Multi- Estate Auctions- Williamsburg, VA
Listing ID#: 1714066

Auction Location
Suri Dr.
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Auction Dates and Times
Bidding Starts: Tuesday Mar 18
Bidding Ends: Tuesday Mar 25
Auction Type
Company Information
A.B. Cole & Associates, Auction & Realty, LLC

Contact: Christy Cole
Phone: 757 539-9866
Website: ID#: 2259
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Listing Terms and Conditions
15% Buyers Premium, 6% VA Sales Tax Auction Terms & Condition All Items are sold AS- IS Scroll toward the bottom for Terms and Conditions in purchasing a firearm BE SURE TO ADD OUR EMAIL TO YOUR CONTACT LIST SO YOU RECEIVE ALL NOTICES AND INVOICES. Every auction lot is sold "as is, where is, with all faults known or unknown" without warranty or guarantee of any kind. Inspections of lots are provided by photos or special preview before and during the online auction. Bidders are asked not to bid on or purchase any item or a lot they have not inspected to their complete satisfaction as ALL SALES ARE FINAL. NO REFUNDS OR RETURNS. REMOVAL OF BIDS Bidding on an item is a contract. Once you place a bid you have told UCABC/HI-BID, "YES PLACE MY BID", additionally, you have taken the high bid away from someone else. You cannot back out of a bid you placed AS IT AFFECTS EVERY OTHER BIDDER ON AN ITEM Photos of items sometimes contain features of other inventory. While UCABC makes all effort to photograph each lot in full, you are bidding on the description. DISCLAIMER: All information was gathered from sources deemed reliable and is provided as a courtesy of United Country--A.B. Cole & Associates LLC. It is the responsibility of the bidder to verify all information to their satisfaction. All information is subject to change. At the request of the auction company, this auction permits bids to be placed by the auctioneer, an employee of the auctioneer, or the seller or an agent on the seller's behalf. In accordance with UCC 2-328, this auction is permitted to engage in this activity by providing this clear disclosure to you, the bidder. By Registering for this auction, Bidder recognizes and accepts these TERMS as a CONTRACT TO PURCHASE. Registration on-line with a valid Credit Card (Visa/MasterCard/AMX/Discover). Your card will be charged $1 for verification only and will be applied to purchase or reimbursed if no purchases are made. Declined Credit Cards: Any bidders with credit cards that are declined will be charged a $25 processing fee to run another credit card - NO EXCEPTIONS! 1. Please note: All bidders and others attending and participating in this auction whether in person, by internet, or by any other means, agree that they have read and fully understand these terms and agree to be bound thereby. 2. RESERVE The auctioneer reserves the right to reject any and all bids. 3. WARRANTY All merchandise is sold "as is, where is". There are no warranties expressed or implied and no guarantees. All sales are final. Please inspect items when available and bid accordingly. UCABC assumes no liability for owner guarantee. 4. RESPONSIBILITY Purchaser assumes complete responsibility for items at time the items closes. It is the sole RESPONSIBILITY of the Internet bidder to be familiar with the Internet bidding process. Questions or issues arising while bidding should be addressed prior to close of sale with UCABC 5. PAYMENT Complete payment in full required day of auction. Nothing shall be removed from premises before settlement. Title passes when purchasers funds clear. For CC users, a pre-auction authorization shall be performed to establish available credit. Nothing will be charged to your credit card until a purchase is made. 6. CLAIMS No claims will be allowed after close of on-line bidding. Any purchased items remaining after 30 days will be deemed abandoned and ownership returned to seller. 7. RECORDS The record of sale kept by the Auctioneer and Accounting Staff will be taken as final in the event of any dispute. 8. PERSONAL AND PROPERTY RISK Persons attending during exhibition, sale or removal of goods assume all risks of damage of, or loss to, personal property and specifically releases the auctioneer from liability therefore. Neither the auctioneer nor his principal shall be liable by reason for a defect in, or condition of, the premises on which the sale is held. If you register for someone else or allow someone else to use your bid number and password, you are responsible for all lots purchased and charges made against that bid number. Safeguard your bid number and password. 9. AGENCY The Auctioneer is acting as agent only, and is not responsible for acts of its principals. UCABC and its sellers assume no risk, liability or responsibility for the authenticity of the authorship of any property identified in this catalog. All property is sold AS IS, WHERE IS, and with NO WARRANTY and neither UCABC nor the sellers makes any warranties or representations of any kind with respect to property. Statements in the catalog or made at the sale, bill of sale, invoice or elsewhere shall not be deemed an assumption of liability, warrant, representation as the description, genuineness, attribution, provenance or condition of the property. Prospective bidders should inspect the property before bidding to determine its condition, size and whether or not it has been repaired or restored. UCABC and the sellers make no representation or warranty as to whether the purchaser acquires any reproduction rights in the property. Descriptions are believed to be accurate but not guaranteed. 11. BUYERS PREMIUM A 15% buyers premium will be added to each purchase. If you bid $100.00 at check out you will be charged $115.00 (Unless otherwise noted in the specific event items). 12. We reserve the right to withdraw any property before sale. 13. Unless otherwise announced by the auctioneer, all bids are per lot as numbered in the catalog. 14. On the fall of the auctioneers hammer or pronouncement of "sold" in any form or manner, title to the offered lot will pass from Seller to the highest bidder acknowledged by the auctioneer, subject to all the conditions set forth herein, and such bidder thereupon assumes full risk and responsibility therefore. We reserve the right to impose a late charge of 1 1/2% per month on the total purchase price if payment is not made in accordance with all of the conditions set forth herein. All property must be removed from the premises by the purchaser at his expense in the timely manner previously set forth. If any applicable conditions herein are not complied with by the purchaser in addition to other remedies available to us and the Seller by law, including with limitation the right to a) hold the purchaser liable for the total purchase price, we at our option may either cancel the sale, retaining as liquidated damages all payments made by the purchaser of b) resell the property at public auction, and the purchaser shall be liable for any deficiency costs, including handling charges, the expenses of both sales, or commission on both sales at option. Payment will not be deemed to have been made in full until we have collected funds 15. INTERNET BIDDING Any auction where Internet bidding/live auction is used, UCABC shall not be held liable for electronic bids not sent, received, or executed. BIDDING: All bidders are required to register on-line in order to bid. You must have available balance on your credit card for your online purchases. WHEN YOU BID ON ANY ITEM, YOU ARE ENTERING INTO A BINDING CONTRACT. IF YOUR BID IS THE WINNING BID ON ANY ITEM(S), YOUR CREDIT CARD WILL BE CHARGED FOR EACH AND EVERY ITEM PURCHASED AND YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO PICKUP YOUR ITEMS. When the auction closes, your credit card will be charged for your purchases and an invoice emailed to you. You will need this printed invoice in order to pick up your purchases. 16. BUYERS CONTRACT Your Internet bids are a contract and you are responsible for honoring them.The internet bidder agrees and acknowledges that all purchases made from this auction website will be charged to their credit card on the day of the auction. 17. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If technical difficulties occur during the closing of an sale we reserve the right to extend the closing times/dates as needed. 18. CANCELLATION UCABC reserves the right to: cancel, suspend, extend, or reschedule an individual item and or event. 19. PREVIEW Most events feature a preview, inspection or open house at some point prior to the conclusion of the auction. Approximately, 40% of the bidders attend the preview. When an event does not feature a preview, bidders should carefully consider the descriptions, photos, details and terms of sale, then bid accordingly. UCABC reserves the right to make changes to the event catalog, inspection, removal or closing times. 20.AUCTION CLOSE Each auction will end at a specified time. However, we use an auto-extend feature. With this feature, the bidding will remain open on any item that has received a bid within the last 1 minute. Once 2 minutes has lapsed without any bidding activity the bidding on the item will be closed. If there is more than one item in an auction the items will have staggered ending times. Each item will close 30 seconds after the previous unless extended bidding occurs as mentioned above. 21. PAYMENT At the conclusion of the event your credit card on file will be automatically charged for the entire amount of your purchases. Accepted forms of payment include Visa/ MasterCard/AMEX/DISC. You must have available balance on your credit card for your online purchases. Declined Credit Cards: Any bidders with credit cards that are declined will be charged a $25 processing fee to run another credit card - NO EXCEPTIONS! A paid invoice will be sent to the e-mail address in your bidder profile. IMPORTANT: If you use multiple e-mail addresses, make note of your registered e-mail address. Only the address provided at registration is sent notifications, alerts and final invoices. 22. BID NOTIFICATION: If you have been outbid you will be notified by email until the close of the sale. To quickly review your bids and see if you have won you can utilize the ?review bids? feature. Items that you have been outbid on will be clearly marked. WINNING BIDDER NOTIFICATION: You will be contacted by email ONLY (you are responsible for checking your e-mail). If you feel you have won an item and have not received an email you must notify our office within 12 hours of end of aucition. If you do not receive a paid e-mail invoice then you did not win any items during the online auction. The auctioneer will have the option of reselling, removing, storing or abandoning, at the expense and risk of the purchaser items not paid for and or removed within the specific time. The buyer agrees to pay all deficiencies, legal, collection, transportation and storage expenses associated with delinquent accounts or abandoned items. Any purchased items remaining after 30 days will be deemed abandoned and ownership returned to seller. 