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Shaffer Auction
Listing ID#: 75101
Auction Location |
Rogers, OH 44455 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Saturday Jun 16, 2018 Completed |
Auction Type |
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Company Information |
Baer Auctioneers-Realty LLC Contact: Ken Baer Phone: (330) 227-3236 Email: Website: ID#: 3639 View company information and listings |
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Terms on Personal Property: Cash, Check or Credit Card (Visa, Master Card or Discover) 3% buyer's premium waived for cash or check. All items sell without reservation to the highest bidder.
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Public Auction
I the undersigned will sell at public auction. Located approx. 2 miles South of Rogers, Ohio on St. Rt. 7 to Clarkson Rd. then East ½ Mile to Sprucevale Rd. then South ¼ mile to Echo Dell Rd. then West <¼ mile to home at 10991 Echo Dell Road, Rogers, Ohio 44455. On,
SATURDAY JUNE 16, 2018 @ 10:00 A.M.
Allis Chalmers 7000 diesel tractor w/full cab, heat, air, 3sets hydraulic remotes, 5007 hours (good & clean);
John Deere 4020 narrow front end gas tractor w/1 set remotes, 6715 hours; Allis Chalmers 175 Crop Hustler diesel tractor w/2 sets hydraulic remotes, 5440 hours, 3 pt; Allis Chalmers CA narrow front tractor with cultivator levers; Allis Chalmers WD 45 narrow front tractor (good); New Holland Hay Liner 276 square baler w/thrower (excellent condition, stored inside); John Deere chopper w/ hay & corn heads; Case 13 row grain drill w/fertilizer box; IH back blade; 2- kicker hay wagons with good factory gears; 30 ft. hay and grain transport elevator w/110 electric motor; Pequea running gear; 24" bucket; New Holland hay chopper; IH model 16-5 bar hay rake; New Idea PTO driven manure spreader (good floor); John Deere 9 ft hay bine; Oliver 4 x 18 plow; 8 ft 3 pt disc; 6 ft Woods back blade; 3 pt. post hole digger; 3 btm drag plow; 3 pt. cultivator; 5 ft. Woods model M-5 brush hog; flatbed hay wagon w/factory gear; 3 pt. 2 btm plow; 16 ft skeleton elevator w/110 motor; approx. 80 ft Flex Auger feeding system w/4 feed outlets and motor w/extra pipe and auger; Jari Monarch walk behind sickle mower w/3 hp Briggs motor;
John Deere 300 garden tractor; Simplicity Hydrostatic garden tractor w/mower deck; IH Cub snow plow; 36" pull behind tiller w/5hp motor; Craftsman garden tractor snow blade; lime spreader/seeder; DeVilbiss Pro 4000 5 hp 60 gal upright air compressor; Sears 220v arc welder; Speed Clean 2000 psi pressure washer; Craftsman 33 gal air compressor; pressure washer; Craftsman chest on chest tool box; Craftsman 12 drawer tool box; Sears double mandrel bench grinder on stand; bench top Pro Source 8" drill press; 12" Craftsman 2 speed band saw; Yale 1 ½ ton chain hoist; Wild Fire 1200 watt generator; 100 gallon Better Built fuel tank with 12 v pump; 2 stand fuel tanks (gas and diesel); misc farm gates; floor jack; jack stands; 1 large lot small hand tools too numerous to mention including Craftsman and others; 1 large lot hardware; socket sets; wrenches; 1 large lot electric tools (saws, drills, ari tools, impacts, ratchets).
Household Goods: Bissell Pro Heat rug scrubber; Jessie James 36 Ford Coupe full function radio control car; vanity sink base; DVD rack; VHS tapes; 1 large lot household items too numerous to mention.
Terms on Personal Property: Cash, Check or Credit Card (Visa, Master Card or Discover) 3% buyer's premium waived for cash or check. All items sell without reservation to the highest bidder.
Wade C. Baer, CAI, AMM - Auctioneer / Broker - 330-424-2705 or
MARLENE SHAFFER ~ OWNER 1 TRACTORS & FARM MACHINERY Allis Chalmers 7000 diesel tractor w/full cab, heat, air, 3sets hydraulic remotes, 5007 hours (good & clean); John Deere 4020 narrow front end gas tractor w/1 set remotes, 6715 hours; Allis Chalmers 175 Crop Hustler diesel tractor w/2 sets hydrauli... 2 TOOLS John Deere 300 garden tractor; Simplicity Hydrostatic garden tractor w/mower deck; IH Cub snow plow; 36" pull behind tiller w/5hp motor; Craftsman garden tractor snow blade; lime spreader/seeder; DeVilbiss Pro 4000 5 hp 60 gal upright air compressor... |
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