244 - EWIA -Encan West Island Auctions INTERNET-3/13-3/26
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Auction Location
Montreal, QC H4T 2B3
Full Address Available on Tuesday, Mar 12
Auction Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Bidding Starts: Wednesday Mar 13
Bidding Ends: Tuesday Mar 26
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Encans West Island Auctions

Website: https://encanwestisland.com/

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Listing Information
Fermeture: MARDI (26 mars, 2024): 18h00 Closing: TUESDAY (March 26, 2024): 6:00 PM Frais d'Encan / Auction fee: 15% Taxes applicables / Applicable taxes: TPS: 5%, TVQ: 9,975% ACQUISITION Visite notre bureau pendant les heures to ramassage OU Vous pouvez prenez rendez-vous sur la page principale de notre site web, www.encanwestisland.com (Accueil --> calendrier) Nous demandons aux gagnants de venir chercher leurs articles dans les 5 jours (si la facture est non-pay�e) ou 10 jours (si la facture est pay�e) suivant la cl�ture des ench�res. Toutes les ventes sont finales, et vendues telles quelles. Si ce n'est pas indiqu� comme fonctionnel dans la description, � consid�rer comme non test�, l'acheteur doit prendre garde, vendu tel quel. Les heures de bureau pour le ramassage sont les suivantes: - Lundi: 10h-17h - Mercredi: 13h-17h - Jeudi: 10h-17h - Vendredi: 10h-17h - Samedi: 10h-17h NOTE: Tous les articles seront entrepos�s pendant un-MAXIMUM de 15 jours. Toutefois, si les articles ne sont pas r�cup�r�s, ils seront remis en stock et les gagnants ne seront PAS rembours�s apr�s cette p�riode. ACQUISITION You can pick up during our open office hours without a reservation. OR You can book your pickup appointment on main page of our website, www.encanwestisland.com (Homepage --> Calendar) We ask winners to pick up their items within 5 days (if invoice is unpaid) or 10 days (if invoice is paid) of auction closing. All sales are final and sold in as is condition. If not listed as functional in description, to be considered untested, buyer beware, sold as is. Regular Office hours for items pick-up are as follows: - Monday: 10h-17h - Wednesday 13h-17h - Thursday: 10h-17h - Friday: 10h-17h - Saturday: 10h-17h Please Note: All items will be stored for a MAXIMUM of 15 days. However, if not picked up items they will be returned to inventory and winners will NOT be refunded after this period. EXP�DITIONS / SHIPPING APR�S la cl�ture de l'ench�re, r�pondez � EMAIL - info@encanwestisland.com, pour prendre des arrangements concernant l'exp�dition et le paiement dans les 72 heures suivant la cl�ture de l'ench�re. Les articles sont exp�di�s aux frais de l'ACHETEUR. Nous offrons un service d'exp�dition interne pour les demandes d'exp�dition r�guli�res (frais de manutention/mat�riel de 10 � 20 $ (selon la taille de la bo�te/le mat�riel d'emballage n�cessaire) + frais d'exp�dition de Postes Canada/USPS ou d'UPS/Purolator). Nous utilisons �galement un service d'exp�dition externe pour les besoins d'exp�dition sp�ciaux, le co�t (manutention, mat�riaux et livraison UPS) �tant d�termin� par bo�te et pay� directement au service d'exp�dition UPS Store. Nous n'exp�dions qu'au Canada et aux �tats-Unis. Nous n'exp�dions pas d'objets cassants comme le verre, la porcelaine ou la c�ramique � moins que l'acheteur n'en assume la responsabilit� s'ils sont endommag�s pendant le transport, aucun remboursement ou cr�dit ne sera accord�. AFTER the auction closing, reply to EMAIL - info@encanwestisland.com, to make shipping & payment arrangements within 72 hours of auction close. ITEMS are shipped at BUYERS' expense. We offer Inhouse shipping service for regular shipping requests (handling/materials fee from 10 to 20$ (depending on box size/packing materials needed) + Canada Post/USPS or UPS/Purolator shipping fees). We also use an External 3rd Party Shipping service for Special Shipping needs, the cost (handling, materials, and UPS delivery) determined on per box basis and paid directly to UPS Store shipping service. Offering shipping to Canada & USA only. We do NOT SHIP breakables like glass, porcelain, or ceramic UNLESS the buyer ASSUMES responsible if damaged during shipping no refunds or credits will be given. PAIEMENT des articles exp�di�s / PAYMENT for shipping: - Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, PayPal ou eTransfer (info@encanwestisland.com) LOCATION: 3700 Griffith, Suite 55 (porte sous-sol) Montr�al, Qu�bec H4T 2B3 CONTACT INFO: Tel: 514-998-0364 Email: info@encanwestisland.com Inscrivez vos objets de valeur � notre prochaine vente aux ench�res, contactez un repr�sentant pour plus de d�tails. / List your valuables on our next auction; contact a representative for more details.

8 Arcoroc Petale Wine Glasses vtg
Made in France. Size of each glass 6.5" High x 3" Diameter

A North View of Westminster Bridge-Book Plate 1753
Antique Book Plate Engraving from Views in London, 1753. After Charles Labelye (1705 - 1781) by Thomas Bowles II (ca.1689 - 1767). Published by Robert Sayer and Henry Overton III (fl. 1751-65) Mat 16.33 x 13.33 in Visible artwork: 10.33 x 6.75 inches...

5 Stemmed Liqueur Glasses vtg
Size of each 5.5" High x 2.5" Diameter

MCM Modernist Borgonova " Cleo" Heavy Glass Vase.
Made in Italy. Size 10" High x 4.5" Diameter

MCM Skio Union Czech Heavy Glass Vase
Size 12" High x 6.5" Diameter

Ikea Hand Made Quality Vases
Small 5.5" high x 4.5" wide Medium 8.5" high x 4" wide Large 15.5" High x 8.5" Diameter

4 Sheffield Silver Plate Serving Forks & Knives
Made in England. 2 carving Knives & 2 Serving Forks

Haviland Limoges Cream, Sugar, Jug & Plate
Made in France. 2 small pitchers, 1 sugar bowl & 1 small serving dish. From the Hotel Maurice - 5-Star luxury hotel in the heart of historic Paris. Collectible Hotelware Porcelain.

