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Listing ID#: 1618885
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Cheektowaga, NY 14225 |
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Bidding Starts: Thursday May 9 Bidding Ends: Thursday May 30 |
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Premier Collectible Auctions ID#: 9889 View company information and listings |
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Bid Online until Thursday 05/30/2024
Register at 1 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #95 BA KEY ISSUE HIGHER GRADE Death of Thunderbird, John Proudstar, killed in a plane crash 3rd appearance of Nightcrawler Earliest use of the word 'Bamf' to describe the sound of Nightcrawler teleporting via an alternate dimension 2 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #96 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE 1st appearance of Moira McTaggert, an Omega Level Mutant who retains her memory after death and reincarnation Debut of Wolverine's berserker rage 1st appearance of Steven Lang, one of the Sentinel program pioneers 1st appearance of Kierrok, a demon c... 3 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #97 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE 1st cameo appearance of Lilandra, fully obscured by a spacesuit 1st appearance of the second Erik the Red, a warrior for the Shi'ar First use of the name Polaris by Lorna Dane Revealed that Colossus's first name is Peter 4 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #98 BA KEY ISSUE HIGHER GRADE Unofficial DC crossover of a reporter named Clark Kent who appears over 20 times in Marvel books Revealed that Wolverine's claws are a part of his body, not a part of his gloves as Len Wein initially intended 1st cameo appearance of Amanda Sefton, ex... 5 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #99 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE 1st cameo appearance of Black Tom Cassidy 6 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #100 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE Classic battle of the original X-Men vs the new X-Men First use of the phrase 'Fastball Special' when Colossus launches Wolverine at an enemy 7 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #101 BA KEY ISSUE HIGH GRADE Debut of new powers, Jean Grey is reborn as the Phoenix Ten years later this moment would be further developed where the Phoenix is an actual cosmic entity of vast power that copied Grey�s physical form while placing her body in a cocoon to heal... 8 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #102 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE First battle of the Juggernaut versus Colossus Origin of Storm 9 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #103 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE Wolverine's first name revealed to be 'Logan' 1st cameo appearance of D'Ken Neramani 10 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #104 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE 1st appearance of Corsair, father of Cyclops, Havok and Vulcan 1st appearance of Ch'od, a member of the Starjammers 2nd cameo appearance of Lilandra First mention of Mutant X aka Proteus 11 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #139 BA KEY ISSUE HIGH GRADE Debut of new brown and tan Wolverine costume Kitty Pryde joins the X-Men as Sprite 1st appearance of Heather Hudson, later becomes the Guardian, then Vindicator 12 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #140 BA KEY ISSUE NEWSSTAND Alpha Flight disbands after government funding is severed which eventually leads to their reformation as an independent team in Alpha Flight #1 (1983) 13 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #105 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE 1st full appearance of Lilandra, future empress of the Shi'ar alien empire Debut of Jean Grey's new Phoenix powers in battle versus Firelord 14 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #106 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE 1st appearance of the Entity, the dark side of Professor X There are similarities between the Entity and Onslaught although the Entity is Xavier's dark side while Onslaught is the manifestation of Xavier and Magento's dark sides 15 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #107 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE 1st full team appearance of the Starjammers: Corsair, Ch'od, Hepzibah, Astra and Raza Debut of Wolverine's Fang costume 1st team appearance of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard 1st appearance of the M'Krann Crystal 1st appearance of Gladiator, leader of the... 16 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #108 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE First John Byrne artwork on the X-Men title Collaboration of Claremont and Byrne begins and runs through issue #143 17 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #109 BA KEY HIGHER GRADE 1st appearance of Weapon Alpha, becomes Vindicator in X-Men #120 20 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #112 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE Classic cover art by George Perez 22 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #114 BRONZE KEY HIGHER GRADE First time the word �Uncanny� appears above �X-Men� but the title didn't officially become �Uncanny X-Men� until #142 24 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #116 BRONZE KEY HIGHER GRADE Introduction of Wolverine's healing power though it is only hinted at First time it is implied that Wolverine took a life of an enemy 25 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #117 BRONZE KEY HIGH GRADE 1st appearance of the Shadow King, Amahl Farouk, a powerful psychic Origin of Professor X concerning a difficult psychic battle against Amahl Farouk which was the inspiration to create the X-Men Professor X recalls his first encounter with Storm 26 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #118 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE 1st appearance of Mariko Yashida, Wolverine's now-deceased fiance 27 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #119 BRONZE KEY HIGHER GRADE Cameo of Proteus, voice only Insignia of a Golden Eagle award on the cover refers to a U.K. fan award for favorite dramatic comic book 28 