New & Returned Merchandise Auction #310 - Mr. Big Deals
Listing ID#: 1578818

Auction Location
Toronto, ON M1P 3E4
Full Address Available on Wednesday, Dec 13
Auction Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Bidding Starts: Thursday Dec 14
Bidding Ends: Wednesday Dec 20
Auction Type
Company Information
Mr. Big Deals 2575714 Ontario Inc

Website: ID#: 4016
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions - To Bid and Buy REGISTRATION & IDENTIFICATION: At the time of registration, we may collect information about you to verify who you are before you can bid. All bidders must be of legal age of majority in the province or state they reside in order to bid. REVIEWING YOUR BIDS: During an auction you can check the status of your bids at anytime. Note that no bids can be withdrawn after the auction for any reason. All items are sold as is, where is, with all faults. BIDDING NOTIFICATIONS: You can choose to be notified by e-mail during the auction if you have been outbid. Please note that outbid notifications may not be sent out during the last two hours of the sale, so it is still your responsibility to track your bids. WINNING NOTIFICATION & INVOICING: All winning bidders will receive an e-mail invoice by 12 noon the following day after the auction closing. PICKUPS & REMOVALS: Dates and times for pickup will be posted on our website and information about these deadlines will also be provided in the email you receive with your invoice. It is important that you read and follow these dates and deadlines and we kindly ask that you do not bid if you are unable to have your items picked up within the scheduled pickup dates. Any item not picked up during the posted pickup times will incur a $25.00 late/storage administration fee per invoice, per week and any items that are not picked up within 28 business days after auction closes will be considered abandoned and will be sold for accumulated storage fees. Please understand that we will not offer any extension to these pick-up deadlines for any reason. It is your responsibility to assure you pick your items up on time. Items are sold as is, where is, with all faults. If you choose to abandon an item after any auction, you will be blocked from placing any further bids on any of our future auctions. As a courtesy to our customers who travel long distances or can't make a scheduled pickup for unforeseen circumstances, Mr. Big Deals provides a 1 week hold option. Please read the terms to this extended hold below as these terms will be enforced with NO exceptions. 1. In order to qualify for a one week, hold of your won goods, Mr. Big Deals must receive FULL PAYMENT for your won items by 3pm the first Saturday after auction closes. Only after full payment is received will you be permitted to have your items held for 1 week without penalty. If your items are not picked up by 4pm the second Tuesday after auction closes a $25.00 late pickup/storage fee will be applied to your invoice regardless of how many items are on your invoice and additional $25.00 storage/administration fee will be applied for each week beyond the allowed hold and charged to your credit card on file. If your items are not picked up by 4pm the fourth Tuesday after auction closes, your items will be deemed abandoned and your entire invoice will be re-sold for the accumulated storage fees. You will also be blocked from bidding on any future auctions and may be blocked from bidding with other auction companies on the HiBid platform. Please understand that we will not offer any extension to these pick-up deadlines for any reason. It is your responsibility to assure you pick your items up on time. 2. If full payment is not provided by 3pm the Saturday after auction closes a late payment/storage charge of $25.00 invoice will be applied regardless of invoice size and you will be required to pay this fee plus all outstanding lot fees, buyers premium and taxes before your items are released. You will also not be permitted to bid on any Mr. Big Deals auctions until your outstanding balance is paid in full. If you fail to pickup and pay for your won items including all late payment/storage fees, buyer's premium and taxes by the second Saturday after auction closes you will remain blocked from bidding on any future Mr. Big Deals auctions, you will also be reported for non-payment to other auction companies on the HiBid platform and you may be blocked by other auctioneers on the HiBid Platform. 3. Large items must be picked up on a weekly basis. No holds will be permitted for items marked as "NO HOLDS" Failure to pickup items marked as "NO HOLDS" by 4pm the Tuesday following the auction close will result in a late/storage administration fee of $25.00 per "NO HOLDS" item being applied to your invoice and charged to the credit card on file along with all lot fees, buyers' premium and taxes. If these items are not picked up by 4pm the second Saturday after auction close your items will be deemed abandoned and your entire invoice will be re-sold as one auction lot for additional storage fees. CONDITIONS OF ITEMS SOLD & OUR ONLINE CATALOGUE: Our best efforts are made to represent all items accurately in descriptions and photographs; however, all items are ultimately sold on an 'as is, where is' basis, with all faults. We strongly encourage all bidders to personally verify the condition of each item. No responsibility is assumed by Mr. Big Deals or the consignor for any errors or omissions. We have provided a more detailed explanation of our condition descriptions and what does and does not qualify for our industry leading return policy that can be found in the 2nd lot at the beginning of each auction. If you have any questions regarding these description please email us at prior to placing any bids. CLAIMS: No claims regarding goods purchased will be allowed. Bidders are reminded that all goods are sold on an 'as is, where is' basis, with all faults. PERSONAL & PROPERTY RISKS: We will not be liable for damage or injury to individuals or their property. ADDITIONS & DELETIONS: We reserve the right to remove and/or add lots and/or items to the sale at any point during the auction. BUYERS: The BUYER expressly agrees to indemnify and save Mr. Big Deals, the Seller, and their consignors harmless from and against all claims, losses, expenses, damage or liability, directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from an act, including the negligent acts or omissions of Mr. Big Deals, or anyone acting in his/her behalf in connection with or arising out of any auction. All bidders/buyers must be of legal age of majority in the province or state in which they reside order to bid at one of our auctions. . RESERVE: Seldom are items sold with Reserve. If an item is being sold with a reserve, it will be clearly marked and identified. For items sold with a 'reserve', you will be required to pay a minimum amount in order to win the item. AUCTION RECORDS: In the unlikely event of a dispute, you agree to accept as true the information that we have in our records. SOFT CLOSE: Items close at regular intervals. All bids made in the last 2 minutes of the auction will force an item to be extended by an additional 3 minutes. This will continue until all bidding has stopped. STRATEGY: We recommend that ALL BIDDERS put in their maximum bid when placing a bid online. This does not mean you will have to pay the amount you bid; you only pay one bid more than the next highest bid, and only up to your maximum bid. The software system will play out the bids as you would at a live auction and only uses the funds required to beat out the under-bidder at the prescribed bid increment. CATALOGUE ERRORS & OMISSIONS: If a description does not match a picture in a lot, the description takes precedence. All items are sold on an 'as is, where is' basis, with all faults. PRIVACY POLICY: Your personal information is collected through our contact forms only. This website currently has no applications or programs that gather information from your computer without your consent. 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Listing Information
THIS IS OUR FINAL AUCTION OF 2023 AND IT'S OUR ANNUAL WAREHOUSE CLEAR-OUT. THE TIME WE MOVE OUT EVERYTHING WE'VE ACCUMULATED OVER THE YEAR TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW INVENTORY IN 2024. THIS IS A RE-SELLERS DREAM AUCTION AS WE WILL BE MOVING MANY ITEMS IN LARGER QUANTITY AND BIGGER LOTS. THIS WILL BE THE BEST CHANCE TO GRAB QUALITY GOODS AT THE BEST PRICES. PLEASE NOTE OUR WAREHOUSE WILL BE CLOSED FROM 3:00PM ON SATURDAY DECEMBER 23RD AND OPENING AGAIN ON THURSDAY JANUARY 4TH AT 11:00AM. IF YOU NEED YOUR ITEMS BEFORE THAT TIME PLEASE BE CERTAIN TO HAVE YOUR ITEMS PICKED BY 3:00PM SATURDAY DECEMBER 23RD Bidding Opens 9:00am EST Thursday December 14th and begins closing at 7:00pm EST Wednesday December 20th Internet Only Auction with NO RESERVE and a 12% BUYER PREMIUM. THIS WEEK THIS AUCTION PICKUP IS FROM 2115 MIDLAND AVENUE UNIT #5. Just south of Progress Avenue on the east side of Midland Avenue. PLEASE SEE THE SHIPPING/PICK-UP SECTION OF THE AUCTION FOR OUR UPDATED PICK-UP PROCEDURES AND DELIVERY OPTIONS. All pickup appointments can be booked though our online booking page found at Just scroll down the main page and click on the "BOOK APPOINTMENT" tab and you will be redirected to the booking page. Alternatively you can go directly to the booking page by visiting Shipping rates to areas outside the GTA will be determined by your location, size and weight of your entire order. Sorry we are unable to provide shipping quotes prior to you becoming a successful bidder. There will be a $5.00 shipping quote supply fee applied to your invoice if you do not have your items shipped after we have provided a quote. We do not allow 3rd party carriers to pickup on your behalf. If we cannot get a tracking number from our authorized carriers then your items will not ship. PACKAGE PLACE IS NOT AN AUTHORIZED CARRIER AND WE WILL NOT ALLOW SHIPMENTS WITH THEM. Currently we are accepting payment with credit card, email transfer or PayPal. CASH WILL BE ACCEPTED DURING PICKUP WITH ADVANCE NOTICE. Please let us know if you would like to pay in cash by leaving us a message in the "notes to auctioneer" section when registering for the auction or by sending us an email after the close of the auction at Without this advance notice we will process the payment to the credit card on file the day of your scheduled pickup appointment or by 3pm the Saturday after the auction closes. If your are paying by credit card or PayPal the person who's name is on the credit card or PayPal account MUST be present to pickup their items along with the payment credt card and photo ID. We will not allow anyone other than the card holder sign for credit card or PayPal payments. If you need to send someone to pickup your items on your behalf you will have to make an e-transfer or cash payment. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email us at or give us a call at 416-292-3481 This weeks Mr. Big Deals Weekly Online Auctions consists of NEW Shelf Pulls, Store Returns & Box Lots for Canadas largest online retailer and will feature... Toys, Bedding, Meyers & Curtis Stone Cookware, Gas Powered Lawn Mower, Temp-Tations Cookware, Dynatrap Mosquito Traps, Logitech G29 Racing Wheel & Floor Pedals, Power Tools, Bathroom Tissue, Baby Wipes, Area Rugs, Workout Benches, Mobility Equipment, Strollers & Car Seats, Pet Kennels, Gaming Gear, Webcams, Lawn Care Equipment,� Coolers, Headphones, Batteries, Security Cameras, Household Furniture, Backpacks, Pet Grooming Supplies, Computing Supplies, Personal Hygiene Products, Motorcycle Gear, Microphones, Designer Shoes, Kitchen Supplies, Party Games, Toys and Games, Cookware, Grocery Items, Beauty Care Supplies, Gaming Gear, Chocolate & Candy, Small Appliances,�Storage Solutions, Contractor Supplies, Brand Name Clothing, Shop Equipment, Automotive Parts, Office Supplies, Cleaning Supplies, General Merchandise, Home D�cor and so much more. 700+ Individual and Case lots are available this week.

