Listing ID#: 1714541

Auction Location
1501 West Fayette Ave
Effingham, IL 62401
Auction Dates and Times
Saturday Apr 12, 9:30 am
Auction Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Smittys Auction Service

Contact: Marty Smith
Phone: 217-259-8219
Email: smittysauctionservice@gmail.com
Website: smittysauctions.com/

GoToAuction.com ID#: 5171
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NO BUYERS PREMIUM, Not Responsible For Accidents Or Theft—Announcements Day Of Sale Take Precedence Over Written Material. 10% handling fee for absentee bidding. Shipping fees will apply if necessary.
Listing Information



Saturday, April 12th, @ 9:30 A.M.

Effingham Event Center

1501 West Fayette Ave. Effingham, IL 62401

Directions: Approx. 90 miles East of St. Louis, MO. on Interstate 70, take exit 159, go East 1/4 mile to K-C  Hall.

Or approx 110 milesWest of Indianapolis, IN on Interstate 70. Take exit 160 go south to Fayette Ave. to K-C Hall

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75 + Pcs of Furniture & Country Store

( Country, Painted ,Original, Primitive, Country Store)

24 Cubby Hole Country Store Cabinet w/Mustard Paint & Red Trim ♦ Primitive Raised A Panel Blind Door 4’ Corner Cupboard w/Old Brown Red Paint ♦ Vanity Top Make Up Mirror w/Drawer 24 Cubby Hole Country Store Cabinet w/Mustard Paint & Red Trim ♦ Primitive Raised Panel Blind Door 4 Ft Corner Cupboard w/Old Brown Red Paint ♦ Vanity Top Make Up Mirror w/Drawer ♦ Country Store Counter Top Cash Drawer Cabinet w/ Family Remedys Stenciling ♦ Country Milk Stool w/Leg Imprint ♦ 8 Drawer Wall Spice Cabinet ♦ 2-Davis Cabinet Co. Fancy Farm House 4 Drawer Chest w/Wood Fruit Pull Handles ♦ 1800’s Country Drop Leaf Table w/Drawer ♦ 1800’s Country Farmhouse Pantry Cupboard w/Chamfer Doors, 2 Drawers On Top, Squared Nail, 6 Ft, ♦ 1800’s Walnut Country Drop Front Secretary Cabinet w/Drop Door, Slid Out Work Boards ♦ Fancy Farm House Bed w/ Applied Cresting On Top, Davis Cabinet Co. ♦ Fancy Farm House Vanity Dresser w/ Mirror & Chair w/Cresting on Mirror, By Davis Cabinet Co. ♦ Early Sofa Table ♦ Floor Model Radio W Tubes ♦ Oak 2 Person Work Station w/2 Side Cabinets w/Drawers on One Side, Cabinets on the Other Side, Bread Board ‘ Removable Top’ ♦ Old Farm House Dbl Meal Bin 49” Long w/Slant Bread Board Lids, 2 Board Back, WOW! ♦ 50” Oak Fern Stand ♦ WOW! Primitive 18 Drawer Country Store Cabinet w/One Board Sides, Wood Pegged Drawer Pulls ♦ Early Wicker Rocking Chair w/Side Arm Rest & Storage ♦ WOW!1800’s Painted Step Back Cupboard w/2 Door Over 2 Drawer Over 2 Door w/40” Slide Out Noodle Board, 82” Tall ♦ Early Doctor Office 5 Drawer Cabinet w/ Rotary Shelf Pullout Towel Bar, Brass Art Gallery ♦ WOW! 69”x36” 2 Board Top Harvest Table w/Tampered Legs, Drawer ♦ Woven Stool w/Old Green Paint ♦ Walnut 1 Drawer Work Stand ♦ Cherry 1 Drawer Work Stand ♦ Split Hickory Sitting Chair ♦ Country Store Merricks 6 Drawer Spool Cabinet w/Great Stencilling ♦ Picket Fence Plant Stand ♦ Hand Carved Small Wall Cabinet ♦ WOW! Country Store Counter w/9 Drawers w/Back & Base Floor w/Old Paint Very Nice! 61” x 27”w x 34”t ♦ Must See! Primitive Pie/Meat Safe w/ 6 Wood Chamfer Panel Doors, 4 Chamfer panel Sides, Bottom Drawer, Wood Pegged, 1” Thick Shelf Boards 63” Tall, WOW! ♦ White Painted Ice Box ♦ Open Front Crock Cupboard w/Top Drawer & Old Blue Paint ♦ Work Table w/ 20” One Board Top, 2 Drawers, Whte Painted Base ♦ Old Painted Carpenter’s Chest ♦ Old Painted Dry Sink 26”x 20” ♦ Glass Door Scallop Top Wall Hanging Cabinet ♦ 1800’s Turned Pencil Point Leg Work Table w/3 Drawers 5’x27”w x 29”t ♦ Early 2 Drawer Turned leg Work Table ♦ Early Dome Top Truck ♦ Cool! Country Butchers Shop 4” Top Dbl Drawer Work Table w/Metal Legs 50” x 23” x 34” Tall ♦ Candle Stand ♦ Cast Iron Clawfooted Organ Stool ♦ Primitive Plant Stands ♦ Primitive Wood Milking Stools ♦ Dome Top Blanket Chest ♦ Early Wash Stand ♦ Oak Parlor Table w/Glass Claw & Ball Feet ♦ 21 Drawer Metal Cabinet ♦ Much More....