Pyrex Glass Flameware 6 Cup Teapot
Size 5" high x 8.5" wide

RARE MAP Strait of Magellan 1648 Book Plate
Book Plate Engraving. Map of the Strait of Magellan , Janssou (1648) after Le Maire (1615-1617). See photos for condition. Mat 26 x 22.25 inches. Visivle Map 20 x 15.66 inches.

2800 JBL Speakers
Size 22.5" x 11" x 10". In good preowned vintage condition. JBL 2800 Vintage Pair of Bookshelf Speakers with a Sensitivity Rating of 89dB

Pioneer VSX-4800 Audio/Video Stereo Receiver
Size 5" high x 16.5" long x 12" wide. Tested. In good working condition

Large Wood Humidor
Size 8" high x 17" long x 11 5" wide See photos for Condition

1960's Reliable Toys Plastic Piggy Bank
Made in Canada. Size 4.5" high x 8" long x 3.5" wide

Canadian Museum of Civilization Haida Totems
Made in Canada. Made from Resin. Size of smaller totem 5" high x 1.5" wide Size of larger totem 6" high x 1 3/4" wide

1949 The Children's Book of Trees 1st Edition
By Leonard L. Knott. Published by Editorial Associates & Canadian Forestry Association in 1949

Vintage Children's Books
Hucklebug by Stephen Cosgrove, Catundra by Stephen Cosgrove, Visit to the Zoo : Pop Up Book, The Little Lame Prince by Miss Mulock, Tommy True by Margaret Sutton & Now We Are Six by A.A. Milne

Lima Plan & View Potosi Silver Mines-Harris 1744
Emmanuel Bowen (1693 - 1767) C.18th plan of Lima and view of Potosi in Bolivia. From Harris�s, Navigantium atque itinerantium bibliotheca or, a Complete Collection of Voyages and Travel , Book Plate Engraving 1744. Coloured. A plan of Lima with...

Reference Books on Silver & Porcelain
Silver by Margaret Holland . Published by Derby Books Porcelain by Hugh Tait . Published by Spring Books

Reference Books on Antique Furniture & Antiques
The Complete Guide to Furniture Styles Illustrated by Louise Ade Boger. Published by New York Charles Scribner's Sons American Antiques 1800-1900 : A Collector's History and Guide by Joseph T. Butler. Published by Odyssey Press Inc

Reference Books on Antique Furniture
An Illustrated History of Furniture by Mario Praz. Published by Geroge Braziller New York The Early Furniture of French Canada by Jean Palardy. Published by Macmillan of Canada

2 African Djembe Drums
Made with Wood & Leather. Size of smaller drum 11.5" High x 6.5" Diameter. Large 14.5" High x 8.5" Diameter

1940s Edi German Jointed Celluloid Dolls
Made in Germany by Edi. Erich Dittman. Boy & Girl doll. Hand Painted faces. Size of dolls 6.5" high x 3" wide

Vintage Boosey & Hawkes Clarinet w/Case
London Edgware Clarinet with Original Case

Ryan la France Pink Female Portrait , Signed
Size with Frame 12" high x 14" wide

Norwood Clear Glass Swung Vase vtg
Size 10.5" High x 3.5" Diameter

Mid Century Val St Lambert? Pitcher Pinched Spout
Mouth Blown Heavy Glass Pitcher. In very good preowned vintage condition. Size 11.5" high x 6" wide

French Bistro Glass Pitcher
Mouth Blown Glass. In very good preowned vintage condition. Size 10" high x 7" wide

Antique Map of Sunda Islands Sumatra Java Borneo
Book Plate Engraving. Nuoua Carta delle Isole di Sunda come Borneo Sumatra e Java Grande & C. published by Isaak Tirion, Amsterdam, 1739 ed. (originally published 1730). This is in fact an amended Dutch edition of: 'Modern History: or the Present Sta...

1980's DC Sgt Rock comics
Issues April # 303 & April # 363

1970's DC The Unknown Soldier comics
Issues Dec # 194 & Nov # 209

1970's DC Sgt Rock comics
Issues Spring Spectacular & Feb # 313

1980's Marvel ROM comics
Issues Mar # 4, Nov # 12, Jan # 14 & Mar # 16

1980's Marvel Magazine: Conan Saga
Issues Mid Dec # 33 & Mar # 36

1980's Marvel Magazine: Conan Saga
Issues May # 25 & Jul # 27

1980's Marvel Magazine: Conan Saga
Issues Jan # 21 & Nov # 31

4 Wedgewood Barlaston Green Dinner Plates
Made in England. Size 10" Diameter

6 Mikasa Park Lane Champagne Flutes
In very good preowned vintage condition. Size 7" High x 1.5" Diameter

Denon AVR-5700 AV Surround Receiver
Tested in working condition. Size 7" high x 17" long x 18" wide with remote Up to 75W per Channel at 8 Ohms Audyssey MultEQ Sound Calibration 5.2.2-Channel Dolby Atmos, DTS:X Support 4K Ultra HD Pass-Through

Yamaha Stereo Receiver - RN303B
Tested in working good. Size 5.5" high x 17" long x 12" wide with Remote

Vintage JVC R-S5 Stereo Receiver
Tested in working condition. Size 6" high x 16.5" long x 13.5" wide Comes with Remote

SONY CDP-C312M 5 Disc CD Changer Player
Tested in working condition. Size 3" high x 14" long x 11.5" wide Comes with Remote *** Has no power cord***

Minton Horizon Bone China Lidded Bowl
Made in England. Horizon H-5252 Size 5" High x 4.5" Diameter

Minton Rideau Lidded Bowl H5166
Made in England. Rideau H-5166. Produced from 1956 - 1969 Size 4.5" High x 4" Diameter

Wedgewood Barlaston Green Creamer vtg
Made in England. Size 3.5" high x 5" wide

4 Minton Rideau Teacups & Saucers
Made in England. Rideau H-5166 Produced from 1956 - 1969 In very good preowned vintage condition

8 Books on Spirituality & Death
The Medium Touch by Joey Crinita, Death and Reincarnation by Sri Chinmoy, Modern Numerology by Morris C. Goodman, Hints on Mediumistic Development by Ursula Roberts, You Can Communicate with the Unseen World by Harold Sherman, Hints on Spiritual Unfo...

