UHAUL Storage Auction
Listing ID#: 226440

Auction Location

Cincinnati, OH 45214
Auction Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Monday Sep 21, 2020 Completed
Auction Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Hogstrom Auctioneering

Contact: Bob Hogstrom
Phone: (937) 477-0263
Email: Bobhogstrom@yahoo.com
Website: www.bobhogstrom.com/

GoToAuction.com ID#: 3711
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Listing Information

Legal Notice of Public AuctionUHAUL Storage will be auctioning the stored personal contents of the units listed below.  The Following 16 Units will be sold in their entirety.  Cash only.   The auction will be on Monday, May 21, 2020, at approximately 9:00 am.  Notification is posted on:  8-22-20. 


Special Note:  Due to Covid19 

Temporarily our auction procedures are listed below.

1.  Only 15 bidders will be allowed to insure social distancing is possible. The first 15 bidders to arrive will be part of the auction. No one can accompany the bidder during the auction.

2.  Masks are mandatory.

3.  Each auction room will have a number assigned it- number 1 - 15. The room will be opened and bidders will pass by it to see contents. Bidders should write down the room number if they want to bid on the room. Once all rooms have been seen, the auction bidding will be held in another area to insure social distancing.

4.  2 days will be allowed to empty all contents from the rooms. A $50.00 deposit will be charged to any bidder purchasing rooms, and it will be refunded once room/rooms are empty.


Khaleal Weeks 714 Riddle Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45220 - Room#0486 misc boxes bags furniture rug.

Teia Coleman 2712 W. Galbraith Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45239 - Room#0213 furniture box bags dvds.

James Griffieth 470 Elbrurn Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45205 - Room#2074 assorted furniture boxes.

Darlisha Townsend 2829 Queen City Ave., 10, Cincinnari, OH 45238 - Room#0443 assorted furniture boxes bags flat tv.

Jalil Rasheed 2801 Queen City Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45238 - Room#2358 assorted furniture boxes bags toys white boards.

Vicki Robinson 2799 Montana Ave., 2, Cincinnati, OH 45211 - Room#0427 assorted bags boxes bins furniture electronics.

Crystal Watson 5904 Highland Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45216 - Room#2258  box table chair play set rugs.

Justyce Martin 6410 Kennedy Ave., Cincinanti, OH 45213 - Room#0310 bags.

Rachel Brown 229 Retreat St., Belleve, KY 41073 - Room#0217 assorted furniture bags boxes clothes.

Muhammad Abdulazim 1911 Kinney Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45207 - Room#0204 assorted bags books hair dryer.

Carleasha Neal 2162 Stratford Ave., 496, Cincinnati, OH 45219 - Room#0396 assorted furniture totes boxes bags.

Terry Romine 1809 Liberty, St Petersburg, WV 26101 - Room#2055 tools floor tiles.

Micheal Marshall 1054 Springfield Pk., 1, Cincinnati, OH 45215 - Room#0234 assorted furniture totes clothes bike.

Stolen Truck 2001 Dalton Ave., Cincinnati ,OH 45214 - Room#2197-99 assorted furniture boxes bags toys std tv washer dryer.

Aramis Britten 589 W. Liberty St., Cincinnati, OH 45214 - Room#0456 assorted furniture bags boxes clothes.

Jonathan Jones 3529 Werk Rd., 6a, Cincinnati, OH 45248 - Room#0442  assorted furniture boxes bags microwave bike.


