Wm. & Carol Beckner Personal Property Online Auction
Listing ID#: 254765

Auction Location

Rushville, IN 46173
Auction Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Bidding Starts: Tuesday Dec 22
Bidding Ends: Wednesday Jan 6
Auction Type
Company Information
Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co.

Contact: Russell (Rusty) Harmeyer
Phone: 765-561-1671
Email: harmeyerauction@gmail.com
Website: harmeyerauction.net

GoToAuction.com ID#: 1961
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Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co., LLC. retains the right to govern goods and services sold to clients and to maintain the level and integrity of our business. Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co., LLC. has the right to terminate the auction at any time; withdrawal from sale of any item; to sell at this auction items not listed; to group one of more lots into one or more selling lots or to subdivide into two lots or more selling lots. The auction company also reserves the right to sell all of the items listed in bulk. Payment: a) All payments will be required to be paid for with the credit card on file after auction is complete. b) Buyer's Premium is 13% Online c) Buyer specifically waves the right to dispute or deny payment for any purchases made with a credit card. d) No items will be removed until they have been paid for. Purchaser is responsible for removal of all purchased goods. No abandonment of purchased items is allowed. All abandoned items will be sold for storage and moving fees. Loading Equipment: a) Buyer is responsible for their own removal of all items. Please bring any packing material and boxes that you may need. Please bring assistance to move heavy items to your vehicle and any tools for dismantling. Pick up of Items: a) All items must be on the scheduled pick up date. b) Outside of the Base Road Location-All Items must be picked up on the scheduled pick up times. If they are not they will be considered abandoned and become the possession of Harmeyer Auction, No Refund will be issued (10/7/2020) c) Base Road Location: Any item remaining in our building 7 days after the scheduled auction pick up will be considered abandoned and become the possession of Harmeyer Auction, No Refund will be issued (10/7/2020) No Liability: a) Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co., LLC. assumes no liability for your purchases. The buyer assumes and does agree to indemnify and hold the auction company and seller harmless from any future claim that shall pertain to fitness or use of the asset being purchased. b) Persons attending during exhibition, sale or removal of goods assume all risks of damage or loss to person and property and specifically release and indemnify the Auction Company from liability therefore. Neither the Auction Company nor his principal or seller shall be liable by reason of any defect in or condition of the premises in which the sale is held. Consignors & Bidders: a) All consignors must fill out a contract with Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co., LLC., sign forms and abide by our terms listed. b) All bidders must register for bidder's numbers using proper ID or proper information. c) Any employee of Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co., LLC. may bid at any auction if they wish to purchase an item. d) All items become the sole responsibility of the purchaser when the auctioneer confirms your bid as the successful winner. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. e) If there is any dispute between two or more bidders, the auction company or its' auctioneer, may decide the successful bidder. The decision of the auction company, or its' auctioneer, shall be final and absolute. Loss of Bidding Privileges: a) If you have failed to pay for an item your bidding privileges will be revoked. Your privileges may be restored by paying for the item or repaying for the loss of the revenue due to the items not having been sold and by placing a credit card on permanent file whereby future purchases will automatically be charged. Delinquent Accounts: a) The bidder that has not paid for, or has not removed their items from the auction site, will be subject to the cost of storage, trucking, re-sale, deficiency balances, collection fees, and any legal fees for recouping a loss due to the bidder's negligence. Reserves: a) Any and all items that Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co., LLC. agrees to sell are subject to a reserve as per Indiana State Auction Law. Documents: a) All documents must be completed in full by buyers and sellers. For Example: Death Certificates, Letters of Authority, Creditor Leins, and UCC's when purchasing vehicles, firearms, etc. b) All gun buyers will be required to fill out a 4473 form and pass a background check. Out of state buyers will be required to have any and all guns shipped to an FFL (Federal Firearms License) Dealer. Compliance with the Terms of Sale: a) In default of payment of bills in full within the time announced for this auction the Auction Company in addition to all other remedies allowed by law, may retain all monies received as deposit or otherwise, as liquidated damages. b) Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co., LLC. is in complete accordance with Indiana statutes and Indiana Administrative codes, Title 25, Title 812, Department of Revenue Tax Bulletin #20, and Reference IC 6-2-4. Warranties: a) Everything is sold "AS IS/WHERE IS" with no warranties, representation or guarantees expressed, implied or otherwise given. All sales are final. Conditions of Items Sold: a) All information is believed to be accurate, but the auction company shall not be responsible for the correct description, authenticity, genuineness of or defect in any lot, and makes no warranty in connection therewith. No allowance will be made or sale set aside on account of any incorrectness, error in cataloging or any imperfection not noted. No deduction will be allowed on damaged articles as all goods being exposed for public exhibition are sold "as is" and without recourse. Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co., LLC. requires any and all buyers to preview and make your own opinion of conditions. Auctioneers have the right to refuse service or eject any person obstructing the auction process. The record of sale kept by the Auction Company, the audio tape of the auction and the bookkeeper records will be taken as final in the event of any dispute. Shipping/Pick up a)All items must be paid for prior to pick up or shipping of the item b)Pick up will be scheduled the following day after closing of the auction unless otherwise noted c)If items are to be shipped the buyer will first pay for the item at the close of the auction. Then after payment has been made the items will be boxed and packaged for a fee of $5 per box. Then the card will be charged again for the shipping & handling fees and the items will then be shipped. d)If the card is declined for the shipping fees the buyer will be notified and items will not be shipped until the shipping is paid in full. e) if items are not picked up on the scheduled pick up day, they may be considered forfeited and no refund will be made.
Listing Information
This is an online only auction for the Wm. & Carol Beckner Personal Property. We have been asked to liquidate the personal property for the Beckner Family. This auction is located at 5776 W US 52, Rushville, IN 46173. The auction offers a John Deere riding mower, United States Postal Card Machine, quilts, primitive, vintage & modern furniture, antique caboose doors,antiques, Tonka, Tru-Scale & farm toys, something for everyone. Please call or text Lisa @ (765) 938-9595 with any questions. Auction Starts: December 22, 2020 Preview: By Appointment only January 4, 2021 (call Lisa @ 765-938-9595 (24 hours prior to the 4th) Auction Closes: January 6, 2021 starting @ 6:30 pm with a soft close Auction Pick-up: January 8, 2021 from 12:00 - 6:00 pm

U.S. Government Postal Card Machine & Cards
vintage metal "Buy Sanitary United States Government Postal Cards" Machine, machine is open, do not have key, Weir Cook Airport postcard is showing on front, measures 7.5" x 6" x 15.25", (10) Weir Cook Airport,

John Deere GT275 Riding Lawn Mower
K Series 17 HP, Product Identification Number M0G275B065159, has a 48" mulcher compatible deck, Serial #M0048DF080052, back plastic guard missing, hood has some cracks, throttle handle is taped, does not have an hour

Antique Wooden Caboose Door w/4 Glass Windows
very heavy, measures 24" x 71.5", very neat door, the mate to this door is lot # 4

Antique Wooden Caboose Door w/4 Glass Windows
very heavy, measures 24" x 71.5", very neat door, the mate to this door is lot # 3

Roseville Peony 2 Handled Jardiniere
Pattern # 661-3, approx. 3"

Hull Art Pottery Wildflower Ewer/Pitcher/Vase
W-2-5-1/2, small chip on top of pitcher

Hump Back Steamer Trunk
has leather straps, one is broke, painted antique green w/black trim, measures 30" x 17.5" x 22" tall

