1st Annual Steinke Tractor & Guest Equip. Auction
Listing ID#: 249293

Auction Location

Eaton, OH 45320
Auction Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Dec 12, 2020 Completed
Auction Type
 Live Auction with Online Bidding  VIEW ONLINE CATALOG
Company Information
Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co.

Contact: Russell (Rusty) Harmeyer
Phone: 765-561-1671
Email: harmeyerauction@gmail.com
Website: harmeyerauction.net

GoToAuction.com ID#: 1961
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms of this sale will be Cash, Good Check, and Credit/Debit Card with 4% convenience fee. There will be a 1% buyers premium for all items purchased online.
Listing Information

1st Annual Steinke Tractor & Guest Equipment Consignment Auction
December 12, 2020 @ 10:00 am
707 S Baron Street, Eaton, OH 45320

Auctioneer’s Note: Steinke Tractor Sales has decided to offer an Equipment Consignment Sale held at their facility in Eaton, OH in conjunction with liquidating some of their inventory before the New Year.  We are currently accepting good quality consignments: Contact us today to consign your items!  This is a live auction event with webcasting, so if you cannot attend in person, be sure to attend and bid via webcasting stream!  Visit www.harmeyerauction.net for complete details, inventory, and photos.  

Tractors: Oliver 66 gas NF, AC D-12 w/3 pt, JD D tractor Fully Restored, AC 8550 4x4 tractor, AC 6060 w/ loader sn#4015 6300 hrs, AC D-17 gas ser IV 3 point, New Holland TS6.140 tractor FWA/cab, Farmall H, John Deere 4020 Gas w/power shift, John Deere 4020 Diesel w/ loader


Vehicles, Trailers & Grain Trucks:  2007 Chevy 4x4 crew cab short bed-rebuilt title, sharp, 1993 Ford L9000 Grain Truck, 200,000 miles, 1991 Kenworth Day Cab Semi, Donahoe Utility Trailer,
Badger Hydro-scopic sn#970708 Ditching Machine


Implements: AC 5 bottom plow, White 5100 Planter 6 row w/ splitter, Oliver 10’ disc, Eagle line 3 pt carry all, Land pride RTA-1274 Tiller, 3-point 3 bottom plow, 3 pt grader blade, brent cpc 5 shank ripper , wil-rich 12 shank chisel, white 508 plow, Steiger 9 Shank Chisel Plow, International 5100 Drill with Seeder, DMI Crumbler, John Deere 2500 series Plow, 5 Bottom plows


Hay Equipment: NH 310 square baler twine sn#189084, NH Roll Belt 560 Round Baler sn#YEN182702, NH 575 Square Baler twine w/ hyd tension sn#966039, Case IH SB 541, twine w/ hyd tension, pickup & swing sn#YAN104321, NH H7330 Diskbine sn#Y9N084030, New Idea Cutditioner 272 sn#12277, Farmhand 5 wheel rake, NH 489 Haybine, Frontier TD2427 Tedder, Claas ws 310-s Rotary Rake 3 pt, McFarlane RD-4025-RB6 Reel Disk; New Holland 848 Round Baler, Hay Wagons, Hesston Stack Hand 10, New Holland 273 Square Baler, 20 ft Hay Elevator,


Grain Carts: Ficklin 9500 Grain Cart w/ scales, Parker 1500 weigh Buggy sn#90157, Kill Bro’s 690 Grain Cart w/tarp & scales sn#D20420117,


Manure Spreaders: H&S 222 Manure Spreader, New Holland 195 Manure Spreader, Balzer 3600 Manure tank with 4 knife applicator


Rotary Mowers & Lawn Mowers: Woods RD7200 finish mower, Bush hog FTH 720 finish mower, Bush hog squealer 72 rotary mower, Woods 72 Brushbull, Grasshopper Mower, John Deere Lawn Mower


Backhoes, Buckets, & Attachments: Koyker loader from AC 190 tractor, Case 680 backhoe, King kutter root rake 3 pt, Backhoe & Skidloader Buckets, Accumagrapple by Maxilater grapple sn#941324,


Misc. Equipment & Parts: Shaver HD-12 post driver, Peerless 530 Roller Mill sn#290034, AC WD Tractor parts, Central Boiler, ATV Pull Type Spayer, Demco Sprayer, Hardi 1100 Sprayer, Weigh Buggy, Grain Cleaner,

 Auction day announcements take precedence over printed material

Steinke Tractor Sales, 707 S Baron Street, Eaton, OH Phone 937-456-4271, steinketractor.com

Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co & Steiner Auctions
Gene Steiner, 2004000096 Phone:  513-616-4086
Rusty Harmeyer, 2001014575, Phone : 765-561-1671

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1st Annual Steinke Tractor & Guest Equip. Auction

Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co.

Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co.

Contact: Russell (Rusty) Harmeyer
Phone: 765-561-1671
Sale Location
707 S Baron Street
Eaton, OH 45320
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Dec 12, 2020 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Terms of this sale will be Cash, Good Check, and Credit/Debit Card with 4% convenience fee. There will be a 1% buyers premium for all items purchased online.
Listing Details

1st Annual Steinke Tractor & Guest Equipment Consignment Auction
December 12, 2020 @ 10:00 am
707 S Baron Street, Eaton, OH 45320

Auctioneer’s Note: Steinke Tractor Sales has decided to offer an Equipment Consignment Sale held at their facility in Eaton, OH in conjunction with liquidating some of their inventory before the New Year.  We are currently accepting good quality consignments: Contact us today to consign your items!  This is a live auction event with webcasting, so if you cannot attend in person, be sure to attend and bid via webcasting stream!  Visit www.harmeyerauction.net for complete details, inventory, and photos.  

Tractors: Oliver 66 gas NF, AC D-12 w/3 pt, JD D tractor Fully Restored, AC 8550 4x4 tractor, AC 6060 w/ loader sn#4015 6300 hrs, AC D-17 gas ser IV 3 point, New Holland TS6.140 tractor FWA/cab, Farmall H, John Deere 4020 Gas w/power shift, John Deere 4020 Diesel w/ loader


Vehicles, Trailers & Grain Trucks:  2007 Chevy 4x4 crew cab short bed-rebuilt title, sharp, 1993 Ford L9000 Grain Truck, 200,000 miles, 1991 Kenworth Day Cab Semi, Donahoe Utility Trailer,
Badger Hydro-scopic sn#970708 Ditching Machine


Implements: AC 5 bottom plow, White 5100 Planter 6 row w/ splitter, Oliver 10’ disc, Eagle line 3 pt carry all, Land pride RTA-1274 Tiller, 3-point 3 bottom plow, 3 pt grader blade, brent cpc 5 shank ripper , wil-rich 12 shank chisel, white 508 plow, Steiger 9 Shank Chisel Plow, International 5100 Drill with Seeder, DMI Crumbler, John Deere 2500 series Plow, 5 Bottom plows


Hay Equipment: NH 310 square baler twine sn#189084, NH Roll Belt 560 Round Baler sn#YEN182702, NH 575 Square Baler twine w/ hyd tension sn#966039, Case IH SB 541, twine w/ hyd tension, pickup & swing sn#YAN104321, NH H7330 Diskbine sn#Y9N084030, New Idea Cutditioner 272 sn#12277, Farmhand 5 wheel rake, NH 489 Haybine, Frontier TD2427 Tedder, Claas ws 310-s Rotary Rake 3 pt, McFarlane RD-4025-RB6 Reel Disk; New Holland 848 Round Baler, Hay Wagons, Hesston Stack Hand 10, New Holland 273 Square Baler, 20 ft Hay Elevator,


Grain Carts: Ficklin 9500 Grain Cart w/ scales, Parker 1500 weigh Buggy sn#90157, Kill Bro’s 690 Grain Cart w/tarp & scales sn#D20420117,


Manure Spreaders: H&S 222 Manure Spreader, New Holland 195 Manure Spreader, Balzer 3600 Manure tank with 4 knife applicator


Rotary Mowers & Lawn Mowers: Woods RD7200 finish mower, Bush hog FTH 720 finish mower, Bush hog squealer 72 rotary mower, Woods 72 Brushbull, Grasshopper Mower, John Deere Lawn Mower


Backhoes, Buckets, & Attachments: Koyker loader from AC 190 tractor, Case 680 backhoe, King kutter root rake 3 pt, Backhoe & Skidloader Buckets, Accumagrapple by Maxilater grapple sn#941324,


Misc. Equipment & Parts: Shaver HD-12 post driver, Peerless 530 Roller Mill sn#290034, AC WD Tractor parts, Central Boiler, ATV Pull Type Spayer, Demco Sprayer, Hardi 1100 Sprayer, Weigh Buggy, Grain Cleaner,

 Auction day announcements take precedence over printed material

Steinke Tractor Sales, 707 S Baron Street, Eaton, OH Phone 937-456-4271, steinketractor.com

Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co & Steiner Auctions
Gene Steiner, 2004000096 Phone:  513-616-4086
Rusty Harmeyer, 2001014575, Phone : 765-561-1671

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1st Annual Steinke Tractor & Guest Equip. Auction
 Live Auction w/Online Bidding
Auction Date(s)
Saturday Dec 12, 2020 Completed
Auction Location

Eaton, OH 45320
Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co.

