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October Online Only Auction of Machinery & Farm Equipment, Antique Household, Toys and more!
Listing ID#: 234921
Auction Location |
Artesian, SD 57314 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Bidding Starts: Friday Oct 2, 08:00 AM Bidding Ends: Monday Oct 12, 06:00 PM |
Auction Type |
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Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC Website: ID#: 2926 View company information and listings |
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Listing Terms and Conditions |
Terms and Conditions for this auction: Terms and Conditions GENERAL ONLINE AUCTION TERMS & CONDITIONS VERY IMPORTANT!!! READ CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT TO BID. ONCE YOU BID, YOU WILL BE BOUND LEGALLY BY THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS STATED!! Preview Date: Contact Auctioneer 605-999-4239. Buyers Premium: 8% Payment: Winning bids will be paid by guaranteed funds within 24 hours of auction close. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. A limit of $2500.00 per invoice for Credit Card charges. Any Invoice totals under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases. Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers ONLINE AUCTIONS Feature “A MAX BID” Option as well as a “SOFT CLOSE”. “A MAX BID” may be placed on any item and the computer will bid on your behalf, thus eliminating the need to continually watch your bids. This option is highly recommended so you do not miss out on an item you are bidding on. In the event you do not use the MAX BID feature and you are out bid you will be notified via e-mail or text that you have been outbid and will have the opportunity to raise your bid. “THE SOFT CLOSE” feature means any bid received in the final minutes of the auction will automatically extend bidding on that particular item or lot by 1 minute to allow another bidder the opportunity to raise their bid. GENERAL TERMS: The auction will be conducted by Dean/Edwards & Associates, LLC. Auctioneers on behalf of the owners of the property, referred to as the Seller. Auctioneer is not responsible for the acts or representations of Seller. The auction shall be governed by the terms set forth herein (the agreement), and any additional terms and conditions that are posted concerning the specific property. 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ADDITIONAL TERMS: The following are property specific Terms & Conditions that are posted online with the individual property information and will override any likewise terms stated in this Agreement. - Buyers Premium - Sale Date and Time (Beginning and Ending) - Inspection Location, Dates, and Times - Final Date of Removal - Shipping Arrangements - Special Notes/Comments/Announcements ONLINE BIDDING INFORMATION: If you are participating in an online auction, the following additional terms will apply to the Auction Terms & Conditions set forth above: OBTAINING A USER NAME & PASSWORD: Click on BUYER LOGIN on our Home Page and then CREATE NEW ACCOUNT. Follow the instructions. If you need assistance feel free to contact us at 605-999-4239 or 605-770-9818. BIDDING IN THE ONLINE AUCTION: Once you are registered and have your User Name & Password, you may place bids as soon as a lot opens for bidding. Your bids are FINAL and constitute a binding contract. 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Bidding Increments $0.00 - $10.00 = $1.00 $10.01 - $25.00 = $3.00 $25.01 - $100.00 = $5.00 $100.01 - $250.00 = $8.00 $250.01 - $500.00 = $10.00 $500.01 - $1,000.00 = $25.00 $1,000.01 - $5,000.00 = $50.00 $5,000.01 - $10,000.00 = $100.00 $10,000.01 - $25,000.00 = $250.00 $25,000.01 - $50,000.00 = $500.00 $50,000.01 - $100,000.00 = $1,000.00 PAYMENT INFORMATION Currency: USD Buyers Premium: 8% Buyers Premium added to final bid only on Online Purchases. $1,000.00 BP cap Payment Terms: Cash or Bankable Check Full payment within 24 hours of auction close via guaranteed funds. You may pay by guaranteed check or bank check or wire transfer. Credit Card is used for verification purpose only and will not be charged. Any Invoice totals $100.00 or less will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on record. A 3% Convenience Fee will be charged to all Credit Card purchases. Shipping / Pick Up Items will be picked up after paid in full the day after the auction or make arrangements with auctioneer |
Listing Information |
October Online Only Auction of Machinery & Farm Equipment, Antique Household, Toys and more! Check out this auction of nice quality items area consignors in East Central South Dakota, mostly in the Mitchell, SD to Huron, SD. Call Steve Larson 605-770-9818, Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Myron Grosz 605-999-4087 or Kelbi Dean 605-999-8812 for information on this auction. 1 This is an information Lot Only. Please do not bid on this lot! No hidden reserves! Opening bid meet This is an information Lot Only. Please do not bid on this lot! No hidden reserves! Opening bid meets reserve price. Please note Pickup locations in each item. Please make every attempt to pick up your items on the scheduled pickup date or call if you need to schedule and appointment for pickup. Due to Covid 19 Please call and make arrangements with seller for pickup. Please limit Person to Person contact with Sellers. All toy buyers will be required to schedule pickup and will be done so with very limited Face to Face exposure. Items will be left in designated pickup area. Please pickup your items as soon as possible after payment. Thank you for your cooperation and everyone please be safe! October Online Only Auction of Machinery & Farm Equipment, Antique Household, Toys and more! Check out this auction of nice quality items area consignors in East Central South Dakota, mostly in the Mitchell, SD to Huron, SD. Call Steve Larson 605-770-9818, Justin Dean 605-999-4239, Lanning Edwards 605-999-1250, Myron Grosz 605-999-4087 or Kelbi Dean 605-999-8812 for information on this auction. 2 Pickup & Payment information for the October 12, 2020 Online Auction Pickup for all Household and Antique items purchased that are located at 40942 234th ST., Artesian, SD 57314. Pickup available on Tuesday Oct. 13th & Wednesday, Oct. 14th. If pickup arrangements need to be made please contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 (call or text) or Steve @ 605-770-9818. Pickup for Items located at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321: owned by JH Earth Moving contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391 will be on Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM. A Dean/Edwards Representative will be at that location at that time if you wish to bring payment when you pick up. If pickup cannot be made during those times, please make arrangements for pickup. Payment information: After the auction is completed, each successful bidder will be emailed an invoice. Invoices under $100.00 will automatically be charged to the Credit Card on file. Payment with a check is accepted. Please pay the Total Cash Due, not the Credit Total Due. Payment can be dropped off when you pick up your coin purchases. Invoices not paid by Friday will be charged to Credit Card on file. Sending a Payment? Payment should be sent to: Dean/Edwards Auction 40942 234th ST Artesian, SD 57314 3 Information Lot for Covid-19 Instructions. Covid 19 Information: Please limit Person to Person contact with Sellers/Agents when picking up your items. If you are feeling ill or have any symptoms, please call ahead a we will make sure your purchases can be set out for you to pickup safely. Please pickup your items as soon as possible after payment. Thank you for your cooperation and everyone please be safe! 4 34 Round Bales of Brome Grass Mix Hay 34 Round Bales of Brome Grass Mix Hay Net Wrapped, weigh 1260# This hay was put up with no rain THIS LOT WILL BE SOLD 34 TIMES THE MONEY For more information or to view this lot, call Craig at 605-770-2766, Justin at 605-999-4239 or Steve at 605-770-9818 This lot can be viewed by appt. only by call Craig at the above #. The lot is located at 41908 242nd St Fulton SD 57340 4a Homemade Silage Barge Wagon - Wood Homemade Silage Barge Wagon - Wood 11.5 ft. tall, 11.5 ft wide, and 16 ft. long, has a manual lever to dump right now Hydraulic lift, Good heavy duty Midwest running gear Always stored inside when not in use 14.00-20 rear tires 11.00-24 front tires For questions or viewing of this lot call Dave at 605-999-1398 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24350 398th Ave Mt. Vernon SD 57363. PLEASE call if you wish to view this lot. 4b 1977 Ford 9000 Truck 1977 Ford 9000 Truck 24 ft. steel box 5 speed transmission cummings diesel motor 10.00-20 Tires Scissor lift box cylinder The truck does start and works ok. It does leak a little water into the oil when being used. It would make it thru harvest and then they would drain the water and change the oil. For questions or viewing of this lot call Dave at 605-999-1398 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24350 398th Ave Mt. Vernon SD 57363. PLEASE call if you wish to view this lot. 5 Homemade Silage Barge Wagon-Steel Homemade Silage Barge Wagon - Steel 11.5 ft. tall, 11.5 ft wide, and 16 ft. long, has a manual lever to dump right now Hydraulic lift, will need some tailgate repairs Good heavy duty running gear 14.00-24 tires rear 13.00-24 tires front The box is all metal except for the tailgate For questions or viewing of this lot call Dave at 605-999-1398 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24350 398th Ave Mt. Vernon SD 57363. PLEASE call if you wish to view this lot. 5a 34 Round Bales of Brome Grass Mix Hay 34 Round Bales of Brome Grass Mix Hay Net Wrapped, weigh 1260# This hay was put up with no rain THIS LOT WILL BE SOLD 34 TIMES THE MONEY For more information or to view this lot, call Craig at 605-770-2766, Justin at 605-999-4239 or Steve at 605-770-9818 This lot can be viewed by appt. only by call Craig at the above #. The lot is located at 41908 242nd St Fulton SD 57340 5b Common Sense 2 bale Feeder Common Sense 2 bale Feeder Call Steve at 605-770-9818 with any questions or to set up a viewing time. This lot is located at 39874 240th St Letcher SD 57359 and can be viewed by appt. only. 6 34 Round Bales of Brome Grass Mix Hay 34 Round Bales of Brome Grass Mix Hay Net Wrapped, weigh 1260# This hay was put up with no rain THIS LOT WILL BE SOLD 34 TIMES THE MONEY For more information or to view this lot, call Craig at 605-770-2766, Justin at 605-999-4239 or Steve at 605-770-9818 This lot can be viewed by appt. only by call Craig at the above #. The lot is located at 41908 242nd St Fulton SD 57340 6a Sitrex 14 Wheel Bi-Fold V-Rake Sitrex 14 Wheel Bi-Fold V-Rake always stored inside when not in use For more information or to view this lot, call Craig at 605-770-2766, Justin at 605-999-4239 or Steve at 605-770-9818 This lot can be viewed by appt. only by call Craig at the above #. The lot is located at 41908 242nd St Fulton SD 57340 6b 2 homemade sheep feeders 2 homemade sheep feeders approx. 