Plumas County Surplus Auction
Listing ID#: 1712196

Auction Location
Quincy, CA 95971
Full Address Available on Friday, May 30
Auction Dates and Times
Bidding Starts: Saturday May 31
Bidding Ends: Sunday Jun 1
Auction Type
Company Information
BidCal, Inc

Website: ID#: 2680
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms have not yet been completely determined. Complete Terms will be posted prior to the start of the auction! All Lots AS IS WHERE IS. All lots are available for inspection prior to bidding. No guarantees or warranties of any kind. BidCal posts what the hour meter indicates. Unless otherwise noted, actual hours have not been confirmed and it is up to the buyer to determine the condition and hours of what they are bidding on. BIDDING STARTS: TBA BIDDING CLOSES: TBA Remember- you must refresh (F5) your screen in order to see the most current bid! BIDS PLACED VIA ONLINE BIDDING SERVICES ARE FIRM COMMITMENTS TO PURCHASE AND MAY NOT BE CANCELED OR RETRACTED FOR ANY REASON. INSPECTION: TBA NOTE: Some lots are located OFF SITE and not available for preview. Please see the Off-Site lot description for specific inspection and pickup information. LOCATION: TBA This is an Auction House!! The buyer is responsible to determine the condition of the lot they are bidding on. The Auction House is Not!! All items are being sold AS IS WHERE IS! Items are Available for Inspection!! BidCal, Inc. will pass on any information, good or bad, that the seller gives to us in describing the items. However, it is up to buyer to determine the condition of the lot they are bidding on. BidCal, Inc. assumes no responsibility in the accuracy of the descriptions. ALL BIDDERS MUST REGISTER All bidders will be required to submit credit card information in order to register. DEPOSIT: Bidders that are new, out of state or international, and do not have a long history with BidCal, authorize BidCal to charge their card on file a $100 fully refundable deposit OR 10% of the anticipated bid price prior to bidding. BID INCREMENTS: $5 - $99 Increment is $5 $100 - $249 Increment is $25 $250 - $999 Increment is $50 $1,000 - $9,999 Increment is $100 $10,000 or more Increment is $250 BUYERS PREMIUM AND SALES TAX: Applicable sales tax and a 15% Buyer's Premium will be added to each item purchased. Applicable California Sales tax of 7.25% will apply UNLESS: Farm Tax Partial Exemption Certificate: Reduces Sales Tax to 2.25% for qualified purchases. Resale License & Certificate: Removes all sales tax for qualified resale purposes. Bill of Lading / Out of State Buyers: If you are purchasing from out of state and do not wish to pay the California Sales Tax you must have your items shipped through a qualified 3rd Party Trucking Company and fill out the Authorization of Release Form. A Bill of Lading from the trucking company must be provided to BidCal at time of pickup. Again, the trucking company must be from a legitimate 3rd party trucking company (You can't just send a friend down and say they are trucking for you . . . even you good folks up in Oregon!). DMV Items: Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle. PAYMENT: TBA Card, Cash, Certified Check or Wired Funds will be accepted. A service provider fee of 3% will apply to all credit card payments. Purchases may be paid by Visa, Discover or MasterCard. We do not accept American Express for payment under any circumstances! A BidCal representative will be located at the auction site in Quincy, CA to collect any outstanding balances on TBA. Payments must be made in full by TBA. BidCal, Inc. reserves the right to use the bidder's credit card on file for payment in part or in full for any successful bids. NOTE: Any business that receives more than $10,000 in "CASH" in one transaction or in two or more related transactions must file IRS Form 8300. Therefore, if you fall in this category, be prepared to provide BidCal with your SS# and Driver's License so we can fill out the report. Bidders that are new or that do not have a long history with BidCal, and wish to pay with a credit card, must be present to pick up their items and have the credit card and photo ID with them. In the case of Buyer Default, the buyer's credit card will be charged for the full amount of the invoice. Then the item(s) will be resold, and the buyer will be charged a 25% relisting fee plus applicable commission. If in the course of a transaction any amount due to BidCal is declined, BidCal will continue to run your card for lower amounts until a transaction is completed. Any and all fees and or actions that the buyers bank implements including but not limited to: surcharges, overdraft charges, account seizures, etc., are the sole responsibility of the buyer. The purchaser hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless BidCal, Inc., and the seller, against any and all liability, loss, costs, damages and other expenses arising from the buyer failure to comply with the terms of the auction. By bidding in this auction and accepting these terms, you are hereby authorizing BidCal to charge your Credit Card as stated in these posted terms. ITEM PICKUP/LOADOUT: TBA LOCATION: TBA. NOTE: Some lots are located OFF SITE at a different location. Please see the Off-Site lot description for specific inspection and pickup information. Don't waste a trip by showing up on Wednesday to pay or load out! Payment and pickup begin at TBA. ALL ITEMS MUST BE REMOVED BY TBA. If for any reason the buyer fails to remove any purchase, or establish communication about removal, by TBA the purchase shall be deemed abandoned and the purchase may be resold at BidCal's sole discretion. The buyer shall be liable for any rent incurred or damages suffered by BidCal because of purchaser's failure to remove any item. Forklifts will be available to assist with loadout. BidCal does not offer postal shipping of any items. All items must be picked up in person or by an accredited 3rd party shipping company. BidCal does not package or prepare items for shipping. If you need help making arrangements for a trucking company, please call the BidCal Office and we can give you some suggestions of who to contact to pick up your items. BidCal Pickup Policy If anyone other than you is picking up your auction item(s), please fill out the Authorization of Release form so we can release your item(s) to the authorized agent. You may return the form via email to or fax it back to us at (530) 891-0683. To prevent delays in pickup, please submit the form prior to showing up at the auction site. Those bidders who are paying by credit card and have a 3rd party picking up must sign their credit card slip prior to BidCal releasing their items. Receipts can be emailed or faxed to the Bidder. If your driver shows up without an Authorization of Release and your credit card slip is not signed, he may have to go get lunch' until we sort out the paperwork. Bring the appropriate vehicle to pick up your items! Don't ask us to help load an elephant into the back seat of a Volkswagen!! By not bringing the appropriate vehicle for load out, you tie up our forklifts and manpower for the rest of our customers causing a delay in their load out. Please visit to see examples of inappropriate vehicles brought to auction for load out! BidCal crew will not assist in driving rolling stock onto trailers, offer suggestions on how to load, where to place or how to tie down your purchases. By accepting these terms, Buyer agrees that Buyer is solely responsible for safely moving, loading, removing from the auction site and transporting the above item(s) on Buyer's equipment in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Any assistance given by Auctioneer or its staff in loading such items onto Buyer's equipment will be at Buyer's direction and sole risk and will not absolve Buyer from Buyer's sole responsibility for safely moving, loading, removing, and transporting such item(s). Buyer shall defend, indemnify, and hold Auctioneer harmless from any and all damages or claims of others arising from Buyer's breach of Buyer's obligations set forth above. PURCHASE OF VEHICLES: All vehicles are being sold with clear titles. Smog certificates for publicly owned vehicles are the sole responsibility of the BUYER. All smog related repairs, if needed, are the sole responsibility of the buyer. If you buy a publicly owned vehicle and it does not pass smog, you own a publicly owned vehicle that won't pass smog. DMV paperwork will be filled out using the information that appears on your invoice. Please confirm your bidder information is accurate. Do not buy a vehicle for someone else. Have the someone else register as a bidder. The invoice information has to match the Bill of Sale. Titles will be signed over to the new buyer at the time of pickup as long as the payment is made with cash or certified funds. Trip permits are required if a previous county vehicle will be driving from the auction site. Trip permits will be available for $23. IN-USE OFF-ROAD DIESEL VEHICLES (Off-Road Diesel Vehicles over 25 Hp) When operated in California, any off-road diesel vehicle may be subject to the California Air Resources Board In-Use Off-Road Diesel Vehicle Regulation. It therefore could be subject to retrofit or accelerated turnover requirements to reduce emissions of air pollutants. For more information, please visit the California Air Resources Board website at IN-USE HEAVY-DUTY DIESEL-FUELED VEHICLES (Diesel Trucks that are registered with the DMV, >14,000 GVWR, and not RETIRED) "An on-road heavy-duty diesel or alternative-diesel vehicle operated in California may be subject to the California Air Resources Board Regulation to Reduce Particulate Matter and Criteria Pollutant Emissions from In-Use Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles. It, therefore, could be subject to exhaust retrofit or accelerated turnover requirements to reduce emissions of air pollutants." For more information, please visit the California Air Resources Board website at" POLICY ON BUY BACKS: There isn't one! If an auction has buybacks, then it "aint" an auction!! If you are aware of a seller bidding on their own item, call Rob 530-345-0840 immediately. The seller will be banned from selling in future auctions. If buyers feel they may be bidding against the seller, the whole business model of the auction is jeopardized. Therefore, BidCal does not tolerate any seller "hanky panky" or buybacks! ASSISTANCE: Please call BidCal, Inc. @ (530) 345-0840 or to send us an email. OTHER TERMS: 1. You are responsible for knowing and understanding these terms. 1A. Although BidCal, Inc. has taken extraordinary steps to prevent technical failures in the Online Auction business, if a technical failure does occur, BidCal, Inc. reserves the right to extend or alter the closing time of a particular auction in order to preserve the intentions of the buyers and sellers. 1B. According to the California State Board Of Equalization, the Buyer's Premium is considered part of the purchase price and is required to be taxed. 2. All articles of merchandise are offered "As Is, Where Is" in units of measure as announced at the time of sale. No claim will be considered for allowance adjustment or rescission of any sale based upon the failure of the property to correspond to any particular standards or expectations of the buyer. The auctioneer reserves the right to group, modify, increase, diminish or delete lots at his sole and absolute discretion. While descriptions are believed correct, the Auctioneers or Owners make no warranties or guarantees as to genuineness, authenticity of, or defect in any lot and will not be held responsible for advertising discrepancies or inaccuracies. It is for this reason that buyers should avail themselves of the opportunity to make inspection prior to sale. All sales are final, when awarded to the successful bidder. Buyer accepts full responsibility for all purchases made and hold the Auction Company and Owners free of any liability in the event of theft or disappearance of any items purchased. All purchases must be checked out by an authorized Auction Company representative before leaving premises. 3. The auctioneer may refuse to accept or acknowledge any bid which is merely a fractional advance over the preceding bid, and in the event of a tie bid, the auctioneer may reopen the bidding to determine the highest bidder. All sales are final upon the award of bid. THE FULL PURCHASE PRICE SHALL BE PAID SALE DAY AND IN ANY EVENT PRIOR TO THE REMOVAL OF ANY LOT. In the event the purchaser fails to pay the full purchase price for any lot within the prescribed time or fails to comply with any other terms of sale, the auctioneer shall retain a possessory lien on all lots of the purchaser, and all of the purchaser's merchandise in the possession of the auctioneer. Purchaser shall pay all deficiencies resulting from such re-sale, together with all charges, fees, commissions, and expenses in connection with such re-sale. The auction deposit shall be retained by the auctioneer for application against any such deficiency, expense, or charge. 4. PURCHASER SHALL MAKE HIS OWN ARRANGEMENTS FOR INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR ALL ITEMS PURCHASED. 5. The purchaser hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless BidCal, Inc. and the seller, against any and all liability, loss, costs, damages and other expenses arising from the loading out of equipment by BidCal, Inc. on the purchaser's behalf. 6. No lots may be removed until the conclusion of the auction although invoices are available for payment at any time. All lots must be removed within the time announced or posted at the sale, at purchaser's sole cost and risk, and only in a manner approved by auctioneer. If for any reason the purchaser fails to remove any lot within the time specified, the lot shall be deemed abandoned, and the auctioneer may resell per Paragraph 3 above, or remove from the auction site, and/or store the said lots at purchaser's sole risk and expense. In addition, purchaser shall be liable for any rent incurred or damages suffered by auctioneer because of the purchaser's failure to timely remove any lot. Prior to the commencement of dismantling, rigging or cutting or any operation affecting buildings or land, purchaser shall furnish certificates, satisfactory to auctioneer, holding auctioneer harmless for any claims concerning damage or injury to persons or property arising out of any such acts. All equipment used in connection with removal, shall itself be removed with the purchased lots. 7. Sales taxes will be added to purchase of all taxable items. Dealers who purchase for re-sale must pay said sales tax or provide a re-sale certificate to the auctioneer in the name of the registrant before items are removed from sale site. Purchaser must also comply with all local laws and all ordinances regarding sale of property at auction. 8. All rights, privileges and powers reserved or granted to auctioneer in these Terms of Sale shall be deemed reserved and granted to auctioneer's employees, advertising representatives, and all owners for whom the lots are being sold. 9. Auctioneer does not accept responsibility for the failure of any equipment sold to meet the safety standards on classifications of equipment by the Department of Labor Safety and Health Regulation, CALOSHA, Federal OSHA or the Environmental Protection Agencies. It is the express responsibility of the buyer to determine what safety equipment must be in service on any machinery purchased and to comply with these regulatory requirements prior to using any equipment, machinery or vehicles purchased from Auction. 10. The purchaser may be responsible for obtaining a California Smog Certificate for any vehicle purchased. Buyer hereby certifies and acknowledges his/her understanding that a certificate of compliance is required to be obtained, certifying that any vehicle specified in subdivision (b) of Section 24007 of the Vehicle Code complies with the provisions of Part V (commencing with Section 43000) of Division 26 of the Health and Safety Code, before such vehicle may be registered in this state, unless the vehicle is sold to a dealer or for the purpose of being wrecked or dismantled or is sold exclusively for off highway use. Furthermore, buyer hereby agrees to indemnity and hold harmless BidCal, Inc. the registered owner, and the legal owner, against any and all liability, loss, cost, damages, fees of attorneys and other expenses arising from the purchase, acquisition, delivery or obtaining of certificate of compliance of any vehicle which does not comply with the California vehicle emission standard. 11. In the event BidCal, Inc. is required to employ an attorney to enforce any term of the agreement, purchaser agrees to pay reasonable attorney's fees, in addition to all court costs. 12. A bad check over $25 written to BidCal, Inc. will be prosecuted as a felony. 13. When a bidder is awarded the "top bidder", that bidder instantly becomes the new owner of that item and is completely responsible for that item. Auction Site FYI: 1.You are entering this Auction Site at your own risk and liability. BidCal Auctions assumes no risk or liability including injury, mishaps, or stupid acts and/or behaviors of others. An Auction Site is a dangerous place with moving equipment and flammable substances. Please use extreme caution when entering this Auction Site. 2.Children must be accompanied by a competent adult when entering this Auction Site. 3.Do not operate equipment unless you are qualified to do so. Please consider your surroundings and safety of the others prior to operating equipment. 4.All loading and handling of items and equipment is at the risk of the buyer. 5.BidCal employees are not authorized to load or unload mobile equipment. 6.No Dogs Allowed on the Auction Site.
Listing Information