23. ITEM IDENTIFIED BY DESCRIPTION Always bid on the item description. Only use the photographs as a guide. For demonstration purposes, equipment may be joined and photographed together. Do not assume a lot consists of more than one item simply because they are connected or pictured together. You are bidding on the item as described Please take advantage of the onsite inspection and read the descriptions. Please notify our customer service team if you believe an item is incorrectly photographed 24. ON-LINE ONLY BIDDING Only online bids can be made. We do not accept written, oral, email or telephone bids. 25. BIDDING ERRORS After you submit your bids, you are presented with a verification page. Please confirm your bids prior to proceeding. If after the confirmation page you mistakenly increase your own bid, place your bidder number in the bid field, or make a typo, you must immediately notify our customer service team. It is the sole RESPONSIBILITY of the Internet bidder to be familiar with the Internet bidding process. Questions or issues arising while bidding should be addressed prior to close of sale. 26. REMOVAL OF BIDS Bidding on an item is a contract. Once you place a bid you have told UCABC/HI-BID, "YES PLACE MY BID", additionally, you have taken the high bid away from someone else. You cannot back out of a bid you placed AS IT AFFECTS EVERY OTHER BIDDER ON AN ITEM. DISCLAIMER: All information was gathered from sources deemed reliable and is provided as a courtesy of United Country--A.B. Cole & Associates LLC. It is the responsibility of the bidder to verify all information to their satisfaction. All information is subject to change. PLEASE READ: At the request of the auction company, this auction permits bids to be placed by the auctioneer, an employee of the auctioneer, or the seller or an agent on the seller's behalf. In accordance with UCC 2-328, this auction is permitted to engage in this activity by providing this clear disclosure to you, the bidder. By signing registering for this auction you give ABCole & Associates permission to add your name to their mailing list. You may unsubscribe at any time. Announcements made day of auction take precedence over all distributed material whether printed or electronic. Questions and Contact Information Please call 757-539-9866 or email for more information about the auction. Problems with or questions about Internet bidding should be directed to READ TERMS AND CONDTIONS FOR FIREARMS & AMMO BE SURE TO ADD OUR EMAIL TO YOUR CONTACT LIST SO YOU RECEIVE ALL NOTICES AND INVOICES. ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION AND BIDDING APPLY, PLUS THE FOLLOWING RULES FOR PURCHASING A FIREARM: NO SHIPPING TO AK, CA, or HI 1. Must be 18 years of age for long guns; 21 years of age for short guns 2. Must not be a convicted felon 3. Must not possess a domestic violence charge 4. All modern firearms will be transferred by FFL dealer, no exception! 5. Must have current drivers license issued over 30 days prior to beginning of auction. All information on license must be current and correct There will be no out of state drive-in's for pick-up of firearms. FFL to FFL only! Non Virginia Residents must contact their FFL to make arrangements with the FFL dealer servicing the transfer of these firearms -Southern Gun Works, 167 S. Main St. Suffolk, VA 23434, 757-934-1423 Out of state shipping from FFL Dealer to FFL Dealer only!. NO SHIPPING TO AK, CA, or HI TERMS AND CONDITIONS PAYMENT: Accepted forms of payment are approved Credit Card MC, VS or Discover. Certified Check accepted on case by case basis. Your credit card on file with Hibid will be charged immediately following the auction. There will be a 15% buyers premium as well as 6% VA Sales tax applied to your purchase. Firearms Transfers, Back-Ground Checks or shipping will be handled and charged separately by the FFL Dealer for this Auction Southern Gun Works, 167 S. Main St. Suffolk, VA 23434, 757-934-1423 PICK-UP . Pick-up of FIREARM shall be on location at Southern Gun Works, 167 S. Main St. Suffolk, VA 23434, 757-934-1423. Items may be registered and picked up between Thursday, May 30- Saturday, June 15, 2024 Required Documentation for Registring Firearm: Please bring your valid Virignia Drivers License or ID with correct residence address or Military ID with a paper copy or PDF of your permanent change of duty station orders. Items must be picked up by the person listed on the order as the Buyer/Billing, no exceptions are allowed by ATF rules. SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS: Shipping for all firearms and ammo will be handled by the FFL Dealer for this Auction as mentioned above. NO SHIPPING TO AK, CA, or HI 1. All persons attending the exhibition, sale, or removal of merchandise assume all risks of damage to person or property and specifically release and indemnify A.B. Cole & Associates, Inc. and United Country- A. B. Cole Auction & Realty, LLC from any liability. 2. All property is sold "AS IS", and ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Property is open to public inspection on date specified. It is the buyer's responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc may attempt to describe the merchandise in advertising, on the Internet and at the Auction but makes no representations. In no event shall A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc. be held responsible for having made or implied any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value. All advertising is derived from sources believed to be correct, but is not guaranteed. 3. Bidders who bid from off site and are not present at the preview understand and acknowledge that they may not be able to inspect an item as well as if they examined it in person. It is the Bidder's responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc. shall endeavor to describe in detail each item and any pertinent information about it.. A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc will not be responsible for any errors or omissions of the description of the merchandise. Bidder agrees that everything is sold "AS IS" and that they may not return any item they purchase for any reason. 4. A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc. is providing Internet auction bidding as a service to Bidder. Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may or may not function correctly during the Auction. Under no circumstance shall Bidder have any kind of claim against A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc, United Country- A.B. Cole Auction & Realty, LLC or anyone else if the Internet service fails to work correctly before or during the auction. A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc will not be responsible for any missed bids from any source. Internet bidders who desire to make certain their bid is acknowledged are encouraged to use the Max bidding feature and leave their maximum bid 24 hours before the Auction begins to end A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc. reserves the right to withdraw or re-catalog items in this Auction. 5. The Auctioneer shall advance the bidding at his own discretion. A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc may withdraw any item before or during the Auction. The record of the Auction made by A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc. shall be conclusive. 6. Everything MUST be paid for in full at the conclusion of the Auction. Payment shall be made by MasterCard, VISA, or Discover. Unless exempted by law, the purchaser shall pay any and all applicable taxes. Bidder agrees that under no circumstance will they initiate a chargeback on their credit card. 7. Packing, shipping and insurance costs are the responsibility of the buyer. All firearms shipping and transfer costs shall be collected by the FFL. Your shipping costs will be charged separately on your credit card and are the responsibility of the buyer. Firearms purchased by out of state buyers will be shipped to your local FFL dealer. Please have your dealer email a copy of their license to __________THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE! If the firearm shoots modern ammunition then we MUST ship to an FFL dealer. Any questions regarding shipping, gun registration, etc, please call Southern Gun Works, 167 S. Main St. Suffolk, VA 23434, 757-934-1423 8. A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc may refuse a buyer's number to anyone for any reason. Bidder agrees to provide any identification that A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc. may request, including but not limited to: driver's license, photocopies of credit cards, Social Security card, or Passport. Bidder agrees to comply with any stated additional terms or conditions associated with particular items. 9. We want you to be happy with your purchases! If you have any questions about the merchandise the time to ask questions is at the preview and before you place your bid. No returns are allowed. 10. Any controversy or claim arising out of, or relating to this contract, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of American Arbitration Association, and judgement upon the award rendered by the arbitrators may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Any and all disputes, whether by arbitration or otherwise, shall be venued, heard and decided in Suffolk, VA.
Listing Information
Uncover Timeless Treasures at the Estate of J. Rose & Others! Don't miss your chance to bid on a stunning collection of unique and valuable items at this exclusive online auction! From exquisite Waterford crystal to a rare Navajo basket, the estate of J. Rose and others has something for every collector, enthusiast, and treasure hunter! Featured items include: Waterford Crystal timeless elegance for your home Navajo Basket a true artisan piece Victorian Furniture antique charm with rich history Jewelry, Pottery & Numismatics rare and/or collectible items Sporting Equipment for the enthusiast or adventurer Kitchen & Household Items/Appliances everyday essentials with a touch of luxury Auction Dates: Starts Tuesday, March 18 Ends Tuesday, March 25 (Soft closing begins at 7 PM) Preview in Person: Saturday, March 22 from 10 AM 2 PM Location: Suri Dr., Williamsburg, VA Pick-up: Saturday, March 29 from 9 AM 3 PM This is your chance to add some truly one-of-a-kind pieces to your collection or home! Don't miss outthese treasures will go fast. Bid online and secure your piece of history! For more details and to start bidding, visit , call 757-539-9866, or email

Auction Information
Take a moment to read the online terms and conditions for this auction; paying close attention to accepted types of payments, pickup, and shipping information. Each lot is only allowed a specific number of characters for the title. Check the descrip...

