04/16/25 BUTTONS DAY 2
Listing ID#: 1716037
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Hollywood, FL 33020 Full Address Available on Tuesday, Apr 15 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Wednesday Apr 16, 8:00 AM |
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Lion and Unicorn Website: https://lionandunicorn.com GoToAuction.com ID#: 10303 View company information and listings |
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376 A Riker tray of assorted material buttons 55 S/M/L 19th & 20th century buttons including hats. 377 A Riker tray of assorted material buttons A large assortment of sizes, ages and materials. 378 A Riker tray of assorted celluloid buttons An assortment of various sizes and kinds of celluloid buttons. 379 A Riker tray of assorted material buttons A large assortment of sizes, ages and materials. 380 A heavy bag lot of assorted buttons A nice assortement of mostly metal buttons including pictorial. 381 A Riker tray of assorted pictures buttons 32 S/M/L 19th century metal pictures including Egyptian. 382 A card of division one assorted picture buttons 21 Large 19th and early 20th century metal examples. 383 A division one metal Fable Button 1 Medium early 20th century silvered brass Ant & Grasshopper. 384 A division three verbal and scene pewter button 1 Large 21st century Battersea Pewter button of San Francisco. 385 A division three white metal sailing ship button 1 Extra large early 20th century detailed picture button. 386 A partial card of Division 1 & 3 Sailing style buttons 16 S/M/L 19th-20th century assorted material examples. 387 A small card of assorted material dragon buttons 10 S/M/L 19th/20th C. assorted material fabulous animal buttons. 388 A card of division 1 & 3 fabulous animal buttons 23 S/M/L 19th-20th century assorted material examples. 389 A small card of division one Religious scene buttons 2 Medium late 19th-early 20th C. silver content pictorial buttons! 390 A full card of division 1 & 3 couple buttons 25 Medium/Large 19th-20th century assorted material examples. 391 A partial card of division 1 Beach & water scene buttons 21 Medium/Large 19th-20th century assorted material examples. 392 A card of division 1 & 3 assorted material buttons 28 Small/Medium 19th-20th century assorted subject examples. 393 A partial card of division 3 assorted material buttons 9 Large 20th-21st century assorted pictorial examples. 394 A full card of division 1 & 3 assorted material buttons 20 Large 19th-20th century assorted pictorial examples. 395 A full card of division 1 & 3 Asian themed buttons 36 S/M/L 19th & 20th century buttons including Satsuma & enamel. 396 A full card of division 1 & 3 assorted material buttons 35 S/M/L 19th-20th century assorted subject matter examples. 397 A partial card of division one Background buttons 17 Medium/Large 19th century buttons including shell. 398 A card of division one and three of Squares on buttons 25 S/M/L 19th-20th century assorted material examples. 399 A card of division 1 & 3 assorted Star pattern Buttons 25 S/M/L 19th-20th century assorted material examples. 400 A card of division 1 & 3 paisley pattern buttons 25 S/M/L 19th-20th century assorted shapes and styles. 401 A small card of 1 & 3 Pattern & Pictorial buttons 4 Large 19th & 20th C. assorted material buttons incl. Ivoroid. 402 A division one pictorial Chinese Cinnabar button 1 Large early 20th century carved square figural example. 403 A partial card of division three Asian buttons 8 S/M/L 20th century mostly Cinnabar buttons. 404 A division one colorful pictorial Satsuma Button 1 medium 19th century very detailed Japanese pottery button 405 A small card of division three Japanese buttons 4 Medium 20th century pictorial animal Satsuma buttons. 406 A small card of division 1 and 3 Asian themed buttons 10 S/M/L 19th-20th-21st century buttons including cinnabar. 407 A partial card of division three natural material buttons 8 Medium/Large 20th century pictorial examples. 408 A small card of div. 3 carved natural material buttons 11 Medium/Large 21st century carved and or engraved Asian buttons. 409 A division one natural material pictorial button 1 Medium size 19th C. silver figural on a natural material base. 410 A small card of division three natural material buttons 2 Large 20th century animal pictorial examples with self shanks. 