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New & Returned Merchandise Auction #41 - Mr. Big Deals
Listing ID#: 92103
Auction Location |
Toronto, ON M1P 2Z6 Full Address Available on Wednesday, Sep 12 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Bidding Starts: Thursday Sep 13 Bidding Ends: Wednesday Sep 19 |
Auction Type |
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Company Information |
Mr. Big Deals 2575714 Ontario Inc Website: ID#: 4016 View company information and listings |
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WINNING NOTIFICATION & INVOICING: All winning bidders will receive an e-mail invoice by 12 noon the following day after the auction closing.
PICKUPS & REMOVALS: Dates and times for pickup will be posted on our website. We ask that you do not bid if you are unable to have your items picked up within the scheduled pick up dates. Any item not picked up during the posted pickup times will incur a $5.00 per day late/storage fee and any items are not picked up within 5 business days after auction close will be considered abandoned and will be disposed of at a minimum $10 per item disposal fee based on the actual costs to dispose of your items on top of any accumulated late/storage fees lot fees, buyers premium and taxes. Items are sold as is, where is, with all faults. If you choose to abandon an item after any auction, you will be blocked from placing any futher bids on any of our future auctions.
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Listing Information |
Bidding Opens 9am EST Thursday September 13th and will begin closing at 6:30pm EST Wednesday September 19th 2018. Internet Only Auction with NO RESERVE with a 10% BUYER PREMIUM.
This weeks Mr. Big Deals Weekly Online Auctions consists of NEW Major Online and Retail Department Store items. NEW Overstock, NEW Shelf Pulls, Store Returns, Box Lots and will feature...
12' x 17' Storage Shed, Leather Recliner, Baby Crib, Kids Ride On Jeep, Patio Furniture, Recumbent Bike, Poulan Lawn Mower, Collectible Action Figures, Leather Recliner, Refrigerators, A/C Units, R/C Toys, Massage Tens Machines, Printer Ink Cartridges, Tools, Gazebos, Mattresses, Dining Table, Bed Frames, Cosmetics, Kitchen Supplies, Fashion Jewelry, Gaming Headphones & Controllers, Electronics, Small Appliances, Sun and Reading Glasses, Toys, Skin Care Products, General Merchandise, Candles, Printers & Printer Cartridges, Clothing, Perfume & Cologne, Sporting Goods, Home Decor, Baby Supplies, Kitchen Supplies, Phone Systems, Health & Beauty Care and much more....
550+ Individual and Case lots are all up for grabs this week.
Check back often as NEW ITEMS WILL BE ADDED DAILY!
Mandatory pick-ups dates are now going to be from our NEW LOCATION at 390 Progress Avenue, Unit #9 This weeks pick-up hours are Thursday Septemebrr 20th from 12:00pm to 7:00pm, Friday September 21st from 10am to 4:00pm & Saturday September 22nd from 10am to 3:00pm. Failure to pick your items up during this time will result in your items being assesed a $5.00 per item late/storage fee being applied to your account and if your items are not picked up within 14 business days will be considered abandoned and winning bid charges, buyers premium, late/storage fees and a $10 minimum per lot disposal fee (Pallet Lots are charged a $150 disposal fee) and all taxes will be charged to the credit card you used to register with HiBid. THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED SO PLEASE DO NOT BID IF YOU CANNOT PICK UP WITHIN THE ALLOTED PICK UP DATES
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Preview is available by appointment only. Please message us at to schedule a preview appointment.