The above are hereby notified that their goods stored at U-Haul, located at 2001 Dalton Ave, Cincinnati, Oh 45214, will be sold at public auction on September 21, 2020 on or after 9:00am



Terms: Cash Only.   A $50.00 Deposit will be required, which will be refunded, if the Unit is cleaned out completely in 48 Hours.  If you have Vendors #, please bring your certificate. Otherwise, state tax will be charged. 
Directions: Located at 2001 Dalton Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45214 
Owner: UHAUL (513) 904-4169. 
Bob Hogstrom, Auctioneer/Realtor 
In Assoc. with Ohio Real Estate Auctions, LLC 
(937) 836-0662 / (937) 477-0263 
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UHAUL Storage Auction

Hogstrom Auctioneering

Hogstrom Auctioneering

Contact: Bob Hogstrom
Phone: (937) 477-0263
Sale Location
2001 Dalton Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45214
Sale Dates and Times
Monday Sep 21, 2020 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

Legal Notice of Public AuctionUHAUL Storage will be auctioning the stored personal contents of the units listed below.  The Following 16 Units will be sold in their entirety.  Cash only.   The auction will be on Monday, May 21, 2020, at approximately 9:00 am.  Notification is posted on:  8-22-20. 


Special Note:  Due to Covid19 

Temporarily our auction procedures are listed below.

1.  Only 15 bidders will be allowed to insure social distancing is possible. The first 15 bidders to arrive will be part of the auction. No one can accompany the bidder during the auction.

2.  Masks are mandatory.

3.  Each auction room will have a number assigned it- number 1 - 15. The room will be opened and bidders will pass by it to see contents. Bidders should write down the room number if they want to bid on the room. Once all rooms have been seen, the auction bidding will be held in another area to insure social distancing.

4.  2 days will be allowed to empty all contents from the rooms. A $50.00 deposit will be charged to any bidder purchasing rooms, and it will be refunded once room/rooms are empty.


Khaleal Weeks 714 Riddle Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45220 - Room#0486 misc boxes bags furniture rug.

Teia Coleman 2712 W. Galbraith Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45239 - Room#0213 furniture box bags dvds.

James Griffieth 470 Elbrurn Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45205 - Room#2074 assorted furniture boxes.

Darlisha Townsend 2829 Queen City Ave., 10, Cincinnari, OH 45238 - Room#0443 assorted furniture boxes bags flat tv.

Jalil Rasheed 2801 Queen City Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45238 - Room#2358 assorted furniture boxes bags toys white boards.

Vicki Robinson 2799 Montana Ave., 2, Cincinnati, OH 45211 - Room#0427 assorted bags boxes bins furniture electronics.

Crystal Watson 5904 Highland Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45216 - Room#2258  box table chair play set rugs.

Justyce Martin 6410 Kennedy Ave., Cincinanti, OH 45213 - Room#0310 bags.

Rachel Brown 229 Retreat St., Belleve, KY 41073 - Room#0217 assorted furniture bags boxes clothes.

Muhammad Abdulazim 1911 Kinney Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45207 - Room#0204 assorted bags books hair dryer.

Carleasha Neal 2162 Stratford Ave., 496, Cincinnati, OH 45219 - Room#0396 assorted furniture totes boxes bags.

Terry Romine 1809 Liberty, St Petersburg, WV 26101 - Room#2055 tools floor tiles.

Micheal Marshall 1054 Springfield Pk., 1, Cincinnati, OH 45215 - Room#0234 assorted furniture totes clothes bike.

Stolen Truck 2001 Dalton Ave., Cincinnati ,OH 45214 - Room#2197-99 assorted furniture boxes bags toys std tv washer dryer.

Aramis Britten 589 W. Liberty St., Cincinnati, OH 45214 - Room#0456 assorted furniture bags boxes clothes.

Jonathan Jones 3529 Werk Rd., 6a, Cincinnati, OH 45248 - Room#0442  assorted furniture boxes bags microwave bike.


The above are hereby notified that their goods stored at U-Haul, located at 2001 Dalton Ave, Cincinnati, Oh 45214, will be sold at public auction on September 21, 2020 on or after 9:00am



Terms: Cash Only.   A $50.00 Deposit will be required, which will be refunded, if the Unit is cleaned out completely in 48 Hours.  If you have Vendors #, please bring your certificate. Otherwise, state tax will be charged. 
Directions: Located at 2001 Dalton Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45214 
Owner: UHAUL (513) 904-4169. 
Bob Hogstrom, Auctioneer/Realtor 
In Assoc. with Ohio Real Estate Auctions, LLC 
(937) 836-0662 / (937) 477-0263 
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UHAUL Storage Auction
 Live Auction
Auction Date(s)
Monday Sep 21, 2020 Completed
Auction Location

