Listing ID#: 1717292

Auction Location
NEVADA, OH 44849
Auction Dates and Times
Saturday Mar 29, 12:00 pm
Auction Type
 Live Auction 
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Welcome Folks: This week is our monthly Antique & Collectable Auction: FOLK ART BARBERS POLE MADE OF WOOD HAS PICTURES SITTING IN FRONT OF BARBER SHOP ONE OF A KIND:::3 Door Oak Ice Box, 2 Door Oak Ice Box, large oak Dresser w/applied carvings, 2 pc Sellers Cabinet w/porcelain top, Sideboard w/mirroed top, Champion Spark Plug Cleaner,Coca Cola Lift Top cooler, round Lamp Table w/large Paw Feet, Princess Dresser w/beveled mirror, painted Curio Cabineet w/curved glass doors 2 drawers & mirrored top, 1960's Cedar Chest, Pedal Airplane, small  corner Curio Cabinet, oak Library Table, Fainting sofa, Regal-Ride trash can, Hoken Barbers chair w/childs seat and side attached stool, medical cabinet, 50+ pcs cast iron skillets pots and pans, Singer Featherlite Sewing Machine, Pal Tricycle, Cedar chest, mahogany Drop Leaf Table, General Electric Top Compressor Refrigerator works, 3-8' tables full of Fostoria american Glassware to include: Salts, Coasters, Goblets, glasses, salt & peppeer shakers, Cream & sugar, handled cups, Sherberts, straight sided glasses, Juice glasses,Hats, plates, & more, large chenille Bed Spread w/Peacock, quilts, 21 pcs Burmese Fenton, Coca cola cooler, 19 Fenton Animals, Fenton Witch, 20 McCoy Planters and Cookie Jar, 24 Fenton Bells, Coca Cola Rack w/3 wood crates, Lionel Trains 18 boxes of Cars & Engines, Sohio Grease barrel, large Collection of Metal Toys to include: Marx Pan Am Airplane, 2 Tonka #5 Fire Trucks, 2 Promos, Sunday Driver battery operated, Tonka Livestock, Lumar Military, Structo Dump, Buddy L Rockin giraffe, Buddy L Tow TRuck, Mattel Hot Rod, AirPort Limo, Bump-N-Go Police,Erector Steam Engine, Tonka Jeep w/plow, Marx Dump Truck, Lumar Dump , 2 Nylint Hot Rods, Structo Toyland Garage,and more, Nylint Road Graders, 2 Keystone Ride ON Engines, Tonka Winnebago, Nylint U-Haul, Toy Town Estate Wagon, Cooper tire Banks to Include: 1957 Chevy Belair Nomad, 1914 Studebaker Pick Up Truck, 1938 Studebaker Van, 1952 3100 Chevy Pick Up, 1940 Ford Sedan Delivery, Cooper Tire Original Test Car Replica, 1953 Willys Jeep Stake Bed Truck, 1936 Dodge Pick Up, 1957 Chevy Panel Delivery a total of 17 Cases, GI Joe to Include: Action Soldier, Sentry Post, Combat Set, Training Center,Headquarters, Space Capsule, Astronaut all w/boxes, 2 Team Adventure Vehicles, ATII, Jeep, 2 Helicopters and more, Godzilla, 2 Japan Transformers,2006 large Tank Century Toy works, Mattel Vertibird, 2 boxes of keys, 2 Corvette decanters, 4 Neon Lights-Lite, Smirnoff, Marlboro & Miller Lite, K1 lamps, gumball machines, Big Bang Canon, 2 RedMan Scrap tin Tackers, Fenton Silvercrest, Pennstate uncut oil can sheet, 2 sinclair Emerald Auto Oil cans, US Postage machine, coffee grinder, Gremlins Lunch Box, 4 gallon crock jug w/Blue Bird, 2 gallon crock jug w/blue,Dazey butter Churn, Bisque Head doll,Texaco Key Tags,Phillips 66 Doll w/Uniform, Texaco Windshield Service , Radio flyer wagon, scales, barn lanterns, 20+ Longaberger baskets, 5 boxes GI Joes, boy manniken, Hot Shot Toy Drum Set, Taylor Advertising Lock tin, 1923 &28 Ohio License Plates, Depression Glassware, RR Lantern, 4-No Hunting tin tackers, Carnation Malted Milk cannister w/lid,marble top coffee table, 10 Oil bottles, Dumore Brewing cast sign, 3 ford Toy Tractors w/boxes, Billiards Lighgt glas, Budweiser Pool Table Light, Peets Feeds sign, Ford Farming clock,Teem & Pepsi thermometers, hanging PBR light, NAPA clock, 2 Kohler advertisings, Salemans Sample Braided Rug, Texaco porcelain sign, Cass County Soil Conservation sign, Royal Crown Billiard Balls, Drink Tru Ade sign, lighted Arrow, 5 BB guns, 3 muzzle loaders, 5 guns for parts, Buss Fuse display, signed Loetz vase, Canada Dry Clock, Ruud Clock, Wolf's Head Motor Oil sign, lighted Burger Beer , Husky Gasoline porcelain sign, 2 large wood bowls, Horn coat rack, Genesee hanging light, Harley Davidson porcelain sign, Nascar Die Cast cars, Candlewick Punch Bowl, Brass Blow Torches, Carnival Glass, 1 gallon cans: PennRad, KoolMotor, Neptune & Highest Quality, Waverly and Handee square oil cans,old photos, Coal Hod, Steif Bear, blue jars, Goodyear porcelain Tire Sign, punched Tin Flower Basket, Atari 7800 System w many games, Kool sign, Mobilgas Pump sign, Public Telephone flange sign, RC Cola sign, Maaster Mix clock,6 rows misc and boxlots, 7 tables full of metal Beer signs, Baseball Cards, 12 old Tricycles, Berlin flyer Wagon,milk crates, Metal Multidrawer cabineet, Cistern Pump,1 drawer desk, Milk Can, Treadle Sewing Machine, 2 oak Refactorie Chaors, Suzuki motorcycle parts, MASA Mobile 1 4 wheel pedal cart, haywagon full of street signs and more.

