Metro Impound Auction March 2025
Listing ID#: 1713805

Auction Location
1487 Frankfort Avenue
1487 Frankfort Avenue
Louisville, KY 40206
Auction Dates and Times
Bidding Starts: Wednesday Mar 19, 12:01 AM
Bidding Ends: Sunday Mar 23, 7:00 PM
Auction Type
 Online Auction 
Company Information
Auctions ASAP

Website: ID#: 6807
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms & Conditions 1. Please review the KY Title Process Document on our website or visit the Kentucky Transportation Cabinets website for more information on obtaining a title. Neither Metro Louisville Government nor Auctions ASAP will assist in obtaining any title or license for vehicles sold at this auction other than by providing paperwork. For those buyers wishing to obtain a title, You MUST request from the auction company when making payment that you need the paperwork from the Impound Lot. The Impound Lot and Not the auction company will supply only you with a copy of any certified letter receipts sent to the owner(s) or lien holders if that request is made from the auctioneer. The Louisville Metro Police Impound Lot will also provide a letter stating that it was purchased lawfully along with a signed VTR. Failure to request this paperwork at time of payment will result in your requests for paperwork being denied. Once we receive your payment, you will be provided with a paid in full invoice. Present these documents to the county clerk when obtaining a title. It normally takes 25 to 30 business days to obtain the copies/paperwork from the Impound Lot so please be patient. 2. The buyer is responsible for picking up this paperwork at the Metro Impound Lot and not the auction company. The Impound Lot will only provide the documents required to obtain a Kentucky Title as mentioned above. Out of state buyers wishing to title their vehicles in their home state, contact your local DMV to see what the requirements are to obtain title in your state. 3. According to the KRS, when these cars are sold at auction any prior lien is no longer valid if the process was followed, Metro Louisville can sell these vehicles free of prior Liens however be advised that some vehicles may have a lender's lien against them in the system and may take extra effort on your part to remove it. Also, title status is unknown nor guaranteed on these vehicles as a few may be rebuilt or salvage. 4. All vehicles & items sold at auction without exception will be sold as is, where is, with all faults and defects therein, with no warranties/guarantees expressed written or implied including but not limited to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. There will be no refunds, exchanges, credits, tags, or titles given for any reason and the buyer assumes all risk with buying these vehicles and equipment at auction. It is solely the buyer's responsibility to determine its value prior to bidding given all auction constraints. This sale is subject to the caveat emptor principle (buyer beware). Because these are Impounded Vehicles, only the previous owner, their mechanic and possibly their insurance company will know their true condition and as such this will be the items description: "Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination prior to bidding given all auction constraints." 5. Any vehicle, at the discretion of Metro Government, may be removed from the auction inventory list at any time prior to its sale. Vehicles may be pulled from the auction at any time to meet the needs of Metro Government. Metro Government & Auctions ASAP reserves the right to refuse anyone from the auction for non-payment on past auction purchases. Also, Owners have a legal right to claim impounded vehicles right up to the first bid being placed at auction if they settle with the Impound Lot. Once a bid has been placed it will require a court order to be removed from the sale. If an honest mistake has been made in the auction or impoundment process, that affected vehicle can be removed without notice to correct a mistake. 6. Neither Metro Louisville Government nor Auctions ASAP will be responsible for any accidents or injuries. All parties entering the Impound Lot facility does so of their own free will and assumes all personal risk and liability. 7. To bid, you must have a bid number. To get a bid number you must register on the bidding platform which will require a credit card along with you creating an account. 8. Metro Louisville LMPD Impoundment Unit requires as a condition of you being approved to bid, a $100 deposit for this auction. If you do not win any lot, the deposit will be released to your account within days of the auction ending. Should you win any lot the deposit will be returned upon successfully completing one of the accepted payment methods for your purchase. Failure to pay for any lot you win will result in the forfeiture of your $100 deposit in full, no exceptions. 9. Any bidder who does not pay for their bids will be banned/excluded from All Auctions Going Forward. Should we determine that a bidder is working with another banned bidder to circumvent that ban, we reserve the right to block and ban that bidder also. 10. We may from time to time reach out to bidders to verify their accounts and bidding activity. We will attempt to contact you via email, phone call or have Proxibid staff reach out to you directly. In the event you are unavailable for this security check we reserve the right to freeze your bids or remove them entirely. Please make sure your account information is correct and that your phone number is one that you will answer should we need to speak with you. 11. The Kentucky Revenue Cabinet requires the collection of KY Sales Tax on all impounded vehicles that will not be titled, sold during this auction. A valid Resale Certificate/Tax Exempt form MUST be presented during the Bidder Registration Process to be exempt from paying KY Sales Tax. If you are a dealer, parts wholesaler, or an individual buying to resale, you must present and leave with us a copy of your Tax Exempt/Resale Certificate along with filling out the state exemption form for our files. All persons buying for personal use will pay KY sales tax along with any persons or companies that have failed to provide valid Tax Exempt/Resale certificates during the Bidder Registration Process. Also, out of state buyers must present their out-of-state Tax Exempt/Resale Certificate during the Bidder Registration Process to be exempt from paying KY Sales Tax. We must collect KY Sales Tax at all auctions. 12. There will be an additional $20 surcharge per vehicle or item purchased that is paid to and required by Metro Government for administrative fees. 13. A fifteen percent (15%) buyer's premium will be added to your winning bid price to determine the final bid price. (Example- If you bid ten dollars, one dollar and fifty cents will be added to your bid to determine the final bid price.) 14. Nothing can be removed from the Impound Lot before payment is made in full. When removing items or vehicles, you must present a paper copy of the paid in full invoice to the Impound Lot Personnel for inspection. 15. Without exception, all purchases must be paid in full by the following day after the auction ends. We will send an invoice with further payment instructions along with the location to make payments within hours of the auction ending. Should you not see an invoice in your email at that time check your spam folder. For those buyers wishing to pay with a credit card, you must contact us right after the auction has completed. Out of state/Non-Local buyers also have the option of paying with a bank-to-bank wire transfer to ensure payment is made within the deadline. 16. Full payment, including any required taxes, administrative fees, credit card fees if using a credit card and buyer's premium, are required the following day after the sale, no exceptions. Accepted payment methods include CASH, Credit Cards, bank to bank wire transfers, ACH or Certified Checks, and Zelle (@ 1% Fee). 17. If using a credit card, it must be in your name, and you must be authorized to use it. A 3% credit card processing fee applies. To avoid this fee, we accept Cash, bank to bank wire transfer and Certified Check. For purchases over $2500, credit cards will NOT be accepted, and another form of payment must be used. 18. All vehicles sold must be removed within 5 business days following the closing of the auction. Any vehicle not picked up in the specified pickup window will be re-impounded and accessed a $200 Impound fee and will accrue $30 per day storage fees. Failure to pay these fees will result in your vehicle being sold at a future auction and you will be barred from participating in any future auctions. The quicker you remove your vehicles the quicker we can get another auction together. 19. All auction vehicles and other items must be removed from the Impound Lot facility before 4:00 PM during the scheduled pickup days, no auction vehicles can be picked up after 4:00pm. 20. At the close of bidding, winning bidders are responsible for protecting their merchandise from damage or theft. Neither Metro Government nor Auctions ASAP assume any responsibility for loss or damage. Please be advised, it is strongly recommended that you remove your vehicle as soon as possible because you assume all risk and liability once you're declared the winning bidder. It's recommended that you insure those vehicles worth insuring at the conclusion of the auction. 21. No work is to be done on any vehicle or item while on the Impound Lot or any of its facilities. No keys can be made on the property. Vehicles cannot be driven off the property and they MUST BE TOWED with a tow truck or wrecker. Vehicles cannot be parked on the outside of the fenced area. Any violations of this rule will result in permanent barring from all future auctions and the vehicle or item will be re-impounded. 22. No alcohol, illegal drugs. pets or weapons of any kind are allowed on the lot. 23. No dumping of trash, tires, car parts and anyone caught dumping will be barred from the lot. 24. No one under 18 is allowed on the Impound Lot. No one is allowed on the lot after dark. 25. Only people that have been issued a bidder number will be allowed on the lot. No spectators. 26. The Auctioneer reserves the right to accept bids in any increment they feel is in the best interest of the seller. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject the bidding of any person or persons whose conduct, actions, or adverse comments are not in the best interest of the seller or other bidders present. If the auctioneer deems there to be collusion among bidders, the auctioneer may cancel the auction or may direct those parties to leave or have them escorted off the Impound Lot facility. 27. Any questions pertaining to the auction or pickup process should be directed to the auction company. You can call us directly at 502-451-2010. 28. The Auction Company nor Metro Louisville is responsible for any issues involving the auction platform, third party software or internet connectivity or stability. Do not wait until the last minute to place your maximum bid as it will be too late to assist you. It is recommended that you bid from a desktop or laptop computer with stable internet connectivity. Cell phones can be used to bid however they are less reliable. Should you be bidding on multiple items at once, screen size will hinder your ability to do so. 29. Please be advised that a wrecker must be used to remove the vehicles from the Impound Lot. No trailers or tow dollies because of liability. Also, the facility is not set up for transporters. This does not mean that you are required to have it towed all the way to your location with a wrecker, or that a transporter can't be used, you can have the vehicle relocated outside the Impound Facility using a wrecker and drop it so you can load it on your own trailer. Call us and we will supply you with phone numbers for local tow companies that will assist you. Remember that the tow fee charged is between you and them and your sole responsibility. Only trailers and tow dollies bought from this auction can be pulled out by private vehicle providing they can be safely and correctly towed without assistance. Motorcycles and Mopeds that can be rolled out with minimal effort can be done so by buyer. Be advised, lot attendants cannot offer assistance with this task. LMPD, Metro Government, and Auctions ASAP are not responsible for any injuries or damages while doing so. 30. The auctioneer will not be bidding on any vehicle or item at this auction. 31. By signing up for this auction you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions. Further you agree to allow us to contact you for useful auction notices in the future. 32. Bidding on behalf of someone that has been banned from previous auctions will be grounds for immediate suspension of your bidding privileges and your previous bids may not be recognized under the sole discretion of the auctioneer.
Listing Video
Listing Information

Selling Cars, Trucks, SUV's and Motorcycles from the Louisville Metro Impound Lot. Winning Bids will be subject to 15% Buyer's Premium and $20 Administration Fee per vehicle.

