Marshall County Kansas Land & Home Auction
Listing ID#: 1708558

Auction Location
Vermillion, KS 66544
Auction Dates and Times
Bidding Starts: Thursday Feb 27
Bidding Ends: Thursday Mar 27
Auction Type
Company Information
United Country | Heritage Brokers & Auctioneers

Contact: Lucinda Terrel
Phone: 877-318-0438
Website: ID#: 4780
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Online Auction Bidders Agreement THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING DOCUMENT. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS SET FORTH HEREIN, PLEASE CONSULT AN ATTORNEY PRIOR TO SIGNING. I ________________________________ (Buyer) agree to immediately enter into the Real Estate Auction Purchase Contract approved by Seller, if I am declared the high bidder (winning bidder) by the auctioneer during the following auction: Legal Descriptions: - (AUCTION TRACT 1) is described as the E/2 of SW/4 in Section 13-5S-10E Marshall Co, KS. - (AUCTION TRACT 2) is described as the W/2 of SW/4 in Section 13-5S-10E Marshall Co, KS. - (AUCTION TRACT 3) is described as the W/2 of NW/4 in Section 13-5S-10E Marshall Co, KS. (Full Legal Descriptions of each tract to be provided by Title Company) Online Auction Dates: o Online Bidding Opens on Thursday, February 27th, 2025 at 6:00 pm (CT) o Online Bidding Closes on Thursday, March 27th, 2025 at 6:00 pm (CT) By signing below, I agree that I have read and fully understand the Online Auction Bidders Agreement and the Terms and Conditions of this auction. I fully understand and agree that an Online Auction Bidders Agreement MUST be signed and returned to United Country| Heritage Brokers & Auctioneers, prior to being allowed to bid in the Online Auction. As a bidder, it is solely my responsibility to contact the auction company at (877) 318-0438 with any questions regarding the auction, purchase agreement, or terms & conditions, prior to placing any bids in said auction. Online Auction Terms & Conditions 1) Seller Confirmation Auction: The property is being offered in an Online Only Auction, with all bids being subject to the Seller's approval. 2) Bidding Registration: Online bidder hereby agrees that they must be properly registered for the online auction by completing and signing the (Online Auction Bidders Agreement), which will be sent by email via DocuSign. Upon completing this registration form and receiving approval, bidding privileges will be turned on. If you need assistance with registration, you may contact Lucinda Terrel at (816) 420-6257 or by email at Seller(s) may at their sole discretion request additional registration requirements from any bidder unknown to them or the auction company. 3) Bidding Opens/Closes: The Online Only Auction (i.e. Internet Auction) bidding shall be opened and begin closing on the dates and times stated above, subject to the soft close feature as outlined below. 4) Property Preview Dates: It is highly recommended that all bidders personally inspect the property prior to placing any bids in the auction. Property inspections are the sole responsibility of the bidders and can be conducted during the advertised Property Preview dates. Please do not drive on or cause any damage to tenant crops that may be planted. 5) Buyer's Premium: A Five Percent (5%) Buyer's Premium shall be added to the final bid price place online, which will determine the Total Contract Sales Price. Bidders hereby understand that the Buyer's Premium shall be added to the winning bid to create the Total Contract Sales Price for which they are obligated to pay for the property. Example: (winning online bid $100,000 + 5% buyer's premium = total purchase price of $105,000). 6) Cash Offer/No Financing Contingency: By participating in this auction, bidders hereby agree that their bid shall NOT be subject to the bidder's ability to obtain financing. By placing a bid in this auction, bidders are making a "cash offer" to purchase the property. Financing is NOT a contingency in the purchase agreement. Purchase and sale are conducted in U.S. Funds only. 7) Purchase Contract: Winning bidder hereby agrees to enter into the Real Estate Auction Purchase Contract which has been approved by the Seller, immediately upon being declared the Successful Bidder by the Seller. Upon the close of the auction the winning bidder will be forwarded via email an Auction Real Estate Sales Contract to purchase the property. A signed copy of the Auction Real Estate Sales Contract must be received by the Auctioneer, no later than 24 hours from the time said Purchase Contract was sent to the winning bidder. The Auction Real Estate Sales Contract may be e-signed, hand delivered, or scanned and emailed. A sample purchase contract is available for Bidder to review prior to bidding in the auction. 8) Down Payment: A Ten Percent (10%) non-refundable down payment based on the total contract purchase price (which includes the buyer's premium) will be wire transferred or hand delivered in the form of certified funds to the Title Company no later than 48 hours following the close of auction. See closing agents contact information below. The balance of the purchase price will be due in full at closing. 9) Closing: Closing shall be on or by Monday, April 28th, 2025. Closing shall take place at Marshall County Abstract & Title, 1110 Broadway St, Marysville, KS 66508. Closer is Patty Holle, email is, phone number is 785-562-3071. Out of state buyers will be afforded the opportunity to close via email, mail and wire transfer of certified funds. 10) Easements: The sale of the property is subject to any and all easements of record. 11) Minerals: The seller's share of minerals (if any) will transfer with the surface at closing. 12) Survey: In the event that an adjoining property (tract) is purchased by two (2) or more separate buyers, the Seller agrees to share the cost of survey with the Buyer on a 50/50 basis. If the same Buyer purchases two (2) or more adjoining tracts, no survey shall be provided by Seller, and if Buyer desires a survey, it shall be at the Buyer's sole expense. Both Buyer and Seller agree to an extension of the (closing date) in the event the Survey requires additional time from the Surveyor. 13) Possession: Access to farm the cropland will be granted to the Buyer(s) upon successful deposit of the 10% down payment and signing the purchase agreement by all parties, following the auction. Possession of the property will be given upon payment in full of the purchase price and transfer of title at closing. 14) CRP Information: According to the Marshall County, Kansas Farm Services Agency (FSA), a portion of the property in (TRACT 3) is enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) with 30.72 acres enrolled at a payment rate of $79.50 per/acre = $2,442.00 (annual payment). The contract runs from 10-01-2021 through 09-30-2031. By participating in this auction, the Buyer agrees to assume the Sellers position and responsibility in the existing CRP Contract through expiration of agreement. In the event the Buyer elects to modify or "buy out" the CRP contract, the Buyer assumes all risk and there shall be no penalty to the Seller. 15) Title Insurance: Owner's Title Insurance Policy in the full amount of the purchase price will be provided by the Seller. Buyer shall be responsible for a Lender's Title Insurance Policy (if any). Seller shall execute a general warranty deed conveying the property to the buyer(s). 16) Taxes: Seller shall pay any previous years taxes (if due), and the current year's real estate taxes shall be prorated to the date of closing. 