Cincinnati, OH 45214
Hogstrom Auctioneering

Contact: Bob Hogstrom
Phone: (937) 477-0263
Website: www.bobhogstrom.com/

Legal Notice of Public AuctionUHAUL Storage will be auctioning the stored personal contents of the units listed below.  The Following 16 Units will be sold in their entirety.  Cash only.   The auction will be on Monday, May 21, 2020, at approximately 9:00 am.  Notification is posted on:  8-22-20. 


Special Note:  Due to Covid19 

Temporarily our auction procedures are listed below.

1.  Only 15 bidders will be allowed to insure social distancing is possible. The first 15 bidders to arrive will be part of the auction. No one can accompany the bidder during the auction.

2.  Masks are mandatory.

3.  Each auction room will have a number assigned it- number 1 - 15. The room will be opened and bidders will pass by it to see contents. Bidders should write down the room number if they want to bid on the room. Once all rooms have been seen, the auction bidding will be held in another area to insure social distancing.

4.  2 days will be allowed to empty all contents from the rooms. A $50.00 deposit will be charged to any bidder purchasing rooms, and it will be refunded once room/rooms are empty.


Khaleal Weeks 714 Riddle Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45220 - Room#0486 misc boxes bags furniture rug.

Teia Coleman 2712 W. Galbraith Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45239 - Room#0213 furniture box bags dvds.

James Griffieth 470 Elbrurn Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45205 - Room#2074 assorted furniture boxes.

Darlisha Townsend 2829 Queen City Ave., 10, Cincinnari, OH 45238 - Room#0443 assorted furniture boxes bags flat tv.

Jalil Rasheed 2801 Queen City Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45238 - Room#2358 assorted furniture boxes bags toys white boards.

Vicki Robinson 2799 Montana Ave., 2, Cincinnati, OH 45211 - Room#0427 assorted bags boxes bins furniture electronics.

Crystal Watson 5904 Highland Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45216 - Room#2258  box table chair play set rugs.

Justyce Martin 6410 Kennedy Ave., Cincinanti, OH 45213 - Room#0310 bags.

Rachel Brown 229 Retreat St., Belleve, KY 41073 - Room#0217 assorted furniture bags boxes clothes.

Muhammad Abdulazim 1911 Kinney Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45207 - Room#0204 assorted bags books hair dryer.

Carleasha Neal 2162 Stratford Ave., 496, Cincinnati, OH 45219 - Room#0396 assorted furniture totes boxes bags.

Terry Romine 1809 Liberty, St Petersburg, WV 26101 - Room#2055 tools floor tiles.

Micheal Marshall 1054 Springfield Pk., 1, Cincinnati, OH 45215 - Room#0234 assorted furniture totes clothes bike.

Stolen Truck 2001 Dalton Ave., Cincinnati ,OH 45214 - Room#2197-99 assorted furniture boxes bags toys std tv washer dryer.

Aramis Britten 589 W. Liberty St., Cincinnati, OH 45214 - Room#0456 assorted furniture bags boxes clothes.

Jonathan Jones 3529 Werk Rd., 6a, Cincinnati, OH 45248 - Room#0442  assorted furniture boxes bags microwave bike.


The above are hereby notified that their goods stored at U-Haul, located at 2001 Dalton Ave, Cincinnati, Oh 45214, will be sold at public auction on September 21, 2020 on or after 9:00am



Terms: Cash Only.   A $50.00 Deposit will be required, which will be refunded, if the Unit is cleaned out completely in 48 Hours.  If you have Vendors #, please bring your certificate. Otherwise, state tax will be charged. 
Directions: Located at 2001 Dalton Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45214 
Owner: UHAUL (513) 904-4169. 
Bob Hogstrom, Auctioneer/Realtor 
In Assoc. with Ohio Real Estate Auctions, LLC 
(937) 836-0662 / (937) 477-0263 