Contact: Russell (Rusty) Harmeyer
Phone: 765-561-1671
Website: harmeyerauction.net

Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms of this sale will be Cash, Good Check, and Credit/Debit Card with 4% convenience fee. There will be a 1% buyers premium for all items purchased online.

1st Annual Steinke Tractor & Guest Equipment Consignment Auction
December 12, 2020 @ 10:00 am
707 S Baron Street, Eaton, OH 45320

Auctioneer’s Note: Steinke Tractor Sales has decided to offer an Equipment Consignment Sale held at their facility in Eaton, OH in conjunction with liquidating some of their inventory before the New Year.  We are currently accepting good quality consignments: Contact us today to consign your items!  This is a live auction event with webcasting, so if you cannot attend in person, be sure to attend and bid via webcasting stream!  Visit www.harmeyerauction.net for complete details, inventory, and photos.  

Tractors: Oliver 66 gas NF, AC D-12 w/3 pt, JD D tractor Fully Restored, AC 8550 4x4 tractor, AC 6060 w/ loader sn#4015 6300 hrs, AC D-17 gas ser IV 3 point, New Holland TS6.140 tractor FWA/cab, Farmall H, John Deere 4020 Gas w/power shift, John Deere 4020 Diesel w/ loader


Vehicles, Trailers & Grain Trucks:  2007 Chevy 4x4 crew cab short bed-rebuilt title, sharp, 1993 Ford L9000 Grain Truck, 200,000 miles, 1991 Kenworth Day Cab Semi, Donahoe Utility Trailer,
Badger Hydro-scopic sn#970708 Ditching Machine


Implements: AC 5 bottom plow, White 5100 Planter 6 row w/ splitter, Oliver 10’ disc, Eagle line 3 pt carry all, Land pride RTA-1274 Tiller, 3-point 3 bottom plow, 3 pt grader blade, brent cpc 5 shank ripper , wil-rich 12 shank chisel, white 508 plow, Steiger 9 Shank Chisel Plow, International 5100 Drill with Seeder, DMI Crumbler, John Deere 2500 series Plow, 5 Bottom plows


Hay Equipment: NH 310 square baler twine sn#189084, NH Roll Belt 560 Round Baler sn#YEN182702, NH 575 Square Baler twine w/ hyd tension sn#966039, Case IH SB 541, twine w/ hyd tension, pickup & swing sn#YAN104321, NH H7330 Diskbine sn#Y9N084030, New Idea Cutditioner 272 sn#12277, Farmhand 5 wheel rake, NH 489 Haybine, Frontier TD2427 Tedder, Claas ws 310-s Rotary Rake 3 pt, McFarlane RD-4025-RB6 Reel Disk; New Holland 848 Round Baler, Hay Wagons, Hesston Stack Hand 10, New Holland 273 Square Baler, 20 ft Hay Elevator,


Grain Carts: Ficklin 9500 Grain Cart w/ scales, Parker 1500 weigh Buggy sn#90157, Kill Bro’s 690 Grain Cart w/tarp & scales sn#D20420117,


Manure Spreaders: H&S 222 Manure Spreader, New Holland 195 Manure Spreader, Balzer 3600 Manure tank with 4 knife applicator


Rotary Mowers & Lawn Mowers: Woods RD7200 finish mower, Bush hog FTH 720 finish mower, Bush hog squealer 72 rotary mower, Woods 72 Brushbull, Grasshopper Mower, John Deere Lawn Mower


Backhoes, Buckets, & Attachments: Koyker loader from AC 190 tractor, Case 680 backhoe, King kutter root rake 3 pt, Backhoe & Skidloader Buckets, Accumagrapple by Maxilater grapple sn#941324,


Misc. Equipment & Parts: Shaver HD-12 post driver, Peerless 530 Roller Mill sn#290034, AC WD Tractor parts, Central Boiler, ATV Pull Type Spayer, Demco Sprayer, Hardi 1100 Sprayer, Weigh Buggy, Grain Cleaner,

 Auction day announcements take precedence over printed material

Steinke Tractor Sales, 707 S Baron Street, Eaton, OH Phone 937-456-4271, steinketractor.com

Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co & Steiner Auctions
Gene Steiner, 2004000096 Phone:  513-616-4086
Rusty Harmeyer, 2001014575, Phone : 765-561-1671