17) Online Auction Technology (Disclaimer): Under no circumstances shall Bidder have any kind of claim against United Country - Heritage Brokers & Auctioneers, Broker of record, or anyone else, if the Internet service fails to work correctly before or during the auction. Online bidding is subject to technology faults and issues which are outside the control of the auction company. Bidder(s) are encouraged to use the "Maximum Bid" feature on the bidding platform and lock in their maximum bid amount, if they are concerned about technology failure during the auction. The SELLER and/or Auction Company reserves the right to (pause) the online auction bidding in the event of any internal or external technology failure, to preserve the integrity of the auction event and maintain a fair and impartial bidding environment. 18) Soft Close: If a bid is received within the last 3 minutes of the auction, the auction close time will automatically extend 3 minutes to allow other bidders an opportunity to competitively bid prior to the auction closing. This feature eliminates "snipers" and encourages fair and impartial bidding from all participants. 19) Disclaimer: All information provided is believed to be accurate; however, no liability for its accuracy, errors or omissions is assumed. All lines drawn on maps, photographs, etc. are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their satisfaction. Information is subject to change without notice. There are no warranties either expressed or implied pertaining to this property. Real estate is being sold "As-Is, Where-Is" with NO warranties expressed or implied. Please make all inspections and have financing arranged prior to the end of bidding. The Auctioneer reserves the right to bid on behalf of the Seller up to, but not beyond the Seller's reserve price (if applicable). The property is available for and subject to sale prior to auction. By participating in this auction, Buyers hereby acknowledge that any bid(s) placed by them is a binding agreement to purchase the property, subject to the bid being approved by Seller (if applicable). 20) Pre-Auction Sales: As an agent for the Seller, the Auctioneer must present any and all bona fide written offers to the Seller, which may be created outside of the online bidding platform. Therefore, all properties are subject to pre-auction sales. Pre-auction offers should meet the auction terms and conditions, and must be submitted to the Auctioneer on the Auction Real Estate Sales Contract, along with the required earnest deposit. Properly submitted offers will be presented to the Seller in a timely manner. Seller may accept or reject such offers at their sole and absolute discretion. All pre-auction offers should allow a minimum of 24 hours for seller's acceptance.
Listing Information
MARSHALL COUNTY KANSAS LAND & HOME AUCTION * ONLINE BIDDING ONLY * 240+/- ACRES * (3 TRACTS) * CROPLAND * COUNTRY HOME * PONDS * CRP INCOME * HUNTING * PASTURE * MARSHALL COUNTY, KANSAS > ONLINE BIDDING OPENS: Thursday, February 27th, 2025 at 6:00 PM (CST)> ONLINE BIDDING CLOSES: Thursday, March 27th, 2025 at 6:00 PM (CST) REGISTER & BID ONLINE: Go to and register online. All bidding is conducted online only and registration can take up to 24 hours, so please register before the last day. PROPERTY LOCATION: From Frankfort, Kansas go 6.5 miles south on Hwy. KS-99 to Bobcat Lane, then 8 miles east on Bobcat Lane to the SW corner of the property. (Watch for auction signs.) LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: (AUCTION TRACT 1) is described as the E/2 of SW/4 in Section 13-5S-10E Marshall Co, KS. (AUCTION TRACT 2) is described as the W/2 of SW/4 in Section 13-5S-10E Marshall Co, KS. (AUCTION TRACT 3) is described as the W/2 of NW/4 in Section 13-5S-10E Marshall Co, KS. MAP LINK: ORDER OF AUCTION: The (3) tracts will be offered individually at an online only auction. TRACT #1: consists of 80+/- acres with a 3 bedroom, 1 bath home, barns, ponds, cropland, pasture and hunting, with frontage on Bobcat Lane. TRACT #2: consists of 80 +/- acres that is comprised mostly of cropland and has frontage on both Bobcat Lane and 30th Road. TRACT #3: consists of 80 +/- acres of cropland, CRP income, and frontage on both 30th Road and Apache Lane. PROPERTY PREVIEWS (INSPECTIONS): The vacant cropland and pasture can be viewed at your convenience. The home and outbuildings will be open for property previews on the following dates: Sunday, March 2nd @ 11:00AM Saturday, March 22nd @ 11:00AM The auctioneer/broker will be onsite to answer any questions bidders may have. Property previews are highly encouraged prior to placing a bid in the auction. If there are crops planted on the farm, please do not drive on the planted areas or cause any damage to the crop. For additional information or to see the property contact the auction company at (877) 318-0438. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This property is located in the southeast corner of Marshall County, Kansas and is serviced by good county roads. The closest towns are Frankfort and Centralia Kansas. The 2-story country home is a 3 bedroom, 1 bath home with a kitchen, living and dining room. Outside the home is a large barn, shop, ponds, hunting, farming and rural Kansas lifestyle. The cropland offers good soil types and a mixture of open fields, pasture and CRP. The property is offered in three (3) individual tracts consisting of 80+/- acres each. FSA INFORMATION: According to the Marshall County, Kansas Farm Services Agency (FSA), the property is identified as FARM 5179, and is the W/2 NW/4 and SW/4 of Section 13-5S-10E Marshall County, Kansas. ALL TRACTS (combined) are reported by FSA as follows: (see FSA form 156-EZ) There are 160.64 cropland acres with 129.92 base acres and the following yields. - (Wheat) 20.60 base acres and 37 bushel yield - (Corn) 64.25 base acres and 98 bushel yield - (Soybeans) 45.07 base acres (22.78 CRP reduction) and 30 bushel yield CRP INFORMATION: According to the Marshall County, Kansas Farm Services Agency (FSA), the property is enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) with 30.72 acres enrolled at a payment rate of $79.50 per/acre = $2,442.00 (annual payment). The contract runs from 10-01-2021 through 09-30-2031. The CRP is located on (Tract 3) and the Buyer shall agree in the purchase agreement to assume the Sellers position and responsibility to maintain the existing CRP Contract through expiration of agreement. SOIL TYPES: The principal soil types of the cropland are as follows: - Pawnee Clay Loam (82.14 acres), 1-4% slopes, classes 2e - Wymore Silty Clay Loam (31.62 acres), 1-3% slopes, class 2e - Pawnee Clay Loam (61.70 acres), 4-8% slopes, classes 3e - Kennebec Silt Loam (12.74 acres), 1-3% slopes, class 2w SURVEY: In the event that an adjoining property (tract) is purchased by two (2) or more separate buyers, the Seller agrees to share the cost of survey with the Buyer on a 50/50 basis. If the same Buyer purchases two (2) or more adjoining tracts, no survey shall be provided by Seller, and if Buyer desires a survey, it shall be at the Buyer's sole expense. POSSESSION: Access to farm the cropland will be granted to the Buyer(s) upon successful deposit of the 10% down payment and signing the purchase agreement, following the auction. Possession of the property will be given upon payment in full of the purchase price and transfer of title at closing. TAXES: The property taxes for 2024 have been paid and were reported as follows: - 2024 Taxes were $3,345.58 MINERALS: Any Minerals owned by the Seller are being transferred with the surface to the Buyer. PERSONAL PROPERTY: No personal property is being sold or transferred with the property. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: These farms have been in the Ensley Family for many years and are being offered for sale due to the passing of Ted and Elna Ensley. The property will be offered in three (3) individual tracts to allow interested parties to participate on specific tracts that fit their investment and agricultural operation. The farmland offers good class II and III soil types and the CRP creates a nice annual income source for the buyer. Make plans to view the property, see the home and barns, and get prepared to own a piece of rural Kansas. SELLER: TED & ELNA ENSLEY FAMILY

