Coca Cola, Beer signs, Advertising, Ty Beanie Babie & More
Listing ID#: 66735

Auction Location

Artesian, SD 57314
Auction Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Bidding Starts: Monday Mar 19, 8:00AM
Bidding Ends: Friday Apr 20, 6:00 PM
Auction Type
 Online Auction (local pick-up only)  VIEW ONLINE CATALOG
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Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC

Website: ID#: 2926
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Terms and Conditions GENERAL ONLINE AUCTION TERMS & CONDITIONS VERY IMPORTANT!!! READ CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT TO BID. ONCE YOU BID, YOU WILL BE BOUND LEGALLY BY THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS STATED!! Preview Date: Contact Auctioneer 605-999-4239. Buyers Premium: 8% Payment: Winning bids will be paid by guaranteed funds within 24 hours of auction close. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. Payments accepted in the form of cash or checks only, credit card information is verification purposes only. Shipping: No shipping is offered on this auction. PICK UP ONLY!! Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers ONLINE AUCTIONS Feature “A MAX BID” Option as well as a “SOFT CLOSE”. “A MAX BID” may be placed on any item and the computer will bid on your behalf, thus eliminating the need to continually watch your bids. This option is highly recommended so you do not miss out on an item you are bidding on. In the event you do not use the MAX BID feature and you are out bid you will be notified via e-mail or text that you have been outbid and will have the opportunity to raise your bid. “THE SOFT CLOSE” feature means any bid received in the final minutes of the auction will automatically extend bidding on that particular item or lot by 2 minutes to allow another bidder the opportunity to raise their bid. GENERAL TERMS: The auction will be conducted by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers on behalf of the owners of the property, referred to as the Seller. Auctioneer is not responsible for the acts or representations of Seller. The auction shall be governed by the terms set forth herein (the agreement), and any additional terms and conditions that are posted concerning the specific property. The Agreement constitutes a valid, binding contract between individuals participating in the auction with the intent to purchase property, referred to as the Bidder or Buyer, and Seller/Auctioneer. The term Bidder or Buyer shall include, but not limited to, the individual or the company represented by the individual and any and all of its agents, employees, representatives, officers, and directors. Auctioneer is not responsible for statements made by the Bidder, Buyer, or other parties. Auctioneer reserves the right to periodically change the terms and conditions of the Agreement, which shall be effective immediately upon posting. It is the Bidders responsibility to review any and all changes made to these terms and conditions prior to bidding on property. The act of submitting a bid shall constitute Bidder acceptance of each and every term and condition contained herein, any additional terms and conditions posted with the property, and any changes made within the full agreement. All persons attending, inspecting or removing property assume all risks whatsoever of damage or loss to person and property and specifically release the Auctioneer from all liability. Auctioneer is not liable by reason of any defect in, or condition of, the property or the premises on which the preview/sale is held. Auctioneer is released for any claims to actual damage to the property sold and/or consequential damages that may result from the sale of defective property. DISCLOSURES/NO WARRANTY: There is no warranty offered, expressed or implied, by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers or Sellers for any property. All property is sold AS-IS, WHERE-IS, and with all faults and defects therein. All information provided is believed to be correct but NO warranty as such is either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder is solely responsible to determine condition, age, authenticity, value or any other determinative factor. Bidder inspection of the property prior to submitting a bid is strongly recommended. ALL SALES ARE FINAL!! Auctioneer reserves the right to add or withdraw property from the auction, and/or regroup items. Auctioneer reserves the right to sell property absolute or with reserve, at Sellers discretion. The Seller does have the right to make the final bid and the Auctioneer does have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. The auctioneer reserves the right to open the bid as the result of a tie bid or discrepancies in the bid. Buyer assumes full responsibility of property at time of purchase, and all risk of loss and damage to property. All titles will be assigned to registered buyer unless notification is received by auctioneer at the end of auction. NO TITLES WILL BE ISSUED UNLESS COMPLETELY FILLED OUT. BIDDER REGISTRATION: Bidder must be 18 years of age or older, and are required to register for the auction. In registration, Bidder must submit information found to be current, complete, and accurate for proper identification. Auctioneer does not sell or rent this information. Auctioneer uses email mailing lists to notify customers about online and live auctions. Customers who do not wish to be notified should contact the office of the Auctioneer and request removal from the email mailing list. Bidder is responsible for security of his/her bidding number/user name and password, and any and all bids placed under the assigned number/ID. Auctioneer should be notified immediately if Bidder believes number and/or password have been compromised. Auctioneer reserves the right to terminate registration, deny any person for any reason permission or access to bid, to reject any and all bids, and to suspend