Listing ID#: 1715770

Auction Location
Ham Lake, MN 55304
Auction Dates and Times
Bidding Starts: Wednesday Mar 19, 7:15 PM
Bidding Ends: Monday Mar 31, 7:15 PM
Auction Type
Company Information
K-BID Online Auctions

Contact: Ray Caruso
Phone: 763-479-3000
Website: ID#: 1912
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Listing Information
Thank you for viewing on our auction, please read these important details prior to bidding. Appointments: Appointments are required for removal. Appointments must be made prior to the day that you are coming to get your items. A $25 fee will apply to same day appointments. At the conclusion of the auction, bidders can make an appointment on the invoice section of their K-BID dashboard. We have limited parking space and rely on appointments to keep traffic moving, a $50 fee will apply to those who show up without an appointment. Call 1-877-653-1222 with questions or to make a phone appointment. Removal Requirements: We provide multiple removal days and bidders are expected to retrieve their items during these dates. A $25 daily fee will apply for removals outside of the specified removal dates. If not retrieved within 14 days, the items will be considered abandoned and no refunds will be given. Removal Equipment/Loading: The correct equipment/trailer is required for pickup. We provide forklift loading, but will not load on unsafe equipment or trailers. We do not provide physical loading help. Call 1-877-653-1222 with questions on equipment and trailer requirements. Picking up for Someone: If the person picking up is an employee, family member or anyone other than the person listed on the invoice, please call 1-877-653-1222 to provide a release of inventory. Payment Types: We accept payments online via the K-BID dashboard (all credit cards) up to an invoice total of $5,000. We accept CC payments by phone up to $1500. We do NOT accept personal or business checks. We will accept wire transfers, cashiers checks and cash (please have exact change) for all invoices and these payment types are required for invoices over a $5,000 total. All payments made to Red Tag Industries (no business or personal checks). Call 1-877-653-1222 with any questions on payment options.

PICK UP DATES ARE WEDNESDAY 04/02 (APPOINTMENT SLOTS AVAILALBE 9AM-4PM) THURSDAY 04/03 (APPOINTMENT SLOTS AVAILABLE 9AM-4PM) FRIDAY 04/04 (APPOINTMENT SLOTS AVAILABLE 9AM-4PM) LAST DAY TO REMOVE YOUR ITEMS WILL BE FRIDAY 04/04 SO PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU'RE AVAILABLE DURING PICK UP DATES BEFORE PLACING YOUR BIDS. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION PLEASE CONTACT US BEFORE AUCTION END. HAPPY BIDDING Appointments: Appointments are required for removal. Appointments must be made prior to the day that you are coming to get your items. A $25 fee will apply to same day appointments. At the conclusion of the auction, bidders can make an appointment on the invoice section of their K-BID dashboard. We have limited parking space and rely on appointments to keep traffic moving, a $50 fee will apply to those who show up without an appointment. Call 1-877-653-1222 with questions or to make a phone appointment. Removal Requirements: We provide multiple removal days and bidders are expected to retrieve their items during these dates. A $25 daily fee will apply for removals outside of the specified removal dates. If not retrieved within 14 days, the items will be considered abandoned and no refunds will be given. Removal Equipment/Loading: The correct equipment/trailer is required for pickup. We provide forklift loading, but will not load on unsafe equipment or trailers. We do not provide physical loading help. Call 1-877-653-1222 with questions on equipment and trailer requirements. Picking up for Someone: If the person picking up is an employee, family member or anyone other than the person listed on the invoice, please call 1-877-653-1222 to provide a release of inventory. Payment Types: We accept payments online via the K-BID dashboard (all credit cards) up to an invoice total of $5,000. We accept CC payments by phone up to $1500. We do NOT accept personal or business checks. We will accept wire transfers, cashiers checks and cash (please have exact change) for all invoices and these payment types are required for invoices over a $5,000 total. All payments made to Red Tag Industries (no business or personal checks). Call 1-877-653-1222 with any questions on payment options.

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K-BID Online Auctions

K-BID Online Auctions

Contact: Ray Caruso
Phone: 763-479-3000
Sale Location
Ham Lake, MN 55304
Sale Dates and Times
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details
Thank you for viewing on our auction, please read these important details prior to bidding. Appointments: Appointments are required for removal. Appointments must be made prior to the day that you are coming to get your items. A $25 fee will apply to same day appointments. At the conclusion of the auction, bidders can make an appointment on the invoice section of their K-BID dashboard. We have limited parking space and rely on appointments to keep traffic moving, a $50 fee will apply to those who show up without an appointment. Call 1-877-653-1222 with questions or to make a phone appointment. Removal Requirements: We provide multiple removal days and bidders are expected to retrieve their items during these dates. A $25 daily fee will apply for removals outside of the specified removal dates. If not retrieved within 14 days, the items will be considered abandoned and no refunds will be given. Removal Equipment/Loading: The correct equipment/trailer is required for pickup. We provide forklift loading, but will not load on unsafe equipment or trailers. We do not provide physical loading help. Call 1-877-653-1222 with questions on equipment and trailer requirements. Picking up for Someone: If the person picking up is an employee, family member or anyone other than the person listed on the invoice, please call 1-877-653-1222 to provide a release of inventory. Payment Types: We accept payments online via the K-BID dashboard (all credit cards) up to an invoice total of $5,000. We accept CC payments by phone up to $1500. We do NOT accept personal or business checks. We will accept wire transfers, cashiers checks and cash (please have exact change) for all invoices and these payment types are required for invoices over a $5,000 total. All payments made to Red Tag Industries (no business or personal checks). Call 1-877-653-1222 with any questions on payment options.

