Doyle Crane Estate Tool & Shop supplies Online Only Auction
Listing ID#: 269537

Auction Location

Artesian, SD 57314
Auction Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Bidding Starts: Friday Mar 12, 08:00 AM
Bidding Ends: Sunday Mar 21, 01:00 PM
Auction Type
 Online Auction 
Company Information
Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC

Website: ID#: 2926
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions


Preview Date: Contact Auctioneer 605-999-4239.
Buyers Premium: 8%
Payment: Winning bids will be paid by guaranteed funds within 24 hours of auction close. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. A limit of $2500.00 per invoice for Credit Card charges. Any Invoice totals under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases.

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“THE SOFT CLOSE” feature means any bid received in the final minutes of the auction will automatically extend bidding on that particular item or lot by 1 minute to allow another bidder the opportunity to raise their bid.

GENERAL TERMS: The auction will be conducted by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers on behalf of the owners of the property, referred to as the Seller. Auctioneer is not responsible for the acts or representations of Seller. The auction shall be governed by the terms set forth herein (the agreement), and any additional terms and conditions that are posted concerning the specific property. The Agreement constitutes a valid, binding contract between individuals participating in the auction with the intent to purchase property, referred to as the Bidder or Buyer, and Seller/Auctioneer. The term Bidder or Buyer shall include, but not limited to, the individual or the company represented by the individual and any and all of its agents, employees, representatives, officers, and directors. Auctioneer is not responsible for statements made by the Bidder, Buyer, or other parties. Auctioneer reserves the right to periodically change the terms and conditions of the Agreement, which shall be effective immediately upon posting. It is the Bidders responsibility to review any and all changes made to these terms and conditions prior to bidding on property. The act of submitting a bid shall constitute Bidder acceptance of each and every term and condition contained herein, any additional terms and conditions posted with the property, and any changes made within the full agreement. All persons attending, inspecting or removing property assume all risks whatsoever of damage or loss to person and property and specifically release the Auctioneer from all liability. Auctioneer is not liable by reason of any defect in, or condition of, the property or the premises on which the preview/sale is held. Auctioneer is released for any claims to actual damage to the property sold and/or consequential damages that may result from the sale of defective property.

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Auctioneer reserves the right to add or withdraw property from the auction, and/or regroup items. Auctioneer reserves the right to sell property absolute or with reserve, at Sellers discretion. The Seller does have the right to make the final bid and the Auctioneer does have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. The auctioneer reserves the right to open the bid as the result of a tie bid or discrepancies in the bid.
Buyer assumes full responsibility of property at time of purchase, and all risk of loss and damage to property. All titles will be assigned to registered buyer unless notification is received by auctioneer at the end of auction. NO TITLES WILL BE ISSUED UNLESS COMPLETELY FILLED OUT.

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BIDDING: Bidder must register to participate in the auction. Read the descriptions of each lot and view photographs carefully. If you have any questions call 605-999-4239. Should you visit the viewing location, please personally inspect the property on which you intend to bid during the date(s) indicated in the details per item when applicable. Using YOUR knowledge and experience, form your own opinion of the property and bid accordingly. If you are in doubt, DO NOT BID. All items are sold “AS-IS WHERE IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS” this is an AUCTION and all SALES ARE FINAL. Bids cannot be retracted and are binding contracts between Bidder and Auctioneer/Seller. Bidder is accountable to be informed about property and associated costs before bidding. A maximum bid can be placed on property. A maximum bid is kept confidential, and Bidder authorizes Auctioneer to place bids on his/her behalf up to the amount of the maximum bid. Upon sale of property, identifying information and purchase amount will be posted for a designated period of time. All questions or disputes must be resolved immediately; no changes or adjustments will be made at a later date. Auctioneer reserves the right to reopen bidding. Auctioneer decisions will be final.

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CHOICE OF LAW: The laws of the State of South Dakota governs this agreement any dispute arising from the terms of this auction shall be brought in a court of Sanborn County, South Dakota.

ADDITIONAL TERMS: The following are property specific Terms & Conditions that are posted online with the individual property information and will override any likewise terms stated in this Agreement. - Buyers Premium - Sale Date and Time (Beginning and Ending) - Inspection Location, Dates, and Times - Final Date of Removal - Shipping Arrangements - Special Notes/Comments/Announcements

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Bidding Increments
$0.00 - $10.00 = $1.00
$10.01 - $25.00 = $3.00
$25.01 - $100.00 = $5.00
$100.01 - $250.00 = $8.00
$250.01 - $500.00 = $10.00
$500.01 - $1,000.00 = $25.00
$1,000.01 - $5,000.00 = $50.00
$5,000.01 - $10,000.00 = $100.00
$10,000.01 - $25,000.00 = $250.00
$25,000.01 - $50,000.00 = $500.00
$50,000.01 - $100,000.00 = $1,000.00

Currency: USD
Buyers Premium: 8% Buyers Premium added to final bid only on Online Purchases. $750.00 BP cap
Payment Terms: Cash or Bankable Check
Full payment within 24 hours of auction close via guaranteed funds. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. Credit Card is used for verification purpose only and will not be charged. Any Invoice totals $100.00 or less will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases.

Shipping / Pick Up
Items will be picked up after paid in full the day after the auction or make arrangements with auctioneer. Items not picked up within 30 days will be deemed abandoned and resold, unless arrangements are made with the seller.
Listing Information
Doyle Crane Estate Tool & Shop Supplies Online Only Auction. Lots of New and used tools, JD parts, Equipment part and supplies.

These items are from the Doyle Crane Estate, items will be located at 40942 234th. ST Artesian, SD
These items are from the Doyle Crane Estate, items will be located at 40942 234th. ST Artesian, SD. Lots of New/Used tools, JD parts for tractors and equipment and lots more. 

All equipment and tools are listed and represented the best  we can but we encourage each bidder to bid according to their best judgement. There will be NO Preview of these items as we have limited space to display all the items as they are in storage. 

No hidden reserves! Opening bid meets reserve price. Please note Pickup locations in each item. Please make every attempt to pick up your items on the scheduled pickup date or call if you need to schedule and appointment for pickup.

All the Lots from the Doyle Crane Estate from Fedora, SD and will be located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Call Justin @ 605-999-4239 for questions.

Call Steve Larson 605-770-9818, Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Myron Grosz 605-999-4087 or Kelbi Dean 605-999-8812 for information on this auction.

Pickup will be on Tuesday March 23 & 24 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM each day, Invoice & Payment Info
Location Information:
All the Lots from the Doyle Crane Estate from Fedora, SD and will be located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD  57314. Call Justin @ 605-999-4239 for questions. Pickup will be on Tuesday March 23 & Wednesday March 24 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM each day


Invoice Information:
Upon successfully winning the bid of an item, an invoice will be emailed to you following the auction. Please look for your invoice following the auction in your registered email account. Please read the invoice at the bottom. If paying with cash or good check, please pay the Cash Total Due. Do Not Pay the Convenience Fee Total (This is the Credit Card Fee). Any invoice totals under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the credit card on file.

Payment Information:
Payments (Cash or Good Check) not received by Friday Noon the week of the auction, the balance will be charged to Buyers Credit Card on File! Please mail your payment no later than Wednesday after the Auction to avoid Credit Card Charges. If payment cannot be paid by Thursday, please contact Auctioneers to make arrangements. NO Items will be released or removed until entire invoice is paid in full.


Sales Tax & Buyers Premium, Notice Information, App Information
 Sales Tax & Buyers Premium  
Buyers Premium is Charged on a Per Item Basis.
8% BUYERS FEE ON ALL PURCHASES $750.00 cap per item

4.5% SD Sales Tax - Unless you have a SD sales tax form on file with us. Contact Us prior to purchasing with your Sales Tax Information to purchase for resale

The Sellers/Auctioneers DO NOT provide transportation or shipping services for buyers to remove their merchandise. Any and all methods of towing and/or hauling, as well as all other methods or requirements for the removal and transport of the Equipment, is the sole responsibility of the buyer. All items must be picked up at auction address,


App Information:
Download our Bidding App on you Android or Apple phone, Ipad, etc. Go to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and search “Dean Edwards” Sign Up and then Register to bid!


Practice Bidding & Covid Information
Practice Bidding & Covid Information
Use this lot to practice bidding, go ahead and bid away using the bid button, learn how to increase your bid amount by clicking on the Plus button in each lot, or setting a max bid. Also, if you click on the Star in any lot, it will add it to "Your Items" section so you can watch that particular item without having to bid on it. Any questions, call Steve at 605-770-9818 or Justin @ 605-999-4239.
Covid 19 Information:
Please limit Person to Person contact with Sellers/Agents when picking up your items. If you are feeling ill or have any symptoms, please call ahead a we will make sure your purchases can be set out for you to pickup safely. Please pickup your items as soon as possible after payment. Thank you for your cooperation and everyone please be safe!


Olympia 18 pce screw driver set - New
Olympia 18 pce screw driver set - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD  57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Ernst Metric combination wrench set - missing 2 small wrenches
Ernst Metric combination wrench set - missing 2 small wrenches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3 10' ratchet tie downs
3 10' ratchet tie downs

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Grease Gun - New
Grease Gun - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. seals, bearings & sprockets - New
Misc. seals, bearings & gears - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


IH mower parts - hold downs, kickback springs, bushings
IH mower parts - hold downs, kickback springs, bushings

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


IH mower parts - hold downs, kickback springs, bushings
IH mower parts - hold downs, kickback springs, bushings

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hammer, torpedo level, saw, steel brush & misc. tools
Hammer, torpedo level, saw, steel brush & misc. tools

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 torpedo levels, magnetic driver set, Misc. drill bits, Irwin speed bor
2 torpedo levels, magnetic driver set, Misc. drill bits, Irwin speed bor

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


REIST1000 radio for JD 4000 series sound guard cab - new
REIST1000 radio for JD 4000 series sound guard cab - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Gear Wrench Metric ratcheting combination wrench set 8mm-18mm
Gear Wrench Metric ratcheting combination wrench set 8mm-18mm

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Irwin Hand saw, chalk line, Drill Craft bit set, paint brush
Irwin Hand saw, chalk line, Drill Craft bit set, paint brush

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hammer, Hand saw, 11 pce drill bit set, paint brush
Hammer, Hand saw, 11 pce drill bit set, paint brush

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hammer, Hand saw, 11 pce drill bit set, paint brush, Electric timer
Hammer, Hand saw, 11 pce drill bit set, paint brush, Electric timer

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hammer, Hand saw, paint brush, Irwin Magnet driver set, B&D power screw driver - new
Hammer, Hand saw, paint brush, Irwin Magnet driver set, B&D power screw driver - new

Speed square, Power bit set, Vise grip, 2 cresent wrenches - New
Speed square, Power bit set, Vise grip, 2 cresent wrenches - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 vise grips, magnetic pickup light, Fire hose nozzle - New
2 vise grips, magnetic pickup light, Fire hose nozzle - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


12" cresent wrench, 2 vise grips, 16' tape measure, impact bits - New
12" cresent wrench, 2 vise grips, 16' tape measure, impact bits - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Allen Wrenches, Power driver set, 2 vise grips - New
Allen Wrenches, Power driver set, 2 vise grips - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Plastic tool 16" Plano
Plastic tool 16" Plano

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 paint brushes, hammer, vise grip, cutting board bamboo - new
2 paint brushes, hammer, vise grip, cutting board bamboo - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Herculiner bed liner, Bug Wacker light - new
Herculiner bed liner, Bug Wacker light - new
bed liner has been exposed to freezing conditions.

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


tub full of misc. bolts, fuel filters, brass fittings, & misc.
tub full of misc. bolts, fuel filters, brass fittings, & misc.

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD replacement cushion set 5500 ooYE
JD replacement cushion set 5500 ooYE

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hammer, 2 vice grips - New
Hammer, 2 vice grips - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Pistol Grease gun - new
Pistol Grease gun - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


8000 series agriculture pump 12 volt
8000 series agriculture pump 12 volt

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Transmission filter AR94510, OIl filter RE57394
JD Transmission filter AR94510, OIl filter RE57394

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Shurflo 8000 series diaphragm pump - new
Shurflo 8000 series diaphragm pump - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Irwin Hand, 8 pce screw driver set, claw hammer - new
Irwin Hand, 8 pce screw driver set, claw hammer - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Antifreeze tester, Sharpee label dispensor, Auto AC can, wedge
Antifreeze tester, Sharpee label dispensor, Auto AC can, wedge

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


4 pce pry bar set
4 pce pry bar set

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Ram Tool 4 pce pry bar set - new
Ram Tool 4 pce pry bar set - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Folding cart - new
Folding cart - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Transmission filter AR94510, Hyd filter AR94510, Fuel Filter AR86745 - New
JD Transmission filter AR94510, Hyd filter AR94510, Fuel Filter AR86745 - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD bearings, seal, & misc. jd parts - new
JD bearings, seal, & misc. jd parts - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Box of paint brushes - new all sizes
Box of paint brushes - new all sizes

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Tape measure, string line, pliers, folding knife, multi function tool, 2 rachet clamps
Tape measure, string line, pliers, folding knife, multi function tool, 2 rachet clamps

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Spade bits, 25' tape, vise grips, 2 groove lock pliers - new
Spade bits, 25' tape, vise grips, 2 groove lock pliers - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Plano tool box plastic
Plano tool box plastic

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Claw hammer, file set, Tool Shop caliper - New
Claw hammer, file set, Tool Shop caliper - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


File set, claw hammer, steel brush, Digital Multimeter
File set, claw hammer, steel brush, Digital Multimeter

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. wrenches combination and rachet wrenches
Misc. wrenches combination and rachet wrenches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Cordless engraver, claw hammer, screw driver set, ratchet strap 27', hand pump sprayer
Cordless engraver, claw hammer, screw driver set, ratchet strap 27', hand pump sprayer

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Come a long - new
Come a long - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Makita 4" angle grinder - New
Makita 4" angle grinder - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Nail pullers, paint brushes, Misc. gloves (new)
Nail pullers, paint brushes, Misc. gloves (new)

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


DeWalt 1/2" impact wrench w/2 batteries, no charger, case 18 vlt
DeWalt 1/2" impact wrench w/2 batteries, no charger, case 18 vlt

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


4 ratchet straps - new, Military folding shovel
4 ratchet straps - new, Military folding shovel

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


3/8 drive socket set, Splice crimp & cut tool, wrecking bar
3/8 drive socket set, Splice crimp & cut tool, wrecking bar

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Dewalt 18 vlt 1/2 impact gun - new in case 2 batteries & charger
Dewalt 18 vlt 1/2 impact gun - new in case 2 batteries & charger

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


tarp straps, claw hammer B&D cordless power hand saw
tarp straps, claw hammer B&D cordless power hand saw

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD replacement cushion set TY26549
JD replacement cushion set TY26549

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Filters AR94510, AR45098, T19044
JD Filters AR94510, AR45098, T19044

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Claw hammer, 4 in 1 screw driver, grease gun (no hose)
Claw hammer, 4 in 1 screw driver, grease gun

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Filters AR75603, T19044, RE57394
JD Filters AR75603, T19044, RE57394

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 guage 20' booster cables - New
2 guage 20' booster cables - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Filters T19044, AR45098, AR86745, AM125424
JD Filters T19044, AR45098, AR86745, AM125424

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD bearings new #8988 (5), Bolts, JD pin #6755 & misc.
JD bearings new #8988 (5), Bolts, JD pin #6755 & misc.

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. filters 2 boxes to go
Misc. filters 2 boxes to go

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. chain links - new
Misc. chain links - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD AA30941 JD 235 disc gang bearing written on box
JD AA30941 JD 235 disc gang bearing written on box

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


New Rubber boots size 10, and slow moving signs
New Rubber boots size 10, and slow moving signs

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Claw hammer, grease gun, 21 pce SAE 1/2 & 3/8 drive socket set
Claw hammer, grease gun, 21 pce SAE 1/2 & 3/8 drive socket set

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Beamer 12 vlt shop light 100 watt
Beamer 12 vlt shop light 100 watt

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


24” Bolt cutter
24” Bolt Cutter

JD Misc bearings, dust caps, parts

Case IH bearings and misc parts

JD Sending Units RE25659, JD 265 Loader Grapple Pin, JD 716A Chuckwagon Beater shear pin
JD Sending Units RE25659, JD 265 Loader Grapple Pin, JD 716A Chuckwagon Beater shear pin
 - Misc new Bolts
 - JD RE13035 connectors

JD Bearings, races, and RE25659 Sending unit, JD RE41942V belts

JD bearings and races

JD Clutch discs E82557, Seals, AR79680 Inner Air Filter, and misc parts

Case IH bearing # P-3573 (2), #526769r91 BEARING (2), misc. parts
Case IH bearing # P-3573 (2), #526769r91 BEARING (2), misc. parts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Misc. parts, filter, See pictures
JD Misc. parts, filter, See pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. Tire patch repair kit
Misc. Tire patch repair kit

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Tub of misc. deep well impact sockets, Metric & SAE
Tub of misc. deep well impact sockets, Metric & SAE
Misc. ratchets

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. solar electric fencers
Misc. solar electric fencers

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Basin wrench, Winters drill bits 9/16 - 1" set w/ case, misc. drill bits
Basin wrench, Winters drill bits 9/16 - 1" set w/ case, misc. drill bits

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. drill bit sets large and small
Misc. drill bit sets large and small

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Wire stripper, small open end metric wrenches, grease buster, snap ring pliers, drill bits
Wire stripper, small open end metric wrenches, grease buster, snap ring pliers, drill bits

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Drill bits, ignition wrenches
Drill bits, ignition wrenches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 5/16" ball, 1" auger bit, 1 1/4" impact socket, misc. punches
2 5/16" ball, 1" auger bit, 1 1/4" impact socket, misc. punches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Cable clamps, metric allen wrenches, Nut driver sets, screw driver bit set
Cable clamps, metric allen wrenches, Nut driver sets, screw driver bit set

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. garden hose connectors, hose clamps, garden hose stuff
Misc. garden hose connectors, hose clamps, garden hose stuff

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Battery terminal cleaner, Misc. items, pulleys etc
Battery terminal cleaner, Misc. items, pulleys etc

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Tape measure, audio cords, beer can crusher, air fittings
Tape measure, audio cords, beer can crusher, air fittings

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Solar light, sledge hammer, claw hammer, 4 piece carving set
Solar light, sledge hammer, claw hammer, 4 piece carving set

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc Electrical wiring, Misc hydraulic ends, Misc air fittings
Misc Electrical wiring, Misc hydraulic ends, Misc air fittings

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


chain links, JD electrical cords, couple bearing
chain links, JD electrical cords, couple bearing

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Honda filters, 12 volt sprayer pump, JD 30/40/50/55 series inner air filter
Honda filters, 12 volt sprayer pump, JD 30/40/50/55 series inner air filter

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Screen Wipes, Short hydraulic hoses, duct tape, electrical tape, JD O-Rings
Screen Wipes, Short hydraulic hoses, duct tape, electrical tape, JD O-Rings

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD bearing & seals, CaseIH bearings, other Misc Bearings
JD bearing & seals, CaseIH bearings, other Misc Bearings

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Electical Hookups, Chain Links, Misc O-Rings
JD Electical Hookups, Chain Links, Misc O-Rings

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. Chain Links, Grease Zirks
Misc. Chain Links, Grease Zirks

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. Pin, Misc Bolts, Roller Pins
Misc. Pin, Misc Bolts, Roller Pins

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Wiper Blades, Light Bulbs, Starting Fluid, JD Green Paint, Misc JD Spring
Wiper Blades, Light Bulbs, Starting Fluid, JD Green Paint, Misc JD Spring

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD Dust Caps, JD Pin Fastener, JD Pins
JD Dust Caps, JD Pin Fastener, JD Pins

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. JD Planter Parts
Misc. JD Planter Parts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. Spray Cans
Misc. Spray Cans

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hand Cleaner, Power Steering Fluid, Misc. Spray Cans
Hand Cleaner, Power Steering Fluid, Misc. Spray Cans

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


3 Gallon Prestone Antifreeze and JD Turf Guard 10-30 Oil
3 Gallon Prestone Antifreeze and JD Turf Guard 10-30 Oil

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Rodent Bait Box
Rodent Bait Box

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


3 Spray Foam Cans, Liquid Wrench
3 Spray Foam Cans & Liquid Wrench

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Baler Bands - NEW E85043
JD Baler Bands - NEW E85043

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Closing Wheel - NEW AA35392
JD Closing Wheel - NEW AA35392

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


High Lift Jack
High Lift Jack

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Spot Light, Cord Winder, Couple Timers
Spot LIght, Cord Winder, Couple Timers

