Listing ID#: 231432

Auction Location

Auction Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Oct 24, 2020 Completed
Auction Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Mel White Auctioneer

Contact: Mel White
Phone: 5173943006
Email: melw21588@gmail.com
Website: melwhiteauctioneer.com

GoToAuction.com ID#: 7062
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms: cash, check, credit cards All items will be sold as is. The seller nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.
Listing Information






Saturday, October 24, 10:00 AM


14052 Clinton Rd.
Onondaga, MI 49264


Directions: NW corner of Clinton Rd (M50) & Hopcarft RD’s


I will sell my many years collection at public auction as follows:


NOTE: Everyone attending the auction must wear a face mask or shield and sign a covid 19 waver of liability form.




Pyrex mixing bowl set


Sterling serving bowl


Green depression cookie jar


Assorted glassware


Coffee grinder


Tackle boxes w/tackle


Chicken collection




Glass coffee canister


Hall’s tea pots


Cookie jars


Assorted smalls


Antique wood framed picture


Kerosene jug


Gilbert mantle clock


Cast iron elephant


Cast iron chicken door stop


2 Cast iron repro banks


Pr crystal candle sticks


Assorted pictures


 Roseville 18K-7 & 709-8 baskets


Old oil lamp collection


2 Chicken candy dishes


Old glass jewelry box


Pie safe


Antique picture frames, mirrors


Mission oak buffet


Hand painted table lamp


Seth Thomas gingerbread mantle clock


Mission oak bookshelf


2 Beveled glass pictures




Assorted toys


Assorted sport cards, 1994 Upperdeck football, 1992 Leaf baseball


Cabinet card album




Pr crystal dresser lamps


Ansonia mantle clock


Pr cast metal lamps


Chicken table lamp


Indiana Jones hat


Flow blue plate


Halloween costumes


Transformer toys


Christmas decorations


Wicker baby basket


Wicker sewing basket on legs


Wicker rocking chair


Weller basket


Cast iron hanging candle holder


Cast iron lamp brackets


Crock mixing bowl set


Watt mixing bowl


Old dresser


Wicker baskets


Legend & Bossons plaques


Metal hanging lamp


Partners desk




Pressed back oak rocking chair


3 Wicker chairs


Blue canning jars


Smith Brothers Store, Holt MI  milk bottle


Power Ranger toys


Matchbox cars


Wood milk crates


Hand well pump


Furniture in the rough


Cranberry hobnail oil lamp


2 Metal high chairs


Doll house


3 Beer mirrors


Majolica plates




Knape &Voght wine wall kit, nib


Makasa serving bowl


Magic Chef convection oven, glass


Minolta X-700


Armoire, 3 nightstands, dresser,


Cement urn


Garden sprinklers


Osborn wood burning stove


Bar canopy


Martin bird house


Several new toys


Assorted toys


Harley Davidson exhaust pipes


Many other items too numerous to list


Terms: cash, check, credit cards


All items will be sold as is.


The seller nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.

Mel White Auctioner

Okemos, Mi




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Mel White Auctioneer

Mel White Auctioneer

Contact: Mel White
Phone: 5173943006
Sale Location
14052 CLINTON RD (M50)
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Oct 24, 2020 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Terms: cash, check, credit cards All items will be sold as is. The seller nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.
Listing Details






Saturday, October 24, 10:00 AM


14052 Clinton Rd.
Onondaga, MI 49264


Directions: NW corner of Clinton Rd (M50) & Hopcarft RD’s


I will sell my many years collection at public auction as follows:


NOTE: Everyone attending the auction must wear a face mask or shield and sign a covid 19 waver of liability form.




