Kerksiek Farms Dispersal Auction - April 5th, 2025
Listing ID#: 1709367
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Strasburg, CO 80136 Full Address Available on Friday, Apr 4 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Saturday Apr 5, |
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Linnebur Auctions, Inc. Contact: Steve Linnebur Phone: 303-822-9298 Email: Website: ID#: 3066 View company information and listings |
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TERMS OF SALE: Wired funds will be required for all items purchased online. Cash, certified funds, or pre-approved personal/business check day of sale. All checks totaling over $10,000 must be accompanied by a letter of credit reference from your bank at time of payment (day of sale). Visa, MC and Discover accepted. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: All items are sold as is where is without recourse to owner or auctioneer. No warranties expressed or implied. Nothing to be removed until settled for. All items must be removed by Sat. April 12th. Loader will be available day of sale til dark and Sunday the 6th from 11am to 4 pm & Monday the 7th 9am to noon. Exception: All buyers purchasing items online through Equip Facts will need to make arrangements with auction company for pick up.
Listing Information |
"Kerksiek Farms"
Farm Dispersal Auction
Saturday April 5th, 2025 - 9:00 AM
13265 Headlight Rd, Strasburg, CO
Directions: From Strasburg, CO, go N on Strasburg Rd 14 miles to 136th Ave. Go E 1 mile to Headlight Rd, then S 1/2 mile to sale site on W side of road. Watch for auction arrows!
Sellers: Kerksiek Farms, Bill and Jo Ann Kerksiek
Breakfast & Lunch available by The Pie Tin Catering!
Questions or Inspections can be made by calling Bill @ 303-622-4621
TERMS OF SALE: Cash, certified funds, or good and honorable personal/business check day of sale. All checks totaling over $10,000 must be accompanied by a letter of credit reference from your bank at time of payment (day of sale). Visa, MC and Discover accepted. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: All items are sold as is where is without recourse to owner or auctioneer. No warranties expressed or implied. Nothing to be removed until settled for. All items must be removed by Sat. April 12th. Loader will be available day of sale til dark and Sunday the 6th from 11am to 4 pm & Monday the 7th 9am to noon. Exception: All buyers purchasing items online through Equip Facts will need to make arrangements with auction company for pick up.
TRACTORS: 2011 JD 7200R, cab, 200-hp diesel eng, Powr Quad trans w/LH reverser, QA 3-pt, 1000 pto, 4-pr rem, front wts, MFWD, 1600 hrs, duals, 480/80R46 rear tires, 420/90R30 front tires. 1952 Oliver 88 Row Crop, 6-cyl gas eng, pto, wide front, w/FH F-11 FE Loader. 1948 Ford 8N, 4-cyl gas eng, 3-pt, pto, umbrella, comes w/pto concrete mixer on rear.
COMBINE: 1990 JD 9500, cab, diesel, straw shredder, 24.5-32 front tires, 14.9-24 rear tires, 2739 mach hrs, 1802 sep hrs.
HEADERS & TRAILER: JD 843 8-Row Corn Head. JD 925 Grain Platform, 25'. Lindsay 4-Whl Running Gear/Header Trlr, Mdl 1072.
TRUCKS & PICKUP: 1981 Ford 8000 Diesel, cust cab, Cat 3208 diesel eng, twin screw, Fuller Road Ranger 13-spd trans, Omaha Standard steel grain bed, 22' long, 52" sides, Agri Cover roll over tarp, Harsh hoist. 1964 Chev 80, V8 gas eng, 5-spd/2-spd trans, 18' grain bed, fold down stock racks, drill fill auger, rear hoist. 1949 Chev 3100 PK, 4-spd trans, 6-cyl gas eng.
TRAILER's: 1987 MOD Utility, bp, rails, 2-axle, 16' l x 6' 10" w. 1994 Dia D Stock, GN, 2- 6000 lb axles, 16' l x 7' w, good floor.
BOAT & TRL: Sea Star 1604 Cougar Boat w/1969 Sno Co Boat Trlr, 14', Evinrude 55 outboard motor, canopy, has not been in the water for years.
YOUTH ATV's: Polaris Sportsman 90, 2wd. Yamaha 50 Raptor, 2wd. (both are not running).
GRAIN CART: Brent 620, Single axle, pto driven, 24.5-32 all-weather tires, no tarp.
SPRAYER: Spray-Coupe 4440, Perkins 4-cyl diesel eng, 3-whl, 400-gal plastic tank, 60' booms.
