April 23rd - 27th Memphis Minerva Coin Auction
Listing ID#: 1716693

Auction Location
Dallas, TX 75234
Full Address Available on Tuesday, Apr 22
Auction Dates and Times
Wednesday Apr 23,
Sunday Apr 27,
Auction Type
 Live Auction with Online Bidding  VIEW ONLINE CATALOG
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Gold Standard Auctions

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GOLD STANDARD AUCTIONS, LLC BIDDER TERMS & CONDITIONS These Bidder Terms & Conditions (these "Bidder Terms") govern your access to, and use of, Gold Standard Auctions, LLC's ("GSA") "Services" (as defined in the GSA Auction and "Buy it Now" Terms and Conditions, hereinafter the "GSA Terms") as a Bidder, whether it be via GSA Auction or "Buy it Now" listing. The Services can be accessed through GSA's websites - www.goldstandard.com and www.goldstandardauctions.hibid.com (hereinafter the "Sites"). These Bidder Terms, shall be incorporated into the GSA Auction and "Buy it Now" Terms and Conditions posted on the aforementioned websites, and are herein collectively referred to as the "Terms." 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WE DO NOT GUARANTEE THAT BIDS PLACED WILL BE RECEIVED AND PROCESSED IN A TIMELY MANNER. ANY BIDS OF EQUAL AMOUNTS MAY BE SELECTED AT THE AUCTIONEER'S SOLE DISCRETION, IF RECEIVED AT APPROXIMATELY THE SAME TIME. 9. Prohibited Bidder Conduct. Any deliberate attempt to artificially influence the sale price of any listed Product(s), directly or indirectly, including but not limited to bidding through a secondary account, agent, or representative, bidding on listed Product(s) that you may also be selling, communicating with other Bidders, or chill bidding is expressly prohibited. 10. Additional Bidder Indemnity. 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Last Updated 15 August 2023 Gold Standard Auctions, LLC GOLD STANDARD AUCTIONS, LLC AUCTION AND "BUY IT NOW" TERMS AND CONDITIONS These Auction and "Buy it Now" Terms and Conditions (hereinafter the "Agreement" or "Terms") constitute a legally binding agreement between you (either an individual or an entity) and Gold Standard Auctions, LLC, its affiliate(s) and subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively referred to as "GSA") regarding the use of its websites - www.bidgoldstandard.com and www.goldstandardauctions.hibid.com (hereinafter the "Site" or "Sites"), its auction services, and "Buy it Now" retail services. By utilizing the GSA Site(s) and/or Services (defined below), you understand, acknowledge and agree that you are legally bound by the terms and conditions set forth herein (and as hereafter amended): 1. ACCEPTANCE OF LEGALLY BINDING TERMS. 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The Sellers Terms & Conditions entered into by and between GSA and Product Sellers govern a Seller's access to, and use of, GSA's Services as a Seller, whether it be via GSA Auction or "Buy it Now" listing. The Sellers Terms & Conditions are incorporated by reference as if the same were fully set forth herein and can accessed here: https://goldstandardauctions.hibid.com/home/selleruserterms. Sellers must be preapproved by GSA prior to participating in any Auction or "Buy it Now" listing and must maintain a current Seller account with GSA. A Seller must disclose certain account registration information to GSA prior utilizing GSA's Sites and Services. Said Seller information includes, but is not limited to, any information a Seller provides to GSA during the registration process, in any public message area or through any email feature. 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Bidders must be pre-approved by GSA prior to participating in any Auction or "Buy it Now" listing and must maintain a current Bidder account with GSA. A Bidder must disclose certain account registration information to GSA prior utilizing GSA's Sites and Services. Said Bidder information includes, but is not limited to, any information a Bidder provides to GSA during the registration process, in any public message area or through any email feature. Bidders hereby represent and warrant that his/her/its Bidder Information: (a) is true and accurate; and (b) does not contain any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots or other computer programming routines which may damage, detrimentally interfere with, intercept, or expropriate any system, data or personal information. By providing such information, Bidders expressly agree to the terms as set forth herein (and as hereafter amended). Because Bidders utilizing GSA's Services and Sites may enter into legally binding agreements to purchase Products being auctioned, GSA's Services are not available to minors. Sellers may have different standards for approving individual auction participants, and you may be required to apply for and obtain written approval to participate in a specific auction. In such circumstances, approved Bidders will receive a Bidder Number. Approval to participate in one auction does not guarantee approval to participate in any other auction. GSA and each Seller reserves the right to refuse to approve any individual or entity applying to participate in any Auction or "Buy it Now" listing as a Bidder. 7. AUCTION BIDS AND "BUY IT NOW" SALES. By placing a successful bid, or selecting the "Buy it Now" option on a Product listing, you are entering into a binding agreement between yourself and the Seller. Bids for a particular Product are subject to a minimum bid increment as posted. If you bid an amount below the minimum increment your bid will not be accepted. If you bid an amount between increments, GSA will automatically round your bid up to the nearest increment. Once accepted, bids may not be retracted or cancelled and, upon acceptance by the Seller, constitute a binding agreement between the Buyer and Seller. Bids for a Product do not apply to subsequent offerings of identical or similar Products. GSA reserved, in its sole discretion, the right to select any bid if several bids for the same amount are received at about the same time. A bid that was unsuccessful may be reinstated if a problem arises with a higher bid. Bidders placing a winning bid through Bidder Services will be notified by email. Reserve bid amounts are displayed at the discretion of the Seller. If you are the winning Bidder and do not pay your invoice or make plans to pay for your invoice within seven (7) days of the sale date, you will be charged a restocking fee of twenty-five percent (25%) of your invoice total. Additionally, you will be banned from all future GSA Auctions and "Buy it Now" listings as a Bidder or Siller. GSA is not liable for any errors made while operating the technology used to host or bid on online auctions. 8. "AS IS" / WHERE IS SALE. ALL PRODUCTS ARE SOLD "AS IS", WHERE IS. Descriptions are given to Products, but Bidders expressly agree that they are not relying on such description, but instead will base all decisions to bid based exclusively on Bidder's examination of the listing's Product photographs. If any item is removed from its holder, the Bidder waives all rights to asserts any claims or demands concerning that item and lot and waive any right to retain that item or lot. 9. PAYMENT. The following provisions govern procedures for the purchase of Products and related payment terms. Please note that all invoices issued over a two (2) day or four (4) day sale will be combined. a. PAYMENT DEADLINE. Payment for Products shall be immediately due and payable upon the conclusion of said Products' Auction or "Buy it Now" listing and presentment of an invoice. GSA reserves the right to cancel an invoice if payment in full is not received within seven (7) days after Auction close. In cases of nonpayment, GSA's election to cancel a sale does not relieve the successful Bidder from their obligation to pay GSA its fees (seller's and buyer's premium) on the Product listing and any other damages pertaining to Bidder's failure to tender payment. Alternatively, GSA at its sole option, may charge Bidder a twenty-five percent (25%) fee based on the Product's purchase price or pursue collection of the full amount of the winning/"Buy It Now" bid from the Bidder adding interest at the highest rate allowed by law and reasonable attorneys' fees. If payment is not received by GSA within thirty (30) days of the winning/"Buy It Now" bid, GSA may resell the items, applying any net proceeds to the amount(s) owed by the Bidder. In either case, GSA may offset the amount of its claim against any monies owing to the Bidder and secure its claim against any of the Bidder's property held by GSA. b. PAYMENT METHODS. GSA and Sellers utilizing GSA's auction and/or "Buy it Now" Services agree to accept the following exclusive forms of payment for Products and related costs/fees: i. Cash: United States Currency ii. Credit/Debit Cards: Credit/debit cards are only accepted for the payment of a given invoice (for Product's purchase price, buyer's premium, and shipping & handling) totaling a maximum of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00). Credit/debit cards are not accepted for orders/invoices over two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00). Cards on file with GSA will automatically be charged for orders under seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00). Subject to the aforementioned caveats, payments via credit card (Visa, Mastercard, and Discover) will incur a surcharge of two and one-half percent (2.5%). Said fee is subject to change without prior notice. This fee only applies to credit transactions and does not include GSA's cost of processing. Payments via cash, wire transfer, Cashier's Check, Venmo, and Zelle will not incur this surcharge but may be subject to Bidder fees assessed by the utilized service provider. iii. 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If any Auction or "Buy it Now" invoice submitted by GSA to Bidder is not paid in full when due, the unpaid balance will bear interest at the highest rate permitted by law from the date of invoice until paid. Any invoice not paid when due will bear a three percent (3%) late fee on the invoice amount. If GSA refers any invoice to an attorney or third-party for collection, Bidder agrees to pay GSA's reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, and other collection costs incurred by GSA. In the event the Bidder fails to pay any amounts due, Bidder authorizes GSA to charge the Bidder's credit card on file with GSA in the amount required to pay the invoice in full (plus the applicable surcharge) or sell the Product(s) securing the invoice to any underbidders in the Auction that the Product(s) appeared, or at subsequent private or public sale, or relist the Product(s) in a future Auction or "Buy it Now" listing by GSA. A defaulting Bidder agrees that all items may be resold by GSA thirty (30) days after the invoice date, and agrees to pay for the reasonable costs for resale (including, but not limited to, a 15% seller's commission, if consigned to an Auction conducted by GSA). The defaulting Bidder is liable to pay any difference between the total original invoice for the Product(s) if sold at a private sale or the subsequent hammer price of the Product(s) less the 15% seller's commissions, if sold at GSA's Auction. Product title shall not pass to Bidder until all invoices are paid in full. GSA shall have a lien against the merchandise purchased by Bidder to secure payment of any and all outstanding invoices. GSA is further granted a lien and the right to retain possession of any other property of Bidder then held by GSA to secure payment of any invoice or any other amounts due to GSA from Bidder. With respect to these lien rights, GSA shall have all the rights of a secured creditor under Article 9 of the Texas Uniform Commercial Code, including, but not limited to, the right of sale (including a 15% seller's commission, if consigned to an Auction conducted by GSA). If the Bidder receives any Product, Bidder agrees to hold such item in trust until GSA is paid in full. Any GSA auction is deemed a reasonably commercial sale. In addition, with respect to payment of invoices, Bidder waives any and all rights to offset he/she/it might otherwise have against GSA and the consignor of the Product(s) included in the invoice. If Bidder owes GSA on any account, GSA shall have the right to offset such unpaid account by any credit balance due Bidder, and it may secure by possessory lien any unpaid amount by any of the Bidder's property in its possession. In the event the Bidder's payment is dishonored upon presentment, Bidder shall pay the maximum statutory processing fee set by applicable Texas state law, interest at the maximum rate allowed by law, and reasonable attorneys' fees. e. TAXES, DUTIES, AND CUSTOMS. Purchased Products may be subject to taxes, duties, customs and/or fees imposed by various domestic and/or foreign taxing authorities or governments. Bidder is solely responsible for payment of any and all such taxes, duties, customs and/or fees prior to delivery unless alternative arrangements are made in writing and pre-approved by GSA. Notice of compliance with Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) for the purchase of Product(s) made from protected species or wildlife. Any Product(s) made of or incorporating endangered or protected species or wildlife may have import and/or export restrictions established by CITES in various countries and domestically. Plant and animal properties included, but are not limited to, items made of (or including) Brazilian rosewood, ivory, whalebone, turtle shell, coral, crocodile, alligator, lizard, or other wildlife. These items may not be available to ship internationally or, in some cases, domestically. Domestic bans and restrictions exist in these states: (1) California state law prohibits the importation of any product containing python skin into the State of California, (2) Fossil Ivory is currently banned or restricted in 5 U.S. States: New York, New Jersey, California, Hawaii, and New Mexico. By placing an Auction bid or selecting a "Buy it Now" option, the Bidder acknowledges that he/she/it is aware of any and all restrictions in their country or place of residence and takes responsibility for: (1) obtaining all information on such restricted items for both export and import; (2) obtaining all such licenses and/or permits. Delay, failure, or inability to obtain any such license or permit does not relieve the buyer of timely payment or afford them the capacity to void their purchase or payment. Lots and Products containing potentially regulated wildlife material may be noted in the description as a convenience to GSA's Bidders/Sellers. GSA does not accept liability for errors or failure to mark lots or Products containing protected, endangered, or otherwise regulated species. GSA is not liable for any loss caused by or resulting from: (1) seizure or destruction under quarantine or Customs regulation or confiscation by order of any government or public authority, or risks of contraband or illegal transportation of trade, or (2) breaking of statuary, marble, glassware bric-a-brac, porcelains, jewelry, and similar fragile articles. 10. PRODUCT SHIPPING & HANDLING / IN-PERSON PICK UP. By submitting a bid or selecting a "Buy it Now" purchase, the Seller and Bidder agree to GSA's shipping and handling policy and other charges, whether known or unknown to bidder at the time of bid. GSA does not personally transport or deliver Products unless in-person pick up at a secure location (not GSA's office) is pre-arranged by Bidder with GSA. Unless otherwise noted, GSA shall coordinate shipping of Products to successful Bidders through reputable third-party shipping service providers such as the United States Postal Service (USPS), United Parcel Service of America, Inc. (UPS), FedEx Corporate Services, Inc. (FedEx), Deutsche Post AG (DHL), or the like. GSA does not guarantee delivery of purchased Products by a specified date, or at all, due to reliance upon third-party shipping companies. While GSA implements commercially reasonable efforts to initiate shipping with third-party shippers within seventy-two (72) business hours of full and final payment, Bidder agrees that neither delivery of an item after the date desired or expected by Bidder, or loss of an item by a third-party delivery service, gives rise to grounds for a partial or complete refund or a credit card chargeback. Bidders understand, acknowledge and agree that once GSA turns over a purchased Product to a third-party shipper, Bidders' sole recourse for any alleged lost or delayed Product shall be directly through the third-party shipper and applicable its applicable insurance policy. Shipping & Handling fees shall be included in the successful Bidder's Product invoice. Shipping & Handling fees are subject to change. All deliveries are subject to GSA's receipt and clearance of good funds. 11. NO GUARANTEES OR WARRANTIES. NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS MADE OR IMPLIED ON ANY PRODUCT/LOT. NO WARRANTY, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PRODUCT/LOT EXCEPT FOR WARRANTY OF TITLE, AND IN THE CASE OF TITLE, GSA IS SELLING ONLY THAT RIGHT OR TITLE TO THE PRODUCT/LOT THAT THE SELLER OR CONSIGNOR MAY HAVE AS OF THE AUCTION OR "BUY IT NOW" SALE DATE. IF A PRODUCT/LOT IS BEING AUCTIONED OR SOLD THROUGH A "BUY IT NOW" SALE ON A CONSIGNMENT BASIS OR AS AN AUCTION ITEM, GSA DISCLAIMS AND MAKES NO WARRANTY OF TITLE AS SUCH PRODUCTS PURCHASED PASS DIRECTLY FROM THE SELLER/CONSIGNER TO SUCCESSFUL BIDDER. ALL PRODUCTS/LOTS ARE SOLD "AS IS", WHERE IS, AND WITH ALL FAULTS. NO WARRANTY, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED IS MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY DESCRIPTION, GRADE, OR PURPORTED VALUE CONTAINED IN ANY AUCTION OR "BUY IT NOW" LISTING. BIDDERS AND SELLERS AGREE THAT GSA IS NOT PROVIDING ANY WARRANTY, COVENANT OR REPRESENTATION WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCTS SOLD OR AUCTIONED THROUGH THE GSA SITE. BIDDER HEREBY ASSUMES ALL RISKS CONCERNING AND RELATED TO THE GRADING, QUALITY, DESCRIPTION, CONDITION, AND PROVENANCE OF A PRODUCT/LOT. COINS AND CURRENCY LISTED IN GSA'S CATALOG AS GRADED AND ENCAPSULATED BY PCGS, NGC, ANACS, ICG, PCGS CURRENCY, PMG, PCGS BANKNOTE GRADING, CMC OR ANY OTHER THIRD-PARTY GRADING SERVICE ARE LIKEWISE SOLD "AS-IS" EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN. ALL THIRD-PARTY GRADING SERVICE GUARANTEES, INCLUDING AUTHENTICITY, ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE THIRD-PARTY GRADING SERVICE AND NOT WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES OF GSA. BIDDERS SHOULD CONTACT THESE THIRD-PARTY GRADING SERVICES DIRECTLY WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS OR QUESTIONS THEY MAY HAVE CONCERNING THEIR GUARANTEES AND WARRANTIES. BIDDERS ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT AUCTIONEER IS NOT BOUND BY OR LIABLE FOR ANY OPINION OR CERTIFICATION BY ANY THIRD-PARTY GRADING SERVICE. REMOVAL OF A PRODUCT FROM ITS PROTECTIVE CASING OR HOLDER OR ALTERATION OF ANY COIN HOLDER WAIVES ALL RIGHTS CONCERNING THE PRODUCT CONTAINED THEREIN. GSA DOES NOT GUARANTEE OR COVENANT THE ACCURACY OF THE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION OR THAT THE IMAGES USED TO ILLUSTRATE PRODUCTS ARE CORRECT OR DO NOT VIOLATE TRADEMARKS OR COPYRIGHTS. GSA HAS NOT UNDERTAKEN ANY REVIEW OR DUE DILIGENCE WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THE GSA SITE AND PROVIDES NO GUARANTEES, COVENANTS, REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO SAID INFORMATION OR ITS ACCURACY. YOU AGREE YOU DO NOT RELY ON ANY WRITTEN DESCRIPTIONS, BUT WILL ONLY BID BASED ON EXAMINATION OF THE PRODUCT/LOT PHOTOGRAPHS POSTED IN CONNECTION WITH THE AUTION OR "BUY IT NOW" LISTING. You hereby acknowledge that the GSA Sites, the data entered into the Sites, and/or the Seller's auction or "Buy it Now" information may contain errors or inaccuracies. You understand, acknowledge and agree that the numismatic and precious metals markets are speculative, unregulated and volatile, and that coin, currency and precious metal values may rise or fall over time. GSA DOES NOT GUARANTEE OR REPRESENT THAT ANY BIDDER BUYER PRODUCTS FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES WILL BE ABLE TO SELL SAID PRODUCTS FOR A PROFIT IN THE FUTURE. You further understand, acknowledge and agree that neither GSA, nor its owners, members, employees, affiliates, agents, representatives, third-party providers, or consignors warrant that Auctions or "Buy it Now" listings will be unimpaired, uninterrupted or error free and accordingly shall not be liable for such events. 12. CREDIT CARD CHARGEBACKS PROHIBITED. The "Limited Returns" provision set forth herein below provides the limited availability and procedure for facilitating Product returns in specified situation. Absent the express eligibility and strict adherence to the procedures for facilitating a return (which must be preauthorized by GSA in writing), Bidders shall not be entitled to return Product(s), partial or full refunds, wire recalls, stop payments on checks or credit/debit cards, or the initiation of a chargeback claim with a Bidder's credit/debit card provider. BIDDER UNDERSTANDS, ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT THERE EXIST NO LEGAL BASIS FOR INITIATING A CHARGEBACK CLAIM FOR ANY PURCHASED PRODUCT, AND BIDDER SPECIFICALLY AGREES TO REFRAIN FROM THE FILING OF ANY SUCH CLAIM. In the event a Bidder does not receive a purchased Product within thirty (30) days of payment, or the Bidder takes issue with a Product's grading or condition, Bidder's only recourse shall be against the third-party shipping company's insurance and/or the appropriate grading service. 