3 ft. tall and 4ft. in diameter the eating slot space is approx.8-9" has some rust and a couple dents Call Steve at 605-770-9818 with any questions or to set up a viewing time. This lot is located at 39874 240th St Letcher SD 57359 and can be viewed by appt. only. 7 34 Round Bales of Brome Grass Mix Hay 34 Round Bales of Brome Grass Mix Hay Net Wrapped, weigh 1260# This hay was put up with no rain THIS LOT WILL BE SOLD 34 TIMES THE MONEY For more information or to view this lot, call Craig at 605-770-2766, Justin at 605-999-4239 or Steve at 605-770-9818 This lot can be viewed by appt. only by call Craig at the above #. The lot is located at 41908 242nd St Fulton SD 57340 7a Westfield 8x31 Auger Westfield 8x31 Auger 16 HP Briggs n Stratton gas motor with new battery S/N 70531 stored inside when not in use manual crank lift good tires For more information or to view this lot, call Craig at 605-770-2766, Justin at 605-999-4239 or Steve at 605-770-9818 This lot can be viewed by appt. only by call Craig at the above #. The lot is located at 41908 242nd St Fulton SD 57340 7b 4 section drag cart and drag sections 4 section drag cart and drag sections has 4 spring tooth drag sections has 15 inch 4 hole rims and tires the rims are ok but it WILL NEED tires pin hitch Call Steve at 605-770-9818 with any questions or to set up a viewing time. This lot is located at 39874 240th St Letcher and can be viewed by appt. only. 8 34 Round Bales of Brome Grass Mix Hay 34 Round Bales of Brome Grass Mix Hay Net Wrapped, weigh 1260# This hay was put up with no rain THIS LOT WILL BE SOLD 34 TIMES THE MONEY For more information or to view this lot, call Craig at 605-770-2766, Justin at 605-999-4239 or Steve at 605-770-9818 This lot can be viewed by appt. only by call Craig at the above #. The lot is located at 41908 242nd St Fulton SD 57340 8 2006 Wildcat by Forest River 32QBBS 5th Wheel Camper 2006 Wildcat by Forest River 32QBBS 5th Wheel Camper 2 Slides- 1 Jumbo in the living area and 1 in the master bedroom ceiling fan, am/fm radio with outdoor speakers. L-Shaped Quad Bunks in the front of the camper The couch folds down for sleeping and the table does as well for more sleeping capacity Large walk-in shower in the bathroom area and a 1/2 bath in the master bedroom area has a 2" receiver hitch and 7 wire light plug on the back of the camper lots of storage in the camper and I big compartment in the front of the camper that goes all the way thru 2- 30lb. propane tanks, has a drop compartment for dirty clothes to a hamper 2-year-old 225/75R15 10 Ply tires. The spare tire is brand new Everything works but there is a crack in the door side fender from a tire blowing The carpet in the living area does have some stains. manual awning works ok but is starting to tear and rot out This lot is located at 39874 240th St Letcher SD 57359. To view this lot or for more information call Steve at 605-770-9818 8a 34 Round Bales of Native Grass Hay 34 Round Bales of Native Grass Hay Net Wrapped, weigh 1320# This hay was put up with no rain THIS LOT WILL BE SOLD 34 TIMES THE MONEY For more information or to view this lot, call Craig at 605-770-2766, Justin at 605-999-4239 or Steve at 605-770-9818 This lot can be viewed by appt. only by call Craig at the above #. The lot is located at 41908 242nd St Fulton SD 57340 8b 1995 24' Titan Livestock Trailer 1995 Titan 24' Livestock Trailer New 235/85R16 14 ply tires, NO spare tire, oil bath axles heavy-duty bull package with plywood on the inside walls for more strength--1 side just replaced lights, brakes and bearings just gone thru. has slam lock doors, 3 compartments. The front compartment is approx. 4ft. and the middle compartment and back compartment are equal at approx 10' The lights have all been gone thru and work. the trailer does have some rust on the side door and back door. This lot is located at 39874 240th St Letcher SD 57359. To view this lot or for more information call Steve at 605-770-9818 9 2017 Cedar Creek By Forest River Hathaway Edition 40' - very nice 2017 Cedar Creek By Forest River Hathaway Edition - 40 ft long - 50 amp - 3 slides - 2 electric awnings - 2 air conditioners - automatic level system (hydraulic) - air ride hitch - washer/dryer - outdoor shower - King Bed This camper is owned by Jim & Bernice Houska in Mitchell, SD. This camper was used very little and is in excellent condition. Has made a trip to Arizona and Texas, but other than that not many miles on this outfit. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions or to view camper and we will make arrangements with seller for showing. Camper is being stored inside. 9a 6 Gun Cabinet 6 Gun Cabinet deer mural on the front glass door Has a lockable door and lockable underneath storage The key is lost so you will need to put on new keyed locks dimensions: 11 inches deep, 65 inches tall and 25 inches wide This lot is located at 39874 240th St Letcher SD 57359. To view this lot or for more information call Steve at 605-770-9818 9b JD 843 Corn Head 8 Row 30" JD 843 Corn Head 8 Row 30" Tin work is good auger is not dented gathering chains appear to be ok gear couplers are included as in pics is missing some snout holder brackets This lot is located at 23076 393rd Ave Woonsocket SD 57385 and can be viewed by appt. only by calling Wayne at 605-770-3740. For auction questions call Steve at 605-770-9818 10 County Line 6' rotary mower - needs work County Line 6' rotary mower - needs work Bolt came out of gear box and caused the blade to wobble a bit, leaving the marks on the deck. Due to the vibration the bolt in the hitch came out and bent the lift arm. You are buying this as is. If you are handy and can fix, might make you an affordable 3 pt 6' rotary mower. This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 3001 S Hwy 37, Mitchell, SD 57301 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. For more information or viewing by appointment please call Larry at 605-770-7653. This item can be viewed by appointment at 3001 S Hwy 37, Mitchell, SD 57301. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 10a 8 Gun Storage cabinet 8 Gun Storage cabinet no door, has 2 drawers and 2 door cabinets underneath for storage, a little dusty from storage dimensions: 3 ft. wide, 76 inches tall and 15 inches deep does have a square hole cut in the back This lot is located at 39874 240th St Letcher SD 57359. To view this lot or for more information call Steve at 605-770-9818 10b Antique IH Wagon Wheels Antique IH Wagon Wheels This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 3001 S Hwy 37, Mitchell, SD 57301 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. For more information or viewing by appointment please call Larry at 605-770-7653. This item can be viewed by appointment at 3001 S Hwy 37, Mitchell, SD 57301. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 11 Blue Carnival Glassware - Liquor decantor, small decantor, creamer Blue Carnival Glassware - Liquor decantor, small decantor, creamer No chips or cracks Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 11a Pair of Lazy Boy Rocker Recliners - good condition Pair of Lazy Boy Recliners - good condition Sold as a pair. One money buys them both. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 11b Ferguson 14A 2 bottom 3pt plow w/ top link Ferguson 14A 2 bottom 3pt plow w/ top link This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 3001 S Hwy 37, Mitchell, SD 57301 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. For more information or viewing by appointment please call Larry at 605-770-7653. This item can be viewed by appointment at 3001 S Hwy 37, Mitchell, SD 57301. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 12 Blue Carnival Glassware - Candy Dish Blue Carnival Glassware - Candy Dish No chips or cracks Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 12a Lazy Boy Rocker Recliner Chair - used condition Lazy Boy Rocker Recliner Chair - used condition Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 12b Manure Fork Manure Fork This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 3001 S Hwy 37, Mitchell, SD 57301 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. For more information or viewing by appointment please call Larry at 605-770-7653. This item can be viewed by appointment at 3001 S Hwy 37, Mitchell, SD 57301. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 13 Blue Carnival Glass dish Blue Carnival Glass dish - nice no chips or cracks Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 13a Lazy Boy Rocker Recliner Chair - good condition Lazy Boy Rocker Recliner Chair - good condition Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 13b Rigid Pipe Wrench Rigid Pipe Wrench This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 3001 S Hwy 37, Mitchell, SD 57301 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. For more information or viewing by appointment please call Larry at 605-770-7653. This item can be viewed by appointment at 3001 S Hwy 37, Mitchell, SD 57301. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 14 Blue Carnival Glass Deviled egg plater Blue Carnival Glass Deviled egg plater No chips or cracks Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 14a Stationary Air Gometer Bike Stationary Air Gometer Bike Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 14b 2 Rakes 2 Rakes This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 3001 S Hwy 37, Mitchell, SD 57301 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. For more information or viewing by appointment please call Larry at 605-770-7653. This item can be viewed by appointment at 3001 S Hwy 37, Mitchell, SD 57301. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 15 Blue Carnival Glass - Pitcher w/ 4 glasses and 2 goblets Blue Carnival Glass - Pitcher w/ 4 glasses and 2 goblets No chips or cracks Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 15a Desk - used condition Desk - used condition Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 15b 4 - 6 gallon rubber feed pans 4 - 6 gallon rubber feed pans This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 3001 S Hwy 37, Mitchell, SD 57301 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. For more information or viewing by appointment please call Larry at 605-770-7653. This item can be viewed by appointment at 3001 S Hwy 37, Mitchell, SD 57301. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 16 Blue Carnival Glass - 6 tall goblets Blue Carnival Glass - 6 tall goblets No chips or cracks Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 16a 2- pull along travel suitcases 2- pull along travel suitcases 14w x 24h x 9deep 13w x 21h x 8 deep Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 16b 6 - 3 gallon rubber feed pans 6 - 3 gallon rubber feed pans This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 3001 S Hwy 37, Mitchell, SD 57301 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. For more information or viewing by appointment please call Larry at 605-770-7653. This item can be viewed by appointment at 3001 S Hwy 37, Mitchell, SD 57301. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 17 Blue Carnival Glass - 6 cups Blue Carnival Glass - 6 cups No chips or cracks Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 17a Pair of 50 watt speakers Pair of 50 watt speakers Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 17b Case Skid Loader (Plastic) & Green Plastic tractor/loader Case Skid Loader (Plastic) & Green Plastic tractor/loader This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 18 Blue Carnival Glass - Big bowl Blue Carnival Glass - Big bowl No chips or cracks Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 18a Wood Shelving with wall brackets Wood Shelving with wall brackets 6 - 4' x 7"w 4 - 3' x 7"w Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 18b Tonka Metal Bull Dozer Tonka Metal Bull Dozer This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 19 Blue Carnival Glass - Tall candy dish Blue Carnival Glass - Tall candy dish No chips or cracks Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 19a Coca Cola carry bag & cooler bag Coca Cola carry bag & cooler bag Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 19b Roller/Packer (Plastic) & 2 Wheel Loaders (Plastic) Roller/Packer (Plastic) & 2 Wheel Loaders (Plastic) This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 20 4 - Jimmy Buffet Margaritaville Jamaica & 1 - Tiki's Grill & Bar Waikiki Mugs 4 - Jimmy Buffet Margaritaville Jamaica & 1 - Tiki's Grill & Bar Waikiki Mugs Get wasted away again in Margaritaville with out the expense of actually going there. These glasses will make you feel better when they are full no matter where you are! Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 20a 2 - pull along travel suitcases 2 - pull along travel suitcases 16w x 26h x 11d 13.5w x 23h x 8.5d Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 20b Tonka Cement Truck - metal Tonka Cement Truck - metal This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 21 4 - Carnival Shot glasses 4 - Carnival Shot glasses No need to take an expensive trip on Carnival due to Covid when you can purchase these and sit by the water at your favorite location and sip the day away! Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 21a Welcome Brick (flag) with 2 star flags (wood) Welcome Brick (flag) with 2 star flags (wood) Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 21b Tonka 728 Wheel Loader - metal Tonka 728 Wheel Loader - metal This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 22 "The Fun Ship Carnival" Tall glasses "The Fun Ship Carnival" Tall glasses These glasses were full at one time and actually hold your favorite fruity drink like no other. Feels almost like being there! Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 22a Shot Glass Set Shot Glass Set Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 22b Tonka Road Grader - metal Tonka Road Grader - metal This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 23 Pair of beautiful flower type bowls - Pink Pair of beautiful flower type bowls - Pink No cracks or chips. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 23a Cash Register Tray Cash Register Tray Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 23b Tonka Wheel Loader - metal Tonka Wheel Loader - metal This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 24 Pair of cut glass bowls Pair of cut glass bowls no chips or cracks Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 24a '90 misc Score Baseball Cards & 3- Collect a book MLB cards '90 misc Score Baseball Cards & 3- Collect a book MLB cards Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 24b Tonka off road pick up - metal Tonka off road pick up - metal This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 25 Glass Candy dish, star shaped angel holder, heart dish, Cut glass bowl Glass Candy dish, star shaped angel holder, heart dish, Cut glass bowl Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 25a Topps Desert Storm Trading Cards & Sticker Books 36ct Topps Desert Storm Trading Cards & Sticker Books 36ct Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 25b Tonka Dump Truck - metal Tonka Dump Truck - metal This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 26 Glass cream/sugar, tooth pick holder, Vinegar jar, stemmed dish w/ lid Glass cream/sugar, tooth pick holder, Vinegar jar, stemmed dish w/ lid Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 26a Desert Storm ProSet 253 Cards Desert Storm ProSet 253 Cards Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 26b Livestock Barn & Woodpen Livestock Barn, extra barn & Woodpen Barn 17W x 27L This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 27 Ruby Red plate and Peacock bowl Ruby Red plate and Peacock bowl No chips or cracks Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 27a Desert Shield Trading Cards Desert Shield Trading Cards 2 boxes of 36ct and loose cards Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 27b IH 14" Chisel IH 14" Chisel needs tires good cylinder This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 28 Red long neck glass decanter green glass jar Red long neck glass decanter green glass jar No chips or cracks Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 28a Topps 1990 NFC Trading Cards full box Topps 1990 NFC Trading Cards full box Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 28b IH 480 Tandem 19" Disc IH 480 Tandem 19" Disc will need tires This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 29 Glass relish platter, glass cream/sugar w/ plater, square glass candy dish Glass relish platter, glass cream/sugar w/ plater, square glass candy dish - no chips or cracks Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 29a Halloween Decorations Halloween Decorations Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 29b Flair box wagon w/ Lundell running gear Flair box wagon w/ Lundell running gear hydraulic lift This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 30 Ceramic Mary/Joseph, Anniversary cross, 2 hands w/ cross jewelry boxes. Ceramic Mary/Joseph, Anniversary cross, 2 hands w/ cross jewelry boxes. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 30a Plastic Flowers w/ wood wreath Plastic Flowers w/ wood wreath Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 30b Wausau 12' Wing Blade Model MP12 Wausau 12' Wing Blade Model MP12 serial # mp12-905-5 This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 31 2 Glass Angel Candle Holders,1 Glass Hanging Angel & 2 Glass Jewelry Holders 2 Glass Angel Candle Holders, 1 Glass Hanging Angel & 2 Glass Jewelry Holders (Butterfly & Heart) Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 31a Misc Holiday Decor w/ tote Misc Holiday Decor w/ tote Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 31b 1965 D8H Cat Dozer 1965 D8H Cat Dozer PARTS last ran in 1983 Model 46A blade with ripper S/N 46A 6010 This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 32 Glass cream/sugar w/ plate & glass sugar jar w/ glass spoon Glass cream/sugar w/ plate & glass sugar jar w/ glass spoon Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 32a Serving Baskets & Bowls Serving Baskets & Bowls Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 32b Terex Payloader Terex Payloader Detroit 671 diesel motor with approx. 800hrs on an overhaul front differential fixed 400 hrs ago Tires are 23.5-25 and at approx. 60% 9 1\2' 4.5 yard bucket brakes work, Ho-Lo 2 speed transmission with reverse Serial # 65518 This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 33 Glass Vase & glass bell w/ praying hands & Lord's Prayer Glass Vase & glass bell w/ praying hands & Lord's Prayer Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 33a Misc Wicker baskets Misc Wicker Baskets Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 33b 11' V-Plow 11' V-Plow American Hoist and Derrick with loader mount frame This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 34 Glass bowl, glass candy dish w/ lid, glass toothpick holder Glass bowl, glass candy dish w/ lid, glass toothpick holder Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 34a Baskets & Lamp Shades Baskets & Lamp Shades Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 34b Champion D-600 Road Grader Champion D-600 Road Grader comes with a 13' wing and mounts Serial # 72.6008.983.5349 14' moldboard with 2' extension Detroit 671 diesel motor manual 8 speed transmission no brakes, the steering is loose working heater and the lights all work 14R24 tires This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 35 2 Glass Vases 2 Glass Vases Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 35a Auction Dolls Auction Dolls Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 35b 12' Wausau V-Plow 12' Wausau V-Plow serial # X151WG905-5 This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 36 Glass vase, glass basket and glass candy dish w/ lid Glass vase, glass basket and glass candy dish w/ lid (crack on lid) Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 36a Terry Redlin Duck Oil Painting - Backwood Cabin Canvas #01965 Terry Redlin Duck Oil Painting - Backwood Cabin Canvas #01965 Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 36b Huber Model 11 Maintainer Huber Model 11 Maintainer runs, Cummins H series motor Serial # 11D2-169455 16' moldboard (12' with 2- 2' extensions) needs a hose repair, has a new pressure plate and clutch in the cab that goes along with the machine pin hole in radiator, Comes with a 12' Birch wing and mounts model # FPws-12-G, has some front mount ripper parts and a 12' Wausau V-Plow model 50M also has 2 spare tires with rims This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 37 2 glass SD mugs & 2 glass big cups 2 glass SD mugs & 2 glass big cups Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 37a 2014 Red Power Round up print - 152/300 John C Green 2014 Red Power Round up print - 152/300 John C Green Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 37b Misc. Square and Rectangular Tubing Misc. Square and Rectangular Tubing 3' to 8' in length This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 38 Glass bowl & crystal heart shape platter Glass bowl & crystal heart shape platter Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 38a Painted Glass Pheasant Scene by Judy Larson 1989 Painted Glass Pheasant Scene by Judy Larson 1989 Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 38b 5' x 7'3" and 5' x 8' 1/2" Steel Plating Rated at AR200 5' x 7'3" and 5' x 8' 1/2" Steel Plating Rated at AR200 This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 39 Antique "Nursery Rhymes" Humpty Dumpty cup Antique "Nursery Rhymes" Humpty Dumpty cup Palissy England Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 39a Misc Picture Frames Misc Picture Frames Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 39b Misc. Square and Rectangular Tubing3' to 5' lengths Misc. Square and Rectangular Tubing 3' to 5' lengths This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 40 Antique Rabbit Plate, cup and bowl set Antique Rabbit Plate, cup and bowl set Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 