1 - Payment Due Within 24hrs! Bidders are Required to Pay for Every Vehicle You Win & Payment is Due within 24hrs, Please Read Terms & Conditions. An invoice will be sent to your email address within a couple of hours after the auction ends. Should you not see the invoice be sure to check your spam folder. This lot is an informational sign post and does not need to be bid on. Should you wish to tip the auction company, tips are appreciated. Bid your tip here!

2 - All Vehicles Must Be Towed From The Lot! All vehicles, due to liability, must be towed from the lot by a tow truck (no car dollies or trailers). You can have it towed away from the facility and loaded to your trailer. Be sure not to block Frankfort Ave. nor trespass on anyone's property. If you need a dependable tow company, call the auctioneer and he will recommend one or two. Pick-up is Monday thru Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm. Get them out as soon as possible. See Terms & Conditions for exceptions. This lot is an informational signpost and does not need to be bid on. Should you wish to tip the auction company, tips are appreciated. Bid your tip here!

3 - Paperwork Provided To Buyers For Acquiring Title! Paperwork you will receive from the Impound Lot for these vehicles will be the following: Paid In Full Invoice upon us receiving full payment, a legal letter from LMPD stating you purchased it lawfully and that they complied with the Kentucky Revised Statutes also including a description of the vehicle purchased. The buyer will receive copies of the certified mail tracking receipts showing that the owner and lien holders (if they were in the system) were notified along with a signed VTR form (Kentucky state specific vehicle transfer form) for Kentucky residents. If you are out of state, make sure to check with your own state's DMV to see if these documents are enough to obtain title in your state as no other documents will be provided from LMPD. Please note that the DMV issues titles and not the Impound Lot. This is an informational sign post and does not require bidding. If you would however like to leave a tip for the auction company just place it here. Tips are appreciated!

4 - $100 Deposit Required To Bid (Refundable)! Deposit is refundable if you do not purchase anything. If you bid and win but fail to pay you will forfeit your deposit. Deposits are normally released within days of the auction ending for those who didn't win anything.

5 - Walk-Through Lot Tour Video Video Tour of Impound Lot

6 - 2007 Suzuki Forenza Tow# 19809 2007 Suzuki Forenza, Vin# KL5JD56Z37K594437, Color Red, Tow# 19809. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

7 - 2017 Hyundai Elantra Tow# 20232 2017 Hyundai Elantra, Vin# 5NPD74LF6HH127242, Color White, Tow# 20232. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

8 - 2011 Toyota Camry Tow# 20252 2011 Toyota Camry, Vin# 4T1BF3EKXBU138008, Color Black, Tow# 20252. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

9 - 2004 Ford Escape Tow# 19954 2004 Ford Escape, Vin# 1FMYU03114KB51639, Color Silver, Tow# 19954. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

10 - 2008 Dodge Charger Tow# 19467 2008 Dodge Charger, Vin# 2B3KA43G98H190816, Color Red, Tow# 19467. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

11 - 2000 Cadillac Catera Tow# 20087 2000 Cadillac Catera, Vin# W06VR54R0YR101078, Color Silver, Tow# 20087. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

12 - 1989 Chevrolet Caprice Tow# 20088 1989 Chevrolet Caprice, Vin# 1G1BL5174KR202419, Color Yellow, Tow# 20088. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

13 - 2012 Dodge Charger R/T HEMI Tow# 19998 2012 Dodge Charger R/T HEMI, Vin# 2C3CDXCTXCH196713, Color Black, Tow# 19998. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

14 - 2005 Buick LaCrosse Tow# 19853 2005 Buick LaCrosse, Vin# 2G4WD532X51244741, Color Grey, Tow# 19853. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

15 - 2013 Hyundai Sonata Tow# 20000 2013 Hyundai Sonata, Vin# 5NPEB4AC4DH769660, Color Silver, Tow# 20000. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

16 - 2008 Nissan Altima Tow# 20254 2008 Nissan Altima, Vin# 1N4AL21E68C129474, Color Red, Tow# 20254. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

17 - 2004 Jeep Cherokee Tow# 19861 2004 Jeep Cherokee, Vin# 1J4GW58N94C396955, Color Black, Tow# 19861. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

18 - 2013 Chevrolet Camaro Tow# 20261 2013 Chevrolet Camaro, Vin# 2G1FA1E30D9152493, Color Black, Tow# 20261. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

19 - 2016 Ford Fusion Tow# 19744 2016 Ford Fusion, Vin# 3FA6P0H74GR295997, Color White, Tow# 19744. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

20 - 2007 Ford Edge Tow# 20092 2007 Ford Edge, Vin# 2FMDK39C47BB09270, Color Grey, Tow# 20092. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

21 - 2013 Dodge Durango Tow# 19815 2013 Dodge Durango, Vin# 1C4RDHAG3DC689672, Color White, Tow# 19815. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

22 - 1998 Mercedes-Benz C280 Tow# 20174 1998 Mercedes-Benz C280, Vin# WDBHA29GXWF717537, Color White, Tow# 20174. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

23 - 2019 Chevrolet Malibu Tow# 20240 2019 Chevrolet Malibu, Vin# 1G1ZB5ST0KF119181, Color Silver, Tow# 20240. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

24 - 2024 Kia Forte Tow# 19719 2024 Kia Forte, Vin# 3KPF24AD4RE816310, Color Black, Tow# 19719. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

25 - 2012 Jaguar XJ Tow# 20246 2012 Jaguar XJ, Vin# SAJWA1CB9CLV30191, Color Silver, Tow# 20246. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

26 - 2007 Chevrolet Equinox Tow# 20810 2007 Chevrolet Equinox, Vin# 2CNDL13F576059542, Color Tan, Tow# 20810. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

27 - 2009 Ford Escape Tow# 19835 2009 Ford Escape, Vin# 1FMCU93G79KB77527, Color Grey, Tow# 19835. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

28 - 2008 Chevrolet Impala Tow# 20197 2008 Chevrolet Impala, Vin# 2G1WB58K781280905, Color Silver, Tow# 20197. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

29 - 2006 Chevrolet Equinox Tow# 20622 2006 Chevrolet Equinox, Vin# 2CNDL63F566048553, Color White, Tow# 20622. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

30 - 2008 Lexus ES 350 Tow# 20621 2008 Lexus ES 350, Vin# JTHBJ46G082255439, Color White, Tow# 20621. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

31 - 2002 Toyota Camry Tow# 20201 2002 Toyota Camry, Vin# 4T1BF32K82U522972, Color Silver, Tow# 20201. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

32 - 2008 Dodge Avenger Tow# 20356 2008 Dodge Avenger, Vin# 1B3LC76M18N180645, Color Grey, Tow# 20356. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

33 - 2002 Chevrolet Malibu Tow# 20264 2002 Chevrolet Malibu, Vin# 1G1NE52J62M693378, Color Blue, Tow# 20264. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

34 - 2008 Mazda CX-7 Tow# 19806 2008 Mazda CX-7, Vin# JM3ER293680215437, Color White, Tow# 19806. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

35 - 2011 BMW 328i Tow# 20655 2011 BMW 328i, Vin# WBAPH5C5XBA443939, Color Black, Tow# 20655. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

36 - 2007 Dodge Grand Caravan Tow# 20632 2007 Dodge Grand Caravan, Vin# 2D4GP44L07R180654, Color White, Tow# 20632. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

37 - 2016 Ford Focus Tow# 20198 2016 Ford Focus, Vin# 1FADP3E24GL237985, Color Grey, Tow# 20198. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

38 - 1995 Lincoln Town Car Tow# 20199 1995 Lincoln Town Car, Vin# 1LNLM81W8SY744173, Color White, Tow# 20199. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

42 - 2010 Toyota Rav4 Tow# 19826 2010 Toyota Rav4, Vin# 2T3BF4DV0AW057347, Color Silver, Tow# 19826. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

45 - 2008 Toyota Camry Tow# 19976 2008 Toyota Camry, Vin# 4T1BE46K98U735473, Color Grey, Tow# 19976. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

54 - 1999 Chevrolet Express Cargo Tow# 19551 1999 Chevrolet Express Cargo, Vin# 1GBFG15R6X1110367, Color Beige, Tow# 19551. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

58 - 2010 Nissan Sentra Tow# 20200 2010 Nissan Sentra, Vin# 3N1AB6APXAL639328, Color Blue, Tow# 20200. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

61 - 2011 Chevrolet Camaro Tow# 20366 2011 Chevrolet Camaro, Vin# 2G1FB1ED1B9106450, Color Black, Tow# 20366. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

62 - 2012 Hyundai Sonata Tow# 19455 2012 Hyundai Sonata, Vin# 5NPEB4AC1CH455236, Color Silver, Tow# 19455. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

65 - 2012 Chrysler 200 Tow# 20627 2012 Chrysler 200, Vin# 1C3CCBBB2CN302125, Color Maroon, Tow# 20627. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

66 - 2012 Kia Sportage Tow# 20096 2012 Kia Sportage, Vin# KNDPCCA64C7173008, Color Silver, Tow# 20096. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

67 - 2012 Kia Forte Tow# 20397 2012 Kia Forte, Vin# KNAFU4A22C5552920, Color Black, Tow# 20397. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