411 A division three studio artist pictorial button 1 Large 20th C. Running Rabbit button by the late Faith Strobel. 412 A division three artist created pictorial button 1 Large 21st century Russian Lacquer pictorial spider button. 413 A division 3 early French white metal pictorial button 1 Extra large 1930's pierced white metal dolphin. 414 A division one pierced and jeweled snake button 1 Large-medium 1 1/4" 19th century glass in metal coiled example. 415 A small card of division one paste bordered buttons 2 Large 19th century buttons including glass and metal. 416 A small card of division one and three jeweled buttons 6 Medium/Large 19th-20th century assorted material examples. 417 A partial card of division one "Glitzy" buttons 10 Med/Large 19th century assorted paste jewel buttons. 418 A partial card of assorted material early buttons 23 S/M/L mostly 18th century and early 19th century buttons. 419 A division one enamel button from England 1 Medium size 18th century blue and white "Battersea" example. 420 A rare division one under glass button 1 Large 18th century silver under glass pictorial button. 421 A division one Wedgwood pictorial button 1 Large 18th century blue colored example with figures. 422 A Very RARE division 1 jeweled copper button 1 Large 18th C. engraved brass coated copper with colored pastes. 423 Another RARE division 1 engraved sporting button 1 Large size 1 1/4" 18th century running dog silver button. 424 A rare division one engraved white pearl button 1 Large 18th century Passamentrie and pearl with paste jewel. 425 A Division one wood and steel button 1 Large 18th century unusual steel button with wood. 426 A scarce division one oval crystal button A hard to find small 18th century Stuart Crystal button shape. 427 A division one scarce pearl and glass button 1 Large 18th century cobalt blue glass in carved pearl. 428 A RARE division one under glass scene button 1 Large 18th century figural hand decorated under glass button. 429 A division one pictorial under glass button 1 Large 19th century printed on colored paper Cherub. 430 A full card of division one Cherub and Cupid buttons 29 S/M/L 19th-20th century mostly metal examples. 431 A full card of assorted metal pictorial buttons 20 Large 19th & 20th century assorted subject matter buttons. 432 A division one Kate Greenaway Children's story button 1 Large 19th century tole engraved with three figures. 433 A partial card of division one Children story buttons 20 S/M/L 19th century assorted metal including Mary & Her Lamb. 434 A full card of division 1 & 3 Metal buttons 20 Large 19th-20th century pictorial examples. 435 A division one metal pictorial button 1 Small early 1800's Jacksonian brass button! 436 A division one metal pictorial button 1 Small early 1800's Jacksonian brass button! 437 A division one metal pictorial button 1 Small early 1800's Jacksonian brass button! 438 A division one metal pictorial button 1 Small early 1800's Jacksonian brass button! 439 A division one scene with Napolean Bonaparte 1 Large silvered metal button depicting the Island of Ste Helene. 440 A small card of division one pictorial buttons 2 Large early 20th C. silvered including "Shooing the Geese". 441 A card of division one and three assorted head buttons 20 Medium/Large 19th-20th century assorted material examples. 442 A partial card of division 1 & 3 assorted head buttons 21 S/M/L 19th-20th century assorted material examples. 443 A card of division 1 & 3 assorted mask buttons 25 S/M/L 19th-20th C. assorted materials incl. natural material. 444 A division one Livery Crest button 1 Medium silvered coated 19th century pictorial crest button. 445 A division one Livery Crest Button 1 Large 19th century brass example. 446 A division one Livery Crest Button 1 Medium size 19th century triple pictorial example. 447 A division one pictorial metal button 1 Medium size early 20th century "Risque" button. 448 A division one pictorial metal button 1 Medium size early 20th century "Risque" button. 449 A set of division one sporting buttons 6 Medium silvered brass early 20th C. sporting scene buttons. 450 A partial card of assorted div 1 & 3 Silver Buttons 19 S/M/L 19th-20th century examples including Mexican & Indian. 451 A scarce size Division one Peasant silver button 1 Large size 19th century filigree and solid silver example. 