40a Berman's Ladies leather Coat - size 12 Berman's Ladies leather Coat - size 12 *Nick on right arm Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 40b Misc. Square and Rectangular and Round Tubing Misc. Square and Rectangular and Round Tubing 3' to 6 1/2' lengths some 8" Square tubing, 2 1/2" round tubing, 2"x4" rectangular tubing, 4"x6" tubing This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 41 Ceramic Angel set - 9 pcs Ceramic Angel set - 9 pcs Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 41a Maurices Ladies Long Leather Coat- Medium Maurices Ladies Long Leather Coat- Medium Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 41b Misc. Square and Rectangular Tubing Misc. Square and Rectangular Tubing 3' lengths some 4"x4" tubing, 4"x8" tubing, 4"x6" tubing, 2"x4" tubing This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 42 Ceramic Pink Egg dish, Anniversary plate, candle lantern Ceramic Pink Egg dish, Anniversary plate, candle lantern Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 42a Kenworth W900 Truck & Grain Trailer - Toy 1:43 Die Cast Kenworth W900 Truck & Grain Trailer - Toy 1:43 Die Cast Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 42b Misc.Rectangular Tubing Misc.Rectangular Tubing 5'-8' lengths 2"x6" tubing This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 43 Antique Pink Porcelain cup Antique Porcelain cup Made in Fuchtfnburg, Germany Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 43a Kenworth T600B tractor w/ flatbed & Case IH Maxxum Tractor 1/87 scale Kenworth T600B tractor w/ flatbed & Case IH Maxxum Tractor 1/87 scale Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 43b Misc.Square Tubing with some angle iron Misc.Square Tubing with some angle iron 5'-6' lengths some 5"x7", 8"x8", 5"x5" 1/2"x6" long angle iron This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 44 Fine China 40th Anniversary Tea set & Saucer and pitcher Fine China 40th Anniversary Tea set & Saucer and pitcher Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 44a JD Grain Truck with pup 1/64 scale JD Grain Truck with pup 1/64 scale Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 44b 5 Jake Luggage carts 5 Jake Luggage carts cast with wood floors aluminum wheels clasp hitches sold all to go This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 45 Metal polar bear paper weight, 2 angels Metal polar bear paper weight, 2 angels Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 45a McCormick Farmall Super-AV Tractor 1/16 scale die cast McCormick Farmall Super-AV Tractor 1/16 scale die cast Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 45b Dayton 2 ton Jib Crane Dayton 2 ton Jib Crane model 4X28 14' tall, 10" reach, New, never installed This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 46 Hand carved stone/onyx horse figurines Hand carved stone/onyx horse figurines Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 46a JD 1953 Model "D" Tractor 1/16 scale ERTL JD 1953 Model "D" Tractor 1/16 scale ERTL Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 46b Misc.Square and Rectangular Tubing Misc.Square and Rectangular Tubing 5'-14' lengths some 4x10, 2 1/2x3 1/2, 3x5, 6x6,3x3, 2x5, This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 47 Precious Moments First Communions photo frames, Precious Moment snow globes Precious Moments First Communions photo frames, Precious Moment snow globes Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 47a JD Bale Mover and Bale 1/16 scale ERTL JD Bale Mover and Bale 1/16 scale ERTL Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 47b I Beams I Beams 2 3/4"x4" X 26' long 1/8' gauge This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 48 Misc. Precious Moment peices cups, plates, carousel,bell Misc. Precious Moment peices cups, plates, carousel,bell Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 48a JD Parts Express Tractor/Trailer 1/64 scale JD Parts Express Tractor/Trailer 1/64 scale Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 48b Rectangular tubing Rectangular tubing 15 pieces of 1"x2" tubing 56" long 1/8" gauge This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 49 Russ Angel Cheeks Guardian Angels, Angel & Ceramic cleaning lady Russ Angel Cheeks Guardian Angels, Angel & Ceramic cleaning lady Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 49a JD 1934 Model "A" tractor & Microsize Farm Vehicle Set JD 1934 Model "A" tractor & Microsize Farm Vehicle Set Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 49b Misc Square and Rectangular Tubing Misc Square and Rectangular Tubing 2"x8", 2"x4", 4"x4", 4"x6", 6"x6", 4"x8", all vary from 4' to 8' long This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 50 Misc. ceramic minature figurines Misc. ceramic minature figurines Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 50a JD Tractor & Lawn Tractor JD Tractor & Lawn Tractor Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 50b Misc Square and Rectangular Tubing and 2"x7" Channel Iron Misc Square and Rectangular Tubing and 2"x7" Channel Iron 7" round, 4"x4", 4"x10", 5"x7", 2"x8", all vary from 3' to 6' long This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 51 Misc. bear ceramic figurines Misc. bear ceramic figurines Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 51a Rear Cover for back of Suburban retractable Rear Cover for back of Suburban retractable Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 51b Misc Square and Rectangular Tubing and some channel iron Misc Square and Rectangular Tubing and some channel iron 4- 1 1/2"x1 1/2"x 24' long tubing, 4"x4", 4"x6", 5"x7", 2"x5", 6"x6", and 3"x12" channel iron that is 8.5' long the tubing all varies from 3' to 6' long This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 52 Misc. new & used picture frames Misc. new 7 used picture frames Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 52a Dell Computer Monitor 15" Dell Computer Monitor 15" Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 52b Misc Square and Rectangular Tubing Misc Square and Rectangular Tubing 4"x4", 2"x4", 2 1/2"x2 1/2", 2"x8", the tubing all varies from 3' to 6' long This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 53 Misc. New Kitchen utensils, hot pad holder, candle Misc. New Kitchen utensils, hot pad holder, candle Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 53a Sears 1320 watt fan-forced Electric Radiant Heater Sears 1320 watt fan-forced Electric Radiant Heater Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 53b Misc. 1/2" Steel Plates Misc. 1/2" Steel Plates 40"x48" and 56"x48" This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 54 Picture, wall shelf, table runner & bouquet Picture, wall shelf, table runner & bouquet Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 54a Vases - Misc. Vases - Misc. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 54b Misc. Square and Rectangular Tubing Misc. Square and Rectangular Tubing 2"x2", 3"x3", 1 1/2"x1 1/2", 2"x5", 2"x6", 4"x6", 4"x8", 2"x8" channel iron, all vary from 6' to 24' long This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 55 Coca Cola chest type cooler Coca Cola chest type cooler - good condition. Was told the compressor worked when bought years ago, but have never ran the compressor. Always used for storage. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 55a Wicker Baskets, Easter Baskets Wicker Baskets, Easter Baskets Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 55b Misc. Square and Rectangular Tubing and some angle iron Misc. Square and Rectangular Tubing and some angle iron , 4"x4", 6"x6", 2"x6", 5"x7", 3"x4", 8"x8" channel iron, all vary from 9' to 24' long This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 56 Antique Iron Wheel Antique Iron Wheel 54" diameter and 9" wide For questions or to view this lot, call Rod at 605-999-3119. It is located at 39508 239th St Letcher, SD 57359 and can be viewed by Appt. only by calling Rod. For auction questions call Steve at 605-770-9818 56a Graduation Supplies Graduation Supplies Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 56b Trail King HG Series Detachable hitch for a LowBoy Trail King HG Series Detachable hitch for a LowBoy NO cylinders, does have the kingpin, also has the extra hitch pins that mount on the trailer order # M3978D This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 57 Antique Iron Wheel Antique Iron Wheel 54" in diameter and 9" wide For questions or to view this lot, call Rod at 605-999-3119. It is located at 39508 239th St Letcher, SD 57359 and can be viewed by Appt. only by calling Rod. For auction questions call Steve at 605-770-9818 57a Hunter Green Table Covers 82" round - 14 each Hunter Green Table Covers 82" round - 14 each Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 57b Trail King Low Boy Trailer Ramps Trail King Low Boy Trailer Ramps 22" wide x 20 1/2" Long 6" tall on short side and 11" tall on other end This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 58 Antique Iron Wheel frame approx. 48" wide and the wheels are 40" in diameter and the wheel bands are 2" wide For questions or to view this lot, call Rod at 605-999-3119. It is located at 39508 239th St Letcher, SD 57359 and can be viewed by Appt. only by calling Rod. For auction questions call Steve at 605-770-9818 58a Holiday Decor, wood shelve, towel bar Holiday Decor, wood shelve, towel bar Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 58b Misc 1/2" Steel Plating Misc 1/2" Steel Plating 10"x4 1/2", 3'x4', 5'x8', and some other sheets 9 total This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 59 37.5- 39 large rubber tire 37.5- 39 large rubber tire The tire measures 91" across and the center hole is 39" the height of the tire is 36". For questions or to view this lot, call Rod at 605-999-3119. It is located at 39508 239th St Letcher, SD 57359 and can be viewed by Appt. only by calling Rod. For auction questions call Steve at 605-770-9818 59a 18 pc Arlington Punch Set Anchor Serving - Bowl & 8 cup 18 pc Arlington Punch Set Anchor Serving - Bowl & 8 cup Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 59b Misc. Rectangular and Square Tubing Misc. Rectangular and Square Tubing 4"x4", 4"x6", 2"x4", 3 1/2"x3 1/2" they all vary from 4' to 7.5' This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 60 rubber tire The tire measures 7' across and the center hole is 33". The height of the tire is 36". For questions or to view this lot, call Rod at 605-999-3119. It is located at 39508 239th St Letcher, SD 57359 and can be viewed by Appt. only by calling Rod. For auction questions call Steve at 605-770-9818 60a Holiday Decor- Snowmen Holiday Decor- Snowmen Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 60b Misc. Rectangular and Square Tubing Misc. Rectangular and Square Tubing 2- 4"x4" x20' long, 3"x6"x 24' long,1- 4"x5"x 20' long, 2"x6"x 16' to 24' long, some 2"x6", 3"x4", green piece= 9"x12"x13'long they all vary from 4' to 7.5' This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 61 rubber tire water tank rubber tire water tank The tire measures 