7 Vintage Books for Summer Reading
Shakespeare & Company By Sylvia's Beach, Vintagewise by Andre Simon, The View From Serendip by Arthur C. Clarke, After The Fall by Arthur Miller, Shadows on the Grass by Isak Dinesen, Batman My Years and Seasons by Cassell , I Avast An Autobiography

National Lampoon Adult Humor Magazines
From 1970's-80's issues August 1971, October 1973, April 1973, Dec 1977 & December 1987

1990's DC Batman comics
Issues Jan # 443 & Feb # 444

1970's DC Tarzan The Untamed comics
Issues June # 250 & Dec # 256

1970's Marvel Master of Kung Fu comics
Issues Sept # 32 , June # 53, June # 89 Giant-Size Mar # 3 & Giant-Size June # 4

1980's Marvel Conan The Barbarian comics
Issues Mar # 143, Apr # 145, May # 146, June # 147 & July # 148

Ref Books: Antiques (Porcelain, Furniture & Marks)
The Dictionary of Marks edited by Margaret MacDonald-Taylor, The Furniture Doctor by George Grotz, Porcelain Knowledge Through Color.

7 Interior Design Books
The Finest Rooms, Great Interiors , The New York Times Book of Interior Design and Decoration, David Hicks on Living- With Taste, Dorothy Rodgers The House In My Head, Color Compass & The Pahlmann Book of Interior Design.

8 Music Cassette Tapes: Rolling Stones, Monkees
Phil Collins, Arlo Guthrie, The Allman Brothers Band & Paul Simon

Vintage Fisher Price Little People figures
From 1970's-80's . 45 Fisher Price little People figures

1984 DC Super Powers Batmobile
Made by Kenner in 1984. The batman figure is a later version from 1990. Size 3.5" high x 12" long x 5.5" wide. *** See Photos for Condition ***

Marvel Manga Twist' Ems The Hulk figure
Brand New in Box . Made by Toy Biz in 2003

1970's Street Magic Custom Vette Model Kit
Made by Matchbox in 1970's. Brand New in Original box .

5 Milton Rideau Bone China Soup Bowls
Made in England. Rideau H-5166. Size 8" Diameter

6 Milton Rideau Bone China Plates
Made in England. Rideau H-5166. Size 9" Diameter

8 Milton Rideau Bone China Dinner Plates 10.5in
Made in England. Rideau H-5166. Size 10.5" Diameter

RARE Minton Rideau Bone China Teapot
Made in England. Rideau H-5166. Size 7" high x 9" wide.

4 Stemmed Fluted Cocktail Glasses
Size 8" High x 3" Diameter

4 Mouth Blown Glass Cognac Sniffers
Size 5" High x 2" Diameter


1970's Marvel War of the Worlds comics
Issues Jan # 22 , Sept # 26 & Jan # 28

Super Crooks comics, 4 issue series
Published by Marvel Worldwide Inc. In 2012. Limited 4 part series by Mark Millar & Lenil Yu. Issues # 1 to # 4

Mid Century, White Galloping Horses, Oil on Canvas
Attributions Verso. Frame 22.5" high x 27.5" wide

Keystone Cop Clown, Oil on Canvas, Signed
Size 31.5" high x 27.5" wide

Samsung HW-D450 Soundbar
Size 37" long . Tested Powers On

Technics SA-5170 AM/FM Stereo Receiver Panasonic
Size 6" high x 18" long x 12" wide Tested Functional

Sony CDP-101 Compact Disc Player
Size 6" high x 14" long x 12" wide Tested. In working condition

Technics SL-PD867 Compact 5 Disc Changer Player
Size 5" high x 17" long x 14.5" wide Functional

Antique Woman's Leather Shoes
Size unknown. Measurements with ruler 10" long.

Cone Pop-up Puppet vtg
Size 12" long x 2.5" wide

Vintage Metal Cow Bell w/Heavy Clapper
Size 5" high x 4.5" long x 3" wide

1960's Wood " Cuss Box " coin bank
Size 6.5" High x 2" Diameter

Antique Wood Masher
Size 10.5" Long x 2" Diameter

W Adams & Sons Porcelain Humorous Mug vtg
Made by W Adams & Sons in England.

8 Silver Plate Coasters vtg
Made in England. Size 3.5" Diameter

6 Retro Cosmetic Jewelry Finds
Brooches, Earrings & Necklace

1960's Reliable Toys Canoe Coin Bank
Made in Canada. Size 6" high x 15" long x 3" wide

1990 Marvel The Punisher War Journal comics
Issues Nov #10, Jun # 19, Sept # 22, Jan # 26

Adventure Time comics
Issues # 18 & # 19


1980's Cartoons comics
Issues July/Aug 1980 & Sept/Oct 1980

Antique Washington Old Willow Plate
Made in England. Size 6.5" Diameter

Antique Washington Old Willow Cup
Made in England. Size 3.5" High x 3.5" Diameter

TinTin BD Comic book & Laminated Poster( Francais)
TinTin et la Mystere de la Toison D'Or & Laminated Poster of Les Adventures de TinTin Coke en Stoke ( 11.5" x 7.5" )

Von Rundstedt The Soldier and the Man
By his Chief of Staff Gienther Blumentritt Published by Odhams Press Limited

Jewelry Design, Gemological Institute of America
1970's Jewelry Design Course book . Published by Gemological Institute of America.