Primitives, Antiques, Farm House Primitives, Barn Finds, Toys

Oil Bottle w/Spout ♦ Rapid Dasher Washer ♦ CS Bell & Co. Dinner Bell ♦ Wood Kids Learning Blocks ♦ Vtg Leather Soft Balls ♦ Primitive Wood Picket Christmas Tree Fence ♦ Sno Flake Gladding Sled & Cart ♦ Blacksmith Hammers ♦ Wire Egg Baskets ♦ Wood Tub Washing Machine ♦ Broom Corn Cutter ♦ Garden Gate ♦ Blue Painted Yard Cart ♦ Primitive Chore Sled on Bench ♦ Blacksmith Forge ♦ Ornate Wrought Iron Yard Fence ♦ Talbet Brooks & Ayer Table Top Butter Churn ♦ Old Doctors Office Scales ♦ Mechanist Tool Chest ♦ Tin Chick Feeder ♦ JF Film Projector Marked Germany ♦ US Capital Building Reverse Painting ♦ Enterprise Dbl Fly Wheel Coffee Mill ♦ Primitve Painted Totes ♦ Old Green Painted Slant Top Counter Desk ♦ Wooden WWII Gas Alert Signal ♦ Coffee Grinders ♦ Cast Iron Door Stops ♦ Plank Bottom High Chair ♦ Clock Shelves ♦ Old Threshing Machinet Tool Box ♦ Early Wyandote Child’s Ride on Truck ♦ Tin Doll Buggy ♦ Tin Childs Wagon w/Wood T-Handle Pull ♦ Turner Toy Dump Truck ♦ Country Store Cheese Cutter ♦ Coal Miner’s Basket ♦ Coffee Jars ♦ Primitive Doll Cradle ♦ Enterprise Dbl Fly Wheel Coffee Milll W/ 10-1/2” Wheels ♦ Elgin National Dbl Flywheel Coffee Mill w/17” Wheels ♦ WOW! Early Wood Barn Bird House ♦ 18” Wood Ironing Board ♦ Vtg Leather Bound Books ♦ Glass Eggs ♦ Indian Blanket ♦ Candle Molds ♦ Small Sugar Chest ♦ Butter Molds ♦ Tin Soap Holder ♦ Wall Hanger w/Old Blue Paint ♦ Noodle Board w/ Old Red Paint ♦ Candle Boxes ♦ Graniteware ♦ Cast Iron Tobacco Cutter ♦ Cool! Tin Wall Rack w/Rolling Pin Holder ♦ CI Turtle Trivet ♦ Old Shaving Cream Jars ♦ Vintage Ladies High Top Shoes ♦ Wire Gathering Baskets ♦ Early Cast Iron Book Presses ♦ WOW! Primitive Squirrel House w/Roller Cage ♦ RR Lanterns w/Shades ♦ Dietz Inspector Lamp w/Shade ♦ Treenware ♦Wicker Basket ♦ Several Wood Rolling Pins ( Some Hand Carved) ♦ Dbl Crow Snow Bird ♦ Metal Rooster Weather Vane ♦ Cast Iron Banks ♦ Country Store Hat Stand ♦ Old Tin Flour, Coffee, Tea, Storage Tins ♦ AS Clouch Seed Cleaner ♦ Cool Primitive Corn Grinders w/Drawer ♦ Primitive Candle flour Sifter ♦ Seed Corn Grader ♦ Much More...

75 + Pcs Advertising

(Soda Pop, Oil & Gas, Farm, Country Store)

