Listing ID#: 1709975

Auction Location
319 N Washington
Wellington, KS 67152
Auction Dates and Times
Bidding Starts: Friday Feb 28
Bidding Ends: Tuesday Mar 25
Auction Type
Company Information
Wiens Auction/Realty LLC

Contact: Jeremy or April Wiens
Phone: 316-641-4899
Email: ajwiens2@gmail.com
Website: wiensauction.com

GoToAuction.com ID#: 5749
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Auction Terms & Conditions TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE AUCTION By registering to bid or placing a bid, you agree to be bound by all of these terms & conditions and any other announced terms and conditions of sale or rules of the site. All internet bidders agree that bids placed on the internet shall have the same legal effect as if they were in attendance at the auction in person. ASK QUESTIONS BEFORE YOU BID. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS AND NO RETURNS!!! 1. Bidder and his or her agents and employees are responsible for any damage they may cause or liability that may attach from any of their actions on or around the auction site and premises when attending the exhibition, sale or removal of merchandise. Bidder and his or her agents and employees agree to assume all risks of damage to person or property. Bidder and his or her agents and employees specifically release and indemnify Wiens Auction/Realty LLC from any liability and causes of action. 2. Bidder agrees that all property is sold "AS-IS WHERE-IS" with no warranties express or implied and ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Property is open to thorough public inspection. It is the Bidder's responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. Wiens Auction/Realty may attempt to describe the merchandise in advertising, on the internet and at the auction but makes no representations. In no event shall Wiens Auction/Realty LLC be held responsible for having made or implied any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Wiens Auction/Realty LLC does not guarantee any appraisals, gradings or certifications. If you have any questions about the merchandise, ASK THEM BEFORE BIDDING. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value. It is Bidder's responsibility to determine if any item is legal where they live. By placing a bid, Bidder acknowledges that her or she has inspected the items to his or her satisfaction or chooses to not examine them at his or her sole risk. 3. Wiens Auction/Realty will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the description of the merchandise unless it is a material and intentional misrepresentation of the item itself. Bidder agrees that he or she may not return any item they purchase for any reason accept an intentional and material misrepresentation of the item itself made by Wiens Auction/Realty. Bidder's sole remedy in the event of an intentional and material misrepresentation of an item shall be to return the item, at their expense and in the same condition it was delivered or shipped to them. If Wiens Auction/Realty agrees that the item was materially and intentionally misrepresented Wiens Auction/Realty will refund the Bidder's purchase price to him/her. Some items may be sold "times the money". In the event that the count on a "times the money" item is found to be incorrect, Wiens Auction/Realty will adjust Bidder's final hammer price based on the accurate count. No adjustment will be made on bulk or "one money" lots. Bidder agrees that under no circumstances whatsoever will Wiens Auction/Realty ever be liable to Bidder for an amount greater than the purchase price of the item they purchased. 4. BIDS CANNOT BE REMOVED UNLESS IT IS AN OBVIOUS TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR. MAKE CERTAIN WHAT YOU ARE BIDDING ON BEFORE YOU BID. Wiens Auction/Realty reserves the right to charge the Bidder's credit card the full amount of any or all of Bidder's bids at any time. Everything MUST be paid for in full by 3:00 PM the day after the auction. All internet Bidders agree to pay a buyer's premium. Bidder herby grants Wiens Auction/Realty the authority to charge his or her credit card on file the full amount due for Bidder's purchases or partial amounts at any time until Bidder's invoice is paid in full. 5. All titled vehicles are sold AS-IS. It is the buyer's sole responsibility to determine if a titled vehicle is legal and able to be registered where buyer lives. All Titled vehicles must be paid for by wire transfer or certified funds. No credit cards will be charged. 6. If firearms are sold, all Federal and KS laws and regulations will be followed. Some firearms may not be legal in Bidder's jurisdiction. It is the bidder's sole obligation to determine if a firearm they purchase is legal where they live. There is a restocking fee of 25% of the total purchase price if any firearm(s) has to be returned due to a buyer's local law. If a buyer is unable to take legal delivery of any firearm(s) he or she will return the firearm(s) to Wiens Auction/Realty and hereby engages Wiens Auction/Realty to resell the firearm(s)at absolute auction with a commission of 30%. Magazines that are not legal where a buyer lives are not included in the sale. No credit will be given for the magazine. Bid accordingly and let your legislators know how you feel. 7. Wiens Auction/Realty is providing internet only bidding for this auction. Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may or may not function correctly at any time, including the auction closing time. Under no circumstances shall Bidder have any kind of claim against Wiens Auction/Realty or anyone else if the internet service fails to work correctly before or during the auction closing time. Wiens Auction/Realty will not be responsible for any missed or failed bids from any source. Internet bidders who desire to make certain their bid is acknowledged should place their maximum bids at least two hours prior to the auction closing time. Wiens Auction/Realty reserves the right to withdraw or re-catalog items in this auction. In the event of any software problem, mistake or other issue, Wiens Auction/Realty reserves the right to extend the closing times, change the extension time, stop, restart or cancel this auction at its sole discretion. Even though an item may display as "sold" on the internet, no sales are final until they are certified by Wiens Auction/Realty and Bidder receives an invoice. Wiens Auction/Realty reserves the right to cancel any or all sales and resell the items in whatever manner it chooses. 8. The bids are advanced at pre-set increments available on the bidding web page which may be changed at any time in Wiens Auction/Realty 's sole discretion. Wiens Auction/Realty may accept items with secret reserves prices. The seller and Wiens Auction/Realty reserve the right to bid on behalf of the seller on items on which there may be a reserve price. Wiens Auction/Realty may reject or cancel any bid for any reason. The record of the auction made by Wiens Auction/Realty shall be conclusive. This is a Public Auction and as such, all qualified bidders may bid including Wiens Auction/Realty owners, family members and employees. 9. All property shall be removed from the premises by the Bidder at her/his own risk and expense within the time period announced. Bidders should arrange to pick up their purchases within this time. Wiens Auction/Realty or a professional shipping company may ship merchandise not picked up. Bidder hereby grants any shipper of Wiens Auction/Realty 's choosing the right to charge their credit card the entire amount of packing, shipping and handling costs. In the event that Bidder does not pay for shipping, Bidder shall have no claim against Wiens Auction/Realty and will forfeit the merchandise with no refunds. All items will be insured for the purchase price. Our first priority is to deliver your new purchase in excellent condition. ***Bidder agrees that any merchandise not removed by bidder within five days of the auction will be forfeited with no refunds. Bidder shall have no claim to merchandise not removed by the above date. 10. If a check accepted by Wiens Auction/Realty is returned for any reason, Bidder agrees that Wiens Auction/Realty may re-present it in person or electronically and collect the full amount of the check as well as the highest service charges and fees allowed under Kansas law. Any amount left unpaid shall accrue interest at the highest rate allowed under Kansas state law. Unless exempted by law, the purchaser shall pay all applicable taxes. Bidder agrees to not stop payment on any check paid to Wiens Auction/Realty. Bidder further agrees that under no circumstances will he/she initiate a chargeback on his/her credit card. Title to the merchandise transfers to Bidder only when Bidder's payment is honored. 11. Wiens Auction/Realty may refuse registration and bidding privileges to anyone for failure to pay previous auction invoices, failure to provide a valid credit card or any other reason. Bidder hereby agrees that Wiens Auction/Realty may share information about Bidder's non-payment of auctioneer invoices or shipping charges with other parties and may pursue collection of balances due by any legal means. Bidder agrees to provide any identification Wiens Auction/Realty may request including but not limited to: driver's license, Social Security card or Passport. Bidder agrees to comply with any stated additional terms or conditions associated with particular items. 12. Bidder agrees that this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of Kansas and hereby grants sole jurisdiction and agrees to submit to the personal jurisdiction and venue of a court of subject matter jurisdiction located in Sumner County, Kansas. Both parties waive any right to a jury trial and hereby agree to a bench trial before a judge. This agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Kansas. If for any reason, a court of competent jurisdiction finds any part of this agreement to be invalid or unenforceable, that part will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible to affect the original intent of this agreement. If a part is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this agreement shall continue in full force and effect. Such invalid or unenforceable part will be deemed severable from the other parts here and will not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining parts. In the event of any litigation arising out of this Contract, the court shall award the prevailing party all reasonable costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees. 13. By registering for this auction you agree to be added to Wiens Auction/Realty 's email list. Each email we send has an easy unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. Please do not report our emails as spam. Photo, video and audio recording is being made at all auction exhibitions and removal events. Bidder hereby agrees that Wiens Auction/Realty may use Bidder's likeness, recorded at these events, for any purpose. We hope you enjoy our auction and are able to make many advantageous purchases.
Listing Information
Items include lady head vases, pottery(Hull, Frankoma, McCoy, Haeger, Red Wing, Coors, Fransiscan Apple, Shawnee, Van Briggle, Roseville, Fiesta, Niloak), Hall's Superior Jewel Tea, Moriage dragonware, King's Crown Cranberry Flash Glass, Ruby Red glass, and more. PLEASE read full descriptions for any noted chips, cracks, or crazing.

