KJ's Needful Things Estate & Consignments 3/17
Listing ID#: 1707057

Auction Location
1775 Hamlin Rd Suite B
Rochester Hills, MI 48309
Auction Dates and Times
Bidding Starts: Monday Mar 10
Bidding Ends: Monday Mar 17
Auction Type
Company Information
KJ's Needful Things

Website: needfulthings.hibid.com

GoToAuction.com ID#: 9209
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Auction Terms & Conditions -------------------------------------- By registering and bidding on any item, the bidder/buyer shows acceptance of the following terms and conditions. Any bid by a bidder/buyer is a legal binding contract between you,referred to as the �bidder� and KJ's Needful Things, LLC referred to as the �Auction House�. Do not register or bid unless you agree to all of the terms and conditions. These Terms and Conditions can be changed at any time without notice. Please read these terms and conditions each time you register for one of our auctions. These terms and conditions supersede any other agreement between you, the Bidder, and the Auction House made in the past or present. REGISTRATION: All information provided by bidder/buyer during the registration process must be current, complete, and accurate. Bidders must be 18 years of age or older. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC, at its sole discretion, may deny registration to any person or entity. The Bidder agrees to let the Auction House know of any changes with their contact information or credit information as soon as the Bidder knows and to keep this information current in their Hibid Profile. DISCLAIMER: All items are sold �AS-IS, WHERE-IS� with all faults, flaws, imperfections and errors. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC and the seller(s) do not give or make any type of guarantee or warranty regarding the lots to be sold, implied or otherwise. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC encourages all bidders to inspect lots in person before bidding. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. has put forth every effort in preparing the catalog for every auction to provide accurate descriptions of all items, however, it is the bidder's responsibility to determine the condition and suitability of each lot. Due diligence is the responsibility of the bidder/buyer. Printed statements or descriptions by staff are provided in good faith and are matters of opinion. Any bidder's failure to inspect, or to be fully informed on the quality or condition will not constitute grounds for any claim, adjustment, refund, termination of the purchase contract, or refusal to close the sale. If you are unsure about any of the Term and Conditions, pricing, or how to bid; There may be items in the background, but those are not included in the lot unless specifically told otherwise. IF YOU ARE IN ANY WAY UNSURE AS TO ANY MATTER HEREIN, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC URGES YOU TO NOT BID. CONDUCT OF THE AUCTION: Conduct of the auction and increments of bidding are at the direction and discretion of KJ�s Needful Things, LLC..KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. reserves the right to reject any and all bids for any reason and also reserves the right to cancel this auction, or remove any item or lot from this auction prior to the close of bidding. WE ACT ONLY AS AGENTS FOR THE SELLER. Sellers or their agents reserve the right to bid on their own behalf to protect their investment(s). Sale on all items is subject to seller approval. The Auction House reserves the right to confirm the sale with the seller, and bid on behalf of the seller, if necessary. Items may have reserves that may or may not be noted. All decisions of KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. are final. CLIENT/SELLER RIGHTS: The clients/sellers of the Auction House have the right to bid on and win any items they have put to auction, including their own. The Clients/Sellers agree to pay for all items and buyers premiums and taxes associated with any lots they have won. MAX BID: When you place your maximum bid, the current bid price doesn't automatically jump to your max bid. Your bid will go to the next highest increment and will be increased as other people bid against you. The computer will automatically bid up to your max in the increments specified. By placing any bids you have agreed by legal contract that your bid or max bid is what you are willing to pay for that specific lot(s) and may have to pay full bid or max bid amount of any bids placed. The buyer agrees and is responsible for every bid amount placed. Remember, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC or anybody for that matter DO NOT force you to place any bid, you and you alone are responsible for your actions. Please bid accordingly. CHOOSE WISELY: When you bid on the wrong item or decide an item is not suited for your intended use, our clients are not willing to assume the cost of your mistakes. When in doubt about condition, completeness or suitability for intended use, please bid accordingly. BEFORE THE AUCTION: We strongly recommend every person bidding on items to request a time to preview & inspect the items. You may attend during our posted preview hours or request an appointment to preview any of our auctions in person. All property to be auctioned is usually on view for a week before the auction goes live. Please have the lot numbers you would like to view ready. You are encouraged to examine lots thoroughly. You may also request a Video, additional pictures or a Facetime appointment. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC staff are available at viewings and by contact. YOU BREAK IT, YOU BUY IT: Client / Bidder is responsible for any damage done to inventory while previewing items Please note, the Auction House will not give refunds or returns for Bidders who bid and win items, but are unhappy with the condition of those items. BUYER'S PREMIUM AND SALES TAX: Unless a specific auction states otherwise, a 15% buyer's premium will be charged on all items and lots. Every bidder/buyer pays the same buyer's premium and should bid accordingly. For example, if you bid $100 on an item at the auction you will be charged $115 for the item on your auction invoice. Please take this into consideration when bidding. 6% MI Sales Tax applies. (Coins & Currency are Sales Tax Exempt) (Farm Use and Sales Tax Exempt will need to supply a copy of their sales tax resale form to the Auction House every year). COINS & CURRENCY TERMS & CONDITIONS: Re: All of the certified coins that have been graded and certified by any independent grading companies: PCGS, NGC, ANACS, NNC, PCI, DGS, etc. Grading of any coins is subjective and may differ among independent grading services and among numismatists, even though grading has a material effect on the value of the coins. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC is not responsible for the grades assigned and makes no warranty or representation regarding such grades. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC encourages all bidders to inspect lots in person before bidding. Due diligence is the responsibility of the bidder/buyer. AUCTION ENDING: Beginning at the stated closing time, the auction software will conclude bidding for one lot every few seconds in catalog order with the following exception: if a bid is placed in the last two (2) minutes remaining for that auction lot, bidding for that lot will automatically extend the auction for additional two (2) minutes. Some lots may be grouped together so that a bid on one lot will extend the time on all lots in that group. An email of invoice will be sent to the winning bidder/buyer of each auction after auction has completely closed. PAYMENT: All buyers must pay for their purchases in full at the auction's close. We are a cashless facility and do not accept payment at the warehouse. Credit Card on file with Hibid is charged immediately following the auction close. Please make sure you have a current credit card with sufficient funds registered on Hibid. Any invoice totaling $1000 or more must be paid via bank wire transfer only and cannot be paid via Credit card. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC accepts the following forms of payment: Major Credit Cards, Wire Transfers. Merchandise becomes the full responsibility of the bidder/buyer at time of payment and the bidder/buyer assumes all risk of loss and damage to property at that time. NONPAYMENT: Zero tolerance policy for non-payment: If your card on file is declined for any reason, there will be a $2 decline fee added to your invoice and you will have 24 hours to resolve the unpaid invoice via a standalone email link we send the morning after the auction closes. If the invoice is not paid 24 hours after the auction's close, we will be forced to ban your bidding privileges and mark your Hibid profile as a non-paying bidder. If payment is not received by the end of the business day following the auction's close, your items will be considered abandoned & forfeited and bidding privileges will be suspended. Unpaid invoices result in negative hibid profile feedback resulting in a negative hibid score as well as removal of future bidding privileges. WINNING BIDDER NOTIFICATION: If the Bidder has won any items at the auction, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC will notify them via email containing the Paid Invoice to let them know the items they have won and the amount they have paid. This is the only contact the Bidder will receive from the Auction House. Please make sure you check your email and email spam folder after the auction has closed. In the event the Bidder won an item at the auction and does not receive this email, bidder must check their Hibid profile Bids page and then contact the auction house at 248-505-5985. Please check your spam file if you do not find it. In the case of a credit card decline, you will also receive an Unpaid Invoice via email. Zero tolerance policy for non-payment: please see nonpayment section above. REMOVAL: All successful bids must be picked up within scheduled removal dates of that specific auction unless other arrangements have been made. No items can be removed until KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. has received and acknowledged payment in full. In the event that items are not picked up during the designated pick up time slots, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC reserves the right to charge the Bidders credit card on file for items� fees, buyer�s premiums, taxes, Storage fees ($2 per day) and any additional applicable fees (disposal, storage ,etc�). Any items not picked up by scheduled removal dates (for that specific auction), there will be a $2 PER DAY storage fee starting after the removal dates. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC holds purchases for 4 business days after the auction's close.. After the 4 business days have expired you will forfeit all items of ownership to the auction house, KJ's Needful Things. The Auction House reserves the right to determine the method of disposal, which may or may not consist of waste disposal, resale or donation. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC reserves the right to resell any property not paid for in full by the conclusion of the stated removal period. Buyers are responsible for rigging, loading, and removal of all items purchased without assistance from KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. Buyers are responsible for any damage they cause to the auciton house during removal of their purchased items. REMOVING ITEMS: The Bidder must remove the items safely. The Bidders agrees to pay all costs associated with damages that may happen when the bidder and/or their helpers are moving items. In the event the Bidder damages anything while removing the items, their credit card on file will be charged for all costs associated with fixing said damages. If the credit card charge is declined, it is the buyer's responsiblity to make payment. If payment is not made, the buyer is responsible for all charges due to any court case filed to obtain payment of the bill. LOADING ITEMS: The bidder agrees to bring help to load larger items. The Auction House DOES NOT provide help for loading large items into vehicles or trailers due to insurance purposes. Bring your own help and packing materials to load your won items. The Auction House does not provide bags, paper, or other wrapping material when picking up lots which the Bidder has won. SHIPPING INFORMATION: KJ�s Needful Things, LLC does provide shipping services on select items. All "shipping" purchases must be paid in full within checkout dates/times. We will be happy to ship any item within the continental US and Canada. Canadian buyers are responsible for any customs & duty fees or other shipping related charges. Postage costs paid by the buyer include actual discounted shipping costs plus cost of materials & a $5 handling fee. We do everything in our power to safely keep shipping costs as low as possible. Some items may be cost prohibitive or unable to be shipped. You must respond to the email from Shipping Saint by choosing shipping or email, text or call us to let us know that you are requesting shipping after the close of the auction. There will be a second charge on your credit card for the shipping cost and you will receive a separate email containing the tracking number. Items will only be shipped to the address on file with Hibid on your invoice. SUSPENSION / PERMANENT BAN: A bidder/buyer will be suspended or permanently banned from KJ�s Needful Things, LLC Online Auctions for providing false or fraudulent information when registering. A bidder/buyer will be permanently banned from KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. Online Auctions for failing to honor the "PAYMENT" and/or "REMOVAL" terms made under that bidder/buyer registration. THIRD PARTY LIABILITY: The Bidder will not hold the Auction House liable for any action done by a third party. This includes, but is not limited to actions done by the fellow Bidders, Auction House staff, Auction House clients, friends and family of the clients of the Auction House, or any person who commits a crime (I.E. breaking in and stealing or vandalizing auction lots) before, during, or after the auction has finished. TECHNICAL ISSUES: In the event there are technical difficulties related to the server, software, internet or any other online auction-related technologies, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. reserve the right to pause bidding, extend bidding, continue the bidding, or close the bidding. Neither the company providing the software, nor KJ�s Needful Things, LLC shall be held responsible for a missed bid or the failure of the software to function properly for any reason. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. has full discretion to modify the date and time, order, and details of the auction for any reason or no reason at all, including but not limited to technical issues, and emergencies. The Auction House will not assume any bid is an error. In the event there is a malfunction within the software and/or bidding the Auction Houses is using, the Bidder will not hold the Auction House accountable. AUCTION HOUSE LIABILITY: The bidders agree to not hold the Auction House responsible for any damages or injury that may happen when attending the inspection/preview day or auction pick up days. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC asks the Bidder to watch their step inside the auction areas, as there may be some elevation changes or steps. INJURY & DAMAGE: Bidder acknowledges responsibility for any personal injury or property damage caused by Bidder or his Agent, and further agrees to hold Auction House, Auctioneers, Owners, its Officers, or Employees harmless for any personal injury to himself or his Agents and any property damage incurred on auction premises. Bidder agrees to consume any food products purchased at their own risk and to hold the Auction House harmless whether food products are past date or inside the marked date. LEGAL RECOURSE: In the event an issue arises between the Bidder and Auction House, both the Bidder and Auction House agree to binding arbitration rather than litigation to resolve the dispute. The Bidder agrees to choose a venue located within Oakland County. The Bidder agrees that their dispute cannot be combined with any other person or party. KJ�s Needful THings LLC reserves the right to enforce the rest of our terms and conditions. RETAIL / OVERSTOCK ITEMS: Items may have a line crossed out through any tag or barcode after photos have been taken. We will do this after photos have been taken. This is to make sure items can not go through the return process again. Furthermore, the Bidder agrees to not return any items bought through our auction to any retailer. MSRP's: The MSRP is the value given to us by the retailer we are auctioning off content for. This number was their retail value, and may or may not be the actual MSRP given from the manufacturer. Overstock / Return Items consist primarily of customer returns, though they may contain some company stock items that may have not been previously sold. The condition of the Lorts will vary, but a few lots may contain non-working and/or damaged items, some demonstrating signs of significant use. Original packaging and accessories such as remote controls, cables, cords, and instructions may or may not be included. The inventory items are provided to you in "as is" condition. The Seller wrrants that buyer will receive good and marketable title to the Items purchased hereunder, but the Seller hereby disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability, noninfringement, or fitness for a particular purpose. EMAIL By signing up for this auction you give KJ ONline Auctions DBA KJ;s Needful Things LLC permission to add your name to their mailing list. You can unsubscribe at any time. CONTACT INFORMATION: PHONE: (248) 505-5985 EMAIL: kjsneedfulthings@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.kjsneedfulthings.com BIDDING WEBSITE: needfulthings.hibid.com
