Listing ID#: 67695

Auction Location

Grant, MI 49327
Auction Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Thursday Apr 12, 2018 Completed
Auction Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Art Smith Auctioneers

Website: www.artsmithauctioneers.com

GoToAuction.com ID#: 2379
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Listing Terms and Conditions
GUNS TERMS: Per ATF ruling, this being an estate-type auction a Federal Firearms License (FFL) is not needed in the transfer of this gun collection, i.e., a National Instant Criminal Background Check (NICS) need not be completed on gun buyers. A current purchase permit or CPL will be needed on Auction day to buy a handgun with black powder hand guns being the exception. Purchase permits are available at any law enforcement agency in Michigan. You will need to register with a Michigan photo I.D. and sign a statement that you are not a felon and can legally buy a firearm. Call Noah Smith at 616-633-4254 if you have questions.
Listing Information

Visit www.artsmithauctions.com for pictured catalog

Live Public Auction

1-Owner Gun Collection

Thursday, April 12th @ 4:00PM

LOCATION: Grant Community Center 105 S. Front St., Grant, Michigan 49327

DIRECTIONS: North of Grand Rapids 23 miles on M-37 or south of Newaygo 6 miles on M-37 to East Main St. west to Auction. (Newaygo County)

Due to the death of my husband Jack Turner, I have commissioned Art Smith Auctioneers to sell at Live Public Auction his personal collection of guns, knives & unique items. Thank you for your support and attendance at my Auction.

Sincerely, Shirley Turner, Muskegon, MI

NOTE: Jack was a veteran of the United States Army. He was an old car enthusiast and loved to visit antique shops and junk yards. Every item on this Auction is from his personal collection and will be moved to the Grant Community Center for your convenience.

TERMS: Cash or good check day of Auction. Master Card or VISA with 5% service fee. We subscribe to PAY-TEC (A NATIONAL CHECK COLLECTION COMPANY).

GUNS TERMS: Per ATF ruling, this being an estate-type auction a Federal Firearms License (FFL) is not needed in the transfer of this gun collection, i.e., a National Instant Criminal Background Check (NICS) need not be completed on gun buyers. A current purchase permit or CPL will be needed on Auction day to buy a handgun with black powder hand guns being the exception. Purchase permits are available at any law enforcement agency in Michigan. You will need to register with a Michigan photo I.D. and sign a statement that you are not a felon and can legally buy a firearm. Call Noah Smith at 616-633-4254 if you have questions.

Click on VIEW PICTURES at the top right for a pictured catalog.