Showcases: 10K Gold 4 Rings, 3 pair Ear rings, Necklace and 2 pins. 7 tubes panned gold flake, 14K Ring and 3 pair Ear rings. 4 silver Round buffalos, 11 Silver Eagles, 119 Morgan and Peace Dollars,13 Walking Liberty Half dollars, Penny and Nickel books, 1971 &72 Proof Sets, Sterling Rings, 16 Table Top Casaes full of misc, Pocket Knives, Costume Jewelry, 32 Silver Washington quarters,35 Standing Liberty Quarters, 200 Silver roosevelt dimes, 35 Silver Kennedy Half dollars, 40 Franklin Half dollars, 100 Mercury dimes, case full of PoKeMon Cards and more . We are full.

Auctioneers: Gregory T. Durham C.A.G.A. 740-482-2651  Mike Zahn  Bill smiley  Jim blue

Terms: Cash, Credit, Debit, Check.  4% Convenience Fee for Credit, Check, Debit

Prerview: Thursday 9:00 am till 3:00pm    Friday 11:00 am till 6:00 pm  doors Open Saturday 9:00am Auction at Noon.

Auction License: 57199566949
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Sale Location
NEVADA, OH 44849
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Mar 29, 12:00 pm
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

Welcome Folks: This week is our monthly Antique & Collectable Auction: FOLK ART BARBERS POLE MADE OF WOOD HAS PICTURES SITTING IN FRONT OF BARBER SHOP ONE OF A KIND:::3 Door Oak Ice Box, 2 Door Oak Ice Box, large oak Dresser w/applied carvings, 2 pc Sellers Cabinet w/porcelain top, Sideboard w/mirroed top, Champion Spark Plug Cleaner,Coca Cola Lift Top cooler, round Lamp Table w/large Paw Feet, Princess Dresser w/beveled mirror, painted Curio Cabineet w/curved glass doors 2 drawers & mirrored top, 1960's Cedar Chest, Pedal Airplane, small  corner Curio Cabinet, oak Library Table, Fainting sofa, Regal-Ride trash can, Hoken Barbers chair w/childs seat and side attached stool, medical cabinet, 50+ pcs cast iron skillets pots and pans, Singer Featherlite Sewing Machine, Pal Tricycle, Cedar chest, mahogany Drop Leaf Table, General Electric Top Compressor Refrigerator works, 3-8' tables full of Fostoria american Glassware to include: Salts, Coasters, Goblets, glasses, salt & peppeer shakers, Cream & sugar, handled cups, Sherberts, straight sided glasses, Juice glasses,Hats, plates, & more, large chenille Bed Spread w/Peacock, quilts, 21 pcs Burmese Fenton, Coca cola cooler, 19 Fenton Animals, Fenton Witch, 20 McCoy Planters and Cookie Jar, 24 Fenton Bells, Coca Cola Rack w/3 wood crates, Lionel Trains 18 boxes of Cars & Engines, Sohio Grease barrel, large Collection of Metal Toys to include: Marx Pan Am Airplane, 2 Tonka #5 Fire Trucks, 2 Promos, Sunday Driver battery operated, Tonka Livestock, Lumar Military, Structo Dump, Buddy L Rockin giraffe, Buddy L Tow TRuck, Mattel Hot Rod, AirPort Limo, Bump-N-Go Police,Erector Steam Engine, Tonka Jeep w/plow, Marx Dump Truck, Lumar Dump , 2 Nylint Hot Rods, Structo Toyland Garage,and more, Nylint Road