Alamo Auctioneers Public Auction 4/5/2025
Listing ID#: 1716630

Auction Location
10931 Poteet-Jourdanton Fwy
San Antonio, TX 78224
Auction Dates and Times
Thursday Mar 20, 2025 Completed
Saturday Apr 5,
Auction Type
 Live Auction with Online Bidding  VIEW ONLINE CATALOG
Company Information
Alamo Auctioneers LLC

Website: ID#: 5233
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Auction Terms & Conditions By bidding on an item(s) you understand that you are entering into a legal contract with Alamo Auctioneers to pay for the item(s) you are bidding on. Once you win that item(s) you own it. Alamo Auctioneers offers no implied or written warranties, nor do we offer any guarantee of any kind on any item(s). All item(s) are sold �AS IS � WHERE IS�. All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed.PLEASE NOTE: You (the Buyer) will make all arrangements and perform all work necessary, including, but not limited to, packing, loading and transportation of the property. No assistance will be provided. Full payment is due by the end of the auction. Payment can be made by cash, personal/business check (only with bank letter of guarantee with statement of limits) or Credit Card in USD. All bidders will be responsible to pay an 18% buyers premium. Bidders registering and bidding in person and paying cash on the day of the auction are eligible for a 3% discount on the premium on all purchases the day of auction only. If any portion of the amount due is not paid on the same day, the premium will return to the full 18% on all transactions. Per state law, a tax rate of 8.25% will also be collected on general merchandise. All credit card transactions are final. The buyer waives their rights to refunds and/or chargebacks. By bidding online, Alamo Auctioneers reserves the right to charge the credit card used at time of online registration. All removal of item(s) is at the complete risk and expense of the buyer. Alamo Auctioneers does not offer shipping. you will need to make your own pick-up arrangements. Last day for Pick up is Tuesday after the auction, at which point, the items left on property without arrangements will be forfeited and considered abandoned without refund. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value. Bidders who bid from off site and are not present at the live auction or preview understand and acknowledge that they may not be able to inspect an item as well as if they examined it in person.It is the Bidder�s responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. Deficiencies may be present in the vehicles pollution control system. Once the bid has closed, the Bidder waives all rights to inspection and no claims or disputes may be made against Alamo Auctioneers or it�s associates. Alamo Auctioneers is providing Internet pre-auction and live bidding as a service to Bidder. Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may or may not function correctly the day of the auction. Under no circumstances shall Bidder have any kind of claim against Alamo Auctioneers or anyone else if the Internet service fails to work correctly before or during the live auction. Alamo Auctioneers will not be responsible for any missed bids from any source. Internet bidders who desire to make certain their bid is acknowledged should use the proxy-bidding feature and leave their maximum bid 24 hours before the auction begins. Alamo Auctioneers reserves the right to withdraw or re-catalog items in this auction. Alamo Auctioneers employees are allowed to bid on items in the auction. Alamo Auctioneers follows Texas law, and all arbitrations must be done within Bexar County. Auction Definitions: Auction: A Public sale in which goods or property is sold to the highest bidder. Running: The vehicle turned on at the time of the videos but did not move forward and/or back. Running and Driving: The vehicle turned on at the time of the video and the vehicle did move forward and in reverse. OS : Out of state title. T&T: Tax and Title Transfer. Plates and registration not included. Cranks, won�t start: Vehicle engine turned over but did not start at time of video. *K$__ : Additional key fee. Price based on amount charged by locksmith Salvage Title: Vehicle that has been in an accident and has since been repaired for consumer and highway use. Bonded Title: Titles that have had issues in the past and have since been corrected with a surety bond attached. ��������������������������������������������������������������������� T�RMINOS Y CONDICIONES: T�rminos y condiciones de la subasta Al ofertar por un art�culo, usted comprende que est� celebrando un contrato legal con Alamo Auctioneers para pagar los art�culos por los que est� ofertando. Una vez que ganes ese(s) art�culo(s), lo posees. Alamo Auctioneers no ofrece garant�as impl�citas o escritas, ni ofrecemos ninguna garant�a de ning�n tipo sobre ning�n art�culo. Todos los art�culos se venden �TAL CUAL � DONDE EST�N�. Todas las descripciones se consideran precisas pero NO garantizadas/garantizadas. El pago completo vence al final de la subasta. El pago se puede realizar en efectivo, cheque personal/comercial (solo con carta de garant�a bancaria con declaraci�n de l�mites) o tarjeta de cr�dito en USD. Todos los postores pagan una prima del comprador del 18 % en todas las compras y del 8,25 % en la mercanc�a general. Todas las transacciones con tarjeta de cr�dito son definitivas. El comprador renuncia a sus derechos de reembolso y/o contracargo. Al ofertar en l�nea, Alamo Auctioneers se reserva el derecho de cargar la tarjeta de cr�dito utilizada en el momento del registro en l�nea. Toda eliminaci�n de art�culos es por cuenta y riesgo del comprador. Alamo Auctioneers no ofrece env�o. tendr� que hacer sus propios arreglos de recogida. El �ltimo d�a para retirar es el martes despu�s de la subasta, momento en el que los art�culos que se dejen en la propiedad sin arreglos se perder�n y se considerar�n abandonados sin reembolso. El postor debe ser el �nico juez de valor. Los postores que pujan desde fuera del sitio y no est�n presentes en la subasta en vivo o en la vista previa entienden y reconocen que es posible que no puedan inspeccionar un art�culo como si lo hubieran examinado en persona. Es responsabilidad del postor determinar la condici�n, la edad, autenticidad, valor o cualquier otro factor determinante.Pueden existir deficiencias en el sistema de control de la contaminaci�n de los veh�culos. Una vez que se ha cerrado la oferta, el Licitante renuncia a todos los derechos de inspecci�n y no se pueden presentar reclamos ni disputas contra Alamo Auctioneers o sus asociados. Alamo Auctioneers ofrece subastas previas a Internet y ofertas en vivo como un servicio para el postor. El postor reconoce y entiende que este servicio puede o no funcionar correctamente el d�a de la subasta. Bajo ninguna circunstancia, el Postor tendr� ning�n tipo de reclamo contra Alamo Auctioneers o cualquier otra persona si el servicio de Internet no funciona correctamente antes o durante la subasta en vivo. Alamo Auctioneers no ser� responsable de ninguna oferta perdida de ninguna fuente. Los postores de Internet que deseen asegurarse de que se reconozca su oferta deben utilizar la funci�n de oferta de proxy y dejar su oferta m�xima 24 horas antes de que comience la subasta. Alamo Auctioneers se reserva el derecho de retirar o volver a catalogar art�culos en esta subasta. Los empleados de Alamo Auctioneers pueden ofertar por art�culos en la subasta. Alamo Auctioneers cumple con la ley de Texas y todos los arbitrajes deben realizarse dentro del condado de Bexar. Definiciones de subasta: Subasta: Venta publica en la que se venden bienes o propiedades al mejor postor. En marcha (Running): El veh�culo encendi� en el momento de los videos pero no avanz� y/o retrocedi�. Correr y conducir (Running and Driving): el veh�culo se encendi� en el momento del video y se movi� hacia adelante y hacia atr�s. OS: t�tulo fuera del estado. T&T: Transferencia de impuestos y t�tulos. Matr�cula y matricula no incluidas. Arranca, no arranca (cranks but won�t start) : El motor del veh�culo gir� pero no arranc� en el momento del video. *K$__ : Tarifa de clave adicional. Precio basado en monto cobrado por cerrajero salvage Title: Veh�culo que ha estado en un accidente y desde entonces ha sido reparado para uso del consumidor y en la carretera. bonded Title: T�tulos que han tenido problemas en el pasado y desde entonces se han corregido con una fianza adjunta.
Listing Information
AUCTION ALERT! Join us for a public auto auction on Saturday, Apirl 5th 2025, at 10 AM at Alamo Auctioneers! 10931 Poteet-Jourdanton Fwy, San Antonio, TX 78224 Simulcast Auction � Bid Online or In Person! Preview Day: Friday, April 4th from 10 AM to 2 PM � Come check out the inventory before the bidding starts! Don�t miss out on great deals! For details and online bidding, visit WWW.ALAMOAUCTIONEERS.COM or call us at 210-310-3571