Antique/Vintage Art Nouveau Hand-Painted
Two-Handled Large Porcelain Vase 15.75"

Royal Dux Art Nouveau Easter Lily Porcelain
Two-Handled Vase 16.5" - Unmarked, but appears to be Royal Dux, however cannot guarantee due to being unmarked. Marking 9339'

Roseville Snowberry Dusty Pink Pottery Vase
8.25" - IV2-8 - chipping noted and pictured

Roseville "Poppy" Two-Handled Potterg Vase
7.25" - 869-7" - chip noted and pictured

Vintage Arco Lady Head Vase 5.75"
- crazing noted and pictured

Roseville Zephyr Lily Console Bowl 13" -
475-10 - crazing noted and pictured

Mason Cash & Co Crock Bowl 12.5? x 5.5? -
crazing noted and pictured - line on bottom appears to be surface/crazing line and does not go through to the other side

Vintage Hankscraft Electric Fiesta Orange Egg
Cooker 5.75? Tall - unknown working condition

Vintage MCM Mallard Duck Lane & Co TV Lamp
Console Bowl 14.5" x 15" - crazing on bottom noted and pictured - Lamp did not come on when plugged in, however it could be a bad bulb, however unknown.

Red Wing USA 1107 Pottery Handled Planter Vase
7" - crazing and discoloration noted and pictured

Van Briggle Pottery 4-Footed Planter Bowl 5" x
2.5" - broken and repaired foot noted and pictured

Hull Art USA Pottery Planter Vase 5.75" -
crazing noted and pictured - L25- 5 3/4"

Roseville Pottery Ming Tree Handled Planter 10.5"
x 4.25" - crazing noted and pictured - 526-9"

Vintage Royal Copley Ceramic Doe and Baby Deer
Vase 9.25? - crazing noted and pictured

Vintage Sailboat TV Lamp 16.5" x 13.75" -
works - cracks noted and pictured

Roseville Pinecone Brown Handled Vase 6.5? -
748-6? - two chips on bottom noted and pictured - crazing noted and pictured

Roseville Gardenia Green Pottery Vase 6.25" -
681-6" - chip on bottom noted and pictured - crazing noted and pictured

Shawnee Corn King Corn Dishes 8.25" - one noted
has a chip noted and pictured - one has crazing noted and pictured

Shawnee Corn King Bowls, Creamers, and Sugar -
bowls and sugar have crazing and cracks noted and pictured - largest bowl is 8" x 3.75"

Shawnee Pottery Piggy Bank 5.25" - Unmarked, but
appears to be Shawnee, however cannot guarantee due to it being unmarked. - crazing noted and pictured

MCM Pheasant TV Lamp Console Bowl 11.5" x 9.5" -
missing light and wiring mechanism

McCoy Pottery Green and Brown Daisy Teapot,
Creamer, and Sugar - teapot 10" x 6" - crazing noted and pictured

Vintage Hankscraft Electric Fiesta Orange Egg
Cooker 5.75" Tall - unknown working condition

Vintage MCM Pottery Table Lamp Planter 24" -
underneath yellow dish is a chunk missing, noted and pictured - works

Vintage McCoy Pottery Lily Vase 8" - no apparent
chips or cracks - crazing noted and pictured

McCoy Square Vases and Planter 6.5" Tall and
Smaller - two have cracks noted and pictured


(2) Broken Roseville Pottery Pieces - cracks
noted and pictured - Peony Bud Vase 173-7" - Magnolia Cornucopia Vase 185-8"

(4) Pottery Vases 10.5" Tall and Smaller -
crazing and cracks noted and pictured

Cracked Hull Pottery Console Bowl and
Hull Pottery Creamer and Sugar - console bowl is 11" x 4.5"

Hull Art Pottery Cornucopia Vase and Pink Vase 8"
Tall and Smaller - W2-5 1/2" - W8-7 1/2"

Vintage Mallard Duck Planters and Crane with Cart
RRP Co Planter (chipped) - Duck planters are 10" x 5.5"

(4) Chipped Vintage Lady Head Vases 6" and
Smaller - each have at least one chip noted and pictured

(3) Vintage Matching Lady Head Vases 5.5" -
crazing noted and pictured - hairline crack noted and pictured on one

Vintage Cordey Porcelain Console Bowl and
Candlestick Pair - candlesticks 6.5? - console bowl 12? x 6? - chips on flowers noted and pictured and crack and repair on leaf noted and pictured

Vintage Shawnee Pig Planters 6" x 3" and Smaller
- crazing and crack noted and pictured on smaller one - crazing on larger one noted and pictured


Shawnee Pottery Planters 5" and Smaller -
smallest has massive chip noted and pictured

Hull Art Basket and (2) Hull Art Double-Handled
Vases - basket 10.25" x 11" - vases are 6.25" and smaller

Shawnee Green Pottery Pitcher 8" and USA Marked
Green Pottery Double-Handled Vase

Haeger Pottery Smiley Face Bowl, Pottery Smiley
Face Bowl and Plate, and Smiley Face Salt & Pepper Shakers - bowl 3.5" tall - bowl 5.25" x 2" and plate 7.25"