1. Click on the auction info tab to find all information about this auction including where this auction is being held from, how to book an auction pickup appointment and when the mandatory pick up dates are. 2. Mandatory pick up dates are not flexi...

PRODUCT CONDITION DEFINITIONS Mr. Big Deals stands behind the products we sell by offering an industry leading return policy for items that are ever sold in a condition other than as described. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT ANY ITEM SOLD IN "USED" CONDITO...

The source of this information can be found at Information about dates on pre-packaged food is a valuable source of information for consumers. A basic understanding of what terms are used can help you to better understand these labels....

Smart Touch Disinfecting Spray 650ml
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 Smart Touch Disinfecting Spray 650ml NO US SHIPPING

3 Assorted Fitness Items
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 3 ProStrength Fitness items. Yoga mat, Stretch Cord,Active Waistband

Expo White Board Care Cleaner 1 Gallon Jug
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 1 Gallon Expo white board care Cleaner NO US SHIPPING

Always Home Wall Shelf
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Always Home International Encore Wall Shelf 18.9"W x 15.7"H Mounting hardware included Holds up to 5 lbs

Prenatal w/Folic Acid 50 capsules
Expiry 03/26 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 1 bottle Rexall Prenatal w/Follc Acid Vitamins 50 capsules NO US SHIPPING

Magnesium 500mg Vitamins 30 tablets
Expiry 02/26 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 1 Bottle Rexall Magnesium 500mg dietary supplements NO US SHIPPING

The Honey Pot Yeast Balance Supplement
Expiry 11/24 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. The Honey Pot Company Yeast Balance Vaginal Health Supplement - 60 capsules Retail $26.00 NO US SHIPPING

3 Clear Totes READ
CONDITION ISSUES PLEASE READ � See the listing for full details and description of any imperfections � SOLD AS IS 3 Large Clippy Boxes. 1 lid 13" x 10" x 6"

5 Vidal Gummi Spicy Mangos READ
Past BB date 07/2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. . 5 Vidal Gummi Spicy Mango candy packages, 100g each NO US SHIPPING

2 Body Lotion Moisturizers
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 1 bottle Jergens Ultra Healing 48 hour moisturizer 783 ml 1 bottle Cocoa Devine body oil gel moisturizer 200 ml NO US SHIPPING

Pantene Pro-V Conditioner
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 1 Bottle Pantene Pro-V Smooth & Sleek 72 hour Frizz Control 452ml NO US SHIPPING

Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Disinfectant
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Scrubbing Bubbles bathroom disinfectant, citrus scent

Hotel Door Security Lock
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Hotel Door Security Lock

2 Pack Ladies Razors
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 1 Pack Gillette Venus sensitive, 3 pack razors 1 Pack Skintimate Exotic violet blooms, 4 scented razors NO US SHIPPING

Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"

Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"

Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"

Wood Table Top Choose To Be Kind Quote
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Table Top Choose To Be Kind Quote 6" x 6"

Wood Framed Wall Art Metal Leaf 8" x 6"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Framed Wall Art Metal Leaf 8" x 6"

Distressed Wood "Family" Photo Frame 15.5" x 6.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Distressed Wood "Family" Photo Frame 15.5" x 6.5"

3 Wood Frame Wall Art Decor/Quotes 16" x 10"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 3 Wood Frame Wall Art Decor/Quotes 16" x 10" NO SHIPPING

Hanging Home Decor Sign 9" x 6" - READ
CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS HAS SOME MINOR SIGNS OF SHELF WEAR ON THE WHITE PAINT. THIS MAY OR MAY NOT C...

2 I Love You Mom/Grandma Table Toppers 9.5" x 1.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 I Love You Mom/Grandma Table Toppers 9.5" x 1.5"

2 I Love You Mom/Grandma Table Toppers 9.5" x 1.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 I Love You Mom/Grandma Table Toppers 9.5" x 1.5"

2 World's Greatest/Best Table Toppers 9.5" x 1.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 World's Greatest Mom/Best Grandma Ever Table Toppers 9.5" x 1.5"

2 Framed Wall Art 15.25" x 12.25"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 Framed Wall Art 15.25" x 12.25" NO SHIPPING

2 Framed Wall Art 15.25" x 12.25"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 Framed Wall Art 15.25" x 12.25" NO SHIPPING

4 Boxes Lindt LINDOR Milk Chocolate Truffles READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 31-05-2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 4 Lindt LINDOR Radiance Milk Chocolate Truffles, 175-Gram Gift Box RETAIL $49.00 NO US SHIPPING

5 Boxes Lindt LINDOR Milk Chocolate Truffles READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 31-05-2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Lindt LINDOR Radiance Milk Chocolate Truffles, 175-Gram Gift Box RETAIL $60.00 NO US SHIPPING

5 Boxes Lindt LINDOR Assorted Chocolate Truffles
PAST BEST BEFORE 31-05-2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Boxes Lindt LINDOR Radiance Assorted Chocolate Truffles, 175-Gram Gift Box RETAIL $60.00 NO US SHIPPING

4 Adjustable Table Leg Assembly
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 4 Adjustable Table Leg Assembly NO SHIPPING PR3A

Wood Frame Wall Quote/Art 21.5" x 17.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Wall Quote/Art 21.5" x 17.5" NO SHIPPING PR4A

Canvas Wall Art 20" x 20"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Canvas Wall Art 20" x 20" NO SHIPPING PR4A

Wood Letter/Message Board 20" x 16" READ
CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS TOP LEFT CORNER EDGE HAS A MINOR CHIP DOES NOT INCLUDE LETTERS (SOLD SEPERATE...

Wood Framed Canvas Wall Art Quote 15.5" x 19.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Framed Canvas Wall Art Quote 15.5" x 19.5" NO SHIPPING PR4A

Wood Wall Art/Quote Plaque 23.5" x 11.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Wall Art/Quote Plaque 23.5" x 11.5" NO SHIPPING PR4A

2 Wood Wall Art/Quotes 19" x 9.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 Wood Wall Art/Quotes 19" x 9.5" NO SHIPPING PR4A

Wood Frame Family Wall Quote/Art 25" x 13"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Family Wall Quote/Art 25" x 13" NO SHIPPING PR4A

Canvas Wall Art 24" x 24"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Canvas Wall Art 24" x 24" NO SHIPPING PR2A

Canvas Wall Art 24" x 24"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Canvas Wall Art 24" x 24" NO SHIPPING PR2A

Wood Frame Canvas Wall Art/Quote 15.5" x 19.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Canvas Wall Art 15.5" x 19.5" NO SHIPPING PR4A

Wood Frame Wall Art Family Quote 24" x 20"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Wall Art Family Quote 24" x 20" NO SHIPPING (PR2A)

Purple Yoga Mat 24" x 68"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Purple Yoga Mat 24" x 68"

Dragon Ball Super Clearise Ssgss Vegito Figure
OPEN DISTRESSED OR MISSING PACKAGING � These items may be NEW or show minor signs of use but look to be in �LIKE NEW� condition. Packaging may have been opened, damaged or distressed, it may even be missing its original packaging entir...

Fellowes Office Suites Underdesk Keyboard Drawer
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Fellowes Office Suites Underdesk Keyboard Drawer, Black 9140301, 2.31 x 22.00 x 11.63,...

Microfibre Shag Area Rug Size Unknown
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Microfibre Shag Area Rug Size Unknown

2 Boxes of 50 Decaffeinated Black Tea
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 Boxes of 50 Decaffeinated Black Tea NO US SHIPPING

Disney and Pixar Lightyear Action Figure, Zurg
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Disney and Pixar Lightyear Action Figure, Zurg Character Collectible with 13 Moving Joints & Authentic Detail, 10 Inch

3 Cans Raid Ant & Roach Spray 496g
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 3 Cans Raid Ant & Roach Spray 496g NO US SHIPPING

Good Cook 6 Cup Muffin Pan
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Good Cook 6 Cup Muffin Pan

3 Rolls 3M Double Sided Tape Heavy Duty,
3 Rolls 3M Double Sided Tape Heavy Duty, Waterproof Mounting Foam Tape, 33ft Length, 0.4in Width, Strong Adhesive Tape for LED Strip Lights, Automotive, Home/Office Decor, Outdoor, Made of 3M VHB Tape

DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light 4 in 1-32 Color Kids Night Light Projector Star Lights for Bedroom Decor - Galaxy Lamp Ocean Wave Nebula Projector with Remote Blue...

DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light 4 in 1-32 Color Kids Night Light Projector Star Lights for Bedroom Decor - Galaxy Lamp Ocean Wave Nebula Projector with Remote Blue...

DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light 4 in 1-32 Color Kids Night Light Projector Star Lights for Bedroom Decor - Galaxy Lamp Ocean Wave Nebula Projector with Remote Blue...

DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light 4 in 1-32 Color Kids Night Light Projector Star Lights for Bedroom Decor - Galaxy Lamp Ocean Wave Nebula Projector with Remote Blue...

DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light 4 in 1-32 Color Kids Night Light Projector Star Lights for Bedroom Decor - Galaxy Lamp Ocean Wave Nebula Projector with Remote Blue...

DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light 4 in 1-32 Color Kids Night Light Projector Star Lights for Bedroom Decor - Galaxy Lamp Ocean Wave Nebula Projector with Remote Blue...

Wood Frame Wall Art 15" x 8"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Wall Art 15" x 8" NO SHIPPING

Wood Frame & Metal Wall Art/Quote 11.5" x 11.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame & Metal Wall Art/Quote 11.5" x 11.5"

Wood Frame Wall Art/Quote 13" x 10" - READ
CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS HAS MINOR MARKING ON WHITE BACKGROUND UNDER THE WORRD "MOMENT" (SEE PHOTOS) ...

Metal Decor Wall Mirror 11" x 11"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Metal Decor Wall Mirror 11" x 11" NO SHIPPING

Wood Frame Wall Quote/Decor 9.75" x 13.75"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Wall Quote/Decor 9.75" x 13.75"

Wood Frame "Family" Wall Art Decor 16" x 10"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame "Family" Wall Art Decor 16" x 10" NO SHIPPING

Wood Frame Wall Decor/Quote 8" x 8" READ
-CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS WOOD FRAME HAS A CHIP AND SCTRATCH IN 2 DIFFERENT SPOTS. Wood Frame Wall De...

Wood Frame Silkscreened Glass Art 7.5" x 10"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Silkscreened Glass Art 7.5" x 10" NO SHIPPING

Wood Frame "Dream" Wall Art Decor 16" x 10"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame "Dream" Wall Art Decor 16" x 10" NO SHIPPING

Canvas Wall Art 8" x 8"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Canvas Wall Art 8" x 8"

Metal Framed Wall Quote/Art 10" x 7"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Metal Framed Wall Quote/Art 10" x 7"

Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"

Wood Frame "Family" Wall Art Decor 16" x 10"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame "Family" Wall Art Decor 16" x 10" NO SHIPPING

2 Wood Table Top Arches 9" x 14" Each
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 Wood Table Top Arches 9" x 14" Each

Wood Frame Wall Art 12" x 8"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Wall Art 12" x 8"

3 Munchkin Snap, Seal & Toss Diaper Pail Refills
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 3 Munchkin Snap, Seal & Toss Diaper Pail Refills 20 Refills each Retail $62.00 USD

8 packs of 12 Coloured Pencils
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 8 packs IMagine 12 Coloured Pencils Real Wood, Pre-Sharpened

5 Packs of 24 Coloured Pencils
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Packs IMagine Coloured Pencils Real wood, Pre Sharpened

Barbie Pets Playset, 5 piece
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Barbie Pets 5 piece Pet Playset

5 Packs of 8 Dixon #2 Pencils
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Dixon #2 Pencils 5 packages of 8 Real wood pencils

6 Bottles School Glue
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 3 bottles Elmer's school glue 3 bottles IMagine school glue Non-Toxie,Washable NO US SHIPPING

13 Packs Assorted Erasers
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 13 Packs Assorted Erasers

16 Assorted Highlighters
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete . 16 Assorted Highlighters

Assorted school supplies
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 packages sticky notes 1 sharpener with eraser 2 packages flag notes 1 school glue NO US SHIPPING 1 package pencil crayons 1 ruler 1 pencil 1 popsicle shaped eraser

8 School Rulers
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 4 Pink. 4 Green school rulers

Kids Backpack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Kids backpack

6 Packages of 2 pack Alkaline C Batteries
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 6 packages of Generate Alkaline C Batteries

5 Packs of 4 AAA Batteries
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Packs of 4 Generate long lasting Alkaline batteries NO US SHIPPING

5 Packs of 4 AAA Batteries
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Packs of 4 Generate long lasting Alkaline batteries NO US SHIPPING

5 Packs of 4 AAA Batteries
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Packs of 4 Generate long lasting Alkaline batteries NO US SHIPPING

5 Packs of 4 AAA Batteries
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Packs of 4 Generate long lasting Alkaline batteries NO US SHIPPING

5 Packs of 4 AAA Batteries
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Packs of 4 Generate long lasting Alkaline batteries NO US SHIPPING

5 Packs of 4 AAA Batteries
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Packs of 4 Generate long lasting Alkaline batteries NO US SHIPPING

5 Boxes Lindt LINDOR Assorted Chocolate Truffles
PAST BEST BEFORE 31-05-2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Boxes Lindt LINDOR Radiance Assorted Chocolate Truffles, 175-Gram Gift Box RETAIL $60.00 NO US SHIPPING

Lot of 4 Assorted Kids Craft Supplies
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Lot of 4 Assorted Kids Craft Supplies NO IS SHIPPING

Lot of 4 Assorted Kids Craft Supplies
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Lot of 4 Assorted Kids Craft Supplies NO IS SHIPPING

2 Wood Frame Wall Decor/Art/Phrase
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 Wood Frame Wall Decor/Art/Phrase NO SHIPPING

Home Sweet Home Wood Wall Plaque 20" x 10"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Home Sweet Home Wood Wall Plaque 20" x 10" NO SHIPPING

Wood Framed Wall Art 19.5" x 9.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Framed Wall Art 19.5" x 9.5" NO SHIPPING

Beveled Wood Kitchen Wall Art 15" x 9.5" - READ
CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS HAS SOME MINOR MARKS ON THE FRONT OF THE PLAQUE MAY OR MAY NOT BE ABLE TO BE ...

Wood & Metal Bathroom Wall Art 13,.5" x 7"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood & Metal Bathroom Wall Art 13,.5" x 7"

4 Sproggs Adjustable Table Legs BLUE with Casters
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. THIS LISTING IS FOR THE TABLE LEGS AND CASTORS ONLY, TABLE NOT INCLUDED School Outfitters Sproggs Adjustable Table Legs BLUE with Casters 4 ea. 11466-BL

3 Packs of 3 Pepsodent Soft Toothbrushes
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 3 Packs of 3 Pepsodent Soft Toothbrushes

3 Packs of 3 Pepsodent Soft Toothbrushes
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 3 Packs of 3 Pepsodent Soft Toothbrushes

Childrens Xyzal Alergy Liquid 148ml
EXPIRES 03/2025 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Childrens Xyzal Alergy Liquid 148ml NO US SHIPPING

Wall Art - Family
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Family wall art 9" x 14" x 2.5"

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New & Returned Merchandise Auction #310 - Mr. Big Deals