PICK UP DATES ARE WEDNESDAY 04/02 (APPOINTMENT SLOTS AVAILALBE 9AM-4PM) THURSDAY 04/03 (APPOINTMENT SLOTS AVAILABLE 9AM-4PM) FRIDAY 04/04 (APPOINTMENT SLOTS AVAILABLE 9AM-4PM) LAST DAY TO REMOVE YOUR ITEMS WILL BE FRIDAY 04/04 SO PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU'RE AVAILABLE DURING PICK UP DATES BEFORE PLACING YOUR BIDS. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION PLEASE CONTACT US BEFORE AUCTION END. HAPPY BIDDING Appointments: Appointments are required for removal. Appointments must be made prior to the day that you are coming to get your items. A $25 fee will apply to same day appointments. At the conclusion of the auction, bidders can make an appointment on the invoice section of their K-BID dashboard. We have limited parking space and rely on appointments to keep traffic moving, a $50 fee will apply to those who show up without an appointment. Call 1-877-653-1222 with questions or to make a phone appointment. Removal Requirements: We provide multiple removal days and bidders are expected to retrieve their items during these dates. A $25 daily fee will apply for removals outside of the specified removal dates. If not retrieved within 14 days, the items will be considered abandoned and no refunds will be given. Removal Equipment/Loading: The correct equipment/trailer is required for pickup. We provide forklift loading, but will not load on unsafe equipment or trailers. We do not provide physical loading help. Call 1-877-653-1222 with questions on equipment and trailer requirements. Picking up for Someone: If the person picking up is an employee, family member or anyone other than the person listed on the invoice, please call 1-877-653-1222 to provide a release of inventory. Payment Types: We accept payments online via the K-BID dashboard (all credit cards) up to an invoice total of $5,000. We accept CC payments by phone up to $1500. We do NOT accept personal or business checks. We will accept wire transfers, cashiers checks and cash (please have exact change) for all invoices and these payment types are required for invoices over a $5,000 total. All payments made to Red Tag Industries (no business or personal checks). Call 1-877-653-1222 with any questions on payment options.

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 Online Only Auction
Auction Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Wednesday Mar 19 , 7:15 PM
Bidding Ends: Monday Mar 31 , 7:15 PM
Auction Location
Ham Lake, MN 55304
K-BID Online Auctions

Contact: Ray Caruso
Phone: 763-479-3000

Thank you for viewing on our auction, please read these important details prior to bidding. Appointments: Appointments are required for removal. Appointments must be made prior to the day that you are coming to get your items. A $25 fee will apply to same day appointments. At the conclusion of the auction, bidders can make an appointment on the invoice section of their K-BID dashboard. We have limited parking space and rely on appointments to keep traffic moving, a $50 fee will apply to those who show up without an appointment. Call 1-877-653-1222 with questions or to make a phone appointment. Removal Requirements: We provide multiple removal days and bidders are expected to retrieve their items during these dates. A $25 daily fee will apply for removals outside of the specified removal dates. If not retrieved within 14 days, the items will be considered abandoned and no refunds will be given. Removal Equipment/Loading: The correct equipment/trailer is required for pickup. We provide forklift loading, but will not load on unsafe equipment or trailers. We do not provide physical loading help. Call 1-877-653-1222 with questions on equipment and trailer requirements. Picking up for Someone: If the person picking up is an employee, family member or anyone other than the person listed on the invoice, please call 1-877-653-1222 to provide a release of inventory. Payment Types: We accept payments online via the K-BID dashboard (all credit cards) up to an invoice total of $5,000. We accept CC payments by phone up to $1500. We do NOT accept personal or business checks. We will accept wire transfers, cashiers checks and cash (please have exact change) for all invoices and these payment types are required for invoices over a $5,000 total. All payments made to Red Tag Industries (no business or personal checks). Call 1-877-653-1222 with any questions on payment options.

PICK UP DATES ARE WEDNESDAY 04/02 (APPOINTMENT SLOTS AVAILALBE 9AM-4PM) THURSDAY 04/03 (APPOINTMENT SLOTS AVAILABLE 9AM-4PM) FRIDAY 04/04 (APPOINTMENT SLOTS AVAILABLE 9AM-4PM) LAST DAY TO REMOVE YOUR ITEMS WILL BE FRIDAY 04/04 SO PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU'RE AVAILABLE DURING PICK UP DATES BEFORE PLACING YOUR BIDS. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION PLEASE CONTACT US BEFORE AUCTION END. HAPPY BIDDING Appointments: Appointments are required for removal. Appointments must be made prior to the day that you are coming to get your items. A $25 fee will apply to same day appointments. At the conclusion of the auction, bidders can make an appointment on the invoice section of their K-BID dashboard. We have limited parking space and rely on appointments to keep traffic moving, a $50 fee will apply to those who show up without an appointment. Call 1-877-653-1222 with questions or to make a phone appointment. Removal Requirements: We provide multiple removal days and bidders are expected to retrieve their items during these dates. A $25 daily fee will apply for removals outside of the specified removal dates. If not retrieved within 14 days, the items will be considered abandoned and no refunds will be given. Removal Equipment/Loading: The correct equipment/trailer is required for pickup. We provide forklift loading, but will not load on unsafe equipment or trailers. We do not provide physical loading help. Call 1-877-653-1222 with questions on equipment and trailer requirements. Picking up for Someone: If the person picking up is an employee, family member or anyone other than the person listed on the invoice, please call 1-877-653-1222 to provide a release of inventory. Payment Types: We accept payments online via the K-BID dashboard (all credit cards) up to an invoice total of $5,000. We accept CC payments by phone up to $1500. We do NOT accept personal or business checks. We will accept wire transfers, cashiers checks and cash (please have exact change) for all invoices and these payment types are required for invoices over a $5,000 total. All payments made to Red Tag Industries (no business or personal checks). Call 1-877-653-1222 with any questions on payment options.