1-Owner Gun Collection to be sold in lotted catalog order

1. Smith & Wesson Mod. 1500 .300 Win Mag bolt w/Weaver 3-9 var wide angle scope & leather sling #PN4430

2. Ruger 10-22 .22 autoload w/Weaver 3-6 var scope #122-15860S

3. Mauser Mod. 98 7mm Mag bolt sporterized w/Simmons 4-9x50 var scope #NA

4. Parker Hale 7mm Mag bolt, made in England w/Tasco 4-16 range finder scope & leather sling #98969

5. sporterized military 30-06 bolt w/Tasco 3-9 var scope #1093659

6. Winchester Mod. 70 .300 Win Mag bolt w/Weaver scope & sling #G974121

7. Marlin Mod. 989 .22 autoload carbine #NA

8. Glenfield Mod. 60 .22 autoload, tubefeed #26473204

9. Marlin Mod. 20-A .22 pump nickel plated, take down w/hammer & oct brl #NA

10. J Stevens .22 bolt, tubefeed #NA

11. Remington .32cal? falling block w/hammer & oct brl #NA

12. Marlin Mod. 1897 lever w/oct brl #188394 (caliber not identified)

13. Stevens Favorite .22 falling block #386 (needs work)

14. Ruger Carbine .44 Mag autoload w/Weaver scope #68395

15. Henry Mod. H002C US Survival .22 autoload, take down #US71072

16. sporterized military bolt #9320

17. Stevens Mod. 87-A .22 autoload, tubefeed #NA

18. Mauser Mod. 98 Type 44 bolt #48221

19. Waffenfabrik-Bern Mod. 78 bolt, Swiss military #182475

20. Winchester Centennial 66’ (1866-1966) 30-30 lever w/oct brl, original box & 3 boxes of ammo #13837

21. Hi Standard Double-Nine .22 double action 9-shot revolver w/leather holster #1006119 (11-5.5)

22. Sturm Ruger Single-Six .22 single action 6-shot revolver w/leather holster & extra cylinder #541809 (11.5-6.5)

23. Ruger New Model Blackhawk .41 Mag single action 6-shot revolver w/leather holster #41-11078 (12-6.5)

24. Ruger Bearcat .22 single action 7-shot revolver w/leather holster #40027 (8.5-4)

25. H&R Mod. 989 .22 double action 9-shot revolver #AD26227 (10.5-5.5)

26. Rohm Mod. RG63 .32 S&W Long double action 6-shot revolver #25799 (10-5)

27. Colts .38WCF single action 6-shot revolver #193858 (11-5.5)

28. Walther P38 9mm autoload pistol w/Nazi Germany swastika & original leather holster #5677 (8.5-5)

29. Gesichert 9mm Luger autoload pistol, byf42 w/Nazi Germany swastika on leather holster #2179 (9-4)

30. Steyr Mod. 51C17 autoload pistol (caliber not identified) #7028 (7-3.5)

31. High Standard Mod. 103 Sport-King .22L autoload pistol #1960744 (9-4.5)

32. P. Beretta Gardone VI 1944 .765 autoload pistol w/leather holster #577489 (5.5-3)

33. Ruger Automatic Pistol .22L autoload pistol #436971 (9-5)

34. Mars 7.65 autoload pistol #8486 (6-3)

35. Ruger New Model Super Blackhawk .44Mag single action 6-shot revolver w/box & papers #82-47185 #13-7.5)

36. Colt Automatic .32Rimless autoload pistol #125649 (7-3.5)

37. FIE Titan .22 autoload pistol #D969286 (4.5-2)

38. Buddie Arms Double Deuce .22 Derringer #7473 (5-3)

39. Ydeal .25 snub nose autoload pistol #13775 (4-2.75)

40. Rohm .22short 6-shot revolver #1339994 (5-1.75)

41. Red Jacket #8 .32 single action 5-shot revolver #31761

42. North American Arms .22Mag 6-shot revolver w/folding belt clip handle #E088273 (6-1)

43. Smith & Wesson 6-shot revolver (caliber not identified) #37366 (11-6)

44. Hy Hunter Frontier Six-Shooter .22 6-shot revolver (needs work) #23949 (11-5.5)

45. Herters .22 single action 6-shot revolver (needs work) #143238 (10-5)

46. Ruger Old Army .44 single action 6-shot black powder revolver #140-26955

47. EIG .36 single action 6-shot black powder revolver #2574

48. ICA .36 single action 6-shot black powder revolver #124707

49. Navy Model .36 single action 6-shot black powder revolver #5602

50. FAP 1951 Navy .44 single action 6-shot black powder revolver, nickel plated (new in box) #463470

51. Single shot 50cal muzzle loader pistol w/leather holster #NA

52. Single shot .36cal muzzle loader pistol w/leather holster #221222

53. Tower flintlock single shot muzzle loader

54. British 303 bolt sporterized #NA

55. British 303 MKI #5 1945 bolt carbine #BE0096

56. British 303 bolt sporterized #1549

57. SKS 7.62x39 autoload w/mags & folding bayonet #1612930

58. AKM 7.62x39 autoload w/mags (in shipping box) #300960