11350 IMPORTANT AUCTION INFO PLEASE READ! 1. Click on the auction info tab to find all information about this auction including where this auction is being held from, how to book a preview appointment and when the mandatory pick up dates are. 2. Mandatory pick up dates are not flexible. Pl... 11371 Great Value Remanufactured HP 60 Black Ink Cartridge; NEW OPEN PACKAGE 11373 HP Zink Photo Paper 20 Sheets - NEW Works with HP Sprocket 11391 2 Packs 10 Each Snappies Breastmilk Containers NEW Expires 07/29/2019 NO US SHIPPING 11397 24 Assorted Colour Rotary Hook Hangers - NEW NO SHIPPING 11398 24 Assorted Colour Rotary Hook Hangers - NEW NO SHIPPING 11399 24 Assorted Colour Rotary Hook Hangers - NEW NO SHIPPING 11400 24 Assorted Colour Rotary Hook Hangers - NEW NO SHIPPING 11401 24 Assorted Colour Rotary Hook Hangers - NEW NO SHIPPING 11402 24 Assorted Colour Rotary Hook Hangers - NEW NO SHIPPING 11403 24 Assorted Colour Rotary Hook Hangers - NEW NO SHIPPING 11411 Sex In The City "DREAM" Eau De Parfum 100ml NEW OPEN BOX 11412 Lot Of Assorted Electronic Accessories Includes Cell Phone Cases, Headphones, Digital Camera Cases, Coax Cables, Video Cables and more More Than 40 Assorted Pieces 11433 12 Blue Band Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11434 10 Assorted Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11435 12 Assorted Colour Frame +1.00 Reading Glasses NEW NO US SHIPPING 11436 12 Assorted Colour Frame +3.00 Reading Glasses NEW NO US SHIPPING 11437 12 Assorted Colour Frame +3.00 Reading Glasses NEW NO US SHIPPING 11438 12 Assorted Colour Frame +3.00 Reading Glasses NEW NO US SHIPPING 11439 12 Blue Band Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11440 12 Unisex Folding Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11441 12 Days UV400 Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11442 12 Assorted Colour Frame +2.50 Reading Glasses NEW NO US SHIPPING 11443 8 Assorted Colour Frame Reading Glasses NEW NO US SHIPPING 3 Pink +3.00 3 White +3.00 1 Pink +1.00 1 White +1.00 11444 9 Jordache Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11445 14 UV400 Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11446 12 Assorted Frame Blue Band Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11447 12 UV400 Gold Frame Sunglasses - NEw NO US SHIPPING 11448 14 Assorted Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11449 12 Blue Band Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11450 12 Blue Band Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11451 24 Assorted Colour Frame Kids Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11452 23 Assorted Frame Kids Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11453 12 Blue Blocker Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11454 12 UV400 Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11455 13 Ladies Fashion Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11456 12 Jordache UV 400 Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11457 12 Blue Blocker Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11462 12 Assorted Frame UV400 Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11463 12 Assorted Frame UV400 Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11464 12 Gold Frame UV400 Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11465 12 Gold Frame UV400 Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11466 12 Night Driving Glasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11467 12 Goatee Polarized Lens Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11468 12 Assorted Colour Frames +2.50 Reading Glasses NEW NO US SHIPPING 11469 15 Assorted Style Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11470 12 Assorted Colour Frames +2.50 Reading Glasses NEW NO US SHIPPING 11471 12 Jordache UV400 Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11472 11 Daya Fashion Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11473 12 UV400 Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11474 12 Jordache UV400 Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11475 12 Assorted Colour Frame +3.00 Reading Glasses NEW NO US SHIPPING 11476 12 Jordache UV400 Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11477 12 Jordache UV400 Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11478 12 Blue Blocker Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11479 12 Jordache Clip On Sunglasses - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11480 12 Designer Ladies Sunglasses - NEw NO US SHIPPING 11481 12 Designer Ladies Sunglasses - NEw NO US SHIPPING 11482 12 Designer Ladies Sunglasses - NEw NO US SHIPPING 11483 12 Designer Ladies Sunglasses - NEw NO US SHIPPING 11484 12 Designer Ladies Sunglasses - NEw NO US SHIPPING 11485 12 Designer Ladies Sunglasses - NEw NO US SHIPPING 11486 12 Designer Ladies Sunglasses - NEw NO US SHIPPING 11487 12 Designer Ladies Sunglasses - NEw NO US SHIPPING 11488 12 Assorted Colour Designer Ladies Sunglasses NEW NO US SHIPPING 11489 12 Assorted Colour Designer Ladies Sunglasses NEW NO US SHIPPING 11490 12 Assorted Colour Designer Ladies Sunglasses NEW NO US SHIPPING 11491 12 Assorted Colour Designer Ladies Sunglasses NEW NO US SHIPPING 11502 Love Die Hard For Men Cologne Gift Set - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11508 12 Assorted Colour & Size Bras - New - Two of Each Size/Colors - SIZES: 44/110, 48/11, 40/90, 42/95, 46/105, 38/85 - COLORS: Black, Nude, Red, White, Pink, Blue 11509 12 Assorted Colour & Size Bras - New - Two of Each Size/Colors - SIZES: 44/110, 48/11, 40/90, 42/95, 46/105, 38/85 - COLORS: Black, Nude, Red, White, Pink, Blue 11510 12 Assorted Colour & Size Bras - New - Two of Each Size/Colors - SIZES: 44/110, 48/11, 40/90, 42/95, 46/105, 38/85 - COLORS: Black, Nude, Red, White, Pink, Blue 11511 12 Assorted Colour & Size Bras - New - Two of Each Size/Colors - SIZES: 44/110, 48/11, 40/90, 42/95, 46/105, 38/85 - COLORS: Black, Nude, Red, White, Pink, Blue 11512 12 Assorted Colour & Size Bras - New - Two of Each Size/Colors - SIZES: 44/110, 48/11, 40/90, 42/95, 46/105, 38/85 - COLORS: Black, Nude, Red, White, Pink, Blue 11513 24 Premier Cosmetic Pads - NEW Colours May Vary 11514 24 Premier Cosmetic Pads - NEW Colours May Vary 11515 24 Premier Cosmetic Pads - NEW Colours May Vary 11516 24 Premier Cosmetic Pads - NEW Colours May Vary 11517 24 Premier Cosmetic Pads - NEW Colours May Vary 11522 Fuse Portable Battery Wall Adaptor OPEN BOX POWERS ON SOLD AS IS 11530 Salton Cordless Electric Jug Kettle OPEN BOX POWERS ON SOLD AS IS 11532 