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Various Welding Rods
Various Welding Rods 

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Clamps, Sickle Fix
Clamps & Sickle Fix

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Makita Grinder w/ Cord
Makita Grinder w/ Cord

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hand Saw, 2 5/16th Ball, Electrical Tape, Tape Measure
Hand Saw, 2 5/16th Ball, Electrical Tape, Tape Measure

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


15 JD Disc Openers Scrapers AA26444
15 JD Disc Openers Scrapers AA26444

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Baler Bands - NEW FH311772
JD Baler Bands - NEW FH311772

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Sickle Sections, Rivots, Misc. Sickle Mower Parts
Sickle Sections, Rivots, Misc. Sickle Mower Parts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Sickle Sections
Sickle Sections

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


High Lift Jack
High Lift Jack

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Radiator Cap - NEW RE39103
JD Radiator Cap - NEW RE39103

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. JD Parts
Misc. JD Parts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


3 Spolls for JD 235 Disc
3 Spolls for JD 235 Disc

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Baler Pickup Cylinder - NEW AE48497
JD Baler Pickup Cylinder - NEW AE48497

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Baler Pickup Wind Guards
JD Baler Pickup Wind Guards

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 Boxes of JD baler Pickup Teeth -
2 Boxes of JD Baler Pickup Teeth

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


4 JD Arms from ?? - NEW
4 JD Arms from ?? - NEW

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Hitch for Clevis Hitch
JD Hitch for Clevis Hitch

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Side panel for 3020 Diesel
JD Side Panel for 3020 Diesel

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


New Scrapers for JD Disc, Misc. Parts
New Scrapers for JD Disc, Misc. Parts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc Lag Bolts, Gate Hooks,
Misc. Lag Bolts, Gate Hooks

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hex Shaft Reducer, Cylinder Yoke end, Cast Pulley, Misc Parts
Hex Shaft Reducer, Cylinder Yoke end, Cast Pulley, Misc Parts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Case IH Mower sickle Sections & Rivots
Case IH Mower Sickle Sections & Rivots

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Hammers, Pliers, Tape Measure
Hammers, Pliers, Tape Measure

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Screwdriver Set, Misc. Wrenchs, Tape Measure
Screwdriver Set, Misc. Wrenchs, Tape Measure

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Screwdriver Set, Misc. Wrenchs, Tape Measure
Screwdriver Set, Misc. Wrenchs, Tape Measure

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


screw drivers, tape measure, rachet wrenchs
screw drivers, tape measure, rachet wrenches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


screw drivers, tape measure, chisels
screw drivers, tape measure, chisels

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Disc scraper arms, standard stine shank w/ shovels, vbolt
Disc scraper arms, standard stine shank w/ shovels, vbolt

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


KT Auto Darkening Welding Helmet, Pipe, Condensers
KT Auto Darkening Welding Helmet, Pipe, Condensers

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Mower Skid Plates
Mower Skid Plates

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 - Gauge wheel arm JD corn planter
2 - Gauge Wheel Arm JD corn planter

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Metal Brackets - unknown use, see pictures
JD Metal Brackets - unknown use, see pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


50ft Electrical Extension Cords, electric soder iron
50ft Electrical Extension Cords, electric soder iron

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


3 Engine Air Filters for 30/40/50/55 Series Tractors - NEW
3 Engine Air Filters for 30/40/50/55 Series Tractors - NEW

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. welding rods
Misc. welding rods

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Chisels & Punches assortment
Chisels & Punches assortment

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Assorted files flat, & rattail
Assorted files flat, & rattail

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Assorted files flat, & rattail, triangle
Assorted files flat, & rattail, triangle

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

6' aluminum level - new Stanley FatMax
6' aluminum level - new Stanley FatMax

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

40 roller chain, 50 roller chain and gathering chain - new
40 roller chain, 50 roller chain and gathering chain

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Assorted welding rod
Assorted welding rod

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

25' tape, corner magnet, pizza cutter, rain ponchos, Yellow safety flashers
25' tape, corner magnet, pizza cutter, rain ponchos, Yellow safety flashers

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Tape measures, Driver set, Yellow safety flashers, Poncho, Utility knife blades
Tape measures, Driver set, Yellow safety flashers, Poncho, Utility knife blades

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Chain beaker, Magnetic holders, Strong hand vice clamp, Hammers, 25' tape
Chain beaker, Magnetic holders, Strong hand vice clamp, Hammers, 25' tape

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Corn planter part AA35644 seed box part, New & used 50 & 60 chain
Corn planter part AA35644 seed box part, New & used 50 & 60 chain

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

6 qts 10-30 Trop Artic motor oil, Liquid wrench, starter fluid JD
6 qts 10-30 Trop Artic motor oil, Liquid wrench, starter fluid JD

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

DeWalt Cordless 18 vlt Sawzall, 4" grinder & skil saw w/ 2 batteries & charger
DeWalt Cordless 18 vlt Sawzall, 4" grinder & skil saw w/ 2 batteries & charger  w/ case

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. IH parts, 3 pt pin hitch, Mower hold downs, IH bushing pin for mower, manure spreader chain
Misc. IH parts, 3 pt pin hitch, Mower hold downs, IH bushing pin for mower, manure spreader chain

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

misc. JD parts, Pitman arms, bearings, JD carriage bolts
misc. JD parts, Pitman arms, bearings, JD carriage bolts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New JD cab filter RE12793, JD light AR104119
New JD cab filter RE12793, JD light AR104119

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD fan motor RE251028 - new, JD RE57394 oil filter
JD fan motor RE251028 - new, JD RE57394 oil filter

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Box of misc quarts of oil, Heet
Box of misc quarts of oil, Heet

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Tub full of Deseel supplement, Rustoleum, De Icer, Foam spray
Tub full of Deseel supplement, Rustoleum, De Icer, Foam spray

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Bucket full of misc nails
Bucket full of misc nails

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 5/16" ball, 2" ball, 1 7/8" ball
2 5/16" ball, 2" ball, 1 7/8" ball

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Box of Playboy Magazines 2004-2006 not complete
Box of Playboy Magazines 2004-2006 not complete

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Tool box with misc. 1/2" & 3/8" sockets SAE
Tool box with misc. 1/2" & 3/8" sockets SAE

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Tool box with misc. 1/2" sockets SAE
Tool box with misc. 1/2"  sockets SAE

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

1/2" & 3/8" ratchets and extensions, breaker bars
1/2" & 3/8" ratchets and extensions, breaker bars

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Posi lock gear and bearing puller 2 jaw
Posi lock gear and bearing puller 2 jaw

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Ratchet straps, clevis, Load binders
Ratchet straps, clevis, Load binders

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Tool box w/lots of new Jig saw blades, pliers
Tool box w/lots of new Jig saw blades, pliers

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Drill bits, Auger bits, misc. wrenches, shears
Drill bits, Auger bits, misc. wrenches, shears

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Grease gun, Nail apron, ext. cord
Grease gun, Nail apron, ext. cord

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Mouse trap, 2" receiver hitch w/ ball, drop cords
Mouse trap, 2" receiver hitch w/ ball, drop cords

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. fuses, cutting board, new voltage regulator
Misc. fuses, cutting board, new voltage regulator

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Vise grips, tape measure, pliers, side cutters
Vise grips, tape measure, pliers, side cutters

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

12 volt battery charger 10/30 200 amp boost - works
12 volt battery charger 10/30 200 amp boost - works

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2' level, Wireless key board & mouse, Drop cords & grease gun
2' level, Wireless key board & mouse, Drop cords & grease gun

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. Battery chargers, 12 vlt air compressor power pack
Misc. Battery chargers, 12 vlt air compressor

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3 ext. cords, 2' level
3 ext. cords, 2' level

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. V belts
Misc. V belts Mostly new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

7" grind blade, chop saw blade, drill grinding attachment
7" grind blade, chop saw blade, drill grinding attachment

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. drop cords, electrical tape, Beverage holder
Misc. drop cords, electrical tape, Beverage holder

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Box of tank floats
Box of tank floats

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. hammers, crescent wrenches, vice grips
Misc. hammers, crescent wrenches, vice grips

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Torch kit, 2 Hudson valves, tank float
Torch kit, 2 Hudson valves, tank float

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Block planes, Hammers, Draw knife, Sad iron
Block planes, Hammers, Draw knife, Sad iron

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Crescent wrenches, pliers, punches, wire tightner, speed wrenches, shears
Crescent wrenches, pliers, punches, wire tightner, speed wrenches, shears

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Muffler clamps, weed eater string, cable clamps, chain hooks
Muffler clamps, weed eater string, cable clamps, chain hooks

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD disc parts, 3 gang arms, 2 scraper arms
JD disc parts, 3 gang arms, 2 scraper arms

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 pressure switches, JD injector line rubber, tank float
2 pressure switches, JD injector line rubber, tank float

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Mower bat wing for end of mower
Mower bat wing for end of mower

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Mower bat wing for end of mower w/ connector
Mower bat wing for end of mower w/ connector

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Box of misc tarps
Box of misc tarps

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD parts, cylinder tube, flat iron, grapple brackets
JD parts, cylinder tube, flat iron, grapple brackets

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 antique gas cans
2 antique gas cans

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD spindle hub # W19771
JD spindle hub # W19771

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

IH mower parts, Lift arm connector, tie up arm rest bracket, quick hitch
IH mower parts, Lift arm connector, tie up arm rest bracket, quick hitch

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

SAE wrench set missing 1/4"
SAE wrench set missing 1/4"

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

11 ea Mower guards Rowse 670600 new
11 ea Mower guards Rowse 670600 new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

70 rake teeth for Sitrex type rake
70 rake teeth for Sitrex type rake

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 Hvy Duty gate hinges
2 Hvy Duty gate hinges

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD tractor antenna & Antique JD wrench
JD tractor antenna & Antique JD wrench

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


LP regulator, hose clamps, zip ties
LP regulator, hose clamps, zip ties

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Hoof trimmer, branch shear
Hoof trimmer, branch shear

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New hyd hoses, redi rod, curry comb, cultivator marker
New hyd hoses, redi rod, curry comb, cultivator marker

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 - 15 " x 10" 6 hole rim - new
15 " x 10" 6 hole rim - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 wheel utility cart
2 wheel utility cart

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Philips 66 gas cans 3 to go
Philips 66 gas cans 3 to go

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 Coop & Phillips 66 cans
2 Coop & Phillips 66 cans - 3 cans one money

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

4 gas cans metal - all to go one money
4 gas cans metal - all to go one money

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

6 misc Advertiser cans
6 misc Advertiser cans

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 - Pax electric water heaters, Battery cable, Fire Extinguisher
2 - Pax electric water heaters, Battery cable, Fire Extinguisher

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

4" grind wheels, all purpose lighters, wire brush set, razor blade scraper, screen install tool
4" grind wheels, all purpose lighters, wire brush set, razor blade scraper, screen install tool

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JB weld, Allen wrenches, Ladder hooks,
.JB weld, Allen wrenches, Ladder hooks,

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD Weld, JD Aux. power port connector,
JD Weld, JD Aux. power port connector,

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. 3/8" socket set, breaker bar, swivel, missing some sockets
Misc. 3/8" socket set, breaker bar, swivel, missing some sockets

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

1/2" deep well impact socket set Metric 10mm-19mm
1/2" deep well impact socket set Metric 10mm-19mm

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Small steel tool box w/ misc. SAE wrenches
Small steel tool box w/ misc. SAE wrenches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Tap & Die set
Tap & Die set - may be missing some pieces

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Baler belt splices, Irwin quick grips, Flaring tool
Baler belt splices, Irwin quick grips, Flaring tool

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Tap & Die set
Tap & Die set - may be missing some pieces

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Tap & Die set
Tap & Die set - may be missing some pieces

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Box full of Antique wrenches
Box full of Antique wrenches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

11LR15/16 Hvy Duty inner tube new, 4 - 3/4" gate hinges
11LR15/16 Hvy Duty inner tube new, 4 - 3/4" gate hinges

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 boxes of misc. Silicone sealant and Flashing cement
2 boxes of misc. Silicone sealant and Flashing cement

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Rigid Pipe cutter 1/8" - 2"
Rigid Pipe cutter 1/8" - 2"

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. wrenches, screw drivers, small c clamp, pipe wrench, tin snip, pry bar, knife sharpner
Misc. wrenches, screw drivers, small c clamp, pipe wrench, tin snip, pry bar, knife sharpner

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Max AP Canopy 10'x20' - unknown if complete
Max AP Canopy 10'x20' - unknown if complete

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD AA29648 sorghum seed cups 8 ea. w/ metal bracket
JD AA29648 sorghum seed cups 8 ea. w/ metal bracket

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Milwaukee 9" side grinder, works needs new cord
Milwaukee 9" side grinder, works needs new cord

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Hog catcher, wood float, drive belt, cab weather stripping
Hog catcher, wood float, drive belt, cab weather stripping

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD air filter fits series 30,40, 50 & 55
JD air filter fits series 30,40, 50 & 55

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Simmer float switches parts
Simmer float switches parts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Pipe vise
Pipe vise

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Filter wrench, 1 5/16" JD wrench, grinding wheels
.Filter wrench, 1 5/16" JD wrench, grinding wheels

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Box of misc. used hand saws and framing squares
Box of misc. used hand saws and framing squares

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Irwin Hand saws New Coarse & Fine cut
Irwin Hand saws New Coarse & Fine cut

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures
.New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures
.New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures
.New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures
.New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New Nuts & bolts all sizes - check pictures
New Nuts & bolts all sizes - check pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New Nuts & bolts all sizes - check pictures
New Nuts & bolts all sizes - check pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New Loader bucket nuts and bolts
New Loader bucket nuts and bolts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

CNH Section bolts 3 boxes, misc. guard bolts
CNH Section bolts 3 boxes, misc. guard bolts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Battery bolts & shoulder nuts, magnets, electric fence wire roller,
Battery bolts & shoulder nuts, magnets, electric fence wire roller,

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Dayton 3/4HP Farm Duty Elec. motor 1725 RPM & additional elec. motor
Dayton 3/4HP Farm Duty Elec. motor 1725 RPM & additional elec. motor

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

4 Level, Grill, roller stand
4 Level, Grill, roller stand

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Metal flashing rolls
Metal flashing rolls

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3 rolls of 3 mil 10'x25' plastic rolls
3 rolls of 3 mil 10'x25' plastic rolls

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

# IV3937BA Receiving tube
# IV3937BA Receiving tube

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Forney Welder w/ leads and misc. welding items
Forney Welder w/ leads and misc. welding items

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

6 Black plastic U shaped hoops, not sure what they were for.
6 Black plastic U shaped hoops, not sure what they were for.

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 Jumper cable bags
2 Jumper cable bags

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Shovel & scraper
Shovel & scraper

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 plastic gas cans
2 plastic gas cans

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 plastic gas cans
2 plastic gas cans

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 plastic gas cans
2 plastic gas cans

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD Corn Planter parts, Guage wheels, closing wheels, Marker disc's and misc.
JD Corn Planter parts, Guage wheels, closing wheels, Marker disc's and misc.

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Step hand rail - new for JD tractor steps
Step hand rail - new for JD tractor steps

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD 2510 side sheild (1 shield)
JD 2510 side sheild (1 shield)

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD Fender bracket
JD Fender bracket

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Trojan 66B Gas Stock Tank Heater - New
Trojan 66B Gas Stock Tank Heater - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals JD 230 Disk
Manuals JD 230 Disk
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals JD No 8 & No 8W caster wheel mowers & JD 37,38 & 39 Mowers
Manuals JD No 8 & No 8W caster wheel mowers & JD 37,38 & 39 Mowers

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manual - JD 800 windrower & 700,720 and 740 wagons, Computer Trak 100,200 and 300 planter monitors
Manual - JD 800 windrower & 700,720 and 740 wagons, Computer Trak 100,200 and 300 planter monitors

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 960 Field Cultivator, JD 350 and 360 plow, JD 1600M Chisel plow
Manuals - JD 960 Field Cultivator, JD 350 and 360 plow, JD 1600M Chisel plow

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 280 Farm Loader & JD Grapple attachment for 245,260 and 280 farm loaders
Manuals - JD 280 Farm Loader & JD Grapple attachment for 245,260 and 280 farm loaders

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 64 four row and 60 six row cultivators
Manuals - JD 64 four row and 60 six row cultivators

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 265 Farm Loader & JD Grapple attachment for 245,260 and 280 farm loaders
Manuals - JD 265 Farm Loader & JD Grapple attachment for 245,260 and 280 farm loaders

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 6620, Sidehill 6620,7720 and 8820 combine & Danuser post hole digger
Manuals - JD 6620, Sidehill 6620,7720 and 8820 combine & Danuser post hole digger

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD AW Disk Harrow, JD No.5 mower, JD F145H plow, JD Model SH disk harrow
Manuals - JD AW Disk Harrow, JD No.5 mower, JD F145H plow, JD Model SH disk harrow

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - Case Model A combine, IH 120 windrower, dump rake
Manuals - Case Model A combine, IH 120 windrower, dump rake

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 64 & 60 cultivators, JD RG4, RG6, RG 430 & RG 630 cultivators, JD 494A & 495A planter
Manuals - JD 64 & 60 cultivators, JD RG4, RG6, RG 430 & RG 630 cultivators, JD 494A & 495A planter

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 60 tractor, JD F145H plow and Noble drag
Manuals - JD 60 tractor, JD F145H plow and Noble drag

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD RG4, RG6, RG 430 & RG 630 cultivators, JD AW disk, JD 490 planter, JD 555 & 555H plow
Manuals - JD RG4, RG6, RG 430 & RG 630 cultivators, JD AW disk, JD 490 planter, JD 555 & 555H plow

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD SH disk, JD 1064 wagon, JD #5 mower
Manuals - JD SH disk, JD 1064 wagon, JD #5 mower

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - Farmhand F7 rake, McCormick side delivery rake, Wetherell planter transport
Manuals - Farmhand F7 rake, McCormick side delivery rake, Wetherell planter transport

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - Melroe 900 series plow, Noble plow mulcher, Melroe M902 & M904 plow
Manuals - Melroe 900 series plow, Noble plow mulcher, Melroe M902 & M904 plow

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 3020 Tractor
Manuals - JD 3020 Tractor

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 3020 Tractor
Manuals - JD 3020 Tractor

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 4000 & 4020 tractors
Manuals - JD 4000 & 4020 tractors

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - Degelman Semi Hi lift rock picker
Manuals - Degelman Semi Hi lift rock picker

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 4430 tractor
Manuals - JD 4430 tractor

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 112 & 115 chuck wagon
Manuals - JD 112 & 115 chuck wagon

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - JD 34 & 40 manure spreaders
Manuals - JD 34 & 40 manure spreaders

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - JD 350 & 450 mowers, JD 37,38 & 39 mowers
Manuals - JD 350 & 450 mowers, JD 37,38 & 39 mowers

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - JD 570 skid loader & Dealer Service shop copy manual
Manuals - JD 570 skid loader & Dealer Service shop copy manual

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - Haybuster 2640 Balebuster
Manuals - Haybuster 2640 Balebuster

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - Haybuster 2650 Balebuster
Manuals - Haybuster 2650 Balebuster

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - Farmhand Model F6024-A loader, F10 loader & grapple fork
Manuals - Farmhand Model F6024-A loader, F10 loader & grapple fork

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - McCormick NO. 2 PR corn picker, CaseIH 183 cultivator
Manuals - McCormick NO. 2 PR corn picker, CaseIH 183 cultivator

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - JD 4050,4250 & 4450 Tractors
Manuals - JD 4050,4250 & 4450 Tractors

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - JD 4055, 4255 & 4455 Tractors
Manuals - JD 4055, 4255 & 4455 Tractors

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - JD 331 Disk, JD 660 &680 manure spreaders
Manuals - JD 331 Disk, JD 660 &680 manure spreaders

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - JD 650 disk & JD 231 disk
Manuals - JD 650 disk & JD 231 disk

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - IH 570 & 580 manure spreaders
Manuals - IH 570 & 580 manure spreaders

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

4 tine cultivator, 2 prong weeding hoe, 2 hoes
4 tine cultivator, 2 prong weeding hoe, 2 hoes

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Scoop shovel, broom, 3 tine fork, axe
Scoop shovel, broom, 3 tine fork, axe

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Stihl FS 45 weed eater - unknown working condition but motor is free
Stihl FS 45 weed eater - unknown working condition but motor is free

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 axe with handles
2 axe with handles
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 sand shovels and 1 square shovel
2 sand shovels and 1 square shovel
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Ryobi 31 cc trimmer - motor is free
Ryobi 31 cc trimmer - motor is free