59. Quality HMC M1 carbine .30cal autoload w/mags & leather sling #483592

60. Inland Division M1 Paratrooper carbine .30cal autoload w/folding stock #NA

61. Winchester Mod. 94 30-30Win lever #1765373

62. Winchester Mod. 94 .44Mag lever w/saddle ring #3221300M

63. Interarms Mod. SCR 92 .357Mag lever w/saddle ring #K054722

64. Marlin Mod. 1892 Safety .32 lever w/oct brl #278824

65. Stevens Mod. 59A .410 bolt, tubefeed #NA

66. Wards Western Field .410 bolt, mag feed #NA

67. Polish Military Carbine M-44 7.62x54R bolt w/folding bayonet #AS06752

68. Polish Military Carbine M-44 7.62x54R bolt w/folding bayonet #BD25277

69. Lefever Arms 12ga dbl brl hammerless, wall hanger #NA

70. JC Higgins Mod. 20 12ga pump #NA

71. Winchester Mod. 97 12ga pump w/hammer (needs work) #294948

72. Lefever Nitro Special 16ga dbl brl, hammerless #147199

73. Moore London 12ga dog eared dbl br w/etchings #NA

74. Brolin Arms Legacy 50cal inline muzzle loader (in box)

75. Knight T-Bolt 50cal incline muzzle loader w/3-9var scope & sling

76. Knight LK-93 50cal inline muzzle loader

77. Pedersoli 50cal rotating dbl brl muzzle loader

78. Pedersoli 54cal rotating dbl brl muzzle loader

79. Kentucky rifle style 50cal muzzle loader

80. Hawken style 50cal muzzle loader

81. Hawken style 50cal muzzle loader

82. CVA Hawken 54cal muzzle loader w/peep sight

83. CVA Frontier 50cal muzzle loader

84. Dog eared dbl brl muzzle loader shotgun (needs work)

85. Kentucky rifle style 45cal muzzle loader

86. Springfield Mod. 951 .410 bolt single (needs work) #NA

87. Military carbine (needs work)

88. Iver Johnson 12ga single (needs work)


Rifle, shotgun & pistol ammo

Gun cleaning supplies

Muzzle loader supplies

Hunting, Fishing & Camping supplies

(2) Allen Original compound bows

Barnet Panzer crossbow w/bolts

Other crossbows & bolts

Cyclop 1 Night Vision Monocular (made in Russia)

12-gun glass doored gun cabinet

Bushnell spotting scope

Lee 50 & 54 cal bullet molds

Arrow fletcher & burner

Sev. full tackle boxes

Ideal MFG 45Gov shell sizing tool in box

Game calls


Trench knife

Pocket knives including Case, Barlow & Olsen

Straight razors

Hunting & skinning knives

2-way radios

Tasco #30 bore sight

Crosman Co2 pellet pistol

Garmin Rino 110 GPS

Benjamin Franklin air pistol

Sev. scopes including Weaver

Many leather holsters & belts

Repo Nazi Germany dagger

Coleman aluminum LP camp stove

Life jackets

Downrigger weights & planners

Big lake rods & reels

Sev. other rods & reels

Large aluminum camp frying pans

Sev. swords

Fishing nets

Hard & soft rifle cases

Soft pistol cases

Many items not listed

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Art Smith Auctioneers

Art Smith Auctioneers

Sale Location
105 S. Front St.
Grant, MI 49327
Sale Dates and Times
Thursday Apr 12, 2018 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
GUNS TERMS: Per ATF ruling, this being an estate-type auction a Federal Firearms License (FFL) is not needed in the transfer of this gun collection, i.e., a National Instant Criminal Background Check (NICS) need not be completed on gun buyers. A current purchase permit or CPL will be needed on Auction day to buy a handgun with black powder hand guns being the exception. Purchase permits are available at any law enforcement agency in Michigan. You will need to register with a Michigan photo I.D. and sign a statement that you are not a felon and can legally buy a firearm. Call Noah Smith at 616-633-4254 if you have questions.
Listing Details

Visit www.artsmithauctions.com for pictured catalog

Live Public Auction

1-Owner Gun Collection

Thursday, April 12th @ 4:00PM

LOCATION: Grant Community Center 105 S. Front St., Grant, Michigan 49327

DIRECTIONS: North of Grand Rapids 23 miles on M-37 or south of Newaygo 6 miles on M-37 to East Main St. west to Auction. (Newaygo County)

Due to the death of my husband Jack Turner, I have commissioned Art Smith Auctioneers to sell at Live Public Auction his personal collection of guns, knives & unique items. Thank you for your support and attendance at my Auction.