Listing Information
Auction Terms & Conditions -------------------------------------- By registering and bidding on any item, the bidder/buyer shows acceptance of the following terms and conditions. Any bid by a bidder/buyer is a legal binding contract between you,referred to as the �bidder� and KJ's Needful Things, LLC referred to as the �Auction House�. Do not register or bid unless you agree to all of the terms and conditions. These Terms and Conditions can be changed at any time without notice. Please read these terms and conditions each time you register for one of our auctions. These terms and conditions supersede any other agreement between you, the Bidder, and the Auction House made in the past or present. REGISTRATION: All information provided by bidder/buyer during the registration process must be current, complete, and accurate. Bidders must be 18 years of age or older. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC, at its sole discretion, may deny registration to any person or entity. The Bidder agrees to let the Auction House know of any changes with their contact information or credit information as soon as the Bidder knows and to keep this information current in their Hibid Profile. DISCLAIMER: All items are sold �AS-IS, WHERE-IS� with all faults, flaws, imperfections and errors. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC and the seller(s) do not give or make any type of guarantee or warranty regarding the lots to be sold, implied or otherwise. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC encourages all bidders to inspect lots in person before bidding. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. has put forth every effort in preparing the catalog for every auction to provide accurate descriptions of all items, however, it is the bidder's responsibility to determine the condition and suitability of each lot. Due diligence is the responsibility of the bidder/buyer. Printed statements or descriptions by staff are provided in good faith and are matters of opinion. Any bidder's failure to inspect, or to be fully informed on the quality or condition will not constitute grounds for any claim, adjustment, refund, termination of the purchase contract, or refusal to close the sale. If you are unsure about any of the Term and Conditions, pricing, or how to bid; There may be items in the background, but those are not included in the lot unless specifically told otherwise. IF YOU ARE IN ANY WAY UNSURE AS TO ANY MATTER HEREIN, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC URGES YOU TO NOT BID. CONDUCT OF THE AUCTION: Conduct of the auction and increments of bidding are at the direction and discretion of KJ�s Needful Things, LLC..KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. reserves the right to reject any and all bids for any reason and also reserves the right to cancel this auction, or remove any item or lot from this auction prior to the close of bidding. WE ACT ONLY AS AGENTS FOR THE SELLER. Sellers or their agents reserve the right to bid on their own behalf to protect their investment(s). Sale on all items is subject to seller approval. The Auction House reserves the right to confirm the sale with the seller, and bid on behalf of the seller, if necessary. Items may have reserves that may or may not be noted. All decisions of KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. are final. CLIENT/SELLER RIGHTS: The clients/sellers of the Auction House have the right to bid on and win any items they have put to auction, including their own. The Clients/Sellers agree to pay for all items and buyers premiums and taxes associated with any lots they have won. MAX BID: When you place your maximum bid, the current bid price doesn't automatically jump to your max bid. Your bid will go to the next highest increment and will be increased as other people bid against you. The computer will automatically bid up to your max in the increments specified. By placing any bids you have agreed by legal contract that your bid or max bid is what you are willing to pay for that specific lot(s) and may have to pay full bid or max bid amount of any bids placed. The buyer agrees and is responsible for every bid amount placed. Remember, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC or anybody for that matter DO NOT force you to place any bid, you and you alone are responsible for your actions. Please bid accordingly. CHOOSE WISELY: When you bid on the wrong item or decide an item is not suited for your intended use, our clients are not willing to assume the cost of your mistakes. When in doubt about condition, completeness or suitability for intended use, please bid accordingly. BEFORE THE AUCTION: We strongly recommend every person bidding on items to request a time to preview & inspect the items. You may attend during our posted preview hours or request an appointment to preview any of our auctions in person. All property to be auctioned is usually on view for a week before the auction goes live. Please have the lot numbers you would like to view ready. You are encouraged to examine lots thoroughly. You may also request a Video, additional pictures or a Facetime appointment. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC staff are available at viewings and by contact. YOU BREAK IT, YOU BUY IT: Client / Bidder is responsible for any damage done to inventory while previewing items Please note, the Auction House will not give refunds or returns for Bidders who bid and win items, but are unhappy with the condition of those items. BUYER'S PREMIUM AND SALES TAX: Unless a specific auction states otherwise, a 15% buyer's premium will be charged on all items and lots. Every bidder/buyer pays the same buyer's premium and should bid accordingly. For example, if you bid $100 on an item at the auction you will be charged $115 for the item on your auction invoice. Please take this into consideration when bidding. 6% MI Sales Tax applies. (Coins & Currency are Sales Tax Exempt and not insured for shipping.) (Farm Use and Sales Tax Exempt will need to supply a copy of their Michigan Form 3372 sales tax resale form to the Auction House every year). COINS & CURRENCY TERMS & CONDITIONS: Re: All of the certified coins that have been graded and certified by any independent grading companies: PCGS, NGC, ANACS, NNC, PCI, DGS, etc. Grading of any coins is subjective and may differ among independent grading services and among numismatists, even though grading has a material effect on the value of the coins. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC is not responsible for the grades assigned and makes no warranty or representation regarding such grades. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC encourages all bidders to inspect lots in person before bidding. Due diligence is the responsibility of the bidder/buyer. AUCTION ENDING: Beginning at the stated closing time, the auction software will conclude bidding for one lot every few seconds in catalog order with the following exception: if a bid is placed in the last two (2) minutes remaining for that auction lot, bidding for that lot will automatically extend the auction for additional two (2) minutes. Some lots may be grouped together so that a bid on one lot will extend the time on all lots in that group. An email of invoice will be sent to the winning bidder/buyer of each auction after auction has completely closed. PAYMENT: All buyers must pay for their purchases in full at the auction's close. We are a cashless facility and do not accept payment at the warehouse. Credit Card on file with Hibid is charged immediately following the auction close. Please make sure you have a current credit card with sufficient funds registered on Hibid. Any invoice totaling $500 or more must be paid via bank wire transfer or Zelle only and cannot be paid via Credit card. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC accepts the following forms of payment: Major Credit Cards. Wire Transfers or Zelle can be used for invoices over $500. Merchandise becomes the full responsibility of the bidder/buyer at time of payment and the bidder/buyer assumes all risk of loss and damage to property at that time. NONPAYMENT: Zero tolerance policy for non-payment: If your card on file is declined for any reason, there will be a $2 decline fee added to your invoice to cover the cost of your decline. You will have 24 hours to resolve the unpaid invoice via a standalone email link we send after the auction closes. If the invoice is not paid 24 hours after the auction's close, we will be forced to ban your bidding privileges and mark your Hibid profile as a non-paying bidder. If payment is not received by the end of the business day following the auction's close, your items will be considered abandoned & forfeited and bidding privileges will be suspended. Unpaid invoices result in negative hibid profile feedback resulting in a negative hibid score as well as removal of future bidding privileges. WINNING BIDDER NOTIFICATION: If the Bidder has won any items at the auction, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC will notify them via email containing the Paid Invoice to let them know the items they have won and the amount they have paid. This is the only contact the Bidder will receive from the Auction House. Please make sure you check your email and email spam folder after the auction has closed. In the event the Bidder won an item at the auction and does not receive this email, bidder must check their Hibid profile Bids page and then contact the auction house at 248-505-5985. Please check your spam file if you do not find it. In the case of a credit card decline, you will also receive an Unpaid Invoice via email. Zero tolerance policy for non-payment: see nonpayment section above. REMOVAL: All successful bids must be picked up within scheduled removal dates of that specific auction unless other arrangements have been made. No items can be removed until KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. has received and acknowledged payment in full. In the event that items are not picked up during the designated pick up time slots, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC reserves the right to charge the Bidders credit card on file for items� fees, buyer�s premiums, taxes, Storage fees and any additional applicable fees (disposal, storage ,etc�). Any items not picked up by scheduled removal dates (for that specific auction),will be re-sold to cover the storage fees and no refund will be given. The Auction House reserves the right to determine the method of disposal, which may or may not consist of waste disposal, resale or donation. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC reserves the right to resell any property not paid for in full by the conclusion of the stated removal period. Buyers are responsible for rigging, loading, and removal of all items purchased without assistance from KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. Buyers are responsible for any damage they cause to the auciton house during removal of their purchased items. REMOVING ITEMS: The Bidder must remove the items safely. The Bidders agrees to pay all costs associated with damages that may happen when the bidder and/or their helpers are moving items. In the event the Bidder damages anything while removing the items, their credit card on file will be charged for all costs associated with fixing said damages. If the credit card charge is declined, it is the buyer's responsiblity to make payment. If payment is not made, the buyer is responsible for all charges due to any court case filed to obtain payment of the bill. LOADING ITEMS: The bidder agrees to bring help to load larger items. The Auction House DOES NOT provide help for loading large items into vehicles or trailers. Bring your own help and packing materials to load your won items. The Auction House does not provide bags, paper, or other wrapping material when picking up lots which the Bidder has won. SHIPPING INFORMATION: KJ�s Needful Things, LLC does provide shipping services on select eligible items. All "shipping" purchases must be paid in full within checkout dates/times. We will be happy to ship any item within the continental US and Canada. Canadian buyers are responsible for any customs & duty fees or other shipping related charges. Postage costs paid by the buyer include actual discounted shipping costs plus cost of materials & a $5 handling fee. Some items may be cost prohibitive or unable to be shipped. Bidder must respond to the email or text from Shipping Saint by choosing shipping to let us know that they are requesting shipping after the close of the auction. An invoice for shipping charges wil be sent and once paid, the invoice will be shipped. Items will ONLY be shipped to the address on file with Hibid on your invoice. SUSPENSION / PERMANENT BAN: A bidder/buyer will be suspended or permanently banned from KJ�s Needful Things, LLC Online Auctions for providing false or fraudulent information when registering. A bidder/buyer will be permanently banned from KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. Online Auctions for failing to honor the "PAYMENT" and/or "REMOVAL" terms made under that bidder/buyer registration. THIRD PARTY LIABILITY: The Bidder will not hold the Auction House liable for any action done by a third party. This includes, but is not limited to actions done by the fellow Bidders, Auction House staff, Auction House clients, friends and family of the clients of the Auction House, or any person who commits a crime (I.E. breaking in and stealing or vandalizing auction lots) before, during, or after the auction has finished. TECHNICAL ISSUES: In the event there are technical difficulties related to the server, software, internet or any other online auction-related technologies, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. reserve the right to pause bidding, extend bidding, continue the bidding, or close the bidding. Neither the company providing the software, nor KJ�s Needful Things, LLC shall be held responsible for a missed bid or the failure of the software to function properly for any reason. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. has full discretion to modify the date and time, order, and details of the auction for any reason or no reason at all, including but not limited to technical issues, and emergencies. The Auction House will not assume any bid is an error. In the event there is a malfunction within the software and/or bidding the Auction Houses is using, the Bidder will not hold the Auction House accountable. AUCTION HOUSE LIABILITY: The bidders agree to not hold the Auction House responsible for any damages or injury that may happen when attending the inspection/preview day or auction pick up days. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC asks the Bidder to watch their step inside the auction areas, as there may be some elevation changes or steps. INJURY & DAMAGE: Bidder acknowledges responsibility for any personal injury or property damage caused by Bidder or his Agent, and further agrees to hold Auction House, Auctioneers, Owners, its Officers, or Employees harmless for any personal injury to himself or his Agents and any property damage incurred on auction premises. Bidder agrees to consume any food products purchased at their own risk and to hold the Auction House harmless whether food products are past date or inside the marked date. LEGAL RECOURSE: In the event an issue arises between the Bidder and Auction House, both the Bidder and Auction House agree to binding arbitration rather than litigation to resolve the dispute. The Bidder agrees to choose a venue located within Oakland County. The Bidder agrees that their dispute cannot be combined with any other person or party. KJ�s Needful THings LLC reserves the right to enforce the rest of our terms and conditions. RETAIL / OVERSTOCK ITEMS: Items may have a line crossed out through any tag or barcode after photos have been taken. We will do this after photos have been taken. This is to make sure items can not go through the return process again. Furthermore, the Bidder agrees to not return any items bought through our auction to any retailer. MSRP's: The MSRP is the value given to us by the retailer we are auctioning off content for. This number was their retail value, and may or may not be the actual MSRP given from the manufacturer. Overstock / Return Items consist primarily of customer returns, though they may contain some company stock items that may have not been previously sold. The condition of the Lorts will vary, but a few lots may contain non-working and/or damaged items, some demonstrating signs of significant use. Original packaging and accessories such as remote controls, cables, cords, and instructions may or may not be included. The inventory items are provided to you in "as is" condition. The Seller wrrants that buyer will receive good and marketable title to the Items purchased hereunder, but the Seller hereby disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability, noninfringement, or fitness for a particular purpose. EMAIL By signing up for this auction you give KJs Online Auctions DBA KJ;s Needful Things LLC permission to add your name to their mailing list and text message list. You can unsubscribe at any time. CONTACT INFORMATION: PHONE: (248) 505-5985 EMAIL: kjsneedfulthings@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.kjsneedfulthings.com BIDDING WEBSITE: needfulthings.hibid.com

