Kenneth R. and Esther S. Brosey Public Auction
Listing ID#: 88114

Auction Location

Manheim, PA 17545
Auction Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Sep 8, 2018 Completed
Auction Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Witman Auctioneers Inc.

Contact: Luke R. Witman
Phone: 717-665-5735
Website: ID#: 5002
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Listing Information

Kenneth R. & Esther S. Brosey



Location: 58 North Fulton Street, Manheim, PA 17545 - Manheim Borough, Lancaster County


(This Is An Exceptionally Clean Line Of Furnishings)


*Railroad Lanterns*Wooden Pulleys*

*Furniture*Antiques*Personal Property*





Saturday, September 8, 2018

Starting: 8:00 AM

Real Estate: 12:00 Noon 

"One-Owner" Atglen Stone Three (3) Bedroom Ranch Style House w/ Two-Car Garage

Very Clean Property, Hardwood Floors, Finished Basement

Good Location

Extremely Clean & Well Built House - Move-In Ready Condition

Convenient To Shopping, Restaurants, Churches, Schools

Manheim Borough - Lancaster County

Manheim Central School District

"Highly Motivated Seller - Sellers Relocating!"







Location: 58 North Fulton Street, Manheim, PA 17545 - Manheim Borough, Lancaster County

Real Estate Information: 

Main Level:

  • Living Room (12'11" x 17'10") - Bay Window, Painted Walls, Wall-to-Wall Carpet, Guest Closet (2' x 4')
  • Dining Room (11'6 x 14'10") - Wallpaper, Vinyl Floor, Double Sliding Door Closet (2' x 5'), Sliding Door Access to Screened-In Patio
  • Screened-In Patio (12'4" x 13'8") 
  • Kitchen (11'4" x 12'8") - Modern Built-In Rich-Maid Twenty-Eight (28) Handle Cabinets, Painted Walls, Vinyl Floor, G. E. Stove, Garbage Disposal
  • Hallway (3' x 12'4") - Wallpaper, Chair Rail, Hardwood Floor, Hall Closet (2' x 3')
  • Bedroom #1 (12'6" x 12'10") - Painted Walls, Hardwood Floor, Closet (2' x 8')
  • Bedroom #2 (11'8" x 13') - Painted Walls, Hardwood Floors, Closet (2' x 7')
  • Bedroom #3 (11'4" x 14') - Painted Walls, Hardwood Floors, Closet (2' x 7')
  • Full-Size Bathroom (7'4" x 11'3") - Painted Walls, Tiled, Vinyl Floor, Linen Closet (2' x 2'6") 

Full-Size Basement:

  • Finished Recreation/Family Room (14'10' x 48') - Paneled, Drop Ceiling, Wall-to-Wall Carpet, Atglen Stone Fireplace w/ Propane Gas Insert, Outside Access
  • Powder Room (4' x 7') - Wallboard, Vinyl Floor
  • Cold Cellar (6'4" x 12'10")
  • Laundry Area (12'10" x 13'4") - Washer & Dryer Hook-Up, Laundry Sink
  • Unfinished Area w/ Workshop (12'10' x 27')

Full-Size Stand-Up Attic (10' x 46')

Attached Two-Car Garage (21' x 24')

  • Service Doors
  • Electric Garage Door Opener

Note:  All Measurements are Approximate!

Additional  Real Estate Information:

  • Lot Size: 0.38 Acres
  • House Size: 1,440 Sq. Ft.
  • Built: 1965 By J. G. Baker
  • Public Water & Sewer
  • Central A/C
  • Electric Heat
  • Electric Hot Water Heater
  • Waterfall System Water Softener 
  • Propane Gas Fireplace
  • Asphalt Shingle Roof
  • Aluminum Cornice, Soffit, & Spouting
  • Front & Rear Yards
  • Mature Shade & Shrubbery


Open House Dates

Saturday, August 18, 2018 - 12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM

Saturday, August 25, 2018 - 12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM

or Contact Auction Firm For Appointment (717-665-5735)

Terms of Real Estate: 10% Down Day of Auction With Final Settlement Within Forty-Five (45) Days From Day of Auction

Financing Available Through: 

Fulton Bank, Terry McGuigan (717-291-2770)

Fulton Bank, Christopher B. Karshin (717-682-0693)

Loan Depot, Mark Pontz (717-475-4444)


(Arrange Your Financing and be Prepared to Bid and Buy at this Public Auction!)





