Philips Bikini Genie - READ NEW OPEN BOX BUT IS MISSING 1 CLIP ON TRIMMING COMB SOLD AS IS 11533 11534 Oster Balck Stainless Steel Electric Kettle LIGHTLY USED POWERS ON SOLD AS IS 11535 Hamilton Beach FlexBrew Single Serve Coffee Maker OPEN BOX LOOK LIKE NEW May have been a store display. NO SHIPPING 11536 Hamilton Beach Wave Station Express Dispensing Blender; NEW OPEN DAMAGED BOX NO SHIPPING 11537 Salton Space Saving 1 Cup Coffee Maker NEW OPEN BOX 11538 Hamilton Beach Electric Kettle Stainless Steel OPEN BOX POWERS ON May have been a store display 11539 Rival 5 Cup Coffee Maker OPEN BOX LOOk LIKE NEW May Have been a store display NO SHIPPING 11540 11547 Black & Decker Convection Countertop Oven Factory Refurbished Powers On NO SHIPPING 11548 12 Packs 8 Each Biodegradable J Cloths - NEW NO SHIPPING 11549 12 Packs 8 Each Biodegradable J Cloths - NEW NO SHIPPING 11550 12 Packs 8 Each Biodegradable J Cloths - NEW NO SHIPPING 11551 12 Packs 8 Each Biodegradable J Cloths - NEW NO SHIPPING 11562 VTech 2 Handset Cordless Phone System OPEN BOX POWERS ON SOLD AS IS 11563 3 Speed Desktop Fan Powers On Sold As 11570 2 Nick Chavez Beverly Hills Flocker - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11571 Rubik's 2 Pack Glass Set - NEW NO SHIPPING 11572 2 Taya Amazon White Clay Amplifying Hair Spray NEW 150ml each NO US SHIPPING 11573 2 Taya Amazon White Clay Amplifying Hair Spray NEW 150ml each NO US SHIPPING 11574 2 Taya Amazon White Clay Amplifying Hair Spray NEW 150ml each NO US SHIPPING 11575 3 Celtrixa Hydroxatone 3oz Each - NEW
Lotion to reduce the appearance of stretch marks NO US SHIPPING 11576 3 Packs of 2 Assorted Sally Hanson Salon Manicure NEW 2 x 101 Clear'd for takeoff 2 x 015 Steel My Heart 2 x 013 All Grey All Night NO US SHIPPING 11600 Axess by South Shore 3 Shelf Bookcase - NEW NO SHIPPING 11601 Spa Sensations 6-inch Memory Foam Mattress TWIN Mattress has some minor soiling on the bottom side but top side looks like new. (see photos 7 & 8) NO SHIPPING 11610 10' x 10' Pop Up Gazebo With Mosquito Netting Arctic Sky 10' x 10' Pop Up Gazebo With Mosquito Netting OPEN BOX SOLD AS IS NOT INSPECTED NO SHIPPING 11611 Sauder 414364 Laptop Table - OPEN BOX OPEN BOX ITEM SOLD AS IS NOT INSPECTED NO SHIPPING 11613 2 NAPA Collectible Beer Glasses - NEW NO SHIPPING 11614 Intex Classic Downy Size Queen Airbed - Open Box Sold As Is Not Inspected - NO SHIPPING 11615 6 Packs Fruit Of The Loom Short Cuts Wardrobe Pack Footies Slide Socks Toe Covers 11619 11620 2 NAPA Collectible Beer Glasses - NEW NO SHIPPING 11621 2 NAPA Collectible Beer Glasses - NEW NO SHIPPING 11624 AppTivity Batarang Strike Batman & The Bat Starter Set; NEW 11625 Intex Classic Downy Size Twin - Open Box Sold As Is Not Inspected - NO SHIPPING 11633 6 Packs Fruit Of The Loom Short Cuts Wardrobe Pack Footies Slide Socks Toe Covers 11636 Veet Hair Bleaching Cream NO US SHIPPING 11642 11643 VTech Corded/Cordless Digital Answering System NEW OPEN BOX MAY HAVE BEEN A STORE DISPLAY 11644 Benjamin Strollers White Leather Recliner - READ Chair has a 5" cut on the handle side (see photo #5) a small scuff on the left hand side (see photo #3) and some soiling that should clean up with some leather conditioner. (see photos 3 thru 6) SOLD AS IS NO SHIPPING 11663 Hyperkin Retron FCoader Game Console - NEW Play All Your Classic NES Favorites 11664 Clarion DRC-3 Drive Eye Drive Reocrder - NEW Clarion DRC-3 Drive Eye Accident Video Recorder. Mounts on Windshield. Automatic event triggering. Also manual triggering. 