Welcome! Please Read Before Bidding
Welcome! We Have Weekly Auctions Every Monday Night Starting At 7:30pm Eastern. Pick Up Location: We Are Easy To Find. 1775 W Hamlin Rd, Suite B, Rochester Hills, Mi 48309. Located In The Hamlin Industrial Park (on Sign At The Road) We Are On...

Pickup Information * Read Before Bidding*
Pick Up Dates: Thursday, February 27th 10am - 2pm Friday, February 28th 10am - 5pm Saturday, March 1st 10am - 2pm Choose Pick Up Or Shipping In The Email / Text You Receive From Shipping S...

Updated! Shipping Information For Eligible Items
We Only Ship To The Address On Your Credit Card On File With Your Hibid Profile. No Exceptions! You Must Make Sure That Your Address On Your Hibid Profile Is Correct Before You Register. Hibid Does Not Allow You To Change It After The Fact. We Will...

We Are A Cashless Auction House - No Cash
We Are A Cashless Auction House. No Cash Or Checks Accepted. Credit Cards On File With Hibid Are Charged Immediately Following The Close Of The Auction. Please Read The Payment Section Before Bidding. Credit Card On File With Hibid Is Charged Immedi...

Consign A Few Items Or Full Online Estate Auctions
Please Go To Kjsneedfulthings.com/sell For All Of The Information You Need To Sell With Us And To Schedule A Drop Off Appointment. Please Keep In Mind That Everything You See In Our Auctions Is Not Necessarily What We Take On Consignment To Sell Fo...

Give Back With Kj's Community Box
February - Friends Of Foster Kids - New Only Items Please Per Their Nonprofiit Guidelines Kj�s Needful Things Community Drop Box - Please Join Us In Giving Back To Communities In Need. For The Month Of January, We Will Be Collecting Winter B...

Do Not Bid Here! For Consignors Only.
Consignors, Intake Note Tags Sometimes Fall Off Of Consigned Lots. Please Review The Pictures In This Lot And Reach Out To Us If You Own Any Of These Items. Thank You.

0% Buyers Premium For New Instagram Followers
-----this Week Only For The Auction Closing On March 17th ----- You Must Sign Up By Sunday 3/16 Night At Mdnight ----- You Must Be A New Follower. ----- You Must Receive Confirmation From The Auction House That We Have Received Your Proof Of Follow...

Works Seth Thomas Tempus Fugit Grandfather Clock*
& Paperwork - Numeral Xi Is Included But Needs To Be Re-attached 74x19x10 Inches Has Been Working Excellently For The Last 6 Months Hall Clock

New Snapper Battery Operated Snow Shovel Tool Only
Battery Not Included Ships In Original Box Only

Pair Of Divider Weighted Columns Stanchions
W/ Retractable Belts. By Us Weight Co Black Dusty 40x 16 inches

Rolling Black Wire Shelving Unit 4 Shelves
Height: 77in Width: 4ft Depth: 14in

No Keys - Homak Metal Gun Case 55in H
Height: 55in Width: 21in Depth: 10in

Beautiful Bombay Wood Rolltop W/ Wood Chair
By Baetz Bros W/ Needlepoint Cushion Desk Chair height: 35in Desk height: 41in Desk Width: 30in Desk Depth: 20in

Camo Folding Portable Chair In Carry Bag
Camo And Black Next G-1 Brand Height: 41in

Tom Hanks Signed W/ Coa Large Framed Poster
From Saving Private Ryan W/ Tom Hnks Signed Photo W/ Certificate Of Authenticity For Autograph Frame: 42in X 29in

Genesis Archery Bow W/ 5 Arrows In Carry Case
Works Arrows: 31 inches Bow: approximately 40 x 11 inches

4 Metal Football Cards- The National Football Musm
Museum Al Davis, Lem Barney, John Mackey & John Riggins

8 Football Trading Cards Nolan Ryan, Cal Ripken Jr
George Brett, Carlton Fisk, Ozzie Smith, Robin Yount - Living Legends Cards& 2 Lem Barney Cards

Beam's 1957 Chevy Bel-air Decanter *read*
80-proof - There Is Alcohol Inside The Car #jw023 In Original Box Dirty - Some Tarnishing On Silver Areas 1 Crack On Plastic Top Near Passenger Side Where Top Of Window Would Be

Brass Paperweight The Archetype - Kim Lighting
1:10 Scale, Limited Edition, Kim Lighting, Good Condition, 1 1/2"w X 1"d X 2 1/2"h

Mambo Liz Claiborne Set
Perfume And 2.5fl Oz Each: Conditioning Shampoo, Shower Gel, Body Lotion $24.99 + S/h

Top Flite Backpack Kickstand Bag & Golf Clubs
Camo Bag Umbrella 6,7,8,9 Irons Pitching Wedge Putter Driver 3 Wood 4 & 5 Hybrid

Realistic Am/fm Stereo Receiver Sta-235 Powers On
No Further Testing Unknown If Works Fully Genuine Walnut Veneer Model 31-2065

Vintage Coleman 2-burner Camping Stove 425e499
In Original Box (box Has Flaws)

Hard To Find Mr. Mr. Peanut Bridges Walking Cane
W/ Genuine Leather Bridges Head Cover Black Metal W/

Signed Numbered W/ Coa Framed Serigraph
West Gallery Jeff Rivers, Artist - Signed 86/350 Brodwy & Paradise 1997

2 Movie Posters Framed Supernatural & Walking Dead
Walking Dead Poster Has Been Bent At Top And Has Rips On Top Edges That Are Not In The Frame

Oil On Board From Local Art Instructor From Local
Detroit Center For Creative Studies William Girard - Long Time Art Instructor Mountain Landscape


Vintage Cans All Full Sealed Motor Oil, Anti-freez
Snowmobile & Motorcyle Oil & Oil Conditioner, In London's Milk Crate

Michelob Eagle Wall Art Resin
Lakeside Industries 2402094

Works Cool Seiko Wall Clock Plays The Beatles &
25 Songs In Total In 3 Different Sets Melodies In Motion Ms-xm565-1

Vintage Press Pump Beverage Server *couple Of
Dents And Needs To Be Wiped Down Floral Design