Antiques/Personal Property:#2-#4 E. S. & B. Stenciled New Brighton PA Double Handled Stoneware Crocks, #4 Stenciled E. S. & B. Stoneware Jug, Double Sided Chrysolite Enameled Ware Sign, Blue Swirl Agateware (Large Coffee Pot, Chamber Pot, Bale Handle Kettle, Basins, Pie Plate, Water Pitchers, Creamers, Lunch Kettle, Dippers, Milk Pail, Berry Pails, Colanders, Tea Kettles, Handled Mug, Anvil), Agateware (Canners, Roasters, Steamers), White Enamel (Graduated Gooseneck Teapots, Coffee Pots, Funnel, Child's Chamber Pot, Creamer, Open Lattice Bowl, Berry Pail), Oak Victor Talking Machine w/Horn Type E 26676, Victor Nipper Dog, Two (2) Hattie Brunner Snow Scene Prints, 100-Pcs. 22-K Gold Dinner Set, A Large Assortment of 33 RPM Vinyl Records, Wooden Three-Prong Shaking Forks, Hershey Cocoa Tins, Crazy Patch Quilt Patches,  Dietz Railroad Lanterns, Wooden Marble Roller, Unsigned Wrought Iron Phares Will Penryn PA Spatula, Walnut Deep Picture Frames, Glass Handled Baskets, Various Monia Hoag Painted Toleware Pieces, Hooked & Braided Rugs, Rag Carpet, Singer Featherweight Sewing Machine, Fluid & Kerosene Finger Lamps, Planter's 5-Cent Peanut Jar, Ironstone Bowl & Various Sizes Pitchers & Creamers, Stereo View Master, Carmel Slag Glass Table Lamp, Counter Top Coffee Grinder, Glass Butter Churn, Wooden Bushel Crates, Pressed Glass (Open Compotes, Sherbets, Water Pitchers, Cruets, Relish Dishes, Juice Sets), Glass Floral Paper Weights, Wooden Oblong Trencher, Heisey Glass (Milk Pitcher, Sherbets, Peanut Dishes), Glass Insulators, Cast Iron Items (Frog, Turtle, Door Stops, Flat Irons), Yellow Ware Sheaf Of Wheat Mold, Mason's 1858 Quart & Two-Quart Jars w/Zinc Lids, Longaberger Baskets, Late Adams Rose Plates & Cups & Saucers, Men's Wristwatches, Keys, Pocket Knives, Bottle Openers, Change Purses, Wooden Iron Wheel Freight Cart, Child's Slat Top Trunk, Various Pin Cushions, Brass Privy Lamp, Royer's Store & Guy Kilgree Smoketown Advertising Pitchers, Multi-Color Coverlet, Pieced & Appliqued Quilts, Graduated String of Sleigh Bells, Emerson Knight Penryn PA Creamer, Local Advertising Tins, Sterling Thimbles, Buttoners, Ithaca 12-Gauge Double Barrel Shotgun, Daisy BB Gun, Diana Starter Pistol, Wooden Primitive Ladder, Corning Ware & Pyrex Ware Casserole Dishes, Large Amount of Quart Canning Jars, Blue Quart & Wire Top Jars, Berry Boxes, Smoke Decorated Lard Tins, Copper Wash Boilers, Wooden Iron Wheel Freight Wagon Manheim PA, Tin Ware (Milk Pails, Colanders, Peep Feeder, Pop Corn Poppers, Clothes Washer), Halloween & Christmas Decorations, Pictures & Prints, Wooden Clothes Dryers, Tablecloths, Counterpanes, Dollies, Crocheted Linen Work, Agate Savory Roasters, Porcelain PA License Plates ( 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, Pr. 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916), Wooden Cylinder Butter Churn, Oak Hanging Telephone, Jay Thomas Stauffer Pewter (Candlesticks, Large Platter), Square Wooden Advertising Yardsticks, Large Assortment of Sewing Items (Notions, Books, Material, Buttons, Patterns, Batting, Linings, Quilting Patterns), Advertising Tins, 1972 C. N. Foltz Redware Candleholders, Square Singer Sewing Machine Oil Tin, Brown Sponge Bowls, Manheim Ice Picks, Aqua Marble Meat Platters, Earhart Bros. Manheim Ice Cream Container, Pudding Stirrers, Seth Thomas Steeple Clock, Wall Mount Coffee Grinders, Porcelain Fairy Soap Sign & Fairy Soap, B. H. Hershey Manheim PA Stove Lifters, Glass Wall Mounted Fire Extinguishers, Cast Iron Muffin & Corn Bread Molds, Medium Copper Kettle, Tin Oilers, Fireplace Bellows, Copper & Brass Dippers, Wrought Iron Kettle Hanger, Beach Umbrellas, Fishing Rods, Wooden Quilting Frame By John Becker, Pottery Jardinieres & Flower Planters, A Varied Assortment of Wooden Pulleys (1-2-3 Pulleys), Set of Quoits (1) Brass, Various Assorted Wrought Bale Hooks, Wooden Cheese Box, Wooden Express Wagon, Cast Iron Dinner Bell, Assortment of Augers, Several Wooded Rakes Plus Much More!   

Books:  (Anna Balmer Myers - I Lift My Lamp, Patchwork), Children's Books (Thornton W. Burgess Children's Books), (The Aesop For Children, Andersen's Fairy Tales, Raggedy Andy Stories, Uncle Wiggily & Old Mother Hubbard, The Real Mother Goose, Plus Many More!), Manheim Books (Manheim "A Green Country Town" Loy Awkerman, Wayside Journals Tales - John D. Kendig, Manheim Revisited, Manheim Maps, Stiegel, Old Lancaster, 1812-1912 Manheim Old Home Week), Plus Much More!

Toys/Collectibles: Child's Auto Pedal Car, Hubley Air Planes, Bus, Tin Litho Tops, Child's Cast Iron Cook Stove, Wooden Children's Blocks, Child's Tonka Toys, HO Trains & Accessories, American Flyer Freight Train Set, Winross & Hess Trucks, Children's Games & Puzzles 