Vintage Arlington High School Band Sweater
Sportsman Store, Connersville, IN, size 38, very nice sweater

American Constitutions Book, Copyright 1826
antique book, The Constitutions of all the United States Of America, with The Latest Amendments also the Declaration Of Independence, Articles of Confederation and The Federal Constitution, Lexington, KY,

Chief Anderson Brand 50 lbs. Lard Can
Hughes Curry Packing Co. Anderson, IN, very nice vintage Lard can, lid has a cut in metal on the edge, few small dents, 12" diameter, 14.5" tall

Primitive Carpenter's Wooden Tool Box
handle needs a little attention, measures 22" x 10" x 14" tall

Primitive Cupboard/Cabinet
has 2 doors, 2 wooden shelves, measures 43.75" x 17.5" x 61" tall

Vintage Zenith AM/FM Radio
#7H822Z, original sticker on bottom, cord is bad, untested, measures 12" x 6.75" x 7" tall

Vintage Zenith AM/FM Radio
Model H 845, original sticker, untested, measures 15.5" x 7.5" x 10.5"

Sofa Sleeper By Sofa Express
measures 82" x 35.5" x 36" tall

Roll Top Desk By Winners Only, Inc.
4 drawers on bottom, 1 door, middle folds down with pull out, has pull out for writing, top of desk has 6 small drawers, keys with one locking drawer, measures 54" x 29" x 52.75" tall

Vintage Coca-Cola Cooler Chest
2 door flip top, has rust and some damage, measures 41" x 25.5" x 35.5" tall, see photos

Singer Sewing Machine Cabinet Only, Vintage
has 4 drawers, has been painted baby blue, measures 41" x 21" x 29.5"

Lane Cedar Blanket Chest, Vintage
Has original paper attached inside lid, good scent, has key, some finish wear, nice chest, measures 44" x 19.75" x 30.5" tall

Double Seat Glider
painted yellow, 35" x 47" x 32" tall

Metal Patio Chair, Vintage
painted green, has small crack on top edge

Tell City Kitchen Table & 4 Chairs
#48 Andover finish, Pattern 8018, 4 chairs, some rungs need glued, one rung is cracked has clamp on it, one seat is cracked, 2 leaves measure 41.25" x 8.75" each, table 41.25" diameter, 30" tall, finish wear and

Decorative Mallard Duck
original price tag on bottom

Vintage Wooden Plant Stand
beautiful plant stand, top piece needs attached, has a split in the wood, 11.5" diameter, 37" tall

Cast Iron Kettle, 3 Footed w/Bale
rounded bottom, lift ring on side, wire bale is bent, 4 holes drilled in bottom, appears to have been used as a planter

Ash Bucket/Coal Hod
rusty and has some dents, has a cut on top edge by handle

Sony Flat Screen TV w/Remote
Sony Bravia LCD digital color TV, Model No. KDL-40V3000, Serial No. 8163811, measures 46" on diagonal, 39" wide, 25.25" tall, powers on

Big Jim Sports Camper By Mattel
Doll marked 1971, one of the dolls has been melted to some of the plastic parts, see photos, needs cleaned


Vintage Wooden Maracas, Cuba
carved "Carol" from Cuba

Tonka Ambulance, Vintage
side door opens, cot, nurse doll

Tell City Ratchet Ladder Jack Floor Lamp
Pattern 3361, #48 Andover finish, works

Antique Conservo Stovetop Steamer/Warmer
The Swartzbaugh Mfg. Co. 12" x 12" x 20.5" tall

Telephone - Gossip Bench, Mid-Century Modern
padded seat is torn, measures 31.25" x 17" x 30.5" tall

Mid-Century Record Player Stand w/Record Rack
measures 24" x 17.75" x 25" tall

Sterling Silver Spoons
7 sterling silver spoons, 5 matching, total weight of all 7 spoons,3.958 ozt.

Aluminum Tea Kettle & Mixing Bowl
Wear-Ever aluminum tea kettle, and aluminum mixing bowl

Enamelware Wash Pan, Green w/Dark Green Trim
has some chips, appears to have a very small hole on bottom side, has been taped,

Crock Jug, Brown Over Cream
approx. 1 gallon size, few chips on bottom edge

Crock Bowl w/Wire Bail & Wood Handle
blue inside, cream outside, small chip on inside top edge

Matchbox Speedtrack Race & Chase Set
vintage, in original box, 2 controls, power cord, track and one police car, do not know if complete and untested

Thrill Drivers Race Set By Eldon
#5728, 4 controllers, power pack, 2 cars, track, do not know if complete, untested

Crock Bowl
has chip on bottom edge, appears to have small crack in glaze, see photos

Blue Crock Bowl
bottom marked U.S.A.

Stoneware Crock
cream color, few small chips on bottom edge

Salmon Falls Pottery Salt Glazed Crock
Blueberry basket design, with handles

Vintage Ertl Toys Grain Hauler Truck
6845-7101, drivers side window is pushed in a little, see photos

Vintage Handmade Quilt
pink, brown and white, hand quilted, measures 92" x 78.5" few stains and some fraying

Vintage Patchwork Crazy Quilt
few stains and some fraying, measures 90" x 69"

Vintage Quilt
hand quilted, pink, yellow, orange, red and white, has some fabric fraying, measures 90" x 87"

Vintage Patchwork Crazy Quilt
few stains and some fraying, measures 90" x 69"

Vintage Sampler Quilt
beautiful sampler quilt, hand quilted, few stains, measures 92.5" x 70.5"

Posies, Posies Quilt
Peacocks & Posies, Blues, aquas, yellow and black, beautiful quilt, machine quilted, made in 2012, measures 61.25" x 60.5"

Quilted Wall Hanging & Patchwork Throw
blue quilted wall hanging or table topper, measures 36.5" x 38", greens, tans and sunflowers patchwork throw, does not appear to be lined, measures 63.5" x 57.5"

Vintage Handmade Quilt
shades of blues and reds, hand quilted, few stains and some fraying, measures 66" x 67"

Vintage Handmade Quilts
one has been embroidered, on is quilted with shades of blues, yellows, reds, has some stains, holes and fraying, embroidery thread is fraying, measures 88" x 78", well loved quilts

Vintage Project Quilt Pieces
2 project quilt pieces, both have been cut, few stains and fraying, measures 77.5" x 35.5"

Handmade Quilts (2)
pink and green quilt measures 56.5" x 47.5" and tied quilt in pinks and blues, measures 67" x 43.5", few stains and some fraying

C.Carson Serigraph Carson Stable Oil Painting
on canvas, Collectors Corner, Certificate of Registration # A 81897, measures 20" x 24"

Vintage "Priscilla Club" Quilt
handmade by club members, hand quilted, measures 83" x 80"

Handmade Star Quilt, Vintage
hand quilted, few stains, measures 87.5" x 87.5"

Galvanized Trash Cans & 2-Wheel Cart
2 trash cans w/lids, one approx. 30 gal. one approx. 40 gal. 2 wheel cart

Vacuum Cleaners (2)
Eureka Powerline model 4484, 12.0 AMPS, Bagless, and Hoover Windtunnel, Model U6485900, both power on

Patio Swing w/A-Frame
metal swing and frame, 3 padded seat cushions, 77" x 28" x 68" tall

Martha Living Patio Table Frame
square frame only, glass top is missing, measures 44" x 44" x 28" tall

one wheel, steel wheelbarrow

Convertible Hand Truck
2 wheel vertical hand truck or 4 wheel platform cart

Rid-Jid Step Ladder, 8 Foot
wood frame w/aluminum steps,

Holland Extension Ladder, 16 Foot Wooden
Type 1A, duty rating 300 lbs.