US Mint Commemorative Medal Set 1923 Americas
First Medals (11 Medals Pewter) Plus Booklet

US Mint Commemorative Medal Set 1923 Americas
First Medals (11 Medals Pewter) Plus Booklet

Colt Civil War Centennial (1861-1961)
Commemorative Pistol Pair .22 Cal. Single Shots. Serials: 1664W and 1665W in Original Box. These Transfer as Modern Firearms

Foreign coins and currency plus California gold
replicas and partial Jefferson Nickel Book

Binder Full of Vintage US Stamps
(Mostly Blocks of 4) 14 Pages- Front and Back

5- 1970's Stamp Mint Sets, Box of 4 plate
blocks, Stack of FD Covers, 3 partial penny books

White Jewelry Box
(Full and make up case with coins)

WWI Era German Model 1873 Artillery Sword, Made
by Carl Kaiser and Co, Solidgen Dated 1906, Marked R.I.M.34.i, For reserve Infantry- munitionskolonne- Reserve Infantry ammunition wagons, NO. 34 Weapon #1

Several musical globes, musical ceramic bird
figurines, floral musical figurine, 2 ceramic clog shoes

3 Ceramic floral/animal figurines Powell and Hyde
wooden trolley car and variety of ceramic figurines (Unicorn/Grandparents on a tree swing, girl in bubble bath, clowns, elephants)

Carousel figurines (musical), miniature pianos,
miniature vintage record player and porcelain doll in white dress

Pair of Hull vases (ceramic), Hull ceramic
basket, blue ceramic floral basket, vintage hand-painted porcelain pitcher and basin set, grey ceramic sheep, late 1800's Holy Bible complete and How to Understand it, Early 1900's Holy Bible (Cyclopedic Indexed) and several small ceramic figurines

Open face set-back cabinet, nice bonnet
with 9 cubbies, open base with 4 cubbies. Lighted (58x16x71)

Queen size bed with all bedding, Southern pine
head board with wrought iron inset and raised panels

2 Pillows Window Curtains, Rug, hand towels,
2 trash can, wheat decor, loft alabaster hinged jar, framer arboretum

Technics 2 key board, foot base pedals, cassette,
PCM digital sound. 5X-GN3, GNF, GN7, FN3 with bench

Slant front desk with beautiful gallery and
secret compartment, talon foot, serpentine front with brass pulls

White pitcher and bowl table lamp, floral decor
in pot and 3 clear totes filled with fall decorations

2 Botanical pictures (18x22) 2 floral picture
(10x10) floral wreath 16" diameter

2 Make-up mirrors (1 lighted) hair and body
products, 2 antique clipper and razor

1 Con-Air and 1 Remington Hair Dryers, 6 Curling
Irons, Trash can, Large woven basket

Panasonic electric blood pressure cube, Omron
Compressor Nebulizer, Vicks Vaporizer 3 shelf storage components

Wahl Hair clipper set,
micro touch hair trimming set

King size sheets, pillow cases, bed skirt,
pillows (6), Valor King blanket

Kindle, compact disc player (portable) Emerson FM
radio, Eton Emergency/ crank radio and light

3 Floral pictures and metal wall art, Measures:
micro touch hair trimming 16x26, 24x28, and 29x37

Pair American Fostoria candle stands, signed
Waterford crystal salad spoons, etc

Crystal serving tray chip and dip on lazy susan,
16pc American Fostoria salad plates, 3 serving pieces , footed compote

Several heart shaped trinket boxes, silver/white
USB battery operated desktop light tree, small tabletop floral brass lamp, brass hanging mirror, Galileo thermometer, stormglass weather meter, 4pk floral drink coaster set, floral desktop picture frame Love

Mahogany Chippendale Style Beveled Wall Mirror
bySouthampton, Measures: 23"W x 40"h, Marble style table lamp with white shade, 3-legged round table with covering and round glass top


4pc Brass Sailboat decor, brass boat anchor
firing Mahogany with leaf imprint face decor

Birdhouse with copper top, vintage Hull pottery
brown drip bean pot with lid, pear-shaped bird house, antique whiskey jug and antique oriental rice seed container

3-tier utility storage rack,
measures: 29"W x 12"D x 33"H

Austrian needlepoint floral framed art
(23"x21"), Pair of 24" tall leaf design 3 votive wall sconce

Cochrane Cherry Buffet Server,
Measures: 42"W x 18"D x 33"H

72pc (8 Place Settings) Crown Lancaster Fine
China Victoria Rose dinnerware set from Japan

Pair of vintage Mikasa Crystal Poinsettia votive
candle holders, divided crystal serving dish, crystal footed compote, crystal salad/fruit bowl, crystal candlestick holders, salt/pepper shakers

Divided crystal relish dish oval, Crystal glass
pitcher, Crystal flower vase, Several glass display bases, Crystal fairly lamp glass candleholder, 40+ pcs of Fostoria crystal glalssware


2 Boxes filled with variety of placemats, napkin
rings, cloth dinner towels/napkins and table cloths

Tiffany Scott and String Fellow
100th anniversary ice bucket

Lighted Cherry China hutch, beautiful,
measures: 54"W x 18"D x 74"H

Cherry dining table with extra leaf, Queen Ann
leg, measures: 79x43x29, 6- chairs with 2 being arm/ captain chairs

Cut to Clear cranberry vase, 19th hole decanter
with 4 glasses, 2 crystal bells, sterling base bud vase, mirrored trivet

Large candle with starfish display, crystal
trough celery tray, 2pcs of decorative coral, 2 pair crystal candle sticks, blue insulator, mustard jar, berry bowls, flow blue tea strainer

6 Electric wax melts, pink Himalayan rock salt
lamp, bag of battery votive candles, scented wax melts, 2 glue guns, and light bulbs

Ladies size 7 cleated golf shoes, Scottish nut
cracker, music box, clock, 2 signed base balls, 4 baskets.

Best Way Comfort air mattress, Comfort Quest)
with regulated electric air pump- queen size

Christmas decor, several floral arrangements,
large tote of accent and accessory pcs.

Night Before Christmas snowman- original
Clayworks collection (Google)

Gone with the Wind (Margaret Mitchells) 1936 Oct
Edition, along with several early books, pair brass duck head book ends, jugs and jars with decorative floral and animal scenes

Small raised stand, angel Gabriel with 3 other
angels, 2 large candles with tall crystal mantels, ceramic pair, magnolia wall sconce, lighted pineapple

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Multi- Estate Auctions- Williamsburg, VA