Oxo 12 Cup Coffee Maker Tea Hot Water Combo
Model 8710000 Black Stainless Brew Basket Works Retails $149-169

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KJ's Needful Things Estate & Consignments 3/17

KJ's Needful Things

KJ's Needful Things

Sale Location
1775 Hamlin Rd Suite B
Rochester Hills, MI 48309
Sale Dates and Times
Sale Terms and Conditions
Auction Terms & Conditions -------------------------------------- By registering and bidding on any item, the bidder/buyer shows acceptance of the following terms and conditions. Any bid by a bidder/buyer is a legal binding contract between you,referred to as the �bidder� and KJ's Needful Things, LLC referred to as the �Auction House�. Do not register or bid unless you agree to all of the terms and conditions. These Terms and Conditions can be changed at any time without notice. Please read these terms and conditions each time you register for one of our auctions. These terms and conditions supersede any other agreement between you, the Bidder, and the Auction House made in the past or present. REGISTRATION: All information provided by bidder/buyer during the registration process must be current, complete, and accurate. Bidders must be 18 years of age or older. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC, at its sole discretion, may deny registration to any person or entity. The Bidder agrees to let the Auction House know of any changes with their contact information or credit information as soon as the Bidder knows and to keep this information current in their Hibid Profile. DISCLAIMER: All items are sold �AS-IS, WHERE-IS� with all faults, flaws, imperfections and errors. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC and the seller(s) do not give or make any type of guarantee or warranty regarding the lots to be sold, implied or otherwise. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC encourages all bidders to inspect lots in person before bidding. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. has put forth every effort in preparing the catalog for every auction to provide accurate descriptions of all items, however, it is the bidder's responsibility to determine the condition and suitability of each lot. Due diligence is the responsibility of the bidder/buyer. Printed statements or descriptions by staff are provided in good faith and are matters of opinion. Any bidder's failure to inspect, or to be fully informed on the quality or condition will not constitute grounds for any claim, adjustment, refund, termination of the purchase contract, or refusal to close the sale. If you are unsure about any of the Term and Conditions, pricing, or how to bid; There may be items in the background, but those are not included in the lot unless specifically told otherwise. IF YOU ARE IN ANY WAY UNSURE AS TO ANY MATTER HEREIN, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC URGES YOU TO NOT BID. CONDUCT OF THE AUCTION: Conduct of the auction and increments of bidding are at the direction and discretion of KJ�s Needful Things, LLC..KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. reserves the right to reject any and all bids for any reason and also reserves the right to cancel this auction, or remove any item or lot from this auction prior to the close of bidding. WE ACT ONLY AS AGENTS FOR THE SELLER. Sellers or their agents reserve the right to bid on their own behalf to protect their investment(s). Sale on all items is subject to seller approval. The Auction House reserves the right to confirm the sale with the seller, and bid on behalf of the seller, if necessary. Items may have reserves that may or may not be noted. All decisions of KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. are final. CLIENT/SELLER RIGHTS: The clients/sellers of the Auction House have the right to bid on and win any items they have put to auction, including their own. The Clients/Sellers agree to pay for all items and buyers premiums and taxes associated with any lots they have won. MAX BID: When you place your maximum bid, the current bid price doesn't automatically jump to your max bid. Your bid will go to the next highest increment and will be increased as other people bid against you. The computer will automatically bid up to your max in the increments specified. By placing any bids you have agreed by legal contract that your bid or max bid is what you are willing to pay for that specific lot(s) and may have to pay full bid or max bid amount of any bids placed. The buyer agrees and is responsible for every bid amount placed. Remember, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC or anybody for that matter DO NOT force you to place any bid, you and you alone are responsible for your actions. Please bid accordingly. CHOOSE WISELY: When you bid on the wrong item or decide an item is not suited for your intended use, our clients are not willing to assume the cost of your mistakes. When in doubt about condition, completeness or suitability for intended use, please bid accordingly. BEFORE THE AUCTION: We strongly recommend every person bidding on items to request a time to preview & inspect the items. You may attend during our posted preview hours or request an appointment to preview any of our auctions in person. All property to be auctioned is usually on view for a week before the auction goes live. Please have the lot numbers you would like to view ready. You are encouraged to examine lots thoroughly. You may also request a Video, additional pictures or a Facetime appointment. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC staff are available at viewings and by contact. YOU BREAK IT, YOU BUY IT: Client / Bidder is responsible for any damage done to inventory while previewing items Please note, the Auction House will not give refunds or returns for Bidders who bid and win items, but are unhappy with the condition of those items. BUYER'S PREMIUM AND SALES TAX: Unless a specific auction states otherwise, a 15% buyer's premium will be charged on all items and lots. Every bidder/buyer pays the same buyer's premium and should bid accordingly. For example, if you bid $100 on an item at the auction you will be charged $115 for the item on your auction invoice. Please take this into consideration when bidding. 6% MI Sales Tax applies. (Coins & Currency are Sales Tax Exempt) (Farm Use and Sales Tax Exempt will need to supply a copy of their sales tax resale form to the Auction House every year). COINS & CURRENCY TERMS & CONDITIONS: Re: All of the certified coins that have been graded and certified by any independent grading companies: PCGS, NGC, ANACS, NNC, PCI, DGS, etc. Grading of any coins is subjective and may differ among independent grading services and among numismatists, even though grading has a material effect on the value of the coins. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC is not responsible for the grades assigned and makes no warranty or representation regarding such grades. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC encourages all bidders to inspect lots in person before bidding. Due diligence is the responsibility of the bidder/buyer. AUCTION ENDING: Beginning at the stated closing time, the auction software will conclude bidding for one lot every few seconds in catalog order with the following exception: if a bid is placed in the last two (2) minutes remaining for that auction lot, bidding for that lot will automatically extend the auction for additional two (2) minutes. Some lots may be grouped together so that a bid on one lot will extend the time on all lots in that group. An email of invoice will be sent to the winning bidder/buyer of each auction after auction has completely closed. PAYMENT: All buyers must pay for their purchases in full at the auction's close. We are a cashless facility and do not accept payment at the warehouse. Credit Card on file with Hibid is charged immediately following the auction close. Please make sure you have a current credit card with sufficient funds registered on Hibid. Any invoice totaling $1000 or more must be paid via bank wire transfer only and cannot be paid via Credit card. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC accepts the following forms of payment: Major Credit Cards, Wire Transfers. Merchandise becomes the full responsibility of the bidder/buyer at time of payment and the bidder/buyer assumes all risk of loss and damage to property at that time. NONPAYMENT: Zero tolerance policy for non-payment: If your card on file is declined for any reason, there will be a $2 decline fee added to your invoice and you will have 24 hours to resolve the unpaid invoice via a standalone email link we send the morning after the auction closes. If the invoice is not paid 24 hours after the auction's close, we will be forced to ban your bidding privileges and mark your Hibid profile as a non-paying bidder. If payment is not received by the end of the business day following the auction's close, your items will be considered abandoned & forfeited and bidding privileges will be suspended. Unpaid invoices result in negative hibid profile feedback resulting in a negative hibid score as well as removal of future bidding privileges. WINNING BIDDER NOTIFICATION: If the Bidder has won any items at the auction, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC will notify them via email containing the Paid Invoice to let them know the items they have won and the amount they have paid. This is the only contact the Bidder will receive from the Auction House. Please make sure you check your email and email spam folder after the auction has closed. In the event the Bidder won an item at the auction and does not receive this email, bidder must check their Hibid profile Bids page and then contact the auction house at 248-505-5985. Please check your spam file if you do not find it. In the case of a credit card decline, you will also receive an Unpaid Invoice via email. Zero tolerance policy for non-payment: please see nonpayment section above. REMOVAL: All successful bids must be picked up within scheduled removal dates of that specific auction unless other arrangements have been made. No items can be removed until KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. has received and acknowledged payment in full. In the event that items are not picked up during the designated pick up time slots, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC reserves the right to charge the Bidders credit card on file for items� fees, buyer�s premiums, taxes, Storage fees ($2 per day) and any additional applicable fees (disposal, storage ,etc�). Any items not picked up by scheduled removal dates (for that specific auction), there will be a $2 PER DAY storage fee starting after the removal dates. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC holds purchases for 4 business days after the auction's close.. After the 4 business days have expired you will forfeit all items of ownership to the auction house, KJ's Needful Things. The Auction House reserves the right to determine the method of disposal, which may or may not consist of waste disposal, resale or donation. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC reserves the right to resell any property not paid for in full by the conclusion of the stated removal period. Buyers are responsible for rigging, loading, and removal of all items purchased without assistance from KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. Buyers are responsible for any damage they cause to the auciton house during removal of their purchased items. REMOVING ITEMS: The Bidder must remove the items safely. The Bidders agrees to pay all costs associated with damages that may happen when the bidder and/or their helpers are moving items. In the event the Bidder damages anything while removing the items, their credit card on file will be charged for all costs associated with fixing said damages. If the credit card charge is declined, it is the buyer's responsiblity to make payment. If payment is not made, the buyer is responsible for all charges due to any court case filed to obtain payment of the bill. LOADING ITEMS: The bidder agrees to bring help to load larger items. The Auction House DOES NOT provide help for loading large items into vehicles or trailers due to insurance purposes. Bring your own help and packing materials to load your won items. The Auction House does not provide bags, paper, or other wrapping material when picking up lots which the Bidder has won. SHIPPING INFORMATION: KJ�s Needful Things, LLC does provide shipping services on select items. All "shipping" purchases must be paid in full within checkout dates/times. We will be happy to ship any item within the continental US and Canada. Canadian buyers are responsible for any customs & duty fees or other shipping related charges. Postage costs paid by the buyer include actual discounted shipping costs plus cost of materials & a $5 handling fee. We do everything in our power to safely keep shipping costs as low as possible. Some items may be cost prohibitive or unable to be shipped. You must respond to the email from Shipping Saint by choosing shipping or email, text or call us to let us know that you are requesting shipping after the close of the auction. There will be a second charge on your credit card for the shipping cost and you will receive a separate email containing the tracking number. Items will only be shipped to the address on file with Hibid on your invoice. SUSPENSION / PERMANENT BAN: A bidder/buyer will be suspended or permanently banned from KJ�s Needful Things, LLC Online Auctions for providing false or fraudulent information when registering. A bidder/buyer will be permanently banned from KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. Online Auctions for failing to honor the "PAYMENT" and/or "REMOVAL" terms made under that bidder/buyer registration. THIRD PARTY LIABILITY: The Bidder will not hold the Auction House liable for any action done by a third party. This includes, but is not limited to actions done by the fellow Bidders, Auction House staff, Auction House clients, friends and family of the clients of the Auction House, or any person who commits a crime (I.E. breaking in and stealing or vandalizing auction lots) before, during, or after the auction has finished. TECHNICAL ISSUES: In the event there are technical difficulties related to the server, software, internet or any other online auction-related technologies, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. reserve the right to pause bidding, extend bidding, continue the bidding, or close the bidding. Neither the company providing the software, nor KJ�s Needful Things, LLC shall be held responsible for a missed bid or the failure of the software to function properly for any reason. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. has full discretion to modify the date and time, order, and details of the auction for any reason or no reason at all, including but not limited to technical issues, and emergencies. The Auction House will not assume any bid is an error. In the event there is a malfunction within the software and/or bidding the Auction Houses is using, the Bidder will not hold the Auction House accountable. AUCTION HOUSE LIABILITY: The bidders agree to not hold the Auction House responsible for any damages or injury that may happen when attending the inspection/preview day or auction pick up days. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC asks the Bidder to watch their step inside the auction areas, as there may be some elevation changes or steps. INJURY & DAMAGE: Bidder acknowledges responsibility for any personal injury or property damage caused by Bidder or his Agent, and further agrees to hold Auction House, Auctioneers, Owners, its Officers, or Employees harmless for any personal injury to himself or his Agents and any property damage incurred on auction premises. Bidder agrees to consume any food products purchased at their own risk and to hold the Auction House harmless whether food products are past date or inside the marked date. LEGAL RECOURSE: In the event an issue arises between the Bidder and Auction House, both the Bidder and Auction House agree to binding arbitration rather than litigation to resolve the dispute. The Bidder agrees to choose a venue located within Oakland County. The Bidder agrees that their dispute cannot be combined with any other person or party. KJ�s Needful THings LLC reserves the right to enforce the rest of our terms and conditions. RETAIL / OVERSTOCK ITEMS: Items may have a line crossed out through any tag or barcode after photos have been taken. We will do this after photos have been taken. This is to make sure items can not go through the return process again. Furthermore, the Bidder agrees to not return any items bought through our auction to any retailer. MSRP's: The MSRP is the value given to us by the retailer we are auctioning off content for. This number was their retail value, and may or may not be the actual MSRP given from the manufacturer. Overstock / Return Items consist primarily of customer returns, though they may contain some company stock items that may have not been previously sold. The condition of the Lorts will vary, but a few lots may contain non-working and/or damaged items, some demonstrating signs of significant use. Original packaging and accessories such as remote controls, cables, cords, and instructions may or may not be included. The inventory items are provided to you in "as is" condition. The Seller wrrants that buyer will receive good and marketable title to the Items purchased hereunder, but the Seller hereby disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability, noninfringement, or fitness for a particular purpose. EMAIL By signing up for this auction you give KJ ONline Auctions DBA KJ;s Needful Things LLC permission to add your name to their mailing list. You can unsubscribe at any time. CONTACT INFORMATION: PHONE: (248) 505-5985 EMAIL: kjsneedfulthings@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.kjsneedfulthings.com BIDDING WEBSITE: needfulthings.hibid.com