Floor Lamp
heavy, base is rusty, dark green w/glass shade, works, 73" tall

Kroehler Vanity w/Swivel Mirror
7 drawers, has some veneer damage, scratches and finish wear, dovetailed drawers, piece on bottom of mirror needs repaired, measures 48.5" x 17.5" x 30" tall, mirror measures 27.5" wide, 39" tall

4-Drawer File Cabinet
letter size, measures 15" x 18" x 52" tall

Bookcase, Nightstand & Shelf Unit
all 3 pieces are laminated particle board, nightstand has 1 drawer, 21" x 15.5" x 19.5" tall, shelf unit is missing middle shelf, 42" x 15" x 26.5" tall, bookcase has adjustable shelves, 29.5" x 11.5" x 40" tall

Chest Of Drawers (2)
4-drawers each, made from laminated particle board, measures 23.75" x 15.75" x 36" tall and 29.75" x 15.25" x 31" tall, normal finish wear

Folding Garden Kneeling Stool/Bench
extra large seat, measures 29" x 20.5" x 18" tall, foam cushion is loose on one side

Vintage Baby Bathinette & Bouncer/Walker
wood frame, rubber/vinyl and canvas, needs cleaned, and vintage diaper pins

Vintage Child Craft Wooden Baby Playpen
measures 39" x 41" x 32.5" tall, folds, pad has tears, Oak Hill potty chair with wooden tray and lamb decal

Vintage Baby Bed
painted white

Vintage Honeysuckle Baby Bed w/Mattress
has bunny decal on ends, side rail has been repaired, see photos, vintage Harmony House mattress with adorable design

Storage Cabinet
small storage cabinet w/1 drawer and 2 doors, laminated particleboard, measures 26.75" x 21.5" x 31.5" tall

Oak Storage Cabinet, Vintage
has 2 drawers and 2 doors, one door needs attached, dovetailed drawers, measures 30" x 16" x 29" tall

small bookcase, has slot in top, scratches and finish wear, measures 24" x 11.5" x 28.5" tall

Blue & Clear Glass Bottles (2)
one clear and one blue glass bottles

Ball Blue & Clear Canning Jars
quart size, few chips

Twin Size Bed
head & footboards, side rails, headboard has split in wood, see photos, Serta Midsummer Night mattress & box springs

Vintage Full Size Bed
head and footboards, has some damage, side rails, bed measures 44.75" x 41" tall, on casters

Juice Glasses
several small clear glass juice glasses

Plaid Sofa By Craftmaster
3 cushion sofa, measures 84" x 36" x 34" tall, sits approx. 18" off floor,

Side Table w/Magazine Rack
has one door on front, magazine rack on back of table, made from laminated particleboard, measures 13" x 22" x 20.5" tall

La-Z-Boy Recliner/Rocker
blue, fabric wear, well loved recliner

Vintage Red-Man Doll Bassinet
measures 23" x 14" x 19" tall not including hood cover, basket measures 20" x 14", needs cleaned, really cute

Vintage Baby Doll Buggy & Pair Of Baby Shoes
steel wheels, canopy hood needs some repair, very cute little buggy, measures approx. 28" x 12.5" x 26"

Link Fold-Er-Roll Cot By Leggett & Platt Co.
No. 1205, has original tag, Size 2/6

Chest Of Drawers
4 drawers, measures 23.75" x 15.75" x 36" tall, normal finish wear, laminated particleboard

Vintage Record Cabinet ?
middle door opens down, 2 side doors, back side of cabinet opens also, measures 38" x 16.25" x 33" tall

Vanity Stool/Bench From Colonial Furniture Co.
oval with floral padded seat, measures 25" x 15" x 18" tall, marked Colonial Furniture Co. Indianapolis, IN

Jack Frost Vintage Floor Fan
Knapp-Monarch, 13.5" diameter, 53" tall, untested

Vintage Floor Lamp
4 light, large glass shade, one smaller shade is missing, needs rewired, cord bad, untested, 61" tall

Glass Top Patio Side Table
metal base, round glass top, measures 20" diameter, 29" tall

Wooden Child's Table & 2 Chairs
has some finish wear, measures 28" diameter, 21" tall

Laminated particleboard, has 2 shelves, 2 doors on bottom for storage, measures 28 x 15" x 69" tall, few scratches

Workbench Garage Cabinet
3 drawers, 2 doors on bottom, has light on top, peg board back on top of cabinet, measures 63" x 19.5" x 73.25" tall, used with lot 114 & 289

Garage Or Workshop Cabinet
one shelf behind 2 doors, measures 31.5" x 19.5" x 33" tall, used with lot 1123 & 289

Carl Diekman Handmade Cherry Candlesticks
2 cherry candlesticks signed on bottom "Carl Diekman, Rushville, Ind, 1979"

Dining Table, 4 Chairs & Bench
modern table with 4 matching chairs, wood and black vinyl, and bench, table measures 60" x 35.5" x 30" tall, few scratches

Vintage Chest Of Drawers
3 drawers behind 2 doors, 2 drawers on bottom, dovetailed, on casters, has makers tag, Cincinnati, Ohio, measures 34.5" x 21.5" x 54.5"

Tonka Dump Truck & Dump Trailer
rear axle is bent, gate on truck needs attention, see photos

Vintage Buddy L Fire Truck w/Ladder
B.L.F.D. #3, light on top missing,

Thomas The Train Cars & Tomy Track
some pieces broke, some train cars run on batteries, all untested

Lincoln Logs
bag of building Lincoln logs, few pieces broke

Erector Set By Gilbert
power panel, building guide

45 Records
Wings, The Sylvers, Dr. Hook, Queen, The Four Seasons, Rod Wimmer, The Keymen, Del Shannon, Sheila Tilton, Kenny Rogers, The Chipmunks, Helen Reddy, Don King, Bee Gees, and more

Schor Parcraft Lantern Base Desk Lamp
no. 6973, has original tag, Wingedwheel red lantern No. 350 base, works

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Wm. & Carol Beckner Personal Property Online Auction

Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co.

Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co.