2011 Ford Mustang
Vin: 1ZVBP8CF3B5122695 runs,drives,miles: 87962 8cyl manual must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to...

2014 Jeep Wrangler
Vin: 1C4AJWAG1EL166730 runs,drives,miles: 6cyl 4wd must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage ...

2016 Land Rover LR4 HSE
Vin: SALAG2V65GA792264 runs,drives,miles: 68027 6cyl 2wd All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2018 Acura TLX
Vin: 19UUB1F39JA011532 runs,drives,miles: 138903 4 cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to ...

2017 Audi Q5
Vin: WA1L2AFP3HA017229 runs,drives,miles:115875 Q5 Premium Plus Quattro must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but no...

2016 Ford Focus
Vin: 1FADP3F23GL285055 runs,drives,miles:106054 4cyl SE must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to m...

2006 Chevrolet Express
Vin: 1GBFG15T461121779 runs,drives,miles: 8cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2004 Chevrolet Suburban
Vin: 3GNFK16Z24G294414 runs,drives,miles: 8cyl 4wd must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to milea...

2004 Chevrolet Silverado
Vin: 1GCHC23U84F161509 All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

1997 Chevrolet Silverado
Vin: 2GCEK19RXV1162768 runs,drives,mil267207 8cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2011 Ford F150
Vin: 1FTEW1CM4BFB76848 runs,drives,miles:227549 6cyl 2wd must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to ...

2002 Buick Lesabre
Vin: 1G4HP54K62U211184 runs,drives,miles: 6cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage...

2008 Saturn Vue
Vin: 3GSCL33P98S667558 miles: 4cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,titl...

2006 Lincoln Town Car
Vin: 1LNHM83V56Y613749 runs,drives,miles:153237 4cyl manual must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to ...

2011 Ford F150
Vin: 1FTFW1CF9BFC74361 runs,drives,miles:206034 8cyl 2wd must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to...

2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee
Vin: 1J4GX48S62C238177 runs,drives,miles: 6cyl 2wd must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileag...

2007 Lincoln MKZ
Vin: 3LNHM26T57R653286 miles:161812 6cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2007 Toyota Corolla
miles:188062 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title statu

2012 Kia Sportage
Vin: KNDPB3A26C7195270 runs,drives,miles:199389 4cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage ...

2011 Toyota Camry
Vin: 4T1BF3EK0BU158199 runs,drives,miles166446 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mile...

2010 Dodge Journey
Vin: 3D4PG5FV2AT263947 miles: 6cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title ...

2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee
Vin: 1J4GX48S63C540750 miles: 6cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title ...

2010 Toyota Camry
Vin: 4T1BF3EK2AU099414 miles: Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2018 Ford F150
Vin: 1FTFX1E57JKE32204 runs,drives,miles:149982 8cyl 4wd must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mi...

2008 GMC Acadia
Vin: 1GKER13728J241207 runs,drives,miles; 186701 6cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited...

2009 Mini Cooper
Vin: WMWMF73549TW84236 miles:88985 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,tit...

2008 Nissan Altima
Vin: 1N4BL24E88C279313 runs,drives,miles: 188120 6cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mil...

2013 GMC Yukon
Vin: 1GKS1KE07DR178410 runs,drives,miles:196856 8cyl 2wd SLT All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2021 Toyota Corolla
Vin: JTDEPMAE5MJ121870 runs,drives,miles62896 4 cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2007 Volvo XC90
Vin: YV4CZ982371386315 miles: 6cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,titl...

2000 Honda CR-V
Vin: JHLRD2847YS007352 runs,drives,miles:155328 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mil...

2009 Dodge Ram
Vin: 1D3HB18P59S796077 runs,drives,miles: 221356 8cyl 2wd All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2012 Chevrolet Cruze
Vin: 1G1PF5SC3C7220769 ,miles: 4cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2011 Chrysler 300
Vin: 2C3CA6CTXB554782 runs,drives miles:144622 Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and ye...

2019 Dodge Ram
Vin: 3C63RRGL3KC533943 runs,drives,miles:170274 6cyl 4wd diesel All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2012 Dodge Journey
Vin: 3C4PDCBG4CT189127 runs,drives,miles152750 6cyl SXT must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mil...

2006 Ford Escape
Vin: 1FMYU02Z46KA54350 runs,drives,miles:166837 4cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage...

2014 Chevrolet Express
Vin: 1GCWGFCAXE1198147 runs,drives,miles:197470 8cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to...