Listing Details
Auction Terms & Conditions -------------------------------------- By registering and bidding on any item, the bidder/buyer shows acceptance of the following terms and conditions. Any bid by a bidder/buyer is a legal binding contract between you,referred to as the �bidder� and KJ's Needful Things, LLC referred to as the �Auction House�. Do not register or bid unless you agree to all of the terms and conditions. These Terms and Conditions can be changed at any time without notice. Please read these terms and conditions each time you register for one of our auctions. These terms and conditions supersede any other agreement between you, the Bidder, and the Auction House made in the past or present. REGISTRATION: All information provided by bidder/buyer during the registration process must be current, complete, and accurate. Bidders must be 18 years of age or older. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC, at its sole discretion, may deny registration to any person or entity. The Bidder agrees to let the Auction House know of any changes with their contact information or credit information as soon as the Bidder knows and to keep this information current in their Hibid Profile. DISCLAIMER: All items are sold �AS-IS, WHERE-IS� with all faults, flaws, imperfections and errors. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC and the seller(s) do not give or make any type of guarantee or warranty regarding the lots to be sold, implied or otherwise. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC encourages all bidders to inspect lots in person before bidding. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. has put forth every effort in preparing the catalog for every auction to provide accurate descriptions of all items, however, it is the bidder's responsibility to determine the condition and suitability of each lot. Due diligence is the responsibility of the bidder/buyer. Printed statements or descriptions by staff are provided in good faith and are matters of opinion. Any bidder's failure to inspect, or to be fully informed on the quality or condition will not constitute grounds for any claim, adjustment, refund, termination of the purchase contract, or refusal to close the sale. If you are unsure about any of the Term and Conditions, pricing, or how to bid; There may be items in the background, but those are not included in the lot unless specifically told otherwise. IF YOU ARE IN ANY WAY UNSURE AS TO ANY MATTER HEREIN, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC URGES YOU TO NOT BID. CONDUCT OF THE AUCTION: Conduct of the auction and increments of bidding are at the direction and discretion of KJ�s Needful Things, LLC..KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. reserves the right to reject any and all bids for any reason and also reserves the right to cancel this auction, or remove any item or lot from this auction prior to the close of bidding. WE ACT ONLY AS AGENTS FOR THE SELLER. Sellers or their agents reserve the right to bid on their own behalf to protect their investment(s). Sale on all items is subject to seller approval. The Auction House reserves the right to confirm the sale with the seller, and bid on behalf of the seller, if necessary. Items may have reserves that may or may not be noted. All decisions of KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. are final. CLIENT/SELLER RIGHTS: The clients/sellers of the Auction House have the right to bid on and win any items they have put to auction, including their own. The Clients/Sellers agree to pay for all items and buyers premiums and taxes associated with any lots they have won. MAX BID: When you place your maximum bid, the current bid price doesn't automatically jump to your max bid. Your bid will go to the next highest increment and will be increased as other people bid against you. The computer will automatically bid up to your max in the increments specified. By placing any bids you have agreed by legal contract that your bid or max bid is what you are willing to pay for that specific lot(s) and may have to pay full bid or max bid amount of any bids placed. The buyer agrees and is responsible for every bid amount placed. Remember, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC or anybody for that matter DO NOT force you to place any bid, you and you alone are responsible for your actions. Please bid accordingly. CHOOSE WISELY: When you bid on the wrong item or decide an item is not suited for your intended use, our clients are not willing to assume the cost of your mistakes. When in doubt about condition, completeness or suitability for intended use, please bid accordingly. BEFORE THE AUCTION: We strongly recommend every person bidding on items to request a time to preview & inspect the items. You may attend during our posted preview hours or request an appointment to preview any of our auctions in person. All property to be auctioned is usually on view for a week before the auction goes live. Please have the lot numbers you would like to view ready. You are encouraged to examine lots thoroughly. You may also request a Video, additional pictures or a Facetime appointment. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC staff are available at viewings and by contact. YOU BREAK IT, YOU BUY IT: Client / Bidder is responsible for any damage done to inventory while previewing items Please note, the Auction House will not give refunds or returns for Bidders who bid and win items, but are unhappy with the condition of those items. BUYER'S PREMIUM AND SALES TAX: Unless a specific auction states otherwise, a 15% buyer's premium will be charged on all items and lots. Every bidder/buyer pays the same buyer's premium and should bid accordingly. For example, if you bid $100 on an item at the auction you will be charged $115 for the item on your auction invoice. Please take this into consideration when bidding. 6% MI Sales Tax applies. (Coins & Currency are Sales Tax Exempt and not insured for shipping.) (Farm Use and Sales Tax Exempt will need to supply a copy of their Michigan Form 3372 sales tax resale form to the Auction House every year). COINS & CURRENCY TERMS & CONDITIONS: Re: All of the certified coins that have been graded and certified by any independent grading companies: PCGS, NGC, ANACS, NNC, PCI, DGS, etc. Grading of any coins is subjective and may differ among independent grading services and among numismatists, even though grading has a material effect on the value of the coins. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC is not responsible for the grades assigned and makes no warranty or representation regarding such grades. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC encourages all bidders to inspect lots in person before bidding. Due diligence is the responsibility of the bidder/buyer. AUCTION ENDING: Beginning at the stated closing time, the auction software will conclude bidding for one lot every few seconds in catalog order with the following exception: if a bid is placed in the last two (2) minutes remaining for that auction lot, bidding for that lot will automatically extend the auction for additional two (2) minutes. Some lots may be grouped together so that a bid on one lot will extend the time on all lots in that group. An email of invoice will be sent to the winning bidder/buyer of each auction after auction has completely closed. PAYMENT: All buyers must pay for their purchases in full at the auction's close. We are a cashless facility and do not accept payment at the warehouse. Credit Card on file with Hibid is charged immediately following the auction close. Please make sure you have a current credit card with sufficient funds registered on Hibid. Any invoice totaling $500 or more must be paid via bank wire transfer or Zelle only and cannot be paid via Credit card. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC accepts the following forms of payment: Major Credit Cards. Wire Transfers or Zelle can be used for invoices over $500. Merchandise becomes the full responsibility of the bidder/buyer at time of payment and the bidder/buyer assumes all risk of loss and damage to property at that time. NONPAYMENT: Zero tolerance policy for non-payment: If your card on file is declined for any reason, there will be a $2 decline fee added to your invoice to cover the cost of your decline. You will have 24 hours to resolve the unpaid invoice via a standalone email link we send after the auction closes. If the invoice is not paid 24 hours after the auction's close, we will be forced to ban your bidding privileges and mark your Hibid profile as a non-paying bidder. If payment is not received by the end of the business day following the auction's close, your items will be considered abandoned & forfeited and bidding privileges will be suspended. Unpaid invoices result in negative hibid profile feedback resulting in a negative hibid score as well as removal of future bidding privileges. WINNING BIDDER NOTIFICATION: If the Bidder has won any items at the auction, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC will notify them via email containing the Paid Invoice to let them know the items they have won and the amount they have paid. This is the only contact the Bidder will receive from the Auction House. Please make sure you check your email and email spam folder after the auction has closed. In the event the Bidder won an item at the auction and does not receive this email, bidder must check their Hibid profile Bids page and then contact the auction house at 248-505-5985. Please check your spam file if you do not find it. In the case of a credit card decline, you will also receive an Unpaid Invoice via email. Zero tolerance policy for non-payment: see nonpayment section above. REMOVAL: All successful bids must be picked up within scheduled removal dates of that specific auction unless other arrangements have been made. No items can be removed until KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. has received and acknowledged payment in full. In the event that items are not picked up during the designated pick up time slots, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC reserves the right to charge the Bidders credit card on file for items� fees, buyer�s premiums, taxes, Storage fees and any additional applicable fees (disposal, storage ,etc�). Any items not picked up by scheduled removal dates (for that specific auction),will be re-sold to cover the storage fees and no refund will be given. The Auction House reserves the right to determine the method of disposal, which may or may not consist of waste disposal, resale or donation. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC reserves the right to resell any property not paid for in full by the conclusion of the stated removal period. Buyers are responsible for rigging, loading, and removal of all items purchased without assistance from KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. Buyers are responsible for any damage they cause to the auciton house during removal of their purchased items. REMOVING ITEMS: The Bidder must remove the items safely. The Bidders agrees to pay all costs associated with damages that may happen when the bidder and/or their helpers are moving items. In the event the Bidder damages anything while removing the items, their credit card on file will be charged for all costs associated with fixing said damages. If the credit card charge is declined, it is the buyer's responsiblity to make payment. If payment is not made, the buyer is responsible for all charges due to any court case filed to obtain payment of the bill. LOADING ITEMS: The bidder agrees to bring help to load larger items. The Auction House DOES NOT provide help for loading large items into vehicles or trailers. Bring your own help and packing materials to load your won items. The Auction House does not provide bags, paper, or other wrapping material when picking up lots which the Bidder has won. SHIPPING INFORMATION: KJ�s Needful Things, LLC does provide shipping services on select eligible items. All "shipping" purchases must be paid in full within checkout dates/times. We will be happy to ship any item within the continental US and Canada. Canadian buyers are responsible for any customs & duty fees or other shipping related charges. Postage costs paid by the buyer include actual discounted shipping costs plus cost of materials & a $5 handling fee. Some items may be cost prohibitive or unable to be shipped. Bidder must respond to the email or text from Shipping Saint by choosing shipping to let us know that they are requesting shipping after the close of the auction. An invoice for shipping charges wil be sent and once paid, the invoice will be shipped. Items will ONLY be shipped to the address on file with Hibid on your invoice. SUSPENSION / PERMANENT BAN: A bidder/buyer will be suspended or permanently banned from KJ�s Needful Things, LLC Online Auctions for providing false or fraudulent information when registering. A bidder/buyer will be permanently banned from KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. Online Auctions for failing to honor the "PAYMENT" and/or "REMOVAL" terms made under that bidder/buyer registration. THIRD PARTY LIABILITY: The Bidder will not hold the Auction House liable for any action done by a third party. This includes, but is not limited to actions done by the fellow Bidders, Auction House staff, Auction House clients, friends and family of the clients of the Auction House, or any person who commits a crime (I.E. breaking in and stealing or vandalizing auction lots) before, during, or after the auction has finished. TECHNICAL ISSUES: In the event there are technical difficulties related to the server, software, internet or any other online auction-related technologies, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. reserve the right to pause bidding, extend bidding, continue the bidding, or close the bidding. Neither the company providing the software, nor KJ�s Needful Things, LLC shall be held responsible for a missed bid or the failure of the software to function properly for any reason. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. has full discretion to modify the date and time, order, and details of the auction for any reason or no reason at all, including but not limited to technical issues, and emergencies. The Auction House will not assume any bid is an error. In the event there is a malfunction within the software and/or bidding the Auction Houses is using, the Bidder will not hold the Auction House accountable. AUCTION HOUSE LIABILITY: The bidders agree to not hold the Auction House responsible for any damages or injury that may happen when attending the inspection/preview day or auction pick up days. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC asks the Bidder to watch their step inside the auction areas, as there may be some elevation changes or steps. INJURY & DAMAGE: Bidder acknowledges responsibility for any personal injury or property damage caused by Bidder or his Agent, and further agrees to hold Auction House, Auctioneers, Owners, its Officers, or Employees harmless for any personal injury to himself or his Agents and any property damage incurred on auction premises. Bidder agrees to consume any food products purchased at their own risk and to hold the Auction House harmless whether food products are past date or inside the marked date. LEGAL RECOURSE: In the event an issue arises between the Bidder and Auction House, both the Bidder and Auction House agree to binding arbitration rather than litigation to resolve the dispute. The Bidder agrees to choose a venue located within Oakland County. The Bidder agrees that their dispute cannot be combined with any other person or party. KJ�s Needful THings LLC reserves the right to enforce the rest of our terms and conditions. RETAIL / OVERSTOCK ITEMS: Items may have a line crossed out through any tag or barcode after photos have been taken. We will do this after photos have been taken. This is to make sure items can not go through the return process again. Furthermore, the Bidder agrees to not return any items bought through our auction to any retailer. MSRP's: The MSRP is the value given to us by the retailer we are auctioning off content for. This number was their retail value, and may or may not be the actual MSRP given from the manufacturer. Overstock / Return Items consist primarily of customer returns, though they may contain some company stock items that may have not been previously sold. The condition of the Lorts will vary, but a few lots may contain non-working and/or damaged items, some demonstrating signs of significant use. Original packaging and accessories such as remote controls, cables, cords, and instructions may or may not be included. The inventory items are provided to you in "as is" condition. The Seller wrrants that buyer will receive good and marketable title to the Items purchased hereunder, but the Seller hereby disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability, noninfringement, or fitness for a particular purpose. EMAIL By signing up for this auction you give KJs Online Auctions DBA KJ;s Needful Things LLC permission to add your name to their mailing list and text message list. You can unsubscribe at any time. CONTACT INFORMATION: PHONE: (248) 505-5985 EMAIL: kjsneedfulthings@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.kjsneedfulthings.com BIDDING WEBSITE: needfulthings.hibid.com