Sincerely, Shirley Turner, Muskegon, MI

NOTE: Jack was a veteran of the United States Army. He was an old car enthusiast and loved to visit antique shops and junk yards. Every item on this Auction is from his personal collection and will be moved to the Grant Community Center for your convenience.

TERMS: Cash or good check day of Auction. Master Card or VISA with 5% service fee. We subscribe to PAY-TEC (A NATIONAL CHECK COLLECTION COMPANY).

GUNS TERMS: Per ATF ruling, this being an estate-type auction a Federal Firearms License (FFL) is not needed in the transfer of this gun collection, i.e., a National Instant Criminal Background Check (NICS) need not be completed on gun buyers. A current purchase permit or CPL will be needed on Auction day to buy a handgun with black powder hand guns being the exception. Purchase permits are available at any law enforcement agency in Michigan. You will need to register with a Michigan photo I.D. and sign a statement that you are not a felon and can legally buy a firearm. Call Noah Smith at 616-633-4254 if you have questions.

Click on VIEW PICTURES at the top right for a pictured catalog.

1-Owner Gun Collection to be sold in lotted catalog order

1. Smith & Wesson Mod. 1500 .300 Win Mag bolt w/Weaver 3-9 var wide angle scope & leather sling #PN4430

2. Ruger 10-22 .22 autoload w/Weaver 3-6 var scope #122-15860S

3. Mauser Mod. 98 7mm Mag bolt sporterized w/Simmons 4-9x50 var scope #NA

4. Parker Hale 7mm Mag bolt, made in England w/Tasco 4-16 range finder scope & leather sling #98969

5. sporterized military 30-06 bolt w/Tasco 3-9 var scope #1093659

6. Winchester Mod. 70 .300 Win Mag bolt w/Weaver scope & sling #G974121

7. Marlin Mod. 989 .22 autoload carbine #NA

8. Glenfield Mod. 60 .22 autoload, tubefeed #26473204

9. Marlin Mod. 20-A .22 pump nickel plated, take down w/hammer & oct brl #NA

10. J Stevens .22 bolt, tubefeed #NA

11. Remington .32cal? falling block w/hammer & oct brl #NA

12. Marlin Mod. 1897 lever w/oct brl #188394 (caliber not identified)

13. Stevens Favorite .22 falling block #386 (needs work)

14. Ruger Carbine .44 Mag autoload w/Weaver scope #68395

15. Henry Mod. H002C US Survival .22 autoload, take down #US71072

16. sporterized military bolt #9320

17. Stevens Mod. 87-A .22 autoload, tubefeed #NA

18. Mauser Mod. 98 Type 44 bolt #48221

19. Waffenfabrik-Bern Mod. 78 bolt, Swiss military #182475

20. Winchester Centennial 66’ (1866-1966) 30-30 lever w/oct brl, original box & 3 boxes of ammo #13837

21. Hi Standard Double-Nine .22 double action 9-shot revolver w/leather holster #1006119 (11-5.5)

22. Sturm Ruger Single-Six .22 single action 6-shot revolver w/leather holster & extra cylinder #541809 (11.5-6.5)

23. Ruger New Model Blackhawk .41 Mag single action 6-shot revolver w/leather holster #41-11078 (12-6.5)

24. Ruger Bearcat .22 single action 7-shot revolver w/leather holster #40027 (8.5-4)

25. H&R Mod. 989 .22 double action 9-shot revolver #AD26227 (10.5-5.5)

26. Rohm Mod. RG63 .32 S&W Long double action 6-shot revolver #25799 (10-5)

27. Colts .38WCF single action 6-shot revolver #193858 (11-5.5)

28. Walther P38 9mm autoload pistol w/Nazi Germany swastika & original leather holster #5677 (8.5-5)

29. Gesichert 9mm Luger autoload pistol, byf42 w/Nazi Germany swastika on leather holster #2179 (9-4)

30. Steyr Mod. 51C17 autoload pistol (caliber not identified) #7028 (7-3.5)

31. High Standard Mod. 103 Sport-King .22L autoload pistol #1960744 (9-4.5)

32. P. Beretta Gardone VI 1944 .765 autoload pistol w/leather holster #577489 (5.5-3)