452 A partial card of division 1 & 3 metal buttons 12 Medium/Large 19th-20th century white metal buttons. 453 A partial card of division one steel buttons 21 S/M/L mostly 19th century flat steel examples. 454 A partial card of division 1 & 3 metal buttons 21 Medium 19th-20th C. specialized to white incl. pictorials. 455 A partial card of division three Niello Buttons 15 Small/Medium 20th century silvers buttons including figural. 456 A division one realistic Kate Greenaway button 1 Large early 20th century silvered brass realistic example. 457 An adorable division one Children's set 4 Small early 20th century domed wood children buttons. 458 A partial card of division three Lacquer buttons 10 Medium /Large 20th century hand painted Russian buttons. 459 A partial card of division 3 assorted material buttons. 20 Medium/Large 20th-21st century including Wood-Gourd-Cork. 460 A division one pictorial animal button 1 Large 19th century Wood Background Lion button. 461 A division three artist created pictorial button 1 Large 20th century Russian Lacquer pictorial elephants button. 462 An unusual division one pictorial button 1 Large 19th century tole and lacquer button. 463 A division three silver pictorial button 1 Medium 20th century openwork Egyptian Scarab button. 464 A division three spider on a web button 1 Extra Large silver & silver wirework 20th century button. 465 A division one pierced coiled snake button 1 Small size 19th century unmarked GOLD example. 466 A division 3 early French white metal pictorial button 1 Large 1930's patterned background white metal Egyptian. 467 A partial card of division 1 & 3 metal buttons 21 Medium 18th-20th century white metal buttons including silver. 468 A RARE set of pewter Sporting pictorial buttons 4 Large 19th century buttons with 4 different sporting scenes. 469 A partial card of division 1 & 3 metal buttons 21 Medium 19th-20th C. specialized to white incl. pictorials. 470 A small card of division one steel buttons 11 Large 19th century assorted center steel cup buttons. 471 A full card of assorted metal & steel buttons 25 M/L 19th century cut steel and cut steel OME buttons. 472 A card of Japanese Damascene metal works buttons 20 Small/Medium size assorted subject matter Damascenes. 473 A division one Damascene buckle 1 Large pierced 1 piece early 20th C. finely detailed buckle. 474 A small card of assorted buckles 6 Large 1 and 2 pieced buckles including Cameo. 475 A small card of division one buckles/clasps 2 19th century two piece clasps including pearl and pictorials. 476 A division one glass set in metal buckle 1 Large early 20th century PEACOCK EYE glass 2 piece buckle! 477 A small card of Bakelite buckles 2 Large 20th century 2 piece buckle including Casein. 478 A division one two piece Japanese pottery buckle. A large 19th century 2 piece Satsuma set in metal buckle. 479 1 Division one Japanese ceramic button A Large pictorial earlier 20th century Satsuma Button 480 A division one pictorial paper Mache button 1 Medium size 19th century hand decorated Asian figural button. 481 A division one pictorial Satsuma button 1 Large 19th century stunning example from Japan. 482 1 Division three Japanese porcelain button 1 Large size 20th century Arita porcelain pictorial button 483 A division one Japanese inlaid button 1 Large-Medium 19th century oval Shibayama Button. 484 A set of division three buttons in original box 7 Medium size 20th century shaped Kutani Porcelain examples. 485 A division one Japanese metal works pictorial button! 1 Scarce Large Shakudo button with a meaning! 486 A division one colorful pictorial Satsuma Button 1 Large medium 19th century very detailed Japanese pottery button. 487 A small card of division three Asian themed buttons 13 Small/Medium 20th century Japanese assorted ceramic buttons. 488 A full card of division one and three Asian Buttons 39 Small/Medium/Large 19th/20th C. assorted material buttons. 489 A division one French porcelain pictorial button 1 Medium size oval 19th century "Pate Sur Pate" button. 490 A division one porcelain set in metal pictorial button 1 Large 19th century "Liverpool" transfer button. 491 A small card of division one head buttons 2 Medium size 19th century high relief colored glass heads. 492 A rare division one head profile button 1 Medium 19th century gold gilt silver example with fine detail. 