64" across and the center is cut out and the drinking area measures 50". The height of the tire is 27". The bottom of the tank is open. For questions or to view this lot, call Rod at 605-999-3119. It is located at 39508 239th St Letcher, SD 57359 and can be viewed by Appt. only by calling Rod. For auction questions call Steve at 605-770-9818 61a Animated Collectibles (Santa, Pooh) - Snow village Animated Collectibles (Santa, Pooh) - Snow village Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 61b 2 Large I-Beams 4"x8"x25' long 2 Large I-Beams 4"x8"x25' long This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 62 rubber tire water tank rubber tire water tank The tire measures 60" across and the center is cut out and the drinking area measures 46". The height of the tire is 28". The bottom of the tank is open. For questions or to view this lot, call Rod at 605-999-3119. It is located at 39508 239th St Letcher, SD 57359 and can be viewed by Appt. only by calling Rod. For auction questions call Steve at 605-770-9818 62a Dress up Costume Clothing & Accessories Dress up Costume Clothing & Accessories Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 62b I-Beam 4"x8"x 20' long I-Beam 4"x8"x 20' long 1/4" gauge This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 63 rubber tire water tank rubber tire water tank The tire measures 58" across and the center is cut out and the drinking area measures 41". The height of the tire is 24". The bottom of the tank is open. For questions or to view this lot, call Rod at 605-999-3119. It is located at 39508 239th St Letcher, SD 57359 and can be viewed by Appt. only by calling Rod. For auction questions call Steve at 605-770-9818 63a Computer Speakers, Homedics massager, 6" inline duct fan, Realistic Amplified Speaker System Computer Speakers, Homedics massager, 6" inline duct fan, Realistic Amplified Speaker System Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 63b 10" Round Steel Pipe 10" Round Steel Pipe 1/8" gauge 18.5' long This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 64 rubber tire water tank rubber tire water tank The tire measures 54" across and the center is cut out and the drinking area measures 40". The height of the tire is 22". The bottom of the tank is open. For questions or to view this lot, call Rod at 605-999-3119. It is located at 39508 239th St Letcher, SD 57359 and can be viewed by Appt. only by calling Rod. For auction questions call Steve at 605-770-9818 64a USA banner set, Plastic Plant w/ pot, 2.5 x 4 flag USA banner set, Plastic Plant w/ pot, 2.5 x 4 flag Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 64b Misc Square and Rectangular Tubing Misc Square and Rectangular Tubing 4"x4" x 24' long 3"x6" 20' long 2"x3" 20 ' long 2x2" 20' long 2"x4" 20' long 6"x6" 9.5' long This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 65 rubber tire water tank rubber tire water tank The tire measures 53" across and the center is cut out and the drinking area measures 39". The height of the tire is 21". The bottom of the tank is open. For questions or to view this lot, call Rod at 605-999-3119. It is located at 39508 239th St Letcher, SD 57359 and can be viewed by Appt. only by calling Rod. For auction questions call Steve at 605-770-9818 65a Wicker plant, plastic wreath, decor bottles Wicker plant, plastic wreath, decor bottles Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 65b Red Saddle Tank Red Saddle Tank Used This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 66 rubber tire water tank rubber tire water tank The tire measures 56" across and the center is cut out and the drinking area measures 43". The height of the tire is 24". The bottom of the tank is open. For questions or to view this lot, call Rod at 605-999-3119. It is located at 39508 239th St Letcher, SD 57359 and can be viewed by Appt. only by calling Rod. For auction questions call Steve at 605-770-9818 66a Teddy bear's, signs, flowers Teddy bear's, signs, flowers Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 66b 2 -- 130 Gallon Aluminum Saddle Tanks 2 -- 130 Gallon Aluminum Saddle Tanks used - off a Ford Truck Part # E7HS9002VB This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 67 rubber tire water tank rubber tire water tank The tire measures 53" across and the center is cut out and the drinking area measures 38". The height of the tire is 20". The bottom of the tank is open. For questions or to view this lot, call Rod at 605-999-3119. It is located at 39508 239th St Letcher, SD 57359 and can be viewed by Appt. only by calling Rod. For auction questions call Steve at 605-770-9818 67a Hamilton Beach Tall Fry deep fryer Hamilton Beach Tall Fry deep fryer Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 67b Channel Iron 6 - 1/4" gauge 3"x12" x 14'10" long 6 -- 1/4" gauge 3"x12" x 14'10" long Channel Iron This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 68 rubber tire water tank rubber tire water tank The tire measures 52" across and the center is cut out and the drinking area measures 38". The height of the tire is 20". The bottom of the tank is open. For questions or to view this lot, call Rod at 605-999-3119. It is located at 39508 239th St Letcher, SD 57359 and can be viewed by Appt. only by calling Rod. For auction questions call Steve at 605-770-9818 68a Family Sign, Wreath Decor Family Sign, Wreath Decor Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 68b Swenson Box Spreader Swenson Box Spreader measures 80"wide at top of box and 166" long Force America SSC 5100 Spreader Control Box Has poly tanks on each side Hasn't ran for a year , has some rust This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 69 JD 125 Chuckwagon JD 125 Chuckwagon has an old truck frame and axle running rear with a pin hitch 540 PTO, The chute has been extended to reach bunks better and has a hydraulic cylinder on it The floor has been replaced and now has tongue and groove hard wood flooring in it. It has had some weldind repairs done to it. The side shield that is off in in the wagon For questions or viewing of this lot call Dave at 605-999-1398 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24350 398th Ave Mt. Vernon SD 57363. PLEASE call if you wish to view this lot. 69a Knick Knacks Knick Knacks Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 69b 3 Old style LP tanks with 3 burner Mr. Heater 3 Old style LP tanks with 3 burner Mr. Heater This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 70 Farm Aid 430 Mixer Wagon Farm Aid 430 Mixer Wagon newer 640 weigh-Tronix scalehead Has not been used in a few years and has been stored in a shed the unloader chute does have some spots that are rusted thru the tread is coming off one tire but is still holding air. does have some welding repairs and hitch modifications For questions or viewing of this lot call Dave at 605-999-1398 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24350 398th Ave Mt. Vernon SD 57363. PLEASE call if you wish to view this lot. 70a Oak plant stand & corner shelf Oak plant stand & corner shelf Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 70b Sioux Iron Co. Grinder Sioux Iron Co. Grinder motor runs but will need new cord leads single phase, has extra grinding and buffing wheels This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 71 5 rolls of 12-1/2 Gauge Class 3 100# coil of High Tensile Wire 5 rolls of 12-1/2 Gauge Class 3 100# coil of High Tensile Wire For questions or viewing of this lot call Dave at 605-999-1398 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24350 398th Ave Mt. Vernon SD 57363. PLEASE call if you wish to view this lot. 71a Over Toilet Shelf/Rack - metal Over Toilet Shelf/Rack - metal Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 71b Penrose MFG. Industrial Hot Tank Penrose MFG. Industrial Hot Tank comes w/ basket , 220 volt, works ok This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 72 Roskamp Roller Mill Roskamp Roller Mill in good shape 540 PTO,11" x 30" roller was used for one season and then always stored inside all of the tin work is included, the load auger mounts on the side and the hopper tin work is also included For questions or viewing of this lot call Dave at 605-999-1398 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24350 398th Ave Mt. Vernon SD 57363. PLEASE call if you wish to view this lot. 72a Misc. Decor/Pictures Misc. Decor/Pictures Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 72b Craftsman 10" Radial Arm Saw Craftsman 10" Radial Arm Saw This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 73 IH Seat Spring, IH air cleaner, battery box parts IH Seat Spring, IH air cleaner, battery box parts For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher , SD 57359 . 73a Cabela's Folding Lawn Chair Cabela's Folding Lawn Chair Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 73b Craftsman 12" Band Saw/Sander Craftsman 12" Band Saw/Sander has an extra blade This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location. 74 IH M Drawbar Yoke IH M Drawbar Yoke For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher , SD 57359 . 74a Thermal liquid dispensers hot/cold - approximately 5 gal. Thermal liquid dispensers hot/cold - approximately 5 gal. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 74b Work Mate 200 bench WorkMate 200 bench This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 75 IH M Drawbar w/ roller IH M Drawbar w/ roller measurements are 54" long, 1" thick and 2 1/2" wide For more information or to view this lot, call Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher , SD 57359 . 75a Queen Size Bed Comforter Queen Size Bed Comforter Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 75b Craftsman and a Victor gauges w/ hoses and a torch head Craftsman and a Victor gauges w/ hoses and a torch head This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 76 JD Drawbar JD Drawbar Measurements 44 1/2" long, 1 3/16" thick, 2" wide For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher , SD 57359. 76a Softball bag w/ wheels Softball bag w/ wheels Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 76b 4 Star Wrench and an aluminum pig waterer 4 Star Wrench and an aluminum pig waterer This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 77 2 Ford side links- been welded 2 Ford side links- been welded For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher , SD 57359. 77a Yellow/White/Grey Chevron Full Size Comforter Yellow/White/Grey Chevron Full Size Comforter w/ grey bed skirt, 3 decorative pillows, chevron sheets, and 2 pillow shams Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 77b Homemade 110 volt Generator w 2 cylinder motor Homemade 110 volt Generator w 2 cylinder motor Runs W2C12004 stamped on the block This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 78 2 pt. Drawbar 2 pt. Drawbar BALDA 1041 stamped in drawbar 25" long including hitch pins, For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher , SD 57359. 