or ban Bidder from bidding, at Auctioneers sole discretion. Bidder registration is not transferable or assignable. BIDDING: Bidder must register to participate in the auction. Read the descriptions of each lot and view photographs carefully. If you have any questions call 605-999-4239. Should you visit the viewing location, please personally inspect the property on which you intend to bid during the date(s) indicated in the details per item when applicable. Using YOUR knowledge and experience, form your own opinion of the property and bid accordingly. If you are in doubt, DO NOT BID. All items are sold “AS-IS WHERE IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS” this is an AUCTION and all SALES ARE FINAL. Bids cannot be retracted and are binding contracts between Bidder and Auctioneer/Seller. Bidder is accountable to be informed about property and associated costs before bidding. A maximum bid can be placed on property. A maximum bid is kept confidential, and Bidder authorizes Auctioneer to place bids on his/her behalf up to the amount of the maximum bid. Upon sale of property, identifying information and purchase amount will be posted for a designated period of time. All questions or disputes must be resolved immediately; no changes or adjustments will be made at a later date. Auctioneer reserves the right to reopen bidding. Auctioneer decisions will be final. BUYERS PREMIUM: A Buyers premium of 8% will be charged on each purchase. Unless otherwise stated. A buyers premium, an advertised percentage of the high bid or flat fee added to the high bid will be added to the high bid and become part of the purchase amount at settlement. Buyer agrees to these provisions and will pay the applicable buyers premium. Example if an item is sold for $100.00 + 8% buyers premium = Final bid price $108.00 PAYMENT TERMS: Sales tax, when applicable, will be charged on both the purchase price and buyers premium. Taxes, fees, shipping, handling, insurance, storage and security charges are Buyers expenses, and will be calculated and rendered due at the sale of the property. Payment will be made in full by the buyer. Upon making payment for property, no stop payment of funds will be honored, Any stop payment order of a check, or giving a check which is returned marked insufficient funds, shall be deemed by the parties to be a prima facie evidence of fraud existing at the time the transaction was consummated and shall be construed by the parties as intent to defraud. If you are from another country other than the US, you must pay in US funds. REMOVAL OF PROPERTY / SHIPPING TERMS: Buyer assumes full responsibility of property at time of purchase, and all risk of loss and damage to property. Property will not be removed from sale premises until payment in full has been received. Any and all methods of lifting, towing, and/or hauling are the Buyers responsibility. Packing and shipping costs are the responsibility of Buyer and can be conducted by a third party of choice. The final day of removal will be posted with property information. Any and all property not removed by Buyer by the final day of removal will revert back to the Auctioneer/ Seller, and may be resold at auction or disposed of in any other manner that seems to be suitable. CHOICE OF LAW: The laws of the State of South Dakota governs this agreement any dispute arising from the terms of this auction shall be brought in a court of Sanborn County, South Dakota. ADDITIONAL TERMS: The following are property specific Terms & Conditions that are posted online with the individual property information and will override any likewise terms stated in this Agreement. - Buyers Premium - Sale Date and Time (Beginning and Ending) - Inspection Location, Dates, and Times - Final Date of Removal - Shipping Arrangements - Special Notes/Comments/Announcements ONLINE BIDDING INFORMATION: If you are participating in an online auction, the following additional terms will apply to the Auction Terms & Conditions set forth above: OBTAINING A USER NAME & PASSWORD: Click on BUYER LOGIN on our Home Page and then CREATE NEW ACCOUNT. Follow the instructions. If you need assistance feel free to contact us at 605-999-4239 or 605-770-9818. BIDDING IN THE ONLINE AUCTION: Once you are registered and have your User Name & Password, you may place bids as soon as a lot opens for bidding. Your bids are FINAL and constitute a binding contract. Please be aware that lots will close at various times and possibly different days and may be extended. You are responsible for monitoring these close times. Please bid early to avoid disappointment. Bidder acknowledges that hardware malfunctions, software malfunctions, viruses, and similar issues do occur and are beyond the knowledge, scope, and control of Auctioneer. We are NOT responsible for your system malfunctions, connection to the internet or your e-mail client stopping any of our e-mails to you in regard to bid confirmations and/or outbid notifications. All lots for the on-line auctions shall be paid in full by Certified Funds prior to pick up. An invoice will be sent to your registered e-mail address within 24 hours following the conclusion of the auction. Bidding Increments $0.00 - $10.00 = $1.00 $10.01 - $25.00 = $2.00 $25.01 - $100.00 = $5.00 $100.01 -$500.00 = $10.00 $500.01 - $1,000.00 = $25.00 $1,000.01 - $5,000.00 = $50.00 $5,000.01 - $10,000.00 = $100.00 $10,000.01 - $25,000.00 = $250.00 $25,000.01 - $50,000.00 = $500.00 $50,000.01 - $100,000.00 = $1,000.00 PAYMENT INFORMATION Currency: USD Buyers Premium: 8% Buyers Premium added to final bid only on Online Purchases. Payment Terms: Cash or Bankable Check Full payment within 24 hours of auction close via guaranteed funds. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. Credit Card is used for verification purpose only and will not be charged. Shipping / Pick Up Items will be picked up after paid in full the day after the auction or make arrangements with auctioneer
Listing Information