13. LIMITED RETURNS. The following terms shall govern the limited return policy available some Bidders for certain Product(s) under limited circumstances and only upon written pre-approval from a GSA authorized representative. a. No certified Product(s) may be returned because of possible difference of opinion with respect to the grade offered by any thirdparty organization, dealer or service. No guarantee of grade is offered for uncertified Product(s) sold and subsequently submitted to a third-party grading service. There are absolutely no exceptions to this policy. Bidder will solely rely upon the posted photographs of the Product/Lot, and agrees Bidder will not rely upon the written description. b. Under extremely limited circumstances (e.g. gross cataloging error), a successful Bidder may request GSA to evaluate voiding a sale, if and only if: (i) such request is made in writing detailing the alleged gross error and submitted to GSA (at info@bidgoldstandard.com) within three (3) days of receipt of the Product(s); (ii) submission of the Product(s) to GSA are pre-approved by an authorized GSA representative; and (iii) the successful Bidder notifies GSA (13859 Diplomat Drive, #150, Dallas, TX 75234) in writing of such request within three (3) days of the Bidder's receipt of the Product(s). Any Product that is to be evaluated must be in GSA's office (13859 Diplomat Drive, #150, Dallas, TX 75234) within thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the Product(s) auction. Grading or method of manufacture do not qualify for this evaluation process nor do such complaints constitute a basis to challenge the authenticity of Product(s). AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE AFOREMENTIONED THIRTY (30) DAY PERIOD, NO PRODUCTS MAY BE RETURNED FOR REASONS OTHER THAN AUTHENTICITY. IT IS WITHIN GSA'S SOLE DISCRETION TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE ALLEGED ERROR QUALIFIES FOR A PARTIAL, COMPLETE, OR NO REFUND (SUBJECT TO A 15% RESTOCKING FEE SET FORTH HEREIN). Returned Products must be housed intact in their unaltered original holders or packaging. Late remittance of payment for purchases may be considered just cause to revoke all return privileges. c. THREE (3) DAY RETURN POLICY. Certified Coin and Uncertified and Certified Currency lots paid for within seven (7) days of the auction or "Buy it Now" salemay be sold with three (3) day return privileges (only upon written pre-approval by GSA) unless otherwise noted in the description as "Sold As Is / No Return". You may return Product(s) under the following limited conditions with written pre-approval from GSA: (i) within three (3) days of receipt of the Product(s), you must first notify GSA by email (at info@bidgoldstandard.com) and telephone (972-800-6456), obtain written pre-approval via email, and immediately ship the return Product(s) in their original condition, fully insured, and housed in their original holder or packaging, to the attention of "GOLD STANDARD AUCTIONS, LLC - RETURNS, 13859 Diplomat Drive, #150, Dallas, TX 75234." Said return Product(s) must be in GSA's possession, custody and control within thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the Product(s) auction or such return privileges are revoked without further notice and the late Product will be shipped back to the Bidder at his/her/its sole expense. A non-negotiable restocking fee of fifteen percent (15%) of the purchase price ($10.00 per Product/lot minimum) will be deducted from the refund for each returned Product (or billed directly to the Bidder). Postage and handling, customs, and other fees are not refunded. After the three-day period (from Bidder's receipt), no Product(s) may be returned for any reason. Late remittance for purchases revokes all return privileges. d. Bidders who have inspected the Product(s) in-person prior to an auction or "Buy it Now" purchase, or bid through an agent, will not be granted any return privileges, except for reasons of authenticity. e. Coins sold referencing a third-party grading service are sold "AS IS" without any express or implied warranty, except for a guarantee by GSA that they are genuine. Removal or alteration of the holder, voids all of Bidder's claims concerning that Product. Certain warranties may be available from the grading services and Bidders are referred to them for further details: Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC), PO Box 4776, Sarasota, FL 34230, www.ngccoin.com/services/writtenguarantee.asp; Professional Coin Grading Services (PCGS), PO Box 9458, Newport Beach, CA 92658, www.pcgs.com/guarantee.html; ANACS, 6555 S. Kenton St., Ste. 303, Englewood, CO 80111; and Independent Coin Grading Co. (ICG), 7901 East Bellview, Ave., Suite 50, Englewood, CO 80111. f. Notes sold referencing a third-party grading service are sold "AS IS" without any express or implied warranty, except for guarantee by GSA that they are genuine. Grading, condition or other attributes of any Product may have a material effect on its value and the opinion of others, including third-party grading services such as PCGS Currency and PMG may differ with that of GSA. GSA shall not be bound by any prior or subsequent opinion, determination, or certification by any grading service. Bidders specifically waive any claim to right of return of any Product because of the opinion, determination, or certification, or lack thereof, by any grading service. Certain warranties may be available from the grading services and Bidders are referred to them for further details: Paper Money Guaranty (PMG), PO Box 4711, Sarasota, FL 34230; PCGS Currency, PO Box 10470, Peoria, IL 61612-0470; PCGS Gold Shield, PO Box 9458, Newport Beach, CA 92658. Third-party graded notes are not returnable for any reason whatsoever. g. Notes graded by PCGS Currency between February 4, 2009, and January 30, 2019, were graded and authenticated by K3B, Inc. under license from Collectors Universe, Inc. K3B, Inc., now operating as Legacy Currency Grading, has expressed in writing that notes graded under the license during this time period will still be covered by the full written guaranty of PCGS Currency. Warranties may be available from Collectors Universe, Inc. for PCGS Currency notes graded prior to February 4, 2009. h. Since GSA cannot examine encapsulated coins or notes, they are sold "AS IS" without GSA's grading opinion, and may not be returned for any reason. GSA shall not be liable for any patent or latent defect or controversy pertaining to or arising from any encapsulated Product. In any such instance, Bidder's remedy, if any, shall be solely against the service certifying the Product. i. Due to changing grading standards over time, differing interpretations, and to possible mishandling of Products by subsequent owners, GSA reserves the right to express an opinion as to an item's grade differently than shown on certificates from any grading service that accompany the Product, but shall have no obligation to do so. GSA also reserves the right to express an opinion as to a product's grade differently than the grades shown in a prior catalog should such items be reconsigned to any future auction or "Buy it Now" sale, but shall have no obligation to do so. j. Although consensus grading is employed by most grading services, it should be noted as aforesaid that grading is not an exact science. In fact, it is entirely possible that if a Product is broken out of a plastic holder and resubmitted to another grading service or even to the same service, the Product could come back with a different grade assigned. k. Certification does not guarantee protection against the normal risks associated with potentially volatile markets. The degree of liquidity for certified coins and collectibles will vary according to general market conditions and the particular lot involved. For some Products there may be no active market at all at certain points in time. l. All non-certified coins and currency are guaranteed genuine, but are not guaranteed as to grade, since grading is a matter of opinion, an art and not a science, and therefore the description rendered by GSA or any third-party grading service may not agree with the opinion of others (including trained experts), and the same expert may not grade the same item with the same grade at two different times. GSA may, but is not obligated to, express an opinion as to non-certified numismatic items, in GSA's opinion, or by its employees' experience and the current interpretation of the American Numismatic Association's standards as of the date the catalog was prepared. There is no guarantee or warranty expressed or implied that the grading opinions utilized by GSA, if any, will meet the standards of any grading service at any time in the future. m. Storage of purchased coins, tokens and currency: Bidders understand and acknowledge that certain types of plastic may react with a coin, token or currency's surface or transfer plasticizer to notes and may cause damage. You understand, acknowledge and agree that you shall exercise caution to avoid the use of storage materials that are not inert. 14. RESTOCKING FEE. All Products which qualify for return and are returned in strict conformity with the notice and physical return requirements set forth herein, shall be subject to a mandatory restocking fee equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the Product's Auction or "Buy it Now" purchase price. 15. WAIVER, RELEASE AND LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY. IN CONSIDERATION OF PARTICIPATION IN GSA AUCTIONS OR "BUY IT NOW" LISTINGS, YOU, FOR YOURSELF, YOUR HEIRS, AGENTS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS, GENERALLY AND SPECIFICALLY WAIVE AND RELEASE, AND FOREVER DISCHARGE GSA, AND ITS OWNERS, MEMBERS, MANAGERS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, ATTORNEYS, AND REPRESENTATIVES, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, RIGHTS, DEMANDS, CAUSES OF ACTION, ARBITRATIONS, LAWSUITS, OR OTHER LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, OF WHATEVER KIND OR NATURE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO CLAIMS BASED UPON GSA'S ALLEGED NEGLIGENCE OR DIFFERING OPINION AS TO GRADE, WHETHER IN LAW OR EQUITY, TORT OR OTHERWISE, WHETHER KNOWN OR UNKNOWN, SUSPECTED OR UNSUSPECTED, WHICH YOU MAY ASSERT WITH RESPECT AND/OR ARISING OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY CHALLENGE TO THE TITLE TO OR AUTHENTICITY OF ANY PRODUCT PURCHASED, THE SALE ITSELF, ANY PRODUCT/LOT BID UPON OR CONSIGNED, THE AUCTION, OR THE "BUY IT NOW" LISTING, EXCEPT WHERE SUCH CLAIM IS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY AUTHORIZED IN THIS AGREEMENT. IT IS YOUR INTENTION THAT THIS WAIVER AND RELEASE SHALL BE EFFECTIVE AS A BAR TO EACH AND EVERY CLAIM THAT MAY ARISE HEREUNDER OR BE RELATED TO THE SERVICES, AUCTION, "BUY IT NOW" LISTING, THE SITES, AND/OR THE PRODUCT(S), AND YOU HEREBY KNOWINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY WAIVE ANY AND ALL PURPORTED RIGHTS AND BENEFITS OTHERWISE CONFERRED UPON YOU BY STATUTE OR COMMON LAW. YOU ASSUME ANY AND ALL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM YOUR USE OF GSA SERVICES AND THE SITES. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL GSA, ITS OWNERS, MEMBERS, MANAGERS, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, ITS AFFILIATES, OR REPRESENTATIVES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, LOSS OF GOODWILL, WORK STOPPAGE, TIME VALUE OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS AND/OR CLAIMS UNDER THE TEXAS DECEPTIVE TRADE PRACTICES ACT OR SIMILAR STATUTE) ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT OR THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE GSA SERVICES AND/OR SITES, OR NEGLIGENCE OF GSA OR OF ANY OF ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, AFFILIATES, OR REPRESENTATIVES. ALL RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL IS WAIVED. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL YOU SEEK ANY DAMAGES EXCEEDING THE AMOUNT PAID FOR AN ITEM OR LOT. 16. DISPUTE RESOLUTION, ARBITRATION AND REMEDIES. In consideration of the privilege to participate in GSA Auctions and sell or purchase Products through an Auction or "Buy it Now" listing, you accept the terms set forth in this Agreement and specifically agree to the dispute resolution provisions provided herein. a. Exclusive Dispute Resolution Process: All Claims, disputes, or controversies arising out of, in connection with, and/or relating to: (i) your use of the Sites, (ii) participation in an Auction or "Buy it Now" listing, (iii) purchase or sale of a Product, (iv) any interpretation of the Terms or any amendments thereto, (v) any description of any Product/lot or condition report, (vi) any damage to any Product, (vii) any alleged verbal modification of any Term or condition report or description, and/or (viii) any purported settlement whether asserted in contract, tort, under federal or state statute or regulation, or any claim made by you concerning a Product or your participation in an Auction or "Buy it Now" sale involving a warranty or representation of a consignor, other person, or entity, including GSA (collectively a "Claim") shall be exclusively heard by, and the claimant (or respondent) and GSA each consent to the Claim being adjudicated through confidential, binding, in-person arbitration before a single arbitrator administered by and conducted under the rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA) as the buyer's sole remedy. The locale for all such arbitrations shall be in-person in Dallas, Dallas County, Texas. The arbitrator's award may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction within Dallas, Dallas County, Texas. In the event a Claim must be litigated after an arbitration demand is filed with the AAA (including actions to compel arbitration, construe this Agreement, actions in aid of arbitration, or otherwise), such litigation shall be exclusively in the courts of the State of Texas, in Dallas County, Texas, and if necessary, the corresponding appellate courts. YOU EXPRESSLY WAIVE ANY RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY. YOU AGREE THAT IN-PERSON ARBITRATION IS YOUR SOLE REMEDY FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AGAINST OR INVOLVING GSA. b. Fees, Costs and Interest: Each party shall pay one-half of any anticipated arbitration fees to initiate the process. The prevailing party (a party that is awarded substantial and material relief on its liability and damage claim based on damages sought versus awarded or the successful defense of a Claim based on damages sought versus awarded) may be awarded reasonable attorney's fees, costs and applicable pre- and post-award interest by an arbitrator and/or subsequent court of competent jurisdiction. c. Remedies: Any Claim must be brought within two (2) years of the alleged breach, default, or misrepresentation or the Claim is waived. GSA's maximum liability shall be limited to any commission and fees GSA earned on that Product. GSA in no event shall be responsible for consequential, incidental, compensatory, or any other damages (set forth herein including those claimed under the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act) arising or claimed to be arising from the Auction or "Buy it Now" sale. Exemplary and punitive damages are not recoverable and are waived. In the event GSA cannot deliver a Product or it is subsequently established that the Product lacks title, or other transfer or condition issue is claimed, in such cases the sole remedy shall be limited at most to rescission of the sale and refund of the amount paid by Bidder; in no case shall GSA's maximum cumulative liability exceed the high bid on the Product, which bid shall be deemed for all purposes the value of the Product. In the event of an attribution error, GSA may, at its sole discretion, correct the error on the internet/Site, or, if discovered at a later date, refund Bidder's purchase price without further obligation. Nothing herein shall be construed to extend the time of return or conditions and restrictions for return. d. These Terms provide specific remedies for occurrences in the Auction or "Buy it Now" listing and delivery process. Where such remedies are afforded, they shall be interpreted strictly. You agree that any Claim shall utilize such remedies. In the event you make a Claim in excess of those remedies provided in these Terms, you agree that in no case whatsoever shall GSA's maximum liability exceed the high bid on the Product, which bid shall be deemed for all purposes the value of the Product. e. Failure to participate in the arbitration is a default and material breach of this Agreement. f. GSA reserves the right to initiate a lawsuit, instead of arbitration, for any unpaid amounts due from Bidder to GSA, and the parties agree. GSA is entitled to the additional recovery of its costs, expenses, attorney's fees, and interest in such matter if you breach any provision of these Terms and Conditions. 17. GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE. This Agreement, the Bidder Terms & Conditions, the Seller Terms & Conditions, and any Claim shall be determined and construed in accordance with Texas state law. Any and all Claims submitted to arbitration and subsequent litigation shall be exclusively heard by a single arbitrator (or subsequently by a court of competent jurisdiction) in Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, where all obligations under this Agreement are performable. 18. NOTICES. Except as explicitly stated otherwise, notices to you shall be given by email to the email address provide by you to GSA during the Seller/Bidder registration process. Notices to GSA shall be given by email to info@bidgoldstandard.com or by certified mail, return receipt requested (or other mail service providing delivery confirmation) to GOLD STANDARD AUCTIONS, LLC at 13859 Diplomat Drive, #150, Dallas, TX 75234. Emailed notices shall be deemed given twenty-four (24) hours after the notice email is sent, unless the sending party is notified that the email address is invalid within twenty-four (24) hours of being sent. It is your sole responsibility to keep GSA apprised, in writing, of your current email address at all times. 19. MISCELLANEOUS. a. TERMINATION. Without limiting any other remedies, GSA reserves the right to terminate your use of GSA Services, with or without cause, at its sole discretion. b. NO ASSIGNMENT. You shall not assign or transfer this Agreement, or any of its rights and obligations hereunder without GSA's prior written consent. c. NO AGENCY. This Agreement does not give rise to any agency, partnership, joint venture, employee-employer or franchisor-franchisee relationship between yourself and GSA. d. USE AND OWNERSHIP OF DATA, IMAGES, AND TEXT. GSA owns all right, title and interest in and to all Auction and "Buy it Now" data, including images, videos, text, and all intellectual property rights therein and thereto. Seller expressly agrees that all data provided by a Seller to GSA for purposes of listing Seller's Product(s) for Auction or "Buy it Now" listing through consignment, may be utilized by GSA for purposes of marketing, promotion, and advertising GSA and/or Services, Sites, Auctions, and "Buy it Now" listings. By accepting these Terms, you further consent to being contacted by GSA in the future via phone and email. In conformity with "do-not-call" regulations promulgated by federal and/or state regulatory agencies, your utilization of GSA's Services and/or Sites and/or participation in a GSA Auction or "Buy it Now" sale, is affirmative consent to being contacted at the phone number and email address provided in your Seller or Bidder registration application and this consent shall remain in effect until it is revoked in writing. GSA may from time to time contact you concerning sale, purchase and/or auction opportunities available through GSA and its affiliates. e. AUCTION DATES AND TIMES. Auction dates and times are set by GSA and/or the Seller and are subject to change without notice. f. CONTACT INFORMATION. Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, or if you desire to contact GSA for any reason, please email at info@bidgoldstandard.com or call GSA at (972)800-6456. Last Updated 15 August 2023 Gold Standard Auctions, LLC GOLD STANDARD AUCTIONS, LLC CONSIGNMENT AGREEMENT 1. Consignment: All consignments are subject to Gold Standard Auctions, LLC's, its affiliates and subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively referred to as "GSA"), Auction and "Buy it Now" Terms and Conditions and Seller Terms and Conditions, as posted on date of this Agreement, and as hereinafter amended. By executing this Consignment Agreement (the "Agreement"), Consignor affirmatively represents that he/she/it owns all unincumbered right and title to the consigned property and hereby grants GSA the exclusive right to sell his/her/its consigned property on GSA's ("consigned property") auction website(s). GSA, in its sole discretion, will decide in which auction or "Buy it Now" listing the consigned property will be auctioned/sold. GSA, in its sole discretion, may divide or combine the consigned property into one or more separate lots. GSA will not incur any liability for any alleged damage or loss arising from the postponement or cancellation of any auction or "Buy it Now" listing for any reason. GSA is not responsible for items left with the auction gallery that do not appear on a consigned property receipt issued by GSA. Any items left with GSA that do not appear on a consigned property receipt are to be removed from GSA's premises or the Consignor will be charged storage fees, deductible from future sales proceeds. All claims of Consignor against GSA for such items are hereby waived. 2. Commissions: Consignor agrees to pay GSA a commission of ten percent (10%) of the total hammer price for the consigned property, to be deducted prior to disbursement of any sales proceeds to Consignor. Said commission rate is subject to change via Agreement amendment and the applicable commission rate at the time the hammer is struck on the sale of a consigned item shall apply. 3. Reserves (minimums): Reasonable reserves may be agreed upon by GSA and Consignor on certain consigned property. Reserves, if any, must be agreed upon, in writing, prior to Consigner transferring, or granting to GSA the right to sell, consigned property, and said reserve cannot be increased after the transfer. 4. 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Photography/Video: GSA reserves the right to photograph and/or video any consigned property and use those photographs and/or videos in any auction, "Buy it Now" listing, sale, promotion or advertisement. 6. Payments: After payment from the buyers for consigned products clear's GSA's account, GSA will mail or electronically transfer the sales proceeds to the Consignor, net of all commissions, insurance and costs, within thirty (30) days after the payment clears GSA's account, together with an accounting thereof. Said payment to Consignor is conditioned upon receipt of payment in full by the buyer(s) for the consigned product(s). 7. Claims by buyers and Indemnity: If, within forty-five (45) days from the auction close, the buyer of any consigned property demonstrates to GSA's satisfaction that the consigned property purchased is not authentic or is materially different from its catalogue description or other GSA listing, GSA may, in its sole discretion, delay payment to the Consignor (if not yet paid to the Consignor), rescind the sale, and refund the full purchase price to that buyer. If the Consignor has been paid, Consignor will remit to GSA the proceeds previously received for the rescinded sale within five (5) days of being notified of said rescinded sale. Any amounts not promptly returned will bear interest at the highest rate allowed by law. Further, Consignor agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless GSA and its owners, members, managers, employees, officers, agents, attorneys and representatives (collectively the "Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all demands, claims, causes of action, damages, costs, fees, or other liability (including reasonable attorney's fees) arising out of or resulting from the listing and/or sale of any items of Consignor's consigned property which are not authentic, counterfeit, materially altered, or materially different from their provided description. 8. Warranties by Consignor: Consignor represents and warrants that he/she/it is the owner of the consigned property and has the legal right to consign the property for sale; that there is not, nor will there be, any claim, lien or encumbrance against the consigned property for any reason, and that all such consigned property is genuine and authentic. 9. Indemnification by Consignor: In addition to the aforementioned, Consignor agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless GSA and the Indemnified Parties against all demands, claims, causes of action, damages, costs, fees, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees arising from the actual or claimed breach of any of the Consignor's warranties or representations herein, which shall survive the completion of a sale of consigned property. 10. Nonpayment by purchaser: GSA is not obliged to legally pursue or enforce payment by any buyer of consigned property. If GSA does not receive the payment by the purchaser within thirty (30) days of sale, GSA may, in its sole discretion, cancel the sale and resell or return the consigned property to the Consignor. The parties to this Agreement understand, acknowledge and agree that GSA is under no obligation to remit any payment to Consignor if GSA does not receive payment from the winning bidder/buyer of the consigned property. 11. 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Listing Information
Gold Standard Auctions is offering this Apr 23rd - 27th Memphis Minerva Coin Auction. This auction features currency, foreign coinage, and a US coin collection full of desirable pieces for everyone. This auction will contain some of the NICEST KNOWN coins from Half Cent to Early Gold, including collectible Early Copper, Silver & Gold Coins, FRESH GEM BU Key Date Morgan's, BUST HALF DOLLAR COLLECTION, Modern Bullion pieces. Key Date U.S. Paper Money, Colonial & Confederate tender. Don't miss an opportunity to own a part of this lifetime estate from one of the sharpest collections in Texas! All auctions start at $5.00 so make sure you get your bidding early. Please email or call us if you have any questions. Thank you for viewing our auction and we look forward to serving you as a valued Gold Standard Auctions customer!