Mr. Big Deals 2575714 Ontario Inc

Mr. Big Deals 2575714 Ontario Inc

Sale Location
Toronto, ON M1P 3E4
Full Address Available after 9 am
on Wednesday, Dec 13
Sale Dates and Times
Sale Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions - To Bid and Buy REGISTRATION & IDENTIFICATION: At the time of registration, we may collect information about you to verify who you are before you can bid. All bidders must be of legal age of majority in the province or state they reside in order to bid. REVIEWING YOUR BIDS: During an auction you can check the status of your bids at anytime. Note that no bids can be withdrawn after the auction for any reason. All items are sold as is, where is, with all faults. BIDDING NOTIFICATIONS: You can choose to be notified by e-mail during the auction if you have been outbid. Please note that outbid notifications may not be sent out during the last two hours of the sale, so it is still your responsibility to track your bids. WINNING NOTIFICATION & INVOICING: All winning bidders will receive an e-mail invoice by 12 noon the following day after the auction closing. PICKUPS & REMOVALS: Dates and times for pickup will be posted on our website and information about these deadlines will also be provided in the email you receive with your invoice. It is important that you read and follow these dates and deadlines and we kindly ask that you do not bid if you are unable to have your items picked up within the scheduled pickup dates. Any item not picked up during the posted pickup times will incur a $25.00 late/storage administration fee per invoice, per week and any items that are not picked up within 28 business days after auction closes will be considered abandoned and will be sold for accumulated storage fees. Please understand that we will not offer any extension to these pick-up deadlines for any reason. It is your responsibility to assure you pick your items up on time. Items are sold as is, where is, with all faults. If you choose to abandon an item after any auction, you will be blocked from placing any further bids on any of our future auctions. As a courtesy to our customers who travel long distances or can't make a scheduled pickup for unforeseen circumstances, Mr. Big Deals provides a 1 week hold option. Please read the terms to this extended hold below as these terms will be enforced with NO exceptions. 1. In order to qualify for a one week, hold of your won goods, Mr. Big Deals must receive FULL PAYMENT for your won items by 3pm the first Saturday after auction closes. Only after full payment is received will you be permitted to have your items held for 1 week without penalty. If your items are not picked up by 4pm the second Tuesday after auction closes a $25.00 late pickup/storage fee will be applied to your invoice regardless of how many items are on your invoice and additional $25.00 storage/administration fee will be applied for each week beyond the allowed hold and charged to your credit card on file. If your items are not picked up by 4pm the fourth Tuesday after auction closes, your items will be deemed abandoned and your entire invoice will be re-sold for the accumulated storage fees. You will also be blocked from bidding on any future auctions and may be blocked from bidding with other auction companies on the HiBid platform. Please understand that we will not offer any extension to these pick-up deadlines for any reason. It is your responsibility to assure you pick your items up on time. 2. If full payment is not provided by 3pm the Saturday after auction closes a late payment/storage charge of $25.00 invoice will be applied regardless of invoice size and you will be required to pay this fee plus all outstanding lot fees, buyers premium and taxes before your items are released. You will also not be permitted to bid on any Mr. Big Deals auctions until your outstanding balance is paid in full. If you fail to pickup and pay for your won items including all late payment/storage fees, buyer's premium and taxes by the second Saturday after auction closes you will remain blocked from bidding on any future Mr. Big Deals auctions, you will also be reported for non-payment to other auction companies on the HiBid platform and you may be blocked by other auctioneers on the HiBid Platform. 3. Large items must be picked up on a weekly basis. No holds will be permitted for items marked as "NO HOLDS" Failure to pickup items marked as "NO HOLDS" by 4pm the Tuesday following the auction close will result in a late/storage administration fee of $25.00 per "NO HOLDS" item being applied to your invoice and charged to the credit card on file along with all lot fees, buyers' premium and taxes. If these items are not picked up by 4pm the second Saturday after auction close your items will be deemed abandoned and your entire invoice will be re-sold as one auction lot for additional storage fees. CONDITIONS OF ITEMS SOLD & OUR ONLINE CATALOGUE: Our best efforts are made to represent all items accurately in descriptions and photographs; however, all items are ultimately sold on an 'as is, where is' basis, with all faults. We strongly encourage all bidders to personally verify the condition of each item. No responsibility is assumed by Mr. Big Deals or the consignor for any errors or omissions. We have provided a more detailed explanation of our condition descriptions and what does and does not qualify for our industry leading return policy that can be found in the 2nd lot at the beginning of each auction. If you have any questions regarding these description please email us at prior to placing any bids. CLAIMS: No claims regarding goods purchased will be allowed. Bidders are reminded that all goods are sold on an 'as is, where is' basis, with all faults. PERSONAL & PROPERTY RISKS: We will not be liable for damage or injury to individuals or their property. ADDITIONS & DELETIONS: We reserve the right to remove and/or add lots and/or items to the sale at any point during the auction. BUYERS: The BUYER expressly agrees to indemnify and save Mr. Big Deals, the Seller, and their consignors harmless from and against all claims, losses, expenses, damage or liability, directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from an act, including the negligent acts or omissions of Mr. Big Deals, or anyone acting in his/her behalf in connection with or arising out of any auction. All bidders/buyers must be of legal age of majority in the province or state in which they reside order to bid at one of our auctions. . RESERVE: Seldom are items sold with Reserve. If an item is being sold with a reserve, it will be clearly marked and identified. For items sold with a 'reserve', you will be required to pay a minimum amount in order to win the item. AUCTION RECORDS: In the unlikely event of a dispute, you agree to accept as true the information that we have in our records. SOFT CLOSE: Items close at regular intervals. All bids made in the last 2 minutes of the auction will force an item to be extended by an additional 3 minutes. This will continue until all bidding has stopped. STRATEGY: We recommend that ALL BIDDERS put in their maximum bid when placing a bid online. This does not mean you will have to pay the amount you bid; you only pay one bid more than the next highest bid, and only up to your maximum bid. The software system will play out the bids as you would at a live auction and only uses the funds required to beat out the under-bidder at the prescribed bid increment. CATALOGUE ERRORS & OMISSIONS: If a description does not match a picture in a lot, the description takes precedence. All items are sold on an 'as is, where is' basis, with all faults. PRIVACY POLICY: Your personal information is collected through our contact forms only. This website currently has no applications or programs that gather information from your computer without your consent. Users are required to give us contact information (e.g., address, phone number and email address) and demographic information (e.g., your postal code). Certain information, such as your email address, is collected in order to verify your identity and for use in our records. Under no circumstances will your e-mail, phone number or address be sold to, or given to any other parties. By bidding you are acknowledging agreement with the terms above. Please do not bid unless you agree to all of these terms.
Listing Details
THIS IS OUR FINAL AUCTION OF 2023 AND IT'S OUR ANNUAL WAREHOUSE CLEAR-OUT. THE TIME WE MOVE OUT EVERYTHING WE'VE ACCUMULATED OVER THE YEAR TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW INVENTORY IN 2024. THIS IS A RE-SELLERS DREAM AUCTION AS WE WILL BE MOVING MANY ITEMS IN LARGER QUANTITY AND BIGGER LOTS. THIS WILL BE THE BEST CHANCE TO GRAB QUALITY GOODS AT THE BEST PRICES. PLEASE NOTE OUR WAREHOUSE WILL BE CLOSED FROM 3:00PM ON SATURDAY DECEMBER 23RD AND OPENING AGAIN ON THURSDAY JANUARY 4TH AT 11:00AM. IF YOU NEED YOUR ITEMS BEFORE THAT TIME PLEASE BE CERTAIN TO HAVE YOUR ITEMS PICKED BY 3:00PM SATURDAY DECEMBER 23RD Bidding Opens 9:00am EST Thursday December 14th and begins closing at 7:00pm EST Wednesday December 20th Internet Only Auction with NO RESERVE and a 12% BUYER PREMIUM. THIS WEEK THIS AUCTION PICKUP IS FROM 2115 MIDLAND AVENUE UNIT #5. Just south of Progress Avenue on the east side of Midland Avenue. PLEASE SEE THE SHIPPING/PICK-UP SECTION OF THE AUCTION FOR OUR UPDATED PICK-UP PROCEDURES AND DELIVERY OPTIONS. All pickup appointments can be booked though our online booking page found at Just scroll down the main page and click on the "BOOK APPOINTMENT" tab and you will be redirected to the booking page. Alternatively you can go directly to the booking page by visiting Shipping rates to areas outside the GTA will be determined by your location, size and weight of your entire order. Sorry we are unable to provide shipping quotes prior to you becoming a successful bidder. There will be a $5.00 shipping quote supply fee applied to your invoice if you do not have your items shipped after we have provided a quote. We do not allow 3rd party carriers to pickup on your behalf. If we cannot get a tracking number from our authorized carriers then your items will not ship. PACKAGE PLACE IS NOT AN AUTHORIZED CARRIER AND WE WILL NOT ALLOW SHIPMENTS WITH THEM. Currently we are accepting payment with credit card, email transfer or PayPal. CASH WILL BE ACCEPTED DURING PICKUP WITH ADVANCE NOTICE. Please let us know if you would like to pay in cash by leaving us a message in the "notes to auctioneer" section when registering for the auction or by sending us an email after the close of the auction at Without this advance notice we will process the payment to the credit card on file the day of your scheduled pickup appointment or by 3pm the Saturday after the auction closes. If your are paying by credit card or PayPal the person who's name is on the credit card or PayPal account MUST be present to pickup their items along with the payment credt card and photo ID. We will not allow anyone other than the card holder sign for credit card or PayPal payments. If you need to send someone to pickup your items on your behalf you will have to make an e-transfer or cash payment. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email us at or give us a call at 416-292-3481 This weeks Mr. Big Deals Weekly Online Auctions consists of NEW Shelf Pulls, Store Returns & Box Lots for Canadas largest online retailer and will feature... Toys, Bedding, Meyers & Curtis Stone Cookware, Gas Powered Lawn Mower, Temp-Tations Cookware, Dynatrap Mosquito Traps, Logitech G29 Racing Wheel & Floor Pedals, Power Tools, Bathroom Tissue, Baby Wipes, Area Rugs, Workout Benches, Mobility Equipment, Strollers & Car Seats, Pet Kennels, Gaming Gear, Webcams, Lawn Care Equipment,� Coolers, Headphones, Batteries, Security Cameras, Household Furniture, Backpacks, Pet Grooming Supplies, Computing Supplies, Personal Hygiene Products, Motorcycle Gear, Microphones, Designer Shoes, Kitchen Supplies, Party Games, Toys and Games, Cookware, Grocery Items, Beauty Care Supplies, Gaming Gear, Chocolate & Candy, Small Appliances,�Storage Solutions, Contractor Supplies, Brand Name Clothing, Shop Equipment, Automotive Parts, Office Supplies, Cleaning Supplies, General Merchandise, Home D�cor and so much more. 700+ Individual and Case lots are available this week.

1. Click on the auction info tab to find all information about this auction including where this auction is being held from, how to book an auction pickup appointment and when the mandatory pick up dates are. 2. Mandatory pick up dates are not flexi...

PRODUCT CONDITION DEFINITIONS Mr. Big Deals stands behind the products we sell by offering an industry leading return policy for items that are ever sold in a condition other than as described. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT ANY ITEM SOLD IN "USED" CONDITO...

The source of this information can be found at Information about dates on pre-packaged food is a valuable source of information for consumers. A basic understanding of what terms are used can help you to better understand these labels....

Smart Touch Disinfecting Spray 650ml
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 Smart Touch Disinfecting Spray 650ml NO US SHIPPING

3 Assorted Fitness Items
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 3 ProStrength Fitness items. Yoga mat, Stretch Cord,Active Waistband

Expo White Board Care Cleaner 1 Gallon Jug
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 1 Gallon Expo white board care Cleaner NO US SHIPPING

Always Home Wall Shelf
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Always Home International Encore Wall Shelf 18.9"W x 15.7"H Mounting hardware included Holds up to 5 lbs

Prenatal w/Folic Acid 50 capsules
Expiry 03/26 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 1 bottle Rexall Prenatal w/Follc Acid Vitamins 50 capsules NO US SHIPPING

Magnesium 500mg Vitamins 30 tablets
Expiry 02/26 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 1 Bottle Rexall Magnesium 500mg dietary supplements NO US SHIPPING

The Honey Pot Yeast Balance Supplement
Expiry 11/24 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. The Honey Pot Company Yeast Balance Vaginal Health Supplement - 60 capsules Retail $26.00 NO US SHIPPING

3 Clear Totes READ
CONDITION ISSUES PLEASE READ � See the listing for full details and description of any imperfections � SOLD AS IS 3 Large Clippy Boxes. 1 lid 13" x 10" x 6"

5 Vidal Gummi Spicy Mangos READ
Past BB date 07/2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. . 5 Vidal Gummi Spicy Mango candy packages, 100g each NO US SHIPPING

2 Body Lotion Moisturizers
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 1 bottle Jergens Ultra Healing 48 hour moisturizer 783 ml 1 bottle Cocoa Devine body oil gel moisturizer 200 ml NO US SHIPPING

Pantene Pro-V Conditioner
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 1 Bottle Pantene Pro-V Smooth & Sleek 72 hour Frizz Control 452ml NO US SHIPPING

Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Disinfectant
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Scrubbing Bubbles bathroom disinfectant, citrus scent

Hotel Door Security Lock
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Hotel Door Security Lock

2 Pack Ladies Razors
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 1 Pack Gillette Venus sensitive, 3 pack razors 1 Pack Skintimate Exotic violet blooms, 4 scented razors NO US SHIPPING

Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"

Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"

Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"

Wood Table Top Choose To Be Kind Quote
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Table Top Choose To Be Kind Quote 6" x 6"

Wood Framed Wall Art Metal Leaf 8" x 6"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Framed Wall Art Metal Leaf 8" x 6"

Distressed Wood "Family" Photo Frame 15.5" x 6.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Distressed Wood "Family" Photo Frame 15.5" x 6.5"

3 Wood Frame Wall Art Decor/Quotes 16" x 10"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 3 Wood Frame Wall Art Decor/Quotes 16" x 10" NO SHIPPING

Hanging Home Decor Sign 9" x 6" - READ
CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS HAS SOME MINOR SIGNS OF SHELF WEAR ON THE WHITE PAINT. THIS MAY OR MAY NOT C...