73 - 2007 Toyota Corolla Tow# 20722 2007 Toyota Corolla, Vin# JTDBR32E170111496, Color White, Tow# 20722. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

74 - 2010 Kia Forte Tow# 20315 2010 Kia Forte, Vin# KNAFW6A30A5207932, Color Blue, Tow# 20315. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

77 - 2001 Chevrolet Suburban Tow# 19619 2001 Chevrolet Suburban, Vin# 1GNFK16T41J228274, Color White, Tow# 19619. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

100 - 2010 Subaru Legacy Tow# 19620 2010 Subaru Legacy, Vin# 4S3BMCB67A3224687, Color Grey, Tow# 19620. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

101 - 2014 Ford Edge Tow# 19557 2014 Ford Edge, Vin# 2FMDK3GC8EBB04038, Color Silver, Tow# 19557. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

102 - 2005 Ford Escape Tow# 20190 2005 Ford Escape, Vin# 1FMYU03165KB46230, Color Grey, Tow# 20190. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

111 - 2006 Chevrolet Equinox Tow# 19819 2006 Chevrolet Equinox, Vin# 2CNDL63F866015398, Color Green, Tow# 19819. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

116 - 2007 Chevrolet Equinox Tow# 20618 2007 Chevrolet Equinox, Vin# 2CNDL13FX76036497, Color Blue, Tow# 20618. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

118 - 2018 Chevrolet Malibu Tow# 20306 2018 Chevrolet Malibu, Vin# 1G1ZD5ST2JF121426, Color Silver, Tow# 20306. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

121 - 2009 Chevrolet Tahoe Tow# 19650 2009 Chevrolet Tahoe, Vin# 1GNFK23049R125255, Color Blue, Tow# 19650. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

122 - 2005 Ford F-150 Tow# 19825 2005 Ford F-150, Vin# 1FTRF12235KC12798, Color Black, Tow# 19825. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

123 - 2003 Toyota Avalon Tow# 19732 2003 Toyota Avalon, Vin# 4T1BF28B63U302474, Color Black, Tow# 19732. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

124 - 2009 Mitsubishi Galant Tow# 20636 2009 Mitsubishi Galant, Vin# 4A3AB36F89E023924, Color Beige, Tow# 20636. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

125 - 2008 Mazda Mazda3 Tow# 19943 2008 Mazda Mazda3, Vin# JM1BK12F181100382, Color Blue, Tow# 19943. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

126 - 2013 Ford Taurus Tow# 19994 2013 Ford Taurus, Vin# 1FAHP2F87DG231049, Color Blue, Tow# 19994. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

127 - 2006 Ford Taurus Tow# 19997 2006 Ford Taurus, Vin# 1FAFP53U16A212769, Color Maroon, Tow# 19997. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

128 - 2005 Toyota Avalon Tow# 19615 2005 Toyota Avalon, Vin# 4T1BK36B65U020052, Color Blue, Tow# 19615. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

129 - 2010 Ford Taurus Tow# 20641 2010 Ford Taurus, Vin# 1FAHP2FW8AG133125, Color Blue, Tow# 20641. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

131 - 2004 Toyota Avalon Tow# 19667 2004 Toyota Avalon, Vin# 4T1BF28B64U387818, Color Silver, Tow# 19667. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

132 - 2011 Ford Focus Tow# 20268 2011 Ford Focus, Vin# 1FAHP3FN0BW144995, Color Silver, Tow# 20268. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

136 - 1997 Mazda B2300 Tow# 20244 1997 Mazda B2300, Vin# 4F4CR12A4VTM13549, Color Purple, Tow# 20244. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

141 - 2008 Infiniti G35 Tow# 20670 2008 Infiniti G35, Vin# JNKBV61F48M268133, Color White, Tow# 20670. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

153 - 2008 Toyota Camry Solara Tow# 19830 2008 Toyota Camry Solara, Vin# 4T1CE30P58U764617, Color Silver, Tow# 19830. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

164 - 2015 Buick Regal Tow# 20672 2015 Buick Regal, Vin# 2G4GK5EX4F9198474, Color Dark Red, Tow# 20672. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

174 - 2015 Chrysler 200 Tow# 17914 2015 Chrysler 200, Vin# 1C3CCCAB8FN695558, Color White, Tow# 17914. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

175 - 1996 Honda Accord Tow# 20298 1996 Honda Accord, Vin# 1HGCD5657TA239935, Color White, Tow# 20298. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

177 - 2012 Cadillac CTS Tow# 20348 2012 Cadillac CTS, Vin# 1G6DC5E54C0114178, Color Dark Red, Tow# 20348. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

181 - 2005 Honda CR-V Tow# 20349 2005 Honda CR-V, Vin# JHLRD788X5C057524, Color Silver, Tow# 20349. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

186 - 2006 Chevrolet Equinox Tow# 20272 2006 Chevrolet Equinox, Vin# 2CNDL13F866092758, Color Purple, Tow# 20272. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

187 - 2003 Ford Taurus Tow# 20352 2003 Ford Taurus, Vin# 1FAFP55233A203479, Color Silver, Tow# 20352. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

189 - 2011 Hyundai Elantra Tow# 20150 2011 Hyundai Elantra, Vin# 5NPDH4AEXBH031001, Color Silver, Tow# 20150. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

198 - 1999 Ford Ranger Tow# 20299 1999 Ford Ranger, Vin# 1FTZR15X0XPB36686, Color Tan, Tow# 20299. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

200 - 2009 Dodge Journey Tow# 19678 2009 Dodge Journey, Vin# 3D4GG57V39T159364, Color Silver, Tow# 19678. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

201 - 2003 Buick Regal Tow# 19974 2003 Buick Regal, Vin# 2G4WB52KX31284905, Color Brown, Tow# 19974. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

202 - 2018 Hyundai Sonata Tow# 19721 2018 Hyundai Sonata, Vin# 5NPE34AFXJH643743, Color Grey, Tow# 19721. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

204 - 2005 Mercury Mountaineer Tow# 20072 2005 Mercury Mountaineer, Vin# 4M2DU86W95ZJ17492, Color White, Tow# 20072. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

205 - 1998 Honda CR-V Tow# 19736 1998 Honda CR-V, Vin# JHLRD1844WC048278, Color Black, Tow# 19736. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

350 - 2014 Dodge Ram 3500 Crew Cab 6.7L Diesel Tow#1206 2014 Dodge Ram 3500 Crew Cab 6.7L Diesel, Vin# 3C63RRHL2EG209837, Color Black, Tow# 1206. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

998 - 1994 Dodge Dakota Tow# 15488 1994 Dodge Dakota, Vin# 1B7GL23Y3RS528488, Color White, Tow# 15488. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

Auction License: P3305
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Metro Impound Auction March 2025