Tract 1: 80 Acres * Home * Cropland * Pasture *
TRACT #1: consists of 80+/- acres with a 3 bedroom, 1 bath home, barns, ponds, cropland, pasture and hunting, with frontage on Bobcat Lane. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This property is located in the southeast corner of Marshall County, Kansas and is servic...

Tract 2: 80 +/- Acres * Cropland
TRACT #2: consists of 80 +/- acres that is comprised mostly of cropland and has frontage on both Bobcat Lane and 30th Road. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This property is located in the southeast corner of Marshall County, Kansas and is serviced by good coun...

Tract 3: 80 +/- Acres * Cropland * CRP Income
TRACT #3: consists of 80 +/- acres of cropland, CRP income, and frontage on both 30th Road and Apache Lane. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This property is located in the southeast corner of Marshall County, Kansas and is serviced by good county roads. The clo...

Auction License: Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas
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Marshall County Kansas Land & Home Auction

United Country | Heritage Brokers & Auctioneers

United Country | Heritage Brokers & Auctioneers

Contact: Lucinda Terrel
Phone: 877-318-0438
Sale Location
Vermillion, KS 66544
Sale Dates and Times
Sale Terms and Conditions
Online Auction Bidders Agreement THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING DOCUMENT. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS SET FORTH HEREIN, PLEASE CONSULT AN ATTORNEY PRIOR TO SIGNING. I ________________________________ (Buyer) agree to immediately enter into the Real Estate Auction Purchase Contract approved by Seller, if I am declared the high bidder (winning bidder) by the auctioneer during the following auction: Legal Descriptions: - (AUCTION TRACT 1) is described as the E/2 of SW/4 in Section 13-5S-10E Marshall Co, KS. - (AUCTION TRACT 2) is described as the W/2 of SW/4 in Section 13-5S-10E Marshall Co, KS. - (AUCTION TRACT 3) is described as the W/2 of NW/4 in Section 13-5S-10E Marshall Co, KS. (Full Legal Descriptions of each tract to be provided by Title Company) Online Auction Dates: o Online Bidding Opens on Thursday, February 27th, 2025 at 6:00 pm (CT) o Online Bidding Closes on Thursday, March 27th, 2025 at 6:00 pm (CT) By signing below, I agree that I have read and fully understand the Online Auction Bidders Agreement and the Terms and Conditions of this auction. I fully understand and agree that an Online Auction Bidders Agreement MUST be signed and returned to United Country| Heritage Brokers & Auctioneers, prior to being allowed to bid in the Online Auction. As a bidder, it is solely my responsibility to contact the auction company at (877) 318-0438 with any questions regarding the auction, purchase agreement, or terms & conditions, prior to placing any bids in said auction. Online Auction Terms & Conditions 1) Seller Confirmation Auction: The property is being offered in an Online Only Auction, with all bids being subject to the Seller's approval. 2) Bidding Registration: Online bidder hereby agrees that they must be properly registered for the online auction by completing and signing the (Online Auction Bidders Agreement), which will be sent by email via DocuSign. Upon completing this registration form and receiving approval, bidding privileges will be turned on. If you need assistance with registration, you may contact Lucinda Terrel at (816) 420-6257 or by email at Seller(s) may at their sole discretion request additional registration requirements from any bidder unknown to them or the auction company. 3) Bidding Opens/Closes: The Online Only Auction (i.e. Internet Auction) bidding shall be opened and begin closing on the dates and times stated above, subject to the soft close feature as outlined below. 4) Property Preview Dates: It is highly recommended that all bidders personally inspect the property prior to placing any bids in the auction. Property inspections are the sole responsibility of the bidders and can be conducted during the advertised Property Preview dates. Please do not drive on or cause any damage to tenant crops that may be planted. 5) Buyer's Premium: A Five Percent (5%) Buyer's Premium shall be added to the final bid price place online, which will determine the Total Contract Sales Price. Bidders hereby understand that the Buyer's Premium shall be added to the winning bid to create the Total Contract Sales Price for which they are obligated to pay for the property. Example: (winning online bid $100,000 + 5% buyer's premium = total purchase price of $105,000). 6) Cash Offer/No Financing Contingency: By participating in this auction, bidders hereby agree that their bid shall NOT be subject to the bidder's ability to obtain financing. By placing a bid in this auction, bidders are making a "cash offer" to purchase the property. Financing is NOT a contingency in the purchase agreement. Purchase and sale are conducted in U.S. Funds only. 7) Purchase Contract: Winning bidder hereby agrees to enter into the Real Estate Auction Purchase Contract which has been approved by the Seller, immediately upon being declared the Successful Bidder by the Seller. Upon the close of the auction the winning bidder will be forwarded via email an Auction Real Estate Sales Contract to purchase the property. A signed copy of the Auction Real Estate Sales Contract must be received by the Auctioneer, no later than 24 hours from the time said Purchase Contract was sent to the winning bidder. The Auction Real Estate Sales Contract may be e-signed, hand delivered, or scanned and emailed. A sample purchase contract is available for Bidder to review prior to bidding in the auction. 