1  The Bastian Blessing Co. Coca Cola bar with 5 bar stools This is a unique old
    counter that come from an old Soda Shop in Mitchell, SD. The L shaped base is
    94 1/2" Long and 46 1/2"  long. It is 10 1/2" deep. The counter top is 97" long x
    23 1/2" wide on the long base and 5’x23 1/2” lon on the short side. From the
    ground to the top of the counter top isi 33 1/2” high. The stools are 21” high and
    14” across the seat. There are 3 red and 2 black seats.
2  Wild Life Pictures. All 3 to go one money.
3  Miller Lite Mirror. 52" w x 40" H
4  Schmidt beer 12 pack light. Works
5  Blaztz beer light. Works
6  Miller Lite Neon sign. Works great.
7  Old Coca Cola clock. works fine.
8  Coca Cola metal sign
9  Coca Cola Patio set. This is a mini set.
10 Coca Cola Ave sign and Coke sign. Replicas
11 Coca Cola mini trays. Several
12 Coca cola bottling case
13 Coca Cola tractor trailer Ertl 1/64 scale Die cast metal
14 Coca Cola Petroleum truck. Serves as a piggy bank.
15 Coca Cola delivery truck piggy bank
16 Coca cola holiday bear and mini tray
17 Coca cola bottle caps w/football players inside These are very old Coca Cola
      bottle caps that have NFL players pictures on the inside. There are a couple i
      cannot read name on. Minnesota Vikings,Charlie Krueger, Dave Jones,
      Vikings Roy Winston, Hal Bedsole, NFL All Star Mike Ditka, Tommy Mason
      Merlin Olsen, Paul Warfield, Bob Lilly
18 Park-O-Meter Parking Meter that is not functioning but is good for having some
     fun with.
19 Copenhagen sign metal
20 Skoal sign metal
21 Antique Copenhagen sign Old Copenhagen advertiser 3"wx9"H Does have some
     ball pen writing on it.
22 Skoal sign - Metal with hanger at the bottom.
23 Gumball machine Glass bowl, has money mechanism and cast stand. Dont know
     if it works.  Don't have key.
24 Antique horse bit and harness bells Antique horse bits and old sleigh bells or old
     wind chime.
25 Old Antique rug beater in good condition.
26 Poker chips in good shape with many chip racks& green felt.
27 8 used softballs in good shape Misc. softballs mostly 12". Used very little and in
      good shape.
28 New floor mats for a Ford crew cab pickup.   4 piece
29 New duffell bags and coolers All to go one money. Big bags have roller wheels.
30 Wall mount mirror and plastic plant
31 MASH VHS video series.  VCR tapes. Boxes are in good shape.

