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Public Auction Annual End of Year Produce Equip
Listing ID#: 1677482
Auction Location |
Ephrata, PA 17522 |
Auction Dates and Times |
Friday Dec 13, 2024 Completed |
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Beiler-Campbell Realtors & Auction Services Website: ID#: 5020 View company information and listings |
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Public Consignment Auction Friday, December 13, 2024 @ 9:00 AM Greenhouse, Produce Equip. & Supplies, Farm Equip., & Tools 220 Covered Bridge Road, Ephrata, PA 17522 - Noah Shirk Farm, Lancaster County Click the link below for our phone bid catalog and registration, or call 717-354-0192 Items already consignedProduce Equip.: Nolt's RB436 3' Raised bed, double drip, plastic layer; New EZ Trail Plastic Layer; New EZ Trail Plastic Lifter; Nolt's RBR440 Plastic Layer, double drip; Nolt's P1500 water wheel transplanter; Transplanter wheel for onions; Nolt's RB448 4' raised bed double drip plastic layer; Nolt's LIF 550S 3 pt. Hyd. reset lifter w. straight discs; Nolt's LIF250 3 pt. Wrapper; Pioneer horse drawn 2 row or over the plastic cultivator w/ finger weeder and extra wide yoke; Bouldin Lawson flat filler; JD pull type vac. planter for sweet corn, pumpkins, beans and red beets; Stauffer 2 row tob. planter w. poly tank; #95 Mech. Hoop Setter/6' plastic; Sprayers; 3pt. 50 gal. side row sprayer Tillage/Farm Equip: JD. 7000 4 row corn planter dry ferti. and insecticide; LVW 3pt. 12' basket harrow, new; LVW 3', 1 horse mini produce harrow, new; Reigi 2 row 3 pt. pto. dr. cultivator; IH 3 shank ripper; 7 shank chisel plow; IH vibra shank 13” field cultivator; JD 3 pt. 4 bottom plow; 14' cultipacker; 13' tine weeder; Irrigation: 3” x 40' alum. irrigation pipe w. sprinklers; Extra brass sprinklers; Long traveler 4” x 1300' w/ Nelson 150 gun; Sand Filters; New 4” layflat hose; 550 gal. poly tank w/ elec. pump on trailer; 3” intake hose w/screen; 30 pcs Waderain 5”x40’ Aluminum Pipe; (3) Rainbird Nozzles Picking: Pro-veyor 18' wagon w. Hyd. rear whl steer/ hyd 28' picking conveyor, like new; Lapp Wagon, 5X10' Expanded Metal Bed, 4 Wheel Steer; Rohand picking assist, Solar charged, Vari. speed like new; Low profile wagon w/ new 8.5 X 21' bed; CropCare PA1600C picking assist, variable speed, solar panels, like new; 3 or more 28' Picking Conveyors, some w/ brushes; 20' flatbed wagon; Picking Baskets Packing: AZS 24” brusher line w/top brushes & round table; 11 plastic Macrow packing crates; Pea huller 6 bu. size; 150ct new Cardboard Bins; 2000ct. 1½ gal. pots; Tob. bale boxes Martin's Produce Supply; Large amount close out Decorative & Designer flower planters and hanging baskets in pewter, copper, Bronx, and Antique Brass; 208 bales of Potting Soil Misc.: New 4X8' Fiberglass greenhouse tables; 3pt. hyd. dr. Logging winch, 100' 3/8” cable; Misc. Pallet Jacks; Misc. Tomato Stakes; Lincoln 250 amp. welder; Pallet Racking 42” & 48”W x 12'H; 8 & 9' rails and wire decking; Forklift Boom; Drywall hanging hoist; Dewalt dual action chop saw; Multi folding ladder; 9” silo fill pipes Tractors: NH TL100A Cab tractor 24 speed 5720 hrs; ‘22 Kubota MX6000 Hydro, 4wd w/ loader 125 hrs. ’99 JD 4600 compact 4wd. Power Rev. 5500 hrs. needs TLC; JD 1070 gear dr. 2 wd. 2900hrs, ‘07 Kubota l 3400 HST Compact 4wd w/ loader 1800 hrs; JD. 4044 M hydro w/ cruise control 2300 hrs; Skid Loaders: ’08 Gehl 5240, 2-speed, Cab; ’99 Bobcat 863, 718hrs, New Holland 785; ’18 Case SR130, 1130hrs; ’16 JD 318G, Cab/Heat, 1160 hrs. Mini Excavators: ‘17 Kubota KX71-3, 1700 hrs; Lawn & Garden: JD 455 DSL 60” mower deck 1200 hrs. Scag 52” walk behind mower; Craftsman 27” elec. start snow blower; BCS 205 16” tiller; BCS Harvester tractor w/ 40” broom and 24” tiller; Spring Wagons /Buggies: Alum. bed cab wagon, w. LED lights, nice; Good selection of 1 and 2 seated Mennonite carriages in used and rebuilt cond., few on steel ; New C-More cart w. bench seat, brakes, led. lights; Quick hitch harness; Folding top buggy, led lights, rubber, GD; Hoosier Sulky Tools, Hardware: Moses King will be here with New Milwaukee and Dewalt power tools, including Chain saws, Blowers, Weed Eaters and reg. Drills, Impacts, lights, Saws; Heated Jackets, LED lights, including head and flood; Lots of extra Batteries in 18 and 20 Volt Accepting Consignments until Dec. 10th Call Noah Shirk at 717-354-0192, Fax 717-355-2763 or email 🕿 Phone Bidding Available, 848-280-6616 Click the link below for our phone bid catalog and registration, or call 717-354-0192 No Buyers Premium, All items subject to 6% PA sales tax unless we have signed exemption Some items subject to reserves and prior sale. Not responsible for accidents and no shows. Many more items coming in late. All information is deemed to be accurate but not guaranteed. Payments by Cash, Check, Wire Transfer or Credit Cards Click the link below for our phone bid catalog and registration, or call 717-354-0192 Food Stand by Farmersville Parochial School For more information go to: or or Auctioneers: Noah Shirk: AU#5928 717-354-0192 Christ Taylor: AU#005421 717-371-1915 Harold Martin: AA#19488 717-738-4228 Seller: Noah Shirk Auctions 717-354-0192 |
Auction License: AY002026 |
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