8) Down Payment: A Ten Percent (10%) non-refundable down payment based on the total contract purchase price (which includes the buyer's premium) will be wire transferred or hand delivered in the form of certified funds to the Title Company no later than 48 hours following the close of auction. See closing agents contact information below. The balance of the purchase price will be due in full at closing. 9) Closing: Closing shall be on or by Monday, April 28th, 2025. Closing shall take place at Marshall County Abstract & Title, 1110 Broadway St, Marysville, KS 66508. Closer is Patty Holle, email is, phone number is 785-562-3071. Out of state buyers will be afforded the opportunity to close via email, mail and wire transfer of certified funds. 10) Easements: The sale of the property is subject to any and all easements of record. 11) Minerals: The seller's share of minerals (if any) will transfer with the surface at closing. 12) Survey: In the event that an adjoining property (tract) is purchased by two (2) or more separate buyers, the Seller agrees to share the cost of survey with the Buyer on a 50/50 basis. If the same Buyer purchases two (2) or more adjoining tracts, no survey shall be provided by Seller, and if Buyer desires a survey, it shall be at the Buyer's sole expense. Both Buyer and Seller agree to an extension of the (closing date) in the event the Survey requires additional time from the Surveyor. 13) Possession: Access to farm the cropland will be granted to the Buyer(s) upon successful deposit of the 10% down payment and signing the purchase agreement by all parties, following the auction. Possession of the property will be given upon payment in full of the purchase price and transfer of title at closing. 14) CRP Information: According to the Marshall County, Kansas Farm Services Agency (FSA), a portion of the property in (TRACT 3) is enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) with 30.72 acres enrolled at a payment rate of $79.50 per/acre = $2,442.00 (annual payment). The contract runs from 10-01-2021 through 09-30-2031. By participating in this auction, the Buyer agrees to assume the Sellers position and responsibility in the existing CRP Contract through expiration of agreement. In the event the Buyer elects to modify or "buy out" the CRP contract, the Buyer assumes all risk and there shall be no penalty to the Seller. 15) Title Insurance: Owner's Title Insurance Policy in the full amount of the purchase price will be provided by the Seller. Buyer shall be responsible for a Lender's Title Insurance Policy (if any). Seller shall execute a general warranty deed conveying the property to the buyer(s). 16) Taxes: Seller shall pay any previous years taxes (if due), and the current year's real estate taxes shall be prorated to the date of closing. 17) Online Auction Technology (Disclaimer): Under no circumstances shall Bidder have any kind of claim against United Country - Heritage Brokers & Auctioneers, Broker of record, or anyone else, if the Internet service fails to work correctly before or during the auction. Online bidding is subject to technology faults and issues which are outside the control of the auction company. Bidder(s) are encouraged to use the "Maximum Bid" feature on the bidding platform and lock in their maximum bid amount, if they are concerned about technology failure during the auction. The SELLER and/or Auction Company reserves the right to (pause) the online auction bidding in the event of any internal or external technology failure, to preserve the integrity of the auction event and maintain a fair and impartial bidding environment. 18) Soft Close: If a bid is received within the last 3 minutes of the auction, the auction close time will automatically extend 3 minutes to allow other bidders an opportunity to competitively bid prior to the auction closing. This feature eliminates "snipers" and encourages fair and impartial bidding from all participants. 19) Disclaimer: All information provided is believed to be accurate; however, no liability for its accuracy, errors or omissions is assumed. All lines drawn on maps, photographs, etc. are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their satisfaction. Information is subject to change without notice. There are no warranties either expressed or implied pertaining to this property. Real estate is being sold "As-Is, Where-Is" with NO warranties expressed or implied. Please make all inspections and have financing arranged prior to the end of bidding. The Auctioneer reserves the right to bid on behalf of the Seller up to, but not beyond the Seller's reserve price (if applicable). The property is available for and subject to sale prior to auction. By participating in this auction, Buyers hereby acknowledge that any bid(s) placed by them is a binding agreement to purchase the property, subject to the bid being approved by Seller (if applicable). 20) Pre-Auction Sales: As an agent for the Seller, the Auctioneer must present any and all bona fide written offers to the Seller, which may be created outside of the online bidding platform. Therefore, all properties are subject to pre-auction sales. Pre-auction offers should meet the auction terms and conditions, and must be submitted to the Auctioneer on the Auction Real Estate Sales Contract, along with the required earnest deposit. Properly submitted offers will be presented to the Seller in a timely manner. Seller may accept or reject such offers at their sole and absolute discretion. All pre-auction offers should allow a minimum of 24 hours for seller's acceptance.
