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Absolute Appleby Auction
Previous Page Listing ID#: 108393

Auction Location |
Dundee, OH 44662 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Wednesday Dec 26, 2018 Completed Saturday Feb 2, 2019 Completed |
Auction Type |
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Company Information |
Kaufman Realty & Auctions Contact: Auctioneer Listed on Ad Phone: 330-852-4111 Website: ID#: 2343 View company information and listings |
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Listing Terms and Conditions |
Real Estate TERMS: 10% nonrefundable down payment day of sale with the balance due at time of closing with in 45 days. No contingencies. Sells As Is. Any desired inspections must be completed prior to bidding. All seller owned mineral rights transfer. Announcements day of sale take precedence. Acreage & frontage amounts are approximate & subject to final survey. Buyer to pay $500 for surveying.
Chattel Terms: Payment in full sale day. Cash, Check, or Credit. 3% buyer’s premium; waived for cash or check. Out of state buyer registration must be accompanied by a bank letter of credit. All items sold AS IS. Not responsible for accidents. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed material or any other oral statements made. Online bidding available; go to website for online bidding terms & conditions. |
Listing Information |
Absolute Appleby Auction
7+ Acres – Clean Low Hour Farm Machinery Location: 8030 Fohl Rd. Navarre OH 44662 (Auction Site: 7814 Fohl Rd) GPS Coordinates: 40.725698, -81.502109 Directions: From SR 21 in Navarre take Wooster St. east .4 mile, continue onto Fohl Rd. .6 mile to auction. From I-77 (exit 99) take Fohl Rd. west 4.6 miles to auction. Signs Posted. Saturday February 2nd, 2019
10:00 AM REAL ESTATE: 7.2 Acres w/ 787’ Frontage * Bethlehem Township * Stark County * 2 Buildings * Building Site – Offering a nice 7 acre tract of land with 2 buildings for storage. This land is conveniently located on Fohl Rd. only minutes to Navarre. The land is gently rolling and offers several nice building sites. Get your building plans together and walk this land to see all it has to offer. Real Estate will be sold at 12:00 NOON at farm location.
TERMS: 10% nonrefundable down payment day of sale with the balance due at time of closing with in 45 days. No contingencies. Sells As Is. Any desired inspections must be completed prior to bidding. All seller owned mineral rights transfer. Announcements day of sale take precedence. Acreage & frontage amounts are approximate & subject to final survey. Buyer to pay $500 for surveying.
CHATTELS: JD Tractors * Antique Tractors * Great Tillage Equipment * Hay Equipment * Farm Machinery *: ‘06 JD 8330 Tractor, 4WD, C/H/A, 978 hrs, 1 owner, Quick Tach, SHARP; JD 6400 Tractor 2WD, Canopy, 4,622 hrs, 1 owner; Minneapolis Moline 445 gas tractor, narrow front, 3 pt, PTO, hyd, restored; Minneapolis Moline Z gas tractor, narrow front, hyd, lights, PTO, restored; AC WC narrow front gas tractor, PTO, restored; ‘01 JD 4890 Mower w/ JD 890 header, CHA, 8 speed, 14' header, 1,068 engine hours, 869 machine hours; Gehl 2350 12' Discbine mower; LandPride RCPM 3060 Bank Mower- like new; Vermeer R23 Twin Rake; CH Grimm PTO Hay Tedder; 3pt. NH 450 Sickle Bar mower; DMI Tiger-Mate II 25' field cultivator; Case IH 2500 Tiger Cut Ripper, 11'; White 445 12' 13 shank chisel plow; JD 630 18' transport disc; JD 970 Roller Harrow, 20', fold up transport; JD 3 btm pull type plow, w/ hydraulics; OK Champion Antique pull type potato digger; Round Bale Wagon, 6 bale capacity; 16’ grain wagon (homemade), hyd dump; Grouser 1300 Dozer Blade skid loader attachment, 6 way; Karcher HDS 1055 Steam genie power washer; 3 Brock Feed Bins with auger; farm box fans; 3.5hp water pump; Brut sand blaster; old pulleys; pull type yard spreader; Terms: Payment in full sale day. Cash, Check, or Credit. 3% buyer’s premium; waived for cash or check. Out of state buyer registration must be accompanied by a bank letter of credit. All items sold AS IS. Not responsible for accidents. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed material or any other oral statements made. Online bidding available; go to website for online bidding terms & conditions. Note: Starting promptly at 10:00 AM with cataloged equipment and beginning with tractors, hay equipment, tillage equipment, and lastly the real estate at 12:00 Noon. There are very few small items so please be prompt.
Lunch Stand Auction by order of: Darrel Appleby KAUFMAN REALTY & AUCTIONS (866) 782-8172 CURT YODER, AUCTIONEER (330) 204-2447 1 Real Estate Photos . 2 Equipment Photos . |
Auction License: 57197207349 |
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