Furniture/Appliances: Modern Cherry Grandfather's Tall Case Clock w/Broken Arch Scroll, Bonnet w/Turned Finials, Twisted Rope Columns & Bracket Feet, Round Oak Double Column Mirror Back Claw Foot China Closet, Paint Decorated Jelly Cupboard w/Two-Drawers Over Two Oval Paneled Doors w/Porcelain Knobs, Escutcheons, Gallery Back & Turned Feet, Rock Maple Chest-Of-Drawers, Painted Washstand, Round Oak Extension Table, Painted Dresser, Hobart M. Cable Spinet Piano w/Bench, Needlepoint Bedroom Rocker, Square Oak Extension Table, Refinished Softwood Jelly Cupboard Two-Drawer Over Two-Panel Door w/Gallery & Turned Feet, Square Oak China Closet, Softwood Low Dry Sink w/Gallery Back, Wooden Foot Stools, Oak Pressed Back Swivel Office Chair, One-Drawer Table, Wicker Table, Wicker Fernery, Patio Lounge & Chair, Large Hand Hewn Sycamore Three (3) Legged Chopping Block, Wooden Meat Bench, Paint Decorated Grandfather's Rocker, 3-Pc. Set Maple Chest-Of-Drawers, Dresser w/Mirror & Night Stand, Various Wrought Iron Floor Lamps, Dome & Flat Slat Top Trunks, Oak Clothes Trees, Wooden Magazine Racks, Softwood Open Washstand, Wooden Eight (8) Drawer Industrial Cabinet, Grain Paint Decorated Softwood Blanket Chest w/Till & Turned Feet, Wooden Nine (9) Drawer Cabinet, Chrome Breakfast Set w/Chairs, Grain Painted Softwood Dough Box w/Lid, Walnut Victorian Square Marble Top Stand, Wooden Kitchen Cabinet, 46" Metal Counter-Top Store Display Case, 51" Wooden Mahogany Country Store Display Case, Wooden Store Counter-Top Display Case, Wooden Picnic Table, Aluminum Folding Tables, Metal Jumper Porch Chairs, Wooden Kitchen Cabinet w/Enamel Top,  Wooden Sewing Tables for 221 & 311 Models, Singer Electric Sewing Machine w/Cabinet, Large Copper Apple Butter Kettle w/Wrought Iron Handle, Maytag Upright Refrigerator, Fisher & Paykel Washer & Dryer, G. E. Chest Freezer 


Equipment/Tools: Snapper SR1433 Riding Mower w/Bagger, Two (2) Wooden Hog Scalding Troughs, Several Grindstones, Howe Platform Scale, Wooden Wagon Seat, Craftsman Bench Grinder, Shop Vac, Belt Sander, Craftsman Band Saw, Galvanized Tub, Galvanized Sprinkling Cans, Wooden Ladders, Hay Knife, Tobacco Shears, Buck Saws, Two-Man Saw, Rubber Tire Metal Wheelbarrow, Wooden Step Ladder, Rope, Extension Cords, Long Handled Garden Tools, Various Assortment of Hand Tools  & MUCH MORE! 

Mark Your Calendar Now To Attend!  You Do Not Want to Miss This Auction! 

Note:  The Above Information Provided Is Believed To Be Accurate But Not Guaranteed!

Auction For:

Kenneth R. & Esther S. Brosey


Auction Conducted By:


Terms and Conditions: of Witman Auctioneers Inc. Each item for sale is sold AS-IS and WHERE IS with no guarantee whatsoever, and all sales are final.  We have made every attempt to describe each item as accurately as possible; however, although we do not believe so, there may be inaccuracies.  We expect all buyers to inspect each item personally and make their own judgment before bidding takes place.  Everything sold "AS IS, WHERE IS", NO WARRANTIES, NO GUARANTEES.  Announcements by auctioneers take precedence over printed matter.  Buyer agrees, upon registration to bid to the terms and conditions of this auction. Terms:  Cash, Checks w/Bank Letter of Credit or Prior Approval from Auction Firm. ****Bank Letter of Guarantee Form**** (The following text is suggested, and should be on the Bank's letterhead.)   Date: ________ Our bank, (bank's name), irrevocably will guarantee any checks written to Witman Auctioneers Inc. for the purchase of items at the (name of particular auction) auction on (date of auction), by (you or your company name) from account number (fill in number) up to the total amount of (fill in $$ amount).   Sincerely, (Signature) (Bank officer's name and title)   Most Credit Cards Accepted. A 5% Convenience Fee Will Apply to All Purchases - (Discounted to a 0% Convenience Fee for Cash or Approved Check!)


Auction License: AY-000155-L
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Kenneth R. and Esther S. Brosey Public Auction

Witman Auctioneers Inc.

Witman Auctioneers Inc.

Contact: Luke R. Witman
Phone: 717-665-5735
Sale Location
58 North Fulton Street
Manheim, PA 17545
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Sep 8, 2018 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
See Our Website
Listing Details

Kenneth R. & Esther S. Brosey



Location: 58 North Fulton Street, Manheim, PA 17545 - Manheim Borough, Lancaster County


(This Is An Exceptionally Clean Line Of Furnishings)


*Railroad Lanterns*Wooden Pulleys*

*Furniture*Antiques*Personal Property*





Saturday, September 8, 2018

Starting: 8:00 AM

Real Estate: 12:00 Noon 

"One-Owner" Atglen Stone Three (3) Bedroom Ranch Style House w/ Two-Car Garage

Very Clean Property, Hardwood Floors, Finished Basement

Good Location

Extremely Clean & Well Built House - Move-In Ready Condition

Convenient To Shopping, Restaurants, Churches, Schools

Manheim Borough - Lancaster County

Manheim Central School District

"Highly Motivated Seller - Sellers Relocating!"