33. Ruger Automatic Pistol .22L autoload pistol #436971 (9-5)

34. Mars 7.65 autoload pistol #8486 (6-3)

35. Ruger New Model Super Blackhawk .44Mag single action 6-shot revolver w/box & papers #82-47185 #13-7.5)

36. Colt Automatic .32Rimless autoload pistol #125649 (7-3.5)

37. FIE Titan .22 autoload pistol #D969286 (4.5-2)

38. Buddie Arms Double Deuce .22 Derringer #7473 (5-3)

39. Ydeal .25 snub nose autoload pistol #13775 (4-2.75)

40. Rohm .22short 6-shot revolver #1339994 (5-1.75)

41. Red Jacket #8 .32 single action 5-shot revolver #31761

42. North American Arms .22Mag 6-shot revolver w/folding belt clip handle #E088273 (6-1)

43. Smith & Wesson 6-shot revolver (caliber not identified) #37366 (11-6)

44. Hy Hunter Frontier Six-Shooter .22 6-shot revolver (needs work) #23949 (11-5.5)

45. Herters .22 single action 6-shot revolver (needs work) #143238 (10-5)

46. Ruger Old Army .44 single action 6-shot black powder revolver #140-26955

47. EIG .36 single action 6-shot black powder revolver #2574

48. ICA .36 single action 6-shot black powder revolver #124707

49. Navy Model .36 single action 6-shot black powder revolver #5602

50. FAP 1951 Navy .44 single action 6-shot black powder revolver, nickel plated (new in box) #463470

51. Single shot 50cal muzzle loader pistol w/leather holster #NA

52. Single shot .36cal muzzle loader pistol w/leather holster #221222

53. Tower flintlock single shot muzzle loader

54. British 303 bolt sporterized #NA

55. British 303 MKI #5 1945 bolt carbine #BE0096

56. British 303 bolt sporterized #1549

57. SKS 7.62x39 autoload w/mags & folding bayonet #1612930

58. AKM 7.62x39 autoload w/mags (in shipping box) #300960

59. Quality HMC M1 carbine .30cal autoload w/mags & leather sling #483592

60. Inland Division M1 Paratrooper carbine .30cal autoload w/folding stock #NA

61. Winchester Mod. 94 30-30Win lever #1765373

62. Winchester Mod. 94 .44Mag lever w/saddle ring #3221300M

63. Interarms Mod. SCR 92 .357Mag lever w/saddle ring #K054722

64. Marlin Mod. 1892 Safety .32 lever w/oct brl #278824

65. Stevens Mod. 59A .410 bolt, tubefeed #NA

66. Wards Western Field .410 bolt, mag feed #NA

67. Polish Military Carbine M-44 7.62x54R bolt w/folding bayonet #AS06752

68. Polish Military Carbine M-44 7.62x54R bolt w/folding bayonet #BD25277

69. Lefever Arms 12ga dbl brl hammerless, wall hanger #NA

70. JC Higgins Mod. 20 12ga pump #NA

71. Winchester Mod. 97 12ga pump w/hammer (needs work) #294948

72. Lefever Nitro Special 16ga dbl brl, hammerless #147199

73. Moore London 12ga dog eared dbl br w/etchings #NA

74. Brolin Arms Legacy 50cal inline muzzle loader (in box)

75. Knight T-Bolt 50cal incline muzzle loader w/3-9var scope & sling

76. Knight LK-93 50cal inline muzzle loader

77. Pedersoli 50cal rotating dbl brl muzzle loader

78. Pedersoli 54cal rotating dbl brl muzzle loader

79. Kentucky rifle style 50cal muzzle loader

80. Hawken style 50cal muzzle loader

81. Hawken style 50cal muzzle loader

82. CVA Hawken 54cal muzzle loader w/peep sight

83. CVA Frontier 50cal muzzle loader

84. Dog eared dbl brl muzzle loader shotgun (needs work)

85. Kentucky rifle style 45cal muzzle loader

86. Springfield Mod. 951 .410 bolt single (needs work) #NA

87. Military carbine (needs work)

88. Iver Johnson 12ga single (needs work)


Rifle, shotgun & pistol ammo

Gun cleaning supplies

Muzzle loader supplies

Hunting, Fishing & Camping supplies

(2) Allen Original compound bows

Barnet Panzer crossbow w/bolts

Other crossbows & bolts

Cyclop 1 Night Vision Monocular (made in Russia)