Contact: Russell (Rusty) Harmeyer
Phone: 765-561-1671
Sale Location
5776 W US 52
Rushville, IN 46173
Sale Dates and Times
Sale Terms and Conditions
Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co., LLC. retains the right to govern goods and services sold to clients and to maintain the level and integrity of our business. Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co., LLC. has the right to terminate the auction at any time; withdrawal from sale of any item; to sell at this auction items not listed; to group one of more lots into one or more selling lots or to subdivide into two lots or more selling lots. The auction company also reserves the right to sell all of the items listed in bulk. Payment: a) All payments will be required to be paid for with the credit card on file after auction is complete. b) Buyer's Premium is 13% Online c) Buyer specifically waves the right to dispute or deny payment for any purchases made with a credit card. d) No items will be removed until they have been paid for. Purchaser is responsible for removal of all purchased goods. No abandonment of purchased items is allowed. All abandoned items will be sold for storage and moving fees. Loading Equipment: a) Buyer is responsible for their own removal of all items. Please bring any packing material and boxes that you may need. Please bring assistance to move heavy items to your vehicle and any tools for dismantling. Pick up of Items: a) All items must be on the scheduled pick up date. b) Outside of the Base Road Location-All Items must be picked up on the scheduled pick up times. If they are not they will be considered abandoned and become the possession of Harmeyer Auction, No Refund will be issued (10/7/2020) c) Base Road Location: Any item remaining in our building 7 days after the scheduled auction pick up will be considered abandoned and become the possession of Harmeyer Auction, No Refund will be issued (10/7/2020) No Liability: a) Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co., LLC. assumes no liability for your purchases. The buyer assumes and does agree to indemnify and hold the auction company and seller harmless from any future claim that shall pertain to fitness or use of the asset being purchased. b) Persons attending during exhibition, sale or removal of goods assume all risks of damage or loss to person and property and specifically release and indemnify the Auction Company from liability therefore. Neither the Auction Company nor his principal or seller shall be liable by reason of any defect in or condition of the premises in which the sale is held. Consignors & Bidders: a) All consignors must fill out a contract with Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co., LLC., sign forms and abide by our terms listed. b) All bidders must register for bidder's numbers using proper ID or proper information. c) Any employee of Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co., LLC. may bid at any auction if they wish to purchase an item. d) All items become the sole responsibility of the purchaser when the auctioneer confirms your bid as the successful winner. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. e) If there is any dispute between two or more bidders, the auction company or its' auctioneer, may decide the successful bidder. The decision of the auction company, or its' auctioneer, shall be final and absolute. Loss of Bidding Privileges: a) If you have failed to pay for an item your bidding privileges will be revoked. Your privileges may be restored by paying for the item or repaying for the loss of the revenue due to the items not having been sold and by placing a credit card on permanent file whereby future purchases will automatically be charged. Delinquent Accounts: a) The bidder that has not paid for, or has not removed their items from the auction site, will be subject to the cost of storage, trucking, re-sale, deficiency balances, collection fees, and any legal fees for recouping a loss due to the bidder's negligence. Reserves: a) Any and all items that Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co., LLC. agrees to sell are subject to a reserve as per Indiana State Auction Law. Documents: a) All documents must be completed in full by buyers and sellers. For Example: Death Certificates, Letters of Authority, Creditor Leins, and UCC's when purchasing vehicles, firearms, etc. b) All gun buyers will be required to fill out a 4473 form and pass a background check. Out of state buyers will be required to have any and all guns shipped to an FFL (Federal Firearms License) Dealer. Compliance with the Terms of Sale: a) In default of payment of bills in full within the time announced for this auction the Auction Company in addition to all other remedies allowed by law, may retain all monies received as deposit or otherwise, as liquidated damages. b) Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co., LLC. is in complete accordance with Indiana statutes and Indiana Administrative codes, Title 25, Title 812, Department of Revenue Tax Bulletin #20, and Reference IC 6-2-4. Warranties: a) Everything is sold "AS IS/WHERE IS" with no warranties, representation or guarantees expressed, implied or otherwise given. All sales are final. Conditions of Items Sold: a) All information is believed to be accurate, but the auction company shall not be responsible for the correct description, authenticity, genuineness of or defect in any lot, and makes no warranty in connection therewith. No allowance will be made or sale set aside on account of any incorrectness, error in cataloging or any imperfection not noted. No deduction will be allowed on damaged articles as all goods being exposed for public exhibition are sold "as is" and without recourse. Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co., LLC. requires any and all buyers to preview and make your own opinion of conditions. Auctioneers have the right to refuse service or eject any person obstructing the auction process. The record of sale kept by the Auction Company, the audio tape of the auction and the bookkeeper records will be taken as final in the event of any dispute. Shipping/Pick up a)All items must be paid for prior to pick up or shipping of the item b)Pick up will be scheduled the following day after closing of the auction unless otherwise noted c)If items are to be shipped the buyer will first pay for the item at the close of the auction. Then after payment has been made the items will be boxed and packaged for a fee of $5 per box. Then the card will be charged again for the shipping & handling fees and the items will then be shipped. d)If the card is declined for the shipping fees the buyer will be notified and items will not be shipped until the shipping is paid in full. e) if items are not picked up on the scheduled pick up day, they may be considered forfeited and no refund will be made.
Listing Details
This is an online only auction for the Wm. & Carol Beckner Personal Property. We have been asked to liquidate the personal property for the Beckner Family. This auction is located at 5776 W US 52, Rushville, IN 46173. The auction offers a John Deere riding mower, United States Postal Card Machine, quilts, primitive, vintage & modern furniture, antique caboose doors,antiques, Tonka, Tru-Scale & farm toys, something for everyone. Please call or text Lisa @ (765) 938-9595 with any questions. Auction Starts: December 22, 2020 Preview: By Appointment only January 4, 2021 (call Lisa @ 765-938-9595 (24 hours prior to the 4th) Auction Closes: January 6, 2021 starting @ 6:30 pm with a soft close Auction Pick-up: January 8, 2021 from 12:00 - 6:00 pm

U.S. Government Postal Card Machine & Cards
vintage metal "Buy Sanitary United States Government Postal Cards" Machine, machine is open, do not have key, Weir Cook Airport postcard is showing on front, measures 7.5" x 6" x 15.25", (10) Weir Cook Airport,

John Deere GT275 Riding Lawn Mower
K Series 17 HP, Product Identification Number M0G275B065159, has a 48" mulcher compatible deck, Serial #M0048DF080052, back plastic guard missing, hood has some cracks, throttle handle is taped, does not have an hour

Antique Wooden Caboose Door w/4 Glass Windows
very heavy, measures 24" x 71.5", very neat door, the mate to this door is lot # 4

Antique Wooden Caboose Door w/4 Glass Windows
very heavy, measures 24" x 71.5", very neat door, the mate to this door is lot # 3

Roseville Peony 2 Handled Jardiniere
Pattern # 661-3, approx. 3"

Hull Art Pottery Wildflower Ewer/Pitcher/Vase
W-2-5-1/2, small chip on top of pitcher

Hump Back Steamer Trunk
has leather straps, one is broke, painted antique green w/black trim, measures 30" x 17.5" x 22" tall

Vintage Arlington High School Band Sweater
Sportsman Store, Connersville, IN, size 38, very nice sweater

American Constitutions Book, Copyright 1826
antique book, The Constitutions of all the United States Of America, with The Latest Amendments also the Declaration Of Independence, Articles of Confederation and The Federal Constitution, Lexington, KY,

Chief Anderson Brand 50 lbs. Lard Can
Hughes Curry Packing Co. Anderson, IN, very nice vintage Lard can, lid has a cut in metal on the edge, few small dents, 12" diameter, 14.5" tall

Primitive Carpenter's Wooden Tool Box
handle needs a little attention, measures 22" x 10" x 14" tall

Primitive Cupboard/Cabinet
has 2 doors, 2 wooden shelves, measures 43.75" x 17.5" x 61" tall

Vintage Zenith AM/FM Radio
#7H822Z, original sticker on bottom, cord is bad, untested, measures 12" x 6.75" x 7" tall

Vintage Zenith AM/FM Radio
Model H 845, original sticker, untested, measures 15.5" x 7.5" x 10.5"

Sofa Sleeper By Sofa Express
measures 82" x 35.5" x 36" tall

Roll Top Desk By Winners Only, Inc.
4 drawers on bottom, 1 door, middle folds down with pull out, has pull out for writing, top of desk has 6 small drawers, keys with one locking drawer, measures 54" x 29" x 52.75" tall