Instructions, John Heward
By John Heward Underwhich Editions, 1987 - 200 pages John Heward (1939-2018) was a Montreal-based visual artist and one of the world's leading percussionist working in the field of contemporary music and avant jazz. Instructions was his first book p...

Understanding Architecture, Leland M. Roth
By Leland M. Roth . Published by The Herbert Press

2 Reference Books on Antiques
Antiques as an Investment by Richard H. Rush, Know Your Antiques by Ralph and Terry Kovel

1968 Chilton's Auto Repair Manual
Published by The Chilton Book Company in 1967. For American cars from 1960-1968

Wines of the World, Andre L. Simon
Edited by Andre L. Simon , Published by McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited

Large Brown Glazed Stoneware Jug
12.5in Height 9in Width


Sheffield, James Dixon Silver Plate Serving Dish
With Lid 11in Width 7.5in Length

Birks Silver Plate Serving Dish
11in Width 7.5in Length

G.J & S Silver Plate Serving Dish
11in Width 7.5in Length

6 Glass Tealight Candle Holders
3in Diameter 1in Height

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8 Arcoroc Petale Wine Glasses vtg
Made in France. Size of each glass 6.5" High x 3" Diameter

A North View of Westminster Bridge-Book Plate 1753
Antique Book Plate Engraving from Views in London, 1753. After Charles Labelye (1705 - 1781) by Thomas Bowles II (ca.1689 - 1767). Published by Robert Sayer and Henry Overton III (fl. 1751-65) Mat 16.33 x 13.33 in Visible artwork: 10.33 x 6.75 inches...

5 Stemmed Liqueur Glasses vtg
Size of each 5.5" High x 2.5" Diameter

MCM Modernist Borgonova " Cleo" Heavy Glass Vase.
Made in Italy. Size 10" High x 4.5" Diameter

MCM Skio Union Czech Heavy Glass Vase
Size 12" High x 6.5" Diameter

Ikea Hand Made Quality Vases
Small 5.5" high x 4.5" wide Medium 8.5" high x 4" wide Large 15.5" High x 8.5" Diameter

4 Sheffield Silver Plate Serving Forks & Knives
Made in England. 2 carving Knives & 2 Serving Forks

Haviland Limoges Cream, Sugar, Jug & Plate
Made in France. 2 small pitchers, 1 sugar bowl & 1 small serving dish. From the Hotel Maurice - 5-Star luxury hotel in the heart of historic Paris. Collectible Hotelware Porcelain.

Pyrex Glass Flameware 6 Cup Teapot
Size 5" high x 8.5" wide

RARE MAP Strait of Magellan 1648 Book Plate
Book Plate Engraving. Map of the Strait of Magellan , Janssou (1648) after Le Maire (1615-1617). See photos for condition. Mat 26 x 22.25 inches. Visivle Map 20 x 15.66 inches.

2800 JBL Speakers
Size 22.5" x 11" x 10". In good preowned vintage condition. JBL 2800 Vintage Pair of Bookshelf Speakers with a Sensitivity Rating of 89dB

Pioneer VSX-4800 Audio/Video Stereo Receiver
Size 5" high x 16.5" long x 12" wide. Tested. In good working condition

Large Wood Humidor
Size 8" high x 17" long x 11 5" wide See photos for Condition

1960's Reliable Toys Plastic Piggy Bank
Made in Canada. Size 4.5" high x 8" long x 3.5" wide

Canadian Museum of Civilization Haida Totems
Made in Canada. Made from Resin. Size of smaller totem 5" high x 1.5" wide Size of larger totem 6" high x 1 3/4" wide

1949 The Children's Book of Trees 1st Edition
By Leonard L. Knott. Published by Editorial Associates & Canadian Forestry Association in 1949

Vintage Children's Books
Hucklebug by Stephen Cosgrove, Catundra by Stephen Cosgrove, Visit to the Zoo : Pop Up Book, The Little Lame Prince by Miss Mulock, Tommy True by Margaret Sutton & Now We Are Six by A.A. Milne

Lima Plan & View Potosi Silver Mines-Harris 1744
Emmanuel Bowen (1693 - 1767) C.18th plan of Lima and view of Potosi in Bolivia. From Harris�s, Navigantium atque itinerantium bibliotheca or, a Complete Collection of Voyages and Travel , Book Plate Engraving 1744. Coloured. A plan of Lima with...

Reference Books on Silver & Porcelain
Silver by Margaret Holland . Published by Derby Books Porcelain by Hugh Tait . Published by Spring Books

Reference Books on Antique Furniture & Antiques
The Complete Guide to Furniture Styles Illustrated by Louise Ade Boger. Published by New York Charles Scribner's Sons American Antiques 1800-1900 : A Collector's History and Guide by Joseph T. Butler. Published by Odyssey Press Inc

Reference Books on Antique Furniture
An Illustrated History of Furniture by Mario Praz. Published by Geroge Braziller New York The Early Furniture of French Canada by Jean Palardy. Published by Macmillan of Canada

2 African Djembe Drums
Made with Wood & Leather. Size of smaller drum 11.5" High x 6.5" Diameter. Large 14.5" High x 8.5" Diameter

1940s Edi German Jointed Celluloid Dolls
Made in Germany by Edi. Erich Dittman. Boy & Girl doll. Hand Painted faces. Size of dolls 6.5" high x 3" wide

Vintage Boosey & Hawkes Clarinet w/Case
London Edgware Clarinet with Original Case

Ryan la France Pink Female Portrait , Signed
Size with Frame 12" high x 14" wide

Norwood Clear Glass Swung Vase vtg
Size 10.5" High x 3.5" Diameter

Mid Century Val St Lambert? Pitcher Pinched Spout
Mouth Blown Heavy Glass Pitcher. In very good preowned vintage condition. Size 11.5" high x 6" wide

French Bistro Glass Pitcher
Mouth Blown Glass. In very good preowned vintage condition. Size 10" high x 7" wide

Antique Map of Sunda Islands Sumatra Java Borneo
Book Plate Engraving. Nuoua Carta delle Isole di Sunda come Borneo Sumatra e Java Grande & C. published by Isaak Tirion, Amsterdam, 1739 ed. (originally published 1730). This is in fact an amended Dutch edition of: 'Modern History: or the Present Sta...