Location: 58 North Fulton Street, Manheim, PA 17545 - Manheim Borough, Lancaster County

Real Estate Information: 

Main Level:

  • Living Room (12'11" x 17'10") - Bay Window, Painted Walls, Wall-to-Wall Carpet, Guest Closet (2' x 4')
  • Dining Room (11'6 x 14'10") - Wallpaper, Vinyl Floor, Double Sliding Door Closet (2' x 5'), Sliding Door Access to Screened-In Patio
  • Screened-In Patio (12'4" x 13'8") 
  • Kitchen (11'4" x 12'8") - Modern Built-In Rich-Maid Twenty-Eight (28) Handle Cabinets, Painted Walls, Vinyl Floor, G. E. Stove, Garbage Disposal
  • Hallway (3' x 12'4") - Wallpaper, Chair Rail, Hardwood Floor, Hall Closet (2' x 3')
  • Bedroom #1 (12'6" x 12'10") - Painted Walls, Hardwood Floor, Closet (2' x 8')
  • Bedroom #2 (11'8" x 13') - Painted Walls, Hardwood Floors, Closet (2' x 7')
  • Bedroom #3 (11'4" x 14') - Painted Walls, Hardwood Floors, Closet (2' x 7')
  • Full-Size Bathroom (7'4" x 11'3") - Painted Walls, Tiled, Vinyl Floor, Linen Closet (2' x 2'6") 

Full-Size Basement:

  • Finished Recreation/Family Room (14'10' x 48') - Paneled, Drop Ceiling, Wall-to-Wall Carpet, Atglen Stone Fireplace w/ Propane Gas Insert, Outside Access
  • Powder Room (4' x 7') - Wallboard, Vinyl Floor
  • Cold Cellar (6'4" x 12'10")
  • Laundry Area (12'10" x 13'4") - Washer & Dryer Hook-Up, Laundry Sink
  • Unfinished Area w/ Workshop (12'10' x 27')

Full-Size Stand-Up Attic (10' x 46')

Attached Two-Car Garage (21' x 24')

  • Service Doors
  • Electric Garage Door Opener

Note:  All Measurements are Approximate!

Additional  Real Estate Information:

  • Lot Size: 0.38 Acres
  • House Size: 1,440 Sq. Ft.
  • Built: 1965 By J. G. Baker
  • Public Water & Sewer
  • Central A/C
  • Electric Heat
  • Electric Hot Water Heater
  • Waterfall System Water Softener 
  • Propane Gas Fireplace
  • Asphalt Shingle Roof
  • Aluminum Cornice, Soffit, & Spouting
  • Front & Rear Yards
  • Mature Shade & Shrubbery


Open House Dates

Saturday, August 18, 2018 - 12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM

Saturday, August 25, 2018 - 12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM

or Contact Auction Firm For Appointment (717-665-5735)

Terms of Real Estate: 10% Down Day of Auction With Final Settlement Within Forty-Five (45) Days From Day of Auction

Financing Available Through: 

Fulton Bank, Terry McGuigan (717-291-2770)

Fulton Bank, Christopher B. Karshin (717-682-0693)

Loan Depot, Mark Pontz (717-475-4444)


(Arrange Your Financing and be Prepared to Bid and Buy at this Public Auction!)





























Antiques/Personal Property:#2-#4 E. S. & B. Stenciled New Brighton PA Double Handled Stoneware Crocks, #4 Stenciled E. S. & B. Stoneware Jug, Double Sided Chrysolite Enameled Ware Sign, Blue Swirl Agateware (Large Coffee Pot, Chamber Pot, Bale Handle Kettle, Basins, Pie Plate, Water Pitchers, Creamers, Lunch Kettle, Dippers, Milk Pail, Berry Pails, Colanders, Tea Kettles, Handled Mug, Anvil), Agateware (Canners, Roasters, Steamers), White Enamel (Graduated Gooseneck Teapots, Coffee Pots, Funnel, Child's Chamber Pot, Creamer, Open Lattice Bowl, Berry Pail), Oak Victor Talking Machine w/Horn Type E 26676, Victor Nipper Dog, Two (2) Hattie Brunner Snow Scene Prints, 100-Pcs. 22-K Gold Dinner Set, A Large Assortment of 33 RPM Vinyl Records, Wooden Three-Prong Shaking Forks, Hershey Cocoa Tins, Crazy Patch Quilt Patches,  Dietz Railroad Lanterns, Wooden Marble Roller, Unsigned Wrought Iron Phares Will Penryn PA Spatula, Walnut Deep Picture Frames, Glass Handled Baskets, Various Monia Hoag Painted Toleware Pieces, Hooked & Braided Rugs, Rag Carpet, Singer Featherweight Sewing Machine, Fluid & Kerosene Finger Lamps, Planter's 5-Cent Peanut Jar, Ironstone Bowl & Various Sizes Pitchers & Creamers, Stereo View Master, Carmel Slag Glass Table Lamp, Counter Top Coffee Grinder, Glass Butter Churn, Wooden Bushel Crates, Pressed Glass (Open Compotes, Sherbets, Water Pitchers, Cruets, Relish Dishes, Juice Sets), Glass Floral Paper Weights, Wooden Oblong Trencher, Heisey Glass (Milk Pitcher, Sherbets, Peanut Dishes), Glass Insulators, Cast Iron Items (Frog, Turtle, Door Stops, Flat Irons), Yellow Ware Sheaf Of Wheat Mold, Mason's 1858 Quart & Two-Quart Jars w/Zinc Lids, Longaberger Baskets, Late Adams Rose Plates & Cups & Saucers, Men's Wristwatches, Keys, Pocket Knives, Bottle Openers, Change Purses, Wooden Iron Wheel Freight Cart, Child's Slat Top Trunk, Various Pin Cushions, Brass Privy Lamp, Royer's Store & Guy Kilgree Smoketown Advertising Pitchers, Multi-Color Coverlet, Pieced & Appliqued Quilts, Graduated String of Sleigh Bells, Emerson Knight Penryn PA Creamer, Local Advertising Tins, Sterling Thimbles, Buttoners, Ithaca 12-Gauge Double Barrel Shotgun, Daisy BB Gun, Diana Starter Pistol, Wooden Primitive Ladder, Corning Ware & Pyrex Ware Casserole Dishes, Large Amount of Quart Canning Jars, Blue Quart & Wire Top Jars, Berry Boxes, Smoke Decorated Lard Tins, Copper Wash Boilers, Wooden Iron Wheel Freight Wagon Manheim PA, Tin Ware (Milk Pails, Colanders, Peep Feeder, Pop Corn Poppers, Clothes Washer), Halloween & Christmas Decorations, Pictures & Prints, Wooden Clothes Dryers, Tablecloths, Counterpanes, Dollies, Crocheted Linen Work, Agate Savory Roasters, Porcelain PA License Plates ( 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, Pr. 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916), Wooden Cylinder Butter Churn, Oak Hanging Telephone, Jay Thomas Stauffer Pewter (Candlesticks, Large Platter), Square Wooden Advertising Yardsticks, Large Assortment of Sewing Items (Notions, Books, Material, Buttons, Patterns, Batting, Linings, Quilting Patterns), Advertising Tins, 1972 C. N. Foltz Redware Candleholders, Square Singer Sewing Machine Oil Tin, Brown Sponge Bowls, Manheim Ice Picks, Aqua Marble Meat Platters, Earhart Bros. Manheim Ice Cream Container, Pudding Stirrers, Seth Thomas Steeple Clock, Wall Mount Coffee Grinders, Porcelain Fairy Soap Sign & Fairy Soap, B. H. Hershey Manheim PA Stove Lifters, Glass Wall Mounted Fire Extinguishers, Cast Iron Muffin & Corn Bread Molds, Medium Copper Kettle, Tin Oilers, Fireplace Bellows, Copper & Brass Dippers, Wrought Iron Kettle Hanger, Beach Umbrellas, Fishing Rods, Wooden Quilting Frame By John Becker, Pottery Jardinieres & Flower Planters, A Varied Assortment of Wooden Pulleys (1-2-3 Pulleys), Set of Quoits (1) Brass, Various Assorted Wrought Bale Hooks, Wooden Cheese Box, Wooden Express Wagon, Cast Iron Dinner Bell, Assortment of Augers, Several Wooded Rakes Plus Much More!   