Listing Details
MARSHALL COUNTY KANSAS LAND & HOME AUCTION * ONLINE BIDDING ONLY * 240+/- ACRES * (3 TRACTS) * CROPLAND * COUNTRY HOME * PONDS * CRP INCOME * HUNTING * PASTURE * MARSHALL COUNTY, KANSAS > ONLINE BIDDING OPENS: Thursday, February 27th, 2025 at 6:00 PM (CST)> ONLINE BIDDING CLOSES: Thursday, March 27th, 2025 at 6:00 PM (CST) REGISTER & BID ONLINE: Go to and register online. All bidding is conducted online only and registration can take up to 24 hours, so please register before the last day. PROPERTY LOCATION: From Frankfort, Kansas go 6.5 miles south on Hwy. KS-99 to Bobcat Lane, then 8 miles east on Bobcat Lane to the SW corner of the property. (Watch for auction signs.) LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: (AUCTION TRACT 1) is described as the E/2 of SW/4 in Section 13-5S-10E Marshall Co, KS. (AUCTION TRACT 2) is described as the W/2 of SW/4 in Section 13-5S-10E Marshall Co, KS. (AUCTION TRACT 3) is described as the W/2 of NW/4 in Section 13-5S-10E Marshall Co, KS. MAP LINK: ORDER OF AUCTION: The (3) tracts will be offered individually at an online only auction. TRACT #1: consists of 80+/- acres with a 3 bedroom, 1 bath home, barns, ponds, cropland, pasture and hunting, with frontage on Bobcat Lane. TRACT #2: consists of 80 +/- acres that is comprised mostly of cropland and has frontage on both Bobcat Lane and 30th Road. TRACT #3: consists of 80 +/- acres of cropland, CRP income, and frontage on both 30th Road and Apache Lane. PROPERTY PREVIEWS (INSPECTIONS): The vacant cropland and pasture can be viewed at your convenience. The home and outbuildings will be open for property previews on the following dates: Sunday, March 2nd @ 11:00AM Saturday, March 22nd @ 11:00AM The auctioneer/broker will be onsite to answer any questions bidders may have. Property previews are highly encouraged prior to placing a bid in the auction. If there are crops planted on the farm, please do not drive on the planted areas or cause any damage to the crop. For additional information or to see the property contact the auction company at (877) 318-0438. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This property is located in the southeast corner of Marshall County, Kansas and is serviced by good county roads. The closest towns are Frankfort and Centralia Kansas. The 2-story country home is a 3 bedroom, 1 bath home with a kitchen, living and dining room. Outside the home is a large barn, shop, ponds, hunting, farming and rural Kansas lifestyle. The cropland offers good soil types and a mixture of open fields, pasture and CRP. The property is offered in three (3) individual tracts consisting of 80+/- acres each. FSA INFORMATION: According to the Marshall County, Kansas Farm Services Agency (FSA), the property is identified as FARM 5179, and is the W/2 NW/4 and SW/4 of Section 13-5S-10E Marshall County, Kansas. ALL TRACTS (combined) are reported by FSA as follows: (see FSA form 156-EZ) There are 160.64 cropland acres with 129.92 base acres and the following yields. - (Wheat) 20.60 base acres and 37 bushel yield - (Corn) 64.25 base acres and 98 bushel yield - (Soybeans) 45.07 base acres (22.78 CRP reduction) and 30 bushel yield CRP INFORMATION: According to the Marshall County, Kansas Farm Services Agency (FSA), the property is enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) with 30.72 acres enrolled at a payment rate of $79.50 per/acre = $2,442.00 (annual payment). The contract runs from 10-01-2021 through 09-30-2031. The CRP is located on (Tract 3) and the Buyer shall agree in the purchase agreement to assume the Sellers position and responsibility to maintain the existing CRP Contract through expiration of agreement. SOIL TYPES: The principal soil types of the cropland are as follows: - Pawnee Clay Loam (82.14 acres), 1-4% slopes, classes 2e - Wymore Silty Clay Loam (31.62 acres), 1-3% slopes, class 2e - Pawnee Clay Loam (61.70 acres), 4-8% slopes, classes 3e - Kennebec Silt Loam (12.74 acres), 1-3% slopes, class 2w SURVEY: In the event that an adjoining property (tract) is purchased by two (2) or more separate buyers, the Seller agrees to share the cost of survey with the Buyer on a 50/50 basis. If the same Buyer purchases two (2) or more adjoining tracts, no survey shall be provided by Seller, and if Buyer desires a survey, it shall be at the Buyer's sole expense. POSSESSION: Access to farm the cropland will be granted to the Buyer(s) upon successful deposit of the 10% down payment and signing the purchase agreement, following the auction. Possession of the property will be given upon payment in full of the purchase price and transfer of title at closing. TAXES: The property taxes for 2024 have been paid and were reported as follows: - 2024 Taxes were $3,345.58 MINERALS: Any Minerals owned by the Seller are being transferred with the surface to the Buyer. PERSONAL PROPERTY: No personal property is being sold or transferred with the property. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: These farms have been in the Ensley Family for many years and are being offered for sale due to the passing of Ted and Elna Ensley. The property will be offered in three (3) individual tracts to allow interested parties to participate on specific tracts that fit their investment and agricultural operation. The farmland offers good class II and III soil types and the CRP creates a nice annual income source for the buyer. Make plans to view the property, see the home and barns, and get prepared to own a piece of rural Kansas. SELLER: TED & ELNA ENSLEY FAMILY