2 I Love You Mom/Grandma Table Toppers 9.5" x 1.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 I Love You Mom/Grandma Table Toppers 9.5" x 1.5"

2 I Love You Mom/Grandma Table Toppers 9.5" x 1.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 I Love You Mom/Grandma Table Toppers 9.5" x 1.5"

2 World's Greatest/Best Table Toppers 9.5" x 1.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 World's Greatest Mom/Best Grandma Ever Table Toppers 9.5" x 1.5"

2 Framed Wall Art 15.25" x 12.25"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 Framed Wall Art 15.25" x 12.25" NO SHIPPING

2 Framed Wall Art 15.25" x 12.25"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 Framed Wall Art 15.25" x 12.25" NO SHIPPING

4 Boxes Lindt LINDOR Milk Chocolate Truffles READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 31-05-2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 4 Lindt LINDOR Radiance Milk Chocolate Truffles, 175-Gram Gift Box RETAIL $49.00 NO US SHIPPING

5 Boxes Lindt LINDOR Milk Chocolate Truffles READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 31-05-2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Lindt LINDOR Radiance Milk Chocolate Truffles, 175-Gram Gift Box RETAIL $60.00 NO US SHIPPING

5 Boxes Lindt LINDOR Assorted Chocolate Truffles
PAST BEST BEFORE 31-05-2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Boxes Lindt LINDOR Radiance Assorted Chocolate Truffles, 175-Gram Gift Box RETAIL $60.00 NO US SHIPPING

4 Adjustable Table Leg Assembly
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 4 Adjustable Table Leg Assembly NO SHIPPING PR3A

Wood Frame Wall Quote/Art 21.5" x 17.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Wall Quote/Art 21.5" x 17.5" NO SHIPPING PR4A

Canvas Wall Art 20" x 20"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Canvas Wall Art 20" x 20" NO SHIPPING PR4A

Wood Letter/Message Board 20" x 16" READ
CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS TOP LEFT CORNER EDGE HAS A MINOR CHIP DOES NOT INCLUDE LETTERS (SOLD SEPERATE...

Wood Framed Canvas Wall Art Quote 15.5" x 19.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Framed Canvas Wall Art Quote 15.5" x 19.5" NO SHIPPING PR4A

Wood Wall Art/Quote Plaque 23.5" x 11.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Wall Art/Quote Plaque 23.5" x 11.5" NO SHIPPING PR4A

2 Wood Wall Art/Quotes 19" x 9.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 Wood Wall Art/Quotes 19" x 9.5" NO SHIPPING PR4A

Wood Frame Family Wall Quote/Art 25" x 13"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Family Wall Quote/Art 25" x 13" NO SHIPPING PR4A

Canvas Wall Art 24" x 24"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Canvas Wall Art 24" x 24" NO SHIPPING PR2A

Canvas Wall Art 24" x 24"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Canvas Wall Art 24" x 24" NO SHIPPING PR2A

Wood Frame Canvas Wall Art/Quote 15.5" x 19.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Canvas Wall Art 15.5" x 19.5" NO SHIPPING PR4A

Wood Frame Wall Art Family Quote 24" x 20"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Wall Art Family Quote 24" x 20" NO SHIPPING (PR2A)

Purple Yoga Mat 24" x 68"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Purple Yoga Mat 24" x 68"

Dragon Ball Super Clearise Ssgss Vegito Figure
OPEN DISTRESSED OR MISSING PACKAGING � These items may be NEW or show minor signs of use but look to be in �LIKE NEW� condition. Packaging may have been opened, damaged or distressed, it may even be missing its original packaging entir...

Fellowes Office Suites Underdesk Keyboard Drawer
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Fellowes Office Suites Underdesk Keyboard Drawer, Black 9140301, 2.31 x 22.00 x 11.63,...

Microfibre Shag Area Rug Size Unknown
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Microfibre Shag Area Rug Size Unknown

2 Boxes of 50 Decaffeinated Black Tea
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 Boxes of 50 Decaffeinated Black Tea NO US SHIPPING

Disney and Pixar Lightyear Action Figure, Zurg
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Disney and Pixar Lightyear Action Figure, Zurg Character Collectible with 13 Moving Joints & Authentic Detail, 10 Inch

3 Cans Raid Ant & Roach Spray 496g
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 3 Cans Raid Ant & Roach Spray 496g NO US SHIPPING

Good Cook 6 Cup Muffin Pan
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Good Cook 6 Cup Muffin Pan

3 Rolls 3M Double Sided Tape Heavy Duty,
3 Rolls 3M Double Sided Tape Heavy Duty, Waterproof Mounting Foam Tape, 33ft Length, 0.4in Width, Strong Adhesive Tape for LED Strip Lights, Automotive, Home/Office Decor, Outdoor, Made of 3M VHB Tape

DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light 4 in 1-32 Color Kids Night Light Projector Star Lights for Bedroom Decor - Galaxy Lamp Ocean Wave Nebula Projector with Remote Blue...

DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light 4 in 1-32 Color Kids Night Light Projector Star Lights for Bedroom Decor - Galaxy Lamp Ocean Wave Nebula Projector with Remote Blue...

DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light 4 in 1-32 Color Kids Night Light Projector Star Lights for Bedroom Decor - Galaxy Lamp Ocean Wave Nebula Projector with Remote Blue...

DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light 4 in 1-32 Color Kids Night Light Projector Star Lights for Bedroom Decor - Galaxy Lamp Ocean Wave Nebula Projector with Remote Blue...

DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light 4 in 1-32 Color Kids Night Light Projector Star Lights for Bedroom Decor - Galaxy Lamp Ocean Wave Nebula Projector with Remote Blue...

DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light 4 in 1-32 Color Kids Night Light Projector Star Lights for Bedroom Decor - Galaxy Lamp Ocean Wave Nebula Projector with Remote Blue...

Wood Frame Wall Art 15" x 8"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Wall Art 15" x 8" NO SHIPPING

Wood Frame & Metal Wall Art/Quote 11.5" x 11.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame & Metal Wall Art/Quote 11.5" x 11.5"

Wood Frame Wall Art/Quote 13" x 10" - READ
CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS HAS MINOR MARKING ON WHITE BACKGROUND UNDER THE WORRD "MOMENT" (SEE PHOTOS) ...

Metal Decor Wall Mirror 11" x 11"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Metal Decor Wall Mirror 11" x 11" NO SHIPPING

Wood Frame Wall Quote/Decor 9.75" x 13.75"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Wall Quote/Decor 9.75" x 13.75"

Wood Frame "Family" Wall Art Decor 16" x 10"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame "Family" Wall Art Decor 16" x 10" NO SHIPPING

Wood Frame Wall Decor/Quote 8" x 8" READ
-CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS WOOD FRAME HAS A CHIP AND SCTRATCH IN 2 DIFFERENT SPOTS. Wood Frame Wall De...

Wood Frame Silkscreened Glass Art 7.5" x 10"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Silkscreened Glass Art 7.5" x 10" NO SHIPPING

Wood Frame "Dream" Wall Art Decor 16" x 10"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame "Dream" Wall Art Decor 16" x 10" NO SHIPPING

Canvas Wall Art 8" x 8"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Canvas Wall Art 8" x 8"

Metal Framed Wall Quote/Art 10" x 7"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Metal Framed Wall Quote/Art 10" x 7"

Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"

Wood Frame "Family" Wall Art Decor 16" x 10"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame "Family" Wall Art Decor 16" x 10" NO SHIPPING

2 Wood Table Top Arches 9" x 14" Each
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 Wood Table Top Arches 9" x 14" Each

Wood Frame Wall Art 12" x 8"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Wall Art 12" x 8"

3 Munchkin Snap, Seal & Toss Diaper Pail Refills
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 3 Munchkin Snap, Seal & Toss Diaper Pail Refills 20 Refills each Retail $62.00 USD

8 packs of 12 Coloured Pencils
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 8 packs IMagine 12 Coloured Pencils Real Wood, Pre-Sharpened

5 Packs of 24 Coloured Pencils
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Packs IMagine Coloured Pencils Real wood, Pre Sharpened

Barbie Pets Playset, 5 piece
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Barbie Pets 5 piece Pet Playset

5 Packs of 8 Dixon #2 Pencils
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Dixon #2 Pencils 5 packages of 8 Real wood pencils

6 Bottles School Glue
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 3 bottles Elmer's school glue 3 bottles IMagine school glue Non-Toxie,Washable NO US SHIPPING

13 Packs Assorted Erasers
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 13 Packs Assorted Erasers

16 Assorted Highlighters
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete . 16 Assorted Highlighters

Assorted school supplies
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 packages sticky notes 1 sharpener with eraser 2 packages flag notes 1 school glue NO US SHIPPING 1 package pencil crayons 1 ruler 1 pencil 1 popsicle shaped eraser