Test Lot
Remember- you must refresh (F5) your screen in order to see the most current bid! Feel free to use this lot as a test lot for practice bidding!

(DMV) 2006 Chevrolet Colorado Pickup
(DMV) 2006 Chevrolet Colorado Pickup Odometer Indicates: 156,381 Miles Features: Gas , I5, 3.5L , A/T , 4WD This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BU...

(DMV) 2000 Jeep Cherokee Sport SUV
(DMV) 2000 Jeep Cherokee Sport SUV Odometer Indicates: 145,108 Features: Gas , I6, 4.0L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY ...

(DMV) 1997 Chevy Cheyenne 1500 Pickup
(DMV) 1997 Chevy Cheyenne 1500 Pickup Odometer Indicates: 180,343 Miles Features: Gas , Chevy 5.0L , A/T , 4WD Vehicle Turns Over but Does Not Start or Run. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and cer...

(DMV) 2005 Chevy Silverado 3500 Utility Bed
(DMV) 2005 Chevy Silverado 3500 Utility Bed Odometer Indicates: 172,989 Miles Features: Diesel , V8, 6.6L Duramax , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications ar...

(DMV) 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee SUV
(DMV) 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee SUV Odometer Indicates: 126,795 Miles Features: Gas , I6, 4.0L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIB...

(DMV) 2002 Jeep Liberty Sport SUV
(DMV) 2002 Jeep Liberty Sport SUV Odometer Indicates: 158,150 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.7L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBI...

(DMV) Arctic Cat M8 Snowmobile
(DMV) Arctic Cat M8 Snowmobile Features: Gas Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV wh...

(DMV) 2004 Ford Escape XLS SUV
(DMV) 2004 Ford Escape XLS SUV Odometer Indicates: 212,660 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.0L , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILIT...

(DMV) 2010 Ford Escape XLS SUV
(DMV) 2010 Ford Escape XLS SUV Odometer Indicates: 162,954 Miles Features: Gas , I4, 2.5L , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs, has transmission issues, NO REVERSE. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and cert...

(DMV) 2003 Ford Escape XLT SUV
(DMV) 2003 Ford Escape XLT SUV Odometer Indicates: 201,539 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.0L , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILIT...

(DMV) 2008 Ford Escape XLT SUV
(DMV) 2008 Ford Escape XLT SUV Odometer Indicates: 141,374 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.0L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILIT...

(DMV) 1997 Jeep Cherokee SUV
(DMV) 1997 Jeep Cherokee SUV Odometer Indicates: 119,496 Miles Features: Gas , Inline 4.0 L , M/T , 4WD This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER....

(DMV) Ski-Doo Summit Rotax 800 R Snowmobile
(DMV) Ski-Doo Summit Rotax 800 R Snowmobile Features: Gas Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected ...

(DMV) 2013 Subaru Legacy
(DMV) 2013 Subaru Legacy Odometer Indicates: 134,064 Miles Features: Gas , 2.5L , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE B...

(DMV) 2011 Polaris RZR 800 SXS
(DMV) 2011 Polaris RZR 800 SXS Odometer Indicates: 2,463 Miles Features: 5 Speed M/T Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. S...

(DMV) 1996 Jeep Cherokee SE SUV
(DMV) 1996 Jeep Cherokee SE SUV Odometer Indicates: 212,335 Miles Features: Gas , I6, 4.0L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILI...

(DMV) 2000 Dodge Grand Caravan Sport Mini-Van
(DMV) 2000 Dodge Grand Caravan Sport Mini-Van Odometer Indicates: 262,611 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.8L , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOL...

(DMV) Aluma Aluminum Utility Trailer
(DMV) Aluma Aluminum Utility Trailer Features: 6'6" W x 12' L 2" ball, Single Axle, Single Tire This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A ...

(DMV) Ski-Doo Summit Rotax 800 HD Snowmobile
(DMV) Ski-Doo Summit Rotax 800 HD Snowmobile Features: Gas Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected...

(DMV) 2004 Ford Focus SE Sedan
(DMV) 2004 Ford Focus SE Sedan Odometer Indicates: 199,021 Miles Features: Gas , I4, 2.3L , M/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILIT...

(DMV) 2001 Dodge Caravan
(DMV) 2001 Dodge Caravan Odometer Indicates: 251,337 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.8L , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF T...

(DMV) 2002 Subaru Forester
(DMV) 2002 Subaru Forester Odometer Indicates: 70,490 Miles Features: Gas , 2.5 L , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE...

(DMV) Aluma Alminum Utility Trailer
(DMV) Aluma Alminum Utility Trailer Features: 6'6" W x 12' L Single Axle, Single Tire This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A trip permi...

(DMV) 1998 Subaru Forester
(DMV) 1998 Subaru Forester Odometer Indicates: 162,517 Miles Features: Gas , 2.5 L , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF TH...

(DMV) Project Arctic Cat Snowmobile
(DMV) Project Arctic Cat Snowmobile Does Not Start or Run. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when ...

(DMV) 1997 Subaru Legacy
(DMV) 1997 Subaru Legacy Odometer Indicates: 170,046 Miles Features: Gas , 2.2L , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE B...

(DMV) Aluma Aluminum Utility Trailer
(DMV) Aluma Aluminum Utility Trailer Features: 6'6" W x 12' L Single Axle, Single Tire This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A trip perm...

(DMV) 2006 Ford E-350 Transit Van
(DMV) 2006 Ford E-350 Transit Van Odometer Indicates: 86,228 Miles , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales t...

(DMV) 1989 Wells Cargo Enclosed Trailer
(DMV) 1989 Wells Cargo Enclosed Trailer This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A trip permit will be required to drive this vehicle from t...

(DMV) 2002 Subaru Impreza Wagon
(DMV) 2002 Subaru Impreza Wagon Odometer Indicates: 193,884 Features: Gas , 2.0L , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs, Has Engine Knock. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESP...

(DMV) Project Ski-Doo Summit Rotax 800 HD Snowmobi
(DMV) Project Ski-Doo Summit Rotax 800 HD Snowmobile Features: Gas Does Not Start or Run. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax wil...

(DMV) 1998 Dodge Grand Caravan SE Mini-Van
(DMV) 1998 Dodge Grand Caravan SE Mini-Van Odometer Indicates: UTR Features: Gas , V6, 3.8L , A4 , 2WD No Keys! This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF TH...

(DMV) 2003 Ford E-450 Transit Van
(DMV) 2003 Ford E-450 Transit Van Odometer Indicates: 117,411 Miles , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales ...

(DMV) 2007 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT Mini-Van
(DMV) 2007 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT Mini-Van Odometer Indicates: 79,164 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.8L , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE R...

(DMV) 1999 Chevy Van
(DMV) 1999 Chevy Van Odometer Indicates: UTR Features: Gas , A/T , 2WD No Keys! This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be colle...