Books:  (Anna Balmer Myers - I Lift My Lamp, Patchwork), Children's Books (Thornton W. Burgess Children's Books), (The Aesop For Children, Andersen's Fairy Tales, Raggedy Andy Stories, Uncle Wiggily & Old Mother Hubbard, The Real Mother Goose, Plus Many More!), Manheim Books (Manheim "A Green Country Town" Loy Awkerman, Wayside Journals Tales - John D. Kendig, Manheim Revisited, Manheim Maps, Stiegel, Old Lancaster, 1812-1912 Manheim Old Home Week), Plus Much More!

Toys/Collectibles: Child's Auto Pedal Car, Hubley Air Planes, Bus, Tin Litho Tops, Child's Cast Iron Cook Stove, Wooden Children's Blocks, Child's Tonka Toys, HO Trains & Accessories, American Flyer Freight Train Set, Winross & Hess Trucks, Children's Games & Puzzles 




Furniture/Appliances: Modern Cherry Grandfather's Tall Case Clock w/Broken Arch Scroll, Bonnet w/Turned Finials, Twisted Rope Columns & Bracket Feet, Round Oak Double Column Mirror Back Claw Foot China Closet, Paint Decorated Jelly Cupboard w/Two-Drawers Over Two Oval Paneled Doors w/Porcelain Knobs, Escutcheons, Gallery Back & Turned Feet, Rock Maple Chest-Of-Drawers, Painted Washstand, Round Oak Extension Table, Painted Dresser, Hobart M. Cable Spinet Piano w/Bench, Needlepoint Bedroom Rocker, Square Oak Extension Table, Refinished Softwood Jelly Cupboard Two-Drawer Over Two-Panel Door w/Gallery & Turned Feet, Square Oak China Closet, Softwood Low Dry Sink w/Gallery Back, Wooden Foot Stools, Oak Pressed Back Swivel Office Chair, One-Drawer Table, Wicker Table, Wicker Fernery, Patio Lounge & Chair, Large Hand Hewn Sycamore Three (3) Legged Chopping Block, Wooden Meat Bench, Paint Decorated Grandfather's Rocker, 3-Pc. Set Maple Chest-Of-Drawers, Dresser w/Mirror & Night Stand, Various Wrought Iron Floor Lamps, Dome & Flat Slat Top Trunks, Oak Clothes Trees, Wooden Magazine Racks, Softwood Open Washstand, Wooden Eight (8) Drawer Industrial Cabinet, Grain Paint Decorated Softwood Blanket Chest w/Till & Turned Feet, Wooden Nine (9) Drawer Cabinet, Chrome Breakfast Set w/Chairs, Grain Painted Softwood Dough Box w/Lid, Walnut Victorian Square Marble Top Stand, Wooden Kitchen Cabinet, 46" Metal Counter-Top Store Display Case, 51" Wooden Mahogany Country Store Display Case, Wooden Store Counter-Top Display Case, Wooden Picnic Table, Aluminum Folding Tables, Metal Jumper Porch Chairs, Wooden Kitchen Cabinet w/Enamel Top,  Wooden Sewing Tables for 221 & 311 Models, Singer Electric Sewing Machine w/Cabinet, Large Copper Apple Butter Kettle w/Wrought Iron Handle, Maytag Upright Refrigerator, Fisher & Paykel Washer & Dryer, G. E. Chest Freezer 


Equipment/Tools: Snapper SR1433 Riding Mower w/Bagger, Two (2) Wooden Hog Scalding Troughs, Several Grindstones, Howe Platform Scale, Wooden Wagon Seat, Craftsman Bench Grinder, Shop Vac, Belt Sander, Craftsman Band Saw, Galvanized Tub, Galvanized Sprinkling Cans, Wooden Ladders, Hay Knife, Tobacco Shears, Buck Saws, Two-Man Saw, Rubber Tire Metal Wheelbarrow, Wooden Step Ladder, Rope, Extension Cords, Long Handled Garden Tools, Various Assortment of Hand Tools  & MUCH MORE! 