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


4 new wood handles 2 shovel, axe and spade
4 new wood handles 2 shovel, axe and spade

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Master MFG 12 volt 25 gal. sprayer - fairly new
Master MFG 12 volt 25 gal. sprayer - fairly new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Spade & 2 square shovels
Spade & 2 square shovels

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 rakes, 3 hoes & a new broom
2 rakes, 3 hoes & a new broom

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Roller stand adjustable
Roller stand adjustable

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Grip 14 piece combination wrench set SAE 3/8"-1 1/4"

Grip 14 piece combination wrench set SAE 3/8"-1 1/4"
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

B&D 3/8 elec. drill and a 14 ga. extension cord
B&D 3/8 elec. drill and a 14 ga. extension cord
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

hatchet, pliers c-clamp, hammer and wire splicer crimper
hatchet, pliers c-clamp, hammer and wire splicer crimper
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

DeWalt 18 volt cordless grease gun- Works NO BATTERY manual grease gun
DeWalt 18 volt cordless grease gun- Works NO BATTERY
manual grease gun
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

12 volt heater LED safety flashers, flashlight, fuses, battery terminal cleaner
12 volt heater LED safety flashers, flashlight, fuses, battery terminal cleaner
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

12 ton hyd jack and an unkown ton- both work
12 ton hyd jack and an unkown ton- both work
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Big hyd jack- works and a screw jack
Big hyd jack- works and a screw jack
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

tool tray, pipe wrench, antique pipe threaders
tool tray, pipe wrench, antique pipe threaders
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Stanley fat max tool box w/ 2 sliding drawers and hammers, pinchers, pliers
Stanley fat max tool box w/ 2 sliding drawers and hammers, pinchers, pliers
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Craftsman tool box w/ pliers, bits, punches, tape measure, utiltity knife
Craftsman tool box w/ pliers, bits, punches, tape measure, utiltity knife

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Simonsen metal tool box with vise grips, screw drivers, pliers, old pipe wrenches

Simonsen metal tool box with vise grips, screw drivers, pliers, old pipe wrenches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Sanborn 10 gal. air tank
Sanborn 10 gal. air tank

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

screwdrivers, scraper, misc wrenches
screwdrivers, scraper, misc wrenches
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


magnetic block heater, scrapers, carpet knives, flashlight
magnetic block heater, scrapers, carpet knives, flashlight
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

marvel mystery oil, glass cleaner, chain lube, brake fluid, 
marvel mystery oil, glass cleaner, chain lube, brake fluid, 
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 crowbars (1 is broke on claw) and a pry bar
2 crowbars (1 is broke on claw) and a pry bar
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

wonder bar, 2 pry bars, and a antique wrench
wonder bar, 2 pry bars, and a antique wrench
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

SAE gear wrench set 5/16"-3/4"
SAE gear wrench set 5/16"-3/4"
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

hammer, channel locks, pliers
hammer, channel locks, pliers
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

hammer, shelf brackets, 7 pc quick-change bit set
hammer, shelf brackets, 7 pc quick-change bit set
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

12" flat pry bar, pizza cutter, hammer, flashlight, 2 lb. hammer, utility blades
12" flat pry bar, pizza cutter, hammer, flashlight, 2 lb. hammer, utility blades
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

oven liner, pliers, speed square, pins, hammer, go jo
oven liner, pliers, speed square, pins, hammer, go jo
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

olympia bit driver set, sawzall blades, pick set, coping saw, chair tips, c-clamp
olympia bit driver set, sawzall blades, pick set, coping saw, chair tips, c-clamp
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

box of new light bulbs misc sizes  (see pics)
box of new light bulbs misc sizes  (see pics)
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3 bottles of Howes diesel treatment
3 bottles of Howes diesel treatment
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

maxit utility resin shelves
maxit utility resin shelves
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3/4" socket set with 2 ratchets, extension and a breaker bar
3/4" socket set with 2 ratchets, extension and a breaker bar
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

misc box end wrenches, breaker bar, crescent wrenches,pliers, vice grip
misc box end wrenches, breaker bar, crescent wrenches,pliers, vice grip
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD tool box with misc bolts
JD tool box with misc bolts
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

large metal toolbox, drywall saw, tape measure, hacksaw and blades
large metal toolbox, drywall saw, tape measure, hacksaw and blades
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

1937 gaspump coin bank, DeWalt  18 volt flashlight NO BATTERY
1937 gaspump coin bank, DeWalt  18 volt flashlight NO BATTERY
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

box of misc lubricants, ether, brake cleaner, liquid wrench
box of misc lubricants, ether, brake cleaner, liquid wrench
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

misc dog rope leashes, dog cable tie-out and a halter
misc dog rope leashes, dog cable tie-out and a halter
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


8' x 25' poly film, square D float switch, oil can, hammer, paint brushes
8' x 25' poly film, square D float switch, oil can, hammer, paint brushes
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


socket organizer, large c-clamp, 6' x 8' tarp, Bostitch 4" cont. rim wheel
socket organizer, large c-clamp, 6' x 8' tarp, Bostitch 4" cont. rim wheel
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


receiver shock hitch, v-belt, gloves, 10' x 25' plastic 
receiver shock hitch, v-belt, gloves, 10' x 25' plastic 
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


10 cartridges of Blue guard 500 grease tubes and misc JD corn head grease, moly hi temp grease
10 cartridges of Blue guard 500 grease tubes and misc JD corn head grease, moly hi temp grease
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

 7 new  Rowse Guards part # 670 600
 7 new  Rowse Guards part # 670 600
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


solar lights, caulk, 2" ND10 ball valve
solar lights, caulk, 2" ND10 ball valve
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Farm Duty motor 3/4 HP 1725 RPM- motor spins free
Farm Duty motor 3/4 HP 1725 RPM- motor spins free
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 new rolls of poly twine
2 new rolls of poly twine
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 air gun kits, air pressure, gauge, radiator wand, goodyear, 3/8" 50' hose
2 air gun kits, air pressure, gauge, radiator wand, goodyear, 3/8" 50' hose
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2-Flexzilla 50' garden hose
2-Flexzilla 50' garden hose
1 new 1 used
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

new gate wheel, B&D pruner, turtle wax
new gate wheel, B&D pruner, turtle wax
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Crock Jug
Crock Jug
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

9' x 9' poly tarp, cookie decorator and an LED hand light
9' x 9' poly tarp, cookie decorator and an LED hand light
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

50 ft ext cord with reel 
50 ft ext cord with reel 
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Convertable Tank de-icer 1500 watt
Convertable Tank de-icer
1500 watt
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

new JD Fan motor RE251028 toy JD gas pumps, 18.00 x 9.5 x 8 JD lawn and garden tube - new
new JD Fan motor RE251028
toy JD gas pumps, 18.00 x 9.5 x 8 JD lawn and garden tube - new
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

15 new Rowse 670 600 guards 
15 new Rowse 670 600 guards 
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 Menards 2XL tee shirts, 3 utility lighters and 7 1/4" saw blades (new and used)
2 Menards 2XL tee shirts, 3 utility lighters and 7 1/4" saw blades (new and used)
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3 gallon lawn and garden sprayer
3 gallon lawn and garden sprayer
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Live Trap
Live Trap
35" long  11" wide and 11" tall
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2"x27' ratchet strap- new, new gloves, matches, JD RE41171 hose
2"x27' ratchet strap- new, new gloves, matches, JD RE41171 hose
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New 10' cattle rubber
New 10' cattle rubber
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New bag of sodium bentonite
New bag of sodium bentonite
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3/8 log chain
3/8 log chain
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

misc small chains
misc small chains​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD Chisel Arm N189637
JD Chisel Arm N189637
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

5/16" log chain
5/16" log chain
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3/8" log Chain
3/8" log Chain
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Rowse mower ball hitch
Rowse mower ball hitch
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

60--WR6000 Rowse rake teeth
60--WR6000 Rowse rake teeth
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3/8" log Chain
3/8" log Chain
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Hi tensile Elec fence wire -full roll
Hi tensile Elec fence wire -full roll ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD NEW 6 volt battery box
JD NEW 6 volt battery box
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD wind guard rod, JD clevis pin, JD tie rod arm
JD wind guard rod, JD clevis pin, JD tie rod arm
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

triangle flashers
 triangle flashers
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Antique JD wrenches
Antique JD wrenches
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Antique JD wrenches
Antique JD wrenches
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Antique JD wrenches
Antique JD wrenches
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Antique JD wrenches
Antique JD wrenches
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Antique JD wrenches
Antique JD wrenches
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

5 Clevis's
5 Clevis's
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 rolls of 14 gauge 1/4 mile hot wire
2 rolls of 14 gauge 1/4 mile hot wire
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

7/16" log chain
7/16" log chain
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Disc Gang wrenches
Disc gang wrenches
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


3/8" log Chain
3/8" log Chain
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


mower hold up bar and 2 large box end wrenches
mower hold up bar and 2 large box end wrenches
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

misc ratchet wrenches, JD closing wheel, fly swatters, metal flashing, screw drivers
misc ratchet wrenches, JD closing wheel, fly swatters, metal flashing, screw drivers
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3/8" log Chain
3/8" log chain
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

7/16" log chain- rusted
7/16" log chain- rusted​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD Gang wrenches and a JD gang arm
JD Gang wrenches and a JD gang arm
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

rebuilt JD grapple arm
rebuilt JD grapple arm
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD Pressure Washer HR 2500PSI 2.3 GPM
JD Pressure Washer HR 2500PSI 2.3 GPM
Honda GC160 motor with hose and and new wand
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Char Broil "The Big Easy" Smoker Roaster & Grill
Char Broil "The Big Easy" Smoker Roaster & Grill
new in box
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

pro lift 2 ton floor jack with handle- works
pro lift 2 ton floor jack with handle- works
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 sledge hammers and a post maul
2 sledge hammers and a post maul
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hi-Lo Hardhat Heater- Kerosene or Fuel oil
Hi-Lo Hardhat Heater- Kerosene or Fuel oil
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


ProCom Home Heater 30,000 BTU
ProCom Garage Heater
30,000 BTU new in box
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Apache 3" Trash Pump WP30 (Never used)
Apache 3" Trash Pump model WP30 (Never used)
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Magna Force 20 Gallon Air Compressor- belt driven
Magna Force 20 Gallon Air Compressor- belt driven
with hose
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Apache Power Industrial Premier 8800E Gasoline Generator
Apache Power Industrial Premier 8800E Gasoline Generator
120/240 volt   30 amp plug,  elec start- no battery, 2 flat tires (Never been used)
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Belt Driven Air Compressor w/ hose
Belt Driven Air Compressor w/ hose
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

drawbar hitch, tar paper, fence posts, 4 pry bars
drawbar hitch, tar paper, fence posts, 4 pry bars
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

6" and 4" hand crank post hole digger and hole pinchers
6" and 4" hand crank post hole digger and hole pinchers
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

6" and 9" hand crank hole diggers and a screw in anchor/digger
6" and 9" hand crank hole diggers and a screw in anchor/digger
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Barrel Cart
Barrel Cart
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Leather Saddle with a bridle and a bit
Leather Saddle with a bridle and a bit​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
BONA ALLEN LL CO.  Sweethome Texas inscribed on the saddle
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Computer Track 100 8 Row planter monitor with power module
Computer Track 100 8 Row planter monitor with power module
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3 rolls of white 10'x25' 3 mil plastic ​​​​​​​1 roll of black 10'x25' 3 mil plastic
3 rolls of white 10'x25' 3 mil plastic
1 roll of black 10'x25' 3 mil plastic
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


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Doyle Crane Estate Tool & Shop supplies Online Only Auction

Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC

Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC

Sale Location
40942 234th ST
Artesian, SD 57314
Sale Dates and Times
Sale Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions


Preview Date: Contact Auctioneer 605-999-4239.
Buyers Premium: 8%
Payment: Winning bids will be paid by guaranteed funds within 24 hours of auction close. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. A limit of $2500.00 per invoice for Credit Card charges. Any Invoice totals under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases.

Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers ONLINE AUCTIONS Feature “A MAX BID” Option as well as a “SOFT CLOSE”.
“A MAX BID” may be placed on any item and the computer will bid on your behalf, thus eliminating the need to continually watch your bids. This option is highly recommended so you do not miss out on an item you are bidding on. In the event you do not use the MAX BID feature and you are out bid you will be notified via e-mail or text that you have been outbid and will have the opportunity to raise your bid.

“THE SOFT CLOSE” feature means any bid received in the final minutes of the auction will automatically extend bidding on that particular item or lot by 1 minute to allow another bidder the opportunity to raise their bid.

GENERAL TERMS: The auction will be conducted by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers on behalf of the owners of the property, referred to as the Seller. Auctioneer is not responsible for the acts or representations of Seller. The auction shall be governed by the terms set forth herein (the agreement), and any additional terms and conditions that are posted concerning the specific property. The Agreement constitutes a valid, binding contract between individuals participating in the auction with the intent to purchase property, referred to as the Bidder or Buyer, and Seller/Auctioneer. The term Bidder or Buyer shall include, but not limited to, the individual or the company represented by the individual and any and all of its agents, employees, representatives, officers, and directors. Auctioneer is not responsible for statements made by the Bidder, Buyer, or other parties. Auctioneer reserves the right to periodically change the terms and conditions of the Agreement, which shall be effective immediately upon posting. It is the Bidders responsibility to review any and all changes made to these terms and conditions prior to bidding on property. The act of submitting a bid shall constitute Bidder acceptance of each and every term and condition contained herein, any additional terms and conditions posted with the property, and any changes made within the full agreement. All persons attending, inspecting or removing property assume all risks whatsoever of damage or loss to person and property and specifically release the Auctioneer from all liability. Auctioneer is not liable by reason of any defect in, or condition of, the property or the premises on which the preview/sale is held. Auctioneer is released for any claims to actual damage to the property sold and/or consequential damages that may result from the sale of defective property.

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Auctioneer reserves the right to add or withdraw property from the auction, and/or regroup items. Auctioneer reserves the right to sell property absolute or with reserve, at Sellers discretion. The Seller does have the right to make the final bid and the Auctioneer does have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. The auctioneer reserves the right to open the bid as the result of a tie bid or discrepancies in the bid.
Buyer assumes full responsibility of property at time of purchase, and all risk of loss and damage to property. All titles will be assigned to registered buyer unless notification is received by auctioneer at the end of auction. NO TITLES WILL BE ISSUED UNLESS COMPLETELY FILLED OUT.

BIDDER REGISTRATION: Bidder must be 18 years of age or older, and are required to register for the auction. In registration, Bidder must submit information found to be current, complete, and accurate for proper identification. Auctioneer does not sell or rent this information. Auctioneer uses email mailing lists to notify customers about online and live auctions. Customers who do not wish to be notified should contact the office of the Auctioneer and request removal from the email mailing list. Bidder is responsible for security of his/her bidding number/user name and password, and any and all bids placed under the assigned number/ID. Auctioneer should be notified immediately if Bidder believes number and/or password have been compromised. Auctioneer reserves the right to terminate registration, deny any person for any reason permission or access to bid, to reject any and all bids, and to suspend or ban Bidder from bidding, at Auctioneers sole discretion. Bidder registration is not transferable or assignable.

BIDDING: Bidder must register to participate in the auction. Read the descriptions of each lot and view photographs carefully. If you have any questions call 605-999-4239. Should you visit the viewing location, please personally inspect the property on which you intend to bid during the date(s) indicated in the details per item when applicable. Using YOUR knowledge and experience, form your own opinion of the property and bid accordingly. If you are in doubt, DO NOT BID. All items are sold “AS-IS WHERE IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS” this is an AUCTION and all SALES ARE FINAL. Bids cannot be retracted and are binding contracts between Bidder and Auctioneer/Seller. Bidder is accountable to be informed about property and associated costs before bidding. A maximum bid can be placed on property. A maximum bid is kept confidential, and Bidder authorizes Auctioneer to place bids on his/her behalf up to the amount of the maximum bid. Upon sale of property, identifying information and purchase amount will be posted for a designated period of time. All questions or disputes must be resolved immediately; no changes or adjustments will be made at a later date. Auctioneer reserves the right to reopen bidding. Auctioneer decisions will be final.

BUYERS PREMIUM: A Buyers premium of 8% will be charged on each purchase. Unless otherwise stated. A buyers premium, an advertised percentage of the high bid or flat fee added to the high bid will be added to the high bid and become part of the purchase amount at settlement. Buyer agrees to these provisions and will pay the applicable buyers premium. Example if an item is sold for $100.00 + 8% buyers premium = Final bid price $108.00. There is a $750.00 BP cap per item.

PAYMENT TERMS: Sales tax, when applicable, will be charged on both the purchase price and buyers premium. Taxes, fees, shipping, handling, insurance, storage and security charges are Buyers expenses, and will be calculated and rendered due at the sale of the property. Payment will be made in full by the buyer. Upon making payment for property, no stop payment of funds will be honored, Any stop payment order of a check, or giving a check which is returned marked insufficient funds, shall be deemed by the parties to be a prima facie evidence of fraud existing at the time the transaction was consummated and shall be construed by the parties as intent to defraud. If you are from another country other than the US, you must pay in US funds.

REMOVAL OF PROPERTY / SHIPPING TERMS: Buyer assumes full responsibility of property at time of purchase, and all risk of loss and damage to property. Property will not be removed from sale premises until payment in full has been received. Any and all methods of lifting, towing, and/or hauling are the Buyers responsibility. Packing and shipping costs are the responsibility of Buyer and can be conducted by a third party of choice. The final day of removal will be posted with property information. Any and all property not removed by Buyer by the final day of removal will revert back to the Auctioneer/ Seller, and may be resold at auction or disposed of in any other manner that seems to be suitable.

CHOICE OF LAW: The laws of the State of South Dakota governs this agreement any dispute arising from the terms of this auction shall be brought in a court of Sanborn County, South Dakota.

ADDITIONAL TERMS: The following are property specific Terms & Conditions that are posted online with the individual property information and will override any likewise terms stated in this Agreement. - Buyers Premium - Sale Date and Time (Beginning and Ending) - Inspection Location, Dates, and Times - Final Date of Removal - Shipping Arrangements - Special Notes/Comments/Announcements

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BIDDING IN THE ONLINE AUCTION: Once you are registered and have your User Name & Password, you may place bids as soon as a lot opens for bidding. Your bids are FINAL and constitute a binding contract. Please be aware that lots will close at various times and possibly different days and may be extended. You are responsible for monitoring these close times. Please bid early to avoid disappointment. Bidder acknowledges that hardware malfunctions, software malfunctions, viruses, and similar issues do occur and are beyond the knowledge, scope, and control of Auctioneer. We are NOT responsible for your system malfunctions, connection to the internet or your e-mail client stopping any of our e-mails to you in regard to bid confirmations and/or outbid notifications. All lots for the on-line auctions shall be paid in full by Certified Funds prior to pick up. An invoice will be sent to your registered e-mail address within 24 hours following the conclusion of the auction.

Bidding Increments
$0.00 - $10.00 = $1.00
$10.01 - $25.00 = $3.00
$25.01 - $100.00 = $5.00
$100.01 - $250.00 = $8.00
$250.01 - $500.00 = $10.00
$500.01 - $1,000.00 = $25.00
$1,000.01 - $5,000.00 = $50.00
$5,000.01 - $10,000.00 = $100.00
$10,000.01 - $25,000.00 = $250.00
$25,000.01 - $50,000.00 = $500.00
$50,000.01 - $100,000.00 = $1,000.00

Currency: USD
Buyers Premium: 8% Buyers Premium added to final bid only on Online Purchases. $750.00 BP cap
Payment Terms: Cash or Bankable Check
Full payment within 24 hours of auction close via guaranteed funds. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. Credit Card is used for verification purpose only and will not be charged. Any Invoice totals $100.00 or less will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases.

Shipping / Pick Up
Items will be picked up after paid in full the day after the auction or make arrangements with auctioneer. Items not picked up within 30 days will be deemed abandoned and resold, unless arrangements are made with the seller.
Listing Details
Doyle Crane Estate Tool & Shop Supplies Online Only Auction. Lots of New and used tools, JD parts, Equipment part and supplies.

These items are from the Doyle Crane Estate, items will be located at 40942 234th. ST Artesian, SD
These items are from the Doyle Crane Estate, items will be located at 40942 234th. ST Artesian, SD. Lots of New/Used tools, JD parts for tractors and equipment and lots more. 

All equipment and tools are listed and represented the best  we can but we encourage each bidder to bid according to their best judgement. There will be NO Preview of these items as we have limited space to display all the items as they are in storage. 