78a Queen Size Dual Control heat Blanket Queen Size Dual Control heat Blanket Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 78b 2 Schumacher Battery Chargers 2 battery chargers Schumacher 6/12 volt with 6 or 2 amp charge Schumacher 6/12 volt with 8 amp or 2 amp charge This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 79 Ice fishing Auger and Antique Sye Ice fishing Auger and Antique Sye For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher , SD 57359. 79a Hoosier Cabinet - Oak Nice Hoosier Cabinet - Oak Nice This cabinet has been restored and is in good condition. All parts seem to be on cabinet, all drawers work. Don't miss this opportunity to purchase a high quality antique. You will drive a lot of miles to find one like this. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 79b 2 Battery Chargers 2 Battery Chargers Schauer 6/12 volt 10 amp charge Sure Fire Battery Booster/Charger 6-8-12 volt and 10 or 100 amp charge This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 80 Antique Singer Tredle sewing machine & oak cabinet - Nice Antique Singer Tredle sewing machine & oak cabinet - Nice Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 80a Hygienic Ice Box - Oak Hygienic Ice Box - Oak Original Hardware Missing 1 wire rack Very nice Ice box. Again, you won't find one like this very often. Take advantage of this opportunity. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 80b Craftsman Tap and Die Set w/extra handles Craftsman Tap and Die Set w/extra handles NC sizes -standard #5499 This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 80c Allis Chalmers Drawbar Allis Chalmers Drawbar measurements: 44" long, 1 3/4" thick, 2 1/2" wide For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 81 Antique Remington Typewriter Antique Remington Typewriter Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 81a McCormick Gearing Cream Separator McCormick Gearing Cream Separator Milk and Cream Separator Handle has been welded back on Crank is seized; will not turn Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 81b 3 each of Amorphous Solar Panel 12-volt w/ auto light adapter 3 each of Amorphous Solar Panel 12-volt w/ auto light adapter This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 81c Green Top Link Green Top Link For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 82 Pump Jack Handle #59 Pump Jack Handle #59 For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher , SD 57359. 82a New Perfection 513 Kerosene Stove New Perfection 513 Kerosene Stove Made in USA 3 Burner w/ cast iron kettle, skillets Tea Kettle and Pot are cracked on bottom Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 82b 2 squirrel cage fans 2 squirrel cage fans This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 83 PTO Shield- make unknown PTO Shield- make unknown For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher , SD 57359. 83a Manual Dazey Churn No.4 Manual Dazey Churn No.4 Good Shape Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 83b Craftsman Router Table w/ Too Shop Jig saw Craftsman Router Table w/ toolshop jig saw This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 84 JD Expandable PTO Shield JD Expandable PTO Shield good shape For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher , SD 57359. 84a Dazey Churn No. 40 Dazey Churn No. 40 Made in St. Louis Missouri Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 84b Metal Toolbox and meat grinder Metal Toolbox and meat grinder This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 85 IH Roller for a Swinging Drawbar IH Roller for a Swinging Drawbar For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher , SD 57359 85a Farm Master Electric Churn Farm Master Electric Churn Crack on Jar Cord cut off Model 259 Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 85b 10 Ton Porta Power 10 Ton Porta Power This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 86 IH Roller for a Swinging Drawbar IH Roller for a Swinging Drawbar For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher , SD 57359 86a Puss & Boots Cookie Jar / Salt-Pepper Shaker Set Antique Puss & Boots Cookie Jar /Salt & Pepper shaker set. Very good condition Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 86b 2" Monarch Trash Pump 2" Monarch Trash Pump w/ inlet hose and 3 outlet hoses works ok This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 87 IH Seat IH Seat For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher , SD 57359 87a Buckeye Pottery Crock No. 3 Buckeye Pottery Crock No. 3 Macomb Ill. Crack and a Chip Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 87b Tribloc 1 ton Chain Hoist Tribloc 1 ton Chain Hoist This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 88 Antique Leg Vise Antique Leg Vise For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher , SD 57359 88a No. 10 Crock No. 10 Crock Crack 2 Blue Lines all the way around Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 88b Sears 150 PSI Twin Cylinder Air Compressor 3 HP Sears 150 PSI Twin Cylinder Air Compressor 3 HP This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 89 IH Lightbar w/clamps IH Lightbar w/clamps For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher , SD 57359 89a Western Stoneware Crock No.12 Western Stoneware Crock No. 12 Missing Handles Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 89b 3 Chain Saws 3 Chain Saws 1- Pro Mac 700 1- Pro Mac 10-10 1- Ward Mighty Giant 34cc This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 90 McCormick PTO Shield McCormick PTO Shield good shape For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher , SD 57359 90a General Electric 3 Beater Mixer General Electric 3 Beater Mixer with Bowl Bowl Cracked and Chipped Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 90b Chain Saw Workbench Chain Saw Workbench w/ electric chain sharpener and electric guide grinder This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 91 McCormick IHC M316 Binder Pitman McCormick IHC M316 Binder Pitman For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher , SD 57359 91a 2 Gas Lantern 2 Gas Lantern Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 91b Pacer 2" Trash Pump Pacer 2" Trash Pump motor runs ok but the pump bolts are loose has inlet hose and 3 outlet hoses This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 92 IH M Hood IH M Hood faded but in good shape, has the spring hold down clips with it For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 92a 2 Gas Lantern 2 Gas Lantern 1 is missing chimney Extra lantern wick Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 92b 120 volt belt-drive generators and alternator 2-120 volt belt-drive generators and alternator new never installed for a 1994 Pontiac Gran Prix This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 93 Windshield Windshield- unknown what for part # M101, has some mounting arms with it For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 93a Painted Decorative Cream Can Painted Decorative Cream Can Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 93b Craftsman Tool Box Craftsman Tool Box top and bottom. has a keyed top and bottom is on wheels This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 94 New Minneapolis Moline Pulley New Minneapolis Moline Pulley tag still on For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 94a Tote of Antique Jars Tote of Antique Jars Ball Jars Atlas Jars Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 94b Procom Magnum Kerosene Heater Procom Magnum Kerosene Heater 160,000-220,000 BTU Thermostat control with and electric fan This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 95 IH Pulley IH Pulley has some wear grooves ( see pics) For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 95a Hibbard Spencer Bartlett @ Co. No. 2 Lantern & Antique Brass Fire Extinguisher Hibbard Spencer Bartlett @ Co. No. 2 Lantern & Antique Brass Fire Extinguisher Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 95b Lincoln Ideal Arc 250 Welder on pull cart Lincoln Ideal Arc 250 Welder on pull cart ground and leads good, comes with dc converter This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 96 IH 560 Shifting Forks IH 560 Shifting Forks used but usable For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 96a Farmland Industries Antique Grease Bucket Farmland Industries Antique Grease Bucket Reeves 1907 Steam Engine Picture Case 1882 Portable Steam Engine Picture Hart Parr 1907 Kerosene Tractor Good Condition Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 96b 8 HP Craftsman motor w/ elec start. 8 HP Craftsman motor w/ elec start. has a tapered drive shaft This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 97 Black Hawk #9 Hand Corn Sheller Black Hawk #9 Hand Corn Sheller For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 97a Butter Mold & Glass Measuring Cup Chopper & Hamm's Stainless Steel Beer Mug & Antique Match Box Butter Mold & Glass Measuring Cup Chopper & Hamm's Stainless Steel Beer Mug & Antique Match Box Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 97b 55 pieces of 3" x 2 1/2" Angle Iron 20' Long 55 pieces of 3" x 2 1/2" Angle Iron 20' Long sold all for one money This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 98 Antique Dodge car steering wheel Antique Dodge car steering wheel For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 98a 3 Antique Flour Sifters 3 Antique Flour Sifters Bromwells Measuring Sifter Androck Hand-i-sift Androck Flour Sifter with 1 sifting screen Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 98b 55 pieces of 3" x 2 1/2" Angle Iron 20' Long 55 pieces of 3" x 2 1/2" Angle Iron ONLY 20' LONG sold all for one money This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 99 IH M Hood-Nice IH M Hood good tin work and comes with the spring hold down latches For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 99a Hand Crank Strainers Hand Crank Strainers Foley Manufacturing co. Mouli - Baby Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 99b 20 pieces of 2" x 8" Channel Iron 20' Long 20 pieces of 2" x 8" Channel Iron 20' Long This lot is owned by JH Earth Moving. For viewing or information, contact Jeremy at (605) 630-0391, Justin @ (605) 999-4239 or Steve @ (605) 770-9818. Items can be viewed by appointment only at 42720 244th St. Epiphany SD 57321. Pickup will be Wednesday, October 14th, from 10:00 AM to 3 PM at the above location 100 Bosch magneto Bosch magneto part # MJH 4C 102 For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 100a Antique Silverware Antique Silverware Hand Beater Spoons Forks Briddell no. 60 Ice Chipper Cheese slicer Can opener Jar Grabber Cheese Grader Old Steele Measuring cups Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 100b 2- 17.5-25 Payloader Tires 17.5-25 Payloader Tires Goodyear Type 4S Tread at approx 70%-80% For more information or to view this lot call Rich at 605-999-0501 or Steve at 605-770-9818. They are located at 23675 395th Ave Woonsocket SD 57385 101 Bosch magneto Bosch magneto part # AR04 2360A314 For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 101a Antique Porcelain Pans and Plates Antique Tin Porcelain and Plates Rust hole on bottom of small