(DMV) Transport Designs XLW2624 Enclosed Trailer
(DMV) Transport Designs XLW2624 Enclosed Trailer , 8' W x 27' L Dual Axle, Single Tire This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A trip perm...

3 Skid Steer Wheels and Tires
3 Skid Steer Wheels and Tires Location: Quincy, CA

DMT Magnamax Diesel Generator
DMT Magnamax Diesel Generator Serial #: VK 19-53168-9/25 Location: Quincy, CA

1990 Case W14C Loader Tractor
1990 Case W14C Loader Tractor Hr. Meter Indicates: 4,129 Hours Serial #: JAK0018677 Features: Diesel Comments: Starts and Runs Location: Quincy, CA

(DMV) Ford Transit Van
(DMV) Ford Transit Van Odometer Indicates: 96,518 Miles , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be ...

100 KW Generator Trailer Power Unit PU - 495 B/G M
100 KW Generator Trailer Power Unit PU - 495 B/G MEP007B Comments: Serial No. T-92-216-20 Location: Quincy, CA

1984 Vulcan LB 20 40' Lowbed Semi Trailer
1984 Vulcan LB 20 40' Lowbed Semi Trailer This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A trip permit will be required to drive this vehicle from...

(DMV) 1980 International Semi 1854 Plow Truck
(DMV) 1980 International Semi 1854 Plow Truck Odometer Indicates: 278,160 Miles Features: Diesel , International B210 C , 10 Speed M/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and ce...

(DMV) 2012 Advance Metal Working Co. EPT 4-514 Dro
(DMV) 2012 Advance Metal Working Co. EPT 4-514 Drop Deck Trailer , Pintle Hitch, Dual Axle, Single Tire This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your n...

(DMV) 2002 Chevy Transit Van
(DMV) 2002 Chevy Transit Van Odometer Indicates: 89,714 Miles , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax wi...

Power Unit PU - 495 B/G
Power Unit PU - 495 B/G , Quincy, CA Comments: Serial No. T-97-083-55

(DMV) Jacobson DTB.B187
(DMV) Jacobson DTB.B187 Features: 6'8" W x 18'6" L Pintle Hitch, Dual Axle, Single Tire This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A trip per...

Super Vault MH Above Ground Fuel Storage Tank
Super Vault MH Above Ground Fuel Storage Tank Serial #: 200514 Location: Quincy, CA

(DMV) 1999 Mercury Mountaineer SUV
(DMV) 1999 Mercury Mountaineer SUV Odometer Indicates: 193,920 Miles Features: Gas , 4.0, V6 , A/T , 4WD Vehicle Turns Over but Does Not Start or Run, has Bad Oil Cooler Line. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog rela...

(DMV) 1999 Ford Ranger Pickup
(DMV) 1999 Ford Ranger Pickup Odometer Indicates: 221,669 Miles Features: Gas , 3.0 L , A/T , 4WD Vehicle Turns Over but Does Not Start or Run, has power steering leak. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related rep...

100 KW Generator Trailer Power Unit PU - 495 B/G M
100 KW Generator Trailer Power Unit PU - 495 B/G MEP007B , Quincy, CA Comments: Serial No. T-91-112-63

(DMV) 1999 Ford F-250 XLT Pickup
(DMV) 1999 Ford F-250 XLT Pickup Odometer Indicates: UTR Features: Gas , 5.4 Triton V8 , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY O...

(DMV) 1999 Dodge Ram 2500 Pickup
(DMV) 1999 Dodge Ram 2500 Pickup Odometer Indicates: 296,362 Miles Features: Diesel , 5.9L, Cummins 24 Valve , A/T , 4WD , Has Animal Control Bed Does Not Start or Run, Transmission Issues. Broken Dash. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a pu...

(DMV) 2012 Ford Expedition XL SUV
(DMV) 2012 Ford Expedition XL SUV Odometer Indicates: 155,908 Miles Features: Gas , V8, 5.4L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBI...

(DMV) 2005 Ford Expedition XLT SUV
(DMV) 2005 Ford Expedition XLT SUV Odometer Indicates: 156,592 Miles Features: Gas , V8, 5.4L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIB...

(DMV) 2016 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor SUV
(DMV) 2016 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor SUV Odometer Indicates: 146,534 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.7L , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs, Former Police Vehicle. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and ce...

(DMV) 2008 Ford E-450 Super Duty Bus
(DMV) 2008 Ford E-450 Super Duty Bus Odometer Indicates: UTR Features: Gas , 6.8L, V10 , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY O...

(DMV) 2000 Chevy Express Van
(DMV) 2000 Chevy Express Van Odometer Indicates: 88,315 Miles Features: Gas , 5.7L, V8 , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY O...

(DMV) 1987 Chevy Utility Van
(DMV) 1987 Chevy Utility Van Odometer Indicates: 28,378 Miles Features: Gas , 5.7L, V8 , A/T , 2WD Vehicle Turns Over but Does Not Start or Run. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications ...

(DMV) 2012 Toyota Sienna LE 7-Passenger Mini-Van
(DMV) 2012 Toyota Sienna LE 7-Passenger Mini-Van Odometer Indicates: 258,231 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.5L , A/T , 2WD Vehicle Starts and Runs,but WILL NOT GO INTO GEAR, Transmission Issues. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency...

(DMV) 2008 Chevy C5500 Bus
(DMV) 2008 Chevy C5500 Bus Odometer Indicates: UTR Features: Diesel , 6.6L Duramax , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF TH...

(DMV) 2014 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor SUV
(DMV) 2014 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor SUV Odometer Indicates: 126,690 Miles Features: Gas , 3.7L, V6 , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the S...

(DMV) 2005 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor
(DMV) 2005 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor Sedan Odometer Indicates: 128,750 Miles Features: Gas , V8, 4.6L , A/T , 2WD Vehicle Turns Over but Does Not Start or Run. Former Police Vehicle. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public ag...

(DMV) 2008 Ford Expedition SUV
(DMV) 2008 Ford Expedition SUV Odometer Indicates: 164,272 Miles Features: Gas , V8, 5.4L , A/T , 4WD Broken Driver Window. Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are ...

(DMV) 2014 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor SUV
(DMV) 2014 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor SUV Odometer Indicates: 144,367 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.7L , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs, Former Police Vehicle. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and ce...

(DMV) 2011 Ford F-550 Bus
(DMV) 2011 Ford F-550 Bus Odometer Indicates: UTR Features: Diesel , 6.7L, Powerstroke V8 , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILIT...

(DMV) Dodge Durango SUV
(DMV) Dodge Durango SUV Odometer Indicates: 186,745 Miles Features: Gas , 4.7L V8 , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE...

(DMV) 2008 Ford F-250 Super Duty XLT Pickup
(DMV) 2008 Ford F-250 Super Duty XLT Pickup Odometer Indicates: 178,892 Miles Features: Gas , V8, 5.4L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE ...

(DMV) Polaris Sportsman
(DMV) Polaris Sportsman Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register...

(DMV) Alluminum Utility Trailer
(DMV) Alluminum Utility Trailer This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A trip permit will be required to drive this vehicle from the aucti...

(DMV) 2016 Freightliner Bus
(DMV) 2016 Freightliner Bus Odometer Indicates: 135,351 Miles Features: Diesel , Cummins , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY...

(DMV) Polaris Sportsman
(DMV) Polaris Sportsman Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register...

2010 Hoist P360AT48 Liftruck Forklift
2010 Hoist P360AT48 Liftruck Forklift Hr. Meter Indicates: 4,610 Hours Serial #: 29246 Features: Diesel Does Not Start or Run, Water in Engine. Location: Quincy, CA

(DMV) International Bus
(DMV) International Bus Does Not Start or Run. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to re...

(DMV) Chevy Bus
(DMV) Chevy Bus Does not Start or Run. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register t...

(DMV) GMC Bus Does not Start or Run, Missing Radiator. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you ...

(DMV) International Fuel Truck
(DMV) International Fuel Truck Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to r...

(DMV) 2000 American Lafrance 100' Platform Fire En
(DMV) 2000 American Lafrance 100' Platform Fire Engine Odometer Indicates: 81,196 Miles Features: Diesel , Detroit Series 60 475 HP , Allison 4000 Automatic , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog ...

... AND MORE!!
More lots, pictures, descriptions, and details will continue to be posted up to the start of the auction. Remember to always refresh your screen for the latest updates! Feel free to use this lot as a test lot for practice bidding!

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Plumas County Surplus Auction