Tract 1: 80 Acres * Home * Cropland * Pasture *
TRACT #1: consists of 80+/- acres with a 3 bedroom, 1 bath home, barns, ponds, cropland, pasture and hunting, with frontage on Bobcat Lane. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This property is located in the southeast corner of Marshall County, Kansas and is servic...

Tract 2: 80 +/- Acres * Cropland
TRACT #2: consists of 80 +/- acres that is comprised mostly of cropland and has frontage on both Bobcat Lane and 30th Road. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This property is located in the southeast corner of Marshall County, Kansas and is serviced by good coun...

Tract 3: 80 +/- Acres * Cropland * CRP Income
TRACT #3: consists of 80 +/- acres of cropland, CRP income, and frontage on both 30th Road and Apache Lane. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This property is located in the southeast corner of Marshall County, Kansas and is serviced by good county roads. The clo...

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Marshall County Kansas Land & Home Auction
 Online Only Auction
Auction Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Thursday Feb 27
Bidding Ends: Thursday Mar 27
Auction Location
Vermillion, KS 66544
United Country | Heritage Brokers & Auctioneers

Contact: Lucinda Terrel
Phone: 877-318-0438

Listing Terms and Conditions
Online Auction Bidders Agreement THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING DOCUMENT. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS SET FORTH HEREIN, PLEASE CONSULT AN ATTORNEY PRIOR TO SIGNING. I ________________________________ (Buyer) agree to immediately enter into the Real Estate Auction Purchase Contract approved by Seller, if I am declared the high bidder (winning bidder) by the auctioneer during the following auction: Legal Descriptions: - (AUCTION TRACT 1) is described as the E/2 of SW/4 in Section 13-5S-10E Marshall Co, KS. - (AUCTION TRACT 2) is described as the W/2 of SW/4 in Section 13-5S-10E Marshall Co, KS. - (AUCTION TRACT 3) is described as the W/2 of NW/4 in Section 13-5S-10E Marshall Co, KS. (Full Legal Descriptions of each tract to be provided by Title Company) Online Auction Dates: o Online Bidding Opens on Thursday, February 27th, 2025 at 6:00 pm (CT) o Online Bidding Closes on Thursday, March 27th, 2025 at 6:00 pm (CT) By signing below, I agree that I have read and fully understand the Online Auction Bidders Agreement and the Terms and Conditions of this auction. I fully understand and agree that an Online Auction Bidders Agreement MUST be signed and returned to United Country| Heritage Brokers & Auctioneers, prior to being allowed to bid in the Online Auction. As a bidder, it is solely my responsibility to contact the auction company at (877) 318-0438 with any questions regarding the auction, purchase agreement, or terms & conditions, prior to placing any bids in said auction. Online Auction Terms & Conditions 1) Seller Confirmation Auction: The property is being offered in an Online Only Auction, with all bids being subject to the Seller's approval. 2) Bidding Registration: Online bidder hereby agrees that they must be properly registered for the online auction by completing and signing the (Online Auction Bidders Agreement), which will be sent by email via DocuSign. Upon completing this registration form and receiving approval, bidding privileges will be turned on. If you need assistance with registration, you may contact Lucinda Terrel at (816) 420-6257 or by email at Seller(s) may at their sole discretion request additional registration requirements from any bidder unknown to them or the auction company. 3) Bidding Opens/Closes: The Online Only Auction (i.e. Internet Auction) bidding shall be opened and begin closing on the dates and times stated above, subject to the soft close feature as outlined below. 4) Property Preview Dates: It is highly recommended that all bidders personally inspect the property prior to placing any bids in the auction. Property inspections are the sole responsibility of the bidders and can be conducted during the advertised Property Preview dates. Please do not drive on or cause any damage to tenant crops that may be planted. 5) Buyer's Premium: A Five Percent (5%) Buyer's Premium shall be added to the final bid price place online, which will determine the Total Contract Sales Price. Bidders hereby understand that the Buyer's Premium shall be added to the winning bid to create the Total Contract Sales Price for which they are obligated to pay for the property. Example: (winning online bid $100,000 + 5% buyer's premium = total purchase price of $105,000). 6) Cash Offer/No Financing Contingency: By participating in this auction, bidders hereby agree that their bid shall NOT be subject to the bidder's ability to obtain financing. By placing a bid in this auction, bidders are making a "cash offer" to purchase the property. Financing is NOT a contingency in the purchase agreement. Purchase and sale are conducted in U.S. Funds only. 7) Purchase Contract: Winning bidder hereby agrees to enter into the Real Estate Auction Purchase Contract which has been approved by the Seller, immediately upon being declared the Successful Bidder by the Seller. Upon the close of the auction the winning bidder will be forwarded via email an Auction Real Estate Sales Contract to purchase the property. A signed copy of the Auction Real Estate Sales Contract must be received by the Auctioneer, no later than 24 hours from the time said Purchase Contract was sent to the winning bidder. The Auction Real Estate Sales Contract may be e-signed, hand delivered, or scanned and emailed. A sample purchase contract is available for Bidder to review prior to bidding in the auction. 8) Down Payment: A Ten Percent (10%) non-refundable down payment based on the total contract purchase price (which includes the buyer's premium) will be wire transferred or hand delivered in the form of certified funds to the Title Company no later than 48 hours following the close of auction. See closing agents contact information below. The balance of the purchase price will be due in full at closing. 