12-gun glass doored gun cabinet

Bushnell spotting scope

Lee 50 & 54 cal bullet molds

Arrow fletcher & burner

Sev. full tackle boxes

Ideal MFG 45Gov shell sizing tool in box

Game calls


Trench knife

Pocket knives including Case, Barlow & Olsen

Straight razors

Hunting & skinning knives

2-way radios

Tasco #30 bore sight

Crosman Co2 pellet pistol

Garmin Rino 110 GPS

Benjamin Franklin air pistol

Sev. scopes including Weaver

Many leather holsters & belts

Repo Nazi Germany dagger

Coleman aluminum LP camp stove

Life jackets

Downrigger weights & planners

Big lake rods & reels

Sev. other rods & reels

Large aluminum camp frying pans

Sev. swords

Fishing nets

Hard & soft rifle cases

Soft pistol cases

Many items not listed

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 Live Auction
Auction Date(s)
Thursday Apr 12, 2018 Completed
Auction Location

Grant, MI 49327
Listing Terms and Conditions
GUNS TERMS: Per ATF ruling, this being an estate-type auction a Federal Firearms License (FFL) is not needed in the transfer of this gun collection, i.e., a National Instant Criminal Background Check (NICS) need not be completed on gun buyers. A current purchase permit or CPL will be needed on Auction day to buy a handgun with black powder hand guns being the exception. Purchase permits are available at any law enforcement agency in Michigan. You will need to register with a Michigan photo I.D. and sign a statement that you are not a felon and can legally buy a firearm. Call Noah Smith at 616-633-4254 if you have questions.

Visit www.artsmithauctions.com for pictured catalog

Live Public Auction

1-Owner Gun Collection

Thursday, April 12th @ 4:00PM

LOCATION: Grant Community Center 105 S. Front St., Grant, Michigan 49327

DIRECTIONS: North of Grand Rapids 23 miles on M-37 or south of Newaygo 6 miles on M-37 to East Main St. west to Auction. (Newaygo County)

Due to the death of my husband Jack Turner, I have commissioned Art Smith Auctioneers to sell at Live Public Auction his personal collection of guns, knives & unique items. Thank you for your support and attendance at my Auction.

Sincerely, Shirley Turner, Muskegon, MI

NOTE: Jack was a veteran of the United States Army. He was an old car enthusiast and loved to visit antique shops and junk yards. Every item on this Auction is from his personal collection and will be moved to the Grant Community Center for your convenience.

TERMS: Cash or good check day of Auction. Master Card or VISA with 5% service fee. We subscribe to PAY-TEC (A NATIONAL CHECK COLLECTION COMPANY).

GUNS TERMS: Per ATF ruling, this being an estate-type auction a Federal Firearms License (FFL) is not needed in the transfer of this gun collection, i.e., a National Instant Criminal Background Check (NICS) need not be completed on gun buyers. A current purchase permit or CPL will be needed on Auction day to buy a handgun with black powder hand guns being the exception. Purchase permits are available at any law enforcement agency in Michigan. You will need to register with a Michigan photo I.D. and sign a statement that you are not a felon and can legally buy a firearm. Call Noah Smith at 616-633-4254 if you have questions.

Click on VIEW PICTURES at the top right for a pictured catalog.