493 A division one pictorial brass button 1 Large late early 20th century high relief sailor button. 494 A very RARE pictorial metal head button 1 Medium oval early 19th century button made of BERLIN Iron. 495 A very rare pictorial enamel with paste border 1 Large polychrome enamel with a rare silver resist finish. 496 A division one pictorial foil enamel button 1 Large 19th century multi colored enamel in an ornate setting. 497 A beautiful division one Japanese enamel button 1 Large-Medium 1 1/4" 19th C. colorful Gin Bari enamel example. 498 A division three Motiwala pictorial enamel button 1 Large 20th century enamel pictorial with a scarce paste border. 499 A division three studio artist button 1 Large 1960's enamel pictorial by the late Herman Lowenstein. 500 A card of division 1 & 3 assorted sailing vessel buttons 24 S/M/L 19th-20th century assorted material examples. 501 A division three realistic pictorial wood button 1 Large 20th century Bakelite over wood sailing vessel. 502 A RARE division one transportation button 1 Large medium 1 1/4" early 20th century button of two airplanes. 503 A division one openwork border pictorial button 1 Large brass 19th century Boat & Architectural scene example. 504 A Rare division one pictorial steel cup button 1 Large medium 19th century of the Eiffel Tower with verbal. 505 A division 3 carved and colored wood pictorial button 1 Extra Large 20th C. scenic wood incredible detailed button. 506 A card of division 1 & 3 assorted Architectural buttons 24 Medium/Large 19th-20th century assorted material examples. 507 A division three reverse painted glass in metal button 1 Medium size 20th century enamel back example pictorial button. 508 A card of division one glass in metal buttons 42 Small 19th century "Waistcoat" examples. 509 A card of division one assorted large jewel buttons 17 Medium/Large early 20th C. glass in metal examples. 510 A division one Gay 90 Jeweled button 1 Large late 19th century Red glass in metal example. 511 A partial card of division one "Glitzy" buttons 10 Med/Large early 19th C. & later assorted paste jewel buttons. 512 A division one striking pierced jeweled button 1 Large 19th c. green paste and Marcasite adorned button. 513 A division one enamel set with a paste border 1 Large 19th century oval enamel with paillons & pierreries. 514 A division 1 pierced silver and enamel pictorial button 1 Large 19th century cobalt blue enamel button. 515 A beautiful Division one pictorial enamel button 1 Medium 19th century Art Nouveau IRIS example. 516 A division one pearl and enamel button 1 Large 19th century smokey pearl with oval enamel center. 517 A small card of division three pictorial pearl buttons 2 Large 20th century carved Bethlehem Pearl examples. 518 A division one shell button with pictorial escutcheon 1 Medium 19th C. mottled front with a silver Art Nouveau design. 519 A division one carved pearl sailing scene 1 Large 19th century carved smokey pearl button. 520 A division one openwork pictorial pearl button 1 Large 19th century brass-cut steel-pearl button. 521 A division one steel and pearl button 1 Large 18th century openwork pearl with blued steel center. 522 A division one porcelain pictorial button 1 Medium size 18th century Meissen backmarked porcelain button. 523 A division one unusual patterned copper button 1 Large 18th century brass colored copper example. 524 A RARE division one silver hunt button A large engraved early 18th century silver hunting dog button! 525 Another RARE glass in Copper button scene 1 Large 18th C. Reverse painted scene set in copper. 526 A division one hand painted scene under glass button 1 Large 18th century colorful pastoral scene in vibrant colors. 527 A RARE division one pictorial fabric button 1 Large 18th century embroidered fabric male figure button. 528 A Division one Pearl and Enamel button 1 Large 18th century cobalt blue enamel set in pearl. 529 A division one three material inlay button 1 Large 19th century black glass in metal with pearl example. 530 A division one pictorial black glass button 1 Large 19th century silver and acid etched fruit button. 531 A small card of division one black glass buttons 7 Large & Ex Large 19th century buttons including pictorial. 532 A division one scarce black glass pictorial button 1 Medium 19th century painted black glass under clear shield. 