32 Battle of the Sexes game New game with "Friends" corkboard
33 Snowmen holiday stuff Snowmen and holiday tin
34 Wii game barely used. Wii Play, Wii Dance Revolution, Wii Deal orNo Deal,
      Wii Sonic Sega All Stars racing
35 Holley 4 barrel carburator w/electric choke Came off a 1978 Chevy 366. Carb works
      just traded for manual choke.
36 Lightblast entertainment projector Lighblast entertainment projector with
     RCA video/audio inputs
37 VHS Movies 11 movies one money Rodeo Bloopers, Beethoven, Beethoven 2,
     Crocidile Dundee 1 & 2, Wild Wild West, Forces of Nature,  Exit to Eden,  Road House
     Chasers, Tarzan
38 SDSU Coughlin Alumni Stadium final season plaque 2015 Commemorative ticket
      plaque for final season at the old Coughlin Stadium
39 VHS/CD rack with office racks
40 Crystal base lamp w/shade
41 Small wood swing set and Wishing Well
42 Feather Tick comforter in bag. It is used but appears to be clean.
43 Ducks Unlimited Duck stamp pictures. Both to go one money.
44 Ty Beanie Babies Ronald McDonald House Charities Set 1
      Glory, Erin, Britannia, Maple
45 Ty Beanie Babies Ronald McDonald House Charities Set 2
      Glory, Erin, Britannia, Maple
46 Ty Beanie Babies "Puppies" All to go one money. Names in order of picture.
      Tiny, Doby,  Dotty,  GiGi,  Tracker, Scat
47 Ty Beanie Babies Birds All to go one money. Names in order of pictures.
      Early Wiser Class of 99, Wise Class of 98, Jabber, Frigid, Ostrich
48 Ty Beanie babies Wild Animals All to go one money. Names in order of picture.
      Roam,  Prickles,  Mel,  Canyon,  Ants,  Paul
49 Ty Beanie Babies Rabbits and Mice All to go one money. Names in order of picture.
     Nibbler,  Floppity,  Cheezer,  Tank
50 Ty Beanie Babies misc. All to go one money. Names in order of picture.
     Scurry,  Sheets,  McDonalds mcnugget bear,  McDonalds scoop
51 Ty Beanie Babies patriotic/ year bears All to go one money. Names in order of
      pictures.  Patriot,  Sam, Righty, 2000 Millenium,  1999 Signature bear
52  Ty Beanie Babies bears Allto go one money. Names in order of pictures.
       Bluebeary,  Valentino 2001, Holiday Teddy,  Dearest,  Fuzz,  Mistletoe
53 Ty Beanie Babies Legs & Snort All to go one money. Names in order of picture.
      Legs – Retired,  Snort
54 Stuffed bears All to go one money. 2  4-H bears and misc.
55 Misc stuffed animals All to go one money.

More items may be added. Please check back. Thank you!



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Coca Cola, Beer signs, Advertising, Ty Beanie Babie & More

Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC

Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC

Sale Location
40942 2334th ST
Artesian, SD 57314
Sale Dates and Times
Sale Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions GENERAL ONLINE AUCTION TERMS & CONDITIONS VERY IMPORTANT!!! READ CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT TO BID. ONCE YOU BID, YOU WILL BE BOUND LEGALLY BY THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS STATED!! Preview Date: Contact Auctioneer 605-999-4239. Buyers Premium: 8% Payment: Winning bids will be paid by guaranteed funds within 24 hours of auction close. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. Payments accepted in the form of cash or checks only, credit card information is verification purposes only. Shipping: No shipping is offered on this auction. PICK UP ONLY!! Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers ONLINE AUCTIONS Feature “A MAX BID” Option as well as a “SOFT CLOSE”. “A MAX BID” may be placed on any item and the computer will bid on your behalf, thus eliminating the need to continually watch your bids. This option is highly recommended so you do not miss out on an item you are bidding on. In the event you do not use the MAX BID feature and you are out bid you will be notified via e-mail or text that you have been outbid and will have the opportunity to raise your bid. “THE SOFT CLOSE” feature means any bid received in the final minutes of the auction will automatically extend bidding on that particular item or lot by 2 minutes to allow another bidder the opportunity to raise their bid. GENERAL TERMS: The auction will be conducted by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers on behalf of the owners of the property, referred to as the Seller. Auctioneer is not responsible for the acts or representations of Seller. The auction shall be governed by the terms set forth herein (the agreement), and any additional terms and conditions that are posted concerning the specific property. The Agreement constitutes a valid, binding contract between individuals participating in the auction with the intent to purchase property, referred to as the Bidder or Buyer, and Seller/Auctioneer. The term Bidder or Buyer shall include, but not limited to, the individual or the company represented by the individual and any and all of its agents, employees, representatives, officers, and directors. Auctioneer is not responsible for statements made by the Bidder, Buyer, or other parties. Auctioneer reserves the right to periodically change the terms and conditions of the Agreement, which shall be effective immediately upon posting. It is the Bidders responsibility to review any and all changes made to these terms and conditions prior to bidding on property. The act of submitting a bid shall constitute Bidder acceptance of each and every term and condition contained herein, any additional terms and conditions posted with the property, and any changes made within the full agreement. All persons attending, inspecting or removing property assume all risks whatsoever of damage or loss to person and property and specifically release the Auctioneer from all liability. Auctioneer is not liable by reason of any defect in, or condition of, the property or the premises on which the preview/sale is held. Auctioneer is released for any claims to actual damage to the property sold and/or consequential damages that may result from the sale of defective property. DISCLOSURES/NO WARRANTY: There is no warranty offered, expressed or implied, by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers or Sellers for any property. All property is sold AS-IS, WHERE-IS, and with all faults and defects therein. All information provided is believed to be correct but NO warranty as such is either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder is solely responsible to determine condition, age, authenticity, value or any other determinative factor. Bidder inspection of the property prior to submitting a bid is strongly recommended. ALL SALES ARE FINAL!! Auctioneer reserves the right to add or withdraw property from the auction, and/or regroup items. Auctioneer reserves the right to sell property absolute or with reserve, at Sellers discretion. The Seller does have the right to make the final bid and the Auctioneer does have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. The auctioneer reserves the right to open the bid as the result of a tie bid or discrepancies in the bid. Buyer assumes full responsibility of property at time of purchase, and all risk of loss and damage to property. All titles will be assigned to registered buyer unless notification is received by auctioneer at the end of auction. NO TITLES WILL BE ISSUED UNLESS COMPLETELY FILLED OUT. BIDDER REGISTRATION: Bidder must be 18 years of age or older, and are required to register for the auction. In registration, Bidder must submit information found to be current, complete, and accurate for proper identification. Auctioneer does not sell or rent this information. Auctioneer uses email mailing lists to notify customers about online and live auctions. Customers who do not wish to be notified should contact the office of the Auctioneer and request removal from the email mailing list. Bidder is responsible for security of his/her bidding number/user name and password, and any and all bids placed under the assigned number/ID. Auctioneer should be notified immediately if Bidder believes number and/or password have been compromised. Auctioneer reserves the right to terminate registration, deny any person for any reason permission or access to bid, to reject any and all bids, and to suspend or ban Bidder from bidding, at Auctioneers sole discretion. Bidder registration is not transferable or assignable. BIDDING: Bidder must register to participate in the auction. Read the descriptions of each lot and view photographs carefully. If you have any questions call 605-999-4239. Should you visit the viewing location, please personally inspect the property on which you intend to bid during the date(s) indicated in the details per item when applicable. Using YOUR knowledge and experience, form your own opinion of the property and bid accordingly. If you are in doubt, DO NOT BID. All items are sold “AS-IS WHERE IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS” this is an AUCTION and all SALES ARE FINAL. Bids cannot be retracted and are binding contracts between Bidder and Auctioneer/Seller. Bidder is accountable to be informed about property and associated costs before bidding. A maximum bid can be placed on property. A maximum bid is kept confidential, and Bidder authorizes Auctioneer to place bids on his/her behalf up to the amount of the maximum bid. Upon sale of property, identifying information and purchase amount will be posted for a designated period of time. All questions or disputes must be resolved immediately; no changes or adjustments will be made at a later date. Auctioneer reserves the right to reopen bidding. Auctioneer decisions will be final. BUYERS PREMIUM: A Buyers premium of 8% will be charged on each purchase. Unless otherwise stated. A buyers premium, an advertised percentage of the high bid or flat fee added to the high bid will be added to the high bid and become part of the purchase amount at settlement. Buyer agrees to these provisions and will pay the applicable buyers premium. Example if an item is sold for $100.00 + 8% buyers premium = Final bid price $108.00 PAYMENT TERMS: Sales tax, when applicable, will be charged on both the purchase price and buyers premium. Taxes, fees, shipping, handling, insurance, storage and security charges are Buyers expenses, and will be calculated and rendered due at the sale of the property. Payment will be made in full by the buyer. Upon making payment for property, no stop payment of funds will be honored, Any stop payment order of a check, or giving a check which is returned marked insufficient funds, shall be deemed by the parties to be a prima facie evidence of fraud existing at the time the transaction was consummated and shall be construed by the parties as intent to defraud. If you are from another country other than the US, you must pay in US funds. REMOVAL OF PROPERTY / SHIPPING TERMS: Buyer assumes full responsibility of property at time of purchase, and all risk of loss and damage to property. Property will not be removed from sale premises until payment in full has been received. Any and all methods of lifting, towing, and/or hauling are the Buyers responsibility. Packing and shipping costs are the responsibility of Buyer and can be conducted by a third party of choice. The final day of removal will be posted with property information. Any and all property not removed by Buyer by the final day of removal will revert back to the Auctioneer/ Seller, and may be resold at auction or disposed of in any other manner that seems to be suitable. CHOICE OF LAW: The laws of the State of South Dakota governs this agreement any dispute arising from the terms of this auction shall be brought in a court of Sanborn County, South Dakota. ADDITIONAL TERMS: The following are property specific Terms & Conditions that are posted online with the individual property information and will override any likewise terms stated in this Agreement. - Buyers Premium - Sale Date and Time (Beginning and Ending) - Inspection Location, Dates, and Times - Final Date of Removal - Shipping Arrangements - Special Notes/Comments/Announcements ONLINE BIDDING INFORMATION: If you are participating in an online auction, the following additional terms will apply to the Auction Terms & Conditions set forth above: OBTAINING A USER NAME & PASSWORD: Click on BUYER LOGIN on our Home Page and then CREATE NEW ACCOUNT. Follow the instructions. If you need assistance feel free to contact us at 605-999-4239 or 605-770-9818. BIDDING IN THE ONLINE AUCTION: Once you are registered and have your User Name & Password, you may place bids as soon as a lot opens for bidding. Your bids are FINAL and constitute a binding contract. Please be aware that lots will close at various times and possibly different days and may be extended. You are responsible for monitoring these close times. Please bid early to avoid disappointment. Bidder acknowledges that hardware malfunctions, software malfunctions, viruses, and similar issues do occur and are beyond the knowledge, scope, and control of Auctioneer. We are NOT responsible for your system malfunctions, connection to the internet or your e-mail client stopping any of our e-mails to you in regard to bid confirmations and/or outbid notifications. All lots for the on-line auctions shall be paid in full by Certified Funds prior to pick up. An invoice will be sent to your registered e-mail address within 24 hours following the conclusion of the auction. Bidding Increments $0.00 - $10.00 = $1.00 $10.01 - $25.00 = $2.00 $25.01 - $100.00 = $5.00 $100.01 -$500.00 = $10.00 $500.01 - $1,000.00 = $25.00 $1,000.01 - $5,000.00 = $50.00 $5,000.01 - $10,000.00 = $100.00 $10,000.01 - $25,000.00 = $250.00 $25,000.01 - $50,000.00 = $500.00 $50,000.01 - $100,000.00 = $1,000.00 PAYMENT INFORMATION Currency: USD Buyers Premium: 8% Buyers Premium added to final bid only on Online Purchases. Payment Terms: Cash or Bankable Check Full payment within 24 hours of auction close via guaranteed funds. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. Credit Card is used for verification purpose only and will not be charged. Shipping / Pick Up Items will be picked up after paid in full the day after the auction or make arrangements with auctioneer
Listing Details

