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Y-City Emporium Zanesville Friday 3/21
Listing ID#: 1716256
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Zanesville , OH 43701 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Bidding Starts: Thursday Mar 20, 8:00 PM Bidding Ends: Friday Mar 21, 7:30 PM |
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Y-City Emporium LLC Website: ID#: 12104 View company information and listings |
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Terms Of SaleTHIS IS AN INTERNET ONLY AUCTION! TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THIS AUCTION: (please note terms and conditionsmay be different for each auction and are subject to change)1. REGISTRATION: Bidders must enter a valid Visa, MasterCard or Discover card along with required contact information.2. BUYERS PREMIUM: A 14% buyer's premium will be added to each purchase. If you bid $100.00 you will be charged $114.00 upon invoicing at auction close.3. SALES TAX: Sales tax will be collected at the applicable rate for the location where items are picked up.4. PAYMENT: Cash is preferred, however we also accept Credit/Debit Card. WE DO NOT CHARGE A CONVIENCE FEE FOR CARDS. When paying with a card at one of our satellite locations (anywhere other than 43 Beaumont St., Zanesville, OH) you must pay online through your account at Payment is to be made at or before pickup. At the end of the final pickup time for each auction, any remaining invoices will be charged to the card on file. 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Online auctions are conducted via the website entitled, Y-City Emporium, LLC. 43 Beaumont StZanesville, OH 43701- 740-297-7586 – –Y-City Emporium is licensed and bonded in favor of the State of Ohio.Ohio Department of Agriculture8995 E. Main Street, Bldg. 1Reynoldsburg, OH 43068Copyright © 2022 Y-City Emporium, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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A great selection of shelf pull, return and overstock merchandise from some of the World's Leading Online Retailers! Featuring a selection of automotive, computer electronics, outdoor and more! |
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