50’s Waukegan Tire Market Adv Calendars ♦ Several Wood Adv Boxes - Pine Spring, Bon Aomi, Kirks Flake Soap, Lenox Soap, Rub-No-More Soap, Ruger’s Crackers, ♦ Franklin Sugar Adv Box ♦ Thornson & Taylor Spice Co Roasted Coffee Box ♦ Embo- ssed Metal Case Engine & Tender Sign ♦ Embossed Champion Eggs For Sale Metal Sign ♦ Pepsi Cola Metal Tray Metal Sign ♦ Betsy Rose Jumbo Bread Metal Sign DS ♦ A-M Sign Co 11-59 Sunbeam Bread Children Playing Sign ♦ Metal Picture Framed Grape-Nuts Adv. Sign ♦ Deering Steel Binder, Lithograph in Frame ♦ Shoe Store Star Brand Shoes Mirror Stand ♦ Humphries Picture Framed Metal Adv. Sign ♦ Farmers Pride Country Store Adv Posters ♦ Coca Cola “Sign of Good Taste” Bow Tie Sign, 53 -1/2“ x 17-1/2” ♦ Rinso Save Work Every Wash Day Metal Sign ♦ Burma Shave Wood Painted Signs ♦ 1955 Drink RC Royal Crown Cola Sign 54” x 18” ♦ Harmony Baptist Church Wood Painted Sign ♦ 1942 Royal Crown Cola, Embossed Metal Sign ♦ 67” x 16” Country Hams - Cider Metal Sign ♦ Painted Metal Harvest Bread Sign ♦ DS Wood Abstract Sign ♦ Framed Oil on Canvas Sheep Picture ♦ Oil on Canvas Picture by Ruby P. Crouk ♦ Kaff-A Buttermilk Adv. Bucket ♦ Adv Pop Crates ♦ Adv Lard Tins ♦ Adv. Potato Chip Tins ♦ Queen Tobacco Tin ♦ Country Store Needle Display Tin w/Needles ♦ Shapleigh Gas Can ♦ Packard Motors Cars Tin Adv Thermometer ♦ Coca Cola Chest ♦ Moolah Shrine Circus Adv Fans ♦ RCA Color TV Adv Plastic Clock ♦ Standard Oil 5 Gal Can ♦ Motorcraft Adv Clock ♦ Inico Metal Sign 34” x 60” Trade Mark Ax in Stamp ♦ WOW! Dr MacDonald’s Pig Feeder w/Nice Stenciling & Color ♦ Much More...

Stoneware, Cast Iron Cookware, Copperware, Ironstone

Several Pcs Copperware ♦ Copper Storage Containers ♦ Lg Copper Chuck Wagon Pan w/2 Handles ♦ Copper Stuffer ♦ Dbl Handle S/6 6 Gal Water Crock ♦ Salt Glazed Jug w/Turkey Droppings ♦ 3 Gal Oval Jar w/ Applied Handles ♦ 2 Gal James Benhanin Stoneware Ben Depot Ohio ♦ Stone Storage Jars ♦ 4 Gal Salt Glazed Bee Sting w.Turkey Droppings ♦ 5 Gal Salt Glazed Bee Sting ♦ 30+ Pcs Ironstone Dinnerware ♦ CI Brinner Brothers ♦ Wagner Sidney O 1053 Skillet ♦ CI Candy Molds ♦ #9 Good Health Skillet ♦ 15” Lodge CI Skillet ♦ Blue Band Crocks ♦ Brown & White Water Crock w/Spout ♦ Platzgraph Pottery 200th Annv. 1732-1932 6 Gal Crock w/George Washington ♦ Wagnerware Sidney 1218 E Square Skillet ♦ Griswold Erie 840 CI Cooking Bowl Much More....

Auctioneer Note: Great auction! This is the 1st of many auctions to come for the Sandy Layman’s Estate.

Also in this Auction a Great Collection from Pana, IL

Lunch Stand Available






LICENSE # 441.000844

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Not Responsible For Accidents Or Theft—Announcements Day Of Sale Take Precedence Over Written Material

Auction License: 441.000844
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Smittys Auction Service

Smittys Auction Service

Contact: Marty Smith
Phone: 217-259-8219
Sale Location
1501 West Fayette Ave
Effingham, IL 62401
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Apr 12, 9:30 am
Sale Terms and Conditions
NO BUYERS PREMIUM, Not Responsible For Accidents Or Theft—Announcements Day Of Sale Take Precedence Over Written Material. 10% handling fee for absentee bidding. Shipping fees will apply if necessary.
Listing Details



Saturday, April 12th, @ 9:30 A.M.

Effingham Event Center

1501 West Fayette Ave. Effingham, IL 62401

Directions: Approx. 90 miles East of St. Louis, MO. on Interstate 70, take exit 159, go East 1/4 mile to K-C  Hall.

Or approx 110 milesWest of Indianapolis, IN on Interstate 70. Take exit 160 go south to Fayette Ave. to K-C Hall

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75 + Pcs of Furniture & Country Store

( Country, Painted ,Original, Primitive, Country Store)