FARM EQUIP: JD 9400 Grain Drills, transports, markers, hoe, split press whls, 10" sp, 30'. JD7300 MaxEmerge 2 Vacumeter Planter, 8-r, 3-pt, markers. Noble Land Grabber S-Tine Cult, 24', 3-pt, w/rolling baskets. Cult Tool Bar w/(7) Hawkins Ditchers, 3-pt. Dearborn Cult, 7', 3-pt. Ditch Closer/Border Maker, 3-pt. Athens Tandem Disk, 3-pt, 6 1/2'. Orthman Bean Rod, 10-row, 3-pt. A & L Windrow Turner. JD Rotary Mower, 3-pt, pto, 7'. Westfield WR80-36 Grain Auger, 8" x 36' w/220 volt elec motor. Noble S-Tine Cultivator, 3-pt, 8-r. JD Rotary Hoe, 6-sect (pieces). JD Flail Mower, 14'. Krause Offset Disk, mdl 1499, 21'. Flex King 733 Blade Mach, w/pickers, 32', (7) 4 ½' blades. JD 250F Chisel, cable lift, 32'. Krause Chisel, 16', (5) shanks, w/extra shanks. Hiniker 6000 Cult, 3-pt, 8-row. Eversman 1650 Land Plane, 16'. Hiniker 1700 Flail Mower, 20', pto. JD 400 Rotary Hoe, 32', 3-pt. Krause 1960 Tandem Disk, 30'. Caulkins Rod Weeder, 40'. JD 900 (9) Shank Ripper, 3-pt, w/extra shanks. JD 965 On-Land Plow, 6-btm, 3-pt. Noble Cultimatic Springtooth, w/rakes, 54'. (2) JD Oneways, 16'. JD 38 Forage Chopper, 2-row, w/5' 9" hay head. McCormick No. 7 Broadcast Seeder/Spreader, 12', pull-type. Lindsay 1072 Running Gear w/Gehl Feeder Box. IH 330 Running Gear w/Farmhand Feeder Box. United Farm Tools Bean Knife. JD 6-Row Cult. Old JD Grain Drill. Old JD Side Del Rake. Ferguson 3-Pt Cult/Rake, 12'. Spike Tooth Harrow, 2-pt, 3-sect, 13'. 2-Row Listor/Tool Bar, 11'. Dirt Scoop, 3-Pt. Dearborn Cult, 3-pt, 7', w/sweeps & pts. Ferguson Rear Blade, 3-pt, 6'. V-Ditcher, 3-pt.
SHOP TOOLS & EQUIP: Assorted Shop Tools, Parts, Hardware, Supplies, Etc.
MISC: Diesel Fuel Tank, 2000-gal, on skids. Gas Tank, 1000-gal. Approx 24 pcs Aluminum Gated Pipe, 31' l, 8" round, 36" rows, w/misc fittings. Assorted Metal Barrels, 55-gal. Winter Weiss 4-Wheel Running Gear (steering is froze). Chemical Shuttles. (3) Vintage Tokheim Gas Pump. Rolls of Field Fence & Barbed Wire. (13) HMD Cattle Panels, 7-rail, 6' h x 12' l. Other Misc Day of Sale. 2001 2011 John Deere 7200 R Tractor Cab, 200-hp diesel eng, Powr Quad trans w/LH reverser, quick attach 3-pt, 1000 pto, 4-pr remotes, front weights, MFWD, 1600 hrs, duals, 480/80R46 rear tires, 420/90R30 front tires, SN: 1RW7200RTBA001009. 2002 1952 Oliver 88 Row Crop Tractor 6-cyl gas eng, pto, wide front, w/FH F-11 FE Loader. 2003 1948 Ford 8N Tractor 4-cyl gas eng, 3-pt, pto, umbrella, comes w/pto concrete mixer on rear, SN: 76862 2005 1990 John Deere 9500 Combine Cab, diesel, straw shredder, 24.5-32 front tires, 14.9-24 rear tires, 2739 mach hrs & 1802 sep hrs on 2nd monitor (total act hrs are unknown), SN: H09500X635991. 2007 John Deere 925 Grain Platform, 25' John Deere 925 Grain Platform, 25' 2008 Lindsay 4-Whl Running Gear/Header Trailer Mdl 1072, SN: 6-1023. 2009 1981 Ford 8000 Diesel Grain Truck Custom cab, Cat 3208 diesel engine, twin screw, Fuller Road Ranger 13-spd transmission, Omaha Standard all steel grain bed, 22' long, 52" sides, Agri Cover roll over tarp, Harsh hoist, VIN: 1FDYU80U2BVJ29932. 2010 1964 Chevrolet 80 Grain Truck V8 gas engine, 5-spd/2-spd transmission, 18' grain bed, fold down stock racks, drill fill auger, rear hoist, VIN: 4C823P101844. 2011 1949 Chevrolet 3100 PK (more pics coming soon) 4-spd trans, 6-cyl gas eng, has title, VIN: 5GPK26324. 2015 1987 MOD Flatbed Utility Trailer Bumper-pull, rails, 2-axle, 16' l x 6' 10" w, has title, 1UN105E27H1008015. 2016 1994 Diamond D Stock Trailer GN, 2- 6000 lb axles, 16' l x 7' w, good floor, VIN: 4EYSG162XR1211560. 2017 1969 Sea Star Cougar Boat w/Boat Trailer Sea Star 1604 Cougar Boat (SN: 12364) w/1969 Sno Co Boat Trlr (has title VIN: D00347), 14', Evinrude 55 outboard motor (Mdl 55973A, SN: J03707), canopy, has not been in the water for years. 2021 Polaris Sportsman 90 Youth ATV 2wd (not running at present time). 2022 Yamaha 50 Raptor Youth ATV 2wd (not running at present time). 2023 Brent 620 Grain Cart Single axle, pto driven, 24.5-32 all-weather tires, no tarp, SN: 86-620109 2024 Spray-Coupe 4440 Sprayer Perkins 4-cyl diesel engine, 3-wheel, 400-gal plastic tank, 60' booms, SN: 4440JM8A137. 2025 John Deere 9400 Grain Drills Transports, markers, hoe, split press wheels, 10" spacings, 30', SN's: 9400HOO (7348), (7349), (7350). 2026 John Deere 7300 MaxEmerge 2 Vacumeter Planter 8-row, 3-pt, markers, SN: H07300A656212. 2027 Noble Land Grabber S-Tine Cultivator 24', 3-pt, w/rolling baskets. 