1-Owner Gun Collection to be sold in lotted catalog order

1. Smith & Wesson Mod. 1500 .300 Win Mag bolt w/Weaver 3-9 var wide angle scope & leather sling #PN4430

2. Ruger 10-22 .22 autoload w/Weaver 3-6 var scope #122-15860S

3. Mauser Mod. 98 7mm Mag bolt sporterized w/Simmons 4-9x50 var scope #NA

4. Parker Hale 7mm Mag bolt, made in England w/Tasco 4-16 range finder scope & leather sling #98969

5. sporterized military 30-06 bolt w/Tasco 3-9 var scope #1093659

6. Winchester Mod. 70 .300 Win Mag bolt w/Weaver scope & sling #G974121

7. Marlin Mod. 989 .22 autoload carbine #NA

8. Glenfield Mod. 60 .22 autoload, tubefeed #26473204

9. Marlin Mod. 20-A .22 pump nickel plated, take down w/hammer & oct brl #NA

10. J Stevens .22 bolt, tubefeed #NA

11. Remington .32cal? falling block w/hammer & oct brl #NA

12. Marlin Mod. 1897 lever w/oct brl #188394 (caliber not identified)

13. Stevens Favorite .22 falling block #386 (needs work)

14. Ruger Carbine .44 Mag autoload w/Weaver scope #68395

15. Henry Mod. H002C US Survival .22 autoload, take down #US71072

16. sporterized military bolt #9320

17. Stevens Mod. 87-A .22 autoload, tubefeed #NA

18. Mauser Mod. 98 Type 44 bolt #48221

19. Waffenfabrik-Bern Mod. 78 bolt, Swiss military #182475

20. Winchester Centennial 66’ (1866-1966) 30-30 lever w/oct brl, original box & 3 boxes of ammo #13837

21. Hi Standard Double-Nine .22 double action 9-shot revolver w/leather holster #1006119 (11-5.5)

22. Sturm Ruger Single-Six .22 single action 6-shot revolver w/leather holster & extra cylinder #541809 (11.5-6.5)

23. Ruger New Model Blackhawk .41 Mag single action 6-shot revolver w/leather holster #41-11078 (12-6.5)

24. Ruger Bearcat .22 single action 7-shot revolver w/leather holster #40027 (8.5-4)

25. H&R Mod. 989 .22 double action 9-shot revolver #AD26227 (10.5-5.5)

26. Rohm Mod. RG63 .32 S&W Long double action 6-shot revolver #25799 (10-5)

27. Colts .38WCF single action 6-shot revolver #193858 (11-5.5)

28. Walther P38 9mm autoload pistol w/Nazi Germany swastika & original leather holster #5677 (8.5-5)

29. Gesichert 9mm Luger autoload pistol, byf42 w/Nazi Germany swastika on leather holster #2179 (9-4)

30. Steyr Mod. 51C17 autoload pistol (caliber not identified) #7028 (7-3.5)

31. High Standard Mod. 103 Sport-King .22L autoload pistol #1960744 (9-4.5)

32. P. Beretta Gardone VI 1944 .765 autoload pistol w/leather holster #577489 (5.5-3)

33. Ruger Automatic Pistol .22L autoload pistol #436971 (9-5)

34. Mars 7.65 autoload pistol #8486 (6-3)

35. Ruger New Model Super Blackhawk .44Mag single action 6-shot revolver w/box & papers #82-47185 #13-7.5)

36. Colt Automatic .32Rimless autoload pistol #125649 (7-3.5)

37. FIE Titan .22 autoload pistol #D969286 (4.5-2)

38. Buddie Arms Double Deuce .22 Derringer #7473 (5-3)

39. Ydeal .25 snub nose autoload pistol #13775 (4-2.75)

40. Rohm .22short 6-shot revolver #1339994 (5-1.75)

41. Red Jacket #8 .32 single action 5-shot revolver #31761

42. North American Arms .22Mag 6-shot revolver w/folding belt clip handle #E088273 (6-1)

43. Smith & Wesson 6-shot revolver (caliber not identified) #37366 (11-6)

44. Hy Hunter Frontier Six-Shooter .22 6-shot revolver (needs work) #23949 (11-5.5)

45. Herters .22 single action 6-shot revolver (needs work) #143238 (10-5)

46. Ruger Old Army .44 single action 6-shot black powder revolver #140-26955