No hidden reserves! Opening bid meets reserve price. Please note Pickup locations in each item. Please make every attempt to pick up your items on the scheduled pickup date or call if you need to schedule and appointment for pickup.

All the Lots from the Doyle Crane Estate from Fedora, SD and will be located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Call Justin @ 605-999-4239 for questions.

Call Steve Larson 605-770-9818, Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Myron Grosz 605-999-4087 or Kelbi Dean 605-999-8812 for information on this auction.

Pickup will be on Tuesday March 23 & 24 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM each day, Invoice & Payment Info
Location Information:
All the Lots from the Doyle Crane Estate from Fedora, SD and will be located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD  57314. Call Justin @ 605-999-4239 for questions. Pickup will be on Tuesday March 23 & Wednesday March 24 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM each day


Invoice Information:
Upon successfully winning the bid of an item, an invoice will be emailed to you following the auction. Please look for your invoice following the auction in your registered email account. Please read the invoice at the bottom. If paying with cash or good check, please pay the Cash Total Due. Do Not Pay the Convenience Fee Total (This is the Credit Card Fee). Any invoice totals under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the credit card on file.

Payment Information:
Payments (Cash or Good Check) not received by Friday Noon the week of the auction, the balance will be charged to Buyers Credit Card on File! Please mail your payment no later than Wednesday after the Auction to avoid Credit Card Charges. If payment cannot be paid by Thursday, please contact Auctioneers to make arrangements. NO Items will be released or removed until entire invoice is paid in full.


Sales Tax & Buyers Premium, Notice Information, App Information
 Sales Tax & Buyers Premium  
Buyers Premium is Charged on a Per Item Basis.
8% BUYERS FEE ON ALL PURCHASES $750.00 cap per item

4.5% SD Sales Tax - Unless you have a SD sales tax form on file with us. Contact Us prior to purchasing with your Sales Tax Information to purchase for resale

The Sellers/Auctioneers DO NOT provide transportation or shipping services for buyers to remove their merchandise. Any and all methods of towing and/or hauling, as well as all other methods or requirements for the removal and transport of the Equipment, is the sole responsibility of the buyer. All items must be picked up at auction address,


App Information:
Download our Bidding App on you Android or Apple phone, Ipad, etc. Go to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and search “Dean Edwards” Sign Up and then Register to bid!


Practice Bidding & Covid Information
Practice Bidding & Covid Information
Use this lot to practice bidding, go ahead and bid away using the bid button, learn how to increase your bid amount by clicking on the Plus button in each lot, or setting a max bid. Also, if you click on the Star in any lot, it will add it to "Your Items" section so you can watch that particular item without having to bid on it. Any questions, call Steve at 605-770-9818 or Justin @ 605-999-4239.
Covid 19 Information:
Please limit Person to Person contact with Sellers/Agents when picking up your items. If you are feeling ill or have any symptoms, please call ahead a we will make sure your purchases can be set out for you to pickup safely. Please pickup your items as soon as possible after payment. Thank you for your cooperation and everyone please be safe!


Olympia 18 pce screw driver set - New
Olympia 18 pce screw driver set - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD  57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Ernst Metric combination wrench set - missing 2 small wrenches
Ernst Metric combination wrench set - missing 2 small wrenches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3 10' ratchet tie downs
3 10' ratchet tie downs

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Grease Gun - New
Grease Gun - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. seals, bearings & sprockets - New
Misc. seals, bearings & gears - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


IH mower parts - hold downs, kickback springs, bushings
IH mower parts - hold downs, kickback springs, bushings

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


IH mower parts - hold downs, kickback springs, bushings
IH mower parts - hold downs, kickback springs, bushings

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hammer, torpedo level, saw, steel brush & misc. tools
Hammer, torpedo level, saw, steel brush & misc. tools

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 torpedo levels, magnetic driver set, Misc. drill bits, Irwin speed bor
2 torpedo levels, magnetic driver set, Misc. drill bits, Irwin speed bor

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


REIST1000 radio for JD 4000 series sound guard cab - new
REIST1000 radio for JD 4000 series sound guard cab - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Gear Wrench Metric ratcheting combination wrench set 8mm-18mm
Gear Wrench Metric ratcheting combination wrench set 8mm-18mm

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Irwin Hand saw, chalk line, Drill Craft bit set, paint brush
Irwin Hand saw, chalk line, Drill Craft bit set, paint brush

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hammer, Hand saw, 11 pce drill bit set, paint brush
Hammer, Hand saw, 11 pce drill bit set, paint brush

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hammer, Hand saw, 11 pce drill bit set, paint brush, Electric timer
Hammer, Hand saw, 11 pce drill bit set, paint brush, Electric timer

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hammer, Hand saw, paint brush, Irwin Magnet driver set, B&D power screw driver - new
Hammer, Hand saw, paint brush, Irwin Magnet driver set, B&D power screw driver - new

Speed square, Power bit set, Vise grip, 2 cresent wrenches - New
Speed square, Power bit set, Vise grip, 2 cresent wrenches - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 vise grips, magnetic pickup light, Fire hose nozzle - New
2 vise grips, magnetic pickup light, Fire hose nozzle - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


12" cresent wrench, 2 vise grips, 16' tape measure, impact bits - New
12" cresent wrench, 2 vise grips, 16' tape measure, impact bits - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Allen Wrenches, Power driver set, 2 vise grips - New
Allen Wrenches, Power driver set, 2 vise grips - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Plastic tool 16" Plano
Plastic tool 16" Plano

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 paint brushes, hammer, vise grip, cutting board bamboo - new
2 paint brushes, hammer, vise grip, cutting board bamboo - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Herculiner bed liner, Bug Wacker light - new
Herculiner bed liner, Bug Wacker light - new
bed liner has been exposed to freezing conditions.

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


tub full of misc. bolts, fuel filters, brass fittings, & misc.
tub full of misc. bolts, fuel filters, brass fittings, & misc.

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD replacement cushion set 5500 ooYE
JD replacement cushion set 5500 ooYE

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hammer, 2 vice grips - New
Hammer, 2 vice grips - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Pistol Grease gun - new
Pistol Grease gun - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


8000 series agriculture pump 12 volt
8000 series agriculture pump 12 volt

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Transmission filter AR94510, OIl filter RE57394
JD Transmission filter AR94510, OIl filter RE57394

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Shurflo 8000 series diaphragm pump - new
Shurflo 8000 series diaphragm pump - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Irwin Hand, 8 pce screw driver set, claw hammer - new
Irwin Hand, 8 pce screw driver set, claw hammer - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Antifreeze tester, Sharpee label dispensor, Auto AC can, wedge
Antifreeze tester, Sharpee label dispensor, Auto AC can, wedge

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


4 pce pry bar set
4 pce pry bar set

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Ram Tool 4 pce pry bar set - new
Ram Tool 4 pce pry bar set - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Folding cart - new
Folding cart - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Transmission filter AR94510, Hyd filter AR94510, Fuel Filter AR86745 - New
JD Transmission filter AR94510, Hyd filter AR94510, Fuel Filter AR86745 - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD bearings, seal, & misc. jd parts - new
JD bearings, seal, & misc. jd parts - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Box of paint brushes - new all sizes
Box of paint brushes - new all sizes

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Tape measure, string line, pliers, folding knife, multi function tool, 2 rachet clamps
Tape measure, string line, pliers, folding knife, multi function tool, 2 rachet clamps

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Spade bits, 25' tape, vise grips, 2 groove lock pliers - new
Spade bits, 25' tape, vise grips, 2 groove lock pliers - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Plano tool box plastic
Plano tool box plastic

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Claw hammer, file set, Tool Shop caliper - New
Claw hammer, file set, Tool Shop caliper - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


File set, claw hammer, steel brush, Digital Multimeter
File set, claw hammer, steel brush, Digital Multimeter

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. wrenches combination and rachet wrenches
Misc. wrenches combination and rachet wrenches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Cordless engraver, claw hammer, screw driver set, ratchet strap 27', hand pump sprayer
Cordless engraver, claw hammer, screw driver set, ratchet strap 27', hand pump sprayer

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Come a long - new
Come a long - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Makita 4" angle grinder - New
Makita 4" angle grinder - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Nail pullers, paint brushes, Misc. gloves (new)
Nail pullers, paint brushes, Misc. gloves (new)

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


DeWalt 1/2" impact wrench w/2 batteries, no charger, case 18 vlt
DeWalt 1/2" impact wrench w/2 batteries, no charger, case 18 vlt

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


4 ratchet straps - new, Military folding shovel
4 ratchet straps - new, Military folding shovel

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


3/8 drive socket set, Splice crimp & cut tool, wrecking bar
3/8 drive socket set, Splice crimp & cut tool, wrecking bar

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Dewalt 18 vlt 1/2 impact gun - new in case 2 batteries & charger
Dewalt 18 vlt 1/2 impact gun - new in case 2 batteries & charger

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


tarp straps, claw hammer B&D cordless power hand saw
tarp straps, claw hammer B&D cordless power hand saw

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD replacement cushion set TY26549
JD replacement cushion set TY26549

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Filters AR94510, AR45098, T19044
JD Filters AR94510, AR45098, T19044

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Claw hammer, 4 in 1 screw driver, grease gun (no hose)
Claw hammer, 4 in 1 screw driver, grease gun

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Filters AR75603, T19044, RE57394
JD Filters AR75603, T19044, RE57394

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 guage 20' booster cables - New
2 guage 20' booster cables - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Filters T19044, AR45098, AR86745, AM125424
JD Filters T19044, AR45098, AR86745, AM125424

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD bearings new #8988 (5), Bolts, JD pin #6755 & misc.
JD bearings new #8988 (5), Bolts, JD pin #6755 & misc.

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. filters 2 boxes to go
Misc. filters 2 boxes to go

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. chain links - new
Misc. chain links - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD AA30941 JD 235 disc gang bearing written on box
JD AA30941 JD 235 disc gang bearing written on box

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


New Rubber boots size 10, and slow moving signs
New Rubber boots size 10, and slow moving signs

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Claw hammer, grease gun, 21 pce SAE 1/2 & 3/8 drive socket set
Claw hammer, grease gun, 21 pce SAE 1/2 & 3/8 drive socket set

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Beamer 12 vlt shop light 100 watt
Beamer 12 vlt shop light 100 watt

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


24” Bolt cutter
24” Bolt Cutter

JD Misc bearings, dust caps, parts

Case IH bearings and misc parts

JD Sending Units RE25659, JD 265 Loader Grapple Pin, JD 716A Chuckwagon Beater shear pin
JD Sending Units RE25659, JD 265 Loader Grapple Pin, JD 716A Chuckwagon Beater shear pin
 - Misc new Bolts
 - JD RE13035 connectors

JD Bearings, races, and RE25659 Sending unit, JD RE41942V belts

JD bearings and races

JD Clutch discs E82557, Seals, AR79680 Inner Air Filter, and misc parts

Case IH bearing # P-3573 (2), #526769r91 BEARING (2), misc. parts
Case IH bearing # P-3573 (2), #526769r91 BEARING (2), misc. parts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Misc. parts, filter, See pictures
JD Misc. parts, filter, See pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. Tire patch repair kit
Misc. Tire patch repair kit

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Tub of misc. deep well impact sockets, Metric & SAE
Tub of misc. deep well impact sockets, Metric & SAE
Misc. ratchets

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. solar electric fencers
Misc. solar electric fencers

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Basin wrench, Winters drill bits 9/16 - 1" set w/ case, misc. drill bits
Basin wrench, Winters drill bits 9/16 - 1" set w/ case, misc. drill bits

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. drill bit sets large and small
Misc. drill bit sets large and small

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Wire stripper, small open end metric wrenches, grease buster, snap ring pliers, drill bits
Wire stripper, small open end metric wrenches, grease buster, snap ring pliers, drill bits

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Drill bits, ignition wrenches
Drill bits, ignition wrenches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 5/16" ball, 1" auger bit, 1 1/4" impact socket, misc. punches
2 5/16" ball, 1" auger bit, 1 1/4" impact socket, misc. punches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Cable clamps, metric allen wrenches, Nut driver sets, screw driver bit set
Cable clamps, metric allen wrenches, Nut driver sets, screw driver bit set

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. garden hose connectors, hose clamps, garden hose stuff
Misc. garden hose connectors, hose clamps, garden hose stuff

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Battery terminal cleaner, Misc. items, pulleys etc
Battery terminal cleaner, Misc. items, pulleys etc

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Tape measure, audio cords, beer can crusher, air fittings
Tape measure, audio cords, beer can crusher, air fittings

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Solar light, sledge hammer, claw hammer, 4 piece carving set
Solar light, sledge hammer, claw hammer, 4 piece carving set

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc Electrical wiring, Misc hydraulic ends, Misc air fittings
Misc Electrical wiring, Misc hydraulic ends, Misc air fittings

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


chain links, JD electrical cords, couple bearing
chain links, JD electrical cords, couple bearing

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Honda filters, 12 volt sprayer pump, JD 30/40/50/55 series inner air filter
Honda filters, 12 volt sprayer pump, JD 30/40/50/55 series inner air filter

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Screen Wipes, Short hydraulic hoses, duct tape, electrical tape, JD O-Rings
Screen Wipes, Short hydraulic hoses, duct tape, electrical tape, JD O-Rings

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD bearing & seals, CaseIH bearings, other Misc Bearings
JD bearing & seals, CaseIH bearings, other Misc Bearings

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Electical Hookups, Chain Links, Misc O-Rings
JD Electical Hookups, Chain Links, Misc O-Rings

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. Chain Links, Grease Zirks
Misc. Chain Links, Grease Zirks

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. Pin, Misc Bolts, Roller Pins
Misc. Pin, Misc Bolts, Roller Pins

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Wiper Blades, Light Bulbs, Starting Fluid, JD Green Paint, Misc JD Spring
Wiper Blades, Light Bulbs, Starting Fluid, JD Green Paint, Misc JD Spring

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD Dust Caps, JD Pin Fastener, JD Pins
JD Dust Caps, JD Pin Fastener, JD Pins

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. JD Planter Parts
Misc. JD Planter Parts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. Spray Cans
Misc. Spray Cans

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hand Cleaner, Power Steering Fluid, Misc. Spray Cans
Hand Cleaner, Power Steering Fluid, Misc. Spray Cans

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


3 Gallon Prestone Antifreeze and JD Turf Guard 10-30 Oil
3 Gallon Prestone Antifreeze and JD Turf Guard 10-30 Oil

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Rodent Bait Box
Rodent Bait Box

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


3 Spray Foam Cans, Liquid Wrench
3 Spray Foam Cans & Liquid Wrench

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Baler Bands - NEW E85043
JD Baler Bands - NEW E85043

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Closing Wheel - NEW AA35392
JD Closing Wheel - NEW AA35392

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


High Lift Jack
High Lift Jack

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Spot Light, Cord Winder, Couple Timers
Spot LIght, Cord Winder, Couple Timers

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Various Welding Rods
Various Welding Rods 

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Clamps, Sickle Fix
Clamps & Sickle Fix

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Makita Grinder w/ Cord
Makita Grinder w/ Cord

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hand Saw, 2 5/16th Ball, Electrical Tape, Tape Measure
Hand Saw, 2 5/16th Ball, Electrical Tape, Tape Measure

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


15 JD Disc Openers Scrapers AA26444
15 JD Disc Openers Scrapers AA26444

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Baler Bands - NEW FH311772
JD Baler Bands - NEW FH311772

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Sickle Sections, Rivots, Misc. Sickle Mower Parts
Sickle Sections, Rivots, Misc. Sickle Mower Parts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Sickle Sections
Sickle Sections

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


High Lift Jack
High Lift Jack

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Radiator Cap - NEW RE39103
JD Radiator Cap - NEW RE39103

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. JD Parts
Misc. JD Parts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


3 Spolls for JD 235 Disc
3 Spolls for JD 235 Disc

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Baler Pickup Cylinder - NEW AE48497
JD Baler Pickup Cylinder - NEW AE48497

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Baler Pickup Wind Guards
JD Baler Pickup Wind Guards

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 Boxes of JD baler Pickup Teeth -
2 Boxes of JD Baler Pickup Teeth

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


4 JD Arms from ?? - NEW
4 JD Arms from ?? - NEW

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Hitch for Clevis Hitch
JD Hitch for Clevis Hitch

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Side panel for 3020 Diesel
JD Side Panel for 3020 Diesel

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


New Scrapers for JD Disc, Misc. Parts
New Scrapers for JD Disc, Misc. Parts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc Lag Bolts, Gate Hooks,
Misc. Lag Bolts, Gate Hooks

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hex Shaft Reducer, Cylinder Yoke end, Cast Pulley, Misc Parts
Hex Shaft Reducer, Cylinder Yoke end, Cast Pulley, Misc Parts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Case IH Mower sickle Sections & Rivots
Case IH Mower Sickle Sections & Rivots

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Hammers, Pliers, Tape Measure
Hammers, Pliers, Tape Measure

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Screwdriver Set, Misc. Wrenchs, Tape Measure
Screwdriver Set, Misc. Wrenchs, Tape Measure

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Screwdriver Set, Misc. Wrenchs, Tape Measure
Screwdriver Set, Misc. Wrenchs, Tape Measure

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


screw drivers, tape measure, rachet wrenchs
screw drivers, tape measure, rachet wrenches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


screw drivers, tape measure, chisels
screw drivers, tape measure, chisels

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Disc scraper arms, standard stine shank w/ shovels, vbolt
Disc scraper arms, standard stine shank w/ shovels, vbolt

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


KT Auto Darkening Welding Helmet, Pipe, Condensers
KT Auto Darkening Welding Helmet, Pipe, Condensers

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Mower Skid Plates
Mower Skid Plates

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 - Gauge wheel arm JD corn planter
2 - Gauge Wheel Arm JD corn planter

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Metal Brackets - unknown use, see pictures
JD Metal Brackets - unknown use, see pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


50ft Electrical Extension Cords, electric soder iron
50ft Electrical Extension Cords, electric soder iron

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


3 Engine Air Filters for 30/40/50/55 Series Tractors - NEW
3 Engine Air Filters for 30/40/50/55 Series Tractors - NEW

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. welding rods
Misc. welding rods

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Chisels & Punches assortment
Chisels & Punches assortment

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Assorted files flat, & rattail
Assorted files flat, & rattail

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Assorted files flat, & rattail, triangle
Assorted files flat, & rattail, triangle

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

6' aluminum level - new Stanley FatMax
6' aluminum level - new Stanley FatMax

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

40 roller chain, 50 roller chain and gathering chain - new
40 roller chain, 50 roller chain and gathering chain

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Assorted welding rod
Assorted welding rod

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

25' tape, corner magnet, pizza cutter, rain ponchos, Yellow safety flashers
25' tape, corner magnet, pizza cutter, rain ponchos, Yellow safety flashers

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Tape measures, Driver set, Yellow safety flashers, Poncho, Utility knife blades
Tape measures, Driver set, Yellow safety flashers, Poncho, Utility knife blades

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Chain beaker, Magnetic holders, Strong hand vice clamp, Hammers, 25' tape
Chain beaker, Magnetic holders, Strong hand vice clamp, Hammers, 25' tape

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Corn planter part AA35644 seed box part, New & used 50 & 60 chain
Corn planter part AA35644 seed box part, New & used 50 & 60 chain

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

6 qts 10-30 Trop Artic motor oil, Liquid wrench, starter fluid JD
6 qts 10-30 Trop Artic motor oil, Liquid wrench, starter fluid JD

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

DeWalt Cordless 18 vlt Sawzall, 4" grinder & skil saw w/ 2 batteries & charger
DeWalt Cordless 18 vlt Sawzall, 4" grinder & skil saw w/ 2 batteries & charger  w/ case

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. IH parts, 3 pt pin hitch, Mower hold downs, IH bushing pin for mower, manure spreader chain
Misc. IH parts, 3 pt pin hitch, Mower hold downs, IH bushing pin for mower, manure spreader chain

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

misc. JD parts, Pitman arms, bearings, JD carriage bolts
misc. JD parts, Pitman arms, bearings, JD carriage bolts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New JD cab filter RE12793, JD light AR104119
New JD cab filter RE12793, JD light AR104119

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD fan motor RE251028 - new, JD RE57394 oil filter
JD fan motor RE251028 - new, JD RE57394 oil filter

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Box of misc quarts of oil, Heet
Box of misc quarts of oil, Heet

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Tub full of Deseel supplement, Rustoleum, De Icer, Foam spray
Tub full of Deseel supplement, Rustoleum, De Icer, Foam spray

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Bucket full of misc nails
Bucket full of misc nails

