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Golf Course Equipment Auction
Listing ID#: 235615
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Elburn, IL 60119 |
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Bidding Ends: Saturday Nov 14 |
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Espe Auctioneering Website: ID#: 3124 View company information and listings |
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Terms: 10% buyer’s premium 13% buyer’s premium for credit card use. Cash, Company, Personal & Cashier’s Check, Visa/MC. Checks over $2,000 must have a bank letter of guarantee. Have proper ID. Number system will be used. **All items must be removed day of auction. **
Not responsible for accidents or merchandise after sold. Statements made on sale day by auctioneers or owners take precedence over any and all printed matter. All items are sold as is where is
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GOLF COURSE & RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT AUCTION 1749 Spring Valley Drive Elburn, IL 60119 Directions: 1 mile south of Elburn, IL. On Rt. 47 to Hughes Rd., then east 2 miles to Auction Site. Watch for Auction Signs. After 28 years in business (owning & managing) we have decided not to renew a long-term lease. We will sell the following at Public Auction. **PLEASE PRACTICE SAFE SOCIAL DISTANCING, MASKS RECOMMENDED** Auction will be held outdoors – rain or shine Saturday November 14, 2020 9:00 AM Lunch Available in Clubhouse
Mowers – Skid Steer – Backhoe - Tractor 2016 Ventrac 4500Z, all-wheel drive, gas, 745 hrs., hydro, articulating, 7’ mowing deck, Ventrac HQ680 68” brush deck; JD 3235C fairway mower, diesel, 2083 hrs., 5 gang 7-blade cutting reels, 101” cut; 2016 Jacobson LF 510 fairway mower, diesel, 1276 hrs., 5 gang, 7-blade cutting reels, 101” cut; Jacobson Greens King IV Plus 62306 greens mower, gas, 836 hrs., V-Twin OHV, tricycle, 64” cut; JD 2500E, tri-plex mower, diesel, 4400 hrs., 11 blade reels, 64” cut; JD 2500E tri-plex mower, diesel, 4553 hrs., 11 blade reels, 64” cut; JD 2500A, tee mower, tri-plex diesel, 5290 hrs., 7 blade reels, 64” cut; 2009 Lastec 3682 Articulator, diesel, zero turn mower, 3494 hrs., 7’; Lastec 721XR articulating rough mower, 11’, 3pt., pto; JD 3235B fairway mower, diesel, runs, parts only; JD F1145 mower, diesel, 5185 hrs., 6’; 1999 JD 240 Skid Steer, diesel, 1038 hrs., cab, newer tires, S/N:KV0240A141785, bucket &pallet forks, quick attach; Bobcat X325 backhoe, diesel, 3837 hrs., R.O.P.S, 12”& 22” buckets; JD 4500 tractor, diesel, 4WD, 8789 hrs., power reverser, 2 hyd., 3pt., pto, turf tires.
Pro Gators – Gators – Carry All Golf Carts JD 2030 Pro Gator, diesel, 1598 hrs., comes with Dakota 410 turf tender & Pro Gator box; JD Pro Gator 2020, gas, 7,090 hrs., hyd dump; JD 2030 Pro Gator, diesel, 4643 hrs., w/JD 300 sprayer, 21’ boom; JD 1800 Gator, gas, 1857 hrs., w/JD 200 sprayer, 19’ boom; JD TE Turf Gator, 4x2, electric; JD Turf Gator, gas, 2341 hrs., 4x2, electric. dump; 2005 JD Gator TX Turf, gas, 683 hrs., 4x2, hyd. dump; JD Turf Gator, gas, not running, parts only; JD 90 gal. Gator bed sprayer, 43” boom, spray wand; (2) Club Car Turf 2 Carry All golf carts; 2006 Club Car DS, gas, with cover; beverage cart cooler box. Equipment 2012 JD 1200 Hydro sand rake, gas, 3-wheel drive, 3081 hrs.; JD 800 Aercore aerator; JD F935, diesel, 3832 hrs., w/front mount Agrimetal BW 240 blower; Compac T175V gas roller; Pro Tech snow pusher, 8’, fits JD 240 skid steer; Howard HR 10-155 rototiller, 64”, 3pt, pto; Olathe Aerator 83, 3 pt., pto, w/Lathe 93 slit seeder, 53”; Mc Flailmaster mower, 5’, 3pt., pto; 2012 Ryan JR sod cutter; (2) JD walk behind greens mower; Salsco electric roller, 48 volt w/charger & trailer; Salsco electric roller (parts only); Turfco Torrent 2, blower, gas; JD B940 blower, gas; Honda EB 5000 generator; Aerway aerator; (2) sets of knives, 5’; box scraper, 3pt., 6’; King Kutter box scraper w/shanks, 3pt., 6’; Toro Green Master 3000 tri-plex mower (parts only); JD HD 200 gal poly tank; Neary bed knife grinder; Express Dual, reel spin grinder w/lift table; Baldor blade grinder; sand drag 7’; 100 gal fuel tank w/Fill Rite 12 volt pump; misc. oil & filters. Stihl Equipment: HS 56 hedge trimmer; 20” chain saw; 14” chain saw; weed eaters, leaf blowers. Imer seed mixer; Echo PPT 2620 pole tree saw (like new); (3) Honda trash pumps; misc. turf tires & rims; (14) ball washers; (18) wood benches; misc. golf course equipment parts & accessories; Par- Aide wire trash cans.