2007 Ford Focus
Vin: 1FAFP31N37W214236 runs,drives,miles: 127116 4cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to milea...

2000 Honda Accord
Vin: 1HGCG5647YA004635 miles: 4cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title ...

2011 Ford Focus
Vin: 1FAHP3FNXBW102723 runs,drives,miles:153237 4cyl manual must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to ...

2007 Ford Mustang
Vin: 1ZVFT80N375291454 runs,drives,miles: 165644 6cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title statu

2013 Dodge Avenger
Vin: 1C3CDZAB6DN683227 runs,drives,miles:155654 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to ...

2012 Mazda Mazda3i
Vin: JM1BL1UF3C1523953 ,miles;, 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title ...

2009 Acura RL
Vin: JH4KB26619C002084 runs,drives,miles:160457 6cyl salvage title Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limi...

2015 Chevrolet Spark
Vin: KL8CB6S97FC801076 runs,drives,miles:104765 4cyl salvage title must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not lim...

2013 Nissan Quest
Vin: JN8AE2KPXD9067495 uns,drives,miles:126896 6cyl SL must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mil...

2016 Infiniti Q50
Vin: JN1CV7AP4GM201697 miles:214233 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,t...

2009 Nissan Altima
Vin: 1N4AL21E09N543520 runs,drives,miles:203294 4cyl S must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mil...

2006 Pontiac G6
Vin: 1G2ZH558364136060 miles: 6cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title s...

2013 Kia Optima
Vin: KNAGM4A74D5300376 runs,drives,miles:222509 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to milea...

2005 Nissan Frontier
Vin: 1N6AD06U05C403644 runs,drives,miles: 123920 6cyl 2wd LE must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limite...

2011 Nissan Altima
Vin: 1N4AL2AP1BN438525 miles: 4cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,titl...

2008 Volkswagen GTI
Vin: WVWHD71K88W341025 runs,drives,miles 219154 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage ...

2012 Nissan Altima
Vin: 1N4AL2EP8CC198235 runs,drives,miles: 155990 4cyl S Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to...

2009 Kia Spectra
Vin: KNAFE221895622050 runs,drives,miles:172554 4cyl manual must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited t...

2003 Chevy Avalanche
Vin: 3GNEC13T33G228011 runs,drives,miles: 231381 6cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status Miles: 231381

1989 Chevrolet GMT-400
Vin: 1GCDK14K7KZ250363 miles:254167 All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2008 Buick Lucerne
Vin: 1G4HD572X8U181281 runs,drives.miles:180288 6cyl CXL salvage title must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not l...

2005 Ford F150
Vin: 1FTRX12535KD01455 runs,drives,miles: 8cyl 2wd All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

1995 Ford F150
Vin: 1FTEF15Y3SLB66488 runs,drives,miles:199319 6cyl 2wd manual All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2005 Honda Odyssey
Vin: 5FNRL38875B063745 runs,drives,miles: 203458 6cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2012 Ford Fiesta
Vin: 3FADP4CJ9CM183270 runs,drives,miles: 306460 4cyl SEL must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not li...

2013 Ford Tauras
Vin: 1FAHP2E85DG105063 miles: 209398 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year...

2003 Ford Expedition
Vin: 1FMFU17L63LC14686 runs,drives,miles: 235031 8cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2012 Ford Fiesta
Vin: 3FADP4BJ5CM158352 runs,drives,miles: 143740 4cyl SFE salvage title must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not...

2011 Chevrolet Impala
Vin: 2G1WG5EK4B1141070 runs,drives,miles:155658 6cyl salvage title must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not lim...

2004 Toyota Corolla
Vin: 1NXBR32E64Z272121 runs,drives,miles:260216 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to milea...

2006 Toyota Sienna
Vin: 5TDZA23C36S576080 runs,drives,miles:168223 6cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mi...

2006 Ford Expedition
Vin: 1FMFU17556LA70196 runs,drives,miles; 163191, 8cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to milea...

2005 Hyundai Sonata
Vin: KMHWF35H85A147740 runs,drives,miles:205220 4cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage ...

2012 Jeep Patriot
Vin: 1C4NJPCB4CD553756 runs,drives,miles: 146325 4cyl Limited Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited...

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Alamo Auctioneers Public Auction 4/5/2025