533 A partial card of division three celluloid buttons 5 Medium/Large 20th century Marion Weeber examples. 534 A card of division one and three assorted flower buttons 28 S/M/L 19th-20th century assorted material examples. 535 A division one RARE pictorial porcelain button 1 large medium 19th century "Pate Sur Pate" pinecone button. 536 A partial card of division three celluloid buttons 4 Medium/Large 20th century Marion Weeber examples. 537 A small card of division three Bakelite Buttons 8 Medium/Large 20th century assorted examples. 538 A division one pictorial Casein button 1 Large early 20th C. pierced bird or fabulous animal example. 539 A division three pictorial Bakelite button 1 Extra Large 20th century blue fox head example. 540 A division three studio artist shell button 1 Large 20th century engraved pictorial by Nancy Dubois. 541 A division 3 early French white metal pictorial button 1 Large 1930's patterned background white metal Scarab. 542 A card of division three assorted material Dog buttons 25 S/M/L mostly 20th century buttons with assorted Terrier Dogs. 543 A division one pictorial animal button 1 Large 19th century Handkerchief Corner button. 544 A division three studio artist glass button 1 Large realistic shaped modern studio glass artist wildcat button. 545 A division three studio artist button 1 Medium size 20th century Will Stokes Paperweight example. 546 A card of division 3 assorted colored moonglow glass 35 Medium 20th century assorted shapes and styles. 547 A division one pictorial orange glass button 1 Large early 20th C. spindle shaped glass snake button. 548 A division one fabulous original tint pictorial button 1 Extra Large 19th C. detailed Equestrian subject matter button. 549 An extremely rare Porcelain button from Hungary 1 Large early 20th C. realistic shaped Herend porcelain button. 550 A division three studio artist button 1 Extra large carved wood button by the late Leo Crabtree. 551 A division three studio artist glass pictorial button 1 Medium size 20th century paperweight button by Will Stokes! 552 A small card of division three English glass buttons 8 Medium/Large 20th century Bimini glass examples. 553 A division three English glass pictorial button 1 Large 20th century Bimini Glass Elephant button. 554 A division one lacy glass colored button 1 Large size 19th century backmarked full body color example. 555 A small card of division one Lacy glass buttons 6 Medium/Large 19th century assorted pattern examples. 556 A division one silver lustered lacy glass button 1 Medium size 19th century beautiful example. 557 A partial card of division one and three glass buttons 39 Small/Medium 19th-20th century examples. 558 A division one white glass colorful button 1 Small early 20th century glass button known as Coralene glass. 559 A card of division three West German glass buttons 54 Small 1940's "Moonglow" glass buttons. 560 A card of division three studio artist buttons 15 Small 20th century paperweight glass examples. 561 A card of division one and three assorted ball buttons 42 Small 19th-20th century assorted material examples. 562 A card of division one and three assorted ball buttons 25 Small/Medium 19th-20th century assorted material examples. 563 A full tray of division 1 & 3 Earthenware buttons 44 S/M/L 19th-20th century Framed Japanese Satsuma Buttons. 564 A partial card of division 1 & 3 Asian themed buttons 14 Medium/Large 19th-21st century assorted material buttons. 565 A partial card of division 1 & 3 Asian themed buttons 15 Small/Medium/Large 19th-21st C. assorted material buttons. 566 A small card of Div. 1 & 3 assorted Earth Tone buttons 7 Large 19th-20th century examples including Asian pictorial. 567 A very rare and beautiful division one Gemstone button 1 Large 19th C. or earlier pictorial Jade button. 568 A full card of division one and three Asian Buttons 41 Small/Medium 19th/20th century assorted material buttons. 569 A division one Japanese enamel pictorial button 1 Medium size late 19th C. foil enamel known as Gin Bari work. 570 A division one pictorial enamel button 1 Large 19th century pink and green tri design enamel button! 571 A card of division one & three flower buttons 25 S/M/L 19th-20th century assorted material examples. 572 A division one hard to find engraved pearl button 1 Large scarce pearl from the 19th century. 