1892-S Morgan Silver Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatic enthusiasts, and connoisseurs of history, it is our privilege to present a truly exceptional piece of American coinage: the illustrious 1892-S Morgan Silver Dollar, a sterling example of craftsmanship, history, and ra...

1853 No Motto $10 Gold Eagle
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatic connoisseurs and enthusiasts alike, allow me to present a truly magnificent piece of American history: the 1853 No Motto $10 Gold Eagle. **The Coin: A Testament to Mid-19th Century America** This 1853 $10 Gold Eagle i...

1811/10 Capped Bust Half Dollar
Step into the rich tapestry of early American numismatics with the illustrious 1811/10 Capped Bust Half Dollar, an extraordinary piece that enchants collectors with its unique overdate characteristic. Known affectionately in numismatic circles as the...

1837 $5 Gold Half Eagle
Step into the captivating era of early American numismatics with the highly sought-after 1837 $5 Gold Half Eagle, a remarkable piece from the pre-Civil War period that embodies the rich tapestry of U.S. history and artistry. This exceptional coin, mi...

1858 Seated Liberty Half Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and history enthusiasts, prepare to be captivated by a coin that embodies the elegance and artistry of 19th-century America: the 1858 Seated Liberty Half Dollar. This numismatic treasure is not merely a piece of cu...

1907 $10 Gold Eagle
**1907 $10 Gold Eagle: A Timeless Treasure of American Numismatics** Step into the intriguing world of early 20th-century American coinage with this exquisite 1907 $10 Gold Eagle. This magnificent piece is more than just a coin; it�s a testament...

1872-S Seated Liberty Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatic enthusiasts, and connoisseurs of American history, we are thrilled to offer an extraordinary piece of numismatic art: the 1872-S Seated Liberty Dollar. This exquisite coin is not merely a representation of currency, b...

1894-O $10 Gold Eagle
Step right up to behold a remarkable piece of numismatic history�an 1894-O $10 Gold Eagle. Hailing from the distinguished New Orleans Mint, this exquisite coin showcases the beauty and elegance synonymous with the classic American gold pieces of...

1846-O Seated Liberty Dollar
**1846-O Seated Liberty Dollar: A Jewel of the Antebellum South** Step into the rich tapestry of American history with this exceptional 1846-O Seated Liberty Dollar, a stellar relic from the pre-Civil War era that captures a pivotal moment in the nat...

1838 $5 Gold Half Eagle
Step into a pivotal moment in American numismatic history with this remarkable 1838 $5 Gold Half Eagle, a gleaming example of a coin that captures the spirit of the burgeoning United States. Minted at a time when the nation was continuing its westwar...

1895-S Morgan Silver Dollar
Step into a world of numismatic excellence with the 1895-S Morgan Silver Dollar, one of the most coveted gems in the panorama of American coinage. Known for its rarity and allure, this distinguished coin was struck at the renowned San Francisco Mint,...

1851 No Motto $10 Gold Eagle
Step right up to the electrifying opportunity to own a true piece of American history � the illustrious 1851 No Motto $10 Gold Eagle, a shining exemplar of numismatic beauty and historical resonance. This exquisite gold coin, minted over 170 yea...

1901 Morgan Silver Dollar
Presenting a timeless treasure for the discerning collector: the 1901 Morgan Silver Dollar, a radiant piece of American numismatic history. Struck in the prestigious Philadelphia Mint, this coin epitomizes the beauty and allure of the American West d...

1839-C $5 Gold Half Eagle
**1839-C $5 Gold Half Eagle: A Numismatic Treasure from the Charlotte Mint** Prepare to captivate fellow collectors and numismatic enthusiasts with the acquisition of a truly exquisite piece of American history: the 1839-C $5 Gold Half Eagle. This en...

1840 Seated Liberty Dollar
Step into the pages of American history with the exquisite 1840 Seated Liberty Dollar, a true numismatic treasure that marks the dawn of a new era in U.S. coinage artistry. Here�s your chance to own a piece of Americana, a coin that embodies bot...

1873 $5 Gold Half Eagle
**Discover a Rare Gem: The 1873 $5 Gold Half Eagle** **Description:** Step into the captivating world of 19th-century American coinage with the remarkable 1873 $5 Gold Half Eagle. Imbued with historical significance and exquisite design, this coin is...

1901 Morgan Silver Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and collectors, prepare to be captivated by a true gem of American history: the illustrious 1901 Morgan Silver Dollar. This particular coin is not merely a testament to the era it hails from but a genuine artifact ...

1856 $20 Gold Double Eagle
Step into a pivotal chapter of American numismatic history with the 1856 $20 Gold Double Eagle, a remarkable artifact that embodies the economic optimism and transformative spirit of mid-19th century America. This exquisite coin, minted barely eight ...

1859 Silver Half Dollar Pattern Coin
**Auction Highlight: 1859 Silver Half Dollar Pattern Coin** Step into the pages of American numismatic history with this exquisite 1859 Silver Half Dollar Pattern Coin, a tangible treasure that embodies the innovative spirit of 19th-century minting. ...

1891-CC $5 Gold Half Eagle
Step right up, numismatic connoisseurs and history aficionados, to an extraordinary opportunity to acquire a true piece of American financial heritage: the 1891-CC $5 Gold Half Eagle. This exquisite coin, minted at the storied Carson City Mint, offer...

1923-S Buffalo Nickel
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and collectors of historic treasures, we are thrilled to present to you an exceptional piece of American numismatic history: the distinguished 1923-S Buffalo Nickel. This captivating coin, minted at the legendary S...

1840-C $5 Gold Half Eagle
**Exceptional 1840-C $5 Gold Half Eagle: A Jewel of Antebellum Americana** Step into a captivating chapter of American numismatic history with the 1840-C $5 Gold Half Eagle, a dazzling relic from the dawn of the Charlotte Mint era. With its rich hist...

1909-S VDB Wheat Cent
Step into the riveting world of American numismatics with an opportunity to own one of the most iconic and sought-after pieces in U.S. coin history: the 1909-S VDB Wheat Cent. This particular coin stands as a cornerstone for collectors, revered both ...

1856-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle
**Auction Description: Rare and Historic 1856-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle** Step into the captivating world of 19th-century American numismatics with this illustrious 1856-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle, a profound treasure from the heart of New Orleans. ...

1877 Indian Head Cent
Step into the captivating world of numismatics with one of the most illustrious coins in American history: the 1877 Indian Head Cent. Regarded as a crown jewel for seasoned collectors, this coin epitomizes an era of American transformation and posses...

1893-O $5 Gold Half Eagle
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and history enthusiasts alike, prepare yourselves for an extraordinary opportunity to own a piece of American history. Up for auction is the coveted 1893-O $5 Gold Half Eagle, a numismatic treasure that embodies th...

1934-S Silver Peace Dollar
Step into a captivating era of American numismatic history with the illustrious 1934-S Silver Peace Dollar, an emblematic testament to a nation�s quest for tranquility following the Great War. This coin�s allure transcends its monetary wort...

1907 $10 Gold Eagle
**1907 $10 Gold Eagle: A Masterpiece of American Numismatic Artistry** Step into the illustrious world of American numismatics with the magnificent 1907 $10 Gold Eagle, a true symbol of the nation�s historical and artistic heritage. This exquisi...

1894/94 Indian Head Cent
**Discover the Remarkable 1894/94 Indian Head Cent: A Collector's Dream** Esteemed numismatists and passionate coin collectors, brace yourselves for a truly extraordinary opportunity to acquire a piece of American history with this rare 1894/94 India...

1875-CC $20 Gold Double Eagle
- **Auction Title: Distinguished Legacy of the Wild West: 1875-CC $20 Gold Double Eagle** Step into the vibrant and tumultuous era of the American West with this exquisite 1875-CC $20 Gold Double Eagle, a remarkable relic minted at the legendary Cars...

1800/79 Draped Bust Large Cent
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and history enthusiasts, allow us to present an extraordinary opportunity to acquire a piece of early American history�a captivating 1800/79 Draped Bust Large Cent. This remarkable specimen, steeped in history...

1911-D $10 Gold Eagle
Step right up to an extraordinary opportunity to own a remarkable piece of American numismatic history�the 1911-D $10 Gold Eagle, a treasure hailing from the prestigious Denver Mint. This exquisite coin is a testament to the golden era of coinag...

1909-S VDB Wheat Cent
**Exquisite 1909-S VDB Wheat Cent: A Pinnacle of Numismatic Rarity** Step into the world of numismatic treasures with the illustrious 1909-S VDB Wheat Cent, a coin that represents both the genesis and pinnacle of American coin collecting. This superb...

1855-O Rare Gold Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatics enthusiasts, and collectors of exquisite treasures, we are thrilled to present to you an exceptional opportunity to own a highly sought-after piece of American history: the 1855-O Rare Gold Dollar. This coin stands a...

1798 Draped Bust Dollar
Ladies and Gentlemen, numismatic aficionados, and collectors of extraordinary American history, seize the opportunity to acquire a truly remarkable piece of numismatic artistry�the 1798 Draped Bust Dollar. This emblem of American heritage embodi...

1883 $3 Gold Piece
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatic enthusiasts, and discerning collectors, prepare to be captivated by a truly exquisite offering: the illustrious 1883 $3 Gold Piece. This exceptional numismatic treasure represents an era of American history woven with...

1904-S Morgan Silver Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and dedicated collectors, we are thrilled to present an exceptional offering�a captivating 1904-S Morgan Silver Dollar, a true piece of American numismatic history that emanates both historical significance an...

1849 $10 Gold Eagle
Ladies and gentlemen, we are thrilled to present to you an extraordinary opportunity to own a piece of American numismatic history: the 1849 $10 Gold Eagle. This stunning coin isn't just a marvel of minting artistry but an emblem of a transformative ...

1934-S Silver Peace Dollar
**1934-S Silver Peace Dollar: A Beacon from a Historic Era** Ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes on a truly remarkable piece of numismatic history�the 1934-S Silver Peace Dollar. Encapsulating the post-war optimism and artistic ingenuity of th...

1847 $5 Gold Half Eagle
**1847 $5 Gold Half Eagle: A Gleaming Testament to American Heritage** Step into the pages of American history with the exceptional 1847 $5 Gold Half Eagle, a captivating coin that holds a special place in numismatic lore. This brilliant piece of Ame...

1903-S Morgan Silver Dollar
**1903-S Morgan Silver Dollar: A Rare Gem from the Golden Gate City** Step into the rich tapestry of American history with the exquisite 1903-S Morgan Silver Dollar, a coin that combines artistry, rarity, and allure, presenting a must-have addition f...

1880 $3 Gold Piece
Step right into the world of numismatic marvels with the illustrious 1880 $3 Gold Piece�an eye-catching testament to the artistry and history of American coinage. This particular coin is not just a relic of a fascinating era, but a coveted jewel...

1847 Kingdom of Hawaii Large Cent
Ladies and gentlemen, we present an extraordinary opportunity to acquire a rare piece of numismatic history: the illustrious 1847 Kingdom of Hawaii Large Cent. This coin represents an evocative chapter in the islands� rich heritage and offers co...

1855 $20 Gold Double Eagle
**1855 $20 Gold Double Eagle** Step into a bygone era with an extraordinary numismatic treasure�the 1855 $20 Gold Double Eagle. This captivating coin is not only a magnificent testament to mid-19th century American minting but also a coveted gem...

1919-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
Step into the rich tapestry of American numismatic history with this exceptional 1919-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar, a treasure for any avid collector or history enthusiast. Struck at the prestigious San Francisco Mint, this coin offers not only a gl...

1854 $5 Gold Half Eagle
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and history enthusiasts, presenting a remarkable piece of American history: the highly coveted 1854 $5 Gold Half Eagle. A stellar representation of the rich tapestry of the United States' numismatic journey, this c...

1921 Standing Liberty Quarter
Step into a pivotal era of American coinage with the illustrious 1921 Standing Liberty Quarter. This exceptional piece is much more than a silver coin; it is a testament to the roaring twenties' art, ambition, and elegance. Designed by famed sculptor...