(14) McCoy Pottery Smiley Face Mugs 3.75" tall
- many have cracks noted and pictured - some have chips noted and pictured

McCoy Apple Cookie Jar 8.25" (large chip on
handle and inside of lid), Royal Copley Apple Wall Pockets, (2) Pottery Apple Lidded Jars, and Glass Apple Lidded Dish - cracking and crazing noted and pictured on smaller jars

Pottery Pitchers : McCoy, Hull, and More - 7"
tall and smaller - chip on fruit pitcher on bottom noted and pictured

Orange Pottery Planters and Candlesticks : Hull,
Royal Haeger, and Pioneer - 10" x 2.5"

McCoy and Marcest Brown Pottery : Bean Pot,
Warmer, Pitcher, Bowl, and Corn Dishes - chips noted on bean pot

Fiesta Cobalt Blue Creamer and Unmarked Turquoise
Celery Dish - dish is 10.25" (glaze chipping noted on sides)

Occupied Japan Tomato Sugar Bowl and Japan Salt &
Pepper Shakers, Apple Pottery Salt & Pepper Shakers, Green Hull Pottery Butter Dish (chipped) , Trader Vics Salt & Pepper Shakers, and Pfaltzgraff Salt & Pepper Shakers (crazing noted and pictured)

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Wiens Auction/Realty LLC

Wiens Auction/Realty LLC

Contact: Jeremy or April Wiens
Phone: 316-641-4899
Sale Location
319 N Washington
Wellington, KS 67152
Sale Dates and Times
Sale Terms and Conditions
Auction Terms & Conditions TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE AUCTION By registering to bid or placing a bid, you agree to be bound by all of these terms & conditions and any other announced terms and conditions of sale or rules of the site. All internet bidders agree that bids placed on the internet shall have the same legal effect as if they were in attendance at the auction in person. ASK QUESTIONS BEFORE YOU BID. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS AND NO RETURNS!!! 1. Bidder and his or her agents and employees are responsible for any damage they may cause or liability that may attach from any of their actions on or around the auction site and premises when attending the exhibition, sale or removal of merchandise. Bidder and his or her agents and employees agree to assume all risks of damage to person or property. Bidder and his or her agents and employees specifically release and indemnify Wiens Auction/Realty LLC from any liability and causes of action. 2. Bidder agrees that all property is sold "AS-IS WHERE-IS" with no warranties express or implied and ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Property is open to thorough public inspection. It is the Bidder's responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. Wiens Auction/Realty may attempt to describe the merchandise in advertising, on the internet and at the auction but makes no representations. In no event shall Wiens Auction/Realty LLC be held responsible for having made or implied any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Wiens Auction/Realty LLC does not guarantee any appraisals, gradings or certifications. If you have any questions about the merchandise, ASK THEM BEFORE BIDDING. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value. It is Bidder's responsibility to determine if any item is legal where they live. By placing a bid, Bidder acknowledges that her or she has inspected the items to his or her satisfaction or chooses to not examine them at his or her sole risk. 3. Wiens Auction/Realty will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the description of the merchandise unless it is a material and intentional misrepresentation of the item itself. Bidder agrees that he or she may not return any item they purchase for any reason accept an intentional and material misrepresentation of the item itself made by Wiens Auction/Realty. Bidder's sole remedy in the event of an intentional and material misrepresentation of an item shall be to return the item, at their expense and in the same condition it was delivered or shipped to them. If Wiens Auction/Realty agrees that the item was materially and intentionally misrepresented Wiens Auction/Realty will refund the Bidder's purchase price to him/her. Some items may be sold "times the money". In the event that the count on a "times the money" item is found to be incorrect, Wiens Auction/Realty will adjust Bidder's final hammer price based on the accurate count. No adjustment will be made on bulk or "one money" lots. Bidder agrees that under no circumstances whatsoever will Wiens Auction/Realty ever be liable to Bidder for an amount greater than the purchase price of the item they purchased. 4. BIDS CANNOT BE REMOVED UNLESS IT IS AN OBVIOUS TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR. MAKE CERTAIN WHAT YOU ARE BIDDING ON BEFORE YOU BID. Wiens Auction/Realty reserves the right to charge the Bidder's credit card the full amount of any or all of Bidder's bids at any time. Everything MUST be paid for in full by 3:00 PM the day after the auction. All internet Bidders agree to pay a buyer's premium. Bidder herby grants Wiens Auction/Realty the authority to charge his or her credit card on file the full amount due for Bidder's purchases or partial amounts at any time until Bidder's invoice is paid in full. 5. All titled vehicles are sold AS-IS. It is the buyer's sole responsibility to determine if a titled vehicle is legal and able to be registered where buyer lives. All Titled vehicles must be paid for by wire transfer or certified funds. No credit cards will be charged. 6. If firearms are sold, all Federal and KS laws and regulations will be followed. Some firearms may not be legal in Bidder's jurisdiction. It is the bidder's sole obligation to determine if a firearm they purchase is legal where they live. There is a restocking fee of 25% of the total purchase price if any firearm(s) has to be returned due to a buyer's local law. If a buyer is unable to take legal delivery of any firearm(s) he or she will return the firearm(s) to Wiens Auction/Realty and hereby engages Wiens Auction/Realty to resell the firearm(s)at absolute auction with a commission of 30%. Magazines that are not legal where a buyer lives are not included in the sale. No credit will be given for the magazine. Bid accordingly and let your legislators know how you feel. 7. Wiens Auction/Realty is providing internet only bidding for this auction. Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may or may not function correctly at any time, including the auction closing time. Under no circumstances shall Bidder have any kind of claim against Wiens Auction/Realty or anyone else if the internet service fails to work correctly before or during the auction closing time. Wiens Auction/Realty will not be responsible for any missed or failed bids from any source. Internet bidders who desire to make certain their bid is acknowledged should place their maximum bids at least two hours prior to the auction closing time. Wiens Auction/Realty reserves the right to withdraw or re-catalog items in this auction. In the event of any software problem, mistake or other issue, Wiens Auction/Realty reserves the right to extend the closing times, change the extension time, stop, restart or cancel this auction at its sole discretion. Even though an item may display as "sold" on the internet, no sales are final until they are certified by Wiens Auction/Realty and Bidder receives an invoice. Wiens Auction/Realty reserves the right to cancel any or all sales and resell the items in whatever manner it chooses. 8. The bids are advanced at pre-set increments available on the bidding web page which may be changed at any time in Wiens Auction/Realty 's sole discretion. Wiens Auction/Realty may accept items with secret reserves prices. The seller and Wiens Auction/Realty reserve the right to bid on behalf of the seller on items on which there may be a reserve price. Wiens Auction/Realty may reject or cancel any bid for any reason. The record of the auction made by Wiens Auction/Realty shall be conclusive. This is a Public Auction and as such, all qualified bidders may bid including Wiens Auction/Realty owners, family members and employees. 9. All property shall be removed from the premises by the Bidder at her/his own risk and expense within the time period announced. Bidders should arrange to pick up their purchases within this time. Wiens Auction/Realty or a professional shipping company may ship merchandise not picked up. Bidder hereby grants any shipper of Wiens Auction/Realty 's choosing the right to charge their credit card the entire amount of packing, shipping and handling costs. In the event that Bidder does not pay for shipping, Bidder shall have no claim against Wiens Auction/Realty and will forfeit the merchandise with no refunds. All items will be insured for the purchase price. Our first priority is to deliver your new purchase in excellent condition. ***Bidder agrees that any merchandise not removed by bidder within five days of the auction will be forfeited with no refunds. Bidder shall have no claim to merchandise not removed by the above date. 10. If a check accepted by Wiens Auction/Realty is returned for any reason, Bidder agrees that Wiens Auction/Realty may re-present it in person or electronically and collect the full amount of the check as well as the highest service charges and fees allowed under Kansas law. Any amount left unpaid shall accrue interest at the highest rate allowed under Kansas state law. Unless exempted by law, the purchaser shall pay all applicable taxes. Bidder agrees to not stop payment on any check paid to Wiens Auction/Realty. Bidder further agrees that under no circumstances will he/she initiate a chargeback on his/her credit card. Title to the merchandise transfers to Bidder only when Bidder's payment is honored. 11. Wiens Auction/Realty may refuse registration and bidding privileges to anyone for failure to pay previous auction invoices, failure to provide a valid credit card or any other reason. Bidder hereby agrees that Wiens Auction/Realty may share information about Bidder's non-payment of auctioneer invoices or shipping charges with other parties and may pursue collection of balances due by any legal means. Bidder agrees to provide any identification Wiens Auction/Realty may request including but not limited to: driver's license, Social Security card or Passport. Bidder agrees to comply with any stated additional terms or conditions associated with particular items. 12. Bidder agrees that this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of Kansas and hereby grants sole jurisdiction and agrees to submit to the personal jurisdiction and venue of a court of subject matter jurisdiction located in Sumner County, Kansas. Both parties waive any right to a jury trial and hereby agree to a bench trial before a judge. This agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Kansas. If for any reason, a court of competent jurisdiction finds any part of this agreement to be invalid or unenforceable, that part will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible to affect the original intent of this agreement. If a part is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this agreement shall continue in full force and effect. Such invalid or unenforceable part will be deemed severable from the other parts here and will not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining parts. In the event of any litigation arising out of this Contract, the court shall award the prevailing party all reasonable costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees. 13. By registering for this auction you agree to be added to Wiens Auction/Realty 's email list. Each email we send has an easy unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. Please do not report our emails as spam. Photo, video and audio recording is being made at all auction exhibitions and removal events. Bidder hereby agrees that Wiens Auction/Realty may use Bidder's likeness, recorded at these events, for any purpose. We hope you enjoy our auction and are able to make many advantageous purchases.
Listing Details
Items include lady head vases, pottery(Hull, Frankoma, McCoy, Haeger, Red Wing, Coors, Fransiscan Apple, Shawnee, Van Briggle, Roseville, Fiesta, Niloak), Hall's Superior Jewel Tea, Moriage dragonware, King's Crown Cranberry Flash Glass, Ruby Red glass, and more. PLEASE read full descriptions for any noted chips, cracks, or crazing.