1  The Bastian Blessing Co. Coca Cola bar with 5 bar stools This is a unique old
    counter that come from an old Soda Shop in Mitchell, SD. The L shaped base is
    94 1/2" Long and 46 1/2"  long. It is 10 1/2" deep. The counter top is 97" long x
    23 1/2" wide on the long base and 5’x23 1/2” lon on the short side. From the
    ground to the top of the counter top isi 33 1/2” high. The stools are 21” high and
    14” across the seat. There are 3 red and 2 black seats.
2  Wild Life Pictures. All 3 to go one money.
3  Miller Lite Mirror. 52" w x 40" H
4  Schmidt beer 12 pack light. Works
5  Blaztz beer light. Works
6  Miller Lite Neon sign. Works great.
7  Old Coca Cola clock. works fine.
8  Coca Cola metal sign
9  Coca Cola Patio set. This is a mini set.
10 Coca Cola Ave sign and Coke sign. Replicas
11 Coca Cola mini trays. Several
12 Coca cola bottling case
13 Coca Cola tractor trailer Ertl 1/64 scale Die cast metal
14 Coca Cola Petroleum truck. Serves as a piggy bank.
15 Coca Cola delivery truck piggy bank
16 Coca cola holiday bear and mini tray
17 Coca cola bottle caps w/football players inside These are very old Coca Cola
      bottle caps that have NFL players pictures on the inside. There are a couple i
      cannot read name on. Minnesota Vikings,Charlie Krueger, Dave Jones,
      Vikings Roy Winston, Hal Bedsole, NFL All Star Mike Ditka, Tommy Mason
      Merlin Olsen, Paul Warfield, Bob Lilly
18 Park-O-Meter Parking Meter that is not functioning but is good for having some
     fun with.
19 Copenhagen sign metal
20 Skoal sign metal
21 Antique Copenhagen sign Old Copenhagen advertiser 3"wx9"H Does have some
     ball pen writing on it.
22 Skoal sign - Metal with hanger at the bottom.
23 Gumball machine Glass bowl, has money mechanism and cast stand. Dont know
     if it works.  Don't have key.
24 Antique horse bit and harness bells Antique horse bits and old sleigh bells or old
     wind chime.
25 Old Antique rug beater in good condition.
26 Poker chips in good shape with many chip racks& green felt.
27 8 used softballs in good shape Misc. softballs mostly 12". Used very little and in
      good shape.
28 New floor mats for a Ford crew cab pickup.   4 piece
29 New duffell bags and coolers All to go one money. Big bags have roller wheels.
30 Wall mount mirror and plastic plant
31 MASH VHS video series.  VCR tapes. Boxes are in good shape.