A.B. Cole & Associates, Auction & Realty, LLC

A.B. Cole & Associates, Auction & Realty, LLC

Contact: Christy Cole
Phone: 757 539-9866
Sale Location
Suri Dr.
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Sale Dates and Times
Sale Terms and Conditions
15% Buyers Premium, 6% VA Sales Tax Auction Terms & Condition All Items are sold AS- IS Scroll toward the bottom for Terms and Conditions in purchasing a firearm BE SURE TO ADD OUR EMAIL TO YOUR CONTACT LIST SO YOU RECEIVE ALL NOTICES AND INVOICES. Every auction lot is sold "as is, where is, with all faults known or unknown" without warranty or guarantee of any kind. Inspections of lots are provided by photos or special preview before and during the online auction. Bidders are asked not to bid on or purchase any item or a lot they have not inspected to their complete satisfaction as ALL SALES ARE FINAL. NO REFUNDS OR RETURNS. REMOVAL OF BIDS Bidding on an item is a contract. Once you place a bid you have told UCABC/HI-BID, "YES PLACE MY BID", additionally, you have taken the high bid away from someone else. You cannot back out of a bid you placed AS IT AFFECTS EVERY OTHER BIDDER ON AN ITEM Photos of items sometimes contain features of other inventory. While UCABC makes all effort to photograph each lot in full, you are bidding on the description. DISCLAIMER: All information was gathered from sources deemed reliable and is provided as a courtesy of United Country--A.B. Cole & Associates LLC. It is the responsibility of the bidder to verify all information to their satisfaction. All information is subject to change. At the request of the auction company, this auction permits bids to be placed by the auctioneer, an employee of the auctioneer, or the seller or an agent on the seller's behalf. In accordance with UCC 2-328, this auction is permitted to engage in this activity by providing this clear disclosure to you, the bidder. By Registering for this auction, Bidder recognizes and accepts these TERMS as a CONTRACT TO PURCHASE. Registration on-line with a valid Credit Card (Visa/MasterCard/AMX/Discover). Your card will be charged $1 for verification only and will be applied to purchase or reimbursed if no purchases are made. Declined Credit Cards: Any bidders with credit cards that are declined will be charged a $25 processing fee to run another credit card - NO EXCEPTIONS! 1. Please note: All bidders and others attending and participating in this auction whether in person, by internet, or by any other means, agree that they have read and fully understand these terms and agree to be bound thereby. 2. RESERVE The auctioneer reserves the right to reject any and all bids. 3. WARRANTY All merchandise is sold "as is, where is". There are no warranties expressed or implied and no guarantees. All sales are final. Please inspect items when available and bid accordingly. UCABC assumes no liability for owner guarantee. 4. RESPONSIBILITY Purchaser assumes complete responsibility for items at time the items closes. It is the sole RESPONSIBILITY of the Internet bidder to be familiar with the Internet bidding process. Questions or issues arising while bidding should be addressed prior to close of sale with UCABC 5. PAYMENT Complete payment in full required day of auction. Nothing shall be removed from premises before settlement. Title passes when purchasers funds clear. For CC users, a pre-auction authorization shall be performed to establish available credit. Nothing will be charged to your credit card until a purchase is made. 6. CLAIMS No claims will be allowed after close of on-line bidding. Any purchased items remaining after 30 days will be deemed abandoned and ownership returned to seller. 7. RECORDS The record of sale kept by the Auctioneer and Accounting Staff will be taken as final in the event of any dispute. 8. PERSONAL AND PROPERTY RISK Persons attending during exhibition, sale or removal of goods assume all risks of damage of, or loss to, personal property and specifically releases the auctioneer from liability therefore. Neither the auctioneer nor his principal shall be liable by reason for a defect in, or condition of, the premises on which the sale is held. If you register for someone else or allow someone else to use your bid number and password, you are responsible for all lots purchased and charges made against that bid number. Safeguard your bid number and password. 9. AGENCY The Auctioneer is acting as agent only, and is not responsible for acts of its principals. UCABC and its sellers assume no risk, liability or responsibility for the authenticity of the authorship of any property identified in this catalog. All property is sold AS IS, WHERE IS, and with NO WARRANTY and neither UCABC nor the sellers makes any warranties or representations of any kind with respect to property. Statements in the catalog or made at the sale, bill of sale, invoice or elsewhere shall not be deemed an assumption of liability, warrant, representation as the description, genuineness, attribution, provenance or condition of the property. Prospective bidders should inspect the property before bidding to determine its condition, size and whether or not it has been repaired or restored. UCABC and the sellers make no representation or warranty as to whether the purchaser acquires any reproduction rights in the property. Descriptions are believed to be accurate but not guaranteed. 11. BUYERS PREMIUM A 15% buyers premium will be added to each purchase. If you bid $100.00 at check out you will be charged $115.00 (Unless otherwise noted in the specific event items). 12. We reserve the right to withdraw any property before sale. 13. Unless otherwise announced by the auctioneer, all bids are per lot as numbered in the catalog. 14. On the fall of the auctioneers hammer or pronouncement of "sold" in any form or manner, title to the offered lot will pass from Seller to the highest bidder acknowledged by the auctioneer, subject to all the conditions set forth herein, and such bidder thereupon assumes full risk and responsibility therefore. We reserve the right to impose a late charge of 1 1/2% per month on the total purchase price if payment is not made in accordance with all of the conditions set forth herein. All property must be removed from the premises by the purchaser at his expense in the timely manner previously set forth. If any applicable conditions herein are not complied with by the purchaser in addition to other remedies available to us and the Seller by law, including with limitation the right to a) hold the purchaser liable for the total purchase price, we at our option may either cancel the sale, retaining as liquidated damages all payments made by the purchaser of b) resell the property at public auction, and the purchaser shall be liable for any deficiency costs, including handling charges, the expenses of both sales, or commission on both sales at option. Payment will not be deemed to have been made in full until we have collected funds 15. INTERNET BIDDING Any auction where Internet bidding/live auction is used, UCABC shall not be held liable for electronic bids not sent, received, or executed. BIDDING: All bidders are required to register on-line in order to bid. You must have available balance on your credit card for your online purchases. WHEN YOU BID ON ANY ITEM, YOU ARE ENTERING INTO A BINDING CONTRACT. IF YOUR BID IS THE WINNING BID ON ANY ITEM(S), YOUR CREDIT CARD WILL BE CHARGED FOR EACH AND EVERY ITEM PURCHASED AND YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO PICKUP YOUR ITEMS. When the auction closes, your credit card will be charged for your purchases and an invoice emailed to you. You will need this printed invoice in order to pick up your purchases. 16. BUYERS CONTRACT Your Internet bids are a contract and you are responsible for honoring them.The internet bidder agrees and acknowledges that all purchases made from this auction website will be charged to their credit card on the day of the auction. 17. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If technical difficulties occur during the closing of an sale we reserve the right to extend the closing times/dates as needed. 18. CANCELLATION UCABC reserves the right to: cancel, suspend, extend, or reschedule an individual item and or event. 19. PREVIEW Most events feature a preview, inspection or open house at some point prior to the conclusion of the auction. Approximately, 40% of the bidders attend the preview. When an event does not feature a preview, bidders should carefully consider the descriptions, photos, details and terms of sale, then bid accordingly. UCABC reserves the right to make changes to the event catalog, inspection, removal or closing times. 20.AUCTION CLOSE Each auction will end at a specified time. However, we use an auto-extend feature. With this feature, the bidding will remain open on any item that has received a bid within the last 1 minute. Once 2 minutes has lapsed without any bidding activity the bidding on the item will be closed. If there is more than one item in an auction the items will have staggered ending times. Each item will close 30 seconds after the previous unless extended bidding occurs as mentioned above. 21. PAYMENT At the conclusion of the event your credit card on file will be automatically charged for the entire amount of your purchases. Accepted forms of payment include Visa/ MasterCard/AMEX/DISC. You must have available balance on your credit card for your online purchases. Declined Credit Cards: Any bidders with credit cards that are declined will be charged a $25 processing fee to run another credit card - NO EXCEPTIONS! A paid invoice will be sent to the e-mail address in your bidder profile. IMPORTANT: If you use multiple e-mail addresses, make note of your registered e-mail address. Only the address provided at registration is sent notifications, alerts and final invoices. 22. BID NOTIFICATION: If you have been outbid you will be notified by email until the close of the sale. To quickly review your bids and see if you have won you can utilize the ?review bids? feature. Items that you have been outbid on will be clearly marked. WINNING BIDDER NOTIFICATION: You will be contacted by email ONLY (you are responsible for checking your e-mail). If you feel you have won an item and have not received an email you must notify our office within 12 hours of end of aucition. If you do not receive a paid e-mail invoice then you did not win any items during the online auction. The auctioneer will have the option of reselling, removing, storing or abandoning, at the expense and risk of the purchaser items not paid for and or removed within the specific time. The buyer agrees to pay all deficiencies, legal, collection, transportation and storage expenses associated with delinquent accounts or abandoned items. Any purchased items remaining after 30 days will be deemed abandoned and ownership returned to seller. 23. ITEM IDENTIFIED BY DESCRIPTION Always bid on the item description. Only use the photographs as a guide. For demonstration purposes, equipment may be joined and photographed together. Do not assume a lot consists of more than one item simply because they are connected or pictured together. You are bidding on the item as described Please take advantage of the onsite inspection and read the descriptions. Please notify our customer service team if you believe an item is incorrectly photographed 24. ON-LINE ONLY BIDDING Only online bids can be made. We do not accept written, oral, email or telephone bids. 25. BIDDING ERRORS After you submit your bids, you are presented with a verification page. Please confirm your bids prior to proceeding. If after the confirmation page you mistakenly increase your own bid, place your bidder number in the bid field, or make a typo, you must immediately notify our customer service team. It is the sole RESPONSIBILITY of the Internet bidder to be familiar with the Internet bidding process. Questions or issues arising while bidding should be addressed prior to close of sale. 26. REMOVAL OF BIDS Bidding on an item is a contract. Once you place a bid you have told UCABC/HI-BID, "YES PLACE MY BID", additionally, you have taken the high bid away from someone else. You cannot back out of a bid you placed AS IT AFFECTS EVERY OTHER BIDDER ON AN ITEM. DISCLAIMER: All information was gathered from sources deemed reliable and is provided as a courtesy of United Country--A.B. Cole & Associates LLC. It is the responsibility of the bidder to verify all information to their satisfaction. All information is subject to change. PLEASE READ: At the request of the auction company, this auction permits bids to be placed by the auctioneer, an employee of the auctioneer, or the seller or an agent on the seller's behalf. In accordance with UCC 2-328, this auction is permitted to engage in this activity by providing this clear disclosure to you, the bidder. By signing registering for this auction you give ABCole & Associates permission to add your name to their mailing list. You may unsubscribe at any time. Announcements made day of auction take precedence over all distributed material whether printed or electronic. Questions and Contact Information Please call 757-539-9866 or email for more information about the auction. Problems with or questions about Internet bidding should be directed to READ TERMS AND CONDTIONS FOR FIREARMS & AMMO BE SURE TO ADD OUR EMAIL TO YOUR CONTACT LIST SO YOU RECEIVE ALL NOTICES AND INVOICES. ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION AND BIDDING APPLY, PLUS THE FOLLOWING RULES FOR PURCHASING A FIREARM: NO SHIPPING TO AK, CA, or HI 1. Must be 18 years of age for long guns; 21 years of age for short guns 2. Must not be a convicted felon 3. Must not possess a domestic violence charge 4. All modern firearms will be transferred by FFL dealer, no exception! 5. Must have current drivers license issued over 30 days prior to beginning of auction. All information on license must be current and correct There will be no out of state drive-in's for pick-up of firearms. FFL to FFL only! Non Virginia Residents must contact their FFL to make arrangements with the FFL dealer servicing the transfer of these firearms -Southern Gun Works, 167 S. Main St. Suffolk, VA 23434, 757-934-1423 Out of state shipping from FFL Dealer to FFL Dealer only!. NO SHIPPING TO AK, CA, or HI TERMS AND CONDITIONS PAYMENT: Accepted forms of payment are approved Credit Card MC, VS or Discover. Certified Check accepted on case by case basis. Your credit card on file with Hibid will be charged immediately following the auction. There will be a 15% buyers premium as well as 6% VA Sales tax applied to your purchase. Firearms Transfers, Back-Ground Checks or shipping will be handled and charged separately by the FFL Dealer for this Auction Southern Gun Works, 167 S. Main St. Suffolk, VA 23434, 757-934-1423 PICK-UP . Pick-up of FIREARM shall be on location at Southern Gun Works, 167 S. Main St. Suffolk, VA 23434, 757-934-1423. Items may be registered and picked up between Thursday, May 30- Saturday, June 15, 2024 Required Documentation for Registring Firearm: Please bring your valid Virignia Drivers License or ID with correct residence address or Military ID with a paper copy or PDF of your permanent change of duty station orders. Items must be picked up by the person listed on the order as the Buyer/Billing, no exceptions are allowed by ATF rules. SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS: Shipping for all firearms and ammo will be handled by the FFL Dealer for this Auction as mentioned above. NO SHIPPING TO AK, CA, or HI 1. All persons attending the exhibition, sale, or removal of merchandise assume all risks of damage to person or property and specifically release and indemnify A.B. Cole & Associates, Inc. and United Country- A. B. Cole Auction & Realty, LLC from any liability. 2. All property is sold "AS IS", and ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Property is open to public inspection on date specified. It is the buyer's responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc may attempt to describe the merchandise in advertising, on the Internet and at the Auction but makes no representations. In no event shall A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc. be held responsible for having made or implied any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value. All advertising is derived from sources believed to be correct, but is not guaranteed. 3. Bidders who bid from off site and are not present at the preview understand and acknowledge that they may not be able to inspect an item as well as if they examined it in person. It is the Bidder's responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc. shall endeavor to describe in detail each item and any pertinent information about it.. A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc will not be responsible for any errors or omissions of the description of the merchandise. Bidder agrees that everything is sold "AS IS" and that they may not return any item they purchase for any reason. 4. A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc. is providing Internet auction bidding as a service to Bidder. Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may or may not function correctly during the Auction. Under no circumstance shall Bidder have any kind of claim against A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc, United Country- A.B. Cole Auction & Realty, LLC or anyone else if the Internet service fails to work correctly before or during the auction. A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc will not be responsible for any missed bids from any source. Internet bidders who desire to make certain their bid is acknowledged are encouraged to use the Max bidding feature and leave their maximum bid 24 hours before the Auction begins to end A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc. reserves the right to withdraw or re-catalog items in this Auction. 5. The Auctioneer shall advance the bidding at his own discretion. A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc may withdraw any item before or during the Auction. The record of the Auction made by A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc. shall be conclusive. 6. Everything MUST be paid for in full at the conclusion of the Auction. Payment shall be made by MasterCard, VISA, or Discover. Unless exempted by law, the purchaser shall pay any and all applicable taxes. Bidder agrees that under no circumstance will they initiate a chargeback on their credit card. 7. Packing, shipping and insurance costs are the responsibility of the buyer. All firearms shipping and transfer costs shall be collected by the FFL. Your shipping costs will be charged separately on your credit card and are the responsibility of the buyer. Firearms purchased by out of state buyers will be shipped to your local FFL dealer. Please have your dealer email a copy of their license to __________THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE! If the firearm shoots modern ammunition then we MUST ship to an FFL dealer. Any questions regarding shipping, gun registration, etc, please call Southern Gun Works, 167 S. Main St. Suffolk, VA 23434, 757-934-1423 8. A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc may refuse a buyer's number to anyone for any reason. Bidder agrees to provide any identification that A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc. may request, including but not limited to: driver's license, photocopies of credit cards, Social Security card, or Passport. Bidder agrees to comply with any stated additional terms or conditions associated with particular items. 9. We want you to be happy with your purchases! If you have any questions about the merchandise the time to ask questions is at the preview and before you place your bid. No returns are allowed. 10. Any controversy or claim arising out of, or relating to this contract, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of American Arbitration Association, and judgement upon the award rendered by the arbitrators may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Any and all disputes, whether by arbitration or otherwise, shall be venued, heard and decided in Suffolk, VA.
Listing Details
Uncover Timeless Treasures at the Estate of J. Rose & Others! Don't miss your chance to bid on a stunning collection of unique and valuable items at this exclusive online auction! From exquisite Waterford crystal to a rare Navajo basket, the estate of J. Rose and others has something for every collector, enthusiast, and treasure hunter! Featured items include: Waterford Crystal timeless elegance for your home Navajo Basket a true artisan piece Victorian Furniture antique charm with rich history Jewelry, Pottery & Numismatics rare and/or collectible items Sporting Equipment for the enthusiast or adventurer Kitchen & Household Items/Appliances everyday essentials with a touch of luxury Auction Dates: Starts Tuesday, March 18 Ends Tuesday, March 25 (Soft closing begins at 7 PM) Preview in Person: Saturday, March 22 from 10 AM 2 PM Location: Suri Dr., Williamsburg, VA Pick-up: Saturday, March 29 from 9 AM 3 PM This is your chance to add some truly one-of-a-kind pieces to your collection or home! Don't miss outthese treasures will go fast. Bid online and secure your piece of history! For more details and to start bidding, visit , call 757-539-9866, or email