1857-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle
**1857-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle: A Rare New Orleans Gem** Step into a golden era of American history with the captivating 1857-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle, a remarkable relic minted in the storied New Orleans Mint. Known for striking relatively low ...

1866-S Seated Liberty Half Dollar
Step into history with this remarkable piece of numismatic artistry: the 1866-S Seated Liberty Half Dollar. With its classic elegance and rich historical significance, this coin captures the imagination of both seasoned collectors and history enthusi...

1893-O $10 Gold Eagle
**1893-O $10 Gold Eagle: A Numismatic Gem with Historical Significance** Step into the captivating world of American numismatics with the 1893-O $10 Gold Eagle, a treasure from the pages of history that embodies the artistry and spirit of a bygone er...

1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar
Step into the captivating world of numismatics with the remarkable 1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar, a true testament to American history and exquisite artistry. This exceptional coin, struck at the prestigious San Francisco Mint, holds significant histor...

1842-O $10 Gold Eagle
Step into the rich tapestry of American numismatic history with the acquisition of the 1842-O $10 Gold Eagle, a coin that carries with it the legacy of the early New Orleans Mint and the allure of the antebellum South. This stunning piece is not only...

1877-CC Silver Trade Dollar
**Presenting the Exquisite 1877-CC Silver Trade Dollar** Step into the captivating world of numismatic history with the acquisition of the illustrious 1877-CC Silver Trade Dollar, a symbol of America�s economic aspirations and minting artistry i...

1807 $5 Gold Half Eagle
Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of American numismatic history with an exquisite 1807 $5 Gold Half Eagle. This exceptional specimen is not just a mere coin; it is a storied artifact from the earliest days of Ame...

1805 Draped Bust Half Dollar
Step into the world of early American history with a numismatic treasure: the 1805 Draped Bust Half Dollar. This incredible coin offers more than just intrinsic value; it embodies the spirit of a burgeoning nation, capturing an era of transformation ...

1859 $5 Gold Half Eagle
**Exceptional 1859 $5 Gold Half Eagle: A Testament to Numismatic History** Step into the captivating world of 19th-century American numismatics with this remarkable piece: the 1859 $5 Gold Half Eagle. This coin is not just a piece of currency; it's a...

1879-CC Morgan Silver Dollar
Step into the captivating world of numismatics with the 1879-CC Morgan Silver Dollar, a remarkable specimen that offers far more than its intrinsic silver value. This highly sought-after coin not only epitomizes the elegance of late 19th-century Amer...

1859-S $20 Gold Double Eagle
**An Exceptional Opportunity: 1859-S $20 Gold Double Eagle** Step into a rich tapestry of American history with this exquisite 1859-S $20 Gold Double Eagle, a numismatic masterpiece that embodies the pioneering spirit of the West and the golden dream...

1893-O Morgan Silver Dollar
Step into the illustrious world of numismatics with the striking 1893-O Morgan Silver Dollar, a prized gem that beckons to both seasoned collectors and enthusiasts alike. Created during a transitional time in American history, this coin encapsulates ...

1844 No Motto $5 Gold Half Eagle
Step into numismatic history with the magnificent 1844 No Motto $5 Gold Half Eagle, a truly captivating piece from a remarkable era of American coinage. This coin stands as an illustrious example of pre-Civil War minting excellence, one of the pivota...

1895-O Morgan Silver Dollar
### Auction Description: Exquisite 1895-O Morgan Silver Dollar Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to seize one of the crown jewels of American numismatics�the illustrious 1895-O Morgan Silver Dollar, a coin that has captivated collectors and historia...

1846 $5 Gold Half Eagle
Step into history with the exceptional 1846 $5 Gold Half Eagle, a treasure from the annals of American numismatics that jubilates both artistry and history. This exquisite coin is an embodiment of the antebellum United States, a period teeming with c...

1955/55 DDO Wheat Cent
Step into the fascinating world of numismatic history with the legendary 1955/55 Double Die Obverse (DDO) Wheat Cent, a crown jewel of mid-20th-century American coinage. This extraordinary coin represents a unique moment in minting history and is a m...

1862 $3 Gold Piece
Step into the illustrious world of numismatics with this exceptional 1862 $3 Gold Piece, a gem that captures a fascinating blend of history, artistry, and rarity. This coin is an epitome of American craftsmanship and holds an intrinsically significan...

1872 Indian Head Cent
**Exquisite 1872 Indian Head Cent: A Jewel for Discerning Collectors** Step into a piece of American history with this exceptional 1872 Indian Head Cent, a true gem for any coin enthusiast. This captivating coin, minted at a time when the nation was ...

1851-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and investors, prepare to be captivated by a spectacular offering�a prominent piece of American numismatic history: the 1851-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle. This is more than just a coin; it is a tangible relic fr...

1873-CC Silver Trade Dollar
Step into the captivating world of 19th-century American numismatics with a gem that whispers tales of the Old West: the 1873-CC Silver Trade Dollar. Struck at the legendary Carson City Mint, this coin is not only a testament to the United States' am...

1845-O $10 Gold Eagle
Presenting a remarkable opportunity for numismatists and collectors alike�an exquisite 1845-O $10 Gold Eagle. This coin, minted at the renowned New Orleans Mint, is a masterpiece of 19th-century American coinage and a true testament to the rich ...

1840-O Seated Liberty Half Dime
Step into the vibrant tapestry of American numismatic history with an exceptional offering: the 1840-O Seated Liberty Half Dime. This captivating piece is a testament not only to the artistry of its era but also to the industrious spirit of early New...

1843-O Sm Date $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle
Presenting an exquisite numismatic treasure for discerning collectors: the 1843-O Small Date $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle. This remarkable coin is not only a beautiful example of mid-19th-century American minting but also a significant piece of New Orlea...

1810/09 S-281 Classic Head Large Cent
Step right up to the fascinating world of early American numismatics with the remarkable 1810/09 S-281 Classic Head Large Cent, an esteemed artifact that bridges the past with captivating artistry and complexity. This isn�t just any coin�it...

1861 New Reverse Civil War $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagl
Ladies and gentlemen, we are thrilled to present a truly remarkable piece that embodies a critical junction in American history�a dazzling 1861 New Reverse Civil War $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle. This exceptional coin isn�t just a dazzling arti...

1921-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and collectors, prepare to be captivated by an exceptional piece of history: the 1921-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar, a treasure minted at the illustrious San Francisco Mint. This coin is not merely a monetary instr...

1855 Rare Gold Dollar
**1855 Rare Gold Dollar: A Gem of Numismatic History** Step into the fascinating world of mid-19th century American coinage with the exceptionally rare and beautifully preserved 1855 Gold Dollar. This exquisite piece, minted at the height of the Cali...

1852 $20 Gold Double Eagle
**Exquisite 1852 $20 Gold Double Eagle: A Glorious Piece of American Numismatic History** Step into the world of 19th-century American finance with the illustrious 1852 $20 Gold Double Eagle. This remarkable coin is not just a splendid artifact of go...

1893 Morgan Silver Dollar
**Exquisite 1893 Morgan Silver Dollar � A Coveted Relic from Numismatic History** Step back into the fascinating realm of 19th-century American coinage with the scintillating 1893 Morgan Silver Dollar, a true gem that embodies both historical si...

1854 $3 Gold Piece
**1854 $3 Gold Piece: A Rare Gem of American Numismatics** Step into the pages of American history with this exquisite 1854 $3 Gold Piece, a shining testament to the elegance and vision of mid-19th century United States coinage. This extraordinary pi...

1893-CC Morgan Silver Dollar
**Opening Bid: An Invitation to Own a Piece of History** **Coin Details:** - **Type:** Morgan Silver Dollar - **Year:** 1893-CC - **Mint:** Carson City - **Metal Content:** 90% Silver, 10% Copper - **Diameter:** 38.1 mm - **Weight:** 26.73 grams **Co...

1916-D Mercury Dime
Up for bid is an iconic piece of numismatic history: the revered 1916-D Mercury Dime, a cornerstone in any serious coin collection. Minted at the Denver Mint, this particular dime is among the most sought-after coins of the 20th century due to its hi...

1855 $10 Gold Eagle
Up for auction is a truly remarkable piece of American numismatic history: the 1855 $10 Gold Eagle. This coin is a testament to the artistry and craftsmanship of mid-19th century minting, offering collectors a tangible connection to the economic and ...

(1860) John Waterhouse Hawaii Token
**(1860) John Waterhouse Hawaii Token: A Nineteenth-Century Numismatic Treasure** Step into the fascinating world of 19th-century Hawaii with this exceedingly rare and historically significant John Waterhouse Hawaii Token, a compelling artifact from ...

1894 Morgan Silver Dollar
**1894 Morgan Silver Dollar: A Numismatic Treasure Awaits** Step into the enchanting world of numismatics with the acquisition of an 1894 Morgan Silver Dollar, a remarkable specimen from an enigmatic year. This illustrious piece is more than just a c...

1955/55 DDO Wheat Cent
Step into numismatic history with the legendary 1955/55 Doubled Die Obverse (DDO) Wheat Cent, a true icon among coin enthusiasts. This captivating piece represents a pivotal moment in the world of minting anomalies, offering both seasoned collectors ...

1909-S VDB Wheat Cent
**Introducing a Numismatic Treasure: The 1909-S VDB Wheat Cent** Step into a world of rich history and numismatic prestige with the storied 1909-S VDB Wheat Cent. This exceptional coin is not only a cornerstone piece for any astute collector but also...

1893 Morgan Silver Dollar
**Auction Description: Exquisite 1893 Morgan Silver Dollar** Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to embark on a journey back to the captivating days of American history with a coin that stands as a testament to craftsmanship and heritage�the illustrio...

1912-S $10 Gold Eagle
Ladies and Gentlemen, numismatists, and history enthusiasts alike, prepare to be captivated by a truly exceptional specimen that embodies the pioneering spirit of early 20th-century America�presenting the 1912-S $10 Gold Eagle! This remarkable c...

1894 Morgan Silver Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and collectors of extraordinary pieces of history, allow yourself to be captivated by the allure of one of America's most cherished coins: the majestic 1894 Morgan Silver Dollar. A cornerstone of numismatic excelle...

1916-D Mercury Dime
Ladies and Gentlemen, numismatists and history enthusiasts alike, prepare yourselves for an exceptional offering that embodies the artistry and scarcity craved by collectors worldwide: the 1916-D Mercury Dime. This piece is not merely a coin; it is a...

1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar
**1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar: A Rare Gem of Numismatic History** Prepare to elevate your collection with one of America's most cherished numismatic treasures: the 1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar. Struck at the illustrious San Francisco Mint, this coin n...

1909-S VDB Wheat Cent
**1909-S VDB Wheat Cent: A Numismatic Legend** Step into the rich tapestry of American numismatics with this exquisite 1909-S VDB Wheat Cent, a paramount piece of numismatic history and a treasure for any discerning collector. Minted at the renowned ...

1911-S $5 Gold Half Eagle
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and passionate collectors, prepare to be captivated by an extraordinary opportunity�a chance to own a remarkable piece of American history that embodies both artistry and gold allure: the 1911-S $5 Gold Half E...

1845-O Seated Liberty Dime
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and connoisseurs of historical treasures, we are thrilled to present a remarkable piece of American numismatic history: the 1845-O Seated Liberty Dime. This exquisite coin not only represents a significant era in U...

1910-S $10 Gold Eagle
**1910-S $10 Gold Eagle: A Numismatic Treasure from the Golden West** Step into the heart of American history with the 1910-S $10 Gold Eagle, a dazzling piece of numismatic artistry and historical significance. Struck at the illustrious San Francisco...

1834 $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle
Step into the vibrant tapestry of early American history with an exceptional offering: the 1834 $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle. This extraordinary specimen from the Capped Bust series represents a pivotal moment in U.S. numismatics and American culture, cr...

1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to elevate your numismatic collection with an exceptional piece of American history�an 1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar, a glittering gem from the storied San Francisco Mint. This coin embodies the timeless elegance and ...

1851-O $10 Gold Eagle
Step into the captivating world of numismatics with the remarkable 1851-O $10 Gold Eagle, a coin that speaks of a bygone era and carries the allure of the Old South. Minted in New Orleans�a city known for its vibrant history and cultural fusion�...

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April 23rd - 27th Memphis Minerva Coin Auction