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 5/16" ball, 2" ball, 1 7/8" ball
2 5/16" ball, 2" ball, 1 7/8" ball

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Box of Playboy Magazines 2004-2006 not complete
Box of Playboy Magazines 2004-2006 not complete

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Tool box with misc. 1/2" & 3/8" sockets SAE
Tool box with misc. 1/2" & 3/8" sockets SAE

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Tool box with misc. 1/2" sockets SAE
Tool box with misc. 1/2"  sockets SAE

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

1/2" & 3/8" ratchets and extensions, breaker bars
1/2" & 3/8" ratchets and extensions, breaker bars

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Posi lock gear and bearing puller 2 jaw
Posi lock gear and bearing puller 2 jaw

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Ratchet straps, clevis, Load binders
Ratchet straps, clevis, Load binders

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Tool box w/lots of new Jig saw blades, pliers
Tool box w/lots of new Jig saw blades, pliers

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Drill bits, Auger bits, misc. wrenches, shears
Drill bits, Auger bits, misc. wrenches, shears

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Grease gun, Nail apron, ext. cord
Grease gun, Nail apron, ext. cord

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Mouse trap, 2" receiver hitch w/ ball, drop cords
Mouse trap, 2" receiver hitch w/ ball, drop cords

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. fuses, cutting board, new voltage regulator
Misc. fuses, cutting board, new voltage regulator

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Vise grips, tape measure, pliers, side cutters
Vise grips, tape measure, pliers, side cutters

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

12 volt battery charger 10/30 200 amp boost - works
12 volt battery charger 10/30 200 amp boost - works

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2' level, Wireless key board & mouse, Drop cords & grease gun
2' level, Wireless key board & mouse, Drop cords & grease gun

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. Battery chargers, 12 vlt air compressor power pack
Misc. Battery chargers, 12 vlt air compressor

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3 ext. cords, 2' level
3 ext. cords, 2' level

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. V belts
Misc. V belts Mostly new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

7" grind blade, chop saw blade, drill grinding attachment
7" grind blade, chop saw blade, drill grinding attachment

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. drop cords, electrical tape, Beverage holder
Misc. drop cords, electrical tape, Beverage holder

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Box of tank floats
Box of tank floats

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. hammers, crescent wrenches, vice grips
Misc. hammers, crescent wrenches, vice grips

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Torch kit, 2 Hudson valves, tank float
Torch kit, 2 Hudson valves, tank float

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Block planes, Hammers, Draw knife, Sad iron
Block planes, Hammers, Draw knife, Sad iron

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Crescent wrenches, pliers, punches, wire tightner, speed wrenches, shears
Crescent wrenches, pliers, punches, wire tightner, speed wrenches, shears

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Muffler clamps, weed eater string, cable clamps, chain hooks
Muffler clamps, weed eater string, cable clamps, chain hooks

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD disc parts, 3 gang arms, 2 scraper arms
JD disc parts, 3 gang arms, 2 scraper arms

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 pressure switches, JD injector line rubber, tank float
2 pressure switches, JD injector line rubber, tank float

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Mower bat wing for end of mower
Mower bat wing for end of mower

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Mower bat wing for end of mower w/ connector
Mower bat wing for end of mower w/ connector

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Box of misc tarps
Box of misc tarps

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD parts, cylinder tube, flat iron, grapple brackets
JD parts, cylinder tube, flat iron, grapple brackets

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 antique gas cans
2 antique gas cans

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD spindle hub # W19771
JD spindle hub # W19771

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

IH mower parts, Lift arm connector, tie up arm rest bracket, quick hitch
IH mower parts, Lift arm connector, tie up arm rest bracket, quick hitch

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

SAE wrench set missing 1/4"
SAE wrench set missing 1/4"

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

11 ea Mower guards Rowse 670600 new
11 ea Mower guards Rowse 670600 new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

70 rake teeth for Sitrex type rake
70 rake teeth for Sitrex type rake

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 Hvy Duty gate hinges
2 Hvy Duty gate hinges

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD tractor antenna & Antique JD wrench
JD tractor antenna & Antique JD wrench

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


LP regulator, hose clamps, zip ties
LP regulator, hose clamps, zip ties

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Hoof trimmer, branch shear
Hoof trimmer, branch shear

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New hyd hoses, redi rod, curry comb, cultivator marker
New hyd hoses, redi rod, curry comb, cultivator marker

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 - 15 " x 10" 6 hole rim - new
15 " x 10" 6 hole rim - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 wheel utility cart
2 wheel utility cart

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Philips 66 gas cans 3 to go
Philips 66 gas cans 3 to go

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 Coop & Phillips 66 cans
2 Coop & Phillips 66 cans - 3 cans one money

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

4 gas cans metal - all to go one money
4 gas cans metal - all to go one money

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

6 misc Advertiser cans
6 misc Advertiser cans

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 - Pax electric water heaters, Battery cable, Fire Extinguisher
2 - Pax electric water heaters, Battery cable, Fire Extinguisher

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

4" grind wheels, all purpose lighters, wire brush set, razor blade scraper, screen install tool
4" grind wheels, all purpose lighters, wire brush set, razor blade scraper, screen install tool

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JB weld, Allen wrenches, Ladder hooks,
.JB weld, Allen wrenches, Ladder hooks,

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD Weld, JD Aux. power port connector,
JD Weld, JD Aux. power port connector,

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. 3/8" socket set, breaker bar, swivel, missing some sockets
Misc. 3/8" socket set, breaker bar, swivel, missing some sockets

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

1/2" deep well impact socket set Metric 10mm-19mm
1/2" deep well impact socket set Metric 10mm-19mm

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Small steel tool box w/ misc. SAE wrenches
Small steel tool box w/ misc. SAE wrenches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Tap & Die set
Tap & Die set - may be missing some pieces

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Baler belt splices, Irwin quick grips, Flaring tool
Baler belt splices, Irwin quick grips, Flaring tool

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Tap & Die set
Tap & Die set - may be missing some pieces

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Tap & Die set
Tap & Die set - may be missing some pieces

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Box full of Antique wrenches
Box full of Antique wrenches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

11LR15/16 Hvy Duty inner tube new, 4 - 3/4" gate hinges
11LR15/16 Hvy Duty inner tube new, 4 - 3/4" gate hinges

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 boxes of misc. Silicone sealant and Flashing cement
2 boxes of misc. Silicone sealant and Flashing cement

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Rigid Pipe cutter 1/8" - 2"
Rigid Pipe cutter 1/8" - 2"

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. wrenches, screw drivers, small c clamp, pipe wrench, tin snip, pry bar, knife sharpner
Misc. wrenches, screw drivers, small c clamp, pipe wrench, tin snip, pry bar, knife sharpner

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Max AP Canopy 10'x20' - unknown if complete
Max AP Canopy 10'x20' - unknown if complete

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD AA29648 sorghum seed cups 8 ea. w/ metal bracket
JD AA29648 sorghum seed cups 8 ea. w/ metal bracket

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Milwaukee 9" side grinder, works needs new cord
Milwaukee 9" side grinder, works needs new cord

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Hog catcher, wood float, drive belt, cab weather stripping
Hog catcher, wood float, drive belt, cab weather stripping

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD air filter fits series 30,40, 50 & 55
JD air filter fits series 30,40, 50 & 55

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Simmer float switches parts
Simmer float switches parts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Pipe vise
Pipe vise

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Filter wrench, 1 5/16" JD wrench, grinding wheels
.Filter wrench, 1 5/16" JD wrench, grinding wheels

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Box of misc. used hand saws and framing squares
Box of misc. used hand saws and framing squares

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Irwin Hand saws New Coarse & Fine cut
Irwin Hand saws New Coarse & Fine cut

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures
.New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures
.New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures
.New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures
.New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New Nuts & bolts all sizes - check pictures
New Nuts & bolts all sizes - check pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New Nuts & bolts all sizes - check pictures
New Nuts & bolts all sizes - check pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New Loader bucket nuts and bolts
New Loader bucket nuts and bolts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

CNH Section bolts 3 boxes, misc. guard bolts
CNH Section bolts 3 boxes, misc. guard bolts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Battery bolts & shoulder nuts, magnets, electric fence wire roller,
Battery bolts & shoulder nuts, magnets, electric fence wire roller,

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Dayton 3/4HP Farm Duty Elec. motor 1725 RPM & additional elec. motor
Dayton 3/4HP Farm Duty Elec. motor 1725 RPM & additional elec. motor

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

4 Level, Grill, roller stand
4 Level, Grill, roller stand

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Metal flashing rolls
Metal flashing rolls

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3 rolls of 3 mil 10'x25' plastic rolls
3 rolls of 3 mil 10'x25' plastic rolls

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

# IV3937BA Receiving tube
# IV3937BA Receiving tube

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Forney Welder w/ leads and misc. welding items
Forney Welder w/ leads and misc. welding items

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

6 Black plastic U shaped hoops, not sure what they were for.
6 Black plastic U shaped hoops, not sure what they were for.

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 Jumper cable bags
2 Jumper cable bags

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Shovel & scraper
Shovel & scraper

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 plastic gas cans
2 plastic gas cans

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 plastic gas cans
2 plastic gas cans

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 plastic gas cans
2 plastic gas cans

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD Corn Planter parts, Guage wheels, closing wheels, Marker disc's and misc.
JD Corn Planter parts, Guage wheels, closing wheels, Marker disc's and misc.

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Step hand rail - new for JD tractor steps
Step hand rail - new for JD tractor steps

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD 2510 side sheild (1 shield)
JD 2510 side sheild (1 shield)

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD Fender bracket
JD Fender bracket

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Trojan 66B Gas Stock Tank Heater - New
Trojan 66B Gas Stock Tank Heater - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals JD 230 Disk
Manuals JD 230 Disk
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals JD No 8 & No 8W caster wheel mowers & JD 37,38 & 39 Mowers
Manuals JD No 8 & No 8W caster wheel mowers & JD 37,38 & 39 Mowers

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manual - JD 800 windrower & 700,720 and 740 wagons, Computer Trak 100,200 and 300 planter monitors
Manual - JD 800 windrower & 700,720 and 740 wagons, Computer Trak 100,200 and 300 planter monitors

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 960 Field Cultivator, JD 350 and 360 plow, JD 1600M Chisel plow
Manuals - JD 960 Field Cultivator, JD 350 and 360 plow, JD 1600M Chisel plow

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 280 Farm Loader & JD Grapple attachment for 245,260 and 280 farm loaders
Manuals - JD 280 Farm Loader & JD Grapple attachment for 245,260 and 280 farm loaders

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 64 four row and 60 six row cultivators
Manuals - JD 64 four row and 60 six row cultivators

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 265 Farm Loader & JD Grapple attachment for 245,260 and 280 farm loaders
Manuals - JD 265 Farm Loader & JD Grapple attachment for 245,260 and 280 farm loaders

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 6620, Sidehill 6620,7720 and 8820 combine & Danuser post hole digger
Manuals - JD 6620, Sidehill 6620,7720 and 8820 combine & Danuser post hole digger

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD AW Disk Harrow, JD No.5 mower, JD F145H plow, JD Model SH disk harrow
Manuals - JD AW Disk Harrow, JD No.5 mower, JD F145H plow, JD Model SH disk harrow

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - Case Model A combine, IH 120 windrower, dump rake
Manuals - Case Model A combine, IH 120 windrower, dump rake

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 64 & 60 cultivators, JD RG4, RG6, RG 430 & RG 630 cultivators, JD 494A & 495A planter
Manuals - JD 64 & 60 cultivators, JD RG4, RG6, RG 430 & RG 630 cultivators, JD 494A & 495A planter

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 60 tractor, JD F145H plow and Noble drag
Manuals - JD 60 tractor, JD F145H plow and Noble drag

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD RG4, RG6, RG 430 & RG 630 cultivators, JD AW disk, JD 490 planter, JD 555 & 555H plow
Manuals - JD RG4, RG6, RG 430 & RG 630 cultivators, JD AW disk, JD 490 planter, JD 555 & 555H plow

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD SH disk, JD 1064 wagon, JD #5 mower
Manuals - JD SH disk, JD 1064 wagon, JD #5 mower

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - Farmhand F7 rake, McCormick side delivery rake, Wetherell planter transport
Manuals - Farmhand F7 rake, McCormick side delivery rake, Wetherell planter transport

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - Melroe 900 series plow, Noble plow mulcher, Melroe M902 & M904 plow
Manuals - Melroe 900 series plow, Noble plow mulcher, Melroe M902 & M904 plow

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 3020 Tractor
Manuals - JD 3020 Tractor

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 3020 Tractor
Manuals - JD 3020 Tractor

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 4000 & 4020 tractors
Manuals - JD 4000 & 4020 tractors

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - Degelman Semi Hi lift rock picker
Manuals - Degelman Semi Hi lift rock picker

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 4430 tractor
Manuals - JD 4430 tractor

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 112 & 115 chuck wagon
Manuals - JD 112 & 115 chuck wagon

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - JD 34 & 40 manure spreaders
Manuals - JD 34 & 40 manure spreaders

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - JD 350 & 450 mowers, JD 37,38 & 39 mowers
Manuals - JD 350 & 450 mowers, JD 37,38 & 39 mowers

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - JD 570 skid loader & Dealer Service shop copy manual
Manuals - JD 570 skid loader & Dealer Service shop copy manual

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - Haybuster 2640 Balebuster
Manuals - Haybuster 2640 Balebuster

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - Haybuster 2650 Balebuster
Manuals - Haybuster 2650 Balebuster

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - Farmhand Model F6024-A loader, F10 loader & grapple fork
Manuals - Farmhand Model F6024-A loader, F10 loader & grapple fork

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - McCormick NO. 2 PR corn picker, CaseIH 183 cultivator
Manuals - McCormick NO. 2 PR corn picker, CaseIH 183 cultivator

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - JD 4050,4250 & 4450 Tractors
Manuals - JD 4050,4250 & 4450 Tractors

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - JD 4055, 4255 & 4455 Tractors
Manuals - JD 4055, 4255 & 4455 Tractors

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - JD 331 Disk, JD 660 &680 manure spreaders
Manuals - JD 331 Disk, JD 660 &680 manure spreaders

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - JD 650 disk & JD 231 disk
Manuals - JD 650 disk & JD 231 disk

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - IH 570 & 580 manure spreaders
Manuals - IH 570 & 580 manure spreaders

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

4 tine cultivator, 2 prong weeding hoe, 2 hoes
4 tine cultivator, 2 prong weeding hoe, 2 hoes

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Scoop shovel, broom, 3 tine fork, axe
Scoop shovel, broom, 3 tine fork, axe

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Stihl FS 45 weed eater - unknown working condition but motor is free
Stihl FS 45 weed eater - unknown working condition but motor is free

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 axe with handles
2 axe with handles
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 sand shovels and 1 square shovel
2 sand shovels and 1 square shovel
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Ryobi 31 cc trimmer - motor is free
Ryobi 31 cc trimmer - motor is free

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


4 new wood handles 2 shovel, axe and spade
4 new wood handles 2 shovel, axe and spade

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Master MFG 12 volt 25 gal. sprayer - fairly new
Master MFG 12 volt 25 gal. sprayer - fairly new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Spade & 2 square shovels
Spade & 2 square shovels

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 rakes, 3 hoes & a new broom
2 rakes, 3 hoes & a new broom

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Roller stand adjustable
Roller stand adjustable

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Grip 14 piece combination wrench set SAE 3/8"-1 1/4"

Grip 14 piece combination wrench set SAE 3/8"-1 1/4"
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

B&D 3/8 elec. drill and a 14 ga. extension cord
B&D 3/8 elec. drill and a 14 ga. extension cord
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

hatchet, pliers c-clamp, hammer and wire splicer crimper
hatchet, pliers c-clamp, hammer and wire splicer crimper
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

DeWalt 18 volt cordless grease gun- Works NO BATTERY manual grease gun
DeWalt 18 volt cordless grease gun- Works NO BATTERY
manual grease gun
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

12 volt heater LED safety flashers, flashlight, fuses, battery terminal cleaner
12 volt heater LED safety flashers, flashlight, fuses, battery terminal cleaner
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

12 ton hyd jack and an unkown ton- both work
12 ton hyd jack and an unkown ton- both work
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Big hyd jack- works and a screw jack
Big hyd jack- works and a screw jack
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

tool tray, pipe wrench, antique pipe threaders
tool tray, pipe wrench, antique pipe threaders
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Stanley fat max tool box w/ 2 sliding drawers and hammers, pinchers, pliers
Stanley fat max tool box w/ 2 sliding drawers and hammers, pinchers, pliers
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Craftsman tool box w/ pliers, bits, punches, tape measure, utiltity knife
Craftsman tool box w/ pliers, bits, punches, tape measure, utiltity knife

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Simonsen metal tool box with vise grips, screw drivers, pliers, old pipe wrenches

Simonsen metal tool box with vise grips, screw drivers, pliers, old pipe wrenches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Sanborn 10 gal. air tank
Sanborn 10 gal. air tank

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

screwdrivers, scraper, misc wrenches
screwdrivers, scraper, misc wrenches
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


magnetic block heater, scrapers, carpet knives, flashlight
magnetic block heater, scrapers, carpet knives, flashlight
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

marvel mystery oil, glass cleaner, chain lube, brake fluid, 
marvel mystery oil, glass cleaner, chain lube, brake fluid, 
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 crowbars (1 is broke on claw) and a pry bar
2 crowbars (1 is broke on claw) and a pry bar
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

wonder bar, 2 pry bars, and a antique wrench
wonder bar, 2 pry bars, and a antique wrench
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

SAE gear wrench set 5/16"-3/4"
SAE gear wrench set 5/16"-3/4"
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

hammer, channel locks, pliers
hammer, channel locks, pliers
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

hammer, shelf brackets, 7 pc quick-change bit set
hammer, shelf brackets, 7 pc quick-change bit set
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

12" flat pry bar, pizza cutter, hammer, flashlight, 2 lb. hammer, utility blades
12" flat pry bar, pizza cutter, hammer, flashlight, 2 lb. hammer, utility blades
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

oven liner, pliers, speed square, pins, hammer, go jo
oven liner, pliers, speed square, pins, hammer, go jo
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

olympia bit driver set, sawzall blades, pick set, coping saw, chair tips, c-clamp
olympia bit driver set, sawzall blades, pick set, coping saw, chair tips, c-clamp
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

box of new light bulbs misc sizes  (see pics)
box of new light bulbs misc sizes  (see pics)
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3 bottles of Howes diesel treatment
3 bottles of Howes diesel treatment
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

maxit utility resin shelves
maxit utility resin shelves
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3/4" socket set with 2 ratchets, extension and a breaker bar
3/4" socket set with 2 ratchets, extension and a breaker bar
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

misc box end wrenches, breaker bar, crescent wrenches,pliers, vice grip
misc box end wrenches, breaker bar, crescent wrenches,pliers, vice grip
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD tool box with misc bolts
JD tool box with misc bolts
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

large metal toolbox, drywall saw, tape measure, hacksaw and blades
large metal toolbox, drywall saw, tape measure, hacksaw and blades
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

1937 gaspump coin bank, DeWalt  18 volt flashlight NO BATTERY
1937 gaspump coin bank, DeWalt  18 volt flashlight NO BATTERY
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

box of misc lubricants, ether, brake cleaner, liquid wrench
box of misc lubricants, ether, brake cleaner, liquid wrench
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

misc dog rope leashes, dog cable tie-out and a halter
misc dog rope leashes, dog cable tie-out and a halter
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


8' x 25' poly film, square D float switch, oil can, hammer, paint brushes
8' x 25' poly film, square D float switch, oil can, hammer, paint brushes
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


socket organizer, large c-clamp, 6' x 8' tarp, Bostitch 4" cont. rim wheel
socket organizer, large c-clamp, 6' x 8' tarp, Bostitch 4" cont. rim wheel
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


receiver shock hitch, v-belt, gloves, 10' x 25' plastic 
receiver shock hitch, v-belt, gloves, 10' x 25' plastic 
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


10 cartridges of Blue guard 500 grease tubes and misc JD corn head grease, moly hi temp grease
10 cartridges of Blue guard 500 grease tubes and misc JD corn head grease, moly hi temp grease
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