Auctions ASAP

Auctions ASAP

Sale Location
1487 Frankfort Avenue 1487 Frankfort Avenue
Louisville, KY 40206
Sale Dates and Times
Sale Terms and Conditions
Terms & Conditions 1. Please review the KY Title Process Document on our website or visit the Kentucky Transportation Cabinets website for more information on obtaining a title. Neither Metro Louisville Government nor Auctions ASAP will assist in obtaining any title or license for vehicles sold at this auction other than by providing paperwork. For those buyers wishing to obtain a title, You MUST request from the auction company when making payment that you need the paperwork from the Impound Lot. The Impound Lot and Not the auction company will supply only you with a copy of any certified letter receipts sent to the owner(s) or lien holders if that request is made from the auctioneer. The Louisville Metro Police Impound Lot will also provide a letter stating that it was purchased lawfully along with a signed VTR. Failure to request this paperwork at time of payment will result in your requests for paperwork being denied. Once we receive your payment, you will be provided with a paid in full invoice. Present these documents to the county clerk when obtaining a title. It normally takes 25 to 30 business days to obtain the copies/paperwork from the Impound Lot so please be patient. 2. The buyer is responsible for picking up this paperwork at the Metro Impound Lot and not the auction company. The Impound Lot will only provide the documents required to obtain a Kentucky Title as mentioned above. Out of state buyers wishing to title their vehicles in their home state, contact your local DMV to see what the requirements are to obtain title in your state. 3. According to the KRS, when these cars are sold at auction any prior lien is no longer valid if the process was followed, Metro Louisville can sell these vehicles free of prior Liens however be advised that some vehicles may have a lender's lien against them in the system and may take extra effort on your part to remove it. Also, title status is unknown nor guaranteed on these vehicles as a few may be rebuilt or salvage. 4. All vehicles & items sold at auction without exception will be sold as is, where is, with all faults and defects therein, with no warranties/guarantees expressed written or implied including but not limited to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. There will be no refunds, exchanges, credits, tags, or titles given for any reason and the buyer assumes all risk with buying these vehicles and equipment at auction. It is solely the buyer's responsibility to determine its value prior to bidding given all auction constraints. This sale is subject to the caveat emptor principle (buyer beware). Because these are Impounded Vehicles, only the previous owner, their mechanic and possibly their insurance company will know their true condition and as such this will be the items description: "Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination prior to bidding given all auction constraints." 5. Any vehicle, at the discretion of Metro Government, may be removed from the auction inventory list at any time prior to its sale. Vehicles may be pulled from the auction at any time to meet the needs of Metro Government. Metro Government & Auctions ASAP reserves the right to refuse anyone from the auction for non-payment on past auction purchases. Also, Owners have a legal right to claim impounded vehicles right up to the first bid being placed at auction if they settle with the Impound Lot. Once a bid has been placed it will require a court order to be removed from the sale. If an honest mistake has been made in the auction or impoundment process, that affected vehicle can be removed without notice to correct a mistake. 6. Neither Metro Louisville Government nor Auctions ASAP will be responsible for any accidents or injuries. All parties entering the Impound Lot facility does so of their own free will and assumes all personal risk and liability. 7. To bid, you must have a bid number. To get a bid number you must register on the bidding platform which will require a credit card along with you creating an account. 8. Metro Louisville LMPD Impoundment Unit requires as a condition of you being approved to bid, a $100 deposit for this auction. If you do not win any lot, the deposit will be released to your account within days of the auction ending. Should you win any lot the deposit will be returned upon successfully completing one of the accepted payment methods for your purchase. Failure to pay for any lot you win will result in the forfeiture of your $100 deposit in full, no exceptions. 9. Any bidder who does not pay for their bids will be banned/excluded from All Auctions Going Forward. Should we determine that a bidder is working with another banned bidder to circumvent that ban, we reserve the right to block and ban that bidder also. 10. We may from time to time reach out to bidders to verify their accounts and bidding activity. We will attempt to contact you via email, phone call or have Proxibid staff reach out to you directly. In the event you are unavailable for this security check we reserve the right to freeze your bids or remove them entirely. Please make sure your account information is correct and that your phone number is one that you will answer should we need to speak with you. 11. The Kentucky Revenue Cabinet requires the collection of KY Sales Tax on all impounded vehicles that will not be titled, sold during this auction. A valid Resale Certificate/Tax Exempt form MUST be presented during the Bidder Registration Process to be exempt from paying KY Sales Tax. If you are a dealer, parts wholesaler, or an individual buying to resale, you must present and leave with us a copy of your Tax Exempt/Resale Certificate along with filling out the state exemption form for our files. All persons buying for personal use will pay KY sales tax along with any persons or companies that have failed to provide valid Tax Exempt/Resale certificates during the Bidder Registration Process. Also, out of state buyers must present their out-of-state Tax Exempt/Resale Certificate during the Bidder Registration Process to be exempt from paying KY Sales Tax. We must collect KY Sales Tax at all auctions. 12. There will be an additional $20 surcharge per vehicle or item purchased that is paid to and required by Metro Government for administrative fees. 13. A fifteen percent (15%) buyer's premium will be added to your winning bid price to determine the final bid price. (Example- If you bid ten dollars, one dollar and fifty cents will be added to your bid to determine the final bid price.) 14. Nothing can be removed from the Impound Lot before payment is made in full. When removing items or vehicles, you must present a paper copy of the paid in full invoice to the Impound Lot Personnel for inspection. 15. Without exception, all purchases must be paid in full by the following day after the auction ends. We will send an invoice with further payment instructions along with the location to make payments within hours of the auction ending. Should you not see an invoice in your email at that time check your spam folder. For those buyers wishing to pay with a credit card, you must contact us right after the auction has completed. Out of state/Non-Local buyers also have the option of paying with a bank-to-bank wire transfer to ensure payment is made within the deadline. 16. Full payment, including any required taxes, administrative fees, credit card fees if using a credit card and buyer's premium, are required the following day after the sale, no exceptions. Accepted payment methods include CASH, Credit Cards, bank to bank wire transfers, ACH or Certified Checks, and Zelle (@ 1% Fee). 17. If using a credit card, it must be in your name, and you must be authorized to use it. A 3% credit card processing fee applies. To avoid this fee, we accept Cash, bank to bank wire transfer and Certified Check. For purchases over $2500, credit cards will NOT be accepted, and another form of payment must be used. 18. All vehicles sold must be removed within 5 business days following the closing of the auction. Any vehicle not picked up in the specified pickup window will be re-impounded and accessed a $200 Impound fee and will accrue $30 per day storage fees. Failure to pay these fees will result in your vehicle being sold at a future auction and you will be barred from participating in any future auctions. The quicker you remove your vehicles the quicker we can get another auction together. 19. All auction vehicles and other items must be removed from the Impound Lot facility before 4:00 PM during the scheduled pickup days, no auction vehicles can be picked up after 4:00pm. 20. At the close of bidding, winning bidders are responsible for protecting their merchandise from damage or theft. Neither Metro Government nor Auctions ASAP assume any responsibility for loss or damage. Please be advised, it is strongly recommended that you remove your vehicle as soon as possible because you assume all risk and liability once you're declared the winning bidder. It's recommended that you insure those vehicles worth insuring at the conclusion of the auction. 21. No work is to be done on any vehicle or item while on the Impound Lot or any of its facilities. No keys can be made on the property. Vehicles cannot be driven off the property and they MUST BE TOWED with a tow truck or wrecker. Vehicles cannot be parked on the outside of the fenced area. Any violations of this rule will result in permanent barring from all future auctions and the vehicle or item will be re-impounded. 22. No alcohol, illegal drugs. pets or weapons of any kind are allowed on the lot. 23. No dumping of trash, tires, car parts and anyone caught dumping will be barred from the lot. 24. No one under 18 is allowed on the Impound Lot. No one is allowed on the lot after dark. 25. Only people that have been issued a bidder number will be allowed on the lot. No spectators. 26. The Auctioneer reserves the right to accept bids in any increment they feel is in the best interest of the seller. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject the bidding of any person or persons whose conduct, actions, or adverse comments are not in the best interest of the seller or other bidders present. If the auctioneer deems there to be collusion among bidders, the auctioneer may cancel the auction or may direct those parties to leave or have them escorted off the Impound Lot facility. 27. Any questions pertaining to the auction or pickup process should be directed to the auction company. You can call us directly at 502-451-2010. 28. The Auction Company nor Metro Louisville is responsible for any issues involving the auction platform, third party software or internet connectivity or stability. Do not wait until the last minute to place your maximum bid as it will be too late to assist you. It is recommended that you bid from a desktop or laptop computer with stable internet connectivity. Cell phones can be used to bid however they are less reliable. Should you be bidding on multiple items at once, screen size will hinder your ability to do so. 29. Please be advised that a wrecker must be used to remove the vehicles from the Impound Lot. No trailers or tow dollies because of liability. Also, the facility is not set up for transporters. This does not mean that you are required to have it towed all the way to your location with a wrecker, or that a transporter can't be used, you can have the vehicle relocated outside the Impound Facility using a wrecker and drop it so you can load it on your own trailer. Call us and we will supply you with phone numbers for local tow companies that will assist you. Remember that the tow fee charged is between you and them and your sole responsibility. Only trailers and tow dollies bought from this auction can be pulled out by private vehicle providing they can be safely and correctly towed without assistance. Motorcycles and Mopeds that can be rolled out with minimal effort can be done so by buyer. Be advised, lot attendants cannot offer assistance with this task. LMPD, Metro Government, and Auctions ASAP are not responsible for any injuries or damages while doing so. 30. The auctioneer will not be bidding on any vehicle or item at this auction. 31. By signing up for this auction you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions. Further you agree to allow us to contact you for useful auction notices in the future. 32. Bidding on behalf of someone that has been banned from previous auctions will be grounds for immediate suspension of your bidding privileges and your previous bids may not be recognized under the sole discretion of the auctioneer.
Listing Details

Selling Cars, Trucks, SUV's and Motorcycles from the Louisville Metro Impound Lot. Winning Bids will be subject to 15% Buyer's Premium and $20 Administration Fee per vehicle.

1 - Payment Due Within 24hrs! Bidders are Required to Pay for Every Vehicle You Win & Payment is Due within 24hrs, Please Read Terms & Conditions. An invoice will be sent to your email address within a couple of hours after the auction ends. Should you not see the invoice be sure to check your spam folder. This lot is an informational sign post and does not need to be bid on. Should you wish to tip the auction company, tips are appreciated. Bid your tip here!

2 - All Vehicles Must Be Towed From The Lot! All vehicles, due to liability, must be towed from the lot by a tow truck (no car dollies or trailers). You can have it towed away from the facility and loaded to your trailer. Be sure not to block Frankfort Ave. nor trespass on anyone's property. If you need a dependable tow company, call the auctioneer and he will recommend one or two. Pick-up is Monday thru Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm. Get them out as soon as possible. See Terms & Conditions for exceptions. This lot is an informational signpost and does not need to be bid on. Should you wish to tip the auction company, tips are appreciated. Bid your tip here!

3 - Paperwork Provided To Buyers For Acquiring Title! Paperwork you will receive from the Impound Lot for these vehicles will be the following: Paid In Full Invoice upon us receiving full payment, a legal letter from LMPD stating you purchased it lawfully and that they complied with the Kentucky Revised Statutes also including a description of the vehicle purchased. The buyer will receive copies of the certified mail tracking receipts showing that the owner and lien holders (if they were in the system) were notified along with a signed VTR form (Kentucky state specific vehicle transfer form) for Kentucky residents. If you are out of state, make sure to check with your own state's DMV to see if these documents are enough to obtain title in your state as no other documents will be provided from LMPD. Please note that the DMV issues titles and not the Impound Lot. This is an informational sign post and does not require bidding. If you would however like to leave a tip for the auction company just place it here. Tips are appreciated!

4 - $100 Deposit Required To Bid (Refundable)! Deposit is refundable if you do not purchase anything. If you bid and win but fail to pay you will forfeit your deposit. Deposits are normally released within days of the auction ending for those who didn't win anything.