8 School Rulers
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 4 Pink. 4 Green school rulers

Kids Backpack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Kids backpack

6 Packages of 2 pack Alkaline C Batteries
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 6 packages of Generate Alkaline C Batteries

5 Packs of 4 AAA Batteries
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Packs of 4 Generate long lasting Alkaline batteries NO US SHIPPING

5 Packs of 4 AAA Batteries
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Packs of 4 Generate long lasting Alkaline batteries NO US SHIPPING

5 Packs of 4 AAA Batteries
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Packs of 4 Generate long lasting Alkaline batteries NO US SHIPPING

5 Packs of 4 AAA Batteries
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Packs of 4 Generate long lasting Alkaline batteries NO US SHIPPING

5 Packs of 4 AAA Batteries
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Packs of 4 Generate long lasting Alkaline batteries NO US SHIPPING

5 Packs of 4 AAA Batteries
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Packs of 4 Generate long lasting Alkaline batteries NO US SHIPPING

5 Boxes Lindt LINDOR Assorted Chocolate Truffles
PAST BEST BEFORE 31-05-2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Boxes Lindt LINDOR Radiance Assorted Chocolate Truffles, 175-Gram Gift Box RETAIL $60.00 NO US SHIPPING

Lot of 4 Assorted Kids Craft Supplies
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Lot of 4 Assorted Kids Craft Supplies NO IS SHIPPING

Lot of 4 Assorted Kids Craft Supplies
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Lot of 4 Assorted Kids Craft Supplies NO IS SHIPPING

2 Wood Frame Wall Decor/Art/Phrase
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 Wood Frame Wall Decor/Art/Phrase NO SHIPPING

Home Sweet Home Wood Wall Plaque 20" x 10"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Home Sweet Home Wood Wall Plaque 20" x 10" NO SHIPPING

Wood Framed Wall Art 19.5" x 9.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Framed Wall Art 19.5" x 9.5" NO SHIPPING

Beveled Wood Kitchen Wall Art 15" x 9.5" - READ
CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS HAS SOME MINOR MARKS ON THE FRONT OF THE PLAQUE MAY OR MAY NOT BE ABLE TO BE ...

Wood & Metal Bathroom Wall Art 13,.5" x 7"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood & Metal Bathroom Wall Art 13,.5" x 7"

4 Sproggs Adjustable Table Legs BLUE with Casters
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. THIS LISTING IS FOR THE TABLE LEGS AND CASTORS ONLY, TABLE NOT INCLUDED School Outfitters Sproggs Adjustable Table Legs BLUE with Casters 4 ea. 11466-BL

3 Packs of 3 Pepsodent Soft Toothbrushes
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 3 Packs of 3 Pepsodent Soft Toothbrushes

3 Packs of 3 Pepsodent Soft Toothbrushes
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 3 Packs of 3 Pepsodent Soft Toothbrushes

Childrens Xyzal Alergy Liquid 148ml
EXPIRES 03/2025 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Childrens Xyzal Alergy Liquid 148ml NO US SHIPPING

Wall Art - Family
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Family wall art 9" x 14" x 2.5"

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New & Returned Merchandise Auction #310 - Mr. Big Deals
 Online Only Auction
Auction Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Thursday Dec 14
Bidding Ends: Wednesday Dec 20
Auction Location
Toronto, ON M1P 3E4
Full Address Available on Wednesday, Dec 13
Mr. Big Deals 2575714 Ontario Inc


Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions - To Bid and Buy REGISTRATION & IDENTIFICATION: At the time of registration, we may collect information about you to verify who you are before you can bid. All bidders must be of legal age of majority in the province or state they reside in order to bid. REVIEWING YOUR BIDS: During an auction you can check the status of your bids at anytime. Note that no bids can be withdrawn after the auction for any reason. All items are sold as is, where is, with all faults. BIDDING NOTIFICATIONS: You can choose to be notified by e-mail during the auction if you have been outbid. Please note that outbid notifications may not be sent out during the last two hours of the sale, so it is still your responsibility to track your bids. WINNING NOTIFICATION & INVOICING: All winning bidders will receive an e-mail invoice by 12 noon the following day after the auction closing. PICKUPS & REMOVALS: Dates and times for pickup will be posted on our website and information about these deadlines will also be provided in the email you receive with your invoice. It is important that you read and follow these dates and deadlines and we kindly ask that you do not bid if you are unable to have your items picked up within the scheduled pickup dates. Any item not picked up during the posted pickup times will incur a $25.00 late/storage administration fee per invoice, per week and any items that are not picked up within 28 business days after auction closes will be considered abandoned and will be sold for accumulated storage fees. Please understand that we will not offer any extension to these pick-up deadlines for any reason. It is your responsibility to assure you pick your items up on time. Items are sold as is, where is, with all faults. If you choose to abandon an item after any auction, you will be blocked from placing any further bids on any of our future auctions. As a courtesy to our customers who travel long distances or can't make a scheduled pickup for unforeseen circumstances, Mr. Big Deals provides a 1 week hold option. Please read the terms to this extended hold below as these terms will be enforced with NO exceptions. 1. In order to qualify for a one week, hold of your won goods, Mr. Big Deals must receive FULL PAYMENT for your won items by 3pm the first Saturday after auction closes. Only after full payment is received will you be permitted to have your items held for 1 week without penalty. If your items are not picked up by 4pm the second Tuesday after auction closes a $25.00 late pickup/storage fee will be applied to your invoice regardless of how many items are on your invoice and additional $25.00 storage/administration fee will be applied for each week beyond the allowed hold and charged to your credit card on file. If your items are not picked up by 4pm the fourth Tuesday after auction closes, your items will be deemed abandoned and your entire invoice will be re-sold for the accumulated storage fees. You will also be blocked from bidding on any future auctions and may be blocked from bidding with other auction companies on the HiBid platform. Please understand that we will not offer any extension to these pick-up deadlines for any reason. It is your responsibility to assure you pick your items up on time. 2. If full payment is not provided by 3pm the Saturday after auction closes a late payment/storage charge of $25.00 invoice will be applied regardless of invoice size and you will be required to pay this fee plus all outstanding lot fees, buyers premium and taxes before your items are released. You will also not be permitted to bid on any Mr. Big Deals auctions until your outstanding balance is paid in full. If you fail to pickup and pay for your won items including all late payment/storage fees, buyer's premium and taxes by the second Saturday after auction closes you will remain blocked from bidding on any future Mr. Big Deals auctions, you will also be reported for non-payment to other auction companies on the HiBid platform and you may be blocked by other auctioneers on the HiBid Platform. 3. Large items must be picked up on a weekly basis. No holds will be permitted for items marked as "NO HOLDS" Failure to pickup items marked as "NO HOLDS" by 4pm the Tuesday following the auction close will result in a late/storage administration fee of $25.00 per "NO HOLDS" item being applied to your invoice and charged to the credit card on file along with all lot fees, buyers' premium and taxes. If these items are not picked up by 4pm the second Saturday after auction close your items will be deemed abandoned and your entire invoice will be re-sold as one auction lot for additional storage fees. CONDITIONS OF ITEMS SOLD & OUR ONLINE CATALOGUE: Our best efforts are made to represent all items accurately in descriptions and photographs; however, all items are ultimately sold on an 'as is, where is' basis, with all faults. We strongly encourage all bidders to personally verify the condition of each item. No responsibility is assumed by Mr. Big Deals or the consignor for any errors or omissions. We have provided a more detailed explanation of our condition descriptions and what does and does not qualify for our industry leading return policy that can be found in the 2nd lot at the beginning of each auction. If you have any questions regarding these description please email us at prior to placing any bids. CLAIMS: No claims regarding goods purchased will be allowed. Bidders are reminded that all goods are sold on an 'as is, where is' basis, with all faults. PERSONAL & PROPERTY RISKS: We will not be liable for damage or injury to individuals or their property. ADDITIONS & DELETIONS: We reserve the right to remove and/or add lots and/or items to the sale at any point during the auction. BUYERS: The BUYER expressly agrees to indemnify and save Mr. Big Deals, the Seller, and their consignors harmless from and against all claims, losses, expenses, damage or liability, directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from an act, including the negligent acts or omissions of Mr. Big Deals, or anyone acting in his/her behalf in connection with or arising out of any auction. All bidders/buyers must be of legal age of majority in the province or state in which they reside order to bid at one of our auctions. . RESERVE: Seldom are items sold with Reserve. If an item is being sold with a reserve, it will be clearly marked and identified. For items sold with a 'reserve', you will be required to pay a minimum amount in order to win the item. AUCTION RECORDS: In the unlikely event of a dispute, you agree to accept as true the information that we have in our records. SOFT CLOSE: Items close at regular intervals. All bids made in the last 2 minutes of the auction will force an item to be extended by an additional 3 minutes. This will continue until all bidding has stopped. STRATEGY: We recommend that ALL BIDDERS put in their maximum bid when placing a bid online. This does not mean you will have to pay the amount you bid; you only pay one bid more than the next highest bid, and only up to your maximum bid. The software system will play out the bids as you would at a live auction and only uses the funds required to beat out the under-bidder at the prescribed bid increment. CATALOGUE ERRORS & OMISSIONS: If a description does not match a picture in a lot, the description takes precedence. All items are sold on an 'as is, where is' basis, with all faults. PRIVACY POLICY: Your personal information is collected through our contact forms only. This website currently has no applications or programs that gather information from your computer without your consent. 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THIS IS OUR FINAL AUCTION OF 2023 AND IT'S OUR ANNUAL WAREHOUSE CLEAR-OUT. THE TIME WE MOVE OUT EVERYTHING WE'VE ACCUMULATED OVER THE YEAR TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW INVENTORY IN 2024. THIS IS A RE-SELLERS DREAM AUCTION AS WE WILL BE MOVING MANY ITEMS IN LARGER QUANTITY AND BIGGER LOTS. THIS WILL BE THE BEST CHANCE TO GRAB QUALITY GOODS AT THE BEST PRICES. PLEASE NOTE OUR WAREHOUSE WILL BE CLOSED FROM 3:00PM ON SATURDAY DECEMBER 23RD AND OPENING AGAIN ON THURSDAY JANUARY 4TH AT 11:00AM. IF YOU NEED YOUR ITEMS BEFORE THAT TIME PLEASE BE CERTAIN TO HAVE YOUR ITEMS PICKED BY 3:00PM SATURDAY DECEMBER 23RD Bidding Opens 9:00am EST Thursday December 14th and begins closing at 7:00pm EST Wednesday December 20th Internet Only Auction with NO RESERVE and a 12% BUYER PREMIUM. THIS WEEK THIS AUCTION PICKUP IS FROM 2115 MIDLAND AVENUE UNIT #5. Just south of Progress Avenue on the east side of Midland Avenue. PLEASE SEE THE SHIPPING/PICK-UP SECTION OF THE AUCTION FOR OUR UPDATED PICK-UP PROCEDURES AND DELIVERY OPTIONS. All pickup appointments can be booked though our online booking page found at Just scroll down the main page and click on the "BOOK APPOINTMENT" tab and you will be redirected to the booking page. Alternatively you can go directly to the booking page by visiting Shipping rates to areas outside the GTA will be determined by your location, size and weight of your entire order. Sorry we are unable to provide shipping quotes prior to you becoming a successful bidder. There will be a $5.00 shipping quote supply fee applied to your invoice if you do not have your items shipped after we have provided a quote. We do not allow 3rd party carriers to pickup on your behalf. If we cannot get a tracking number from our authorized carriers then your items will not ship. PACKAGE PLACE IS NOT AN AUTHORIZED CARRIER AND WE WILL NOT ALLOW SHIPMENTS WITH THEM. Currently we are accepting payment with credit card, email transfer or PayPal. CASH WILL BE ACCEPTED DURING PICKUP WITH ADVANCE NOTICE. Please let us know if you would like to pay in cash by leaving us a message in the "notes to auctioneer" section when registering for the auction or by sending us an email after the close of the auction at Without this advance notice we will process the payment to the credit card on file the day of your scheduled pickup appointment or by 3pm the Saturday after the auction closes. If your are paying by credit card or PayPal the person who's name is on the credit card or PayPal account MUST be present to pickup their items along with the payment credt card and photo ID. We will not allow anyone other than the card holder sign for credit card or PayPal payments. If you need to send someone to pickup your items on your behalf you will have to make an e-transfer or cash payment. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email us at or give us a call at 416-292-3481 This weeks Mr. Big Deals Weekly Online Auctions consists of NEW Shelf Pulls, Store Returns & Box Lots for Canadas largest online retailer and will feature... Toys, Bedding, Meyers & Curtis Stone Cookware, Gas Powered Lawn Mower, Temp-Tations Cookware, Dynatrap Mosquito Traps, Logitech G29 Racing Wheel & Floor Pedals, Power Tools, Bathroom Tissue, Baby Wipes, Area Rugs, Workout Benches, Mobility Equipment, Strollers & Car Seats, Pet Kennels, Gaming Gear, Webcams, Lawn Care Equipment,� Coolers, Headphones, Batteries, Security Cameras, Household Furniture, Backpacks, Pet Grooming Supplies, Computing Supplies, Personal Hygiene Products, Motorcycle Gear, Microphones, Designer Shoes, Kitchen Supplies, Party Games, Toys and Games, Cookware, Grocery Items, Beauty Care Supplies, Gaming Gear, Chocolate & Candy, Small Appliances,�Storage Solutions, Contractor Supplies, Brand Name Clothing, Shop Equipment, Automotive Parts, Office Supplies, Cleaning Supplies, General Merchandise, Home D�cor and so much more. 700+ Individual and Case lots are available this week.