24 Cubby Hole Country Store Cabinet w/Mustard Paint & Red Trim ♦ Primitive Raised A Panel Blind Door 4’ Corner Cupboard w/Old Brown Red Paint ♦ Vanity Top Make Up Mirror w/Drawer 24 Cubby Hole Country Store Cabinet w/Mustard Paint & Red Trim ♦ Primitive Raised Panel Blind Door 4 Ft Corner Cupboard w/Old Brown Red Paint ♦ Vanity Top Make Up Mirror w/Drawer ♦ Country Store Counter Top Cash Drawer Cabinet w/ Family Remedys Stenciling ♦ Country Milk Stool w/Leg Imprint ♦ 8 Drawer Wall Spice Cabinet ♦ 2-Davis Cabinet Co. Fancy Farm House 4 Drawer Chest w/Wood Fruit Pull Handles ♦ 1800’s Country Drop Leaf Table w/Drawer ♦ 1800’s Country Farmhouse Pantry Cupboard w/Chamfer Doors, 2 Drawers On Top, Squared Nail, 6 Ft, ♦ 1800’s Walnut Country Drop Front Secretary Cabinet w/Drop Door, Slid Out Work Boards ♦ Fancy Farm House Bed w/ Applied Cresting On Top, Davis Cabinet Co. ♦ Fancy Farm House Vanity Dresser w/ Mirror & Chair w/Cresting on Mirror, By Davis Cabinet Co. ♦ Early Sofa Table ♦ Floor Model Radio W Tubes ♦ Oak 2 Person Work Station w/2 Side Cabinets w/Drawers on One Side, Cabinets on the Other Side, Bread Board ‘ Removable Top’ ♦ Old Farm House Dbl Meal Bin 49” Long w/Slant Bread Board Lids, 2 Board Back, WOW! ♦ 50” Oak Fern Stand ♦ WOW! Primitive 18 Drawer Country Store Cabinet w/One Board Sides, Wood Pegged Drawer Pulls ♦ Early Wicker Rocking Chair w/Side Arm Rest & Storage ♦ WOW!1800’s Painted Step Back Cupboard w/2 Door Over 2 Drawer Over 2 Door w/40” Slide Out Noodle Board, 82” Tall ♦ Early Doctor Office 5 Drawer Cabinet w/ Rotary Shelf Pullout Towel Bar, Brass Art Gallery ♦ WOW! 69”x36” 2 Board Top Harvest Table w/Tampered Legs, Drawer ♦ Woven Stool w/Old Green Paint ♦ Walnut 1 Drawer Work Stand ♦ Cherry 1 Drawer Work Stand ♦ Split Hickory Sitting Chair ♦ Country Store Merricks 6 Drawer Spool Cabinet w/Great Stencilling ♦ Picket Fence Plant Stand ♦ Hand Carved Small Wall Cabinet ♦ WOW! Country Store Counter w/9 Drawers w/Back & Base Floor w/Old Paint Very Nice! 61” x 27”w x 34”t ♦ Must See! Primitive Pie/Meat Safe w/ 6 Wood Chamfer Panel Doors, 4 Chamfer panel Sides, Bottom Drawer, Wood Pegged, 1” Thick Shelf Boards 63” Tall, WOW! ♦ White Painted Ice Box ♦ Open Front Crock Cupboard w/Top Drawer & Old Blue Paint ♦ Work Table w/ 20” One Board Top, 2 Drawers, Whte Painted Base ♦ Old Painted Carpenter’s Chest ♦ Old Painted Dry Sink 26”x 20” ♦ Glass Door Scallop Top Wall Hanging Cabinet ♦ 1800’s Turned Pencil Point Leg Work Table w/3 Drawers 5’x27”w x 29”t ♦ Early 2 Drawer Turned leg Work Table ♦ Early Dome Top Truck ♦ Cool! Country Butchers Shop 4” Top Dbl Drawer Work Table w/Metal Legs 50” x 23” x 34” Tall ♦ Candle Stand ♦ Cast Iron Clawfooted Organ Stool ♦ Primitive Plant Stands ♦ Primitive Wood Milking Stools ♦ Dome Top Blanket Chest ♦ Early Wash Stand ♦ Oak Parlor Table w/Glass Claw & Ball Feet ♦ 21 Drawer Metal Cabinet ♦ Much More....