Auction Information
Take a moment to read the online terms and conditions for this auction; paying close attention to accepted types of payments, pickup, and shipping information. Each lot is only allowed a specific number of characters for the title. Check the descrip...

US Mint Commemorative Medal Set 1923 Americas
First Medals (11 Medals Pewter) Plus Booklet

US Mint Commemorative Medal Set 1923 Americas
First Medals (11 Medals Pewter) Plus Booklet

Colt Civil War Centennial (1861-1961)
Commemorative Pistol Pair .22 Cal. Single Shots. Serials: 1664W and 1665W in Original Box. These Transfer as Modern Firearms

Foreign coins and currency plus California gold
replicas and partial Jefferson Nickel Book

Binder Full of Vintage US Stamps
(Mostly Blocks of 4) 14 Pages- Front and Back

5- 1970's Stamp Mint Sets, Box of 4 plate
blocks, Stack of FD Covers, 3 partial penny books

White Jewelry Box
(Full and make up case with coins)

WWI Era German Model 1873 Artillery Sword, Made
by Carl Kaiser and Co, Solidgen Dated 1906, Marked R.I.M.34.i, For reserve Infantry- munitionskolonne- Reserve Infantry ammunition wagons, NO. 34 Weapon #1

Several musical globes, musical ceramic bird
figurines, floral musical figurine, 2 ceramic clog shoes

3 Ceramic floral/animal figurines Powell and Hyde
wooden trolley car and variety of ceramic figurines (Unicorn/Grandparents on a tree swing, girl in bubble bath, clowns, elephants)

Carousel figurines (musical), miniature pianos,
miniature vintage record player and porcelain doll in white dress

Pair of Hull vases (ceramic), Hull ceramic
basket, blue ceramic floral basket, vintage hand-painted porcelain pitcher and basin set, grey ceramic sheep, late 1800's Holy Bible complete and How to Understand it, Early 1900's Holy Bible (Cyclopedic Indexed) and several small ceramic figurines

Open face set-back cabinet, nice bonnet
with 9 cubbies, open base with 4 cubbies. Lighted (58x16x71)

Queen size bed with all bedding, Southern pine
head board with wrought iron inset and raised panels

2 Pillows Window Curtains, Rug, hand towels,
2 trash can, wheat decor, loft alabaster hinged jar, framer arboretum

Technics 2 key board, foot base pedals, cassette,
PCM digital sound. 5X-GN3, GNF, GN7, FN3 with bench