5 - Walk-Through Lot Tour Video Video Tour of Impound Lot

6 - 2007 Suzuki Forenza Tow# 19809 2007 Suzuki Forenza, Vin# KL5JD56Z37K594437, Color Red, Tow# 19809. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

7 - 2017 Hyundai Elantra Tow# 20232 2017 Hyundai Elantra, Vin# 5NPD74LF6HH127242, Color White, Tow# 20232. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

8 - 2011 Toyota Camry Tow# 20252 2011 Toyota Camry, Vin# 4T1BF3EKXBU138008, Color Black, Tow# 20252. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

9 - 2004 Ford Escape Tow# 19954 2004 Ford Escape, Vin# 1FMYU03114KB51639, Color Silver, Tow# 19954. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

10 - 2008 Dodge Charger Tow# 19467 2008 Dodge Charger, Vin# 2B3KA43G98H190816, Color Red, Tow# 19467. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

11 - 2000 Cadillac Catera Tow# 20087 2000 Cadillac Catera, Vin# W06VR54R0YR101078, Color Silver, Tow# 20087. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

12 - 1989 Chevrolet Caprice Tow# 20088 1989 Chevrolet Caprice, Vin# 1G1BL5174KR202419, Color Yellow, Tow# 20088. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

13 - 2012 Dodge Charger R/T HEMI Tow# 19998 2012 Dodge Charger R/T HEMI, Vin# 2C3CDXCTXCH196713, Color Black, Tow# 19998. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

14 - 2005 Buick LaCrosse Tow# 19853 2005 Buick LaCrosse, Vin# 2G4WD532X51244741, Color Grey, Tow# 19853. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

15 - 2013 Hyundai Sonata Tow# 20000 2013 Hyundai Sonata, Vin# 5NPEB4AC4DH769660, Color Silver, Tow# 20000. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

16 - 2008 Nissan Altima Tow# 20254 2008 Nissan Altima, Vin# 1N4AL21E68C129474, Color Red, Tow# 20254. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

17 - 2004 Jeep Cherokee Tow# 19861 2004 Jeep Cherokee, Vin# 1J4GW58N94C396955, Color Black, Tow# 19861. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

18 - 2013 Chevrolet Camaro Tow# 20261 2013 Chevrolet Camaro, Vin# 2G1FA1E30D9152493, Color Black, Tow# 20261. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

19 - 2016 Ford Fusion Tow# 19744 2016 Ford Fusion, Vin# 3FA6P0H74GR295997, Color White, Tow# 19744. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

20 - 2007 Ford Edge Tow# 20092 2007 Ford Edge, Vin# 2FMDK39C47BB09270, Color Grey, Tow# 20092. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

21 - 2013 Dodge Durango Tow# 19815 2013 Dodge Durango, Vin# 1C4RDHAG3DC689672, Color White, Tow# 19815. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

22 - 1998 Mercedes-Benz C280 Tow# 20174 1998 Mercedes-Benz C280, Vin# WDBHA29GXWF717537, Color White, Tow# 20174. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

23 - 2019 Chevrolet Malibu Tow# 20240 2019 Chevrolet Malibu, Vin# 1G1ZB5ST0KF119181, Color Silver, Tow# 20240. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

24 - 2024 Kia Forte Tow# 19719 2024 Kia Forte, Vin# 3KPF24AD4RE816310, Color Black, Tow# 19719. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

25 - 2012 Jaguar XJ Tow# 20246 2012 Jaguar XJ, Vin# SAJWA1CB9CLV30191, Color Silver, Tow# 20246. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

26 - 2007 Chevrolet Equinox Tow# 20810 2007 Chevrolet Equinox, Vin# 2CNDL13F576059542, Color Tan, Tow# 20810. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

27 - 2009 Ford Escape Tow# 19835 2009 Ford Escape, Vin# 1FMCU93G79KB77527, Color Grey, Tow# 19835. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

28 - 2008 Chevrolet Impala Tow# 20197 2008 Chevrolet Impala, Vin# 2G1WB58K781280905, Color Silver, Tow# 20197. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

29 - 2006 Chevrolet Equinox Tow# 20622 2006 Chevrolet Equinox, Vin# 2CNDL63F566048553, Color White, Tow# 20622. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

30 - 2008 Lexus ES 350 Tow# 20621 2008 Lexus ES 350, Vin# JTHBJ46G082255439, Color White, Tow# 20621. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

31 - 2002 Toyota Camry Tow# 20201 2002 Toyota Camry, Vin# 4T1BF32K82U522972, Color Silver, Tow# 20201. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

32 - 2008 Dodge Avenger Tow# 20356 2008 Dodge Avenger, Vin# 1B3LC76M18N180645, Color Grey, Tow# 20356. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

33 - 2002 Chevrolet Malibu Tow# 20264 2002 Chevrolet Malibu, Vin# 1G1NE52J62M693378, Color Blue, Tow# 20264. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

34 - 2008 Mazda CX-7 Tow# 19806 2008 Mazda CX-7, Vin# JM3ER293680215437, Color White, Tow# 19806. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

35 - 2011 BMW 328i Tow# 20655 2011 BMW 328i, Vin# WBAPH5C5XBA443939, Color Black, Tow# 20655. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

36 - 2007 Dodge Grand Caravan Tow# 20632 2007 Dodge Grand Caravan, Vin# 2D4GP44L07R180654, Color White, Tow# 20632. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

37 - 2016 Ford Focus Tow# 20198 2016 Ford Focus, Vin# 1FADP3E24GL237985, Color Grey, Tow# 20198. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

38 - 1995 Lincoln Town Car Tow# 20199 1995 Lincoln Town Car, Vin# 1LNLM81W8SY744173, Color White, Tow# 20199. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

42 - 2010 Toyota Rav4 Tow# 19826 2010 Toyota Rav4, Vin# 2T3BF4DV0AW057347, Color Silver, Tow# 19826. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

45 - 2008 Toyota Camry Tow# 19976 2008 Toyota Camry, Vin# 4T1BE46K98U735473, Color Grey, Tow# 19976. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

54 - 1999 Chevrolet Express Cargo Tow# 19551 1999 Chevrolet Express Cargo, Vin# 1GBFG15R6X1110367, Color Beige, Tow# 19551. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

58 - 2010 Nissan Sentra Tow# 20200 2010 Nissan Sentra, Vin# 3N1AB6APXAL639328, Color Blue, Tow# 20200. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

61 - 2011 Chevrolet Camaro Tow# 20366 2011 Chevrolet Camaro, Vin# 2G1FB1ED1B9106450, Color Black, Tow# 20366. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

62 - 2012 Hyundai Sonata Tow# 19455 2012 Hyundai Sonata, Vin# 5NPEB4AC1CH455236, Color Silver, Tow# 19455. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

65 - 2012 Chrysler 200 Tow# 20627 2012 Chrysler 200, Vin# 1C3CCBBB2CN302125, Color Maroon, Tow# 20627. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

66 - 2012 Kia Sportage Tow# 20096 2012 Kia Sportage, Vin# KNDPCCA64C7173008, Color Silver, Tow# 20096. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

67 - 2012 Kia Forte Tow# 20397 2012 Kia Forte, Vin# KNAFU4A22C5552920, Color Black, Tow# 20397. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

73 - 2007 Toyota Corolla Tow# 20722 2007 Toyota Corolla, Vin# JTDBR32E170111496, Color White, Tow# 20722. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

74 - 2010 Kia Forte Tow# 20315 2010 Kia Forte, Vin# KNAFW6A30A5207932, Color Blue, Tow# 20315. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

77 - 2001 Chevrolet Suburban Tow# 19619 2001 Chevrolet Suburban, Vin# 1GNFK16T41J228274, Color White, Tow# 19619. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

100 - 2010 Subaru Legacy Tow# 19620 2010 Subaru Legacy, Vin# 4S3BMCB67A3224687, Color Grey, Tow# 19620. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

101 - 2014 Ford Edge Tow# 19557 2014 Ford Edge, Vin# 2FMDK3GC8EBB04038, Color Silver, Tow# 19557. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

102 - 2005 Ford Escape Tow# 20190 2005 Ford Escape, Vin# 1FMYU03165KB46230, Color Grey, Tow# 20190. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

111 - 2006 Chevrolet Equinox Tow# 19819 2006 Chevrolet Equinox, Vin# 2CNDL63F866015398, Color Green, Tow# 19819. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

116 - 2007 Chevrolet Equinox Tow# 20618 2007 Chevrolet Equinox, Vin# 2CNDL13FX76036497, Color Blue, Tow# 20618. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

118 - 2018 Chevrolet Malibu Tow# 20306 2018 Chevrolet Malibu, Vin# 1G1ZD5ST2JF121426, Color Silver, Tow# 20306. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

121 - 2009 Chevrolet Tahoe Tow# 19650 2009 Chevrolet Tahoe, Vin# 1GNFK23049R125255, Color Blue, Tow# 19650. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

122 - 2005 Ford F-150 Tow# 19825 2005 Ford F-150, Vin# 1FTRF12235KC12798, Color Black, Tow# 19825. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

123 - 2003 Toyota Avalon Tow# 19732 2003 Toyota Avalon, Vin# 4T1BF28B63U302474, Color Black, Tow# 19732. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

124 - 2009 Mitsubishi Galant Tow# 20636 2009 Mitsubishi Galant, Vin# 4A3AB36F89E023924, Color Beige, Tow# 20636. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

125 - 2008 Mazda Mazda3 Tow# 19943 2008 Mazda Mazda3, Vin# JM1BK12F181100382, Color Blue, Tow# 19943. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

126 - 2013 Ford Taurus Tow# 19994 2013 Ford Taurus, Vin# 1FAHP2F87DG231049, Color Blue, Tow# 19994. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

127 - 2006 Ford Taurus Tow# 19997 2006 Ford Taurus, Vin# 1FAFP53U16A212769, Color Maroon, Tow# 19997. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

128 - 2005 Toyota Avalon Tow# 19615 2005 Toyota Avalon, Vin# 4T1BK36B65U020052, Color Blue, Tow# 19615. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

129 - 2010 Ford Taurus Tow# 20641 2010 Ford Taurus, Vin# 1FAHP2FW8AG133125, Color Blue, Tow# 20641. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

131 - 2004 Toyota Avalon Tow# 19667 2004 Toyota Avalon, Vin# 4T1BF28B64U387818, Color Silver, Tow# 19667. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

132 - 2011 Ford Focus Tow# 20268 2011 Ford Focus, Vin# 1FAHP3FN0BW144995, Color Silver, Tow# 20268. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

136 - 1997 Mazda B2300 Tow# 20244 1997 Mazda B2300, Vin# 4F4CR12A4VTM13549, Color Purple, Tow# 20244. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