128mb compact flash card. Records up to 12 events. Requires PC to view. 11669 Case of 12 Glass Religious Candles - NEW NO SHIPPING 11673 8 Bottles Sally Has on Xtreme Wear Hard As Nails Pacific Blue #479 NEW 11674 8 Bottles Sally Has on Xtreme Wear Hard As Nails Pacific Blue #479 NEW 11681 2 PUR-est Cooling Aloe Lotion 532ml Each - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11682 2 PUR-est Cooling Aloe Lotion 532ml Each - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11685 4 Boxes of Cake Mate Stacked Stripes Candles - NEW Each box contains 6 Packs of 12 Birthday Candles 11687 5 Mike Sport After Shave 120ml each - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11688 5 Mike Sport After Shave 120ml each - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11691 5 Elizabeth Grant Daily C Cleansing Scrub 100ml Each; NEW NO US SHIPPING 11692 5 Elizabeth Grant Daily C Cleansing Scrub 100ml Each; NEW NO US SHIPPING 11693 5 Elizabeth Grant Daily C Cleansing Scrub 100ml Each; NEW NO US SHIPPING 11694 3 Vaseline Intensive Care Deep Restore Lotion NEW 100ml each Expires December 30 2018 11695 3 Vaseline Healthy White UV Lightening Lotion NEW 100ml each Expires October 11 2018 11696 3 Vaseline Healthy White UV Lightening Lotion NEW 100ml each Expires October 11 2018 11697 Wolfgang Puck Countertop Baker Pizza Maker, Silver NEW - Wolfgang Puck BPZB0030 1400 Watt Electric Countertop Baker Pizza Maker, Silver NO SHIPPING 11711 24 Assorted Flavour Crystal Lipcare Lip Balm - NEW Watermelon Strawberry Citrus Grape 11714 4 Maple Leaf Touques - NEW 2 Blue 2 Black 11715 6 Fashion Tail Styling Tool & Tress Pins - NEW 3 Pink 3 Orange 11716 11717 2 PUR-est Whipped Vanilla Sugar Body Butter - NEW 200g Each 11733 Home Decor Golden Swan Statue - NEW NO SHIPPING 11734 11735 11743 Home Decor Face Statue - NEW NO SHIPPING 11746 Hanging Wall Mirror 20" x 16" - NEW NO SHIPPING 11747 Hanging Wall Mirror 20" x 16" - NEW NO SHIPPING 11748 Hanging Wall Mirror 20" x 16" - NEW NO SHIPPING 11749 Hanging Wall Mirror 20" x 16" - NEW NO SHIPPING 11750 Hanging Wall Mirror 20" x 16" - NEW NO SHIPPING 11751 Hanging Wall Mirror 20" x 16" - NEW NO SHIPPING 11752 Hanging Wall Mirror 20" x 16" - NEW NO SHIPPING 11761 The Healing Garden Travel Therapy Kit - NEW 1 x Lavender Therapy Pressure Point Lotion 15ml 1 x Mini Therapy Bath & Shower Gel 34ml 1 x Juniper therapy Cologne Spray 5.9ml 1 x Lavender Therapy Candle 40g NO US SHIPPING 11762 The Healing Garden Travel Therapy Kit - NEW 1 x Lavender Therapy Pressure Point Lotion 15ml 1 x Mini Therapy Bath & Shower Gel 34ml 1 x Juniper therapy Cologne Spray 5.9ml 1 x Lavender Therapy Candle 40g NO US SHIPPING 11763 Waterdance AquaSpray Cologne Gift Set - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11764 Waterdance AquaSpray Cologne Gift Set - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11765 Waterdance AquaSpray Cologne Gift Set - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11767 My guard Sport LED Armband + Safety Alarm - NEw With Phone