Truck – Trailers – Automotive Lift- Shop Equipment 1997 Ford F-250 4x4 Pickup truck, gas, heavy duty, single cab, 50,996 miles w/Meyer snow plow, 8’, hand held control; Yacht Club Loadmaster trailer 7’x12’ w/ramp; 4’x8’ trailer w/ramp; 5’x6’ trailer; 10,000 lbs. Automotive Lift w/turf equipment attachments (buyer responsible for removal); Snap-On rolling tool box; Campbell Hausfeld 60 gal air compressor; Westinghouse welder w/Lincoln LN7 wire feeder; Hotsy steam cleaner; torch w/cart; 3 ton floor jack; Lawson Product cabinets; )(3) battery chargers; metal parts bins; Goodman Furnace, 40,000-120,000 btu, bought new 5/7/20; Industrial shelving; 10 x 20 Hercules Canopy; Industrial Fan on stand; misc. hand tools. Restaurant Equipment – Pro Shop Displays American Range 12 burner, 72” gas Char Broiler on stainless steel cart, Model ARRB 72, S/N: 20503-70; Portable 2’x5’ charcoal grill; Char-Broil gas grill; Manitowoc Ice machine & bin, model SY0304A; Manitowoc Ice Bin; Hobart 1712 manual meat slicer; upright warming boxes on casters; portable bar; stainless steel ice bin; stainless steel prep tables; misc. stainless steel hotel pans; electric chafers; stainless steel chafing dishes; Star Hot Dog Steamer; Amsec 3 tier front loading deposit safe (drop, combination & key); (2) Heat Lamps; 89 black metal stackable chairs with padded seat; high chairs & boosters; Kitchen Aid electric dryer; (2) 50” TV’s – Magnavox & JVC; (4) tall cocktail tables; many bar stools with and without backs; cloth stackable chairs; portable salad bar w/sneeze guard; Insulated portable beverage/keg containers; dish washer glass racks; misc. glassware (wine glasses, water glasses; beer glasses; soup bowls; coffee cups; dishes; folding 6’& 8’ banquet tables; misc. pots & pans; Christmas trees and decorations; misc. drink dispensers;(2) stand up cooler/drink holder; clothes display racks ( glass & metal); misc. office equipment; many other items too numerous to mention. Meyer Family Golf Inc. dba Hughes Creek Golf Club – Owner 630-365-9200 clubhouse 630-365-9220 maintenance shop
Consigned by Bliss Creek Golf Course: JD 3235A Fairway Mower, 2297 hrs.; Jacobsen 3400 Fairway Mower, 4337 hrs,; Jacobsen Turfcat T628D Rough Mower, 1777 hrs.; JD 1200A Sand Rake, 1882 hrs..
Auctioneer’s Note: Inspection available on Friday November 13th 9-3.
Terms: 10% buyer’s premium 13% buyer’s premium for credit card use. Cash, Company, Personal & Cashier’s Check, Visa/MC. Checks over $2,000 must have a bank letter of guarantee. Have proper ID. Number system will be used. **All items must be removed day of auction. ** Not responsible for accidents or merchandise after sold. Statements made on sale day by auctioneers or owners take precedence over any and all printed matter. All items are sold as is where is
Auctioneers: Mike Espe (630)-669-2667 Matt Hart (815)-757-4722
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