141 - 2008 Infiniti G35 Tow# 20670 2008 Infiniti G35, Vin# JNKBV61F48M268133, Color White, Tow# 20670. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

153 - 2008 Toyota Camry Solara Tow# 19830 2008 Toyota Camry Solara, Vin# 4T1CE30P58U764617, Color Silver, Tow# 19830. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

164 - 2015 Buick Regal Tow# 20672 2015 Buick Regal, Vin# 2G4GK5EX4F9198474, Color Dark Red, Tow# 20672. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

174 - 2015 Chrysler 200 Tow# 17914 2015 Chrysler 200, Vin# 1C3CCCAB8FN695558, Color White, Tow# 17914. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

175 - 1996 Honda Accord Tow# 20298 1996 Honda Accord, Vin# 1HGCD5657TA239935, Color White, Tow# 20298. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

177 - 2012 Cadillac CTS Tow# 20348 2012 Cadillac CTS, Vin# 1G6DC5E54C0114178, Color Dark Red, Tow# 20348. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

181 - 2005 Honda CR-V Tow# 20349 2005 Honda CR-V, Vin# JHLRD788X5C057524, Color Silver, Tow# 20349. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

186 - 2006 Chevrolet Equinox Tow# 20272 2006 Chevrolet Equinox, Vin# 2CNDL13F866092758, Color Purple, Tow# 20272. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

187 - 2003 Ford Taurus Tow# 20352 2003 Ford Taurus, Vin# 1FAFP55233A203479, Color Silver, Tow# 20352. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

189 - 2011 Hyundai Elantra Tow# 20150 2011 Hyundai Elantra, Vin# 5NPDH4AEXBH031001, Color Silver, Tow# 20150. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

198 - 1999 Ford Ranger Tow# 20299 1999 Ford Ranger, Vin# 1FTZR15X0XPB36686, Color Tan, Tow# 20299. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

200 - 2009 Dodge Journey Tow# 19678 2009 Dodge Journey, Vin# 3D4GG57V39T159364, Color Silver, Tow# 19678. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

201 - 2003 Buick Regal Tow# 19974 2003 Buick Regal, Vin# 2G4WB52KX31284905, Color Brown, Tow# 19974. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

202 - 2018 Hyundai Sonata Tow# 19721 2018 Hyundai Sonata, Vin# 5NPE34AFXJH643743, Color Grey, Tow# 19721. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

204 - 2005 Mercury Mountaineer Tow# 20072 2005 Mercury Mountaineer, Vin# 4M2DU86W95ZJ17492, Color White, Tow# 20072. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

205 - 1998 Honda CR-V Tow# 19736 1998 Honda CR-V, Vin# JHLRD1844WC048278, Color Black, Tow# 19736. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

350 - 2014 Dodge Ram 3500 Crew Cab 6.7L Diesel Tow#1206 2014 Dodge Ram 3500 Crew Cab 6.7L Diesel, Vin# 3C63RRHL2EG209837, Color Black, Tow# 1206. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

998 - 1994 Dodge Dakota Tow# 15488 1994 Dodge Dakota, Vin# 1B7GL23Y3RS528488, Color White, Tow# 15488. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

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Metro Impound Auction March 2025
 Online Only Auction
Auction Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Wednesday Mar 19 , 12:01 AM
Bidding Ends: Sunday Mar 23 , 7:00 PM
Auction Location
1487 Frankfort Avenue 1487 Frankfort Avenue
Louisville, KY 40206
Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms & Conditions 1. Please review the KY Title Process Document on our website or visit the Kentucky Transportation Cabinets website for more information on obtaining a title. Neither Metro Louisville Government nor Auctions ASAP will assist in obtaining any title or license for vehicles sold at this auction other than by providing paperwork. For those buyers wishing to obtain a title, You MUST request from the auction company when making payment that you need the paperwork from the Impound Lot. The Impound Lot and Not the auction company will supply only you with a copy of any certified letter receipts sent to the owner(s) or lien holders if that request is made from the auctioneer. The Louisville Metro Police Impound Lot will also provide a letter stating that it was purchased lawfully along with a signed VTR. Failure to request this paperwork at time of payment will result in your requests for paperwork being denied. Once we receive your payment, you will be provided with a paid in full invoice. Present these documents to the county clerk when obtaining a title. It normally takes 25 to 30 business days to obtain the copies/paperwork from the Impound Lot so please be patient. 2. The buyer is responsible for picking up this paperwork at the Metro Impound Lot and not the auction company. The Impound Lot will only provide the documents required to obtain a Kentucky Title as mentioned above. Out of state buyers wishing to title their vehicles in their home state, contact your local DMV to see what the requirements are to obtain title in your state. 3. According to the KRS, when these cars are sold at auction any prior lien is no longer valid if the process was followed, Metro Louisville can sell these vehicles free of prior Liens however be advised that some vehicles may have a lender's lien against them in the system and may take extra effort on your part to remove it. Also, title status is unknown nor guaranteed on these vehicles as a few may be rebuilt or salvage. 4. All vehicles & items sold at auction without exception will be sold as is, where is, with all faults and defects therein, with no warranties/guarantees expressed written or implied including but not limited to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. There will be no refunds, exchanges, credits, tags, or titles given for any reason and the buyer assumes all risk with buying these vehicles and equipment at auction. It is solely the buyer's responsibility to determine its value prior to bidding given all auction constraints. This sale is subject to the caveat emptor principle (buyer beware). Because these are Impounded Vehicles, only the previous owner, their mechanic and possibly their insurance company will know their true condition and as such this will be the items description: "Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination prior to bidding given all auction constraints." 5. Any vehicle, at the discretion of Metro Government, may be removed from the auction inventory list at any time prior to its sale. Vehicles may be pulled from the auction at any time to meet the needs of Metro Government. Metro Government & Auctions ASAP reserves the right to refuse anyone from the auction for non-payment on past auction purchases. Also, Owners have a legal right to claim impounded vehicles right up to the first bid being placed at auction if they settle with the Impound Lot. Once a bid has been placed it will require a court order to be removed from the sale. If an honest mistake has been made in the auction or impoundment process, that affected vehicle can be removed without notice to correct a mistake. 6. Neither Metro Louisville Government nor Auctions ASAP will be responsible for any accidents or injuries. All parties entering the Impound Lot facility does so of their own free will and assumes all personal risk and liability. 7. To bid, you must have a bid number. To get a bid number you must register on the bidding platform which will require a credit card along with you creating an account. 8. Metro Louisville LMPD Impoundment Unit requires as a condition of you being approved to bid, a $100 deposit for this auction. If you do not win any lot, the deposit will be released to your account within days of the auction ending. Should you win any lot the deposit will be returned upon successfully completing one of the accepted payment methods for your purchase. Failure to pay for any lot you win will result in the forfeiture of your $100 deposit in full, no exceptions. 9. Any bidder who does not pay for their bids will be banned/excluded from All Auctions Going Forward. Should we determine that a bidder is working with another banned bidder to circumvent that ban, we reserve the right to block and ban that bidder also. 10. We may from time to time reach out to bidders to verify their accounts and bidding activity. We will attempt to contact you via email, phone call or have Proxibid staff reach out to you directly. In the event you are unavailable for this security check we reserve the right to freeze your bids or remove them entirely. Please make sure your account information is correct and that your phone number is one that you will answer should we need to speak with you. 11. The Kentucky Revenue Cabinet requires the collection of KY Sales Tax on all impounded vehicles that will not be titled, sold during this auction. A valid Resale Certificate/Tax Exempt form MUST be presented during the Bidder Registration Process to be exempt from paying KY Sales Tax. If you are a dealer, parts wholesaler, or an individual buying to resale, you must present and leave with us a copy of your Tax Exempt/Resale Certificate along with filling out the state exemption form for our files. All persons buying for personal use will pay KY sales tax along with any persons or companies that have failed to provide valid Tax Exempt/Resale certificates during the Bidder Registration Process. Also, out of state buyers must present their out-of-state Tax Exempt/Resale Certificate during the Bidder Registration Process to be exempt from paying KY Sales Tax. We must collect KY Sales Tax at all auctions. 12. There will be an additional $20 surcharge per vehicle or item purchased that is paid to and required by Metro Government for administrative fees. 13. A fifteen percent (15%) buyer's premium will be added to your winning bid price to determine the final bid price. (Example- If you bid ten dollars, one dollar and fifty cents will be added to your bid to determine the final bid price.) 14. Nothing can be removed from the Impound Lot before payment is made in full. When removing items or vehicles, you must present a paper copy of the paid in full invoice to the Impound Lot Personnel for inspection. 15. Without exception, all purchases must be paid in full by the following day after the auction ends. We will send an invoice with further payment instructions along with the location to make payments within hours of the auction ending. Should you not see an invoice in your email at that time check your spam folder. For those buyers wishing to pay with a credit card, you must contact us right after the auction has completed. Out of state/Non-Local buyers also have the option of paying with a bank-to-bank wire transfer to ensure payment is made within the deadline. 16. Full payment, including any required taxes, administrative fees, credit card fees if using a credit card and buyer's premium, are required the following day after the sale, no exceptions. Accepted payment methods include CASH, Credit Cards, bank to bank wire transfers, ACH or Certified Checks, and Zelle (@ 1% Fee). 17. If using a credit card, it must be in your name, and you must be authorized to use it. A 3% credit card processing fee applies. To avoid this fee, we accept Cash, bank to bank wire transfer and Certified Check. For purchases over $2500, credit cards will NOT be accepted, and another form of payment must be used. 18. All vehicles sold must be removed within 5 business days following the closing of the auction. Any vehicle not picked up in the specified pickup window will be re-impounded and accessed a $200 Impound fee and will accrue $30 per day storage fees. Failure to pay these fees will result in your vehicle being sold at a future auction and you will be barred from participating in any future auctions. The quicker you remove your vehicles the quicker we can get another auction together. 19. All auction vehicles and other items must be removed from the Impound Lot facility before 4:00 PM during the scheduled pickup days, no auction vehicles can be picked up after 4:00pm. 20. At the close of bidding, winning bidders are responsible for protecting their merchandise from damage or theft. Neither Metro Government nor Auctions ASAP assume any responsibility for loss or damage. Please be advised, it is strongly recommended that you remove your vehicle as soon as possible because you assume all risk and liability once you're declared the winning bidder. It's recommended that you insure those vehicles worth insuring at the conclusion of the auction. 21. No work is to be done on any vehicle or item while on the Impound Lot or any of its facilities. No keys can be made on the property. Vehicles cannot be driven off the property and they MUST BE TOWED with a tow truck or wrecker. Vehicles cannot be parked on the outside of the fenced area. Any violations of this rule will result in permanent barring from all future auctions and the vehicle or item will be re-impounded. 22. No alcohol, illegal drugs. pets or weapons of any kind are allowed on the lot. 23. No dumping of trash, tires, car parts and anyone caught dumping will be barred from the lot. 24. No one under 18 is allowed on the Impound Lot. No one is allowed on the lot after dark. 25. Only people that have been issued a bidder number will be allowed on the lot. No spectators. 26. The Auctioneer reserves the right to accept bids in any increment they feel is in the best interest of the seller. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject the bidding of any person or persons whose conduct, actions, or adverse comments are not in the best interest of the seller or other bidders present. If the auctioneer deems there to be collusion among bidders, the auctioneer may cancel the auction or may direct those parties to leave or have them escorted off the Impound Lot facility. 27. Any questions pertaining to the auction or pickup process should be directed to the auction company. You can call us directly at 502-451-2010. 28. The Auction Company nor Metro Louisville is responsible for any issues involving the auction platform, third party software or internet connectivity or stability. Do not wait until the last minute to place your maximum bid as it will be too late to assist you. It is recommended that you bid from a desktop or laptop computer with stable internet connectivity. Cell phones can be used to bid however they are less reliable. Should you be bidding on multiple items at once, screen size will hinder your ability to do so. 29. Please be advised that a wrecker must be used to remove the vehicles from the Impound Lot. No trailers or tow dollies because of liability. Also, the facility is not set up for transporters. This does not mean that you are required to have it towed all the way to your location with a wrecker, or that a transporter can't be used, you can have the vehicle relocated outside the Impound Facility using a wrecker and drop it so you can load it on your own trailer. Call us and we will supply you with phone numbers for local tow companies that will assist you. Remember that the tow fee charged is between you and them and your sole responsibility. Only trailers and tow dollies bought from this auction can be pulled out by private vehicle providing they can be safely and correctly towed without assistance. Motorcycles and Mopeds that can be rolled out with minimal effort can be done so by buyer. Be advised, lot attendants cannot offer assistance with this task. LMPD, Metro Government, and Auctions ASAP are not responsible for any injuries or damages while doing so. 30. The auctioneer will not be bidding on any vehicle or item at this auction. 31. By signing up for this auction you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions. Further you agree to allow us to contact you for useful auction notices in the future. 32. Bidding on behalf of someone that has been banned from previous auctions will be grounds for immediate suspension of your bidding privileges and your previous bids may not be recognized under the sole discretion of the auctioneer.