Holder 11788 Folding/Rolling Carry On Luggage Bag NEW NO SHIPPING 11789 24 Scented Patio Candles - NEW NO SHIPPING 11790 Todd English 9.8Q Multifunction Digital Air Fryer NEW - Todd English 1500W 9.8-Quart Multifunction Digital Air Fryer and Rotisserie NO SHIPPING 11791 50 J Cloth Blue Towels - NEW NO SHIPPING 11792 50 J Cloth Blue Towels - NEW NO SHIPPING 11793 50 J Cloth Blue Towels - NEW NO SHIPPING 11794 Egyption Cotton Sheets Set Size King - NEW 1500 Thread Count 11798 6 Ladies Dunlop High Performance Love Cut Socks NEW Size 9-11 11799 6 Ladies Dunlop High Performance Love Cut Socks NEW Size 9-11 11804 2 Nick Chavez Beverly Hills Flocker - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11805 2 Nick Chavez Beverly Hills Flocker - NEW NO US SHIPPING 11808 Suncast ELEMENTS Patio Loveseat with Storage White NEW - Suncast ELEMENTS Loveseat with Storage, White NO SHIPPING 11819 Hello Kitty Oversized Plush - NEW NO SHIPPING 11821 12 Quart Style 34oz Mason Jars - NEW NO SHIPPING 11822 12 Pint Style 17oz Mason Jars - NEW NO SHIPPING 11823 Restaurantware 1000ct Compostable Cold Cup Lids NEW - Restaurantware 1000-Count Basic Nature PLA Compostable Cold Cup Lid, Clear NO SHIPPING 11824 11846 Revlon 1" Heated Silicone Britle Barrel Brush NEW OPEN BOX 11848 KitchenAid 5 Speed Hand Mixer NEW DAMAGED BOX 11850 Braun Series 5 5090cc Shaver/Cleaning Station Lighty Used Powers On SOLD AS IS 11851 Homedics 3D Shiatsu & Vibration Massage Pillow NEW With Heat 11852 Philips Sonicare 4100 Toothbrush - READ This is a NEW item in original open box but is missing travel case SOLD AS IS 11856 11863 Amazon Basics 100 Count AAA Batteries - NEW Expires 10/2027 NO US SHIPPING 11867 ProGear Fitness 190 Compact Recumbent Bike - READ Computer is smashed but does not affect recumbent bike from operating without computer. SOLD AS IS NO SHIPPING 11868 Paw Patrol Bicycle With Training Wheels Lightly Used Has a few scratches and minor soiling on tires but is in excellent condition May have been a store display SOLD AS IS NO SHIPPING 11869 Taylor Glass Digital Bathroom Scale NEW OPEN BOX Does not include batteries NO SHIPPING 11870 Hyper Tough 4.8V Stubby Drill OPEN PACKAGE POWERS ON SOLD AS IS Missing some bits 11873 Canada's Best Mattress Smartbase Black Bed Frame Size TWIN NEW NO SHIPPING 11874 Primo Deluxe Bottom Load Bottled Water Dispenser Dispenses piping hot and icy cold water USED EXCELLENT CONDITION POWERS ON SOLD AS IS NO SHIPPING 11875 Hamilton Beach 1000 Watt Microwave Oven - READ Model #EM032MC1 Looks to be in almost NEW condition without box and has been tested working. May have been a store display model Keypad is in FRENCH SOLD AS IS NO SHIPPING 11876 Dream Star Bedding Moonlight Bed-in-a-Box Mattress NEW SIZE QUEEN RETAIL $350.00 NO SHIPPING 11877 Area Rug Approx 90" x 60" - READ Has an unknown mark on the rug (see photo #2) NO SHIPPING 11878 Power Wheels Hot Wheels Jeep Wrangler 6V NEW OPEN BOX NO SHIPPING 11880 6 Rolls Ultra Sponge Towels - NEW NO SHIPPING 11881 Infiniti Pro by Conair 2" Spin Air Brush NEW OPEN BOX 11882 Conair Tourmaline Ceramic Cord Reel Styler OPEN BOX SOLD POWERS ON 11883 Intex 12 Foot Easy Pool Set OPEN BOX SOLD AS IS NOT INSPECTED NO SHIPPING 11884 Hamilton Beach 17" 1.7 Cu Ft Compact Refrigerator Has some