Graders, 2 Keystone Ride ON Engines, Tonka Winnebago, Nylint U-Haul, Toy Town Estate Wagon, Cooper tire Banks to Include: 1957 Chevy Belair Nomad, 1914 Studebaker Pick Up Truck, 1938 Studebaker Van, 1952 3100 Chevy Pick Up, 1940 Ford Sedan Delivery, Cooper Tire Original Test Car Replica, 1953 Willys Jeep Stake Bed Truck, 1936 Dodge Pick Up, 1957 Chevy Panel Delivery a total of 17 Cases, GI Joe to Include: Action Soldier, Sentry Post, Combat Set, Training Center,Headquarters, Space Capsule, Astronaut all w/boxes, 2 Team Adventure Vehicles, ATII, Jeep, 2 Helicopters and more, Godzilla, 2 Japan Transformers,2006 large Tank Century Toy works, Mattel Vertibird, 2 boxes of keys, 2 Corvette decanters, 4 Neon Lights-Lite, Smirnoff, Marlboro & Miller Lite, K1 lamps, gumball machines, Big Bang Canon, 2 RedMan Scrap tin Tackers, Fenton Silvercrest, Pennstate uncut oil can sheet, 2 sinclair Emerald Auto Oil cans, US Postage machine, coffee grinder, Gremlins Lunch Box, 4 gallon crock jug w/Blue Bird, 2 gallon crock jug w/blue,Dazey butter Churn, Bisque Head doll,Texaco Key Tags,Phillips 66 Doll w/Uniform, Texaco Windshield Service , Radio flyer wagon, scales, barn lanterns, 20+ Longaberger baskets, 5 boxes GI Joes, boy manniken, Hot Shot Toy Drum Set, Taylor Advertising Lock tin, 1923 &28 Ohio License Plates, Depression Glassware, RR Lantern, 4-No Hunting tin tackers, Carnation Malted Milk cannister w/lid,marble top coffee table, 10 Oil bottles, Dumore Brewing cast sign, 3 ford Toy Tractors w/boxes, Billiards Lighgt glas, Budweiser Pool Table Light, Peets Feeds sign, Ford Farming clock,Teem & Pepsi thermometers, hanging PBR light, NAPA clock, 2 Kohler advertisings, Salemans Sample Braided Rug, Texaco porcelain sign, Cass County Soil Conservation sign, Royal Crown Billiard Balls, Drink Tru Ade sign, lighted Arrow, 5 BB guns, 3 muzzle loaders, 5 guns for parts, Buss Fuse display, signed Loetz vase, Canada Dry Clock, Ruud Clock, Wolf's Head Motor Oil sign, lighted Burger Beer , Husky Gasoline porcelain sign, 2 large wood bowls, Horn coat rack, Genesee hanging light, Harley Davidson porcelain sign, Nascar Die Cast cars, Candlewick Punch Bowl, Brass Blow Torches, Carnival Glass, 1 gallon cans: PennRad, KoolMotor, Neptune & Highest Quality, Waverly and Handee square oil cans,old photos, Coal Hod, Steif Bear, blue jars, Goodyear porcelain Tire Sign, punched Tin Flower Basket, Atari 7800 System w many games, Kool sign, Mobilgas Pump sign, Public Telephone flange sign, RC Cola sign, Maaster Mix clock,6 rows misc and boxlots, 7 tables full of metal Beer signs, Baseball Cards, 12 old Tricycles, Berlin flyer Wagon,milk crates, Metal Multidrawer cabineet, Cistern Pump,1 drawer desk, Milk Can, Treadle Sewing Machine, 2 oak Refactorie Chaors, Suzuki motorcycle parts, MASA Mobile 1 4 wheel pedal cart, haywagon full of street signs and more.