Vintage Coca-Cola Cooler Chest
2 door flip top, has rust and some damage, measures 41" x 25.5" x 35.5" tall, see photos

Singer Sewing Machine Cabinet Only, Vintage
has 4 drawers, has been painted baby blue, measures 41" x 21" x 29.5"

Lane Cedar Blanket Chest, Vintage
Has original paper attached inside lid, good scent, has key, some finish wear, nice chest, measures 44" x 19.75" x 30.5" tall

Double Seat Glider
painted yellow, 35" x 47" x 32" tall

Metal Patio Chair, Vintage
painted green, has small crack on top edge

Tell City Kitchen Table & 4 Chairs
#48 Andover finish, Pattern 8018, 4 chairs, some rungs need glued, one rung is cracked has clamp on it, one seat is cracked, 2 leaves measure 41.25" x 8.75" each, table 41.25" diameter, 30" tall, finish wear and

Decorative Mallard Duck
original price tag on bottom

Vintage Wooden Plant Stand
beautiful plant stand, top piece needs attached, has a split in the wood, 11.5" diameter, 37" tall

Cast Iron Kettle, 3 Footed w/Bale
rounded bottom, lift ring on side, wire bale is bent, 4 holes drilled in bottom, appears to have been used as a planter

Ash Bucket/Coal Hod
rusty and has some dents, has a cut on top edge by handle

Sony Flat Screen TV w/Remote
Sony Bravia LCD digital color TV, Model No. KDL-40V3000, Serial No. 8163811, measures 46" on diagonal, 39" wide, 25.25" tall, powers on

Big Jim Sports Camper By Mattel
Doll marked 1971, one of the dolls has been melted to some of the plastic parts, see photos, needs cleaned


Vintage Wooden Maracas, Cuba
carved "Carol" from Cuba

Tonka Ambulance, Vintage
side door opens, cot, nurse doll

Tell City Ratchet Ladder Jack Floor Lamp
Pattern 3361, #48 Andover finish, works

Antique Conservo Stovetop Steamer/Warmer
The Swartzbaugh Mfg. Co. 12" x 12" x 20.5" tall

Telephone - Gossip Bench, Mid-Century Modern
padded seat is torn, measures 31.25" x 17" x 30.5" tall

Mid-Century Record Player Stand w/Record Rack
measures 24" x 17.75" x 25" tall

Sterling Silver Spoons
7 sterling silver spoons, 5 matching, total weight of all 7 spoons,3.958 ozt.

Aluminum Tea Kettle & Mixing Bowl
Wear-Ever aluminum tea kettle, and aluminum mixing bowl

Enamelware Wash Pan, Green w/Dark Green Trim
has some chips, appears to have a very small hole on bottom side, has been taped,

Crock Jug, Brown Over Cream
approx. 1 gallon size, few chips on bottom edge

Crock Bowl w/Wire Bail & Wood Handle
blue inside, cream outside, small chip on inside top edge

Matchbox Speedtrack Race & Chase Set
vintage, in original box, 2 controls, power cord, track and one police car, do not know if complete and untested

Thrill Drivers Race Set By Eldon
#5728, 4 controllers, power pack, 2 cars, track, do not know if complete, untested

Crock Bowl
has chip on bottom edge, appears to have small crack in glaze, see photos

Blue Crock Bowl
bottom marked U.S.A.

Stoneware Crock
cream color, few small chips on bottom edge

Salmon Falls Pottery Salt Glazed Crock
Blueberry basket design, with handles

Vintage Ertl Toys Grain Hauler Truck
6845-7101, drivers side window is pushed in a little, see photos

Vintage Handmade Quilt
pink, brown and white, hand quilted, measures 92" x 78.5" few stains and some fraying

Vintage Patchwork Crazy Quilt
few stains and some fraying, measures 90" x 69"

Vintage Quilt
hand quilted, pink, yellow, orange, red and white, has some fabric fraying, measures 90" x 87"

Vintage Patchwork Crazy Quilt
few stains and some fraying, measures 90" x 69"

Vintage Sampler Quilt
beautiful sampler quilt, hand quilted, few stains, measures 92.5" x 70.5"

Posies, Posies Quilt
Peacocks & Posies, Blues, aquas, yellow and black, beautiful quilt, machine quilted, made in 2012, measures 61.25" x 60.5"

Quilted Wall Hanging & Patchwork Throw
blue quilted wall hanging or table topper, measures 36.5" x 38", greens, tans and sunflowers patchwork throw, does not appear to be lined, measures 63.5" x 57.5"

Vintage Handmade Quilt
shades of blues and reds, hand quilted, few stains and some fraying, measures 66" x 67"

Vintage Handmade Quilts
one has been embroidered, on is quilted with shades of blues, yellows, reds, has some stains, holes and fraying, embroidery thread is fraying, measures 88" x 78", well loved quilts

Vintage Project Quilt Pieces
2 project quilt pieces, both have been cut, few stains and fraying, measures 77.5" x 35.5"

Handmade Quilts (2)
pink and green quilt measures 56.5" x 47.5" and tied quilt in pinks and blues, measures 67" x 43.5", few stains and some fraying

C.Carson Serigraph Carson Stable Oil Painting
on canvas, Collectors Corner, Certificate of Registration # A 81897, measures 20" x 24"

Vintage "Priscilla Club" Quilt
handmade by club members, hand quilted, measures 83" x 80"

Handmade Star Quilt, Vintage
hand quilted, few stains, measures 87.5" x 87.5"

Galvanized Trash Cans & 2-Wheel Cart
2 trash cans w/lids, one approx. 30 gal. one approx. 40 gal. 2 wheel cart

Vacuum Cleaners (2)
Eureka Powerline model 4484, 12.0 AMPS, Bagless, and Hoover Windtunnel, Model U6485900, both power on

Patio Swing w/A-Frame
metal swing and frame, 3 padded seat cushions, 77" x 28" x 68" tall

Martha Living Patio Table Frame
square frame only, glass top is missing, measures 44" x 44" x 28" tall

one wheel, steel wheelbarrow

Convertible Hand Truck
2 wheel vertical hand truck or 4 wheel platform cart

Rid-Jid Step Ladder, 8 Foot
wood frame w/aluminum steps,

Holland Extension Ladder, 16 Foot Wooden
Type 1A, duty rating 300 lbs.