1980's DC Sgt Rock comics
Issues April # 303 & April # 363

1970's DC The Unknown Soldier comics
Issues Dec # 194 & Nov # 209

1970's DC Sgt Rock comics
Issues Spring Spectacular & Feb # 313

1980's Marvel ROM comics
Issues Mar # 4, Nov # 12, Jan # 14 & Mar # 16

1980's Marvel Magazine: Conan Saga
Issues Mid Dec # 33 & Mar # 36

1980's Marvel Magazine: Conan Saga
Issues May # 25 & Jul # 27

1980's Marvel Magazine: Conan Saga
Issues Jan # 21 & Nov # 31

4 Wedgewood Barlaston Green Dinner Plates
Made in England. Size 10" Diameter

6 Mikasa Park Lane Champagne Flutes
In very good preowned vintage condition. Size 7" High x 1.5" Diameter

Denon AVR-5700 AV Surround Receiver
Tested in working condition. Size 7" high x 17" long x 18" wide with remote Up to 75W per Channel at 8 Ohms Audyssey MultEQ Sound Calibration 5.2.2-Channel Dolby Atmos, DTS:X Support 4K Ultra HD Pass-Through

Yamaha Stereo Receiver - RN303B
Tested in working good. Size 5.5" high x 17" long x 12" wide with Remote

Vintage JVC R-S5 Stereo Receiver
Tested in working condition. Size 6" high x 16.5" long x 13.5" wide Comes with Remote

SONY CDP-C312M 5 Disc CD Changer Player
Tested in working condition. Size 3" high x 14" long x 11.5" wide Comes with Remote *** Has no power cord***

Minton Horizon Bone China Lidded Bowl
Made in England. Horizon H-5252 Size 5" High x 4.5" Diameter

Minton Rideau Lidded Bowl H5166
Made in England. Rideau H-5166. Produced from 1956 - 1969 Size 4.5" High x 4" Diameter

Wedgewood Barlaston Green Creamer vtg
Made in England. Size 3.5" high x 5" wide

4 Minton Rideau Teacups & Saucers
Made in England. Rideau H-5166 Produced from 1956 - 1969 In very good preowned vintage condition

8 Books on Spirituality & Death
The Medium Touch by Joey Crinita, Death and Reincarnation by Sri Chinmoy, Modern Numerology by Morris C. Goodman, Hints on Mediumistic Development by Ursula Roberts, You Can Communicate with the Unseen World by Harold Sherman, Hints on Spiritual Unfo...

7 Vintage Books for Summer Reading
Shakespeare & Company By Sylvia's Beach, Vintagewise by Andre Simon, The View From Serendip by Arthur C. Clarke, After The Fall by Arthur Miller, Shadows on the Grass by Isak Dinesen, Batman My Years and Seasons by Cassell , I Avast An Autobiography

National Lampoon Adult Humor Magazines
From 1970's-80's issues August 1971, October 1973, April 1973, Dec 1977 & December 1987

1990's DC Batman comics
Issues Jan # 443 & Feb # 444

1970's DC Tarzan The Untamed comics
Issues June # 250 & Dec # 256

1970's Marvel Master of Kung Fu comics
Issues Sept # 32 , June # 53, June # 89 Giant-Size Mar # 3 & Giant-Size June # 4

1980's Marvel Conan The Barbarian comics
Issues Mar # 143, Apr # 145, May # 146, June # 147 & July # 148

Ref Books: Antiques (Porcelain, Furniture & Marks)
The Dictionary of Marks edited by Margaret MacDonald-Taylor, The Furniture Doctor by George Grotz, Porcelain Knowledge Through Color.

7 Interior Design Books
The Finest Rooms, Great Interiors , The New York Times Book of Interior Design and Decoration, David Hicks on Living- With Taste, Dorothy Rodgers The House In My Head, Color Compass & The Pahlmann Book of Interior Design.

8 Music Cassette Tapes: Rolling Stones, Monkees
Phil Collins, Arlo Guthrie, The Allman Brothers Band & Paul Simon

Vintage Fisher Price Little People figures
From 1970's-80's . 45 Fisher Price little People figures

1984 DC Super Powers Batmobile
Made by Kenner in 1984. The batman figure is a later version from 1990. Size 3.5" high x 12" long x 5.5" wide. *** See Photos for Condition ***

Marvel Manga Twist' Ems The Hulk figure
Brand New in Box . Made by Toy Biz in 2003

1970's Street Magic Custom Vette Model Kit
Made by Matchbox in 1970's. Brand New in Original box .

5 Milton Rideau Bone China Soup Bowls
Made in England. Rideau H-5166. Size 8" Diameter

6 Milton Rideau Bone China Plates
Made in England. Rideau H-5166. Size 9" Diameter

8 Milton Rideau Bone China Dinner Plates 10.5in
Made in England. Rideau H-5166. Size 10.5" Diameter

RARE Minton Rideau Bone China Teapot
Made in England. Rideau H-5166. Size 7" high x 9" wide.