Alamo Auctioneers LLC

Alamo Auctioneers LLC

Sale Location
10931 Poteet-Jourdanton Fwy
San Antonio, TX 78224
Sale Dates and Times
Thursday Mar 20, 2025 Completed
Saturday Apr 5,
Sale Terms and Conditions
Auction Terms & Conditions By bidding on an item(s) you understand that you are entering into a legal contract with Alamo Auctioneers to pay for the item(s) you are bidding on. Once you win that item(s) you own it. Alamo Auctioneers offers no implied or written warranties, nor do we offer any guarantee of any kind on any item(s). All item(s) are sold �AS IS � WHERE IS�. All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed.PLEASE NOTE: You (the Buyer) will make all arrangements and perform all work necessary, including, but not limited to, packing, loading and transportation of the property. No assistance will be provided. Full payment is due by the end of the auction. Payment can be made by cash, personal/business check (only with bank letter of guarantee with statement of limits) or Credit Card in USD. All bidders will be responsible to pay an 18% buyers premium. Bidders registering and bidding in person and paying cash on the day of the auction are eligible for a 3% discount on the premium on all purchases the day of auction only. If any portion of the amount due is not paid on the same day, the premium will return to the full 18% on all transactions. Per state law, a tax rate of 8.25% will also be collected on general merchandise. All credit card transactions are final. The buyer waives their rights to refunds and/or chargebacks. By bidding online, Alamo Auctioneers reserves the right to charge the credit card used at time of online registration. All removal of item(s) is at the complete risk and expense of the buyer. Alamo Auctioneers does not offer shipping. you will need to make your own pick-up arrangements. Last day for Pick up is Tuesday after the auction, at which point, the items left on property without arrangements will be forfeited and considered abandoned without refund. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value. Bidders who bid from off site and are not present at the live auction or preview understand and acknowledge that they may not be able to inspect an item as well as if they examined it in person.It is the Bidder�s responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. Deficiencies may be present in the vehicles pollution control system. Once the bid has closed, the Bidder waives all rights to inspection and no claims or disputes may be made against Alamo Auctioneers or it�s associates. Alamo Auctioneers is providing Internet pre-auction and live bidding as a service to Bidder. Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may or may not function correctly the day of the auction. Under no circumstances shall Bidder have any kind of claim against Alamo Auctioneers or anyone else if the Internet service fails to work correctly before or during the live auction. Alamo Auctioneers will not be responsible for any missed bids from any source. Internet bidders who desire to make certain their bid is acknowledged should use the proxy-bidding feature and leave their maximum bid 24 hours before the auction begins. Alamo Auctioneers reserves the right to withdraw or re-catalog items in this auction. Alamo Auctioneers employees are allowed to bid on items in the auction. Alamo Auctioneers follows Texas law, and all arbitrations must be done within Bexar County. Auction Definitions: Auction: A Public sale in which goods or property is sold to the highest bidder. Running: The vehicle turned on at the time of the videos but did not move forward and/or back. Running and Driving: The vehicle turned on at the time of the video and the vehicle did move forward and in reverse. OS : Out of state title. T&T: Tax and Title Transfer. Plates and registration not included. Cranks, won�t start: Vehicle engine turned over but did not start at time of video. *K$__ : Additional key fee. Price based on amount charged by locksmith Salvage Title: Vehicle that has been in an accident and has since been repaired for consumer and highway use. Bonded Title: Titles that have had issues in the past and have since been corrected with a surety bond attached. ��������������������������������������������������������������������� T�RMINOS Y CONDICIONES: T�rminos y condiciones de la subasta Al ofertar por un art�culo, usted comprende que est� celebrando un contrato legal con Alamo Auctioneers para pagar los art�culos por los que est� ofertando. Una vez que ganes ese(s) art�culo(s), lo posees. Alamo Auctioneers no ofrece garant�as impl�citas o escritas, ni ofrecemos ninguna garant�a de ning�n tipo sobre ning�n art�culo. Todos los art�culos se venden �TAL CUAL � DONDE EST�N�. Todas las descripciones se consideran precisas pero NO garantizadas/garantizadas. El pago completo vence al final de la subasta. El pago se puede realizar en efectivo, cheque personal/comercial (solo con carta de garant�a bancaria con declaraci�n de l�mites) o tarjeta de cr�dito en USD. Todos los postores pagan una prima del comprador del 18 % en todas las compras y del 8,25 % en la mercanc�a general. Todas las transacciones con tarjeta de cr�dito son definitivas. El comprador renuncia a sus derechos de reembolso y/o contracargo. Al ofertar en l�nea, Alamo Auctioneers se reserva el derecho de cargar la tarjeta de cr�dito utilizada en el momento del registro en l�nea. Toda eliminaci�n de art�culos es por cuenta y riesgo del comprador. Alamo Auctioneers no ofrece env�o. tendr� que hacer sus propios arreglos de recogida. El �ltimo d�a para retirar es el martes despu�s de la subasta, momento en el que los art�culos que se dejen en la propiedad sin arreglos se perder�n y se considerar�n abandonados sin reembolso. El postor debe ser el �nico juez de valor. Los postores que pujan desde fuera del sitio y no est�n presentes en la subasta en vivo o en la vista previa entienden y reconocen que es posible que no puedan inspeccionar un art�culo como si lo hubieran examinado en persona. Es responsabilidad del postor determinar la condici�n, la edad, autenticidad, valor o cualquier otro factor determinante.Pueden existir deficiencias en el sistema de control de la contaminaci�n de los veh�culos. Una vez que se ha cerrado la oferta, el Licitante renuncia a todos los derechos de inspecci�n y no se pueden presentar reclamos ni disputas contra Alamo Auctioneers o sus asociados. Alamo Auctioneers ofrece subastas previas a Internet y ofertas en vivo como un servicio para el postor. El postor reconoce y entiende que este servicio puede o no funcionar correctamente el d�a de la subasta. Bajo ninguna circunstancia, el Postor tendr� ning�n tipo de reclamo contra Alamo Auctioneers o cualquier otra persona si el servicio de Internet no funciona correctamente antes o durante la subasta en vivo. Alamo Auctioneers no ser� responsable de ninguna oferta perdida de ninguna fuente. Los postores de Internet que deseen asegurarse de que se reconozca su oferta deben utilizar la funci�n de oferta de proxy y dejar su oferta m�xima 24 horas antes de que comience la subasta. Alamo Auctioneers se reserva el derecho de retirar o volver a catalogar art�culos en esta subasta. Los empleados de Alamo Auctioneers pueden ofertar por art�culos en la subasta. Alamo Auctioneers cumple con la ley de Texas y todos los arbitrajes deben realizarse dentro del condado de Bexar. Definiciones de subasta: Subasta: Venta publica en la que se venden bienes o propiedades al mejor postor. En marcha (Running): El veh�culo encendi� en el momento de los videos pero no avanz� y/o retrocedi�. Correr y conducir (Running and Driving): el veh�culo se encendi� en el momento del video y se movi� hacia adelante y hacia atr�s. OS: t�tulo fuera del estado. T&T: Transferencia de impuestos y t�tulos. Matr�cula y matricula no incluidas. Arranca, no arranca (cranks but won�t start) : El motor del veh�culo gir� pero no arranc� en el momento del video. *K$__ : Tarifa de clave adicional. Precio basado en monto cobrado por cerrajero salvage Title: Veh�culo que ha estado en un accidente y desde entonces ha sido reparado para uso del consumidor y en la carretera. bonded Title: T�tulos que han tenido problemas en el pasado y desde entonces se han corregido con una fianza adjunta.
Listing Details
AUCTION ALERT! Join us for a public auto auction on Saturday, Apirl 5th 2025, at 10 AM at Alamo Auctioneers! 10931 Poteet-Jourdanton Fwy, San Antonio, TX 78224 Simulcast Auction � Bid Online or In Person! Preview Day: Friday, April 4th from 10 AM to 2 PM � Come check out the inventory before the bidding starts! Don�t miss out on great deals! For details and online bidding, visit WWW.ALAMOAUCTIONEERS.COM or call us at 210-310-3571

2011 Ford Mustang
Vin: 1ZVBP8CF3B5122695 runs,drives,miles: 87962 8cyl manual must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to...

2014 Jeep Wrangler
Vin: 1C4AJWAG1EL166730 runs,drives,miles: 6cyl 4wd must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage ...