Showcases: 10K Gold 4 Rings, 3 pair Ear rings, Necklace and 2 pins. 7 tubes panned gold flake, 14K Ring and 3 pair Ear rings. 4 silver Round buffalos, 11 Silver Eagles, 119 Morgan and Peace Dollars,13 Walking Liberty Half dollars, Penny and Nickel books, 1971 &72 Proof Sets, Sterling Rings, 16 Table Top Casaes full of misc, Pocket Knives, Costume Jewelry, 32 Silver Washington quarters,35 Standing Liberty Quarters, 200 Silver roosevelt dimes, 35 Silver Kennedy Half dollars, 40 Franklin Half dollars, 100 Mercury dimes, case full of PoKeMon Cards and more . We are full.

Auctioneers: Gregory T. Durham C.A.G.A. 740-482-2651  Mike Zahn  Bill smiley  Jim blue

Terms: Cash, Credit, Debit, Check.  4% Convenience Fee for Credit, Check, Debit

Prerview: Thursday 9:00 am till 3:00pm    Friday 11:00 am till 6:00 pm  doors Open Saturday 9:00am Auction at Noon.

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 Live Auction
Auction Date(s)
Saturday Mar 29, 12:00 pm
Auction Location
NEVADA, OH 44849

Welcome Folks: This week is our monthly Antique & Collectable Auction: FOLK ART BARBERS POLE MADE OF WOOD HAS PICTURES SITTING IN FRONT OF BARBER SHOP ONE OF A KIND:::3 Door Oak Ice Box, 2 Door Oak Ice Box, large oak Dresser w/applied carvings, 2 pc Sellers Cabinet w/porcelain top, Sideboard w/mirroed top, Champion Spark Plug Cleaner,Coca Cola Lift Top cooler, round Lamp Table w/large Paw Feet, Princess Dresser w/beveled mirror, painted Curio Cabineet w/curved glass doors 2 drawers & mirrored top, 1960's Cedar Chest, Pedal Airplane, small  corner Curio Cabinet, oak Library Table, Fainting sofa, Regal-Ride trash can, Hoken Barbers chair w/childs seat and side attached stool, medical cabinet, 50+ pcs cast iron skillets pots and pans, Singer Featherlite Sewing Machine, Pal Tricycle, Cedar chest, mahogany Drop Leaf Table, General Electric Top Compressor Refrigerator works, 3-8' tables full of Fostoria american Glassware to include: Salts, Coasters, Goblets, glasses, salt & peppeer shakers, Cream & sugar, handled cups, Sherberts, straight sided glasses, Juice glasses,Hats, plates, & more, large chenille Bed Spread w/Peacock, quilts, 21 pcs Burmese Fenton, Coca cola cooler, 19 Fenton Animals, Fenton Witch, 20 McCoy Planters and Cookie Jar, 24 Fenton Bells, Coca Cola Rack w/3 wood crates, Lionel Trains 18 boxes of Cars & Engines, Sohio Grease barrel, large Collection of Metal Toys to include: Marx Pan Am Airplane, 2 Tonka #5 Fire Trucks, 2 Promos, Sunday Driver battery operated, Tonka Livestock, Lumar Military, Structo Dump, Buddy L Rockin giraffe, Buddy L Tow TRuck, Mattel Hot Rod, AirPort Limo, Bump-N-Go Police,Erector Steam Engine, Tonka Jeep w/plow, Marx Dump Truck, Lumar Dump , 2 Nylint Hot Rods, Structo Toyland Garage,and more, Nylint Road Graders, 2 Keystone Ride ON Engines, Tonka Winnebago, Nylint U-Haul, Toy Town Estate Wagon, Cooper tire Banks to Include: 1957 Chevy Belair Nomad, 1914 Studebaker Pick Up Truck, 1938 Studebaker Van, 1952 3100 Chevy Pick Up, 1940 Ford Sedan Delivery, Cooper Tire Original Test Car Replica, 1953 Willys Jeep Stake Bed Truck, 1936 Dodge Pick Up, 1957 Chevy Panel Delivery a total of 17 Cases, GI Joe to Include: Action Soldier, Sentry Post, Combat Set, Training Center,Headquarters, Space