1. Click on the auction info tab to find all information about this auction including where this auction is being held from, how to book an auction pickup appointment and when the mandatory pick up dates are. 2. Mandatory pick up dates are not flexi...

PRODUCT CONDITION DEFINITIONS Mr. Big Deals stands behind the products we sell by offering an industry leading return policy for items that are ever sold in a condition other than as described. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT ANY ITEM SOLD IN "USED" CONDITO...

The source of this information can be found at Information about dates on pre-packaged food is a valuable source of information for consumers. A basic understanding of what terms are used can help you to better understand these labels....

Smart Touch Disinfecting Spray 650ml
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 Smart Touch Disinfecting Spray 650ml NO US SHIPPING

3 Assorted Fitness Items
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 3 ProStrength Fitness items. Yoga mat, Stretch Cord,Active Waistband

Expo White Board Care Cleaner 1 Gallon Jug
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 1 Gallon Expo white board care Cleaner NO US SHIPPING

Always Home Wall Shelf
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Always Home International Encore Wall Shelf 18.9"W x 15.7"H Mounting hardware included Holds up to 5 lbs

Prenatal w/Folic Acid 50 capsules
Expiry 03/26 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 1 bottle Rexall Prenatal w/Follc Acid Vitamins 50 capsules NO US SHIPPING

Magnesium 500mg Vitamins 30 tablets
Expiry 02/26 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 1 Bottle Rexall Magnesium 500mg dietary supplements NO US SHIPPING

The Honey Pot Yeast Balance Supplement
Expiry 11/24 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. The Honey Pot Company Yeast Balance Vaginal Health Supplement - 60 capsules Retail $26.00 NO US SHIPPING

3 Clear Totes READ
CONDITION ISSUES PLEASE READ � See the listing for full details and description of any imperfections � SOLD AS IS 3 Large Clippy Boxes. 1 lid 13" x 10" x 6"

5 Vidal Gummi Spicy Mangos READ
Past BB date 07/2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. . 5 Vidal Gummi Spicy Mango candy packages, 100g each NO US SHIPPING

2 Body Lotion Moisturizers
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 1 bottle Jergens Ultra Healing 48 hour moisturizer 783 ml 1 bottle Cocoa Devine body oil gel moisturizer 200 ml NO US SHIPPING

Pantene Pro-V Conditioner
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 1 Bottle Pantene Pro-V Smooth & Sleek 72 hour Frizz Control 452ml NO US SHIPPING

Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Disinfectant
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Scrubbing Bubbles bathroom disinfectant, citrus scent

Hotel Door Security Lock
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Hotel Door Security Lock

2 Pack Ladies Razors
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 1 Pack Gillette Venus sensitive, 3 pack razors 1 Pack Skintimate Exotic violet blooms, 4 scented razors NO US SHIPPING

Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"

Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"

Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"

Wood Table Top Choose To Be Kind Quote
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Table Top Choose To Be Kind Quote 6" x 6"

Wood Framed Wall Art Metal Leaf 8" x 6"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Framed Wall Art Metal Leaf 8" x 6"

Distressed Wood "Family" Photo Frame 15.5" x 6.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Distressed Wood "Family" Photo Frame 15.5" x 6.5"

3 Wood Frame Wall Art Decor/Quotes 16" x 10"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 3 Wood Frame Wall Art Decor/Quotes 16" x 10" NO SHIPPING

Hanging Home Decor Sign 9" x 6" - READ
CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS HAS SOME MINOR SIGNS OF SHELF WEAR ON THE WHITE PAINT. THIS MAY OR MAY NOT C...

2 I Love You Mom/Grandma Table Toppers 9.5" x 1.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 I Love You Mom/Grandma Table Toppers 9.5" x 1.5"

2 I Love You Mom/Grandma Table Toppers 9.5" x 1.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 I Love You Mom/Grandma Table Toppers 9.5" x 1.5"

2 World's Greatest/Best Table Toppers 9.5" x 1.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 World's Greatest Mom/Best Grandma Ever Table Toppers 9.5" x 1.5"

2 Framed Wall Art 15.25" x 12.25"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 Framed Wall Art 15.25" x 12.25" NO SHIPPING

2 Framed Wall Art 15.25" x 12.25"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 Framed Wall Art 15.25" x 12.25" NO SHIPPING

4 Boxes Lindt LINDOR Milk Chocolate Truffles READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 31-05-2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 4 Lindt LINDOR Radiance Milk Chocolate Truffles, 175-Gram Gift Box RETAIL $49.00 NO US SHIPPING

5 Boxes Lindt LINDOR Milk Chocolate Truffles READ
PAST BEST BEFORE 31-05-2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Lindt LINDOR Radiance Milk Chocolate Truffles, 175-Gram Gift Box RETAIL $60.00 NO US SHIPPING

5 Boxes Lindt LINDOR Assorted Chocolate Truffles
PAST BEST BEFORE 31-05-2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Boxes Lindt LINDOR Radiance Assorted Chocolate Truffles, 175-Gram Gift Box RETAIL $60.00 NO US SHIPPING

4 Adjustable Table Leg Assembly
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 4 Adjustable Table Leg Assembly NO SHIPPING PR3A

Wood Frame Wall Quote/Art 21.5" x 17.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Wall Quote/Art 21.5" x 17.5" NO SHIPPING PR4A

Canvas Wall Art 20" x 20"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Canvas Wall Art 20" x 20" NO SHIPPING PR4A

Wood Letter/Message Board 20" x 16" READ
CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS TOP LEFT CORNER EDGE HAS A MINOR CHIP DOES NOT INCLUDE LETTERS (SOLD SEPERATE...