Slant front desk with beautiful gallery and
secret compartment, talon foot, serpentine front with brass pulls

White pitcher and bowl table lamp, floral decor
in pot and 3 clear totes filled with fall decorations

2 Botanical pictures (18x22) 2 floral picture
(10x10) floral wreath 16" diameter

2 Make-up mirrors (1 lighted) hair and body
products, 2 antique clipper and razor

1 Con-Air and 1 Remington Hair Dryers, 6 Curling
Irons, Trash can, Large woven basket

Panasonic electric blood pressure cube, Omron
Compressor Nebulizer, Vicks Vaporizer 3 shelf storage components

Wahl Hair clipper set,
micro touch hair trimming set

King size sheets, pillow cases, bed skirt,
pillows (6), Valor King blanket

Kindle, compact disc player (portable) Emerson FM
radio, Eton Emergency/ crank radio and light

3 Floral pictures and metal wall art, Measures:
micro touch hair trimming 16x26, 24x28, and 29x37

Pair American Fostoria candle stands, signed
Waterford crystal salad spoons, etc

Crystal serving tray chip and dip on lazy susan,
16pc American Fostoria salad plates, 3 serving pieces , footed compote

Several heart shaped trinket boxes, silver/white
USB battery operated desktop light tree, small tabletop floral brass lamp, brass hanging mirror, Galileo thermometer, stormglass weather meter, 4pk floral drink coaster set, floral desktop picture frame Love

Mahogany Chippendale Style Beveled Wall Mirror
bySouthampton, Measures: 23"W x 40"h, Marble style table lamp with white shade, 3-legged round table with covering and round glass top


4pc Brass Sailboat decor, brass boat anchor
firing Mahogany with leaf imprint face decor

Birdhouse with copper top, vintage Hull pottery
brown drip bean pot with lid, pear-shaped bird house, antique whiskey jug and antique oriental rice seed container

3-tier utility storage rack,
measures: 29"W x 12"D x 33"H

Austrian needlepoint floral framed art
(23"x21"), Pair of 24" tall leaf design 3 votive wall sconce

Cochrane Cherry Buffet Server,
Measures: 42"W x 18"D x 33"H

72pc (8 Place Settings) Crown Lancaster Fine
China Victoria Rose dinnerware set from Japan

Pair of vintage Mikasa Crystal Poinsettia votive
candle holders, divided crystal serving dish, crystal footed compote, crystal salad/fruit bowl, crystal candlestick holders, salt/pepper shakers

Divided crystal relish dish oval, Crystal glass
pitcher, Crystal flower vase, Several glass display bases, Crystal fairly lamp glass candleholder, 40+ pcs of Fostoria crystal glalssware


2 Boxes filled with variety of placemats, napkin
rings, cloth dinner towels/napkins and table cloths

Tiffany Scott and String Fellow
100th anniversary ice bucket

Lighted Cherry China hutch, beautiful,
measures: 54"W x 18"D x 74"H

Cherry dining table with extra leaf, Queen Ann
leg, measures: 79x43x29, 6- chairs with 2 being arm/ captain chairs

Cut to Clear cranberry vase, 19th hole decanter
with 4 glasses, 2 crystal bells, sterling base bud vase, mirrored trivet

Large candle with starfish display, crystal
trough celery tray, 2pcs of decorative coral, 2 pair crystal candle sticks, blue insulator, mustard jar, berry bowls, flow blue tea strainer

6 Electric wax melts, pink Himalayan rock salt
lamp, bag of battery votive candles, scented wax melts, 2 glue guns, and light bulbs

Ladies size 7 cleated golf shoes, Scottish nut
cracker, music box, clock, 2 signed base balls, 4 baskets.

Best Way Comfort air mattress, Comfort Quest)
with regulated electric air pump- queen size

Christmas decor, several floral arrangements,
large tote of accent and accessory pcs.

Night Before Christmas snowman- original
Clayworks collection (Google)

Gone with the Wind (Margaret Mitchells) 1936 Oct
Edition, along with several early books, pair brass duck head book ends, jugs and jars with decorative floral and animal scenes

Small raised stand, angel Gabriel with 3 other
angels, 2 large candles with tall crystal mantels, ceramic pair, magnolia wall sconce, lighted pineapple

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Multi- Estate Auctions- Williamsburg, VA
 Online Only Auction
Auction Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Tuesday Mar 18
Bidding Ends: Tuesday Mar 25
Auction Location
Suri Dr.
Williamsburg, VA 23185
A.B. Cole & Associates, Auction & Realty, LLC