32 Battle of the Sexes game New game with "Friends" corkboard
33 Snowmen holiday stuff Snowmen and holiday tin
34 Wii game barely used. Wii Play, Wii Dance Revolution, Wii Deal orNo Deal,
      Wii Sonic Sega All Stars racing
35 Holley 4 barrel carburator w/electric choke Came off a 1978 Chevy 366. Carb works
      just traded for manual choke.
36 Lightblast entertainment projector Lighblast entertainment projector with
     RCA video/audio inputs
37 VHS Movies 11 movies one money Rodeo Bloopers, Beethoven, Beethoven 2,
     Crocidile Dundee 1 & 2, Wild Wild West, Forces of Nature,  Exit to Eden,  Road House
     Chasers, Tarzan
38 SDSU Coughlin Alumni Stadium final season plaque 2015 Commemorative ticket
      plaque for final season at the old Coughlin Stadium
39 VHS/CD rack with office racks
40 Crystal base lamp w/shade
41 Small wood swing set and Wishing Well
42 Feather Tick comforter in bag. It is used but appears to be clean.
43 Ducks Unlimited Duck stamp pictures. Both to go one money.
44 Ty Beanie Babies Ronald McDonald House Charities Set 1
      Glory, Erin, Britannia, Maple
45 Ty Beanie Babies Ronald McDonald House Charities Set 2
      Glory, Erin, Britannia, Maple
46 Ty Beanie Babies "Puppies" All to go one money. Names in order of picture.
      Tiny, Doby,  Dotty,  GiGi,  Tracker, Scat
47 Ty Beanie Babies Birds All to go one money. Names in order of pictures.
      Early Wiser Class of 99, Wise Class of 98, Jabber, Frigid, Ostrich
48 Ty Beanie babies Wild Animals All to go one money. Names in order of picture.
      Roam,  Prickles,  Mel,  Canyon,  Ants,  Paul
49 Ty Beanie Babies Rabbits and Mice All to go one money. Names in order of picture.
     Nibbler,  Floppity,  Cheezer,  Tank
50 Ty Beanie Babies misc. All to go one money. Names in order of picture.
     Scurry,  Sheets,  McDonalds mcnugget bear,  McDonalds scoop
51 Ty Beanie Babies patriotic/ year bears All to go one money. Names in order of
      pictures.  Patriot,  Sam, Righty, 2000 Millenium,  1999 Signature bear
52  Ty Beanie Babies bears Allto go one money. Names in order of pictures.
       Bluebeary,  Valentino 2001, Holiday Teddy,  Dearest,  Fuzz,  Mistletoe
53 Ty Beanie Babies Legs & Snort All to go one money. Names in order of picture.
      Legs – Retired,  Snort
54 Stuffed bears All to go one money. 2  4-H bears and misc.
55 Misc stuffed animals All to go one money.

More items may be added. Please check back. Thank you!



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Coca Cola, Beer signs, Advertising, Ty Beanie Babie & More
 Online Only Auction
Auction Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Monday Mar 19 , 8:00AM
Bidding Ends: Friday Apr 20 , 6:00 PM
Auction Location