Floor Lamp
heavy, base is rusty, dark green w/glass shade, works, 73" tall

Kroehler Vanity w/Swivel Mirror
7 drawers, has some veneer damage, scratches and finish wear, dovetailed drawers, piece on bottom of mirror needs repaired, measures 48.5" x 17.5" x 30" tall, mirror measures 27.5" wide, 39" tall

4-Drawer File Cabinet
letter size, measures 15" x 18" x 52" tall

Bookcase, Nightstand & Shelf Unit
all 3 pieces are laminated particle board, nightstand has 1 drawer, 21" x 15.5" x 19.5" tall, shelf unit is missing middle shelf, 42" x 15" x 26.5" tall, bookcase has adjustable shelves, 29.5" x 11.5" x 40" tall

Chest Of Drawers (2)
4-drawers each, made from laminated particle board, measures 23.75" x 15.75" x 36" tall and 29.75" x 15.25" x 31" tall, normal finish wear

Folding Garden Kneeling Stool/Bench
extra large seat, measures 29" x 20.5" x 18" tall, foam cushion is loose on one side

Vintage Baby Bathinette & Bouncer/Walker
wood frame, rubber/vinyl and canvas, needs cleaned, and vintage diaper pins

Vintage Child Craft Wooden Baby Playpen
measures 39" x 41" x 32.5" tall, folds, pad has tears, Oak Hill potty chair with wooden tray and lamb decal

Vintage Baby Bed
painted white

Vintage Honeysuckle Baby Bed w/Mattress
has bunny decal on ends, side rail has been repaired, see photos, vintage Harmony House mattress with adorable design

Storage Cabinet
small storage cabinet w/1 drawer and 2 doors, laminated particleboard, measures 26.75" x 21.5" x 31.5" tall

Oak Storage Cabinet, Vintage
has 2 drawers and 2 doors, one door needs attached, dovetailed drawers, measures 30" x 16" x 29" tall

small bookcase, has slot in top, scratches and finish wear, measures 24" x 11.5" x 28.5" tall

Blue & Clear Glass Bottles (2)
one clear and one blue glass bottles

Ball Blue & Clear Canning Jars
quart size, few chips

Twin Size Bed
head & footboards, side rails, headboard has split in wood, see photos, Serta Midsummer Night mattress & box springs

Vintage Full Size Bed
head and footboards, has some damage, side rails, bed measures 44.75" x 41" tall, on casters

Juice Glasses
several small clear glass juice glasses

Plaid Sofa By Craftmaster
3 cushion sofa, measures 84" x 36" x 34" tall, sits approx. 18" off floor,

Side Table w/Magazine Rack
has one door on front, magazine rack on back of table, made from laminated particleboard, measures 13" x 22" x 20.5" tall

La-Z-Boy Recliner/Rocker
blue, fabric wear, well loved recliner

Vintage Red-Man Doll Bassinet
measures 23" x 14" x 19" tall not including hood cover, basket measures 20" x 14", needs cleaned, really cute

Vintage Baby Doll Buggy & Pair Of Baby Shoes
steel wheels, canopy hood needs some repair, very cute little buggy, measures approx. 28" x 12.5" x 26"

Link Fold-Er-Roll Cot By Leggett & Platt Co.
No. 1205, has original tag, Size 2/6

Chest Of Drawers
4 drawers, measures 23.75" x 15.75" x 36" tall, normal finish wear, laminated particleboard

Vintage Record Cabinet ?
middle door opens down, 2 side doors, back side of cabinet opens also, measures 38" x 16.25" x 33" tall

Vanity Stool/Bench From Colonial Furniture Co.
oval with floral padded seat, measures 25" x 15" x 18" tall, marked Colonial Furniture Co. Indianapolis, IN

Jack Frost Vintage Floor Fan
Knapp-Monarch, 13.5" diameter, 53" tall, untested

Vintage Floor Lamp
4 light, large glass shade, one smaller shade is missing, needs rewired, cord bad, untested, 61" tall

Glass Top Patio Side Table
metal base, round glass top, measures 20" diameter, 29" tall

Wooden Child's Table & 2 Chairs
has some finish wear, measures 28" diameter, 21" tall

Laminated particleboard, has 2 shelves, 2 doors on bottom for storage, measures 28 x 15" x 69" tall, few scratches

Workbench Garage Cabinet
3 drawers, 2 doors on bottom, has light on top, peg board back on top of cabinet, measures 63" x 19.5" x 73.25" tall, used with lot 114 & 289

Garage Or Workshop Cabinet
one shelf behind 2 doors, measures 31.5" x 19.5" x 33" tall, used with lot 1123 & 289

Carl Diekman Handmade Cherry Candlesticks
2 cherry candlesticks signed on bottom "Carl Diekman, Rushville, Ind, 1979"

Dining Table, 4 Chairs & Bench
modern table with 4 matching chairs, wood and black vinyl, and bench, table measures 60" x 35.5" x 30" tall, few scratches

Vintage Chest Of Drawers
3 drawers behind 2 doors, 2 drawers on bottom, dovetailed, on casters, has makers tag, Cincinnati, Ohio, measures 34.5" x 21.5" x 54.5"

Tonka Dump Truck & Dump Trailer
rear axle is bent, gate on truck needs attention, see photos

Vintage Buddy L Fire Truck w/Ladder
B.L.F.D. #3, light on top missing,

Thomas The Train Cars & Tomy Track
some pieces broke, some train cars run on batteries, all untested

Lincoln Logs
bag of building Lincoln logs, few pieces broke

Erector Set By Gilbert
power panel, building guide

45 Records
Wings, The Sylvers, Dr. Hook, Queen, The Four Seasons, Rod Wimmer, The Keymen, Del Shannon, Sheila Tilton, Kenny Rogers, The Chipmunks, Helen Reddy, Don King, Bee Gees, and more

Schor Parcraft Lantern Base Desk Lamp
no. 6973, has original tag, Wingedwheel red lantern No. 350 base, works

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Wm. & Carol Beckner Personal Property Online Auction
 Online Only Auction
Auction Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Tuesday Dec 22
Bidding Ends: Wednesday Jan 6
Auction Location

Rushville, IN 46173
Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co.

Contact: Russell (Rusty) Harmeyer
Phone: 765-561-1671
Website: harmeyerauction.net

Listing Terms and Conditions
Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co., LLC. retains the right to govern goods and services sold to clients and to maintain the level and integrity of our business. Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co., LLC. has the right to terminate the auction at any time; withdrawal from sale of any item; to sell at this auction items not listed; to group one of more lots into one or more selling lots or to subdivide into two lots or more selling lots. The auction company also reserves the right to sell all of the items listed in bulk. Payment: a) All payments will be required to be paid for with the credit card on file after auction is complete. b) Buyer's Premium is 13% Online c) Buyer specifically waves the right to dispute or deny payment for any purchases made with a credit card. d) No items will be removed until they have been paid for. Purchaser is responsible for removal of all purchased goods. No abandonment of purchased items is allowed. 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Shipping/Pick up a)All items must be paid for prior to pick up or shipping of the item b)Pick up will be scheduled the following day after closing of the auction unless otherwise noted c)If items are to be shipped the buyer will first pay for the item at the close of the auction. Then after payment has been made the items will be boxed and packaged for a fee of $5 per box. Then the card will be charged again for the shipping & handling fees and the items will then be shipped. d)If the card is declined for the shipping fees the buyer will be notified and items will not be shipped until the shipping is paid in full. e) if items are not picked up on the scheduled pick up day, they may be considered forfeited and no refund will be made.
This is an online only auction for the Wm. & Carol Beckner Personal Property. We have been asked to liquidate the personal property for the Beckner Family. This auction is located at 5776 W US 52, Rushville, IN 46173. The auction offers a John Deere riding mower, United States Postal Card Machine, quilts, primitive, vintage & modern furniture, antique caboose doors,antiques, Tonka, Tru-Scale & farm toys, something for everyone. Please call or text Lisa @ (765) 938-9595 with any questions. Auction Starts: December 22, 2020 Preview: By Appointment only January 4, 2021 (call Lisa @ 765-938-9595 (24 hours prior to the 4th) Auction Closes: January 6, 2021 starting @ 6:30 pm with a soft close Auction Pick-up: January 8, 2021 from 12:00 - 6:00 pm