573 A small card of division three pictorial pearl buttons 2 Large 20th century carved Bethlehem Pearl examples. 574 A partial card of division one steel cup buttons 15 Large 19th century buttons including pictorials. 575 A scarce division one steel cup button 1 Medium size 19th century Vegetable Iv. Centered example. 576 A partial card of division 1 & 3 metal buttons 12 Large 19th-20th century including pictorial examples. 577 A small card of division one and three metal buttons 10 Large 19th-20th century examples including pictorial. 578 A division one silver and brass pictorial button 1 Large 19th century full figured lady pictorial example. 579 A very hard to find division one pictorial button 1 Small size 19th century brass childrens button with a Rabbit. 580 A division one cool border button 1 Large 19th century brass with animal border. 581 A partial card of division 1 & 3 pictorial buttons 12 Large 19th-20th century assorted metal buttons. 582 A partial card of division 1 & 3 metal buttons 10 Large 19th-20th century including pictorial examples. 583 A division one openwork detailed picture button 1 Large 19th century winged Cherub high relief button. 584 A division one RARE pictorial button 1 Medium 19th century button known as the Bather. 585 A division one Rare brass pictorial button 1 Large 19th century Gnome on a Trellis button. 586 A small card of division three animal buttons 8 Large 20th century realistic gilded metal examples. 587 A division one silver pictorial dog button 1 Large size early 20th century realistic shape Terrier example. 588 A division three studio artist glass button 1 Small 20th C. faceted overlay pictorial paperweight button. 589 A division three studio artist pictorial button 1 Large 21st century handcrafted fabric peacock button. 590 A division three studio artist glass pictorial button 1 Medium size 20th century paperweight button by Will Stokes! 591 A card of division 1 & 3 assorted animal life buttons 25 S/M/L 19th-20th century assorted materials including cats. 592 A pair of division three studio artist pictorial buttons 2 LG. 20th C. different Animal buttons by the late Faith Strobel. 593 A division three chunky Bakelite pictorial button 1 Large 20th century carved black snake button. 594 A division three realistic pictorial animal button 1 Large medium 20th century lampwork glass wildcat button. 595 A small card of division 1 & 3 glass buttons 8 Medium/Large 19th-20th century assorted technique examples. 596 A card of division 1 & 3 assorted glass buttons 39 Small/Medium 19th-21st C. including English Bimini examples. 597 A scarce division one pictorial glass button 1 Small hard to find early 20th century Coralene glass button. 598 A card of division one and three black glass buttons 30 Medium size 19th-29th century silver or gold luster examples. 599 A card of division three lacy glass buttons 20 Large 20th century colorful assorted examples. 600 A partial card of assorted division 1 & 3 Glass buttons 26 Small 19th-20th C. assorted including Lacy glass and Tingue. 601 A division one large jewel button 1 Large late 19th century silvered brass glass in metal example. 602 A card of division one & three assorted jeweled buttons 17 Medium/Large 20th C. glass in metal examples including Bakelite. 603 A card of division three jeweled plastic buttons 43 Small/Medium/Large 20th century assorted examples. 604 A beautiful division one Gay 90 glass in metal button 1 Large late 19th century true gay 90 pierced jeweled button. 605 A division one glass set in metal button 1 Large early 20th century PEACOCK EYE glass button! 606 A rare division one pictorial glass button in metal 1 Large early 20th century Rene Lalique button. 607 A small card of division three English glass buttons 4 Medium 20th century Bimini Glass buttons mostly pictorial. 608 A full card of division one assorted glass buttons 30 Medium 19th early 20th C. glass buttons incl. inlay & lacy. 609 2 Cards of division one assorted inlay buttons 82 Small/Medium 19th century horn and compo buttons. 610 2 Cards of division one assorted inlay buttons 68 Small/Medium 19th century horn and compo buttons. 611 A division three studio artist button 1 Large-Medium 21st century carved Beetles by Brad Elfrink. 612 A division one jeweled brass and pearl pictorial button 1 Small 19th C. Gilded coiled jeweled snake over cultured pearl. 