pan Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 101b 2- 17.5-25 Payloader Tires 2- 17.5-25 Payloader Tires Goodyear LS tires Tread at approx 10% For more information or to view this lot call Rich at 605-999-0501 or Steve at 605-770-9818. They are located at 23675 395th Ave Woonsocket SD 57385 102 IHC magneto IHC magneto part # H41045870 For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 102a Antique Philco Radio Antique Philco Radio Working Roll Top Wooden Electric Good shape Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 102b Homemade 2 bulk bin compartment on a JD Running Gear Homemade 2 bulk bin compartment on a JD Running Gear For information or to view this lot, call Jeff at 605-999-5914 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24182 396th Ave Letcher SD 57359. Please call for appt. to view lots. 103 Box of Misc JD Parts Box of Misc JD Parts For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 103a Sad Irons & Glass Washboard Sad Irons & Glass Washboard Dover No. 2 Sad Iron Mini Sad Iron Steam Iron Glass Washboard Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 103b Verns 6' walk thru gate Verns 6' walk thru gate For information or to view this lot, call Jeff at 605-999-5914 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24182 396th Ave Letcher SD 57359. Please call for appt. to view lots. 104 Oliver Disc Wrench and antique Oliver Steering Wheel Oliver Disc Wrench and antique Oliver Steering Wheel the steering wheel is 1 7/8" shaft For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 104a French Saxon China Misc China French Saxon 4 plates Cream & Sugar good Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 104b Homemade 5' gate Homemade 5' gate made taller from a verns gate For information or to view this lot, call Jeff at 605-999-5914 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24182 396th Ave Letcher SD 57359. Please call for appt. to view lots. 105 4 Misc old headlights 4 Misc old headlights For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 105a Misc China Misc China Century by Salem - bowl and saucer 3 the hallmark of quality plates with some chips 6 rooster plates with chips 2 small saucers Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 105b Homemade 5' Gate Homemade 5' Gate made out of square 1" square tubing For information or to view this lot, call Jeff at 605-999-5914 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24182 396th Ave Letcher SD 57359. Please call for appt. to view lots. 106 Antique Ice Tongs Antique Ice Tongs The big one is stamped565-30IN The small one is stamped Extra HH They both are stamped Gifford Wood Co. For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 106a Misc Antique Tins Misc Antique Tins Ritz Tin with Lid Decorative Down on the farm Crock Tin Nyaloids Tin Allspice - Schilling Company 2oz tin Tin Folgers Measuring Spoon Folgers Coffee Tin with lid Green Glass bottle Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 106b Auger Hopper bottom Auger Hopper bottom good shape For information or to view this lot, call Jeff at 605-999-5914 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24182 396th Ave Letcher SD 57359. Please call for appt. to view lots. 107 Misc Antique toolboxes Misc Antique toolboxes one is cast For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 107a 6 Goblets 6 Goblets 4 Clear 2 Red Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 107b Post Hole Pinchers Post Hole Pinchers For information or to view this lot, call Jeff at 605-999-5914 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24182 396th Ave Letcher SD 57359. Please call for appt. to view lots. 108 JD Toolbox with oil can JD Toolbox with oil can the oil can is not JD For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 108a Cream & Sugar and Salt & Pepper Cows Cream & Sugar and Salt & Pepper Cows Hairline Crack in Sugar Cow Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 108b 60 gallon galvanized pig,sheep tank w/ 2 feed pans 60 gallon galvanized pig,sheep tank w/ 2 feed pans For information or to view this lot, call Jeff at 605-999-5914 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24182 396th Ave Letcher SD 57359. Please call for appt. to view lots. 109 2- Antique Door Springs and 2- Antique oil can holders 2- Antique Door Springs and 2- Antique oil can holders the oil can holders are both chipped For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 109a Milk Glass Salt & Pepper with Decorative Salt Holder and Cream Pitcher Milk Glass Salt & Pepper with Decorative Salt Holder and Cream Pitcher Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 109b Antique Hay Scythe Antique Hay Scythe For information or to view this lot, call Jeff at 605-999-5914 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24182 396th Ave Letcher SD 57359. Please call for appt. to view lots. 110 Several Misc IH Parts Misc Shields, M Hub, IH Drawbar Plate, Farmall Muffler, Pan for an IH corn sheller, seeder wagon gear wheel For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 110a Den Besten Seed Salt and Pepper Den Besten Seed Salt and Pepper Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 110b Antique Barn Cupola Antique Barn Cupola approx. 4' in diameter has some bullet holes in it has a fin broke off the top but the piece goes with the lot For information or to view this lot, call Jeff at 605-999-5914 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24182 396th Ave Letcher SD 57359. Please call for appt. to view lots. 111 Several Misc JD Parts disc scrapers, PTO shalves, battery box, planter parts, old tin shield For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 111a Blue and Red Glassware Blue and Red Glassware Red Bowl 2 Blue Cream Pitchers and 1 Sugar 1 blue pitcher has chip on pour Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 111b 2- 7.5-24 tires and rims 2- 7.5-24 tires and rims approx. 6" hub hole 8 hole rims For information or to view this lot, call Jeff at 605-999-5914 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24182 396th Ave Letcher SD 57359. Please call for appt. to view lots. 112 JD M gas tank JD M gas tank For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 112a Cambridge Pottery Casserole Dish w/ Lid & Flower Pitcher Cambridge Pottery Casserole Dish w/ lid Franklin Serving Plate Cambridge Flower Pitcher Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 112b 2- 15" rims and tires 2- 15" rims and tires 5 hole rim approx. 2 7/8" hub hole For information or to view this lot, call Jeff at 605-999-5914 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24182 396th Ave Letcher SD 57359. Please call for appt. to view lots. 113 JD Hand Sheller JD Hand Sheller No 1B 6695-G Stamped in the cast Does not have a pan USA pat.# 2 207 258 For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 113a Cambridge Pottery Calico Fruit Design Cambridge Pottery Calico Fruit Design Bowl w/ lid - few chips Pitcher w. lid - good shape no cracks or chips Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 113b Used wood Posts and plastic insulated posts Used wood Posts and plastic insulated posts some pointed wood posts and approx 20 used plastic insulated electric fence posts some of the electric posts stakes are bent For information or to view this lot, call Jeff at 605-999-5914 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24182 396th Ave Letcher SD 57359. Please call for appt. to view lots. 114 Antique Train Governor ??? Antique Train Governor ?????? contract # 20232 stamped in the cast Gov. set for 275 Ft. Car Speed stamped in the cast For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 114a 2 Glass Casserole Dishes with Lids 2 Glass Casserole Dishes with Lids Good Shape - no cracks or chips Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 114b B & W Manufacturing Co. Grain Aerator and Dryer B & W Manufacturing Co. Grain Aerator and Dryer 5" aeration tube and fan has some rust but Fan works ok For information or to view this lot, call Jeff at 605-999-5914 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24182 396th Ave Letcher SD 57359. Please call for appt. to view lots. 115 JD tractor side panel JD tractor side panel unsure on what it fits and year. It is prior screens with the fins For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 115a Misc Glassware and Vases Misc Glassware and vases Cream and Sugar Set Milk Glass Vase small vase Sugar Glass Container with metal lid Glass Bouy Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 115b Wheatheart Hydraulic Bin Sweep Wheatheart Hydraulic Bin Sweep has hoses and pioneer ends Variable speed control valve approx. 15' long can be taken apart in 4 different lengths for storage 1 section has a swivel knuckle For information or to view this lot, call Jeff at 605-999-5914 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24182 396th Ave Letcher SD 57359. Please call for appt. to view lots. 116 Goodyear 7.20-30 Tire Goodyear 7.20-30 Tire has good tread but has some cracks in the sidewalls For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 116a SD Centennial Tin with mason jar SD Centennial Tin with mason jar Mason jar has liberty bell with 1776 1976 Tin has Mt Rushmore Faces 1889 - 1989 Dakota Gourmet Nuts Centennial Pack Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 116b 10' livestock alleyway 10' livestock alleyway square tubing For information or to view this lot, call Jeff at 605-999-5914 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24182 396th Ave Letcher SD 57359. Please call for appt. to view lots. 117 IH M Drawbar Frame IH M Drawbar Frame good shape, no welds For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 117a Taylor Smith Casserole Dish Carrier and Cradle & Glass Round Butter Dish with Bean Pot Taylor Smith Casserole Dish Carrier and Cradle Glass Round Butter Dish with Bean Pot Good shape Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 117b 6' Square Tubing Gate with hinges and quick latch 6' Square Tubing Gate with hinges and quick latch For information or to view this lot, call Jeff at 605-999-5914 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24182 396th Ave Letcher SD 57359. Please call for appt. to view lots. 118 Tractor Drawbar Tractor Drawbar orange, believed to be Allis Chalmers but unsure measurements are 64" long, 2 1/2" wide, 1 1/4" thick For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 118a Pink Depression Glassware and Bowl Pink Depression Glassware and Bowl Pink Depression Bowl has flower design White Bowl no lid with Flower design Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 118b 15 old house windows and frames 15 old house windows and frames For information or to view this lot, call Jeff at 605-999-5914 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24182 396th Ave Letcher SD 57359. Please call for appt. to view lots. 119 JD Drawbar JD Drawbar measurements are: 51" long, 2 1/2" long, 1 1/4" thick For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 119a The HomeMakers Idea Company Plate and Mug Set w/ Rooster and Hen Design The HomeMakers Idea Company Plate and Mug Set w/ Rooster and Hen Design 2 plates 2 cups Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 119b Old windows and screens Old windows and screens approx. 