Mark Your Calendar Now To Attend!  You Do Not Want to Miss This Auction! 

Note:  The Above Information Provided Is Believed To Be Accurate But Not Guaranteed!

Auction For:

Kenneth R. & Esther S. Brosey


Auction Conducted By:


Terms and Conditions: of Witman Auctioneers Inc. Each item for sale is sold AS-IS and WHERE IS with no guarantee whatsoever, and all sales are final.  We have made every attempt to describe each item as accurately as possible; however, although we do not believe so, there may be inaccuracies.  We expect all buyers to inspect each item personally and make their own judgment before bidding takes place.  Everything sold "AS IS, WHERE IS", NO WARRANTIES, NO GUARANTEES.  Announcements by auctioneers take precedence over printed matter.  Buyer agrees, upon registration to bid to the terms and conditions of this auction. Terms:  Cash, Checks w/Bank Letter of Credit or Prior Approval from Auction Firm. ****Bank Letter of Guarantee Form**** (The following text is suggested, and should be on the Bank's letterhead.)   Date: ________ Our bank, (bank's name), irrevocably will guarantee any checks written to Witman Auctioneers Inc. for the purchase of items at the (name of particular auction) auction on (date of auction), by (you or your company name) from account number (fill in number) up to the total amount of (fill in $$ amount).   Sincerely, (Signature) (Bank officer's name and title)   Most Credit Cards Accepted. A 5% Convenience Fee Will Apply to All Purchases - (Discounted to a 0% Convenience Fee for Cash or Approved Check!)


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Kenneth R. and Esther S. Brosey Public Auction
 Live Auction
Auction Date(s)
Saturday Sep 8, 2018 Completed
Auction Location

Manheim, PA 17545
Witman Auctioneers Inc.

Contact: Luke R. Witman
Phone: 717-665-5735

Listing Terms and Conditions
See Our Website

Kenneth R. & Esther S. Brosey



Location: 58 North Fulton Street, Manheim, PA 17545 - Manheim Borough, Lancaster County


(This Is An Exceptionally Clean Line Of Furnishings)


*Railroad Lanterns*Wooden Pulleys*

*Furniture*Antiques*Personal Property*





Saturday, September 8, 2018

Starting: 8:00 AM

Real Estate: 12:00 Noon 

"One-Owner" Atglen Stone Three (3) Bedroom Ranch Style House w/ Two-Car Garage

Very Clean Property, Hardwood Floors, Finished Basement

Good Location

Extremely Clean & Well Built House - Move-In Ready Condition

Convenient To Shopping, Restaurants, Churches, Schools

Manheim Borough - Lancaster County

Manheim Central School District

"Highly Motivated Seller - Sellers Relocating!"







Location: 58 North Fulton Street, Manheim, PA 17545 - Manheim Borough, Lancaster County

Real Estate Information: 

Main Level:

  • Living Room (12'11" x 17'10") - Bay Window, Painted Walls, Wall-to-Wall Carpet, Guest Closet (2' x 4')
  • Dining Room (11'6 x 14'10") - Wallpaper, Vinyl Floor, Double Sliding Door Closet (2' x 5'), Sliding Door Access to Screened-In Patio
  • Screened-In Patio (12'4" x 13'8") 
  • Kitchen (11'4" x 12'8") - Modern Built-In Rich-Maid Twenty-Eight (28) Handle Cabinets, Painted Walls, Vinyl Floor, G. E. Stove, Garbage Disposal
  • Hallway (3' x 12'4") - Wallpaper, Chair Rail, Hardwood Floor, Hall Closet (2' x 3')
  • Bedroom #1 (12'6" x 12'10") - Painted Walls, Hardwood Floor, Closet (2' x 8')
  • Bedroom #2 (11'8" x 13') - Painted Walls, Hardwood Floors, Closet (2' x 7')
  • Bedroom #3 (11'4" x 14') - Painted Walls, Hardwood Floors, Closet (2' x 7')
  • Full-Size Bathroom (7'4" x 11'3") - Painted Walls, Tiled, Vinyl Floor, Linen Closet (2' x 2'6") 

Full-Size Basement:

  • Finished Recreation/Family Room (14'10' x 48') - Paneled, Drop Ceiling, Wall-to-Wall Carpet, Atglen Stone Fireplace w/ Propane Gas Insert, Outside Access
  • Powder Room (4' x 7') - Wallboard, Vinyl Floor
  • Cold Cellar (6'4" x 12'10")
  • Laundry Area (12'10" x 13'4") - Washer & Dryer Hook-Up, Laundry Sink
  • Unfinished Area w/ Workshop (12'10' x 27')

Full-Size Stand-Up Attic (10' x 46')

Attached Two-Car Garage (21' x 24')

  • Service Doors
  • Electric Garage Door Opener

Note:  All Measurements are Approximate!