glue residue and a very small dent on front door and a few minor marks on top of fridge (see photos 3, 4, 5 & 6) without box may have been a store display. Excellent condition runs cold NO SHIPPING 11885 Arctic King Window Air Conditioner - USED POWERS ON BLOWS COLD NO SHIPPING 11886 Braun 6 in 1 Face & Head Trimming Kit OPEN BOX POWERS ON SOLD AS IS 11887 WAHL Signature Series Home Barber Kit OPEN BOX POWERS ON SOLD AS IS 11889 Stainless Steel 50L Step Garbage Can - READ Item has a few minor scratches on the sides of the can (see photos #2, 3 & 4) SOLD AS IS NO SHIPPING 11890 Poulan Pro 550E Series Gas Powered Lawn Mower Lightly Used Runs Well. May Have Been A Store DEMO Model. SOLD AS IS NO SHIPPING 11891 24 Double Rolls Cashmere Bathroom Tissue NEW DAMAGED PACKAGE NO SHIPPING 11892 Profilio Toilet Safety Rails - NEW NO SHIPPING 11893 Remington 3 Blade Wet/Dry Shaver NEW OPEN BOX 11894 Revlon Titanium Flat Iron 1" Plates NEW OPEN BOX TESTED WORKING 11895 Garden Water Fountain SOLD AS IS NOT INSPECTED 11896 Coaster 29" Adjustable Bar Stool in Black - NEW Retail $270 NO SHIPPING 11897 ObusForme Cervical Pillow w/ Memory Foam - NEW Size Standard NO SHIPPING 11898 EZee Life Portable Bath Board - NEW NO SHIPPING 11899 11900 11902 Benjamin Strollers "DOVER" Baby Crib WHITE NEW OPEN BOX 11903 Desk/Wall Clock Thermometer NEW WITHOUT PACKAGING 11908 Hamilton Beach 19" 2.7 cu. ft Compact Refrigerator NEW WITHOUT BOX NO SHIPPING 11910 Conair For Men Even Cut Maintain/Trim OPEN BOX POWERS ON Looks Like New SOLD AS IS 11911 11912 Conair 1/2" Mini Hair Straightener - NEW OPEN BOX 11913 Oral B Pro 5000 Smart Series Rechargeable Toothbrush; NEW OPEN BOX 11914 South Shore 2-Drawer Nightstand With Storage - NEW NEW South Shore 2-Drawer Nightstand - End Table with Storage NO SHIPPING 11915 South Shore Queen/Double Headboard w Storage Shelf NEW - South Shore Queen/Double Headboard w Storage Shelf 11916 South Shore Noble TV Stand for TVs up to 65'' NEW OPEN BOX RETAIL $275.00 NO SHIPPING 11917 weBoost Home 3G Cell Phone Booster Kit weBoost Home 3G Cell Phone Booster Kit - Boosts Cell Signal For Up To 1200 Square Feet OPEN BOX SOLD AS IS NOT INSPECTED 11918 VINYL MURRYHILL 17FT x 12FT STORAGE BUILDING VINYL MURRYHILL 17FT x 12FT STORAGE BUILDING RETAIL $2,470.00 Comes in 5 very heavy and long boxes. Please bring the help you need to load this item. NO SHIPPNG 11919 Kiss New York Rechargable Nail File Kit NEW OPEN BOX 11920 Mainstays Personal Bathroom Scale Black NEW OPEN PACKAGE 11921 Conair Travel Size Folding Hair Dryer NEW OPEN BOX 11925 Equate Vanilla Scented Epsom Salt Bath Soak OPEN PACKAGE NO SHIPPING 11926 Infiniti Pro Ionic Straightening Brush OPEN BOX POWERS ON LOOKS LIKE NEW 11927 NutriGrill Electric Professional BBQ Cooker Grill NEW NO SHIPPING 11928 Infiniti Pro 1875 Watt Salon Performance Blow Out Essentials Missing Hair Brush but looks like NEW Powers on 11929 11930 Lanart Modern Shag Area Rug 5' x 7' - NEW NO SHIPPING 11931 Zinus Sonoma Metal & Wood Platform Bed Twin - NEW Mattress and accessories not included NO SHIPPPING 11932 ShelterLogic 10ft x 20ft Party Tent & Enclosure NEW - ShelterLogic Party Tent with Enclosure Kit, White, 10 x 20 ft. Retail $1150.00 NO SHIPPING |
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