Contact: Christy Cole
Phone: 757 539-9866

Listing Terms and Conditions
15% Buyers Premium, 6% VA Sales Tax Auction Terms & Condition All Items are sold AS- IS Scroll toward the bottom for Terms and Conditions in purchasing a firearm BE SURE TO ADD OUR EMAIL TO YOUR CONTACT LIST SO YOU RECEIVE ALL NOTICES AND INVOICES. Every auction lot is sold "as is, where is, with all faults known or unknown" without warranty or guarantee of any kind. Inspections of lots are provided by photos or special preview before and during the online auction. Bidders are asked not to bid on or purchase any item or a lot they have not inspected to their complete satisfaction as ALL SALES ARE FINAL. NO REFUNDS OR RETURNS. REMOVAL OF BIDS Bidding on an item is a contract. Once you place a bid you have told UCABC/HI-BID, "YES PLACE MY BID", additionally, you have taken the high bid away from someone else. You cannot back out of a bid you placed AS IT AFFECTS EVERY OTHER BIDDER ON AN ITEM Photos of items sometimes contain features of other inventory. While UCABC makes all effort to photograph each lot in full, you are bidding on the description. DISCLAIMER: All information was gathered from sources deemed reliable and is provided as a courtesy of United Country--A.B. Cole & Associates LLC. It is the responsibility of the bidder to verify all information to their satisfaction. All information is subject to change. At the request of the auction company, this auction permits bids to be placed by the auctioneer, an employee of the auctioneer, or the seller or an agent on the seller's behalf. In accordance with UCC 2-328, this auction is permitted to engage in this activity by providing this clear disclosure to you, the bidder. By Registering for this auction, Bidder recognizes and accepts these TERMS as a CONTRACT TO PURCHASE. Registration on-line with a valid Credit Card (Visa/MasterCard/AMX/Discover). Your card will be charged $1 for verification only and will be applied to purchase or reimbursed if no purchases are made. Declined Credit Cards: Any bidders with credit cards that are declined will be charged a $25 processing fee to run another credit card - NO EXCEPTIONS! 1. Please note: All bidders and others attending and participating in this auction whether in person, by internet, or by any other means, agree that they have read and fully understand these terms and agree to be bound thereby. 2. RESERVE The auctioneer reserves the right to reject any and all bids. 3. WARRANTY All merchandise is sold "as is, where is". There are no warranties expressed or implied and no guarantees. All sales are final. Please inspect items when available and bid accordingly. UCABC assumes no liability for owner guarantee. 4. RESPONSIBILITY Purchaser assumes complete responsibility for items at time the items closes. It is the sole RESPONSIBILITY of the Internet bidder to be familiar with the Internet bidding process. Questions or issues arising while bidding should be addressed prior to close of sale with UCABC 5. PAYMENT Complete payment in full required day of auction. Nothing shall be removed from premises before settlement. Title passes when purchasers funds clear. For CC users, a pre-auction authorization shall be performed to establish available credit. Nothing will be charged to your credit card until a purchase is made. 6. CLAIMS No claims will be allowed after close of on-line bidding. Any purchased items remaining after 30 days will be deemed abandoned and ownership returned to seller. 7. RECORDS The record of sale kept by the Auctioneer and Accounting Staff will be taken as final in the event of any dispute. 8. PERSONAL AND PROPERTY RISK Persons attending during exhibition, sale or removal of goods assume all risks of damage of, or loss to, personal property and specifically releases the auctioneer from liability therefore. Neither the auctioneer nor his principal shall be liable by reason for a defect in, or condition of, the premises on which the sale is held. If you register for someone else or allow someone else to use your bid number and password, you are responsible for all lots purchased and charges made against that bid number. Safeguard your bid number and password. 9. AGENCY The Auctioneer is acting as agent only, and is not responsible for acts of its principals. UCABC and its sellers assume no risk, liability or responsibility for the authenticity of the authorship of any property identified in this catalog. All property is sold AS IS, WHERE IS, and with NO WARRANTY and neither UCABC nor the sellers makes any warranties or representations of any kind with respect to property. Statements in the catalog or made at the sale, bill of sale, invoice or elsewhere shall not be deemed an assumption of liability, warrant, representation as the description, genuineness, attribution, provenance or condition of the property. Prospective bidders should inspect the property before bidding to determine its condition, size and whether or not it has been repaired or restored. UCABC and the sellers make no representation or warranty as to whether the purchaser acquires any reproduction rights in the property. Descriptions are believed to be accurate but not guaranteed. 11. BUYERS PREMIUM A 15% buyers premium will be added to each purchase. If you bid $100.00 at check out you will be charged $115.00 (Unless otherwise noted in the specific event items). 12. We reserve the right to withdraw any property before sale. 13. Unless otherwise announced by the auctioneer, all bids are per lot as numbered in the catalog. 14. On the fall of the auctioneers hammer or pronouncement of "sold" in any form or manner, title to the offered lot will pass from Seller to the highest bidder acknowledged by the auctioneer, subject to all the conditions set forth herein, and such bidder thereupon assumes full risk and responsibility therefore. We reserve the right to impose a late charge of 1 1/2% per month on the total purchase price if payment is not made in accordance with all of the conditions set forth herein. All property must be removed from the premises by the purchaser at his expense in the timely manner previously set forth. If any applicable conditions herein are not complied with by the purchaser in addition to other remedies available to us and the Seller by law, including with limitation the right to a) hold the purchaser liable for the total purchase price, we at our option may either cancel the sale, retaining as liquidated damages all payments made by the purchaser of b) resell the property at public auction, and the purchaser shall be liable for any deficiency costs, including handling charges, the expenses of both sales, or commission on both sales at option. Payment will not be deemed to have been made in full until we have collected funds 15. INTERNET BIDDING Any auction where Internet bidding/live auction is used, UCABC shall not be held liable for electronic bids not sent, received, or executed. BIDDING: All bidders are required to register on-line in order to bid. You must have available balance on your credit card for your online purchases. WHEN YOU BID ON ANY ITEM, YOU ARE ENTERING INTO A BINDING CONTRACT. IF YOUR BID IS THE WINNING BID ON ANY ITEM(S), YOUR CREDIT CARD WILL BE CHARGED FOR EACH AND EVERY ITEM PURCHASED AND YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO PICKUP YOUR ITEMS. When the auction closes, your credit card will be charged for your purchases and an invoice emailed to you. You will need this printed invoice in order to pick up your purchases. 16. BUYERS CONTRACT Your Internet bids are a contract and you are responsible for honoring them.The internet bidder agrees and acknowledges that all purchases made from this auction website will be charged to their credit card on the day of the auction. 17. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES If technical difficulties occur during the closing of an sale we reserve the right to extend the closing times/dates as needed. 18. CANCELLATION UCABC reserves the right to: cancel, suspend, extend, or reschedule an individual item and or event. 19. PREVIEW Most events feature a preview, inspection or open house at some point prior to the conclusion of the auction. Approximately, 40% of the bidders attend the preview. When an event does not feature a preview, bidders should carefully consider the descriptions, photos, details and terms of sale, then bid accordingly. UCABC reserves the right to make changes to the event catalog, inspection, removal or closing times. 20.AUCTION CLOSE Each auction will end at a specified time. However, we use an auto-extend feature. With this feature, the bidding will remain open on any item that has received a bid within the last 1 minute. Once 2 minutes has lapsed without any bidding activity the bidding on the item will be closed. If there is more than one item in an auction the items will have staggered ending times. Each item will close 30 seconds after the previous unless extended bidding occurs as mentioned above. 21. PAYMENT At the conclusion of the event your credit card on file will be automatically charged for the entire amount of your purchases. Accepted forms of payment include Visa/ MasterCard/AMEX/DISC. You must have available balance on your credit card for your online purchases. Declined Credit Cards: Any bidders with credit cards that are declined will be charged a $25 processing fee to run another credit card - NO EXCEPTIONS! A paid invoice will be sent to the e-mail address in your bidder profile. IMPORTANT: If you use multiple e-mail addresses, make note of your registered e-mail address. Only the address provided at registration is sent notifications, alerts and final invoices. 22. BID NOTIFICATION: If you have been outbid you will be notified by email until the close of the sale. To quickly review your bids and see if you have won you can utilize the ?review bids? feature. Items that you have been outbid on will be clearly marked. 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Do not assume a lot consists of more than one item simply because they are connected or pictured together. You are bidding on the item as described Please take advantage of the onsite inspection and read the descriptions. Please notify our customer service team if you believe an item is incorrectly photographed 24. ON-LINE ONLY BIDDING Only online bids can be made. We do not accept written, oral, email or telephone bids. 25. BIDDING ERRORS After you submit your bids, you are presented with a verification page. Please confirm your bids prior to proceeding. If after the confirmation page you mistakenly increase your own bid, place your bidder number in the bid field, or make a typo, you must immediately notify our customer service team. It is the sole RESPONSIBILITY of the Internet bidder to be familiar with the Internet bidding process. Questions or issues arising while bidding should be addressed prior to close of sale. 26. REMOVAL OF BIDS Bidding on an item is a contract. Once you place a bid you have told UCABC/HI-BID, "YES PLACE MY BID", additionally, you have taken the high bid away from someone else. You cannot back out of a bid you placed AS IT AFFECTS EVERY OTHER BIDDER ON AN ITEM. DISCLAIMER: All information was gathered from sources deemed reliable and is provided as a courtesy of United Country--A.B. Cole & Associates LLC. It is the responsibility of the bidder to verify all information to their satisfaction. All information is subject to change. PLEASE READ: At the request of the auction company, this auction permits bids to be placed by the auctioneer, an employee of the auctioneer, or the seller or an agent on the seller's behalf. In accordance with UCC 2-328, this auction is permitted to engage in this activity by providing this clear disclosure to you, the bidder. By signing registering for this auction you give ABCole & Associates permission to add your name to their mailing list. You may unsubscribe at any time. Announcements made day of auction take precedence over all distributed material whether printed or electronic. Questions and Contact Information Please call 757-539-9866 or email for more information about the auction. Problems with or questions about Internet bidding should be directed to READ TERMS AND CONDTIONS FOR FIREARMS & AMMO BE SURE TO ADD OUR EMAIL TO YOUR CONTACT LIST SO YOU RECEIVE ALL NOTICES AND INVOICES. ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION AND BIDDING APPLY, PLUS THE FOLLOWING RULES FOR PURCHASING A FIREARM: NO SHIPPING TO AK, CA, or HI 1. Must be 18 years of age for long guns; 21 years of age for short guns 2. Must not be a convicted felon 3. Must not possess a domestic violence charge 4. All modern firearms will be transferred by FFL dealer, no exception! 5. Must have current drivers license issued over 30 days prior to beginning of auction. All information on license must be current and correct There will be no out of state drive-in's for pick-up of firearms. FFL to FFL only! Non Virginia Residents must contact their FFL to make arrangements with the FFL dealer servicing the transfer of these firearms -Southern Gun Works, 167 S. Main St. Suffolk, VA 23434, 757-934-1423 Out of state shipping from FFL Dealer to FFL Dealer only!. NO SHIPPING TO AK, CA, or HI TERMS AND CONDITIONS PAYMENT: Accepted forms of payment are approved Credit Card MC, VS or Discover. Certified Check accepted on case by case basis. Your credit card on file with Hibid will be charged immediately following the auction. There will be a 15% buyers premium as well as 6% VA Sales tax applied to your purchase. Firearms Transfers, Back-Ground Checks or shipping will be handled and charged separately by the FFL Dealer for this Auction Southern Gun Works, 167 S. Main St. Suffolk, VA 23434, 757-934-1423 PICK-UP . Pick-up of FIREARM shall be on location at Southern Gun Works, 167 S. Main St. Suffolk, VA 23434, 757-934-1423. Items may be registered and picked up between Thursday, May 30- Saturday, June 15, 2024 Required Documentation for Registring Firearm: Please bring your valid Virignia Drivers License or ID with correct residence address or Military ID with a paper copy or PDF of your permanent change of duty station orders. Items must be picked up by the person listed on the order as the Buyer/Billing, no exceptions are allowed by ATF rules. SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS: Shipping for all firearms and ammo will be handled by the FFL Dealer for this Auction as mentioned above. NO SHIPPING TO AK, CA, or HI 1. All persons attending the exhibition, sale, or removal of merchandise assume all risks of damage to person or property and specifically release and indemnify A.B. Cole & Associates, Inc. and United Country- A. B. Cole Auction & Realty, LLC from any liability. 2. 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Internet bidders who desire to make certain their bid is acknowledged are encouraged to use the Max bidding feature and leave their maximum bid 24 hours before the Auction begins to end A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc. reserves the right to withdraw or re-catalog items in this Auction. 5. The Auctioneer shall advance the bidding at his own discretion. A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc may withdraw any item before or during the Auction. The record of the Auction made by A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc. shall be conclusive. 6. Everything MUST be paid for in full at the conclusion of the Auction. Payment shall be made by MasterCard, VISA, or Discover. Unless exempted by law, the purchaser shall pay any and all applicable taxes. Bidder agrees that under no circumstance will they initiate a chargeback on their credit card. 7. Packing, shipping and insurance costs are the responsibility of the buyer. All firearms shipping and transfer costs shall be collected by the FFL. Your shipping costs will be charged separately on your credit card and are the responsibility of the buyer. Firearms purchased by out of state buyers will be shipped to your local FFL dealer. Please have your dealer email a copy of their license to __________THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE! If the firearm shoots modern ammunition then we MUST ship to an FFL dealer. Any questions regarding shipping, gun registration, etc, please call Southern Gun Works, 167 S. Main St. Suffolk, VA 23434, 757-934-1423 8. A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc may refuse a buyer's number to anyone for any reason. Bidder agrees to provide any identification that A.B. Cole and Associates, Inc. may request, including but not limited to: driver's license, photocopies of credit cards, Social Security card, or Passport. Bidder agrees to comply with any stated additional terms or conditions associated with particular items. 9. We want you to be happy with your purchases! If you have any questions about the merchandise the time to ask questions is at the preview and before you place your bid. No returns are allowed. 10. Any controversy or claim arising out of, or relating to this contract, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of American Arbitration Association, and judgement upon the award rendered by the arbitrators may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Any and all disputes, whether by arbitration or otherwise, shall be venued, heard and decided in Suffolk, VA.
Uncover Timeless Treasures at the Estate of J. Rose & Others! Don't miss your chance to bid on a stunning collection of unique and valuable items at this exclusive online auction! From exquisite Waterford crystal to a rare Navajo basket, the estate of J. Rose and others has something for every collector, enthusiast, and treasure hunter! Featured items include: Waterford Crystal timeless elegance for your home Navajo Basket a true artisan piece Victorian Furniture antique charm with rich history Jewelry, Pottery & Numismatics rare and/or collectible items Sporting Equipment for the enthusiast or adventurer Kitchen & Household Items/Appliances everyday essentials with a touch of luxury Auction Dates: Starts Tuesday, March 18 Ends Tuesday, March 25 (Soft closing begins at 7 PM) Preview in Person: Saturday, March 22 from 10 AM 2 PM Location: Suri Dr., Williamsburg, VA Pick-up: Saturday, March 29 from 9 AM 3 PM This is your chance to add some truly one-of-a-kind pieces to your collection or home! Don't miss outthese treasures will go fast. Bid online and secure your piece of history! For more details and to start bidding, visit , call 757-539-9866, or email