Wood Framed Canvas Wall Art Quote 15.5" x 19.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Framed Canvas Wall Art Quote 15.5" x 19.5" NO SHIPPING PR4A

Wood Wall Art/Quote Plaque 23.5" x 11.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Wall Art/Quote Plaque 23.5" x 11.5" NO SHIPPING PR4A

2 Wood Wall Art/Quotes 19" x 9.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 Wood Wall Art/Quotes 19" x 9.5" NO SHIPPING PR4A

Wood Frame Family Wall Quote/Art 25" x 13"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Family Wall Quote/Art 25" x 13" NO SHIPPING PR4A

Canvas Wall Art 24" x 24"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Canvas Wall Art 24" x 24" NO SHIPPING PR2A

Canvas Wall Art 24" x 24"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Canvas Wall Art 24" x 24" NO SHIPPING PR2A

Wood Frame Canvas Wall Art/Quote 15.5" x 19.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Canvas Wall Art 15.5" x 19.5" NO SHIPPING PR4A

Wood Frame Wall Art Family Quote 24" x 20"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Wall Art Family Quote 24" x 20" NO SHIPPING (PR2A)

Purple Yoga Mat 24" x 68"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Purple Yoga Mat 24" x 68"

Dragon Ball Super Clearise Ssgss Vegito Figure
OPEN DISTRESSED OR MISSING PACKAGING � These items may be NEW or show minor signs of use but look to be in �LIKE NEW� condition. Packaging may have been opened, damaged or distressed, it may even be missing its original packaging entir...

Fellowes Office Suites Underdesk Keyboard Drawer
NEW OPEN OR DAMAGED PACKAGING - Packaging may be opened or have some signs of damage. Product inside package is not affected and is FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE. Fellowes Office Suites Underdesk Keyboard Drawer, Black 9140301, 2.31 x 22.00 x 11.63,...

Microfibre Shag Area Rug Size Unknown
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Microfibre Shag Area Rug Size Unknown

2 Boxes of 50 Decaffeinated Black Tea
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 Boxes of 50 Decaffeinated Black Tea NO US SHIPPING

Disney and Pixar Lightyear Action Figure, Zurg
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Disney and Pixar Lightyear Action Figure, Zurg Character Collectible with 13 Moving Joints & Authentic Detail, 10 Inch

3 Cans Raid Ant & Roach Spray 496g
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 3 Cans Raid Ant & Roach Spray 496g NO US SHIPPING

Good Cook 6 Cup Muffin Pan
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Good Cook 6 Cup Muffin Pan

3 Rolls 3M Double Sided Tape Heavy Duty,
3 Rolls 3M Double Sided Tape Heavy Duty, Waterproof Mounting Foam Tape, 33ft Length, 0.4in Width, Strong Adhesive Tape for LED Strip Lights, Automotive, Home/Office Decor, Outdoor, Made of 3M VHB Tape

DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light 4 in 1-32 Color Kids Night Light Projector Star Lights for Bedroom Decor - Galaxy Lamp Ocean Wave Nebula Projector with Remote Blue...

DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light 4 in 1-32 Color Kids Night Light Projector Star Lights for Bedroom Decor - Galaxy Lamp Ocean Wave Nebula Projector with Remote Blue...

DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light 4 in 1-32 Color Kids Night Light Projector Star Lights for Bedroom Decor - Galaxy Lamp Ocean Wave Nebula Projector with Remote Blue...

DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light 4 in 1-32 Color Kids Night Light Projector Star Lights for Bedroom Decor - Galaxy Lamp Ocean Wave Nebula Projector with Remote Blue...

DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light 4 in 1-32 Color Kids Night Light Projector Star Lights for Bedroom Decor - Galaxy Lamp Ocean Wave Nebula Projector with Remote Blue...

DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. DCI CASA Star Projector Galaxy Light 4 in 1-32 Color Kids Night Light Projector Star Lights for Bedroom Decor - Galaxy Lamp Ocean Wave Nebula Projector with Remote Blue...

Wood Frame Wall Art 15" x 8"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Wall Art 15" x 8" NO SHIPPING

Wood Frame & Metal Wall Art/Quote 11.5" x 11.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame & Metal Wall Art/Quote 11.5" x 11.5"

Wood Frame Wall Art/Quote 13" x 10" - READ
CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS HAS MINOR MARKING ON WHITE BACKGROUND UNDER THE WORRD "MOMENT" (SEE PHOTOS) ...

Metal Decor Wall Mirror 11" x 11"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Metal Decor Wall Mirror 11" x 11" NO SHIPPING

Wood Frame Wall Quote/Decor 9.75" x 13.75"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Wall Quote/Decor 9.75" x 13.75"

Wood Frame "Family" Wall Art Decor 16" x 10"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame "Family" Wall Art Decor 16" x 10" NO SHIPPING

Wood Frame Wall Decor/Quote 8" x 8" READ
-CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS WOOD FRAME HAS A CHIP AND SCTRATCH IN 2 DIFFERENT SPOTS. Wood Frame Wall De...

Wood Frame Silkscreened Glass Art 7.5" x 10"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Silkscreened Glass Art 7.5" x 10" NO SHIPPING

Wood Frame "Dream" Wall Art Decor 16" x 10"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame "Dream" Wall Art Decor 16" x 10" NO SHIPPING

Canvas Wall Art 8" x 8"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Canvas Wall Art 8" x 8"

Metal Framed Wall Quote/Art 10" x 7"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Metal Framed Wall Quote/Art 10" x 7"

Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Metal Table Top Home Decor 11.25" x 11.25"

Wood Frame "Family" Wall Art Decor 16" x 10"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame "Family" Wall Art Decor 16" x 10" NO SHIPPING

2 Wood Table Top Arches 9" x 14" Each
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 Wood Table Top Arches 9" x 14" Each

Wood Frame Wall Art 12" x 8"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Frame Wall Art 12" x 8"

3 Munchkin Snap, Seal & Toss Diaper Pail Refills
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 3 Munchkin Snap, Seal & Toss Diaper Pail Refills 20 Refills each Retail $62.00 USD

8 packs of 12 Coloured Pencils
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 8 packs IMagine 12 Coloured Pencils Real Wood, Pre-Sharpened

5 Packs of 24 Coloured Pencils
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Packs IMagine Coloured Pencils Real wood, Pre Sharpened

Barbie Pets Playset, 5 piece
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Barbie Pets 5 piece Pet Playset

5 Packs of 8 Dixon #2 Pencils
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Dixon #2 Pencils 5 packages of 8 Real wood pencils

6 Bottles School Glue
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 3 bottles Elmer's school glue 3 bottles IMagine school glue Non-Toxie,Washable NO US SHIPPING

13 Packs Assorted Erasers
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 13 Packs Assorted Erasers

16 Assorted Highlighters
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete . 16 Assorted Highlighters

Assorted school supplies
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 packages sticky notes 1 sharpener with eraser 2 packages flag notes 1 school glue NO US SHIPPING 1 package pencil crayons 1 ruler 1 pencil 1 popsicle shaped eraser

8 School Rulers
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 4 Pink. 4 Green school rulers

Kids Backpack
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Kids backpack

6 Packages of 2 pack Alkaline C Batteries
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 6 packages of Generate Alkaline C Batteries

5 Packs of 4 AAA Batteries
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Packs of 4 Generate long lasting Alkaline batteries NO US SHIPPING

5 Packs of 4 AAA Batteries
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Packs of 4 Generate long lasting Alkaline batteries NO US SHIPPING

5 Packs of 4 AAA Batteries
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Packs of 4 Generate long lasting Alkaline batteries NO US SHIPPING

5 Packs of 4 AAA Batteries
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Packs of 4 Generate long lasting Alkaline batteries NO US SHIPPING

5 Packs of 4 AAA Batteries
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Packs of 4 Generate long lasting Alkaline batteries NO US SHIPPING

5 Packs of 4 AAA Batteries
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Packs of 4 Generate long lasting Alkaline batteries NO US SHIPPING

5 Boxes Lindt LINDOR Assorted Chocolate Truffles
PAST BEST BEFORE 31-05-2023 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 5 Boxes Lindt LINDOR Radiance Assorted Chocolate Truffles, 175-Gram Gift Box RETAIL $60.00 NO US SHIPPING

Lot of 4 Assorted Kids Craft Supplies
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Lot of 4 Assorted Kids Craft Supplies NO IS SHIPPING

Lot of 4 Assorted Kids Craft Supplies
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Lot of 4 Assorted Kids Craft Supplies NO IS SHIPPING

2 Wood Frame Wall Decor/Art/Phrase
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 2 Wood Frame Wall Decor/Art/Phrase NO SHIPPING

Home Sweet Home Wood Wall Plaque 20" x 10"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Home Sweet Home Wood Wall Plaque 20" x 10" NO SHIPPING

Wood Framed Wall Art 19.5" x 9.5"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood Framed Wall Art 19.5" x 9.5" NO SHIPPING

Beveled Wood Kitchen Wall Art 15" x 9.5" - READ
CONDITION ISSUES. Please See the listing description for full details and description of any imperfections found. Items sold in with condition issues are always SOLD AS IS HAS SOME MINOR MARKS ON THE FRONT OF THE PLAQUE MAY OR MAY NOT BE ABLE TO BE ...

Wood & Metal Bathroom Wall Art 13,.5" x 7"
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Wood & Metal Bathroom Wall Art 13,.5" x 7"

4 Sproggs Adjustable Table Legs BLUE with Casters
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. THIS LISTING IS FOR THE TABLE LEGS AND CASTORS ONLY, TABLE NOT INCLUDED School Outfitters Sproggs Adjustable Table Legs BLUE with Casters 4 ea. 11466-BL

3 Packs of 3 Pepsodent Soft Toothbrushes
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 3 Packs of 3 Pepsodent Soft Toothbrushes

3 Packs of 3 Pepsodent Soft Toothbrushes
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. 3 Packs of 3 Pepsodent Soft Toothbrushes

Childrens Xyzal Alergy Liquid 148ml
EXPIRES 03/2025 BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Fully functional and complete. Childrens Xyzal Alergy Liquid 148ml NO US SHIPPING

Wall Art - Family
BRAND NEW - Packaged as intended by manufacturer. Family wall art 9" x 14" x 2.5"