Capsule, Astronaut all w/boxes, 2 Team Adventure Vehicles, ATII, Jeep, 2 Helicopters and more, Godzilla, 2 Japan Transformers,2006 large Tank Century Toy works, Mattel Vertibird, 2 boxes of keys, 2 Corvette decanters, 4 Neon Lights-Lite, Smirnoff, Marlboro & Miller Lite, K1 lamps, gumball machines, Big Bang Canon, 2 RedMan Scrap tin Tackers, Fenton Silvercrest, Pennstate uncut oil can sheet, 2 sinclair Emerald Auto Oil cans, US Postage machine, coffee grinder, Gremlins Lunch Box, 4 gallon crock jug w/Blue Bird, 2 gallon crock jug w/blue,Dazey butter Churn, Bisque Head doll,Texaco Key Tags,Phillips 66 Doll w/Uniform, Texaco Windshield Service , Radio flyer wagon, scales, barn lanterns, 20+ Longaberger baskets, 5 boxes GI Joes, boy manniken, Hot Shot Toy Drum Set, Taylor Advertising Lock tin, 1923 &28 Ohio License Plates, Depression Glassware, RR Lantern, 4-No Hunting tin tackers, Carnation Malted Milk cannister w/lid,marble top coffee table, 10 Oil bottles, Dumore Brewing cast sign, 3 ford Toy Tractors w/boxes, Billiards Lighgt glas, Budweiser Pool Table Light, Peets Feeds sign, Ford Farming clock,Teem & Pepsi thermometers, hanging PBR light, NAPA clock, 2 Kohler advertisings, Salemans Sample Braided Rug, Texaco porcelain sign, Cass County Soil Conservation sign, Royal Crown Billiard Balls, Drink Tru Ade sign, lighted Arrow, 5 BB guns, 3 muzzle loaders, 5 guns for parts, Buss Fuse display, signed Loetz vase, Canada Dry Clock, Ruud Clock, Wolf's Head Motor Oil sign, lighted Burger Beer , Husky Gasoline porcelain sign, 2 large wood bowls, Horn coat rack, Genesee hanging light, Harley Davidson porcelain sign, Nascar Die Cast cars, Candlewick Punch Bowl, Brass Blow Torches, Carnival Glass, 1 gallon cans: PennRad, KoolMotor, Neptune & Highest Quality, Waverly and Handee square oil cans,old photos, Coal Hod, Steif Bear, blue jars, Goodyear porcelain Tire Sign, punched Tin Flower Basket, Atari 7800 System w many games, Kool sign, Mobilgas Pump sign, Public Telephone flange sign, RC Cola sign, Maaster Mix clock,6 rows misc and boxlots, 7 tables full of metal Beer signs, Baseball Cards, 12 old Tricycles, Berlin flyer Wagon,milk crates, Metal Multidrawer cabineet, Cistern Pump,1 drawer desk, Milk Can, Treadle Sewing Machine, 2 oak Refactorie Chaors, Suzuki motorcycle parts, MASA Mobile 1 4 wheel pedal cart, haywagon full of street signs and more.

Showcases: 10K Gold 4 Rings, 3 pair Ear rings, Necklace and 2 pins. 7 tubes panned gold flake, 14K Ring and 3 pair Ear rings. 4 silver Round buffalos, 11 Silver Eagles, 119 Morgan and Peace Dollars,13 Walking Liberty Half dollars, Penny and Nickel books, 1971 &72 Proof Sets, Sterling Rings, 16 Table Top Casaes full of misc, Pocket Knives, Costume Jewelry, 32 Silver Washington quarters,35 Standing Liberty Quarters, 200 Silver roosevelt dimes, 35 Silver Kennedy Half dollars, 40 Franklin Half dollars, 100 Mercury dimes, case full of PoKeMon Cards and more . We are full.

Auctioneers: Gregory T. Durham C.A.G.A. 740-482-2651  Mike Zahn  Bill smiley  Jim blue

Terms: Cash, Credit, Debit, Check.  4% Convenience Fee for Credit, Check, Debit

Prerview: Thursday 9:00 am till 3:00pm    Friday 11:00 am till 6:00 pm  doors Open Saturday 9:00am Auction at Noon.