Primitives, Antiques, Farm House Primitives, Barn Finds, Toys

Oil Bottle w/Spout ♦ Rapid Dasher Washer ♦ CS Bell & Co. Dinner Bell ♦ Wood Kids Learning Blocks ♦ Vtg Leather Soft Balls ♦ Primitive Wood Picket Christmas Tree Fence ♦ Sno Flake Gladding Sled & Cart ♦ Blacksmith Hammers ♦ Wire Egg Baskets ♦ Wood Tub Washing Machine ♦ Broom Corn Cutter ♦ Garden Gate ♦ Blue Painted Yard Cart ♦ Primitive Chore Sled on Bench ♦ Blacksmith Forge ♦ Ornate Wrought Iron Yard Fence ♦ Talbet Brooks & Ayer Table Top Butter Churn ♦ Old Doctors Office Scales ♦ Mechanist Tool Chest ♦ Tin Chick Feeder ♦ JF Film Projector Marked Germany ♦ US Capital Building Reverse Painting ♦ Enterprise Dbl Fly Wheel Coffee Mill ♦ Primitve Painted Totes ♦ Old Green Painted Slant Top Counter Desk ♦ Wooden WWII Gas Alert Signal ♦ Coffee Grinders ♦ Cast Iron Door Stops ♦ Plank Bottom High Chair ♦ Clock Shelves ♦ Old Threshing Machinet Tool Box ♦ Early Wyandote Child’s Ride on Truck ♦ Tin Doll Buggy ♦ Tin Childs Wagon w/Wood T-Handle Pull ♦ Turner Toy Dump Truck ♦ Country Store Cheese Cutter ♦ Coal Miner’s Basket ♦ Coffee Jars ♦ Primitive Doll Cradle ♦ Enterprise Dbl Fly Wheel Coffee Milll W/ 10-1/2” Wheels ♦ Elgin National Dbl Flywheel Coffee Mill w/17” Wheels ♦ WOW! Early Wood Barn Bird House ♦ 18” Wood Ironing Board ♦ Vtg Leather Bound Books ♦ Glass Eggs ♦ Indian Blanket ♦ Candle Molds ♦ Small Sugar Chest ♦ Butter Molds ♦ Tin Soap Holder ♦ Wall Hanger w/Old Blue Paint ♦ Noodle Board w/ Old Red Paint ♦ Candle Boxes ♦ Graniteware ♦ Cast Iron Tobacco Cutter ♦ Cool! Tin Wall Rack w/Rolling Pin Holder ♦ CI Turtle Trivet ♦ Old Shaving Cream Jars ♦ Vintage Ladies High Top Shoes ♦ Wire Gathering Baskets ♦ Early Cast Iron Book Presses ♦ WOW! Primitive Squirrel House w/Roller Cage ♦ RR Lanterns w/Shades ♦ Dietz Inspector Lamp w/Shade ♦ Treenware ♦Wicker Basket ♦ Several Wood Rolling Pins ( Some Hand Carved) ♦ Dbl Crow Snow Bird ♦ Metal Rooster Weather Vane ♦ Cast Iron Banks ♦ Country Store Hat Stand ♦ Old Tin Flour, Coffee, Tea, Storage Tins ♦ AS Clouch Seed Cleaner ♦ Cool Primitive Corn Grinders w/Drawer ♦ Primitive Candle flour Sifter ♦ Seed Corn Grader ♦ Much More...

75 + Pcs Advertising

(Soda Pop, Oil & Gas, Farm, Country Store)

50’s Waukegan Tire Market Adv Calendars ♦ Several Wood Adv Boxes - Pine Spring, Bon Aomi, Kirks Flake Soap, Lenox Soap, Rub-No-More Soap, Ruger’s Crackers, ♦ Franklin Sugar Adv Box ♦ Thornson & Taylor Spice Co Roasted Coffee Box ♦ Embo- ssed Metal Case Engine & Tender Sign ♦ Embossed Champion Eggs For Sale Metal Sign ♦ Pepsi Cola Metal Tray Metal Sign ♦ Betsy Rose Jumbo Bread Metal Sign DS ♦ A-M Sign Co 11-59 Sunbeam Bread Children Playing Sign ♦ Metal Picture Framed Grape-Nuts Adv. Sign ♦ Deering Steel Binder, Lithograph in Frame ♦ Shoe Store Star Brand Shoes Mirror Stand ♦ Humphries Picture Framed Metal Adv. Sign ♦ Farmers Pride Country Store Adv Posters ♦ Coca Cola “Sign of Good Taste” Bow Tie Sign, 53 -1/2“ x 17-1/2” ♦ Rinso Save Work Every Wash Day Metal Sign ♦ Burma Shave Wood Painted Signs ♦ 1955 Drink RC Royal Crown Cola Sign 54” x 18” ♦ Harmony Baptist Church Wood Painted Sign ♦ 1942 Royal Crown Cola, Embossed Metal Sign ♦ 67” x 16” Country Hams - Cider Metal Sign ♦ Painted Metal Harvest Bread Sign ♦ DS Wood Abstract Sign ♦ Framed Oil on Canvas Sheep Picture ♦ Oil on Canvas Picture by Ruby P. Crouk ♦ Kaff-A Buttermilk Adv. Bucket ♦ Adv Pop Crates ♦ Adv Lard Tins ♦ Adv. Potato Chip Tins ♦ Queen Tobacco Tin ♦ Country Store Needle Display Tin w/Needles ♦ Shapleigh Gas Can ♦ Packard Motors Cars Tin Adv Thermometer ♦ Coca Cola Chest ♦ Moolah Shrine Circus Adv Fans ♦ RCA Color TV Adv Plastic Clock ♦ Standard Oil 5 Gal Can ♦ Motorcraft Adv Clock ♦ Inico Metal Sign 34” x 60” Trade Mark Ax in Stamp ♦ WOW! Dr MacDonald’s Pig Feeder w/Nice Stenciling & Color ♦ Much More...