U.S. Government Postal Card Machine & Cards
vintage metal "Buy Sanitary United States Government Postal Cards" Machine, machine is open, do not have key, Weir Cook Airport postcard is showing on front, measures 7.5" x 6" x 15.25", (10) Weir Cook Airport,

John Deere GT275 Riding Lawn Mower
K Series 17 HP, Product Identification Number M0G275B065159, has a 48" mulcher compatible deck, Serial #M0048DF080052, back plastic guard missing, hood has some cracks, throttle handle is taped, does not have an hour

Antique Wooden Caboose Door w/4 Glass Windows
very heavy, measures 24" x 71.5", very neat door, the mate to this door is lot # 4

Antique Wooden Caboose Door w/4 Glass Windows
very heavy, measures 24" x 71.5", very neat door, the mate to this door is lot # 3

Roseville Peony 2 Handled Jardiniere
Pattern # 661-3, approx. 3"

Hull Art Pottery Wildflower Ewer/Pitcher/Vase
W-2-5-1/2, small chip on top of pitcher

Hump Back Steamer Trunk
has leather straps, one is broke, painted antique green w/black trim, measures 30" x 17.5" x 22" tall

Vintage Arlington High School Band Sweater
Sportsman Store, Connersville, IN, size 38, very nice sweater

American Constitutions Book, Copyright 1826
antique book, The Constitutions of all the United States Of America, with The Latest Amendments also the Declaration Of Independence, Articles of Confederation and The Federal Constitution, Lexington, KY,

Chief Anderson Brand 50 lbs. Lard Can
Hughes Curry Packing Co. Anderson, IN, very nice vintage Lard can, lid has a cut in metal on the edge, few small dents, 12" diameter, 14.5" tall


Primitive Carpenter's Wooden Tool Box
handle needs a little attention, measures 22" x 10" x 14" tall

Primitive Cupboard/Cabinet
has 2 doors, 2 wooden shelves, measures 43.75" x 17.5" x 61" tall

Vintage Zenith AM/FM Radio
#7H822Z, original sticker on bottom, cord is bad, untested, measures 12" x 6.75" x 7" tall

Vintage Zenith AM/FM Radio
Model H 845, original sticker, untested, measures 15.5" x 7.5" x 10.5"

Sofa Sleeper By Sofa Express
measures 82" x 35.5" x 36" tall

Roll Top Desk By Winners Only, Inc.
4 drawers on bottom, 1 door, middle folds down with pull out, has pull out for writing, top of desk has 6 small drawers, keys with one locking drawer, measures 54" x 29" x 52.75" tall

Vintage Coca-Cola Cooler Chest
2 door flip top, has rust and some damage, measures 41" x 25.5" x 35.5" tall, see photos

Singer Sewing Machine Cabinet Only, Vintage
has 4 drawers, has been painted baby blue, measures 41" x 21" x 29.5"

Lane Cedar Blanket Chest, Vintage
Has original paper attached inside lid, good scent, has key, some finish wear, nice chest, measures 44" x 19.75" x 30.5" tall


Double Seat Glider
painted yellow, 35" x 47" x 32" tall

Metal Patio Chair, Vintage
painted green, has small crack on top edge



Tell City Kitchen Table & 4 Chairs
#48 Andover finish, Pattern 8018, 4 chairs, some rungs need glued, one rung is cracked has clamp on it, one seat is cracked, 2 leaves measure 41.25" x 8.75" each, table 41.25" diameter, 30" tall, finish wear and

Decorative Mallard Duck
original price tag on bottom


Vintage Wooden Plant Stand
beautiful plant stand, top piece needs attached, has a split in the wood, 11.5" diameter, 37" tall

Cast Iron Kettle, 3 Footed w/Bale
rounded bottom, lift ring on side, wire bale is bent, 4 holes drilled in bottom, appears to have been used as a planter

Ash Bucket/Coal Hod
rusty and has some dents, has a cut on top edge by handle

Sony Flat Screen TV w/Remote
Sony Bravia LCD digital color TV, Model No. KDL-40V3000, Serial No. 8163811, measures 46" on diagonal, 39" wide, 25.25" tall, powers on

Big Jim Sports Camper By Mattel
Doll marked 1971, one of the dolls has been melted to some of the plastic parts, see photos, needs cleaned



Vintage Wooden Maracas, Cuba
carved "Carol" from Cuba

Tonka Ambulance, Vintage
side door opens, cot, nurse doll

Tell City Ratchet Ladder Jack Floor Lamp
Pattern 3361, #48 Andover finish, works

Antique Conservo Stovetop Steamer/Warmer
The Swartzbaugh Mfg. Co. 12" x 12" x 20.5" tall


Telephone - Gossip Bench, Mid-Century Modern
padded seat is torn, measures 31.25" x 17" x 30.5" tall

Mid-Century Record Player Stand w/Record Rack
measures 24" x 17.75" x 25" tall

Sterling Silver Spoons
7 sterling silver spoons, 5 matching, total weight of all 7 spoons,3.958 ozt.

Aluminum Tea Kettle & Mixing Bowl
Wear-Ever aluminum tea kettle, and aluminum mixing bowl

Enamelware Wash Pan, Green w/Dark Green Trim
has some chips, appears to have a very small hole on bottom side, has been taped,

Crock Jug, Brown Over Cream
approx. 1 gallon size, few chips on bottom edge


Crock Bowl w/Wire Bail & Wood Handle
blue inside, cream outside, small chip on inside top edge

Matchbox Speedtrack Race & Chase Set
vintage, in original box, 2 controls, power cord, track and one police car, do not know if complete and untested

Thrill Drivers Race Set By Eldon
#5728, 4 controllers, power pack, 2 cars, track, do not know if complete, untested

Crock Bowl
has chip on bottom edge, appears to have small crack in glaze, see photos

Blue Crock Bowl
bottom marked U.S.A.

Stoneware Crock
cream color, few small chips on bottom edge

Salmon Falls Pottery Salt Glazed Crock
Blueberry basket design, with handles

Vintage Ertl Toys Grain Hauler Truck
6845-7101, drivers side window is pushed in a little, see photos

Vintage Handmade Quilt
pink, brown and white, hand quilted, measures 92" x 78.5" few stains and some fraying

Vintage Patchwork Crazy Quilt
few stains and some fraying, measures 90" x 69"

Vintage Quilt
hand quilted, pink, yellow, orange, red and white, has some fabric fraying, measures 90" x 87"

Vintage Patchwork Crazy Quilt
few stains and some fraying, measures 90" x 69"

Vintage Sampler Quilt
beautiful sampler quilt, hand quilted, few stains, measures 92.5" x 70.5"

Posies, Posies Quilt
Peacocks & Posies, Blues, aquas, yellow and black, beautiful quilt, machine quilted, made in 2012, measures 61.25" x 60.5"

Quilted Wall Hanging & Patchwork Throw
blue quilted wall hanging or table topper, measures 36.5" x 38", greens, tans and sunflowers patchwork throw, does not appear to be lined, measures 63.5" x 57.5"

Vintage Handmade Quilt
shades of blues and reds, hand quilted, few stains and some fraying, measures 66" x 67"

Vintage Handmade Quilts
one has been embroidered, on is quilted with shades of blues, yellows, reds, has some stains, holes and fraying, embroidery thread is fraying, measures 88" x 78", well loved quilts