Auction Information
Take a moment to read the online terms and conditions for this auction; paying close attention to accepted types of payments, pickup, and shipping information. Each lot is only allowed a specific number of characters for the title. Check the descrip...









US Mint Commemorative Medal Set 1923 Americas
First Medals (11 Medals Pewter) Plus Booklet

US Mint Commemorative Medal Set 1923 Americas
First Medals (11 Medals Pewter) Plus Booklet

Colt Civil War Centennial (1861-1961)
Commemorative Pistol Pair .22 Cal. Single Shots. Serials: 1664W and 1665W in Original Box. These Transfer as Modern Firearms


Foreign coins and currency plus California gold
replicas and partial Jefferson Nickel Book


Binder Full of Vintage US Stamps
(Mostly Blocks of 4) 14 Pages- Front and Back











5- 1970's Stamp Mint Sets, Box of 4 plate
blocks, Stack of FD Covers, 3 partial penny books



White Jewelry Box
(Full and make up case with coins)


WWI Era German Model 1873 Artillery Sword, Made
by Carl Kaiser and Co, Solidgen Dated 1906, Marked R.I.M.34.i, For reserve Infantry- munitionskolonne- Reserve Infantry ammunition wagons, NO. 34 Weapon #1



Several musical globes, musical ceramic bird
figurines, floral musical figurine, 2 ceramic clog shoes

3 Ceramic floral/animal figurines Powell and Hyde
wooden trolley car and variety of ceramic figurines (Unicorn/Grandparents on a tree swing, girl in bubble bath, clowns, elephants)

Carousel figurines (musical), miniature pianos,
miniature vintage record player and porcelain doll in white dress

Pair of Hull vases (ceramic), Hull ceramic
basket, blue ceramic floral basket, vintage hand-painted porcelain pitcher and basin set, grey ceramic sheep, late 1800's Holy Bible complete and How to Understand it, Early 1900's Holy Bible (Cyclopedic Indexed) and several small ceramic figurines

Open face set-back cabinet, nice bonnet
with 9 cubbies, open base with 4 cubbies. Lighted (58x16x71)


Queen size bed with all bedding, Southern pine
head board with wrought iron inset and raised panels














2 Pillows Window Curtains, Rug, hand towels,
2 trash can, wheat decor, loft alabaster hinged jar, framer arboretum






Technics 2 key board, foot base pedals, cassette,
PCM digital sound. 5X-GN3, GNF, GN7, FN3 with bench





Slant front desk with beautiful gallery and
secret compartment, talon foot, serpentine front with brass pulls


White pitcher and bowl table lamp, floral decor
in pot and 3 clear totes filled with fall decorations


2 Botanical pictures (18x22) 2 floral picture
(10x10) floral wreath 16" diameter

2 Make-up mirrors (1 lighted) hair and body
products, 2 antique clipper and razor

1 Con-Air and 1 Remington Hair Dryers, 6 Curling
Irons, Trash can, Large woven basket




Panasonic electric blood pressure cube, Omron
Compressor Nebulizer, Vicks Vaporizer 3 shelf storage components


Wahl Hair clipper set,
micro touch hair trimming set


King size sheets, pillow cases, bed skirt,
pillows (6), Valor King blanket





Kindle, compact disc player (portable) Emerson FM
radio, Eton Emergency/ crank radio and light

3 Floral pictures and metal wall art, Measures:
micro touch hair trimming 16x26, 24x28, and 29x37












Pair American Fostoria candle stands, signed
Waterford crystal salad spoons, etc

Crystal serving tray chip and dip on lazy susan,
16pc American Fostoria salad plates, 3 serving pieces , footed compote


Several heart shaped trinket boxes, silver/white
USB battery operated desktop light tree, small tabletop floral brass lamp, brass hanging mirror, Galileo thermometer, stormglass weather meter, 4pk floral drink coaster set, floral desktop picture frame Love

Mahogany Chippendale Style Beveled Wall Mirror
bySouthampton, Measures: 23"W x 40"h, Marble style table lamp with white shade, 3-legged round table with covering and round glass top





4pc Brass Sailboat decor, brass boat anchor
firing Mahogany with leaf imprint face decor

Birdhouse with copper top, vintage Hull pottery
brown drip bean pot with lid, pear-shaped bird house, antique whiskey jug and antique oriental rice seed container

3-tier utility storage rack,
measures: 29"W x 12"D x 33"H

Austrian needlepoint floral framed art
(23"x21"), Pair of 24" tall leaf design 3 votive wall sconce




Cochrane Cherry Buffet Server,
Measures: 42"W x 18"D x 33"H

72pc (8 Place Settings) Crown Lancaster Fine
China Victoria Rose dinnerware set from Japan

Pair of vintage Mikasa Crystal Poinsettia votive
candle holders, divided crystal serving dish, crystal footed compote, crystal salad/fruit bowl, crystal candlestick holders, salt/pepper shakers

Divided crystal relish dish oval, Crystal glass
pitcher, Crystal flower vase, Several glass display bases, Crystal fairly lamp glass candleholder, 40+ pcs of Fostoria crystal glalssware


2 Boxes filled with variety of placemats, napkin
rings, cloth dinner towels/napkins and table cloths



Tiffany Scott and String Fellow
100th anniversary ice bucket


Lighted Cherry China hutch, beautiful,
measures: 54"W x 18"D x 74"H

Cherry dining table with extra leaf, Queen Ann
leg, measures: 79x43x29, 6- chairs with 2 being arm/ captain chairs

Cut to Clear cranberry vase, 19th hole decanter
with 4 glasses, 2 crystal bells, sterling base bud vase, mirrored trivet

Large candle with starfish display, crystal
trough celery tray, 2pcs of decorative coral, 2 pair crystal candle sticks, blue insulator, mustard jar, berry bowls, flow blue tea strainer


6 Electric wax melts, pink Himalayan rock salt
lamp, bag of battery votive candles, scented wax melts, 2 glue guns, and light bulbs

Ladies size 7 cleated golf shoes, Scottish nut
cracker, music box, clock, 2 signed base balls, 4 baskets.




Best Way Comfort air mattress, Comfort Quest)
with regulated electric air pump- queen size

Christmas decor, several floral arrangements,
large tote of accent and accessory pcs.

Night Before Christmas snowman- original
Clayworks collection (Google)




Gone with the Wind (Margaret Mitchells) 1936 Oct
Edition, along with several early books, pair brass duck head book ends, jugs and jars with decorative floral and animal scenes

Small raised stand, angel Gabriel with 3 other
angels, 2 large candles with tall crystal mantels, ceramic pair, magnolia wall sconce, lighted pineapple