Stoneware, Cast Iron Cookware, Copperware, Ironstone

Several Pcs Copperware ♦ Copper Storage Containers ♦ Lg Copper Chuck Wagon Pan w/2 Handles ♦ Copper Stuffer ♦ Dbl Handle S/6 6 Gal Water Crock ♦ Salt Glazed Jug w/Turkey Droppings ♦ 3 Gal Oval Jar w/ Applied Handles ♦ 2 Gal James Benhanin Stoneware Ben Depot Ohio ♦ Stone Storage Jars ♦ 4 Gal Salt Glazed Bee Sting w.Turkey Droppings ♦ 5 Gal Salt Glazed Bee Sting ♦ 30+ Pcs Ironstone Dinnerware ♦ CI Brinner Brothers ♦ Wagner Sidney O 1053 Skillet ♦ CI Candy Molds ♦ #9 Good Health Skillet ♦ 15” Lodge CI Skillet ♦ Blue Band Crocks ♦ Brown & White Water Crock w/Spout ♦ Platzgraph Pottery 200th Annv. 1732-1932 6 Gal Crock w/George Washington ♦ Wagnerware Sidney 1218 E Square Skillet ♦ Griswold Erie 840 CI Cooking Bowl Much More....

Auctioneer Note: Great auction! This is the 1st of many auctions to come for the Sandy Layman’s Estate.

Also in this Auction a Great Collection from Pana, IL

Lunch Stand Available






LICENSE # 441.000844

Visit us on the web at


Not Responsible For Accidents Or Theft—Announcements Day Of Sale Take Precedence Over Written Material

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 Live Auction
Auction Date(s)
Saturday Apr 12, 9:30 am
Auction Location
1501 West Fayette Ave
Effingham, IL 62401
Smittys Auction Service

Contact: Marty Smith
Phone: 217-259-8219
Website: smittysauctions.com/

Listing Terms and Conditions
NO BUYERS PREMIUM, Not Responsible For Accidents Or Theft—Announcements Day Of Sale Take Precedence Over Written Material. 10% handling fee for absentee bidding. Shipping fees will apply if necessary.



Saturday, April 12th, @ 9:30 A.M.

Effingham Event Center

1501 West Fayette Ave. Effingham, IL 62401

Directions: Approx. 90 miles East of St. Louis, MO. on Interstate 70, take exit 159, go East 1/4 mile to K-C  Hall.

Or approx 110 milesWest of Indianapolis, IN on Interstate 70. Take exit 160 go south to Fayette Ave. to K-C Hall

Click Here To View Pictures

75 + Pcs of Furniture & Country Store

( Country, Painted ,Original, Primitive, Country Store)