Antique/Vintage Art Nouveau Hand-Painted
Two-Handled Large Porcelain Vase 15.75"

Royal Dux Art Nouveau Easter Lily Porcelain
Two-Handled Vase 16.5" - Unmarked, but appears to be Royal Dux, however cannot guarantee due to being unmarked. Marking 9339'

Roseville Snowberry Dusty Pink Pottery Vase
8.25" - IV2-8 - chipping noted and pictured

Roseville "Poppy" Two-Handled Potterg Vase
7.25" - 869-7" - chip noted and pictured

Vintage Arco Lady Head Vase 5.75"
- crazing noted and pictured

Roseville Zephyr Lily Console Bowl 13" -
475-10 - crazing noted and pictured

Mason Cash & Co Crock Bowl 12.5? x 5.5? -
crazing noted and pictured - line on bottom appears to be surface/crazing line and does not go through to the other side

Vintage Hankscraft Electric Fiesta Orange Egg
Cooker 5.75? Tall - unknown working condition

Vintage MCM Mallard Duck Lane & Co TV Lamp
Console Bowl 14.5" x 15" - crazing on bottom noted and pictured - Lamp did not come on when plugged in, however it could be a bad bulb, however unknown.

Red Wing USA 1107 Pottery Handled Planter Vase
7" - crazing and discoloration noted and pictured

Van Briggle Pottery 4-Footed Planter Bowl 5" x
2.5" - broken and repaired foot noted and pictured

Hull Art USA Pottery Planter Vase 5.75" -
crazing noted and pictured - L25- 5 3/4"

Roseville Pottery Ming Tree Handled Planter 10.5"
x 4.25" - crazing noted and pictured - 526-9"

Vintage Royal Copley Ceramic Doe and Baby Deer
Vase 9.25? - crazing noted and pictured

Vintage Sailboat TV Lamp 16.5" x 13.75" -
works - cracks noted and pictured

Roseville Pinecone Brown Handled Vase 6.5? -
748-6? - two chips on bottom noted and pictured - crazing noted and pictured

Roseville Gardenia Green Pottery Vase 6.25" -
681-6" - chip on bottom noted and pictured - crazing noted and pictured

Shawnee Corn King Corn Dishes 8.25" - one noted
has a chip noted and pictured - one has crazing noted and pictured

Shawnee Corn King Bowls, Creamers, and Sugar -
bowls and sugar have crazing and cracks noted and pictured - largest bowl is 8" x 3.75"

Shawnee Pottery Piggy Bank 5.25" - Unmarked, but
appears to be Shawnee, however cannot guarantee due to it being unmarked. - crazing noted and pictured

MCM Pheasant TV Lamp Console Bowl 11.5" x 9.5" -
missing light and wiring mechanism

McCoy Pottery Green and Brown Daisy Teapot,
Creamer, and Sugar - teapot 10" x 6" - crazing noted and pictured

Vintage Hankscraft Electric Fiesta Orange Egg
Cooker 5.75" Tall - unknown working condition

Vintage MCM Pottery Table Lamp Planter 24" -
underneath yellow dish is a chunk missing, noted and pictured - works

Vintage McCoy Pottery Lily Vase 8" - no apparent
chips or cracks - crazing noted and pictured

McCoy Square Vases and Planter 6.5" Tall and
Smaller - two have cracks noted and pictured


(2) Broken Roseville Pottery Pieces - cracks
noted and pictured - Peony Bud Vase 173-7" - Magnolia Cornucopia Vase 185-8"

(4) Pottery Vases 10.5" Tall and Smaller -
crazing and cracks noted and pictured

Cracked Hull Pottery Console Bowl and
Hull Pottery Creamer and Sugar - console bowl is 11" x 4.5"

Hull Art Pottery Cornucopia Vase and Pink Vase 8"
Tall and Smaller - W2-5 1/2" - W8-7 1/2"

Vintage Mallard Duck Planters and Crane with Cart
RRP Co Planter (chipped) - Duck planters are 10" x 5.5"