Artesian, SD 57314
Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC


Listing Terms and Conditions
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1  The Bastian Blessing Co. Coca Cola bar with 5 bar stools This is a unique old
    counter that come from an old Soda Shop in Mitchell, SD. The L shaped base is
    94 1/2" Long and 46 1/2"  long. It is 10 1/2" deep. The counter top is 97" long x
    23 1/2" wide on the long base and 5’x23 1/2” lon on the short side. From the
    ground to the top of the counter top isi 33 1/2” high. The stools are 21” high and
    14” across the seat. There are 3 red and 2 black seats.
2  Wild Life Pictures. All 3 to go one money.
3  Miller Lite Mirror. 52" w x 40" H
4  Schmidt beer 12 pack light. Works
5  Blaztz beer light. Works
6  Miller Lite Neon sign. Works great.
7  Old Coca Cola clock. works fine.
8  Coca Cola metal sign
9  Coca Cola Patio set. This is a mini set.
10 Coca Cola Ave sign and Coke sign. Replicas
11 Coca Cola mini trays. Several
12 Coca cola bottling case
13 Coca Cola tractor trailer Ertl 1/64 scale Die cast metal
14 Coca Cola Petroleum truck. Serves as a piggy bank.
15 Coca Cola delivery truck piggy bank
16 Coca cola holiday bear and mini tray
17 Coca cola bottle caps w/football players inside These are very old Coca Cola
      bottle caps that have NFL players pictures on the inside. There are a couple i
      cannot read name on. Minnesota Vikings,Charlie Krueger, Dave Jones,
      Vikings Roy Winston, Hal Bedsole, NFL All Star Mike Ditka, Tommy Mason
      Merlin Olsen, Paul Warfield, Bob Lilly
18 Park-O-Meter Parking Meter that is not functioning but is good for having some
     fun with.
19 Copenhagen sign metal
20 Skoal sign metal
21 Antique Copenhagen sign Old Copenhagen advertiser 3"wx9"H Does have some
     ball pen writing on it.
22 Skoal sign - Metal with hanger at the bottom.
23 Gumball machine Glass bowl, has money mechanism and cast stand. Dont know
     if it works.  Don't have key.
24 Antique horse bit and harness bells Antique horse bits and old sleigh bells or old
     wind chime.
25 Old Antique rug beater in good condition.
26 Poker chips in good shape with many chip racks& green felt.
27 8 used softballs in good shape Misc. softballs mostly 12". Used very little and in
      good shape.
28 New floor mats for a Ford crew cab pickup.   4 piece
29 New duffell bags and coolers All to go one money. Big bags have roller wheels.
30 Wall mount mirror and plastic plant
31 MASH VHS video series.  VCR tapes. Boxes are in good shape.

32 Battle of the Sexes game New game with "Friends" corkboard
33 Snowmen holiday stuff Snowmen and holiday tin
34 Wii game barely used. Wii Play, Wii Dance Revolution, Wii Deal orNo Deal,
      Wii Sonic Sega All Stars racing
35 Holley 4 barrel carburator w/electric choke Came off a 1978 Chevy 366. Carb works
      just traded for manual choke.
36 Lightblast entertainment projector Lighblast entertainment projector with
     RCA video/audio inputs
37 VHS Movies 11 movies one money Rodeo Bloopers, Beethoven, Beethoven 2,
     Crocidile Dundee 1 & 2, Wild Wild West, Forces of Nature,  Exit to Eden,  Road House
     Chasers, Tarzan
38 SDSU Coughlin Alumni Stadium final season plaque 2015 Commemorative ticket
      plaque for final season at the old Coughlin Stadium
39 VHS/CD rack with office racks
40 Crystal base lamp w/shade
41 Small wood swing set and Wishing Well
42 Feather Tick comforter in bag. It is used but appears to be clean.
43 Ducks Unlimited Duck stamp pictures. Both to go one money.
44 Ty Beanie Babies Ronald McDonald House Charities Set 1
      Glory, Erin, Britannia, Maple
45 Ty Beanie Babies Ronald McDonald House Charities Set 2
      Glory, Erin, Britannia, Maple
46 Ty Beanie Babies "Puppies" All to go one money. Names in order of picture.
      Tiny, Doby,  Dotty,  GiGi,  Tracker, Scat
47 Ty Beanie Babies Birds All to go one money. Names in order of pictures.
      Early Wiser Class of 99, Wise Class of 98, Jabber, Frigid, Ostrich
48 Ty Beanie babies Wild Animals All to go one money. Names in order of picture.
      Roam,  Prickles,  Mel,  Canyon,  Ants,  Paul
49 Ty Beanie Babies Rabbits and Mice All to go one money. Names in order of picture.
     Nibbler,  Floppity,  Cheezer,  Tank
50 Ty Beanie Babies misc. All to go one money. Names in order of picture.
     Scurry,  Sheets,  McDonalds mcnugget bear,  McDonalds scoop
51 Ty Beanie Babies patriotic/ year bears All to go one money. Names in order of
      pictures.  Patriot,  Sam, Righty, 2000 Millenium,  1999 Signature bear
52  Ty Beanie Babies bears Allto go one money. Names in order of pictures.
       Bluebeary,  Valentino 2001, Holiday Teddy,  Dearest,  Fuzz,  Mistletoe
53 Ty Beanie Babies Legs & Snort All to go one money. Names in order of picture.
      Legs – Retired,  Snort
54 Stuffed bears All to go one money. 2  4-H bears and misc.
55 Misc stuffed animals All to go one money.

More items may be added. Please check back. Thank you!