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Welcome! We Have Weekly Auctions Every Monday Night Starting At 7:30pm Eastern. Pick Up Location: We Are Easy To Find. 1775 W Hamlin Rd, Suite B, Rochester Hills, Mi 48309. Located In The Hamlin Industrial Park (on Sign At The Road) We Are On...

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Consignors, Intake Note Tags Sometimes Fall Off Of Consigned Lots. Please Review The Pictures In This Lot And Reach Out To Us If You Own Any Of These Items. Thank You.

0% Buyers Premium For New Instagram Followers
-----this Week Only For The Auction Closing On March 17th ----- You Must Sign Up By Sunday 3/16 Night At Mdnight ----- You Must Be A New Follower. ----- You Must Receive Confirmation From The Auction House That We Have Received Your Proof Of Follow...

Works Seth Thomas Tempus Fugit Grandfather Clock*
& Paperwork - Numeral Xi Is Included But Needs To Be Re-attached 74x19x10 Inches Has Been Working Excellently For The Last 6 Months Hall Clock

New Snapper Battery Operated Snow Shovel Tool Only
Battery Not Included Ships In Original Box Only

Pair Of Divider Weighted Columns Stanchions
W/ Retractable Belts. By Us Weight Co Black Dusty 40x 16 inches

Rolling Black Wire Shelving Unit 4 Shelves
Height: 77in Width: 4ft Depth: 14in

No Keys - Homak Metal Gun Case 55in H
Height: 55in Width: 21in Depth: 10in

Beautiful Bombay Wood Rolltop W/ Wood Chair
By Baetz Bros W/ Needlepoint Cushion Desk Chair height: 35in Desk height: 41in Desk Width: 30in Desk Depth: 20in

Camo Folding Portable Chair In Carry Bag
Camo And Black Next G-1 Brand Height: 41in

Tom Hanks Signed W/ Coa Large Framed Poster
From Saving Private Ryan W/ Tom Hnks Signed Photo W/ Certificate Of Authenticity For Autograph Frame: 42in X 29in

Genesis Archery Bow W/ 5 Arrows In Carry Case
Works Arrows: 31 inches Bow: approximately 40 x 11 inches

4 Metal Football Cards- The National Football Musm
Museum Al Davis, Lem Barney, John Mackey & John Riggins

8 Football Trading Cards Nolan Ryan, Cal Ripken Jr
George Brett, Carlton Fisk, Ozzie Smith, Robin Yount - Living Legends Cards& 2 Lem Barney Cards

Beam's 1957 Chevy Bel-air Decanter *read*
80-proof - There Is Alcohol Inside The Car #jw023 In Original Box Dirty - Some Tarnishing On Silver Areas 1 Crack On Plastic Top Near Passenger Side Where Top Of Window Would Be

Brass Paperweight The Archetype - Kim Lighting
1:10 Scale, Limited Edition, Kim Lighting, Good Condition, 1 1/2"w X 1"d X 2 1/2"h

Mambo Liz Claiborne Set
Perfume And 2.5fl Oz Each: Conditioning Shampoo, Shower Gel, Body Lotion $24.99 + S/h

Top Flite Backpack Kickstand Bag & Golf Clubs
Camo Bag Umbrella 6,7,8,9 Irons Pitching Wedge Putter Driver 3 Wood 4 & 5 Hybrid

Realistic Am/fm Stereo Receiver Sta-235 Powers On
No Further Testing Unknown If Works Fully Genuine Walnut Veneer Model 31-2065

Vintage Coleman 2-burner Camping Stove 425e499
In Original Box (box Has Flaws)

Hard To Find Mr. Mr. Peanut Bridges Walking Cane
W/ Genuine Leather Bridges Head Cover Black Metal W/

Signed Numbered W/ Coa Framed Serigraph
West Gallery Jeff Rivers, Artist - Signed 86/350 Brodwy & Paradise 1997

2 Movie Posters Framed Supernatural & Walking Dead
Walking Dead Poster Has Been Bent At Top And Has Rips On Top Edges That Are Not In The Frame

Oil On Board From Local Art Instructor From Local
Detroit Center For Creative Studies William Girard - Long Time Art Instructor Mountain Landscape


Vintage Cans All Full Sealed Motor Oil, Anti-freez
Snowmobile & Motorcyle Oil & Oil Conditioner, In London's Milk Crate

Michelob Eagle Wall Art Resin
Lakeside Industries 2402094

Works Cool Seiko Wall Clock Plays The Beatles &
25 Songs In Total In 3 Different Sets Melodies In Motion Ms-xm565-1

Vintage Press Pump Beverage Server *couple Of
Dents And Needs To Be Wiped Down Floral Design

Oxo 12 Cup Coffee Maker Tea Hot Water Combo
Model 8710000 Black Stainless Brew Basket Works Retails $149-169