613 A division 1 engraved & 2 piece pictorial pearl button 1 Large size etched scene and smokey Eiffel tower united button. 614 A very RARE division one sporting button 1 Medium size 19th century hand painted pearl dog button. 615 A division three studio artist button 1 Large 20th century Sterling and gemstone coiled snake button. 616 A division one high relief button of a DOG 1 Extra large 19th C. Copper finished brass & cut steel button. 617 A division three studio artist pictorial button 1 Large 21st century button by the late Kevin Kinne. 618 An incredibly carved natural material of Elephants 1 Large 20th century pierced button from the Motiwala Studios. 619 A division one pictorial natural material button 1 Large 19th century painted and lacquered leaf button. 620 A division one porcelain pictorial button 1 Small 18th century Meissen backmarked porcelain button. 621 A division one hand painted scene under glass 1 Large 18th century painting on natural material. 622 A RARE division one pearl pictorial button 1 Large 18th century silver overlayed pearl scene with a FOX. 623 A division one overall jeweled button in silver 1 Large late 18th century Georgian jeweled button. 624 A division one scene under glass button 1 Large 18th century colorful tavern scene button. 625 A RARE division one ornate copper button 1 Large 18th century BACKMARKED gold and copper button. 626 A RARE division one oval copper button 1 Small 18th/19th C. transitional George Washington memorial. 627 A division one glass in pearl button 1 Large 18th century woven pattern under glass shield. 628 A very RARE division one under glass scene button 1 Medium size 18th century painting under glass set in GOLD! 629 A division one hand painting under glass button 1 Large Stunning 19th century painting on natural material. 630 A division one Wedgwood pictorial button 1 Large medium 19th C. blue jasperware head in silver example. 631 A division one pictorial porcelain button 1 Large 19th century silver deposit/resist button. 632 A division three Japanese realistic porcelain button 1 Large 20th century Arita porcelain SWAN button. 633 A RARE division one micro mosaic pictorial button 1 Small late 19th early 20th century scarab/beetle button. 634 A division one glass set in metal pictorial button 1 Large 19th century thick glass scarab example. 635 A RARE division one brass pictorial button 1 Large 19th century "Teddy Bear" button. 636 A Rare division one pictorial porcelain set in metal 1 Large medium colorful 19th century Art Nouveau Bow design. 637 A division three studio artist pictorial button 1 Large 21st century button by the late Kevin Kinne. 638 A division one transfer on porcelain button 1 Medium 19th century RARE "Liverpool" transfer colored Butterfly. 639 A division one pictorial ceramic in metal button 1 Large 19th century colorful figural on matte porcelain. 640 A RARE division one Japanese metal works button 1 Large 19th century Shakudo pictorial button. 641 A card of division 1 & 3 assorted couple buttons 25 S/M/L 19th-20th century assorted material examples. 642 A card of division one & three assorted head buttons 24 Medium/Large 19th-20th century assorted material examples. 643 A partial card of division 1 & 3 white metal buttons. 12 Medium /Large 19th-20th century assorted pictorial examples. 644 A small card of division one and three metal buttons 8 Large 19th-20th century examples including pictorial. 645 A partial card of Division 1 & 3 Egyptian Motif buttons 14 S/M/L 19th-20th century assorted material examples. 646 A card of division one Egyptian themed buttons 15 S/M/L 19th century assorted metal buttons including enamel. 647 A scarce division one Japanese Enamel pictorial button 1 Large pierced 19th century repousse silver and enamel example. 648 A rare and beautiful division one enamel button 1 Large medium 19th century "DISH" enamel button! 649 A card of division one assorted enamel buttons 24 S/M/L 19th and early 20th century assorted techniques. 650 A card of division 1 & 3 assorted enamel buttons 24 S/M/L 19th-20th century assorted techniques and examples. 651 A division one enamel pictorial button 1 Medium 19th century coiled snake button. 652 A division three studio artist button 1 Large 20th century button by Sarah Atlee of a CAT! 653 A division three sterling and gemstone pictorial button 1 Large 20th century realistic detailed hummingbird example. 