(4) Chipped Vintage Lady Head Vases 6" and
Smaller - each have at least one chip noted and pictured

(3) Vintage Matching Lady Head Vases 5.5" -
crazing noted and pictured - hairline crack noted and pictured on one

Vintage Cordey Porcelain Console Bowl and
Candlestick Pair - candlesticks 6.5? - console bowl 12? x 6? - chips on flowers noted and pictured and crack and repair on leaf noted and pictured

Vintage Shawnee Pig Planters 6" x 3" and Smaller
- crazing and crack noted and pictured on smaller one - crazing on larger one noted and pictured


Shawnee Pottery Planters 5" and Smaller -
smallest has massive chip noted and pictured

Hull Art Basket and (2) Hull Art Double-Handled
Vases - basket 10.25" x 11" - vases are 6.25" and smaller

Shawnee Green Pottery Pitcher 8" and USA Marked
Green Pottery Double-Handled Vase

Haeger Pottery Smiley Face Bowl, Pottery Smiley
Face Bowl and Plate, and Smiley Face Salt & Pepper Shakers - bowl 3.5" tall - bowl 5.25" x 2" and plate 7.25"

(14) McCoy Pottery Smiley Face Mugs 3.75" tall
- many have cracks noted and pictured - some have chips noted and pictured

McCoy Apple Cookie Jar 8.25" (large chip on
handle and inside of lid), Royal Copley Apple Wall Pockets, (2) Pottery Apple Lidded Jars, and Glass Apple Lidded Dish - cracking and crazing noted and pictured on smaller jars

Pottery Pitchers : McCoy, Hull, and More - 7"
tall and smaller - chip on fruit pitcher on bottom noted and pictured

Orange Pottery Planters and Candlesticks : Hull,
Royal Haeger, and Pioneer - 10" x 2.5"

McCoy and Marcest Brown Pottery : Bean Pot,
Warmer, Pitcher, Bowl, and Corn Dishes - chips noted on bean pot

Fiesta Cobalt Blue Creamer and Unmarked Turquoise
Celery Dish - dish is 10.25" (glaze chipping noted on sides)

Occupied Japan Tomato Sugar Bowl and Japan Salt &
Pepper Shakers, Apple Pottery Salt & Pepper Shakers, Green Hull Pottery Butter Dish (chipped) , Trader Vics Salt & Pepper Shakers, and Pfaltzgraff Salt & Pepper Shakers (crazing noted and pictured)

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 Online Only Auction
Auction Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Friday Feb 28
Bidding Ends: Tuesday Mar 25
Auction Location
319 N Washington
Wellington, KS 67152
Wiens Auction/Realty LLC

Contact: Jeremy or April Wiens
Phone: 316-641-4899
Website: wiensauction.com

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Items include lady head vases, pottery(Hull, Frankoma, McCoy, Haeger, Red Wing, Coors, Fransiscan Apple, Shawnee, Van Briggle, Roseville, Fiesta, Niloak), Hall's Superior Jewel Tea, Moriage dragonware, King's Crown Cranberry Flash Glass, Ruby Red glass, and more. PLEASE read full descriptions for any noted chips, cracks, or crazing.




Antique/Vintage Art Nouveau Hand-Painted
Two-Handled Large Porcelain Vase 15.75"


Royal Dux Art Nouveau Easter Lily Porcelain
Two-Handled Vase 16.5" - Unmarked, but appears to be Royal Dux, however cannot guarantee due to being unmarked. Marking 9339'



Roseville Snowberry Dusty Pink Pottery Vase
8.25" - IV2-8 - chipping noted and pictured

Roseville "Poppy" Two-Handled Potterg Vase
7.25" - 869-7" - chip noted and pictured



Vintage Arco Lady Head Vase 5.75"
- crazing noted and pictured



Roseville Zephyr Lily Console Bowl 13" -
475-10 - crazing noted and pictured





Mason Cash & Co Crock Bowl 12.5? x 5.5? -
crazing noted and pictured - line on bottom appears to be surface/crazing line and does not go through to the other side


Vintage Hankscraft Electric Fiesta Orange Egg
Cooker 5.75? Tall - unknown working condition
















Vintage MCM Mallard Duck Lane & Co TV Lamp
Console Bowl 14.5" x 15" - crazing on bottom noted and pictured - Lamp did not come on when plugged in, however it could be a bad bulb, however unknown.