Gold Standard Auctions

Gold Standard Auctions

Sale Location
Dallas, TX 75234
Full Address Available after 9 am
on Tuesday, Apr 22
Sale Dates and Times
Wednesday Apr 23,
Sunday Apr 27,
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GOLD STANDARD AUCTIONS, LLC BIDDER TERMS & CONDITIONS These Bidder Terms & Conditions (these "Bidder Terms") govern your access to, and use of, Gold Standard Auctions, LLC's ("GSA") "Services" (as defined in the GSA Auction and "Buy it Now" Terms and Conditions, hereinafter the "GSA Terms") as a Bidder, whether it be via GSA Auction or "Buy it Now" listing. The Services can be accessed through GSA's websites - www.goldstandard.com and www.goldstandardauctions.hibid.com (hereinafter the "Sites"). These Bidder Terms, shall be incorporated into the GSA Auction and "Buy it Now" Terms and Conditions posted on the aforementioned websites, and are herein collectively referred to as the "Terms." 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Last Updated 15 August 2023 Gold Standard Auctions, LLC GOLD STANDARD AUCTIONS, LLC AUCTION AND "BUY IT NOW" TERMS AND CONDITIONS These Auction and "Buy it Now" Terms and Conditions (hereinafter the "Agreement" or "Terms") constitute a legally binding agreement between you (either an individual or an entity) and Gold Standard Auctions, LLC, its affiliate(s) and subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively referred to as "GSA") regarding the use of its websites - www.bidgoldstandard.com and www.goldstandardauctions.hibid.com (hereinafter the "Site" or "Sites"), its auction services, and "Buy it Now" retail services. By utilizing the GSA Site(s) and/or Services (defined below), you understand, acknowledge and agree that you are legally bound by the terms and conditions set forth herein (and as hereafter amended): 1. ACCEPTANCE OF LEGALLY BINDING TERMS. 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If you are the winning Bidder and do not pay your invoice or make plans to pay for your invoice within seven (7) days of the sale date, you will be charged a restocking fee of twenty-five percent (25%) of your invoice total. Additionally, you will be banned from all future GSA Auctions and "Buy it Now" listings as a Bidder or Siller. GSA is not liable for any errors made while operating the technology used to host or bid on online auctions. 8. "AS IS" / WHERE IS SALE. ALL PRODUCTS ARE SOLD "AS IS", WHERE IS. Descriptions are given to Products, but Bidders expressly agree that they are not relying on such description, but instead will base all decisions to bid based exclusively on Bidder's examination of the listing's Product photographs. If any item is removed from its holder, the Bidder waives all rights to asserts any claims or demands concerning that item and lot and waive any right to retain that item or lot. 9. PAYMENT. 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Alternatively, GSA at its sole option, may charge Bidder a twenty-five percent (25%) fee based on the Product's purchase price or pursue collection of the full amount of the winning/"Buy It Now" bid from the Bidder adding interest at the highest rate allowed by law and reasonable attorneys' fees. If payment is not received by GSA within thirty (30) days of the winning/"Buy It Now" bid, GSA may resell the items, applying any net proceeds to the amount(s) owed by the Bidder. In either case, GSA may offset the amount of its claim against any monies owing to the Bidder and secure its claim against any of the Bidder's property held by GSA. b. PAYMENT METHODS. GSA and Sellers utilizing GSA's auction and/or "Buy it Now" Services agree to accept the following exclusive forms of payment for Products and related costs/fees: i. Cash: United States Currency ii. 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If any Auction or "Buy it Now" invoice submitted by GSA to Bidder is not paid in full when due, the unpaid balance will bear interest at the highest rate permitted by law from the date of invoice until paid. Any invoice not paid when due will bear a three percent (3%) late fee on the invoice amount. If GSA refers any invoice to an attorney or third-party for collection, Bidder agrees to pay GSA's reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, and other collection costs incurred by GSA. In the event the Bidder fails to pay any amounts due, Bidder authorizes GSA to charge the Bidder's credit card on file with GSA in the amount required to pay the invoice in full (plus the applicable surcharge) or sell the Product(s) securing the invoice to any underbidders in the Auction that the Product(s) appeared, or at subsequent private or public sale, or relist the Product(s) in a future Auction or "Buy it Now" listing by GSA. A defaulting Bidder agrees that all items may be resold by GSA thirty (30) days after the invoice date, and agrees to pay for the reasonable costs for resale (including, but not limited to, a 15% seller's commission, if consigned to an Auction conducted by GSA). The defaulting Bidder is liable to pay any difference between the total original invoice for the Product(s) if sold at a private sale or the subsequent hammer price of the Product(s) less the 15% seller's commissions, if sold at GSA's Auction. Product title shall not pass to Bidder until all invoices are paid in full. GSA shall have a lien against the merchandise purchased by Bidder to secure payment of any and all outstanding invoices. GSA is further granted a lien and the right to retain possession of any other property of Bidder then held by GSA to secure payment of any invoice or any other amounts due to GSA from Bidder. With respect to these lien rights, GSA shall have all the rights of a secured creditor under Article 9 of the Texas Uniform Commercial Code, including, but not limited to, the right of sale (including a 15% seller's commission, if consigned to an Auction conducted by GSA). If the Bidder receives any Product, Bidder agrees to hold such item in trust until GSA is paid in full. Any GSA auction is deemed a reasonably commercial sale. In addition, with respect to payment of invoices, Bidder waives any and all rights to offset he/she/it might otherwise have against GSA and the consignor of the Product(s) included in the invoice. If Bidder owes GSA on any account, GSA shall have the right to offset such unpaid account by any credit balance due Bidder, and it may secure by possessory lien any unpaid amount by any of the Bidder's property in its possession. In the event the Bidder's payment is dishonored upon presentment, Bidder shall pay the maximum statutory processing fee set by applicable Texas state law, interest at the maximum rate allowed by law, and reasonable attorneys' fees. e. TAXES, DUTIES, AND CUSTOMS. Purchased Products may be subject to taxes, duties, customs and/or fees imposed by various domestic and/or foreign taxing authorities or governments. Bidder is solely responsible for payment of any and all such taxes, duties, customs and/or fees prior to delivery unless alternative arrangements are made in writing and pre-approved by GSA. Notice of compliance with Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) for the purchase of Product(s) made from protected species or wildlife. Any Product(s) made of or incorporating endangered or protected species or wildlife may have import and/or export restrictions established by CITES in various countries and domestically. Plant and animal properties included, but are not limited to, items made of (or including) Brazilian rosewood, ivory, whalebone, turtle shell, coral, crocodile, alligator, lizard, or other wildlife. These items may not be available to ship internationally or, in some cases, domestically. Domestic bans and restrictions exist in these states: (1) California state law prohibits the importation of any product containing python skin into the State of California, (2) Fossil Ivory is currently banned or restricted in 5 U.S. States: New York, New Jersey, California, Hawaii, and New Mexico. By placing an Auction bid or selecting a "Buy it Now" option, the Bidder acknowledges that he/she/it is aware of any and all restrictions in their country or place of residence and takes responsibility for: (1) obtaining all information on such restricted items for both export and import; (2) obtaining all such licenses and/or permits. 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By submitting a bid or selecting a "Buy it Now" purchase, the Seller and Bidder agree to GSA's shipping and handling policy and other charges, whether known or unknown to bidder at the time of bid. GSA does not personally transport or deliver Products unless in-person pick up at a secure location (not GSA's office) is pre-arranged by Bidder with GSA. Unless otherwise noted, GSA shall coordinate shipping of Products to successful Bidders through reputable third-party shipping service providers such as the United States Postal Service (USPS), United Parcel Service of America, Inc. (UPS), FedEx Corporate Services, Inc. (FedEx), Deutsche Post AG (DHL), or the like. GSA does not guarantee delivery of purchased Products by a specified date, or at all, due to reliance upon third-party shipping companies. While GSA implements commercially reasonable efforts to initiate shipping with third-party shippers within seventy-two (72) business hours of full and final payment, Bidder agrees that neither delivery of an item after the date desired or expected by Bidder, or loss of an item by a third-party delivery service, gives rise to grounds for a partial or complete refund or a credit card chargeback. Bidders understand, acknowledge and agree that once GSA turns over a purchased Product to a third-party shipper, Bidders' sole recourse for any alleged lost or delayed Product shall be directly through the third-party shipper and applicable its applicable insurance policy. Shipping & Handling fees shall be included in the successful Bidder's Product invoice. Shipping & Handling fees are subject to change. All deliveries are subject to GSA's receipt and clearance of good funds. 11. NO GUARANTEES OR WARRANTIES. NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS MADE OR IMPLIED ON ANY PRODUCT/LOT. NO WARRANTY, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PRODUCT/LOT EXCEPT FOR WARRANTY OF TITLE, AND IN THE CASE OF TITLE, GSA IS SELLING ONLY THAT RIGHT OR TITLE TO THE PRODUCT/LOT THAT THE SELLER OR CONSIGNOR MAY HAVE AS OF THE AUCTION OR "BUY IT NOW" SALE DATE. IF A PRODUCT/LOT IS BEING AUCTIONED OR SOLD THROUGH A "BUY IT NOW" SALE ON A CONSIGNMENT BASIS OR AS AN AUCTION ITEM, GSA DISCLAIMS AND MAKES NO WARRANTY OF TITLE AS SUCH PRODUCTS PURCHASED PASS DIRECTLY FROM THE SELLER/CONSIGNER TO SUCCESSFUL BIDDER. ALL PRODUCTS/LOTS ARE SOLD "AS IS", WHERE IS, AND WITH ALL FAULTS. NO WARRANTY, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED IS MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY DESCRIPTION, GRADE, OR PURPORTED VALUE CONTAINED IN ANY AUCTION OR "BUY IT NOW" LISTING. 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BIDDERS ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT AUCTIONEER IS NOT BOUND BY OR LIABLE FOR ANY OPINION OR CERTIFICATION BY ANY THIRD-PARTY GRADING SERVICE. REMOVAL OF A PRODUCT FROM ITS PROTECTIVE CASING OR HOLDER OR ALTERATION OF ANY COIN HOLDER WAIVES ALL RIGHTS CONCERNING THE PRODUCT CONTAINED THEREIN. GSA DOES NOT GUARANTEE OR COVENANT THE ACCURACY OF THE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION OR THAT THE IMAGES USED TO ILLUSTRATE PRODUCTS ARE CORRECT OR DO NOT VIOLATE TRADEMARKS OR COPYRIGHTS. GSA HAS NOT UNDERTAKEN ANY REVIEW OR DUE DILIGENCE WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THE GSA SITE AND PROVIDES NO GUARANTEES, COVENANTS, REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO SAID INFORMATION OR ITS ACCURACY. YOU AGREE YOU DO NOT RELY ON ANY WRITTEN DESCRIPTIONS, BUT WILL ONLY BID BASED ON EXAMINATION OF THE PRODUCT/LOT PHOTOGRAPHS POSTED IN CONNECTION WITH THE AUTION OR "BUY IT NOW" LISTING. You hereby acknowledge that the GSA Sites, the data entered into the Sites, and/or the Seller's auction or "Buy it Now" information may contain errors or inaccuracies. You understand, acknowledge and agree that the numismatic and precious metals markets are speculative, unregulated and volatile, and that coin, currency and precious metal values may rise or fall over time. GSA DOES NOT GUARANTEE OR REPRESENT THAT ANY BIDDER BUYER PRODUCTS FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES WILL BE ABLE TO SELL SAID PRODUCTS FOR A PROFIT IN THE FUTURE. You further understand, acknowledge and agree that neither GSA, nor its owners, members, employees, affiliates, agents, representatives, third-party providers, or consignors warrant that Auctions or "Buy it Now" listings will be unimpaired, uninterrupted or error free and accordingly shall not be liable for such events. 12. CREDIT CARD CHARGEBACKS PROHIBITED. The "Limited Returns" provision set forth herein below provides the limited availability and procedure for facilitating Product returns in specified situation. Absent the express eligibility and strict adherence to the procedures for facilitating a return (which must be preauthorized by GSA in writing), Bidders shall not be entitled to return Product(s), partial or full refunds, wire recalls, stop payments on checks or credit/debit cards, or the initiation of a chargeback claim with a Bidder's credit/debit card provider. BIDDER UNDERSTANDS, ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT THERE EXIST NO LEGAL BASIS FOR INITIATING A CHARGEBACK CLAIM FOR ANY PURCHASED PRODUCT, AND BIDDER SPECIFICALLY AGREES TO REFRAIN FROM THE FILING OF ANY SUCH CLAIM. In the event a Bidder does not receive a purchased Product within thirty (30) days of payment, or the Bidder takes issue with a Product's grading or condition, Bidder's only recourse shall be against the third-party shipping company's insurance and/or the appropriate grading service. 13. LIMITED RETURNS. The following terms shall govern the limited return policy available some Bidders for certain Product(s) under limited circumstances and only upon written pre-approval from a GSA authorized representative. a. No certified Product(s) may be returned because of possible difference of opinion with respect to the grade offered by any thirdparty organization, dealer or service. No guarantee of grade is offered for uncertified Product(s) sold and subsequently submitted to a third-party grading service. There are absolutely no exceptions to this policy. Bidder will solely rely upon the posted photographs of the Product/Lot, and agrees Bidder will not rely upon the written description. b. 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AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE AFOREMENTIONED THIRTY (30) DAY PERIOD, NO PRODUCTS MAY BE RETURNED FOR REASONS OTHER THAN AUTHENTICITY. IT IS WITHIN GSA'S SOLE DISCRETION TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE ALLEGED ERROR QUALIFIES FOR A PARTIAL, COMPLETE, OR NO REFUND (SUBJECT TO A 15% RESTOCKING FEE SET FORTH HEREIN). Returned Products must be housed intact in their unaltered original holders or packaging. Late remittance of payment for purchases may be considered just cause to revoke all return privileges. c. THREE (3) DAY RETURN POLICY. Certified Coin and Uncertified and Certified Currency lots paid for within seven (7) days of the auction or "Buy it Now" salemay be sold with three (3) day return privileges (only upon written pre-approval by GSA) unless otherwise noted in the description as "Sold As Is / No Return". You may return Product(s) under the following limited conditions with written pre-approval from GSA: (i) within three (3) days of receipt of the Product(s), you must first notify GSA by email (at info@bidgoldstandard.com) and telephone (972-800-6456), obtain written pre-approval via email, and immediately ship the return Product(s) in their original condition, fully insured, and housed in their original holder or packaging, to the attention of "GOLD STANDARD AUCTIONS, LLC - RETURNS, 13859 Diplomat Drive, #150, Dallas, TX 75234." Said return Product(s) must be in GSA's possession, custody and control within thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the Product(s) auction or such return privileges are revoked without further notice and the late Product will be shipped back to the Bidder at his/her/its sole expense. A non-negotiable restocking fee of fifteen percent (15%) of the purchase price ($10.00 per Product/lot minimum) will be deducted from the refund for each returned Product (or billed directly to the Bidder). Postage and handling, customs, and other fees are not refunded. After the three-day period (from Bidder's receipt), no Product(s) may be returned for any reason. Late remittance for purchases revokes all return privileges. d. Bidders who have inspected the Product(s) in-person prior to an auction or "Buy it Now" purchase, or bid through an agent, will not be granted any return privileges, except for reasons of authenticity. e. Coins sold referencing a third-party grading service are sold "AS IS" without any express or implied warranty, except for a guarantee by GSA that they are genuine. Removal or alteration of the holder, voids all of Bidder's claims concerning that Product. Certain warranties may be available from the grading services and Bidders are referred to them for further details: Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC), PO Box 4776, Sarasota, FL 34230, www.ngccoin.com/services/writtenguarantee.asp; Professional Coin Grading Services (PCGS), PO Box 9458, Newport Beach, CA 92658, www.pcgs.com/guarantee.html; ANACS, 6555 S. Kenton St., Ste. 303, Englewood, CO 80111; and Independent Coin Grading Co. (ICG), 7901 East Bellview, Ave., Suite 50, Englewood, CO 80111. f. Notes sold referencing a third-party grading service are sold "AS IS" without any express or implied warranty, except for guarantee by GSA that they are genuine. Grading, condition or other attributes of any Product may have a material effect on its value and the opinion of others, including third-party grading services such as PCGS Currency and PMG may differ with that of GSA. GSA shall not be bound by any prior or subsequent opinion, determination, or certification by any grading service. Bidders specifically waive any claim to right of return of any Product because of the opinion, determination, or certification, or lack thereof, by any grading service. Certain warranties may be available from the grading services and Bidders are referred to them for further details: Paper Money Guaranty (PMG), PO Box 4711, Sarasota, FL 34230; PCGS Currency, PO Box 10470, Peoria, IL 61612-0470; PCGS Gold Shield, PO Box 9458, Newport Beach, CA 92658. Third-party graded notes are not returnable for any reason whatsoever. g. Notes graded by PCGS Currency between February 4, 2009, and January 30, 2019, were graded and authenticated by K3B, Inc. under license from Collectors Universe, Inc. K3B, Inc., now operating as Legacy Currency Grading, has expressed in writing that notes graded under the license during this time period will still be covered by the full written guaranty of PCGS Currency. Warranties may be available from Collectors Universe, Inc. for PCGS Currency notes graded prior to February 4, 2009. h. Since GSA cannot examine encapsulated coins or notes, they are sold "AS IS" without GSA's grading opinion, and may not be returned for any reason. GSA shall not be liable for any patent or latent defect or controversy pertaining to or arising from any encapsulated Product. In any such instance, Bidder's remedy, if any, shall be solely against the service certifying the Product. i. Due to changing grading standards over time, differing interpretations, and to possible mishandling of Products by subsequent owners, GSA reserves the right to express an opinion as to an item's grade differently than shown on certificates from any grading service that accompany the Product, but shall have no obligation to do so. 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All non-certified coins and currency are guaranteed genuine, but are not guaranteed as to grade, since grading is a matter of opinion, an art and not a science, and therefore the description rendered by GSA or any third-party grading service may not agree with the opinion of others (including trained experts), and the same expert may not grade the same item with the same grade at two different times. GSA may, but is not obligated to, express an opinion as to non-certified numismatic items, in GSA's opinion, or by its employees' experience and the current interpretation of the American Numismatic Association's standards as of the date the catalog was prepared. There is no guarantee or warranty expressed or implied that the grading opinions utilized by GSA, if any, will meet the standards of any grading service at any time in the future. m. 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Listing Details
Gold Standard Auctions is offering this Apr 23rd - 27th Memphis Minerva Coin Auction. This auction features currency, foreign coinage, and a US coin collection full of desirable pieces for everyone. This auction will contain some of the NICEST KNOWN coins from Half Cent to Early Gold, including collectible Early Copper, Silver & Gold Coins, FRESH GEM BU Key Date Morgan's, BUST HALF DOLLAR COLLECTION, Modern Bullion pieces. Key Date U.S. Paper Money, Colonial & Confederate tender. Don't miss an opportunity to own a part of this lifetime estate from one of the sharpest collections in Texas! All auctions start at $5.00 so make sure you get your bidding early. Please email or call us if you have any questions. Thank you for viewing our auction and we look forward to serving you as a valued Gold Standard Auctions customer!

1892-S Morgan Silver Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatic enthusiasts, and connoisseurs of history, it is our privilege to present a truly exceptional piece of American coinage: the illustrious 1892-S Morgan Silver Dollar, a sterling example of craftsmanship, history, and ra...

1853 No Motto $10 Gold Eagle
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatic connoisseurs and enthusiasts alike, allow me to present a truly magnificent piece of American history: the 1853 No Motto $10 Gold Eagle. **The Coin: A Testament to Mid-19th Century America** This 1853 $10 Gold Eagle i...

1811/10 Capped Bust Half Dollar
Step into the rich tapestry of early American numismatics with the illustrious 1811/10 Capped Bust Half Dollar, an extraordinary piece that enchants collectors with its unique overdate characteristic. Known affectionately in numismatic circles as the...

1837 $5 Gold Half Eagle
Step into the captivating era of early American numismatics with the highly sought-after 1837 $5 Gold Half Eagle, a remarkable piece from the pre-Civil War period that embodies the rich tapestry of U.S. history and artistry. This exceptional coin, mi...

1858 Seated Liberty Half Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and history enthusiasts, prepare to be captivated by a coin that embodies the elegance and artistry of 19th-century America: the 1858 Seated Liberty Half Dollar. This numismatic treasure is not merely a piece of cu...

1907 $10 Gold Eagle
**1907 $10 Gold Eagle: A Timeless Treasure of American Numismatics** Step into the intriguing world of early 20th-century American coinage with this exquisite 1907 $10 Gold Eagle. This magnificent piece is more than just a coin; it�s a testament...

1872-S Seated Liberty Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatic enthusiasts, and connoisseurs of American history, we are thrilled to offer an extraordinary piece of numismatic art: the 1872-S Seated Liberty Dollar. This exquisite coin is not merely a representation of currency, b...

1894-O $10 Gold Eagle
Step right up to behold a remarkable piece of numismatic history�an 1894-O $10 Gold Eagle. Hailing from the distinguished New Orleans Mint, this exquisite coin showcases the beauty and elegance synonymous with the classic American gold pieces of...

1846-O Seated Liberty Dollar
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1838 $5 Gold Half Eagle
Step into a pivotal moment in American numismatic history with this remarkable 1838 $5 Gold Half Eagle, a gleaming example of a coin that captures the spirit of the burgeoning United States. Minted at a time when the nation was continuing its westwar...

1895-S Morgan Silver Dollar
Step into a world of numismatic excellence with the 1895-S Morgan Silver Dollar, one of the most coveted gems in the panorama of American coinage. Known for its rarity and allure, this distinguished coin was struck at the renowned San Francisco Mint,...

1851 No Motto $10 Gold Eagle
Step right up to the electrifying opportunity to own a true piece of American history � the illustrious 1851 No Motto $10 Gold Eagle, a shining exemplar of numismatic beauty and historical resonance. This exquisite gold coin, minted over 170 yea...

1901 Morgan Silver Dollar
Presenting a timeless treasure for the discerning collector: the 1901 Morgan Silver Dollar, a radiant piece of American numismatic history. Struck in the prestigious Philadelphia Mint, this coin epitomizes the beauty and allure of the American West d...

1839-C $5 Gold Half Eagle
**1839-C $5 Gold Half Eagle: A Numismatic Treasure from the Charlotte Mint** Prepare to captivate fellow collectors and numismatic enthusiasts with the acquisition of a truly exquisite piece of American history: the 1839-C $5 Gold Half Eagle. This en...

1840 Seated Liberty Dollar
Step into the pages of American history with the exquisite 1840 Seated Liberty Dollar, a true numismatic treasure that marks the dawn of a new era in U.S. coinage artistry. Here�s your chance to own a piece of Americana, a coin that embodies bot...

1873 $5 Gold Half Eagle
**Discover a Rare Gem: The 1873 $5 Gold Half Eagle** **Description:** Step into the captivating world of 19th-century American coinage with the remarkable 1873 $5 Gold Half Eagle. Imbued with historical significance and exquisite design, this coin is...

1901 Morgan Silver Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and collectors, prepare to be captivated by a true gem of American history: the illustrious 1901 Morgan Silver Dollar. This particular coin is not merely a testament to the era it hails from but a genuine artifact ...

1856 $20 Gold Double Eagle
Step into a pivotal chapter of American numismatic history with the 1856 $20 Gold Double Eagle, a remarkable artifact that embodies the economic optimism and transformative spirit of mid-19th century America. This exquisite coin, minted barely eight ...