4 Stemmed Fluted Cocktail Glasses
Size 8" High x 3" Diameter

4 Mouth Blown Glass Cognac Sniffers
Size 5" High x 2" Diameter


1970's Marvel War of the Worlds comics
Issues Jan # 22 , Sept # 26 & Jan # 28

Super Crooks comics, 4 issue series
Published by Marvel Worldwide Inc. In 2012. Limited 4 part series by Mark Millar & Lenil Yu. Issues # 1 to # 4

Mid Century, White Galloping Horses, Oil on Canvas
Attributions Verso. Frame 22.5" high x 27.5" wide

Keystone Cop Clown, Oil on Canvas, Signed
Size 31.5" high x 27.5" wide

Samsung HW-D450 Soundbar
Size 37" long . Tested Powers On

Technics SA-5170 AM/FM Stereo Receiver Panasonic
Size 6" high x 18" long x 12" wide Tested Functional

Sony CDP-101 Compact Disc Player
Size 6" high x 14" long x 12" wide Tested. In working condition

Technics SL-PD867 Compact 5 Disc Changer Player
Size 5" high x 17" long x 14.5" wide Functional

Antique Woman's Leather Shoes
Size unknown. Measurements with ruler 10" long.

Cone Pop-up Puppet vtg
Size 12" long x 2.5" wide

Vintage Metal Cow Bell w/Heavy Clapper
Size 5" high x 4.5" long x 3" wide

1960's Wood " Cuss Box " coin bank
Size 6.5" High x 2" Diameter

Antique Wood Masher
Size 10.5" Long x 2" Diameter

W Adams & Sons Porcelain Humorous Mug vtg
Made by W Adams & Sons in England.

8 Silver Plate Coasters vtg
Made in England. Size 3.5" Diameter

6 Retro Cosmetic Jewelry Finds
Brooches, Earrings & Necklace

1960's Reliable Toys Canoe Coin Bank
Made in Canada. Size 6" high x 15" long x 3" wide

1990 Marvel The Punisher War Journal comics
Issues Nov #10, Jun # 19, Sept # 22, Jan # 26

Adventure Time comics
Issues # 18 & # 19


1980's Cartoons comics
Issues July/Aug 1980 & Sept/Oct 1980

Antique Washington Old Willow Plate
Made in England. Size 6.5" Diameter

Antique Washington Old Willow Cup
Made in England. Size 3.5" High x 3.5" Diameter

TinTin BD Comic book & Laminated Poster( Francais)
TinTin et la Mystere de la Toison D'Or & Laminated Poster of Les Adventures de TinTin Coke en Stoke ( 11.5" x 7.5" )

Von Rundstedt The Soldier and the Man
By his Chief of Staff Gienther Blumentritt Published by Odhams Press Limited

Jewelry Design, Gemological Institute of America
1970's Jewelry Design Course book . Published by Gemological Institute of America.

Instructions, John Heward
By John Heward Underwhich Editions, 1987 - 200 pages John Heward (1939-2018) was a Montreal-based visual artist and one of the world's leading percussionist working in the field of contemporary music and avant jazz. Instructions was his first book p...

Understanding Architecture, Leland M. Roth
By Leland M. Roth . Published by The Herbert Press

2 Reference Books on Antiques
Antiques as an Investment by Richard H. Rush, Know Your Antiques by Ralph and Terry Kovel

1968 Chilton's Auto Repair Manual
Published by The Chilton Book Company in 1967. For American cars from 1960-1968

Wines of the World, Andre L. Simon
Edited by Andre L. Simon , Published by McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited

Large Brown Glazed Stoneware Jug
12.5in Height 9in Width


Sheffield, James Dixon Silver Plate Serving Dish
With Lid 11in Width 7.5in Length

Birks Silver Plate Serving Dish
11in Width 7.5in Length

G.J & S Silver Plate Serving Dish
11in Width 7.5in Length

6 Glass Tealight Candle Holders
3in Diameter 1in Height

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Auction Date(s)
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Bidding Ends: Tuesday Mar 26
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Encans West Island Auctions

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8 Arcoroc Petale Wine Glasses vtg
Made in France. Size of each glass 6.5" High x 3" Diameter

A North View of Westminster Bridge-Book Plate 1753
Antique Book Plate Engraving from Views in London, 1753. After Charles Labelye (1705 - 1781) by Thomas Bowles II (ca.1689 - 1767). Published by Robert Sayer and Henry Overton III (fl. 1751-65) Mat 16.33 x 13.33 in Visible artwork: 10.33 x 6.75 inches...

5 Stemmed Liqueur Glasses vtg
Size of each 5.5" High x 2.5" Diameter

MCM Modernist Borgonova " Cleo" Heavy Glass Vase.
Made in Italy. Size 10" High x 4.5" Diameter

MCM Skio Union Czech Heavy Glass Vase
Size 12" High x 6.5" Diameter

Ikea Hand Made Quality Vases
Small 5.5" high x 4.5" wide Medium 8.5" high x 4" wide Large 15.5" High x 8.5" Diameter


4 Sheffield Silver Plate Serving Forks & Knives
Made in England. 2 carving Knives & 2 Serving Forks


Haviland Limoges Cream, Sugar, Jug & Plate
Made in France. 2 small pitchers, 1 sugar bowl & 1 small serving dish. From the Hotel Maurice - 5-Star luxury hotel in the heart of historic Paris. Collectible Hotelware Porcelain.

Pyrex Glass Flameware 6 Cup Teapot
Size 5" high x 8.5" wide

RARE MAP Strait of Magellan 1648 Book Plate
Book Plate Engraving. Map of the Strait of Magellan , Janssou (1648) after Le Maire (1615-1617). See photos for condition. Mat 26 x 22.25 inches. Visivle Map 20 x 15.66 inches.