Selling Cars, Trucks, SUV's and Motorcycles from the Louisville Metro Impound Lot. Winning Bids will be subject to 15% Buyer's Premium and $20 Administration Fee per vehicle.

1 - Payment Due Within 24hrs! Bidders are Required to Pay for Every Vehicle You Win & Payment is Due within 24hrs, Please Read Terms & Conditions. An invoice will be sent to your email address within a couple of hours after the auction ends. Should you not see the invoice be sure to check your spam folder. This lot is an informational sign post and does not need to be bid on. Should you wish to tip the auction company, tips are appreciated. Bid your tip here!

2 - All Vehicles Must Be Towed From The Lot! All vehicles, due to liability, must be towed from the lot by a tow truck (no car dollies or trailers). You can have it towed away from the facility and loaded to your trailer. Be sure not to block Frankfort Ave. nor trespass on anyone's property. If you need a dependable tow company, call the auctioneer and he will recommend one or two. Pick-up is Monday thru Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm. Get them out as soon as possible. See Terms & Conditions for exceptions. This lot is an informational signpost and does not need to be bid on. Should you wish to tip the auction company, tips are appreciated. Bid your tip here!

3 - Paperwork Provided To Buyers For Acquiring Title! Paperwork you will receive from the Impound Lot for these vehicles will be the following: Paid In Full Invoice upon us receiving full payment, a legal letter from LMPD stating you purchased it lawfully and that they complied with the Kentucky Revised Statutes also including a description of the vehicle purchased. The buyer will receive copies of the certified mail tracking receipts showing that the owner and lien holders (if they were in the system) were notified along with a signed VTR form (Kentucky state specific vehicle transfer form) for Kentucky residents. If you are out of state, make sure to check with your own state's DMV to see if these documents are enough to obtain title in your state as no other documents will be provided from LMPD. Please note that the DMV issues titles and not the Impound Lot. This is an informational sign post and does not require bidding. If you would however like to leave a tip for the auction company just place it here. Tips are appreciated!

4 - $100 Deposit Required To Bid (Refundable)! Deposit is refundable if you do not purchase anything. If you bid and win but fail to pay you will forfeit your deposit. Deposits are normally released within days of the auction ending for those who didn't win anything.

5 - Walk-Through Lot Tour Video Video Tour of Impound Lot

6 - 2007 Suzuki Forenza Tow# 19809 2007 Suzuki Forenza, Vin# KL5JD56Z37K594437, Color Red, Tow# 19809. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

7 - 2017 Hyundai Elantra Tow# 20232 2017 Hyundai Elantra, Vin# 5NPD74LF6HH127242, Color White, Tow# 20232. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

8 - 2011 Toyota Camry Tow# 20252 2011 Toyota Camry, Vin# 4T1BF3EKXBU138008, Color Black, Tow# 20252. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

9 - 2004 Ford Escape Tow# 19954 2004 Ford Escape, Vin# 1FMYU03114KB51639, Color Silver, Tow# 19954. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

10 - 2008 Dodge Charger Tow# 19467 2008 Dodge Charger, Vin# 2B3KA43G98H190816, Color Red, Tow# 19467. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

11 - 2000 Cadillac Catera Tow# 20087 2000 Cadillac Catera, Vin# W06VR54R0YR101078, Color Silver, Tow# 20087. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

12 - 1989 Chevrolet Caprice Tow# 20088 1989 Chevrolet Caprice, Vin# 1G1BL5174KR202419, Color Yellow, Tow# 20088. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

13 - 2012 Dodge Charger R/T HEMI Tow# 19998 2012 Dodge Charger R/T HEMI, Vin# 2C3CDXCTXCH196713, Color Black, Tow# 19998. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

14 - 2005 Buick LaCrosse Tow# 19853 2005 Buick LaCrosse, Vin# 2G4WD532X51244741, Color Grey, Tow# 19853. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

15 - 2013 Hyundai Sonata Tow# 20000 2013 Hyundai Sonata, Vin# 5NPEB4AC4DH769660, Color Silver, Tow# 20000. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

16 - 2008 Nissan Altima Tow# 20254 2008 Nissan Altima, Vin# 1N4AL21E68C129474, Color Red, Tow# 20254. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

17 - 2004 Jeep Cherokee Tow# 19861 2004 Jeep Cherokee, Vin# 1J4GW58N94C396955, Color Black, Tow# 19861. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

18 - 2013 Chevrolet Camaro Tow# 20261 2013 Chevrolet Camaro, Vin# 2G1FA1E30D9152493, Color Black, Tow# 20261. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

19 - 2016 Ford Fusion Tow# 19744 2016 Ford Fusion, Vin# 3FA6P0H74GR295997, Color White, Tow# 19744. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

20 - 2007 Ford Edge Tow# 20092 2007 Ford Edge, Vin# 2FMDK39C47BB09270, Color Grey, Tow# 20092. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

21 - 2013 Dodge Durango Tow# 19815 2013 Dodge Durango, Vin# 1C4RDHAG3DC689672, Color White, Tow# 19815. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

22 - 1998 Mercedes-Benz C280 Tow# 20174 1998 Mercedes-Benz C280, Vin# WDBHA29GXWF717537, Color White, Tow# 20174. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

23 - 2019 Chevrolet Malibu Tow# 20240 2019 Chevrolet Malibu, Vin# 1G1ZB5ST0KF119181, Color Silver, Tow# 20240. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

24 - 2024 Kia Forte Tow# 19719 2024 Kia Forte, Vin# 3KPF24AD4RE816310, Color Black, Tow# 19719. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

25 - 2012 Jaguar XJ Tow# 20246 2012 Jaguar XJ, Vin# SAJWA1CB9CLV30191, Color Silver, Tow# 20246. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

26 - 2007 Chevrolet Equinox Tow# 20810 2007 Chevrolet Equinox, Vin# 2CNDL13F576059542, Color Tan, Tow# 20810. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

27 - 2009 Ford Escape Tow# 19835 2009 Ford Escape, Vin# 1FMCU93G79KB77527, Color Grey, Tow# 19835. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

28 - 2008 Chevrolet Impala Tow# 20197 2008 Chevrolet Impala, Vin# 2G1WB58K781280905, Color Silver, Tow# 20197. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

29 - 2006 Chevrolet Equinox Tow# 20622 2006 Chevrolet Equinox, Vin# 2CNDL63F566048553, Color White, Tow# 20622. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

30 - 2008 Lexus ES 350 Tow# 20621 2008 Lexus ES 350, Vin# JTHBJ46G082255439, Color White, Tow# 20621. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