 7 new  Rowse Guards part # 670 600
 7 new  Rowse Guards part # 670 600
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


solar lights, caulk, 2" ND10 ball valve
solar lights, caulk, 2" ND10 ball valve
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Farm Duty motor 3/4 HP 1725 RPM- motor spins free
Farm Duty motor 3/4 HP 1725 RPM- motor spins free
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 new rolls of poly twine
2 new rolls of poly twine
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 air gun kits, air pressure, gauge, radiator wand, goodyear, 3/8" 50' hose
2 air gun kits, air pressure, gauge, radiator wand, goodyear, 3/8" 50' hose
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2-Flexzilla 50' garden hose
2-Flexzilla 50' garden hose
1 new 1 used
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

new gate wheel, B&D pruner, turtle wax
new gate wheel, B&D pruner, turtle wax
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Crock Jug
Crock Jug
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

9' x 9' poly tarp, cookie decorator and an LED hand light
9' x 9' poly tarp, cookie decorator and an LED hand light
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

50 ft ext cord with reel 
50 ft ext cord with reel 
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Convertable Tank de-icer 1500 watt
Convertable Tank de-icer
1500 watt
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

new JD Fan motor RE251028 toy JD gas pumps, 18.00 x 9.5 x 8 JD lawn and garden tube - new
new JD Fan motor RE251028
toy JD gas pumps, 18.00 x 9.5 x 8 JD lawn and garden tube - new
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

15 new Rowse 670 600 guards 
15 new Rowse 670 600 guards 
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 Menards 2XL tee shirts, 3 utility lighters and 7 1/4" saw blades (new and used)
2 Menards 2XL tee shirts, 3 utility lighters and 7 1/4" saw blades (new and used)
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3 gallon lawn and garden sprayer
3 gallon lawn and garden sprayer
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Live Trap
Live Trap
35" long  11" wide and 11" tall
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2"x27' ratchet strap- new, new gloves, matches, JD RE41171 hose
2"x27' ratchet strap- new, new gloves, matches, JD RE41171 hose
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New 10' cattle rubber
New 10' cattle rubber
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New bag of sodium bentonite
New bag of sodium bentonite
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3/8 log chain
3/8 log chain
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

misc small chains
misc small chains​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD Chisel Arm N189637
JD Chisel Arm N189637
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

5/16" log chain
5/16" log chain
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3/8" log Chain
3/8" log Chain
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Rowse mower ball hitch
Rowse mower ball hitch
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

60--WR6000 Rowse rake teeth
60--WR6000 Rowse rake teeth
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3/8" log Chain
3/8" log Chain
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Hi tensile Elec fence wire -full roll
Hi tensile Elec fence wire -full roll ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD NEW 6 volt battery box
JD NEW 6 volt battery box
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD wind guard rod, JD clevis pin, JD tie rod arm
JD wind guard rod, JD clevis pin, JD tie rod arm
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

triangle flashers
 triangle flashers
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Antique JD wrenches
Antique JD wrenches
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Antique JD wrenches
Antique JD wrenches
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Antique JD wrenches
Antique JD wrenches
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Antique JD wrenches
Antique JD wrenches
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Antique JD wrenches
Antique JD wrenches
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

5 Clevis's
5 Clevis's
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 rolls of 14 gauge 1/4 mile hot wire
2 rolls of 14 gauge 1/4 mile hot wire
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

7/16" log chain
7/16" log chain
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Disc Gang wrenches
Disc gang wrenches
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


3/8" log Chain
3/8" log Chain
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


mower hold up bar and 2 large box end wrenches
mower hold up bar and 2 large box end wrenches
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

misc ratchet wrenches, JD closing wheel, fly swatters, metal flashing, screw drivers
misc ratchet wrenches, JD closing wheel, fly swatters, metal flashing, screw drivers
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3/8" log Chain
3/8" log chain
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

7/16" log chain- rusted
7/16" log chain- rusted​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD Gang wrenches and a JD gang arm
JD Gang wrenches and a JD gang arm
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

rebuilt JD grapple arm
rebuilt JD grapple arm
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD Pressure Washer HR 2500PSI 2.3 GPM
JD Pressure Washer HR 2500PSI 2.3 GPM
Honda GC160 motor with hose and and new wand
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Char Broil "The Big Easy" Smoker Roaster & Grill
Char Broil "The Big Easy" Smoker Roaster & Grill
new in box
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

pro lift 2 ton floor jack with handle- works
pro lift 2 ton floor jack with handle- works
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 sledge hammers and a post maul
2 sledge hammers and a post maul
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hi-Lo Hardhat Heater- Kerosene or Fuel oil
Hi-Lo Hardhat Heater- Kerosene or Fuel oil
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


ProCom Home Heater 30,000 BTU
ProCom Garage Heater
30,000 BTU new in box
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Apache 3" Trash Pump WP30 (Never used)
Apache 3" Trash Pump model WP30 (Never used)
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Magna Force 20 Gallon Air Compressor- belt driven
Magna Force 20 Gallon Air Compressor- belt driven
with hose
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Apache Power Industrial Premier 8800E Gasoline Generator
Apache Power Industrial Premier 8800E Gasoline Generator
120/240 volt   30 amp plug,  elec start- no battery, 2 flat tires (Never been used)
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Belt Driven Air Compressor w/ hose
Belt Driven Air Compressor w/ hose
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

drawbar hitch, tar paper, fence posts, 4 pry bars
drawbar hitch, tar paper, fence posts, 4 pry bars
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

6" and 4" hand crank post hole digger and hole pinchers
6" and 4" hand crank post hole digger and hole pinchers
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

6" and 9" hand crank hole diggers and a screw in anchor/digger
6" and 9" hand crank hole diggers and a screw in anchor/digger
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Barrel Cart
Barrel Cart
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Leather Saddle with a bridle and a bit
Leather Saddle with a bridle and a bit​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
BONA ALLEN LL CO.  Sweethome Texas inscribed on the saddle
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Computer Track 100 8 Row planter monitor with power module
Computer Track 100 8 Row planter monitor with power module
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3 rolls of white 10'x25' 3 mil plastic ​​​​​​​1 roll of black 10'x25' 3 mil plastic
3 rolls of white 10'x25' 3 mil plastic
1 roll of black 10'x25' 3 mil plastic
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


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Doyle Crane Estate Tool & Shop supplies Online Only Auction
 Online Only Auction
Auction Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Friday Mar 12 , 08:00 AM
Bidding Ends: Sunday Mar 21 , 01:00 PM
Auction Location

Artesian, SD 57314
Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC


Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions


Preview Date: Contact Auctioneer 605-999-4239.
Buyers Premium: 8%
Payment: Winning bids will be paid by guaranteed funds within 24 hours of auction close. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. A limit of $2500.00 per invoice for Credit Card charges. Any Invoice totals under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases.

Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers ONLINE AUCTIONS Feature “A MAX BID” Option as well as a “SOFT CLOSE”.
“A MAX BID” may be placed on any item and the computer will bid on your behalf, thus eliminating the need to continually watch your bids. This option is highly recommended so you do not miss out on an item you are bidding on. In the event you do not use the MAX BID feature and you are out bid you will be notified via e-mail or text that you have been outbid and will have the opportunity to raise your bid.

“THE SOFT CLOSE” feature means any bid received in the final minutes of the auction will automatically extend bidding on that particular item or lot by 1 minute to allow another bidder the opportunity to raise their bid.

GENERAL TERMS: The auction will be conducted by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers on behalf of the owners of the property, referred to as the Seller. Auctioneer is not responsible for the acts or representations of Seller. The auction shall be governed by the terms set forth herein (the agreement), and any additional terms and conditions that are posted concerning the specific property. The Agreement constitutes a valid, binding contract between individuals participating in the auction with the intent to purchase property, referred to as the Bidder or Buyer, and Seller/Auctioneer. The term Bidder or Buyer shall include, but not limited to, the individual or the company represented by the individual and any and all of its agents, employees, representatives, officers, and directors. Auctioneer is not responsible for statements made by the Bidder, Buyer, or other parties. Auctioneer reserves the right to periodically change the terms and conditions of the Agreement, which shall be effective immediately upon posting. It is the Bidders responsibility to review any and all changes made to these terms and conditions prior to bidding on property. The act of submitting a bid shall constitute Bidder acceptance of each and every term and condition contained herein, any additional terms and conditions posted with the property, and any changes made within the full agreement. All persons attending, inspecting or removing property assume all risks whatsoever of damage or loss to person and property and specifically release the Auctioneer from all liability. Auctioneer is not liable by reason of any defect in, or condition of, the property or the premises on which the preview/sale is held. Auctioneer is released for any claims to actual damage to the property sold and/or consequential damages that may result from the sale of defective property.

DISCLOSURES/NO WARRANTY: There is no warranty offered, expressed or implied, by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers or Sellers for any property. All property is sold AS-IS, WHERE-IS, and with all faults and defects therein. All information provided is believed to be correct but NO warranty as such is either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder is solely responsible to determine condition, age, authenticity, value or any other determinative factor. Bidder inspection of the property prior to submitting a bid is strongly recommended. ALL SALES ARE FINAL!!
Auctioneer reserves the right to add or withdraw property from the auction, and/or regroup items. Auctioneer reserves the right to sell property absolute or with reserve, at Sellers discretion. The Seller does have the right to make the final bid and the Auctioneer does have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. The auctioneer reserves the right to open the bid as the result of a tie bid or discrepancies in the bid.
Buyer assumes full responsibility of property at time of purchase, and all risk of loss and damage to property. All titles will be assigned to registered buyer unless notification is received by auctioneer at the end of auction. NO TITLES WILL BE ISSUED UNLESS COMPLETELY FILLED OUT.

BIDDER REGISTRATION: Bidder must be 18 years of age or older, and are required to register for the auction. In registration, Bidder must submit information found to be current, complete, and accurate for proper identification. Auctioneer does not sell or rent this information. Auctioneer uses email mailing lists to notify customers about online and live auctions. Customers who do not wish to be notified should contact the office of the Auctioneer and request removal from the email mailing list. Bidder is responsible for security of his/her bidding number/user name and password, and any and all bids placed under the assigned number/ID. Auctioneer should be notified immediately if Bidder believes number and/or password have been compromised. Auctioneer reserves the right to terminate registration, deny any person for any reason permission or access to bid, to reject any and all bids, and to suspend or ban Bidder from bidding, at Auctioneers sole discretion. Bidder registration is not transferable or assignable.

BIDDING: Bidder must register to participate in the auction. Read the descriptions of each lot and view photographs carefully. If you have any questions call 605-999-4239. Should you visit the viewing location, please personally inspect the property on which you intend to bid during the date(s) indicated in the details per item when applicable. Using YOUR knowledge and experience, form your own opinion of the property and bid accordingly. If you are in doubt, DO NOT BID. All items are sold “AS-IS WHERE IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS” this is an AUCTION and all SALES ARE FINAL. Bids cannot be retracted and are binding contracts between Bidder and Auctioneer/Seller. Bidder is accountable to be informed about property and associated costs before bidding. A maximum bid can be placed on property. A maximum bid is kept confidential, and Bidder authorizes Auctioneer to place bids on his/her behalf up to the amount of the maximum bid. Upon sale of property, identifying information and purchase amount will be posted for a designated period of time. All questions or disputes must be resolved immediately; no changes or adjustments will be made at a later date. Auctioneer reserves the right to reopen bidding. Auctioneer decisions will be final.

BUYERS PREMIUM: A Buyers premium of 8% will be charged on each purchase. Unless otherwise stated. A buyers premium, an advertised percentage of the high bid or flat fee added to the high bid will be added to the high bid and become part of the purchase amount at settlement. Buyer agrees to these provisions and will pay the applicable buyers premium. Example if an item is sold for $100.00 + 8% buyers premium = Final bid price $108.00. There is a $750.00 BP cap per item.

PAYMENT TERMS: Sales tax, when applicable, will be charged on both the purchase price and buyers premium. Taxes, fees, shipping, handling, insurance, storage and security charges are Buyers expenses, and will be calculated and rendered due at the sale of the property. Payment will be made in full by the buyer. Upon making payment for property, no stop payment of funds will be honored, Any stop payment order of a check, or giving a check which is returned marked insufficient funds, shall be deemed by the parties to be a prima facie evidence of fraud existing at the time the transaction was consummated and shall be construed by the parties as intent to defraud. If you are from another country other than the US, you must pay in US funds.

REMOVAL OF PROPERTY / SHIPPING TERMS: Buyer assumes full responsibility of property at time of purchase, and all risk of loss and damage to property. Property will not be removed from sale premises until payment in full has been received. Any and all methods of lifting, towing, and/or hauling are the Buyers responsibility. Packing and shipping costs are the responsibility of Buyer and can be conducted by a third party of choice. The final day of removal will be posted with property information. Any and all property not removed by Buyer by the final day of removal will revert back to the Auctioneer/ Seller, and may be resold at auction or disposed of in any other manner that seems to be suitable.

CHOICE OF LAW: The laws of the State of South Dakota governs this agreement any dispute arising from the terms of this auction shall be brought in a court of Sanborn County, South Dakota.

ADDITIONAL TERMS: The following are property specific Terms & Conditions that are posted online with the individual property information and will override any likewise terms stated in this Agreement. - Buyers Premium - Sale Date and Time (Beginning and Ending) - Inspection Location, Dates, and Times - Final Date of Removal - Shipping Arrangements - Special Notes/Comments/Announcements

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Bidding Increments
$0.00 - $10.00 = $1.00
$10.01 - $25.00 = $3.00
$25.01 - $100.00 = $5.00
$100.01 - $250.00 = $8.00
$250.01 - $500.00 = $10.00
$500.01 - $1,000.00 = $25.00
$1,000.01 - $5,000.00 = $50.00
$5,000.01 - $10,000.00 = $100.00
$10,000.01 - $25,000.00 = $250.00
$25,000.01 - $50,000.00 = $500.00
$50,000.01 - $100,000.00 = $1,000.00

Currency: USD
Buyers Premium: 8% Buyers Premium added to final bid only on Online Purchases. $750.00 BP cap
Payment Terms: Cash or Bankable Check
Full payment within 24 hours of auction close via guaranteed funds. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. Credit Card is used for verification purpose only and will not be charged. Any Invoice totals $100.00 or less will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases.

Shipping / Pick Up
Items will be picked up after paid in full the day after the auction or make arrangements with auctioneer. Items not picked up within 30 days will be deemed abandoned and resold, unless arrangements are made with the seller.
Doyle Crane Estate Tool & Shop Supplies Online Only Auction. Lots of New and used tools, JD parts, Equipment part and supplies.

These items are from the Doyle Crane Estate, items will be located at 40942 234th. ST Artesian, SD
These items are from the Doyle Crane Estate, items will be located at 40942 234th. ST Artesian, SD. Lots of New/Used tools, JD parts for tractors and equipment and lots more. 

All equipment and tools are listed and represented the best  we can but we encourage each bidder to bid according to their best judgement. There will be NO Preview of these items as we have limited space to display all the items as they are in storage. 

No hidden reserves! Opening bid meets reserve price. Please note Pickup locations in each item. Please make every attempt to pick up your items on the scheduled pickup date or call if you need to schedule and appointment for pickup.

All the Lots from the Doyle Crane Estate from Fedora, SD and will be located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Call Justin @ 605-999-4239 for questions.

Call Steve Larson 605-770-9818, Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Myron Grosz 605-999-4087 or Kelbi Dean 605-999-8812 for information on this auction.

Pickup will be on Tuesday March 23 & 24 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM each day, Invoice & Payment Info
Location Information:
All the Lots from the Doyle Crane Estate from Fedora, SD and will be located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD  57314. Call Justin @ 605-999-4239 for questions. Pickup will be on Tuesday March 23 & Wednesday March 24 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM each day


Invoice Information:
Upon successfully winning the bid of an item, an invoice will be emailed to you following the auction. Please look for your invoice following the auction in your registered email account. Please read the invoice at the bottom. If paying with cash or good check, please pay the Cash Total Due. Do Not Pay the Convenience Fee Total (This is the Credit Card Fee). Any invoice totals under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the credit card on file.

Payment Information:
Payments (Cash or Good Check) not received by Friday Noon the week of the auction, the balance will be charged to Buyers Credit Card on File! Please mail your payment no later than Wednesday after the Auction to avoid Credit Card Charges. If payment cannot be paid by Thursday, please contact Auctioneers to make arrangements. NO Items will be released or removed until entire invoice is paid in full.


Sales Tax & Buyers Premium, Notice Information, App Information
 Sales Tax & Buyers Premium  
Buyers Premium is Charged on a Per Item Basis.
8% BUYERS FEE ON ALL PURCHASES $750.00 cap per item

4.5% SD Sales Tax - Unless you have a SD sales tax form on file with us. Contact Us prior to purchasing with your Sales Tax Information to purchase for resale

The Sellers/Auctioneers DO NOT provide transportation or shipping services for buyers to remove their merchandise. Any and all methods of towing and/or hauling, as well as all other methods or requirements for the removal and transport of the Equipment, is the sole responsibility of the buyer. All items must be picked up at auction address,


App Information:
Download our Bidding App on you Android or Apple phone, Ipad, etc. Go to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and search “Dean Edwards” Sign Up and then Register to bid!


Practice Bidding & Covid Information
Practice Bidding & Covid Information
Use this lot to practice bidding, go ahead and bid away using the bid button, learn how to increase your bid amount by clicking on the Plus button in each lot, or setting a max bid. Also, if you click on the Star in any lot, it will add it to "Your Items" section so you can watch that particular item without having to bid on it. Any questions, call Steve at 605-770-9818 or Justin @ 605-999-4239.
Covid 19 Information:
Please limit Person to Person contact with Sellers/Agents when picking up your items. If you are feeling ill or have any symptoms, please call ahead a we will make sure your purchases can be set out for you to pickup safely. Please pickup your items as soon as possible after payment. Thank you for your cooperation and everyone please be safe!


Olympia 18 pce screw driver set - New
Olympia 18 pce screw driver set - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD  57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Ernst Metric combination wrench set - missing 2 small wrenches
Ernst Metric combination wrench set - missing 2 small wrenches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3 10' ratchet tie downs
3 10' ratchet tie downs

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Grease Gun - New
Grease Gun - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. seals, bearings & sprockets - New
Misc. seals, bearings & gears - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


IH mower parts - hold downs, kickback springs, bushings
IH mower parts - hold downs, kickback springs, bushings

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


IH mower parts - hold downs, kickback springs, bushings
IH mower parts - hold downs, kickback springs, bushings

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hammer, torpedo level, saw, steel brush & misc. tools
Hammer, torpedo level, saw, steel brush & misc. tools

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 torpedo levels, magnetic driver set, Misc. drill bits, Irwin speed bor
2 torpedo levels, magnetic driver set, Misc. drill bits, Irwin speed bor

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


REIST1000 radio for JD 4000 series sound guard cab - new
REIST1000 radio for JD 4000 series sound guard cab - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Gear Wrench Metric ratcheting combination wrench set 8mm-18mm
Gear Wrench Metric ratcheting combination wrench set 8mm-18mm

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Irwin Hand saw, chalk line, Drill Craft bit set, paint brush
Irwin Hand saw, chalk line, Drill Craft bit set, paint brush

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hammer, Hand saw, 11 pce drill bit set, paint brush
Hammer, Hand saw, 11 pce drill bit set, paint brush

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hammer, Hand saw, 11 pce drill bit set, paint brush, Electric timer
Hammer, Hand saw, 11 pce drill bit set, paint brush, Electric timer

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hammer, Hand saw, paint brush, Irwin Magnet driver set, B&D power screw driver - new
Hammer, Hand saw, paint brush, Irwin Magnet driver set, B&D power screw driver - new

Speed square, Power bit set, Vise grip, 2 cresent wrenches - New
Speed square, Power bit set, Vise grip, 2 cresent wrenches - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 vise grips, magnetic pickup light, Fire hose nozzle - New
2 vise grips, magnetic pickup light, Fire hose nozzle - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


12" cresent wrench, 2 vise grips, 16' tape measure, impact bits - New
12" cresent wrench, 2 vise grips, 16' tape measure, impact bits - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Allen Wrenches, Power driver set, 2 vise grips - New
Allen Wrenches, Power driver set, 2 vise grips - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Plastic tool 16" Plano
Plastic tool 16" Plano

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 paint brushes, hammer, vise grip, cutting board bamboo - new
2 paint brushes, hammer, vise grip, cutting board bamboo - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Herculiner bed liner, Bug Wacker light - new
Herculiner bed liner, Bug Wacker light - new
bed liner has been exposed to freezing conditions.

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


tub full of misc. bolts, fuel filters, brass fittings, & misc.
tub full of misc. bolts, fuel filters, brass fittings, & misc.