2016 Land Rover LR4 HSE
Vin: SALAG2V65GA792264 runs,drives,miles: 68027 6cyl 2wd All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2018 Acura TLX
Vin: 19UUB1F39JA011532 runs,drives,miles: 138903 4 cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to ...

2017 Audi Q5
Vin: WA1L2AFP3HA017229 runs,drives,miles:115875 Q5 Premium Plus Quattro must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but no...

2016 Ford Focus
Vin: 1FADP3F23GL285055 runs,drives,miles:106054 4cyl SE must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to m...

2006 Chevrolet Express
Vin: 1GBFG15T461121779 runs,drives,miles: 8cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2004 Chevrolet Suburban
Vin: 3GNFK16Z24G294414 runs,drives,miles: 8cyl 4wd must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to milea...

2004 Chevrolet Silverado
Vin: 1GCHC23U84F161509 All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

1997 Chevrolet Silverado
Vin: 2GCEK19RXV1162768 runs,drives,mil267207 8cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2011 Ford F150
Vin: 1FTEW1CM4BFB76848 runs,drives,miles:227549 6cyl 2wd must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to ...

2002 Buick Lesabre
Vin: 1G4HP54K62U211184 runs,drives,miles: 6cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage...

2008 Saturn Vue
Vin: 3GSCL33P98S667558 miles: 4cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,titl...

2006 Lincoln Town Car
Vin: 1LNHM83V56Y613749 runs,drives,miles:153237 4cyl manual must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to ...

2011 Ford F150
Vin: 1FTFW1CF9BFC74361 runs,drives,miles:206034 8cyl 2wd must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to...

2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee
Vin: 1J4GX48S62C238177 runs,drives,miles: 6cyl 2wd must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileag...

2007 Lincoln MKZ
Vin: 3LNHM26T57R653286 miles:161812 6cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2007 Toyota Corolla
miles:188062 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title statu

2012 Kia Sportage
Vin: KNDPB3A26C7195270 runs,drives,miles:199389 4cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage ...

2011 Toyota Camry
Vin: 4T1BF3EK0BU158199 runs,drives,miles166446 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mile...

2010 Dodge Journey
Vin: 3D4PG5FV2AT263947 miles: 6cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title ...

2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee
Vin: 1J4GX48S63C540750 miles: 6cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title ...

2010 Toyota Camry
Vin: 4T1BF3EK2AU099414 miles: Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2018 Ford F150
Vin: 1FTFX1E57JKE32204 runs,drives,miles:149982 8cyl 4wd must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mi...

2008 GMC Acadia
Vin: 1GKER13728J241207 runs,drives,miles; 186701 6cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited...

2009 Mini Cooper
Vin: WMWMF73549TW84236 miles:88985 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,tit...

2008 Nissan Altima
Vin: 1N4BL24E88C279313 runs,drives,miles: 188120 6cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mil...

2013 GMC Yukon
Vin: 1GKS1KE07DR178410 runs,drives,miles:196856 8cyl 2wd SLT All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2021 Toyota Corolla
Vin: JTDEPMAE5MJ121870 runs,drives,miles62896 4 cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2007 Volvo XC90
Vin: YV4CZ982371386315 miles: 6cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,titl...

2000 Honda CR-V
Vin: JHLRD2847YS007352 runs,drives,miles:155328 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mil...

2009 Dodge Ram
Vin: 1D3HB18P59S796077 runs,drives,miles: 221356 8cyl 2wd All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2012 Chevrolet Cruze
Vin: 1G1PF5SC3C7220769 ,miles: 4cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2011 Chrysler 300
Vin: 2C3CA6CTXB554782 runs,drives miles:144622 Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and ye...

2019 Dodge Ram
Vin: 3C63RRGL3KC533943 runs,drives,miles:170274 6cyl 4wd diesel All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2012 Dodge Journey
Vin: 3C4PDCBG4CT189127 runs,drives,miles152750 6cyl SXT must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mil...

2006 Ford Escape
Vin: 1FMYU02Z46KA54350 runs,drives,miles:166837 4cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage...

2014 Chevrolet Express
Vin: 1GCWGFCAXE1198147 runs,drives,miles:197470 8cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to...

2007 Ford Focus
Vin: 1FAFP31N37W214236 runs,drives,miles: 127116 4cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to milea...

2000 Honda Accord
Vin: 1HGCG5647YA004635 miles: 4cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title ...

2011 Ford Focus
Vin: 1FAHP3FNXBW102723 runs,drives,miles:153237 4cyl manual must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to ...

2007 Ford Mustang
Vin: 1ZVFT80N375291454 runs,drives,miles: 165644 6cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title statu

2013 Dodge Avenger
Vin: 1C3CDZAB6DN683227 runs,drives,miles:155654 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to ...

2012 Mazda Mazda3i
Vin: JM1BL1UF3C1523953 ,miles;, 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title ...

2009 Acura RL
Vin: JH4KB26619C002084 runs,drives,miles:160457 6cyl salvage title Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limi...

2015 Chevrolet Spark
Vin: KL8CB6S97FC801076 runs,drives,miles:104765 4cyl salvage title must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not lim...

2013 Nissan Quest
Vin: JN8AE2KPXD9067495 uns,drives,miles:126896 6cyl SL must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mil...

2016 Infiniti Q50
Vin: JN1CV7AP4GM201697 miles:214233 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,t...

2009 Nissan Altima
Vin: 1N4AL21E09N543520 runs,drives,miles:203294 4cyl S must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mil...

2006 Pontiac G6
Vin: 1G2ZH558364136060 miles: 6cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title s...

2013 Kia Optima
Vin: KNAGM4A74D5300376 runs,drives,miles:222509 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to milea...

2005 Nissan Frontier
Vin: 1N6AD06U05C403644 runs,drives,miles: 123920 6cyl 2wd LE must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limite...

2011 Nissan Altima
Vin: 1N4AL2AP1BN438525 miles: 4cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,titl...

2008 Volkswagen GTI
Vin: WVWHD71K88W341025 runs,drives,miles 219154 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage ...

2012 Nissan Altima
Vin: 1N4AL2EP8CC198235 runs,drives,miles: 155990 4cyl S Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to...

2009 Kia Spectra
Vin: KNAFE221895622050 runs,drives,miles:172554 4cyl manual must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited t...

