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Large farm Toy Auction
Listing ID#: 48990
Auction Location |
lancaster, OH 43130 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Sunday Sep 10, 2017 Completed |
Auction Type |
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Rawns Auction Service Contact: Tom Rawn Phone: 614-833-2454 Email: Website: ID#: 1612 View company information and listings |
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LARGE TOY AUCTION Cooperating with John B Auctions. He is selling Antiques & Collectibles and we will sell Mr. Smith’s (Moved to Senior Living) longtime Toy Collection (Farm, Construction & Trucks) at the Fairfield Co. Fairgrounds 157 E Fair Ave. LANCASTER, Oh. 43130
Large sale including 150+ 1/16th Farm Tractors, Combines & Implements. Misc. scale Farm, Construction & Truck Toys. Many w/boxes, but displayed.
ERTL PRECISION 1/16th - JD 4440, JD 4020, JD 4020 w/picker, JD 4020 Power Shift, JD 4000, JD 830 D, JD 720 D, JD 720 w/blade, JD 70 Std., JD 70 D, JD A, JD A w/cult., JD B, Farmall Regular, Farmall Super M, F-20, AC WD-45, AC D-17 w/NI picker, JD 9750 combine, JD Backhoe attach., McCormick #2 & #5 plows, , JD 5xplow & Barge wagon, RESIN 1/16th - JD 116 baler, MM U tractor, AC WC, CASE DC-3 & AC G tractor. ERTL & MISC. 1/16th (Shelf Models) – JD 8530, JD 8360R, JD 8400 T, JD 7830, JD 6200, JD 4450, JD 4440 Prestige, JD 4430, JD 4320, JD 4010, JD 820, JD 720, JD 630, JD 420, JD 60 orchard (Spec. Edition), JD 70, JD 60, JD G on st., JD GP, JD B, JD R, JD AR, JD BR, JD M, JD A & G, JD A w/umbrella, IH 1586 w/cab, IH 6388 Anteater, IH 650, F-20 & F-30, Farmall 560D, Farmall 460 w/picker, Farmall (H w/loader, & 55, Ford 9N w/plow, Ford 8N’s (1 w/plow), Fordson st. wheel, Ferg. Tractor, McCormick WD-9, Case 600 & 800, MM U, Oliver 1555 & 1655 w/cab, Yoder tractor (As-Is), JD 3010 w/picker, JD 620 w/plow, JD 7520, Early JD 5020 repaint, JD 3010, AC tractor w/picker, JD box blade, AC 7040 w/maroon belly, JD 40 & 70 series 4WD, JD 8200 & JD 4450. ERTL CUSTOM PCS. 1/16th - JD 8520, JD 4010 w/ldr.., IH 1206, MM G-1000 pulling tractor. ERTL & MISC. CRAWLERS 1/16th – JD 430 w/blade, JD 440 (High Detail), TD-340 (High Detail), JD 450 (No Rops), JD 430 w/metal tracks, JD 420 metal tracks & blade, JD 1010 w/blade, JD 1010 w/rubber w/plow,tracks, JD 40, IH T-340, MM 2 Star (As-Is), IH TD 25 w/metal tracks. SPEC CAST CLASSIC 1/16th – Case DC-3, AC All-Crop harvestor, CAT D-2 crawler. ERTL COMBINES & HARVESTORS 1/16th – Case/IH 2166 w/both heads, Case/IH 1680 & heads, JD 9510 w/heads, JD 9500 w/heads, JD 6600 w/metal reel, JD Titan II w/heads, JD Turbo w/yellow top 7 head, JD 12A combine, MF 850 w/corn hd., MF 860 w/grain hd., NI 800 C Uni-Harvestor, JD choppers & heads, JD silage wagon, Grain cart, Custom MH combine. ERTL, TRU-SCALE, ETC. 1/16TH IMPLEMENTS – Early JD drill, JD 1590 drill, JD 425 drill, JD 348 baler, JD long nose picker, JD 6x plow, JD disc, JD blade, JD rotary hoe, IH 4x plow, 2 red 7x plows, IH drill white tops, White offset disc, Red min.-till cultivators, Ecolo Tiger cultivators, McCormick manure spreader; NH baler, AC roto-baler, Bush Hog Batwing mower, HM spring tooth, McCormick Spec-Cast thresher & 1 R picker, Gravity wagon, Flare & barge wagons, Early disc’c & pull type plows, CUSTOM PIECES 1/16th – MH clipper, JD 4x plow & Planter. DANBURY MINT (Clocks) 1/16th – JD 730, JD B & JD 4010 tractors. TOPPING 1/16th – NI picker & manure spreader. ERTL & MISC. 1/43rd – Versatile 2425 First Edition, 836, JD 7520 & 4020, Case/IH 2294 & JD 9400 T 6 PIECE 1/43rd – MM Tractor & Implement Collection MISC – 1/24th Gleaner R2 & JD Series II tractors, 1/50th 200 Excavator, 1/32nd Tractors & Impl. 150+ PIECES 1/64th (Some w/boxes) – Combines,Tractors, Implements AMT – Bulldozers, Paystar 5000, Low-boy trailer, & Models (1957 Corvette & Revell Ply.) FIRST GEAR – 1/34th -Sohio & IH wreckers, Anderson concrete mixer, Dyersville Fire Dept. truck, IH box truck, IH truck, Sohio tanker, Osh Kosh cement mixer, Misc. stock bed truck. PRODUCT MINATURES – AC WD tractor & IH pickup, TONKA – Wrecker Jeep, 60’s pickup & CAT Challenger (Custom) TRUCKS & MISC. (Lge. scale) – JD Ertl Construction hauler & B-Hoe, Sunoco transports, Case/IH tractor trailer, Ertl Livestock Truck & Trailer, Ertl dump trailer & truck, JD Parts transport, Nylint truck, Marx dump truck, Cast alum. truck., 1/18th 1958 Plymouth car; 1/50th Corgi truck, 1/32nd Trucks of Yesteryear, 1/64th Racing Champions Transport. MANUALS, ETC. – JD 100 loader, JD 2840 tractor, IH 510 drill, IH 1206 & 806 parts catalog. MISC. –Ertl Hit & Miss eng., Corn sheller, Pump jack, FoxFire Farm people, JD gas pump replicas, Plastic Digger Dan crane, Smith Douglas & Grove City Farmers Exch. Rain gauges, Old wood barn & metal fence & figures, Planes, Daisy BB guns,Early JD Farm Acct. ledger, Knives (JD 5010 & Cherokee), JD lunch box, mugs & wind chimes, Dell 10 cent comics (Wagon Train & Annie Oakley). TERMS – Cash or Check w/positive ID 2 Auction Rings all day. (Smith Toys 1 ring Sell 12:30 PM)
Auctioneer - Tom Rawn 614-833-2454 ID #4889 |
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