BidCal, Inc

BidCal, Inc

Sale Location
Quincy, CA 95971
Full Address Available after 9 am
on Friday, May 30
Sale Dates and Times
Sale Terms and Conditions
Terms have not yet been completely determined. Complete Terms will be posted prior to the start of the auction! All Lots AS IS WHERE IS. All lots are available for inspection prior to bidding. No guarantees or warranties of any kind. BidCal posts what the hour meter indicates. Unless otherwise noted, actual hours have not been confirmed and it is up to the buyer to determine the condition and hours of what they are bidding on. BIDDING STARTS: TBA BIDDING CLOSES: TBA Remember- you must refresh (F5) your screen in order to see the most current bid! BIDS PLACED VIA ONLINE BIDDING SERVICES ARE FIRM COMMITMENTS TO PURCHASE AND MAY NOT BE CANCELED OR RETRACTED FOR ANY REASON. INSPECTION: TBA NOTE: Some lots are located OFF SITE and not available for preview. Please see the Off-Site lot description for specific inspection and pickup information. LOCATION: TBA This is an Auction House!! The buyer is responsible to determine the condition of the lot they are bidding on. The Auction House is Not!! All items are being sold AS IS WHERE IS! Items are Available for Inspection!! BidCal, Inc. will pass on any information, good or bad, that the seller gives to us in describing the items. However, it is up to buyer to determine the condition of the lot they are bidding on. BidCal, Inc. assumes no responsibility in the accuracy of the descriptions. ALL BIDDERS MUST REGISTER All bidders will be required to submit credit card information in order to register. DEPOSIT: Bidders that are new, out of state or international, and do not have a long history with BidCal, authorize BidCal to charge their card on file a $100 fully refundable deposit OR 10% of the anticipated bid price prior to bidding. BID INCREMENTS: $5 - $99 Increment is $5 $100 - $249 Increment is $25 $250 - $999 Increment is $50 $1,000 - $9,999 Increment is $100 $10,000 or more Increment is $250 BUYERS PREMIUM AND SALES TAX: Applicable sales tax and a 15% Buyer's Premium will be added to each item purchased. Applicable California Sales tax of 7.25% will apply UNLESS: Farm Tax Partial Exemption Certificate: Reduces Sales Tax to 2.25% for qualified purchases. Resale License & Certificate: Removes all sales tax for qualified resale purposes. Bill of Lading / Out of State Buyers: If you are purchasing from out of state and do not wish to pay the California Sales Tax you must have your items shipped through a qualified 3rd Party Trucking Company and fill out the Authorization of Release Form. A Bill of Lading from the trucking company must be provided to BidCal at time of pickup. Again, the trucking company must be from a legitimate 3rd party trucking company (You can't just send a friend down and say they are trucking for you . . . even you good folks up in Oregon!). DMV Items: Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle. PAYMENT: TBA Card, Cash, Certified Check or Wired Funds will be accepted. A service provider fee of 3% will apply to all credit card payments. Purchases may be paid by Visa, Discover or MasterCard. We do not accept American Express for payment under any circumstances! A BidCal representative will be located at the auction site in Quincy, CA to collect any outstanding balances on TBA. Payments must be made in full by TBA. BidCal, Inc. reserves the right to use the bidder's credit card on file for payment in part or in full for any successful bids. NOTE: Any business that receives more than $10,000 in "CASH" in one transaction or in two or more related transactions must file IRS Form 8300. Therefore, if you fall in this category, be prepared to provide BidCal with your SS# and Driver's License so we can fill out the report. Bidders that are new or that do not have a long history with BidCal, and wish to pay with a credit card, must be present to pick up their items and have the credit card and photo ID with them. In the case of Buyer Default, the buyer's credit card will be charged for the full amount of the invoice. Then the item(s) will be resold, and the buyer will be charged a 25% relisting fee plus applicable commission. If in the course of a transaction any amount due to BidCal is declined, BidCal will continue to run your card for lower amounts until a transaction is completed. Any and all fees and or actions that the buyers bank implements including but not limited to: surcharges, overdraft charges, account seizures, etc., are the sole responsibility of the buyer. The purchaser hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless BidCal, Inc., and the seller, against any and all liability, loss, costs, damages and other expenses arising from the buyer failure to comply with the terms of the auction. By bidding in this auction and accepting these terms, you are hereby authorizing BidCal to charge your Credit Card as stated in these posted terms. ITEM PICKUP/LOADOUT: TBA LOCATION: TBA. NOTE: Some lots are located OFF SITE at a different location. Please see the Off-Site lot description for specific inspection and pickup information. Don't waste a trip by showing up on Wednesday to pay or load out! Payment and pickup begin at TBA. ALL ITEMS MUST BE REMOVED BY TBA. If for any reason the buyer fails to remove any purchase, or establish communication about removal, by TBA the purchase shall be deemed abandoned and the purchase may be resold at BidCal's sole discretion. The buyer shall be liable for any rent incurred or damages suffered by BidCal because of purchaser's failure to remove any item. Forklifts will be available to assist with loadout. BidCal does not offer postal shipping of any items. All items must be picked up in person or by an accredited 3rd party shipping company. BidCal does not package or prepare items for shipping. If you need help making arrangements for a trucking company, please call the BidCal Office and we can give you some suggestions of who to contact to pick up your items. BidCal Pickup Policy If anyone other than you is picking up your auction item(s), please fill out the Authorization of Release form so we can release your item(s) to the authorized agent. You may return the form via email to or fax it back to us at (530) 891-0683. To prevent delays in pickup, please submit the form prior to showing up at the auction site. Those bidders who are paying by credit card and have a 3rd party picking up must sign their credit card slip prior to BidCal releasing their items. Receipts can be emailed or faxed to the Bidder. If your driver shows up without an Authorization of Release and your credit card slip is not signed, he may have to go get lunch' until we sort out the paperwork. Bring the appropriate vehicle to pick up your items! Don't ask us to help load an elephant into the back seat of a Volkswagen!! By not bringing the appropriate vehicle for load out, you tie up our forklifts and manpower for the rest of our customers causing a delay in their load out. Please visit to see examples of inappropriate vehicles brought to auction for load out! BidCal crew will not assist in driving rolling stock onto trailers, offer suggestions on how to load, where to place or how to tie down your purchases. By accepting these terms, Buyer agrees that Buyer is solely responsible for safely moving, loading, removing from the auction site and transporting the above item(s) on Buyer's equipment in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Any assistance given by Auctioneer or its staff in loading such items onto Buyer's equipment will be at Buyer's direction and sole risk and will not absolve Buyer from Buyer's sole responsibility for safely moving, loading, removing, and transporting such item(s). Buyer shall defend, indemnify, and hold Auctioneer harmless from any and all damages or claims of others arising from Buyer's breach of Buyer's obligations set forth above. PURCHASE OF VEHICLES: All vehicles are being sold with clear titles. Smog certificates for publicly owned vehicles are the sole responsibility of the BUYER. All smog related repairs, if needed, are the sole responsibility of the buyer. If you buy a publicly owned vehicle and it does not pass smog, you own a publicly owned vehicle that won't pass smog. DMV paperwork will be filled out using the information that appears on your invoice. Please confirm your bidder information is accurate. Do not buy a vehicle for someone else. Have the someone else register as a bidder. The invoice information has to match the Bill of Sale. Titles will be signed over to the new buyer at the time of pickup as long as the payment is made with cash or certified funds. Trip permits are required if a previous county vehicle will be driving from the auction site. Trip permits will be available for $23. IN-USE OFF-ROAD DIESEL VEHICLES (Off-Road Diesel Vehicles over 25 Hp) When operated in California, any off-road diesel vehicle may be subject to the California Air Resources Board In-Use Off-Road Diesel Vehicle Regulation. It therefore could be subject to retrofit or accelerated turnover requirements to reduce emissions of air pollutants. For more information, please visit the California Air Resources Board website at IN-USE HEAVY-DUTY DIESEL-FUELED VEHICLES (Diesel Trucks that are registered with the DMV, >14,000 GVWR, and not RETIRED) "An on-road heavy-duty diesel or alternative-diesel vehicle operated in California may be subject to the California Air Resources Board Regulation to Reduce Particulate Matter and Criteria Pollutant Emissions from In-Use Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles. It, therefore, could be subject to exhaust retrofit or accelerated turnover requirements to reduce emissions of air pollutants." For more information, please visit the California Air Resources Board website at" POLICY ON BUY BACKS: There isn't one! If an auction has buybacks, then it "aint" an auction!! If you are aware of a seller bidding on their own item, call Rob 530-345-0840 immediately. The seller will be banned from selling in future auctions. If buyers feel they may be bidding against the seller, the whole business model of the auction is jeopardized. Therefore, BidCal does not tolerate any seller "hanky panky" or buybacks! ASSISTANCE: Please call BidCal, Inc. @ (530) 345-0840 or to send us an email. OTHER TERMS: 1. You are responsible for knowing and understanding these terms. 1A. Although BidCal, Inc. has taken extraordinary steps to prevent technical failures in the Online Auction business, if a technical failure does occur, BidCal, Inc. reserves the right to extend or alter the closing time of a particular auction in order to preserve the intentions of the buyers and sellers. 1B. According to the California State Board Of Equalization, the Buyer's Premium is considered part of the purchase price and is required to be taxed. 2. All articles of merchandise are offered "As Is, Where Is" in units of measure as announced at the time of sale. No claim will be considered for allowance adjustment or rescission of any sale based upon the failure of the property to correspond to any particular standards or expectations of the buyer. The auctioneer reserves the right to group, modify, increase, diminish or delete lots at his sole and absolute discretion. While descriptions are believed correct, the Auctioneers or Owners make no warranties or guarantees as to genuineness, authenticity of, or defect in any lot and will not be held responsible for advertising discrepancies or inaccuracies. It is for this reason that buyers should avail themselves of the opportunity to make inspection prior to sale. All sales are final, when awarded to the successful bidder. Buyer accepts full responsibility for all purchases made and hold the Auction Company and Owners free of any liability in the event of theft or disappearance of any items purchased. All purchases must be checked out by an authorized Auction Company representative before leaving premises. 3. The auctioneer may refuse to accept or acknowledge any bid which is merely a fractional advance over the preceding bid, and in the event of a tie bid, the auctioneer may reopen the bidding to determine the highest bidder. All sales are final upon the award of bid. THE FULL PURCHASE PRICE SHALL BE PAID SALE DAY AND IN ANY EVENT PRIOR TO THE REMOVAL OF ANY LOT. In the event the purchaser fails to pay the full purchase price for any lot within the prescribed time or fails to comply with any other terms of sale, the auctioneer shall retain a possessory lien on all lots of the purchaser, and all of the purchaser's merchandise in the possession of the auctioneer. Purchaser shall pay all deficiencies resulting from such re-sale, together with all charges, fees, commissions, and expenses in connection with such re-sale. The auction deposit shall be retained by the auctioneer for application against any such deficiency, expense, or charge. 4. PURCHASER SHALL MAKE HIS OWN ARRANGEMENTS FOR INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR ALL ITEMS PURCHASED. 5. The purchaser hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless BidCal, Inc. and the seller, against any and all liability, loss, costs, damages and other expenses arising from the loading out of equipment by BidCal, Inc. on the purchaser's behalf. 6. No lots may be removed until the conclusion of the auction although invoices are available for payment at any time. All lots must be removed within the time announced or posted at the sale, at purchaser's sole cost and risk, and only in a manner approved by auctioneer. If for any reason the purchaser fails to remove any lot within the time specified, the lot shall be deemed abandoned, and the auctioneer may resell per Paragraph 3 above, or remove from the auction site, and/or store the said lots at purchaser's sole risk and expense. In addition, purchaser shall be liable for any rent incurred or damages suffered by auctioneer because of the purchaser's failure to timely remove any lot. Prior to the commencement of dismantling, rigging or cutting or any operation affecting buildings or land, purchaser shall furnish certificates, satisfactory to auctioneer, holding auctioneer harmless for any claims concerning damage or injury to persons or property arising out of any such acts. All equipment used in connection with removal, shall itself be removed with the purchased lots. 7. Sales taxes will be added to purchase of all taxable items. Dealers who purchase for re-sale must pay said sales tax or provide a re-sale certificate to the auctioneer in the name of the registrant before items are removed from sale site. Purchaser must also comply with all local laws and all ordinances regarding sale of property at auction. 8. All rights, privileges and powers reserved or granted to auctioneer in these Terms of Sale shall be deemed reserved and granted to auctioneer's employees, advertising representatives, and all owners for whom the lots are being sold. 9. Auctioneer does not accept responsibility for the failure of any equipment sold to meet the safety standards on classifications of equipment by the Department of Labor Safety and Health Regulation, CALOSHA, Federal OSHA or the Environmental Protection Agencies. It is the express responsibility of the buyer to determine what safety equipment must be in service on any machinery purchased and to comply with these regulatory requirements prior to using any equipment, machinery or vehicles purchased from Auction. 10. The purchaser may be responsible for obtaining a California Smog Certificate for any vehicle purchased. Buyer hereby certifies and acknowledges his/her understanding that a certificate of compliance is required to be obtained, certifying that any vehicle specified in subdivision (b) of Section 24007 of the Vehicle Code complies with the provisions of Part V (commencing with Section 43000) of Division 26 of the Health and Safety Code, before such vehicle may be registered in this state, unless the vehicle is sold to a dealer or for the purpose of being wrecked or dismantled or is sold exclusively for off highway use. Furthermore, buyer hereby agrees to indemnity and hold harmless BidCal, Inc. the registered owner, and the legal owner, against any and all liability, loss, cost, damages, fees of attorneys and other expenses arising from the purchase, acquisition, delivery or obtaining of certificate of compliance of any vehicle which does not comply with the California vehicle emission standard. 11. In the event BidCal, Inc. is required to employ an attorney to enforce any term of the agreement, purchaser agrees to pay reasonable attorney's fees, in addition to all court costs. 12. A bad check over $25 written to BidCal, Inc. will be prosecuted as a felony. 13. When a bidder is awarded the "top bidder", that bidder instantly becomes the new owner of that item and is completely responsible for that item. Auction Site FYI: 1.You are entering this Auction Site at your own risk and liability. BidCal Auctions assumes no risk or liability including injury, mishaps, or stupid acts and/or behaviors of others. An Auction Site is a dangerous place with moving equipment and flammable substances. Please use extreme caution when entering this Auction Site. 2.Children must be accompanied by a competent adult when entering this Auction Site. 3.Do not operate equipment unless you are qualified to do so. Please consider your surroundings and safety of the others prior to operating equipment. 4.All loading and handling of items and equipment is at the risk of the buyer. 5.BidCal employees are not authorized to load or unload mobile equipment. 6.No Dogs Allowed on the Auction Site.
Listing Details

Test Lot
Remember- you must refresh (F5) your screen in order to see the most current bid! Feel free to use this lot as a test lot for practice bidding!