2003 Chevy Avalanche
Vin: 3GNEC13T33G228011 runs,drives,miles: 231381 6cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status Miles: 231381

1989 Chevrolet GMT-400
Vin: 1GCDK14K7KZ250363 miles:254167 All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2008 Buick Lucerne
Vin: 1G4HD572X8U181281 runs,drives.miles:180288 6cyl CXL salvage title must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not l...

2005 Ford F150
Vin: 1FTRX12535KD01455 runs,drives,miles: 8cyl 2wd All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

1995 Ford F150
Vin: 1FTEF15Y3SLB66488 runs,drives,miles:199319 6cyl 2wd manual All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2005 Honda Odyssey
Vin: 5FNRL38875B063745 runs,drives,miles: 203458 6cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2012 Ford Fiesta
Vin: 3FADP4CJ9CM183270 runs,drives,miles: 306460 4cyl SEL must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not li...

2013 Ford Tauras
Vin: 1FAHP2E85DG105063 miles: 209398 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year...

2003 Ford Expedition
Vin: 1FMFU17L63LC14686 runs,drives,miles: 235031 8cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2012 Ford Fiesta
Vin: 3FADP4BJ5CM158352 runs,drives,miles: 143740 4cyl SFE salvage title must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not...

2011 Chevrolet Impala
Vin: 2G1WG5EK4B1141070 runs,drives,miles:155658 6cyl salvage title must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not lim...

2004 Toyota Corolla
Vin: 1NXBR32E64Z272121 runs,drives,miles:260216 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to milea...

2006 Toyota Sienna
Vin: 5TDZA23C36S576080 runs,drives,miles:168223 6cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mi...

2006 Ford Expedition
Vin: 1FMFU17556LA70196 runs,drives,miles; 163191, 8cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to milea...

2005 Hyundai Sonata
Vin: KMHWF35H85A147740 runs,drives,miles:205220 4cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage ...

2012 Jeep Patriot
Vin: 1C4NJPCB4CD553756 runs,drives,miles: 146325 4cyl Limited Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited...

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Alamo Auctioneers Public Auction 4/5/2025
 Live Auction w/Online Bidding
Auction Date(s)
Thursday Mar 20, 2025 Completed
Saturday Apr 5,
Auction Location
10931 Poteet-Jourdanton Fwy
San Antonio, TX 78224
Alamo Auctioneers LLC


Listing Terms and Conditions
Auction Terms & Conditions By bidding on an item(s) you understand that you are entering into a legal contract with Alamo Auctioneers to pay for the item(s) you are bidding on. Once you win that item(s) you own it. Alamo Auctioneers offers no implied or written warranties, nor do we offer any guarantee of any kind on any item(s). All item(s) are sold �AS IS � WHERE IS�. All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed.PLEASE NOTE: You (the Buyer) will make all arrangements and perform all work necessary, including, but not limited to, packing, loading and transportation of the property. No assistance will be provided. Full payment is due by the end of the auction. Payment can be made by cash, personal/business check (only with bank letter of guarantee with statement of limits) or Credit Card in USD. All bidders will be responsible to pay an 18% buyers premium. Bidders registering and bidding in person and paying cash on the day of the auction are eligible for a 3% discount on the premium on all purchases the day of auction only. If any portion of the amount due is not paid on the same day, the premium will return to the full 18% on all transactions. Per state law, a tax rate of 8.25% will also be collected on general merchandise. All credit card transactions are final. The buyer waives their rights to refunds and/or chargebacks. By bidding online, Alamo Auctioneers reserves the right to charge the credit card used at time of online registration. All removal of item(s) is at the complete risk and expense of the buyer. Alamo Auctioneers does not offer shipping. you will need to make your own pick-up arrangements. Last day for Pick up is Tuesday after the auction, at which point, the items left on property without arrangements will be forfeited and considered abandoned without refund. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value. Bidders who bid from off site and are not present at the live auction or preview understand and acknowledge that they may not be able to inspect an item as well as if they examined it in person.It is the Bidder�s responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. Deficiencies may be present in the vehicles pollution control system. Once the bid has closed, the Bidder waives all rights to inspection and no claims or disputes may be made against Alamo Auctioneers or it�s associates. Alamo Auctioneers is providing Internet pre-auction and live bidding as a service to Bidder. Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may or may not function correctly the day of the auction. Under no circumstances shall Bidder have any kind of claim against Alamo Auctioneers or anyone else if the Internet service fails to work correctly before or during the live auction. Alamo Auctioneers will not be responsible for any missed bids from any source. Internet bidders who desire to make certain their bid is acknowledged should use the proxy-bidding feature and leave their maximum bid 24 hours before the auction begins. Alamo Auctioneers reserves the right to withdraw or re-catalog items in this auction. Alamo Auctioneers employees are allowed to bid on items in the auction. Alamo Auctioneers follows Texas law, and all arbitrations must be done within Bexar County. Auction Definitions: Auction: A Public sale in which goods or property is sold to the highest bidder. Running: The vehicle turned on at the time of the videos but did not move forward and/or back. Running and Driving: The vehicle turned on at the time of the video and the vehicle did move forward and in reverse. OS : Out of state title. T&T: Tax and Title Transfer. Plates and registration not included. Cranks, won�t start: Vehicle engine turned over but did not start at time of video. *K$__ : Additional key fee. Price based on amount charged by locksmith Salvage Title: Vehicle that has been in an accident and has since been repaired for consumer and highway use. Bonded Title: Titles that have had issues in the past and have since been corrected with a surety bond attached. ��������������������������������������������������������������������� T�RMINOS Y CONDICIONES: T�rminos y condiciones de la subasta Al ofertar por un art�culo, usted comprende que est� celebrando un contrato legal con Alamo Auctioneers para pagar los art�culos por los que est� ofertando. Una vez que ganes ese(s) art�culo(s), lo posees. Alamo Auctioneers no ofrece garant�as impl�citas o escritas, ni ofrecemos ninguna garant�a de ning�n tipo sobre ning�n art�culo. Todos los art�culos se venden �TAL CUAL � DONDE EST�N�. Todas las descripciones se consideran precisas pero NO garantizadas/garantizadas. El pago completo vence al final de la subasta. El pago se puede realizar en efectivo, cheque personal/comercial (solo con carta de garant�a bancaria con declaraci�n de l�mites) o tarjeta de cr�dito en USD. Todos los postores pagan una prima del comprador del 18 % en todas las compras y del 8,25 % en la mercanc�a general. Todas las transacciones con tarjeta de cr�dito son definitivas. El comprador renuncia a sus derechos de reembolso y/o contracargo. Al ofertar en l�nea, Alamo Auctioneers se reserva el derecho de cargar la tarjeta de cr�dito utilizada en el momento del registro en l�nea. Toda eliminaci�n de art�culos es por cuenta y riesgo del comprador. Alamo Auctioneers no ofrece env�o. tendr� que hacer sus propios arreglos de recogida. El �ltimo d�a para retirar es el martes despu�s de la subasta, momento en el que los art�culos que se dejen en la propiedad sin arreglos se perder�n y se considerar�n abandonados sin reembolso. El postor debe ser el �nico juez de valor. Los postores que pujan desde fuera del sitio y no est�n presentes en la subasta en vivo o en la vista previa entienden y reconocen que es posible que no puedan inspeccionar un art�culo como si lo hubieran examinado en persona. Es responsabilidad del postor determinar la condici�n, la edad, autenticidad, valor o cualquier otro factor determinante.Pueden existir deficiencias en el sistema de control de la contaminaci�n de los veh�culos. Una vez que se ha cerrado la oferta, el Licitante renuncia a todos los derechos de inspecci�n y no se pueden presentar reclamos ni disputas contra Alamo Auctioneers o sus asociados. Alamo Auctioneers ofrece subastas previas a Internet y ofertas en vivo como un servicio para el postor. El postor reconoce y entiende que este servicio puede o no funcionar correctamente el d�a de la subasta. Bajo ninguna circunstancia, el Postor tendr� ning�n tipo de reclamo contra Alamo Auctioneers o cualquier otra persona si el servicio de Internet no funciona correctamente antes o durante la subasta en vivo. Alamo Auctioneers no ser� responsable de ninguna oferta perdida de ninguna fuente. Los postores de Internet que deseen asegurarse de que se reconozca su oferta deben utilizar la funci�n de oferta de proxy y dejar su oferta m�xima 24 horas antes de que comience la subasta. Alamo Auctioneers se reserva el derecho de retirar o volver a catalogar art�culos en esta subasta. Los empleados de Alamo Auctioneers pueden ofertar por art�culos en la subasta. Alamo Auctioneers cumple con la ley de Texas y todos los arbitrajes deben realizarse dentro del condado de Bexar. Definiciones de subasta: Subasta: Venta publica en la que se venden bienes o propiedades al mejor postor. En marcha (Running): El veh�culo encendi� en el momento de los videos pero no avanz� y/o retrocedi�. Correr y conducir (Running and Driving): el veh�culo se encendi� en el momento del video y se movi� hacia adelante y hacia atr�s. OS: t�tulo fuera del estado. T&T: Transferencia de impuestos y t�tulos. Matr�cula y matricula no incluidas. Arranca, no arranca (cranks but won�t start) : El motor del veh�culo gir� pero no arranc� en el momento del video. *K$__ : Tarifa de clave adicional. Precio basado en monto cobrado por cerrajero salvage Title: Veh�culo que ha estado en un accidente y desde entonces ha sido reparado para uso del consumidor y en la carretera. bonded Title: T�tulos que han tenido problemas en el pasado y desde entonces se han corregido con una fianza adjunta.
AUCTION ALERT! Join us for a public auto auction on Saturday, Apirl 5th 2025, at 10 AM at Alamo Auctioneers! 10931 Poteet-Jourdanton Fwy, San Antonio, TX 78224 Simulcast Auction � Bid Online or In Person! Preview Day: Friday, April 4th from 10 AM to 2 PM � Come check out the inventory before the bidding starts! Don�t miss out on great deals! For details and online bidding, visit WWW.ALAMOAUCTIONEERS.COM or call us at 210-310-3571