9) Closing: Closing shall be on or by Monday, April 28th, 2025. Closing shall take place at Marshall County Abstract & Title, 1110 Broadway St, Marysville, KS 66508. Closer is Patty Holle, email is, phone number is 785-562-3071. Out of state buyers will be afforded the opportunity to close via email, mail and wire transfer of certified funds. 10) Easements: The sale of the property is subject to any and all easements of record. 11) Minerals: The seller's share of minerals (if any) will transfer with the surface at closing. 12) Survey: In the event that an adjoining property (tract) is purchased by two (2) or more separate buyers, the Seller agrees to share the cost of survey with the Buyer on a 50/50 basis. If the same Buyer purchases two (2) or more adjoining tracts, no survey shall be provided by Seller, and if Buyer desires a survey, it shall be at the Buyer's sole expense. Both Buyer and Seller agree to an extension of the (closing date) in the event the Survey requires additional time from the Surveyor. 13) Possession: Access to farm the cropland will be granted to the Buyer(s) upon successful deposit of the 10% down payment and signing the purchase agreement by all parties, following the auction. Possession of the property will be given upon payment in full of the purchase price and transfer of title at closing. 14) CRP Information: According to the Marshall County, Kansas Farm Services Agency (FSA), a portion of the property in (TRACT 3) is enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) with 30.72 acres enrolled at a payment rate of $79.50 per/acre = $2,442.00 (annual payment). The contract runs from 10-01-2021 through 09-30-2031. By participating in this auction, the Buyer agrees to assume the Sellers position and responsibility in the existing CRP Contract through expiration of agreement. In the event the Buyer elects to modify or "buy out" the CRP contract, the Buyer assumes all risk and there shall be no penalty to the Seller. 15) Title Insurance: Owner's Title Insurance Policy in the full amount of the purchase price will be provided by the Seller. Buyer shall be responsible for a Lender's Title Insurance Policy (if any). Seller shall execute a general warranty deed conveying the property to the buyer(s). 16) Taxes: Seller shall pay any previous years taxes (if due), and the current year's real estate taxes shall be prorated to the date of closing. 17) Online Auction Technology (Disclaimer): Under no circumstances shall Bidder have any kind of claim against United Country - Heritage Brokers & Auctioneers, Broker of record, or anyone else, if the Internet service fails to work correctly before or during the auction. Online bidding is subject to technology faults and issues which are outside the control of the auction company. Bidder(s) are encouraged to use the "Maximum Bid" feature on the bidding platform and lock in their maximum bid amount, if they are concerned about technology failure during the auction. The SELLER and/or Auction Company reserves the right to (pause) the online auction bidding in the event of any internal or external technology failure, to preserve the integrity of the auction event and maintain a fair and impartial bidding environment. 18) Soft Close: If a bid is received within the last 3 minutes of the auction, the auction close time will automatically extend 3 minutes to allow other bidders an opportunity to competitively bid prior to the auction closing. This feature eliminates "snipers" and encourages fair and impartial bidding from all participants. 19) Disclaimer: All information provided is believed to be accurate; however, no liability for its accuracy, errors or omissions is assumed. All lines drawn on maps, photographs, etc. are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their satisfaction. Information is subject to change without notice. There are no warranties either expressed or implied pertaining to this property. Real estate is being sold "As-Is, Where-Is" with NO warranties expressed or implied. Please make all inspections and have financing arranged prior to the end of bidding. The Auctioneer reserves the right to bid on behalf of the Seller up to, but not beyond the Seller's reserve price (if applicable). The property is available for and subject to sale prior to auction. By participating in this auction, Buyers hereby acknowledge that any bid(s) placed by them is a binding agreement to purchase the property, subject to the bid being approved by Seller (if applicable). 20) Pre-Auction Sales: As an agent for the Seller, the Auctioneer must present any and all bona fide written offers to the Seller, which may be created outside of the online bidding platform. Therefore, all properties are subject to pre-auction sales. Pre-auction offers should meet the auction terms and conditions, and must be submitted to the Auctioneer on the Auction Real Estate Sales Contract, along with the required earnest deposit. Properly submitted offers will be presented to the Seller in a timely manner. Seller may accept or reject such offers at their sole and absolute discretion. All pre-auction offers should allow a minimum of 24 hours for seller's acceptance.