(DMV) 2006 Chevrolet Colorado Pickup
(DMV) 2006 Chevrolet Colorado Pickup Odometer Indicates: 156,381 Miles Features: Gas , I5, 3.5L , A/T , 4WD This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BU...

(DMV) 2000 Jeep Cherokee Sport SUV
(DMV) 2000 Jeep Cherokee Sport SUV Odometer Indicates: 145,108 Features: Gas , I6, 4.0L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY ...

(DMV) 1997 Chevy Cheyenne 1500 Pickup
(DMV) 1997 Chevy Cheyenne 1500 Pickup Odometer Indicates: 180,343 Miles Features: Gas , Chevy 5.0L , A/T , 4WD Vehicle Turns Over but Does Not Start or Run. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and cer...

(DMV) 2005 Chevy Silverado 3500 Utility Bed
(DMV) 2005 Chevy Silverado 3500 Utility Bed Odometer Indicates: 172,989 Miles Features: Diesel , V8, 6.6L Duramax , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications ar...

(DMV) 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee SUV
(DMV) 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee SUV Odometer Indicates: 126,795 Miles Features: Gas , I6, 4.0L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIB...

(DMV) 2002 Jeep Liberty Sport SUV
(DMV) 2002 Jeep Liberty Sport SUV Odometer Indicates: 158,150 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.7L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBI...

(DMV) Arctic Cat M8 Snowmobile
(DMV) Arctic Cat M8 Snowmobile Features: Gas Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV wh...

(DMV) 2004 Ford Escape XLS SUV
(DMV) 2004 Ford Escape XLS SUV Odometer Indicates: 212,660 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.0L , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILIT...

(DMV) 2010 Ford Escape XLS SUV
(DMV) 2010 Ford Escape XLS SUV Odometer Indicates: 162,954 Miles Features: Gas , I4, 2.5L , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs, has transmission issues, NO REVERSE. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and cert...

(DMV) 2003 Ford Escape XLT SUV
(DMV) 2003 Ford Escape XLT SUV Odometer Indicates: 201,539 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.0L , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILIT...

(DMV) 2008 Ford Escape XLT SUV
(DMV) 2008 Ford Escape XLT SUV Odometer Indicates: 141,374 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.0L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILIT...

(DMV) 1997 Jeep Cherokee SUV
(DMV) 1997 Jeep Cherokee SUV Odometer Indicates: 119,496 Miles Features: Gas , Inline 4.0 L , M/T , 4WD This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER....

(DMV) Ski-Doo Summit Rotax 800 R Snowmobile
(DMV) Ski-Doo Summit Rotax 800 R Snowmobile Features: Gas Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected ...

(DMV) 2013 Subaru Legacy
(DMV) 2013 Subaru Legacy Odometer Indicates: 134,064 Miles Features: Gas , 2.5L , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE B...

(DMV) 2011 Polaris RZR 800 SXS
(DMV) 2011 Polaris RZR 800 SXS Odometer Indicates: 2,463 Miles Features: 5 Speed M/T Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. S...

(DMV) 1996 Jeep Cherokee SE SUV
(DMV) 1996 Jeep Cherokee SE SUV Odometer Indicates: 212,335 Miles Features: Gas , I6, 4.0L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILI...

(DMV) 2000 Dodge Grand Caravan Sport Mini-Van
(DMV) 2000 Dodge Grand Caravan Sport Mini-Van Odometer Indicates: 262,611 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.8L , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOL...

(DMV) Aluma Aluminum Utility Trailer
(DMV) Aluma Aluminum Utility Trailer Features: 6'6" W x 12' L 2" ball, Single Axle, Single Tire This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A ...

(DMV) Ski-Doo Summit Rotax 800 HD Snowmobile
(DMV) Ski-Doo Summit Rotax 800 HD Snowmobile Features: Gas Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected...

(DMV) 2004 Ford Focus SE Sedan
(DMV) 2004 Ford Focus SE Sedan Odometer Indicates: 199,021 Miles Features: Gas , I4, 2.3L , M/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILIT...

(DMV) 2001 Dodge Caravan
(DMV) 2001 Dodge Caravan Odometer Indicates: 251,337 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.8L , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF T...

(DMV) 2002 Subaru Forester
(DMV) 2002 Subaru Forester Odometer Indicates: 70,490 Miles Features: Gas , 2.5 L , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE...

(DMV) Aluma Alminum Utility Trailer
(DMV) Aluma Alminum Utility Trailer Features: 6'6" W x 12' L Single Axle, Single Tire This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A trip permi...

(DMV) 1998 Subaru Forester
(DMV) 1998 Subaru Forester Odometer Indicates: 162,517 Miles Features: Gas , 2.5 L , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF TH...

(DMV) Project Arctic Cat Snowmobile
(DMV) Project Arctic Cat Snowmobile Does Not Start or Run. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when ...

(DMV) 1997 Subaru Legacy
(DMV) 1997 Subaru Legacy Odometer Indicates: 170,046 Miles Features: Gas , 2.2L , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE B...

(DMV) Aluma Aluminum Utility Trailer
(DMV) Aluma Aluminum Utility Trailer Features: 6'6" W x 12' L Single Axle, Single Tire This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A trip perm...

(DMV) 2006 Ford E-350 Transit Van
(DMV) 2006 Ford E-350 Transit Van Odometer Indicates: 86,228 Miles , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales t...

(DMV) 1989 Wells Cargo Enclosed Trailer
(DMV) 1989 Wells Cargo Enclosed Trailer This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A trip permit will be required to drive this vehicle from t...

(DMV) 2002 Subaru Impreza Wagon
(DMV) 2002 Subaru Impreza Wagon Odometer Indicates: 193,884 Features: Gas , 2.0L , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs, Has Engine Knock. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESP...

(DMV) Project Ski-Doo Summit Rotax 800 HD Snowmobi
(DMV) Project Ski-Doo Summit Rotax 800 HD Snowmobile Features: Gas Does Not Start or Run. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax wil...

(DMV) 1998 Dodge Grand Caravan SE Mini-Van
(DMV) 1998 Dodge Grand Caravan SE Mini-Van Odometer Indicates: UTR Features: Gas , V6, 3.8L , A4 , 2WD No Keys! This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF TH...

(DMV) 2003 Ford E-450 Transit Van
(DMV) 2003 Ford E-450 Transit Van Odometer Indicates: 117,411 Miles , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales ...

(DMV) 2007 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT Mini-Van
(DMV) 2007 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT Mini-Van Odometer Indicates: 79,164 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.8L , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE R...

(DMV) 1999 Chevy Van
(DMV) 1999 Chevy Van Odometer Indicates: UTR Features: Gas , A/T , 2WD No Keys! This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be colle...

(DMV) Transport Designs XLW2624 Enclosed Trailer
(DMV) Transport Designs XLW2624 Enclosed Trailer , 8' W x 27' L Dual Axle, Single Tire This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A trip perm...

3 Skid Steer Wheels and Tires
3 Skid Steer Wheels and Tires Location: Quincy, CA

DMT Magnamax Diesel Generator
DMT Magnamax Diesel Generator Serial #: VK 19-53168-9/25 Location: Quincy, CA

1990 Case W14C Loader Tractor
1990 Case W14C Loader Tractor Hr. Meter Indicates: 4,129 Hours Serial #: JAK0018677 Features: Diesel Comments: Starts and Runs Location: Quincy, CA

(DMV) Ford Transit Van
(DMV) Ford Transit Van Odometer Indicates: 96,518 Miles , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be ...

100 KW Generator Trailer Power Unit PU - 495 B/G M
100 KW Generator Trailer Power Unit PU - 495 B/G MEP007B Comments: Serial No. T-92-216-20 Location: Quincy, CA

1984 Vulcan LB 20 40' Lowbed Semi Trailer
1984 Vulcan LB 20 40' Lowbed Semi Trailer This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A trip permit will be required to drive this vehicle from...

(DMV) 1980 International Semi 1854 Plow Truck
(DMV) 1980 International Semi 1854 Plow Truck Odometer Indicates: 278,160 Miles Features: Diesel , International B210 C , 10 Speed M/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and ce...

(DMV) 2012 Advance Metal Working Co. EPT 4-514 Dro
(DMV) 2012 Advance Metal Working Co. EPT 4-514 Drop Deck Trailer , Pintle Hitch, Dual Axle, Single Tire This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your n...

(DMV) 2002 Chevy Transit Van
(DMV) 2002 Chevy Transit Van Odometer Indicates: 89,714 Miles , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax wi...

Power Unit PU - 495 B/G
Power Unit PU - 495 B/G , Quincy, CA Comments: Serial No. T-97-083-55

(DMV) Jacobson DTB.B187
(DMV) Jacobson DTB.B187 Features: 6'8" W x 18'6" L Pintle Hitch, Dual Axle, Single Tire This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A trip per...

Super Vault MH Above Ground Fuel Storage Tank
Super Vault MH Above Ground Fuel Storage Tank Serial #: 200514 Location: Quincy, CA

(DMV) 1999 Mercury Mountaineer SUV
(DMV) 1999 Mercury Mountaineer SUV Odometer Indicates: 193,920 Miles Features: Gas , 4.0, V6 , A/T , 4WD Vehicle Turns Over but Does Not Start or Run, has Bad Oil Cooler Line. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog rela...