Pyrex mixing bowl set


Sterling serving bowl


Green depression cookie jar


Assorted glassware


Coffee grinder


Tackle boxes w/tackle


Chicken collection




Glass coffee canister


Hall’s tea pots


Cookie jars


Assorted smalls


Antique wood framed picture


Kerosene jug


Gilbert mantle clock


Cast iron elephant


Cast iron chicken door stop


2 Cast iron repro banks


Pr crystal candle sticks


Assorted pictures


 Roseville 18K-7 & 709-8 baskets


Old oil lamp collection


2 Chicken candy dishes


Old glass jewelry box


Pie safe


Antique picture frames, mirrors


Mission oak buffet


Hand painted table lamp


Seth Thomas gingerbread mantle clock


Mission oak bookshelf


2 Beveled glass pictures




Assorted toys


Assorted sport cards, 1994 Upperdeck football, 1992 Leaf baseball


Cabinet card album




Pr crystal dresser lamps


Ansonia mantle clock


Pr cast metal lamps


Chicken table lamp


Indiana Jones hat


Flow blue plate


Halloween costumes


Transformer toys


Christmas decorations


Wicker baby basket


Wicker sewing basket on legs


Wicker rocking chair


Weller basket


Cast iron hanging candle holder


Cast iron lamp brackets


Crock mixing bowl set


Watt mixing bowl


Old dresser


Wicker baskets


Legend & Bossons plaques


Metal hanging lamp


Partners desk




Pressed back oak rocking chair


3 Wicker chairs


Blue canning jars


Smith Brothers Store, Holt MI  milk bottle


Power Ranger toys


Matchbox cars


Wood milk crates


Hand well pump


Furniture in the rough


Cranberry hobnail oil lamp


2 Metal high chairs


Doll house


3 Beer mirrors


Majolica plates




Knape &Voght wine wall kit, nib


Makasa serving bowl


Magic Chef convection oven, glass


Minolta X-700


Armoire, 3 nightstands, dresser,


Cement urn


Garden sprinklers


Osborn wood burning stove


Bar canopy


Martin bird house


Several new toys


Assorted toys


Harley Davidson exhaust pipes


Many other items too numerous to list


Terms: cash, check, credit cards


All items will be sold as is.


The seller nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.

Mel White Auctioner

Okemos, Mi




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 Live Auction
Auction Date(s)
Saturday Oct 24, 2020 Completed
Auction Location

Mel White Auctioneer

Contact: Mel White
Phone: 5173943006
Website: melwhiteauctioneer.com

Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms: cash, check, credit cards All items will be sold as is. The seller nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.






Saturday, October 24, 10:00 AM


14052 Clinton Rd.
Onondaga, MI 49264


Directions: NW corner of Clinton Rd (M50) & Hopcarft RD’s


I will sell my many years collection at public auction as follows:


NOTE: Everyone attending the auction must wear a face mask or shield and sign a covid 19 waver of liability form.




Pyrex mixing bowl set


Sterling serving bowl


Green depression cookie jar


Assorted glassware


Coffee grinder


Tackle boxes w/tackle


Chicken collection




Glass coffee canister


Hall’s tea pots


Cookie jars


Assorted smalls


Antique wood framed picture


Kerosene jug


Gilbert mantle clock


Cast iron elephant


Cast iron chicken door stop


2 Cast iron repro banks


Pr crystal candle sticks


Assorted pictures


 Roseville 18K-7 & 709-8 baskets


Old oil lamp collection


2 Chicken candy dishes


Old glass jewelry box


Pie safe


Antique picture frames, mirrors


Mission oak buffet


Hand painted table lamp


Seth Thomas gingerbread mantle clock


Mission oak bookshelf


2 Beveled glass pictures




Assorted toys


Assorted sport cards, 1994 Upperdeck football, 1992 Leaf baseball


Cabinet card album




Pr crystal dresser lamps


Ansonia mantle clock


Pr cast metal lamps


Chicken table lamp


Indiana Jones hat


Flow blue plate


Halloween costumes


Transformer toys


Christmas decorations


Wicker baby basket


Wicker sewing basket on legs


Wicker rocking chair


Weller basket


Cast iron hanging candle holder


Cast iron lamp brackets


Crock mixing bowl set


Watt mixing bowl


Old dresser


Wicker baskets


Legend & Bossons plaques


Metal hanging lamp


Partners desk




Pressed back oak rocking chair


3 Wicker chairs


Blue canning jars


Smith Brothers Store, Holt MI  milk bottle


Power Ranger toys


Matchbox cars


Wood milk crates


Hand well pump


Furniture in the rough


Cranberry hobnail oil lamp


2 Metal high chairs


Doll house


3 Beer mirrors


Majolica plates




Knape &Voght wine wall kit, nib


Makasa serving bowl


Magic Chef convection oven, glass


Minolta X-700


Armoire, 3 nightstands, dresser,


Cement urn


Garden sprinklers


Osborn wood burning stove


Bar canopy


Martin bird house


Several new toys


Assorted toys


Harley Davidson exhaust pipes


Many other items too numerous to list


Terms: cash, check, credit cards


All items will be sold as is.


The seller nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.

Mel White Auctioner

Okemos, Mi