MARSHALL COUNTY KANSAS LAND & HOME AUCTION * ONLINE BIDDING ONLY * 240+/- ACRES * (3 TRACTS) * CROPLAND * COUNTRY HOME * PONDS * CRP INCOME * HUNTING * PASTURE * MARSHALL COUNTY, KANSAS > ONLINE BIDDING OPENS: Thursday, February 27th, 2025 at 6:00 PM (CST)> ONLINE BIDDING CLOSES: Thursday, March 27th, 2025 at 6:00 PM (CST) REGISTER & BID ONLINE: Go to and register online. All bidding is conducted online only and registration can take up to 24 hours, so please register before the last day. PROPERTY LOCATION: From Frankfort, Kansas go 6.5 miles south on Hwy. KS-99 to Bobcat Lane, then 8 miles east on Bobcat Lane to the SW corner of the property. (Watch for auction signs.) LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: (AUCTION TRACT 1) is described as the E/2 of SW/4 in Section 13-5S-10E Marshall Co, KS. (AUCTION TRACT 2) is described as the W/2 of SW/4 in Section 13-5S-10E Marshall Co, KS. (AUCTION TRACT 3) is described as the W/2 of NW/4 in Section 13-5S-10E Marshall Co, KS. MAP LINK: ORDER OF AUCTION: The (3) tracts will be offered individually at an online only auction. TRACT #1: consists of 80+/- acres with a 3 bedroom, 1 bath home, barns, ponds, cropland, pasture and hunting, with frontage on Bobcat Lane. TRACT #2: consists of 80 +/- acres that is comprised mostly of cropland and has frontage on both Bobcat Lane and 30th Road. TRACT #3: consists of 80 +/- acres of cropland, CRP income, and frontage on both 30th Road and Apache Lane. PROPERTY PREVIEWS (INSPECTIONS): The vacant cropland and pasture can be viewed at your convenience. The home and outbuildings will be open for property previews on the following dates: Sunday, March 2nd @ 11:00AM Saturday, March 22nd @ 11:00AM The auctioneer/broker will be onsite to answer any questions bidders may have. Property previews are highly encouraged prior to placing a bid in the auction. If there are crops planted on the farm, please do not drive on the planted areas or cause any damage to the crop. For additional information or to see the property contact the auction company at (877) 318-0438. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This property is located in the southeast corner of Marshall County, Kansas and is serviced by good county roads. The closest towns are Frankfort and Centralia Kansas. The 2-story country home is a 3 bedroom, 1 bath home with a kitchen, living and dining room. Outside the home is a large barn, shop, ponds, hunting, farming and rural Kansas lifestyle. The cropland offers good soil types and a mixture of open fields, pasture and CRP. The property is offered in three (3) individual tracts consisting of 80+/- acres each. FSA INFORMATION: According to the Marshall County, Kansas Farm Services Agency (FSA), the property is identified as FARM 5179, and is the W/2 NW/4 and SW/4 of Section 13-5S-10E Marshall County, Kansas. ALL TRACTS (combined) are reported by FSA as follows: (see FSA form 156-EZ) There are 160.64 cropland acres with 129.92 base acres and the following yields. - (Wheat) 20.60 base acres and 37 bushel yield - (Corn) 64.25 base acres and 98 bushel yield - (Soybeans) 45.07 base acres (22.78 CRP reduction) and 30 bushel yield CRP INFORMATION: According to the Marshall County, Kansas Farm Services Agency (FSA), the property is enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) with 30.72 acres enrolled at a payment rate of $79.50 per/acre = $2,442.00 (annual payment). The contract runs from 10-01-2021 through 09-30-2031. The CRP is located on (Tract 3) and the Buyer shall agree in the purchase agreement to assume the Sellers position and responsibility to maintain the existing CRP Contract through expiration of agreement. SOIL TYPES: The principal soil types of the cropland are as follows: - Pawnee Clay Loam (82.14 acres), 1-4% slopes, classes 2e - Wymore Silty Clay Loam (31.62 acres), 1-3% slopes, class 2e - Pawnee Clay Loam (61.70 acres), 4-8% slopes, classes 3e - Kennebec Silt Loam (12.74 acres), 1-3% slopes, class 2w SURVEY: In the event that an adjoining property (tract) is purchased by two (2) or more separate buyers, the Seller agrees to share the cost of survey with the Buyer on a 50/50 basis. If the same Buyer purchases two (2) or more adjoining tracts, no survey shall be provided by Seller, and if Buyer desires a survey, it shall be at the Buyer's sole expense. POSSESSION: Access to farm the cropland will be granted to the Buyer(s) upon successful deposit of the 10% down payment and signing the purchase agreement, following the auction. Possession of the property will be given upon payment in full of the purchase price and transfer of title at closing. TAXES: The property taxes for 2024 have been paid and were reported as follows: - 2024 Taxes were $3,345.58 MINERALS: Any Minerals owned by the Seller are being transferred with the surface to the Buyer. PERSONAL PROPERTY: No personal property is being sold or transferred with the property. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: These farms have been in the Ensley Family for many years and are being offered for sale due to the passing of Ted and Elna Ensley. The property will be offered in three (3) individual tracts to allow interested parties to participate on specific tracts that fit their investment and agricultural operation. The farmland offers good class II and III soil types and the CRP creates a nice annual income source for the buyer. Make plans to view the property, see the home and barns, and get prepared to own a piece of rural Kansas. SELLER: TED & ELNA ENSLEY FAMILY

Tract 1: 80 Acres * Home * Cropland * Pasture *
TRACT #1: consists of 80+/- acres with a 3 bedroom, 1 bath home, barns, ponds, cropland, pasture and hunting, with frontage on Bobcat Lane. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This property is located in the southeast corner of Marshall County, Kansas and is servic...

Tract 2: 80 +/- Acres * Cropland
TRACT #2: consists of 80 +/- acres that is comprised mostly of cropland and has frontage on both Bobcat Lane and 30th Road. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This property is located in the southeast corner of Marshall County, Kansas and is serviced by good coun...

Tract 3: 80 +/- Acres * Cropland * CRP Income
TRACT #3: consists of 80 +/- acres of cropland, CRP income, and frontage on both 30th Road and Apache Lane. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This property is located in the southeast corner of Marshall County, Kansas and is serviced by good county roads. The clo...