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #120 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE 1st cameo team appearance of Alpha Flight: Sasquatch, Aurora, Northstar, Shaman, Snowbird 29 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #121 BRONZE KEY HIGHER GRADE 1st full team appearance of Alpha Flight: Aurora, Northstar, Sasquatch, Snowbird, Shaman, and Vindicator, formerly Weapon Alpha 30 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #122 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE Origin of Colossus Mastermind assumes the physical identity of a Scottish man named Jason Wyngarde, an identity he kept for many years 31 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #123 BA KEY ISSUE NEWSSTAND Storm's nipple is exposed in a panel where she is blow-drying her hair This was drawn into the panel by John Byrne but was not visible on the printed page until high-resolution digital technology became available 32 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #124 BA KEY HIGHER GRADE NEWS 1st appearance of Colossus as The Proletarian 33 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #125 BA KEY HIGHER GRADE NEWS 1st cameo appearance of Mutant X aka Proteus, the son of Moira MacTaggert 34 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #126 BA KEY HIGHER GRADE NEWS 1st full appearance of Proteus, a featureless human shape composed of white light 37 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #129 BRONZE KEY NEWSSTAND The Dark Phoenix Saga Part 1 1st appearance of Kitty Pryde 1st appearance of Emma Frost, the White Queen 1st cameo team appearance of The Hellfire Club, in shadows 38 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #130 BRONZE KEY NEWSSTAND The Dark Phoenix Saga Part 2 1st appearance of Dazzler 2nd appearance of Kitty Pryde 2nd appearance of Emma Frost 1st full appearance of Sebastian Shaw, the Black King Jean Grey becomes the Black Queen of the Hellfire Club 39 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #131 BRONZE KEY NEWSSTAND The Dark Phoenix Saga Part 3 Jean Grey becomes The Black Queen of The Hellfire Club 3rd appearance of Kitty Pryde 1st cover appearance of the White Queen, Emma Frost 2nd appearance of Dazzler 40 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #132 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE The Dark Phoenix Saga Part 4 1st full team appearance of the Hellfire Club 1st full appearance of the Black Bishop, Harry Leland 1st full appearance of the White Bishop, Donald Pierce 1st appearance of Tessa, later becomes Sage 41 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #133 BA KEY ISSUE NEWSSTAND The Dark Phoenix Saga Part 5 First solo Wolverine cover Wolverine�s healing power previously hinted at in X-Men #116 is confirmed in this issue 42 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #134 BA KEY ISSUE NEWSSTAND The Dark Phoenix Saga Part 6 Jean Grey becomes the Dark Phoenix 42 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #135 BRONZE AGE KEY HIGH GRADE The Dark Phoenix Saga Part 7 2nd appearance of Jean Grey as The Dark Phoenix 1st appearance of Senator Robert Kelly 43 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #136 BA KEY ISSUE NEWSSTAND The Dark Phoenix Saga Part 8 Jean Grey reclaims control after suppressing the Dark Phoenix with the help of Professor X 44 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #137 BA KEY HIGHER GRADE NEWS The Dark Phoenix Saga Part 9 Iconic cover art by John Byrne Death of Jean Grey Controversial issue due to Jean Grey taking her own life knowing she could not control The Phoenix Force 1st appearance of Raksor, a Skrull 1st appearance of Bel-Dann, a K... 45 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #138 BA KEY NEWSSTAND Cyclops leaves the X-Men 45 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #141 BRONZE AGE KEY HIGH GRADE "Days of Future Past" part 1 1st team appearance of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants: Mystique, Destiny, Pyro, Avalanche and Blob 1st appearance of Destiny 1st appearance of Avalanche 46 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #142 BA KEY NEWSSTAND "Days of Future Past" part 2 Death of Wolverine, Colossus and Storm in an alternate reality Retitled from �X-Men� to �Uncanny X-Men� - officially, in the indicia copyright section 47 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #143 BA KEY NEWSSTAND Final collaboration of Chris Claremont and John Byrne that began in X-Men #108 49 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #145 BA KEY HIGHER GRADE NEWS Iconic cover art by Dave Cockrum 52 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #148 BA KEY ISSUE NEWSSTAND 1st appearance of Caliban, a mutant with the ability to track other mutants Angel quits the X-Men 54 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #150 BA KEY HIGHER GRADE NEWS Origin of Magneto, specifically the first time a reference is made to having Jewish ancestry and his childhood spent in Auschwitz 58 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #154 BA KEY HIGHER GRADE NEWS Origin of the Summers family: Cyclops, Havok, Corsair 59 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #155 BA KEY HIGHER GRADE 1st team appearance of the Brood, an alien race 1st appearance of the Brood Queen 60 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #156 BRONZE KEY NEWSSTAND Origin of Corsair 1st appearance of the Acanti, an ancient race of aliens that are described as space whales 62 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #158 BRONZE AGE KEY NEWSSTAND 2nd appearance of Rogue, tied with Rom #31 According to the solicitation catalogs from 1982, both Rom #31 and Uncanny X-Men #158 went on sale March 9th 63 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #159 BRONZE AGE KEY NEWSSTAND Storm becomes a vampire after being bitten by Dracula 64 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #160 BRONZE AGE KEY NEWSSTAND 1st appearance of Illyana Rasputin, Colossus's sister as an adolescent 1st appearance of S'ym, a demon from the Limbo realm 65 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #161 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE Origin of Magneto 66 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #162 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE Solo story featuring Wolverine Debut of Star Sharks aka Space Sharks 67 