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD replacement cushion set 5500 ooYE
JD replacement cushion set 5500 ooYE

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hammer, 2 vice grips - New
Hammer, 2 vice grips - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Pistol Grease gun - new
Pistol Grease gun - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


8000 series agriculture pump 12 volt
8000 series agriculture pump 12 volt

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Transmission filter AR94510, OIl filter RE57394
JD Transmission filter AR94510, OIl filter RE57394

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Shurflo 8000 series diaphragm pump - new
Shurflo 8000 series diaphragm pump - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Irwin Hand, 8 pce screw driver set, claw hammer - new
Irwin Hand, 8 pce screw driver set, claw hammer - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Antifreeze tester, Sharpee label dispensor, Auto AC can, wedge
Antifreeze tester, Sharpee label dispensor, Auto AC can, wedge

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


4 pce pry bar set
4 pce pry bar set

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Ram Tool 4 pce pry bar set - new
Ram Tool 4 pce pry bar set - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Folding cart - new
Folding cart - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Transmission filter AR94510, Hyd filter AR94510, Fuel Filter AR86745 - New
JD Transmission filter AR94510, Hyd filter AR94510, Fuel Filter AR86745 - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD bearings, seal, & misc. jd parts - new
JD bearings, seal, & misc. jd parts - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Box of paint brushes - new all sizes
Box of paint brushes - new all sizes

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Tape measure, string line, pliers, folding knife, multi function tool, 2 rachet clamps
Tape measure, string line, pliers, folding knife, multi function tool, 2 rachet clamps

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Spade bits, 25' tape, vise grips, 2 groove lock pliers - new
Spade bits, 25' tape, vise grips, 2 groove lock pliers - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Plano tool box plastic
Plano tool box plastic

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Claw hammer, file set, Tool Shop caliper - New
Claw hammer, file set, Tool Shop caliper - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


File set, claw hammer, steel brush, Digital Multimeter
File set, claw hammer, steel brush, Digital Multimeter

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. wrenches combination and rachet wrenches
Misc. wrenches combination and rachet wrenches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Cordless engraver, claw hammer, screw driver set, ratchet strap 27', hand pump sprayer
Cordless engraver, claw hammer, screw driver set, ratchet strap 27', hand pump sprayer

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Come a long - new
Come a long - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Makita 4" angle grinder - New
Makita 4" angle grinder - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Nail pullers, paint brushes, Misc. gloves (new)
Nail pullers, paint brushes, Misc. gloves (new)

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


DeWalt 1/2" impact wrench w/2 batteries, no charger, case 18 vlt
DeWalt 1/2" impact wrench w/2 batteries, no charger, case 18 vlt

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


4 ratchet straps - new, Military folding shovel
4 ratchet straps - new, Military folding shovel

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


3/8 drive socket set, Splice crimp & cut tool, wrecking bar
3/8 drive socket set, Splice crimp & cut tool, wrecking bar

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Dewalt 18 vlt 1/2 impact gun - new in case 2 batteries & charger
Dewalt 18 vlt 1/2 impact gun - new in case 2 batteries & charger

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


tarp straps, claw hammer B&D cordless power hand saw
tarp straps, claw hammer B&D cordless power hand saw

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD replacement cushion set TY26549
JD replacement cushion set TY26549

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Filters AR94510, AR45098, T19044
JD Filters AR94510, AR45098, T19044

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Claw hammer, 4 in 1 screw driver, grease gun (no hose)
Claw hammer, 4 in 1 screw driver, grease gun

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Filters AR75603, T19044, RE57394
JD Filters AR75603, T19044, RE57394

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 guage 20' booster cables - New
2 guage 20' booster cables - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Filters T19044, AR45098, AR86745, AM125424
JD Filters T19044, AR45098, AR86745, AM125424

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD bearings new #8988 (5), Bolts, JD pin #6755 & misc.
JD bearings new #8988 (5), Bolts, JD pin #6755 & misc.

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. filters 2 boxes to go
Misc. filters 2 boxes to go

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. chain links - new
Misc. chain links - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD AA30941 JD 235 disc gang bearing written on box
JD AA30941 JD 235 disc gang bearing written on box

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


New Rubber boots size 10, and slow moving signs
New Rubber boots size 10, and slow moving signs

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Claw hammer, grease gun, 21 pce SAE 1/2 & 3/8 drive socket set
Claw hammer, grease gun, 21 pce SAE 1/2 & 3/8 drive socket set

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Beamer 12 vlt shop light 100 watt
Beamer 12 vlt shop light 100 watt

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


24” Bolt cutter
24” Bolt Cutter

JD Misc bearings, dust caps, parts

Case IH bearings and misc parts

JD Sending Units RE25659, JD 265 Loader Grapple Pin, JD 716A Chuckwagon Beater shear pin
JD Sending Units RE25659, JD 265 Loader Grapple Pin, JD 716A Chuckwagon Beater shear pin
 - Misc new Bolts
 - JD RE13035 connectors

JD Bearings, races, and RE25659 Sending unit, JD RE41942V belts

JD bearings and races

JD Clutch discs E82557, Seals, AR79680 Inner Air Filter, and misc parts

Case IH bearing # P-3573 (2), #526769r91 BEARING (2), misc. parts
Case IH bearing # P-3573 (2), #526769r91 BEARING (2), misc. parts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Misc. parts, filter, See pictures
JD Misc. parts, filter, See pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. Tire patch repair kit
Misc. Tire patch repair kit

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Tub of misc. deep well impact sockets, Metric & SAE
Tub of misc. deep well impact sockets, Metric & SAE
Misc. ratchets

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. solar electric fencers
Misc. solar electric fencers

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Basin wrench, Winters drill bits 9/16 - 1" set w/ case, misc. drill bits
Basin wrench, Winters drill bits 9/16 - 1" set w/ case, misc. drill bits

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. drill bit sets large and small
Misc. drill bit sets large and small

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Wire stripper, small open end metric wrenches, grease buster, snap ring pliers, drill bits
Wire stripper, small open end metric wrenches, grease buster, snap ring pliers, drill bits

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Drill bits, ignition wrenches
Drill bits, ignition wrenches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 5/16" ball, 1" auger bit, 1 1/4" impact socket, misc. punches
2 5/16" ball, 1" auger bit, 1 1/4" impact socket, misc. punches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Cable clamps, metric allen wrenches, Nut driver sets, screw driver bit set
Cable clamps, metric allen wrenches, Nut driver sets, screw driver bit set

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. garden hose connectors, hose clamps, garden hose stuff
Misc. garden hose connectors, hose clamps, garden hose stuff

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Battery terminal cleaner, Misc. items, pulleys etc
Battery terminal cleaner, Misc. items, pulleys etc

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Tape measure, audio cords, beer can crusher, air fittings
Tape measure, audio cords, beer can crusher, air fittings

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Solar light, sledge hammer, claw hammer, 4 piece carving set
Solar light, sledge hammer, claw hammer, 4 piece carving set

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc Electrical wiring, Misc hydraulic ends, Misc air fittings
Misc Electrical wiring, Misc hydraulic ends, Misc air fittings

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


chain links, JD electrical cords, couple bearing
chain links, JD electrical cords, couple bearing

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Honda filters, 12 volt sprayer pump, JD 30/40/50/55 series inner air filter
Honda filters, 12 volt sprayer pump, JD 30/40/50/55 series inner air filter

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Screen Wipes, Short hydraulic hoses, duct tape, electrical tape, JD O-Rings
Screen Wipes, Short hydraulic hoses, duct tape, electrical tape, JD O-Rings

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD bearing & seals, CaseIH bearings, other Misc Bearings
JD bearing & seals, CaseIH bearings, other Misc Bearings

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Electical Hookups, Chain Links, Misc O-Rings
JD Electical Hookups, Chain Links, Misc O-Rings

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. Chain Links, Grease Zirks
Misc. Chain Links, Grease Zirks

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. Pin, Misc Bolts, Roller Pins
Misc. Pin, Misc Bolts, Roller Pins

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Wiper Blades, Light Bulbs, Starting Fluid, JD Green Paint, Misc JD Spring
Wiper Blades, Light Bulbs, Starting Fluid, JD Green Paint, Misc JD Spring

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD Dust Caps, JD Pin Fastener, JD Pins
JD Dust Caps, JD Pin Fastener, JD Pins

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. JD Planter Parts
Misc. JD Planter Parts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. Spray Cans
Misc. Spray Cans

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hand Cleaner, Power Steering Fluid, Misc. Spray Cans
Hand Cleaner, Power Steering Fluid, Misc. Spray Cans

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


3 Gallon Prestone Antifreeze and JD Turf Guard 10-30 Oil
3 Gallon Prestone Antifreeze and JD Turf Guard 10-30 Oil

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Rodent Bait Box
Rodent Bait Box

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


3 Spray Foam Cans, Liquid Wrench
3 Spray Foam Cans & Liquid Wrench

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Baler Bands - NEW E85043
JD Baler Bands - NEW E85043

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Closing Wheel - NEW AA35392
JD Closing Wheel - NEW AA35392

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


High Lift Jack
High Lift Jack

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Spot Light, Cord Winder, Couple Timers
Spot LIght, Cord Winder, Couple Timers

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Various Welding Rods
Various Welding Rods 

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Clamps, Sickle Fix
Clamps & Sickle Fix

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Makita Grinder w/ Cord
Makita Grinder w/ Cord

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hand Saw, 2 5/16th Ball, Electrical Tape, Tape Measure
Hand Saw, 2 5/16th Ball, Electrical Tape, Tape Measure

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


15 JD Disc Openers Scrapers AA26444
15 JD Disc Openers Scrapers AA26444

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Baler Bands - NEW FH311772
JD Baler Bands - NEW FH311772

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Sickle Sections, Rivots, Misc. Sickle Mower Parts
Sickle Sections, Rivots, Misc. Sickle Mower Parts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Sickle Sections
Sickle Sections

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


High Lift Jack
High Lift Jack

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Radiator Cap - NEW RE39103
JD Radiator Cap - NEW RE39103

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. JD Parts
Misc. JD Parts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


3 Spolls for JD 235 Disc
3 Spolls for JD 235 Disc

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Baler Pickup Cylinder - NEW AE48497
JD Baler Pickup Cylinder - NEW AE48497

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Baler Pickup Wind Guards
JD Baler Pickup Wind Guards

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 Boxes of JD baler Pickup Teeth -
2 Boxes of JD Baler Pickup Teeth

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


4 JD Arms from ?? - NEW
4 JD Arms from ?? - NEW

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Hitch for Clevis Hitch
JD Hitch for Clevis Hitch

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Side panel for 3020 Diesel
JD Side Panel for 3020 Diesel

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


New Scrapers for JD Disc, Misc. Parts
New Scrapers for JD Disc, Misc. Parts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc Lag Bolts, Gate Hooks,
Misc. Lag Bolts, Gate Hooks

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hex Shaft Reducer, Cylinder Yoke end, Cast Pulley, Misc Parts
Hex Shaft Reducer, Cylinder Yoke end, Cast Pulley, Misc Parts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Case IH Mower sickle Sections & Rivots
Case IH Mower Sickle Sections & Rivots

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Hammers, Pliers, Tape Measure
Hammers, Pliers, Tape Measure

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Screwdriver Set, Misc. Wrenchs, Tape Measure
Screwdriver Set, Misc. Wrenchs, Tape Measure

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Screwdriver Set, Misc. Wrenchs, Tape Measure
Screwdriver Set, Misc. Wrenchs, Tape Measure

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


screw drivers, tape measure, rachet wrenchs
screw drivers, tape measure, rachet wrenches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


screw drivers, tape measure, chisels
screw drivers, tape measure, chisels

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Disc scraper arms, standard stine shank w/ shovels, vbolt
Disc scraper arms, standard stine shank w/ shovels, vbolt

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


KT Auto Darkening Welding Helmet, Pipe, Condensers
KT Auto Darkening Welding Helmet, Pipe, Condensers

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Mower Skid Plates
Mower Skid Plates

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 - Gauge wheel arm JD corn planter
2 - Gauge Wheel Arm JD corn planter

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD Metal Brackets - unknown use, see pictures
JD Metal Brackets - unknown use, see pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


50ft Electrical Extension Cords, electric soder iron
50ft Electrical Extension Cords, electric soder iron

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


3 Engine Air Filters for 30/40/50/55 Series Tractors - NEW
3 Engine Air Filters for 30/40/50/55 Series Tractors - NEW

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. welding rods
Misc. welding rods

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Chisels & Punches assortment
Chisels & Punches assortment

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Assorted files flat, & rattail
Assorted files flat, & rattail

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Assorted files flat, & rattail, triangle
Assorted files flat, & rattail, triangle

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

6' aluminum level - new Stanley FatMax
6' aluminum level - new Stanley FatMax

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

40 roller chain, 50 roller chain and gathering chain - new
40 roller chain, 50 roller chain and gathering chain

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Assorted welding rod
Assorted welding rod

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

25' tape, corner magnet, pizza cutter, rain ponchos, Yellow safety flashers
25' tape, corner magnet, pizza cutter, rain ponchos, Yellow safety flashers

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Tape measures, Driver set, Yellow safety flashers, Poncho, Utility knife blades
Tape measures, Driver set, Yellow safety flashers, Poncho, Utility knife blades

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Chain beaker, Magnetic holders, Strong hand vice clamp, Hammers, 25' tape
Chain beaker, Magnetic holders, Strong hand vice clamp, Hammers, 25' tape

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Corn planter part AA35644 seed box part, New & used 50 & 60 chain
Corn planter part AA35644 seed box part, New & used 50 & 60 chain

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

6 qts 10-30 Trop Artic motor oil, Liquid wrench, starter fluid JD
6 qts 10-30 Trop Artic motor oil, Liquid wrench, starter fluid JD

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

DeWalt Cordless 18 vlt Sawzall, 4" grinder & skil saw w/ 2 batteries & charger
DeWalt Cordless 18 vlt Sawzall, 4" grinder & skil saw w/ 2 batteries & charger  w/ case

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Misc. IH parts, 3 pt pin hitch, Mower hold downs, IH bushing pin for mower, manure spreader chain
Misc. IH parts, 3 pt pin hitch, Mower hold downs, IH bushing pin for mower, manure spreader chain

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

misc. JD parts, Pitman arms, bearings, JD carriage bolts
misc. JD parts, Pitman arms, bearings, JD carriage bolts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New JD cab filter RE12793, JD light AR104119
New JD cab filter RE12793, JD light AR104119

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD fan motor RE251028 - new, JD RE57394 oil filter
JD fan motor RE251028 - new, JD RE57394 oil filter

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Box of misc quarts of oil, Heet
Box of misc quarts of oil, Heet

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Tub full of Deseel supplement, Rustoleum, De Icer, Foam spray
Tub full of Deseel supplement, Rustoleum, De Icer, Foam spray

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Bucket full of misc nails
Bucket full of misc nails

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 5/16" ball, 2" ball, 1 7/8" ball
2 5/16" ball, 2" ball, 1 7/8" ball

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Box of Playboy Magazines 2004-2006 not complete
Box of Playboy Magazines 2004-2006 not complete

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Tool box with misc. 1/2" & 3/8" sockets SAE
Tool box with misc. 1/2" & 3/8" sockets SAE

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Tool box with misc. 1/2" sockets SAE
Tool box with misc. 1/2"  sockets SAE

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

1/2" & 3/8" ratchets and extensions, breaker bars
1/2" & 3/8" ratchets and extensions, breaker bars

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Posi lock gear and bearing puller 2 jaw
Posi lock gear and bearing puller 2 jaw

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Ratchet straps, clevis, Load binders
Ratchet straps, clevis, Load binders

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Tool box w/lots of new Jig saw blades, pliers
Tool box w/lots of new Jig saw blades, pliers

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Drill bits, Auger bits, misc. wrenches, shears
Drill bits, Auger bits, misc. wrenches, shears

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Grease gun, Nail apron, ext. cord
Grease gun, Nail apron, ext. cord

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Mouse trap, 2" receiver hitch w/ ball, drop cords
Mouse trap, 2" receiver hitch w/ ball, drop cords

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. fuses, cutting board, new voltage regulator
Misc. fuses, cutting board, new voltage regulator

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Vise grips, tape measure, pliers, side cutters
Vise grips, tape measure, pliers, side cutters

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

12 volt battery charger 10/30 200 amp boost - works
12 volt battery charger 10/30 200 amp boost - works

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2' level, Wireless key board & mouse, Drop cords & grease gun
2' level, Wireless key board & mouse, Drop cords & grease gun

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. Battery chargers, 12 vlt air compressor power pack
Misc. Battery chargers, 12 vlt air compressor

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3 ext. cords, 2' level
3 ext. cords, 2' level

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. V belts
Misc. V belts Mostly new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

7" grind blade, chop saw blade, drill grinding attachment
7" grind blade, chop saw blade, drill grinding attachment

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. drop cords, electrical tape, Beverage holder
Misc. drop cords, electrical tape, Beverage holder

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Box of tank floats
Box of tank floats

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. hammers, crescent wrenches, vice grips
Misc. hammers, crescent wrenches, vice grips

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Torch kit, 2 Hudson valves, tank float
Torch kit, 2 Hudson valves, tank float

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Block planes, Hammers, Draw knife, Sad iron
Block planes, Hammers, Draw knife, Sad iron

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Crescent wrenches, pliers, punches, wire tightner, speed wrenches, shears
Crescent wrenches, pliers, punches, wire tightner, speed wrenches, shears

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Muffler clamps, weed eater string, cable clamps, chain hooks
Muffler clamps, weed eater string, cable clamps, chain hooks

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD disc parts, 3 gang arms, 2 scraper arms
JD disc parts, 3 gang arms, 2 scraper arms

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 pressure switches, JD injector line rubber, tank float
2 pressure switches, JD injector line rubber, tank float

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Mower bat wing for end of mower
Mower bat wing for end of mower

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Mower bat wing for end of mower w/ connector
Mower bat wing for end of mower w/ connector

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Box of misc tarps
Box of misc tarps

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD parts, cylinder tube, flat iron, grapple brackets
JD parts, cylinder tube, flat iron, grapple brackets

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 antique gas cans
2 antique gas cans

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD spindle hub # W19771
JD spindle hub # W19771

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

IH mower parts, Lift arm connector, tie up arm rest bracket, quick hitch
IH mower parts, Lift arm connector, tie up arm rest bracket, quick hitch

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

SAE wrench set missing 1/4"
SAE wrench set missing 1/4"

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

11 ea Mower guards Rowse 670600 new
11 ea Mower guards Rowse 670600 new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

70 rake teeth for Sitrex type rake
70 rake teeth for Sitrex type rake

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 Hvy Duty gate hinges
2 Hvy Duty gate hinges

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


JD tractor antenna & Antique JD wrench
JD tractor antenna & Antique JD wrench

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


LP regulator, hose clamps, zip ties
LP regulator, hose clamps, zip ties

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Hoof trimmer, branch shear
Hoof trimmer, branch shear

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New hyd hoses, redi rod, curry comb, cultivator marker
New hyd hoses, redi rod, curry comb, cultivator marker

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 - 15 " x 10" 6 hole rim - new
15 " x 10" 6 hole rim - new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 wheel utility cart
2 wheel utility cart

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Philips 66 gas cans 3 to go
Philips 66 gas cans 3 to go

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 Coop & Phillips 66 cans
2 Coop & Phillips 66 cans - 3 cans one money

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

4 gas cans metal - all to go one money
4 gas cans metal - all to go one money

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

6 misc Advertiser cans
6 misc Advertiser cans

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 - Pax electric water heaters, Battery cable, Fire Extinguisher
2 - Pax electric water heaters, Battery cable, Fire Extinguisher

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

4" grind wheels, all purpose lighters, wire brush set, razor blade scraper, screen install tool
4" grind wheels, all purpose lighters, wire brush set, razor blade scraper, screen install tool

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JB weld, Allen wrenches, Ladder hooks,
.JB weld, Allen wrenches, Ladder hooks,

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD Weld, JD Aux. power port connector,
JD Weld, JD Aux. power port connector,

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. 3/8" socket set, breaker bar, swivel, missing some sockets
Misc. 3/8" socket set, breaker bar, swivel, missing some sockets

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

1/2" deep well impact socket set Metric 10mm-19mm
1/2" deep well impact socket set Metric 10mm-19mm

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Small steel tool box w/ misc. SAE wrenches
Small steel tool box w/ misc. SAE wrenches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Tap & Die set
Tap & Die set - may be missing some pieces

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Baler belt splices, Irwin quick grips, Flaring tool
Baler belt splices, Irwin quick grips, Flaring tool

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Tap & Die set
Tap & Die set - may be missing some pieces

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Tap & Die set
Tap & Die set - may be missing some pieces

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Box full of Antique wrenches
Box full of Antique wrenches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

11LR15/16 Hvy Duty inner tube new, 4 - 3/4" gate hinges
11LR15/16 Hvy Duty inner tube new, 4 - 3/4" gate hinges

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 boxes of misc. Silicone sealant and Flashing cement
2 boxes of misc. Silicone sealant and Flashing cement

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Rigid Pipe cutter 1/8" - 2"
Rigid Pipe cutter 1/8" - 2"

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Misc. wrenches, screw drivers, small c clamp, pipe wrench, tin snip, pry bar, knife sharpner
Misc. wrenches, screw drivers, small c clamp, pipe wrench, tin snip, pry bar, knife sharpner

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Max AP Canopy 10'x20' - unknown if complete
Max AP Canopy 10'x20' - unknown if complete

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD AA29648 sorghum seed cups 8 ea. w/ metal bracket
JD AA29648 sorghum seed cups 8 ea. w/ metal bracket

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Milwaukee 9" side grinder, works needs new cord
Milwaukee 9" side grinder, works needs new cord

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Hog catcher, wood float, drive belt, cab weather stripping
Hog catcher, wood float, drive belt, cab weather stripping

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD air filter fits series 30,40, 50 & 55
JD air filter fits series 30,40, 50 & 55

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Simmer float switches parts
Simmer float switches parts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Pipe vise
Pipe vise

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Filter wrench, 1 5/16" JD wrench, grinding wheels
.Filter wrench, 1 5/16" JD wrench, grinding wheels

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Box of misc. used hand saws and framing squares
Box of misc. used hand saws and framing squares

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Irwin Hand saws New Coarse & Fine cut
Irwin Hand saws New Coarse & Fine cut

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures
.New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures
.New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures
.New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures
.New bolts all sizes but mainly larger bolts - check pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New Nuts & bolts all sizes - check pictures
New Nuts & bolts all sizes - check pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New Nuts & bolts all sizes - check pictures
New Nuts & bolts all sizes - check pictures

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New Loader bucket nuts and bolts
New Loader bucket nuts and bolts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

CNH Section bolts 3 boxes, misc. guard bolts
CNH Section bolts 3 boxes, misc. guard bolts

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Battery bolts & shoulder nuts, magnets, electric fence wire roller,
Battery bolts & shoulder nuts, magnets, electric fence wire roller,

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Dayton 3/4HP Farm Duty Elec. motor 1725 RPM & additional elec. motor
Dayton 3/4HP Farm Duty Elec. motor 1725 RPM & additional elec. motor

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

4 Level, Grill, roller stand
4 Level, Grill, roller stand

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Metal flashing rolls
Metal flashing rolls

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3 rolls of 3 mil 10'x25' plastic rolls
3 rolls of 3 mil 10'x25' plastic rolls

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

# IV3937BA Receiving tube
# IV3937BA Receiving tube

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Forney Welder w/ leads and misc. welding items
Forney Welder w/ leads and misc. welding items

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

6 Black plastic U shaped hoops, not sure what they were for.
6 Black plastic U shaped hoops, not sure what they were for.