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KJ's Needful Things Estate & Consignments 3/17
 Online Only Auction
Auction Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Monday Mar 10
Bidding Ends: Monday Mar 17
Auction Location
1775 Hamlin Rd Suite B
Rochester Hills, MI 48309
Listing Terms and Conditions
Auction Terms & Conditions -------------------------------------- By registering and bidding on any item, the bidder/buyer shows acceptance of the following terms and conditions. Any bid by a bidder/buyer is a legal binding contract between you,referred to as the �bidder� and KJ's Needful Things, LLC referred to as the �Auction House�. Do not register or bid unless you agree to all of the terms and conditions. These Terms and Conditions can be changed at any time without notice. Please read these terms and conditions each time you register for one of our auctions. These terms and conditions supersede any other agreement between you, the Bidder, and the Auction House made in the past or present. REGISTRATION: All information provided by bidder/buyer during the registration process must be current, complete, and accurate. Bidders must be 18 years of age or older. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC, at its sole discretion, may deny registration to any person or entity. The Bidder agrees to let the Auction House know of any changes with their contact information or credit information as soon as the Bidder knows and to keep this information current in their Hibid Profile. DISCLAIMER: All items are sold �AS-IS, WHERE-IS� with all faults, flaws, imperfections and errors. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC and the seller(s) do not give or make any type of guarantee or warranty regarding the lots to be sold, implied or otherwise. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC encourages all bidders to inspect lots in person before bidding. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. has put forth every effort in preparing the catalog for every auction to provide accurate descriptions of all items, however, it is the bidder's responsibility to determine the condition and suitability of each lot. Due diligence is the responsibility of the bidder/buyer. Printed statements or descriptions by staff are provided in good faith and are matters of opinion. Any bidder's failure to inspect, or to be fully informed on the quality or condition will not constitute grounds for any claim, adjustment, refund, termination of the purchase contract, or refusal to close the sale. If you are unsure about any of the Term and Conditions, pricing, or how to bid; There may be items in the background, but those are not included in the lot unless specifically told otherwise. IF YOU ARE IN ANY WAY UNSURE AS TO ANY MATTER HEREIN, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC URGES YOU TO NOT BID. CONDUCT OF THE AUCTION: Conduct of the auction and increments of bidding are at the direction and discretion of KJ�s Needful Things, LLC..KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. reserves the right to reject any and all bids for any reason and also reserves the right to cancel this auction, or remove any item or lot from this auction prior to the close of bidding. WE ACT ONLY AS AGENTS FOR THE SELLER. Sellers or their agents reserve the right to bid on their own behalf to protect their investment(s). Sale on all items is subject to seller approval. The Auction House reserves the right to confirm the sale with the seller, and bid on behalf of the seller, if necessary. Items may have reserves that may or may not be noted. All decisions of KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. are final. CLIENT/SELLER RIGHTS: The clients/sellers of the Auction House have the right to bid on and win any items they have put to auction, including their own. The Clients/Sellers agree to pay for all items and buyers premiums and taxes associated with any lots they have won. MAX BID: When you place your maximum bid, the current bid price doesn't automatically jump to your max bid. Your bid will go to the next highest increment and will be increased as other people bid against you. The computer will automatically bid up to your max in the increments specified. By placing any bids you have agreed by legal contract that your bid or max bid is what you are willing to pay for that specific lot(s) and may have to pay full bid or max bid amount of any bids placed. The buyer agrees and is responsible for every bid amount placed. Remember, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC or anybody for that matter DO NOT force you to place any bid, you and you alone are responsible for your actions. Please bid accordingly. CHOOSE WISELY: When you bid on the wrong item or decide an item is not suited for your intended use, our clients are not willing to assume the cost of your mistakes. When in doubt about condition, completeness or suitability for intended use, please bid accordingly. BEFORE THE AUCTION: We strongly recommend every person bidding on items to request a time to preview & inspect the items. You may attend during our posted preview hours or request an appointment to preview any of our auctions in person. All property to be auctioned is usually on view for a week before the auction goes live. Please have the lot numbers you would like to view ready. You are encouraged to examine lots thoroughly. You may also request a Video, additional pictures or a Facetime appointment. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC staff are available at viewings and by contact. YOU BREAK IT, YOU BUY IT: Client / Bidder is responsible for any damage done to inventory while previewing items Please note, the Auction House will not give refunds or returns for Bidders who bid and win items, but are unhappy with the condition of those items. BUYER'S PREMIUM AND SALES TAX: Unless a specific auction states otherwise, a 15% buyer's premium will be charged on all items and lots. Every bidder/buyer pays the same buyer's premium and should bid accordingly. For example, if you bid $100 on an item at the auction you will be charged $115 for the item on your auction invoice. Please take this into consideration when bidding. 6% MI Sales Tax applies. (Coins & Currency are Sales Tax Exempt) (Farm Use and Sales Tax Exempt will need to supply a copy of their sales tax resale form to the Auction House every year). COINS & CURRENCY TERMS & CONDITIONS: Re: All of the certified coins that have been graded and certified by any independent grading companies: PCGS, NGC, ANACS, NNC, PCI, DGS, etc. Grading of any coins is subjective and may differ among independent grading services and among numismatists, even though grading has a material effect on the value of the coins. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC is not responsible for the grades assigned and makes no warranty or representation regarding such grades. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC encourages all bidders to inspect lots in person before bidding. Due diligence is the responsibility of the bidder/buyer. AUCTION ENDING: Beginning at the stated closing time, the auction software will conclude bidding for one lot every few seconds in catalog order with the following exception: if a bid is placed in the last two (2) minutes remaining for that auction lot, bidding for that lot will automatically extend the auction for additional two (2) minutes. Some lots may be grouped together so that a bid on one lot will extend the time on all lots in that group. An email of invoice will be sent to the winning bidder/buyer of each auction after auction has completely closed. PAYMENT: All buyers must pay for their purchases in full at the auction's close. We are a cashless facility and do not accept payment at the warehouse. Credit Card on file with Hibid is charged immediately following the auction close. Please make sure you have a current credit card with sufficient funds registered on Hibid. Any invoice totaling $1000 or more must be paid via bank wire transfer only and cannot be paid via Credit card. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC accepts the following forms of payment: Major Credit Cards, Wire Transfers. Merchandise becomes the full responsibility of the bidder/buyer at time of payment and the bidder/buyer assumes all risk of loss and damage to property at that time. NONPAYMENT: Zero tolerance policy for non-payment: If your card on file is declined for any reason, there will be a $2 decline fee added to your invoice and you will have 24 hours to resolve the unpaid invoice via a standalone email link we send the morning after the auction closes. If the invoice is not paid 24 hours after the auction's close, we will be forced to ban your bidding privileges and mark your Hibid profile as a non-paying bidder. If payment is not received by the end of the business day following the auction's close, your items will be considered abandoned & forfeited and bidding privileges will be suspended. Unpaid invoices result in negative hibid profile feedback resulting in a negative hibid score as well as removal of future bidding privileges. WINNING BIDDER NOTIFICATION: If the Bidder has won any items at the auction, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC will notify them via email containing the Paid Invoice to let them know the items they have won and the amount they have paid. This is the only contact the Bidder will receive from the Auction House. Please make sure you check your email and email spam folder after the auction has closed. In the event the Bidder won an item at the auction and does not receive this email, bidder must check their Hibid profile Bids page and then contact the auction house at 248-505-5985. Please check your spam file if you do not find it. In the case of a credit card decline, you will also receive an Unpaid Invoice via email. Zero tolerance policy for non-payment: please see nonpayment section above. REMOVAL: All successful bids must be picked up within scheduled removal dates of that specific auction unless other arrangements have been made. No items can be removed until KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. has received and acknowledged payment in full. In the event that items are not picked up during the designated pick up time slots, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC reserves the right to charge the Bidders credit card on file for items� fees, buyer�s premiums, taxes, Storage fees ($2 per day) and any additional applicable fees (disposal, storage ,etc�). Any items not picked up by scheduled removal dates (for that specific auction), there will be a $2 PER DAY storage fee starting after the removal dates. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC holds purchases for 4 business days after the auction's close.. After the 4 business days have expired you will forfeit all items of ownership to the auction house, KJ's Needful Things. The Auction House reserves the right to determine the method of disposal, which may or may not consist of waste disposal, resale or donation. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC reserves the right to resell any property not paid for in full by the conclusion of the stated removal period. Buyers are responsible for rigging, loading, and removal of all items purchased without assistance from KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. Buyers are responsible for any damage they cause to the auciton house during removal of their purchased items. REMOVING ITEMS: The Bidder must remove the items safely. The Bidders agrees to pay all costs associated with damages that may happen when the bidder and/or their helpers are moving items. In the event the Bidder damages anything while removing the items, their credit card on file will be charged for all costs associated with fixing said damages. If the credit card charge is declined, it is the buyer's responsiblity to make payment. If payment is not made, the buyer is responsible for all charges due to any court case filed to obtain payment of the bill. LOADING ITEMS: The bidder agrees to bring help to load larger items. The Auction House DOES NOT provide help for loading large items into vehicles or trailers due to insurance purposes. Bring your own help and packing materials to load your won items. The Auction House does not provide bags, paper, or other wrapping material when picking up lots which the Bidder has won. SHIPPING INFORMATION: KJ�s Needful Things, LLC does provide shipping services on select items. All "shipping" purchases must be paid in full within checkout dates/times. We will be happy to ship any item within the continental US and Canada. Canadian buyers are responsible for any customs & duty fees or other shipping related charges. Postage costs paid by the buyer include actual discounted shipping costs plus cost of materials & a $5 handling fee. We do everything in our power to safely keep shipping costs as low as possible. Some items may be cost prohibitive or unable to be shipped. You must respond to the email from Shipping Saint by choosing shipping or email, text or call us to let us know that you are requesting shipping after the close of the auction. There will be a second charge on your credit card for the shipping cost and you will receive a separate email containing the tracking number. Items will only be shipped to the address on file with Hibid on your invoice. SUSPENSION / PERMANENT BAN: A bidder/buyer will be suspended or permanently banned from KJ�s Needful Things, LLC Online Auctions for providing false or fraudulent information when registering. A bidder/buyer will be permanently banned from KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. Online Auctions for failing to honor the "PAYMENT" and/or "REMOVAL" terms made under that bidder/buyer registration. THIRD PARTY LIABILITY: The Bidder will not hold the Auction House liable for any action done by a third party. This includes, but is not limited to actions done by the fellow Bidders, Auction House staff, Auction House clients, friends and family of the clients of the Auction House, or any person who commits a crime (I.E. breaking in and stealing or vandalizing auction lots) before, during, or after the auction has finished. TECHNICAL ISSUES: In the event there are technical difficulties related to the server, software, internet or any other online auction-related technologies, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. reserve the right to pause bidding, extend bidding, continue the bidding, or close the bidding. Neither the company providing the software, nor KJ�s Needful Things, LLC shall be held responsible for a missed bid or the failure of the software to function properly for any reason. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. has full discretion to modify the date and time, order, and details of the auction for any reason or no reason at all, including but not limited to technical issues, and emergencies. The Auction House will not assume any bid is an error. In the event there is a malfunction within the software and/or bidding the Auction Houses is using, the Bidder will not hold the Auction House accountable. AUCTION HOUSE LIABILITY: The bidders agree to not hold the Auction House responsible for any damages or injury that may happen when attending the inspection/preview day or auction pick up days. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC asks the Bidder to watch their step inside the auction areas, as there may be some elevation changes or steps. INJURY & DAMAGE: Bidder acknowledges responsibility for any personal injury or property damage caused by Bidder or his Agent, and further agrees to hold Auction House, Auctioneers, Owners, its Officers, or Employees harmless for any personal injury to himself or his Agents and any property damage incurred on auction premises. Bidder agrees to consume any food products purchased at their own risk and to hold the Auction House harmless whether food products are past date or inside the marked date. LEGAL RECOURSE: In the event an issue arises between the Bidder and Auction House, both the Bidder and Auction House agree to binding arbitration rather than litigation to resolve the dispute. The Bidder agrees to choose a venue located within Oakland County. The Bidder agrees that their dispute cannot be combined with any other person or party. KJ�s Needful THings LLC reserves the right to enforce the rest of our terms and conditions. RETAIL / OVERSTOCK ITEMS: Items may have a line crossed out through any tag or barcode after photos have been taken. We will do this after photos have been taken. This is to make sure items can not go through the return process again. Furthermore, the Bidder agrees to not return any items bought through our auction to any retailer. MSRP's: The MSRP is the value given to us by the retailer we are auctioning off content for. This number was their retail value, and may or may not be the actual MSRP given from the manufacturer. Overstock / Return Items consist primarily of customer returns, though they may contain some company stock items that may have not been previously sold. The condition of the Lorts will vary, but a few lots may contain non-working and/or damaged items, some demonstrating signs of significant use. Original packaging and accessories such as remote controls, cables, cords, and instructions may or may not be included. The inventory items are provided to you in "as is" condition. The Seller wrrants that buyer will receive good and marketable title to the Items purchased hereunder, but the Seller hereby disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability, noninfringement, or fitness for a particular purpose. EMAIL By signing up for this auction you give KJ ONline Auctions DBA KJ;s Needful Things LLC permission to add your name to their mailing list. You can unsubscribe at any time. CONTACT INFORMATION: PHONE: (248) 505-5985 EMAIL: kjsneedfulthings@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.kjsneedfulthings.com BIDDING WEBSITE: needfulthings.hibid.com
Auction Terms & Conditions -------------------------------------- By registering and bidding on any item, the bidder/buyer shows acceptance of the following terms and conditions. Any bid by a bidder/buyer is a legal binding contract between you,referred to as the �bidder� and KJ's Needful Things, LLC referred to as the �Auction House�. Do not register or bid unless you agree to all of the terms and conditions. These Terms and Conditions can be changed at any time without notice. Please read these terms and conditions each time you register for one of our auctions. These terms and conditions supersede any other agreement between you, the Bidder, and the Auction House made in the past or present. REGISTRATION: All information provided by bidder/buyer during the registration process must be current, complete, and accurate. Bidders must be 18 years of age or older. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC, at its sole discretion, may deny registration to any person or entity. The Bidder agrees to let the Auction House know of any changes with their contact information or credit information as soon as the Bidder knows and to keep this information current in their Hibid Profile. DISCLAIMER: All items are sold �AS-IS, WHERE-IS� with all faults, flaws, imperfections and errors. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC and the seller(s) do not give or make any type of guarantee or warranty regarding the lots to be sold, implied or otherwise. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC encourages all bidders to inspect lots in person before bidding. KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. has put forth every effort in preparing the catalog for every auction to provide accurate descriptions of all items, however, it is the bidder's responsibility to determine the condition and suitability of each lot. Due diligence is the responsibility of the bidder/buyer. Printed statements or descriptions by staff are provided in good faith and are matters of opinion. Any bidder's failure to inspect, or to be fully informed on the quality or condition will not constitute grounds for any claim, adjustment, refund, termination of the purchase contract, or refusal to close the sale. If you are unsure about any of the Term and Conditions, pricing, or how to bid; There may be items in the background, but those are not included in the lot unless specifically told otherwise. IF YOU ARE IN ANY WAY UNSURE AS TO ANY MATTER HEREIN, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC URGES YOU TO NOT BID. CONDUCT OF THE AUCTION: Conduct of the auction and increments of bidding are at the direction and discretion of KJ�s Needful Things, LLC..KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. reserves the right to reject any and all bids for any reason and also reserves the right to cancel this auction, or remove any item or lot from this auction prior to the close of bidding. WE ACT ONLY AS AGENTS FOR THE SELLER. Sellers or their agents reserve the right to bid on their own behalf to protect their investment(s). Sale on all items is subject to seller approval. The Auction House reserves the right to confirm the sale with the seller, and bid on behalf of the seller, if necessary. Items may have reserves that may or may not be noted. All decisions of KJ�s Needful Things, LLC. are final. CLIENT/SELLER RIGHTS: The clients/sellers of the Auction House have the right to bid on and win any items they have put to auction, including their own. The Clients/Sellers agree to pay for all items and buyers premiums and taxes associated with any lots they have won. MAX BID: When you place your maximum bid, the current bid price doesn't automatically jump to your max bid. Your bid will go to the next highest increment and will be increased as other people bid against you. The computer will automatically bid up to your max in the increments specified. By placing any bids you have agreed by legal contract that your bid or max bid is what you are willing to pay for that specific lot(s) and may have to pay full bid or max bid amount of any bids placed. The buyer agrees and is responsible for every bid amount placed. Remember, KJ�s Needful Things, LLC or anybody for that matter DO NOT force you to place any bid, you and you alone are responsible for your actions. Please bid accordingly. CHOOSE WISELY: When you bid on the wrong item or decide an item is not suited for your intended use, our clients are not willing to assume the cost of your mistakes. When in doubt about condition, completeness or suitability for intended use, please bid accordingly. BEFORE THE AUCTION: We strongly recommend every person bidding on items to request a time to preview & inspect the items. You may attend during our posted preview hours or request an appointment to preview any of our auctions in person. 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Welcome! Please Read Before Bidding
Welcome! We Have Weekly Auctions Every Monday Night Starting At 7:30pm Eastern. Pick Up Location: We Are Easy To Find. 1775 W Hamlin Rd, Suite B, Rochester Hills, Mi 48309. Located In The Hamlin Industrial Park (on Sign At The Road) We Are On...