(DMV) 1999 Ford Ranger Pickup
(DMV) 1999 Ford Ranger Pickup Odometer Indicates: 221,669 Miles Features: Gas , 3.0 L , A/T , 4WD Vehicle Turns Over but Does Not Start or Run, has power steering leak. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related rep...

100 KW Generator Trailer Power Unit PU - 495 B/G M
100 KW Generator Trailer Power Unit PU - 495 B/G MEP007B , Quincy, CA Comments: Serial No. T-91-112-63

(DMV) 1999 Ford F-250 XLT Pickup
(DMV) 1999 Ford F-250 XLT Pickup Odometer Indicates: UTR Features: Gas , 5.4 Triton V8 , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY O...

(DMV) 1999 Dodge Ram 2500 Pickup
(DMV) 1999 Dodge Ram 2500 Pickup Odometer Indicates: 296,362 Miles Features: Diesel , 5.9L, Cummins 24 Valve , A/T , 4WD , Has Animal Control Bed Does Not Start or Run, Transmission Issues. Broken Dash. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a pu...

(DMV) 2012 Ford Expedition XL SUV
(DMV) 2012 Ford Expedition XL SUV Odometer Indicates: 155,908 Miles Features: Gas , V8, 5.4L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBI...

(DMV) 2005 Ford Expedition XLT SUV
(DMV) 2005 Ford Expedition XLT SUV Odometer Indicates: 156,592 Miles Features: Gas , V8, 5.4L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIB...

(DMV) 2016 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor SUV
(DMV) 2016 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor SUV Odometer Indicates: 146,534 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.7L , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs, Former Police Vehicle. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and ce...

(DMV) 2008 Ford E-450 Super Duty Bus
(DMV) 2008 Ford E-450 Super Duty Bus Odometer Indicates: UTR Features: Gas , 6.8L, V10 , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY O...

(DMV) 2000 Chevy Express Van
(DMV) 2000 Chevy Express Van Odometer Indicates: 88,315 Miles Features: Gas , 5.7L, V8 , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY O...

(DMV) 1987 Chevy Utility Van
(DMV) 1987 Chevy Utility Van Odometer Indicates: 28,378 Miles Features: Gas , 5.7L, V8 , A/T , 2WD Vehicle Turns Over but Does Not Start or Run. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications ...

(DMV) 2012 Toyota Sienna LE 7-Passenger Mini-Van
(DMV) 2012 Toyota Sienna LE 7-Passenger Mini-Van Odometer Indicates: 258,231 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.5L , A/T , 2WD Vehicle Starts and Runs,but WILL NOT GO INTO GEAR, Transmission Issues. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency...

(DMV) 2008 Chevy C5500 Bus
(DMV) 2008 Chevy C5500 Bus Odometer Indicates: UTR Features: Diesel , 6.6L Duramax , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF TH...

(DMV) 2014 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor SUV
(DMV) 2014 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor SUV Odometer Indicates: 126,690 Miles Features: Gas , 3.7L, V6 , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the S...

(DMV) 2005 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor
(DMV) 2005 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor Sedan Odometer Indicates: 128,750 Miles Features: Gas , V8, 4.6L , A/T , 2WD Vehicle Turns Over but Does Not Start or Run. Former Police Vehicle. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public ag...

(DMV) 2008 Ford Expedition SUV
(DMV) 2008 Ford Expedition SUV Odometer Indicates: 164,272 Miles Features: Gas , V8, 5.4L , A/T , 4WD Broken Driver Window. Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are ...

(DMV) 2014 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor SUV
(DMV) 2014 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor SUV Odometer Indicates: 144,367 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.7L , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs, Former Police Vehicle. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and ce...

(DMV) 2011 Ford F-550 Bus
(DMV) 2011 Ford F-550 Bus Odometer Indicates: UTR Features: Diesel , 6.7L, Powerstroke V8 , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILIT...

(DMV) Dodge Durango SUV
(DMV) Dodge Durango SUV Odometer Indicates: 186,745 Miles Features: Gas , 4.7L V8 , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE...

(DMV) 2008 Ford F-250 Super Duty XLT Pickup
(DMV) 2008 Ford F-250 Super Duty XLT Pickup Odometer Indicates: 178,892 Miles Features: Gas , V8, 5.4L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE ...

(DMV) Polaris Sportsman
(DMV) Polaris Sportsman Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register...

(DMV) Alluminum Utility Trailer
(DMV) Alluminum Utility Trailer This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A trip permit will be required to drive this vehicle from the aucti...

(DMV) 2016 Freightliner Bus
(DMV) 2016 Freightliner Bus Odometer Indicates: 135,351 Miles Features: Diesel , Cummins , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY...

(DMV) Polaris Sportsman
(DMV) Polaris Sportsman Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register...

2010 Hoist P360AT48 Liftruck Forklift
2010 Hoist P360AT48 Liftruck Forklift Hr. Meter Indicates: 4,610 Hours Serial #: 29246 Features: Diesel Does Not Start or Run, Water in Engine. Location: Quincy, CA

(DMV) International Bus
(DMV) International Bus Does Not Start or Run. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to re...

(DMV) Chevy Bus
(DMV) Chevy Bus Does not Start or Run. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register t...

(DMV) GMC Bus Does not Start or Run, Missing Radiator. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you ...

(DMV) International Fuel Truck
(DMV) International Fuel Truck Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to r...

(DMV) 2000 American Lafrance 100' Platform Fire En
(DMV) 2000 American Lafrance 100' Platform Fire Engine Odometer Indicates: 81,196 Miles Features: Diesel , Detroit Series 60 475 HP , Allison 4000 Automatic , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog ...