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 Jumper cable bags
2 Jumper cable bags

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Shovel & scraper
Shovel & scraper

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 plastic gas cans
2 plastic gas cans

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 plastic gas cans
2 plastic gas cans

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 plastic gas cans
2 plastic gas cans

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD Corn Planter parts, Guage wheels, closing wheels, Marker disc's and misc.
JD Corn Planter parts, Guage wheels, closing wheels, Marker disc's and misc.

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Step hand rail - new for JD tractor steps
Step hand rail - new for JD tractor steps

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD 2510 side sheild (1 shield)
JD 2510 side sheild (1 shield)

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD Fender bracket
JD Fender bracket

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Trojan 66B Gas Stock Tank Heater - New
Trojan 66B Gas Stock Tank Heater - New

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals JD 230 Disk
Manuals JD 230 Disk
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals JD No 8 & No 8W caster wheel mowers & JD 37,38 & 39 Mowers
Manuals JD No 8 & No 8W caster wheel mowers & JD 37,38 & 39 Mowers

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manual - JD 800 windrower & 700,720 and 740 wagons, Computer Trak 100,200 and 300 planter monitors
Manual - JD 800 windrower & 700,720 and 740 wagons, Computer Trak 100,200 and 300 planter monitors

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 960 Field Cultivator, JD 350 and 360 plow, JD 1600M Chisel plow
Manuals - JD 960 Field Cultivator, JD 350 and 360 plow, JD 1600M Chisel plow

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 280 Farm Loader & JD Grapple attachment for 245,260 and 280 farm loaders
Manuals - JD 280 Farm Loader & JD Grapple attachment for 245,260 and 280 farm loaders

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 64 four row and 60 six row cultivators
Manuals - JD 64 four row and 60 six row cultivators

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 265 Farm Loader & JD Grapple attachment for 245,260 and 280 farm loaders
Manuals - JD 265 Farm Loader & JD Grapple attachment for 245,260 and 280 farm loaders

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 6620, Sidehill 6620,7720 and 8820 combine & Danuser post hole digger
Manuals - JD 6620, Sidehill 6620,7720 and 8820 combine & Danuser post hole digger

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD AW Disk Harrow, JD No.5 mower, JD F145H plow, JD Model SH disk harrow
Manuals - JD AW Disk Harrow, JD No.5 mower, JD F145H plow, JD Model SH disk harrow

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - Case Model A combine, IH 120 windrower, dump rake
Manuals - Case Model A combine, IH 120 windrower, dump rake

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 64 & 60 cultivators, JD RG4, RG6, RG 430 & RG 630 cultivators, JD 494A & 495A planter
Manuals - JD 64 & 60 cultivators, JD RG4, RG6, RG 430 & RG 630 cultivators, JD 494A & 495A planter

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 60 tractor, JD F145H plow and Noble drag
Manuals - JD 60 tractor, JD F145H plow and Noble drag

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD RG4, RG6, RG 430 & RG 630 cultivators, JD AW disk, JD 490 planter, JD 555 & 555H plow
Manuals - JD RG4, RG6, RG 430 & RG 630 cultivators, JD AW disk, JD 490 planter, JD 555 & 555H plow

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD SH disk, JD 1064 wagon, JD #5 mower
Manuals - JD SH disk, JD 1064 wagon, JD #5 mower

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - Farmhand F7 rake, McCormick side delivery rake, Wetherell planter transport
Manuals - Farmhand F7 rake, McCormick side delivery rake, Wetherell planter transport

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - Melroe 900 series plow, Noble plow mulcher, Melroe M902 & M904 plow
Manuals - Melroe 900 series plow, Noble plow mulcher, Melroe M902 & M904 plow

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 3020 Tractor
Manuals - JD 3020 Tractor

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 3020 Tractor
Manuals - JD 3020 Tractor

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 4000 & 4020 tractors
Manuals - JD 4000 & 4020 tractors

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - Degelman Semi Hi lift rock picker
Manuals - Degelman Semi Hi lift rock picker

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 4430 tractor
Manuals - JD 4430 tractor

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Manuals - JD 112 & 115 chuck wagon
Manuals - JD 112 & 115 chuck wagon

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - JD 34 & 40 manure spreaders
Manuals - JD 34 & 40 manure spreaders

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - JD 350 & 450 mowers, JD 37,38 & 39 mowers
Manuals - JD 350 & 450 mowers, JD 37,38 & 39 mowers

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - JD 570 skid loader & Dealer Service shop copy manual
Manuals - JD 570 skid loader & Dealer Service shop copy manual

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - Haybuster 2640 Balebuster
Manuals - Haybuster 2640 Balebuster

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - Haybuster 2650 Balebuster
Manuals - Haybuster 2650 Balebuster

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - Farmhand Model F6024-A loader, F10 loader & grapple fork
Manuals - Farmhand Model F6024-A loader, F10 loader & grapple fork

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - McCormick NO. 2 PR corn picker, CaseIH 183 cultivator
Manuals - McCormick NO. 2 PR corn picker, CaseIH 183 cultivator

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - JD 4050,4250 & 4450 Tractors
Manuals - JD 4050,4250 & 4450 Tractors

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - JD 4055, 4255 & 4455 Tractors
Manuals - JD 4055, 4255 & 4455 Tractors

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - JD 331 Disk, JD 660 &680 manure spreaders
Manuals - JD 331 Disk, JD 660 &680 manure spreaders

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - JD 650 disk & JD 231 disk
Manuals - JD 650 disk & JD 231 disk

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Manuals - IH 570 & 580 manure spreaders
Manuals - IH 570 & 580 manure spreaders

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

4 tine cultivator, 2 prong weeding hoe, 2 hoes
4 tine cultivator, 2 prong weeding hoe, 2 hoes

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Scoop shovel, broom, 3 tine fork, axe
Scoop shovel, broom, 3 tine fork, axe

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Stihl FS 45 weed eater - unknown working condition but motor is free
Stihl FS 45 weed eater - unknown working condition but motor is free

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 axe with handles
2 axe with handles
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 sand shovels and 1 square shovel
2 sand shovels and 1 square shovel
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Ryobi 31 cc trimmer - motor is free
Ryobi 31 cc trimmer - motor is free

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


4 new wood handles 2 shovel, axe and spade
4 new wood handles 2 shovel, axe and spade

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Master MFG 12 volt 25 gal. sprayer - fairly new
Master MFG 12 volt 25 gal. sprayer - fairly new

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Spade & 2 square shovels
Spade & 2 square shovels

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 rakes, 3 hoes & a new broom
2 rakes, 3 hoes & a new broom

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Roller stand adjustable
Roller stand adjustable

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Grip 14 piece combination wrench set SAE 3/8"-1 1/4"

Grip 14 piece combination wrench set SAE 3/8"-1 1/4"
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

B&D 3/8 elec. drill and a 14 ga. extension cord
B&D 3/8 elec. drill and a 14 ga. extension cord
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

hatchet, pliers c-clamp, hammer and wire splicer crimper
hatchet, pliers c-clamp, hammer and wire splicer crimper
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

DeWalt 18 volt cordless grease gun- Works NO BATTERY manual grease gun
DeWalt 18 volt cordless grease gun- Works NO BATTERY
manual grease gun
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

12 volt heater LED safety flashers, flashlight, fuses, battery terminal cleaner
12 volt heater LED safety flashers, flashlight, fuses, battery terminal cleaner
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

12 ton hyd jack and an unkown ton- both work
12 ton hyd jack and an unkown ton- both work
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Big hyd jack- works and a screw jack
Big hyd jack- works and a screw jack
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

tool tray, pipe wrench, antique pipe threaders
tool tray, pipe wrench, antique pipe threaders
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Stanley fat max tool box w/ 2 sliding drawers and hammers, pinchers, pliers
Stanley fat max tool box w/ 2 sliding drawers and hammers, pinchers, pliers
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Craftsman tool box w/ pliers, bits, punches, tape measure, utiltity knife
Craftsman tool box w/ pliers, bits, punches, tape measure, utiltity knife

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Simonsen metal tool box with vise grips, screw drivers, pliers, old pipe wrenches

Simonsen metal tool box with vise grips, screw drivers, pliers, old pipe wrenches

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Sanborn 10 gal. air tank
Sanborn 10 gal. air tank

This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

screwdrivers, scraper, misc wrenches
screwdrivers, scraper, misc wrenches
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


magnetic block heater, scrapers, carpet knives, flashlight
magnetic block heater, scrapers, carpet knives, flashlight
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

marvel mystery oil, glass cleaner, chain lube, brake fluid, 
marvel mystery oil, glass cleaner, chain lube, brake fluid, 
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 crowbars (1 is broke on claw) and a pry bar
2 crowbars (1 is broke on claw) and a pry bar
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

wonder bar, 2 pry bars, and a antique wrench
wonder bar, 2 pry bars, and a antique wrench
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

SAE gear wrench set 5/16"-3/4"
SAE gear wrench set 5/16"-3/4"
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

hammer, channel locks, pliers
hammer, channel locks, pliers
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

hammer, shelf brackets, 7 pc quick-change bit set
hammer, shelf brackets, 7 pc quick-change bit set
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

12" flat pry bar, pizza cutter, hammer, flashlight, 2 lb. hammer, utility blades
12" flat pry bar, pizza cutter, hammer, flashlight, 2 lb. hammer, utility blades
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

oven liner, pliers, speed square, pins, hammer, go jo
oven liner, pliers, speed square, pins, hammer, go jo
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

olympia bit driver set, sawzall blades, pick set, coping saw, chair tips, c-clamp
olympia bit driver set, sawzall blades, pick set, coping saw, chair tips, c-clamp
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

box of new light bulbs misc sizes  (see pics)
box of new light bulbs misc sizes  (see pics)
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3 bottles of Howes diesel treatment
3 bottles of Howes diesel treatment
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

maxit utility resin shelves
maxit utility resin shelves
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3/4" socket set with 2 ratchets, extension and a breaker bar
3/4" socket set with 2 ratchets, extension and a breaker bar
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

misc box end wrenches, breaker bar, crescent wrenches,pliers, vice grip
misc box end wrenches, breaker bar, crescent wrenches,pliers, vice grip
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD tool box with misc bolts
JD tool box with misc bolts
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

large metal toolbox, drywall saw, tape measure, hacksaw and blades
large metal toolbox, drywall saw, tape measure, hacksaw and blades
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

1937 gaspump coin bank, DeWalt  18 volt flashlight NO BATTERY
1937 gaspump coin bank, DeWalt  18 volt flashlight NO BATTERY
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

box of misc lubricants, ether, brake cleaner, liquid wrench
box of misc lubricants, ether, brake cleaner, liquid wrench
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

misc dog rope leashes, dog cable tie-out and a halter
misc dog rope leashes, dog cable tie-out and a halter
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


8' x 25' poly film, square D float switch, oil can, hammer, paint brushes
8' x 25' poly film, square D float switch, oil can, hammer, paint brushes
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


socket organizer, large c-clamp, 6' x 8' tarp, Bostitch 4" cont. rim wheel
socket organizer, large c-clamp, 6' x 8' tarp, Bostitch 4" cont. rim wheel
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


receiver shock hitch, v-belt, gloves, 10' x 25' plastic 
receiver shock hitch, v-belt, gloves, 10' x 25' plastic 
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


10 cartridges of Blue guard 500 grease tubes and misc JD corn head grease, moly hi temp grease
10 cartridges of Blue guard 500 grease tubes and misc JD corn head grease, moly hi temp grease
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

 7 new  Rowse Guards part # 670 600
 7 new  Rowse Guards part # 670 600
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


solar lights, caulk, 2" ND10 ball valve
solar lights, caulk, 2" ND10 ball valve
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Farm Duty motor 3/4 HP 1725 RPM- motor spins free
Farm Duty motor 3/4 HP 1725 RPM- motor spins free
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 new rolls of poly twine
2 new rolls of poly twine
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 air gun kits, air pressure, gauge, radiator wand, goodyear, 3/8" 50' hose
2 air gun kits, air pressure, gauge, radiator wand, goodyear, 3/8" 50' hose
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2-Flexzilla 50' garden hose
2-Flexzilla 50' garden hose
1 new 1 used
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

new gate wheel, B&D pruner, turtle wax
new gate wheel, B&D pruner, turtle wax
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Crock Jug
Crock Jug
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

9' x 9' poly tarp, cookie decorator and an LED hand light
9' x 9' poly tarp, cookie decorator and an LED hand light
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

50 ft ext cord with reel 
50 ft ext cord with reel 
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Convertable Tank de-icer 1500 watt
Convertable Tank de-icer
1500 watt
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

new JD Fan motor RE251028 toy JD gas pumps, 18.00 x 9.5 x 8 JD lawn and garden tube - new
new JD Fan motor RE251028
toy JD gas pumps, 18.00 x 9.5 x 8 JD lawn and garden tube - new
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

15 new Rowse 670 600 guards 
15 new Rowse 670 600 guards 
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 Menards 2XL tee shirts, 3 utility lighters and 7 1/4" saw blades (new and used)
2 Menards 2XL tee shirts, 3 utility lighters and 7 1/4" saw blades (new and used)
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3 gallon lawn and garden sprayer
3 gallon lawn and garden sprayer
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Live Trap
Live Trap
35" long  11" wide and 11" tall
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2"x27' ratchet strap- new, new gloves, matches, JD RE41171 hose
2"x27' ratchet strap- new, new gloves, matches, JD RE41171 hose
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New 10' cattle rubber
New 10' cattle rubber
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

New bag of sodium bentonite
New bag of sodium bentonite
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3/8 log chain
3/8 log chain
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

misc small chains
misc small chains​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD Chisel Arm N189637
JD Chisel Arm N189637
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

5/16" log chain
5/16" log chain
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3/8" log Chain
3/8" log Chain
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Rowse mower ball hitch
Rowse mower ball hitch
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

60--WR6000 Rowse rake teeth
60--WR6000 Rowse rake teeth
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3/8" log Chain
3/8" log Chain
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Hi tensile Elec fence wire -full roll
Hi tensile Elec fence wire -full roll ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD NEW 6 volt battery box
JD NEW 6 volt battery box
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD wind guard rod, JD clevis pin, JD tie rod arm
JD wind guard rod, JD clevis pin, JD tie rod arm
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

triangle flashers
 triangle flashers
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Antique JD wrenches
Antique JD wrenches
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Antique JD wrenches
Antique JD wrenches
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Antique JD wrenches
Antique JD wrenches
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Antique JD wrenches
Antique JD wrenches
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Antique JD wrenches
Antique JD wrenches
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

5 Clevis's
5 Clevis's
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

2 rolls of 14 gauge 1/4 mile hot wire
2 rolls of 14 gauge 1/4 mile hot wire
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

7/16" log chain
7/16" log chain
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Disc Gang wrenches
Disc gang wrenches
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


3/8" log Chain
3/8" log Chain
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


mower hold up bar and 2 large box end wrenches
mower hold up bar and 2 large box end wrenches
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

misc ratchet wrenches, JD closing wheel, fly swatters, metal flashing, screw drivers
misc ratchet wrenches, JD closing wheel, fly swatters, metal flashing, screw drivers
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3/8" log Chain
3/8" log chain
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

7/16" log chain- rusted
7/16" log chain- rusted​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD Gang wrenches and a JD gang arm
JD Gang wrenches and a JD gang arm
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

rebuilt JD grapple arm
rebuilt JD grapple arm
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

JD Pressure Washer HR 2500PSI 2.3 GPM
JD Pressure Washer HR 2500PSI 2.3 GPM
Honda GC160 motor with hose and and new wand
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Char Broil "The Big Easy" Smoker Roaster & Grill
Char Broil "The Big Easy" Smoker Roaster & Grill
new in box
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

pro lift 2 ton floor jack with handle- works
pro lift 2 ton floor jack with handle- works
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


2 sledge hammers and a post maul
2 sledge hammers and a post maul
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


Hi-Lo Hardhat Heater- Kerosene or Fuel oil
Hi-Lo Hardhat Heater- Kerosene or Fuel oil
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.


ProCom Home Heater 30,000 BTU
ProCom Garage Heater
30,000 BTU new in box
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Apache 3" Trash Pump WP30 (Never used)
Apache 3" Trash Pump model WP30 (Never used)
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Magna Force 20 Gallon Air Compressor- belt driven
Magna Force 20 Gallon Air Compressor- belt driven
with hose
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Apache Power Industrial Premier 8800E Gasoline Generator
Apache Power Industrial Premier 8800E Gasoline Generator
120/240 volt   30 amp plug,  elec start- no battery, 2 flat tires (Never been used)
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Belt Driven Air Compressor w/ hose
Belt Driven Air Compressor w/ hose
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

drawbar hitch, tar paper, fence posts, 4 pry bars
drawbar hitch, tar paper, fence posts, 4 pry bars
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

6" and 4" hand crank post hole digger and hole pinchers
6" and 4" hand crank post hole digger and hole pinchers
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

6" and 9" hand crank hole diggers and a screw in anchor/digger
6" and 9" hand crank hole diggers and a screw in anchor/digger
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Barrel Cart
Barrel Cart
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Leather Saddle with a bridle and a bit
Leather Saddle with a bridle and a bit​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
BONA ALLEN LL CO.  Sweethome Texas inscribed on the saddle
​​​​​​​This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

Computer Track 100 8 Row planter monitor with power module
Computer Track 100 8 Row planter monitor with power module
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.

3 rolls of white 10'x25' 3 mil plastic ​​​​​​​1 roll of black 10'x25' 3 mil plastic
3 rolls of white 10'x25' 3 mil plastic
1 roll of black 10'x25' 3 mil plastic
This item is part of the Doyle Crane Estate. Item is located at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314

For Information contact Steve Larson @ 605-770-9818 or Justin Dean at 605-999-4239.