2011 Ford Mustang
Vin: 1ZVBP8CF3B5122695 runs,drives,miles: 87962 8cyl manual must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to...

2014 Jeep Wrangler
Vin: 1C4AJWAG1EL166730 runs,drives,miles: 6cyl 4wd must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage ...

2016 Land Rover LR4 HSE
Vin: SALAG2V65GA792264 runs,drives,miles: 68027 6cyl 2wd All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2018 Acura TLX
Vin: 19UUB1F39JA011532 runs,drives,miles: 138903 4 cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to ...

2017 Audi Q5
Vin: WA1L2AFP3HA017229 runs,drives,miles:115875 Q5 Premium Plus Quattro must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but no...

2016 Ford Focus
Vin: 1FADP3F23GL285055 runs,drives,miles:106054 4cyl SE must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to m...

2006 Chevrolet Express
Vin: 1GBFG15T461121779 runs,drives,miles: 8cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2004 Chevrolet Suburban
Vin: 3GNFK16Z24G294414 runs,drives,miles: 8cyl 4wd must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to milea...

2004 Chevrolet Silverado
Vin: 1GCHC23U84F161509 All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

1997 Chevrolet Silverado
Vin: 2GCEK19RXV1162768 runs,drives,mil267207 8cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2011 Ford F150
Vin: 1FTEW1CM4BFB76848 runs,drives,miles:227549 6cyl 2wd must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to ...

2002 Buick Lesabre
Vin: 1G4HP54K62U211184 runs,drives,miles: 6cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage...

2008 Saturn Vue
Vin: 3GSCL33P98S667558 miles: 4cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,titl...

2006 Lincoln Town Car
Vin: 1LNHM83V56Y613749 runs,drives,miles:153237 4cyl manual must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to ...

2011 Ford F150
Vin: 1FTFW1CF9BFC74361 runs,drives,miles:206034 8cyl 2wd must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to...

2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee
Vin: 1J4GX48S62C238177 runs,drives,miles: 6cyl 2wd must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileag...

2007 Lincoln MKZ
Vin: 3LNHM26T57R653286 miles:161812 6cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2007 Toyota Corolla
miles:188062 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title statu

2012 Kia Sportage
Vin: KNDPB3A26C7195270 runs,drives,miles:199389 4cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage ...

2011 Toyota Camry
Vin: 4T1BF3EK0BU158199 runs,drives,miles166446 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mile...

2010 Dodge Journey
Vin: 3D4PG5FV2AT263947 miles: 6cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title ...

2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee
Vin: 1J4GX48S63C540750 miles: 6cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title ...