1859 Silver Half Dollar Pattern Coin
**Auction Highlight: 1859 Silver Half Dollar Pattern Coin** Step into the pages of American numismatic history with this exquisite 1859 Silver Half Dollar Pattern Coin, a tangible treasure that embodies the innovative spirit of 19th-century minting. ...

1891-CC $5 Gold Half Eagle
Step right up, numismatic connoisseurs and history aficionados, to an extraordinary opportunity to acquire a true piece of American financial heritage: the 1891-CC $5 Gold Half Eagle. This exquisite coin, minted at the storied Carson City Mint, offer...

1923-S Buffalo Nickel
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and collectors of historic treasures, we are thrilled to present to you an exceptional piece of American numismatic history: the distinguished 1923-S Buffalo Nickel. This captivating coin, minted at the legendary S...

1840-C $5 Gold Half Eagle
**Exceptional 1840-C $5 Gold Half Eagle: A Jewel of Antebellum Americana** Step into a captivating chapter of American numismatic history with the 1840-C $5 Gold Half Eagle, a dazzling relic from the dawn of the Charlotte Mint era. With its rich hist...

1909-S VDB Wheat Cent
Step into the riveting world of American numismatics with an opportunity to own one of the most iconic and sought-after pieces in U.S. coin history: the 1909-S VDB Wheat Cent. This particular coin stands as a cornerstone for collectors, revered both ...

1856-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle
**Auction Description: Rare and Historic 1856-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle** Step into the captivating world of 19th-century American numismatics with this illustrious 1856-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle, a profound treasure from the heart of New Orleans. ...

1877 Indian Head Cent
Step into the captivating world of numismatics with one of the most illustrious coins in American history: the 1877 Indian Head Cent. Regarded as a crown jewel for seasoned collectors, this coin epitomizes an era of American transformation and posses...

1893-O $5 Gold Half Eagle
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and history enthusiasts alike, prepare yourselves for an extraordinary opportunity to own a piece of American history. Up for auction is the coveted 1893-O $5 Gold Half Eagle, a numismatic treasure that embodies th...

1934-S Silver Peace Dollar
Step into a captivating era of American numismatic history with the illustrious 1934-S Silver Peace Dollar, an emblematic testament to a nation�s quest for tranquility following the Great War. This coin�s allure transcends its monetary wort...

1907 $10 Gold Eagle
**1907 $10 Gold Eagle: A Masterpiece of American Numismatic Artistry** Step into the illustrious world of American numismatics with the magnificent 1907 $10 Gold Eagle, a true symbol of the nation�s historical and artistic heritage. This exquisi...

1894/94 Indian Head Cent
**Discover the Remarkable 1894/94 Indian Head Cent: A Collector's Dream** Esteemed numismatists and passionate coin collectors, brace yourselves for a truly extraordinary opportunity to acquire a piece of American history with this rare 1894/94 India...

1875-CC $20 Gold Double Eagle
- **Auction Title: Distinguished Legacy of the Wild West: 1875-CC $20 Gold Double Eagle** Step into the vibrant and tumultuous era of the American West with this exquisite 1875-CC $20 Gold Double Eagle, a remarkable relic minted at the legendary Cars...

1800/79 Draped Bust Large Cent
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and history enthusiasts, allow us to present an extraordinary opportunity to acquire a piece of early American history�a captivating 1800/79 Draped Bust Large Cent. This remarkable specimen, steeped in history...

1911-D $10 Gold Eagle
Step right up to an extraordinary opportunity to own a remarkable piece of American numismatic history�the 1911-D $10 Gold Eagle, a treasure hailing from the prestigious Denver Mint. This exquisite coin is a testament to the golden era of coinag...

1909-S VDB Wheat Cent
**Exquisite 1909-S VDB Wheat Cent: A Pinnacle of Numismatic Rarity** Step into the world of numismatic treasures with the illustrious 1909-S VDB Wheat Cent, a coin that represents both the genesis and pinnacle of American coin collecting. This superb...

1855-O Rare Gold Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatics enthusiasts, and collectors of exquisite treasures, we are thrilled to present to you an exceptional opportunity to own a highly sought-after piece of American history: the 1855-O Rare Gold Dollar. This coin stands a...

1798 Draped Bust Dollar
Ladies and Gentlemen, numismatic aficionados, and collectors of extraordinary American history, seize the opportunity to acquire a truly remarkable piece of numismatic artistry�the 1798 Draped Bust Dollar. This emblem of American heritage embodi...

1883 $3 Gold Piece
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatic enthusiasts, and discerning collectors, prepare to be captivated by a truly exquisite offering: the illustrious 1883 $3 Gold Piece. This exceptional numismatic treasure represents an era of American history woven with...

1904-S Morgan Silver Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and dedicated collectors, we are thrilled to present an exceptional offering�a captivating 1904-S Morgan Silver Dollar, a true piece of American numismatic history that emanates both historical significance an...

1849 $10 Gold Eagle
Ladies and gentlemen, we are thrilled to present to you an extraordinary opportunity to own a piece of American numismatic history: the 1849 $10 Gold Eagle. This stunning coin isn't just a marvel of minting artistry but an emblem of a transformative ...

1934-S Silver Peace Dollar
**1934-S Silver Peace Dollar: A Beacon from a Historic Era** Ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes on a truly remarkable piece of numismatic history�the 1934-S Silver Peace Dollar. Encapsulating the post-war optimism and artistic ingenuity of th...

1847 $5 Gold Half Eagle
**1847 $5 Gold Half Eagle: A Gleaming Testament to American Heritage** Step into the pages of American history with the exceptional 1847 $5 Gold Half Eagle, a captivating coin that holds a special place in numismatic lore. This brilliant piece of Ame...

1903-S Morgan Silver Dollar
**1903-S Morgan Silver Dollar: A Rare Gem from the Golden Gate City** Step into the rich tapestry of American history with the exquisite 1903-S Morgan Silver Dollar, a coin that combines artistry, rarity, and allure, presenting a must-have addition f...

1880 $3 Gold Piece
Step right into the world of numismatic marvels with the illustrious 1880 $3 Gold Piece�an eye-catching testament to the artistry and history of American coinage. This particular coin is not just a relic of a fascinating era, but a coveted jewel...

1847 Kingdom of Hawaii Large Cent
Ladies and gentlemen, we present an extraordinary opportunity to acquire a rare piece of numismatic history: the illustrious 1847 Kingdom of Hawaii Large Cent. This coin represents an evocative chapter in the islands� rich heritage and offers co...

1855 $20 Gold Double Eagle
**1855 $20 Gold Double Eagle** Step into a bygone era with an extraordinary numismatic treasure�the 1855 $20 Gold Double Eagle. This captivating coin is not only a magnificent testament to mid-19th century American minting but also a coveted gem...

1919-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
Step into the rich tapestry of American numismatic history with this exceptional 1919-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar, a treasure for any avid collector or history enthusiast. Struck at the prestigious San Francisco Mint, this coin offers not only a gl...

1854 $5 Gold Half Eagle
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and history enthusiasts, presenting a remarkable piece of American history: the highly coveted 1854 $5 Gold Half Eagle. A stellar representation of the rich tapestry of the United States' numismatic journey, this c...

1921 Standing Liberty Quarter
Step into a pivotal era of American coinage with the illustrious 1921 Standing Liberty Quarter. This exceptional piece is much more than a silver coin; it is a testament to the roaring twenties' art, ambition, and elegance. Designed by famed sculptor...

1857-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle
**1857-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle: A Rare New Orleans Gem** Step into a golden era of American history with the captivating 1857-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle, a remarkable relic minted in the storied New Orleans Mint. Known for striking relatively low ...

1866-S Seated Liberty Half Dollar
Step into history with this remarkable piece of numismatic artistry: the 1866-S Seated Liberty Half Dollar. With its classic elegance and rich historical significance, this coin captures the imagination of both seasoned collectors and history enthusi...

1893-O $10 Gold Eagle
**1893-O $10 Gold Eagle: A Numismatic Gem with Historical Significance** Step into the captivating world of American numismatics with the 1893-O $10 Gold Eagle, a treasure from the pages of history that embodies the artistry and spirit of a bygone er...

1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar
Step into the captivating world of numismatics with the remarkable 1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar, a true testament to American history and exquisite artistry. This exceptional coin, struck at the prestigious San Francisco Mint, holds significant histor...

1842-O $10 Gold Eagle
Step into the rich tapestry of American numismatic history with the acquisition of the 1842-O $10 Gold Eagle, a coin that carries with it the legacy of the early New Orleans Mint and the allure of the antebellum South. This stunning piece is not only...

1877-CC Silver Trade Dollar
**Presenting the Exquisite 1877-CC Silver Trade Dollar** Step into the captivating world of numismatic history with the acquisition of the illustrious 1877-CC Silver Trade Dollar, a symbol of America�s economic aspirations and minting artistry i...

1807 $5 Gold Half Eagle
Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of American numismatic history with an exquisite 1807 $5 Gold Half Eagle. This exceptional specimen is not just a mere coin; it is a storied artifact from the earliest days of Ame...

1805 Draped Bust Half Dollar
Step into the world of early American history with a numismatic treasure: the 1805 Draped Bust Half Dollar. This incredible coin offers more than just intrinsic value; it embodies the spirit of a burgeoning nation, capturing an era of transformation ...

1859 $5 Gold Half Eagle
**Exceptional 1859 $5 Gold Half Eagle: A Testament to Numismatic History** Step into the captivating world of 19th-century American numismatics with this remarkable piece: the 1859 $5 Gold Half Eagle. This coin is not just a piece of currency; it's a...

1879-CC Morgan Silver Dollar
Step into the captivating world of numismatics with the 1879-CC Morgan Silver Dollar, a remarkable specimen that offers far more than its intrinsic silver value. This highly sought-after coin not only epitomizes the elegance of late 19th-century Amer...

1859-S $20 Gold Double Eagle
**An Exceptional Opportunity: 1859-S $20 Gold Double Eagle** Step into a rich tapestry of American history with this exquisite 1859-S $20 Gold Double Eagle, a numismatic masterpiece that embodies the pioneering spirit of the West and the golden dream...

1893-O Morgan Silver Dollar
Step into the illustrious world of numismatics with the striking 1893-O Morgan Silver Dollar, a prized gem that beckons to both seasoned collectors and enthusiasts alike. Created during a transitional time in American history, this coin encapsulates ...

1844 No Motto $5 Gold Half Eagle
Step into numismatic history with the magnificent 1844 No Motto $5 Gold Half Eagle, a truly captivating piece from a remarkable era of American coinage. This coin stands as an illustrious example of pre-Civil War minting excellence, one of the pivota...

1895-O Morgan Silver Dollar
### Auction Description: Exquisite 1895-O Morgan Silver Dollar Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to seize one of the crown jewels of American numismatics�the illustrious 1895-O Morgan Silver Dollar, a coin that has captivated collectors and historia...

1846 $5 Gold Half Eagle
Step into history with the exceptional 1846 $5 Gold Half Eagle, a treasure from the annals of American numismatics that jubilates both artistry and history. This exquisite coin is an embodiment of the antebellum United States, a period teeming with c...

1955/55 DDO Wheat Cent
Step into the fascinating world of numismatic history with the legendary 1955/55 Double Die Obverse (DDO) Wheat Cent, a crown jewel of mid-20th-century American coinage. This extraordinary coin represents a unique moment in minting history and is a m...

1862 $3 Gold Piece
Step into the illustrious world of numismatics with this exceptional 1862 $3 Gold Piece, a gem that captures a fascinating blend of history, artistry, and rarity. This coin is an epitome of American craftsmanship and holds an intrinsically significan...

1872 Indian Head Cent
**Exquisite 1872 Indian Head Cent: A Jewel for Discerning Collectors** Step into a piece of American history with this exceptional 1872 Indian Head Cent, a true gem for any coin enthusiast. This captivating coin, minted at a time when the nation was ...

1851-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and investors, prepare to be captivated by a spectacular offering�a prominent piece of American numismatic history: the 1851-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle. This is more than just a coin; it is a tangible relic fr...

1873-CC Silver Trade Dollar
Step into the captivating world of 19th-century American numismatics with a gem that whispers tales of the Old West: the 1873-CC Silver Trade Dollar. Struck at the legendary Carson City Mint, this coin is not only a testament to the United States' am...

1845-O $10 Gold Eagle
Presenting a remarkable opportunity for numismatists and collectors alike�an exquisite 1845-O $10 Gold Eagle. This coin, minted at the renowned New Orleans Mint, is a masterpiece of 19th-century American coinage and a true testament to the rich ...

1840-O Seated Liberty Half Dime
Step into the vibrant tapestry of American numismatic history with an exceptional offering: the 1840-O Seated Liberty Half Dime. This captivating piece is a testament not only to the artistry of its era but also to the industrious spirit of early New...

1843-O Sm Date $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle
Presenting an exquisite numismatic treasure for discerning collectors: the 1843-O Small Date $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle. This remarkable coin is not only a beautiful example of mid-19th-century American minting but also a significant piece of New Orlea...

1810/09 S-281 Classic Head Large Cent
Step right up to the fascinating world of early American numismatics with the remarkable 1810/09 S-281 Classic Head Large Cent, an esteemed artifact that bridges the past with captivating artistry and complexity. This isn�t just any coin�it...

1861 New Reverse Civil War $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagl
Ladies and gentlemen, we are thrilled to present a truly remarkable piece that embodies a critical junction in American history�a dazzling 1861 New Reverse Civil War $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle. This exceptional coin isn�t just a dazzling arti...

1921-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and collectors, prepare to be captivated by an exceptional piece of history: the 1921-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar, a treasure minted at the illustrious San Francisco Mint. This coin is not merely a monetary instr...

1855 Rare Gold Dollar
**1855 Rare Gold Dollar: A Gem of Numismatic History** Step into the fascinating world of mid-19th century American coinage with the exceptionally rare and beautifully preserved 1855 Gold Dollar. This exquisite piece, minted at the height of the Cali...

1852 $20 Gold Double Eagle
**Exquisite 1852 $20 Gold Double Eagle: A Glorious Piece of American Numismatic History** Step into the world of 19th-century American finance with the illustrious 1852 $20 Gold Double Eagle. This remarkable coin is not just a splendid artifact of go...

1893 Morgan Silver Dollar
**Exquisite 1893 Morgan Silver Dollar � A Coveted Relic from Numismatic History** Step back into the fascinating realm of 19th-century American coinage with the scintillating 1893 Morgan Silver Dollar, a true gem that embodies both historical si...

1854 $3 Gold Piece
**1854 $3 Gold Piece: A Rare Gem of American Numismatics** Step into the pages of American history with this exquisite 1854 $3 Gold Piece, a shining testament to the elegance and vision of mid-19th century United States coinage. This extraordinary pi...

1893-CC Morgan Silver Dollar
**Opening Bid: An Invitation to Own a Piece of History** **Coin Details:** - **Type:** Morgan Silver Dollar - **Year:** 1893-CC - **Mint:** Carson City - **Metal Content:** 90% Silver, 10% Copper - **Diameter:** 38.1 mm - **Weight:** 26.73 grams **Co...

1916-D Mercury Dime
Up for bid is an iconic piece of numismatic history: the revered 1916-D Mercury Dime, a cornerstone in any serious coin collection. Minted at the Denver Mint, this particular dime is among the most sought-after coins of the 20th century due to its hi...

1855 $10 Gold Eagle
Up for auction is a truly remarkable piece of American numismatic history: the 1855 $10 Gold Eagle. This coin is a testament to the artistry and craftsmanship of mid-19th century minting, offering collectors a tangible connection to the economic and ...

(1860) John Waterhouse Hawaii Token
**(1860) John Waterhouse Hawaii Token: A Nineteenth-Century Numismatic Treasure** Step into the fascinating world of 19th-century Hawaii with this exceedingly rare and historically significant John Waterhouse Hawaii Token, a compelling artifact from ...

1894 Morgan Silver Dollar
**1894 Morgan Silver Dollar: A Numismatic Treasure Awaits** Step into the enchanting world of numismatics with the acquisition of an 1894 Morgan Silver Dollar, a remarkable specimen from an enigmatic year. This illustrious piece is more than just a c...

1955/55 DDO Wheat Cent
Step into numismatic history with the legendary 1955/55 Doubled Die Obverse (DDO) Wheat Cent, a true icon among coin enthusiasts. This captivating piece represents a pivotal moment in the world of minting anomalies, offering both seasoned collectors ...

1909-S VDB Wheat Cent
**Introducing a Numismatic Treasure: The 1909-S VDB Wheat Cent** Step into a world of rich history and numismatic prestige with the storied 1909-S VDB Wheat Cent. This exceptional coin is not only a cornerstone piece for any astute collector but also...

1893 Morgan Silver Dollar
**Auction Description: Exquisite 1893 Morgan Silver Dollar** Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to embark on a journey back to the captivating days of American history with a coin that stands as a testament to craftsmanship and heritage�the illustrio...

1912-S $10 Gold Eagle
Ladies and Gentlemen, numismatists, and history enthusiasts alike, prepare to be captivated by a truly exceptional specimen that embodies the pioneering spirit of early 20th-century America�presenting the 1912-S $10 Gold Eagle! This remarkable c...

1894 Morgan Silver Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and collectors of extraordinary pieces of history, allow yourself to be captivated by the allure of one of America's most cherished coins: the majestic 1894 Morgan Silver Dollar. A cornerstone of numismatic excelle...

1916-D Mercury Dime
Ladies and Gentlemen, numismatists and history enthusiasts alike, prepare yourselves for an exceptional offering that embodies the artistry and scarcity craved by collectors worldwide: the 1916-D Mercury Dime. This piece is not merely a coin; it is a...

1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar
**1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar: A Rare Gem of Numismatic History** Prepare to elevate your collection with one of America's most cherished numismatic treasures: the 1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar. Struck at the illustrious San Francisco Mint, this coin n...

