Listing ID#: 1680438

Property Location
426 Washington Street

Aberdeen, MD 21001
Auction Location

Bel Air, MD 21014
Auction Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Friday Dec 6, 2024 Completed
Auction Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Brenda DiMarco, Auctioneer ID#: 7991
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Deposit $7,000.00
Listing Information

Axelson, Williamowsky, Bender & Fishman, P.C.

                                                Attorneys and Counselors at Law

                                                    1401 Rockville Pike, Suite 650

                                                            Rockville, MD  20852

                                                     TELEPHONE (301) 738-7657

                                                    TELECOPIER (301) 424-0124

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE of valuable Improved real estate Improved by premises known as 426 Washington Street, Aberdeen, MD 21001-2444

          By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust from WYATT DANSER and DAVID CHARLES DANSER,  dated January 27, 2016 and recorded in Liber 11764 at Folio 185  among the land records of   HARFORD COUNTY, Maryland, upon default and request for sale, the undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouse door, 20 West Courtland Street, Bel Air,  Maryland on Friday, December 6, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. all that property described in said Deed of Trust as follows:


Being the fee simple property which, by Deed dated September 14, 2001, and recorded in the Land Records of the County of Harford, Maryland in Liber 3691, Folio 642, was granted and conveyed by Harford Habitat for Humanity, Inc. unto Rechelle Jackson.


Being known and designated as Lot No. 6 as shown on the plat entitled "Subdivision of Land Near Aberdeen, Maryland now owned by G.. Kessler Livezey, Jr." which Plat is recorded among the Land Records of Harford County in Plat Book DGW No. 2, folio 6.


Said property is improved by A Dwelling and Is SOLD IN "AS IS CONDITION"



TERMS OF SALE:  A deposit of   $7,000.00     in the form of cash, certified check, or in any other form suitable to the substitute Trustees in their sole discretion, shall be required at the time of sale.  The balance of the purchase price with interest at 8.125%    per annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within ten days after the final ratification of the sale.


            Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. 


            Front Foot Benefit charges are to be adjusted for the current year to date of sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser.  Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer taxes and all other costs incident to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the property will be resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser.  The purchaser agrees to pay the Substitute Trustees fees  plus all costs incurred if the Substitute Trustee have filed the appropriate pleadings with the Court to resell the property. Purchaser waives personal service of any paper filed with the court in connection with such motion and any Show Cause Order issued by the Court and expressly agrees to accept service of any such paper or Order by certified mail and regular mail sent to the address provided by the purchaser and as recorded on the documents executed by purchaser at the time of the sale.  Service shall be deemed effective upon the purchaser 3 days after postmarked by the United States Post Office.  It is expressly agreed by the purchaser that actual receipt of the certified mail is not required for service to be effective. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement the deposit shall be forfeited to the Substitute Trustee and all expenses of this sale (including attorney fees or full commission on the gross sales price of the sale) shall be charged against and paid from the forfeited deposit.  In the event of resale the defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any resale of the property regardless of any improvements made to the real property.  


            In the Event this property is sold and for any reason the sale is not ratified the liability of the Substitute Trustees shall be limited to a refund of the deposit.  Upon refund of the deposit the purchaser shall have no further claim against the Substitute Trustees either at law or in equity.


JEREMY K. FISHMAN and ERICA T. DAVIS, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES,  by virtue of instrument recorded among the land

                                                            records of  HARFORD County, Maryland.

                                                            Brenda DiMarco, Auctioneer

                                                                                                                                                14804 Main Street 

                                                            Upper Marlboro, MD 20772

                                                            Phone#: 301-627-1002

                                                            Auctioneer's Number #A000580



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Brenda DiMarco, Auctioneer

Brenda DiMarco, Auctioneer

Sale Location
Harford County Courthouse 20 West Courtland Street
Bel Air, MD 21014
Sale Dates and Times
Friday Dec 6, 2024 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Deposit $7,000.00
Listing Details

Axelson, Williamowsky, Bender & Fishman, P.C.

                                                Attorneys and Counselors at Law

                                                    1401 Rockville Pike, Suite 650

                                                            Rockville, MD  20852

                                                     TELEPHONE (301) 738-7657

                                                    TELECOPIER (301) 424-0124

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE of valuable Improved real estate Improved by premises known as 426 Washington Street, Aberdeen, MD 21001-2444

          By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust from WYATT DANSER and DAVID CHARLES DANSER,  dated January 27, 2016 and recorded in Liber 11764 at Folio 185  among the land records of   HARFORD COUNTY, Maryland, upon default and request for sale, the undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouse door, 20 West Courtland Street, Bel Air,  Maryland on Friday, December 6, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. all that property described in said Deed of Trust as follows:


Being the fee simple property which, by Deed dated September 14, 2001, and recorded in the Land Records of the County of Harford, Maryland in Liber 3691, Folio 642, was granted and conveyed by Harford Habitat for Humanity, Inc. unto Rechelle Jackson.


Being known and designated as Lot No. 6 as shown on the plat entitled "Subdivision of Land Near Aberdeen, Maryland now owned by G.. Kessler Livezey, Jr." which Plat is recorded among the Land Records of Harford County in Plat Book DGW No. 2, folio 6.


Said property is improved by A Dwelling and Is SOLD IN "AS IS CONDITION"



TERMS OF SALE:  A deposit of   $7,000.00     in the form of cash, certified check, or in any other form suitable to the substitute Trustees in their sole discretion, shall be required at the time of sale.  The balance of the purchase price with interest at 8.125%    per annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within ten days after the final ratification of the sale.


            Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. 


            Front Foot Benefit charges are to be adjusted for the current year to date of sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser.  Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer taxes and all other costs incident to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the property will be resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser.  The purchaser agrees to pay the Substitute Trustees fees  plus all costs incurred if the Substitute Trustee have filed the appropriate pleadings with the Court to resell the property. Purchaser waives personal service of any paper filed with the court in connection with such motion and any Show Cause Order issued by the Court and expressly agrees to accept service of any such paper or Order by certified mail and regular mail sent to the address provided by the purchaser and as recorded on the documents executed by purchaser at the time of the sale.  Service shall be deemed effective upon the purchaser 3 days after postmarked by the United States Post Office.  It is expressly agreed by the purchaser that actual receipt of the certified mail is not required for service to be effective. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement the deposit shall be forfeited to the Substitute Trustee and all expenses of this sale (including attorney fees or full commission on the gross sales price of the sale) shall be charged against and paid from the forfeited deposit.  In the event of resale the defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any resale of the property regardless of any improvements made to the real property.  


            In the Event this property is sold and for any reason the sale is not ratified the liability of the Substitute Trustees shall be limited to a refund of the deposit.  Upon refund of the deposit the purchaser shall have no further claim against the Substitute Trustees either at law or in equity.


JEREMY K. FISHMAN and ERICA T. DAVIS, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES,  by virtue of instrument recorded among the land

                                                            records of  HARFORD County, Maryland.

                                                            Brenda DiMarco, Auctioneer

                                                                                                                                                14804 Main Street 

                                                            Upper Marlboro, MD 20772

                                                            Phone#: 301-627-1002

                                                            Auctioneer's Number #A000580



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 Live Auction
Auction Date(s)
Friday Dec 6, 2024 Completed
Property Location
426 Washington Street

Aberdeen, MD 21001

Auction Location

Bel Air, MD 21014
Brenda DiMarco, Auctioneer

Listing Terms and Conditions
Deposit $7,000.00

Axelson, Williamowsky, Bender & Fishman, P.C.

                                                Attorneys and Counselors at Law

                                                    1401 Rockville Pike, Suite 650

                                                            Rockville, MD  20852

                                                     TELEPHONE (301) 738-7657

                                                    TELECOPIER (301) 424-0124

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE of valuable Improved real estate Improved by premises known as 426 Washington Street, Aberdeen, MD 21001-2444

          By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust from WYATT DANSER and DAVID CHARLES DANSER,  dated January 27, 2016 and recorded in Liber 11764 at Folio 185  among the land records of   HARFORD COUNTY, Maryland, upon default and request for sale, the undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouse door, 20 West Courtland Street, Bel Air,  Maryland on Friday, December 6, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. all that property described in said Deed of Trust as follows:


Being the fee simple property which, by Deed dated September 14, 2001, and recorded in the Land Records of the County of Harford, Maryland in Liber 3691, Folio 642, was granted and conveyed by Harford Habitat for Humanity, Inc. unto Rechelle Jackson.


Being known and designated as Lot No. 6 as shown on the plat entitled "Subdivision of Land Near Aberdeen, Maryland now owned by G.. Kessler Livezey, Jr." which Plat is recorded among the Land Records of Harford County in Plat Book DGW No. 2, folio 6.


Said property is improved by A Dwelling and Is SOLD IN "AS IS CONDITION"



TERMS OF SALE:  A deposit of   $7,000.00     in the form of cash, certified check, or in any other form suitable to the substitute Trustees in their sole discretion, shall be required at the time of sale.  The balance of the purchase price with interest at 8.125%    per annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within ten days after the final ratification of the sale.


            Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. 


            Front Foot Benefit charges are to be adjusted for the current year to date of sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser.  Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer taxes and all other costs incident to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the property will be resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser.  The purchaser agrees to pay the Substitute Trustees fees  plus all costs incurred if the Substitute Trustee have filed the appropriate pleadings with the Court to resell the property. Purchaser waives personal service of any paper filed with the court in connection with such motion and any Show Cause Order issued by the Court and expressly agrees to accept service of any such paper or Order by certified mail and regular mail sent to the address provided by the purchaser and as recorded on the documents executed by purchaser at the time of the sale.  Service shall be deemed effective upon the purchaser 3 days after postmarked by the United States Post Office.  It is expressly agreed by the purchaser that actual receipt of the certified mail is not required for service to be effective. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement the deposit shall be forfeited to the Substitute Trustee and all expenses of this sale (including attorney fees or full commission on the gross sales price of the sale) shall be charged against and paid from the forfeited deposit.  In the event of resale the defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any resale of the property regardless of any improvements made to the real property.  


            In the Event this property is sold and for any reason the sale is not ratified the liability of the Substitute Trustees shall be limited to a refund of the deposit.  Upon refund of the deposit the purchaser shall have no further claim against the Substitute Trustees either at law or in equity.


JEREMY K. FISHMAN and ERICA T. DAVIS, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES,  by virtue of instrument recorded among the land

                                                            records of  HARFORD County, Maryland.

                                                            Brenda DiMarco, Auctioneer

                                                                                                                                                14804 Main Street 

                                                            Upper Marlboro, MD 20772

                                                            Phone#: 301-627-1002

                                                            Auctioneer's Number #A000580