Thies Farms Inc, Farmland Auction
Listing ID#: 1708315
Auction Location |
Wenon, IL Full Address Available on Wednesday, Mar 12 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Bidding Starts: Thursday Mar 13 Bidding Ends: Thursday Mar 27 |
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Cory Craig Auctioneer Website: ID#: 2420 View company information and listings |
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Listing Terms and Conditions |
DEBT COLLECTION and INTEREST CHARGES The bidder agrees to pay all reasonable attorney fees and other costs incurred by Cory Craig, Auctioneer, in its efforts to collect unpaid funds from the bidder. The bidder agrees that a fee of 2% of the outstanding balance per month be added to any unpaid balance due Cory Craig, Auctioneer. Any debt collection or dispute proceedings will be heard in Christian County, Illinois
10% down end of auction with balance due at closing on Mon. April 28, 2025. Buyer will be required to enter into a written contract agreement end of auction. Seller will pay 2024 taxes. Buyer will assume all taxes thereafter. Title policy showing merchantable title will be furnished subject to easements and restrictions of record in place.
Prairie Land Title Co., 3301 Constitution Dr. Suite A, Springfield, IL. 217-726-0698 (Jennifer) will be responsible for all title work and the closing. Have your pre-approved finanical arrangements made prior to bidding. Seller reserves the rights to accept or reject any and all bids.NOTE: Buyer will reimburse Tenant for fall tillage & 2025 Fertilizer @ closing.(Available @"Thies Farms, Inc." Auction)
*Possession will be given at closing*
Announcements day of auction take precedence over printed matter. Information in the ad is considered accurate, however, it is subject to verification and no liability for errors or omissions is assumed. Tract is being sold by the acre x's 80 acres.
Quality Marshall County Farmland right along I-39.Ditch needs a haircut & shave.-CORY
Thies Farms, Inc., Owners
Listing Information |
Thies Farms, Inc. Farmland Auction
102.97 Acres
LOCATION: Approx. 2 mile north of Wenona, IL, farm lays right next to west side of I-39.(watch for Cory Craig Auction signs)
ENDS: Thurs. March 27 @ 6:00 P.M. (soft close)
Selling 102.97 Acres in 1 Tract)
102.97 Acres:
A Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 30N, Range 1 East of the Third Principal Meridian, Evans Township, Marshall County, IL
TAXES:$ 3,354.34
PIN: 07-02-400-003
FARM: 9807
FARMLAND: 106.60
Corn: 43.35 PLC Yield: 127
Soybeans: 43.35 PLC Yield: 42
125.4 PI
Wenona, Rutland, Streator, Rutland Clay & Radford Soils
2024 Corn- 199
2023 Soybeans-68
2022 Corn- 225
*Farm has some plastic tile*
TERMS & CONDITIONS:10% down end of auction with balance due at closing on Mon. April 28, 2025. Buyer will be required to enter into a written contract agreement end of auction. Seller will pay 2024 taxes. Buyer will assume all taxes thereafter. Title policy showing merchantable title will be furnished subject to easements and restrictions of record in place.
Chicago Title Co. 605 E. Etna Rd. Ottawa, IL 815-433-4080 will be responsible for all title work and the closing. Have your pre-approved finanical arrangements made prior to bidding. Seller reserves the rights to accept or reject any and all bids.NOTE: Buyer will reimburse Tenant for fall tillage of 88 acres x's $17.60= $1,548.80 & 2025 Fertilizer (Pot Ash & MES10) $3,088.80 @ closing.
*Possession will be given at closing*
Announcements day of auction take precedence over printed matter. Information in the ad is considered accurate, however, it is subject to verification and no liability for errors or omissions is assumed. Tract is being sold by the acre x's 102.97
Quality Marshall County Farmland right along I-39.Ditch needs a haircut & shave
Thies Farms, Inc., Owners
Register to bid, view catalogue & terms @
Roger Leach, Auction Manager
M.G. Gulo & Associates, LTD
Michael F. Gulo, Attorney
123 S. Monroe St.
Streator, IL
815-672-2472 1 102.97 Acres Farmland QUALITY FARMLAND( Selling 102.97 Acres in 1 Tract) 102.97 Acres: A Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 30N, Range 1 East of the Third Principal Meridian, Evans Township, Marshall County, IL TAXES:$ 3,354.34 PIN: 07-02-400-003 FS... |
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