2028 Cultivator Tool Bar w/Hawkins Ditchers (7) Ditchers, 3-pt. 2029 Dearborn Cultivator, 7', 3-pt Dearborn Cultivator, 7', 3-pt. 2030 Ditch Closer/Border Maker, 3-pt Ditch Closer, 3-pt. 2031 Athens Tandem Disk, 3-pt, 6 1/2' Athens Tandem Disk, 3-pt, 6'. 2032 Orthman Bean Rod, 10-row, 3-pt Orthman Bean Rod, 8-row, 3-pt. 2033 A & L Windrow Turner A & L Windrow Turner. 2034 John Deere Rotary Mower, 3-pt, pto, 7' John Deere Rotary Mower, 3-pt, pto, 7'. 2035 Westfield WR80-36 Grain Auger 8" x 36' w/220 volt electric motor, SN: 202602 2036 Noble S-Tine Cultivator, 3-pt, 8-row Noble S-Tine Cultivator, 3-pt, 8-row. 2039 Krause Mdl 1499 Offset Disk 21', SN: 2400. 2040 Flex King 733 Blade Machine w/pickers, 32', (7) 4 �' blades, SN: 7035. 2041 John Deere 250F Chisel, 32' Cable lift. 2042 Krause Chisel, 16', (5) Shanks Comes with extra shanks. 2044 Eversman 1650 Land Plane, 16' SN: 1103 2045 Hiniker 1700 Flail Mower, 20' PTO, SN: 0028101 2046 John Deere 400 Rotary Hoe, 32' 3-pt, SN: N00400X092685. 2047 Krause 1960 Tandem Disk, 30' SN: 2383. 2049 John Deere 900 (9) Shank Ripper, 3-pt Comes w/extra shanks, SN: 019090A. 2050 John Deere 965 On-Land Plow, 6-btm, 3-pt SN: P00965X001946 2051 Noble Cultimatic Springtooth w/Rakes, 54' w/Rakes, 54' 2054 John Deere 38 Forage Chopper 2-row, w/5' 9" hay head. 2055 McCormick No. 7 Broadcast Seeder/Spreader 12', pull-type. 2061 Old John Deere Side Delivery Rake Rough shape, yard art. 2062 Ferguson 3-Pt Cultivator/Rake, 12' Type/MKO-21, No. 25019 2064 2067 2068 Dearborn Cultivator, 3-pt, 7' w/sweeps & chisel points. 2070 2072 Vibr-Shank Field Cultivator on Steel Wheels, 15' W/chisel points 7000 4-Wheel Running Gear w/Flatbed Floor is in bad shape. 7001 Winter Weiss 4-Wheel Running Gear (steering is froze up). 7002 Several Pcs Aluminum Gated Pipe & Fittings Approx 24 pcs Aluminum Gated Pipe, 31' l x 8" round, 36" rows, w/misc fittings pcs (does not include trailer/unusable). 7004 (13) HMD Cattle Panels 7-rail, 6' h x 12' l, pipe/sucker rod construction, on single-axle bumper-pull trailer (no title). 7007 Several Rolls of Used Field Fence Possibly several more, day of sale. 7020 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7021 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7022 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7023 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7024 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7025 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7026 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7027 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7028 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7029 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7030 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7031 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7032 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7033 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7034 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7035 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7036 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7037 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7038 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7039 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7040 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7041 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7042 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7043 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7044 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7045 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7046 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7047 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7048 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7049 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7050 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7051 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7052 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7053 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7054 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7055 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7056 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7057 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! 7058 Misc Hardware, Tools, Parts, Shop Supplies, Etc 100's of items/dozens of boxes. A complete trailer full. Consisting of mostly NEW merchandise. We will start the auction with these items at 9 am!! |
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