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Plumas County Surplus Auction
 Online Only Auction
Auction Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Saturday May 31
Bidding Ends: Sunday Jun 1
Auction Location
Quincy, CA 95971
Full Address Available on Friday, May 30
Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms have not yet been completely determined. Complete Terms will be posted prior to the start of the auction! All Lots AS IS WHERE IS. All lots are available for inspection prior to bidding. No guarantees or warranties of any kind. BidCal posts what the hour meter indicates. Unless otherwise noted, actual hours have not been confirmed and it is up to the buyer to determine the condition and hours of what they are bidding on. BIDDING STARTS: TBA BIDDING CLOSES: TBA Remember- you must refresh (F5) your screen in order to see the most current bid! BIDS PLACED VIA ONLINE BIDDING SERVICES ARE FIRM COMMITMENTS TO PURCHASE AND MAY NOT BE CANCELED OR RETRACTED FOR ANY REASON. INSPECTION: TBA NOTE: Some lots are located OFF SITE and not available for preview. Please see the Off-Site lot description for specific inspection and pickup information. LOCATION: TBA This is an Auction House!! The buyer is responsible to determine the condition of the lot they are bidding on. The Auction House is Not!! All items are being sold AS IS WHERE IS! Items are Available for Inspection!! BidCal, Inc. will pass on any information, good or bad, that the seller gives to us in describing the items. However, it is up to buyer to determine the condition of the lot they are bidding on. BidCal, Inc. assumes no responsibility in the accuracy of the descriptions. ALL BIDDERS MUST REGISTER All bidders will be required to submit credit card information in order to register. DEPOSIT: Bidders that are new, out of state or international, and do not have a long history with BidCal, authorize BidCal to charge their card on file a $100 fully refundable deposit OR 10% of the anticipated bid price prior to bidding. BID INCREMENTS: $5 - $99 Increment is $5 $100 - $249 Increment is $25 $250 - $999 Increment is $50 $1,000 - $9,999 Increment is $100 $10,000 or more Increment is $250 BUYERS PREMIUM AND SALES TAX: Applicable sales tax and a 15% Buyer's Premium will be added to each item purchased. Applicable California Sales tax of 7.25% will apply UNLESS: Farm Tax Partial Exemption Certificate: Reduces Sales Tax to 2.25% for qualified purchases. Resale License & Certificate: Removes all sales tax for qualified resale purposes. Bill of Lading / Out of State Buyers: If you are purchasing from out of state and do not wish to pay the California Sales Tax you must have your items shipped through a qualified 3rd Party Trucking Company and fill out the Authorization of Release Form. A Bill of Lading from the trucking company must be provided to BidCal at time of pickup. Again, the trucking company must be from a legitimate 3rd party trucking company (You can't just send a friend down and say they are trucking for you . . . even you good folks up in Oregon!). DMV Items: Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle. PAYMENT: TBA Card, Cash, Certified Check or Wired Funds will be accepted. A service provider fee of 3% will apply to all credit card payments. Purchases may be paid by Visa, Discover or MasterCard. We do not accept American Express for payment under any circumstances! A BidCal representative will be located at the auction site in Quincy, CA to collect any outstanding balances on TBA. Payments must be made in full by TBA. BidCal, Inc. reserves the right to use the bidder's credit card on file for payment in part or in full for any successful bids. NOTE: Any business that receives more than $10,000 in "CASH" in one transaction or in two or more related transactions must file IRS Form 8300. Therefore, if you fall in this category, be prepared to provide BidCal with your SS# and Driver's License so we can fill out the report. Bidders that are new or that do not have a long history with BidCal, and wish to pay with a credit card, must be present to pick up their items and have the credit card and photo ID with them. In the case of Buyer Default, the buyer's credit card will be charged for the full amount of the invoice. Then the item(s) will be resold, and the buyer will be charged a 25% relisting fee plus applicable commission. If in the course of a transaction any amount due to BidCal is declined, BidCal will continue to run your card for lower amounts until a transaction is completed. Any and all fees and or actions that the buyers bank implements including but not limited to: surcharges, overdraft charges, account seizures, etc., are the sole responsibility of the buyer. The purchaser hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless BidCal, Inc., and the seller, against any and all liability, loss, costs, damages and other expenses arising from the buyer failure to comply with the terms of the auction. By bidding in this auction and accepting these terms, you are hereby authorizing BidCal to charge your Credit Card as stated in these posted terms. ITEM PICKUP/LOADOUT: TBA LOCATION: TBA. NOTE: Some lots are located OFF SITE at a different location. Please see the Off-Site lot description for specific inspection and pickup information. Don't waste a trip by showing up on Wednesday to pay or load out! Payment and pickup begin at TBA. ALL ITEMS MUST BE REMOVED BY TBA. If for any reason the buyer fails to remove any purchase, or establish communication about removal, by TBA the purchase shall be deemed abandoned and the purchase may be resold at BidCal's sole discretion. The buyer shall be liable for any rent incurred or damages suffered by BidCal because of purchaser's failure to remove any item. Forklifts will be available to assist with loadout. BidCal does not offer postal shipping of any items. All items must be picked up in person or by an accredited 3rd party shipping company. BidCal does not package or prepare items for shipping. If you need help making arrangements for a trucking company, please call the BidCal Office and we can give you some suggestions of who to contact to pick up your items. BidCal Pickup Policy If anyone other than you is picking up your auction item(s), please fill out the Authorization of Release form so we can release your item(s) to the authorized agent. You may return the form via email to or fax it back to us at (530) 891-0683. To prevent delays in pickup, please submit the form prior to showing up at the auction site. Those bidders who are paying by credit card and have a 3rd party picking up must sign their credit card slip prior to BidCal releasing their items. Receipts can be emailed or faxed to the Bidder. If your driver shows up without an Authorization of Release and your credit card slip is not signed, he may have to go get lunch' until we sort out the paperwork. Bring the appropriate vehicle to pick up your items! Don't ask us to help load an elephant into the back seat of a Volkswagen!! By not bringing the appropriate vehicle for load out, you tie up our forklifts and manpower for the rest of our customers causing a delay in their load out. Please visit to see examples of inappropriate vehicles brought to auction for load out! BidCal crew will not assist in driving rolling stock onto trailers, offer suggestions on how to load, where to place or how to tie down your purchases. By accepting these terms, Buyer agrees that Buyer is solely responsible for safely moving, loading, removing from the auction site and transporting the above item(s) on Buyer's equipment in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Any assistance given by Auctioneer or its staff in loading such items onto Buyer's equipment will be at Buyer's direction and sole risk and will not absolve Buyer from Buyer's sole responsibility for safely moving, loading, removing, and transporting such item(s). Buyer shall defend, indemnify, and hold Auctioneer harmless from any and all damages or claims of others arising from Buyer's breach of Buyer's obligations set forth above. PURCHASE OF VEHICLES: All vehicles are being sold with clear titles. Smog certificates for publicly owned vehicles are the sole responsibility of the BUYER. All smog related repairs, if needed, are the sole responsibility of the buyer. If you buy a publicly owned vehicle and it does not pass smog, you own a publicly owned vehicle that won't pass smog. DMV paperwork will be filled out using the information that appears on your invoice. Please confirm your bidder information is accurate. Do not buy a vehicle for someone else. Have the someone else register as a bidder. The invoice information has to match the Bill of Sale. Titles will be signed over to the new buyer at the time of pickup as long as the payment is made with cash or certified funds. Trip permits are required if a previous county vehicle will be driving from the auction site. Trip permits will be available for $23. IN-USE OFF-ROAD DIESEL VEHICLES (Off-Road Diesel Vehicles over 25 Hp) When operated in California, any off-road diesel vehicle may be subject to the California Air Resources Board In-Use Off-Road Diesel Vehicle Regulation. It therefore could be subject to retrofit or accelerated turnover requirements to reduce emissions of air pollutants. For more information, please visit the California Air Resources Board website at IN-USE HEAVY-DUTY DIESEL-FUELED VEHICLES (Diesel Trucks that are registered with the DMV, >14,000 GVWR, and not RETIRED) "An on-road heavy-duty diesel or alternative-diesel vehicle operated in California may be subject to the California Air Resources Board Regulation to Reduce Particulate Matter and Criteria Pollutant Emissions from In-Use Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles. It, therefore, could be subject to exhaust retrofit or accelerated turnover requirements to reduce emissions of air pollutants." For more information, please visit the California Air Resources Board website at" POLICY ON BUY BACKS: There isn't one! If an auction has buybacks, then it "aint" an auction!! If you are aware of a seller bidding on their own item, call Rob 530-345-0840 immediately. The seller will be banned from selling in future auctions. If buyers feel they may be bidding against the seller, the whole business model of the auction is jeopardized. Therefore, BidCal does not tolerate any seller "hanky panky" or buybacks! ASSISTANCE: Please call BidCal, Inc. @ (530) 345-0840 or to send us an email. OTHER TERMS: 1. You are responsible for knowing and understanding these terms. 1A. Although BidCal, Inc. has taken extraordinary steps to prevent technical failures in the Online Auction business, if a technical failure does occur, BidCal, Inc. reserves the right to extend or alter the closing time of a particular auction in order to preserve the intentions of the buyers and sellers. 1B. According to the California State Board Of Equalization, the Buyer's Premium is considered part of the purchase price and is required to be taxed. 2. All articles of merchandise are offered "As Is, Where Is" in units of measure as announced at the time of sale. No claim will be considered for allowance adjustment or rescission of any sale based upon the failure of the property to correspond to any particular standards or expectations of the buyer. The auctioneer reserves the right to group, modify, increase, diminish or delete lots at his sole and absolute discretion. While descriptions are believed correct, the Auctioneers or Owners make no warranties or guarantees as to genuineness, authenticity of, or defect in any lot and will not be held responsible for advertising discrepancies or inaccuracies. It is for this reason that buyers should avail themselves of the opportunity to make inspection prior to sale. All sales are final, when awarded to the successful bidder. Buyer accepts full responsibility for all purchases made and hold the Auction Company and Owners free of any liability in the event of theft or disappearance of any items purchased. All purchases must be checked out by an authorized Auction Company representative before leaving premises. 3. The auctioneer may refuse to accept or acknowledge any bid which is merely a fractional advance over the preceding bid, and in the event of a tie bid, the auctioneer may reopen the bidding to determine the highest bidder. All sales are final upon the award of bid. THE FULL PURCHASE PRICE SHALL BE PAID SALE DAY AND IN ANY EVENT PRIOR TO THE REMOVAL OF ANY LOT. In the event the purchaser fails to pay the full purchase price for any lot within the prescribed time or fails to comply with any other terms of sale, the auctioneer shall retain a possessory lien on all lots of the purchaser, and all of the purchaser's merchandise in the possession of the auctioneer. Purchaser shall pay all deficiencies resulting from such re-sale, together with all charges, fees, commissions, and expenses in connection with such re-sale. The auction deposit shall be retained by the auctioneer for application against any such deficiency, expense, or charge. 4. PURCHASER SHALL MAKE HIS OWN ARRANGEMENTS FOR INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR ALL ITEMS PURCHASED. 5. The purchaser hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless BidCal, Inc. and the seller, against any and all liability, loss, costs, damages and other expenses arising from the loading out of equipment by BidCal, Inc. on the purchaser's behalf. 6. No lots may be removed until the conclusion of the auction although invoices are available for payment at any time. All lots must be removed within the time announced or posted at the sale, at purchaser's sole cost and risk, and only in a manner approved by auctioneer. 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Test Lot
Remember- you must refresh (F5) your screen in order to see the most current bid! Feel free to use this lot as a test lot for practice bidding!

(DMV) 2006 Chevrolet Colorado Pickup
(DMV) 2006 Chevrolet Colorado Pickup Odometer Indicates: 156,381 Miles Features: Gas , I5, 3.5L , A/T , 4WD This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BU...

(DMV) 2000 Jeep Cherokee Sport SUV
(DMV) 2000 Jeep Cherokee Sport SUV Odometer Indicates: 145,108 Features: Gas , I6, 4.0L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY ...

(DMV) 1997 Chevy Cheyenne 1500 Pickup
(DMV) 1997 Chevy Cheyenne 1500 Pickup Odometer Indicates: 180,343 Miles Features: Gas , Chevy 5.0L , A/T , 4WD Vehicle Turns Over but Does Not Start or Run. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and cer...

(DMV) 2005 Chevy Silverado 3500 Utility Bed
(DMV) 2005 Chevy Silverado 3500 Utility Bed Odometer Indicates: 172,989 Miles Features: Diesel , V8, 6.6L Duramax , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications ar...

(DMV) 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee SUV
(DMV) 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee SUV Odometer Indicates: 126,795 Miles Features: Gas , I6, 4.0L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIB...

(DMV) 2002 Jeep Liberty Sport SUV
(DMV) 2002 Jeep Liberty Sport SUV Odometer Indicates: 158,150 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.7L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBI...

(DMV) Arctic Cat M8 Snowmobile
(DMV) Arctic Cat M8 Snowmobile Features: Gas Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV wh...

(DMV) 2004 Ford Escape XLS SUV
(DMV) 2004 Ford Escape XLS SUV Odometer Indicates: 212,660 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.0L , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILIT...

(DMV) 2010 Ford Escape XLS SUV
(DMV) 2010 Ford Escape XLS SUV Odometer Indicates: 162,954 Miles Features: Gas , I4, 2.5L , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs, has transmission issues, NO REVERSE. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and cert...

(DMV) 2003 Ford Escape XLT SUV
(DMV) 2003 Ford Escape XLT SUV Odometer Indicates: 201,539 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.0L , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILIT...

(DMV) 2008 Ford Escape XLT SUV
(DMV) 2008 Ford Escape XLT SUV Odometer Indicates: 141,374 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.0L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILIT...

(DMV) 1997 Jeep Cherokee SUV
(DMV) 1997 Jeep Cherokee SUV Odometer Indicates: 119,496 Miles Features: Gas , Inline 4.0 L , M/T , 4WD This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER....

(DMV) Ski-Doo Summit Rotax 800 R Snowmobile
(DMV) Ski-Doo Summit Rotax 800 R Snowmobile Features: Gas Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected ...

(DMV) 2013 Subaru Legacy
(DMV) 2013 Subaru Legacy Odometer Indicates: 134,064 Miles Features: Gas , 2.5L , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE B...

(DMV) 2011 Polaris RZR 800 SXS
(DMV) 2011 Polaris RZR 800 SXS Odometer Indicates: 2,463 Miles Features: 5 Speed M/T Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. S...

(DMV) 1996 Jeep Cherokee SE SUV
(DMV) 1996 Jeep Cherokee SE SUV Odometer Indicates: 212,335 Miles Features: Gas , I6, 4.0L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILI...

(DMV) 2000 Dodge Grand Caravan Sport Mini-Van
(DMV) 2000 Dodge Grand Caravan Sport Mini-Van Odometer Indicates: 262,611 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.8L , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOL...

(DMV) Aluma Aluminum Utility Trailer
(DMV) Aluma Aluminum Utility Trailer Features: 6'6" W x 12' L 2" ball, Single Axle, Single Tire This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A ...

(DMV) Ski-Doo Summit Rotax 800 HD Snowmobile
(DMV) Ski-Doo Summit Rotax 800 HD Snowmobile Features: Gas Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected...

(DMV) 2004 Ford Focus SE Sedan
(DMV) 2004 Ford Focus SE Sedan Odometer Indicates: 199,021 Miles Features: Gas , I4, 2.3L , M/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILIT...

(DMV) 2001 Dodge Caravan
(DMV) 2001 Dodge Caravan Odometer Indicates: 251,337 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.8L , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF T...

(DMV) 2002 Subaru Forester
(DMV) 2002 Subaru Forester Odometer Indicates: 70,490 Miles Features: Gas , 2.5 L , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE...

(DMV) Aluma Alminum Utility Trailer
(DMV) Aluma Alminum Utility Trailer Features: 6'6" W x 12' L Single Axle, Single Tire This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A trip permi...

(DMV) 1998 Subaru Forester
(DMV) 1998 Subaru Forester Odometer Indicates: 162,517 Miles Features: Gas , 2.5 L , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF TH...