2800 JBL Speakers
Size 22.5" x 11" x 10". In good preowned vintage condition. JBL 2800 Vintage Pair of Bookshelf Speakers with a Sensitivity Rating of 89dB

Pioneer VSX-4800 Audio/Video Stereo Receiver
Size 5" high x 16.5" long x 12" wide. Tested. In good working condition

Large Wood Humidor
Size 8" high x 17" long x 11 5" wide See photos for Condition


1960's Reliable Toys Plastic Piggy Bank
Made in Canada. Size 4.5" high x 8" long x 3.5" wide



Canadian Museum of Civilization Haida Totems
Made in Canada. Made from Resin. Size of smaller totem 5" high x 1.5" wide Size of larger totem 6" high x 1 3/4" wide

1949 The Children's Book of Trees 1st Edition
By Leonard L. Knott. Published by Editorial Associates & Canadian Forestry Association in 1949

Vintage Children's Books
Hucklebug by Stephen Cosgrove, Catundra by Stephen Cosgrove, Visit to the Zoo : Pop Up Book, The Little Lame Prince by Miss Mulock, Tommy True by Margaret Sutton & Now We Are Six by A.A. Milne

Lima Plan & View Potosi Silver Mines-Harris 1744
Emmanuel Bowen (1693 - 1767) C.18th plan of Lima and view of Potosi in Bolivia. From Harris�s, Navigantium atque itinerantium bibliotheca or, a Complete Collection of Voyages and Travel , Book Plate Engraving 1744. Coloured. A plan of Lima with...

Reference Books on Silver & Porcelain
Silver by Margaret Holland . Published by Derby Books Porcelain by Hugh Tait . Published by Spring Books

Reference Books on Antique Furniture & Antiques
The Complete Guide to Furniture Styles Illustrated by Louise Ade Boger. Published by New York Charles Scribner's Sons American Antiques 1800-1900 : A Collector's History and Guide by Joseph T. Butler. Published by Odyssey Press Inc

Reference Books on Antique Furniture
An Illustrated History of Furniture by Mario Praz. Published by Geroge Braziller New York The Early Furniture of French Canada by Jean Palardy. Published by Macmillan of Canada

2 African Djembe Drums
Made with Wood & Leather. Size of smaller drum 11.5" High x 6.5" Diameter. Large 14.5" High x 8.5" Diameter

1940s Edi German Jointed Celluloid Dolls
Made in Germany by Edi. Erich Dittman. Boy & Girl doll. Hand Painted faces. Size of dolls 6.5" high x 3" wide

Vintage Boosey & Hawkes Clarinet w/Case
London Edgware Clarinet with Original Case

Ryan la France Pink Female Portrait , Signed
Size with Frame 12" high x 14" wide

Norwood Clear Glass Swung Vase vtg
Size 10.5" High x 3.5" Diameter

Mid Century Val St Lambert? Pitcher Pinched Spout
Mouth Blown Heavy Glass Pitcher. In very good preowned vintage condition. Size 11.5" high x 6" wide

French Bistro Glass Pitcher
Mouth Blown Glass. In very good preowned vintage condition. Size 10" high x 7" wide

Antique Map of Sunda Islands Sumatra Java Borneo
Book Plate Engraving. Nuoua Carta delle Isole di Sunda come Borneo Sumatra e Java Grande & C. published by Isaak Tirion, Amsterdam, 1739 ed. (originally published 1730). This is in fact an amended Dutch edition of: 'Modern History: or the Present Sta...

1980's DC Sgt Rock comics
Issues April # 303 & April # 363

1970's DC The Unknown Soldier comics
Issues Dec # 194 & Nov # 209

1970's DC Sgt Rock comics
Issues Spring Spectacular & Feb # 313

1980's Marvel ROM comics
Issues Mar # 4, Nov # 12, Jan # 14 & Mar # 16

1980's Marvel Magazine: Conan Saga
Issues Mid Dec # 33 & Mar # 36

1980's Marvel Magazine: Conan Saga
Issues May # 25 & Jul # 27

1980's Marvel Magazine: Conan Saga
Issues Jan # 21 & Nov # 31

4 Wedgewood Barlaston Green Dinner Plates
Made in England. Size 10" Diameter

6 Mikasa Park Lane Champagne Flutes
In very good preowned vintage condition. Size 7" High x 1.5" Diameter

Denon AVR-5700 AV Surround Receiver
Tested in working condition. Size 7" high x 17" long x 18" wide with remote Up to 75W per Channel at 8 Ohms Audyssey MultEQ Sound Calibration 5.2.2-Channel Dolby Atmos, DTS:X Support 4K Ultra HD Pass-Through

Yamaha Stereo Receiver - RN303B
Tested in working good. Size 5.5" high x 17" long x 12" wide with Remote

Vintage JVC R-S5 Stereo Receiver
Tested in working condition. Size 6" high x 16.5" long x 13.5" wide Comes with Remote

SONY CDP-C312M 5 Disc CD Changer Player
Tested in working condition. Size 3" high x 14" long x 11.5" wide Comes with Remote *** Has no power cord***

Minton Horizon Bone China Lidded Bowl
Made in England. Horizon H-5252 Size 5" High x 4.5" Diameter

Minton Rideau Lidded Bowl H5166
Made in England. Rideau H-5166. Produced from 1956 - 1969 Size 4.5" High x 4" Diameter

Wedgewood Barlaston Green Creamer vtg
Made in England. Size 3.5" high x 5" wide

4 Minton Rideau Teacups & Saucers
Made in England. Rideau H-5166 Produced from 1956 - 1969 In very good preowned vintage condition

8 Books on Spirituality & Death
The Medium Touch by Joey Crinita, Death and Reincarnation by Sri Chinmoy, Modern Numerology by Morris C. Goodman, Hints on Mediumistic Development by Ursula Roberts, You Can Communicate with the Unseen World by Harold Sherman, Hints on Spiritual Unfo...