1909-S VDB Wheat Cent
**1909-S VDB Wheat Cent: A Numismatic Legend** Step into the rich tapestry of American numismatics with this exquisite 1909-S VDB Wheat Cent, a paramount piece of numismatic history and a treasure for any discerning collector. Minted at the renowned ...

1911-S $5 Gold Half Eagle
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and passionate collectors, prepare to be captivated by an extraordinary opportunity�a chance to own a remarkable piece of American history that embodies both artistry and gold allure: the 1911-S $5 Gold Half E...

1845-O Seated Liberty Dime
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and connoisseurs of historical treasures, we are thrilled to present a remarkable piece of American numismatic history: the 1845-O Seated Liberty Dime. This exquisite coin not only represents a significant era in U...

1910-S $10 Gold Eagle
**1910-S $10 Gold Eagle: A Numismatic Treasure from the Golden West** Step into the heart of American history with the 1910-S $10 Gold Eagle, a dazzling piece of numismatic artistry and historical significance. Struck at the illustrious San Francisco...

1834 $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle
Step into the vibrant tapestry of early American history with an exceptional offering: the 1834 $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle. This extraordinary specimen from the Capped Bust series represents a pivotal moment in U.S. numismatics and American culture, cr...

1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to elevate your numismatic collection with an exceptional piece of American history�an 1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar, a glittering gem from the storied San Francisco Mint. This coin embodies the timeless elegance and ...

1851-O $10 Gold Eagle
Step into the captivating world of numismatics with the remarkable 1851-O $10 Gold Eagle, a coin that speaks of a bygone era and carries the allure of the Old South. Minted in New Orleans�a city known for its vibrant history and cultural fusion�...

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April 23rd - 27th Memphis Minerva Coin Auction
 Live Auction w/Online Bidding
Auction Date(s)
Wednesday Apr 23,
Sunday Apr 27,
Auction Location
Dallas, TX 75234
Full Address Available on Tuesday, Apr 22
Listing Terms and Conditions
GOLD STANDARD AUCTIONS, LLC BIDDER TERMS & CONDITIONS These Bidder Terms & Conditions (these "Bidder Terms") govern your access to, and use of, Gold Standard Auctions, LLC's ("GSA") "Services" (as defined in the GSA Auction and "Buy it Now" Terms and Conditions, hereinafter the "GSA Terms") as a Bidder, whether it be via GSA Auction or "Buy it Now" listing. The Services can be accessed through GSA's websites - www.goldstandard.com and www.goldstandardauctions.hibid.com (hereinafter the "Sites"). These Bidder Terms, shall be incorporated into the GSA Auction and "Buy it Now" Terms and Conditions posted on the aforementioned websites, and are herein collectively referred to as the "Terms." 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Last Updated 15 August 2023 Gold Standard Auctions, LLC GOLD STANDARD AUCTIONS, LLC AUCTION AND "BUY IT NOW" TERMS AND CONDITIONS These Auction and "Buy it Now" Terms and Conditions (hereinafter the "Agreement" or "Terms") constitute a legally binding agreement between you (either an individual or an entity) and Gold Standard Auctions, LLC, its affiliate(s) and subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively referred to as "GSA") regarding the use of its websites - www.bidgoldstandard.com and www.goldstandardauctions.hibid.com (hereinafter the "Site" or "Sites"), its auction services, and "Buy it Now" retail services. By utilizing the GSA Site(s) and/or Services (defined below), you understand, acknowledge and agree that you are legally bound by the terms and conditions set forth herein (and as hereafter amended): 1. ACCEPTANCE OF LEGALLY BINDING TERMS. 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In the event the Bidder's payment is dishonored upon presentment, Bidder shall pay the maximum statutory processing fee set by applicable Texas state law, interest at the maximum rate allowed by law, and reasonable attorneys' fees. e. TAXES, DUTIES, AND CUSTOMS. Purchased Products may be subject to taxes, duties, customs and/or fees imposed by various domestic and/or foreign taxing authorities or governments. Bidder is solely responsible for payment of any and all such taxes, duties, customs and/or fees prior to delivery unless alternative arrangements are made in writing and pre-approved by GSA. Notice of compliance with Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) for the purchase of Product(s) made from protected species or wildlife. Any Product(s) made of or incorporating endangered or protected species or wildlife may have import and/or export restrictions established by CITES in various countries and domestically. Plant and animal properties included, but are not limited to, items made of (or including) Brazilian rosewood, ivory, whalebone, turtle shell, coral, crocodile, alligator, lizard, or other wildlife. These items may not be available to ship internationally or, in some cases, domestically. Domestic bans and restrictions exist in these states: (1) California state law prohibits the importation of any product containing python skin into the State of California, (2) Fossil Ivory is currently banned or restricted in 5 U.S. States: New York, New Jersey, California, Hawaii, and New Mexico. By placing an Auction bid or selecting a "Buy it Now" option, the Bidder acknowledges that he/she/it is aware of any and all restrictions in their country or place of residence and takes responsibility for: (1) obtaining all information on such restricted items for both export and import; (2) obtaining all such licenses and/or permits. 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By submitting a bid or selecting a "Buy it Now" purchase, the Seller and Bidder agree to GSA's shipping and handling policy and other charges, whether known or unknown to bidder at the time of bid. GSA does not personally transport or deliver Products unless in-person pick up at a secure location (not GSA's office) is pre-arranged by Bidder with GSA. Unless otherwise noted, GSA shall coordinate shipping of Products to successful Bidders through reputable third-party shipping service providers such as the United States Postal Service (USPS), United Parcel Service of America, Inc. (UPS), FedEx Corporate Services, Inc. (FedEx), Deutsche Post AG (DHL), or the like. GSA does not guarantee delivery of purchased Products by a specified date, or at all, due to reliance upon third-party shipping companies. While GSA implements commercially reasonable efforts to initiate shipping with third-party shippers within seventy-two (72) business hours of full and final payment, Bidder agrees that neither delivery of an item after the date desired or expected by Bidder, or loss of an item by a third-party delivery service, gives rise to grounds for a partial or complete refund or a credit card chargeback. Bidders understand, acknowledge and agree that once GSA turns over a purchased Product to a third-party shipper, Bidders' sole recourse for any alleged lost or delayed Product shall be directly through the third-party shipper and applicable its applicable insurance policy. Shipping & Handling fees shall be included in the successful Bidder's Product invoice. Shipping & Handling fees are subject to change. All deliveries are subject to GSA's receipt and clearance of good funds. 11. NO GUARANTEES OR WARRANTIES. NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS MADE OR IMPLIED ON ANY PRODUCT/LOT. NO WARRANTY, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PRODUCT/LOT EXCEPT FOR WARRANTY OF TITLE, AND IN THE CASE OF TITLE, GSA IS SELLING ONLY THAT RIGHT OR TITLE TO THE PRODUCT/LOT THAT THE SELLER OR CONSIGNOR MAY HAVE AS OF THE AUCTION OR "BUY IT NOW" SALE DATE. IF A PRODUCT/LOT IS BEING AUCTIONED OR SOLD THROUGH A "BUY IT NOW" SALE ON A CONSIGNMENT BASIS OR AS AN AUCTION ITEM, GSA DISCLAIMS AND MAKES NO WARRANTY OF TITLE AS SUCH PRODUCTS PURCHASED PASS DIRECTLY FROM THE SELLER/CONSIGNER TO SUCCESSFUL BIDDER. ALL PRODUCTS/LOTS ARE SOLD "AS IS", WHERE IS, AND WITH ALL FAULTS. NO WARRANTY, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED IS MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY DESCRIPTION, GRADE, OR PURPORTED VALUE CONTAINED IN ANY AUCTION OR "BUY IT NOW" LISTING. 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You hereby acknowledge that the GSA Sites, the data entered into the Sites, and/or the Seller's auction or "Buy it Now" information may contain errors or inaccuracies. You understand, acknowledge and agree that the numismatic and precious metals markets are speculative, unregulated and volatile, and that coin, currency and precious metal values may rise or fall over time. GSA DOES NOT GUARANTEE OR REPRESENT THAT ANY BIDDER BUYER PRODUCTS FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSES WILL BE ABLE TO SELL SAID PRODUCTS FOR A PROFIT IN THE FUTURE. You further understand, acknowledge and agree that neither GSA, nor its owners, members, employees, affiliates, agents, representatives, third-party providers, or consignors warrant that Auctions or "Buy it Now" listings will be unimpaired, uninterrupted or error free and accordingly shall not be liable for such events. 12. CREDIT CARD CHARGEBACKS PROHIBITED. The "Limited Returns" provision set forth herein below provides the limited availability and procedure for facilitating Product returns in specified situation. Absent the express eligibility and strict adherence to the procedures for facilitating a return (which must be preauthorized by GSA in writing), Bidders shall not be entitled to return Product(s), partial or full refunds, wire recalls, stop payments on checks or credit/debit cards, or the initiation of a chargeback claim with a Bidder's credit/debit card provider. BIDDER UNDERSTANDS, ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT THERE EXIST NO LEGAL BASIS FOR INITIATING A CHARGEBACK CLAIM FOR ANY PURCHASED PRODUCT, AND BIDDER SPECIFICALLY AGREES TO REFRAIN FROM THE FILING OF ANY SUCH CLAIM. In the event a Bidder does not receive a purchased Product within thirty (30) days of payment, or the Bidder takes issue with a Product's grading or condition, Bidder's only recourse shall be against the third-party shipping company's insurance and/or the appropriate grading service. 13. LIMITED RETURNS. The following terms shall govern the limited return policy available some Bidders for certain Product(s) under limited circumstances and only upon written pre-approval from a GSA authorized representative. a. No certified Product(s) may be returned because of possible difference of opinion with respect to the grade offered by any thirdparty organization, dealer or service. No guarantee of grade is offered for uncertified Product(s) sold and subsequently submitted to a third-party grading service. There are absolutely no exceptions to this policy. Bidder will solely rely upon the posted photographs of the Product/Lot, and agrees Bidder will not rely upon the written description. b. Under extremely limited circumstances (e.g. gross cataloging error), a successful Bidder may request GSA to evaluate voiding a sale, if and only if: (i) such request is made in writing detailing the alleged gross error and submitted to GSA (at info@bidgoldstandard.com) within three (3) days of receipt of the Product(s); (ii) submission of the Product(s) to GSA are pre-approved by an authorized GSA representative; and (iii) the successful Bidder notifies GSA (13859 Diplomat Drive, #150, Dallas, TX 75234) in writing of such request within three (3) days of the Bidder's receipt of the Product(s). Any Product that is to be evaluated must be in GSA's office (13859 Diplomat Drive, #150, Dallas, TX 75234) within thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the Product(s) auction. Grading or method of manufacture do not qualify for this evaluation process nor do such complaints constitute a basis to challenge the authenticity of Product(s). 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Gold Standard Auctions is offering this Apr 23rd - 27th Memphis Minerva Coin Auction. This auction features currency, foreign coinage, and a US coin collection full of desirable pieces for everyone. This auction will contain some of the NICEST KNOWN coins from Half Cent to Early Gold, including collectible Early Copper, Silver & Gold Coins, FRESH GEM BU Key Date Morgan's, BUST HALF DOLLAR COLLECTION, Modern Bullion pieces. Key Date U.S. Paper Money, Colonial & Confederate tender. Don't miss an opportunity to own a part of this lifetime estate from one of the sharpest collections in Texas! All auctions start at $5.00 so make sure you get your bidding early. Please email or call us if you have any questions. Thank you for viewing our auction and we look forward to serving you as a valued Gold Standard Auctions customer!

1892-S Morgan Silver Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatic enthusiasts, and connoisseurs of history, it is our privilege to present a truly exceptional piece of American coinage: the illustrious 1892-S Morgan Silver Dollar, a sterling example of craftsmanship, history, and ra...

1853 No Motto $10 Gold Eagle
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatic connoisseurs and enthusiasts alike, allow me to present a truly magnificent piece of American history: the 1853 No Motto $10 Gold Eagle. **The Coin: A Testament to Mid-19th Century America** This 1853 $10 Gold Eagle i...

1811/10 Capped Bust Half Dollar
Step into the rich tapestry of early American numismatics with the illustrious 1811/10 Capped Bust Half Dollar, an extraordinary piece that enchants collectors with its unique overdate characteristic. Known affectionately in numismatic circles as the...

1837 $5 Gold Half Eagle
Step into the captivating era of early American numismatics with the highly sought-after 1837 $5 Gold Half Eagle, a remarkable piece from the pre-Civil War period that embodies the rich tapestry of U.S. history and artistry. This exceptional coin, mi...

1858 Seated Liberty Half Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and history enthusiasts, prepare to be captivated by a coin that embodies the elegance and artistry of 19th-century America: the 1858 Seated Liberty Half Dollar. This numismatic treasure is not merely a piece of cu...

1907 $10 Gold Eagle
**1907 $10 Gold Eagle: A Timeless Treasure of American Numismatics** Step into the intriguing world of early 20th-century American coinage with this exquisite 1907 $10 Gold Eagle. This magnificent piece is more than just a coin; it�s a testament...

1872-S Seated Liberty Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatic enthusiasts, and connoisseurs of American history, we are thrilled to offer an extraordinary piece of numismatic art: the 1872-S Seated Liberty Dollar. This exquisite coin is not merely a representation of currency, b...

1894-O $10 Gold Eagle
Step right up to behold a remarkable piece of numismatic history�an 1894-O $10 Gold Eagle. Hailing from the distinguished New Orleans Mint, this exquisite coin showcases the beauty and elegance synonymous with the classic American gold pieces of...

1846-O Seated Liberty Dollar
**1846-O Seated Liberty Dollar: A Jewel of the Antebellum South** Step into the rich tapestry of American history with this exceptional 1846-O Seated Liberty Dollar, a stellar relic from the pre-Civil War era that captures a pivotal moment in the nat...

1838 $5 Gold Half Eagle
Step into a pivotal moment in American numismatic history with this remarkable 1838 $5 Gold Half Eagle, a gleaming example of a coin that captures the spirit of the burgeoning United States. Minted at a time when the nation was continuing its westwar...

1895-S Morgan Silver Dollar
Step into a world of numismatic excellence with the 1895-S Morgan Silver Dollar, one of the most coveted gems in the panorama of American coinage. Known for its rarity and allure, this distinguished coin was struck at the renowned San Francisco Mint,...

1851 No Motto $10 Gold Eagle
Step right up to the electrifying opportunity to own a true piece of American history � the illustrious 1851 No Motto $10 Gold Eagle, a shining exemplar of numismatic beauty and historical resonance. This exquisite gold coin, minted over 170 yea...

1901 Morgan Silver Dollar
Presenting a timeless treasure for the discerning collector: the 1901 Morgan Silver Dollar, a radiant piece of American numismatic history. Struck in the prestigious Philadelphia Mint, this coin epitomizes the beauty and allure of the American West d...

1839-C $5 Gold Half Eagle
**1839-C $5 Gold Half Eagle: A Numismatic Treasure from the Charlotte Mint** Prepare to captivate fellow collectors and numismatic enthusiasts with the acquisition of a truly exquisite piece of American history: the 1839-C $5 Gold Half Eagle. This en...

1840 Seated Liberty Dollar
Step into the pages of American history with the exquisite 1840 Seated Liberty Dollar, a true numismatic treasure that marks the dawn of a new era in U.S. coinage artistry. Here�s your chance to own a piece of Americana, a coin that embodies bot...

1873 $5 Gold Half Eagle
**Discover a Rare Gem: The 1873 $5 Gold Half Eagle** **Description:** Step into the captivating world of 19th-century American coinage with the remarkable 1873 $5 Gold Half Eagle. Imbued with historical significance and exquisite design, this coin is...

1901 Morgan Silver Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and collectors, prepare to be captivated by a true gem of American history: the illustrious 1901 Morgan Silver Dollar. This particular coin is not merely a testament to the era it hails from but a genuine artifact ...

1856 $20 Gold Double Eagle
Step into a pivotal chapter of American numismatic history with the 1856 $20 Gold Double Eagle, a remarkable artifact that embodies the economic optimism and transformative spirit of mid-19th century America. This exquisite coin, minted barely eight ...

1859 Silver Half Dollar Pattern Coin
**Auction Highlight: 1859 Silver Half Dollar Pattern Coin** Step into the pages of American numismatic history with this exquisite 1859 Silver Half Dollar Pattern Coin, a tangible treasure that embodies the innovative spirit of 19th-century minting. ...

1891-CC $5 Gold Half Eagle
Step right up, numismatic connoisseurs and history aficionados, to an extraordinary opportunity to acquire a true piece of American financial heritage: the 1891-CC $5 Gold Half Eagle. This exquisite coin, minted at the storied Carson City Mint, offer...

1923-S Buffalo Nickel
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and collectors of historic treasures, we are thrilled to present to you an exceptional piece of American numismatic history: the distinguished 1923-S Buffalo Nickel. This captivating coin, minted at the legendary S...

1840-C $5 Gold Half Eagle
**Exceptional 1840-C $5 Gold Half Eagle: A Jewel of Antebellum Americana** Step into a captivating chapter of American numismatic history with the 1840-C $5 Gold Half Eagle, a dazzling relic from the dawn of the Charlotte Mint era. With its rich hist...

1909-S VDB Wheat Cent
Step into the riveting world of American numismatics with an opportunity to own one of the most iconic and sought-after pieces in U.S. coin history: the 1909-S VDB Wheat Cent. This particular coin stands as a cornerstone for collectors, revered both ...

1856-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle
**Auction Description: Rare and Historic 1856-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle** Step into the captivating world of 19th-century American numismatics with this illustrious 1856-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle, a profound treasure from the heart of New Orleans. ...

1877 Indian Head Cent
Step into the captivating world of numismatics with one of the most illustrious coins in American history: the 1877 Indian Head Cent. Regarded as a crown jewel for seasoned collectors, this coin epitomizes an era of American transformation and posses...