(DMV) Project Arctic Cat Snowmobile
(DMV) Project Arctic Cat Snowmobile Does Not Start or Run. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when ...

(DMV) 1997 Subaru Legacy
(DMV) 1997 Subaru Legacy Odometer Indicates: 170,046 Miles Features: Gas , 2.2L , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE B...

(DMV) Aluma Aluminum Utility Trailer
(DMV) Aluma Aluminum Utility Trailer Features: 6'6" W x 12' L Single Axle, Single Tire This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A trip perm...

(DMV) 2006 Ford E-350 Transit Van
(DMV) 2006 Ford E-350 Transit Van Odometer Indicates: 86,228 Miles , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales t...

(DMV) 1989 Wells Cargo Enclosed Trailer
(DMV) 1989 Wells Cargo Enclosed Trailer This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A trip permit will be required to drive this vehicle from t...

(DMV) 2002 Subaru Impreza Wagon
(DMV) 2002 Subaru Impreza Wagon Odometer Indicates: 193,884 Features: Gas , 2.0L , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs, Has Engine Knock. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESP...

(DMV) Project Ski-Doo Summit Rotax 800 HD Snowmobi
(DMV) Project Ski-Doo Summit Rotax 800 HD Snowmobile Features: Gas Does Not Start or Run. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax wil...

(DMV) 1998 Dodge Grand Caravan SE Mini-Van
(DMV) 1998 Dodge Grand Caravan SE Mini-Van Odometer Indicates: UTR Features: Gas , V6, 3.8L , A4 , 2WD No Keys! This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF TH...

(DMV) 2003 Ford E-450 Transit Van
(DMV) 2003 Ford E-450 Transit Van Odometer Indicates: 117,411 Miles , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales ...

(DMV) 2007 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT Mini-Van
(DMV) 2007 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT Mini-Van Odometer Indicates: 79,164 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.8L , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE R...

(DMV) 1999 Chevy Van
(DMV) 1999 Chevy Van Odometer Indicates: UTR Features: Gas , A/T , 2WD No Keys! This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be colle...

(DMV) Transport Designs XLW2624 Enclosed Trailer
(DMV) Transport Designs XLW2624 Enclosed Trailer , 8' W x 27' L Dual Axle, Single Tire This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A trip perm...

3 Skid Steer Wheels and Tires
3 Skid Steer Wheels and Tires Location: Quincy, CA

DMT Magnamax Diesel Generator
DMT Magnamax Diesel Generator Serial #: VK 19-53168-9/25 Location: Quincy, CA

1990 Case W14C Loader Tractor
1990 Case W14C Loader Tractor Hr. Meter Indicates: 4,129 Hours Serial #: JAK0018677 Features: Diesel Comments: Starts and Runs Location: Quincy, CA

(DMV) Ford Transit Van
(DMV) Ford Transit Van Odometer Indicates: 96,518 Miles , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be ...

100 KW Generator Trailer Power Unit PU - 495 B/G M
100 KW Generator Trailer Power Unit PU - 495 B/G MEP007B Comments: Serial No. T-92-216-20 Location: Quincy, CA

1984 Vulcan LB 20 40' Lowbed Semi Trailer
1984 Vulcan LB 20 40' Lowbed Semi Trailer This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A trip permit will be required to drive this vehicle from...

(DMV) 1980 International Semi 1854 Plow Truck
(DMV) 1980 International Semi 1854 Plow Truck Odometer Indicates: 278,160 Miles Features: Diesel , International B210 C , 10 Speed M/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and ce...

(DMV) 2012 Advance Metal Working Co. EPT 4-514 Dro
(DMV) 2012 Advance Metal Working Co. EPT 4-514 Drop Deck Trailer , Pintle Hitch, Dual Axle, Single Tire This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your n...

(DMV) 2002 Chevy Transit Van
(DMV) 2002 Chevy Transit Van Odometer Indicates: 89,714 Miles , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax wi...

Power Unit PU - 495 B/G
Power Unit PU - 495 B/G , Quincy, CA Comments: Serial No. T-97-083-55

(DMV) Jacobson DTB.B187
(DMV) Jacobson DTB.B187 Features: 6'8" W x 18'6" L Pintle Hitch, Dual Axle, Single Tire This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A trip per...

Super Vault MH Above Ground Fuel Storage Tank
Super Vault MH Above Ground Fuel Storage Tank Serial #: 200514 Location: Quincy, CA

(DMV) 1999 Mercury Mountaineer SUV
(DMV) 1999 Mercury Mountaineer SUV Odometer Indicates: 193,920 Miles Features: Gas , 4.0, V6 , A/T , 4WD Vehicle Turns Over but Does Not Start or Run, has Bad Oil Cooler Line. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog rela...

(DMV) 1999 Ford Ranger Pickup
(DMV) 1999 Ford Ranger Pickup Odometer Indicates: 221,669 Miles Features: Gas , 3.0 L , A/T , 4WD Vehicle Turns Over but Does Not Start or Run, has power steering leak. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related rep...

100 KW Generator Trailer Power Unit PU - 495 B/G M
100 KW Generator Trailer Power Unit PU - 495 B/G MEP007B , Quincy, CA Comments: Serial No. T-91-112-63

(DMV) 1999 Ford F-250 XLT Pickup
(DMV) 1999 Ford F-250 XLT Pickup Odometer Indicates: UTR Features: Gas , 5.4 Triton V8 , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY O...

(DMV) 1999 Dodge Ram 2500 Pickup
(DMV) 1999 Dodge Ram 2500 Pickup Odometer Indicates: 296,362 Miles Features: Diesel , 5.9L, Cummins 24 Valve , A/T , 4WD , Has Animal Control Bed Does Not Start or Run, Transmission Issues. Broken Dash. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a pu...

(DMV) 2012 Ford Expedition XL SUV
(DMV) 2012 Ford Expedition XL SUV Odometer Indicates: 155,908 Miles Features: Gas , V8, 5.4L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBI...

(DMV) 2005 Ford Expedition XLT SUV
(DMV) 2005 Ford Expedition XLT SUV Odometer Indicates: 156,592 Miles Features: Gas , V8, 5.4L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIB...

(DMV) 2016 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor SUV
(DMV) 2016 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor SUV Odometer Indicates: 146,534 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.7L , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs, Former Police Vehicle. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and ce...

(DMV) 2008 Ford E-450 Super Duty Bus
(DMV) 2008 Ford E-450 Super Duty Bus Odometer Indicates: UTR Features: Gas , 6.8L, V10 , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY O...

(DMV) 2000 Chevy Express Van
(DMV) 2000 Chevy Express Van Odometer Indicates: 88,315 Miles Features: Gas , 5.7L, V8 , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY O...

(DMV) 1987 Chevy Utility Van
(DMV) 1987 Chevy Utility Van Odometer Indicates: 28,378 Miles Features: Gas , 5.7L, V8 , A/T , 2WD Vehicle Turns Over but Does Not Start or Run. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications ...

(DMV) 2012 Toyota Sienna LE 7-Passenger Mini-Van
(DMV) 2012 Toyota Sienna LE 7-Passenger Mini-Van Odometer Indicates: 258,231 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.5L , A/T , 2WD Vehicle Starts and Runs,but WILL NOT GO INTO GEAR, Transmission Issues. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency...

(DMV) 2008 Chevy C5500 Bus
(DMV) 2008 Chevy C5500 Bus Odometer Indicates: UTR Features: Diesel , 6.6L Duramax , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF TH...

(DMV) 2014 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor SUV
(DMV) 2014 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor SUV Odometer Indicates: 126,690 Miles Features: Gas , 3.7L, V6 , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the S...

(DMV) 2005 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor
(DMV) 2005 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor Sedan Odometer Indicates: 128,750 Miles Features: Gas , V8, 4.6L , A/T , 2WD Vehicle Turns Over but Does Not Start or Run. Former Police Vehicle. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public ag...

(DMV) 2008 Ford Expedition SUV
(DMV) 2008 Ford Expedition SUV Odometer Indicates: 164,272 Miles Features: Gas , V8, 5.4L , A/T , 4WD Broken Driver Window. Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are ...

(DMV) 2014 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor SUV
(DMV) 2014 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor SUV Odometer Indicates: 144,367 Miles Features: Gas , V6, 3.7L , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs, Former Police Vehicle. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and ce...

(DMV) 2011 Ford F-550 Bus
(DMV) 2011 Ford F-550 Bus Odometer Indicates: UTR Features: Diesel , 6.7L, Powerstroke V8 , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILIT...

(DMV) Dodge Durango SUV
(DMV) Dodge Durango SUV Odometer Indicates: 186,745 Miles Features: Gas , 4.7L V8 , A/T , AWD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE...

(DMV) 2008 Ford F-250 Super Duty XLT Pickup
(DMV) 2008 Ford F-250 Super Duty XLT Pickup Odometer Indicates: 178,892 Miles Features: Gas , V8, 5.4L , A/T , 4WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE ...

(DMV) Polaris Sportsman
(DMV) Polaris Sportsman Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register...

(DMV) Alluminum Utility Trailer
(DMV) Alluminum Utility Trailer This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register the vehicle into your name. A trip permit will be required to drive this vehicle from the aucti...

(DMV) 2016 Freightliner Bus
(DMV) 2016 Freightliner Bus Odometer Indicates: 135,351 Miles Features: Diesel , Cummins , A/T , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY...

(DMV) Polaris Sportsman
(DMV) Polaris Sportsman Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register...

2010 Hoist P360AT48 Liftruck Forklift
2010 Hoist P360AT48 Liftruck Forklift Hr. Meter Indicates: 4,610 Hours Serial #: 29246 Features: Diesel Does Not Start or Run, Water in Engine. Location: Quincy, CA

(DMV) International Bus
(DMV) International Bus Does Not Start or Run. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to re...

(DMV) Chevy Bus
(DMV) Chevy Bus Does not Start or Run. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to register t...

(DMV) GMC Bus Does not Start or Run, Missing Radiator. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you ...

(DMV) International Fuel Truck
(DMV) International Fuel Truck Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog related repairs and certifications are the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. Sales tax will be collected by the DMV when you go to r...

(DMV) 2000 American Lafrance 100' Platform Fire En
(DMV) 2000 American Lafrance 100' Platform Fire Engine Odometer Indicates: 81,196 Miles Features: Diesel , Detroit Series 60 475 HP , Allison 4000 Automatic , 2WD Starts and Runs. This vehicle is owned and is being sold by a public agency. All smog ...

... AND MORE!!
More lots, pictures, descriptions, and details will continue to be posted up to the start of the auction. Remember to always refresh your screen for the latest updates! Feel free to use this lot as a test lot for practice bidding!

Test Lot
Remember- you must refresh (F5) your screen in order to see the most current bid! Feel free to use this lot as a test lot for practice bidding!