Additional  Real Estate Information:

  • Lot Size: 0.38 Acres
  • House Size: 1,440 Sq. Ft.
  • Built: 1965 By J. G. Baker
  • Public Water & Sewer
  • Central A/C
  • Electric Heat
  • Electric Hot Water Heater
  • Waterfall System Water Softener 
  • Propane Gas Fireplace
  • Asphalt Shingle Roof
  • Aluminum Cornice, Soffit, & Spouting
  • Front & Rear Yards
  • Mature Shade & Shrubbery


Open House Dates

Saturday, August 18, 2018 - 12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM

Saturday, August 25, 2018 - 12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM

or Contact Auction Firm For Appointment (717-665-5735)

Terms of Real Estate: 10% Down Day of Auction With Final Settlement Within Forty-Five (45) Days From Day of Auction

Financing Available Through: 

Fulton Bank, Terry McGuigan (717-291-2770)

Fulton Bank, Christopher B. Karshin (717-682-0693)

Loan Depot, Mark Pontz (717-475-4444)


(Arrange Your Financing and be Prepared to Bid and Buy at this Public Auction!)





























Antiques/Personal Property:#2-#4 E. S. & B. Stenciled New Brighton PA Double Handled Stoneware Crocks, #4 Stenciled E. S. & B. Stoneware Jug, Double Sided Chrysolite Enameled Ware Sign, Blue Swirl Agateware (Large Coffee Pot, Chamber Pot, Bale Handle Kettle, Basins, Pie Plate, Water Pitchers, Creamers, Lunch Kettle, Dippers, Milk Pail, Berry Pails, Colanders, Tea Kettles, Handled Mug, Anvil), Agateware (Canners, Roasters, Steamers), White Enamel (Graduated Gooseneck Teapots, Coffee Pots, Funnel, Child's Chamber Pot, Creamer, Open Lattice Bowl, Berry Pail), Oak Victor Talking Machine w/Horn Type E 26676, Victor Nipper Dog, Two (2) Hattie Brunner Snow Scene Prints, 100-Pcs. 22-K Gold Dinner Set, A Large Assortment of 33 RPM Vinyl Records, Wooden Three-Prong Shaking Forks, Hershey Cocoa Tins, Crazy Patch Quilt Patches,  Dietz Railroad Lanterns, Wooden Marble Roller, Unsigned Wrought Iron Phares Will Penryn PA Spatula, Walnut Deep Picture Frames, Glass Handled Baskets, Various Monia Hoag Painted Toleware Pieces, Hooked & Braided Rugs, Rag Carpet, Singer Featherweight Sewing Machine, Fluid & Kerosene Finger Lamps, Planter's 5-Cent Peanut Jar, Ironstone Bowl & Various Sizes Pitchers & Creamers, Stereo View Master, Carmel Slag Glass Table Lamp, Counter Top Coffee Grinder, Glass Butter Churn, Wooden Bushel Crates, Pressed Glass (Open Compotes, Sherbets, Water Pitchers, Cruets, Relish Dishes, Juice Sets), Glass Floral Paper Weights, Wooden Oblong Trencher, Heisey Glass (Milk Pitcher, Sherbets, Peanut Dishes), Glass Insulators, Cast Iron Items (Frog, Turtle, Door Stops, Flat Irons), Yellow Ware Sheaf Of Wheat Mold, Mason's 1858 Quart & Two-Quart Jars w/Zinc Lids, Longaberger Baskets, Late Adams Rose Plates & Cups & Saucers, Men's Wristwatches, Keys, Pocket Knives, Bottle Openers, Change Purses, Wooden Iron Wheel Freight Cart, Child's Slat Top Trunk, Various Pin Cushions, Brass Privy Lamp, Royer's Store & Guy Kilgree Smoketown Advertising Pitchers, Multi-Color Coverlet, Pieced & Appliqued Quilts, Graduated String of Sleigh Bells, Emerson Knight Penryn PA Creamer, Local Advertising Tins, Sterling Thimbles, Buttoners, Ithaca 12-Gauge Double Barrel Shotgun, Daisy BB Gun, Diana Starter Pistol, Wooden Primitive Ladder, Corning Ware & Pyrex Ware Casserole Dishes, Large Amount of Quart Canning Jars, Blue Quart & Wire Top Jars, Berry Boxes, Smoke Decorated Lard Tins, Copper Wash Boilers, Wooden Iron Wheel Freight Wagon Manheim PA, Tin Ware (Milk Pails, Colanders, Peep Feeder, Pop Corn Poppers, Clothes Washer), Halloween & Christmas Decorations, Pictures & Prints, Wooden Clothes Dryers, Tablecloths, Counterpanes, Dollies, Crocheted Linen Work, Agate Savory Roasters, Porcelain PA License Plates ( 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, Pr. 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916), Wooden Cylinder Butter Churn, Oak Hanging Telephone, Jay Thomas Stauffer Pewter (Candlesticks, Large Platter), Square Wooden Advertising Yardsticks, Large Assortment of Sewing Items (Notions, Books, Material, Buttons, Patterns, Batting, Linings, Quilting Patterns), Advertising Tins, 1972 C. N. Foltz Redware Candleholders, Square Singer Sewing Machine Oil Tin, Brown Sponge Bowls, Manheim Ice Picks, Aqua Marble Meat Platters, Earhart Bros. Manheim Ice Cream Container, Pudding Stirrers, Seth Thomas Steeple Clock, Wall Mount Coffee Grinders, Porcelain Fairy Soap Sign & Fairy Soap, B. H. Hershey Manheim PA Stove Lifters, Glass Wall Mounted Fire Extinguishers, Cast Iron Muffin & Corn Bread Molds, Medium Copper Kettle, Tin Oilers, Fireplace Bellows, Copper & Brass Dippers, Wrought Iron Kettle Hanger, Beach Umbrellas, Fishing Rods, Wooden Quilting Frame By John Becker, Pottery Jardinieres & Flower Planters, A Varied Assortment of Wooden Pulleys (1-2-3 Pulleys), Set of Quoits (1) Brass, Various Assorted Wrought Bale Hooks, Wooden Cheese Box, Wooden Express Wagon, Cast Iron Dinner Bell, Assortment of Augers, Several Wooded Rakes Plus Much More!   

