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Cory Craig Auctioneer

Cory Craig Auctioneer
GoToAuction.com ID#:2420

Contact Information

Location: Taylorville, IL
Contact: Cory Craig
Phone: 217-971-4440

Upcoming Auctions
Margaret Foster Moving Auction
Online Only - Bidding Ends March 25
Decatur IL
Margaret Foster Moving Auction 5615 Monarch Dr. (Long Creek) Decatur, IL "ONLINE BIDDING ONLY" STARTS:Tues. March 11 @ 6:00 P.M. ENDS: Tues. March 25 @ 6:00 P.M. VIEWING: Mon. March 24, 4:30-6:00 P.M. ** Winning bidders will pay and pick their it
Cory Craig Auctioneer More Info
Thies Farms Inc, Farmland Auction
Online Only - Bidding Ends March 27
Wenon IL
Thies Farms, Inc. Farmland Auction 102.97 Acres "ONLINE BIDDING ONLY" LOCATION: Approx. 2 mile north of Wenona, IL, farm lays right next to west side of I-39.(watch for Cory Craig Auction signs) ENDS: Thurs. March 27 @ 6:00 P.M. (soft close) "ON
Cory Craig Auctioneer More Info
Multi Family Auction #2
Online Only - Bidding Ends April 8
Edinburg IL
Multi Family Auction #2 409 North St. (Cory Craig Auction Center) Edinburg, IL "ONLINE BIDDING ONLY" STARTS: Thurs.March 20 @ 6:00 P.M. ENDS: Tues. April 8 @ 6:00 P.M. VIEWING: Mon. April 7, 4:30-6:00 P.M. *590 LOTS SS Refrigerators HHG'S Mopar p
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About Our Company

Cory Craig is a second generation, full-time auctioneer from Taylorville, IL where he resides with his wife and three children. Since 1988 Cory has owned and operated Edinburg Auction in Edinburg, IL, the business, which his late father Herb Craig started in 1965. He specializes in real estate, farm equipment, livestock, antiques, liquidation and estate auctions. He also auctions for United Producers weekly livestock market in Shelbyville...

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Customer Feedback

Company Information

Cory Craig is a second generation, full-time auctioneer from Taylorville, IL where he resides with his wife and three children. Since 1988 Cory has owned and operated Edinburg Auction in Edinburg, IL, the business, which his late father Herb Craig started in 1965. He specializes in real estate, farm equipment, livestock, antiques, liquidation and estate auctions. He also auctions for United Producers weekly livestock market in Shelbyville and weekly for Insurance Auto Auctions in Lincoln and Granite City, IL.

Cory has served on nearly every committee of the Illinois State Auctioneers Association including 2000 Illinois State champion Bid Caller, elected President of ISAA in 2004  and elected to the Illinois State Auctioneers Association Hall of Fame in 2013.  He was a member of the Edinburg Lions Club until it dissolved, a member of the MOOSE Lodge in Taylorville, IL and he volunteers his time for numerous community and church activities, as well as numerous benefit auctions for various charities and organizations. Cory has also competed in the National Auctioneers Association Bid Calling Contest and placed in the top 15.

Cory runs a top-notch auction throughout the entire state of Illinois and has conducted several auctions in Missouri as well. Our company uses computers with wireless radios during all of our auctions, we advertise locally and nationwide in newspapers and on the internet and we have conducted many on-line auctions.

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Cory Craig Auctioneer

Cory Craig Auctioneer

Contact Information

GoToAuction.com ID#:2420
Location: Taylorville, IL
Contact: Cory Craig
Phone: 217-971-4440


Upcoming Auctions
Margaret Foster Moving Auction
Cory Craig Auctioneer
Decatur, IL
Online Only - Bidding Ends March 25

Thies Farms Inc, Farmland Auction
Cory Craig Auctioneer
Wenon, IL
Online Only - Bidding Ends March 27

Multi Family Auction #2
Cory Craig Auctioneer
Edinburg, IL
Online Only - Bidding Ends April 8

About Our Company

Cory Craig is a second generation, full-time auctioneer from Taylorville, IL where he resides with his wife and three children. Since 1988 Cory has owned and operated Edinburg Auction in Edinburg, IL, the business, which his late father Herb Craig started in 1965. He specializes in real estate, farm equipment, livestock, antiques, liquidation and estate auctions. He also auctions for United Producers weekly livestock market in Shelbyville...

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