Pickup Information * Read Before Bidding*
Pick Up Dates: Thursday, February 27th 10am - 2pm Friday, February 28th 10am - 5pm Saturday, March 1st 10am - 2pm Choose Pick Up Or Shipping In The Email / Text You Receive From Shipping S...

Updated! Shipping Information For Eligible Items
We Only Ship To The Address On Your Credit Card On File With Your Hibid Profile. No Exceptions! You Must Make Sure That Your Address On Your Hibid Profile Is Correct Before You Register. Hibid Does Not Allow You To Change It After The Fact. We Will...

We Are A Cashless Auction House - No Cash
We Are A Cashless Auction House. No Cash Or Checks Accepted. Credit Cards On File With Hibid Are Charged Immediately Following The Close Of The Auction. Please Read The Payment Section Before Bidding. Credit Card On File With Hibid Is Charged Immedi...

Consign A Few Items Or Full Online Estate Auctions
Please Go To Kjsneedfulthings.com/sell For All Of The Information You Need To Sell With Us And To Schedule A Drop Off Appointment. Please Keep In Mind That Everything You See In Our Auctions Is Not Necessarily What We Take On Consignment To Sell Fo...

Give Back With Kj's Community Box
February - Friends Of Foster Kids - New Only Items Please Per Their Nonprofiit Guidelines Kj�s Needful Things Community Drop Box - Please Join Us In Giving Back To Communities In Need. For The Month Of January, We Will Be Collecting Winter B...

Do Not Bid Here! For Consignors Only.
Consignors, Intake Note Tags Sometimes Fall Off Of Consigned Lots. Please Review The Pictures In This Lot And Reach Out To Us If You Own Any Of These Items. Thank You.

0% Buyers Premium For New Instagram Followers
-----this Week Only For The Auction Closing On March 17th ----- You Must Sign Up By Sunday 3/16 Night At Mdnight ----- You Must Be A New Follower. ----- You Must Receive Confirmation From The Auction House That We Have Received Your Proof Of Follow...

Works Seth Thomas Tempus Fugit Grandfather Clock*
& Paperwork - Numeral Xi Is Included But Needs To Be Re-attached 74x19x10 Inches Has Been Working Excellently For The Last 6 Months Hall Clock

New Snapper Battery Operated Snow Shovel Tool Only
Battery Not Included Ships In Original Box Only

Pair Of Divider Weighted Columns Stanchions
W/ Retractable Belts. By Us Weight Co Black Dusty 40x 16 inches

Rolling Black Wire Shelving Unit 4 Shelves
Height: 77in Width: 4ft Depth: 14in






No Keys - Homak Metal Gun Case 55in H
Height: 55in Width: 21in Depth: 10in


Beautiful Bombay Wood Rolltop W/ Wood Chair
By Baetz Bros W/ Needlepoint Cushion Desk Chair height: 35in Desk height: 41in Desk Width: 30in Desk Depth: 20in





Camo Folding Portable Chair In Carry Bag
Camo And Black Next G-1 Brand Height: 41in



Tom Hanks Signed W/ Coa Large Framed Poster
From Saving Private Ryan W/ Tom Hnks Signed Photo W/ Certificate Of Authenticity For Autograph Frame: 42in X 29in

Genesis Archery Bow W/ 5 Arrows In Carry Case
Works Arrows: 31 inches Bow: approximately 40 x 11 inches





4 Metal Football Cards- The National Football Musm
Museum Al Davis, Lem Barney, John Mackey & John Riggins

8 Football Trading Cards Nolan Ryan, Cal Ripken Jr
George Brett, Carlton Fisk, Ozzie Smith, Robin Yount - Living Legends Cards& 2 Lem Barney Cards













Beam's 1957 Chevy Bel-air Decanter *read*
80-proof - There Is Alcohol Inside The Car #jw023 In Original Box Dirty - Some Tarnishing On Silver Areas 1 Crack On Plastic Top Near Passenger Side Where Top Of Window Would Be

Brass Paperweight The Archetype - Kim Lighting
1:10 Scale, Limited Edition, Kim Lighting, Good Condition, 1 1/2"w X 1"d X 2 1/2"h

Mambo Liz Claiborne Set
Perfume And 2.5fl Oz Each: Conditioning Shampoo, Shower Gel, Body Lotion $24.99 + S/h








Top Flite Backpack Kickstand Bag & Golf Clubs
Camo Bag Umbrella 6,7,8,9 Irons Pitching Wedge Putter Driver 3 Wood 4 & 5 Hybrid






Realistic Am/fm Stereo Receiver Sta-235 Powers On
No Further Testing Unknown If Works Fully Genuine Walnut Veneer Model 31-2065

Vintage Coleman 2-burner Camping Stove 425e499
In Original Box (box Has Flaws)

Hard To Find Mr. Mr. Peanut Bridges Walking Cane
W/ Genuine Leather Bridges Head Cover Black Metal W/

Signed Numbered W/ Coa Framed Serigraph
West Gallery Jeff Rivers, Artist - Signed 86/350 Brodwy & Paradise 1997

2 Movie Posters Framed Supernatural & Walking Dead
Walking Dead Poster Has Been Bent At Top And Has Rips On Top Edges That Are Not In The Frame

Oil On Board From Local Art Instructor From Local
Detroit Center For Creative Studies William Girard - Long Time Art Instructor Mountain Landscape



Vintage Cans All Full Sealed Motor Oil, Anti-freez
Snowmobile & Motorcyle Oil & Oil Conditioner, In London's Milk Crate


Michelob Eagle Wall Art Resin
Lakeside Industries 2402094










Works Cool Seiko Wall Clock Plays The Beatles &
25 Songs In Total In 3 Different Sets Melodies In Motion Ms-xm565-1


Vintage Press Pump Beverage Server *couple Of
Dents And Needs To Be Wiped Down Floral Design

Oxo 12 Cup Coffee Maker Tea Hot Water Combo
Model 8710000 Black Stainless Brew Basket Works Retails $149-169