654 A beautiful division one carved pearl button! 1 Large early 20th century carved peacock eye design button. 655 A partial card of division one pearl buttons 14 S/M/L 19th century shell including pictorials. 656 A card of division one assorted pearl buttons 24 Medium/Large 19th century assorted techniques. 657 A partial card of division one pearl buttons 15 S/M/L 19th century shell including pictorials. 658 A card of division one and three mostly metal buttons 24 Medium/Large 19th-20th C. including a carved pierced pearl. 659 A full card of division one metal and steel buttons 20 Large 19th century pierced brass and cut steel buttons. 660 A full card of division one metal and steel buttons 20 Medium/Large 19th C. assorted metal and assorted steel shapes. 661 A card of division one & three assorted picture buttons 24 Medium/Large 19th-20th century metal examples. 662 A small card of division one and three metal buttons 8 Large 19th-20th century examples including pictorial. 663 A card of division one and three animal buttons 35 S/M/L 19th-20th century mostly metal examples. 664 A partial card of division one and three snake buttons 17 S/M/L 19th-20th century assorted material examples. 665 A small card of division three carved Crystal buttons 4 Medium/Large 20th century rock crystal animal buttons. 666 A card of division 1 & 3 assorted material buttons 20 S/M/L 19th-20th C. assorted animals including dragonflies, 667 A card of division 1 & 3 Assorted pictorial buttons 42 Small mostly 19th C. assorted material and subject matter. 668 A card of division three buttons specialized to Green 25 S/M/L 20th century assorted shapes and styles. 669 A partial card of division three pictorial buttons 15 mostly large 20th-21st century examples including studio. 670 A full card of assorted material pictorial buttons 20 Large 19th & 20th century assorted subject matter buttons. 671 A full card of division 1 & 3 assorted floral buttons 35 S/M/L 19th-20th century assorted material examples. 672 A card of division 1 and 3 Christmas design buttons 20 S/M/L 19th/20th century assorted material examples. 673 A small card of division 1 & 3 assorted material buttons 26 S/M/L 19th-20th century buttons including pictorials. 674 A division three studio artist enamel button 1 Large 20th century silver and Plique A Jour Dragonfly button 675 A partial card of division 1 & 3 assorted floral buttons 21 Medium 19th-20th century in assorted material examples. 676 A rare and fine Diplomatic Garment 1 uniform Jacket from the collection of Elizabeth Hughes 677 1 Copy of the Big Book of Buttons The original printing from 1980 with the blue cover. 678 A bag lot of assorted buttons A large assortement of assorted material buttons. 679 A bag lot of assorted buttons A large assortement of assorted celluloid style buttons. 680 A bag lot of assorted buttons A nice assortement of mostly metal buttons including pictorial. 681 A bag lot of assorted buttons A large assortement of assorted celluloid style buttons. 682 A bag lot of assorted material buttons A multitude of assorted materials from the 19th & 20th centuries. 683 A bag lot of assorted buttons A large assortement of assorted celluloid style buttons. 684 A bag lot of assorted material buttons A multitude of assorted materials from the 19th & 20th centuries. 685 A bag lot of assorted buttons A large assortement of assorted material buttons. 686 A bag lot of assorted buttons A large assortement of assorted material buttons. 687 A group of Riker cases 6 Medium and large Riker cases for sorting buttons. 688 A box of standard size shadow box button frames This is a lot of 5 DROP IN nice quality examples. 689 A box of standard size shadow box button frames This is a lot of 5 DROP IN nice quality examples. 690 A box of standard size shadow box button frames This is a lot of 5 DROP IN nice quality examples. 691 A box of standard size shadow box button frames This is a lot of 5 DROP IN nice quality examples. 692 A group of 3 books on Buttons 3 Different informative books on buttons including "Fun Buttons". 693 A group of 3 Button Books 3 Informative and must have books on buttons. 694 A colorful book about buttons This large book was written by Viviane Beck Ertell. 695 A large book about buttons This large book was written by Peggy Ann Osborne. |
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