2010 Toyota Camry
Vin: 4T1BF3EK2AU099414 miles: Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2018 Ford F150
Vin: 1FTFX1E57JKE32204 runs,drives,miles:149982 8cyl 4wd must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mi...

2008 GMC Acadia
Vin: 1GKER13728J241207 runs,drives,miles; 186701 6cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited...

2009 Mini Cooper
Vin: WMWMF73549TW84236 miles:88985 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,tit...

2008 Nissan Altima
Vin: 1N4BL24E88C279313 runs,drives,miles: 188120 6cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mil...

2013 GMC Yukon
Vin: 1GKS1KE07DR178410 runs,drives,miles:196856 8cyl 2wd SLT All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2021 Toyota Corolla
Vin: JTDEPMAE5MJ121870 runs,drives,miles62896 4 cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2007 Volvo XC90
Vin: YV4CZ982371386315 miles: 6cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,titl...

2000 Honda CR-V
Vin: JHLRD2847YS007352 runs,drives,miles:155328 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mil...

2009 Dodge Ram
Vin: 1D3HB18P59S796077 runs,drives,miles: 221356 8cyl 2wd All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2012 Chevrolet Cruze
Vin: 1G1PF5SC3C7220769 ,miles: 4cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2011 Chrysler 300
Vin: 2C3CA6CTXB554782 runs,drives miles:144622 Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and ye...

2019 Dodge Ram
Vin: 3C63RRGL3KC533943 runs,drives,miles:170274 6cyl 4wd diesel All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2012 Dodge Journey
Vin: 3C4PDCBG4CT189127 runs,drives,miles152750 6cyl SXT must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mil...

2006 Ford Escape
Vin: 1FMYU02Z46KA54350 runs,drives,miles:166837 4cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage...

2014 Chevrolet Express
Vin: 1GCWGFCAXE1198147 runs,drives,miles:197470 8cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to...

2007 Ford Focus
Vin: 1FAFP31N37W214236 runs,drives,miles: 127116 4cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to milea...

2000 Honda Accord
Vin: 1HGCG5647YA004635 miles: 4cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title ...

2011 Ford Focus
Vin: 1FAHP3FNXBW102723 runs,drives,miles:153237 4cyl manual must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to ...

2007 Ford Mustang
Vin: 1ZVFT80N375291454 runs,drives,miles: 165644 6cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title statu

2013 Dodge Avenger
Vin: 1C3CDZAB6DN683227 runs,drives,miles:155654 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to ...

2012 Mazda Mazda3i
Vin: JM1BL1UF3C1523953 ,miles;, 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title ...

2009 Acura RL
Vin: JH4KB26619C002084 runs,drives,miles:160457 6cyl salvage title Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limi...

2015 Chevrolet Spark
Vin: KL8CB6S97FC801076 runs,drives,miles:104765 4cyl salvage title must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not lim...

2013 Nissan Quest
Vin: JN8AE2KPXD9067495 uns,drives,miles:126896 6cyl SL must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mil...

2016 Infiniti Q50
Vin: JN1CV7AP4GM201697 miles:214233 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,t...

2009 Nissan Altima
Vin: 1N4AL21E09N543520 runs,drives,miles:203294 4cyl S must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mil...

2006 Pontiac G6
Vin: 1G2ZH558364136060 miles: 6cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title s...

2013 Kia Optima
Vin: KNAGM4A74D5300376 runs,drives,miles:222509 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to milea...

2005 Nissan Frontier
Vin: 1N6AD06U05C403644 runs,drives,miles: 123920 6cyl 2wd LE must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limite...

2011 Nissan Altima
Vin: 1N4AL2AP1BN438525 miles: 4cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,titl...

2008 Volkswagen GTI
Vin: WVWHD71K88W341025 runs,drives,miles 219154 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage ...

2012 Nissan Altima
Vin: 1N4AL2EP8CC198235 runs,drives,miles: 155990 4cyl S Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to...

2009 Kia Spectra
Vin: KNAFE221895622050 runs,drives,miles:172554 4cyl manual must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited t...

2003 Chevy Avalanche
Vin: 3GNEC13T33G228011 runs,drives,miles: 231381 6cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status Miles: 231381

1989 Chevrolet GMT-400
Vin: 1GCDK14K7KZ250363 miles:254167 All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2008 Buick Lucerne
Vin: 1G4HD572X8U181281 runs,drives.miles:180288 6cyl CXL salvage title must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not l...

2005 Ford F150
Vin: 1FTRX12535KD01455 runs,drives,miles: 8cyl 2wd All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

1995 Ford F150
Vin: 1FTEF15Y3SLB66488 runs,drives,miles:199319 6cyl 2wd manual All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2005 Honda Odyssey
Vin: 5FNRL38875B063745 runs,drives,miles: 203458 6cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2012 Ford Fiesta
Vin: 3FADP4CJ9CM183270 runs,drives,miles: 306460 4cyl SEL must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not li...

2013 Ford Tauras
Vin: 1FAHP2E85DG105063 miles: 209398 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year...

2003 Ford Expedition
Vin: 1FMFU17L63LC14686 runs,drives,miles: 235031 8cyl All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage and year,title status

2012 Ford Fiesta
Vin: 3FADP4BJ5CM158352 runs,drives,miles: 143740 4cyl SFE salvage title must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not...

2011 Chevrolet Impala
Vin: 2G1WG5EK4B1141070 runs,drives,miles:155658 6cyl salvage title must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not lim...

2004 Toyota Corolla
Vin: 1NXBR32E64Z272121 runs,drives,miles:260216 4cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to milea...

2006 Toyota Sienna
Vin: 5TDZA23C36S576080 runs,drives,miles:168223 6cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mi...

2006 Ford Expedition
Vin: 1FMFU17556LA70196 runs,drives,miles; 163191, 8cyl must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to milea...

2005 Hyundai Sonata
Vin: KMHWF35H85A147740 runs,drives,miles:205220 4cyl Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited to mileage ...

2012 Jeep Patriot
Vin: 1C4NJPCB4CD553756 runs,drives,miles: 146325 4cyl Limited Must pay tax and title transfer before taking vehicle All item(s) are sold "AS IS - WHERE IS". All descriptions believed accurate but NOT warranted/guaranteed. Including but not limited...