24 Cubby Hole Country Store Cabinet w/Mustard Paint & Red Trim ♦ Primitive Raised A Panel Blind Door 4’ Corner Cupboard w/Old Brown Red Paint ♦ Vanity Top Make Up Mirror w/Drawer 24 Cubby Hole Country Store Cabinet w/Mustard Paint & Red Trim ♦ Primitive Raised Panel Blind Door 4 Ft Corner Cupboard w/Old Brown Red Paint ♦ Vanity Top Make Up Mirror w/Drawer ♦ Country Store Counter Top Cash Drawer Cabinet w/ Family Remedys Stenciling ♦ Country Milk Stool w/Leg Imprint ♦ 8 Drawer Wall Spice Cabinet ♦ 2-Davis Cabinet Co. Fancy Farm House 4 Drawer Chest w/Wood Fruit Pull Handles ♦ 1800’s Country Drop Leaf Table w/Drawer ♦ 1800’s Country Farmhouse Pantry Cupboard w/Chamfer Doors, 2 Drawers On Top, Squared Nail, 6 Ft, ♦ 1800’s Walnut Country Drop Front Secretary Cabinet w/Drop Door, Slid Out Work Boards ♦ Fancy Farm House Bed w/ Applied Cresting On Top, Davis Cabinet Co. ♦ Fancy Farm House Vanity Dresser w/ Mirror & Chair w/Cresting on Mirror, By Davis Cabinet Co. ♦ Early Sofa Table ♦ Floor Model Radio W Tubes ♦ Oak 2 Person Work Station w/2 Side Cabinets w/Drawers on One Side, Cabinets on the Other Side, Bread Board ‘ Removable Top’ ♦ Old Farm House Dbl Meal Bin 49” Long w/Slant Bread Board Lids, 2 Board Back, WOW! ♦ 50” Oak Fern Stand ♦ WOW! Primitive 18 Drawer Country Store Cabinet w/One Board Sides, Wood Pegged Drawer Pulls ♦ Early Wicker Rocking Chair w/Side Arm Rest & Storage ♦ WOW!1800’s Painted Step Back Cupboard w/2 Door Over 2 Drawer Over 2 Door w/40” Slide Out Noodle Board, 82” Tall ♦ Early Doctor Office 5 Drawer Cabinet w/ Rotary Shelf Pullout Towel Bar, Brass Art Gallery ♦ WOW! 69”x36” 2 Board Top Harvest Table w/Tampered Legs, Drawer ♦ Woven Stool w/Old Green Paint ♦ Walnut 1 Drawer Work Stand ♦ Cherry 1 Drawer Work Stand ♦ Split Hickory Sitting Chair ♦ Country Store Merricks 6 Drawer Spool Cabinet w/Great Stencilling ♦ Picket Fence Plant Stand ♦ Hand Carved Small Wall Cabinet ♦ WOW! Country Store Counter w/9 Drawers w/Back & Base Floor w/Old Paint Very Nice! 61” x 27”w x 34”t ♦ Must See! Primitive Pie/Meat Safe w/ 6 Wood Chamfer Panel Doors, 4 Chamfer panel Sides, Bottom Drawer, Wood Pegged, 1” Thick Shelf Boards 63” Tall, WOW! ♦ White Painted Ice Box ♦ Open Front Crock Cupboard w/Top Drawer & Old Blue Paint ♦ Work Table w/ 20” One Board Top, 2 Drawers, Whte Painted Base ♦ Old Painted Carpenter’s Chest ♦ Old Painted Dry Sink 26”x 20” ♦ Glass Door Scallop Top Wall Hanging Cabinet ♦ 1800’s Turned Pencil Point Leg Work Table w/3 Drawers 5’x27”w x 29”t ♦ Early 2 Drawer Turned leg Work Table ♦ Early Dome Top Truck ♦ Cool! Country Butchers Shop 4” Top Dbl Drawer Work Table w/Metal Legs 50” x 23” x 34” Tall ♦ Candle Stand ♦ Cast Iron Clawfooted Organ Stool ♦ Primitive Plant Stands ♦ Primitive Wood Milking Stools ♦ Dome Top Blanket Chest ♦ Early Wash Stand ♦ Oak Parlor Table w/Glass Claw & Ball Feet ♦ 21 Drawer Metal Cabinet ♦ Much More....

Primitives, Antiques, Farm House Primitives, Barn Finds, Toys

Oil Bottle w/Spout ♦ Rapid Dasher Washer ♦ CS Bell & Co. Dinner Bell ♦ Wood Kids Learning Blocks ♦ Vtg Leather Soft Balls ♦ Primitive Wood Picket Christmas Tree Fence ♦ Sno Flake Gladding Sled & Cart ♦ Blacksmith Hammers ♦ Wire Egg Baskets ♦ Wood Tub Washing Machine ♦ Broom Corn Cutter ♦ Garden Gate ♦ Blue Painted Yard Cart ♦ Primitive Chore Sled on Bench ♦ Blacksmith Forge ♦ Ornate Wrought Iron Yard Fence ♦ Talbet Brooks & Ayer Table Top Butter Churn ♦ Old Doctors Office Scales ♦ Mechanist Tool Chest ♦ Tin Chick Feeder ♦ JF Film Projector Marked Germany ♦ US Capital Building Reverse Painting ♦ Enterprise Dbl Fly Wheel Coffee Mill ♦ Primitve Painted Totes ♦ Old Green Painted Slant Top Counter Desk ♦ Wooden WWII Gas Alert Signal ♦ Coffee Grinders ♦ Cast Iron Door Stops ♦ Plank Bottom High Chair ♦ Clock Shelves ♦ Old Threshing Machinet Tool Box ♦ Early Wyandote Child’s Ride on Truck ♦ Tin Doll Buggy ♦ Tin Childs Wagon w/Wood T-Handle Pull ♦ Turner Toy Dump Truck ♦ Country Store Cheese Cutter ♦ Coal Miner’s Basket ♦ Coffee Jars ♦ Primitive Doll Cradle ♦ Enterprise Dbl Fly Wheel Coffee Milll W/ 10-1/2” Wheels ♦ Elgin National Dbl Flywheel Coffee Mill w/17” Wheels ♦ WOW! Early Wood Barn Bird House ♦ 18” Wood Ironing Board ♦ Vtg Leather Bound Books ♦ Glass Eggs ♦ Indian Blanket ♦ Candle Molds ♦ Small Sugar Chest ♦ Butter Molds ♦ Tin Soap Holder ♦ Wall Hanger w/Old Blue Paint ♦ Noodle Board w/ Old Red Paint ♦ Candle Boxes ♦ Graniteware ♦ Cast Iron Tobacco Cutter ♦ Cool! Tin Wall Rack w/Rolling Pin Holder ♦ CI Turtle Trivet ♦ Old Shaving Cream Jars ♦ Vintage Ladies High Top Shoes ♦ Wire Gathering Baskets ♦ Early Cast Iron Book Presses ♦ WOW! Primitive Squirrel House w/Roller Cage ♦ RR Lanterns w/Shades ♦ Dietz Inspector Lamp w/Shade ♦ Treenware ♦Wicker Basket ♦ Several Wood Rolling Pins ( Some Hand Carved) ♦ Dbl Crow Snow Bird ♦ Metal Rooster Weather Vane ♦ Cast Iron Banks ♦ Country Store Hat Stand ♦ Old Tin Flour, Coffee, Tea, Storage Tins ♦ AS Clouch Seed Cleaner ♦ Cool Primitive Corn Grinders w/Drawer ♦ Primitive Candle flour Sifter ♦ Seed Corn Grader ♦ Much More...