Red Wing USA 1107 Pottery Handled Planter Vase
7" - crazing and discoloration noted and pictured




Van Briggle Pottery 4-Footed Planter Bowl 5" x
2.5" - broken and repaired foot noted and pictured

Hull Art USA Pottery Planter Vase 5.75" -
crazing noted and pictured - L25- 5 3/4"





Roseville Pottery Ming Tree Handled Planter 10.5"
x 4.25" - crazing noted and pictured - 526-9"








Vintage Royal Copley Ceramic Doe and Baby Deer
Vase 9.25? - crazing noted and pictured




Vintage Sailboat TV Lamp 16.5" x 13.75" -
works - cracks noted and pictured

Roseville Pinecone Brown Handled Vase 6.5? -
748-6? - two chips on bottom noted and pictured - crazing noted and pictured

Roseville Gardenia Green Pottery Vase 6.25" -
681-6" - chip on bottom noted and pictured - crazing noted and pictured




Shawnee Corn King Corn Dishes 8.25" - one noted
has a chip noted and pictured - one has crazing noted and pictured

Shawnee Corn King Bowls, Creamers, and Sugar -
bowls and sugar have crazing and cracks noted and pictured - largest bowl is 8" x 3.75"



Shawnee Pottery Piggy Bank 5.25" - Unmarked, but
appears to be Shawnee, however cannot guarantee due to it being unmarked. - crazing noted and pictured



MCM Pheasant TV Lamp Console Bowl 11.5" x 9.5" -
missing light and wiring mechanism



McCoy Pottery Green and Brown Daisy Teapot,
Creamer, and Sugar - teapot 10" x 6" - crazing noted and pictured






Vintage Hankscraft Electric Fiesta Orange Egg
Cooker 5.75" Tall - unknown working condition







Vintage MCM Pottery Table Lamp Planter 24" -
underneath yellow dish is a chunk missing, noted and pictured - works




Vintage McCoy Pottery Lily Vase 8" - no apparent
chips or cracks - crazing noted and pictured





McCoy Square Vases and Planter 6.5" Tall and
Smaller - two have cracks noted and pictured









(2) Broken Roseville Pottery Pieces - cracks
noted and pictured - Peony Bud Vase 173-7" - Magnolia Cornucopia Vase 185-8"

(4) Pottery Vases 10.5" Tall and Smaller -
crazing and cracks noted and pictured


Cracked Hull Pottery Console Bowl and
Hull Pottery Creamer and Sugar - console bowl is 11" x 4.5"


Hull Art Pottery Cornucopia Vase and Pink Vase 8"
Tall and Smaller - W2-5 1/2" - W8-7 1/2"

Vintage Mallard Duck Planters and Crane with Cart
RRP Co Planter (chipped) - Duck planters are 10" x 5.5"

(4) Chipped Vintage Lady Head Vases 6" and
Smaller - each have at least one chip noted and pictured

(3) Vintage Matching Lady Head Vases 5.5" -
crazing noted and pictured - hairline crack noted and pictured on one




Vintage Cordey Porcelain Console Bowl and
Candlestick Pair - candlesticks 6.5? - console bowl 12? x 6? - chips on flowers noted and pictured and crack and repair on leaf noted and pictured




Vintage Shawnee Pig Planters 6" x 3" and Smaller
- crazing and crack noted and pictured on smaller one - crazing on larger one noted and pictured


Shawnee Pottery Planters 5" and Smaller -
smallest has massive chip noted and pictured

Hull Art Basket and (2) Hull Art Double-Handled
Vases - basket 10.25" x 11" - vases are 6.25" and smaller



Shawnee Green Pottery Pitcher 8" and USA Marked
Green Pottery Double-Handled Vase

Haeger Pottery Smiley Face Bowl, Pottery Smiley
Face Bowl and Plate, and Smiley Face Salt & Pepper Shakers - bowl 3.5" tall - bowl 5.25" x 2" and plate 7.25"

(14) McCoy Pottery Smiley Face Mugs 3.75" tall
- many have cracks noted and pictured - some have chips noted and pictured

McCoy Apple Cookie Jar 8.25" (large chip on
handle and inside of lid), Royal Copley Apple Wall Pockets, (2) Pottery Apple Lidded Jars, and Glass Apple Lidded Dish - cracking and crazing noted and pictured on smaller jars


Pottery Pitchers : McCoy, Hull, and More - 7"
tall and smaller - chip on fruit pitcher on bottom noted and pictured


Orange Pottery Planters and Candlesticks : Hull,
Royal Haeger, and Pioneer - 10" x 2.5"

McCoy and Marcest Brown Pottery : Bean Pot,
Warmer, Pitcher, Bowl, and Corn Dishes - chips noted on bean pot



Fiesta Cobalt Blue Creamer and Unmarked Turquoise
Celery Dish - dish is 10.25" (glaze chipping noted on sides)

Occupied Japan Tomato Sugar Bowl and Japan Salt &
Pepper Shakers, Apple Pottery Salt & Pepper Shakers, Green Hull Pottery Butter Dish (chipped) , Trader Vics Salt & Pepper Shakers, and Pfaltzgraff Salt & Pepper Shakers (crazing noted and pictured)