8 of each For information or to view this lot, call Jeff at 605-999-5914 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24182 396th Ave Letcher SD 57359. Please call for appt. to view lots. 120 Orange Tractor Drawbar Orange Tractor Drawbar measurements: 50" long, 2 1/4 " wide, 1 1/2" thick For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 120a 8 Piece Vintage Snack Set by Anchor Hocking 8 Piece Vintage Snack Set by Anchor Hocking Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 120b 5' Round Galvanized water tank 5' Round Galvanized water tank can't see any rust holes but selling AS IS For information or to view this lot, call Jeff at 605-999-5914 or Steve at 605-770-9818. This lot is located at 24182 396th Ave Letcher SD 57359. Please call for appt. to view lots. 121 Orange Tractor Drawbar Orange Tractor Drawbar measurements: 52 1/4" long, 2 1/2" wide, 1 1/4" thick For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 121a Misc Glassware Misc Glassware Milkglass Jewlery Box 2 glass Ash Trays Serving glass plate Glass Kid Divider Plate (Where you going, my pretty maid, see-saw, Margery Daw) Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 121b Toy grain belt auger - metal Toy grain belt auger - metal This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 122 1 IH Suitcase Weight 1 IH Suitcase Weight For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 122a 4 Glass Trays 4 Glass Trays Set 4 Clear plates 3 red cups Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 122b Toy metal Manure spreader - ERTL Toy meteal Manure spreader - ERTL - No back beater This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 123 Allis Chalmers Wheel Hub Weight Allis Chalmers Wheel Hub Weight AM 3082-3 stamped in weight For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 123a Quart size bag of Marbles Quart size bag of Marbles Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 123b Tonka Fire Truck - Metal/Plastic Tonka Fire Truck - Metal/Plastic This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 124 4 Oliver Rear wheel weights 4 Oliver Rear wheel weights HA1235B stamped in weight For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 124a Misc Beer Mug and Glasses & American Indian Stone Hammer Misc Beer Mug and Glasses & American Indian Stone Hammer San Miquel Beer Mug Colored Beer Glass - Schlitz - Pabst Ribbon - Falstaff - Black Label Salt Shaker Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 124b Buddy L Big Cruiser Pickup Buddy L Big Cruiser Pickup This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 125 2 - Minneapolis Moline Rear Tractor Weights 2 - Minneapolis Moline Rear Tractor Weights 10A373 stamped in the weight For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 125a Crystal Fruit Punch Set Crystal Fruit Punch Set Punch Bowl 8.5 Quart Ladle 8 cups Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 125b JD Square baler - ERTL JD Square baler - ERTL Metal, hitch is partially broken This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 126 2 -F&H Rear Wheel Weights 2 -F&H Rear Wheel Weights KT 657 and W No 162 stamped on weight For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 126a 8 Piece Blue China 8 Piece Blue China Soups Bowls Dessert Dish Bread Dish Saucer and Cups Serving Tray Plates Serving Bowl - few chips Cream & Sugar Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 126b Toy JD pull type silage cutter - ERTL JD pull type silage cutter - ERTL 2 row corn head and hay head Spout is a little loose. This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 127 2 IH Split Weights 2 IH Split Weights For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 127a Santa's Carousel Park Santa's Carousel Park Works Plays 12 Holiday Favorites 16 animated movements brightly lit dome lights two speakers true stero sounds ac adaptor Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 127b Toy JD 6 bottom pull type plow Toy JD 6 bottom pull type plow Used but good. This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 128 3- IHC Rear Wheel Weights 3- IHC Rear Wheel Weights For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 128a Holiday Carousel Holiday Carousel Light musical Carousel string of 6 carousel horses 21 favorite christmas carols Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 128b Toy JD 4 row corn planter Toy JD 4 row corn planter missing 1 box cover and marker wheels This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 129 5 - Yellow Wedge Weights 5 - Yellow Wedge Weights RD 1967 stamped on weights For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 129a Christmas Table Cloth & Full Size Bed Spread Christmas Table Cloth & Full Size Bed Spread fit an 8 ft x 4ft table stain Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 129b Toy JD folding disc Toy JD folding disc - good shape This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 130 3- IH Weights 3- IH Weights 1 has been modified with a torch ( see pic) 618003R1 stamped on weights For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 130a Boss Husker Boss Husker Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 130b Toy JD round baler w/ bale Toy JD round baler w/ bale ERTL Side door won't stay shut This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 131 Weight Bar Weight Bar has been welded and modified For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 131a Lincoln Logs & Board Games Lincoln Logs & Board Games Color Bingo - 1952 The Sergeant Preston Game Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 131b Toy JD metal wagon Toy JD metal wagon - good This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 132 Weight Bar Weight Bar For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 132a Board Games and Blocks Board Games and Block Checkers/ Chinese Checkers Round the World Picture Puzzle Bag of Blocks Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 132b Toy JD 9500 combine w/ corn head & bean head Toy JD 9500 combine w/ corn head & bean head In box but has been played with. Auger in bean head has broken end pin. This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 133 IH small tractor pedestal- Narrow Front IH small tractor pedestal- Narrow Front F&H DP2728 stamped on cast 4:00x15 inch tires, tires are poor For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 133a Little Kitchen Play Set Little Kitchen Play Set Pots Pans Cake Pans misc barbie plates cookie cutters Little iron Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 133b Wood Toy feed truck Wood Toy dump truck This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 134 JD W161 Rear Tractor Weight JD W161 Rear Tractor Weight fits JD M or MT For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 134a Horse Shoe Game & Bag of Matchbox Cars Horse Shoe Game & Bag of Matchbox Cars Avon Volkswagen Rabbit Colgne Misc Animals, cowboys and Horses Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 134b Wood Toy hay rack, nice Wood Toy hay rack, nice This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 135 3 Minneapolis Moline Rear Weights 3 Minneapolis Moline Rear Weights UT 168 stamped on weights For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 135a Metal Trains Metal Trains 2 Streamliner New York Central NYC 20102 Black Metal Engine Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 135b Wood Toy cattle chute - good Wood Toy cattle chute - good This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 136 2-JD Rear Weights 2-JD Rear Weights A3404R Stamped on weights For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 136a Timmy Turtle Musical Turtle & Jolly Jumper Frog Timmy Turtle Musical Turtle & Jolly Jumper Frog Frog is wood Timmy is plastic and wood Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 136b Wood Toy Delivery Truck Wood Toy Delivery Truck This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 137 IH Planter Stakes and Wire on a roll IH Planter Stakes and Wire on a roll For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 137a Metal NHL Power Play Hockey NHL Power Play Hockey Players move Puck Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 137b Wood Semi & box trailer Wood Semi & box trailer This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 138 JD Planter Stakes and Wire on a roll JD Planter Stakes and Wire on a roll For more information or to view this lot call, Myron Sonne at 605-933-0393 or Steve at 605-770-9818. The lot is located at 24104 401st Ave Letcher, SD 57359 138a Metal Trucks Metal Trucks Utiltity Truck - mound metalcract inc - mound minn. Truck with Dump Box Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 138b Wood Semi & Flatbed trailer Wood Semi & Flatbed trailer This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 139a General Lee Metal Car & Metal Garage & Metal Car General Lee Metal Car & Metal Garage & Metal Car missing back driver wheel Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 139b Toy Peterbilt Grain truck w/ silage endgate Toy Peterbilt Grain truck w/ silage endgate - Plastic This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 140a Ny-Lint No. 5100 Dump Truck Ford Ny-Lint No. 5100 Dump Truck Ford Good Shape Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 140b Toy Metal wagons Toy Metal wagons 1 - ERTL This item is from Larry Crane. Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within the next 2 days. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 141a Flashlights, Tractors Flashlights and Tractors Tractor 2294 Case Tractor Manure Spreader missing wheels Cultivator Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 142a Misc Metal Toys Misc Metal Toys 2 small keyed race cars - no winding key, 1 is missing wheel Metal pull dump wagon Automatic Line Train car Cattle Van box with no truck Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 143a Marcrest Livestock Lines Truck and Trailer - Tin Marcrest Livestock Lines Truck and Trailer - Tin Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 144a Old Children's books Old Children's Books Hooray for Lassie - 1964 copyright The Three little pigs - 1956 copyright Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 145a Burrometer Burrometer Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 146a Doll Play Pen Doll Play Pen Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 147a Antiqued Wood Child Rocking Chair Antiqued Wood Child Rocking Chair Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. 148a Century 6 & 12 Volt Battery Charger Century 6 & 12 Volt Battery Charger 40/2/200 Amp Almost like new Has Book Pickup location: 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314 Pickup date by appointment within 2 days after the auction. This item can be viewed by appointment at 40942 234th ST, Artesian, SD 57314. Contact Justin @ 605-999-4239 or Steve @ 605-770-9818 for auction questions. |
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