47. EIG .36 single action 6-shot black powder revolver #2574

48. ICA .36 single action 6-shot black powder revolver #124707

49. Navy Model .36 single action 6-shot black powder revolver #5602

50. FAP 1951 Navy .44 single action 6-shot black powder revolver, nickel plated (new in box) #463470

51. Single shot 50cal muzzle loader pistol w/leather holster #NA

52. Single shot .36cal muzzle loader pistol w/leather holster #221222

53. Tower flintlock single shot muzzle loader

54. British 303 bolt sporterized #NA

55. British 303 MKI #5 1945 bolt carbine #BE0096

56. British 303 bolt sporterized #1549

57. SKS 7.62x39 autoload w/mags & folding bayonet #1612930

58. AKM 7.62x39 autoload w/mags (in shipping box) #300960

59. Quality HMC M1 carbine .30cal autoload w/mags & leather sling #483592

60. Inland Division M1 Paratrooper carbine .30cal autoload w/folding stock #NA

61. Winchester Mod. 94 30-30Win lever #1765373

62. Winchester Mod. 94 .44Mag lever w/saddle ring #3221300M

63. Interarms Mod. SCR 92 .357Mag lever w/saddle ring #K054722

64. Marlin Mod. 1892 Safety .32 lever w/oct brl #278824

65. Stevens Mod. 59A .410 bolt, tubefeed #NA

66. Wards Western Field .410 bolt, mag feed #NA

67. Polish Military Carbine M-44 7.62x54R bolt w/folding bayonet #AS06752

68. Polish Military Carbine M-44 7.62x54R bolt w/folding bayonet #BD25277

69. Lefever Arms 12ga dbl brl hammerless, wall hanger #NA

70. JC Higgins Mod. 20 12ga pump #NA

71. Winchester Mod. 97 12ga pump w/hammer (needs work) #294948

72. Lefever Nitro Special 16ga dbl brl, hammerless #147199

73. Moore London 12ga dog eared dbl br w/etchings #NA

74. Brolin Arms Legacy 50cal inline muzzle loader (in box)

75. Knight T-Bolt 50cal incline muzzle loader w/3-9var scope & sling

76. Knight LK-93 50cal inline muzzle loader

77. Pedersoli 50cal rotating dbl brl muzzle loader

78. Pedersoli 54cal rotating dbl brl muzzle loader

79. Kentucky rifle style 50cal muzzle loader

80. Hawken style 50cal muzzle loader

81. Hawken style 50cal muzzle loader

82. CVA Hawken 54cal muzzle loader w/peep sight

83. CVA Frontier 50cal muzzle loader

84. Dog eared dbl brl muzzle loader shotgun (needs work)

85. Kentucky rifle style 45cal muzzle loader

86. Springfield Mod. 951 .410 bolt single (needs work) #NA

87. Military carbine (needs work)

88. Iver Johnson 12ga single (needs work)


Rifle, shotgun & pistol ammo

Gun cleaning supplies

Muzzle loader supplies

Hunting, Fishing & Camping supplies

(2) Allen Original compound bows

Barnet Panzer crossbow w/bolts

Other crossbows & bolts

Cyclop 1 Night Vision Monocular (made in Russia)

12-gun glass doored gun cabinet

Bushnell spotting scope

Lee 50 & 54 cal bullet molds

Arrow fletcher & burner

Sev. full tackle boxes

Ideal MFG 45Gov shell sizing tool in box

Game calls


Trench knife

Pocket knives including Case, Barlow & Olsen

Straight razors

Hunting & skinning knives

2-way radios

Tasco #30 bore sight

Crosman Co2 pellet pistol

Garmin Rino 110 GPS

Benjamin Franklin air pistol

Sev. scopes including Weaver

Many leather holsters & belts

Repo Nazi Germany dagger

Coleman aluminum LP camp stove

Life jackets

Downrigger weights & planners

Big lake rods & reels

Sev. other rods & reels

Large aluminum camp frying pans

Sev. swords

Fishing nets

Hard & soft rifle cases

Soft pistol cases

Many items not listed