75 + Pcs Advertising

(Soda Pop, Oil & Gas, Farm, Country Store)

50’s Waukegan Tire Market Adv Calendars ♦ Several Wood Adv Boxes - Pine Spring, Bon Aomi, Kirks Flake Soap, Lenox Soap, Rub-No-More Soap, Ruger’s Crackers, ♦ Franklin Sugar Adv Box ♦ Thornson & Taylor Spice Co Roasted Coffee Box ♦ Embo- ssed Metal Case Engine & Tender Sign ♦ Embossed Champion Eggs For Sale Metal Sign ♦ Pepsi Cola Metal Tray Metal Sign ♦ Betsy Rose Jumbo Bread Metal Sign DS ♦ A-M Sign Co 11-59 Sunbeam Bread Children Playing Sign ♦ Metal Picture Framed Grape-Nuts Adv. Sign ♦ Deering Steel Binder, Lithograph in Frame ♦ Shoe Store Star Brand Shoes Mirror Stand ♦ Humphries Picture Framed Metal Adv. Sign ♦ Farmers Pride Country Store Adv Posters ♦ Coca Cola “Sign of Good Taste” Bow Tie Sign, 53 -1/2“ x 17-1/2” ♦ Rinso Save Work Every Wash Day Metal Sign ♦ Burma Shave Wood Painted Signs ♦ 1955 Drink RC Royal Crown Cola Sign 54” x 18” ♦ Harmony Baptist Church Wood Painted Sign ♦ 1942 Royal Crown Cola, Embossed Metal Sign ♦ 67” x 16” Country Hams - Cider Metal Sign ♦ Painted Metal Harvest Bread Sign ♦ DS Wood Abstract Sign ♦ Framed Oil on Canvas Sheep Picture ♦ Oil on Canvas Picture by Ruby P. Crouk ♦ Kaff-A Buttermilk Adv. Bucket ♦ Adv Pop Crates ♦ Adv Lard Tins ♦ Adv. Potato Chip Tins ♦ Queen Tobacco Tin ♦ Country Store Needle Display Tin w/Needles ♦ Shapleigh Gas Can ♦ Packard Motors Cars Tin Adv Thermometer ♦ Coca Cola Chest ♦ Moolah Shrine Circus Adv Fans ♦ RCA Color TV Adv Plastic Clock ♦ Standard Oil 5 Gal Can ♦ Motorcraft Adv Clock ♦ Inico Metal Sign 34” x 60” Trade Mark Ax in Stamp ♦ WOW! Dr MacDonald’s Pig Feeder w/Nice Stenciling & Color ♦ Much More...

Stoneware, Cast Iron Cookware, Copperware, Ironstone

Several Pcs Copperware ♦ Copper Storage Containers ♦ Lg Copper Chuck Wagon Pan w/2 Handles ♦ Copper Stuffer ♦ Dbl Handle S/6 6 Gal Water Crock ♦ Salt Glazed Jug w/Turkey Droppings ♦ 3 Gal Oval Jar w/ Applied Handles ♦ 2 Gal James Benhanin Stoneware Ben Depot Ohio ♦ Stone Storage Jars ♦ 4 Gal Salt Glazed Bee Sting w.Turkey Droppings ♦ 5 Gal Salt Glazed Bee Sting ♦ 30+ Pcs Ironstone Dinnerware ♦ CI Brinner Brothers ♦ Wagner Sidney O 1053 Skillet ♦ CI Candy Molds ♦ #9 Good Health Skillet ♦ 15” Lodge CI Skillet ♦ Blue Band Crocks ♦ Brown & White Water Crock w/Spout ♦ Platzgraph Pottery 200th Annv. 1732-1932 6 Gal Crock w/George Washington ♦ Wagnerware Sidney 1218 E Square Skillet ♦ Griswold Erie 840 CI Cooking Bowl Much More....

Auctioneer Note: Great auction! This is the 1st of many auctions to come for the Sandy Layman’s Estate.

Also in this Auction a Great Collection from Pana, IL

Lunch Stand Available






LICENSE # 441.000844

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