7 Vintage Books for Summer Reading
Shakespeare & Company By Sylvia's Beach, Vintagewise by Andre Simon, The View From Serendip by Arthur C. Clarke, After The Fall by Arthur Miller, Shadows on the Grass by Isak Dinesen, Batman My Years and Seasons by Cassell , I Avast An Autobiography

National Lampoon Adult Humor Magazines
From 1970's-80's issues August 1971, October 1973, April 1973, Dec 1977 & December 1987

1990's DC Batman comics
Issues Jan # 443 & Feb # 444

1970's DC Tarzan The Untamed comics
Issues June # 250 & Dec # 256

1970's Marvel Master of Kung Fu comics
Issues Sept # 32 , June # 53, June # 89 Giant-Size Mar # 3 & Giant-Size June # 4

1980's Marvel Conan The Barbarian comics
Issues Mar # 143, Apr # 145, May # 146, June # 147 & July # 148

Ref Books: Antiques (Porcelain, Furniture & Marks)
The Dictionary of Marks edited by Margaret MacDonald-Taylor, The Furniture Doctor by George Grotz, Porcelain Knowledge Through Color.

7 Interior Design Books
The Finest Rooms, Great Interiors , The New York Times Book of Interior Design and Decoration, David Hicks on Living- With Taste, Dorothy Rodgers The House In My Head, Color Compass & The Pahlmann Book of Interior Design.

8 Music Cassette Tapes: Rolling Stones, Monkees
Phil Collins, Arlo Guthrie, The Allman Brothers Band & Paul Simon

Vintage Fisher Price Little People figures
From 1970's-80's . 45 Fisher Price little People figures

1984 DC Super Powers Batmobile
Made by Kenner in 1984. The batman figure is a later version from 1990. Size 3.5" high x 12" long x 5.5" wide. *** See Photos for Condition ***



Marvel Manga Twist' Ems The Hulk figure
Brand New in Box . Made by Toy Biz in 2003

1970's Street Magic Custom Vette Model Kit
Made by Matchbox in 1970's. Brand New in Original box .

5 Milton Rideau Bone China Soup Bowls
Made in England. Rideau H-5166. Size 8" Diameter

6 Milton Rideau Bone China Plates
Made in England. Rideau H-5166. Size 9" Diameter

8 Milton Rideau Bone China Dinner Plates 10.5in
Made in England. Rideau H-5166. Size 10.5" Diameter

RARE Minton Rideau Bone China Teapot
Made in England. Rideau H-5166. Size 7" high x 9" wide.

4 Stemmed Fluted Cocktail Glasses
Size 8" High x 3" Diameter

4 Mouth Blown Glass Cognac Sniffers
Size 5" High x 2" Diameter



1970's Marvel War of the Worlds comics
Issues Jan # 22 , Sept # 26 & Jan # 28


Super Crooks comics, 4 issue series
Published by Marvel Worldwide Inc. In 2012. Limited 4 part series by Mark Millar & Lenil Yu. Issues # 1 to # 4

Mid Century, White Galloping Horses, Oil on Canvas
Attributions Verso. Frame 22.5" high x 27.5" wide

Keystone Cop Clown, Oil on Canvas, Signed
Size 31.5" high x 27.5" wide

Samsung HW-D450 Soundbar
Size 37" long . Tested Powers On

Technics SA-5170 AM/FM Stereo Receiver Panasonic
Size 6" high x 18" long x 12" wide Tested Functional

Sony CDP-101 Compact Disc Player
Size 6" high x 14" long x 12" wide Tested. In working condition

Technics SL-PD867 Compact 5 Disc Changer Player
Size 5" high x 17" long x 14.5" wide Functional

Antique Woman's Leather Shoes
Size unknown. Measurements with ruler 10" long.



Cone Pop-up Puppet vtg
Size 12" long x 2.5" wide

Vintage Metal Cow Bell w/Heavy Clapper
Size 5" high x 4.5" long x 3" wide

1960's Wood " Cuss Box " coin bank
Size 6.5" High x 2" Diameter

Antique Wood Masher
Size 10.5" Long x 2" Diameter

W Adams & Sons Porcelain Humorous Mug vtg
Made by W Adams & Sons in England.

8 Silver Plate Coasters vtg
Made in England. Size 3.5" Diameter

6 Retro Cosmetic Jewelry Finds
Brooches, Earrings & Necklace

1960's Reliable Toys Canoe Coin Bank
Made in Canada. Size 6" high x 15" long x 3" wide


1990 Marvel The Punisher War Journal comics
Issues Nov #10, Jun # 19, Sept # 22, Jan # 26

Adventure Time comics
Issues # 18 & # 19



1980's Cartoons comics
Issues July/Aug 1980 & Sept/Oct 1980

Antique Washington Old Willow Plate
Made in England. Size 6.5" Diameter

Antique Washington Old Willow Cup
Made in England. Size 3.5" High x 3.5" Diameter

TinTin BD Comic book & Laminated Poster( Francais)
TinTin et la Mystere de la Toison D'Or & Laminated Poster of Les Adventures de TinTin Coke en Stoke ( 11.5" x 7.5" )




Von Rundstedt The Soldier and the Man
By his Chief of Staff Gienther Blumentritt Published by Odhams Press Limited

Jewelry Design, Gemological Institute of America
1970's Jewelry Design Course book . Published by Gemological Institute of America.

Instructions, John Heward
By John Heward Underwhich Editions, 1987 - 200 pages John Heward (1939-2018) was a Montreal-based visual artist and one of the world's leading percussionist working in the field of contemporary music and avant jazz. Instructions was his first book p...

Understanding Architecture, Leland M. Roth
By Leland M. Roth . Published by The Herbert Press

2 Reference Books on Antiques
Antiques as an Investment by Richard H. Rush, Know Your Antiques by Ralph and Terry Kovel

1968 Chilton's Auto Repair Manual
Published by The Chilton Book Company in 1967. For American cars from 1960-1968

Wines of the World, Andre L. Simon
Edited by Andre L. Simon , Published by McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited

Large Brown Glazed Stoneware Jug
12.5in Height 9in Width






Sheffield, James Dixon Silver Plate Serving Dish
With Lid 11in Width 7.5in Length

Birks Silver Plate Serving Dish
11in Width 7.5in Length

G.J & S Silver Plate Serving Dish
11in Width 7.5in Length

6 Glass Tealight Candle Holders
3in Diameter 1in Height