1893-O $5 Gold Half Eagle
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and history enthusiasts alike, prepare yourselves for an extraordinary opportunity to own a piece of American history. Up for auction is the coveted 1893-O $5 Gold Half Eagle, a numismatic treasure that embodies th...

1934-S Silver Peace Dollar
Step into a captivating era of American numismatic history with the illustrious 1934-S Silver Peace Dollar, an emblematic testament to a nation�s quest for tranquility following the Great War. This coin�s allure transcends its monetary wort...

1907 $10 Gold Eagle
**1907 $10 Gold Eagle: A Masterpiece of American Numismatic Artistry** Step into the illustrious world of American numismatics with the magnificent 1907 $10 Gold Eagle, a true symbol of the nation�s historical and artistic heritage. This exquisi...

1894/94 Indian Head Cent
**Discover the Remarkable 1894/94 Indian Head Cent: A Collector's Dream** Esteemed numismatists and passionate coin collectors, brace yourselves for a truly extraordinary opportunity to acquire a piece of American history with this rare 1894/94 India...

1875-CC $20 Gold Double Eagle
- **Auction Title: Distinguished Legacy of the Wild West: 1875-CC $20 Gold Double Eagle** Step into the vibrant and tumultuous era of the American West with this exquisite 1875-CC $20 Gold Double Eagle, a remarkable relic minted at the legendary Cars...

1800/79 Draped Bust Large Cent
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and history enthusiasts, allow us to present an extraordinary opportunity to acquire a piece of early American history�a captivating 1800/79 Draped Bust Large Cent. This remarkable specimen, steeped in history...

1911-D $10 Gold Eagle
Step right up to an extraordinary opportunity to own a remarkable piece of American numismatic history�the 1911-D $10 Gold Eagle, a treasure hailing from the prestigious Denver Mint. This exquisite coin is a testament to the golden era of coinag...

1909-S VDB Wheat Cent
**Exquisite 1909-S VDB Wheat Cent: A Pinnacle of Numismatic Rarity** Step into the world of numismatic treasures with the illustrious 1909-S VDB Wheat Cent, a coin that represents both the genesis and pinnacle of American coin collecting. This superb...

1855-O Rare Gold Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatics enthusiasts, and collectors of exquisite treasures, we are thrilled to present to you an exceptional opportunity to own a highly sought-after piece of American history: the 1855-O Rare Gold Dollar. This coin stands a...

1798 Draped Bust Dollar
Ladies and Gentlemen, numismatic aficionados, and collectors of extraordinary American history, seize the opportunity to acquire a truly remarkable piece of numismatic artistry�the 1798 Draped Bust Dollar. This emblem of American heritage embodi...

1883 $3 Gold Piece
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatic enthusiasts, and discerning collectors, prepare to be captivated by a truly exquisite offering: the illustrious 1883 $3 Gold Piece. This exceptional numismatic treasure represents an era of American history woven with...

1904-S Morgan Silver Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and dedicated collectors, we are thrilled to present an exceptional offering�a captivating 1904-S Morgan Silver Dollar, a true piece of American numismatic history that emanates both historical significance an...

1849 $10 Gold Eagle
Ladies and gentlemen, we are thrilled to present to you an extraordinary opportunity to own a piece of American numismatic history: the 1849 $10 Gold Eagle. This stunning coin isn't just a marvel of minting artistry but an emblem of a transformative ...

1934-S Silver Peace Dollar
**1934-S Silver Peace Dollar: A Beacon from a Historic Era** Ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes on a truly remarkable piece of numismatic history�the 1934-S Silver Peace Dollar. Encapsulating the post-war optimism and artistic ingenuity of th...

1847 $5 Gold Half Eagle
**1847 $5 Gold Half Eagle: A Gleaming Testament to American Heritage** Step into the pages of American history with the exceptional 1847 $5 Gold Half Eagle, a captivating coin that holds a special place in numismatic lore. This brilliant piece of Ame...

1903-S Morgan Silver Dollar
**1903-S Morgan Silver Dollar: A Rare Gem from the Golden Gate City** Step into the rich tapestry of American history with the exquisite 1903-S Morgan Silver Dollar, a coin that combines artistry, rarity, and allure, presenting a must-have addition f...

1880 $3 Gold Piece
Step right into the world of numismatic marvels with the illustrious 1880 $3 Gold Piece�an eye-catching testament to the artistry and history of American coinage. This particular coin is not just a relic of a fascinating era, but a coveted jewel...

1847 Kingdom of Hawaii Large Cent
Ladies and gentlemen, we present an extraordinary opportunity to acquire a rare piece of numismatic history: the illustrious 1847 Kingdom of Hawaii Large Cent. This coin represents an evocative chapter in the islands� rich heritage and offers co...

1855 $20 Gold Double Eagle
**1855 $20 Gold Double Eagle** Step into a bygone era with an extraordinary numismatic treasure�the 1855 $20 Gold Double Eagle. This captivating coin is not only a magnificent testament to mid-19th century American minting but also a coveted gem...

1919-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
Step into the rich tapestry of American numismatic history with this exceptional 1919-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar, a treasure for any avid collector or history enthusiast. Struck at the prestigious San Francisco Mint, this coin offers not only a gl...

1854 $5 Gold Half Eagle
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and history enthusiasts, presenting a remarkable piece of American history: the highly coveted 1854 $5 Gold Half Eagle. A stellar representation of the rich tapestry of the United States' numismatic journey, this c...

1921 Standing Liberty Quarter
Step into a pivotal era of American coinage with the illustrious 1921 Standing Liberty Quarter. This exceptional piece is much more than a silver coin; it is a testament to the roaring twenties' art, ambition, and elegance. Designed by famed sculptor...

1857-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle
**1857-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle: A Rare New Orleans Gem** Step into a golden era of American history with the captivating 1857-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle, a remarkable relic minted in the storied New Orleans Mint. Known for striking relatively low ...

1866-S Seated Liberty Half Dollar
Step into history with this remarkable piece of numismatic artistry: the 1866-S Seated Liberty Half Dollar. With its classic elegance and rich historical significance, this coin captures the imagination of both seasoned collectors and history enthusi...

1893-O $10 Gold Eagle
**1893-O $10 Gold Eagle: A Numismatic Gem with Historical Significance** Step into the captivating world of American numismatics with the 1893-O $10 Gold Eagle, a treasure from the pages of history that embodies the artistry and spirit of a bygone er...

1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar
Step into the captivating world of numismatics with the remarkable 1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar, a true testament to American history and exquisite artistry. This exceptional coin, struck at the prestigious San Francisco Mint, holds significant histor...

1842-O $10 Gold Eagle
Step into the rich tapestry of American numismatic history with the acquisition of the 1842-O $10 Gold Eagle, a coin that carries with it the legacy of the early New Orleans Mint and the allure of the antebellum South. This stunning piece is not only...

1877-CC Silver Trade Dollar
**Presenting the Exquisite 1877-CC Silver Trade Dollar** Step into the captivating world of numismatic history with the acquisition of the illustrious 1877-CC Silver Trade Dollar, a symbol of America�s economic aspirations and minting artistry i...

1807 $5 Gold Half Eagle
Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of American numismatic history with an exquisite 1807 $5 Gold Half Eagle. This exceptional specimen is not just a mere coin; it is a storied artifact from the earliest days of Ame...

1805 Draped Bust Half Dollar
Step into the world of early American history with a numismatic treasure: the 1805 Draped Bust Half Dollar. This incredible coin offers more than just intrinsic value; it embodies the spirit of a burgeoning nation, capturing an era of transformation ...

1859 $5 Gold Half Eagle
**Exceptional 1859 $5 Gold Half Eagle: A Testament to Numismatic History** Step into the captivating world of 19th-century American numismatics with this remarkable piece: the 1859 $5 Gold Half Eagle. This coin is not just a piece of currency; it's a...

1879-CC Morgan Silver Dollar
Step into the captivating world of numismatics with the 1879-CC Morgan Silver Dollar, a remarkable specimen that offers far more than its intrinsic silver value. This highly sought-after coin not only epitomizes the elegance of late 19th-century Amer...

1859-S $20 Gold Double Eagle
**An Exceptional Opportunity: 1859-S $20 Gold Double Eagle** Step into a rich tapestry of American history with this exquisite 1859-S $20 Gold Double Eagle, a numismatic masterpiece that embodies the pioneering spirit of the West and the golden dream...

1893-O Morgan Silver Dollar
Step into the illustrious world of numismatics with the striking 1893-O Morgan Silver Dollar, a prized gem that beckons to both seasoned collectors and enthusiasts alike. Created during a transitional time in American history, this coin encapsulates ...

1844 No Motto $5 Gold Half Eagle
Step into numismatic history with the magnificent 1844 No Motto $5 Gold Half Eagle, a truly captivating piece from a remarkable era of American coinage. This coin stands as an illustrious example of pre-Civil War minting excellence, one of the pivota...

1895-O Morgan Silver Dollar
### Auction Description: Exquisite 1895-O Morgan Silver Dollar Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to seize one of the crown jewels of American numismatics�the illustrious 1895-O Morgan Silver Dollar, a coin that has captivated collectors and historia...

1846 $5 Gold Half Eagle
Step into history with the exceptional 1846 $5 Gold Half Eagle, a treasure from the annals of American numismatics that jubilates both artistry and history. This exquisite coin is an embodiment of the antebellum United States, a period teeming with c...

1955/55 DDO Wheat Cent
Step into the fascinating world of numismatic history with the legendary 1955/55 Double Die Obverse (DDO) Wheat Cent, a crown jewel of mid-20th-century American coinage. This extraordinary coin represents a unique moment in minting history and is a m...

1862 $3 Gold Piece
Step into the illustrious world of numismatics with this exceptional 1862 $3 Gold Piece, a gem that captures a fascinating blend of history, artistry, and rarity. This coin is an epitome of American craftsmanship and holds an intrinsically significan...

1872 Indian Head Cent
**Exquisite 1872 Indian Head Cent: A Jewel for Discerning Collectors** Step into a piece of American history with this exceptional 1872 Indian Head Cent, a true gem for any coin enthusiast. This captivating coin, minted at a time when the nation was ...

1851-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and investors, prepare to be captivated by a spectacular offering�a prominent piece of American numismatic history: the 1851-O $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle. This is more than just a coin; it is a tangible relic fr...

1873-CC Silver Trade Dollar
Step into the captivating world of 19th-century American numismatics with a gem that whispers tales of the Old West: the 1873-CC Silver Trade Dollar. Struck at the legendary Carson City Mint, this coin is not only a testament to the United States' am...

1845-O $10 Gold Eagle
Presenting a remarkable opportunity for numismatists and collectors alike�an exquisite 1845-O $10 Gold Eagle. This coin, minted at the renowned New Orleans Mint, is a masterpiece of 19th-century American coinage and a true testament to the rich ...

1840-O Seated Liberty Half Dime
Step into the vibrant tapestry of American numismatic history with an exceptional offering: the 1840-O Seated Liberty Half Dime. This captivating piece is a testament not only to the artistry of its era but also to the industrious spirit of early New...

1843-O Sm Date $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle
Presenting an exquisite numismatic treasure for discerning collectors: the 1843-O Small Date $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle. This remarkable coin is not only a beautiful example of mid-19th-century American minting but also a significant piece of New Orlea...

1810/09 S-281 Classic Head Large Cent
Step right up to the fascinating world of early American numismatics with the remarkable 1810/09 S-281 Classic Head Large Cent, an esteemed artifact that bridges the past with captivating artistry and complexity. This isn�t just any coin�it...

1861 New Reverse Civil War $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagl
Ladies and gentlemen, we are thrilled to present a truly remarkable piece that embodies a critical junction in American history�a dazzling 1861 New Reverse Civil War $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle. This exceptional coin isn�t just a dazzling arti...

1921-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and collectors, prepare to be captivated by an exceptional piece of history: the 1921-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar, a treasure minted at the illustrious San Francisco Mint. This coin is not merely a monetary instr...

1855 Rare Gold Dollar
**1855 Rare Gold Dollar: A Gem of Numismatic History** Step into the fascinating world of mid-19th century American coinage with the exceptionally rare and beautifully preserved 1855 Gold Dollar. This exquisite piece, minted at the height of the Cali...

1852 $20 Gold Double Eagle
**Exquisite 1852 $20 Gold Double Eagle: A Glorious Piece of American Numismatic History** Step into the world of 19th-century American finance with the illustrious 1852 $20 Gold Double Eagle. This remarkable coin is not just a splendid artifact of go...

1893 Morgan Silver Dollar
**Exquisite 1893 Morgan Silver Dollar � A Coveted Relic from Numismatic History** Step back into the fascinating realm of 19th-century American coinage with the scintillating 1893 Morgan Silver Dollar, a true gem that embodies both historical si...

1854 $3 Gold Piece
**1854 $3 Gold Piece: A Rare Gem of American Numismatics** Step into the pages of American history with this exquisite 1854 $3 Gold Piece, a shining testament to the elegance and vision of mid-19th century United States coinage. This extraordinary pi...

1893-CC Morgan Silver Dollar
**Opening Bid: An Invitation to Own a Piece of History** **Coin Details:** - **Type:** Morgan Silver Dollar - **Year:** 1893-CC - **Mint:** Carson City - **Metal Content:** 90% Silver, 10% Copper - **Diameter:** 38.1 mm - **Weight:** 26.73 grams **Co...

1916-D Mercury Dime
Up for bid is an iconic piece of numismatic history: the revered 1916-D Mercury Dime, a cornerstone in any serious coin collection. Minted at the Denver Mint, this particular dime is among the most sought-after coins of the 20th century due to its hi...

1855 $10 Gold Eagle
Up for auction is a truly remarkable piece of American numismatic history: the 1855 $10 Gold Eagle. This coin is a testament to the artistry and craftsmanship of mid-19th century minting, offering collectors a tangible connection to the economic and ...

(1860) John Waterhouse Hawaii Token
**(1860) John Waterhouse Hawaii Token: A Nineteenth-Century Numismatic Treasure** Step into the fascinating world of 19th-century Hawaii with this exceedingly rare and historically significant John Waterhouse Hawaii Token, a compelling artifact from ...

1894 Morgan Silver Dollar
**1894 Morgan Silver Dollar: A Numismatic Treasure Awaits** Step into the enchanting world of numismatics with the acquisition of an 1894 Morgan Silver Dollar, a remarkable specimen from an enigmatic year. This illustrious piece is more than just a c...

1955/55 DDO Wheat Cent
Step into numismatic history with the legendary 1955/55 Doubled Die Obverse (DDO) Wheat Cent, a true icon among coin enthusiasts. This captivating piece represents a pivotal moment in the world of minting anomalies, offering both seasoned collectors ...

1909-S VDB Wheat Cent
**Introducing a Numismatic Treasure: The 1909-S VDB Wheat Cent** Step into a world of rich history and numismatic prestige with the storied 1909-S VDB Wheat Cent. This exceptional coin is not only a cornerstone piece for any astute collector but also...

1893 Morgan Silver Dollar
**Auction Description: Exquisite 1893 Morgan Silver Dollar** Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to embark on a journey back to the captivating days of American history with a coin that stands as a testament to craftsmanship and heritage�the illustrio...

1912-S $10 Gold Eagle
Ladies and Gentlemen, numismatists, and history enthusiasts alike, prepare to be captivated by a truly exceptional specimen that embodies the pioneering spirit of early 20th-century America�presenting the 1912-S $10 Gold Eagle! This remarkable c...

1894 Morgan Silver Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and collectors of extraordinary pieces of history, allow yourself to be captivated by the allure of one of America's most cherished coins: the majestic 1894 Morgan Silver Dollar. A cornerstone of numismatic excelle...

1916-D Mercury Dime
Ladies and Gentlemen, numismatists and history enthusiasts alike, prepare yourselves for an exceptional offering that embodies the artistry and scarcity craved by collectors worldwide: the 1916-D Mercury Dime. This piece is not merely a coin; it is a...

1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar
**1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar: A Rare Gem of Numismatic History** Prepare to elevate your collection with one of America's most cherished numismatic treasures: the 1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar. Struck at the illustrious San Francisco Mint, this coin n...

1909-S VDB Wheat Cent
**1909-S VDB Wheat Cent: A Numismatic Legend** Step into the rich tapestry of American numismatics with this exquisite 1909-S VDB Wheat Cent, a paramount piece of numismatic history and a treasure for any discerning collector. Minted at the renowned ...

1911-S $5 Gold Half Eagle
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and passionate collectors, prepare to be captivated by an extraordinary opportunity�a chance to own a remarkable piece of American history that embodies both artistry and gold allure: the 1911-S $5 Gold Half E...

1845-O Seated Liberty Dime
Ladies and gentlemen, numismatists, and connoisseurs of historical treasures, we are thrilled to present a remarkable piece of American numismatic history: the 1845-O Seated Liberty Dime. This exquisite coin not only represents a significant era in U...

1910-S $10 Gold Eagle
**1910-S $10 Gold Eagle: A Numismatic Treasure from the Golden West** Step into the heart of American history with the 1910-S $10 Gold Eagle, a dazzling piece of numismatic artistry and historical significance. Struck at the illustrious San Francisco...

1834 $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle
Step into the vibrant tapestry of early American history with an exceptional offering: the 1834 $2.50 Gold Quarter Eagle. This extraordinary specimen from the Capped Bust series represents a pivotal moment in U.S. numismatics and American culture, cr...

1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar
Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to elevate your numismatic collection with an exceptional piece of American history�an 1884-S Morgan Silver Dollar, a glittering gem from the storied San Francisco Mint. This coin embodies the timeless elegance and ...

1851-O $10 Gold Eagle
Step into the captivating world of numismatics with the remarkable 1851-O $10 Gold Eagle, a coin that speaks of a bygone era and carries the allure of the Old South. Minted in New Orleans�a city known for its vibrant history and cultural fusion�...