31 - 2002 Toyota Camry Tow# 20201 2002 Toyota Camry, Vin# 4T1BF32K82U522972, Color Silver, Tow# 20201. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

32 - 2008 Dodge Avenger Tow# 20356 2008 Dodge Avenger, Vin# 1B3LC76M18N180645, Color Grey, Tow# 20356. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

33 - 2002 Chevrolet Malibu Tow# 20264 2002 Chevrolet Malibu, Vin# 1G1NE52J62M693378, Color Blue, Tow# 20264. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

34 - 2008 Mazda CX-7 Tow# 19806 2008 Mazda CX-7, Vin# JM3ER293680215437, Color White, Tow# 19806. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

35 - 2011 BMW 328i Tow# 20655 2011 BMW 328i, Vin# WBAPH5C5XBA443939, Color Black, Tow# 20655. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

36 - 2007 Dodge Grand Caravan Tow# 20632 2007 Dodge Grand Caravan, Vin# 2D4GP44L07R180654, Color White, Tow# 20632. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

37 - 2016 Ford Focus Tow# 20198 2016 Ford Focus, Vin# 1FADP3E24GL237985, Color Grey, Tow# 20198. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

38 - 1995 Lincoln Town Car Tow# 20199 1995 Lincoln Town Car, Vin# 1LNLM81W8SY744173, Color White, Tow# 20199. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

42 - 2010 Toyota Rav4 Tow# 19826 2010 Toyota Rav4, Vin# 2T3BF4DV0AW057347, Color Silver, Tow# 19826. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

45 - 2008 Toyota Camry Tow# 19976 2008 Toyota Camry, Vin# 4T1BE46K98U735473, Color Grey, Tow# 19976. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

54 - 1999 Chevrolet Express Cargo Tow# 19551 1999 Chevrolet Express Cargo, Vin# 1GBFG15R6X1110367, Color Beige, Tow# 19551. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

58 - 2010 Nissan Sentra Tow# 20200 2010 Nissan Sentra, Vin# 3N1AB6APXAL639328, Color Blue, Tow# 20200. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

61 - 2011 Chevrolet Camaro Tow# 20366 2011 Chevrolet Camaro, Vin# 2G1FB1ED1B9106450, Color Black, Tow# 20366. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

62 - 2012 Hyundai Sonata Tow# 19455 2012 Hyundai Sonata, Vin# 5NPEB4AC1CH455236, Color Silver, Tow# 19455. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

65 - 2012 Chrysler 200 Tow# 20627 2012 Chrysler 200, Vin# 1C3CCBBB2CN302125, Color Maroon, Tow# 20627. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

66 - 2012 Kia Sportage Tow# 20096 2012 Kia Sportage, Vin# KNDPCCA64C7173008, Color Silver, Tow# 20096. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

67 - 2012 Kia Forte Tow# 20397 2012 Kia Forte, Vin# KNAFU4A22C5552920, Color Black, Tow# 20397. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

73 - 2007 Toyota Corolla Tow# 20722 2007 Toyota Corolla, Vin# JTDBR32E170111496, Color White, Tow# 20722. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

74 - 2010 Kia Forte Tow# 20315 2010 Kia Forte, Vin# KNAFW6A30A5207932, Color Blue, Tow# 20315. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

77 - 2001 Chevrolet Suburban Tow# 19619 2001 Chevrolet Suburban, Vin# 1GNFK16T41J228274, Color White, Tow# 19619. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

100 - 2010 Subaru Legacy Tow# 19620 2010 Subaru Legacy, Vin# 4S3BMCB67A3224687, Color Grey, Tow# 19620. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

101 - 2014 Ford Edge Tow# 19557 2014 Ford Edge, Vin# 2FMDK3GC8EBB04038, Color Silver, Tow# 19557. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

102 - 2005 Ford Escape Tow# 20190 2005 Ford Escape, Vin# 1FMYU03165KB46230, Color Grey, Tow# 20190. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

111 - 2006 Chevrolet Equinox Tow# 19819 2006 Chevrolet Equinox, Vin# 2CNDL63F866015398, Color Green, Tow# 19819. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

116 - 2007 Chevrolet Equinox Tow# 20618 2007 Chevrolet Equinox, Vin# 2CNDL13FX76036497, Color Blue, Tow# 20618. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

118 - 2018 Chevrolet Malibu Tow# 20306 2018 Chevrolet Malibu, Vin# 1G1ZD5ST2JF121426, Color Silver, Tow# 20306. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

121 - 2009 Chevrolet Tahoe Tow# 19650 2009 Chevrolet Tahoe, Vin# 1GNFK23049R125255, Color Blue, Tow# 19650. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

122 - 2005 Ford F-150 Tow# 19825 2005 Ford F-150, Vin# 1FTRF12235KC12798, Color Black, Tow# 19825. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

123 - 2003 Toyota Avalon Tow# 19732 2003 Toyota Avalon, Vin# 4T1BF28B63U302474, Color Black, Tow# 19732. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

124 - 2009 Mitsubishi Galant Tow# 20636 2009 Mitsubishi Galant, Vin# 4A3AB36F89E023924, Color Beige, Tow# 20636. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

125 - 2008 Mazda Mazda3 Tow# 19943 2008 Mazda Mazda3, Vin# JM1BK12F181100382, Color Blue, Tow# 19943. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

126 - 2013 Ford Taurus Tow# 19994 2013 Ford Taurus, Vin# 1FAHP2F87DG231049, Color Blue, Tow# 19994. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

127 - 2006 Ford Taurus Tow# 19997 2006 Ford Taurus, Vin# 1FAFP53U16A212769, Color Maroon, Tow# 19997. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

128 - 2005 Toyota Avalon Tow# 19615 2005 Toyota Avalon, Vin# 4T1BK36B65U020052, Color Blue, Tow# 19615. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

129 - 2010 Ford Taurus Tow# 20641 2010 Ford Taurus, Vin# 1FAHP2FW8AG133125, Color Blue, Tow# 20641. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

131 - 2004 Toyota Avalon Tow# 19667 2004 Toyota Avalon, Vin# 4T1BF28B64U387818, Color Silver, Tow# 19667. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

132 - 2011 Ford Focus Tow# 20268 2011 Ford Focus, Vin# 1FAHP3FN0BW144995, Color Silver, Tow# 20268. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

136 - 1997 Mazda B2300 Tow# 20244 1997 Mazda B2300, Vin# 4F4CR12A4VTM13549, Color Purple, Tow# 20244. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

141 - 2008 Infiniti G35 Tow# 20670 2008 Infiniti G35, Vin# JNKBV61F48M268133, Color White, Tow# 20670. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

153 - 2008 Toyota Camry Solara Tow# 19830 2008 Toyota Camry Solara, Vin# 4T1CE30P58U764617, Color Silver, Tow# 19830. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

164 - 2015 Buick Regal Tow# 20672 2015 Buick Regal, Vin# 2G4GK5EX4F9198474, Color Dark Red, Tow# 20672. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

174 - 2015 Chrysler 200 Tow# 17914 2015 Chrysler 200, Vin# 1C3CCCAB8FN695558, Color White, Tow# 17914. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

175 - 1996 Honda Accord Tow# 20298 1996 Honda Accord, Vin# 1HGCD5657TA239935, Color White, Tow# 20298. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

177 - 2012 Cadillac CTS Tow# 20348 2012 Cadillac CTS, Vin# 1G6DC5E54C0114178, Color Dark Red, Tow# 20348. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

181 - 2005 Honda CR-V Tow# 20349 2005 Honda CR-V, Vin# JHLRD788X5C057524, Color Silver, Tow# 20349. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

186 - 2006 Chevrolet Equinox Tow# 20272 2006 Chevrolet Equinox, Vin# 2CNDL13F866092758, Color Purple, Tow# 20272. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

187 - 2003 Ford Taurus Tow# 20352 2003 Ford Taurus, Vin# 1FAFP55233A203479, Color Silver, Tow# 20352. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

189 - 2011 Hyundai Elantra Tow# 20150 2011 Hyundai Elantra, Vin# 5NPDH4AEXBH031001, Color Silver, Tow# 20150. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

198 - 1999 Ford Ranger Tow# 20299 1999 Ford Ranger, Vin# 1FTZR15X0XPB36686, Color Tan, Tow# 20299. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

200 - 2009 Dodge Journey Tow# 19678 2009 Dodge Journey, Vin# 3D4GG57V39T159364, Color Silver, Tow# 19678. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

201 - 2003 Buick Regal Tow# 19974 2003 Buick Regal, Vin# 2G4WB52KX31284905, Color Brown, Tow# 19974. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

202 - 2018 Hyundai Sonata Tow# 19721 2018 Hyundai Sonata, Vin# 5NPE34AFXJH643743, Color Grey, Tow# 19721. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

204 - 2005 Mercury Mountaineer Tow# 20072 2005 Mercury Mountaineer, Vin# 4M2DU86W95ZJ17492, Color White, Tow# 20072. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

205 - 1998 Honda CR-V Tow# 19736 1998 Honda CR-V, Vin# JHLRD1844WC048278, Color Black, Tow# 19736. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

350 - 2014 Dodge Ram 3500 Crew Cab 6.7L Diesel Tow#1206 2014 Dodge Ram 3500 Crew Cab 6.7L Diesel, Vin# 3C63RRHL2EG209837, Color Black, Tow# 1206. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.

998 - 1994 Dodge Dakota Tow# 15488 1994 Dodge Dakota, Vin# 1B7GL23Y3RS528488, Color White, Tow# 15488. Condition is TRULY unknown and untested, may or may not have keys, carefully review the pictures and make your own value determination given any and all auction constraints. Payment Due in Full within 24 hours of the auction ending. Check your email for the invoice should you win. Be sure to check your spam folder if you dont see it in a couple hours after the auction has ended.