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #163 BA KEY ISSUE NEWSSTAND Origin of Binary, Carol Danvers is subjected to evolutionary enhancements as a host of the Brood alien hatchlings 68 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #164 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE 1st appearance of Ms. Marvel, Carol Danvers as Binary 70 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #166 BA KEY HIGH GRADE NEWS 1st appearance of Lockheed, unnamed until #168 Death of the Brood Queen 72 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #168 BA KEY ISSUE NEWSSTAND 1st appearance of Madelyne Pryor, later becomes Goblin Queen First mention of the name Lockheed 73 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #169 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE 1st appearance of Callisto 1st team appearance of the Morlocks: Masque, Plague and Sunder Kitty Pryde becomes Ariel 75 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #171 BRONZE AGE KEY NEWSSTAND Rogue joins the X-Men Debut of Illyana Rasputin's Soulsword 77 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #173 BA KEY ISSUE NEWSSTAND Origin of Silver Samurai Debut of Storm's mohawk and new costume 79 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #175 BA KEY ISSUE NEWSSTAND Marriage of Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor 80 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #176 BA KEY ISSUE NEWSSTAND 1st appearance of Valerie Cooper, a government official for mutant regulatory practices, led to the formation of X-Factor 83 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #179 BRONZE KEY HIGH GRADE 1st appearance of Leech 85 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #181 BRONZE AGE HIGHER GRADE 1st appearance of Amiko, the foster daughter of Wolverine 87 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #183 BRONZE KEY HIGHER GRADE Battle of Colossus versus the Juggernaut 88 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #184 BRONZE KEY HIGH GRADE 1st appearance of Forge, Daniel Lone Eagle, a mutant with the ability to comprehend and build nearly anything technological 1st appearance of Naze, a Cheyenne mystic and mentor to Forge, later revealed to be the Adversary 89 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #185 BA KEY ISSUE NEWSSTAND Storm is stripped of her powers and doesn't regain them until nearly four years later in Uncanny X-Men #226 90 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #186 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE 1st cover appearance of Forge 'LifeDeath' adapted for the X-Men '97 Disney+ animated series 92 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #188 BRONZE AGE KEY NEWSSTAND 1st cameo appearance of the Adversary, a Native American trickster god 95 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #191 BA KEY HIGHER GRADE NEWS 1st appearance of Nimrod, an advanced sentinel from an alternate timeline +157% increase in copies sold this week versus the previous week 97 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #193 BA KEY HIGHER GRADE 1st appearance of Firestar in mainstream continuity, previously appeared in the comic book adaptation of the animated series 'Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends' James Proudstar appears in the classic Thunderbird costume 98 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #194 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE 1st team appearance of Andrea and Andreas Strucker, the twin children of Baron Von Strucker that comprise the terrorist organization Fenris Later the twins take on the identities of Swordsman (Thunderbolts) and Songbird 100 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #196 BRONZE AGE HIGH GRADE Controversial issue: in an effort to make a point about the offensiveness of the word 'mutie', Kitty Pryde uses an extremely offensive racial slur, uncensored 103 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #199 BRONZE KEY HIGH GRADE 1st appearance of Rachel Summers as the second Phoenix The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants becomes the Freedom Force: Mystique, Blob, Destiny, Spiral, Avalanche and Pyro 104 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #200 BRONZE AGE KEY ISSUE 'Trial of Magneto' Magneto becomes headmaster of Xavier's Academy Andrea and Andreas Von Strucker become Fenris, a terrorist organization 104 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #201 COPPER AGE KEY HIGH GRADE 1st appearance of Nathan Summers (Cable) as a baby, son of Scott Summers and Madelyne Pryor 109 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #205 COPPER KEY HIGHER GRADE Lady Deathstrike is transformed into her classic cybernetic organism version with claws and adamantium reinforcements 111 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #207 CA KEY VERY HIGH GRADE Cover art by John Romita Jr. 112 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #208 CA KEY VERY HIGH GRADE First mention of the term Omega when referring to the power class of a mutant 114 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #210 COPPER KEY HIGHER GRADE 1st cameo team appearance of The Marauders: Arclight, Harpoon, Riptide, Vertigo, Scalphunter and Scrambler This cover was later reprinted for a trade paperback collection but digitally augmented to remove the cigar that Wolverine was smoking 115 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #211 COPPER KEY HIGHER GRADE 1st full team appearance of The Marauders: Arclight, Riptide, Vertigo, Harpoon, Scalphunter, Scrambler Specialty border printed on select covers published in November 1986 celebrating Marvel's 25th Anniversary or more precisely, the 25th year since F... 116 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #212 COPPER AGE KEY ISSUE First battle of Wolverine versus Sabretooth 117 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #213 COPPER KEY HIGH GRADE Betsy Braddock joins the X-Men and adopts the name Psylocke 1st cameo appearance of Mr. Sinister 118 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #214 COPPER KEY HIGH GRADE Dazzler joins the X-Men 119 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #215 COPPER KEY HIGH GRADE 1st appearance of Stonewall, Super Sabre and Crimson Commando 123 MARVEL UNCANNY X-MEN #219 COPPER KEY HIGHER GRADE Havok joins The X-Men |
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