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Althoff Estate Collectible & Tool Auction
Listing ID#: 52782
Auction Location |
Lancaster, OH 43130 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Sunday Oct 29, 2017 Completed |
Auction Type |
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Rawns Auction Service Contact: Tom Rawn Phone: 614-833-2454 Email: Website: ID#: 1612 View company information and listings |
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The following will be sold to settle the Estate of Gene K. Althoff (Fairfield Prob. Case # 20170375). Auction at 1507 Graylock St. LANCASTER, Oh. 43130. To locate from Memorial Drive take Fair Ave. west to Media, then right, then left on Graylock.
COLLECTIBLES, FURNITURE & HOUSEHOLD 50+ Clocks (In various conditions) Seth Thomas & Emperor grandfather clocks, Nice; Mantle & wall clocks (Incl. ornate Seth Thomas, Hamilton, Sessions, New Haven, Sentinel, Germany, Gilbert, Welch 8 day, Early 8 day Seth Thomas & misc.); 10+ Cuckoo clocks (Kaiser, Germany, Black Forrest, etc.); Large amt. of clock parts (Cabinets, movements, chimes, repair books, etc.); GE & Pepsi clocks; Several alarm clocks (Westclox Big Ben, etc.); Jewelers Peerless #2 & 6” lathes (Marshall cullets); Incastar wacth repair tool & access.; MISC. – Jensen Mfg. 115V/500 Watt miniature power plant; Reading Hdw. Tobacco cutter; Wood’s Machinery thermometer; Lionel #494 rotating beacon & box; 2 old Lionel transformers; Keystone 16mm projector; Filmo 8 projector; Sm. old tripod; Adv. yard sticks; Micheles straight razor; Kinfolks knife & etc.; Harley Davidson Ad Farrow lighter; Tanra lighter; Beacon & New Haven pocket watches; Taylor & Son Dial-o-meter; CI Wagner skillet; Sm. rug beater; Watch repair kit; Oil lamps; Posters - Homestead Rodeo, Fla. & Sullivan Co. All Western Horse Show (Copyright 1963); Reliance Jet childs wagon; Edgemont cracker tin; Early HNB #945 deposit bag & metallic thermometer; United Sheet metal therm.; 1948 Whizzer motor bike, model; American Mint 1948 Tucker Torpedo toy & box; 1948 BMC stake bed truck, die cast toy; Lincoln Memorial penny collection; Waywest collector Ind. nickel collection; Oversize 33 1/3 records; Old music & organ books; Lowrey organ; 2 organs for parts; 3’ HM train track in cabinet; DeWitt Clinton HO train set, mod.; Old Singer sewing machine; Childs rocker; HM oversized cedar blanket chest; Continental health scale; Old books (Incl. Echo from the Hills, History of Boys Ind. school, etc.); Lane record cabinet; Mod. Ethan Allen queensize poster bed & dresser; Queensize poster bed w/dresser bevel gl. mirror, chest & nightstands; Flatwall gl. frt. cabinet; Sm. display cabinet; Bassette table stand; Country dinette w/4 chairs; Coffee & end tables; Hickory Hills sofa; Occ. chairs; Office desk; Upr. & file cabinets; APPL. – Kenmore HD washer/dryer; Kenmore microwave; Upr. refrig./freezer; Misc. sm. appl. (Sunbeam & B&D mixers, Deepfryer, etc.); TV’s; VCR & tapes; DP air strider exerciser; Brass lamps & misc.; Fan; MISC. – Springfield barometer; Linens; Craft wood train set; Christmas items (Trees, wreath’s, HM wood sleigh, lights & decorations); Cookbooks & Recipes; Goebel “Wildlife” plate; N. Rockwell tankard collection; Lighthouse figurines; Plates & glasses; Fire King; Vases; Haviland Bavaria china; Costume jewelry; Cannister set; Flatware & knives; Gun cleaning kits; 22 ammo; Misc. cookware.
CAR, MODEL PLANE & TOOLS. 2000 Chyrsler Concorde SRS 4 door car w/46500 est. miles; RIDER – Cub Cadet 18Hp rider, hydro, hyd. deck (RUNS, No hood); Sears SP push mower; 5 ½’ wing span remote control plane w/motor, Dyna-thrust prop. & pontoon landing gear; Circus Series remote controls; Plastic mini-models & boxes (Flying Fortress, Bomber Plane & Boeing B-25); Model jigs (Ajusto – jig & Wood HM jig); Model plane plans & access. (Playboy, Sr., Culver Dart, Ganagobia, Electra-Lite, RCM Illustrated plans); Dowels, Balsa wood, Super Flite finishes, Formers, Sig Power Rod; Model eng. fuel; Magic Magnet builder; SHOP TOOLS – Comm. 4’ Craftsman lathe, bench top; 4 jaw lathe chuck; Shop Master lathe tools; Sm. Sears vert. mill; Shop Smith w/table saw; Kalamazoo comm.. band saw; Comm. shop vac; Central Machinery dust collector, LN; 13” Tool Shop 16 spd. drill press, floor; Sears band saw; Craftsman stack roll around & US General tool boxes; Pittsburgh 1 ton cherry picker & 2 ton floor jack, LN; Snap-On wrench set & misc.; Centech 6” dial indicator & misc.; 6” Tool Shop bench grinder; 50 # sand blaster; New Chicago porta-band saw & ½” drill; New Toolsmith 7 ¼” cir. saw; Drill Master angle grinders & 1/2'” hammer drill; Sears 6”x9” belt/disc sander & stand; Powerhouse metal cutoff saw; CP cutoff grinders; Makita & Chicago sawsall’s; 1/3 Hp Dayton wire buffer; GMC jig saw; Pittsburgh blind hole bearing puller set; Brute 2600 psi power washer; Sears 2HP air compressors & misc.; Port. air tank; Several paint spray guns; Chicago 225 amp arc welder & helmet, LN; Welding rod & clamps; Sears 3/8” sockets, ratchets & wrench’s; Thorsen 3/8” socket sets; JC Penny comb. wrench’s upto 7/8”; Sears flare wrench’s; Jobsmart wrench sets; Cordless drill’s; New drill bits & misc. driver sets; Forstner bit set; Router bit set; Millers Fall plane; Morse hole saw set; Tap & dies; Pliers; Hammers; Punches; Chisels; Allens; ½ T chain hoist; Jackstands; Halogen & 4’ shop lights; Centech 6/12 V load tester; Imperial AC Service gauges & 12 refrigerant; Rollers & stands; 30 Stacking dbl. hdw, cabinets & hdw.; Hdw. & organizers; Metal work bench; Vises; Step ladders; Lawn wagon & cart; EZ-UP 92” canopy; Lawn chairs; L&G tools; Misc.
TERMS – Cash or Check w/Pos. ID. Many items yet to be uncovered. 2 rings possible. FOOD
EXECUTOR – Alan Gore AUCTIONEERS Tom Rawn 614-833-2454 John B Auctions 614-833-6302 ID #4889 or #4041 & |
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