Books:  (Anna Balmer Myers - I Lift My Lamp, Patchwork), Children's Books (Thornton W. Burgess Children's Books), (The Aesop For Children, Andersen's Fairy Tales, Raggedy Andy Stories, Uncle Wiggily & Old Mother Hubbard, The Real Mother Goose, Plus Many More!), Manheim Books (Manheim "A Green Country Town" Loy Awkerman, Wayside Journals Tales - John D. Kendig, Manheim Revisited, Manheim Maps, Stiegel, Old Lancaster, 1812-1912 Manheim Old Home Week), Plus Much More!

Toys/Collectibles: Child's Auto Pedal Car, Hubley Air Planes, Bus, Tin Litho Tops, Child's Cast Iron Cook Stove, Wooden Children's Blocks, Child's Tonka Toys, HO Trains & Accessories, American Flyer Freight Train Set, Winross & Hess Trucks, Children's Games & Puzzles 




Furniture/Appliances: Modern Cherry Grandfather's Tall Case Clock w/Broken Arch Scroll, Bonnet w/Turned Finials, Twisted Rope Columns & Bracket Feet, Round Oak Double Column Mirror Back Claw Foot China Closet, Paint Decorated Jelly Cupboard w/Two-Drawers Over Two Oval Paneled Doors w/Porcelain Knobs, Escutcheons, Gallery Back & Turned Feet, Rock Maple Chest-Of-Drawers, Painted Washstand, Round Oak Extension Table, Painted Dresser, Hobart M. Cable Spinet Piano w/Bench, Needlepoint Bedroom Rocker, Square Oak Extension Table, Refinished Softwood Jelly Cupboard Two-Drawer Over Two-Panel Door w/Gallery & Turned Feet, Square Oak China Closet, Softwood Low Dry Sink w/Gallery Back, Wooden Foot Stools, Oak Pressed Back Swivel Office Chair, One-Drawer Table, Wicker Table, Wicker Fernery, Patio Lounge & Chair, Large Hand Hewn Sycamore Three (3) Legged Chopping Block, Wooden Meat Bench, Paint Decorated Grandfather's Rocker, 3-Pc. Set Maple Chest-Of-Drawers, Dresser w/Mirror & Night Stand, Various Wrought Iron Floor Lamps, Dome & Flat Slat Top Trunks, Oak Clothes Trees, Wooden Magazine Racks, Softwood Open Washstand, Wooden Eight (8) Drawer Industrial Cabinet, Grain Paint Decorated Softwood Blanket Chest w/Till & Turned Feet, Wooden Nine (9) Drawer Cabinet, Chrome Breakfast Set w/Chairs, Grain Painted Softwood Dough Box w/Lid, Walnut Victorian Square Marble Top Stand, Wooden Kitchen Cabinet, 46" Metal Counter-Top Store Display Case, 51" Wooden Mahogany Country Store Display Case, Wooden Store Counter-Top Display Case, Wooden Picnic Table, Aluminum Folding Tables, Metal Jumper Porch Chairs, Wooden Kitchen Cabinet w/Enamel Top,  Wooden Sewing Tables for 221 & 311 Models, Singer Electric Sewing Machine w/Cabinet, Large Copper Apple Butter Kettle w/Wrought Iron Handle, Maytag Upright Refrigerator, Fisher & Paykel Washer & Dryer, G. E. Chest Freezer 


Equipment/Tools: Snapper SR1433 Riding Mower w/Bagger, Two (2) Wooden Hog Scalding Troughs, Several Grindstones, Howe Platform Scale, Wooden Wagon Seat, Craftsman Bench Grinder, Shop Vac, Belt Sander, Craftsman Band Saw, Galvanized Tub, Galvanized Sprinkling Cans, Wooden Ladders, Hay Knife, Tobacco Shears, Buck Saws, Two-Man Saw, Rubber Tire Metal Wheelbarrow, Wooden Step Ladder, Rope, Extension Cords, Long Handled Garden Tools, Various Assortment of Hand Tools  & MUCH MORE! 

Mark Your Calendar Now To Attend!  You Do Not Want to Miss This Auction! 

Note:  The Above Information Provided Is Believed To Be Accurate But Not Guaranteed!

Auction For:

Kenneth R. & Esther S. Brosey


Auction Conducted By:


Terms and Conditions: of Witman Auctioneers Inc. Each item for sale is sold AS-IS and WHERE IS with no guarantee whatsoever, and all sales are final.  We have made every attempt to describe each item as accurately as possible; however, although we do not believe so, there may be inaccuracies.  We expect all buyers to inspect each item personally and make their own judgment before bidding takes place.  Everything sold "AS IS, WHERE IS", NO WARRANTIES, NO GUARANTEES.  Announcements by auctioneers take precedence over printed matter.  Buyer agrees, upon registration to bid to the terms and conditions of this auction. Terms:  Cash, Checks w/Bank Letter of Credit or Prior Approval from Auction Firm. ****Bank Letter of Guarantee Form**** (The following text is suggested, and should be on the Bank's letterhead.)   Date: ________ Our bank, (bank's name), irrevocably will guarantee any checks written to Witman Auctioneers Inc. for the purchase of items at the (name of particular auction) auction on (date of auction), by (you or your company name) from account number (fill in number) up to the total amount of (fill in $$ amount).   Sincerely, (Signature) (Bank officer's name and title)   Most Credit Cards Accepted. A 5% Convenience Fee Will Apply to All Purchases - (Discounted to a 0% Convenience Fee for Cash or Approved Check!)