Vintage Project Quilt Pieces
2 project quilt pieces, both have been cut, few stains and fraying, measures 77.5" x 35.5"

Handmade Quilts (2)
pink and green quilt measures 56.5" x 47.5" and tied quilt in pinks and blues, measures 67" x 43.5", few stains and some fraying

C.Carson Serigraph Carson Stable Oil Painting
on canvas, Collectors Corner, Certificate of Registration # A 81897, measures 20" x 24"


Vintage "Priscilla Club" Quilt
handmade by club members, hand quilted, measures 83" x 80"

Handmade Star Quilt, Vintage
hand quilted, few stains, measures 87.5" x 87.5"

Galvanized Trash Cans & 2-Wheel Cart
2 trash cans w/lids, one approx. 30 gal. one approx. 40 gal. 2 wheel cart

Vacuum Cleaners (2)
Eureka Powerline model 4484, 12.0 AMPS, Bagless, and Hoover Windtunnel, Model U6485900, both power on

Patio Swing w/A-Frame
metal swing and frame, 3 padded seat cushions, 77" x 28" x 68" tall

Martha Living Patio Table Frame
square frame only, glass top is missing, measures 44" x 44" x 28" tall

one wheel, steel wheelbarrow

Convertible Hand Truck
2 wheel vertical hand truck or 4 wheel platform cart

Rid-Jid Step Ladder, 8 Foot
wood frame w/aluminum steps,

Holland Extension Ladder, 16 Foot Wooden
Type 1A, duty rating 300 lbs.

Floor Lamp
heavy, base is rusty, dark green w/glass shade, works, 73" tall

Kroehler Vanity w/Swivel Mirror
7 drawers, has some veneer damage, scratches and finish wear, dovetailed drawers, piece on bottom of mirror needs repaired, measures 48.5" x 17.5" x 30" tall, mirror measures 27.5" wide, 39" tall

4-Drawer File Cabinet
letter size, measures 15" x 18" x 52" tall

Bookcase, Nightstand & Shelf Unit
all 3 pieces are laminated particle board, nightstand has 1 drawer, 21" x 15.5" x 19.5" tall, shelf unit is missing middle shelf, 42" x 15" x 26.5" tall, bookcase has adjustable shelves, 29.5" x 11.5" x 40" tall

Chest Of Drawers (2)
4-drawers each, made from laminated particle board, measures 23.75" x 15.75" x 36" tall and 29.75" x 15.25" x 31" tall, normal finish wear

Folding Garden Kneeling Stool/Bench
extra large seat, measures 29" x 20.5" x 18" tall, foam cushion is loose on one side

Vintage Baby Bathinette & Bouncer/Walker
wood frame, rubber/vinyl and canvas, needs cleaned, and vintage diaper pins

Vintage Child Craft Wooden Baby Playpen
measures 39" x 41" x 32.5" tall, folds, pad has tears, Oak Hill potty chair with wooden tray and lamb decal

Vintage Baby Bed
painted white

Vintage Honeysuckle Baby Bed w/Mattress
has bunny decal on ends, side rail has been repaired, see photos, vintage Harmony House mattress with adorable design

Storage Cabinet
small storage cabinet w/1 drawer and 2 doors, laminated particleboard, measures 26.75" x 21.5" x 31.5" tall

Oak Storage Cabinet, Vintage
has 2 drawers and 2 doors, one door needs attached, dovetailed drawers, measures 30" x 16" x 29" tall

small bookcase, has slot in top, scratches and finish wear, measures 24" x 11.5" x 28.5" tall

Blue & Clear Glass Bottles (2)
one clear and one blue glass bottles

Ball Blue & Clear Canning Jars
quart size, few chips

Twin Size Bed
head & footboards, side rails, headboard has split in wood, see photos, Serta Midsummer Night mattress & box springs

Vintage Full Size Bed
head and footboards, has some damage, side rails, bed measures 44.75" x 41" tall, on casters

Juice Glasses
several small clear glass juice glasses

Plaid Sofa By Craftmaster
3 cushion sofa, measures 84" x 36" x 34" tall, sits approx. 18" off floor,

Side Table w/Magazine Rack
has one door on front, magazine rack on back of table, made from laminated particleboard, measures 13" x 22" x 20.5" tall

La-Z-Boy Recliner/Rocker
blue, fabric wear, well loved recliner

Vintage Red-Man Doll Bassinet
measures 23" x 14" x 19" tall not including hood cover, basket measures 20" x 14", needs cleaned, really cute

Vintage Baby Doll Buggy & Pair Of Baby Shoes
steel wheels, canopy hood needs some repair, very cute little buggy, measures approx. 28" x 12.5" x 26"

Link Fold-Er-Roll Cot By Leggett & Platt Co.
No. 1205, has original tag, Size 2/6

Chest Of Drawers
4 drawers, measures 23.75" x 15.75" x 36" tall, normal finish wear, laminated particleboard


Vintage Record Cabinet ?
middle door opens down, 2 side doors, back side of cabinet opens also, measures 38" x 16.25" x 33" tall

Vanity Stool/Bench From Colonial Furniture Co.
oval with floral padded seat, measures 25" x 15" x 18" tall, marked Colonial Furniture Co. Indianapolis, IN

Jack Frost Vintage Floor Fan
Knapp-Monarch, 13.5" diameter, 53" tall, untested

Vintage Floor Lamp
4 light, large glass shade, one smaller shade is missing, needs rewired, cord bad, untested, 61" tall

Glass Top Patio Side Table
metal base, round glass top, measures 20" diameter, 29" tall

Wooden Child's Table & 2 Chairs
has some finish wear, measures 28" diameter, 21" tall


Laminated particleboard, has 2 shelves, 2 doors on bottom for storage, measures 28 x 15" x 69" tall, few scratches


Workbench Garage Cabinet
3 drawers, 2 doors on bottom, has light on top, peg board back on top of cabinet, measures 63" x 19.5" x 73.25" tall, used with lot 114 & 289

Garage Or Workshop Cabinet
one shelf behind 2 doors, measures 31.5" x 19.5" x 33" tall, used with lot 1123 & 289

Carl Diekman Handmade Cherry Candlesticks
2 cherry candlesticks signed on bottom "Carl Diekman, Rushville, Ind, 1979"

Dining Table, 4 Chairs & Bench
modern table with 4 matching chairs, wood and black vinyl, and bench, table measures 60" x 35.5" x 30" tall, few scratches

Vintage Chest Of Drawers
3 drawers behind 2 doors, 2 drawers on bottom, dovetailed, on casters, has makers tag, Cincinnati, Ohio, measures 34.5" x 21.5" x 54.5"

Tonka Dump Truck & Dump Trailer
rear axle is bent, gate on truck needs attention, see photos



Vintage Buddy L Fire Truck w/Ladder
B.L.F.D. #3, light on top missing,





Thomas The Train Cars & Tomy Track
some pieces broke, some train cars run on batteries, all untested

Lincoln Logs
bag of building Lincoln logs, few pieces broke


Erector Set By Gilbert
power panel, building guide

45 Records
Wings, The Sylvers, Dr. Hook, Queen, The Four Seasons, Rod Wimmer, The Keymen, Del Shannon, Sheila Tilton, Kenny Rogers, The Chipmunks, Helen Reddy, Don King, Bee Gees, and more


Schor Parcraft Lantern Base Desk Lamp
no. 6973, has original tag, Wingedwheel red lantern No. 350 base, works