y desde entonces se han corregido con una fianza adjunta.
Listing Information |
Join us for a public auto auction on Saturday, March 1st, 2025, at 10 AM at Alamo Auctioneers!
Cotulla, TX 78014
Simulcast Auction � Bid Online or In Person!
Don�t miss out on great deals!
10 Ingersall Rand Air Compressor All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 11 Vanguard Mosquito Sprayer All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 12 Ice Maker All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 13 John Deere Pressure Washer serial# 10916525 All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 16 Craftman Skill Saw serial# 061028000413 All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 17 Kohler Boss Pressure Washer All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 18 TMCO Street Curber model# TDJ1A serial# 95021603 ll item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 19 Adapco Guardian Mosquito Sprayer model#0336 All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 20 Power BossPressure Washer All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 21 All Power Pressure Washer serial# 06090228 All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 22 Stihl Pole Saw All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 23 Stihl Blower serial# 283980685 All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 24 2014 International MA065 Sweeper Vin: 1HTJTSKN1EH485082 All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 25 Vibromax Steel Roller All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 26 Pro Tack TW 500 Oil Machine All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 27 Champion Super Pac Roller All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 28 2013 Ford F250 Vin: 1FTBF2A66EEA34945 miles: All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status 29 2010 Ford F150 K Vin: 1FTMF1CWXAKB15782 miles: 8cyl 2wd All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status 30 Bulldog Utility Trailer All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 31 Bandit Brush Chipper *K All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 32 2011 Ford F150 *K Vin: 1FTMF1CM1BKD38468 miles: 6cyl 2wd All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status 33 2014 Ford F250 *K Vin: 1FTBF2A64EEA34944 miles: 8cyl 2wd All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status 34 2011 Ford F150 *K Vin: 1FTMF1CMXBKD38596 miles: 6cyl 2wd All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status 35 2012 Ford F150 *K Vin: 1FTMF1CM9CKD83370 miles: 6cyl 2wd All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status 201 Power Boss Pressure Washer All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 37 Copper 450 Power Box Paver *K All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 38 John deere gator *K Vin: 1M04X2XDKBM062111 All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 39 2007 Sterling Garbage Truck *K Vin: 2FZHATDJ47AY2277 All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 40 2001 Sterling Garbage Turck *K All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 41 1994 GMC Garbage Truck *K miles:96892 All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 42 1999 Freightliner Water Truck *K All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 43 Ford Oil Tanker *K miles:49509 All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 44 Case 580 Super N Backhoe vin# JJGN58SNVBC542889 All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 45 Mitsubishi MG300 All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 46 Utility Trailer All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 47 Utility Trailer All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 106 Case 521D Loader serial#J EE0139684 All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, 107 Case 580M Backhoe serial# N6C401553 All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year, |
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